think its harder to be a healthy parent in this generation

Think Its Harder to Be a Healthy Parent in This Generation? There are great challenges to being a good parent and its essential to be amore equipped mother and father in the days and times. With a stressful economy for our younger parents, resources are hard to come by. While children cost more to rear, parents have lesser income to support their children. Below are some helpful tips to make the most of parenting so children have what they need to be healthy and strong in their growing years.

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Post on 24-Mar-2016




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Page 1: Think its harder to be a healthy parent in this generation

Think Its Harder to Be a Healthy Parent in This Generation?

There are great challenges to being a good parent and its essential to be amore equipped mother and father in the days and times. With a stressful economy for our younger parents, resources are hard to come by. While children cost more to rear, parents have lesser income to support their children. Below are some helpful tips to make the most of parenting so children have what they need to be healthy and strong in their growing years.

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Tips to Help Children Develop Healthy Habits

When you are the most responsible person in the family to ensure YOUR children’s health, you need to develop healthy habits in them early in life, so that they can receive lifelong benefits. As a parent, its essential to encourage them, each and every moment, to take good care of their health. Development of personal values which leads to taking responsibility for leading an active and fit life will be greatly appreciated, later in life.

Here are some tips and guidelines to get started with your children in developing healthy habits.

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Tips and Guidelines

Be a good role model – Though you do not have to be perfect all the time, just make sure that your children consider you as a role model that they would be proud to follow. Demonstrate how to eat healthy, exercise daily to remain active and healthy most of the time. While being perfect is not realistic, showing the effort, staying committed to these ideals will impress and later be imbued to the child in their lives.

The following healthy habits for developing healthy children and possibly future generations are highly recommended.

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Keep things positive – Children react negatively to being told what they should do. Try telling any kid, “You can’t leave the table until you have eaten your vegetables”. An alternative would be to give the child choices of vegetables or look at meals as explorations to find what vegetables the child can eat. This will make for a positive experience seeking together what the child prefers rather than perceiving him or her as rebellious. Unknown to most, our sense of smell, many times, is tied to our desire to nourish ourselves with a specific food containing missing nutrients in the body. Working with your child to find what is needed will avoid the power struggle that parents typically run into. Instead you will be developing a healthy outlook in your child that adults will work with you.

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Now, its understandable that this requires patience and parents can’t always be at their best. So let this article be an encouragement to you try and work with your children so that later on you will not get caught in methods that actually will take more time in the future. I can’t tell you how many kids get stuck in negative activities like drugs, early pregnancy, or runaway, just because the child perceived the parent as unable to listen, communicate through the heart. However, when a parent can do it more than 70% or more of the time, the more positive your child’s outlook will tend to be.

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Get the whole family moving – Take time to walk, cycling, swimming or an organized sport if you need the extra support. Do whatever it takes because the returns on your health are life extending. The increase of blood flow through the filters of the body, liver and spleen (somewhat), helps to clean the blood thus detoxing or cleansing all the organs in the body. The result is a higher functioning body that is able to maintain its health easier otherwise known as immunity. Starting this pattern in a child’s life, early, will increase the likelihood of the child maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

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Additionally, keep in mind that, not every child can perform the same level of physical activity. Its important to not push them beyond their capability. Recognize that point, for the child, that over-stresses the child where they lose interest in exercise or feel defeated and lose confidence. At the point of exceeding their limits, encourage them and teach them to back up a little. Then gradually come back to the challenging level.

They will find that they will eventually surpass the barrier with patience. There have been so many examples of this success (Shaquille O’Neil, Bruce Lee, and many more)

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Allow the child to choose their preferred physical activity to stay healthy. Whatever provides a sense of fun and enjoyment will them further than the physical activity that’s popular. If the athletic endeavor is both popular and a favorite then fine but everyone involved needs to remember the delight in effort, the activity not the result. If that becomes apart of the activity then OK but the athlete needs to remember the original inspiration to stay with the activity in the long run.

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Supplements for Health– Our food has become deficient of nutrients. Our children’s physical conditions are indicative of this fact. We have so many ailments that didn’t exist until recently. We must nourish to cover the lack developed by well intentioned scientists who have lost touch with the lessons of natural agriculture for the sake of corporate profit. There are good supplements but more testing is needed to verify effectiveness.

Anytime a culture (Chinese) has 5000 years to study what works and what doesn’t, then that medicinal practice needs to be respected over studies only lasting 200 years (U.S.A.), at most. Chinese herbs are very efficient in fulfilling the nutritional and vitamin levels in our body.

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Chinese herbal remedies are helpful in maintaining a healthy and illness-free life. Many ailments are resolved in very short amounts of time (1 hour to 5 days). For children who are sick, natural, nourishing, correcting medicines make more sense than more chemicals that are already polluting our children’s bodies as well as our adult bodies. Now some of the supplements are becoming more like the chemical medicines, So parents need to investigate this more. There are many supplements that are being made like chemical medicines with all their side effects. Parents need to advise their children what really works from experience. Chinese herbal medicine has been taken by 100s of million people to prove its effectiveness with very, very little negative results.

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Provide your children with the awareness of good beneficial supplements that truly work. Its vital that children are aware of supplements so they are to using them when they are older the benefit continues. Did you know that Chinese medicine herbalists have developed highly effective herbs for children’s ailments that resolve in less than a hour. Where as, there isn’t an effective remedy in other methods of treatment.