"think title 1 is boring? think again." official handout for acet 4.11.12

Chris Shade, Spring ACET Conference, April 11, 2012 3:45 PM 1 | Page www.facebook.com/cshadedentonisd “Think Title 1 is Boring? Think Again.” Official Handout

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This is the "official" handout with notes from my session, "Think Title 1 is Boring? Think Again." presented at 3:45 PM at the ACET Spring Conference in Austin, TX.


Page 1: "Think Title 1 is Boring? Think Again." Official Handout for ACET 4.11.12

Chris Shade, Spring ACET Conference, April 11, 2012 3:45 PM 1 | P a g e www.facebook.com/cshadedentonisd

“Think Title 1 is Boring? Think Again.” Official Handout

Page 2: "Think Title 1 is Boring? Think Again." Official Handout for ACET 4.11.12

Chris Shade, Spring ACET Conference, April 11, 2012 3:45 PM 2 | P a g e www.facebook.com/cshadedentonisd

Here’s the deal our parents signed up for: Our world is filled with factories. Factories that make widgets and insurance and websites, factories that make movies and take care of sick people and answer the telephone. These factories need workers. If you learn how to be one of these workers, if you pay attention in school, follow instructions, show up on time, and try hard, we will take care of you. We will pay you a lot of money, give you health insurance, and offer you job security. It was the American Dream. It worked.

But in the face of competition and technology, the bargain has fallen apart. Job growth is flat at best. Wages in many industries are in a negative cycle. The middle class is under siege like never before, and the future appears dismal. People are no longer being taken care of—pensions are gone; 401(k)s have been sliced in half; and it’s hard to see where to go from here. It’s futile to work hard at restoring the take-care-of-you bargain. The bargain is gone and it’s not worth whining about and it’s not effective to complain. There’s a new bargain now, one that leverages talent and creativity and art more than it rewards obedience.

Page 3: "Think Title 1 is Boring? Think Again." Official Handout for ACET 4.11.12

Chris Shade, Spring ACET Conference, April 11, 2012 3:45 PM 3 | P a g e www.facebook.com/cshadedentonisd

Do you remember the old American Dream?

Keep your head down. Follow instructions. Show up on time. Work hard. Suck it up. …you will be rewarded.

That dream is over.

Page 4: "Think Title 1 is Boring? Think Again." Official Handout for ACET 4.11.12

Chris Shade, Spring ACET Conference, April 11, 2012 3:45 PM 4 | P a g e www.facebook.com/cshadedentonisd

The new American Dream is this: Be remarkable. Be generous. Create art. Make judgment calls. Connect people and idea. …and we have no choice to reward you.

Imagine a stack of 400 quarters. Each quarter represents 250 years of human culture, and the entire stack signifies the 100,000 years we’ve had organized human tribes. Take the top quarter off the stack. This one quarter represents how many years our society has revolved around factories and jobs and the world as we see it. The other 399 coins stand for a very different view of commerce, economy, and culture.

Most white-collar workers wear white collars, but they’re still working in the factory. They push a pencil or process an application or type on a keyboard instead of operating a [machine]. The white-collar job was supposed to save the middle class, because it was machine-proof. Of course, machines have replaced those workers. If we can measure it, we can do it faster. If we can put it in a manual, we can outsource it. If we can outsource it, we can get it cheaper.

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The new form of marketing is leadership, and leadership is about building tribes and connecting tribes of like-minded people.

Of course, we’ve always had tribes. Mostly 3: a church…

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…a job (one factory per town)…

…local tribe

But with the advent of the internet, specialized “like-minded” tribes with

similar interests could be formed.

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The rodeo is a central gathering for one tribe.

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While Rodeo (Drive) is the gathering point for another.

There’s a principals’ tribe, and a Federal Programs’ Directors’ tribe.

For tens of thousands of years, our nomadic ways, small villages, and lack of transport kept the world small. The key unit of tribal measures was the village or the nomadic tribe. When our community got too big, it split and people moved on—we needed to know the people in our tribe, and since we couldn’t process more than 150 people, we divided. We had a brotherhood, an extended family, people who watched our back, helped us succeed, and did business with us.

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Technology (travel, communication, and manufactured goods) meant that a few thousand years ago, a great leap of productivity was ready to occur. This leap could only occur if we had more people to trade with, more people to hire and interact with. We could make the leap if we were able to make the world bigger. This need to make the world bigger, though, conflicted with our cultural and biological desire to keep the world small.

A lot of the stress we feel in the modern world comes from this conflict between the small world in which we’re wired to exist and the large world we use to make a living.

The biblical proscription against usury goes all the way back to Moses. The rule was simple: you couldn’t charge interest on a loan to anyone in your tribe. Strangers, on the other hand, paid interest.

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The Protestant Reformation permitted the explosion of commerce that led to the world we live in now. Commercial interests supported its spread because they needed the moral authority to lend and borrow money.

The merchant has no


Which 20 can we rake from the rubbish?

As Thomas Jefferson wrote, it created a world where “the merchant has no homeland.” If everyone was a stranger, then we can charge for things that used to be gifts.

The ban on usury was refined, double-talked, and eventually eliminated. The money flowed, investments were made, business grew, and productivity soared. People could view every transaction as a chance to lend or make money because they were independent agents. Everyone became a businessman, a borrower, or a lender.

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Chris Shade, Spring ACET Conference, April 11, 2012 3:45 PM 11 | P a g e www.facebook.com/cshadedentonisd

The ban on usury was refined, double-talked, and eventually eliminated. The money flowed, investments were made, business grew, and productivity soared. People could view every transaction as a chance to lend or make money because they were independent agents. Everyone became a businessman, a borrower, or a lender.

For the last 500 years, the best way to succeed has been to treat everyone as a stranger you do business with. We’ve abandoned the idea of a village as a tribe. Instead, we’re left with the tribe of our birth family and the tribe at work. Human beings have a need for a tribe, but the makeup of that tribe has changed, probably forever. Now, the tribe is composed of our coworkers or our best customers, not only our family or our village or religious group. The best professional entanglements aren’t with strangers; they are with the tribe.

Tribe members are family, and we shouldn’t be charging them interest! Tighter bonds produce better results, and so the gift culture returns. Full circle, from gift to usury and back to gift. A loan without interest is a gift. A gift brings tribe members closer together.

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3 ways people give gifts: 1) Give me a gift!

2) Here’s a gifts; now you owe me, big-time.

3) Here’s a gift, I love you.

Page 13: "Think Title 1 is Boring? Think Again." Official Handout for ACET 4.11.12

Chris Shade, Spring ACET Conference, April 11, 2012 3:45 PM 13 | P a g e www.facebook.com/cshadedentonisd

My gift to you is to make Title 1 not BORING!

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The CNA is like romance





personal space interests




STAAR is kind of like…

Think of a healthy marriage on a Venn Diagram…

…if you focus too much on 1 area, the rest will suffer and diminishing the value and opportunity for the 1 area you desire. To say that examining one point of data to drive the plan is to suggest that it will fix all the others…i.e. sex…

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personal space interests




STAAR is kind of like…SEX

…if you focus too much on 1 area, the rest will suffer and diminishing the value and opportunity for the 1 area you desire. To say that examining one point of data to drive the plan is to suggest that it will fix all the others…i.e. sex…

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You’re shocked. I know. But if it wasn’t for sex, you wouldn’t have jobs!

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TEA’s view of district and campus improvement plans:

• Is this a living, breathing document?

• Are time lines established?

• Are goals realistic/attainable?

• Are activities high quality?

• Are objectives measurable?

• Is the evaluation system related to the measurable objectives and then to the goals?

• Do the goals and objectives of the campus plan relate to the district goals?

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But, let’s pause for a moment before we begin.

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You have a classroom of 20 students.

The district administers a benchmark assessment.

You have limited resources to provide tutorials to 7 students.

How will you decide which students to tutor?


You have a classroom of 20 students. The district administers a benchmark assessment. You have limited resources to provide tutorials to 7 students. How will you decide which students to tutor?








0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21





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You see, you offer good, sound instruction to ALL 20 students throughout the school day using all of the resources you have been provided.

Good sound instruction for all

You offer good, sound instruction to all 20 students.

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But, you have limited resources (time and supplemental materials) to provide supplemental instruction (i.e. before/after school tutorials).You must target these resources to the students identified most in need (i.e. the 7 students most in need of additional assistance from the previous graph).

Target supplemental resources to student

identified most in need

You have limited resources to provide additional instruction. You must target these resources to the students identified in need.

The purpose of this title [Title I, Part A] is to ensure that all children have a fair, equal, and significant opportunity to obtain a high-quality education and reach, at a minimum, proficiency on challenging State academic achievement standards and state academic assessments.


Title I?

The purpose of this title (Title I, Part A) is to ensure that all children have a fair, equal, and significant opportunity to obtain a high-quality education and reach, at a minimum, proficiency on challenging State academic achievement standards and state academic assessments.

— That’s a lot of zeroes!

Denton ISD received $2.5 million in Title I, Part A funds in 2011-12*

*not including maximum entitlements and roll forward (unspent funds from 2010-11)

Denton ISD received $2.8 million in Title I, Part A funds in 2010-11.

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.1 20





.9 33



.1 36





.2 47









.8 76

.7 79














.1 48





.6 69








.53 2




.32 2





.4 35












72 7














.83 23





.47 47

.75 5


1 56






















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Free & Reduced Lunch Percentages Comparing 2010-11 to 2011-12May be eligible for T1 funds if over 40%; May be eligible for Targeted Assistance T1 funds if over 35%Note: Only elementary and middle schools are funded with Title 1 dollars in Denton ISD)

There is a common misconception about Title I funding. When additional campuses are added, federal funding does NOT increase. The money is divided amongst more campuses.It would be the same as having 12 kids over sharing a large pizza with each kid getting 1 slide of a 12-slice pizza. If 3 more kids knocked on the door, you’d have to take the 12 slides back (before they eat them), and slice it 15 ways thus providing smaller pieces to all.

There is a common misconception about Title campuses. When additional campuses are added, federal funding does NOT increase. The pie is divided amongst more campuses. It would be the same as having 12 kids over at your house sharing a pizza together. Each kid gets 1 slide of a 12-slice pizza. But, if 3 kids show up at the door, you have to take the 12 slides back (before they eat them), and slide it 15 ways.

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Parent Involvement


Professional Development






Indirect Costs 1.89%

Reading Recovery (6)


DLL (8)23.47%

MS Support Teacher (1)



Campus Allocations


# free & reduced (FR) lunch students

x per pupil amount (PPA)

campus Title I funds

Denton ISD Title I 2011-12 Campus Allocations

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Denton ISD Title I 2011-12 Campus Allocations

Denton ISD schoolwide* (SW) campuses that receive Title I funds *SW campuses (over 40% poverty) do not have to identify particular children as eligible for services

Denton ISD Title I 2011-12 Campus Allocations

Percentage of students that qualify for free and reduced (FR) lunch

Denton ISD Title I 2011-12 Campus Allocations

Per Pupil Amount (PPA) *$205 PPA for elementary/middle school campuses *$107 PPA for targeted assistance campuses

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Denton ISD Title I 2011-12 Campus Allocations

Salaries paid from campus Title I, Part A funds

Denton ISD Title I 2011-12 Campus Allocations

Campus Title I, Part A funds available to spend on staff development, services (such as tutorials, consultants, etc.) supplies and materials, etc.

Denton ISD Title I 2011-12 Campus Allocations

Title I, Part A funding set aside for private nonprofit (PNP) schools that serve eligible students of poverty from Denton ISD attendance zones

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Denton ISD Title I 2011-12 Campus Allocations

Title I, Part A funding set aside for private nonprofit (PNP) schools that serve eligible students of poverty from Denton ISD attendance zones

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Costs that are consistent with prudent business practice and comparable to current market value.


You must be able to respond appropriately to and maintain documentation for each of the following questions to determine whether an expenditure would be allowable:

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…Title I may fill in the other 1/2

DISD provides ½ of a reading interventionist& ½ of a math interventionist

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to add to, to enhance, to expand, to increase, to extend.

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Supplantto take the place of, to replace

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A comprehensive needs assessment of the entire school (including taking into account the needs of migratory children) that is based on information on the performance of children in relation to the state content and student performance standards.

Schoolwide reform strategies that— provide opportunities for all children to meet the state’s proficient and advanced levels of student performance; use effective methods and instructional strategies that are based on scientifically based research that—

strengthen the core academic program in the school; increase the amount and quality of learning time, such as providing an extended school year, before- and after-school and summer programs, and help provide an enriched and accelerated curriculum; and include strategies for meeting the educational needs of historically underserved populations.

include strategies to address the needs of all children in the school, but particularly the needs of children of low-achieving children and those at risk of not meeting the state student academic achievement standards who are members of the target population of any program that is included in the schoolwide program, which may include

counseling, pupil services, and mentoring services; college and career awareness and preparation, such as college and career guidance, personal finance education, and innovative

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teaching methods, which may include applied learning and team-teaching strategies; and the integration of vocational and technical education programs; and

address how the campus will determine if such needs have been met; and are consistent with, and are designed to implement, the state and local improvement plans, if any.

Instruction by highly qualified teachers.

High-quality, ongoing professional development for teachers, principals, and paraprofessionals and, if appropriate, pupil services personnel, parents, and other staff to enable all children in the school to meet the state’s student academic achievement standards.

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Strategies to attract high-quality highly qualified teachers to high-need schools.

Strategies to increase parental involvement in accordance with Section 1118, such as family literacy services.

Plans for assisting preschool children in the transition from early childhood programs, such as Head Start, Even Start, Early Reading First, or a state-run preschool program, to local elementary school programs.

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Measures to include teachers in the decisions regarding the use of academic assessments described in section 1111(b)(3) in order to provide information on, and to improve, the performance of individual students and the overall instructional program.

Activities to ensure that students who experience difficulty mastering the proficient or advanced levels of academic achievement standards shall be provided with effective, timely additional assistance, which shall include measures to ensure that students’ difficulties are identified on a timely basis and to provide sufficient information on which to base effective assistance.

Coordination and integration occurs between federal, state, and local services and programs, including programs under NCLB, violence prevention programs, nutrition programs, housing programs, Head Start, adult education, vocational and technical education, and job training.

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There are certain requirements come with federal funds…In 2008, there were 35 compliance indicators.In 2009, there were 84 compliance indicators.In 2010, there were 113 compliance indicators.In 2011, there are 141 compliance indicators.

There are certain requirements come with federal funds.

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Think Title 1 is boring? Think again. This [free] open-source website is the place for educators who work with Title 1 funds to share ideas, forms, spreadsheets, presentations, etc. to help meet the Title compliance indicators and to aid in the implementation of best practices on campuses that receive Title 1 funds. So, browse around, lend your expertise and help others by adding to the site, and <insert Title 1 here>. The following set of slides is a guide of how to share content on the <insert Title 1 here> website (https://sites.google.com/site/inserttitle1here/).

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1. Sign up for a Google Sites account.

2. Send an email requesting “permission” to [email protected] with your name and email address. 3. Wait for approval to be granted “site permission.”

4. Sign-in to the website by clicking the “Sign In” tab at https://sites.google.com/site/inserttitle1here/. Click the link, https://sites.google.com/, which will take you to the following screen…

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5. Enter your “Email” and “Password” and click “Sign in.”

6. Click on <inserttitle1here> under “My sites” which redirects you to https://sites.google.com/site/inserttitle1here/.

7. Click on Documents and Resources.

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8. Click on any one of the 10 components (i.e. Strategies to increase parental involvement).

9. To view a document someone has created, click “View.” 10. To download a document someone has created, click “Download.” 11. To share a document you’ve created, click “Add file.” (See next slide for additional steps for uploading a document.)

12. Click “Browse” to find the file on your computer. 13. Enter a “File description” (i.e. “Denton ISD Calhoun MS Campus Parent Involvement Policy”). 14. Click “Upload.”

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15. Click on “Blog.” 16. Click on a blog post (such as “1% Parent Involvement Funds”).

17. Click on the “+” next to “Comments.”

18. Enter a response in the “Comments” section and click “Add comment.”

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19. To have a video (i.e. from YouTube) uploaded to the site, email [email protected] with the YouTube video website address.

20. To suggest books to read, click on “Reading Recommended Reading List” on the right-hand side of the screen.

21. Enter the “Author” (i.e. Jensen, Eric), the “Title” (Teaching with Poverty in Mind), and “Description” (Veteran educator and brain expert Eric Jensen takes an unflinching look at how poverty hurts children, families, and communities across the United States and demonstrates how schools can improve the academic achievement and life readiness of economically disadvantaged students.), and click “Save.”

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What still feels like nailing Jell-o to the wall (hard to do or understand)?

Page 57: "Think Title 1 is Boring? Think Again." Official Handout for ACET 4.11.12

Chris Shade, Spring ACET Conference, April 11, 2012 3:45 PM 57 | P a g e www.facebook.com/cshadedentonisd

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Page 58: "Think Title 1 is Boring? Think Again." Official Handout for ACET 4.11.12

Chris Shade, Spring ACET Conference, April 11, 2012 3:45 PM 58 | P a g e www.facebook.com/cshadedentonisd

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Page 59: "Think Title 1 is Boring? Think Again." Official Handout for ACET 4.11.12

Chris Shade, Spring ACET Conference, April 11, 2012 3:45 PM 59 | P a g e www.facebook.com/cshadedentonisd