third evening ivl:ji,eting with canvassers...i _j third evening ivl:ji,eting with canvassers a....

I _J THIRD EVENING Ivl:Ji,E TING WITH CA NVASSERS A. Stocks or Bonds make excellent gifts in addition to regular proportion- ate giving. B. Techniques of Approach, Con'd. 11. You can't tell anyone what to give - you can direct their thinking; a. Giving should be in proportion to how God has blessed us. b. We testify to the low or high value we place upon Christ and the church by the nature of our gifts. c. It is never givin6 to Christian causes that empties the purse. The more we give, the more we have to give. God's multiplica- tion table goes further than ours. 12. This project is for everyone. A personal visit be made to all - rich and poor - old and young. Every person hould be given an opportunity to give in proportion to how much he loves God. 13. Stress orderly and Chrsitain pledging, especially on a weekly basis. We pledge in all phases of life. Why not with God! 14. God expects us to provide spiritual training as well as physical and intellectual. Too often the latter are at the expense of the former. 15. Visualize yourself going back with a larg e siz ed subscription. One is in no position to judge that which m ight come from a lo ving heart. Expect big things! 16. A challenging gift challenge s other3. Filled w ith the Stewardship spirit and having sincerely made your own pledge , you can frankly discuss this with the person upon whom you call. 17. See that the pledge cards adequately and completely express the . int e ntion of the pledgers, and are accurately made out. There should be no careless or slipshod methods in Christain giving. 18. Be sure to make all pertinent notes of value to the church on the Family Information Card. 19. Take no subscriptions in advance. Make de finite appointment to call upon individual in his home. Canvasser makes own pledge on Sunday before le aving for v isitation . His family is called upon the same as other families. 20. Never l eave a subscription card in any hom e. Make a definite appo intmen t to return to secure the pledge. 21. 8ain or shine - k ee p faith with the who wer e told ou would call upon them. The church has made a date for YK 22. Ev8ry card is a sacred trust. fulfillment . you. ee p it. Carry that tr ust out to its

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Page 1: THIRD EVENING Ivl:Ji,ETING WITH CANVASSERS...I _J THIRD EVENING Ivl:Ji,ETING WITH CANVASSERS A. Stocks or Bonds make excellent gifts in addition to regular proportion-ate giving. B




A. Stocks or Bonds make excellent gifts in addition to regular proportion-ate giving.

B. Techniques of Approach, Con'd.

11. You can't tell anyone what to give - you can direct their thinking; a. Giving should be in proportion to how God has blessed us. b. We testify to the low or high value we place upon Christ and

the church by the nature of our gifts. c. It is never givin6 to Christian causes that empties the purse.

The more we give, the more we have to give. God's multiplica-tion table goes further than ours.

12. This project is for everyone. A personal visit sho~ld be made to all - rich and poor - old and young. Every person s·hould be given an opportunity to give in proportion to how much he loves God.

13. Stress orderly and Chrsitain pledging, especially on a weekly basis. We pledge in all phases of life. Why not with God!

14. God expects us to provide spiritual training as well as physical and intellectual. Too often the latter are develope~ at the expense of the former.

15. Visualize yourself going back with a large sized subscription. One is in no position to judge that which might come from a lo ving heart. Expect big things!

16. A challenging gift challenges other3. Filled with the Stewardship spirit and having sincerely made your own pledge , you can frankly discuss this with the person upon whom you call.

17. See that the pledge cards adequately and completely express the . int ention of the pledgers, and are accurately made out. There should be no careless or slipshod methods in Christain giving.

18. Be sure to make all pertinent notes of value to the church on the Family Information Card.

19. Take no subscriptions in advance. Make definite appointment to call upon individual in his home. Canvasser makes own pledge on Sunday before l eaving for visitation . His family is called upon the same as other families.

20. Never l eave a subscription card in any home . Make a definite appointment to return to secure the pledge.

21. 8ain or shine - keep faith with the ~eopl e who were told ou would call upon them. The church has made a date for YK

22. Ev8ry card is a sacred trust. fulfillment .

you. eep it. Carry that trust out to its

Page 2: THIRD EVENING Ivl:Ji,ETING WITH CANVASSERS...I _J THIRD EVENING Ivl:Ji,ETING WITH CANVASSERS A. Stocks or Bonds make excellent gifts in addition to regular proportion-ate giving. B


You go as AMBASSADORS of the South Britain Congregational Church -doing God's work.


A. Before entering the home

1. AGAIN STUDY INFORl\liATION CARD (a) Names of all members of the family (b) Relationships to the church and its various departments

and organizations

2. PRAY FOR GUIDANCE and to be a channel through whom God will speak and reach the heart



1. Present or introduce yourself and team-mate and state your purpose by saying, "This is the BIG ~ 1101\!iENT in the life of our church. We would a ppreciate a brief visit with you to talk ov8r the program our church is undertaking."

2. Be sure to have the ENTIRE family present.

3. SMILE, be interested in the children, hobbies, etc. Always call the person by his or her name .

4. Sit close enough to make conversation easy.

5. Deal tactfully with distractions: radio, television.


A. You mi ght bee:,in, "As you know, this is the ONE OPPORTUNI'TY in the lifetime of the average individual when he can tangibly ex-press his love for God by sharing in a church building program. V'le are visiting all ou_r church members and friends who are especially i nteres ted in our church, to afford them the opportunity to participate in this great enterprise and to invest in Chri s ti anity. "

B. Explain the program - keep statements official.

c. Use the brochure to show what this program may mean to our church .·

D. Emphasize that which the church is doing daily, - the features that are of especial interest to the family: church worship . - ' church school, women's work , men's organization, young people 's work or for a more attractive appearance--Use the "ARMS OF THE


Page 3: THIRD EVENING Ivl:Ji,ETING WITH CANVASSERS...I _J THIRD EVENING Ivl:Ji,ETING WITH CANVASSERS A. Stocks or Bonds make excellent gifts in addition to regular proportion-ate giving. B


Avoid being drawn off i nto personalities . Keep CALM, CHEERFUL, CONFIDENT and EX_'ECT.Al\JT. ivlaintain the conversation on a HIGH CREATIVE LEVEL.

F . STRESS that we shoul d GIVE in proportion to HOW GOD HAS BLESSED us. The test is: "How much do we love God in comparison with ourselves?" Our gifts testify to the high or low value we pl ace upon Him.

G. Answer all questions about tentative or definite plans and costs involved .


A. This has been an effective presentation : "Understanding your interest in extendin~ t h e influence of the church and furthering God's work in this community, we know you will wish to share witl1 others in this Bui l ding Project of Advance. 11

1. Give reasons for pledging . Emphasize WEEKLY PLEDGES, -worshipping by giving REGULARLY.

2. Explain that GIVING IS 1 !0RSHIPPING; we cannot worship without giving.

J. Attempt to get individual to give proportionately, - a DEFINITE PERCENTAGE of his INCOitIB, based upon his decision as to the value of God in his life.

4. Attempt to secure a subscription from each person in the family. Worshipping as I NDIVIDUALS, we should PLEDGE as INDIVIDUALS.

5. Read the pledge card together .

6. Exulain the terms of the pledge .

7 . i:vif ntion your own pledge as having been made, and the generous response of others.


A. At once.

B. I f time for consideration is desired, ask for a definite date for R~1URN VISIT - - - NEVER LEAVE the PLEDGE CARD.

C. Extend , where appropriate, an invi tati on to j oin the church or any other church organization to which the individual does ~ot belong, as indicated on the I NFOfil..lliTI ON CA.RD.

D. Cordially give invitation to attend chur ch next Sunday.

E. Leave in spirit of good will and apprecia t ion.

VI. If so led, you may pray together, the Lord's Prayer .

Page 4: THIRD EVENING Ivl:Ji,ETING WITH CANVASSERS...I _J THIRD EVENING Ivl:Ji,ETING WITH CANVASSERS A. Stocks or Bonds make excellent gifts in addition to regular proportion-ate giving. B

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The South Britain Chur ch (Cong r egati orial)

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R E P 0 R :T


Dat e

Pros-pects for

Church School

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B Th8 n umbe r of Vami l y . Cards in . y'our kit . •; '.-,.· C - ''°Compl eted" m<:> ans ei the r pl e dg e or defini t c: r c: fusal ~ .: = :'i n~ NurJ'o~·+ of ·, famili .es (It em B) to be revisited ( Not a t home or

··. : want · til:ae \ to dec·i.d e ) B-:-C = . D J Indi vi dLlal .s :s ~~en, ··incl ud~ng chi-ldrBn . to whom you talked. 7 Including cash donors. . } - Including cash donations (Gross k~ount · ) . H - Total Cash r e c e iv e d , ·'- - Na_nes of ProspE:- cts f or Church ,fori1bership . J -· Name s for Church School .


Be sur e to Follow Up I m.mediately on Calls Yet to be Compl eted!

- J

Page 5: THIRD EVENING Ivl:Ji,ETING WITH CANVASSERS...I _J THIRD EVENING Ivl:Ji,ETING WITH CANVASSERS A. Stocks or Bonds make excellent gifts in addition to regular proportion-ate giving. B

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Work P~ge for the Team Beport


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~leted tac ted ( cardsjscrib- re c 1 d Church Chµrch l I e.d School .. : ·. " I ·-,

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Page 6: THIRD EVENING Ivl:Ji,ETING WITH CANVASSERS...I _J THIRD EVENING Ivl:Ji,ETING WITH CANVASSERS A. Stocks or Bonds make excellent gifts in addition to regular proportion-ate giving. B


1 . Make · many personal friends and many friends for the Chur ch .

2 . Be yoursel f .

J . Regard canvass a s a chief honor to invite peo ple to invest with you in Christ .

4. Go in two ' s.

5, Take time fo r each cal l .

6 . Take interest in every ~ember of the family .

7. Refuse to be offended .

8 . Avoid being drawn off into personalities .

9 . Be court eous - cheerful.

10 . Be expectant .

11 . . Remember corporate sin of the church has been r eluctance of the church to ask members to invest in Christianity .

12 . '+.4~-e t he people into your confidence . ,. ~ .. .

l J . Nee d of thinking i n terms beyond the money goal . Think in t erms of horizon of adventure , advancing huma nity .

14 . Subscripti ons not to be t aken in a dvanc e .

15 . No car el ess or shipshod methods in Chri s tian giving .

16 . It is nev er giving to Christian caus e that empties the purse .

17 . Personal visits to all - rich and poor - old and young .

18 . Pl edging is the or derly Christian, cooperative way.

19 . Go d expects us to provide spiritual t raining as well as physical a nd i nt ellectual tra ining .

20 . Visual ize yours elf c omi ng bac k with a l a r ge- s i ze d s ubs cription .

21 . A cha l l enging gift challenges ot he r s .

22 . iJiake a l l per t inent notes on the ba ck of Family Informati on Car ds .

23. Never l ea ve a s ubsc r ipt ion card in any house .

24 . Rain or s hi ne, keep f aith wi t h t he pe opl e who were t old yo u would visi t t hem .

25 . Every card is a sacre d t rust .

26. Seek to a dapt your presentation to the tempe r ament of t he person . 27. Complete the canvass 28 . Pray as you go.

Page 7: THIRD EVENING Ivl:Ji,ETING WITH CANVASSERS...I _J THIRD EVENING Ivl:Ji,ETING WITH CANVASSERS A. Stocks or Bonds make excellent gifts in addition to regular proportion-ate giving. B


How did I do?

(For your personal check-up aft er each visit)

1. Did I make the prospect the center of attention?

2. Was I tactful and fri endly, ye t realistic in my approach?

3. Did I know my story well, a nd did I put it across?

4. Did I get a pledge from every me:mber of the family?

5. Did I "ring the bell" and get the prospect's maximum pledge?

6. Did I boost the prospect's pledge in relation to his income?

7. Did I develop proportionate giving?

8. Did I create a friendlier attitud e towards the church?

9. Did I "put across" the whole spirit of Stewardship?

10. Have I sold mys elf? Has s a tisfac ti on with my ovm pledge made my story convincing?