thesis planning, research and design

Define your central “research question” Thesis planning, research and design DBS Library Getting Good Grades Series Preliminary research *** This is an outline guide only, it is not topic specific. All specific questions relating to your topic choice, literature review and chosen research methodology will need to be addressed to your supervisor. Please ensure you have read assessment guidelines for thesis submission in your course handbook *** For many students the most difficult part of the thesis writing process is defining exactly what to research. Identifying the area you wish to conduct your research in and defining your central hypothesis will determine the structure of your thesis and define the methodology used to reach your conclusions. The statement of your research question and your reasons for choosing it will form your introduction chapter. Some points to consider when choosing your thesis topic; The size of the topic; Is the topic wide enough to warrant in-depth investigation? Equally important; is the topic too big. A useful initial exercise is to brainstorm. Write down all the sub questions arising from your central question, if you have more than five perhaps you need to consider redefining your central question to streamline your analysis. The key is to FOCUS your research as early as possible. The advised word count may seem daunting initially but as the research progresses it will require skill to deliver your thesis within the assigned limit. Does the topic interest you; Many students choose a topic which is related to their own work experience or which they believe will assist them in securing a job after graduation. While this is not a bad way to choose a topic, remember, you have to live with the subject matter for some time so it helps if you choose a topic which can retain your interest. Having chosen your research topic your first aim will be to ascertain what other academics have written on the subject in academic texts and journals, this will form the chapter referred to as the LITERATURE REVIEW. The literature review chapter will seek to place your thesis within a framework of other research. It will highlight what has been said about your topic, what the current trends of academic thinking are in this area and where your research fits in and expands upon previous work. The proposed literature review will form the central part of any preliminary RESEARCH PROPOSAL you may be asked to submit prior to approval of your research topic. The most important thing to remember during the compilation of your literature review (and indeed throughout the information gathering process) is to KEEP TRACK OF REFERENCES. Make note of the bibliographic details for the material you are referencing as you go along, keep a bibliography file and make detailed notes including the page numbers for quotes and sections which have been paraphrased, URL address and dates for websites visited etc. Dublin Business School Library 13/14 Aungier Street | Dublin 2 | Phone: 01-417 7572 19/22 Dame Street | Dublin 2 | Phone 01-417 8745 Email: [email protected]

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Define your central “research question” Dublin Business School Library DBS Library Getting Good Grades Series 13/14 Aungier Street | Dublin 2 | Phone: 01-417 7572 19/22 Dame Street | Dublin 2 | Phone 01-417 8745 Email: [email protected] Present findings Dublin Business School Library 13/14 Aungier Street | Dublin 2 | Phone: 01-417 7572 19/22 Dame Street | Dublin 2 | Phone 01-417 8745 Email: [email protected]


Define your central “research question”

Thesis planning, research and designDBS LibraryGetting Good Grades Series

Preliminary research

*** This is an outline guide only, it is not topic specific.All specific questions relating to your topic choice, literature review and chosen research methodology will need to

be addressed to your supervisor.Please ensure you have read assessment guidelines for thesis submission

in your course handbook ***

For many students the most difficult part of the thesis writing process is defining exactly what toresearch. Identifying the area you wish to conduct your research in and defining your central hypothesiswill determine the structure of your thesis and define the methodology used to reach your conclusions.The statement of your research question and your reasons for choosing it will form your introductionchapter.Some points to consider when choosing your thesis topic;•The size of the topic; Is the topic wide enough to warrant in-depth investigation? Equally important; isthe topic too big. A useful initial exercise is to brainstorm. Write down all the sub questions arising fromyour central question, if you have more than five perhaps you need to consider redefining your centralquestion to streamline your analysis. The key is to FOCUS your research as early as possible. The advisedword count may seem daunting initially but as the research progresses it will require skill to deliver yourthesis within the assigned limit.•Does the topic interest you; Many students choose a topic which is related to their own workexperience or which they believe will assist them in securing a job after graduation. While this is not abad way to choose a topic, remember, you have to live with the subject matter for some time so it helpsif you choose a topic which can retain your interest.

Having chosen your research topic your first aim will be to ascertain what other academics have writtenon the subject in academic texts and journals, this will form the chapter referred to as the LITERATUREREVIEW. The literature review chapter will seek to place your thesis within a framework of otherresearch. It will highlight what has been said about your topic, what the current trends of academicthinking are in this area and where your research fits in and expands upon previous work. The proposedliterature review will form the central part of any preliminary RESEARCH PROPOSAL you may be asked tosubmit prior to approval of your research topic. The most important thing to remember during thecompilation of your literature review (and indeed throughout the information gathering process) is toKEEP TRACK OF REFERENCES. Make note of the bibliographic details for the material you are referencingas you go along, keep a bibliography file and make detailed notes including the page numbers for quotesand sections which have been paraphrased, URL address and dates for websites visited etc.

Dublin Business School Library

13/14 Aungier Street | Dublin 2 | Phone: 01-417 757219/22 Dame Street | Dublin 2 | Phone 01-417 8745

Email: [email protected]

Present findings

Analyse findings


After your samples, surveys and/or interviews have been conducted and fully documented in themethodology section you will present the results or findings of the research. This initial presentation willbe an empirical outlaying of the statistical results; documenting the numerical data in the case ofquantitative research or the interview or analytical outcomes in the case of qualitative research. Thissection should include any illustrative charts or graphs you have prepared.

Having given an overview of your findings you will now present a detailed analysis. This analysis you willexamine the implications of your findings in greater depth. This includes detailing the problemsencountered in compiling the data. The focus in this section is to illustrate what your findings mean;were there any surprising outcomes or revelations, are there any inconsistencies or contradictions.Compare and contrast your initial expectations with your research findings, have your expectations beenmet? You may detail how your findings changed the focus of your conclusions and general perceptions ofyour topic.

Your conclusion will reconcile your research question with the research findings and examine whetherthe question you addressed has been answered. Your conclusion should also assess whether you haveidentified areas worthy of further study and the extent to which the question you set out to address hasyielded unexpected outcomes which can be further researched. Your conclusions will illustrate whereyou feel your research project has expanded upon previous work and you may want to highlight thepractical implications of your research in academia, business or social sectors.Remember to allow sufficient time for PROOF READING and binding. The thesis should ideally becompleted 1 week prior to submission deadline to allow sufficient time to proof read, edit and make anyfinal changes before binding.

Dublin Business School Library

13/14 Aungier Street | Dublin 2 | Phone: 01-417 757219/22 Dame Street | Dublin 2 | Phone 01-417 8745

Email: [email protected]

Decide on your research methodology

The research methodology will be determined by a number of factors, most importantly; the topic youare researching (or research question you want to answer) and the time frame you are working to. Mostbusiness theses will employ some form of quantitative research (questionnaires, surveys or sampling)but depending on the topic you may include some qualitative methods also. It is important to discussthe best methodological approach in detail with your supervisor as it will be tailored specifically to theresearch question you are addressing.