theme to kill a mockingbird


Upload: illyana-nazri

Post on 14-Jun-2015




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Page 1: Theme To Kill a Mockingbird



Page 2: Theme To Kill a Mockingbird

One of the theme that I find and clearly shown in this novel is racism. Throughout the novel, Scouts and Jem explore the differences between white people and black people. Although Maycomb citizens share the same beliefs in religion, because of the racism, they cannot even be in the same place as whites think they are superior that the blacks. They even have the different church to pray. The different standard that obviously can be seen will slowly inculcate hatred in both of societies.

Page 3: Theme To Kill a Mockingbird

For example, when Calpurnia allows Jem and Scouts to follow her to the church, both of them were really excited. However, on their way to enter the church, Lula comes to stop them and say “You ain’t got no business to bringin’ white chillun here – they got their church, we got our’n. it is our church, ain’t it Miss Cal? ”. Lula really shows her hatred towards whites by forbidding Atticus’s children to enter the church. Besides, Aunt Alexandra also shows her hatred towards blacks by asking Atticus to fire Calpurnia as she says Calpurnia brings bad influences to the children even though she knows that Calpurnia has looked after and serves the family for a long time.

Page 4: Theme To Kill a Mockingbird

One of the evidence that racism obviously can be seen is when Tom Robinson is convicted because he is a black man and his accuser is a white. The evidence that Atticus has provided is more than enough to save Tom’s life from being jailed but the jury’s decision which is influenced by racism turns Tom to become guilty. When Tom tries to escape from the jail, he has been shot for 17 bullets. According to Atticus “They did’nt have to shoot him that much”. His statement shows that, only two or three bullets are more than enough to kill Tom Robinson but they shoot him about 17 bullets. From my insight, the racism makes the janitor shoot him that much. When the hatred conquers in ourselves, we are unable to control our behaviour and we tend to do things out of control.

Page 5: Theme To Kill a Mockingbird

In addition, there is also racism within the white society in Maycomb itself. Families in Maycomb are being classified into social hierarchy as Finch family is on the top of the hierarchy as they are educated and quite rich, follows by Cunningham family which is farmers and poor, and the Ewells family who is the poorest and live in the dumpsite. Even though all of them are being racist towards blacks, out of realise they are also being racist among themselves.

Page 6: Theme To Kill a Mockingbird

I believe, the innocent Maycomb kids, when they become adult will follow this tradition and become racist if someone did not stop it. Fortunately, Atticus has become the one who oppose the racism by deciding to defend Tom Robinson in the trial. Although his deed is outside the norm and culture of Maycomb people, they will remember him and maybe started to change the mentality of racist.


Page 7: Theme To Kill a Mockingbird

In a conclusion, the writer has point out racism theme to make the readers think the effect and the consequences of it. Through the events in this novel, I learn that no matter the differences and peculiarities in the people, the people of the world are still the same. No one is lesser or better than anyone else because they are all people. I also realize that once I get to know a person, he is good and kind no matter what they seem like on the outside.