the vision - morningside baptist

May 11, 2021 The vision I’m excited to announce that our Adult small group Sunday School classes will resume meeting together on June 13! We’re calling this important occasion SUNDAY SCHOOL RECONNECT. For more than a year we have had Bible study online or in large groups while seeking to maintain contact with our class members, but the time has come for our Sunday School classes to RECONNECT. Personal fellowship and interaction are so very important for a healthy spiritual life. God doesn’t want us to live in isolation. There will be some changes, but most of our classes will resume unchanged and in their former locations. One important change is that as of June 13 we will no longer offer a mask-required adult Sunday School class. Masks are welcome in any of our classes, but are not required. Please do three things in the weeks ahead as we prepare for June 13: 1. PRAY that God will work mightily and draw many people – lost and saved – back into our classes. 2. Plan to be PRESENT on June 13. 3. URGE fellow class members and guests to come with you. Adult Teachers and Class Coordinators already have their new class lists and will be making contact with members soon. Listen for more information in the days ahead. New Sunday Morning Schedule June 13 is also the date we will begin the following new and simpler Sunday morning schedule: Sunday School – 9:00 AM Sunday Morning Worship – 10:30 AM As of June 13 we will no longer offer a mask-required worship service. Masks are welcome in any of our worship services, but are not required. John Yates Minister of Education

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Page 1: The vision - Morningside Baptist

May 11, 2021

The vision

I’m excited to announce that our Adult small group Sunday School classes will resume meeting

together on June 13!

We’re calling this important occasion SUNDAY SCHOOL RECONNECT.

For more than a year we have had Bible study online or in large groups while seeking to maintain contact with our

class members, but the time has come for our Sunday School classes to RECONNECT. Personal fellowship and

interaction are so very important for a healthy spiritual life. God doesn’t want us to live in isolation.

There will be some changes, but most of our classes will resume unchanged and in their former locations. One

important change is that as of June 13 we will no longer offer a mask-required adult Sunday School class. Masks

are welcome in any of our classes, but are not required.

Please do three things in the weeks ahead as we prepare for June 13:

1. PRAY that God will work mightily and draw many people – lost and saved – back into our classes.

2. Plan to be PRESENT on June 13.

3. URGE fellow class members and guests to come with you.

Adult Teachers and Class Coordinators already have their new class lists and will be making contact with members

soon. Listen for more information in the days ahead.

New Sunday Morning Schedule

June 13 is also the date we will begin the following new and simpler Sunday morning schedule:

Sunday School – 9:00 AM

Sunday Morning Worship – 10:30 AM

As of June 13 we will no longer offer a mask-required worship service. Masks are welcome in any of our worship

services, but are not required.

John Yates Minister of Education

Page 2: The vision - Morningside Baptist

David Tew Minister of Music

The text of the song was adapted from Philippians 2:6-11

6Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God: 7But made himself of no

reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men: 8And being

found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the

cross. 9Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name 10That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things

under the earth; 11And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the

Father. Philippians 2:6-11

Because He Lives,

Brother David

Vacation Bible School Registration

If you have not already done so, please register your kids and grandkids for VBS right away. You can go to the

following web page – – or scan the following QR code with your smart


VBS registration is limited this year and all registration will be done in advance. Registration

ends May 30. Get the word out and encourage your friends to register their kids for VBS now.

Please pray that God will draw many kids and families to Himself through Vacation Bible School.

Ask the Lord to teach and grow the students through the teaching of His Word. Pray that God

will be gloried through our VBS.

Brother John

At The Name of Jesus by Cindy Berry

Jesus, though He was God, did not cling to His rights as God

But laid aside His mighty power, His mighty power and glory

Taking the form of a servant and becoming like man.

He humbled Himself, He humbled Himself

And became obedient unto death, even death on the cross.

At the name of Jesus, at the name of Jesus

Every knee shall bow in Heaven and in Earth.

At the name of Jesus, at the name of Jesus

Every knee shall bow in Heaven and in Earth.

That every knee shall bow, and every tongue shall

confess that Jesus Christ is Lord!

That every knee shall bow, and every tongue shall

confess that Jesus Christ is Lord!

At the name of Jesus!

At the name of Jesus!

Page 3: The vision - Morningside Baptist


Morningside Baptist Church ladies are sponsoring a bridal shower for Kerri

Ann Arnold bride-elect of Tyler LaHood on May 22, 2021 from 1:00-3:00 p.m. in

the College & Career Building. All ladies of Morningside are invited and encouraged to attend. A church

shower affords the opportunity for the ladies of Morningside to fellowship

together celebrating this momentous occasion in the life of one of our own.

Kerri Ann is registered at: Target, Bed, Bath & Beyond,

Amazon and Perfect Settings

Sunday was yet another wonderful day of worship

and a day filled with exciting Big News!!

If you were in one of the Worship Center services you were able to see the excitement around

the big news that Morningside will host an Upward Sports soccer league with games

commencing this fall. This is a tremendous opportunity to reach families for the future so


(1) Spread the word – social media is our best source to get the message out, so this week be looking for updates

from the Morningside social media platforms and then share, like, paste, tweet (whatever) on yours!!

(2) Search your heart – pray and seek out just where God will have you support this new ministry.

(3) Pray – be in prayer for the organization of the league, for an avalanche of participants, an army of

volunteers and for God’s Word to be scattered among the kids and their families.

More Big news for the Youth was announced in Sunday School: The annual Summer Bible Camp is set

for Thursday, July 29 thru Monday, August 2, to be held at Shocco Springs in Talladega, Alabama. An

email comes out this week to all Youth parents with details and such.

Summer Bible Study is Back!! The weekly dive into youth culture and God’s Word will be

held over six sessions beginning Thursday, June 17. Again, a Youth parent email will go out

this week with details.

It’s going to be an action packed summer and after a year of isolation and social distancing we PRASIE GOD for

these opportunities!!

Keep the Faith!!

Brother Nipper

“Nipper” John Nitschke Youth Director

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Mike Stone Barry Snapp

Jack Price The Mylon Hayes Family

Guest Musicians

Josh Saefkow Matt Peek Herman Parker Gerald Harris

Guest Speakers

Al Wright

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Worship Service

8:15 AM Morning Worship ................................ 88 10:30 AM Morning Worship ...................... 223 Nursery ........................................................... 8 Total 319

Evening Worship ......................................... 158 Nursery ........................................................... 6 Total 164

Sunday School


Preschool...................................................... 16 Children ........................................................ 25 Youth ............................................................ 24 College & Career .......................................... 25 Adults ......................................................... 112 Total 202 Contacts ................................................. 406

Church Records May 9, 2021

Graduation Recognition Sunday, May 23 - 5:00 PM

Contact the church office for graduate

information at 229-242-1426.