thirteen hollywood apes by gil reavill (chapter one excerpt)

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  • 8/10/2019 Thirteen Hollywood Apes by Gil Reavill (Chapter One Excerpt)


  • 8/10/2019 Thirteen Hollywood Apes by Gil Reavill (Chapter One Excerpt)



    APESA Layla Remington Mystery

    Gil Reavill

    New York

  • 8/10/2019 Thirteen Hollywood Apes by Gil Reavill (Chapter One Excerpt)


    Thirteen Hollywood Apes is a work of fiction. Names, places, and

    incidents either are products of the authors imagination or are

    used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or

    persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

    An Alibi eBook Original

    Copyright 2014by Gil Reavill

    Excerpt from Thirteen Stolen Girlsby Gil Reavill copyright

    2014byGil Reavill

    All rights reserved.

    Published in the United States of America by Alibi, an imprint of

    Random House, a division of Random House LLC, a Penguin

    Random House Company, New York.

    ALIBI is a registered trademark and the ALIBI colophon is a

    trademark of Random House LLC.

    This book contains an excerpt from the forthcoming book Thirteen

    Stolen Girls by Gil Reavill. This excerpt has been set for this

    edition only and may not reflect the final content of the

    forthcoming edition.

    eBook ISBN 978-0-553-39505-1

    Cover design:

  • 8/10/2019 Thirteen Hollywood Apes by Gil Reavill (Chapter One Excerpt)


    Cover illustration:

  • 8/10/2019 Thirteen Hollywood Apes by Gil Reavill (Chapter One Excerpt)


    Chimpanzee, n. [from Bantu kampensi, fake man or

    mockman]: A great ape of the genus Pan, native to Africa,

    believed by evolutionary biologists to be the closest existing

    relative to human beings.

    Our descent, then, is the origin of our evil passions . . . The Devil

    under form of Baboon is our grandfather.



  • 8/10/2019 Thirteen Hollywood Apes by Gil Reavill (Chapter One Excerpt)


  • 8/10/2019 Thirteen Hollywood Apes by Gil Reavill (Chapter One Excerpt)


    The family startled instantly awake, and the yard echoed

    with screeches, barks, and howls. As the others scattered, Booth

    remained inert and motionless at the foot of the tree.The night air filled with sharp, echoing reports, one after

    another, spaced among the screams. Moment by moment, the

    members of the family fell. The big chain-link fence cut off all

    retreat. There was nowhere to run. The killing took but six


    Finally only a single lost soul survived, an eight-year-old

    male, running along the ditch on the grassy western side of the

    compound, frantic after the death ruckus of the others. He sped not

    away but toward the shooter. Confused, or angry, bent on revenge.

    The ruby laser dot searched, discovered, settled. Five grams

    of copper-clad lead caught the last survivor with a glancing blow

    on his right shoulder, spun him around, and pushed him into the

    concrete ditch.

    Then, silence. A few night birds called, poorwills and

    mourning doves. Above, through the leaves, the far-off, uncaring

    stars. Somewhere to the east a two-stroke engine sputtered,

    sounding barely there.

    Later that night, the dry October winds pushed the flames

    down out of the hills into the parched grasses and brittle, needle-

    heavy trees of the compound. But the wildfire found nothing left to

    kill and, in its impotent rage, could do nothing more than cook the


  • 8/10/2019 Thirteen Hollywood Apes by Gil Reavill (Chapter One Excerpt)



    Why a deputy detective investigator with the Los Angeles County

    district attorneys office might be carrying a potato on the night of

    the Lost Hills wildfire was a fact that did not readily admit to


    The sheriffs department posted Layla Remington at a

    junction along Las Virgenes Road, in the canyons above Malibu.

    The sky a mile to the north of her was a wall of smoke, lit orange

    and red from the inside, coin-size floaters of ash in the air, with a

    background noise like the distant rumbling of a freight train. To the

    east, homes, ranches, and camp buildings nestled in the dry

    landscape went up like so many birthday candles. The fire teams

    found themselves helpless to stop the destruction.

    When she was off duty at the D.A.s office, and in

    recognition of the fact that she had no real life, Detective

    Investigator Remington volunteered for fire duty. She did backup

    traffic control for the Los Angeles County Sheriffs Department,

    wearing an orange reflective smock that made her look like a

    traffic cone. The big Lost Hills blaze, out to flatten a vast slice of

    the county, represented an all-hands-on-deck situation.

    From her post at the intersection, Remington could hear the

    propane-gas pigs on the barbecue grills outside the burning homes

    explode one after another. The fire crowned in dense stands of

  • 8/10/2019 Thirteen Hollywood Apes by Gil Reavill (Chapter One Excerpt)


    sycamore, fir, and gray pine. Mingled with the wood smoke was

    the smell of burning meat from all the steak-filled chest freezers in

    houses that were getting roasted in the flames.The beef smell made her think of the potato.

    Denny Hamilton, long-dirty-blond-haired, scruffy-bearded

    captain of a fire team from the Sierra Nevada that called

    themselves the Wooly Mammoth Hot Shots, told Layla Remington

    about the potato thing. An old guy with the Mammoth Lake Fire

    Department said they used to do it all the time back during the


    That would be the Civil War, right?

    Denny thought Layla might be serious, not quite getting her

    yet. No, no, I guess he meant, you know, World War Two, or

    maybeJesus, youre right, maybe it was Vietnam.

    The potato thing, Denny, Layla prompted him.

    Hamilton was waiting around at her intersection after a

    resupply, looking for a lift back to the front lines. Layla didnt

    mind him hanging out. The guy looked half-charred, his eyebrows

    singed off, the scruff on the right side of his face curled by wildfire

    heat. He was dirty and ashy and in his rootless early twenties, like

    hotshot team members everywhere. But the whole package added

    up to hero-handsome.

    Okay, so you find a century plant, like an agave, you

    know? The spiky ones? And you impale your tuber onto the top

    spike. Hamilton mimed the move, impaling one of the several

  • 8/10/2019 Thirteen Hollywood Apes by Gil Reavill (Chapter One Excerpt)


  • 8/10/2019 Thirteen Hollywood Apes by Gil Reavill (Chapter One Excerpt)


    comes out tasting like butterscotch.

    Layla laughed and shook her head. The guy was so damned

    irresistible.No, really, Denny insisted. What you do is you go up to

    a ponderosa pine that has direct sunlight shining on it, give it a

    hug. Im telling you, put your face right into the barkit smells

    exactly like butterscotch. Like, I mean, exactly.

    Youre a tree-hugger now, Denny?

    Did you know the first tree-huggers were a band of Hindu

    women in the foothills of the Himalayas who were trying to save a

    grove of sacred trees from loggers?

    Later that night Denny Hamilton went up-canyon to face

    off with Lost Hills. Layla wound up holding one of his big oblong

    Idaho baking potatoes. She stuffed it into the pocket of her orange

    reflective smock. She thought she might try out the tuber or not

    tuber pun that her dad had taught her on some poor victim, but in

    the flurry of activity around the wildfire she actually forgot about

    the thing.

    Until the nimrod in the Mercedes morgue wagon showed


    He came on a little after 1 A.M. The blocky, outlandish

    vehicle he drove pretended to be a sport-utility crossover of some

    sort, the German answer to the Hummer. For all its upscale design,

    a Mercedes G55 AMG wound up looking like a childs idea of a

    hearse. The black truck gave a throaty growl as it pulled up at the

  • 8/10/2019 Thirteen Hollywood Apes by Gil Reavill (Chapter One Excerpt)


    Las Virgenes Road intersection.

    The driver didnt even bother to roll down his window, just

    pointed past the roadblock up toward the fire. Deputy John Velske,one of several Los Angeles County Sheriffs Department personnel

    assembled at the intersection, approached the vehicle. He made a

    circling motion with his finger, indicating that the driver should

    open his window, the gesture held over from when people still

    cranked windows down manually.

    Sir, this road is closed. Velske stated it as a fact but kept

    his tone polite.

    Gotta get up there, the driver barked. He was smooth and

    well tanned, as if he had been cast in an ad for the car he was


    We have emergency protocols in place, sir, Velske said.

    Deputy, is it? Deputy, Ive got a five-million-dollar

    residence up in Coral Canyon and I am within my rights to secure

    said residence.

    Great, weve got ourselves a lawyer. Remington could

    almost read Velskes thoughts.

    I could try to contact the fire teams in the vicinity and

    have them radio down a report, the deputy offered.

    I dont want a goddamn report, Deputy. I want to retrieve

    the three gold records that are up on the wall in my office, the

    platinum record in the entry hall, the contents of my safe.

    Velske turned to Remington and mouthed the word

  • 8/10/2019 Thirteen Hollywood Apes by Gil Reavill (Chapter One Excerpt)



    What did you just say to her? Like the guy could read

    lips. He wore his hair wicked up and, even though it was pastmidnight, had a pair of five-hundred-dollar sunglasses propped on

    the back of his head, probably slept with them on.

    He said, Okay, Im heading up right now, and if you try to

    restrain me the sheriffs department is going to find itself in a

    world of trouble.

    The Mercedes G55 lurched forward an inch as the driver

    slammed it into gear. Remington marveled. She had seen men face

    off like this all her professional life, and even before, in the school

    yard. Velske and the morgue-wagon driver were like a couple of

    silverback gorillas in the rain forest. What was the guy going to do

    now, plow his rig over a sheriffs deputy?

    What he did instead was maneuver his ultra-expensive

    sport utility into the ditch for a little improvised off-roading.

    None of the law-enforcement personnel stationed at the

    intersection could believe it. The nimrod had a death wish. Coral

    Canyon was right in the path of the Lost Hills fire.

    Sir? Sir? Deputy Velske yelled, but the guy just kept


    As the glossy Mercedes bumped slowly past her,

    Remington extracted the potato that Denny Hamilton had given her

    from the pocket of her smock. She reached down and crammed the

    tuber into the vehicles exhaust pipe, where it vented immediately

  • 8/10/2019 Thirteen Hollywood Apes by Gil Reavill (Chapter One Excerpt)


    in front of the rear wheel.

    Velske saw her make the move. He grinned and nodded.

    The two of them watched the driver pull down into the ditch,around the roadblock, and back up onto the pebbled asphalt of Las


    Ill give him fifty yards, Velske said, staring after the


    Twenty, Remington guessed.

    The Mercedes compromised and died about thirty yards up

    the road, the exhaust fumes backed up in the manifold to choke off

    the engine.

    You know, the Germans just dont make cars like they

    used to, Velske said.

    The platinum-record-in-the-entry-hall guy stormed out of

    the G55 and stood there staring at his $115,000 vehicle, disabled

    by a potato.

    The shoulder-mounted two-way that Remington wore

    crackled with incoming comms from Denny Hamiltons team

    working in the hills.

    Wooly Mammoths Hot . . . Were at . . . 34.115642 north,

    118.679937 west . . . We got . . . Trappe Ranch . . . wildlife

    sanctuary. Blasts of static kept interrupting the message.

    Remington fumbled with her speaker-mic. Mammoths,

    this is the sheriffs post at Las Virgenes Road. Repeat.

    . . . Thirteen dead monkeys . . .

  • 8/10/2019 Thirteen Hollywood Apes by Gil Reavill (Chapter One Excerpt)


    Mammoths, this is Las Virgenes roadblock. Please repeat.


    The connection went cold.

  • 8/10/2019 Thirteen Hollywood Apes by Gil Reavill (Chapter One Excerpt)


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