thiess final report october 2013

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  • 8/13/2019 Thiess Final Report October 2013


    Automatic Braking System

    Thiess Field Trials

    Reverse Alert Technology

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    Contents1. Executiv e Summary .......................... ............................. .............................. ...................... 2 2. Background ........................................................................................................................ 7

    2.1 Reverse Alert Technology ........................... .............................. ............................. ........ 7

    3. Trial Specifics .............................. .............................. ............................. .......................... 10

    3.1 Vehicles .......................... ............................. .............................. ................................... 10

    3.2 Trial Period ........................... ............................. .............................. ............................. 13

    3.3 Trial Objectives ............................. .............................. ............................. ..................... 13

    4. Findings ............................ .............................. .............................. ............................. ....... 13

    4.1 Trial Limitations ............................. .............................. .............................. ................... 13

    4.2 Light Commercial Vehicles ............................. ............................. .............................. ... 14

    4.3 Hino Trucks .................................................................................................................. 18

    5. Summary of Results and Recommendations ............................ ............................. ....... 24

    5.1 Light Commercial Vehicles ............................. ............................. .............................. ... 24

    5.2 Trucks ............................ .............................. ............................. .................................... 25

    6. Future Reverse Alert Designs and Developments ............................. ........................... 26

    Appendix A Person A Feedback Sheet (Light Commercial) ............................... .......... 28

    Appendix B Person B Feedback Sheet (Light Commercial) ............................... .......... 29

    Appendix C Person C Feedback Sheet (Trucks) ............................. .............................. . 30

    Appendix D Person D Feedback Sheet (Trucks) ............................. .............................. . 31

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    1. Execut ive SummaryThis report provides a summary of the Reverse Alert field trials

    involving Surveillance Guard Co (SVG), Thiess plant and

    personnel from the QGC Coal Seam Gas Project at Dalby,

    Qld and the Thiess Energy Depot at Eagle Farm, Brisbane.

    The Reverse Alert system, developed by SVG, is a world first

    aftermarket automatic braking system that can be fitted to any

    vehicle, does not conflict with Australian Design Requirements

    and has been extensively trialled across the passengervehicle market, road transportation and taxi industries.

    The system begins with ultrasonic sensors that are fitted to the rear of the vehicle. When

    reversing, if these sensors detect an object at 1.6m a signal is sent to a solenoid located at

    the front of the vehicle. The solenoid is attached to a flexible cable that runs through the

    firewall and is attached to a universal brake pedal clamp that is fitted on the brake pedal.

    Subsequently, when the solenoid is activated this pulls the brake pedal - stopping the

    vehicle automatically.

    To allow the driver to park the vehicle or engage in tight reversing manoeuvres, the system

    also has a park mode. In this mode the sensors are reduced to 40cm. In addition, the system

    has an override button that overrides the braking system when held. When the override

    button is released, the automatic braking system is again engaged. This mode is activated

    when the driver needs to reverse closer than 40cm, or when the reversing angle is so

    extreme that the sensors detect the terrain.

    For the Thiess field trials another system was designed that detects at 2.5m. This system

    was developed as it was the first time the technology would be trialled in an environmentwhere the vehicles would reverse predominantly on loose dirt and not concrete. The potential

    issue for a 1.6m system was that if a vehicle was reversing at a certain speed (on loose dirt),

    the vehicle may not stop in time before contact was made.

    The Reverse Alert technology was installed on the following vehicles:

    Two Ford Ranger Light Commercial Vehicles (1 x 1.6m and 1 x 2.5m

    systems) and;

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    Two Hino Trucks (both equipped with the 1.6m system) - EWP and Line


    To determine the effectiveness of the technology, the trial consisted of three objectives:

    1. Determine whether Reverse Alert is a pro-active means of reducing the risks

    associated with people and moving plant (assessed from the perspective of the driver

    and by analysing reversing data collected during the trial).

    2. Determine whether Reverse Alert can be successfully installed and adapted to

    construction vehicles (assessed from the perspective of installation technicians anddrivers).

    3. Determine if the technology is user friendly and does not distract the driver when

    operating the vehicle (driver feedback).

    The trial ran for a period of four months and concluded with the collation of data from the

    field reversing tests (reversing towards a human cut out), verbal feedback and the operator

    feedback sheets (Likert scale).

    The data collected throughout the trial and the feedback received from the participantsindicates that all objectives of the trial were met.

    Specific highl ights of the trial included:

    Light Commercial Vehicles - Trials produced a 97% success rate when reversing

    tests were performed on loose dirt (137 attempts 4 hits). This is a significant result,

    particularly when taking into consideration that the hits/contact was made when

    speeds were above 5km/h. The 1.6m system hit on three occasions and the 2.5m

    made contact just once.

    Light Commercial Vehicles - Both systems (1.6m and 2.5m) performed well when

    reversing tests were undertaken. The 2.5m system tests, as expected, recorded

    greater distances between vehicle and cut-out. However, the 1.6m still performed well

    at speeds of 7km/h a speed that would be considered well above normal reversing.

    Hino Trucks Reversing tests recorded a 91.1% success rate (103 out of 113

    attempts). Line truck made contact on seven occasions and the EWP had three


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    Hino Trucks the reversing data is notable given that the trucks were only fitted with

    4 sensors which resulted in numerous dead spots. Testing of the sections of the truckwith adequate coverage found that both trucks could easily handle speeds of 5km/h.

    And even though speeds of 7km/h were not tested; there is enough data to indicate

    that a truck fitted with more sensors could also potentially handle speeds of 7km/h.

    From a risk management perspective, the reversing data/attempts could be

    considered 250 (total of all reversing tests trucks and light commercial) high

    potential serious incidents. As such, the introduction of the automatic braking

    technology resulted in a drastic reduction in the level of risk. The technology proves

    that if a driver doesnt see an object the system will respond and apply the brake.

    Three out of four drivers provided very positive feedback and supported further use of

    the technology across the industry.

    The technology did not impede on the safe operation of the vehicles.

    All four drivers agreed or strongly agreed that because the technology can apply the

    brake, the system makes the driver more aware when reversing.

    The four vehicles fitted with the technology were not involved in any reversingincidents during the trial.

    Issues which were identified during the trial included:

    Very small dead spot was identified in the middle of the Rangers. This is not a major

    issue given the tests produced a 97% success rate.

    There were, however, major dead spots across the rear of the trucks. This was

    expected due to the size of the trucks and the fact that only four sensors were

    installed. When these dead spots were tested against areas that received better

    coverage, there were distinct fluctuations in the measurements. If these dead spots

    were not present, the average stopping distance would be a lot higher, and the

    amount of hits with the cut-out would have been considerably less.

    One participant (Person D) from the Thiess Energy Division (trucks) did not support

    the use of the technology, citing concerns that the braking is too aggressive and that

    the system was always braking. Management reversed both trucks and were asked

    to assess the braking severity. The managers were of the opinion that the braking

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    was within reason. In relation to the concerns that the system was always braking,

    the driver verbalised that the system makes it very hard to reverse in traffic i.e. threepoint turns. This feedback indicated that the driver was not using the park mode when

    wanting to manoeuvre the vehicle in tight spaces. In hindsight, the initial roll out and

    training could have been managed better, resulting in the driver having a better

    understanding of how to interact with the system.

    Person C provided verbal feedback during the trial in relation to an experience with

    the EWP truck and the override button. The driver advised that he had to perform a

    reverse hill start in the manual EWP truck and because of the environment he

    needed to override the system, but had extreme difficulties doing so. Consequently,

    before the next driving shift the system was modified so that if this scenario occurred

    again, the driver had the capacity to flick a switch rather than having to hold the

    button. This piece of feedback is extremely important and SVG is considering options

    for future redesign of the override mode.

    Thiess Energy Drivers reported that their activities often involved reversing the trucks

    200 metres or more in remote environments with dense scrub and hanging trees.

    Because of the environment the drivers said they need the ability to turn off thesystem for a period of time. The drivers were told that by selecting park mode this

    would reduce the sensors to 40cm, which should help the situation, but the drivers

    rebutted and said the long grass will still trigger the system. So, after taking into

    consideration the feedback, using override (for a period of time) in these

    circumstances would be preferable. Thankfully, the drivers reported that in these

    environments they are not operating in close proximity to other workers. Therefore,

    any future use of the override button would not be in the vicinity of pedestrians or


    Person B made the comment that people could become lazy and rely on the braking

    when reversing towards objects. To overcome this, it needs to be clearly stated in any

    driver induction sessions that the technology is an aid only and does not replace

    existing procedures.

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    Light Commercial Vehicles

    Taking into consideration that the technology needs to incorporate a balance between safety

    and what is practical, this report recommends that the light commercial vehicles be installed

    with neither the 1.6m system nor 2.5m system but a 2m system instead. The reason

    behind this being that if the 2.5m system is driven in an urban environment, the driver will

    very quickly have issues with the system and will be constantly putting the vehicle in park

    mode. Basically, the 2.5m system will detect too many objects. The 1.6m and 2.5m systems

    both easily handled the tests at 7km/h, so a system that detects at 2m (with 40cm park

    mode) would be more than capable of handling these higher speeds on loose dirt.


    The installation of the technology on trucks require a 6/8 sensor system to ensure adequate

    coverage across the rear of the trucks. In addition, it is recommended that the detection

    range for trucks be extended to 2m (with 40cm park mode). While the testing of the areas of

    the truck with solid coverage found that the system could easily handle 5km/h and most likely

    7km/h (not tested), there is a concern that due to the dangers associated with reversing

    trucks, additional protection should be designed into the system. This would mean that if a

    driver was to reverse at an excessive speed above 5km/h, the system with a 2m range would

    give the truck additional time to stop. This additional range will result in the sensors detecting

    more objects, so it is imperative that drivers are fully briefed on the operation of the park

    mode. Without the correct use of park mode, attempting to park or execute three point

    manoeuvres with a 2 metre system would be extremely difficult. Essentially, the idea of the

    Reverse Alert technology is to prevent incidents from occurring; the 2m system will help to

    achieve that goal.

    Overall, the trial of the Reverse Alert technology produced impressive results both

    reversing data and driver feedback. As such, the use of automatic braking technology in a

    construction environment does have potential, and further applications of the technology

    should be explored.

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    2. BackgroundThe size, inertia, weight and power of mobile machinery used in construction presentsignificant hazards to people and equipment working in their area of operation. A major

    reason for these hazards is the operators restricted view of the surroundings and the

    extensive range of vision shadows or blind spots in which people or objects can be hidden

    from view.

    To assist the operators when reversing in close proximity to people or plant, an array of risk

    orientated controls ranging from cameras, proximity devices and beepers have been

    trialled, albeit with mixed success. As a result, the industry is still facing challenges in relation

    to reversing and implementing an appropriate range of controls that are effective in reducing

    the level of risk.

    Thiess, understanding the need for continuous improvement, recognised the importance of

    identifying and trialling engineering controls designed to reduce risk. To this end, Thiess

    partnered with Surveillance Guard Co (SVG) to trial an automatic braking system that has

    the potential to drastically reduce the level of risk associated with reversing vehicles.

    This technology, called Reverse Alert, is a world first aftermarket automatic braking product

    that has just become commercially available across a variety of industries but yet to be

    proven in a construction environment.

    While the technology was never designed with the intent of being a WHS initiative for the civil

    construction industry but rather child safety origins, the Thiess trials will determine whether

    this approach to automatically applying the brake should be considered for further use

    across the industry.

    2.1 Reverse Alert Technology

    The Reverse Alert technology is a world first aftermarket product that can be applied to anyvehicle with a brake pedal new or used - and does not conflict with Australian Design


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    The technology has four unique features:

    1. When reversing, if the ultrasonic sensors detect an object at 1.6m this sends a signal

    to a solenoid located at the front of the vehicle. The solenoid is attached to a flexible

    cable that runs through the firewall and the cable is attached to a universal brake

    pedal clamp that is fitted on the brake pedal. So, when the solenoid is activated this

    pulls the brake pedal stopping the vehicle automatically.

    2. If a vehicle is stationery (site car park) and the operator starts the car, selects the

    reversing gear, the brake will be immediately applied in the event that an object is

    detected within the range of the sensors.

    3. Park Mode: when the operator needs to park the vehicle, the driver presses the P

    button, allowing the vehicle to reverse 40cm towards an object before the brakes are


    4. Override Mode: this mode is used in the event the driver wants to reverse past the

    detected object. The driver holds the O button to disengage the braking system.

    When the button is released the system is again engaged.

    Examples of system flexibil ity and how the driver interacts with the technology.

    Driving Example 1: If a driver wants to perform a three point turn in an environment with

    little space and doesnt want the system to activate at 1.6m, the driver presses the Park

    Mode/P button. This reduces the sensors to 40cm thus allowing the driver to manoeuvre the

    vehicle without the brake being applied at 1.6m. In this mode the vehicle needs to be

    reversed at very slow speeds so that the system has time to respond. This mode not only

    gives the driver flexibility when reversing, but the park mode is also a valuable tool when

    parking close to other objects.

    Driving Example 2: The driver is about to reverse down a very steep piece of terrain and

    doesnt want the brakes to activate. The driver presses the Park Mode/P Button so that the

    sensor range is reduced from 1.6m to 40cm. If the use of Park mode still activates the brake,

    the driver holds the Override/O button until the vehicle has passed over the piece of terrain.

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    Reverse Alert R&D

    The Reverse Alert technology has been in development for more than 2.5 years, trialled on

    more than 60 vehicles across Australia; including passenger vehicles, vans, taxis and road

    transportation trucks.

    During this period of testing the technology across a range of vehicles and environments, it

    was discovered that the ideal sensor detection range was 1.6m, for two reasons:

    1. Balance between reversing safety and whats practical.

    2. Reversing activities are predominantly conducted on concrete/firm surfaces.

    However, when the Thiess opportunity became available it was decided that another system

    with a longer detection range be developed for the trials to take into consideration the fact

    that reversing is undertaken on loose dirt which could result in longer stopping distances. As

    such, a 2.5m system was designed for the Thiess trial.

    There was however, a concern that the 2.5m system would detect too many objects and if

    the driver wanted to reverse in a shopping centre/town environment the driver would find the

    extra detection distance to be annoying. Theoretically, the 2.5m system may have its

    advantages when reversing on site, but it certainly did have its potential drawbacks. In

    essence, this is exactly the type of answers/feedback the Thiess trials would provide and as

    such help guide the industry in relation to suitability 1.6m v 2.5m.

    Park mode and override buttons Clamp attached to Hino brake pedal

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    3. Trial Specifics

    3.1 VehiclesThe following vehicles were selected for the Reverse Alert trials:

    Two Ford Ranger Light Commercial Vehicles Dalby QGC Coal Seam Gas Project

    Two Hino Trucks (specs below) Eagle Farm Depot (Thiess Energy Division)

    EWP- Hino Ranger GT/ Aichi EWP, 2005 Model , Tare: 9640 kg, GVM: 12000 kg

    LINE TRUCK- Hino 500 Series 1022 , 2012 Model Tare: 5900 kg, GVM: 10400 kg

    Originally, the decision was made to install the technology on a tip truck and water truck at

    the Dalby QGC Project, but given that the technology had never been fitted to these

    particular items of plant and the distance between Dalby and the Brisbane workshop posed

    technical concerns for the installation technicians, the decision was made to source trucks

    located in Brisbane (Thiess Energy). Although the selected trucks from the Thiess Energy

    division are not involved in the civil construction industry, any lessons learnt from the Hino

    trials has direct applications/benefits to trucks utilised in civil construction.

    Ford Rangers

    Two different variations of the Reverse Alert technology were made available for the Ford

    Ranger trial:

    1. A system that detects at 1.6m and is programmed with a 40cm Park Mode and;

    2. A 2.5m system with a 40cm Park Mode.

    Each Ranger was fitted with a different system and both vehicles were also equipped with a

    reversing camera. In addition, reed switches were fitted to both Rangers in the event they

    needed to tow a trailer. The Reed switch turns off the sensors so that the system doesnt

    detect the presence of a trailer and apply the brake.

    Interestingly, when the Rangers were being fitted in the workshop and testing was

    undertaken prior to deployment, it was discovered that the Ranger fitted with the 1.6m

    system would easily stop the Ranger when speeds were increased. For example, tests

    revealed that when the Ranger was reversed at 10km/h there was, on average, a distance of

    approx. 50cm between vehicle and object (video does exist). However, the question

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    remained: what would be the results when the Ranger is reversed on a construction site with

    loose dirt?

    The picture below highlights the positioning of the sensors when fitted to the Ranger. A drop

    bar was utilised because the Reverse Alert sensors need to protrude and not be installed


    An attempt was made to source individual sensor surface mounts before the vehicles were

    deployed to site. However, there were no surface mounts on the market that could allow the

    sensors to work as designed. This will be mentioned further into the report but by the end of

    the trial, SVG had designed special surface mounts that can be used rather than the drop

    bars in some future installations.

    Hino Trucks

    The decision was made to fit both trucks with a 1.6m system. Workshop testing of the 1.6msystem found that the trucks were stopping comfortably before the detected object.

    Moreover, the air braking systems of the trucks greatly assisted the truck in coming to a halt.

    Workshop testing revealed that the EWP and Line Trucks when reversed at higher speeds of

    8-10km/h the trucks were stopping approx. 50cm from the object (video does exist).

    For trucks this size and weight to stop at these speeds was a very encouraging start to the

    trial. But, as mentioned previously, the real test would be the loose dirt and what this means

    in relation to stopping distances.

    Sensor positioning Ford Ranger Drop bar with sensors

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    As was the case with the Rangers, drop bars were again used in the installation of the

    technology, but in this instance two different sizes were utilised. Reed switches were alsoinstalled so that the sensors could be disabled during towing. In addition, the same size

    solenoid that was fitted to the Rangers was also used for the truck installation, except the

    solenoid was 24 volt.

    When the technology was being installed on the trucks, Thiess were made aware that the

    system being fitted to the trucks would not be the system that would ever be released to thetruck market. Essentially, the exact sensor system (4

    sensors) that was fitted to the Rangers (passenger

    vehicle version) was installed on the trucks. This meant

    that due to the width of the trucks there were dead spots

    as there were not enough sensors to cover the rear of

    the truck. To put this into perspective, the image of the

    hatchback to the left has 4 sensors that just cover the

    width of the vehicle (approximately 1.6m in width). On the other hand, the Hino trucks areapprox. 2.35m in width.

    Therefore, the system fitted to the trucks was not ideal. However, it is a trial and the purpose

    of the trial is to determine whether the concept has merit.

    SVG have been developing a system for trucks that could accommodate 6 or 8 sensors, but

    unfortunately this wasnt ready for the Thiess trials. The 6/8 sensor system will be discussed

    further into the report.

    EWP Truck sensor positioning Line Truck sensor positioning

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    Difference between Ranger and Hino Installation

    The Hino installation differed slightly to how the technology was installed on the Rangers.

    The truck system consisted of 24 volt circuitry, more cabling and the brake pedal clamp had

    to be redesigned to accommodate for the presence of the steering column in relation to the

    brake pedal.

    3.2 Trial PeriodThe technology fitted to the Ford Ranger and the Hino Trucks was trialled for a total of four

    months in a field environment. The technology still remains on the assigned trial vehicles.

    3.3 Trial ObjectivesTo determine the effectiveness of the technology, the trial consisted of three objectives:

    1. Determine whether Reverse Alert is a pro-active means of reducing the risks

    associated with people and moving plant (assessed from the perspective of the

    driver and by analysing reversing data collected during the trial).

    2. Determine whether Reverse Alert can be successfully installed and adapted to

    construction vehicles (assessed from the perspective of installation technicians

    and drivers).

    3. Determine if the technology is user friendly and doesnt distract the driver when

    operating the vehicle (driver feedback).

    4. Findings4.1 Trial Limitations

    Speed Data The field reversing tests were performed without any equipment that could identify the actual

    speed of the vehicle. As such, when the drivers were asked to reverse at a certain speed,

    there is the likelihood that the speed was not the speed recorded in this report. For example,

    there were multiple occasions where the light commercial vehicles appeared to be reversing

    at a greater speed than requested. It can be difficult controlling the speed of a Ranger

    (manual) because the vehicle can idle at approx. 7km/h. This limitation in the data has to be

    noted, given the absence of any workshop speed testing equipment.

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    4.2 Light Commercial VehiclesField reversing data was collected on three occasions during the trial. The data collection

    process involved the drivers reversing towards a human cut-out. The drivers were asked to

    reverse at certain speeds (watching the speedometer) and simply reverse the vehicle

    (without looking) until the brakes were applied automatically. These tests were performed in

    a controlled environment and each sensor/section of the Ranger was tested.

    For the testing the system was tested at three speeds 2kmh, 5km/h and 7km/h. When the

    brakes were applied and the vehicle stopped - the distance between vehicle and cut out was


    1.6m System

    Speed* Attempts Hits Avg



    2km/h 30 0 1.26m 100%5km/h 35 2 0.89m 94.2%

    7km/h 30 1 0.55m 96.6%*For the majority of tests the vehicle appeared to be reversing faster than requested.

    The system performed very well when tested at 2km/h, resulting in zero hits. At 5km/h the

    system did have two hits but on both occasions, it did appear the vehicle was reversing

    quicker than 5km/h. Moreover, both hits occurred in nearly the exact position middle of the

    vehicle. On both occasions the solenoid could be heard activating but the system didnt

    respond in time. Overall, a 94% success rate is excellent at 5km/h on loose dirt.

    At 7km/h the system also performed very well, with the one hit being on the left hand side of

    the vehicle. In this instance, the solenoid was again activated but the system didnt respondin time.

    Although the decision was made not to test past 7km/h, the 1.6m system responded quite

    well on loose dirt and as the driver indicated, there is no way he would ever reverse the

    vehicle above 5km/h. So, with that in mind the data is very positive. But to highlight the

    differences between reversing on concrete and loose dirt, the workshop tests found that the

    1.6m system was stopping 50cm from object when reversed at 10km/h. In comparison, the

    field reversing tests produced a 55cm (average) stopping distance at only 7km/h.

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    Observations and Interactions

    Slight Dead spot - This sounds strange given the 1.6m system had a 96.85% success

    rate (3 hits out of 95 attempts) but there appeared to be a slight dead spot in the

    middle of the Ranger. Two out of the three hits occurred in the middle and when data

    was being taken for testing undertaken on the middle of the Ranger, there was a

    distinct difference. For example, on one particular occasion a measurement of 20cm

    was recorded and this was when the vehicle was reversing at 2km/h. The only time

    the data was this low, apart from hits, was when the object was near the centre of the


    Stopping distances on cement (workshop) the Ranger would pull up nearly

    immediately; on the loose dirt there was a distinct delay in the vehicle coming to a

    complete halt.

    Contact When the vehicle made contact with the cut-out the solenoid could be

    heard activating. This indicates that the system did detect the object, but the vehicle

    could not stop in time.

    2.5m System

    Speed Attempts Hits Avg



    2km/h 10 0 1.79m 100%5km/h 15 0 1.73m 100%7km/h 15 0 1.42m 100%

    10km/h 2 1* 0.10m 50%*10km/h hit the Ranger only just touched the object speed appeared slightly higher than 10km/h. The hitdestroyed cut out, so further testing was abandoned.

    The average stopping distance between vehicle and cut out was superior to the 1.6m results.

    The system easily handled the tests at 7km/h with an average distance of 1.42m. Note the

    average distance for the 2km and 5km tests they are nearly the same. As mentioned

    previously, there are limitations with the speed data. In this instance it is clear that when the

    vehicle was meant to be travelling at 2km/h it was closer to 5km/h. That said, the tests did

    determine reliability of the system, even though the actual speed is not entirely accurate.

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    Observations and Interactions

    Slight Dead spot The distance between vehicle and object was again very low

    when the cut-out was in the centre of the vehicle. This, however, only occurred twice,

    but on these occasions the measurements were 70cm and 75cm at speeds of 2km/h

    and 5km/h respectively. This is the only time the distance between the cut-out and

    the object was that low, apart from the two tests at 10km/h. This was a significant

    drop given the results from other locations across the vehicle were averaging near

    the 2m mark.

    Technology Inspections

    During the trial the technology was inspected twice by SVG technicians to determine how the

    technology was holding up to the rigours of the industry. These inspections confirmed that

    the drivers were keeping the sensors very clean, but most importantly; the key components

    of the system were working as designed.

    Below Images: Testing of the 2.5m system

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    Driver Feedback


    Both drivers reported that they were happy with their respective systems. The drivers did

    mention that on occasions the terrain would activate the brake when in reverse, but they

    were confident in the use of the override button. The drivers also mentioned that on

    occasions when they were reverse parking, the system would not always detect the dirt

    mounds. The drivers were told that the due to the shape of the mound (round) the sensors

    would not always identify such objects due to the sensors signal simply bouncing off and not

    returning the signal. However, drivers should never rely on the technology to stop the

    vehicle, as this has the potential for bad habits to emerge. Person B does mention the

    potential for this in his written feedback sheet.

    This is an extremely important piece of feedback. When drivers are operating a vehicle fitted

    with the Reverse Alert system they need to continue with all existing reversing procedures.

    The technology is an aid only and is not infallible. It should not be relied on when reversing.

    For example, when reversing the vehicle the driver still needs to scan the mirrors and use

    the reversing camera. The automatic braking technology supplements existing company

    procedures in relation to reversing. Any future roll out of the technology will need to beaccompanied by a rigorous induction that educates drivers on the role of the technology

    within a company safety policy context.

    Feedback Sheet (Likert Scale)

    The written feedback from both drivers was very positive. The feedback sheets for Person A

    and Person B are included in this report as Appendix A and Appendix B.

    Person A 1.6m System

    The following are responses to key components of the feedback sheet:

    Understanding that the system could apply the brake, I was more aware when reversing thevehicle Person A ticked Agree

    I found that the brake was being applied too often Person A ticked Disagree

    In my opinion, I believe that automatic braking technology should be considered for furtheruse across the civil construction industry Person A ticked Agree

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    Person B 2.5m System

    The following are responses to key components of the feedback sheet:

    Understanding that the system could apply the brake, I was more aware when reversing thevehicle Person B ticked Strongly Agree

    I found that the brake was being applied too often Person B ticked Strongly Disagree

    In my opinion, I believe that automatic braking technology should be considered for furtheruse across the civil construction industry Person B ticked Agree

    4.3 Hino Trucks As with the trials on the Rangers, the Hino trucks were reversed toward a cut-out at various

    speeds 2km/h and 5km/h. These tests were conducted on loose dirt. All areas of the truck

    were tested and measurements were taken to ensure the tests identified the locations and

    extent of any dead spots. As mentioned previously, there are limitations with the speed data,

    but it has to be said the drivers of the trucks appeared to be consistently reversing very close

    to the requested speed 2km/h and 5km.

    Cut-out used in the truck testing

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    Observations and Interactions

    Notable dead spots when using only 4 sensors on a truck.

    Obvious delay with the line truck coming to a complete halt.

    Drivers reported that they never applied the brake (even with hits). However, the

    brakes had been applied by the technology. So when the truck made contact with the

    cut-out, the system had detected it, but the late detection meant that the brakes were

    applied too late to avoid impact.

    EWP Truck

    Speed Attempts Hits Avg



    2km/h 25 0 1.2m 100%5km/h 25 3* 0.57m 88%

    *One hit only just made contact with the cut-out.

    The results from the EWP Truck were consistent, and while there were dead spots across

    the rear of the truck, these areas of weakness were not as pronounced as the Line Truck.

    This could be explained by the difference in the design of the two trucks, which resulted in avariance with regard to the effectiveness of the sensor coverage. The dead spots were

    approximately 50cm to 70cm from the edge of the trucks (both sides), and the right corner

    was not adequately covered due to the need for the sensor to be angle closer to the middle

    of the truck.

    As the above data indicates, the system performed extremely well at 2km/h. From 25

    reversing attempts, on 18 occasions the measurements ranged from 1m to 1.5m, with 13 of

    these being a measurement of 1.5m from truck to cut-out. On the other hand, the testing of

    the dead spots resulted in data ranging from 30cm to 90cm (7 tests), which brought the

    average stopping distance down. When the reversing speed was increased to 5km/h only

    three hits were recorded. These hits occurred when testing the regions that were identified

    as having poor sensor coverage during the 2km/h tests. As was the case with the Line truck,

    the testing of these dead spots at 5km/h either resulted in contact with, or the truck only just

    stopping before the cut-out. For example, on five occasions the truck stopped approx. 5cm

    from the object.

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    It is important to note the results from testing the regions that were identified as having

    strong sensor coverage, resulted in extremely positive data. On six occasions the truckstopped 1m to 1.2m from the object and on four occasions the truck stopped 75cm to 85cm

    from the cut out. This data indicates that if additional sensors were utilised, the average

    stopping distance at 5km/h would be significantly higher, and the system would most likely

    respond favourably to speeds around 7km/h. Obviously, any speed over 7km/h is not ideal

    from an operational sense however it is encouraging to see the potential of the system.

    It has to be noted that after the Line Truck testing and prior to the EWP testing the SVG

    technician slightly tightened the brake pedal clamp on the EWP Truck. This could explain the

    difference in the data between the trucks. It was obvious that the EWP was stopping faster

    than the Line truck, so to ensure that the braking was not an issue for the driver, the

    manager was asked whether the braking was appropriate. He said that the brakes were

    within reason.

    Overall, the EWP results are encouraging given that only 4 sensors were utilised and a truck

    with a GVM of 12,000kg was stopping well before the cut out.

    Observations and Interactions

    Obvious that the EWP was stopping quicker than the Line Truck.

    Dead spots were evident, but not to the extent of the Line Truck.

    On the occasions that contact was made with the object the driver reported that the

    brake had been applied by the technology, but too late to bring the vehicle to a

    complete stop before hitting the object.

    Driver Feedback

    Verbal - Person C

    Before the trial was finalised both drivers were interviewed in relation to their experiences

    with the technology. Person C gave some feedback about the use of the override button on

    the EWP truck. The driver had raised a very important issue: because the truck sometimes

    has to reverse in remote locations with dense scrub, a reverse hill start holding the override

    button was very difficult (manual truck). He stated that even in park mode (40cm detection),

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    the extreme angle would still activate the braking system. Furthermore, he mentioned that

    sometimes the truck must reverse long distances in remote environments with hangingbranches which could result in the system being activated. In short, the driver was indicating

    that in some circumstances, especially remote environments where there is little risk to

    pedestrians, the driver may need the ability to turn off the system by flicking a switch rather

    than having to hold the override button for extended periods.

    To date the Reverse Alert system has been utilised in the passenger vehicle market, taxi and

    road transport industries, and those drivers only had to hold the override button for a

    maximum of five seconds in the event that the use of park mode would not allow the driver to

    reverse the vehicle past a piece of terrain. Therefore, the activities of the Thiess Energy

    Division presented a new challenge. After hearing the feedback from the driver, it was

    agreed that the current use of override, at least for the Thiess Energy division, needed

    improving: the need for the driver to have one hand off the steering wheel to hold the

    override for an extended period of time needed to be addressed immediately. As such, an

    easier way to override the system on the EWP truck was introduced before the next driving

    shift: a switch was installed in the cabin of the truck, so that if the driver was off road in

    remote environments and needed the system off for a period of time, the driver would simply

    flick the switch. When the switch was activated this disabled the solenoid and a buzzer

    sounded, alerting the driver to the fact that the system was turned off. When the system was

    turned back on the buzzer ceased. SVG is considering options for how this type of option

    might be incorporated into future commercial versions of the product.

    Person D

    When Person D was interviewed in relation to his experiences, he reported that the brake

    was activating too often. When he was asked in what circumstances/environments the brake

    was activating, he responded that when attempting to manoeuvre in traffic to turn the truck

    around the brake would activate. In this instance it was obvious that the driver was not using

    the Park Mode/P Button. If the driver had pressed the park mode button, the sensor range

    would be reduced to 40cm, allowing the driver to manoeuvre the truck in tight situations.

    The driver also mentioned a situation where the brake was activated but there were no

    objects/people in close proximity to the truck. Person D was of the belief that a pedestrian 50

    metres away triggered the system, but this is impossible given the sensors have a range of

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    1.6m. It was, however, explained to Person D that on occasions the angle/slope of the land

    could have triggered the system.

    Another piece of feedback from Person D was in relation to the brakes. Person D was of the

    belief that they were engaged too aggressively and applied too hard. It was explained to the

    driver that the brakes can be adjusted to be softer, but doing so will result in an increased

    stopping distance in the event the truck needs to stop before making contact with a person or


    In response to Person Ds verbal feedback about the brakes being too aggressive, two

    managers were asked what they thought about the braking. Both managers reported that the

    brakes were fine and within reason. These managers were driving the trucks when data was

    being collected, so they were experiencing continuous episodes of braking and at speeds of

    approx. 5km/h.

    Feedback Sheet (Likert Scale)

    The written feedback from Person C was very positive. Person D on the other hand was not

    supportive of the technology, but did agree that the technology made him more aware when

    reversing. The feedback sheets for Person C and Person D are included in this report as

    Appendix C and Appendix D.

    Person C 1.6m System (Trucks)

    The following are responses to key components of the feedback sheet:

    Understanding that the system could apply the brake, I was more aware when reversing thevehicle Person C ticked Strongly Agree

    I found that the brake was being applied too often Person C ticked Disagree.

    In my opinion, I believe that automatic braking technology should be considered for furtheruse across the civil construction industry Person C ticked Agree.

    Person D 1.6m System (Trucks)

    The following are responses to key components of the feedback sheet:

    Understanding that the system could apply the brake, I was more aware when reversing thevehicle Person D ticked Agree

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    I found that the brake was being applied too often Person B ticked Strongly Agree.

    In my opinion, I believe that automatic braking technology should be considered for furtheruse across the civil construction industry Person D ticked Strongly Disagree

    Technology Inspections

    The technology was inspected on two occasions during the trial to determine whether the

    equipment was holding up to the demands of the industry. No problems were identified

    during the trial and the system was performing as expected.

    5. Summary of Resul ts and Recommendations5.1 Light Commercial Vehicles

    Taking into consideration the data and the feedback, the technology worked very well on the

    light commercial vehicles. While the data from the 2.5m system shows a significantly better

    result with regard to the stopping distance between the cut-out to the vehicle, it has to be

    noted that this system will detect too many objects in an urban or even a shopping centre

    environment. For example, if the driver was at a shopping centre car park waiting to reverse

    out of a car park, the system would detect a high number of vehicles driving past. As such,

    the driver would quickly become annoyed with the system.

    The purpose of the technology is to prevent incidents on a construction site from occurring,

    and in that sense the 2.5m system would work. However, not all sites are like the QGC Coal

    Seam Gas project with plenty of open space. Therefore, taking into consideration that the

    1.6m system performed well at 7km/h, and given that the drivers' stated they would hardly

    ever reverse quicker than 5km/h, it is recommended that the Light Commercial vehicles use

    a system that detects at 2m. A 2m system gives a good balance between safety/preventionand what is practical. For SVG this is just a matter of programming and not an issue to

    supply industry with a system that detects at 2m.

    In relation to the slight dead spot in the middle of the Ranger, this could be addressed by the

    use of the larger 6/8 sensor system. The additional sensors would provide more coverage

    across the rear of the vehicle. In addition, surface mounts could make the sensors easier to

    install where appropriate.

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    Having said that, the 4 sensor system would work fine, as evidenced by the feedback and

    data collected throughout the trial. Even with the slight dead spot, the 4 sensor systemperformed extremely well: the light vehicle reversing trials produced a success percentage of

    97% (133 out 137 attempts).

    Light Commercial Vehicle Recommendation

    1. 2m system with 40cm park mode2. Either 6/8 sensor system or 4 sensor system.

    5.2 TrucksThe 4 sensor system that was installed on both trucks is not sufficient and does not provide

    adequate coverage across the rear of the truck. However, the reversing data obtained from

    the trial highlights the potential of the system in stopping trucks before they make contact

    with an object.

    Moreover, the feedback from both drivers indicated that the technology made them more

    aware when reversing. While Person D was not supportive of the automatic braking system,

    the underlying causes of the feedback may be related to the driver not being familiar with the

    use of the Park Mode. On the other hand, Person C appeared satisfied with the technology,

    especially when the use of Override mode was modified to take into consideration the tasks

    of the EWP truck.

    Overall, the truck reversing tests produced a 91.1% success rate (103 out 113 attempts).

    The trial found that when testing was performed where sensor coverage was strong, there

    was a significant distance between the truck and the cut out after stopping, even at 5km/h.

    An encouraging result given that the 4 sensor system is not ideal for trucks. To be more

    effective, it is recommended that the trucks be fitted with the 6/8 sensor system. With thisconfiguration the trucks could easily manage reversing speeds of 5km/h and slightly higher.

    As such, the 1.6m system should be sufficient, but if industry believe that it is imperative for a

    truck to be capable of stopping even if travelling in reverse at speeds of up to 7km/h, a 2m

    system would be recommended.

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    Truck Recommendation

    1. 2m system with 40cm park mode2. 6/8 sensor system

    6. Future Reverse Alert Designs and Developments

    6/8 Sensor Syst em

    The research and development for the 6/8 sensor system will be finalised in mid-October2013. This system will be predominantly for trucks, but can also be applied to light

    commercial vehicles. The additional sensors provide for additional flexibility during

    installation to ensure the rear of the vehicle receives adequate coverage across its entirety.

    Surface Mounts

    The surface mounts will be ready in late October 2013 and will be available for use in some

    installations in place of the drop down bars. These specially designed mounts can make theinstallation process quicker and easier, and the sensors less conspicuous. The surface

    mounts also offer an increased level of flexibility, allowing greater coverage across the rear

    of the vehicle.

    Surface Mount that can be used in place of the Drop Bars for some installs.

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    Override Mode

    Due to the feedback from Person C in relation to the operations requirements of the EWP,

    SVG will be looking at options for redesigning the Override mode for future commercial

    versions of the product.

    Data Logger

    In the event that a reversing incident does occur, the supervisor can see whether the system

    was in override. The existence of the data logger will help ensure that drivers are not

    continuously overriding the system. The data logger will be introduced in December 2013.


    A proto-type system for trailers has been developed and is in the process of being trialled.

    This system will see sensors being installed to the rear of the trailer and when the vehicle is

    connected to the trailer, the sensors on the vehicle are disabled and the sensors on the

    trailer are activated. This system will be available in late 2013/early 2014.

    Tip Trucks

    Given the success of the Hino Trucks trials, SVG will commence a trial on a 10-12 tonne

    tipper in late October 2013. Field observations of various tippers in action have produced a

    number of ideas in relation to installation best practice. Now that the technology has been

    proven to be effective on the Hino trucks, any other applications on trucks is just a matter of

    determining where the sensors need to be placed to ensure adequate coverage.

    Hydrostatic Braking

    In late 2012, SVG installed a version of the Reverse Alert system to a skid steer loader that

    utilised hydrostatic braking systems. As the loader does not have a traditional braking

    system, a universal brake pedal clamp cannot be used in this instance. Another method tostop the bobcat was designed which still involved the use of sensors on the rear of the

    bobcat. Video footage of the bobcat was sent to various people in the civil construction

    industry, generating numerous requests for SVG to design something for loaders and other

    items of plant. While the front end loader design only took one week to get to proof-of-

    concept stage, more research needs to be undertaken before such technology is trialled on a

    larger scale. In mid to late 2014 SVG plans to be able to commit resources to resume work

    on the hydrostatic version of the Reverse Alert system.

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    Appendix A Person A Feedback Sheet (Light Commercial)

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    Appendix B Person B Feedback Sheet (Light Commercial)

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    Appendix C Person C Feedback Sheet (Trucks)

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    Appendix D Person D Feedback Sheet (Trucks)