thermodynamical consistency of the dual phase lag …

THERMODYNAMICAL CONSISTENCY OF THE DUAL PHASE LAG HEAT CONDUCTION EQUATION RÓBERT KOVÁCS 123 AND PÉTER VÁN 123 Abstract. Dual phase lag equation for heat conduction is analyzed from the point of view of non-equilibrium thermodynamics. Its first order Taylor series expansion is consistent with the second law as long as the two relaxation times are not negative. Keywords: Non-equilibrium thermodynamics; dual phase lag equation; heat pulse experiment The work was supported by the grants National Research, Development and Innovation Office: NKFIH 116197 and 124366. 1. Introduction Deviation from Fourier’s law was observed in low temperature experiments [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]. These experiments were performed with uniform homogeneous test samples where phonon based kinetic theory is a suitable theoretical background [6, 7, 8, 9]. However, there are efforts to find simpler and more universal explanations [10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15]. In heterogeneous materials at room temperature the experiments did not confirm wave like propagation [16, 17], but a different form of generalized heat conduction was confirmed, given by the following equation in one spatial dimension: (1) τ∂ tt T + t T = α∂ xx T + κ 2 txx T, Here T is the temperature, α is the thermal diffusivity coefficient, τ is the relaxation time and κ is an additional dissipation coefficient. If κ =0, the equation above is usually interpreted as a telegraph equation where damped wave propagation is observed. The dissipation coefficient κ can be interpreted as a length parameter, e.g. in rarefied gases it is proportional to the phonon mean free path l. There are two different constitutive relations from where this partial differential equation can be derived. The first order differential Dual Phase Lag constitutive equation (DPL) has the same form as the so called Jeffreys type (JT) constitutive equation, except the different interpretation of the coefficients: (2) τ∂ t q + q = -λ∂ x T - ˆ τλ∂ xt T. This is the DPL form and ˆ τ is the temperature relaxation time. With the defi- nition of the effective thermal conductivity ˆ λ, as ˆ λτ = λˆ τ it may be rewritten into the JT form. This last form was introduced by Joseph and Preziosi by an analo- gous equation in rheology [18] assuming a memory effect between the temperature gradient and the related heat flux in an integral form [12]. The DPL form was in- troduced by Tzou assuming a memory effect by a direct time delay in the Fourier’s law [19, 20]. The interpretation and the role of the second law is different in the two cases. Date : Received: date / Accepted: date. 1 arXiv:1709.06825v1 [cond-mat.stat-mech] 20 Sep 2017

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Abstract. Dual phase lag equation for heat conduction is analyzed from thepoint of view of non-equilibrium thermodynamics. Its first order Taylor seriesexpansion is consistent with the second law as long as the two relaxation timesare not negative.Keywords: Non-equilibrium thermodynamics; dual phase lag equation; heatpulse experimentThe work was supported by the grants National Research, Development andInnovation Office: NKFIH 116197 and 124366.

1. Introduction

Deviation from Fourier’s law was observed in low temperature experiments [1, 2,3, 4, 5]. These experiments were performed with uniform homogeneous test sampleswhere phonon based kinetic theory is a suitable theoretical background [6, 7, 8, 9].However, there are efforts to find simpler and more universal explanations [10, 11,12, 13, 14, 15]. In heterogeneous materials at room temperature the experiments didnot confirm wave like propagation [16, 17], but a different form of generalized heatconduction was confirmed, given by the following equation in one spatial dimension:

(1) τ∂ttT + ∂tT = α∂xxT + κ2∂txxT,

Here T is the temperature, α is the thermal diffusivity coefficient, τ is the relaxationtime and κ is an additional dissipation coefficient. If κ = 0, the equation aboveis usually interpreted as a telegraph equation where damped wave propagation isobserved. The dissipation coefficient κ can be interpreted as a length parameter,e.g. in rarefied gases it is proportional to the phonon mean free path l.

There are two different constitutive relations from where this partial differentialequation can be derived. The first order differential Dual Phase Lag constitutiveequation (DPL) has the same form as the so called Jeffreys type (JT) constitutiveequation, except the different interpretation of the coefficients:

(2) τ∂tq + q = −λ∂xT − τ̂λ∂xtT.

This is the DPL form and τ̂ is the temperature relaxation time. With the defi-nition of the effective thermal conductivity λ̂, as λ̂τ = λτ̂ it may be rewritten intothe JT form. This last form was introduced by Joseph and Preziosi by an analo-gous equation in rheology [18] assuming a memory effect between the temperaturegradient and the related heat flux in an integral form [12]. The DPL form was in-troduced by Tzou assuming a memory effect by a direct time delay in the Fourier’slaw [19, 20]. The interpretation and the role of the second law is different in thetwo cases.

Date: Received: date / Accepted: date.1











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The second constitutive equation, the Guyer-Krumhansl equation, was derivedby the linearization of the Boltzmann equation with the double relaxation timeCallaway collision integral. It has the following form:

(3) τ∂tq + q = −λ∂xT + κ2∂xxq.

In their original derivation none of the above mentioned equations were analyzedconsidering their admissibility to the second law. In case of the Jeffreys type equa-tion the delay was introduced to the Fourier’s law by memory integrals, thereforeit was plausible to assume a kind of weak compatibility due to the idea of fadingmemory as it has been investigated later [21]. In case of the dual phase lag con-cept, with delay equations, there is no way to check this important requirement.For the Guyer-Krumhansl equation it is possible to investigate the compatibilitydirectly, because the momentum series expansion of the kinetic theory and also therelated phenomenological theory, namely Rational Extended Thermodynamics hasa proper form of the second law inequality. However, in that theory the GK formis not conceptually important, because the compatibility is required only for thebasic hyperbolic system [22, 9].

In this paper, first we critically survey the dual phase lag concept. Then weshortly show a simple derivation where both Guyer-Krumhansl equation and Jef-freys type equations can be obtained from uniform thermodynamic principles ex-tending the local equilibrium. In that framework the second law and the otherthermodynamic requirements can be considered. Finally we compare the equationsand analyze the thermodynamic admissibility of the dual phase lag.

2. Dual phase lag concept

Different time delay concepts to obtain memory effects of heat conduction appearin the literature independently in several cases. E.g. in [23], Taitel used a singlephase lag to obtain the MCV equation. The DPL equation was proposed by Tzou[19, 20] in order to account time delay effect and to generalize the single phase lagconcept leading to Maxwell-Cattaneo-Vernotte (MCV) equation [6, 10, 11]. It isformulated as follows. Let us suppose a time lag τq for the heat flux and a differentone for the temperature gradient, denoted by τT , the constitutive equation in onedimension reads as

(4) q(x, t+ τq) = −λ∂xT (x, t+ τT ),

where τq > 0 and τT > 0 relaxation times are strictly positive. The DPL equationin 1+1 D is derived by Taylor series expansion:

(5) q(x, t) + τq∂tq(x, t) ≈ −λ (∂xT (x, t) + τT∂txT (x, t)) .

Here, considering τT = 0 results in the MCV equation. In other versions of DPL,namely the "type 2 DPL" (DPL2) and "type 3 DPL" (DPL3) the Taylor seriesexpansion is continued. In case of DPL2, the constitutive equation according to[24, 25] reads as

(6) q(x, t) + τq∂tq(x, t) = −λ(∂xT (x, t) + τT∂txT (x, t) +

τ2T2∂ttxT (x, t)




The DPL3 model is extended by the second order time derivative of the heat flux:(7)

q(x, t) + τq∂tq(x, t) +τ2q2∂ttq = −λ

(∂xT (x, t) + τT∂txT (x, t) +

τ2T2∂ttxT (x, t)


The DPL equation is very simple, the intuitive idea is sound and the first approxi-mation become a popular model especially on the field of biological heat conduction,see e.g. [26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31]. Based on a fractal approach, the idea behind thedual phase lag concept is further extended by Ezzat et al. to a three phase lagapproach [32] and applied by Akbarzadeh and Pasini along with the DPL model[33]. These generalizations show how easy to apply these ideas. However, the orig-inal delay type constitutive equation is less applicable, important conceptual andnumerical problems arise. In order to overcome these difficulties the second lawcompatibility was suggested as a possible way of improvement [21, 34, 35]. In thenext section we introduce a framework where this important conceptual questioncan be considered beyond local equilibrium.

3. Derivation based on non-equilibrium thermodynamics

In this section only the essential steps of the derivation are mention briefly andonly in 1+1D, a detailed, more general description is published in [36, 37, 38].

We consider rigid heat conductors and our starting point is the conservation ofinternal energy:

(8) ρ∂te+ ∂iqi = 0,

where ∂t is the partial time derivative, qi is the heat flux, e denotes the specificinternal energy and it can be expressed as e = cT where c is the specific heat.Einstein summation convention is applied. The second law of thermodynamics isexploited in this framework, therefore the balance of entropy inequality is used:

(9) σs = ρ∂ts+ ∂iJ i ≥ 0,

where s denotes the specific entropy, J i is the entropy flux and σs is the entropy pro-duction. Thermodynamic stability is preserved by assuming a quadratic deviationfrom the local equilibrium in the entropy density [18],

(10) s(e, ξ) = seq(e)−m


where m is a positive scalar material parameter, ξi is a vectorial internal variable.In case of heat conduction it is customary to choose heat flux, qi, as internal variable[22, 15], i.e. ξi = qi. This way one can accommodate to the kinetic theory derivationof continuum equations. Here we do not use this simplification.

Considering that densities and fluxes are parts of a space-time quantity also innonrelativistic spacetime, is is natural to assume that the classical entropy currentis generalized considering the simplest deviation from the usual form, with the helpof Nyíri multipliers [39].

(11) J i = bijqj ,



where bij is a 2nd order tensor called current multiplier [40, 38]. For the classicalentropy flux bij = 1

T δij . Then the entropy production σs is calculated as follows:

σs = ρ∂ts+ ∂iJ i =

ρ(∂es∂te+ ∂ξis∂tξ

i)+ ∂i







)+ (∂ibij)ξj + bij(∂iξj) =

ξj∂ibij − ρmqj∂tqj + ∂jqi

(bij − 1


)≥ 0.(12)

Here δij stands for the Kronecker symbol. Let us consider an isotropic materialand one dimensional propagation. Then only the vectorial thermodynamic fluxesand forces are related and the linear solution of inequality (12) is

m∂tξ = −l1ξ + l12∂xb,(13)q = −l21ξ + l2∂xb,(14)

b− 1

T= l3∂xq.(15)

According to the second law, the following conditions are required for the coef-ficients l1, l1, l12, l21, l3:

(16) l1 ≥ 0, l2 ≥ 0, l3 ≥ 0, L = l1l2 − l12l21 ≥ 0.

Eliminating the current multiplier b and the internal variable ξ by substitution, thegeneral heat conduction equation for q is obtained.

(17) m∂tq + l1q − Ll3∂xxq −ml2l3∂xxtq = L∂x1




Eq. (17) consists of the Fourier and MCV equations as particular cases. In ourcase, the following two equations have to be emphasized.

(1) The Guyer–Krumhansl equation (GK) can be obtained when l2 = 0:

(18) m∂tq + l1q − Ll3∂xxq = L∂x1


that is

(19) τq∂tq + q = −λ∂xT + κ2∂xxq,

where the coefficients are identified as τq = ml1, λ = L

l1T 2 , κ2 = Ll3l1

. All ofthem are positive.

(2) Jeffreys type or Dual Phase Lag thermodynamical equation appears if l3 =0:

(20) m∂tq + l1q = L∂x1




This nonlinear equation is called thermodynamical, because we have ap-plied the natural thermodynamic force for thermal interaction, the gradientof the reciprocal temperature, instead of the usual temperature gradient.This appears in the last two terms. A linearization around a referencetemperature leads to

(21) τq∂tq + q = −λ∂xT + χ2∂xtT,

where the coefficients are related to thermodynamic origins as previously,except the last one, χ2 = ml2

l1. It is clear, that χ2 > 0 because of (16).



Furthermore we can decompose this coefficient according to the DPL andJT interpretations introducing τT = ml2

L in case of the DPL interpretationand λ1 = l2 for the JT one as χ2 = λτT = λ1τq.

4. Criticism of DPL

The DPL and also the Guyer-Krumhansl equations are criticized from severaldifferent points of view.

Neqative temperatures. Rukolaine [41, 42] obtained an analytical solution forDPL equation assuming a Gaussian initial condition. According to these calcu-lations, the solutions present an unphysical behavior of temperature history, itgoes into the negative domain. Zhukovsky [43, 44] achieved a similar conclusionfor the GK equation. Wang et al. [45] tested the thermomass and DPL amongother different heat conduction models by calculating Taitel’s problem [23]. Aninconsistent, unphysical behavior is shown, the temperature achieves the negativedomain again. This is actually an old problem, also mentioned several times forthe Maxwell-Cattaneo-Vernotte equation. In fact it is not paradoxical, when weare considering relative temperatures as in the linearized (19) and (21) equations,because the wave-like propagation mode. However, with the real thermodynamicmodels with the gradient of the absolute reciprocal temperature as thermodynamicforce, like (18) and (20), this should be investigated.

Time shift paradox. The delayed form of the DPL equation, (4), directly con-tradicts to the requirement of the homogeneity of time. One can transform theequation to a single phase lag equation by shifting the zero point of t, the startingpoint of the time measurement. The proper mathematical representation of nonrel-ativistic time considering all expected properties is a one dimensional affine spaceand with that model (4) cannot have two relaxation times, only their difference isthat plays a role.

Mathematical question. In the literature, the DPL-type constitutive equationsare analyzed in order to prove the uniqueness and well-posedness of a process drivenby such constitutive equation, too. It is found by Fabrizio et al. [21, 34, 35] thatthere are mathematical conditions beyond the physical ones to obtain an expo-nentially stable equilibrium solution for DPL equation. Such condition requiresnegative time delay (called as retarded effect) between the heat flux and temper-ature gradient, i.e. τq − τT ≤ 0 which excludes the opposite case. It is importantbecause Tzou in [20] directly interprets both case with the cause – effect concept,i.e. the quantity with the higher relaxation time is the effect caused by the otherone. As Fabrizio states [21], the DPL model can be rewritten with the time de-lay difference τd := τq − τT which leads to a single phase lag model but here thetemperature gradient have a relaxation time, with τd < 0. The opposite case, i.e.τd > 0, is mathematically ill-posed which enlightens the validity of MCV equationbut excludes equations based on arbitrary Taylor series expansion. Quintanilla etal. [46, 47] obtains the same conclusion regarding the relaxation times and theill-posedness.

However, exponential stability seems to be too strict requirement and the as-ymptotic stability of homogeneous equilibrium is satisfied only with nonnegativecoefficients in equations (8), (19) and (21), whenever the sign restrictions from theentropy inequality, (16), and thermodynamic stability, c > 0, is satisfied, see e.g.



[21]. The requirement of asymptotic stability is also reasonable from a physicalpoint of view [48, 49, 50, 51]

Second law. Fabrizio and coworkes also checked thermodynamical restriction. Itwas tested by using Clausius-Duhem inequality on cyclic histories. The conditionsof exponential stability for the DPL equation turned out to be too strict. It requiresτT − τq ≥ 0 and the second law alone does not warrant it [21, 34]. On the otherhand the experimental evidences mostly show that this difference is negative. In thework of Liu and Chen [31], the DPL equation is fitted to experimental results withτT > τq in every case and in heterogeneous materials there is a similar situation[52, 53, 54]. It draws attention to the practical aspects which emphasized furtherin the next section.

5. Experiment revisited

In this section the experiment of Tang et al. is discussed in detail [55]. Theforthcoming measurement results are evaluated with the help of the Fourier andDPL equations by Tang et al. Instead of the DPL model, we reevaluated the resultsusing the Guyer-Krumhansl equation.

It was also a heat pulse experiment but the sample is a processed meat similar tothe one from the famous paper of Mitra et al. [56]. The diameter of the samples is10 mm, their shape is cylindrical. The experiment is repeated with three differentsample lengths, i.e. L = 2, 3 and 4 mm. The heat pulse lasts 1s. The front endof each specimen is blackened by using graphite spray. At the rear end, Cu film isapplied with thickness of 0.01 mm. The results can be seen on Fig. 1, [55].

Figure 1. The original figure about the experimental results,Fourier and DPL fitting from Tang et al. [55]. The name of Parkerrefers to the classical theory, based on Fourier’s law.

At first sight, the non-Fourier behavior seems to be clear from the deviationbetween the fitting and measured data (Fig. 1). The cooling of the specimen isrelevant in the case where the length L is 2 and 3 mm. The evaluation of suchmeasured result is the same as in case of our experiments [53, 54] due to the samearrangement. However, in these cases the dimensionless temperature cannot reach



one, not even theoretically, due to cooling. Thus in the second and third cases thefitting should be reconsidered.

The fitting is reproduced in the framework of non-equilibrium thermodynamics,see Fig. 2. It is clear that in the first case the deviation from Fourier’s law isreal. However, when cooling is present, the Fourier fitting of Tang et al. [55] is notappropriate and there is no such deviation in the experimental data, the Fourier’slaw is applicable in these cases, see Figs. 2(c) and 2(d). Moreover, as it can beseen on Fig. 1, the deviation is considered as a wave propagation using the DPLmodel which produces an overshoot instead of a cooling tail [55] and it leads toequilibrium below the dimensionless temperature one.

6. Summary

Heat conduction models with phase lags are presented, compared and their ther-modynamical background is discussed. It is concluded that the differential DPLmodel can be interpreted in the framework of non-equilibrium thermodynamics andthis interpretation removes the most important paradoxes.

• The GK, the JT and the experimentally important differential DPL equa-tions can be derived in a uniform background.

• The conditions of the second law lead to non-negative coefficients in theequation, independently of obscure causality arguments.

• These pure thermodynamic conditions ensure the expected asymptotic sta-bility of the homogeneous equilibrium without any further conditions.

• The time shift paradox of the DPL does not apply, because the completelydifferent interpretation.

• The validity of the GK equation is extended beyond the phonon interpre-tation.

Further theoretical analysis and experiments are necessary to understand thedifference of the GK and JT/DPL phenomena and their possible common modelingpower. The difference in experimental observation is expected in more than a singlespatial dimensions. The theoretical analysis can be informative with the solution ofthe equations and also in the difference in the universal theoretical interpretations[37, 38, 52].



(a) Fourier fit for the first case; α = 1.1·10−7 m2

s(b) GK fit for the first case α = 9.4 · 10−8 m2


τq = 3.574s, κ2 = 5.44 · 10−7m2

(c) Fourier fit for the second case; α = 7.7 ·10−8 m2


(d) Fourier fit for the third case; α = 7 ·10−8 m2


Figure 2. Solid line denotes the measured data from Tang et al.[55], the dashed line presents the fitting


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1Department of Theoretical Physics, Wigner Research Centre for Physics, In-stitute for Particle and Nuclear Physics, Budapest, Hungary and 2Department ofEnergy Engineering, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, BME, Budapest, Hungaryand 3Montavid Thermodynamic Research Group