theory and research proposal senior project

The purpose of this study is to show that high level of exposure to video game violence contributes to hostility and aggressiveness in game players. Discussed in this paper will be the amount of intense video games such as Grand Theft Auto for an example expose our youth to, and how these games negatively impact our society. Children are not born violent, in order to be violent we as people must first be exposed to violence. Violent video games are very popular, especially in America. Although, they are very popular around the world and great money makers for companies, are these powerful video games like Grand Theft Auto encouraging youth to be violent? Participants were 200 adolescents ages 10-17. Participants were then asked to answer survey questions about video games. The results of the study displayed what types of games one plays, what they prefer to play and how long they play the game for. In addition, the results showed that the youth today play and excessive amount of video games and those exposed to violent ones do have a major effect on the adolescent. A survey of 1,102 adolescents found that 97% had played video games in the past day. That means that out of 1,102

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Page 1: Theory and Research Proposal Senior Project

The purpose of this study is to show that high level of exposure to video game violence

contributes to hostility and aggressiveness in game players. Discussed in this paper will be the

amount of intense video games such as Grand Theft Auto for an example expose our youth to,

and how these games negatively impact our society. Children are not born violent, in order to be

violent we as people must first be exposed to violence. Violent video games are very popular,

especially in America. Although, they are very popular around the world and great money

makers for companies, are these powerful video games like Grand Theft Auto encouraging youth

to be violent? Participants were 200 adolescents ages 10-17. Participants were then asked to

answer survey questions about video games. The results of the study displayed what types of

games one plays, what they prefer to play and how long they play the game for. In addition, the

results showed that the youth today play and excessive amount of video games and those

exposed to violent ones do have a major effect on the adolescent.

A survey of 1,102 adolescents found that 97% had played video games in the past day.

That means that out of 1,102 adolescents 1,068 of them played a video game the day before this

survey was conducted. Video games can even be seen being used in school buildings. Teachers

may sometimes use video games as a way of rewarding children for completing assignments or

doing very well in class (Norcia, 2014).

Most people believe it is ok for children to play video games as it keeps them busy and

if supervised many of these video games can even be educational. Most parents check the censor

ratings before allowing their child to purchase a video game, 50% of boy’s and 14% of girl’s

favored games with an “M” (mature) or “AO” (adult-only) rating, which implies a high degree of

violence. One of these video games that are preferred by our youth is the popular game “Grand

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Theft Auto”. Grand Theft Auto is an extremely violent game that promotes high quantities of

violence (Norcia, 2014).

While the thought of opinion and abilities may seem to be two different things, they are

actually quite similar. They act in the manner in which they affect behavior. A person’s

cognition (his/her opinions and beliefs) about the situation in which he/she exists and his/her

appraisals of what he/she is capable of doing (his/her evaluation of his/her abilities) will together

have bearing on his/her behavior. The holding of incorrect opinions and/or inaccurate appraisals

of one’s abilities can be punishing or even fatal in many situations. One’s ability is manifested

only through performance (Festinger, p. 3-4).

Violence has always been around but it seems as if it’s becoming more and more prevalent in

society today. One may think that violent video games can contribute to youth violence. Results

showed that adolescents that played violent video games were more likely to engage in

aggressive behaviors compared to those adolescents who played non-violent video games

(Colburn, 2011). Although playing violent video games isn’t the only factor in violence, it is still

a major concern. In fact, research on exposure to movie violence suggests that playing violent

video games will increase aggressive behavior. A meta-analytic review of the video game

research literature reveals that violent video games increase aggressive behavior in children and

young adults. Experimental and non-experimental studies with males and females in laboratory

and field settings support this. Analyses also reveal that exposure to violent video games

increases physiological arousal and aggression related thoughts and feelings. Playing violent

video games also decreases prosocial behavior (Anderson & Bushman, 2014). Great concern has

been raised that video games may have a greater adverse effect on children than television

because of the child’s active involvement (Griffith, p. 2). There are several factors relating to

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violence in the world today; many scholars believe that adolescents playing violent video games

are contributing to the cause.

Much research has been done on violent video games contributing to youth violence, and

the findings have shown that violent video games in fact do play a role in aggressive and violent

behavior. Over the past two decades more than 20 studies have assessed the relationship between

violent video game play and aggression during the adolescent period. Both correlational (e.g.

Fling al., 1992; Griffiths & Hunt, 1995) and experimental (e.g., Anderson & Dill, 2000; Ballard

& Lineberger, 1999). Studies offer support for a connection between exposure to violent video

games and aggressive behavior. It is not rocket science to know that young children are more

likely to confuse fantasy violence with real world violence if they see it. And without framework

for ethical decision making, they may repeat the actions they see in violent video games (Do

Violent Video Games Contribute to Youth Violence, 2014).

Literature Review

Most if not all of the literature I have found were based on boys. I cannot remember

coming across a literature that talked about females committing horrible crimes. Yes, there were

experiments that involved females but literature that I have reviewed talks about boys

committing crimes. Video games first arose in the late 70’s, but in the 90’s violent video games

came of age, with first person shooter. “By the 20th century, even more graphically violent video

games were available to virtually anyone who wanted to play them, regardless of age” (Walsh,

1999). There have been some very interesting research findings demonstrating individual

differences in response to the effects of violent video games. A few studies have shown that trait

hostility may moderate the effects of playing violent video games (Lynch, 1994). Lynch (1994,

1999) had found that physiological effects of playing violent video games may be even greater

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for children who already show more aggressive tendencies. Adolescents who scored in the top

quintile for trait hostility showed greater increases in man arterial pressure, epinephrine, and

non-epinephrine levels in the blood than those in the lower quintiles. This means that those

adolescents who already have aggressive tendencies and play violent video games have a greater

risk of acting out in violence (Gentile et al., p.7).

Violence is everywhere, but adolescences playing violent video games can affect them

negatively. Adolescence is a time when one is growing and developing, and adolescents tend to

mimic what they see. However, “children who see a lot of violence are more likely to view

violence as an effective way of settling conflicts. Children exposed to violence may think it is an

acceptable behavior” (American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychlatry, 2000). Since

adolescents’ happens to be a time to mature, grow and develop they are prone to mimic a lot of

what they endure. What they take in isn’t always good so what they release may be extremely


Violent video games are popular with adolescent, adult male and adult females. These are

marketed to youth in ways that violate the video game industry’s own standards, and are easily

obtained regardless of age (e.g., Buchman & Funk, 1996; Federal Trade Commission, 2000;

Walsh, 1999). Even though research on the relationship between video game violence and

aggression have created mixed findings. Some articles find a relationship, either causal or

correlational between video game violence and aggression while others do not. For example, the

young men who opened fire at Columbine High School, at a movie theater in Aurora, Colo., and

other massacres had this in common: they were video gamers who seemed to be acting out some

dark digital fantasy. It was as if all that exposure to computerized violence gave them the idea to

go on a rampage- or at least fueled their urges (Carey, 2013). Because computer access, mobile

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access and game access is so easy to access nowadays it is hard to control adolescents and what

they play. Even if they aren’t old enough to purchase violent games they might have an older

sibling who can. Regardless of whether or not adolescents are purposely thinking of doing

violent things the ideal of violence is still causing them to think about committing the same

violence that they see on these violent video games. “The most frequently cited mechanism by

which the games can result in aggressive behavior is social learning theory” (Sherry, 2001 p.

412). Bandura (1977) states that behavior is learned from the environment through the process of

observational learning. “Researchers have hypothesized that playing violent-content video games

will result in aggression based on theories associated with violent television viewing including

social learning” (Sherry, 2001 p. 411). Bandura’s theory, also known as Social Learning Theory,

directly applies to children’s consumption of what they see they will mimic.

Social Learning Theory incorporates principles of both behaviorism and cognitive

theories of learning. Social learning theory explains how people learn by observing the behavior

of others. Bandura suggests that this process has four-component parts- attention, retention,

motor reproduction and motivation. The theory has many practical applications for

understanding behavior in the classroom and in society more generally (Kretchmar, 2008).

Attention consists of various factors that increase or decrease the amount of attention paid. This

includes distinctiveness, affective valence, prevalence, complexity and functional value. Then,

retention includes remembering what you paid attention to. Also, includes symbolic coding

mental images, cognitive organization, symbolic rehearsal and motor rehearsal. Next,

reproduction is reproducing the image. This includes physical capabilities, and self-observation

of reproduction. Lastly, motivation is having a good reason to imitate (“Social Learning Theory”

(Bandura, 2014)). “Most human behavior is learned observationally through modeling: from

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observing others, one forms an idea of how new behaviors are performed and on later occasions

this coded information serves as a guide for action (Bandura)”.

Specifically, researchers have found that longitudinal results confirm earlier experimental

and cross-sectional studies that had suggested that playing violent video games is “a significant

risk factor for later physically aggressive behavior and that this violent video game effect on

youth generalizes across very different cultures. As a whole, the research strongly suggests

reducing the exposure of youth to this risk factor” (Anderson et al., 2008 p.2). Adolescents at

some point in time reciprocate what they see.

A second explanation offered for effects of violent video games is the general arousal

model (Ballard &Wiest, 1995; Brusa, 1987; Calvert & Tan, 1994; Winkel et al., 1987).

Tannenbaum and Zillmann’s elementary arousal model (1975) states that arousal is a heightened,

nonspecific drive state. “Meaning that the individual will do as he or she would normally do but

with an increased energy and intensity due to the available residual arousal” (Sherry, 2001 p.,

412). Games such as Grand Theft Auto can fall under this category, because majority of this

game is shooting so this can increase your arousal. Therefore this would suggest that this violent

video game can provide the arousal necessary to heighten aggressive responses due to the

general arousal model.

Video games that have high content of violence can have an affect on youths. Grand

Theft Auto is being sued for more than $60 million dollars over teen killing. Grand Theft Auto is

a game where a player is able to commit to high amounts of time by shooting people, stealing

cars and having sex. This game is a first person shooter so the player gets the feel of what it

might be to commit these crimes. The legal action involves two adolescent boys aged 14 and 16

from Newport, Tennessee. The two boys shot and killed Aaron Hamel, 45, and seriously injured

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Kimberly Bede, 19. The young men also proceeded to go on a highway and shoot cars with a .22

rifle. Their explanation was an attempt to recreate images from Grand Theft Auto. Mr. Hamel

was killed on his way home and Miss Bede was seriously injured while in the car with her

boyfriend. In result to this Miss Bede had eight fragments of shrapnel in her pelvis. The two

boys were sentenced to indefinite detention, as they pleaded guilty. The families that were

involved in this plan to sue Take-Two Interactive Software, which published Grand Theft Auto,

for liability in a wrongful death lawsuit. The lawyer representing the families said that the court

case to rule on whether watching and playing violent video games caused excess aggression in

children. He went on to say “We are going to show that this game did influence these boys and

cause them to go out and shoot these people.” This is a prime example to show that violent video

games do affect adolescents. A child’s brain processes these video games different than adults’.

They cannot differentiate between fantasy and reality so if they act out what they see they think

it is ok and they will have no consequences (Frith, 2003).

It is questionable whether negative effects may be even more intense in video games than

they ever were in TV or film, simply because of the interactive nature of games. Unlike TV or

movies, video games involve players as virtual participants in a violent social setting (Grodal,

2000). The player may also identify with aggressive game character more easily than TV viewers

usually do (Zillmann, 1994). There is no doubt, violent video games are among the most popular

entertainment products for teens and adolescents, especially for boys (Bryant, 2006). A

prominent scholar on emotion and media, Dolf Zillmann, has proposed several theories to

explain why individuals seek out crime and violent media. It suggests that entertainment is used

to enhance or maintain positive states and to diminish or avoid negative ones (Zillmann, 1980a,

1988b, Zillmann and Bryant, 1985, 2003).

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Another massacre had occurred in 2012 resulting in 76 deaths. Breivik the shooter told

the court that he had trained for the massacre by practicing with the video game “Call of Duty:

Modern Warefare”. He then went on to say he practiced shooting by using a holographic aiming

device on the game which helped him develop target acquisition. Brevik confessed to playing 16

hours of the game. Also, a shooting spree involved Adam Laza who killed 27 people including

his mother. Video games worth thousands of dollars were found in his home (Ukoha, pg. 223).

According to Wilson (2012), Grand Theft Auto, Call of Duty and Splatter-house are some of the

most violent video games.

A study by Iowa State University showed last year that even brief exposure to violent

video games could temporarily increase aggressive behavior in all types of people. Another study

found that people who had played violent video games were more likely to act out in violence.

Craig Anderson, who led the studies said, “The active nature of the learning environment of the

video games suggests this medium is potentially more dangerous than television and movie

media. With the recent trend toward greater realism and more graphic violence in video games,

consumers and parents of consumers should be aware of these potential risks” (Frith, 2003).

Nowadays, video games are getting more and more graphic and realistic.

The Kaiser Family Foundation conducted a survey to children. The survey consisted of a

question that asked “List five games that you have played the most in the past 6 months.” The

question did not ask how much time they had spent on playing the game or all of the games that

they had played in the past 6 months. They also did not ask if they had played any particular

game. The foundation had found that 77% of 7th to 12th grade boys had played a Grand Theft

Auto game (Olson et al., p.6).

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Many people play video games not knowing how it may affect them. Media exposure has

been shown to be a powerful factor of social behavior (Bushman & Huesmann, 2006). Video

game exposure differs from other forms of media exposure in ways and one way is that in video

games one is an actually character and has direct feelings with the content. Playing video games

may lead to stronger effects whereas compared to passive exposure. Examples such as watching

someone play a video game or watching television. The reasoning for this is because you have

direct contact and it is more realistic.

Many people play video games not knowing how it may affect them. Media exposure has

been shown to be a powerful factor of social behavior (Bushman & Huesmann, 2006). Video

game exposure differs from other forms of media exposure in ways and one way is that in video

games one is an actually character and has direct feelings with the content. Playing video games

may lead to stronger effects whereas compared to passive exposure. Examples such as watching

someone play a video game or watching television. The reasoning for this is because you have

direct contact and it is more realistic.

“An experiment was done at a British University where there were 58 participants. All of

the participants were randomly assigned to one of two game conditions (prosocial vs. neutral.

Prosocial meaning similar to violent and neutral meaning ordinary. There were 29 participants

(16 women, 13 men) in the prosocial condition and 29 participants (19 women, 10 men) in the

neutral condition. These participants were told that they would be participating in a study that

investigated the ability of classic videogames to arouse and entertain. But, before the study was

started the participants were asked to complete four questions. They were given 90 seconds to

complete four questions. Such a short amount of time was given so that the participants did not

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have enough time to be certain about their answers, therefore makes the subsequent negative

feedback more believable” (Agthe, Greitemeyer, Gschwendtner, Turner, 2011).

Participants in the prosocial condition played “Lemmings,” while participant in the

neutral condition played “Tetris.” In the game “Lemmings” the player will guide “Lemmings”

through different worlds. The goal of the game is to take care of the Lemmings and save them

while leading them to the exit. Everyone should have heard of the game Tetris, where different

colored blocks fall and you have to assort them so they can be correctly positioned. It was found

that the content of Lemmings was perceived as being more prosocial than the game of Tetris.

The liking of the video games and ratings of excitement and frustration were equally similar. The

experimenter had told the participants that while playing the game, the experimenter would mark

their answers to the visual analogy task and phone the doctoral student who designed the task to

obtain feedback for the participants. As the participants played the video game for 12 minutes

they were then provided with false feedback in attempt to frustrate them. Basically, they were

told that, “The doctoral student informed the experimenter that the participants scored one of the

lowest scores that they had ever seen and that someone their age should be able to do much

better and that they would have to exclude the results due to low scores” (Agthe, Greitemeyer,

Gschwendtner, Turner, 2011).” Following the feedback, participants responded to measures of

aggressive affects and cognition. To assess aggressive affect, participants completed the State

Hostility Scale (Anderson et al., 1995). This type of scale consists of 35 mood statements using a

5 point rating scale. This scale consists of (1 = Strongly Disagree, 2 = Disagree, 3 = Neither

Agree or Disagree, 4 = Agree and 5 = Strongly Agree). Examples such as (e.g., “I feel irritated”

and “I feel mad”). Then they were asked to fill in missing letters to form a word. For example,

“HA_E” can be the aggressive word “hate” or the neutral word “have.” Accessibility of

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aggressive thoughts were measured by the number of word completions that were aggressive.

Then, to measure indirect aggression, participants were asked to make an evaluation of the

doctoral student who had provided them with their negative feedback. They then learned that this

student was applying for a position that was very completive and that way they evaluated the

doctoral student would effect if her or she would get the position or not. As expected, video

game condition influenced indirect and direct aggressive behavior.


H1: High level of exposure to video game violence contributes to hostility ad

aggressiveness in game players.


This study’s focus is on adolescents and how violent video games can affect someone. I

chose this particular age group because this is a learning period. Also, this is a prime time where

children play games. Since more than 20 studies have assessed the relationship between violent

video game play and aggression during the adolescent period, it was suitable to study children in

that age group. However, studies will show what type of games these adolescents prefer. And

studies will also show that violent video games do have an effect on young children who cannot

understand the difference between fantasy and reality. Last but not lease within this paper you

will see how violent video games can cause aggressiveness.

The sample will be a 10-person convenience sample. It will be at random and will be

targeted at the male population on campus. People may not see college students as adolescents

but adolescence is qualified as 18-22 in literatures that I have reviewed. I will conduct this

survey by distributing it in a dorm room. Each student will play be given a video game to play at

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random as each participant plays I will observe them. I will distribute an inspired semantic

differential scale inspired by Bradley and Lang (1994). This survey will be distributed before

and after the participants play the video game. This is a 5-point rating scale (1= Very Slightly or

Not At All and 5= Extremely). The survey will consist of words such as alert, aroused, quiet,

happy, aggravated, angry etc. I asked 10 young male adults from Bethany College to play a

violent video game. Each individual played a different game that ranged from Grand Theft Auto,

NBA2k and Mortal Kombat. On the survey there was a “before” and “after” column. They were

asked to rate which moods best applied to them at that exact moment. After they did that they

were then asked to play a game that was selected. As soon as the game was played I asked them

again to take the same survey to see if their mood changed after interacting with a violent video

game. Finally, I did participant observation to see how they would act and I included notes.


During the sessions students were individually brought into a dorm room on campus.

Each individual was asked to pick one violent video game they would like to play. Their options

were Grand Theft Auto, Mortal Komabt or NBA2k. Participants were then asked to take a

survey. On the survey there was a “before” and “after” column. They were asked to rate which

moods best applied to them at that exact moment. They were then asked play a game that was

selected. After the game was played I asked them again to take the same survey to see if their

mood changed after interacting with a violent video game. Finally, I did participant observation

to see how they would act and I included notes. While observing participants I wanted to see

how they acted and reacted to the game that was chosen. My results for the most part do not

match my hypothesis on whether there is a correlation between playing violent video games

causing aggression and hostility in game players. Since most of the standard deviations are much

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bigger than the difference between the means, this means that the data collected does not support

the hypothesis. For example the difference in the mean between the moods before and after is

0.27. I took both means from participant 1 and subtracted them. Now, the standard deviations are

1.05 and 1.24. The results conclude that the difference is not significant enough to support the

hypothesis. I calculated the results in an excel sheet and I calculated the mean and standard

deviation. The mean is the average number of the data set. The standard deviation estimates the

standard deviation in a sample. I put my data in an inspired table by Mehrabian and Russell

(1974). In the table below you will notice how ones mood changed if changed at all in the before

and after column. Each participant that I observed did not show much hostility while playing a

violent video game. Except for one person, participant 7 stood out the most. The chosen game

was Mortal Kombat; before he played he was laid back and content. As soon as he started to lose

he started to yell and get frustrated. At this moment you could tell that exposure to video game

violence did in fact contribute to hostility and aggressiveness in this game player.


After (M,SD)

Participant 1 3,1.05 2.73,1.24Participant 2 1.94,1.17 2.21,1.27Participant 3 2.10,1.32 1.78,1.03Participant 4 2.42,1.64 2.63,1.89Participant 5 3.36,3.99 3.52,4.02Participant 6 1.68,1,49 1.63,0.95Participant 7 2.52,1.46 3.68,1.10Participant 8 2.26,1.82 2.26,1.91Participant 9 2.10,1.79 2.05,1.71Participant 10 3,1.52 3.57,1.42

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Before and After Comparison

Table 1


Furthermore, this study is extremely important because one should be aware of what their

young child or children are watching and playing at all times. And not only young children

people in general should be aware what violent video games can do to someone. Too many

adolescents are mimicking violent products, which are resulting to violent behaviors, either to

themselves or others. Because these games are rated mature and adult-only they are having an

impact on the young children. The impact that it is having is allowing adolescents to think that

violent behavior is acceptable in some way just by playing a violent game. Don’t let a video

game control or define who you are.

This study, however, will hopefully prove that this ideology is true. If young men play

violent video games of them shooting, stabbing and killing people then get rewarded, with points

or money they will think highly of the content and game. To some extent these games can

encourage these adolescents to do criminal things. They will think they are doing something

good in some way because they are getting rewarded for committing these crimes. To some

degree they may feel as if though this is an alright thing to perform. If parents decide not to buy

violent video games or take the time out to talk to their children then maybe adolescents won’t

be negatively influenced.

A few things that were not talked about were how children may act playing a game with a

group of people or alone. Also, how a child’s choice of games may change over time due to the

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fact of maturing. Statistics could be found on children on if they are playing games more if a

game system is in the room or not. It could be argued that since people are focusing on M-rated

games, we have greatly underreported children’s exposure to game violence.

Not only will this study offer new perspectives on adolescents playing violent video

games and it contributing to negative behavior; it will also imply future directions for research.

This study related violent video game exposure contributing to youth violence and the affect it

takes on them. This could be a starting point for new research experiments. Since the amount of

girls are less likely to play violent video games than boys are, research on a girl playing violent

video games is neglected. Though, studying an adolescent girl playing a violent video game

contributing to violence should be researched in the future.

There are several limitations to this study. First what if the participant doesn’t want to

participate in this study but they are doing it out of the kindness of their heart. Therefore, they

may not answer the questions truthfully or read the questions thoroughly. Also, the participants

may not be taking the survey as seriously as they should because it isn’t affecting them in any

way. Since the information about the study is handed out before the experiment, the participants

are already aware of the study’s purpose. The participants may be biased towards the study so;

this could either substantially help or hurt the results. The survey was distributed in my dorm

room so one may be out of their comfort zone. Last but not least I did not target a specific

demographic such as freshman, sophomore etc. With this being said maturity level could have

played a factor in this survey.

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Works Cited

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