thesis 1 - 4_ted

CHAPTER I Existing System Introduction: Computer nowadays is a basic need for businesses or companies. It helps a lot in such a way that it makes work more progressive and productive. It is an important thing that a company or small business should have because it helps a lot in many ways such as organizing, storing and manipulating data. Having computer programs may help a company grow bigger and be competitive in the flow of the business world. It helps a lot because almost all the companies nowadays uses computer literate and very competitive in many aspects. Background of the Study: 1

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Existing System


Computer nowadays is a basic need for businesses or companies. It helps a

lot in such a way that it makes work more progressive and productive. It is an

important thing that a company or small business should have because it helps a lot

in many ways such as organizing, storing and manipulating data. Having computer

programs may help a company grow bigger and be competitive in the flow of the

business world. It helps a lot because almost all the companies nowadays uses

computer literate and very competitive in many aspects.

Background of the Study:

Edgardo Valencia, an Electrical Engineer and the owner of Energy Link

Corporation started a business which sells capacitors for household use and other

buildings. They invented some products which also concern the electrical

engineering works like Power Capacitors, Uninterruptible Power Supply,

Automatic and Voltage Regulator. They also started to do services that also

concerns electrical engineering works like designing and construction of electrical


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system, energy and power management consultancy, installation of automatic and

manual power capacitor banks, electrical system maintenance, automatic and

manual transfer switch, power system and battery switch and metal enclosure

fabrication. And now, they look forward to become one of the nation’s leading

electrical contractors, supplier of electrical equipments and provider of solutions to

energy / power. Till now the company is successful since its establishment.

Scope and Limitation:

The study focuses on the monitoring of attendances of the employees in

Energy Link Corporation. The attendance monitoring system is concerned in getting

the time when an employee logs in and out and whether the employee is present or

not. In the same time the computation of hours work and monitoring of over time,

late and outdoor work are included. The holidays and computation of salary is not

included in the system.

The system will not take account of the attendance of the legal staff such as

the partner and associate lawyers because they are considered as the executive



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Flow of the Current System:

Energy Link Corporation handles their attendance by using time cards and

bundy clock. The time card holds a lot of information about the employee. The

Bundy Clock is the one that puts the time when the employee checks in or out. First

an employee is given a time card which holds their attendance information. They

insert their time card into the bundy clock which holds the time. After they have

finished their work, they should insert again their time cards into the bundy clock

for the information when and what time they left the company. The computation of

hours work is done after the last employee checks out of the company, they do this

by checking the log in and log out of the time card of an employee and compute for

the working hours on that certain day.

Data Managed by the Current System:

There are a lot of data that the company keeps for reports. And attendance is

one of the most important things that the company should monitor. Employee

information is needed for the company to know the background of an employee.

Information like whether the employee is absent or not and what time does the

employee arrives in the company and left the company. This is where the time card


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is used. It holds what time the employee checks in and checks out. It also concern

the overtime of an employee.

File Management Used by the Current System:

The records of Energy Link Corporation regarding attendance are stored in a

file cabinet. They use the file cabinet to store the data alphabetically for them to

locate them easily. Concerning their attendances, they use a time card and Bundy

clock for log in and log out. The time card holds all the information about the

employee. After a month, all the time cards are stored in a file cabinet

alphabetically. Then an attendance report is printed and submitted to the

manager/owner for them to check all the data.


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Review of Related Literature and Studies

Local Literature

Aquilan (2004) made a comparable thesis on the automation of time

attendance that records the time in and time out of every employee using barcode

system. It tends to eliminate the manual recording system of time and attendance

and also include salary computation of each employee based on the time and

attendance reports.

Ramon Faloran (2005) wrote in the article “The Computer Edge of the New

Employment and Opportunities “in the Philippine Daily Inquirer. He stated that

computer gives you a different feeling about what is happening in the company.

Business will be highly competitive and innovative because the computer provides

instant information.

Study by Cantoma (2004) in her thesis entitled “Computer Library System

for St. James Academy” stated that, in manual system in retrieving, maintaining

security and piling records take place because of the years gone by. Furthermore,

these files were only kept in envelopes and folders in wooden rocks. There are also


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instances when the right information is given to a wrong person, which affect

quality of service.

Foreign Literature:

According to Primer (2005), for many businesses automating the collecting

of employee attendance data when employees begin their shifts is still a manual

process. Even business that has automated or computerized processes such as

scheduling, inventory, purchasing, general ledger and payroll processing still use

manual methods such as time cards or attendance sheets to collect time and

attendance data.

NOVAtime (2007), the system that will give management the power to not

only utilize the tools we have available to us today, but will continue to grow and

evolve, giving it the capability to incorporate and utilize the tools the new

millennium promises to bring us.

NOVAtime has brought a system designed for growth while maintaining the

maximum in flexibility. Where the sophistication lies within the programmed

mechanism of the system, allowing for a quick and simple implementation and

employee training cycle.


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After all the true test of a system is not only in the production and wealth of

reporting, but in the simplicity and ease of its operation, in conjunction with a

simple and accommodating implementation program.

Local Study:

Mendrez (2007) made a similar study for Vision Designer Inc. It has an

identification machine aimed at verifying a person entering through the swiping of

identification cards. After entering their given code number, the identification cards

are swiped in the machines card reader to trigger the verification. If access granted,

the micro switch will then automatically unlock to allow enter. This will help a lot

in monitoring attendances accurately and more precise.

A group of computer engineers in Rebisco Biscuits Corporation proposed a

thesis report for what is the same Innodata Corps is implementing right now a

computerized daily time record as an alternative for Bundy clock. The means of

getting inside the company premises is by swiping cards into a machine that reads

every record of each employee then monitor and displays the time a particular

employee logs in and out.


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In the 2005 annual report of the Forest Products Research and Development

Institute under the Department of Science and Technology, it is said that, “The

computerized database and attendance on Forest Products Research and

Development Institute was designed to facilitate the Institute's data entry,

processing, computation and maintenance of employee time and attendance

transactions. The system allows employees to log in/out as the swipe their IDs

through a barcode reader attached to a computer terminal. The processing forms

include those for legal holidays, travel order, tardiness, undertime, vacation and sick

leave. Pertinent Report forms have been designed for easier access to all these


Foreign Study:

Columbia State Community College (2006) uses computer identification

account (Log In Name and Password) for access to the institutions computer usage

logs occurs electrically through the individual users log in/out process. Users are

also informed that they are responsible for any computer file’s, database and/or

internet sites that are accessed through their computer identification account, not

withstanding their failure to adhere to the log in/out process, on their voluntary

publication of their account information to others.


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My Time Force (2006), TimeForce is the key to proficient and successful

time tracking and management in your workplace. It is a software-based time and

attendance system that allows the user to collect and organize employee time data

simply and accurately.

You can use TimeForce to:

Easily and efficiently track your employee time.

Manage your time & attendance data and employee profiles.

Eliminate buddy punching.

Make employee scheduling a breeze.

Reduce the headaches and time associated with payroll.

Best of all, TimeForce can quickly pay for itself in time savings, reduction

of time theft and elimination of payroll errors. TimeForce is the manifestation of 10

years of experience, customer feedback, and research and development in the time

and attendance market. Over 35,000 businesses use TimeForce.


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Methods and Procedure

Research Method Used:

The method of the research that was adopted in this study is the Descriptive

Method. The Descriptive Method is appropriate as described by Sevilla(1992)

because it involves the description, recording, analysis and interpretation of the data


The respondents described the flow of the current attendance monitoring

through, forms and statements. They explained each process thoroughly and


Locale of the Study:

The study was conducted at Energy Link Corporation. Interviews were

conducted at the main office. The study is also conducted with the manager where

they discussed how they how they handle each of the information concerning their



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Respondents of the Study

The respondents of the study were selected according to the importance of

their function during the monitoring of attendances. These people consist of the

secretary, co-employee, and the manager who manages the monitoring of


Research Instrument and Techniques:

The researchers have used simple research techniques in acquiring

information about the enrollment procedure. The following are:

1. Interview

An interview is one of the most effective techniques in data gathering. The

data is very reliable because it was taken on the respondent himself/herself.

Researchers asked question for data and record it for documentation.

2. Observation

Optical Observation of the process while the respondent performs it. This

technique is vital to the research because it shows the difficulties in the current



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3. Document Analysis

The researchers found out that Energy Link Corporation uses time card,

bundy clock and logbooks to keep their records. Energy Link Corporation uses

it as their reference in future transactions. These records are important so that

Energy Link Corporation can monitor their Attendances.

4. Library Research

Library is one source of reliable information because almost all of the

information you need can be found in the library. Scanning books that is related to

the topic is such a big help for the researchers because of the in formations they can

get from it.


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Presentations Analysis and Interpretation

Findings and Requirements

The researchers found out that Energy Link Corporation still use time card,

bandy clock and file cabinets to keep their files and data. Therefore, the company is

required to rely certain people to manage and keep their records and files. The

advancement of technology and the use of computer would help the company in

making and saving attendance monitoring in less time and more interactive way.

The more they use computer the more they can save working space and time

consuming that is very important in businesses nowadays.

Statement of the Problem:

The problems of the current system are as follows:

1. Inconsistency of data concerning their attendance

2. Redundancy of data that involves recording of attendance of each


3. Multiple forms to be registered and distributed to different offices.

4. Record retrieving and editing of attendances


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These are the main problems encountered during the monitoring of

attendances. The data entered in the forms are redundant and inconsistent. The

secretary must copy the same information in another form to be distributed to the

other offices. Retrieving and editing data are very tedious.

Objectives of the Study:

This study wishes to solve the problems stated:

1. By making the data that concerns their attendance more consistent and


2. By making the recording of data less redundant concerning their


3. By having a single source of attendance data that can be manipulated

by all

4. By making the retrieval and editing of attendances simpler and

easy to do


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Importance of the Study:

The study of this procedure is important because many companies encounter

the same problems during their attendance monitoring. This study may become a

stepping stone in a more organized and productive system of procedures in the

future. This study wishes that this study may help other company be innovated

involving the use of computerization inside the company and also for future

researchers that will be involve in this kind of study.

The researchers has always kept in mind the benefits of the users, This study

will be of great help for the company, especially for the Staff who is in charge in

encoding the files and will have a fast and easy way of serving their customer.

Daily Transaction Monitoring System will lead to the satisfaction needs of

the user wherein they will have the faster and more accurate way of file handling

and record keeping than their existing manual system.


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Conceptual Framework:

In this research, the researchers aims to provide a better way of monitoring

their attendance og Energy Link Corporation, where the staff and the manager can

handle a faster and easy way of recording and monitoring their daily Attendances.

Only the Manager has the authority to use the system that can manipulate the

records in the system. The process of the system is that, the user will encode the

daily attendances . The system will provide a reliable and efficient way of record

keeping activity.

The study aims to produce a result of Attendance Monitoring System that

can cope up with the needs of the company.

Figure 2 Paradigm of the Study


Data:Password & UsernameEmployee no.


Daily Attendance Monitoring


Attendance Report


Input Process Output

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Proposed System

Hardware and Software Requirements


Pentium III 800MHz or higher

64 megabytes (MB) of RAM minimum; 128 MB or higher recommended

512MB of available hard-disk space


Windows 98 / Windows 2000 with Service Pack 2 / Windows XP

Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 Enterprise edition

Microsoft Access 2003

Database Design:

Employee Table

This table is the database of the employee employed in the company.


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Employee Records

this table is the database of the records of the employees.

Flow of the Proposed System:

First the employee enters their employee number for them to be log in. After

that the administrator will check the employees if they are working of just hanging

around. A break is given to the employee for lunch and their time of work will stop

until they come back but it is optional. After the break they will enter their

employee for their work time to continue. After their work time is over they will

enter their employee number for logging out of the company but if there is a valid

reason for a certain employee to have an over time the program will extend his/her

working time until they are finish.


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Features of the Proposed System

The researchers created a computerized attendance monitoring system the

Energy Link Corporation will use in their everyday transaction. The computerized

system have many features like an easy log in and log out of employee,

computation of hours work, late, absent and leave. The computerized system is also

secured and only the administrator and the owner can access the database. The

researchers also created a computerized system that can add, delete and edit

employee’s information.


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Conclusion and Recommendation


The system proposal entitled “A Computerized Attendance Monitoring

System” will be beneficial to the company for maximizing its profits; and

minimizing manpower and additional equipments necessary for attendance


With the use of this new system, computations and gathering are all

accurate, Data manipulating and processing are expedited, report generations ate

faster and security for the held are better, and consumes less office space, a

powerful business tool that would greatly aid updating of new attendance

information., this reports thus increasing effectiveness by a very considerable




Based on the performance of the computerized attendance monitoring

system, the researchers highly recommend that this study be implemented to the

Energy Link Corporation and other companies. Also with its dependable

performance and easy to use procedures, this study can be a great help for

companies and organizations concerning their attendance monitoring system.


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