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Post on 16-Apr-2017




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How many emails, on average, are sent/received by an employee every work day?

115 email

Source Radicati Group Avril 2010

Why is there a table with post-its notes at the entrance of meeting rooms in the White house?

What rule did Erich Schmidt, former Google CEO enforce during his meetings?

Answer:No laptops in meetings

Vous voulez changer, amliorer les runions, vous dclarez une rgle trs simple; PAS DE PORTABLE PENDANT LES REUNIONS.

Pas d'ordinateur portable, pas de tlphone portable.

Ca veut dire que les gens doivent PREPARER leur runions. En fait, moi quand si vous m'invitez une runion de 10h 11h, je bloque dans mon agenda la tranche 9h45 10h pour prparer la runion. Ca me donne le temps d'imprimer ce dont j'ai besoin, le tableau excel X, le doc Y a revoir.

On n'arrive pas en runion non-prparer.

Donc je n'arrive JAMAIS en runion avec mon portable. J'ai mon carnet, un crayon, une cl USB avec le document projeter s'il en faut un.

What do some Facebook meetings and fire-fighters have in common?

Answer: Stand-up meetings

Autre exemple:

Quand des pompiers doivent se coordonner pour attaquer un incendie ou un accident de la route, ils ne s'assoient pas et n'allument pas leur portable.

What do Starbucks, Cirque du Soleil and violinist Andr Rieu have in common?

According to research, how many uninterrupted minutes has an employee every day?

Answer: 12 minutes

What percentage of people are efficient multi-taskers according to research?

Answer:2 %

What did Al Gore do and Georges W Bush did not do during the 2000 presidential campain?


Al Gore claimed he designed the campain logo himself.

Question: was it his job?

What can a flight attendant teach you about packing?

Pack 2 weeks in a carry-on

What do Harvard researchers recommend you do while travelling?

Answer: Exercise your brain

Cognitive fitness

Visit a museum

Speak to locals

Read a novel set in the city

Do crosswords, sodoku

Read unusual books, newspapers

Take notes

Learn a few words from the local dialect

Loose yourself in the town

What surprising advice Richard Branson, Virgin chairman gave to be more efficient?

Answer:Work out!

Richard Branson holds the Kitesurf Channel crossing record, category 60 years +

La plus vielle personne traverser la manche en Kite surf. Guiness book record 61 ans

What did Barack Obama and his wife Michele did in front of cameras that you will most likely never see Franois Hollande, nor Angela Merkel do?


What is common between the following disasters: Titanic, Challenger, Chernobyl, Exxon Valdez?

Answer: Sleep Deprivation

What are research showing about the hyperlinks effects on our brain?

Nicholas Carr

Readers of text with hyperlinks take longer to read and we see they confuse things and are uncertain about what they are reading.

What is the average time spent on a web page according to research?

Nicholas Carr

According to Nielsen in 1997, the majority of Internet page is seen for 10 seconds or less. Less that 1 page out of 10 is seen for more than 2 minutes.

Research concludes: How do people read on the Web?

Answer: They do not.

What percentage of your free time do you spend watching TV?

In front of the TV

20 25% of our awake time

75% of our free time

1338 hours per year

That's 56 days per year (2 months!)

Over a lifetime that's 11 years without sleeping watching TV (does not count video and DVDs)

That's 16 years counting sleep time

At what time does Sheryl Sandberg, Facebook COO leaves work in the evenings?

Sheryl leaves the office at 530pm to have diner with her kids

According to French newspaper le Monde, how do 45% of young adults feel?


45% of young adults feel lonely.

How are 3/4 English people on their Facebook friends photos?

The average British person is under the influence of alcohol in three-quarters of of his or her taggedFacebookphotos, according to a new study.

"70 percent of recruiters and human resource professionals in the United States have rejected candidates based on data found online"

All these slides are taken from my 12 training modules.

For more ideas on how to transform your 1440 minutes

Damien Fournier+33.627.392.301Skype: [email protected]


Damien Fournier - Les 1440 minutes


Damien Fournier - Les 1440 minutes