three catalogues describing the contents of the red book of the exchequer


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Page 1: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer
Page 2: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

Thefollowing arejus t published or nearly ready .



ON GEOLOGY AND M INERALOGY . Two vols . 800. with Eighty-Seven Plates

,» II. 153 .


By o

th e Au th or ofNATURAL H ls RT OF ENTHUS IASM . In Boo . 88. 6d.


s . T . COLERIDGE,Edited by H . N . COLERIDGE

,ESQ . In two vols . 8vo. l l. l s



Third edition,crown 800. 103. 6d.


A new edition,foolscap 8


MALTHUS ON . POL ITICAL ECOSecond edit ion, with great additionsfrom the author

s own


OF NORWICH,Au th or of Vu lgar Errors ,” Re ligio Medici


”&c . Edited by '

S IMON WILK IN,Esq . Infour vols . 800. 2l. 83. Afew copies printed on Large Paper,

41. 4s .

Infour vols .foolscap 8110. a new edition of

TH E W ORK S O F GRAY ;Edited by the REV . JOHN M ITFORD . With th e addition ofhis Corre spondence

w ith Mr. Chu te and o th ers,h is Journal kept at Rome , Criticism on


th e

S tatues,Scu lptures , 8m. hitherto unpublished.

In two vols .foolscap 8190. price l l . 103 .



,and m GREEK . Composed m th e Twe l fth and

Th irteen th Cen turie s . Edited by FRANCISQUE M ICHEL .




T ra n s l a t e d fro m th e Ge rm a n

Page 3: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer




On the Power, Wisdom ,and Good An imal and Vegetable Phys iology ,

ness of God,as man ifested in the con s idered with re ference to Na

Adaptation of External Natu re to tu'

ral Th eology , 2 vols . 8vo . second

the Moral and In tellectual Con sti edition,with nearlyfive hundredwood

tution ofMan . 2 Vols . 8vo . fourth cuts,l l. 103 .

edition,168 . V I . By th e REV . W ILLIAM BUCKLAND ,

I I . By JOHN K IDD, M . D. F . R . S. The D . D . F . R . S. On Geology and

Adaptation of External Nature to Mineralogy, nearly ready .

the Physical Condition ofMan . 8vo . VII . By th e REV .W ILLIAM K IRBY, M .A .

fourth edition , 9 3 . 6d. F . R . S. On th e History, Habits ,“I II . By the REV . W ILLIAM WHEWELL

,and In stincts of An imals . 2 vols .

M . A . F . R . S. As tronomy,and Ge 8vo . second edition,withplates,

neral Physics Con sidered with re VII I . By W ILLIAM PROUT, M . D. F . R . S.

ference to Natural Theology, 8vo . Chem istry,Meteorology, and th e

fifth edition , 9 3 . 6d. Fun ction of Digestion , con sideredI v. By SIR CHARLES BELL, K.H . F . R . S. w ith reference to Natural Th eo

Th e Hand, its Mechan ism and Vital logy , 8vo . second edition,with wood

Endowmen ts , as evincing design , cuts,and a map, 153.

8vo . third edition , with numerous

woo ’

d cuts , 103 . 6d.



Vol . 1. Be ing one hal f th e en tire work , cloth boards , 21. 12s . Get. or,don e up in two

parts, cloth boards , 11. 63 . 6d. each .


‘ A Part is published on the first ofevery Month, price 33. 6d .


Edited by BASIL MONTAG U,Esq . In 17 vols . 8vo . 81. 183 . 6d.

The most complete edition extant ; it con tains translations as well as the original oftheLatin Works , and is illustrated by Portraits, Views , and Fac-similes , w ith a New Life of

Lord Bacon by the Editor.

J A few Copies are printed on LARG E PAPER, imperial 8vo . 11. 113. 6d. each .

A learned andvaluable work upon the Life of Lord Bacon is prepared for publicationby Mr. B . Montagu , and will soon be before the world.

* Some very importan t fac ts areproved satisfactori ly by the ingenious author

,and Show how much th e crim inality of this

great man is exaggerated in the common accoun ts ofh is fall . Bu t it is clearly shown ,that

h e was prevailed upon by th e intrigu es ofJames I . and h is prodigate minister to abandonhis own defen ce , and sacrifice himse lf to their base and crooked policy—a defence which

disgraces them more than vindicates h im . One thing, however, Is unden iab le , . that th eywho so loudly blame Bacon , overlook the meanness ofalmost all the great statesmen of

those courtly times .

”—Lord Brougham’

s Discourse ofNatural Theology .

It was published December, 1834.

THE B IBL IOGRAPHER’S MANUAL ;Be ing an Accoun t ofupwards ofFifty Thousand Rare , Curious , and Useful Books ,

published in or , relating to Great Britain and Ire land, s ince th e Inven tion Of

Prin ting, with Bibliograph ical and Critical Notice s, ,Collati

‘on s ,


and the price s at

wh ich th ey have been sold in th e presen t century . By W ILLIAM THOMAS LOWNn Es .

4 vols . 8vo . 41. 5s . LARGE PAPER,onlyfifty copies prin ted, 81. 103.


Page 4: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer





Beauti fu lly prin ted by Wh ittingham, con tain ing many piece s of each au thor

h itherto unpublished, with portraits , original Memoirs , and,

notes by th e Rev. JohnM itford and the Rev. A lexander Dyce , price 53 . each Volume.

Th e Au thors already pu b lished are,

BURNS, 2 vo ls . BBATI‘ IE, 1 vol . PARNELL,1 vol .

THOM SON,2 vo ls. POPE

,3 vo ls . SWIFT

,3 Vols .

COLLIN S , 1 vol . GOLDSMITH,1 vol . YOUNG

,2 Vols .

K IRKE WH ITE , 1 vo l . M ILTON , 3 vo ls . AEENSIDE,1 vo l .

COWP ER, 3 vols . SHAKESPEARE, 1 vo l . BUTLER , 2 vols .


,5 vo ls . PRIOR

,2 vols .

Each Author may be pu rchased Separately .THE CAPTIV ITY ,


By OLIVER GOLDSMITH . Never before prin ted,foolscap 8vo . price 13 .


Edited, with Original Memoirs,by SIR HARRI S N ICOLAS

,I llustrated by En

gravings from Des igns by STOTHARD and INSEIPP. V ol: I . imperial 8VO. 31. half.mor. or P roofs on India Pape r, 5 1. Th e Illustration s separate , 4to . proofs beforethe le tters


Parts 7,8,and 9

,9 3 . 6d. each ; proofs on India paper, 163 .

3’ Three more Parts , which are in great forwardness , will complete the Work .

In two vols .foolscap 8no . with Portrait and View ofBemerton Church, price 103 .


Now firs t col lected . THE POEMS con tain The Temple ; the Synagogu e , by the Rev .

Ch ris toph er Harvey ; th e Latin Poems ofHerbert ; and two Original Poems, n everbe fore prin ted. Wi th Note s by S. ,T . COLERIDGE .THE REMA IN S con tain Th e Pries t to the Temple , Proverbs , and oth er ProseWork s , includingmany pieces n ever before prin ted, with h is Life by IZAAK WALTON

,and al so that by h is firs t b iographer, BARNABAS OLEY .


Un iformly prin ted with the A ldine Edition ofth e British Poe ts .

3 vo ls . foo lscap 8vo . 153 .

This edition contains not less than a fourth of the whole more than the former edition ,the greaterpart ofwhich has never been prin ted before .


A Series of Essays . 3 vols . crown 8vo . second edition,11.


In one vol . Svo . 83 .


V IRG IL IN LONDON, and other Poem s . Foolscap 8vo . 7s . 6d.


Edited by SIR HARRI S N ICOLAS . 2 vol s . crown 8vo . 11. Is .

H E RR I C K ’ S P O E T I C A L W O R K S ,

Page 5: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

Crown 8vb. pbrtrait, 9 3.

3105t minions Eublitations.

ROBIN HOOD,2 vols . crown svc . 11. 13 . LIFE OF KING ARTHUR , crown 8vo . 103 .

ANNALS on THE CALEDON IAN S , 2 vols . MEMOIRS OF THE CELTS , crown 8vc . 123 .

crown 8vo . l l. 43. ANCIENT SONGS AND BALLADS,2 vo ls .

FA IRY TALES,crown 8vo . 9 3 . crown 8vo . 11. 4s .

LETTERS,Edited by h is Nephew ,Joseph EARLY POPULAR POETRY , crown 8vo .

Franks,with h is Life , by Sir Harris 73 . 6d.

Nicolas,2 vols . crown 8vo . l l. 13 .


A selection of the best Sonnets In the English language , from the Earl of Surrey toWordsworth .

M r. Dyce’9 beautiful selection—a book we recommend for the taste and judgmen t Inthe choice , and for the elegance ofthe typography . —Gen t1eman ’

3 Magazine .


'W . J. THOMS, Esq . 3 vols . crown 8vo . 11. 103.

The WAVERLEY NOVELS ’ oftheir day.—Retrospect i’ve Review.


Edited by th e REV . ALEXANDER DYCE,uniformly prin ted in crown 8vo . viz .

GREENE,2 vols . 213 . PEELE

,2 vols . 213 .

WEBSTER,4 vols . 423 .

A very limited edition ofthese works has been pri nted.

We take the opportunity of expressing our very high opinion of the diligence , Skill,and judgmen t of the R ev. Alexander Dyce , whose edition s ofPeele , Greene , and Web

ster, leave little to desire , and less to improve .—Quarterly Review.



F ive Old P lays,forming a Supplemen t to th e Collection ofDODSLEY and o th ers .

Edited by J -PAYN E COLLIER,

Crown 8vo . 9 3 . LARGE PAPER, 143.

This volume contains —1 . The Misfortunes ofArthur.—I I . I I I . Dow nfall and Death

ofRobert , Earl ofHun tingdom—IV . Woman is a Weathercock.—v . Amends for Ladies .


In one pocket volume , beau tiful ly prin ted by Corra11, l l. 13. With 38 Engravingsfrom Design s by S tothard, SIC . A few Copies printed en tirely on India

Paper, 41. 4s .


By STOTHARD, Th irty-n in e plates, proofs, l l.


By an old An gler and B ibl iopol ist, with numerous An ecdote s, preceded by

In troductory H in ts respecting the Character ‘

and Habits of each Species .

To wh ich is annexed th e most comple te Catalogu e of Book s on Angling everpublished. Foolscap 8vo . With Fron tispiece and wood-cuts

,7s . 6d.

Beautifully printed at Oxford, in demy 8uo. price 63. each volume,cloth boards and

lettered,the cheapest and best editionsextan t .

HUME ermon s, and

vols .

&c . 13 vols .

Page 6: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer


By th e REV . GEORGE M ILLERS,with e igh teen fine plates . Third edition . Royal

8vo . 11. LARGE PAPER , impe rial 8vo . IND IA PROOFS,



From i ts Foundation by Edward V I . W ith an Accoun t of the P lan.

ofEducation and in ternal Economy of the In stitu tion , and Memo irs of Em in en t B lues ;preceded by a Narrative of th e Rise , Progress , and Suppression of the C onven tof the Grey Friars in London , by the Rev. WILLIAM TROLLOPE

,M .A . 4to .


ten plates, 31. 33 .


,Hooker, Barrow,

Sou th,Latim er

,Brown , Mi l ton , and Bacon , by

BASIL MONTAG U,Esq . Fourth Edition , foolscap 8vo . 5s .


S BOTAN ICAL WORKS1 . HEATHERY ; or, a MONOGRAPH of th e G ENU S ER ICA . In 6 vo ls . royal 8vo .

con tain ing 300 coloured Figure s . 131. 103 .

2 . ROSES ; or, a MONOGRAPH of the GENU S ROSA . In 2 vols . royal 4to . con

tain ing n early 150 coloured Figure s . 131.


royal 4to . con tain ing n early 1 50 coloured Figures . 9 1. 9 3 .

4 . BOTANIST’S REPOS ITORY forNew and Rare P lan ts . In 10vols . 4to .

con tain ing 664 coloured Figu res . 361.


In 4 vo l s . fol io,con tain ing

288 F igures , mos t beau tifully and accurately co loured,with De scription s

in Lat in and English . 361.

The foregoing Works have been in course ofpublication for a se ries of years ,and are noyv completed. The Drawings were all made from living plants ,

by Mr.

Andrews , and coloured under his immediate.

inspec tion ;\ their fideli ty and accuracyhave been admitted by those who are conversan t wi th the Works , both in th is coun tryand on the con tinen t . Of some of the Works but very few remain ; those gentlemenwho have not comple ted the ir copies are requested immediately to do so, as hereafter itw ill be impossible to make th em up.



A TREATISE on the LAW ofADULTERINE ROLL ofARMS of th e REIGN of HENRYBASTARDY . W ith a ful l Report of I I I . and EDWARD I I I . 8vo . 103. 6d .

th e Banbury Case , and of al l other 4to . 11. 13 .

case s bearing on the subject . 11. 13 . OBSERVATION S on H ISTORICAL L ITERAREPORT of the L’ISLE PEERAGE CASE


,and Refutation of Palgrave ,

BYO. 11. 13. in 1 vo l . 8vo . 12s . 6d.

The pre sen t is the m ost learn ed and B ISHOP BECKINGTON’

S JOURNAL,during

coplous book on the Law ofBaron ies in h is Embassy to n egotiate a marriagefee Wt h has yet been PubliShEd be tw een Henry V I . and a daugh ter


ofCoun t Armagnac, A .D . 1442 . 8vo .

8vo . 123. 103 . 6d.




A very limited number ofc0pies ofthese works are printed 8vo. price 11. 13. each .


Exh ibite d in no no . 1

Page 7: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

with 9 0 cu ts beau tifu lly e ngraved. Cr'

own Svo . 11. 18 . A few copies printed

en t irely on India paper, 21. 2S.



CHRIST, tran slated with an In tro

duction and No tes by DR . DIEDIN,

con tain ing s ix plates , includingSal

vator Mundi by Guercin o , and the

Last Supper by Da Vinci . 8va .

11. 13.

THOMASA KEMP IS de IM ITATIONE CHRISTI,Lib . IV . with a Memoir by th e lateCHARLES BUTLER . 18mo . 63 .

ANCIENT FRAGMENTS of the Ph oen ic ian ,Chaldean

,Egyptian , and o th erWri

ters,Gre ek and Engl ish , with an

In trodu ctory Dissertat ion , by I SAACPRESTON CORY

,Esq . Fe llow of

Caiu s Co llege , Camb ridgef8vo . se

cond edition , 11. I s .


thod, Objects , and Resu l ts ofAn

cient and Modern Ph ilosophy, byIZAAC PRESTON CORY, Esq . l 2mo .

53 . 6d.


Gr. e t Lat . ed. P . HALL . 18mo . 12s .



with h is MAN UAL for the S ICK, tran slated from th e Original Greek , byth e R ev . PETER HALL . 18mo . w ith

a Portrait,63 .


Though ts in Worse Times , MixtCon templation s in Be tterTimes , byTHOMAS FULLER

, D . D . Au th or ofth eChurch History, Worth ies of England, &c. l 8mo . with a portrait, 53 .


JOHNEARLofROCHESTER, by B ISHOPB URNET . Two portraits , 18mo . 4s .


Notis Harlesii, Gierigii , Burman n i,

Lemarii, 8m. 5 vols . 8m . 31. Large

Paper, 5 vols . royal 8vo . 51. 53.

JUVENAL e t PERSIUS, ex recen sione e t

cum Notis Ruperti et Koenig. 8vo

n ew edition , boards , 14s .

LU CRETIUS,ex recen s ione e t cum Notis

Creech e t Ben tle ii . 8vo . just published

,12s .

V IRGILIUS. Foolscap 8vo . beau tiful lyprin ted by Wh ittingham ,

un iformwith th e Aldine Poe ts , cloth bds . 63 .

V IRGILI I OPERA, Notis ex edition e Hey

n ian i,

excerptis illus trata accedit 4.

Index Maittairianu s,large 8vo . 11. 83 .

“2: The most correct arid best editionofVirgil in one volume .


24mo . silk, gi lt leaves, 23 . Part II.

24mo . s ilk , 23 .

THE CARCANET, a Literary Album con

tain ingSe lections from the most Distingu ish ed Writers . 18m0. extra

cloth boards, gilt leaves , 63.

THE H ISTORY ofthe HUGUENOTS, duringthe S ixteen th Cen tury , by W . S.

BROWN ING . 2 vols . 8vo . 11. IS.

THE LIFE of SIR THOMAS MORE, by h isGrandson



by th e R ev . JOSEPH HUNTER . 8vo .

w ith a portrait , 14s .

The Pre fatory Matter and Notesdisplay deep research and critical acum en , which render this the .bes t editionof that very in terestingpiece of biogra


ythat has appeared.




A MAN UAL of HERALDRY for Amateurs ,by Mrs . DALLAWAY . 12m0. with nu

morons wood-cuts,7S.

TOWNSEND’S (F . ) CALENDAR ofKN IGHTS ,from 1769 to 1828. Cr. 8vo . 83.

POEMS by W ILLIAM STANLEY ROSCOE .Foo lscap 8vo . 53 .


lected,and publ ished from ancien t

MSS.,with Notes and a Memoir of

h is Life , by DAVID LA ING , Esq . 2

vols . crown 8v0 . 11. 13 .




prin t with fac-siln ile wood-cu ts .

Crown 8vo . 58 .


SYRI,quae extan t

,cura J. A . G ILES.

Foolscap 8vo . 4s .

ENNII RELIQ U IE ,ex edition ibu s vari is

conqu isitae aJ A . GILES . 12mo. 4s .

CICERO on the NATURE of the GODS,trans lated by Franklin . 8vo . 83.

A GRAMMAR ofth e LATIN LANGUAGE , bythe Rev . J . A . GILES . 8vo . 6S . cloth .


the ENGLISH LANGUAGE combin ed,with the Pronun ciation greatly Simplified, revised, corrected, and en

larged, with the addition of severalthousand words , by R . S. JAMESON


Esq . 8vo .fourth edition , 12s .


mond type, new edit . 18mo . bd. 3S. 6d .

Page 8: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer



Cura BAILEY . 2 vol s . royal 4to . cloth boards , 61. 16s . 6d.

In this edition the Italian has been rendered in to English , the Paduan . Supplemen t

incorporated, and upwards of twen ty thousand words in troduced by the learn ing and dill

gence of the editor. In the Appendices w ill be fou nd valuable and importan t addition s ,cons is ting of Turcellinus on the particles of the Latin language , Gerrard

s SiglariumRomanum , and Gesner’s Etymological Index .

thickenings HDI’

alnontl Mosaics .

Beau tifu lly prin ted, th e smal le st ever publ ish ed.

GREEK . CICERO DE OFFICIIS,&c . 48mo . c loth


,53 .

beau tiful fron ti spiece of Da V inci’s ITALIAN .

Las t Supper, 48mo . 103 . 6d. DANTE,2 vol s . 48mo . cloth boards , 103.

The firs t specimen of a Greek Testa TASSO, 2 vols . 48mo . cloth boards,103 .

men t executed in diamond type , cast ex P ETRARCA,48mo . c loth boards , 63 .

pre ssly for th is edition . ENGLISH .

HOMER" IU AS ET ODYSSEA , portrait , 2 SHAKESPEARE, with 38 Engravings aftervols . 48mo . 123. Large paper, 2 vols . Stothard, QT. 9 vols . 48mo . 21. 23 .



HORATIUS,48mo . cloth boards , 63 . portraits, 48mo . 63 .

VIRG ILIOS , 48mo . clo th boards , 88 . WALTON and COTTON’S COMPLETE ANCATULLUS, TIEULLUS, e t PROPERTIU S , GLER , w ith cuts , 48mo . 63 .

48mo . 68 . M ILTON ’S PARADIS E LOST. 48mo . 53 .

TERENTIUS, 48mo . cloth boards,63 .


From the t ime of th e Troubadours and Trouveres to th e Re ign of Hen riQ uatre , by LOU ISA STUART COSTELLO . In crown 8m . with four bacil li/id illuminotiens, colo ured and h e igh tened with gold, 11. 13.



With an In troductory Essay, Original Memoir, Notes , and Il lu stration s in Engl ish ,by ANTON IO PANIzzr. 9 vols . crown 8vo . 51. 83.


presen t edition of the entire

poem (for the Innamorato and Furioso are but one

poem) w i l we trust ere long tak e its p ace in every Italian library in this country . It has

every thing to recommend it—a most correct text , many Valuable notes and disquisitions ,beautiful print and paper. To any library it will be an ornamen t,—no Italian librarycan be complete Without it .

”—Foreign Quarterly Review.


Con un Discorso Critico , da Ugo Fo scolo . 3 vols . crown 8vo . 11. 1 13 . 6d. withTen Engravings from Designs by S tothard, 21. 12s . 6d. LARGE PAPER, w ith proo fplates , 41. 143 . 6d .

fl," A very few Copies printed en tirely on India Paper, 61. 16s. 6d.


By STOTHARD, 8m . 11. Proofs 4m. 21. India Paper, fo lio s ize,31.


Da UGO FOSCOLO . Crown 8vo . 123 . Large paper, 183.

b ut ters S ociety’

s {Bahttrat iona

Page 9: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer


fi ngloséaaxon 2111101115.


,and Th e BAT

TLE Of FINNES- BURH . Edited,with

an Historical Preface , by JOHN M .

K EMBLE,Esq . M .A . OfTrin ity Col

l ege , Cambridge , second edition, foolscap 8VO. 153.

B EOWULF,an Engl ish Tran slation , with

a Copiou s G lossary , by JOHN M .

KEMBLE,Esq . Jus t ready.


s Con solation Of Ph iloSophy, with an Engl ish Translationby CARDALE . 8vo . 11. 53 . Large

paper, 21. 23 .


S ANGLO SAXON VERSIONOf th e Me tres of Boe th ius

,with an

English Tran slation and Notes,by

the R ev . S. Fox . 8vo . 12s .

K INGALFRED’SW I LL,Saxon and Engl ish ,

with a Preface and Notes . 8vo . 53.

MENOLOG IUM ; or, the Poetical CalendarOf the Anglo Saxon s ; with an En

glish Tran slation and Notes,by th e

Rev . SAMUEL Fox . 8vo . 63 . Large

paper 123 .

BRITAN N IA SAXONICA ; a Map ofBritainduring the


Saxon Octarchy , by G.

W . COLLIN. 4to 123.


,Esq . F . S.A . 8VO.

63 .


A New and Improved S eries , 4 vols . 8vo . boards,with plates, 168 . each .

ILLUM INATED ORNAMENTS , selected fromMSS. and early printed books Of the

Middle Ages , carefully colouredfrom theoriginals , by Henry Shaw ,

F.S.A .,with

Description s by Sir Frederick Madden .

4to . half-bound m orocco , 51. 53. The

sam e, highly fin ish ed w ith opaque co

lour, and heightenedwith gold, imperial4to.



, drawn from existing Authorities ,Parts I . to XIII . 4to. 53. each . LargePaper, 103. each .



V I . 4to . 53. each. Large Paper, 103.each .





, uniformly printed with Stuart ’S


M IDDLEAGES , especially ofItaly , by R .

Willis , M . .A Sec . BYO. w ith 15

plates , 103. 6d. Large Paper,ARCHITECTURAL NOTES ON G ERMAN

, CHURCHES , by the Rev. William Whewell. 8vo . with plates , 103. 6d.



23. Large Paper, 41. 43.



143. Large Paper, 11. 83.H IBBERT ANDWHATTON

S H I STORY or THEFOUNDATION S INMANCHESTER , pla tes,3 vols . 4to . 71. 73. Large Paper, 3 vols .

l oyal 4to . Proofs on India


WARWICK. 8vo. boards 83.DA V INC I ON PAINTING ; w ith his Life byBrown . New edition , w ith portrait and

plates , crown 8vo . 103.

Athens , wrth upwards of100plates . Im A POPULAR V IEW OF HOMcEOPATHY, byperial folio , 61. 63. R ev. Thomas Everest, 12mo . bds . 33. 6d.


THE CYNOSURE , a Literary Album , by theEditor Ofth e Carcanet .

THEWORKS OF JOHN SKELTON , Poet Laureat to Henry the Seven th and Henrythe Eigh th . Now first collected, with

some Account ofthe Author, and ample

Notes andIllustrations, by theRe v.Alexander Dyce .

CHARLEMAGNE’S TRAVELS to Constan tinOpleandJerusalem , a Norman-French PoemOfthe Twelfth Cen tury , now first printedfrom the originalMS. in the British Mu

seum .

EARLY ENGLISH POETRYp r in f r] i n t h o h lfl t ‘ b I n?

Page 10: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer
Page 11: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer
Page 12: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer
















Page 13: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer
Page 14: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

P R E F A C E .

THE three Catalogue s wh ich form th e con

te nts Of th is vo lum e were compiled in pur

suan ce Of in stru ctio ns from th e Ho nourab le

Board Of Comm is sio ners on th e PUBL IC

RECORDS, in th e years 1834 and 1835 . They

are already printed in th e Appe ndix to th e

R eport wh ich th e Comm is sio ners m ade to

His late Maje s ty at th e b eginn ing Of th e

pre sent year. But as that Report and Ap

pendix form toge th er a very large vo l um e ,

it appeared to m e that I Sho uld render a

Service , n ot who l ly unacceptab le , to that por

tion ofth e comm un ity wh o de sire to have at

hand a k ey to the contents Of th e depo sitorie s

Of unpub lish ed and unde s crib ed h is torical

remain s , by separating the se catalogue s from

th e o ther matte r w ith wh ich they are th ere

3 2

1717 5 8703

Page 15: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

incorporated, andform ing them into a vo lum e

ofa conve n ie nt s iz e and th e Comm is sion ers

were pleased to grant m e perm is sio n to do so .

I print on ly a very sm al l n umb er of copie s ,

n ot m ore than on e hundred and fifty ; on e

h undred for pub lic sale , and fifty for private

distrib ution . It is a fact as evide nt as it is

u nfortunate , that th e purchasers of b ook s of

de tail and referen ce , and b ook s n o t conn e cted

with th e ex citing qu e stio n s of th e day, or

written to am use a pas sing hour, are too

few to e nco urage th e hope of any but th e

m o st lim it ed sale for eve n vo lum e s wh ich

contain literary inform ation of perm anent

utility m ore val uab le and important than

what I have here to pre se nt .

It will b e perce ived that the se Catalogue s

have b e e n form ed wit h an e spe cial V iew .

On e oft h e dutie s required of th e R e cord

Comm 1ss1on was to prepare a s upplem ent to

th e great national work wh ich refle cts so

m uch splendo ur on th e re ign ofA nne , and

m ake s ce leb rated thro ughout Europe , and

will m ake honourab le throughout all tim e ,

Page 16: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

th e nam e s of Som ers and Montagu ,—th e

co l le ctio n of h istorical do cum e nts popularly

k nown by th e nam e of Rym er’s Foedera.

Many years pas sed b efore any progre s s was

m ade in th e work . Whe n it was undertak en ,

som e on e , in evil hour, sugge sted that n o t a

s upplem e nt o nly sho uld b e prepared, b ut

that th e who le work sho uld b e reprinted,

with s uch additio nal m atter as m ight b e col

le cted. Accordingly a n ew editio n was pre

pared, and th e work was carried on to th e

end of th e re ign of King Edward III. , at

wh ich period it h ad arrived, when , in 1831 ,a form er Comm is sio n was s uperseded, and

a Comm is sio n was granted to o ther person s ,with addi tional powers and obje cts .

After an exam ination wh ich then took

place ofth e works in progre s s it was deem ed

expedient to su spend th e pro se cutio n of th is

edi tion , and to revert to th e original de s ign

of preparing a s upplem ent on ly . It was in

te nded that th is supplem ent sho uld b e as

hono urab le to th e co untry wh ich produced

it as was th e original work that th e extra

a 3

Page 17: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

ordinary deficien cie s of th e original work

sho uld b e amply s upplied ; and th e inte ntio n

ofth e Comm itte e ofth e Hou se ofComm on s

of 1800, by whom th e preparation of th is

s upplem e nt was sugge sted, ful ly satisfied.

For th is purpo se it was propo sed to th e

Comm ission , I b elieve by Mr. Cooper, th e

se cre tary , that there sho uld b e exten s ive

search for international do cum ents in all

th e great depo sitorie s of m anuscript s , and

that th e searche s sho uld n o t b e confined to

England, bu t extended to co untrie s wh ich

in early periods h ad form ed al l ian ce s with

England, in th e n o t u nreasonab le expe cta

tion that pub lic le tters m igh t b e fo und wh ich

our own e nro lm ents did n o t contain , and

that treatie s , wh ich in th e ir very nature con

s isted oftwo or m ore parts , m ight ex ist in th e

arch ive s ofo th er countrie s , tho ugh n o t fo und

in our own . It was al so though t that wh ile

th is was doing, th e opportun ity m ight b e

take n of ob tain ing inform ation con cern ing

tran s cript s of re cords , and o ther h istorical

writings n o t diplom atic , in l ib rarie s ofm a

n uscripts of wh ich n o prin ted catalogue was

Page 19: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

own views of what a Catalogue of Manu

s cript s o ugh t to b e , I sho uld have gon e m ore

into de tail ; bu t th e pre s s was already set ,

and I h ad n o t im e for th e undertak ing.

Th e variation s be twe e n th e tex t of th is vo

lum e and that of th e Appe ndix to th e

R eport are th erefore few . But I have

introduced a s hort m em o ir on th e life and

labo urs of Dodsworth , a m an addicted to

th e study of charter and re cord antiquitie s

w ith a devotio n of m ind of wh ich th e

world h as see n few paral le l s . I have al so

added th e s chedule of Sir Matth ew Hale ’


m anus cripts , drawn up by h im se lf. Th is

s ch edule is annexed to h is w il l in th e Prero

gative Office of h is Grace th e Archb ishopof Canterb ury . In th e sam e depo sitory I

fo und th e last w ill of Dodsworth , wh ich

h as enab led m e to pu t b eyond th e lim it s of

a reasonab le do ub t an end to th e que s tio n

by who se nam e , Dodsworth ’s or Dugdale’

s ,

th e Mon asticon o ugh t to b e cal led. Sil

Wil liam Dugdale wo uld have be en th e las t

m an to de sire that h is nam e s ho uld e clipse

that of h is laborio us friend, and n o on e has

Page 20: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

le s s need than h e to de sire a reputation that

is n ot who l ly h is own .

It was my intention to have introduced

in th is preface a few rem ark s on m atters

incident to myself, n o t very rem o te from

th e s ubje ct of th is vo l um e . But I for

b ear, conte nting myse lf with intim ating

to th e D’

Israelis and Hal lam s of a future

age that they m ust n o t b e too confide nt

that they can thread th e maze s of all literary

h istory.

30, Torrington Square,l oth December 1837.

Page 21: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer
Page 22: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer


I . The CONTENTS of the RED Bo ox of the


II. The Donswoa'

rn MANUSCRIPTS in th e Bon



Honourable Socie ty of LINCOLN’

s INN p . 25 1

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Page 24: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer





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The paging is in a hand of the reign of Elizabeth , and in the same hand are two imperfecttable s of contents, and some other things whichwill be noticed in the course of this Report. To

the same period I am inclined to attribute the

present binding of the volum e , which is in woodcovered with a red or rather pink leather, fromwhich the book derives its name . But it is n o

longer - to the eye The R ed Book , it being keptconstan tly enveloped in a loose cover of lightbrown leather, in which are several large bosses .A few scripts are n ow found fastened in the

volume , which are n ot properly parts of it ; and

very lately two fragment s of a roll or rolls of


fees have been placed upon guards, and

inserted between folios cxxxv and cxxxvi, wherethe book contains matter of th e same kind. In

the binding, folios cxxv and cxxvi have been transposed. The book is generally in good preservation .


and there is a torn leaf; and of on e of the

leave s a considerable portion has been torn away,but fortunately n o part of the writing upon it hasbeen lost . By far the greatest injury which -the

book has sustained is from the application to someof it s pages ofan infusion ofgall s, intended to makelegible writing which was faded. There has been

great wan t of discretion in applying this liquid ;it being evident that parts have been washed whichcannot have required it, or rather that in applyingthe liquid


to parts where th e writingwas becom ingillegible it has been suffered to spread itself over

a considerable surface where there was n o dimne sswhich could h ave occasioned any difficulty in the

reading. The consequence is, that there are

Page 28: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer


port ions of four or five pages which are now

irretrievably lost .

No expen ce appears to have been spared in theoriginal preparation of the volum e . The vellumis thin and fair, the writing of the older portion of

the contents by a skilful hand, and the margin s areof unusually wide dimensions . The illum inationsare not indeed profuse , extending n o t beyond theinitial letters ofthe treatises and chapters, but theyare done with taste and delicacy

.All this indicate s

that it was prepared with care , being regarded as

an important document and it is further a

pledge to future generations of the e xactness andaccuracy of the transcripts contained in the earlierportions ofthe volum e .

The original contents of this volume , or thosewhich were entered when first the volume



prepared, and which are written consecutive ly and

by the sam e hand, may be distinguished from the

rest by the style of the writing, by the illumination , and by being in double columns . I t fills thepages fi om that which , according to the presentnumbering, is folio xvi to folio clxii. On the versoof folio clxii begin the copies of certain charters ,th e earlier ofwhich may b e 1n the sam e hand withthe preceding parts of the book ; but the initialletters are n ot inserted, and the deterioration of

the writing is soon manifest and finally the introduction ofsom e other scribe , rendering it probablethat th e person originally employed, when arrived

at this point in his labours, was by some m eansrendered incapable of pursuing them , or that thiswas the case with the person under whose directionthe work was proceeding.

A 3

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In the old or original hand there is nothingentered of a later date than A .D . 1230, the 15 th

of King Henry III . ; and within a very few yearsof that date , there is every reason to suppose thatthis, the original portion of the book, was written .

The volum e was n ot then , however, half filled.

The charters on which the original scribe was

engaged when h is labours ceased, were , as we

have before observed, continued in a manner toimitate h is work ; but in the subsequent partsof the volum e w e find no regard paid to un i

form ity or beauty, there is nothing of order or

arrangement, but the officers of the Exchequerappear to have used th e blank leave s ofthis choicevolum e t o serve as th e depo sit of transcripts of

any docum ent, and sometim e s for table s and

even references, useful to them in the executionof their duties, entered quite

,at random , generally

on the later leave s of the volum e , but som etimeson the fly leaves at the beginning, and sometimeseven on the wide margins of the original work .

The matters thus superinduced are , however,often ofgreat curiosity and value . This use ofth e

vo lume appears to have been begun very soonafter the time when the original scribe finished hislabours . Indeed, the greater part of what is thussuperinduced can hardly b e assigned to a periodlater than th e reign ofKingEdward I . There are

a few entries ofthe re igns ofKing Edward II . and

King Edward III . , and one or two which are of

the reign ofKing Richard II . After that reignnothing appears to have been entered in this book

( except on e grant of th e reign ofHenry V . ) till wecome to the reign ofElizabeth, when several oaths

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( 7 )

to be admin istered in the Exchequer were entered,together with a few other things ofwhich mentionwill be made hereafter.

I t is manifest, therefore , that to convey a properimpression of the nature of the contents of thisvolume, we must separate the later from the origin al

matter. That original matter lyingbetween folio xviand folio clxii claim s our first attention . I t consistsof n ine distin ct portions, of which a particular description follows .


I . De Libertate Ecclesiaa et tocius Angliaz

observandaLege s Henrici primi filii conquestoris,”

fo . 16—30. This important portion ofthe volum e

begins with the charter granted by King Henry I .on the day of his coronation, and his confirma

tion of th e laws of King Edward, and, as it pro

ceeds, presents a view of the laws and custom s ofthe English nation at that period. It is printedin Wilkins’ Leges Anglo


cce, &c . , fol. 1721 ,

p . 9 31— 283, from th e Textus Rofiensz’

s, but withcollations of this manuscript . There is anothercopy of the charter of King Henry at fol . 163 b,taken from th e copy which was transmitted to

th e people of Worcestershire . Both these copieswere perused by the editors of the Royal Chartersprefixed to The Statu tes of the R ealm , as published by the Commission . The chart er is in thatwork printed from th e Textus R ofi msis , the vari

ous readings supplied by these two copies be inggiven in the margin ; the two copie s being distinguished by the marks R . 1 . and R . Q.

—To thistreatise is appended the piece ofSaxon topography

A 4

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( 8 )

which Gale has printed, Scriptores xv, p . 748,having first collated it with Cott. MS. Claud.

D . 11 . There is also what Gale has not printed,a list ofthe shires under each ofthe thre e laws

To Pest Sexen elaga b elympe]? nygen . Sur

Chent, Sutpsexe , Suberie , Bercungsyre ,Surilsete, Dorsete, Deven esyre .

To Den elaga b elimpe)? fiften e syre .

‘ Snotig.

hamsyre , Derbysyre , Leycestresyre , Lin

co lne , Heirford, Buckingham , Subfolc,Norpfolc, Bedeford, Estsexe , Gran tebrig


Hun tenduii, Norhamtoii, Midelsexa.

To Michen elage belimpe]? nigan syre . Glou


, Wirecestr’, Heirford, Oxen eford,Scrobsyre , Chestresyre , Steaifordsyre ,Ware .

wicsyre , Beirucsyre .- fo . 30.

I I . Con stitutio Domus Regis, fo . 30. Thisaccount of the royal household, as it stood in thereign of King Henry II . , or of on e of his sons, isalso to be found in the Black Book, (also in the

custody of the King’s Remembrancer, ) and is

printed by Hearne, with the other contents ofthatbook, from early transcripts . See Liber Niger,

It is thu s in the original : and even including Sur, wh ichmay b e a mistake for Syre , only seven shires are named for

in that case Surreywould occur twice : n or are th ere more than

fourteen under th e Dan e Law . A s an early list in a book of

au thority, with all its defects, it deserves atten tion ; but it shouldb e compared with th e lists published by Camden , (B ritann ia ,

ed. 1600, p . Camden regards Laga as equivalen t to Le t ,in which he is followed by Spelman and most o ther antiquaries.But see on th is point Nicolson , English Historical Library ,

edit . 169 6, vol. i. p. 113. The text of the part printed by Galeappears equally corrupt .

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( 9 )

vol . i. pp . 34 1—35 9 . The variations betwe enHearne ’s copies and the copy now before us are

not given .

I I I .—The Dialogus de Scaccario , fo . 31—46.

This treatise on the ancient constitution and praetice ofthe Exchequer appears in this book withoutany title . There is another ancient Copy of it in

another book ofthe Exchequer, kept at th e ChapterHouse , and known there by the name ofthe BlackBook.

“ It is printed by Madox at the end of h is

LIBER NIGER Su m eri an —There is great inconven ien cein th is mode of designating manuscripts . There are , as stated

in the text, two books in the Exchequer, both kn own by the

name of Liber Niger,—the one wh ich con tains the Dialogue ,

preserved at th e ChapterHouse, under th e care ofthe keeper of

the records there ; and the o ther, wh ich contain s the Con stitu tio,

preserved under the care of the King’

s Remembrancer. These

two books are sometimes confounded. And there is even a

third Liber Niger of the Exchequer also under the care of

the King’

s Remembran cer ; th e LiberM yer Feodorum . Other

archives, as those of the Irish Exchequer, the Adm iralty, theCinque Ports, the Chapter of Peterborough , and other publicbodies at home and abroad, have each their Liber Niger.

Th e Liber Niger, which con tain s the Constitutio, is some

t imes called Liber Niger Parvus ; it appears to have beencompiled about the same period with the original parts of the

Liber Ruben s, that is, in th e reign ofHen ry III. It is a small

folio ofeigh ty-five leaves, bound in black leath er. Besides the

Con stitutio it con tains the Cert ification es of kn igh ts’


wh ich are also in the R ed Book ; these form indeed the principal con ten ts ofthe volume . I ann ex a briefaccount ofall itscon ten ts .

1 . Hoc es t Testamentum Illustrissim i Regis Henrici Secundi Angliae,


f. 1. There is an interesting illumination in

the in itial letter, in which the King is represen ted lying in b ed,and dictating h is will to a clerk, who is writing it. Bishops and

Page 33: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

( 10

His tory qf’

the Exchequer, 4to , vol . 11. pp . 349—452 ,who has followed the text ofthe copy in the Liber

other person s are standing around. The will is prin ted in the

Fmdera, vol. i . p. 47.

2. Carta Conven tion is factaa inter Henricum'

[L] RegemAngliae e t Rob ertum Com item Flandriae ,

”f. 2. Dated at Dover,

6 Id. Martii.

3. Carta Conven tion is factze in ter Henricum [L] RegemAngliae e t Rob ertum Comitem Flandriae,


f. 3 b. Dated at

Dover, 16 Kal. Jun 11.Both th ese treaties are printed in the ' Foedera, vol. i .

pp. 6 and 7, from th e original instrumen ts in the Treasury of

the R eceipt of th e Exch equer, ( th e Chapter House.) The

originals were decayed, so that considerable portion s ofseverallin es are wan t ing. Th ese blanks m igh t have been suppliedfrom the early and, doubtless, au then tic tran scripts in th e bookbefore u s . Th e order in wh ich th ey are inserted in this book isreversed in th e Foedera,4 . Conven tion es factae in terHenricum R egem Angliae,

e t Com item Th eodorum rL


vel Theodoricum ] , et Ph ilippum Co

m item Flandriae, f. 5 . Dated at Dover, 14 Kal . Apr. Prin ted

in the Foedera from th is book, vol . i. p. 22.

5 . Carta Recogn ition is Servicii quod Baron es et ceteri

Hom in es Com itis Flandriae deb en t Henrico [IL] Regi An

gliae,”f. 7. Prin ted in the Foedera, vol. i. p. 23, from the

o riginal in the Treasury ofth e Court ofR eceipt .6. Carta Convention is e t Fin is facti inter Henricum [IL]

R egem Angliae filium Matildis Imperatricis, et WillielmumR egem Scotorum ,

”f. 7 b. Dated apud Valon ’

n o day.

Th is documen t is prin ted in the Fe dera, vol . i. p. 30, from

a roll in the Treas ury ofth e Court ofR eceipt, but with manyvariation s from th e copy before us . Th is and th e two precedingdocum en ts are also in th e Liber Rub eus .

7. Four Bulls of Pope Alexander in the reign of KingHenry II f. 8 b. Th ese were n ot in the original edition ofthe

F(Edera, but are in the edition published by the Record Comm ission ers, vol . i. pp. 44 and 45 .

8. Here follow what form the chief con ten ts of the volume ,occupying from f. 10b to f. 74—the Cartae of the several te

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12 )

ofothers of its readings in the notes . I t may beproper to add, that this is the treatise long attri

buted to Gervase of Tilbury, but which Madox,

chiefly on the authority of Swereford in a passageabout to be produced, attributes to Richard, theBishop of London who se name sometimes appearswith the addition offilius Nigelli, and who died in

1 198.

IV .—A large collection made by A lexander de

Swereford, an officer of th e Court of Exchequer,and also Archdeacon of Shrewsbury, out of the

Great Ro lls of that court , n ow usually called the

Pipe Rolls, of the scutage s which were leviedbetween the 2d year of King Henry II . and the

13th year of King John , f. 47—81 . Having beenmuch employed, as he says, in the Exchequer,and havingfound n o certain account ofthe knights

fees which were granted by the Conqueror, he hasendeavoured to make up for the want of such an

authoritative docum ent by collecting from the ac

counts of form er years what had been paid as

scutage by various parties, to serve as a guide to

n exion with th e Liber Niger, or dependance upon it. —The other

Liber Niger, namely, that preserved at the Chapter House , is,as to the original portions ofit, ofnearly th e same age with thisLiber Niger and with th e Liber Rub eus. It con tains, in the

original hand, the copy of th e Dialogue , but that forms only avery small part of the con ten ts of the volume . For the rest,

th ere are amongst many oth er th ings an old Kalendar, a Tableof th e Sh erifi


Dietae, various constitut ions and ordinan ces of

th e Exchequer, h istorical memoranda, and notices of the ad

m ission and death or relinquishment of many officers of the

court .

Page 36: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

( 13 )

the officers of the court in future levies . ‘

scutages are these which follow


s Introduction is full of curious and importan tinformation : Anno Dom in i anno videlicetxv

°. regn i R egis Henrici filii Regis Johann is, qui fuit frater, 8 m

[here is a long gen ealogy in th e line of the fam ily ofWoden ,

commencingwith Adam , which I om it sub Huberto de BurgoComite Kan eia Anglie Justiciario, Thesaurario Scaccarii, o

Kaerleonen si Episcopo, R egis predict i Can cellario, RadulphoCicestren si Episcopo, res idens Ego Alexander A rch idiaconus


apud Westmonasterium in R egis Scaccario, an ti

quorum Regum Anglie R otulos revolven s Annales, ad hoc

sollicitius an imum direxi, u t per regnaAnglic debita Regi servitiam ilitaria quatenus potn i plen issime percunctarer ; cum nequeNigellus quondam Elyen sis Episcopus, Regis Henrici primiThesaurarius, vir quidem in scient ia Scaccarii plen ius ih

s tructus ; n ec ejusdem successor officii, R icardus Londonensis

Episcopus, licet in sui libelli tractatu superius multa de n egotiis

Scaccarii degereret ; n ec vir valde peritus in eisdem ,WillielmusElyensis, sub cujus regimine temporibus Regis Johann is ,


tociens ibidem m ilitavi, super h iis certum aliquid diffin irent ;

illud commune verbum in ore singulorum tunc temporis divul

gatum fatuum repu tans et mirabile, quod in regn i conquisitione

Dux Normannorum , R ex Willielmus, servicia xxxn . militum

infeodavit, cum n ec super hoc posteris suis Regib us Anglorum

rotulos reliquerit, nec annalia sua temporibus meis a qu ibusquam

visa s int, rotulo qu idem Win ton ien si sive Domusdey vel LibroHidarum excepto, quo qu idem h idas tocius Anglie earundemque

tenen tes an no regn i sui XI I I I°. per tocius regn i comitatus

recen sen s sat is compendiose conclusit, ignorasse quidem ha c

servicia m ilitaria R egis ejusdem postmodum successores subse

quen tium argumen to n on inm erito potuit dubitari ; quia cum

R ex Hen ricus filius Imperatricis Duci Saxon ic filiam suam Ma

t ildem nuptui traderet , a quolibe t sui regn i m ilite marcam

u nam in subsidium nuptiarum exegit, puplico precipiens edicto

quod quilibet Prelatus et Baro quot m ilite s de eo ten eren t in

capite puplicis su is in strumen tis sign ificaren t. Q ua quideminstrumen ta per singulos comitatus distincta sub prefato Willielmo Elyens i in unum recollegi volumen . Nomina quidem

Page 37: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

( 14

11 .

Pro Exercitu Wallia , on the Prelatesonly, on each knight

’s fe e .

Pro eodem Exercitu , on each knight’s

fe e 2 marks .7. Pro Exercitu Tholosa , on each fee

2 marks .8 . Pro eodem Exercitu , on each fee

1 mark .

Ad maritandam filiam Regis, on eachfee 1 mark . This was an auxilium .


cartas suas m itten cium , num erum etiam feodorum , et pecun iam

pretaxatam solutam , reperies inferius in rotulo regn i R egis

ejusdem X I I I IO. sub illo titulo De auxil io ad maritandam primo

gen itam filiam Regis ; n omina quidem illorum qui cartas tune

temporis non m iserun t reperies inferius in rotulo regn i su i

XV I I IO. sub titulo illo ;—De h iis qu i cartas n on m iserun t. U t

igitur quatenus hujus rei potuit investigari veritas singulis innotesceret, incipien s a tempore Regis Hen rici filii Imperatricis ,scutagia singula successorum snorum temporibus assisa u squead annum xv

mum. Regis Henrici filii R egis Johann is huic m eo

libello inferius descripsi ; temporibus en im R egis Henrici prim i,licet eju sdem paucos inspeximus annales, n ec in spexi vel audivi

fuisse scu tagia assisa. Diligens igitur investigator, e t hujuslibelli m ei lector, s ingulis inspectis inferius scutagiis advertat,

qui, qualia, e t quot deb ean t servicia m ilitaria, qu i qu idem ser

jan tarias ; defectusque un ius annalis suppleat ex alio, attendens

quod m ilitantes in exercitu n on solverun t scutagia tempore quom ilitaban t, immo m ilites reman en tes redimen tes suam scu tagii

su i remanen tiam . Potuitque con tingere multocien s, e t con tigit,

quod qui h oc anno reman eren t ab exercitu alio qu idem ann o

m ilitaren t, e t 6 con tra ; solveren tque h oc anno scu tagia qu i n on

alio ann o solveren t, et 6 con tra. Suppleat igitur defectum m eum

quicumque voluerit, et ignoscat si pauciora debito Regi servicioperstrinxserim , cum in h oc solo mea fuerit inten tio, u t ex rotulis

veritatem elicerem e t non relatu reprob orum . f. 47.

Swereford marks the distin ction between a scutage and an

aid Apposui quidem istud auxilium in numero scuta

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( 15 )

18. Pro Exercitu Hibernia , on each fee203 .

33 . Pro Exercitu Galweia , on each fe e 203 .

Ricardi Regis .A° 2 . Scutagium Wallia , on each fe e 103 .

6. Ad redemption em Regis illustris, on

each fee 2033“

8. Pro Exercitu Normannia , on each fee

Johann is Regis .A ° 1 . Primum Scutagium po st Coronation em

Regis , on each fe e 2 marks .3, 4 , 5 , 6, 7, 8 . Six assessm ents of2 marks

each , pro Exercitu Normannia .

12 . Pro passagio Regis in H ibernia, on

each fee 2 marks .13 . Pro Exercitu Wallia , on each fee

2 marks .Eodem . Pro Exercitu Scotia , on each fee

2 marks . i

giorum , quon iam congnita summa marcarum, cognoscitur per

consequen s e t numerus m ilitum .

”f. 47 b.

Th e following is Swereford’

s accoun t of th e King’

s cap

tivity : Q u i cum reversus a Ierosolim is, subjugatis sibiregion ibus et terris e t civitatibus diversis , effugatis exinde

Sarracen is, prout in Gestis ejusdem plen ius con tin etur, clam

per Aleman iam in regnum suum volen s reverti, occupatis jamterris suis et invas is a R ege Francorum Philippo in Normann ia,

captus est a Limpolldo Duce Austria , deten tusque apud Wene,

anno Domin i M 0. c

° xc° I I°. R edemptus postmodum ab Anglis


6. librarum sterlingorum . f. 48.

1 King John , who was always needy, made another attemptto levy a scutage of three marks, for the army of Poictou .

Swereford thus speaks of it, and at the same t ime presen ts uswith the testimony ofa contemporary to the place ofKingJohn ’


Page 39: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

( 16

V .—To Swereford we also owe the next por

tion of the volume , which is indeed spokenof in h is Introduction before given, and maybe regarded as an appendix to the Collectionsout of the Great Rolls . He has entitled it

thus Certification es facta de feod1s militum ,

tempore Regis Henrici secundi, per Prelatos e t

Barones, pretextu mandati Regis ejusdem annotati alibi in hoc libro , folio xlvu . precedente ,”

f. 83—122 . The reference is to th e Collectionsrespecting the aid ad maritandam of 13 or

14 Hen . II . I t has been already observed thatthere is another ancient copy of the se Certifications in the L iber lViger, and that they are printedby Hearne . Hearne , however, it is to b e regretted,had n ot access to e ither of these originals, butprinted from three copies, on e in his own possession, and the other two in the Ashmolean and Har

laian Libraries . His text is an eclectic text made

out of the three, but it varies in some importantparticulars from the text of this manuscript, whichm ust b e regarded as on e of high authority and it

seem s e xpedient, as hinted in a former note , thatan authentic edition of so early, curious, and important a docum ent as this should be preparedfromthe collation of the text ofthese two books .

death . Hoc scutagium n ec Prelatis nec Baron ibus potuit

impon i eo tempore, propter illud en im divertentes se fere omn es

Barones a fidelitate R egis ejusdem, in troducto in Anglia Ludowico primogen ito Regis Fran corum Philippi, capta London ia,submissisque sibi aliis civitatibus, eidem se subjecerunt . Sicque

R ex Johann es vitam hn iene in gwerra, regn i sui anno xvn x°

apud Castrum de Neuwerk diem clausit extremum ; sepultus

apudWigorniam, in ecclesia civitatis ejusdem cathedrali."

f. 48.

Page 40: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

( 17 )

VL—A collection of the Serj eantie s in th e dit

feren t countie s, f. 123— 129 . Much , and probablythe whole of this , may b e fo und in the book offees called Testa de Nevil , at f. 4 17 of the printedcopy, and in other places dispersedly as the countieslie in the volume . But on comparison with the

printed copy of the Testa, it appears that thismanuscript would be found to supply some valuable readings .V II . Inquisit iones facta tempore Regis

Johannis per totam Angliam , ann o scilicet regn isui x 11

. et in quolibet com itatu de ser

vitiis m ilitum e t al iorum qui de eo tenent in capite ,secundum rotulos liberatos Thesaurario per manusV icecom itum Anglia , tempore predicto ,

”f. 132

149 . These inquisitions are not them selves incorporated in the Testa but the matter which theycontain is to b e found for the most part in otherform s in that book .

V III . Inquisition es de hon oribus exchaetis

aliquo tempore facta anno X I I I°. Regis Johann is, deservitiis M . eorundem ,

”f. 150— 15 9 . Much of

this also is in the Te sta ; but re specting this and

the preceding portions, it is to b e observed that.the text of this book is an older text than that ofthe Testa by no t le ss than halfa century, and thatthese portions ofthe R ed Book were preparedwithfar more care than was bestowed on the book n ow

called Te sta de Nevil .IX. Normannia. Infeudation es m ilitum qu i

deb en t servicia m ilitaria Duci Normannia , e t in

quot militibus quilibet tenetur e i servire ,”f. 160

162 . I owe to Cooper on R ecords , (vol. 11.


p. the information that this document isB

Page 41: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

18 )

printed by Du Chesne , Scriptores R eri tm Norman

-n icaram , p . 1045 , but n ot in an entire agreementw ith this original . It is also printed by Ducarel

(Anglo-Norman An tiqu ities, Appendix, No . ii. )professedly from this copy ; but if so, very incorrectly .

The n ine port ions thus described lie con secu

t ively and in continuity, with such breaks only as

serve to mark the term ination of on e portion and

t he comm encem ent ofanother, and are all that canb e said to have been completed by th e originalc ompiler of the volum e—I have deferred, till thewhole ofthis part of th e volum e was de scribed, tos tate the opinion of Madox,that to Alexander deSwereford

, the Archdeacon ofShrewsbury, we owe

n ot only the compilation out of the Pipe Rolls ,which form s the fourth portion n ow described, butt he preparation of the volum e itself. It is indis

putable that Alexander was a zealous officer ofthisc ourt ; and the expression in the introduction whichhas been quoted, “ Nee ejusdem successor officii

R icardus London en sis Episcopus, licet in sui libellitrac tatu superius multa de n egotiis Scaccarii dege

reret ,” used by Swereford him self, seem s to imply

that be devised the arrangement which gave to theDialogue on the Exchequer, which is the treatisespoken of, its place in this book before his Collection s . There is also at f. 46 b, in a hand of the

t im e which may n ot unreasonably be presum ed to

b e Swereford’

s own , th e following entry, in whichwe may observe that he again speaks of him self,and calls the book h is own .

An n o Dom in i regn i Regis Henrici filnR egis

-Johann is vigilia Sancta Margare ta , fuit Rex

Page 43: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

( 20

died on the fourteenth ofthe calends ofNovember1 246, and was buried in the church of St. Paul,London, at the altar ofSt . Chad, where he foundeda chantry, referring for h is authority to Cott. MS.

Vitellius, E . xv. f. 1983"


The contents ofthis volum e , which are ofa laterdate , adm it of being distributed in three classes .

1—CoLLEcTIONs,DOCUMENT S, andMEMORANDArelating to th e Constitution , Privileges, or

Practice Ofth e Court of Exchequer.


111 .—Ev1DENCEs of the King

’s Title to variousPossessions . And concerning these it mayb e observed in general, that nearly everydocument of a later date than the reign of

H enry III . was entered in this book at or

near the tim e of its preparation .


relating to the Constitution, Privileges, or

Practice ofthe Court of Exchequer.

1 . A large collection of Excerpts ou t Of the

Rotuli Annales or Pipe Rolls, amounting in manyinstances to transcriptsof nearly th e whole of the

roll, with a few notes interspersed, f. 184 b—214 .

Th is Codex was reduced to a crust in the fire . It was a

chartulary and chron icle of the Monastery of Osen ey, as is

man ifest by Smith ’

s Catalogue, and indeed by the fragments ofth e MS. still remaining.

Page 44: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

( 21 )

These are in a hand of the reign of Edward I .They are made from some other copy of the ac

counts than that which n ow form s the serie s of

Pipe Rolls, the Treasurer’s Rolls . They are from

rolls of Henry I I . and Richard I . , and are remarkable for containing large portions, ifnot nearly thewhole , of the roll of the 1 st Henry of whichthe original is n ot known to exist. Th e otheryears are the fo llowing : Henry IL, 2

—1 1 , 14,19—24 ; Richard I 1— 3, 5—8 ; and there are

a few slight notes out ofroll s ofother years .2 . A large and valuable collection of the feudal

tenures in the different counties, with notices of

th e sum s paid at different periods in the re igns ofHenry II . and Richard I . , f. 218— 230. These areentered in the same hand with the Excerpts fromthe Pipe Rolls . Little , if any thing, of the con

tents Of this portion of the volume is in the Testade Nevil, a book consisting of sim ilar matter, andapparently compiled for a sim ilar purpose , the

facilitating th e levying ofscutages and aids .Prefixed to it is a list ofaids levied in the re ign

Of Henry III . , and a notice of that in the

18 Edward I . ; viz . H enry III . , anno 19 , on the

marriage of Matild, the King’s sister, to the

Emperor Frederick ; anno 29 , on the marriage of

the King’s elde st daughter ; anno 38, on the making

th e King’s e ldest son a kn ight ; Edward I . , anno 18,

on the marriage of the King’s e ldest daughter,

f. 217 b .

3 . Feoda de comitatu Cestr’ secundum inqui

sition em factam per Alanum le Zuche tunc Just1ciarium ,

”f. 82 . This was in '

37 Henry III .

4 . A notice of lands granted by King John to

B 3

Page 45: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

( 9 2

Ralph de Someri, with a reference to the memoranda

of the Exchequer, Mich . Term , 15 Edward IL,

respecting them , f. 95 . This occurs among the

certifications of knights’

fees in 13 Henry II .

5 . A briefnotice ofthe amoun t ofsum s assessedin the tim e of Henry III f. 180. The followingis a copy

Summa xvm e

. assisa per Angliam ann o regn i RegisHen rici filii Regis Johan n is octavo, I III

XXVI . m il.

DCCLV I I I . marc . 1 1. d.

Summa KLe. ann o regn i Regis ejusdem xx1111.

m il. DCCX I I . m arc . VI I . s . v. d.

Summ a Carucagii I II . m il. m ar.

Summa xxxe. assisa ann o regn i Regis ejusdem XX I


xxxn I . m il. DCCC II IIxxXI . m ere . 11. s. I . d.

6. Con stabularn de Feodo super wardam


de diversis Baron , anno 46 Regis Henricit ercii, per Rob ertum Waleraund, f. 194 b .

7. Feoda pertinentia ad wardam Novi Castris uper Tinam ,

”f. 19 5 b .

8. Compotus de corn agn s Northumberlandia

redditus ad Scaccarium in anno Regis Henrici 49 ,per R ob ertum de In sula V icecom item ,

”f. 1 95 b .

9 . Quinque Portus e t eorum m embra cum ser

viciis Regi deb itis de Portubus predictis annuatim ,

f. 196.

10. Warda debita Castro de Windesor persingulas quadragenas anni,

”f. 196 b .

1 1 . Ps oda qua deben t ad custodiam Castrif. 196 b .

12 . Certificatio Portus Dovor, et quid et

quantum Dom ino Regi deb etur, e t quid ab eodem

alienatur, e t quomodo ,”f. 197 b .

13 . Recepta a Rege JOhann e de episc0pa

t ibus, abbatiis, e t aliis clericis Anglia tempore

Page 46: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

( 23 >

In terdicti pro Stephano Archi episcopo Can tuaria ,

f. 233 .

14 . Rotulus quondam Robert iMantel de firma

comitatuum Essex’ e t Hertford’, scilicet CLX . lib .

II . 5 . 111 . d. albi,” f. 233 b . Similar notes relating toother counties are intermixed.

15 . A large body of ordinances concerning the

Exchequer, and th e reformation of the practicethereof, made in the 16th , 17th , and 19 th years ofthe reign ofEdward II . by th e King and Council,and on e of Edward III . in the 29 th year of h is

reign, f. 279— 297.

16. Another order respect ing the practice ofth eExchequer, f. 25 1 b .

17. A writ of King Edward L , dated Nov. 14,

in the 7th of h is reign , and entered in th e Com

munia ofthat year, addre ssed to the Treasurer andBarons ofthe Exchequer, for restraining exorbitantfees ; on the fly leaves .18. The oaths of the several Officers of the

Court, with those of th e Lord Mayor of London ,and of the Mayors and Bailiffs of other cities and

boroughs, who are sworn in the Exchequer ; alsoofth e Escheators, Sheriffs, Justiciars, andMembersof th e King

’s Coun cil ; twenty-Six in all. Theseoaths are entered on the fly leaves at th e beginn ingofth e volum e ; and at f. 308 b . there is a second copyof the Chamberlain’s oath, with the clause of re

n oun cing th e authority of the Bishop Of Rome .

The oaths of the Officers of the Exchequer are in

th e hand ofElizabeth’s reign but that ofthe LordMayor ofLondon, and Ofother persons n ot


Officersof the Exchequer, are in a hand of the reign of

Edward 111. This book is now produced, and theB 4

Page 47: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

( Q4 )

Oath read from it , when th e Lord Mayors of London go to th e Exchequer to b e sworn . A copy of

the Sheriffs’ and Escheator’s Oath , in a hand of


reign ofEdward I . , on a loose slip ofparchm ent,lies in the volume among th e other oaths . Theseoaths are printed in the Report of 1800 ; pp . 233


19 . Brevia perDietas . A table shewing theDieta of the Sheriffs in passing accounts, as wellwhen th e Exchequer was at Westm inster as whenat York . This occurs on th e fly leaves, and thereis a second table of th e sam e kind, but with le ssparticularity, at f. 82 b . Both are in a hand ofthe

reign ofEdward I .

20. Numerus dierum assignatorum Vicecom itibus ad computandum ad Scaccarium ; flyleaf.

2 ] Dies quibus placita prosequun tur in Scaccario , as settled 5 2 Henry III . f. 242 .

22 . Provisiones de Judaismo liberata ad Scac

carium per Dominum Walterum de M erton,f. 242 b .

23 . Forma Ob servand i in ordine scriptura

Magni Rotuli,”f. 242 b .

24 . Pro Rege , de Prerogativa Regis quoadLevation em Deb itorum ,

”3 Edward I . f. 245 .

25 . De separation e facienda in extractis Justie’

de deb itis ad Regem Spectan tibus a debitis spectan

tibus ad alios, f. 25 1 .

26. De corporibus com itatuum de Rotulis

An nalibus amovendis,” f. 266.

27. Breve per quod R ex mandat veteres summ onition es sub compendio inn ovari, n e am ercia


m enta in quibus populus regn I sui anno xx

Page 48: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer


Regis Edwardl patris inciderat e t exitus foriswfacti exigan tur pra textu summon itionum ve terum

earundem ,

”12 Edward II . f. 275 b . This writ is

printed in the Feedera, vol. ii. p . 386, from the

Close Rolls .28. Processus de modo allocandi diversas l iber

tates Magnatum regn i super compotum Vicecomitum .

” This was the original title . There isadded, in a later hand, Habitus e t ann o tatus in

Memorandis de anno x l 111°

. R . E . filii R . E . viz .

inter Recorda in term ino Pascha , rot . f. 277.

Compare with it an en try on th e fly leaf at the

end of th e volume .

29 .

“ Carta R . E . fil . R . H . facta Conve '


London ia , de c e l I . li. I I I I . (1. adScaccarium annuatim

percipiendis,”Feb . 16, 20 ofhis reign f. 278.

30. De nova custuma lanarum , pellium

lanutarum , et coriorum Regi conce ssa, 3 Ed

ward I . f. 256 b .

31 . De Libertatibus concessis m ercatoribus

vin etariis de ducatu Aquitania , reddendo Regi

et heredibus suis duos solidos de quolibet doliovini dueto per eosdem infra regnum Anglia vel

potestatem Regis ,”f. 256 b .

32 . M emorandum of a charter granted by KingHenry III . , and bearing date 2oth January, in the39 th of h is reign , confirm ing the privileges of theBarons ofth e Exchequer, f. 131 b .

33. Eight Writs of Protection , granted byKing Edward I . in favour of officers of the Exchequer. The se are entered in a contemporaryhand on the margins of several leaves, on whichthe Dialogue on the Exchequer is written , f. 36 b39 ; they are now scarcely legible , owing to the

Page 49: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

( 9 5 )

application to them of th e infusion ofgalls . Theyare (L) A gen eral writ, imperfect, declaring thatthe officers of the Exchequer are exempt fromprocess, civil or ecclesiastical , while attendingthe King

’s affairs . To the Archdeacon of

Oxford, in the first of h is reign ; ,William de

Rowell, Chamberlain of the Exchequer, n ot to

b e drawn away to answer th e plea Of Roger therector ofWhytefeud in the Archdeacon’s Court.

To the sam e Roger ; that h e proceed not in

h is suit . To Nicholas Poynz , in the sam e

first year of his re ign, that officers of the Exchequer are free of suit at the County and Hundred Courts . To R . Bishop of Coventry and

Lichfield ; that h e revoke the sen tence for con

tumacy pronounced on an officer ofthe Exchequer.

To R . Bishop of Lincoln ; an Officer of the

Exchequer n ot to attend to a citation . To the

Bailiffs ofEdmundEarl OfLeice ster ; th e Officers of.

th e Exchequer are quit of suit at County Courts orHundreds . To R . Bishop of Norwich ; thath e revoke a sentence of e xcommunication, if

passed, upon an Officer of the Exchequer. Thereis also a letter to nearly the same effect, addressedto A . Archbishop ofYork or his commissary, nu

certain by which King.

34 . A writ .OfKingEdward I . , dated June 12, inth e 7th Ofh is reign, directed to the Treasurer andBarons of the Exch equer, that they maintain thet enants of the Palace at Westm inster in the possess ion oftheir rights and libertie s, f. 244 b .

35 . An ordinance respecting the Exchequer at

Dublin with a rece ipt for th e ornam ents which hadbelonged to H . the Archbishop of Tuam and Jus

Page 51: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

( 9 8 )

h is reign and a writ to A . Bishop. ofDurham , to

levy certain amercements which had been imposedwhile the libertie s were in the hands of th e King ;dated at Jedworth , 28 August, in the 32nd of his

reign [Edward I . ] Another writ on the sam e

subj ect, dated Villa Sancti Johan n is de Perth ,8 July, S l st of h is re ign . These are on slips of

parchm ent inserted in the book , between f. 182and f. 183, and n o part ofthe book itself.40. Questiones Curia . Law cases for deter

m ination, f. 232 b .

41 . Incrementa com itatuum omnium Anglia ,

anno R . H . fil. J . xxv°. coram Stephano de Segrave ,

f. 233 .

42 . Account of a question decided re spectingthe right of presentation to the church of Eton,5 2 Hen . III . , f. 242 .

43 . Breve de judicio directum Episcopo Linc .

pro eccle sia de Kirketon ,

”f. 242 .

44 . Pro Rege, de custodia terrarum Galfridi

de Luc f. 253 . A question ofwardship betweenGilbert de Clare Earl ofGloucester and the King.

45 . An account of the tenure of lands in the

county of Surrey, by Bartholom ew de Ch eym , byth e serj eanty of finding a cook in th e King


kitchen on th e day Ofh is coronation , f. 232 .

46. An account of the coronation of QueenAlianor, daughter of Hugh Earl of Provence , in20Hen . III . , with th e claim s of service, f. 232 .

47. Tenor brevis de Magno Sigillo de querelaThoma n uper Com itis Lancastria quod est interCommunia de anno primo Regis Edwardi tertiipost conquestum ,

”f. 297 b .

Page 52: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

( 9 9

48. Various documents relating to th e M intand coinag e ; viz . (L )

“ Forma Nova Moneta ,

f. 245 . Nomina M in istrorum Camb ii,

fi 245 b . M emorandum Of a Proclamationagainst clipping the n ew money, f. 245 b . Me

morandum Of an agreem ent with William Turnemyre re specting the co inage , 12 Edw. I f. 246.

De Moneta,” on the Office of the M int,£ 245 b . De Moneta,” an agreem ent bywhich Wil liam de Turn em ire is made Master of

the M int, the number ofhis furnaces is determ ined,and other affairs mentioned ofgreat consequence inthe history ofthe English coinage , f. 247. (7 De

Moneta, contraAbbatem San ctiEdm undi,” p . 248b.

Ordinances of28 Edw. I . respecting th e Mint,cancelled, f. 254 . De Moneta, an ordil

nance ofthe sam e year, f. 25 9—265 .

49 . De Officio Camerarii restituto Ada de

Strattone ,” f. 248 b .

50. Various Memoranda intended to facilitaterefe rence to th e rolls ; viz . (L ) That the writ ofHenry III . , by which h e commanded the Baronst o deliver the m easures and we ights to WalterHarvey, his Escheator ofLondon , ad facienduminde judicium in con spectu populi ejusdem civi;tatis, is in the Communia of the 54th of thatreign ,

£ 4 . That the writ under the GreatSeal to the Treasurer and Barons de Debitis atterm inandis

”is in the Communia of 3 Edw . IL ; fly

leaf. That th e writ de Custodiis et Mari

tagiis in man u Regis existen tibus anno x11°

. vel

extunc in manu Regis devenire con ting’

is in the

Communia ofthat year fly leaf. That in theGreat Roll of 20Hen . III . it is found that half

Page 53: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

( 30 )

a mark is paid pro scrutation e pedis cujusdamcyrographi,

”f. 231 b . That in the Communia,

Hil. Term . 11 Edw . III . , is a record of privilege sgranted to the Officers of the Exchequer, f. 322 b .

That in the Great Roll, 11 John, Norf. and

Suff. , it appears that th e Abbot of Croyland owedfour palfreys to have h is lands, &c . Of whichh e had been disseised be cause he had excom

mun icated the servants of the King ; fly leaf.That th e charter ofAlphonso King of Cas

tile , of a quit claim made to Edward the King,son ofHenry the King, and h is heirs, ofth e wholeofGascony, sealed with a golden seal , is depositedin the inner chamber near th e Black Hall in the

Tower OfLondon , f. 15 . That on th e Memo

randa of 9 Hen . I II . it was entered as determined,that “

precium osturci sori sit xx . s . , precium osturci

m utati sit XL . s . , et si austurcus sorus n on reddatur

primo anno, in anno sequ en ti dicatur et reddatur

m utatus,”f. 149 b . That in the Great Roll,

19 Edw . I ., Norf. , it is entered, that th e magnate s

are n ot to take the amercements for the ir own

offence s, and also by a writ of the said King en

t ered in the Communia of h is 18th year ; fly leafat the end. And at f

. 211 b . is a cluster ofsuch references, chiefly to rolls ofEdward II .

5 1 . Divers other M emoranda, or slight notes .

(L ) The form in which writs are addressed to

Bristol, Exeter, Dover, the Cinque Ports, and

Rye ; fly leaf. The cost of writs and sum

m on ses ; fly leaf. That a quintal ofwax con

tains 1 12 lbs . ; fly leaf. That the birth of

Edward, eldest son of King Edward II . , was on

St. Brice’s day, being Monday, Nov. 13, 1312 ;

Page 54: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

C 3 1

fly leafi That a pound ofwax ought to besufficient for thirteen writs or summonses, f. 46 b .

That the battle of Poitiers was fought on

Sept. 19 , 30 Edw . III . ; that Edward III . died‘June 21 , 1377, Edward h is eldest son June 8 inthe same year [sic] ; and that Richard II . was

crowned on July 16 in the same year, f. 2 12 .

An explanation in French ofthirty-five Saxonlaw term s, f. 2 16 b . An extract from LiberR offen sis respectingPeter-pence and tythes, f. 231 .

An extract from a book belonging to the

abbey of Feversham relating to the foundation of

that abbey and to th e fam ily of King Stephen,f. 231 . A curious notice of the finene ss ofthe silver brought from different places or in dif

feren t forms, to which the M int Master, Cambiator,has to attend, f

. 231 b . A writ of the Kingto the Sheriff that h e distrain n ot the tenants ofa Bishop for an aid exceeding in amount what theB ishop renders to th e King, f. 231 b . Ane xtract fi'

om Domesday Book concern ing the

manors of Wilesden and Draiton in Middlesex,f. 231 b . A Memorandum that AlexanderKing of Scotland, son ofAlexander, took to wifeMargaret daughter of Henry King of England,son of King John , at York, on the morrow of the

Nativity, 125 1 , f. 232 . A Summary of the

cantreds ofWales, n ow almost effaced by the liquid,f. 232 b . A Catalogue ofthe Kings ofWessexfrom Ina, continued in the sovereigns of Englandt o Henry III . , but almost effaced by the same pern icious liquid, f. 232 b .

* A short extractfromWith this are the following en tries ofthe births ofthe elder

children ofKing Henry II. viz. : M . c . LI I . Alienor peperit

Page 55: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

( as )

Dom esday re lating to the county of Berks, and

from an old chronicle respecting Babylon , f. 232 b.

Table ofthe days on which th e reign s ofthesuccessive Kings of England from Henry III . to

James I commence , in various hands, f. 241 . Thisis printed in the Proceedings of the Board, éjrc .

p . 443 . A Memorandum that on Tuesdaythe m orrow of St. Dionysius, in 18 Edw . I .

, and

in the year 1290, all the Jews ofLondon departedtowards the sea, in order to convey them selvesbeyond seas under the protection of the King,f. 258 b . A Memorandum concerning the

manor of Seton and th e custody of the lands of

Peter de Orde during the vacancy Of the see of

Durham after the death of Richard Le Power,f. 265 b . Two Memoranda offealty by OdoArchbishop ofRouen to Henry III . , f. 131 b . , and

f. 160. On on e of the fly leave s, at the beginning, is written the following warning

Q uatuor ista, Tim or, Odium , Dilec tio, Census,

Sa pe solen t h om inum rec tos pervertere sensus.

11.—DIPLOMAs .

L—PUBLIC CHARTERS ofthe Kings ofEngland.

1 . Carta Regis Willielmi Conqu isitoris de quibusdam statutis, St e . [sic] f. 162 b . This t itle isin th e recent hand, the original being without a

title . This charter is printed in th e Foedera, vol. i.p . 1 , from this Copy.

Duci Norm . Willielmum .—M . 0. LV . Alienor peperit Henricum .

—M . c . LV I . Peperit Matildem . M . c . LV I I . R icardum apudOxon iam . Galfridum. M. C. LXII . Alienor apud

Page 56: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

( 33 )

2 . Carta ejusdem R . W . de appellatis fpro

aliquo maleficio Franco vel Anglico ,

”f. 163 . This

title is in the original hand. This is also ' printedin the Foedera, vol. i . p . 2 , from this book .

3 . Carta R . H . prim i fil. R . W . de ‘ libertatibus concessis Anglis, e t habuit quilibet com itatustalem,

”f. 163 b . This is printed first among the

charters prefixed to the Statutes . Another Copyof it which is found in another part of this bookhas been spoken ofbefore . This is a copy of thatwhich was transm itted to Sam son th e Bishop , Ursode Ab itot, and all the Barons and liege m en (fidelibus) as well French as English, of Wirecestreshire .

4 . De Falsariis Mone ta ,

”f. 163 b . This charter

ofKingHenry I . is also in th e Foedera, vol. i. p . 12 ,

printed from this book, where the copy is of

that sent into Worcestershire , being addressed to

Samson and Urso .

5 . De com itatibus e t hundredis certis locist en endis,

” f. 164 . This is in the Foedera from the

original before us, vol. i. ,p. 12 . It is transcribedinto this book from the copy sent into W


orcestershire .

6. Forma concordia inter R . Steph . e t Ducem

Henricum f. 164 . Printed in the

Foedera, vol . i. p . 18.

These two charters are placed in the Fa dera among those

of the an n i incert i in the reign ofHenry I. Bu t from the cir

cumstance Of the three be ing addressed to the same part ieswe may infer that they are con temporaneous instrumen ts withthe Charter ofLibert ies which was granted by the King on his

coronation . Samson the Bishop was not alive afterA .D. 1112 .


Page 57: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

7. A Charter ofKingHenry II. gran t ing certainprivileges to th e citizens ofLondon . This charteris without date of time the place is Westminster,and it has for witnesses Th . Archbishop of Canterbury, R . Bishop of London, Philip Bishop of

Baieulx,Th . the Chancellor, and others, f. 131 b .

In the earliest hand.

8. Hoc est breve Domini Regis missum

Dom ino [Archiepiscopo] Cant’

de concessionetorn eam en torum in Anglia,

”f. 132 b . The “ Forma

pacl s servanda”is annexed. The whole is printed,

(Foedera, vol. i. p . from the Cott . MS. Claud.

C . iv.

9 . Magna 234— 236. The copy,

h ere given is in the form of an Inspeximus, byStephen Archbishop of Canterbury, Henry Archbishop OfDublin, William Bishop ofLondon, PeterBishop ofWinchester, Joscelin e Bishop ofBath andGlaston, Hugh Bishop of Lincoln, Walter BishopOf Worcester, William Bishop of Coventry, and

Benedict Bishop ofRochester, together with Pandulf,

“ Domini Papa subdiaconus e t familiaris . The

instrument is addressed Omnibus Christi fidelibus,

”andrecites th e charter at length with its date at

R un igmed. After which it is added, Et n e huic'

forma predicta aliquid possit addere vel ab eadem

aliquid possit sub trahi vel m inui huic scripto sigillan ostra apposuimu s .

”The Inspeximus has n o date ,

but it is ofeven date with the charter itself. Thiscopy has been used in preparing th e edition of th e

Great Charter in the publication of The Statutes,‘

vol . i. p . 9 , and has supplied the various readingswhich are marked by the letter R .

10. Magna Carta. Carta de Libertatibus con

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( 36 )

Statute , printed in the great collection, vol. 1. p . 8,

and there entitled “ De Provision ibus factis perR egem et Concilium suum .

”The Copy printed is

from one on the Close Roll, collated with anotheron the Patent Roll . Th e copy in the R ed Bookhas n ot been used ; f. 181 and 182 .

3 . Provisione s facta apudMarleb erg’

, present’

D iio Rege H . e t R . Rege Alem’

, e t Diio Edwardo‘


ejusdem H . Regis primogenito , e t DiioOctobonot unc Legato in Anglia,

”f. 243 and 244 . This book

has afforded the text for the printed copy, (Statutes,vol. i. p . which has been collated with severalo ther copies .4 . Statutum de R eligiosis, f. 246 b . In the

printed Statutes, vol. 1. p . 5 1 , but this was n ot

am ongst the copies which were used in that work .

Th e copies there used differ In some points am ongthem se lves this copy differs from them all in

wanting both the introductory and the concludingclause .

5 . Quod nemo occasmn etur pro morte Petride Gaveston e ,

”f. 10. This is placed here amongst

the Statutes, in conformity with the printed colllection , vol . i. p . 169 , where the substance Ofthiswrit, which is addressed in the King

’s nam e to the

Treasurer and Barons of the Exchequer, is given ;the date is October 15 , 7 Edward I I . Sim ilarwrits were addressed to many public officers .6. Statutum editum apud Lincoln’, anno x1


R . E . filii R . E .

”f. 276 b . This is commonly

called the Statute ofSheriffs . In the printedwork,but no reference to this copy of it.

7. Statutum This title is taken fromthe printed Statutes, vol. i. p . 177, there being no

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( 37 )

title in the book . I t is printed from the“ Statute

R oll, and there is no notice of any collation withthis copy . This copy, however, is on e ofauthority,being a transcript of one which was sent to the

Exchequer as soon as passed. The writ, tested at

York, December 1 , in the twe lfth year ofthe reignof Edward son of Edward, directs that it shall b ep ublished in the Exchequer, and its provisionspunctually Observed ; f. 274 b .

I II .—DOCUMENTS relating to the Foreign Rela

tions ofthe Country .

A .—The Affairs ofthe Emperor Frederick II .

1 . Letter from him to th e King of th e French,announ cing h is intended marriage with Isabella, asister of the King of the English [Henry III . ]Dated Fanum , April 25 , 8 Indiction ; f. 171 .

2 . Bull ofPopeGregory to the KingoftheFrench,respecting the intended marriage of the Emperorwith the sister of the King of the English . Perusium, 16 kal. Maii, 9 th ofh is pon tificate f. 171 .

3 . Conquestio Frederici Imperatoris de in

juriis ei illatis per-Papam ,

”f. 172— 174 . This is

a general title , in the ancient hand, to th e transcripts of four l etters, addressed by the Emperorto h is brother-in -law Henry King of the

English . The dates are ,1 . V iterb ium . XV I . Martu, XIII . Indiction e .

2 . In depOpulation e Escul’

, XVIII . Julii, XIII .Indiction e .

3 . In Obsidione Faven t’, XIII . Septembr’

, XII II .

Indictione .

4 . Pavent’, XVIII . Man , XIIII . Indiction efif

It appears from this arrangement Of the four letters,

0 3

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Of these , all except th e first are in the printedFoedera, vol. i . p . 236, 238, 241 , printed from

copies on the Close Roll, but without the dates .Relating to th e sam e disputes between th e Em

peror and the Pope are three other letters, writtenby Frederick at a later period ; f. 176 b—179 b .

1 . Taurinum , pridie Augusti, III . Indictione ,addressed to the Earls, Barons, &c . of


2 . Salm’

, xv . Aprilis, Iv . Indiction e, addressedto th e King, Henry III .

3 . Without date , to all the Sovereigns of

Christendom .

There is a fourth letter entered between 1 and 2,without date , or name ofwriter or ofthe person towhom it is addre ssed.

None ofthese are in the Foedera.


1 . Littera Regis Franc’

, testifican s renunciat IOn em appellat ionum e t actionum , quam Ama

n enus de Lebreto miles fecit Dom ino R egi Angl’

coram predicto Rege f. 10b . Dated at

Pissiacum , 2 July 1313 .

2 . Littera Regis Franc’

per quam remittit

R egi Angl’ nunc, et patri suo, ac eorum m in istris,

officialibu s, et subditis dicti R . Angl’

de partibusVascon’, omn em forisfacturam t errarum ,


pecun iariam e t aliam quamcunqu e in quibus possent incidisse propter inob edien cias seu alias in

wh ich are en tered con secutively in the manuscript, that theEmperor Frederick II. in h is diplomas used the year of the

Indiction commencing on the first day ofSeptember.

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( 39 )

jurias comm issas, usque diem dat’

ejusdem littera ,


”Dated Pissiacum , 2 July 1313 ; f. 10b .

Only the latter ofth ese is in the Foedera, vol . i . p . 220. It is there printed from th e originalin the Treasury of the Court ofthe Receipt of theExchequer.

A M em orandum is added, that both these letters were de livered to the Chamberlains on Tuesdaythe Vigil of St. Peter ad Vincula, viz . July 31, inthe 7th year [Edward to be preserved in theKing

’s Treasury.

3 . Carta Philippi Regis Francia in Gallico facto[sic] Dom ino E . Regi Anglia de relaxation e ap

pellationum de terra Vascon’‘

ad term inum vita ,

&c . , f. 8. Printed in the Foedera, from the

original in the Tower, vol. i . p . 665 .


1 . A Treaty made at Dover, on the 14 kal . April,between Henry King of England, and Henry hisson and heir, on the on e part, andTheodorick Earlof Flanders, and Philip his son and heir, on the

other ; f. 164 b .

2 . Carta R ecogn itionis serviciorum qua Com’


et Castellani facere deb en t Regif. 165 b .

Both these are printed in the Foedera, vol . i.

pp. 22, 23 . from the originals in the Treasury oftheCourt of the Receipt of the Exchequer, but withsome defects , which m ight be supplied from thiscopy. They are also in the Liber Niger, and

printed by Hearne , pp . 23—36.

3 . Transcriptum littera ‘ Regis directa GomitiFlandr

, per quam insinuat eidem quod Scoti e t

0 4

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corum adherentes .e t fautore s excommun icati sunt’

per Papam , et excitat ipsum Comitem con sulendo

n e per se vel suos'

subdi tos commun icet cum

e isdem , £ 237. This letter is addressed to EarlRobert, and is dated Ebor’, 15 Mar. anno r. n .

duodecimo [Edwardi


1 . A letter to Pope Alexander from WilliamKing ofScotland, concerning th e subj ection ofthe

Church of Scotland to the Archbishop of York,f. 176.

2 . Hec e st conven tio et fin is quam WillielmusR ex Scotia fecit cum Dom ino suo Henrico RegeAngl

filio Matilda Imperatricis,”f. 166. This is

the commencem ent of the convention, which isprinted in the Foedera, vol . i. p . 30, from a greatroll in the Treasury ofthe Court ofthe Receipt ofthe Exchequer, without this beginning, which is in.the ancient hand. There is also a title in the LiberRubens which differs from that in the Foedera,

viz . Carta R eg. Scoc’ de homagio facto RegiAngl

de terra Scocia e t super multis aliis.


n ames ofthe witnesses are n ot given , but there are

som e variations in th e text n ot unworthy ofnotice .

There is also at the close the following remarkHuic carta appendent sigilla Willielmi Regis

Scocia , Episcopi Sancti Andrea , Episcopi Dunecelden sis, Simonis de Ton i EpiscopiMorm ia , David


ratris Regis Scocia , .Comitis Dun ikan i, Com it is

Walteri, Comitis Dan egus’

, e tRicardi de Morevill.”

There is a copy in the Liber Niger. See note at

p . 167, and Hearne , vol . i. p . 36.

3. Carta R . Ricardi per quam adquie tavit Regi

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c 41

Scocia homagium suum e t castra expressa con trapriores conventiones,” f. 166 b . Printed in the

Foedera, from the original in the Treasury, vol. i.p . 50.

4 . Carta con ven tion is inter R . Angl’


R eg’ Scoc’ de com itatibus Norhumbr

, Cumbr’


Westm ’

, et de quibusdam terris,”f. 174 b . Printed

in the Foedera, from the Patent Ro lls, vol. i. p . 233.

5 . To these may b e added, though not properlya diploma, a copy of th e Placita at York before theKing in Parliam ent, between John King of Sco tland and Magdulph Earl of Fife , 21 Edward I . ,

f. 255 b . It is printed in The Rolls ofParliamen t,I . 112 .

Also , 6. Copies of other Placita relating to thepossessions in England of the King of Scotlandin the 21 , 34, and 35 of Edward I .

, f. 269 b .

272 b . The lands are Tyndale , Penrith , and



1 . Bulla per quam Papa Innocentius tertiusconfirmat litteras Regis Johannis de concessioneliberarum electionum in omnibus ecclesiis Angliatam cathedralibusquam conven tualibus, et in serun tur

predicta littera in hac Bulla,” f. 273 b . This i sprinted in the Foedera, vol. i. p . 127, from the

original in the Treasury ofthe Court OfReceipt ofthe Exchequer.

2 . Gregorii Papa Mandatum , u t Rex H . qui

est m inoris a tatis permittatur ad dispon end’


regno e t regni n egotiis, eo quod virtutes ejus sup

plen t a tatem ,

”f. 171 . This title is in the ancient

hand. Printed in the Foedera, from this book,

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( 42 )

vol . 1. p . 190 ; but it is no t there observed, that inthe Liber Ruben s it is added that the Pope wrotein the same manner to th e Bishop ofWinchester,to H . de Burgo th e Justiciar of England, and

W . de Briewere , with some variations, which are

e xhibited ; to the Earl of Chester, with othervariations ; and to the Elect ofChichester, the ViceChancellor, with still other variations .3 . Cant’ de Visitandis subditis

Episcoporum . This is from Gregory the Pope toE[dmundus] Archbishop of Canterbury . No

date ; f. 122 b . Not in the Foedera.

4 . A Bull Of Pope Boniface to all the ecclesi

astics throughout England, dated at the Lateran,4 kal. Marcii, 7th Of h is pon tificate , relating to

the affairs ofSicily ; fly leaf. Not in the Foedera ;

but two bulls are inserted of the same date, ad

dressed to the King, vol . i. p . 928.

5 . A Bull ofPope Boniface to Edward.

King of

England, dated at the Lateran, 4 id. Marcii, in the8th of h is pon tificate , relating to tenths requiredfrom the clergy ; fly leaf. Not in the Foedera.

6. A Bull of Pope Clement to Edward King of

England, respecting the sam e levy ; dated at

Avin ion , 7 kal . Junii, in the 4th ofh is pon tificate ;

fly leaf. Not in the Foedera, though on e of the

same date is there , vol . ii. p . 75 .

7. A Bull of Pope John, addressed to KingEdward relating to an annual assessment of

marks . Dated at Avin ion , 6 kal . Junii, 4thof his pon tificate , f. 269 . Not in the Foedera,

though on e ofthe sam e date is there , vol. ii. p . 425 .

8. A Declaration,“

addressed Omn ibus Christifidelibus, made by William Marshall Earl ofPem~

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N icholas IV . , Boniface VI I I . , and Clement V . .

Also of n ine Bulls of Pope John XXI I . , wh ichwere delivered to the Chamberlain on 26th July, in12 Edward II . f. 267 b—269 .

III.—EVIDENCE S Of the King’s Title to various

Possessions .

1 . Grant by Henry de Pynk en ey to Edward theKing of his manor ofWedon -Pynk en ey, in th e

county ofNorthampton , with the advowson of the

priory in th e said town , 850. Dated 4th September,29 ofEdward son ofHenry ; fly leaf.2 . Another grant between th e said parties Of

the capital m essuage of Wedon , and of variousknights

fees in divers counties . NO date , but delivered in pleno scaccario , to be kept in the King

’sTreasury, 12th May, 30 Edward fly leaf.3 . Grant by Will . de Cleidon to Edward the

King of .a water-m ill at Oreford. NO date ; butdelivered to the Chamberlain in full Exchequer22d Feb . 34 Edward ; fly leaf.4 . Grant by Peter de Gavaston Earl ofCornwall

to Edward the King of his manors of Crokham .

and Lechampstede , county Berks . 19 th May,

1 Edward ; £ 4 .

5 . Grant by Philip Balun ofLondon to Edwardth e King of rent, from a tenement at the

Broken e -Wharf in London , which was form erlyRoger le Bigod

’s, Earl of Norfolk and Marshal ofEngland, deceased ; 5 May, 2 Edward. f. 4 .

6. Omnibus, &c . Bartholomeus de Badlesmere .

Whereas King Edward had granted to him and

Margaret h is wife all the lands and tenementswhich Alexander de Balliol holds by the law of

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( 45

England, Of th e inheritance which was I sabella’s,his late wife , and which by occasion of felony,which John , form erly Earl ofAsceles, son and heirof the said I sabel, committed, for which h e washung, comes after the death of the saidAlexanderto the said Lord the King as h is escheat, viz . th e .

castle andmanor ofChilham , &c . , co . Kent, and themanors of R edeling Welde , Kyngeston , Hatfeld,

andWh itstaple , &c . to hold for term of life ; and

whereas he holds the reversion of the manors ofHeghtredbury, Colerne , and Steurte , in Wilts,which John de la Mare holds for term oflife ofthe

inheritance which wasWilliam de Mon tefort’

s ; he

gran ts the reversion ofthose manors after h is own

death , and that ofMargaret his wife , to the King,in exchange for th e r eversion of the other h is heirs . . Dated 14th July, the 5 th of the

t ; fi 4 h

7. Henricus, &c . To the Archbishops, &c .

Whereas Osbert son ofRalph de Boleb eck has surrendered, in our court at We stm inster, all the

bailiwick of Haie and fore st of Scallby, which h eh eld Ofus; and all lands, &c . in Levesham , Lok eton ,

Pikering, and Newton, to the use of Hugh leBigod, 8m. Confirmation , 27th May, 40th of his

reign ; fly leaf.8. Omnibus, &c . John de Bar, St e . Whereas

Edward King of England has granted himmarks land of the lands ofhis enemies in Scotland,&c . , he releases it for marks, which the Kinghas granted h im to b e received of the company


Of the Friscobaldi of Florence . l 0th May; 1306;

9 . Quit-claim from Thomas Wale to King

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( 46

Edward ofhis wood in th e county ofNorthampton ,

between the trench which is .

.called Barnete and

th e King’s fore st of Whialewode . Feast of

St . George , 2d ofthe,King ; f. 6.

10. Grant to th e King of a small rent fromJohn de Buttetour, Lord ofthe manor ofGosefieldin Essex , in e xoneration of the Warden and his

Brethren of th e order ofth e Minors ofColchester,for a like rent rising out Of a piece of land whichthe King had given them . 7th ofMay, 2d of the

King [Edward f. 6.

1 1 . Peter de Gaveston . Quit-claim to th e Kingof the county of Gaura, and castles of Talamon ,

Tan talon , and Mauleon, and lands in Gasconywhich the King had granted h im . 4th August,3d ofthe King [Edward f. 6 b .

12. Peter de Gaveston . Quit-claim to the Kingof the castle , manor, and honor ofKnaresborough,which the King had granted him to hold for termOflife by such service as was formerly rendered byEdmundEarl ofCornwall . 26th July, 3Edwardf. 6 b .

13 . Quit-claim from the said Peter andMargare th is wife of the castle of Skipton, honors of the

High Peak, and ofCockermouth, &c . of which theKing had enfeoffed them . 5 th August, 3d of

Edward son ofEdward ; f. 7.

14 . Obligatio Abbatis et Conven tus de Hida,Wyn ton . 9 th June, 3d ofthe King ; f. 8 b .

15 . Charter ofRobert de Clifford ofhis lands ofMunmuthe, the . given to the King in exchange forthe castle ofSkipton . l oth August, 4th of the

n ; fi 8 b .

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( 47 )

16. Grant from Katherine Audley to Sir Jamesde Ferrers [s ic] and Ela his wife , her daughter,ofthe castle and town ofThlanundavery in Wales,6Edw . f. 9 .

17. Fin e , 5 Edward between John de Clavering, querent, and Stephen de Trafford, deforciant,of the manors ofWerkeworth and Roubury in

Northumberland, to the said John , with remainderto the King ; f. 9 b .

18. Fine , 5 Edward 11 between the sam e

parties, Of the manors of Newburn and Corbridgein Northumberland, to the saidJohn,with remainderto the King ifJohn die without male heirs of his

body f. 9 b .

19 . Fine between th e said John and Hawisa his

wife , and the said Stephen, of the manor of Eurein Bucks ; remainder to the King after the deathOfJohn and Hawisa f. 10.

20. Various documen ts relating to th e affairs ofI sabel de Fortibus Countess ofAlbemarle , who hadmade th e King her heir ; f. 1 1 b—15 , in a handofthe time

a. A writ in the King’s name to Gilbert de


, requiring h im to give up all

records, &c . , which relate to th e lands Ofthe said I sabel ; 14th May, 8th ofh is reign,[i. e . Edward L ]

b. Examination es quorundam super confec

tion em carta Comitissa Albemarl’


4" A t f. 13 is a memorandum that th e charters Ofdivers KingsOf England con cern ingmanors and lands given to Robert FitzRoger and o th er ancestors ofJohn de Clavering are inrolled in

the memoranda of the fifth year of Edward II MichaelmasTerm .

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( 48

Domino Regi de quibusdam terris de quibusinfra fit m en tio, e t de redditione earun

dem . The witnesses examined were , Wal

t er Bishop of Coventry and Lichfield, William de Gayn esburgh , Richard de Aston,and Gilbert de Knovilfi"

c . The charter of the said I sabel , by which she

enfeoffed the King of the I sle ofWight .Dated at Stokwell prope Lamhyeth , Mon

day next before the Feast of St . Martin inthe winter, 1293 .

Quit-claim ofthe said Countess ofth e manorofHoniton . The same date .

Acquittance of marks due accordingto the tenor of the preceding charters .Dated at Stokwell near London, the Wed

n esday next before the feast of St. Martin .

2 1 Edward, f. 15 .

The three charters last named were delivered to the Chamberlain s ofthe Exchequerin a certain box under the seal of Harveyde Stanton , Baron of the said Exch equer,on May 17, in the 9 th of Edward son , of


Recogn itio I sabella de Fortibus Com itissa

f. 248 b, relates to an annualpayment by Adam de Stratton .

A cqu ietatio comitatus Albemarl’facta

Regi,”f. 249 b . This is the acquittance

given by John de Eston for any claimwhich h e might have on the lands which.were those of Ave lina de Fortibus, Counf

Printed in Cooper on Records, vol. 11. pp. 476—480.

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( 49 )

tess of Albemarle, in England or Nor

mandy, in consideration of the manor of

Apple trew ick in Craven, granted to him

by the King.

21 . Carta R ic . de Pyvelesdon de quibusdam

terris et ten emen t is in Wallia redditis in manuRegis,

” f. 13 .

22 . Grant to the King by Henry the Dean and

the Chapter ofSt. Mary of Lincoln, that for considerations therein named there should be a chaplain at the altar of St. John the Baptist, in the

church of Lincoln, to pray for the King, Isabe lh is consort, Edward their son , and their otherchildren , and for the souls of Edward the lateKing and Eleanor his Queen, a part of whoseremains lies buried before th e said altar, &c .


Dated on the vigil ofthe Purification, 1315 , f. 13 b .

23. Charters relating to the grant ofthe Warren .

lands to the Kinga. Grant by John de Warrenna Earl of Surrey

to the King of all his lands ; dated on

Thursday next after the feast of St . Peter'

and Paul, 9 Edward. Ofthis charter threecopies were made, two to remain in the

Treasury in the custody of the Chamberlains, and the third in the King

’sWardrobe .

They were de livered accordingly on July 8,10th ofthe King, f. 15 b .

b. Carta Johannis de Warren Com itis Surr’,de castro e t villade R eygate , et aliis castris,villis, e t maneriis in com . Surr’ e t Sussex’,ac etiam in Wall’, concessis Domino Regie t heredibus suis .” Dated 14th May,

19 Edward II f. 314 .


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Scriptum predicti Comitis Surr’

per quodquietumclamavit Dom ino R . castra, ma

neria, villas, terras, et tenemen ta in com’

Ebor’, et etiam maneria et villas de Staunford et Grantham cum pertin en tiis in comitatu 7th May, 19 Edward IIf. 314 .

d . Scriptum Edmundi Comitis Arundell de conven tion e factum Domino Regi.

”19 th May,

19 Edward f. 314 b .

24. Fine, by which Theobald ls Butiller recogn izes the advowson ofthe church ofKyrkeham to

b e the right ofthe King. 8 Edward L, f. 246 b.

25 . Fine , by which Robert the Abbot ofSt. JohnofColchester surrenders the advowson ofthe churchOfSt. Mary ofLedred to the King, f. 247 b .

26. Grant from Ralph Pipard, Knight, to the

King of all his castles, lands, &c. , in Ireland,13 Edward, f. 247 b .

27. Grant by Matthew Bishop of Laon to

Edward the King, of the manor Of Rostre inGascony, f. 249 .

28. Grant by Gilbert Peche , Knight, of the

manor ofWestolive to King Edward, f. 249 .

29 . Grant by Hugh de Plessetis to KingEdwardofthe manor ofHedindon , f. 249 b .

30. Acquittance from Dionysia de Monte Canisio to the King and Queen Alianor ofall servicesdue to her in the manor OfQuen enden , which theyhave of th e grant ofWilliam de Monte Can isio,f. 249 b .

31 . Acquittance from John Bishop OfWinchester to the King ofall claim in the manor ofSweyneston in the I sle OfWight, 12 Edward, f. 250.

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( 52

41 . Littera Paten s predicti Hugon is de attorn ’

ad liberand’ seisinam Domino Regi de Pelo e t me

dietate villa de Staworth predictis,”1326 ; f. 316.

42 . Littera Patens Johanna de DrybyDom ina

de Tateshale de pui parte suatolbothe villa de Lennet custuma aqua ibidem , ac tenemen tis suis ineadem villa e t suburbio ejusdem


concessis Regi E .

fil. E .

” with letter to deliver se isin, 1325 ; f. 316 b .

43. Littera patens Majoris, ballivorum, et bur

gen sium villa de Lenn , per quas certificarun t Regiquod dictus Eustachius liberavit seisinam dicta

purpartis e t tenemen torum predictorum Johann iHoward e t JOhanni Harsyk perLiteras R . Patentesad recipiend’ seisinam predictam assignatis, 20Ed

ward IL ; f. 316 b.

44. Nine instruments relating to transactions between KingEdward 111. and the De la Poles, fromthe twenty-eighth to the forty-first year of his

reign ; f. 317 b viz .

a . Scriptum Willielmi de la Pole sen ioris, Militis, factum domino Regi de mille marcisannuis. The annual sum was to be takenby half-yearly payments out of his lands inYorkshire or elsewhere in England duringthe life of Catherine his wife . Dated at

Westmin ster, l st March, 29 Edward III .

b. Scriptum Willielmi de la Pole sen ioris, Mi

litis, factum domino Regi de ducen tis librisannuis.

” This instrumen t bears date thesame day and place with the preceding.

The annuity was to be taken for ever outof his lands in Yorkshire or elsewhere inEngland. A memorandum in the margin

Page 76: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

that this instrument was given up to the


Inden tura facta inter dominum Regem et

Willielmum de la Pole sen iorem , Militem ,

reciting the two fore -mentioned grants, anddeclaring that if the said Catherin e shallrelease to the king her dower out of the

manor of Brustwick in Holderness and itsdependencies, to wit, the manors and townsof Cleton , Petit Humber, Burton Pidse ,

Outhorn , Wythorn se , Skeftelyng, Kiln ese ,Esyngton , Preston , Bondebrustwyk , Ravensere , Hedon , Barowe , Paghelflete , Sprotleye ,Lelle Dyk , and Elstanwyk , together withthe wapentake of Holdern esse and a ferm

called the Serj ean cy of the Crown , whichare m embers and appurtenances of the saidmanor of Brustwick and out of210 acresof land and 92 acres of meadow of th e

deme sne lands of th e said manor of Brustwick in Sk eftlyng and the said towns of

Lelle Dyk andElstanwyk ; and Ofthe townsand hamlets ofNorthorp, Hoton , Syn thorp,

and Dymelton and of 20 bovates of landwith the appurtenances which are calledRugemound ; and ofth e manor or town of

Skipse , with the hamlet ofNewhithe ; and

of the homages and services of the fi‘


tenants in Holm e ; and also of the manorsofGryngeleye andWhe teleye in the countyof Nottingham ; and of an annual rent of

260marks which the saidWilliam takes Ofthe issues of the antient customs of woolsand woolfells at the port of Kingston-upon

D 3

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( 5 4 )

Hull ; and Of all other lands and tenementswhich the saidWilliam has of the gift and

grant of our lord the king ; all which saidmanors, &c . , the said William has surrendered into the hands ofour lord th e king ;then the said writing of marks shalllose its force . The king also grants forhim self and his heirs, that if Edmund dela Pole , son of the said William , shall prosecute n o claim to the manor ofKayngham ,

which the king had granted to him and to

Thomas h is brother, and which they hadsurrendered again into the hands of the

king, but shall make a full release and quitclaim thereofwithin three years after he hasattained his full age , that then the grant ofth e annuity of 200l. shall b e null and void.

Further the said William covenants thatthe said Catherine and Edmund shall com e

before the council ofour lord the king, andthere swear on the holy evangelists in thepre sence of a notary to the Observan ce Of

the premises . This indenture was sealedWestminster, on 4th March in 29 Edw . 111.

d. R elaxatio facta Regi per Willielmum de la

Pole de omnibus debitis et superplusagiis.

A general release , dated at Westminster,2oth October, 28 Edward 111.

e . R elaxatio facta Regi perWillielmum de la

Pole de man eriis de Gringeleye e t Wheteleye . DatedatWestminster, 2othOctober,28 Edward 111.

f Relaxatio facta Regi perWillielmum de laPole de jure 5110 in man erio de Brustwyk

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( 55 )

cum m embris . Dated at the same placeand on the same day.

g. R elaxatio facta Regi per Thomam et Ed

mundum filiosWillielmi de la Pole de juresuo in man erio de Kayngham . The samedate .

h . R elaxatio facta Regi per Edmundum de la

Pole de manerio de Kayngham .

” Thisrecites the grant of the annuity of 2001.

and the defeazance . The date is 23d C ctober, 32 Edward I I I .

i . R elaxatio facta domino Regi per Katerinam

que fuit uxor Willielmi de la Pole de juresuo in man erio de Brustwyk cum membris,e t eciam in maneriis de Gryngele e t Wheteleye, in corn . Not This release bearsdate at Kingston-upon-Hull, the Mondaynext after the feast of Saint Lucy the

Virgin, 40Edward 111.

A memorandum is annexed, that this re

lease was delivered to the chamberlains to bekept, on 16th February in 41 Edward 111.

There is also a like m emorandum that theeight form er instrum ents were delivered to

the treasurer and chamberlains to be preservedin the Treasury, on 7th December, 32 Edward I I I .

45 . R elaxatio factaDomino RegiperHugon em

de Calvilegh f. 321 . An acquittance to

Richard 11. Of all monies due to him from KingEdward 111. for services in the war, with certainclaims reserved ; 2oth May, 3 R ic . II .

46. Grant, by John Symme ofWrytelmarsh in

Kent to King Richard IL, of six acres and a halfD 4

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( 56 1°

ofwood near the King’s park ofEltham , andwhich

KingEdward 111. had inclosed within th e park of

Eltham ; 12 Richard IL, f. 321 b .

47. Grant, by John Ricards of Writelmersh ,

of four acres of the sam e wood to the King ;12 Richard IL, f. 321 b .

48. Grant, fi'

om Thomas the Abbot of the mo

mastery of St . Peter of Chertsey, and the who leconvent, to King Henry V . , of the manor of

Petrisham in Surrey, and the advowson of the

church of Ewell ; 3 Henry V . , f. 322 .

49 . Quit-claim from John de Litegreyves to theKing[Edward] Ofall right in the town ofMitford,&c . 18 April, 4th ofthe King ; f. 244 b .

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who did so much to preserve th e memory of other men .

I do n o t propose, however, to supply th is deficien cy in th e

h istory of English h istorical literature, bu t on ly to furn ishsom e materials wh ich may be used by those who may h ere

after illustrate th e course ofh istorical inqu iry in Englandin the seven tee n th cen tury, the period ofits h ighest glory.

It was the age of Savile, Camden , Spelman , Co tton , Selden ; and ofD

Ewes, Dodsworth , and Dugdale .

Though lit tle is really known of the life and s tudies of

Dodsworth , it is n o t that h e has been without testimon iest o h is h igh deserts. I shall se t ou t with presen ting two of

these to the reader, both from m en them selves em in en t foran tiquarian and h istorical learn ing, wh ich will prepareh im to endure any m inu ten ess of de tail h e will afterwardsfind

We cann ot approach the borders of th is coun ty[Yorksh ire ] without paying tribu te to the m emory of

that indefatigable collector Of its an tiquities, RogerDodsworth , who undertook and executed a work, wh ichto the an tiquaries of the presen t age would have beenthe stone of Tydides. On e hundred and twen ty- twovolumes ofhis own writing, besides original man uscriptswh ich he had Obtained from several hands, makingaltoge th er one hundred and sixty- two volum es folio, n ow

lodged in that grand repository of our an cien t mun i

men ts the Bodle ian Library (at Oxford), are lastingm emorials what th is coun ty owes to h im , as the two

volum es of the Monasticon (wh ich , though publishedunder h is and Dugdale

’s names conjoin tly, were both

collected and writ ten totally by im ) will immortalizethat exten sive indu stry wh ich has laid the whole kingdom under obligation .

”British Topography, by Richard

Gough , Esq , 1780, vol. 11 . p . 39 5 .

Hearn e does n ot Often indulge in such fligh ts as he hastaken in th e following passage I n ever look uponth ese volume s (and I have frequen t occasion to in spec tthem ) without th e u tmost surprise and wonder ; andI can not bu t bless God that he was pleased out of

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( 5 1 )

h is infin ite goodness and m e rcy to raise up so pious and

diligen t a person , that should, by h is blessing, so effec

tually discover and preserve such a noble treasure of

an tiquities as is con tain ed in those volumes ; most of

the things in them are writ ten with h is own hand ; andsome times the genealogical tables, and the n otes uponthem are done with that exquisite care and judgmen t,that I cannot but th ink much Oth erwise of th is emin en t

person than the au thor of the Athena Oxonienses . For

it plain ly appears to me that h is judgmen t and saga

city were n o t infe rior to h is diligence ; and I see no

reason to doubt bu t that if he had lived to have writ tenthe an t iquities of Yorksh ire (as he once designed) it

would have appeared in a very pleasing and en tertain ingme thod and in a proper, elegan t style, and would havebeen se t out with all other becom ing advan tages . Pre

lim inary Observation s to Willis’s Mitred Abbies, Leland’


Collectanea, ed. 1774, vol. vi. p . 7

The passage in Wood to wh ich Hearn e expresses h is '

dissen t is this He was a person ofwonderful industry,bu t less judgmen t ; was always collecting and tran

scribing, but never published any thing.


memory OfDodsworth must not be flattered. He is rather

to be regarded as one of the pion eers of literature ; andthere is certainly no evidence that h e posse ssed the powerof combination , which is what both Wood and Hearnem ean by “ judgmen t.

” He certain ly must be regarded

as having shown a disin clination to the attempt. It is

perhaps no reproach to his memory that he failed to exe

cute any on e Of the three magn ificen t literary design swhich during h is life he kept con stan tly in view, for few

can tell the difficul ties and obstacles in th e way of accom~

plish ing any vast design of literary labour ; bu t it is n otso easy to explain why he left no specimen of h is power of

combination on any smaller scale, n o his tory of a m onas

te ry, a fam ily, or a parish, except on the supposition that

Ath . Oxon .—Fasti, vol. 11. col. 69 9 . ed. 169 2.

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he felt a repugnance to the at tempt. Even in the Monasa

t icon he piled documen t upon documen t, so that the workresembles rather one of those piles of Cyclopean archi

tec ture than a fin ished work of Grecian art. Th ereis n oth ing in it of

‘the callida junctura . It is an

unwise act of affection to h is m emory to at tempt to rest

h is fam e on any th ing than that by wonderful exertionand industry he prepared materials to be used by other

m en , and has preserved a prodigious mass of information

for h istorical writers, wh ich is n ow n o where to b e found

but in his volumes.

Dr. Whitaker pronounces a more discrim inative judgm en t : with h im Dodsworth is a man whom it is impos

sible for an an tiquary to n ame withou t ven eration ; notfor any acu ten ess of observation or felicity of con

jecture, n or for having illustrated or adorn ed any indi

vidual subject bu t for the self-devo tion of havingcon sum ed h is life in the un ceasing toil of accumulatingmaterial s for future topographers at a period when those

‘ f m aterials were on the poin t of perishing and being forgo t ten for ever.

” History ofR ichmondshire, vol. ii. p . 76 .

The Monasticon Anglicanum is the on ly prin ted work towh ich the name ofDodsworth is prefixed. In the title

page to the first volume his name stands before that of

Dugdale . The date ofthat volum e is 1655, the year afterDodsworth’s decease . A question has been raised re

specting the relative shares ofDodsworth and Dugdale in

that work. A le tter of Dugdale, recen tly brought toligh t, seem s to decide th e question .

* He allows that twoth irds of the work Were Dodsworth’s, on e third h is own ;

b ut h e says the labour of bringing the work to what it wasrested wholly on h im self. He hesitated about placing h isnam e in th e t itle page at all, and was induced to do so bythe represen tation s of Rushworth, who had done much to

promote the design . The name ofDodsworth stands first

I llustrations of Literary History , by John Nichols, vol. iv.

p. 62 .

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in the second volume also, wh ich was no t published t ill

1661 . To the th ird volume on ly Dugdale’

s name is pre

fixed. It must on the whole be allowed that we ough t

rather to say Dodsworth’s Monast icon than Dugdale


Sir John Marsham’

s preface was the work of n e ither.

An English Monasticon was on e of the three great

design s of wh ich I have spoken . Another was a h istoryof the Baronage of England ; towards th is work he didn o more than collect materials to be used by o ther

men . He has not left us the h istory of a single house ;

for his accoun ts of the Butlers and th e Ogles in these col

lection s are but fragmen ts, and are besides withouttexture . I do no t call h is genealogical schemes histories ;

they are extremely valuable, and ofmost of them it maybe truly affirm ed, after Hearn e, that they are don e with

exqu isite care and judgmen t.”As to th eir form and

appearance they are singularly rude, and on a first view itm igh t appear that it would be scarcely possible to followth e course s of the lines con n ecting the successive genera

tion s ; but all is really done with great exactn ess, and theycarry with them, in the references to the several volumes

of h is collections con tain ing the documen tary eviden ces,

very satisfying proofs of th e au th en tic character of the

innumerable facts con tained in them .

The th ird of h is great design s, each almost sufficien t

for the labour ofa life, was a general History of the coun tyof York . In respect ofth is work I cannot but b e of a

differen t Opin ion from Hearne . It seems to me that the

reluctan ce to attempt combination and literary composition would have preven ted him from giving to a work of

th is nature that un ity ofwh ich, n otwithstanding its com

pass and variety ofsubject, it is susceptible, or ofrelievingthe dull de tail of many m in u te facts, wh ich n everthelessmust b e presen ted to the reader, by general observation sor by occasional enlargemen t where poin ts of peculiar

curiosity or of public in teres t are presen ted. His church

notes appear to me decisive to th is poin t, He views thoseedifices, then , both in the ir structure and in the remains

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g 64.

of an tien t days con tained in them, more objec ts,


cu riosity than even now they are, though st ill ofall objectsof frequen t occurren ce the m ost curious and in teresting in

our land, with the eye of a h erald on ly, giving us a

punc tual accoun t of the arms wh ich he observed on them,

accurate copies of any inscriptions he read in the windowsor on the mon umen tal m emorials, bu t apparen tly quite '

un impressed with the remain s of an cien t art presen ted to ‘

him , and n ever at tempting todescribe th e fabricks them

selves, or offering a conj ecture or a conclusion on the

evidence wh ich they them selves presen t of the age to

wh ich they belong. In fact h is h istory of Yorksh irewould have been , like the topograph ical works ofDugdale ,

Thoroton , Channey, and Atkyns, of great value for the

facts wh ich they presen t, but very un like the labours inthe same departmen t ofWarton , Surtees, andWh itaker.


ROGER DODSWORTH was born , as he h im self informs

u s 1, in 1585, the 28th year ofElizabeth , on the 24th dayof July. The place of his birth was Newton Grange, as

h e also informs u s in the same memorandum . Th is houseis in th e parish of Sain t Oswald, or, as it is usually called,

the parish of Oswald Kirk, about twen ty m iles north of

York, in th e wapen take ofRydal, in the pleasan t and opencoun try between Gilling and Helmsley. It was the resi

den ce of his maternal grandfather Ralph Sandwith, whomh e calls Esquire .

” He was baptized in the church of

Sain t Oswald. Ifwe may suppose that h e was frequen tlyliving among his relatives at this house in h is ch ildhood,

we may trace the passion wh ich he felt for feudal and

monastic an t iquities to impression s taken from the region

in wh ich he was born . Near to h im was the ancien t seat

of the Fairfaxes at Grilling, where was a room , still mag

I mean of course Dr. Thomas Dunham Wh itaker, not

John Whitaker, whose excellence lay in another line . I should

have thought th is note unnecessary, were there not crit ics, who

have h on oured m e with their n o tice , to whom the distinction is

unknown .

1 Vol. XCI. f. 67 b.

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n ificen t, decorated with the arms of all the gen try inYorksh ire depic ted on the wainsco t.

“L A lit tle to the n orth

was the an cien t castle ofHamlake, a nam e n ow lost in

those ofHe lmsley andDun combe Park, wh ere had re sided

a long series of gen eration s of the baron s Roos. Near

to it were the ru in s of the abbey called Rievaulx, re

markable, no t on ly for the ir exten t and beauty, bu t on

accoun t of the singularly appropriate natural features of

the coun try in wh ich they are situated. At a short distan ce

were the ru in s of ano ther monastery, called De Bellalanda or Biland, very n ear to which the father of RalphSandwith had resided, at Sm ilesworth, or Sn ilesworth , as

the name is written by Dodsworth . George Sandwith livedbefore the abbies were put down , and seem s to have beena tenan t of Biland. There is n o house con cern ing wh ichwe find so much in Dodsworth ’s collection s as th is .

There can hardly b e a doubt that h is m ind was earlyimpre ssed by the magn ificen t scen es of Rievaulx and

Biland, and that imagination was awaken ed by the stories

wh ich in the n e ighbourhood of them he mus t have heardof what had passed in the ir bare ruin ed qu ires beforethe sound of the ir swee t music was silen ced.

Dodsworth has n ot, like h is two friends D’

Ewes and

Dugdale, left any accoun t of h is own early impression s,h is studies, and h is life . We can on ly collect what is tob e learn ed by acciden tal n otices left by h im self or h is

friends. The Sandwith s appear to have belonged to the

be t ter class of gen try of th e second rank, so that by hism other Dodsworth was con n ected in blood with person s inrespectable station s of life . It happen ed also that a

Sandwith was at the t ime when Dodsworth was begin n ingto form h is collection s in a situation wh ich enabled h im

to assist greatly in h is de sign s. He was keeper of the

records in Sain t Mary’s tower at York, a bu ilding con

n ected with the house of the lord presiden t of th e north ,

The work of an art ist named Bernard Dinn in chofi'

, and

executed in 1585, the year of Dodsworth’

s birth .


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( 66 )

in which were deposited the record spoils ofmany of then orthern monasteries. Ofth e fate ofthese records I shallhave occasion to speak hereafter. Th e keeper in 16 17

and 1623 was Thomas Sandwith ; I do n ot observe h isn ame in Dodsworth ’

s pedigree of h is mother’

s fam ily .

It must however have been by h is m ean s that Dods

worth obtain ed such easy access to the monastic eviden cesin that tower, from which some of h is choicest documen ts

were drawn .

His fath er too was in an office wh ich open ed to h im

easy access to the records of the see of York. He was

the chan cellor to several archbishops, and judge of the

adm iralty for the n orth parts.

* His nam e was MatthewDodsworth ; he was a younger son of Simon Dods

worth , who acqu ired an e state at Se t terington n ear

Malton by h is marriage with an he iress of that place, andof whom Dodsworth has recorded that he was at the field

of Musselborough . It may b e added, to show that on h is

fath er’

s side h e was allied to fam ilies of respectabil ity,that Pe ter Dodsworth , th e fath er of S imon , was a youngerbroth er of th e Dodsworth s of Thorn ton Watlas, wherethe eldest lin e of the fam ily has remain ed till with in the

last few years. Simon Dodsworth had many ch ildren ,

son s and daugh ters, m ost of whom were se t tled in the

n eighbourhood of Malton , wh ile Matth ew’

s office ofchan

cellor would probably occasion h im to reside for the most

part at York .

Archbishop Hutton , to whom the elder Dodsworthwas chancellor, founded a grammar school at Warton ,

in the parts of Lan cash ire wh ere h e was born ; the date15 9 4 IS upon the building. To this school Dodsworth wassen t in 15 9 9 , and remain ed there two years. His school

master was Miles Dawson , afterwards vicar of Bolton .

Th is is the on ly accoun t we have of h is education s ]

Harl . MS. “ 58. f. 75 , in Dodsworth ’

s own hand.

1; It is from a note ofh is own in one ofh is manuscripts which

passed in to the hands ofThoresby, the Leeds antiquary. See

Vicaria Leodz'


s, 1724, p. 141.

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( 68

a few notes from a book in the hands of Jacob Chalon er,an arms pain ter in London , wh ich bear the date 1615 .

He married in Sep tember 161 1 . His wife was the

widow of Lauren ce Rawsthorn e of Hu t ton -Grange n ear

Pre s ton in Lan cash ire ; sh e was ofgood descen t and con

n ect ion in that coun ty, be ing the daugh ter of RobertHeske th ofRufford, Esqu ire, by Mary h is wife , daugh te rand co-h e ir of Sir George Stan ley, m arshall of Irelandand captain ofth e Isle ofMan , son ofSir Jam es S tan ley,twin brother ofThomas Earl ofDerby. A large view of

person s with whom th is marriage brough t h im in to con

n ection may b e seen in vol . V., LXXXI. , and CLIII.Her baptismal n ame was Holcroft, and by h er first husband sh e had an on ly daugh ter, who becam e th e wife of

Robert Plessington of Dimples in Lan cash ire .


Hu tton -Grange was for many years th e hom e at wh ichhe resided, ifon e who led so rambling a life as h e did can

b e said to have had a h om e ; we find le t ters addre ssed to

him at that place as“ h is h ouse in 1622, 1630, 1634,

and 1639 bu t in April 1620 th ere is a le tter addressed

to h im at h is house at Bisse t,” wh ich I have som e reason

for th inkingmay b e a place n ow called Visit, in the parishofHem sworth, in Yorksh ire .

As th ere are very many tran scripts in these collection s

to which n o date is an n exed we can no t fix with certain tyupon any period at wh ich h e may be said to have begunto form these collection s. We have seen also that there

are a few pieces to which earlier date s are given , bu t in1618 and 1619 the dates becom e so much m ore n umerous

that I should fix upon those years as th e tim e of th e

commen cem en t ofth ese great collection s, and th e en tire

devotion of h im self to an tiquarian and h istorical studies ;

e specially as almost the whole of volum e CXVI ., th e firstquarto, th e vol . A ., and that wh ich h e h im selfregarded as

th e first volume of h is collect ion s, is made up almost

en t irely of m atter writ ten by h im in 1619 . We have

Harl. MS. 1158. f. 75 .

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( 59 )

noth ing dated in 1617, but in 1618 we find h im copyingle tters relating to the monasteries in th e library of Sir

Robert Co tton ; mak ing n o te s ofth e evidences ofThomasBosvile ofNew Hall and Thomas Lewis ofMarr ; takingch urch n o te s at Hemsworth , Wakefie ld, and Dewsbury,and making a fair tran script of notes made, as it seem s,

before that t ime in the several church es of th e city of

York. In 1619 we have h is n o te s in fifteen Yorksh irechurch es, m ostly in th e West Riding ; h e is employed incopying from a book once belonging to Kirk stal abbey, len tto h im by Alexander Cooke, the vicar ofLeeds ; a char

talary of the hospital of St. Nicholas ofPon tefrac t len t

m e most friendly and freely by Mr . Skipton ofPon te ‘

fract ;”a chartulary ofthe college of th e Holy Trin ity

ofPon tefract, len t to h im by Fran cis Bunny ofNewlandn ear Wakefield ; two couch ers of Foun tain s, in the pos

session the on e ofDam e Honor Proctor, the oth er ofWilliam Ingleby ; and from the collection s ofJohn Han sonof Woodhouse, who left a few valuable topograph icalremain s beh ind h im . In Trin ity term in that year h e wasin London .

There are n otes in th irty-e igh t ofth e Yorkshire ch urchesmade by h im in 1620, be tween August 1 1th and Novemb er 22d ; they are for the m ost part in the Wes t Riding ;bu t in November h e made an in cursion in to the EastRiding, visit ing Beverley and Hull ; we find h im in that

year employed upon chartularies of Foun tain s, Se lby,Cockersand, and Drax ; on the court rolls ofWakefield ;on an an cien t m an uscript in posse ssion of Mr. Falk ingham , a very aged inhabitan t ofLeeds, from whose informa

t ion , wh en he was n in e ty years ofage , h e takes down variousparticulars ; and on n o te s of Cartwrigh t the feodary of

Yorksh ire , and on the eviden ces ofMr. Burton ofIngerthorp.

In th e year 162 1 he took many church notes in Yorksh ire , made n o tes from the evide n ce s ofMr. Wash ington

ofAdwick-le- Stree t , and in Oc tobe r and November, whenin London , employed h im se lf in making extracts from

E 8

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man uscripts in th e posse ssion of Sir Robert Cot ton , SirRichard Sain t George, and Ralph S tarky, th en th e own erof the papers ofStowe , wh ich , toge ther wi th h is own , fellafterwards in to th e hands, firs t , ofSir Sim onds D

Ewes * ,

afterwards of the Earl of Oxford, and are n ow in th e

Harleian collection ofmanuscripts.

In Trin ity term 1622 h e is again in London , and agains tudying and tran scribing at th e house of Mr. Starky inBloom sbury, and in th e library ofSir Robert Co tton , whichseem s from the begin n ing of h is studies to have been

Sir Simonds D’

Ewes collected a valuable library of manu

scripts, ofwh ich h e thus feelingly speaks in awill made in 1689“ I bequeath to Adrian D’

Ewes my young son , yet crying in thecradle, my precious library, in wh ich I have stored up for

divers years past, with great care, cost, and industry, diversoriginals or au tograph s, an cien t coin s of gold, silver, and brass,manuscripts or written books , and such as are unprin ted ; andit is my inviolable injun ction or beh est that he keep it en tire,and n ot sell, divide, or dissipate it . Neither would I have itlocked up from farth ering the public good, th e advan cing of

wh ich I have always endeavoured, but that all lovers oflearn ing,ofkn own virtue and in tegrity, m igh t have access to it at sea

sonable tim es, so that th ey did give sufficien t security to restore

safely any original or autograph , any manuscript, or any other

materials to b e borrowed ou t of the sam e library, with outblotting, erasing, or defacing it . A later Sir Simonds D


was an extravagan t man , and seems to have sold every th ingabout th e year 1716 ; th e collection passed about that tim e in to

the possession of th e Earl ofOxford. It form s a valuable and

easily distingu ishab le portion ofthe Harleian library, and is stillresorted to daily, as the collector of it desired, by “ lovers of

l earn ing at th e Museum . It is cataloguedwith the rest ofthe

m anuscripts ; but it is on e of the defects of the Harleian cata

logu e that the several collection s which wen t to form the great

Harleian collection are not described apart from each o th er ; as

th e D’

Ewes, with its subdivision s, Starky’

s and Stowe ’s, th eHolme

s, and others . The preface to such a catalogue ough t

also to con tain a h istory of the formation of the collection , for

wh ich excellen t materials exist.

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( 71

always open to him . In th is term we first findhim readingin the national records . He copies from Domesday Bookwhat that book con tain s re specting the city ofYork, a

labour n ow happily rendered un n ecessary to any an tiquaryby the publication of the whole record. We find h im

labouring also in the coun try among the evidences of SirHen ry Goodricke and Sir Henry Savile , and making a

few church n otes in North Riding churches.

A le t ter in th e Ashmolean collection , vol.DCCCXXXVI'.f. 559 , shows that he began to hold at th is period a deputation from Sir Richard Sain t George, the Norroy kingat arm s. It is from one Leonard Smedley, who held the

depu tation before h im , and who complain s of its beingwithdrawn , and of Dodsworth ’

s conduct to h im . The

le t ter is dated Man chester, 23d September 1623.

A part of the du ty of the depu ties to the kings of

arm s was to order th e fun erals of the gen try and to pre

pare ample and accurate accoun ts of the state of the familyof th e de ceased ; these fun eral certificates form a valuablepart ofthe collection of attested gen ealogy at th e College

of Arm s, and for th e purpose of proving descen ts are farmore valuable than any registry of birth s, marriages, and

death s that has ye t been devised. Copie s of two of h is

cert ificates, made in 1622 and 1623, are in h is collection s,

and th ere are several o thers in the arch ives of the CollegeofArm s.

In Trin ity term 1623 he is again in London labouringhard in th e Cot ton library, an d n ow for the first time we

find h im at th e Tower, where he made large abstracts ofmany ofthe inqu isition s. He was in corresponden ce thisyear with Vincen t, who had first fully shown how the

public records m igh t be made to bear with effect upon the

h istory ofth e Baronage, in h is D iscovery ofErrors in Brooke’s

Catalogue of Nobility . In the coun try we find h im em

ployed in Sain t Mary’s tower at York, and in making a

few church notes. Ofwhat he did in 1624 we have lit tleinformation , bu t we are not to infer that he was un em

ployed because, except to a few mat ters, no date in that

E 4

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( 79 )

year is annexed, wh en so much of the se collec tions is

without any date . Th e same may be said of the years1625 and 1626.

In th e in terval from 1626 to 1635 he appears to have beenu nrem it tingly occupied in labours sim ilar to those we havedescribed, making n otes in church es, copying charters andchartularies, and tran scribing from the private eviden cesofall fam ilies to wh ich he could procure access whateverappeared to h im of value . He seem s rarely to havevisited London , and they were fam ilies ofYorkshire and

Lan cash ire ch iefly to whose eviden ces he resorted. Th esecollection s con tain abundan t information respecting the

arch ives of fam ilies of various ranks, where the originals

have long sin ce perish ed.

An other class of writings used by h im in form ingth ese collection s were th e papers of preceding an tiquaries.Som e th ing had been don e before h is t im e in collectingou t of the public records matter wh ich illustrated th e

h istory of Yorkshire by Thomas Talbot and RichardGascoign ; som e th ing had also been don e on a smaller

scale by An thony Bu tler in th e East Riding and byHan son , Fran cis Burde t, and Fran cis Rockley in the

West Riding. Of m ore gen eral collectors, h e availedh im selfof th e labours of Agard, Ferrers, Archer, Kn iveton , D

Ewes, and afterwards Dugdale . Some of the

collection s m ade by th e se m en have perished, so that th esevolum es ofDodsworth con tain n early all that is known of

th em ; and part icularly those ofGascoign , on e of the most

laborious person s who in that age of assidu ity appliedh im self to the study of the national records, were in an

unfortunate mom en t comm itted to the flam es as valueless bya n obleman to whose possession they had descended, inthe presen ce, as he h im self relates, ofOldis the an tiquary,who supplicated, ifhe did n ot remon strate, in vain ; th isoccurred in 1728. Gascoign was born six years beforeDodsworth .

Amongst h is an tiquarian friends he by th is time

reckon ed Sir Christopher Hatton , Sir Henry Spelman ,

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( 73 )

Selden , Charles Fairfax of Men ston , and th en , or soon

after, Sir Simon Arch er, Samuel Roper, Sir Thomas

Shirley, Lord Bruden el, and John Rushworth , to whomh e was related. From ano ther bran ch of the fam ily of

Fairfax he re ce ived a n oble encouragem en t in h is s tudies

Sir Thomas Fairfax, the parliamen tary gen eral, se ttled on

h im an an n uity, wh ich Dugdale says was to enableh im th e be t ter to prosecu te h is research e s.


In 1635 and 1636 he was at work in Sain t Mary’stower, and on the regis ters of the see ofYork. We find

h im also in th e Chan cery of th e duchy ofLan caster, and'

e ngaged in abstract ing th e eviden ces of many privatefamil ies. When n o t employed in en larging h is stores he

occupied h imself in form ing those gen ealogical schemes

wh ich are found in volum es III ., and IV .

In 1637 and 1638 h e was much employed on th e records

ofth e Exchequer. Then it was that he tran scribed the

Ro tulus de Dom inabus. In th e lat ter of th ese years hebegan to at tempt to bring in to som e order what he had

gathered respect ing th e m onasteries ; h e en titled the

volum e Monasticon Anglicanum, wh ich was the title under

wh ich the work afterwards appeared.

From 1639 to 1642 he was pursuing th e sam e course of

s tudy. His ch iefexertion s were on th e records of the se e

ofLin coln and on the great rolls of the pipe . In 1639 he

was much in Cumberland and Northumberland, exam in ingthe eviden ces of th e an cien t gen try of those coun tie s.

The civil wars m ust have in terfered greatly with hispursu its. In th e siege of York in 1644 the tower of

Sain t Mary was des troyed, when a large body ofn orth ern

records perished ; it was blown up by gunpowder on

Sunday Jun e l 6th ; the greater part of the records wereremoved ; but it is eviden t that many must have perishedwh en we find on th e l st ofSeptember following Dods

worth and Mr. Fairfax of Men ston search ing am ong the

Life of Sir William Dugdale, by h imself. Dallaway’


History of Heraldiy , App. p. xiii.

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( 74 )

rubbish for any charters that had escaped, and findingsome, among wh ich was the rhym ing charter of KingAthelstan to Sain t John ofBeverley ; whe th er the original

and con temporary docum ent or n o t it is hard to afli rm or

deny. I su spect that th ere was in th is even t a greater

destruction of eviden ce than even Dodsworth seem s to

have supposed.

In this year h e made h is large collection s ou t of the

t estam en tary documen ts at York ; bu t in the m on th of

September h e had left that city, driven th en ce , as it

would seem , by th e political circum s tan ces of the t im e,

h is procellosis temporibus, ubi nulla quies datar domi.”

(vol. VII. ) He was received in to th e house of Fran cisNevile, a gen tleman of an an cien t fam ily, whose seat was

at Cheve t n ear Wakefield ; there h e began a m onasticon

on a m ore con tracted scale ; it was to b e a m onasticon

for the northern coun ties on ly,—a M onasticon Boreale,

as h e en titled it . Th is form s vol. VII., VIII ., and IX.

of the collection s.

We have n o eviden ce to show how long h e was the

guest of Mr. Nevile, of whom h e has recorded that h e

boun t ifully supplied him with every th ing that h e wan ted.

We kn ow little precisely of h is labours in 1645, and are

perplexed by th e un certain ty wh ich at tends dates in

January, February, and part ofMarch . He write s to SirSim onds D

Ewes from Skipton Castle in February and

March 1645 , perhaps 1645 -6 . In 1646 h e spen t much

t ime among th e Clifford eviden ces both at Skipton and

Lon sborough . In that year also he visited Appleby, andto this period ofh is life are to be referred those large and

m ost valuable tran scripts ofthe eviden ces of that an cien t

h ou se, m ade , as it seem s, with a special view to the infor

m ation of a lady who esteem ed n o kind of knowledgeforeign from h er pursu its, th e Coun tess of Pembroke,Dorse t, and Mon tgom ery.

Much ofth e year 1647 was spen t by h im in th e coun try,

but in 1648 we find h im again in London labouring on

the records of the Exchequer and the Augmen tation

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( 76 )

a work on the Baronage of England, he probably mean t

th ose valuable gen ealogical sch em es in th e early volum es

of th e se collection s, for h e can hardly have alluded to h is

volume CLVIII.These man uscript volumes are h is legacy to posterity

and the basis ofh is fam e .

He was buried, as Wood inform s u s, in th e vault oftheHeske th s, h is wife

s family, in th e church ofRufford inLan cash ire . He had four ch ildren , Robert, Elean or,Mary, and Cassandra. Th e son was of Chr ist

s College

Cambridge . I find, in some private collection s in th e

library of the College of Arm s, that he was a clergyman ,

se t tled at Barton in Lin coln shire, and that h e had a son

n am ed Robert , who had a son n amed Roger, born in

1681 . All th e daugh ters married, bu t I suspect that, likem ost of th e daugh ters of Sir William Dugdale, th ey mar

ried obscurely.

Wh e th er in con sideration of th e annu ity before m en

t ion ed, or by what o th er con sideration , these collection s

passed after th e death ofDodsworth in to the possession of

Sir Thom as Fairfax, then becom e Lord Fairfax, who gaveth em by will to th e un iversity of Oxford. Lord Fairfaxdied in 1671, and in 1673, in the m on th ofJun e , they weret ran sferred th ith er. The public had n early lost the

benefit of th em ,for in th e tran sm ission they got we t, and

it was with som e difficulty that An thony Wood ob tain edleave of th e vice-chan cellor to dry th em on th e leads

adjoin ing th e school tower. He says that it cost h im a

m on th’

s labour to do it, and that bu t for h is care they hadbeen u tterly spoiled. Th ey bear marks to th is day of the

injury to which th ey were exposed.

It is a poin t of some curiosity and importan ce to asoer

tain how far th e collection at Oxford is to be regarded as

th e whole of what Dodsworth wish ed to b e con sidered

as being h is Work ; and on e of the bes t gu ides for th e

de term ination ofth is que stion is th e marks by which Dods

worth h im self distinguished the volum es . The mode he

adopted was a succession of alphabets : The le tters

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( 77 )

taken singly ; The le tters doubled ; The le tters

trebled ; The le tters in circles ; The le t ters in

squares, and Th e le t ters in triangle s.

In the first series, wh ich are quartos, vol. P. is wan ting.

The second series is comple te to X X . It is also a

serie s of quartos, and it may be supposed that the series

the re term inated.

The th ird serie s is comple te .

The fourth series wan ts the volume S. , but both thevblumes n ow n umbe red 107. and 108. have the mark X.,

though th ey are ofmat ter quite dissim ilar.

The fifth series wan ts X . and Z.

The sixth series is comple te to th e le tter T.

, when perhaps it ceased. Volum es VII . , VIII ., and IX ., the Monas

ticon Boreale, are each marked with a W. with in a triangle .

It remain s to b e added that th ere are two quartos,CLVII. and CLVIII ., wh ich are marked with O . and V.

with in squares ; that vols. II. to VL, con sisting of pedigree s, are n o t in cluded in any of the six serieses ; that

vol. XI. has n o mark, being a tran script of the volum e

marked D. in a circle, or XXXVII . that the ArborOgleana, vol. XVIII ., is also a supernumerary, as is also

the Bu tler collec tion s, vol. XXXIII that vol. XIX. and

XX. are n o part of Dodsworth ’

s collection s, and therefore

n ot exh ibiting h is mark ; that XXI . and XXIII . are n ot

marked, as being m erely indexes ; and that LXXVI.,CXIV., and CXV . are n ot marked, as con sisting e ith er of

original charters or of office copies ofrecords.In the Harle ian manuscript 19 67, be ing a volume of

the collection s of the Holm e s, art icle 3 1. is an explanationof the marks used by Dodsworth to distingu ish h is manu

scripts, bu t it is too imperfec t to be ofmuch use .

a In the same departmen t of the Harleian library, no. 1987

contain s a copy ofan engraved pedigree ofthe fam ily ofTalbotof Bashall, compiled by R . D. (Roger Dodsworth ), but not

engraved till 1656, after his death .

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( 78 )

Though the collection may appear to be n early com

ple te, ye t other volum e s are known to exist .l . ) Thoresby had a quarto volume, with the date 163 1,

con tain ing h is catalogue of sain ts and writers of the

coun ty ofYork, with collec tion s relating to the monasteries

of Burlington , Hackn ess, Wh itby, and o th er religious

foundation s. It was given to h im by Lord Fairfax. See

Ducatus Leodiensis, p . 533.

A folio volume of an tiquarian collection s, n ow in

th e library of Queen ’

s College Oxford, wh ere it is num

bered 26.

A folio volum e in the possession of Mr. GeorgeBaker of Northampton , au thor of the h istory of that

coun ty n ow in th e course of publication , con tain ing manyvaluable 00pies ofpublic records and o ther docum en ts .

The volum e n ow n umbered CLXI., con tain inghis church n otes at York, was in the hands ofDrake , andby h im presen ted to th e Bodleian Library in 1736, after

h e had u sed it in h is h istory of the city of York .

And, lastly, I have been inform ed that th ere are two

or three volum es of collection s by Dodsworth in th e

library of th e Earl of Cardigan .

Thoresby had copies ofVin cen t and Weever which hadbelonged to Dodsworth , and had many marginal n otes in

h is hand.

Small portion s of Dodsworth ’s writings are frequen tlyfound in collect ion s of th e sam e nature with h is own .

The volumes when tran sm itted to Oxford seem to

have been unbound. Soon after they were rece ivedthere th e whole were bound, wh en a n ew designation

was given to each volume . Th is designation was a

simple n umeral, run n ing in regular series from I . to CLX.,

except that there is n o No . LXXVII and on the other

hand th e volume which I have called CXX. b ., th e

C C . of the collect ion , was n o t n umbered at all. Bythe se n umbers the volum es are n ow u sually quoted,b ut th is n ew arrangem en t has been made withou t at ten

t ion to the real order in which the volumes originally

Page 103: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

A A . 117 .

B B . 1 19 .

C C. 120 b .

I) D. 122.

E E . 124 .

F F. 126.

G G. 128.

H H . 130.

I I . 132 .

K K . 134.

L L. 136.

M M. 158.

N N. 139 .

1 . A A A. 26.

2 . B B B . 32 .

3. C C C . 34.

D D D . 39 .

5 . E E E. 43.

6. F F F. 46.

7 . G G G. 50.

8. H H H. 53.


10. K K K. 62 .

1 1 . L L L. 66.

12 . M M M . 69 .

13. N N N. 73.

14. O O O . 87.

15 . P P P.

16. Q Q'

Q. 86.

17. R R R. 9 1 .

18. s S S. 9 4.

19 . T T T. 9 8.

20. V V V. 101 .

21 . W W W. 104.

22 . X X X. 106.



Y Y Y. 1 10.

24. Z Z Z. 1 13.

Ci rcles.

O O 141 .

P P. 142 .

Q Q . 144.

R R . 146.

s s . 148.

T T. 150.

v V. 15 1 .

WW. 153.

X X . 154.

The letters m

25 . A. 27.

26 . B. 28.


28. D. 37 .

29 . E. 41 .

30. F. 45 .

31 .

32 . H . 54.

33. I. 57.

34. K. 61.

35 . L . 65 .

36. M. 68.

37. N. 72 .

38. O. 78.

39 . P. 81.

40. Q. 85 .

41. R. 90.

Page 104: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

The letters in squares.

50. A . 24.

5 1. B . 30.

52. C. 36.

53. D. 40.

54. E. 44.

55 .

56. G. 52.

57. H. 56 .

58. I. 60.

5 9 . K. 64.

60. L. 1 .

61. M . 7 1.

62. N. 75 .

63 . O. 80.

64. P. 84 .

65 . Q. 89 .

66. R. 9 3.

67. S . 9 6 .

68. T. 22 .

69 . V. 102 .

70. W . 105 .

71 . X . care t .

72 . Y. 1 1 1 .

73. Z. care t .

The letters in triangles.

74 . A. 24 .

75 . B . 29 .

Page 105: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer


1 14.116. 2 1 .

1 15 .117. 23 .

Much use has been made of the se collection s In

September 1666 Dugdale borrowed eigh teen of the

volumes of Lord Fairfax.

* Thoroton u sed them in the

preparation of h is h istory of Not tingham sh ire . Dr.

John ston tran scribed much from them for his in tended

h istory ofYorksh ire . S in ce h is tim e many person s havehad recourse to them for the purposes of the ir variousworks, partly for th e information wh ich is to b e found

h ere and here on ly, and partly for the tran scripts of

records still existing, it being so much easier to read in

a library like the Bodleian than in th e places in wh ichthe originals are deposited. A digest of the mat ter wh ich

they con tain relat ing to many places in the coun ty of

York, in twelve thin folio volum es, is in the HarleianLibrary at the British Museum, No. 79 3 to 804. Athirteen th volum e, n umbered 805, con tain s n otes ou t

of them for th e h istory of various fam ilies, in alphab e tical order from Acelom to Goodricke . This was thework of two person s nam ed Jenyngs and Tilleyson , who

execu ted the task for Bishop Stillingfle te . A catalogue

ofthem is in the Catalogus MSS. Anglia et H ibern ia’

, 169 7,

b ut though made by a person ofh igh repu tation it is sin

gularly open to objection . The very first volume is de

scribed as con tain ing Trials in the coun ty of York,”

when it is in reality a volum e offinal con cords.

There are good indexes to almost all the volumes.

See his diary under that date in The Life of Sir WilliamDugdale , by the . late William Hamper, Esq. In that publicat ion are several letters ofDodsworth .

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( 84

heiresses who had been engrafted in to it, and the issue Of

heiresses in whom any main bran ch had term inated.

The following are the st irpes con tain ed in th is volume

1 . Percy, to the reign Of Hen ry IV., with the coheirs

ofWilliam de Briwere ; f. 2 .

2 . Fauconberg, to the re ign Of Henry IV., with the

lines ofBrus and Patishull ; f. 3 .

3 . Darcy, with the descen t OfMein ell andMelton ; f. 5 .

4 . Stu tevile, to the reign ofHen ry III. ; f. 8.

5 . Wake, with th e descen t Of the coh eir OfQuen ci, and

the descen t from Wake of King Richard and the

Hollands ; f. 1 1.

6 . Kyme, with th e posterity Of the coheirs married to

Umfravile and Tailboys ; f. 14.

7. Holland, with fragmen t OfEwias and Lovell ; f. 15 .

8. The Baron s of Alfre ton , with the descen t from them

OfLatham and Stan ley ; f. 18 .

9 . Stapleton , to the re ign ofHen ry VIL ; with the de

scen t Of n um erous fam ilies allied to th em ; viz . Alben ey,

th e Earls ofCh ester, Lisle, Tatesh ill, th e Lords OfMiddleham , Sutton , Usfle te, Furn ival, Latim er, Bekering, F01jambe, Lowdham , Bre ton , Som eri, and o th ers ; f. 20.

10. Love tot, Furn ival, Nevile, and Talbot, to the time

ofth e second Talbot Earl Of Shrewsbury ; f. 31 .

1 1 . Ugh tred and Burdon ; f. 32 .

12 . De la Hay OfSpaldington ; f. 35 .

13. Mowbray ; f. 37.

14 . Roos, with Espec, Trussebut, Stu tevile, Can tilupe,and o ther allian ces ; f. 39 .

15 . Th e Baron s of Man chester, Grelle, De la War,

West ; f. 45 .

16 . Th e Baron s Of Pon tefract, Laci, with Fitz Williamand Bisse t ; f. 52 .

17 . Balliol and Bruce ; claim to th e crown OfScotland ;f. 55 .

18. Th e Baron s ofWarkworth and Clavering ; f. 5 9 .

19 . Cromwell, with Clifton and Swillington , Marm ion ,

Tateshale, Driby, and Bernak ; f 62.

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( 85 )

20. Grey OfRoth erfield, with the Lovels ; f. 65 .

2 1 . Audley, with subsidiary descen ts Of Cundy, FitzWarin e, Beaumon t, Touche t ; f. 68 .

22 . Zouch , with Brewes, Can t ilupe, Hastings ; f. 70.

23 . Sain t Amand ; f. 74 .

24 . Alben ey Baron OfKaynho ; f. 75 .

25 . Strange OfKnockin ,with Latham , Stanley,&c f. 76.

26 . Mohun ofDun ster ; f. 79 .

27 . Warren Of Wirmgay, with Bardolfand Beaumon t ;f. 82 .

28. Hastings, to the t ime Ofthe marriage OfFerdinandoLord Hastings ; f. 85 .

29 . Lovaine and Bourch ier ; f. 87 .

30. Verdon ; f. 88.

31 . Oyeri, Goush ill, Le Despenser, with Nevile and

Wen tworth ; f. 90.

32 . Boteler ofIreland, Earls ofOrmond ; f. 9 3.

33 . Creon ; f. 9 4 b .

34. The Baron s OfDover ; f. 9 5 .

35 . The Baron s ofSudeley ; f. 9 6 .

36 . Th e Baron s ofDaven try f. 9 7.

There are besides a few small fragmen ts Of other gene

alogies ; and be tween f. 66. and f. 67 . are four leaves, contain ing a schedule Of chartularies, thus en t itled by Dods

worth h im self: Nom ina separalium cartulariarum hoc

Opere citatarum ; b ut it may be doubted whe ther th is refers to the volum e in wh ich th ese leaves n ow are found,

or to some port ion of h is collection s for the h istory Ofm onasteries. It is valuable, as showing what chartularies

Ofmonas teries were then in existen ce .

- III .

GENEALOGUE ex recordis, cartularn s abbathiarum , registris arch iepiSCOporum e t episco

porum , cartis privatis, aliisque auten ticis, extractae t composites studio e t industria ROGERI DODSWORTH, Eboracen sis, 1636.

The volume thus en titled by Dodsworth himself is of

r 3

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80 )

the same kind with the on e preceding, but the fam ilieswhose descen ts it con tain s are for th e most part of the

n orthern coun ties, and many Of them were n ot Of th e

rank Ofbaron s Ofparliam en t .

The fam ilies con tain ed in this volume are the following1. Faucunberg and Foliot ; f. 2 .

2 . Stayngrave and Flamvile ; f. 4 .

3. Engelram ; f. 5 .

4 . Luci, Morvile , Multou , 810 f. 6.

5 . MusardandFreschvile, W l tll Nu tth ill,Brewes,Hillard,and Trehampton ; f. 10.

6. Darcy, with Bertram , Heron , Not ton ,Wimbysh f. 13.

7 . Thweng, with Darel and Lum ley ; f. 16.

8. Pedwardin e , with Longchamp,Vaux, f. 18.

9 . Dein court f. 22 .

10. The descendan ts OfPicot de Percy ; f. 25 .

1 1 . Bustard, Clifton , and Deyvile, with Ledes and

Nevile f. 26.

12 . Ward ; f. 27.

13. Harrington , with Cancefield, Fleming, and others ;

f. 29 .

14. Widderington ; f. 32.

15 . Bellew, and the issue Of th e coh eirs ; f. 34.

16. Middle ton of Stockeld and Maleverer ; f. 36 .

Vesci and Aton ; f. 38.

18. Graistock , with Mon tfichet, 81a ; f. 40.

19 . Dacre, with Multon , Ste . f. 43.

20. Dover ; f. 45 .

2 1 . Lardin er OfSke lton ; f. 46.

22 . De San cta Maria,Walleis, Fitz-Alan ; f. 48.

23 . Fitz Walter ; f. 5 1 .

24 . Tibetot ; f. 54 .

25 . Ch erle ton ofPowis ; f. 56.

26 . Th e Lords OfBelvoir ; f. 57 .

27 Walrand, Marm ion , Willoughby, 8tc. f. 59 .

28 . Marm ion , with Frevile , Dym oke, 8tc . ; f. 63.

29 . Harrington of Exton , with Moton , Pole, Goodhall,

andVin cen t ;‘

f. 64.

Page 111: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

62 .



65 .




69 .


72 .


75 .



( 88 )

Grey ofCodnor, with Colvile and Basse t ; f. 125 .

Sain t Walery f. 128.

Strange OfKn ockin ; f. 129 .

Berkeley ; f. 130.

Mandevile ; f. 132.

Beauchamp Baron ofBedford ; f. 135 .

Ewias and Tresgorz ; f. 136.

Lym esy Baron ofWolverley, co. Worc . ; f. 137.

Pinken i ; f. 138.

Peverel OfDover, Peche, &c. ; f. 140.

Brerehagh ofMen ston ; f. 145 .

Burgh Earl ofUlster ; f. 146.

Banastre Baron ofNewton ; f. 148.

Arsie ; f. 149 .

Th e Earls ofEu ; f. 150.

Umfravill Earl OfAngus ; f. 152 . Among the evi

deuces wh ich accompany th is descen t is a charter Of th e

Conqueror dilecto n ostro con sangu in eo Roberto de Umfranvill.

”It is dated on l 0th July in th e ten th Ofh is

reign , and has for witn esses Matildis h is con sort, and

William and Hen ry h is son s .


79 .


81 .

f. 164.



85 .

86 .


88 .

89 .

9 0.

Tailboys ; f. 156 .

Welles, with the coheirs f. 158.

Cormeilles ; f. 162.

Chandos ; f. 163 .

Payn e] , Lu terel, and families conn ected with them ;

Bohun ; f. 167 .

L’l sle OfWodborn e ; f. 168.

Lilleburn ; f. 170.

Dyn e ; f. 179 and f.

M urdac and Harang ; f. 180.

Lascelles ; f. 183 .

Fitz Warin e ; f. 188.

Han sard ; f. 189 .

At th e beginn ing Of the volume, and before the paging,is a gen ealogy Of the kings of the West Saxons accordingto Stowe .

Page 112: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer


IV .


Th is is Dodsworth ’

s own title to the volume, wh ichconsists en t irely of pedigrees for the most part compiledby h imself, bu t with fewer referen ces to au thorities than

are found in the two preceding volumes . On th e leavesbefore th e paging commen ces are several gen ealogicalm emoranda, relat ing to Chan n ey, CriOl, Willoughby,Payn e ], Darcy, Bellew, Burgh, Dunham , Roscelin e, Oflittle

value , be ing incorporated for the m ost part, perhaps ent irely, in the be t te r laboured pedigrees wh ich follow1 . Mortimer, Chen ey, 8tc . ;

2 . ApAdamwith Gournayand Harpe tre ; f. 2.

3. Monbouch er f. 2 b .

4 . Sum eri ; £ 3 .

5 . Le iburn , Chen ey, Ufford; f. 3 b .

6 . Wake ; £ 4.

7 . Balliol ; f. 10.

8 . Fauconb erg; f. 1 1.

9 . Nevile ; f. 12 .

10. Basse t ; f. 13 .

1 1. Payn e] , Lu terel, Gan t,De Lisle ; f. 15 .

12. Descendan ts OfEdw in us

de Halton , co. Eborf. 16.

13. Lisle of Brodsworth ;f. 17

14. Newmarch, Chevercourt, Furn eaux ; f. 18.

15 . Hawley and Rolles ton ;f. 19 .

16. Percyhay of Riton ;f. 20.

17. An esty ; £ 2 1 .

18. Toeny ; f. 22 .

19 . Stutevile ; £ 23.

20. Kym e ; £ 25 .

2 1 . Can tilupe ; f. 26.

22. Brion ; f. 27.

23. Columbers, Camvile,

and Stowell ; f. 28.

24. Valle tort ; f. 29 .

25 . Dun stanvile and Bri

were ; f. 30.

26. Burgh Earl Of Ulster ;f. 32.

27. Mucegros,

Bussey ; f. 33.

28. Valoin es, Ufford, Criketot ; f. 34.

29 . Glanville, and th e co

heirs ; f. 36.

30. Scales ; f. 38.

31 . Hun t ingfe ld ; f. 39 .

32 . Bardolf; £ 40.

33. Mortim er ; £ 41.

34. Pedwardin e,with Creon,

Longchamp, Lumley, 8tc .

f. 43.

Mortim er,

Page 113: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

( 90

35 . Staple ton ; £ 45 .

36. Walerand, Frevile, Dymoke, 8m ; f. 46 .

37. Marm ion ; f. 47.

38. Camvile ; f. 48.

39 . Tilli ; f. 48 b.

40. Leiburn ; £ 49 .

41. Hungerford, with BO

treaux, Molin s, f. 50.

42 . Fitz -Payn e ; f. 50b.

43 . Erdin ton ; f. 5 1 .

44. Brewosa ; f. 52.

45 . Everingham and Gan zf. 57.

46. Wan ervile ; f. 58.

47 The posterity Of Sweinfitz Ailric shown at large ;

f 61.

m 48. Aske ; f. 64.

49 . Fitz-Alan Of Bedal ;f. 65 .

50. De Urtiaco ; f. 66.

5 1. Gan t ; £ 67.

52. The Baron s Of Daventry ; f. 68.

53. DeAlbrincis,Crevequer,

Crioll, 8tc. £ 69 .

54. Payn el and Cahaines ;

f. 71 .

55 . Lovel and Sain t Maur ;

f. 72.

56. Lovel ofTichmarsh and

Min ster-Lovel ; f. 73.

57. Holland ; f. 75 .

58. Morley, with Rie, Mar

shall, &c. ; f. 76.

5 9 . Brion ; £ 77.

60. Camoys ; £ 79 .

61 . De Bosco ; 80.

62 . Brion ; £ 81 .

Dynham; 83.

64. Loveyn ; f. 84.

65 . Beauchamp ; 85 .

66. Wygge ton ; £ 86.

67. Torin ton ; f. 87.

68. Stu tevile 87 a .

69 . Croc ; 88.

70. Giffard ; 89 .

71. Nevile ; £ 9 0.

72 . Basset ; £ 9 1.73. Hilton ; 9 2.

74 . Sain t John ; 9 2‘

a. and

£ 9 4 a

75 . Aldham ; £ 9 3.

76. Bassingburn and Li

sures ; f. 9 3 b .

77. Essex de Ralegh ; 94 .

78. Fauconberg; £ 9 5 .

79 . Grimbald ; £ 9 6.

80. Thorpell ; 9 7.

81. Cahaign es ; £ 9 8.

82. Clifford ; 9 9 .

83. Valoin es ; £ 101.

84. Courtenay ; 103.

A m emorandum that Mr.

Dugdale says, that the

Lord Hat ton hath the

coucher Of Kirkstead,where is the foun dation

charter per Will . fil. Eudon is.

Page 115: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

( 9 9 )

Then follow variouspedigrees,ch iefly ofn orthern fam ilies,from the collection s OfArch er, too many to be particularlypoin ted ou t ; and it is Of th e less importan ce to do so, as

they are for the m ost part well kn own descen ts, and are

n ot, like most Of the pedigrees already m en tioned, supported by referen ces to record or o th er au thority ; f. 27£ 9 4.

Gen ealogies in n arrative Of the following fam ilies ; viz .

Ingleby, Wandsford, Rowcliffe, Darrel, Bulm er, Hilton ,Mowbray, Gascoign , Hiliard, Barnby, Chaumon t, Nevile,Courtn ey, Dawn ey, Ingleby, Percy ; with sh ields Of the

arm s and quarterings of Chaworth , Paston , Dacre, and

Bun ny ; 9 6. 11 1 .

Th en follow various o th er descen ts, wh ich appear tohave been compiled by Dodsworth h im self; viz.

38. Nevile Of Pickharle ; 53. Ledes and Pigot ; £ 126 .

1 12 . 54. Bruse ; 126 b.

39 . Staple ton ; £ 113 . 5 5 . Me tham ; £ 127.

40. Scrope ; 1 14 . 56. Kighley ; 127 b.

41 . Bolingbroke ; 115 b . 57 . Sain t Qu in tin ; £ 128.

42 . Lacy ; £ 116 . 58. Bigot ; 128 b.

43 . Dodsworth ; £ 117. 5 9 . Aske ; £ 129 .

44. Wombwell ; £ 1 17. 60. COlevile ; f. 129 b .

45 . Thoresby ; 120. 61. Ross and Fitz William ;

46. Sain t Quin t in andVaux ; £ 130.

120b. 62. Cave ; f. 130b .

47. Hilton ; £ 12 1. 63. Lum ley ; 131.


“ Lin ea con sanguin itatis 64. Vere ; f. 133 .

de stirpe fundatorum Ah 65 . Scrope ; 135 .

bath ias de Sibb e ton ; 66. Osbaldeston ; £ 136.

122 . 67. Halsall ; 136 b.

49 . Kirkby Of Kirkby, co . 68. Pilkington ; f. 137.

Lan c. ; 124. 69 . Plessington ; f. 137 b .

50. Wilberfoss ; 125 . 70. Ash ton and Talbot ; f.5 1 . Dodsworth of Gawber 138 b .

Hall ; 125 b . 7 1 . Bulmer ; 139 .

52. Kaye of Dalton ; f. 72 . Pen n ington of Mul

126 . caster ; 140b .

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( 93 )

73 . Descen t Of Sir Tho . 74 . Malham Of Elslack ;Walmesley and of An ne f. 143 .

h iswife , daugh ter and he ir 75 . Acclam f. 144 b .

of Robert Shut tleworth ; 76 . Drax f. 145 .

f. 142 . 77 . Rockley ; f. 145 b .

A t 140 Ofth is volume is a list Of the lords temporalwho sat in parliamen t in 1 Charles 1.

—VI .

Another volum e of GENEALOG IES, of less valuethan the preceding ; many Of them being littlemore than rough notes . The genealogi es of mostvalue are Ofthe following families Viz .

Agh ton Be thom Croft Middle ton—Butler Urs

wick Dodsworth Clifton Of Lan cash ire MittonLan caster—Leyburn Harrington Soteh ill GowerBolton Lovel Waterton Hun t ingfield Camvile

Martin Valle tort Bohun Engain e ErdingtonFitzwarin—Nevil—Foliot—Bellew Heriz—Pierrepoin t—Trailli - Can ci the lords Of Oswaldkirk and Ampleford in Yorksh ire Arches—De Alta Ripa Reinevil

and their coh e irs Parker Of Browsholm PudseyLister OfMidhop—Tempest.Though th ese gen ealogies are less ample and less

abundan t in referen ces to authorities than m ost Ofthose in

th e volumes before described, ye t they are eviden tly for them ost part ofDodsworth ’

s own compilation out Of h is col

lect ion Ofeviden ces, and no t m ere tran scripts Ofdescen tsun supported by evide nce .

At the beginn ing is a table , en titled by DodsworthDescen ts composed and en tered in sundry books .

” Th istable con tain s the names Of286 fam ilies, with references

to various volumes of his collection s, in which accoun ts Of

them are to be found.

Page 117: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer


—VII .

The contents ofthis volume are well describedin a title prefixed by Dodsworth himself; Viz .

MONASTICON BOREALE ; sive instrum enta celebriora, nempe , diplomata regum , bullaa papales,cartae satraparum e t primorum virorum , aliorumque

donatorum , sigillis suis appenden tibus ; ex quibuslegis, historian , an tiquitatis, e t genealogies studiosihab ean t unde se Oblectent ; ex au tographis in turriBeaten Maria: juxta Eboracum naper custoditis.Tomus primus : In quo cartm terrarum in Northriding et Estriding pree cipué tran scriptm sunt, et

fideliter examinatae , per ROGERUM DODSWORTHEboracencem , rei antiquas studiosum , (his procellosis temporibus, ubi nulla quies datur domi, ) inazdibus Fran cisci Nevill de Chevet arm igeri in

sign is, ubi omnia summacum human itate et alacritate auctori ab hOSpite suO b en ign issimo suppedita

bantur. In choatum 1 Octobris

Dodsworth th en proceeds to speak Ofthe place Ofdepositofth e in strum en ts Ofwhich h e has here preserved tran scripts,wh ich was a tower Of th e abbey Of Sain t Mary withou tth e walls Ofth e city OfYork, built by on e ofthe abbots ata n orth angle ofth e wall for th e purpose ofbeing a record

room for th e abbey. Wh en th e m onasteries were dissolved,th e abbey Of Sain t Mary being appropriated to publicpurposes, and e specially to the use Of th e Lord Presiden tOf th e North , this tower was used as a gen eral depositaryof th e eviden ces ofth e religious houses in the n orth , whichwere laid up in it in divers chests . Its con ten ts would haveb een u tterly destroyed on Sunday Jun e 16, 1644, whenth e towerwas blown up during th e siege OfYork, had n ot

on e Th omas Thom son , who is called byDodsworth “ homo

in tegerrim us,” with extreme hazard ofhis life carried away

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( 96 )

are gen erally given . The whole n umber Of charters 18

abou t 800. TO specify all individually in such a

catalogue as th is would be impract icable , e speciallyas this is on ly on e of m any volumes made up Of sim i

lar materials. Some of th e most importan t Of th e char

ters of the n orth ern m onasteries, both in th is and other

volum es, are prin ted in th e Monasticon .

It may b e Observed gen erally, respect ingDodsworth ’scollect ion Ofmonastic charters, that there are in term ixedwith those wh ich properly belong to th e house o thers

wh ich seem to have com e in to possession Of th e m onasterywith lands to wh ich they relate , and some also, wh ich can

b e regarded in n o o ther ligh t than as having been placedin th e monastery for safe custody ; thus at f 160. is a

charter OfRobert de Roos gran ting to h is burgesses Of

Helm sley various privileges, and all liberties and custom s

such as th e citizen s OfYork enjoy. It is withou t date ;but th e first witness is Walter prior OfKirkham . Two

distinct h istories Of the an cien t fam ily Of An laghby are

tran scribed in th e sixth portion Ofth e volume . Th ere are

n um erous charters Of Stutevile and Wake, Man ley, and

Salvin , wh ich are rath er to be regarded as bearing uponthe h istory Of those fam ilies and the ir possessions than as

in conn ec tion with any religious house .

On e Ofthe most importan t charters in th is volume isthat to wh ich Dodswor th has prefixed th e following titleCarta Stephan i Com itis Albem arl

, de fundation e ah

bathias San cti Mart in i de Alce io juxta castrum Alb emarile

in Norman ia; cui dedit in ter alia ecclesias de Holdern es

in com’ Ebor’, n ecn on ecclesias man eriorum quorundam

in com’

VI I I .MONASTICON BOREALE, tomus secundus

cartas de West Riding prmcipué con tin en s .

Th is volum e resembles th e on e just described, and con

tains abou t the same number Of charters. The religious

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( 97 )

ho uses ofwh ich th ere are charters in this volume are th e

following1 . Salley ; 1—4.

2. Bolton in Craven , Merton , Kirkstal, and Roche ;f. 9—32 .

3 . Kirkstal, Sin ingthwaite , Newborough , Bolton , the

hospital Of Sain t Peter of York, Bilan d, Rievaulx ; f. 40—9 24 . Hospital Of Sain t John the Bapt ist Of Je rusal em ;

Drax, Sin ingthwaite, Helaugh , Apple ton , St. Trin ity OfYork, St . Clem en t OfYork, th e hospital ofSt . Leonard Of

York, St . Mary OfYork, h ospital Of St. Pe ter Of York,Nostel, Rievaulx, Bridl ington ; 9 3—120.

5 . Nun Monckton , Alverton in Claro, Sin ingthwaite ,

hospital Of St. Pe ter ofYork, Apple ton , St . Clem en t Of

York, Kirk stal, Esholt, Rievaulx, Helaugh , St . Mary OfHanepol, hospital OfSt. Leonard ofYork, Drax, th e Templars, Selby ; 136—174.

6 . Newland, Nostel, the Templars, hospital OfSt . PeterOfYork, St. John OfPon tefract ; 177—203.

7 . Drax, Bre tton , Roch e, Bridlington , Bolton , hospitalofSt . Pe ter OfYork, St . Joh n OfJerusalem , the Templars,St . Trin ity Of York, Helagh , Kirkstal ; 2 10—262.

Am ongst these the charters ofBre tton greatly predom inate ;and there are among th em several wh ich are Of privatefam ilie s who res ided in the n eighbourhood Of th e priory,especially th e Moun ten eys, Bosviles, and Neviles, wh ichseem to have been deposited at the monastery for safe


8. Two charters OfPayn el to the church ofSt . Pe ter Of

York ; f. 263.

9 . Charter ofWalter Clare l to th e hospital OfSt . Pe terOfYork ; 266.

10. A collection Of charters Of the house Of De Rupeor Roch e, with a few belonging to Blythe , Bre t ton , Newport-Pay n el, Gisburn, St . Trin ity Of York, Drax, the

Templars, Apple ton , St . John Of Jerusalem, Arth ington,and Kirkstal ; f. 269 ad finem .


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( 98 )

As in the form er volume, there are many charters n ot

imm ediately con n ected with any religious foundation .

On e Of th e m ost importan t of the m iscellan eous in stru

m en ts is that en titled Un e acorde en tre erceuesques e t

euesques d’

un p’te e t le con te de Lan castr




te de


o com’ven iendo ad parliam en tum 262.


MONASTICON BOREALE : con tin en s diplomataregum ; h eenon scripturas originales e t in stru

m enta primaria comitum , baronum , aliorumque

illarum partium magnatum , super fundation ibusm onasteriorum , abbatiarum , p

rioratuum , colle

giorum , hospitalium , can tuariarum , gildarum , fi'


t ern itatum ,850. ultra Trentam . Quibus etiam

addun tur mun im en ta quam plurima de privilegiis,praadiis, possession ibus, et terris per compatriotos

illis datis et confirmat is . Omnia ex archiV1s et

MSS. codicibus veterrim is summa fide represen

tata, operaet industrial ROGER I DODSWORTH .

Th is volum e con sists almost en tirely Of foundat ion

charte rs, or of charters Of privileges, most Of wh ich are

prin ted in th e Monast icon .

1 . Charters belonging to th e church Of St. Pe ter Of

York ; f. 1—54. Amongst these are several by Saxonand Dan ish kings, as by n rid King Of Northumberland,Edgar, Ath elstan , and Cnute . In terspersed are docu

m en ts relating to th e righ ts of th e can on s and to the

custom s Of th e provin ce, and two fragmen ts Of h istories .

On e Ofth ese begin s thus : “ Anna ab incarnatione Domini

M .XL . VIII . Guillielmus R ex legatos honorabiles in New

iriam direxit, and ends, alii fuga mortem distule

runt f. 12—14 b . The oth er, Ex manuscripto quodam

h istoriam Dun elm en sis ecclesias con tinen te ab an n o

Dc.xxxv. regnan te apud Northumbriam Oswaldo usque ad

annum Domin i beginn ing Hiis temporibus

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( 100 )

parvam seijeantiam , et burgagium hic sequuntur, uthabetur in bundellis escaetrium in Turri London .

Th e compiler Of th is very useful volume Of record

matter has extracted from th e Inqu isition s post mortem

at the Tower, from th e 1st Hen ry IV. to the 15 th Ed

ward IV., th e nam es Of person s who are found to havedied holding lands Ofth e crown , and th e description wh ichis given of the tenure . Th e years are in con tin uous series,

and it purports to con tain every tenan cy Of this descrip

t ion .

A single en try will show th e man n er in which th e com

piler has proceeded, and consequen tly the kind and

amoun t of information which is to be expected from th is

volume .

Salop. 9 Hen . V. Johann es Arundell ch ‘r Obn t

seisitus in dom in io suo u t de feOdO talliato, sibi e tkeredibus masculis de corpore suO procreatis, de

duabus partibus castrorum , villarum , e t man eri

orum de Clon e e t Oswaldstre cum pertin en tiis ;

e t man eriorum de Heith e, Stre tton , Lideley,Acton-Round, Wroxcestre ; e t duabus partibusmanerii de Hin tes in com

predicto. Et ten en tur

de Rege in capite per servicium m ilitare . Quod

que Johannes filius ejusdem Johann is Arundellest ejus heres. See vol. XXXVII.

—XII . XVI I .

These volume s contain Dodsworth’s extractsfrom the GREAT ROLL S OF THE PIPE at the Ex

chequer, made by him in the years 1640, 164 1, and1642. He has prefixed the followingtitle COl

lectioues ex Magn is Rotulis Pipae in Scaccario

Domini Regis reman en tibus per HOGERUM DODSWORTH, Eboracensem .

Dodsworth does not, we see, profess to transcribe the

whole con ten ts Of any of these rolls ; but his collections

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( 101 )

out Of them are very extensive, and he om its nothing, it

may be presum ed, which appeared to him Of importan ce ,looking upon th ese rolls as con tain ing matter wh ich boreupon gen eral h istory, gen ealogy, or topography. It is n ot

easy to discover any fixed prin ciple Of selection , bu t h e

appears to have at tended ch iefly to the Nova Oblata.


He perused the rolls m ore with a view to collect from

them particular facts, than to gath er any of th e h igher

information to b e deduced from th ese invaluable records.

He begin s with the roll wh ich he regarded as that Of

the fifth of Steph en , and places at the beginn ing Of his

extracts from it the no te respecting its date, wh ich Prynnesays was writ ten by Sir Simonds D

Ewes. He th en states

that the roll Of 1 Hen ry II. is wan ting. He refers, how

ever, to h is volum e N .N.N. (that is, vol. LXXIII . Of thepresen t n umbering,) £ 129 , for extracts from that roll ;

b u t on turn ing to the volum e referred to, the extracts arefound to b e from the roll called that Of Qu in to RegisStephan i, wh ich was long regarded in the office as the roll

Amongst Sir Simonds D’

Ewes’ papers in the BritishMuseum

(Harl. MS. is an original letter OfDodsworth respectingthese volumes ; it is dated from Skipton Castle, 12th Feb . 1645 .

He complains that D'

Ewes had writ ten to h im that “ he knewpositively he had om itted out Of the Pipe as much necessarymatter as he had taken , when I can justly and truly brag itis the most narrow and punctual collection that ever I madein my life ; and further, 1 will take my oath that ( to my knowledge ) I have n ot om itted a material word ; but your censure

arises out Ofyour m isunderstand[ing] the scope and mean ingOf the roll, which whoever wan teth may take notes (being one

and the same ) out Of th e body Of the roll de anno in annum,

and still sing candem can tilenam . The clerks Of that Office

will tell that the whole matter is to b e taken from under the

t itle ofNova Oblata. Sir, ifyour letters miscarry and fall in to

the hands Of kn owing person s my credit will suffer much .

You must pardon my free language, for I am a little touched,

that would bastardize the issue Of my judgment, which I mustvindicate against all opposers .

”Art . 157.

G 3

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( 102 )

of the l st Hen ry II. He then gives extracts from the rolls

for the wh ole subsequen t reign Of Hen ry taking th e

years seriatim , bu t remarking that th e roll for 35 Hen ry wan t ing. This form s th e con ten ts Of vol . XII.Vol. XIII. con tain s th e years seriatim 1—10Richard I.Vol. XIV. 1— 17 John .

Vol. XV. 2—52 Hen ry 111. He states that the roll of‘

1 Henry III . is wan ting, which is th e case at presen t .Th ere are extracts from th e roll Of 56 Henry III .

, bu t

n on e from th e rolls Of the fifty- th ird, fifty

-fourth , and

fifty-fifth years. It is probable that such extracts were

made, bu t that they have by som e acciden t been separatedfrom th e rest .

Vol . XVI . 1 —30 Edward I .Vol. XVII . 13 - 18 Edward and th e Rotulus de

Escae tr’

de an n is 17, 18, 19 , e t 20 Regis Edwardi Secundi in ter Rotulos Pipm ejusdem Regis apud Westm .

pen es Clericum Pipae reservatos.” Towards the end of

this volum e th ere are excerpts from the rolls of 13 and

14 Edward 111.Th ese excerpts OfDodsworth from th e Pipe Rolls en

gaged the at ten t ion Of the Comm ission at an earlyperiod Of th eir labours (See Cooper on Public R ecords,

vol. ii. p . 340 ; and Proceedings, go. p . 449 and 546) bu t

it appears from the accoun t given above, that though ex

ceedingly useful to those who wish to peruse th ese im

portan t records with th e sam e Obj ects in view wh ich Dodsworth h im self had, th ey can by n o m ean s b e regarded as

in a state proper for publication as a n ational work ; andthat th ey afford n o m ean s of tracing ou t dis tin ctly thesources and th e fluctuation s of th e royal reven ue, on e Of

th e m ost importan t uses to be made Of these rolls.

The best u se wh ich , as it seem s, can n ow be made of

these excerpts is to supply lacunae in th e original records.

Every roll which was in existen ce in th e time Of Dods

worth can n ow be produced ; bu t in the course Of the two

last cen turies some Of the rolls have sustain ed sligh t

injuries, and words or syllables are now lost which migh t

Page 127: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer


XVI I I .ARBOR OGLEANA : sive baronum Ogleorum

Northamhumbren sis familiae peran tiquae desceu.sus,” &c .

Th is h istory Of th e baron ial house of Ogle was com

piled by Dodsworth at th e suggestion and for th e u se Of

Cath erin e Baron e ss Ogle, moth er OfWilliam CavendishEarl and afterwards Duke Of Newcastle . It con sists of,

1 . Th e descen t Of Ogle .

2 . Tran scripts of evidences, ch iefly those then at

Welbeck, by wh ich th e descen t is established.

3 . Pedigree OfHaulton andCarnaby.


The name s of most of the NOBILITIE, withtheir creations, from William the Conqueror’stym e untill th e yere anno Domini 15 86, and theirseveral armes .”

A trivial book, Oflit tle or n o value . The arm s are no t

given .

— XX .

A volume of CAMDEN’


it in his own hand.

Th is volum e was form erly in th e Cotton ian Library,wh ere It was num erated Julius B . x. Th is appears by aCotton press-mark Jul iu s B . and by a table ofcon

t en ts in th e same hand and in th e sam e form with sim ilar

table s in th e man uscrip ts still remammg In that library.

In th e prin ted catalogues Of th e Co tton ian manuscripts,th e man uscript so n um erated is stated to be wan ting.

The volum e cam e to the Bodleian with the rest OfDods

worth ’

s manuscripts, bu t it can hardlvadm it ofa doub t thatit had been borrowed by h im from th e Cotton ian Library,and remained among h is books at the time Of his decease .

Page 128: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

( 105 )

At the beginning are rough drafts of an in scription inLatin verse for amonumen t ofSpen ser, in the handwritingofCamden .

1. Various fragmen ts of gen ealogy in Camden’s own

hand, collected by h im out of public records and o ther

evidences, 1—78. These relate to Pierrepoin t, Vernon ,Sidn ey, and many o ther fam ilies of the sam e rank .

2 . A certificate by Sir Robert Willoughby, Kn igh t,William Egerton , Squire , and Sir Richard Chatelton ,

priest, dated at Lichfield in 1484, that Sir John Brom leyth eir cousin , then lying in th e cas tle ofPomfre tt, did averthat h e was married to a daugh ter ofthe Lord Ryvers, andthat Thomas Bromley h is son , then in Wales, was the

lawful issue ofthe said marriage ; 80.

3 . Three leaves of excerpta out of a chron icle, A.D.

1 180—1205 .

4 . Chron ica Roberti Mon ten sis”for the reigns of

Hen ry I . and Steph en , and to the 24th Hen ry5 . Nomina haeredumWillielm i Briewere,

”43Hen . 111.

86 .

6 . Part icipatio terrarum Comitis lVIariscall’


7 . Ex registro Forden sis caanob ii ;”

89 . Dominus

Baldwinus de Brionis miles apud fi lium deferentestolerabat.

8. A few sligh t extracts from a chron icle and the

.Placita ; 9 9 .

9 . Th e genealogies are resumed at 103, and are con

t inned to the end ofth e volume, with various extracts fromevidences occasionally in terspersed.

Amongst them , howeve r, are,10. A brief h istorical treatise, in tituled “ De morte

Reginaldi de Moun fundatoris Abbathiae de Wyweham[Nyweham ] , e t de ejus vision e quam vidit ;” 1 14.

1 1. A fragmen t Of what appears to have been in tendedas a defen ce Of h imself for having writ ten on armoury .

PVhen I first set pen to write of arms,”&c . ; f. 119


12. Some accoun t Of the Scotch nobility.

Page 129: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

( 106 )

13 . A meddicen approvable again st the plague .

14 . The arm es of sundry gen tlem en in North

Wale s.


Calendarium omnium V I LLARUM infra comitat’

EBOR’, ordine alphab etico dispositum .

Th is book is m ore than th e t itle expresses, for it con

tain s, besides th e list of nam es, referen ces to th e volum e

and page of these collect ion s in wh ich som e thing m ay b e

found relating to each place . It is in fact a topograph icalindex to th e portion s of th ese collection s wh ich relate to

th e coun ty ofYork, framed by Dodsworth h im sel£ See

vol. XXIII.

XXI I .Collectanea quaedam ex REGISTRIS TESTA

MENTORUM in officio registrarii Curiae Praerogat ivae London, per ROGERUM DODSWORTH, m enseAprilis, &c .

The wills ofwh ich th is volum e con tain s abstracts wereproved be tween 1388 and 1545 . The first will is that of

Sir Thomas Wyndesore, dated 15 th September 1383 and

proved 10th May 1388 ; th e last is that of Th omas LeghofHoggeston , Esq. , 1545 , 258 ; th ey lie in chron ological

order, except that th ere are a few ou t Ofthe regular series

towards the close of th e volum e ; f. 25 9—274 .

Dodsworth seems to have perused th e volumes in wh ichth e wills are en tered in regular series, and to have made

n o tes of what seemed to possess h istorical in tere st, and,in som e in stan ces, making comple te abstracts of th e

whole docum en t . As a specim en , I give th e n o tice wh ichth is volum e con tain s of th e will ofThomas Gower, Ofwhomth ere is reason to believe that h e was of the fam ily OfGower th e poe t .

1458. Jul . 11. Ego Thomas Gower armige i'

lego corpus m eum sepeliendum in ecclesia pa

rochiali Sanctae Trinitatis de Clopham in com .

Page 131: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer


t ouch ing the foundat ion ofNun C oton, in the hands ofmyLord Hatton .


Transcripts of charters from the CHARTJE

A NTIQUE at the Tower, relating almost exclusivelyto religious foundations .Th ey are taken from Rolls A, B, C, D, M,

N,P, Q, R,

S, T, W, X, Y, Z ; AA, BB, CC, DD, EE, FF, GG, HH,


A specification of the particular charters ofwh ich thereare tran scripts in this volume may be found in the

prin ted catalogue .


A volume Of m iscellanies relating to MONASTICA FFAIRS .

1 . The coppies of sundry le t ters written by severalcomm ission ers to the Lo : Cromwell, wh ich comm issioners

were employed in several coun ties to visit and put down

religious houses. Taken and truly tran scribed out of th e

originals bound up in Sir ROBERT COTTON’

s library, byme ROGER DODSWORTH, 1—23. They are 14 inall, and they relate ch iefly to th e n orth ern h ouses. The

originals are still preserved in the Cotton ian Library,in the manuscript n um erated CleOp. E. III. In terspersedare a few o ther papers relating to the suppression .

2 . The resignation of Furn es Abbey to the Erle of


3. A brief certificate upon th e dissolution Of dyvers

m onasteries and pryories surrendered in November and

December in the 30th yere of Hen ry VIII .” These‘h ouses are in the coun ties of Not tingham, York, and

Lan caster.

4 . Nom in a monasteriorum suppress’ ad collegium re

verendissimi in Christo patris Thome Wolsey cardinalis

Ebor’ in alma academ ia suas un iversitatis Oxon ’.situat

pertin en t’sive spec tan t

Page 132: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

( 109 )

5 . Large extracts from , if no t an en tire transcript ofacoucher of th e m onastery Of Drax in Yorksh ire, then in

the custody ofMarmaduke Con stable , Esqu ire , OfEveringham ; 24— 9 5 . It begin s with the charter OfWilliamPaganel, th e founder.

6. Large extracts from , andperhaps an en tire tran scriptof Liber de terris e t reddit ibus, 8tc. ecclesia collegiata

San cti Johann is de Beverlaco Spectan t ibus 103—145 .

7 . Charters Of the house of Revesby in Lin colnsh ire ;149—155 .

8. Tran script ofa treatise, in t itled “ De origin e m onas

terii de Fon tibus,” which was written by fr. H. , a m onk of

Kirkstal, by whom it is inscribed to John abbot Of Fountains ; 157—19 1.

—XXVI I .A book of KN IGHTS FEE S in the county of


1. Rotulus feodorum qua tenen tur de Rege e t de

aliis diversis in com itatu Ebor’, secundum inqu isitionem

inde factam coram D'

fio Johanne de Kirkby tunc thesaurario Diii Regis e t sooms su is ad hoc assign

per ipsumRegem, e t e tiam de reddit

assisa Reg’

debit ’ secundumeasdem inqu isitiones : viz . an no 14 Edw . 1—75 .

2 . Inquisitiones feodorum in Richmondshire, facta

coram Johann e de Kyrkeby thesaurario Dom in i E. fil’ H.

Regis, anno regn i Regis E. xv. ; u t pate t in rotulo feodo

rum ej usdem ann i in com’ Ebor, e t in baga de feodis in

custodia reverend’ Th irst’ existen ’in 78


3. Eeoda militum infi a West Rydinge in comitatu

Ebor, u t haben tur in quodam an tiquo rotulo manuscripto ;”

1:105—113. These were ascertain ed by inquests, and thenames of the jurors are given . On the re turn for th e

liberties of Knaresborough and Ripon , 109 b ., we find

the date , wh ich is 31 Edward I.4 . Feoda m ilitum . de com

’ Ebor’ in West Riding ;f. 1 17—130. This is copied from a roll consisting of

Page 133: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

( 1 10 )

seven teen membranes then , 1632, in possession of the

Earl ofKingston . The date is 34 Edward I.5 . Eviden tia extracta de libris feodorum e t aln s

m em orandis scaccarii de feodis m ilitis in com’ Ebor, libe

ran d’

collectoribus scutagii de exercitu Sco tia ann o primo

Regis Edwardi III. a conquestu Anglia , in eodem com"

pro information e habenda de e isdem scu tagiis levandis ;”


6 . Th e inqu isition common ly called Nom ina Villarum ,

9 Edw. II. , as far as relates to th e coun ty ofYork, f. 154—183. This has been tran scribed from th e sam e incor

rect tran script of th e lost originals from wh ich manyother copies have been m ade . Som e of the m any and

glaring errors are corrected by Dodsworth from h is own

local kn owledge . Th e whole record has been prin ted bySir Fran cis Palgrave in the Parliamentary Writs, vol. II.div. I II . p . 301—416.

7 . The value of all the castles, manors, lands, and

ten em en ts of Hen ry Lord Clifford and Earl ofCumberland, wh ich is belonging to th e sam e honor and lo rdship,”

viz . Skipton , 3 Hen . VIL ; 184—186.


abbreviata, per R . DODSWORTH, 1636,The registers of which th is volume con tain s an abbre

viate are those Of,

Walter Gray ; f. 1—10.

William Giffard ; f. 1 1—24.

William de Wyckwayn f. 25—27.

John Roman 28—36.

Thomas de Corbrigg ; 37—45 .

William de Gren efield ; 48—81.,William de Melton ; f. 82—1 15 .

W. de Zouch ; f. 1 16—137.

John de Thoresby ; 138—158.

Alex’ de Nevill ; f. 159—171.

Page 135: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

1 12

—XXXA volume of transcripts of MISCELLANEOUS

CHARTERS, some ofwhich are taken from originals,others from chartularies or the collections of otherantiquaries . There are frequent trickings Of theseals, and fragm ents Of genealogies proved bythem .

A special notice Ofmany ofthem may be found in th e

prin ted catalogue , where it will be seen . that they are for

the m ost part ofperson s ofdistin ction , and relating to con

siderable in terests. It seems unn ecessary to reprin t th esen otices ; bu t atten t ion may be called to th e few docu

m en ts following, as Ofpublic h istorical importan ce1 . A charter ofMaud the Empress, made at Oxford, by

which she gran ts to Geffery Earl ofEssex all the ten e

m en ts which were Geffery h is grandfather’

s ; 1 13.

2 . Carta Anfrica ' de Canaugh t heredis terra de

Man , 1305 ; f. 1 14.

3. Gillian Coun tess ofSarisbury and Lady ofMan and

ofth e Isle ofWigh t to h er treasurer in London ; 1 14.

4 . Pax in ter Hen . 11 . e t filios suos 1 18.

5 . Partitio baron ia de Caynh o,”14 Edw. fil

’ Hen .

125 .

—XXXI .A volume ofcollections relating to the county


1. Docum en ts relating to the abbey OfSt. Werburgh inChester ; f. 1—20.

2. Excerpts relating to the abbies Of Dieulacres and

Pulton ; 20b .—32 .

3 . Extract from Domesday Book ; f. 33.

4 . The abbey ofVale Royal ; 34 b . .

5 . Extracts ou t of the eviden ces ofJohn Davenport ofDavenport, Esq. ; 36.


6 . Of the barony and baron s of Halton, and the


Chesh ire baronies ; f. 55—58.

Page 136: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

( 1 13 )

7. Ex rotulo an t iquo igne e t fere con sumpt’ [sic]penes R . C . reman en

58 b .—60. This relates to the

distribution ofCheshire after the Conque st .8. Recogn it iones capta in scaccario Cestr


Will’ Troutbeck cam erario Cestria , una cum irro tula

m en tis cartarum , scriptorum , e t aliorum mun im en torum a

festo Sé'

i Mich ’

ann o regn i Regis Hen . VI. 16 usque ad

festum SG1 Michaelis extunc proxime sequen s de anno

17 Hen . VI . 60b .—84.

9 . Ex rotulo cartarum an tiquarum vocato Domesday ;f. 85—9 9 .

10. A few m isce llan eous charters ; 100— 103.

1 1 . Ex rotulo an tiquo apud Gowsworth ; 103 b .

125 . Copies ofcharters .

12 . Cot ton de Co tton in com’ Salop’, e t de Cumber

m ere ; ex cartis Ran . Crew, arm . , excerpt’, 1613 125 b .

13. Miscellan eous n otices Of Chesh ire charters, withextracts con cern ing Chesh ire from Tower and Exchequerrecords in terspersed ; 126 ad finem .

NO part ofth is volume is in th e han dwriting ofDods

worth .


1 . Plea be tween the King and the prior OfCoven try,14 Ric . f. 1.

2 . Pe tition relating to a gran t made by Edward theBlack Prin ce to Sir Thomas Danyers, kn igh t, for his goodservice in taking the chamberlain ofTankervile , and in

relieving the bann er ofthe Kingat the bat tle ofCressi ; 2 .

3 . Agreem en t be tween Richard de Wortley and Thomasle Harper ofWortley touching lands the re 4 .

4 . A remarkable fragmen t of the will Of Sir An thonyBen n , kn igh t, recorder ofLondon , dated April 26, 16 18,and proved Oct . 28 following ; 5 .

5 . Bunda te’

rra de Scolis infra villam de Ecclestonjuxta Prestecote in com

’ Lan c’ 7 .

6. Carta originalis de Su t ton in com’

7 b .


Page 137: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

( 1 14 )

7. Hic incipit feodarium dom inu de Halton infra



e t Lancastria pertin en s dom ino de Halton ;”

9— 13 .

8. Charter of King Steph en to the priory of Eye in

Suffolk, from an original in possession of Lord WilliamHoward ; 14 .

9 . A n ote ofcertain kn igh ts appoin ted by William the

Conqueror to b e kept at Ely f. 15 .

10. A charter of Thomas de Verdon to the abbey ot

Walden ; 16 b .

1 1 . A fin e in the Earl Warren’

s court at Wakefieldbetween William son of Robert de Cricleston pe ten t and

John son ofElia'

s de Midhope ten en t, concern ing lands at

Cricleston ; 16 b .

12 .

“ The petit ion of Fran cis Viscoun t St . Alban ’

s to

th e upper House ofParliam en t f. 17.

13. Perambulation of the forest of Knaresborough ,18 Eliz . ; f. 18 and 19 .

14 . Charter ofKing Steph en relating to the abbey of

Bridlington ; 20.

15 . Carta Engelram i de Bohun de fundation e abbath ia San cta Maria de Quadraria in In sulaVecte ;” 2 1 .

16 . Table of th e de scendan ts Of Sir Ralph Bowes andh is wife, an h eiress ofConyers ; £ 22 .

17 Memoranda ofthe descen t ofDarton , in Yorksh ire22 b .

18. In qu isition respecting a chan try on Sain t MaryHolm e in Wimanderm ere, wh ich two chaplain s ofthe orderof th e hou se ofSegden in Sco tland were won t to hold, towhom the island (wh ich was With in the lordsh ip ofWilliamde Couci) belonged, and o ther righ ts belonging to th em .

Th is in terest ing in qu isition was found at Kendal, on the

Monday after th e feast of the An nun ciation , 28 Ed

ward III f. 23 .

19 . An origin al le t ter of Sir Hen ry Spelman to Dods

worth , dated Barbacan , 13 th February 1633, accom

panying lists of th e sh eriffs ofYorksh ire and Lan cash ire ;and also a composition respecting churches in Yorkshire

Page 139: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

( 1 16 )

30. Copies of sundry deeds given un to me Roger

Dodsworth by my cosen Thomas Stocdale ofBilton Park,n ear Knaresborough in com

’ Ebor, 1633 106—146.

Thes e deeds relate to lands in Eglesfeld, Elingham , 810.

Many of them are of the family ofHarbot tle .

—XXXI I I .Collections for th e history ofth e family ofBUTLER

EARL OF ORMOND , containing transcripts ofvariousearly charters of the family, especially ofTheobaldWalter and Hubert Walter.

An unfin ish ed work .


A volume of matter relating to the HONOUR OFPONTEFRACT .

1 . An inqu isition in wh ich is shown what pertain s to

th e duchy of Lancaster with in the coun ty of York, takenin 1577, and common ly known by the n am e of Bernard’


Survey ; f. 1—44.

2 . Fin es pro homagio respectand’

Pon tefrett, ann o

19 Eliz . 45—47.

3 . Sectores curia honor’ Pon tefracti, ann o 21 R ic. II

4. Sectores curia honor’Pon tifracti, an n o 34Edw. III.

48 b .

5 . In quisition of lands in the wapen take Of Barkston e,temp’ Eliz . ; 49—5 1.

6. Gran t of Saxton by Alice de Laci to Margare t de

Kirke ton ; 52.

7. Extract from the in qu isit ion post mortem ofHen ryde Laci, of the honour Of Pon tefract, 4 Edward 11

f. 56—61 .

8. Pedigree of th e Viscoun ts Beaumon t, with charter

Of Isabella de Beaumon t Diia de Vesci 61 b .

9 . Charter offree warren to Richard de Byron ; 63.

10. Ren tale ballivorum honoris Pon tisfracti ; viz . ex

parte orien t’

, occiden t’

, austral’

, e t borial’

, fact’

et renovat’

Page 140: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

1 17

co ram ‘Thoma Somercotes auditore et Thoma Wombe11~locum ten en te sen escalli ibidem virtute brevis regis de

warran to inde direct’ dat’

apudWestm’ xvii. die Feb ruarii

an no regis Hen r. VI . tert io f. 64—84 .

A t th e begin n ingofth is volum e is an extractfrom Domes

day Book Of what relates to the manor ofWakefield, and

at the end are a few n otes and referen ces to records con

cern ing various places in the coun ty of York.

On e leaf belonging to the lat ter part of th is volum e is

by m istake bound up in the volum e wh ich succeeds it .


Collections out of records, chiefly those of the


1 .

“ Collectan ea exRubro Libro Scaccari i ex parte Reme

m oratoris Regis reman en te , qua apprimé conducun t cum

ad stemmatum fam iliarumque series en ucleandas, tum ad

illustrandum regn i Anglia chorograph iam 1—25 .

2 . A few rough notes from fin es and oth er records of

the re ign s ofHen ry V. and Hen ry VI . ; 33— 35 .

3. In quodam rotulo in custodia Henrici Crokem ilitis clerici Pipa apud Westm in ster reservato, tangen te

terras Templariorum ; Sic A per m e an n otato,”1 Ed

ward II . ; 46—72 . These are accoun ts rendered in to

th e Exch equ er by person s to whom the lands ofthe Tem

plars were commit ted.

4 . Ces sun t les n on s e se s arm a ban erez de Englet ere , E. 74—1 1 1 . Th e Earls occur first, and

then the o th er principal person s, distribu ted in coun t ies.

Prin ted in The Antiquarian R epertory, vol. iii. p . 86—124.

5 . De denariis solu tis diversis comit ibus, baron ibus,

m ilitibus, e t aliis, pro vadn s su is e t hom inum suorum ad

arma e t hobelarios tam in guerraScotia quam in m un i

t ion ibus castrorum in march iaScocia e t Anglia , a primodie Maii, an no qu in to decimo, e t ce tera.

” Th is is ex

tracted from th e wardrobe accoun t OfRoger de Waltham,

from l st May 15 Edward II. to 19 th October 17 Ed

ward II ., delivered by h imself at the Exchequer on

H 8

Page 141: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

( 1 18 )

22dMay, 3 Edward 111. Other extracts .from the s ame

wardrobe accoun ts follow to the end of the volum e ;

1 14—155 .


A few excerpts from th e CLOSE ROLL S of the

re igns of Edward III Richard II Henry IV . ,

V . , and V I ., and Edward IV.


A book of TENANTS IN CHIEF, Of precisely thesam e nature with vol. XL, and extending throughthe sam e period, viz . from 1 Henry IV . to

15 Edward IV . Vol. XI . seem s to h e intended tob e a fair copy of this volume , but there may b e a

few things here which have n ot been transcribedinto the other volume .


A book of transcripts made by Dodsworth out

ofthe COLLECTIONS ofSir SIMONDS D’EWE S .1 . Charters of the abbey of Shaftesbury ; 1—8.

Th ese are publish ed.

2 . Collectan ea qua dam selecta ex registro MS . sivearmario monasterii Sancti Johann is Baptista COlecestriaspectan te Johan n i Lucas arm igero, ann o Dom in i 1633

3 . Ex quodam MS., pen es Dom . Simondes D’


m ilitem e t baron e ttum , cujus titulus, Fundation es e t n om inam onasteriorum , scripto propria manu Johan n is Lelandf. 21—29 . This relates to Exeter, Bath, Burton uponTren t, Glastonbury, and Sain t Thomas of Acon , London .

4 . In quodam an tiquo MS . cron ographo, cujus titulustalis est : Liberm onasterii Beata Maria San ctique n in i,

Evesham ia ;”


5 . Collectan ea qua dam corum qua'ad topograph icam

Suffolcien sis instaurandam corograph iam conducun t, seJ

Page 143: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

( 190 )

7. Extracts from th e book of Kirkstall in th e same

office ; £ 24 b .—35 .

8. Extracts from the chartulary ofDaven try in the same

Office ; 36—38.

9 . Extracts from the book of Furn ess in th e same

Office , with a few gen ealogical deduction s, especially on e

of Harrington ; £ 38 b .— 48.

10. Collection s relating to th e hon our Of Pon tefract

m ade in the sam e Office ; £ 57—77. Th ese are ch ieflyout Of accoun ts of bailiffs, feodaries, and o th er m in isters,

and extend from 19 Edw. I . to 37 Hen . VIII., bu t n ot in

con t inuous series.

1 1 . Nom ina villarum e t ham ele torum de au t infra

h on orem de Tu tbury, Altum Peccum , e t Castle Don ington

cum m embris in com’ Stafford’, Derb ie, No ting

, Leices

t rie, e t Warwic’

ac n om in a Officiariorum ibidem e t auc

toritates suas, e t feods , vadia, e t alia proficua dictorum

Officiariorum pert in’

; ac libertates diversorum ten en t ium

ib idem ab an t iquo usitat’

; cum ren tali diversorum dom i

n iorum ibidem , capt ’ virtu te comm ission is dii i RegisTh oma Somerco tes auditori, Thom a Both eb i receptori e t

gen erali supervisori honoris predicti, e t Thoma Wade tune

locum ten en ti sen escalli, e is direct’

, per diversas inqu isit ion es e t per sacram en tum e t cogn ition em dictorum ten en

t ium e t inhabitan t ium infra hon orem predict’ coram e is capt’

e t fact’

, quarto die Februarii an n o regn i Regis Hen rici h liiRegis Hen rici secundo, prou t con tin e tur in libro vocat


Couch er 79—88.

12 . Ex libro collection um Arthuri Agard penes Rapdulphum Terrick de Lichfeld gen

, 17 Jan . 1631 89

104 . The volum es and charters ou t of wh ich Agard hadm ade these collections are : Liber prioratfis de Dun

staple Liber can taria de Tu ttebury,”in possession Of

h is broth er William Agard of Foston , Esqu ire ; charters

and scripts of the monastery of Wykes in Essex and of

Moun tjoy in Haveringland in Norfolk, in th e treasury of

th e Exchequer ; a register of the abbey of Ken elworth ;a register of the abbey of Barnwell n ear Cambridge ; a

Page 144: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

( 19 1 )

very elegan t manuscript len t to h im 4th June 1600 byMr. Richard Sain t George ; a register of the abbey of

Osen ey, len t to h im by h is friend Augustin Steward ; a

collection of eviden ces of th e priory of Dun staple, inpossession of Mr . William Dun combe living th ere

Mr . Lillie ’s book of th e baron s, from wh ich are extracteda few n otes re spectingMusard and Payn el a register of

the priory of Coven try, in possession of Smyth ,solicitor to the Lord Berkley, 15 9 5 .

13 . A few n otes from Pagan el charters ; 105 .

14 . Sligh t pedigree of Howard ; f. 106 .

15 . Copies and abstracts Of eviden ces belonging to SirEdward Fitton ofGawsworth , Baron e t, 1635 ; f. 107—1 17.

16. The like of the eviden ces of Sir George Booth of

Dunham , Baron et, 1656 ; 1 18—123.

17. No te s from placita Of the coun ty Of Chester,

3 R ic . and o th er docum en ts relating to that coun ty ;124— 132 . These appear to b e copied from a manu

script belonging to Lord Brere ton .

18. Deposition s from th e Exam in er’s Office in Chan ceryrelating to th e m arriage Of Thomas Thwaytes, son and

h e ir of John Thwaytes, with Emot t Middle ton , daugh terofNicholas Middle ton , alleged to have been solem n ized at

Kirk Digh ton about twen ty- six years before, 9 Hen . VIII. ;134.

19 . Notes of the fam ilies of Vern on and Audley ;f. 136, 137.

20. Copies and abstracts of the eviden ces ofSir CharlesGerard Of Hal sall, co . Lan c’, 1636 ; 138—144.

2 1. Extracts from th e collection s of William Vernon of

Shakerley, Esqu ire, relat ing for th e m ost part to the

descen t of Cheshire fam ilies ; 145 ad fin em .

-XL .

The first of a series of volumes, of which vol'


XLIV., XLVI I I . , and LX . are the second, third,

and fourth, containing Dodsworth’s notes out of


Page 145: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

( 122 )

and AD QUOD DAMNUM . The title prefixed to thisvolume is Ex bundellis Escaetria ab anno primoRegis Henrici Tertii u sque ad annum lvii. ejusdem Regis abstracta per ROGERUM DODSWORTHrei antiqua studiosum ,

Th ey are rath er occasional extracts than abstracts, andlie in th e volume in n o exact chron ological order. Theyare for th e m ost part in Dodsworth ’

s own hand. He

appears h ere, as well as in h is n otes from o th er great

bodies of records, to have selected whatever struck h im at

th e m om en t as of importance, w ithou t having any fixedprin ciple of selection , or any very defin ite Obj ect. Th eyfill from £ 1. to 175 .

In the sam e volume, f. 189 232, Ex bundelloinqu isitionum de reb ellibus e t adversariis domin i Regis e tdom in i Edwardi filii sui fact. an n o regn i Regis H. filii

Regis J. quadragesimo n on o, post bellum de Lewes e t postbellum de Evesham .


Copies and abstracts of EXCHEQUER and otherRECORDS .1 . Rotulus de dominabus puellis e t pueris in com itat

sub scriptis ; scilice t, Middlesex, Essex, Hertfordscir, Bed

fords cir, Buckingham scir, Norff’

, Suff’, Cambridg’

, Hun

t ingdon , [Northampton scir,] Ru tland, e t Lin coln scira;

ex parte Rememoratoris Regis in Scaccario . Tran script’

term ino San cta Trin itat is an no Dom . 1638, per m e RO


prOpriamanu f. 1—12 .

Dodsworth has in some in stan ces abbreviated th e en tries

in th is early record. A fuller tran script, the join t workofDodsworth andD

Ewes, is in th e Harleian departmen tof the Museum man uscripts, NO. 624., bu t th e originals

are still in th e custody of the King’

s Remembran cer .

Mr . S tacey Grimaldi’

s publication ofth is roll, 4to ., 1830,

was made from the Museum tran script, and is said to

agree very exactly with the original record.

Page 147: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

( 124 )

11 . Sligh t notes from placita in the King’s Bench


the reign s ofEdw . I . and Edw. 111 53—62 .

12 . Sligh t m em oranda respecting the foundation s of

certain religiou s houses ; f. 63 .

13. No tes from charters of the reign of Hen ry VIf. 64—66.

14. Sligh t m emoranda from records ; 68.

15 . Gran t to th e ch urch Of St . Mary de Pratis of Lei

cester by Ernaldus de Bosco ; 69 .

16 . Collec tion s relating to th e fam ily OfRoper ofHeanorin Derbysh ire , with n otes from a great book of pleas ofTrin . Term , 33 Edw . I., and o th ers of th e reign OfEdw.

in possession of Samuel Roper, Esqu ire, and from an

an onymous chron icle in h is possession , wh ich appears,however, to be Hen ry ofHun tingdon

s 70—85 .

17 . Extracts from th e collection s of John Booth of

Twem low in Ch esh ire , Esqu ire, ou t Of th e eviden ces OfLe icester of Toft in that coun ty ; n otes respecting

Cumb erm ere and o th er Ch esh ire monasteries, tran sm itted

t o h im by Will . Vern on Of Shakerley ; and a few n otes

from inqu isition s in th e exch equer of th e coun ty palatin eOfChester, 25 Edw. III. to 16 Hen . VI I . f. 86—101 .

18 . Extracts from eviden ces of th e Woodfords’


in Le icestersh ire, in possession of Sir Charles Smith Of

Wo tton , co . Warw., Kn igh t ; f. 105— 1 12 .

19 . Notes from the eviden ces ofHuddl eston OfMillum ;f. 1 13— 1 17.

20. Notes respecting Ch eshire from the collection s of

Will . Vern on , in cluding an in qu isition after the death of

Ferdinando Earl ofDerby ; f. 118—127.

2 1. Can on izatio Thoma Archiepiscopi Can tuarien sis ;f. 128 ad fin em

—XLI I .


stractum corum qua ad stemmatum familiarumque

Anglicarum series enucleandas spectant, selectumex plurimis autographis, certis , archetypicis pri

Page 148: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

( 19 5 )

vatas familias spectan tibus, rotulis placitorum ,

paten tium , clausarum , fin ium , escaetriarum , e t

similium in archivis Regis reconditorum n ecn on

ex ultimis volun tatibus sive testamen tis, e t registris

MSS. sive libris monasteriorum et prioratuum ,

cum irrotulatoriis tum chronologic is, e t aliis

n onnul lis an tiquitatis monumen tis fide dign is .


Of these genealogical deduction s by far the greater

part are from in qu isition s . There is little later than th e

reign of Richard 11. Th ey seldom extend to more than

three or four gen erations. Referen ce is in all cases made to

th e authority.

In the same volume, 81—164, are n otes, many of

wh ich are gen ealogical, from the placita Of the reign of

Hen ry III ., both before th e king and before the j usticesitin eran t . They are without order Of tim e .


A volume of INQUISITIONS ofem inent personsthe earlier leaves Of which appear to be lost, as itbegins at 50.

They are of Gilbert de Gan t, 2 Edw. I Pe ter de

Brus, 7 Edw. L ; John Deyvill, 7 Edw. I . honor OfPokelingtou, 44 Hen . 111 Roger de Merley, 50Hen . 111

Henry Lord Percy, 8 Edw . Hen ry late Duke OfLancaster, 35 Edw . 111 John Duke of Britain and Earl ofRichmond, 15 Edw . III . ; Ralph Earl of Westmorland,

4 Hen . VI . ; Ralph de Nevile , 4 1 Edw. III. ; ThomasThwenge, 48 Edw. 111. These extend to 171 . Fromthat folio to f. 267, the end of the volume , are n umerous

in qu isition s, ch iefly post m ortem , Of person s having landsin the coun ty of York in th e reign s of Richard 11. andHen ry IV.

Page 149: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer



A second volume of notes of INQU ISITIONs,in sequen ce with vol . XL . This contains the reignofEdward I .

XLVCollections, chiefly for the FOUR NORTHERN


1 . Note s from chartularies Of Brenkburn , Lan recost,

Holm Cultram , th e Carm elites of Alnwick, Hepp, and thepriory of St . Con stan tin e ofWe th erall, all in th e custodyofLord William Howard of Naworth ; £ 1—32. In th e

We therall chartulary is a fragm en t Of h istory here tran

scribed, en titled “ Chron icon Cumbria , R ex Willielmus'

cognomine Bastardus Antoniusfrater ejus .


panying these notes are pedigrees of the Old Lords of

Corkeby, of Curwen , Dacre, and Musgrave .

2 . Extracts from th e eviden ce s of Sir John Fenwick;Bart . ; 33— 44. Am ong th ese was the black book of

Hexham , being a ren tal of th e lands of th e priory, m ade

in 1479 .

3 . No tes from th e eviden ces ofWill. Swinburn ofCapheaton , Esq. , and John his son and he ir apparen t ; 47


4 . Pedigree of Hasilrigge, from Burton ’

s LeicesterSh ire ; f. 6 1.

5 . The wapen take Of Langbargh, from th e Lord Fauconb ergh

s copy OfKirkby’s In quest ; 62.

6 . A few rough n o tes from registers in possession of

the dean and chapter ofDurham , with a few church n otes

at Durham ; f. 63—68. More, 79—81.

7 . Sligh t n otes made in the churches ofGosberk irk and

Waddington , co . Lin c. 68 b.

8. Foundation charter Of Newborough, from the Ori

ginal in possession of Lord Fauconb ergh , with notes of

o ther eviden ces at Newborough ; 69—72 .

9 . Eviden ces ofMeynel Of North Kilvington , with a

genealogy ; 73—77.

Page 151: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer


- 2 . An exemplificat ion under the hand and seal of

Hen ry Earl of Northumberland of sundry deeds and

gran ts of the aun cien t lords of Aln ewick , touch ing the

foundation and endowm en t of th e abbey th ere ; dated

26th March, 23 Hen . VIII . ; 1 1—22 .

3 . Notes from the evidences Of Albany Fe th erston ehaugh , Esq. ; 23— 26.

4. Charters, church n otes, pedigrees, 810. of Cumberland ; 27—32 .

5 . Notes from the evidences of Robert Lyell of Felton ,Esq. ; f. 33—36 .

6 . Notes from the eviden ces ofWill. Hesilrigge ofSwarland, Esq. ; £ 38—46.

7 . In the ch est of Nun Apple ton in Sain t Mary’stower ; £ 48—5 1.

8 . In Mr. Christoph er Lowth er’s book ; 50.

9 . A few n otes of Northumberland inqu isition s 52.

10. A survey of the lands of such rebels as took partwith the Earls ofNorthumberland andWestmorland in the

t im e ofElizabeth , from a book in the custody ofSir Tho .

Fan shaw th e King’

s Remembrancer ; 55—58, imperfect .1 1 . Notes from th e eviden ces of Richard Lilleburn of

Thickley Pun chardon in Durham , Esq. 5 9 .

12 . Notes from th e eviden ces of Will . Earl of New

castle ; f. 63—72. These relate ch iefly to th e Ogles of


13. Topograph ical n otes made at Kym e in Lin coln sh ire,13th Sept . 1641 f. 73 and 74.

14 . No tes from th e eviden ces of Lord Dunbar ; 75 .

15 . Notes from the eviden ces ofCharles Dym ock, Esq78 f. 9 4—9 9 .

16. Charter Of the abbey of Cirencester, from th e

Charta An t iqua MM. f. 9 5 .

17. Church n otes at Aldborough in Holdern ess, and at

S toke Rochford ; 9 6.

18. A brief and true an swer to the articles ofunkindn e sses preferred by the Righ t Hon . the Earl Of Lincolnagainst Sir Edward Dymok, Kn igh t f. 9 9 b .

Page 152: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

( 129 )

19 . Inspeximus of a gran t of Henry III. to John deHawelton ; 101.

20. A few m iscellan eous m emoranda from charters and

records ; 102— 104.

2 1 . A very few n otes, chiefly heraldric, from m emora

bilia collected byAn thonyButler, who died 9 thMarch 1608,

and church n otes at Heckington in Lin colnshire ; f. 105 .

22 . The danger that the kingdom n ow stande th in ,

and the remedy ; by Sir Robert Cotton , Kn igh t and

Baron e t 1 12 .

23. Of Robert Devereux Earl Of Essex and GeorgeVilliers Duke of Buckingham ; some observations by wayof parallel in the time of their es tates of honour 120.

Prin ted in R eliguice Wotton ice, 165 1, p . 1—70.


Miscellaneous collections, especially from the

PAPERS of th e PLUMPTON fam ily.

1 . Auxilium con cessum Regi Edwardo Primo in

expedition e suacon tra Scotos circa an n . 129 2 1—5 .

2. Documen ts relating to transaction s of the house of

St. Mary ofYork ; 7— 9 .

3 . Notes of pleas of assize, temp. Edw. I . e t Edw. III. ;9 b .— 38.

4. Tran scripts of papers wh ich belonged to the familyOfPlum pton ; 39—1 16 : viz .

1. A ten th collec ted before 15 Edw. IV. in the

wapen take ofClaro 39—79 .

2. Copies ofle tters relating to Perkin Warbeck ; viz .

1. The King to the Bishop of Carlisle, dated at

Woods tock, 20th Sept . ; an nouncing that

in telligence had been received ofhis havinglanded and be ingwell received by the com

monalty of Cornwall ; that on Sunday the17th he was before Exe ter and had there

been repulsed by th e Earl ofDevon , whowas in the city, with considerable loss ; has


Page 153: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

( 130 )

Offered a reward to any one who will bringh im in .

2 . The Earl ofDevon to th e King, dated Exeter,18th Sept . ; inform ing h im of what hadpassed. A copy Of th is le t ter was tran s

m itted with th e king’s le tter to the bishop .

3 . The King to th e Bishop of Carlisle, dated at

Knaresborough [thus, but g. ?j, 25 th Sept.inform ing him that o n Thursday about m idn igh t Perkin fledfrom h is companyatTan ton .

4 . Th e Bishop ofBath to the Bishop ofCarlisle,dated Woodstock, 23d Sept , with th e same

in telligen ce ; 80—82.

These le t ters are prin ted in Sir Hen ry Ellis’sOriginal Letters, vol. i. p . 38.

Inden ture, dated 12th July, 20 Hen . VII ., betweenth e King and Will. Plumpton , Esq. , and Isabelh is wife

,respecting lands that had descended to

th e said Isabel from Isabel Hastings, late wife ofSir John Hastings ; f. 82 .

4. Documen ts relating to th e Bab thorpes and th e ir

lands, then in dispu te with the Plumpton s ; anda few n otices respecting th e wapen take ofClaro ;

84—9 7.

5 . Kn igh ts made by my Lord Of Gloucester inHu t ton Field in Scotland, 1482 ; 9 8.

6. Agreem en t on th e marriage OfThomas, son and

h eir apparen t of Robert Roos, with a daugh ter

of Sir Will. Plumpton , 1454 ; 9 8 b .

7 . Pe tition in parliam en t Of Sir William Plumpton ,h is will, and oth er papers relating to him ; 103


5 . A m e trical h istory of the fam ily Of Percy, writtenby Will. Peeris, clerk and priest, secre tary to Henry thefifth Earl Of Northumberland ; f. 1 19—128.

Chronicle s and annual b ookes ofkingsOf an cien t lords and e stat es royal,” &c .

Page 155: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

( 132 )

3. Verses made upon the Scotch sermon preached at

Edinburgh the l 6th of July 1638 touch ing the kirkf. 12 b.

4 . Notes from th e eviden ces ofThomas Sou thworth of

Sam elsbury, Esq. ; 13—2 1 ; f. 23—28.

5 . No tes from those ofSir Gilbert Hogh ton , Bart . 22 .

6 . Notes from those of Fran cis Malhom of Elslack,Esq. f. 29

7. A few sligh t gen ealogical notices ; f. 32.

8 . Extract from th e will of John Rayn ey, Esq., dated

25 Feb . 1631, respecting the foundation of a school and

l ecturesh ip at Worsborough ; 37.

9 . No tes from court rolls of th e prior ofPon tefract, for

Barn sley, in th e custody ofSir Gervas Cu tler ; 38—41.

10. A collection Of charters, fairly tran scribed, lands in the wapen take of Stain cross and the parishes«of South Kirkby, Hem sworth, and Badsworth , includingthe foundat ion charter Of a chan try in th e church of

Hemsworth by Simon Balderston in 2 1 Edw. III . ; 43

1 1. Charters ofMolyn eux ofSefton ; 75—79 .

12 . Notes from th e eviden ces of Hen ry Bu tler OfRawcliffe , co . Lan c., Esq. ; 83— 102.

—LIV .

Slight n otes from the TOWER RECORDS .1. From the paten t, close, Oblata , liberate, fine , and

charter ro lls, in term ixed, 1 John—1 1 Hen . III . 1—104.

2 . From the paten t rolls, 16 Hen . III .—23 Ric.

f. 105—157.

3. From the charter rolls, 10Edw. I.—2 IIe n . V bu t

many years ofwh ich there are n o n otes 15 9—188.

4 . A t the end, f. 189—21 1, are extracts from the Testade Nevil.

—LVA volum e of miscellanies chiefly relating to


1 . Extracts from collection s made by Will. Dugdale of

Page 156: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

( 188 )

Blythe Hall, Esq.,in the Bodle ian and o ther librarie s at

Oxford ; 1—32. The greater part relates to m onast ic

foundation s ; bu t there are a few n o tes of families, as the

Catesbys ; a catalogue ofcreation s ofnobil ity from July 27,1642, to Dec . 24, 1645 ; creation s ofpeers ofIreland.

2 . Extracts from a chartulary Ofthe priory OfSain t Thomas the Martyr, n ear Stafford ; f. 33 and 34.

3. Extract from a chartulary Ofth e house OfSib eton inNorfolk, in the library of the Earl OfArunde] 35— 46,

and 49 .

4 . A charter of King Offa to the abbey Of Evesham ,

said to be transcribed from an original by Edmund

Langley ; f. 475 . Charter ofGervase Pagan el OfDudl ey to the monas

tery OfSandwell ; 47 b .

6. Tran script from the close roll, 5 Hen . V. m . 15 .

7 . Extracts from the register ofNiewham in Devon ;f. 50—55 .

8. Large extracts, many of the charters being tran

scribed at large, from the chartulary Of the priory of

Lewes, in possession ofEdward Byssh e , Esq. ; 57—85 .

9 . Extracts from the chartulary ofthe priory ofHorton

in Ken t, made by Som en our de civitate Cantuar


10. Extracts from the chartulary Of the abbey ofSalleyin Yorksh ire, in the possession of Sir Simonds D

Ewe s ;

89 and 90.

1 1 . Extracts from the Actus Curia ofArchbishop Winchelsey in the Lambe th library ; 9 1 and 9 2 .

12 . A few n otes con cern ing the fam ily ofDarcy ; 9 2 b .

and 9 3.

13. Extracts from the register OfBerm undsey in Surrey,in th e custody OfSir Simonds D’

Ewes ; 9 7— 101.

14. The coppie ofthe table that was hanging in the

priorie of Ston e at the time of the suppre ssion of the

same in the 29 th year of the reign of our sove re ign lord

King Hen ry VIII.”

All manner Ofmcn th at lus t for to hee re , Sac .

I 3

Page 157: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

( 134 )

It is a rhym ing h istory -Of the house ofStafford, writtenon the death Of Sir Hugh Stafford lord Bourch ier, son Of

Hugh earl ofStafford ; 102 and 103 . These verses aren o t noticed in the accoun t given OfLord Bourchier byDugdale , Baronage, vol. i. p . 173.

15 . Extracts from th e register or martyrology of th e

priory ofth e Holy Trin ity ofCan terbury, in the custody ofSir Simonds D

’Ewes ; 104—1 16 . We have h ere an ac

coun t Ofthe adm ission in to th e brotherh ood of this house

ofn um erous person s ofdistin ction , and the dates of their

decease .

16. Monum en tal in scription s : Tiln ey at Lincoln , and

Flee twood at Chalfon t St . Giles ; 1 17.

17. Notes from charters in possession ofSamuel Roper,Esq. , ofMonks Kirby ; f. 118 and 1 19 .

18. Extracts from a chartulary of the priory ofMerton

in Surrey, in th e Cotton ian library ; 120—123. Thischartulary is still in the library, Cleop. C . VII .

19 . Extract from th e chartulary ofKirkstead 124.

20. Two charters relat ing to Foun tain s, 125 .

2 1. Extracts from the Le iger Book ofDoddington , co.

Hun t . , in possession ofLord Bruden el ; f. 126—129 .

22. Copies of five charters ofW. de Mandevile earl of

Essex, Hen ry de Laci earl Of Lin coln , and others, withtrickings ofseals ; 130— 132 .

23. Charters in possession ofLord Brudenel and gen ealogical deduction s from th em ; 134—139 ; 142—147.

24 . Ex libro cen suali prioratfis de Belver subordinat’

abbath ia San cti Alban i ;” £ 140 and 141 . Th is curious

fragm en t con tain s an accoun t ofth e places ofin term en t of

th e founder of th e priory ofBelvoir and of many of h is

descendan ts, and the nam es of many person s whose ann i

versaries were celebrated in the house .

25 . A few charters ofth e Malvesins 148 and 149 .

26 . A few n otes from th e Red Book of the Exchequerand o ther records touch ing Carew ; 149 b .

—l 5 1 .

27 . Exten t ofthe m anor ofSixill 152 b .

Page 159: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

( 136 1

genealogical particulars relating to that part ofthe coun tyOfYork, with transcripts of docum en ts occasionally in troduced. A few things are added in Dodsworth ’

s own

hand. This extends to fol. 149 .

This volum e also con tain s,

A n ote ofthe Scrope lands , 1608.

Lists Ofkn igh ts made by KingJam es I. in 1603.

Paper on th e con stable’s and marshal’

s court .

Copies of two letters from Fran ces coun tess of Essex,addressed, th e on e to Porter Foreman ,

” whom she stylesfather, th e oth er to Mrs. Turn er,

”to whom sh e sub

scribes h erself your sister.

” They relate to h er dealings

with th em respecting th e Earl h er husband ; 158.

List of chan tries and hospitals in the coun ty of York ;f. 159— 162.

Notes from Lancashire and Chesh ire charters ; f. 163

ad fin em .


Miscellan eous collections, relating chiefly to


1 . Historica narratio fundation is ecclesia cathed’

Norwicen s’, u t in cartulariade Binham reperitur ;” with

large extracts from that chartulary, then in the possessionofSir Tho. With erington ; 3— 88.

2 . Carta W. Com itis Marescalli jun ioris de confirma

t ion e fundation is abbathia de Tyn tern e f. 89—9 7.

3. Tran scripts of several charters, som e of them from

original s in th e possession ofMr. Wash ington in Chan ceryLan e , with trickings Ofseals ; 105—108. On e of them

is OfRanulph de Glanvile .

(4 . Inquisition es facta ann o 12 e t 13 regis Johann is de

servitus corum qui tenuerun t in capite . Tit’ Essex e t

Herford ;”

105 .

5 .Pedigree Ofth e fam ily ofBarrington 107 .

6 . Charter ofthe abbey ofCormeiles ; 117—122.

7. The founders of Walden abbey in Essex, COpyed

Page 160: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

( 137 )

out of an Old parchmen t roll in the hands ofMr. Christo

pher Bird ofWalden , 1600. f. 123—131.

8. In cronologia abbath ia de Stanlawe in com’

Cestr’, postea tran slat’

ad Whalley in com’ Lan c’, Enuper

in a dibus Arundelian is, 1647 133—139 .

9 . Notes from deeds in the cus tody of John Ligh tfoot,counsellor at law, in Gray’s In n ; 149—152 .

10. Notes Ofrecords touch ing the fam ily ofTraci, len tto Dodsworth by th e Lady Vere, relict Of Lord Vere of

Tilbury ; 155—160.

1 1. List Of archdeacon s Of Can terbury, after Somn er ;

f. 161.

12 . Charters relating to the house of Stanford in the

diocese ofLin coln ; f. 165—168.

13. Notes from m in isters accoun ts of divers man ors in

Hampsh ire, temp . Hen . III . e t Edw . I. ; f. 169 .

14. Fin es facti post festum San cti Hillarn de com’

Lin coln , ann o tertio Hen . Tertii f. 17 1—174.

15 . A few sligh t notes from various public records ;

f1 175 —184 .

16. Extracts from the chartulary of Godstowe, in the

custody of the King’

s Remembran cer of the Exchequer ;185—19 0.

17 Notes from charters at Heyling in Lin coln shire ;19 4 .

18. The descen t of the lords and baron s Of BerkelaIin Gloucestersh ire, taken ou t ofMr. John Smith ’s booke of

the lives of the Lords Barklie ; f. 203— 2 10.

19 . A few extracts from the in quisition s, paten t writs,8m, relating to the coun ty Of North umberland; 2 13

- 231.

20. Extracts from the chartulary of the priory OfMal

ton ; f. 233—241 .

2 1 . Foundation of a chan try at Holmse tt, by the Tempests, 32 Hen . VIII. ; 242.

22 . Extracts from the Tes ta de Nevil Ofthe part relatingto Northumberland ; f. 245—275 .

Page 161: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

( 138 )

Volume IV . of INQUISITIONS, succeeding vol.

XLVI I I. It contains collections out of those re

cords from the 5 th to the 24th ofEdward 111.


MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS .1 . Gen ealogia Molyn eux de Seph ton in com

’ Lan c’

3—7 ; 13 b . and 14.

2 . Notes con cern ing the fam ily ofHeske th of Rufford8— 13 .

3. Frag men tum libri Sancti Leonardi. On e pageon ly ; 13 b .

4 . Summ on s to th e tenan ts Of th e hon or of Pon tefract,in th e wapen take of Stain cross, to b e at Barn sley on th e

Monday n ext after the Ascen sion , 25 Edw . III . f. 14.

5 . In qu isition s p . m ., ofPe ter Twyer, 32 Edw. L ; Ed. de

Mortim er, 32 Ed. 1. Wil. Gumband, 33 Edw . III . ; and

a few oth er person s ; 16 and 17.

6. Extracts from the book ofWitebi, in the custody of

Sir R ic. Cholm ley ; 19 and 20.

7. Copies, tran slated in to English , of two letters from

foreign divin es to Calvin , written in 15 54 ; 2 1 and 22.

8. Original in struction s to the visitors of the monasteryofWhalley in Lan cash ire, for indulgen ce to the abbot andmonks th ere, sign ed with h is own hand, Tho . Cromwell,with oth er docum en ts relating to that house ; 25—28.

9 . In speximus of a deed of confirmation of RalphPagan el

s gift to th e church ofSt . Trin ity at York ; f. 29 .

10. Notes con cerning the fam ily of Talbot ofBashall31 .

1 1. A n ote of the sh ips, with th eir burthen s and

m en , that are to be raised in England and Wales by thel st ofMarch 1635 36.

12 . Gran ts and gifts to th e Duke OfBuckingham, and

persons ofh is kindred ; 37 and 38.

13. Letter ofKing Charles I. to the dean and chapter

Page 163: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

( 140 )

23. A ' le tter sen t ou t of Sco tland to a friend in

England at King Jam es h is be ing th ere, an n o Dom .

1617 f. 57 .

24. Verses on King Charles by John Assh emore , partlyLatin and partly English , addressed to Dr. Leve t ; 60.

25 . Two charters relating to th e prebend of Warth ill ;

61 .

26 . Sligh t extracts from placita ; 62 .

27. Sir John Suckling’

s le t ter out of Scotland, April1639 ; f. 63.

28. Epitaph found in St. Werburgh’

s church , of

Ch ester ; 64 and 65 .

29 . A m ournful elegy on th e un tim ely death of that

thrice worthy and learn ed kn igh t Sir Roger Puleston of

Em era Sign ed, Pe ter Leigh ; f. 67.

30. To my Lord Chan cellor Bacon , the day Of h issen ten ce, th e 3d ofMay 1621 in verse ; 70.

31. Mem oria illustrissima Rosam unda Darcy, cha

rissima que n eptis sua , P . F. sic valedixit ;”

71 . The

writer of th is e legy was Sir Pe ter Freschvile of Staveley.

32. Verses on th e gunpowder treason by Pe ter Leigh ;f. 72 .

33 . An elegy on th e death ofMr. Thomas Yate , son of

Dr. Yate, chan cellor to th e Bishop Of Chester,” by Pe terLe igh ; 75 .

34. Querela ecclesia de Penwortham in com’


castria , per Johan n em Richardson , Oxon ien sem , in artibus

magistrum ,facta 23 Nov. 1634 76 and 77. A satire

directed again st Sir John Flee twood, the patron .

35 . Notes from Mr. Bothe’s alphabe t ofCheshire pedigrees 78 and 79 .

36. Ren ts belonging to th e guild ofSt . Cuthbert in the

cath edral church ofDurham ; f. 82 .

37 Judge Walm esley h is epitaph f. 85 .

38. Prayers for m orn ing and even ing; 86.

39 . Ordinan ce ofWalter Archbishop of York touch ing

the tyth e ofCarlton 88.

Page 164: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

( 141 )

40. De fundation e loci de Preston per Thomam fil’

Gospatricii ; 90.

41 . Extracts from a chartulary Of the priory ofMonkBre tton , in possession ofSir Francis Wortley, Bart ., 1638 ;ii 9 2 .

42. Extract from a book of Sir George Booth’

s, con

tain ing n o tices of the title of Sir Edm und Trafford and

Sir Robert Booth to Nessington and som e o ther towns inR ichmondsh ire, and extracts from th e Book ofDieulacres ;9 8 and 9 9 .

43 . A few leaves'

ofrough and hasty m emoranda of no

material value ; 100—105 .

44 . Inqu isition p. m . of Elizabe th , who was the wife OfThomas Duke ofNorfolk, 3 Hen . VI . 106—1 1 1 .

45 . Th e relaxation Ofcertain e particles ofthe injun et ion s gyven oflate in the m onastery ofSt . Mary ofYorkby the visitors for th e King

s Highn ess th ere 1 14 b.

—1 17.

46 . Articles of in struction s gyven by the King’s

Majestic un to his comm ission ers appoin ted for th e survei

ofthe colleges, chaun trie s, free chapels, guilds, and fra

tern ities with in the coun ty OfYork, th e eytie ofYork, andth e town e ofKyngston

-upon -Hull 1 15 and 1 16.

47. Sligh t n o tes and various m emoranda from the

paten t rolls, th e chartulary of St . Jam es ofNorthampton ,and oth er sources, relating to Wickham abbey, Pickering,and the fam ilies ofChaworth , Pigo t, Sandwith , and PercyofKildale ; 1 13—130.

48. Inqu isition s p . m . OfRalph de Nevile, 4 1 Edw. IIIand Tho . Thweng, 48Edw . III . f. 131—135 .

49 . Gran t Of certain m essuage s in York, form erly belonging to chan tries, 3 Edw . VI ., by the King to Matth ew

White and Edward Bury ; 138—148. A curious in

strumen t .

50. Knigh ts fees in Yorkshire, temp. Edw. I . 151 b.

158 .

Page 165: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

( 14s )

5 1. Extracts from the registers Of the Archbishops Of

f. 162—17 1 ; V iz .

1 . Relating to th e irruption ofth e Scots, and damage

don e by th em in Yorksh ire, 1318 and 13 19 .

2 . Relat ing to the chapel of th e Virgin and All

Angels at York .

3 . A gran t ofJohn th e con stable ofChester to the

church ofYork, 1 178.

4 . The order and rule of th e hospital OfSain t JohnofNottingham .

5 . Alteration of th e t ime wh en th e feast of th e dedi

cation ofth e church ofBishops Wilton was won t,according to th e origin al ordinan ce, to b e cele

brated, viz . 15 September, to the Sunday th en

n ext following, it fall ing in th e m idst of harvest .Th is by au thority ofCardinal Kemp, ArchbishopofYork, Sep. 22, 1441 .

6. Visitation s ofth e church es in York, Sep. 22, 1440.

52 . A few n otes from charters of th e abbey ofBiland ;f. 172 .

53. Notes from the inqu isition s, Kemp’s register, and

Sir Pe ter Middle ton ’

s eviden ces, with a few gen ealogical

n otices ; f. 173 ad fin em .

LXI I .Collections chiefly Out of the EVIDENCE S of

NORTHERN FAM ILIE S .1 . Copious n otices of th e eviden ces of Sir Fran cis

Wortley, Kn igh t and Baron et ; 1— 46 ; 5 1 and f. 58.

2 . Two charters ofNevil ofHornby, and another char

ter len t to Dodsworth by Alexander Rigby ofBurgh, inLan cash ire, Esq. f. 47 and 48.

3. Notes out of th e chartularies ofKirkstall and Monk

Bre tton ; 48 b .

4 . Notes ou t ofthe chartulary ofFoun tain s in St .Mary’sTower ; £ 52 .

5 . Deeds Of Everingham , from the originals in pos

session ofSir Gervas Cutler ; 54 and 55 .

Page 167: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

4. Nom ina quarundam abbath iarum ordin is Cister

cien sis in Anglia quarundam abbates adfuerun t~


London coram dhi Papa legat’

, 13 12 f. 77 b .— 78.

5 . Bulls and charters relating to th e houses ofCatesby,Tren tham , Alch ester, Charter House in London , Ordbury ;78 b .

— 82 .

6. Notes from a chartulary of the abbey OfAcornbury

in the Court ofAugmen tation s 83— 89 9 9 .

7. Notes from a roll in the sam e repository relating toth e abbey ofSh erburn 90—9 2 .

8. Notes from divers charters in the Augm en tation Office ;f. 9 3—9 7.

9 . No tes Of the possession s of the house of St . Mary of

Corm e illes f. 9 8 and 9 9 .

10. Tran scripts or n otes of variou s charters, several ofwhich relate to religious houses ; 101—1 13 .

1 1 . Partition of the inh eritan ce of Humphry Bohunear] ofHereford be tween th e king and th e coun tess of

Stafford, m ade 9 Hen . V . , from a roll in possession of Sir,

Sim onds D’Ewes ; 1 14—121.

12 . No tes from placita, temp . Hen . III . ; 122.

13. Pedigrees of the Lords HOO and th e Carews, withm onumen tal in scription s at Beddington ; f. 123 and 124.

14. Gen ealogies of Scrope, Hun tercombe, Leigh Of

Rushall, Engain e , Carew, Lovel, Sandford, and Holand ;f. 126—129 .

15 . Very brief n otes from the pipe rolls of 8 Ric. I.,

12, 22, and 33 Hen . 1 John , and 29 Edw . I. ; 130

139 .

16. A few sligh t m emoranda ou t of Kn igh ton and the

Rolls ; f. 140— 142.

17 The Nom ina villarum , 9 Edw . for the coun ty of.

Ken t ; £143. See vol. XXVI I. art . 6. and vol. LXV. art .10.

18. Furth er n otes ou t Of pipe rolls and placita ; £ 144—153 .

19 . Note s from Domesday, and book of tenures for‘

Chesh ire ; f. 154 ad huem .

Page 168: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

( 145 )


This Volume consists of Select Entries in theESCAET ROLLS , FRENCH , CHARTER, PATENT ,

CLOSE , and FINE ROLLS . They appear to havebeen selected as containing curious and importantinformation, or as bearing on particular subj ectsofDodsworth’s inquiries .Bound up in the m idst Of th is volum e is a table of the

descen t of Conyers from Fitz Ralph, and a letter th us

in tituled

Ceste l’

re dame Jul ian Tresgoze manda a son frere

St. Thomas de Cau telou evesq adon c de Hereford, de leurlinage f. 87—90.

This very cur ious le tter was written early in the re ign of

Edward I., and relates to the descen t and allian ces Ofthe

Can tilupes. Th ere is another copy of it in Gibbon ’

s Col

lection s, in th e Harleian library.

Vol. LXVII . is ofthe same character with this.

—LXV .

Miscellaneous collections relating to ECCLE SIASTICAL FOUNDATIONS and KNIGHTS FEES .1 . Ren ovatio privilegiorum cartarum e t aliorum mu

n im en torum m onasterii -Divi Virgin is Maria gloriosique

Ken elm i [Regis] e t Martyris de Winchelcumbe, labore,s tudio, atque industrifi dom in i Richardi Kederem ister ineodem loco tunc abbatis recogn ita atque collecta, a primafundation e ejusdem loci in itium ducendo ; prou t de libris,codicellis, e t aliis scriptis de an tiquitatibus, privilegiis, e t

dotation e prefati m onasterii usque ad tempora n ostra re

colligi atque tran scrib i potuerun t, felicite r incipit an no ab

Christi In carnation e 8Ic . ; 1—4.

2 . An alphabe tical list of churches in th e coun ty of

Warwick, with the names Of the patron s and in cumben ts,taken from the presen tation s themselves under seal in the

archives ofthe dean and chapter OfLichfield, by Sir Will.Dugdale ; 7—20.

Page 169: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

( 146 )

3. Excerpts from the register Ofthe priory ofCoven try,in th e custody of the King

s Remembran cer of the Exchequer ; 2 1—29 .

4 . Copies of charters relating to the nun s of St.MaryOf Eton , from a roll in possession of the dean and chapterof Lichfield ; f. 31—33.

5 . Copies Of charters to th e church Of the HolySepulchre at Warwick, from th e originals in possession of

Sir Simon Arch er ; 33 b—36.

6. Foundation of th e n un n ery of Polesworth , from an

ancien t manuscript in the hands of Lady Ann e Ferrers of

Tamworth ; 37—5 1. In the wold tyme the londs Of‘

England was departyd abowt in mony kings, 810. To

th is are added 00pies of many of th eir charters.

7 . Collection s for a catalogue of sheriffs of Northum

berland ; f. 56.

8 . Feods d'

iii Regis, tam de hon ore de Peverel quamde honore de Haghen e t e t de honore de Pertico, in librofeodorum remanen te in Scaccario . dhi Regis ex parte Rem emoratoris ejusdem diii Regis, in ter feoda com itatfis

Kan cia 63—66.

9 . Tran scripta on erationum releviorum de temporibusdiversorum regum extract ’ de ro tulis Scaccarii diii Regispro information e in parte habenda super levation e auxilii

ad primogen itum filium Regis E. III . militem faciendum

e t aliorum 66 b .—68.

10. Nom ina villarum in com’

Caucia , anno 9 ° Edw.

II ‘ 68 b .— 70. See vol . LXIII . art. 17.

11 Tran scriptum particul’

compoti collectorum auxiln

x] . S. de quolibe t feodo m ilitis, Regi E . Tertio con cessi ad

primogen itum filium suum m ilitem faciendum in com’

Kan cia , ann o regn i sui pen es Scaccarium dom in i

Regis reman’

, exam inat’

per Johann em de Helwolding de

com’ Kanc’ e t Johannem Castre de com

’ Lincoln ’

£ 71


12 . In quodam rotulo de serviciorum dom in i

Regis Anglia capt ’ apud Twedemou the coram dom ino

Bartholomeo de Badlesmere locum tenen te constabularii

Page 171: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer


12. Inquisitions ofvills in Warwickshire, .7 Edw. I., from

a book in the Exch equer ; 105—1 10.

13. Extracts from th e chartulary Of Dieulecresse, in

possession of Benjam in Rudiard, Gen t ; f. 11 1—1 13.

14. Extracts from the chartulary Of South Creyke inNorfolk ; f. 115— 1 19 .

15 . Extracts from the chartulary Of Middl e ton , in cus

tody of the King’s Remembrancer in th e Exchequer ;

f. 121 and 122.

16. Notes from transcripts out of the Red Book, in theoffice of th e duchy of Lan caster ; 123.

17. Notes from the chartulary ofRam sey, in th e custodyof the King

s Rem embran cer ; 124.

18. Notes from th e chartulary Of Furn es, in possessionof audi tor Bul lock ; f. 124 b .

19 . Charters, for the m ost part foundation , of the

h ouses of Ne the, Brewton , Neweham , Bat tel, Bermund

sey, St . Ben edict at Hulm ,Llan thony, Bocland, and

St . Mary ofCoven try ; f. 129—139 .

A m emorandum at fol. 9 7 states, that Colle tt hath the

Charta An tiqua to a word tran scribed.

—LXVI I .A vo lume ofthe same characterwith vol. LXIV. ,

consisting ofthe sam e irregular selections of transcripts and notes from the ROLLS AT THE TOWER .

Som e of the rolls from which the transcripts are

made are Specified in the catalogue of 1697.

Bound up with them are,

1 . A leafOfn otes from a register of th e lands ofHen ryEarl ofLan caster, in the Office ofthe duchy ofLan caster ;f. 56.

2 . A leafof n otes out Of a chartulary of the abbey of

Malmesbury, in the Exch equer ; 9 3 .

3 . Charter from a chartulary of Belvoir ; 201 and


4 . Extracts from a chartulary ofCastle Acre ; 208.

Page 172: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer




1 . Extracts ofcharters from a valuable manuscript called:

Sir Christophe r Hatton ’

s Book ofSeals f. 1—8 ; 9 2—9 5 .

Am ong these are th ree charters of KingHen ry viz .

1 . Ratifying a covenan t be tween Geldew ine, son ofSavaric,

and Savaric his bro ther. 2 . To Thomas son OfRobert sonofNoel. 3. Gran ting to John son ofJohn the Marshall h is

Office, and all ten em en ts wh ich he bough t, to hold of m e,

on this side the sea or beyond.

2 . Extracts from m iscellan eous collection s made byRobert Glover, Somerse t herald ; 9—27. Th ese are

ch iefly from charters, in cluding some in a chartulary of

Blythe, others in possession Of Robert Lisle Of Gosford,

Fran cis Slingsby of Scriven , and Thomas Fairfax . Of

B en ton .

3 . Notes from Mr. Cp er’

s tran scripts of Glover’s visitation of Yorkshire ; 33 and 36 b.


4. Foundation ofth e abbey ofFaurwell, from an origi

n al in the registry Of th e dean and chapter ofLichfield ;

35 .

5 . Short n otes from the Historia Rameseien sis, in pos

se ssion ofSir Hen ry Spehnan 41 .

6. Notes from eviden ces of Strangwaies and ROOS of

Laxton ; f. 42—46.

7 . Knigh ts fees in Lin coln shire, 12 and 13 Henry46.

8. Abs tracts Of a few fin es in the time of Hen ry III . ;


9 . Notice of a con firmation ofRichard I . to th e canon s

ofSt . Mary OfThorn ton ; 48.

10. Inden ture be tween King Edward III . and JohnKing ofCastile and Leon , h is son , dated 25 th Jun e in th e

46th Ofhis reign , respect ing the exchange ofthe earldom of

Richmond for the hon or ofTickhill, 8cc . ; f. 49 .

1 1 . No tes from the charters ofThomas Danby OfSouthCave, Esq. ; 52 and 53 .

Page 173: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

( 150 )

12 . A few transcripts from the Charta An tiqua , A.

KK. ; 57—72 .

13 . Rough n otes from the Gascon , Fren ch, Scotch , andWelsh Rolls at the Tower ; f. 73—86.

14. Sligh t n otes from records touching the family ofHeyrun ; f. 89 and 90.

15 . Will ofAgn es de Cundy, wife ofWalter de Clifford

f. 9 1 .

16. Sligh t n otes from th e fin e, charter, and close rolls ;f. 9 9—1 14 .

17. Notes from a chartulary in possession of

ley of Clopton in Northampton shire ; 102 .

18. Notes from a chartulary compiled for Sir RobertWaterton ofMe thley in Yorksh ire, in the t ime of King

Hen ry IV. ; 115 .

19 . Gran t fromHenry II. to the can on sofGrim sby ; 116.

20. Charters from the old ledger book of Bardn ey ;f. 117—121 .

2 1 . A few n otes from the book of th e ordination of

chan tries in the diocese of Lin coln , and from other regis

ters ofthat see ; f. 123—126.



In com’ Ebor’, examinatum , 1635 , per ROGERUM


—LXX .

A large andvaluable collection ofthe EVIDENCE Sof the V IPONTS and CLIFFORDS, made by Dodsworth from the originals, together with copiousextracts from Mr. Curwen

s Book of Oflices in

WE STMORLAND ,” in which are copies of som e of

the most important inquisitions relating to lands inthat county f. 1—150.

In th e sam e volume are ,

No tes from the eviden ces of Sir Richard Hogh ton of

Hogh ton Tower, Bart . ; 152—160.

Page 175: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

( 152 )

11. Copy of an inden ture of lease from the abbot of

St. Edmund’

s Bury to John Wrigh t, glazier, and JohnAnable, pewterer, ofBury, of the man or of Hab erdon ,

belonging to the Office of sacrist in th e said m onastery,with four acres in th e vyn efeld, for twen ty years, at th e

ren t of5l. to the sacrist ; the tenan ts binding th em

selves also to find a wh ite bull every year oftheir term , as

Often as it shall happen that any gen tlewoman or any oth er

woman shall, ou t ofdevo tion , visit the shrin e ofth e gloriousking and martyr Sain t Edm und, and wish to make the

oblation of a wh ite bull . The date, April 28, 1533.

Taken from the original in th e custody of John Rushworth , Esq. ; £ 72.

12 . Foundation charter of the abbey of Quarrera ;f. 73 and 74.

13 . Copy ofa charter OfPeter de Bruse ; 77.

14. A single leaftaken ou t of a book wh ich con tain ed

fairly written abstracts ofwills Ofperson s of the coun ty ofKen t, 1407— 1435 ; 81.

15 . Writ on the close roll, 22 Edw. III., p . con

cern ing the abbey de Bello Becco in Ireland ; 82.

[NO paging from 84 to

16. Descen t OfBassingbourn ; 102 .

17. Partition ofth e inh eritan ce ofGeorge de Can tilupef. 103.

18. Fragm en ts ofgen ealogies, wh ich appear to b e takenout ofth e collection s ofThomas Lord Bruden el ; 104


19 . Descen t of th e Ash leys, from the information ofon e

ofth e fam ily, in 1648 ; 108.

20. Note s from th e leiger book of Pe terborough in theCotton ian library ; f. 109 . Several of th e Pe terboroughbooks are still in that library .

2 1 . Notes from placita in th e reign o f Henry III. ;f. 1 10—1 15 .

22. A list of records wh ich had been tran scribed ver

b atim from originals in the Tower by Will. Riley ; 1 16


Page 176: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

( 158 )

23 . Titles of a few paten t writs of the reign ofHenry III . ; f. 123—128.


Collections chiefly out of EXCHEQUER RECORDSfor the COUNTY OF YORK .

1 . Ou t of th e original ia of the reign s of Henry III .and Edward I . ; f. 1—7 . Edward £ 23 b .

—27. Ed

ward III . ; f. 35 b .—36. Richard 11 85—90.

2 . Out of the escae ts of th e re ign s Of Henry III.and Edward f. 10—23 . Edward III . ; 47—84.

Richard 11. and Hen ry IV. ; f. 104—120.

3. The part wh ich relates to the coun ty ofYork, of a

book in th e Exch equer, in titled Rationale auxilium an no.

xx . E. 111. ad primogen itum filium m ilitem faciendum z”

f. 27—35 .

4 . Collections out of th e fin e rolls, temp . Ric . IIf. 9 1—103 .

5 . A few has ty n otes ou t of th e commun ia of th e

Exchequer, Trin . term, 19 Jam es, rot. 64, and other docu

m en ts there ; 12 1— 125 .

6 . A few hasty n otes of charters and inqu isition s ;f. 126—128.

- LXXI I I .

A volum e ofFINAL CONCORDS of lands in the

county ofYork, similar to that n ow numbered I . ,

but relating to an earlier period.

Th e fin es ofthe reign ofJohn are in regular series from

th e 1st to the 15 th year ; 37—125 . Th e earlier pagesOf th e volume con ta in placita and esson ia in term ixed withthe fin es, an d are of several n orthern coun ties, and ofthe

reigns ofRichard I . and John .

In the sam e volume are ,

A charter ofWilliam Maltravers, from the chartulary of

Pon tefract ; f. 128 b.

Page 177: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

( 154 )

Extracts from the pipe rolls of several years of the

reign of Hen ry 129—152. Extracts are givenfrom the roll, h ere said to be of 1 Hen ry afterwards

supposed to b e of 5 Stephen , and n ow of 31 Hen ry I .The extracts are n ot all in Dodsworth ’

s own hand, and

are less n um erous than those made in h is great body of

transcripts from these rolls, vol. XII—XVII.


Another volume Of collections out of the EV I


vol. LXX . and VO] . LXXXI I I .1. Large extracts from a chartulary of the Percys ; f. 1—1 10. Dodsworth supposed that th is chartulary had beenimproperly Obtain ed by on e who had been a feodary to th eEarl ofNorthumberland. He speaks ofit as having on ce

belonged to Hen ry CliffordEarl ofCumberland ; bu t wh enh e perused it h e found it in the possession ofCharles Fairfax ofMen ston , Esq. ,

who had purchased it for a small

sum of m on ey. It is occasionally quo ted as belonging to

Fairfax in the margin ofDugdale’

s Baronage .

The con ten ts ofth is chartulary are importan t, so that itmay be proper to specify particularly som e of the more

remarkable charters con tain ed in it .

1 . Charter ofKing Henry II ., by wh ich he gran ts toWill. de Vesci all th e lands OfEustace fitz John ,h is fath er, and the castle OfAln ewick, h ere tofore

belonging to John de Vesci, h is grandfather ;

26 .

2 . Charter ofKing Steph en , that he had gran ted to

Gospatrick , the brother ofDolph in , the lands ofEdmund h is un cle, wh ich he held Of KingHenry, &c. ; f. 28 b .

3. Edward King ofScotland, 29 July, in the first of

h is reign ; that h e had gran ted to Hen ry dePerci th e peel of Loghmaben , the valley of

Anaudic and Mossetdale, 8m ; f. 30.

Page 179: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer


These wills appear to have been tran scribed on accoun t

of the curious particulars con tain ed in them .

9 . A few charters to Jorevall abbey ; f. 161.



1 . Tran script from the Norman Roll, 8 Hen . V. p . 2 .

m . 29 , de pace finali e t perpe tufi in ter Fran’

e t Angl’

regna ; 1—9 .

2 . A treatise on the dign ity of a baron ; f. 11—14 .

The name qfbaron, as some conceive,”810.

3 . Foundation charter of the house of St . Trin ity at

York ; 17.

4 . Records relating to th e foundation s at St. Neots

and Levenestre ; f. 18—20.

5 . Extracts from a chartulary ofNun Coton in the

diocese of Lin coln , in possession of Sir Dudley North ;f. 2 1 and 22 ; f. 29—34.

6 . Extracts from a chartulary Of Lekeburn in Lin

coln shire, in possession of Sir George Hen eage ; 23

7 . Notes from Exch equer records touch ing variousreligious foundation s viz . Ch ickford, Catteley, Haverholm ,

Folkston , S toke Cursy ; £ 35—40.

8. Re turn ofJohn de Trilan ton , sheriffofLin coln sh ire,of person s who have lands in h is bailywick of the valueOf 100 Sh illings or m ore ; 41—46.

9 . Gran t by Matthew de Gurnai, from the book of

Castle Acre ; 47.

10. Two charters and a portion of Domesday Bookrelating to Lin coln sh ire ; f. 48—52.

1 1 . Notes ofEngain e from th e eviden ces ofLordVaux,made in 1620 by Augustin e Vin cen t, with other gen ealo

gical notes by h im , commun icated to Dodsworth byVin cen t’s son , John Vincen t, in 1649 , wh en there was a

design of a un ion be tween him and Dodsworth in a

Page 180: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer


baronage ofEngland, such as was afterwards executedby Sir Will. Dugdale, bu t n ot in cluding the dukes, mar

quises, earls, and viscoun ts . John Vincen t’s le t ter is

dated from Uffington , 27th March 1649 ; 53—60.

12 . Notes from the eviden ces ofSirWill . Palmer, chieflyrelat ing to Lodbroke , made at h is house at Clerkenwell in1649 ; f. 62—67.

13 . Notices of charters relating to Chesh ire and to the

family of Handlo ; 67—72 .

14 . Notes from Cardinal Wolseyfs bundells, in th e

Rolls 73 and 74 ; relate to_religious houses.

15 . Collection s out Of the ro lls at the Tower respectingforests and chaces f. 75—77.

16. Abstracts of a few charters of the Nevile s ; 80.

17. Notes from the e scae ts respecting Roos ; £ 81—84.

18. Two charters of the De la Hay lands ; 86.

19 . A few charters, some or all of wh ich are from a

register of the abbey of Pe terborough, in possession Of

Sir Chris topher Hatton ; 87—9 0.

20. Notes from the escae ts, 4—15 Ric. £ 9 2


2 1 . Inquisition p. m . of Thomas Lord Despen ser,2 Hen . V . ; 104—109 .

22. Notes of writs on the close rolls, 19 Hen . IIIf. 110—120.

23. In qu isition s in the coun ty Of Suffolk, 4—6 Edw.

f. 12 1—132 .

24. No te s from the paten t and close rolls relating to

the defen ce of the realm in the re ign of Edward 111.


25 . Writ from the paten t roll, 49 Hen . VI., pro m er

catoribus Colon’

; 145—150.

26. Farther n ote s from the paten t roll of that year ;

f. 15 1—153.

27. Rough n otes from the paten t and close rolls, and

from the escae ts, chiefly of the reigns of Edward III.andEdward IV. ; 156—181.

Page 181: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

( 15 8 )

28. Sligh t pedigree of Busli ; 182—187.

29 . De scen t and eviden ces Of Butvillain e of Cotes

brook ; 188.

30. A few hasty m emoranda from records, and from

the books Of th e Heralds ; 189—19 1.

Among the paten t writs of the 49 Hen . VI., wh ich isthe year of h is resumption of th e sovereign ty, is on e on

the first m embran e of the roll, by wh ich h e con stitu tes

William Moreland keeper of the rolls, books, and records

of the Chan cery Of England, andgran ts him for h is resi

dence the Domus Conversorum ; 15 1.

—LXXVI .This volume consists of ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS

from which the seals have been removed. Theyare of all reigns from Henry II . to Henry VI I I .Som e are monastic . There are a few Papal Bullsand Royal Writs, and many of the rest are documents of interest.

One hundred of th em, wh ich is n early the whole, are

specifically n amed in the former catalogue, the descriptionfilling three column s.

Folios 55—64 are n in e leaves Of an original chartularyOf the abbey Of St. Mary of York, in 4to., of about thereign of King Edward 111.

—LXXVI I .[There is no volume under th is number. ]

—LXXVI I I .Collections made by Dodsworth from manu

scripts in the COTTONIAN LIBRARY, as appears bythe following m emorandum in his own handI ste liber totus transcribitur ex authenticis in

Page 183: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

( 160 )

14. Charter of King Ina ' from the book of Abendon ,

Claud. C . Ix. ; 53.

15 . Extracts from th e chron icle Of the abbey ofChar

teris in th e coun ty of Cambridge, Julius, A . L ; 54, 5 5 .

16. Extracts from th e chartulary of Chertsey, Vitell.A . xIII . ; 56 and 57.

17. Copy of a charter ofWiglaf king of the Mer

e iau s ; 5 9 .

18. Extracts from a register of charters Of the abbeyOf St . Alban s ; £ 60—62.

19 . Extracts from Nero, D. x. ofth e division Ofthe lands

of Roger Quin ci Earl Of Win ch ester ; 63—66.

20. Extracts from Claudius, D. I . 67.

2 1 . Extracts from th e register of St . Alban s, relating tothe abbey and its cells ; f. 68—104 .

22. Catalogue of the Masters Of the Templars in England from Galfridus fil. Stephan i, in 1 180, to RicardasHastings in th e re ign of Edward I., from a chartulary oft he priory Of St. John of Jerusalem ; 106.

23. Charter ofKingCanute from the book ofSt. Benedict at Holme ; 107.

24. Extracts from the b ook of Waltham abbey ;f. 107 b .

—1 15 .

25 . Extract from a life of King Richard 11. by a monkOf Evesham , bound up with a chartulary of Waltham ;

115 b .

26 . Extracts from the chartulary Of Christ Church ;

f. 1 16.

27. Extracts from the book,of Beaulieu, Vitell . F. L ;

116 b . which m anuscrip t is n ow wan ting ; Nero,A . x11. , is a register of. the sam e house .

28. Extracts from th e chartulary ofOsen ey ; 117 b.

29 . In cron icis de C1‘okesden ;”

120 and 121.

30. Extrac ts from the chron icle of St . Pe ter of Glou

cester ;—130.

31. Extracts from the book ofSt. Albans, Nero, D. VII. ;

f. 131—133.

Page 184: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer


32. Extracts from th e register ofthe hospital ofSt . John ,Clerkenwell ; 132 b .



A volume of GENEALOGIES, with many docum ents and other scripts, at the beginning, end, and

interspersed, of which notice will b e taken hereafter.

Th e genealogies are for th e most part of Dodsworth ’sown compilation . They are rudely drawn , as h is mann er

was, bu t the lin es may b e traced with a lit tle atten tion , and

th ey are valuable as con tain ing the resul ts of h is con

siderat ion of th e eviden ce h e had collected. In some

in stan ces pieces of eviden ce are tran scribed on the pagewh ich con tain s th e pedigrees ; but m ore frequen tly there

is only a referen ce toth e volume ofh is collect ion s in wh ichth e eviden ce may b e found. Th e n ames of th e fam ilies


—Bollby—IIOtham Pi

got—Scarisbruck—Ogle—Percyhay—Calvert Of Cocker

ham—Vavasor—Brocke t Travers Mu ltou—Fit tonMe tham—Vere Goldsborough Calverley Middle tonClarel—Arth ington—Arundel—Poyn ings Peverel

Hertforth—Dodsworth—Heywood of Heywood in Lan

ceshire—Love to t—Latim er—Payn el—Mauley BigotGan t—Su tton— Strangways—Sglvin—Su tton ofDudleyFalconb ergh Porte—Holcroft Ho tham again

—Bu tler—Verdon—De la Riviere—Bisse t—Fitz Warine—Can t ilupe—Bab thorpe—Plumpton—So teh il l Clapham—Ma

leverer Soteh ill again— Ath erton Lucy Payn el

Everingham—Tun s tal—Wortley Rockley Eland Sa

vile—Thornh ill—Maleverer and Plumpton again—Nevile

Hammerton—Rither Percy Tempest Ch isenhall

Sherburn—Fitz Warin e again—Lowdham—Foljambe

Cateral—Redm an—Pan tulf Holland—Darcy Bos

v ile —Osbaldeston—Balderston—Banastre Single ton

Page 185: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

( 162 )

Molyneux Nu th ill Su t ton—Ayscongh—Middle tonagain

—Bosvile and Nevile again Pedwardin e Deyna.

court—Burgh—and Fitz William .

Of the other th ings con tain ed in this volume th e m ore

remarkable are these wh ich follow1 . Charters of th e church ofSt. Andrew ofNorthamp

ton ; f. 9—12 .

2 . Charter from a roll of the hon or Of Cockermouth , in

possession of th e Earl OfNorthumberland ; 13 .

3. A n ote of th e town s that are to con tribu te to th e

raising and main tain ing of 20 sh ips and m en in

England andWales, 1635 35 .

4. A few n otes from the records in th e office of th e

duchy of Lan caster, D. GG. andHH. 53.

5 . Ren tale de Hunmanby, 18 Hen . VII. 77.

6. Extracts from a roll Of those holding by kn igh tservice, 1 Hen . IV. ; 137.

7 . Let ter from John Langley, dated Tren tham 2dOct .

1639 , to Dodsworth at Hu tton Grange n ear Preston , ih

closing copy ofth e foundation charter ofHaghm ore abbeyin Shropsh ire 142.

8. An old copy of the will OfWilliam Clifton , Esq., 1536


9 . An old copy Of th e will of John Hopton Of Arm leyin Yorksh ire , 1476 ; 156.

10. An origin al lease Of chan try lands at Barn sleygran ted by Sir Jam es Harrington and Nicholas Wortlev'

Esq. to Edmund Brockhale of that town , 9 Edw . IV. ;

157 b .

1 1 . A poem on th e death of George Duke of Buckingham ; f. 158.

12 . A poem '

Ou Thomas Earl of Strafford ; 160

and 162 .

13. A poem on the death ofMrs . Catherine Werden ,

daugh ter ofMr. John Werden ofChester ; 16 1.

14 . TO my dear and great master Prince Charles ;in verse .

1 5 . My HappyMan 166 in verse .

Page 187: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

( 164 )

importan ce . A few n o tes in Dodsworth’s own hand are

occasionally in terspersed, as, for in stan ce , at th e pedigreeOf the Earls of Lin coln . Le t th is pedigree ofGaun t bebe tter exam in ed, for it is false in many places ; ita testorRoger Dodsworth , 13 Mar. It seem s, th erefore,

unn ecessary to specify th e particular fam ilies Whose des cen ts are h ere to b e found, and especially as manuscriptssuch as this are ofvery frequen t occurren ce .

In the same volume are various pedigrees of Yorksh irefamilies drawn up in th e same m an n er, som e of wh ichappear to have been th e work ofArch er, from whose col

lection s we shall find that Dodsworth 00pied o th er descen ts .

A few Of these m ay deserve to b e poin ted ou t as beingcompiled with m ore Ofcrit ical care than th e rest ; viz .

Pagan el ; 140.—Fauconb erg; 142 .

—Barton ; 150.

—Ward of Salley and th e coh eirs 153.—Staple ton ;

f. 19 4.—Drax ; 200.

A large list of th e fam ilies whose pedigrees are in th is

volume may b e found in the Old catalogue .



1 . Rough n o tes from Tower and Exch equer records ;

1—8 ; f. 10 ; 17—29 ; 66—89 . A t 20is a surveyofthe lands ofHen ry Earl ofCumberland.

2 . A few n o tes respecting Pe terborough from th e

l st vol. ofLeland’s Collectan ea ; 8.

3 . Extracts from an an tien t book in possession of

Sir Tho . Me tham respectingCarlton ; 11 .

4. Descen ts of Beauchamp, Man ley, Bigot, Nevile,Holland, Cotton , Doyley, and Langford ; 12—15 .

5 . Notes from the eviden ces of Sir Will. Catesby ; f. 16.

6 . Extracts from an an cien t man uscript con tain ing the

charters of Herleston in Northampton sh ire, in possessionofSir Christopher Hat ton ; 34—36.

7. Descen t OfPort OfEtwall ; f. 37.

8. Collections for the h istory of the fam ily ofVernon ;41 b .


Page 188: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

( 165 )

9 . Extracts from Sain t Loe Kn ive ton ’s book of church

n o tes for Derbyshire and Not tinghamsh ire ; 43 b .—44,

and 46—5 9 .

10. Extracts from the register book of the abbey of

Darley ; 45 .

1 1 . Extracts from Mr. Gascoign’s book of pedigrees ;

viz . Basse t, Grey, Pigot ; 59—64.

12. Charters relating to the coun ty of Chester, tran

scribed from the collection s of John Booth of Twem low,Esq. ; f. 90—120.

13. Inquisit ion p. m . of Gilbert ROOS of Laxton , Esq.,

29 th Sep. 12 Car. 1 .

14. Final con cord, 5 Edw . III ., between John son of

Pe ter de Ho thum and John de Hothum Bishop Of Ely,concern ing the m an or ofHothum , 125 .

15 . Agreem en t be tween the prior of Bolton and the

abbot of Kirkstall con cern ing“

the moors of Rawden and

Horsford 127.


This book contains transcripts of deeds re

maining in SKIPTON CASTLE in com . Ebor’,

It is a th ird volume of tran scripts Of CLIFFORD EVIDENCES, like the two preceding, vol. LXX . and

LXXIV., and like th em con tain ing much valuablematter, both relating to th e Cliffords and to oth er fam ilies

whose estate s lay con tiguous to th e irs, or who were their

sub -infeudatories .


Abbreviation es ROTULORUM FINIUM temporeE . III . in Turri London’ reservat’, per ROGERUMDODSWORTH,

terminis Pascha et SC’

a Trinitatis,

The fine rolls here abridged are, 1—44 Edw . 111.

L 3

Page 189: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

( 166 )



1 . Extracts from the chartulary of th e abbey ofThorn ey, in possession of th e Earl of Westmorland ; 1—10;17.

2 . Extracts from th e chartulary ofth e priory ofFin ch edin the custody ofRobert Kirkham , Esq. 11— 14 ; 32 .

3. An in speximus by King Hen ry II. Of a charter of

Earl Leofric’s con cern ing Coven try, dated in 1043 ; fromthe original in the cu stody of Sir Christoph er Hat ton ; .


4 . Large tran scripts from two books at Belvoir, con

cern ing the lands Of th e lords of that place, and con cern

ing th e religious h ouses with which th ey were con n ected ;

viz . Kirkham , Rievaulx, Wardon , Blakeney, Pen ten ey, ;Wartre, Novus Locus juxta Stamford, and Stikeswold


5 . Extracts from a chartulary and chron icle of Croxtonat Belvoir ; 62—71 .

6. Extracts from a chartulary of Rievaulx at Belvo1r ;

f. 71 b . and 72.

7 . Extracts from th e collection s Of John Layer, Esq.

75—9 2 . Th ese con sist for the m os t part of n o tes from

th e InquisIt lon s, with a few gen ealogical deduction s.

8. Pedigree ofDe la Hay ; 9 3.

9 . Sligh t n otes from th e Close Rolls of Edward III . ;f. 9 7.

10. Notes from Sir Christoph er Hatton ’

s book ofheirs ;

9 8.

11 . Notes from the eviden ces of Cator ofPapworthco . Can ta

‘b’, Esq. ; f. 9 9 .

12 . Sligh t n otes from records at the Tower ; 100.

13. No tes, m ore carefully made and in chronological

order, ,from the Close Rolls, 4—50Edw . III . ; 102— 142

and from those of9 Ric. I I. to 14 Hen . IV. ; 145—168.

Page 191: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

( 168 )

addito, an n o Diii m ille simo ducen tesim o n ona

gesim o prim o 72 b .—102 . Th is exhibits

two valuation s, one“ verus valor, ” th e other

Norwycen s’

as for example,Decanatus Oxon ’

. Verus Valor. Norwycen s’


Eccl ia Sfii Pe tri orien t’

cum capellis, 810. lx. m ere . 1. marc.

Vicar’ ejusdem c . s . c . s.

Ecclia E’

ta Maria xxiii. marc . xx . marc.

Ecclia OI'




or’ de

dit pen sion em v . marc . dim’v . marc .

, 810.

2 . Notes, ch iefly relating to th e coun ty ofNorthampton ,from the escae ts at the Tower, Ofth e reign s ofHenry III.,Edward I., and Edward II . ; 105 b .

—131 .

3 . Oth er n ote s relating to th e same coun ty from escae ts

both at the Tower and th e Exch equer to the t ime Of

Queen Elizabe th ; 132—157


Collections from records for the COUNTY OF


1 . Charta An tiqua in the Tower, from roll R . ; and

o ther Tower records of th e reign OfJohn ; f. 1—8.

2 . Copies ofrecords tran scribed by Dodsworth in the

castle Of Lancaster ; 9—50. Th ese are ch iefly in quisition s begin n ing with 10 Ric. II . ; bu t there are also

pe tition s exh ibited in the Chan cery Of th e duchy, and

n am es Ofperson s in comm ission s ofarray, in 5 Hen . VI.3. Feodarium com

’ Lan c’ per R icardum de Burscough ,

”9 Hen . VI. ; f. 5 7—72 .

4 . The m ewres ofMawn ton and halfLittle Halgh ton

and Swin ton 72 b .

5 . Ro t’Paten tum ab ann o 13 ad ann um 20regalitatis

Johan n is de Gaun t Ducis Lan c’ f. 73—80.

6. Rotulus Paten tum de ann o 8 Hen . IV. in com’

f. 81—88.

7. Rotulus Paten tum, 1—10Hen . V. 89—102 .

Page 192: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

( 169 )

8. Inqu isit ion es tempore Edw . IV. ; 105—112 .

9 . Close and Paten t Writs of the reign s ofEdward IV.

and Henry VII. ; 1 13—158.

10. Inqu isition p. m . Of Richard Skillicorn e, from a

bundle Of escaets in the Duchy of Lancaster Ofiice ;158 b .

1 1. Sess’Lanc’ ten t’ apudLan c’, 18Aug. 3Hen .VIII.

f. 161—167.

12 . Paten t writs, 6—12 Hen . VIII . ; 169—178.

13 . Lan cash ire in qu isition s, temp . Edw . I . e t Edw . 111

179—183 .

Am ong the Paten t Rolls OfHenry V ., 9 9 b, is a writof th e n in th of that reign respecting th e foundation of a

college at Man ch ester.


1 . An English tran slat ion or copy of th e testamen tum

Wulfrici Spot t, publish ed in th e Monasticon , showed to

Dodsworth by Thomas Heyster of Burton upon Tren t,Jun e 1643 ; 1—3.

2 . No tes from charters in the custody OfHen ry Ogle of

Wh istan juxta Prestcote, in com’ Lan c’, Esq. ; 4—7.

3. An n otation s taken ou t ofa visitat ion made byRobertGlover, Som erse t Herald, 156 1 and 1580 9—22.

These are,

1 . A list of the con stables ofCh ester, from 8 John to

A .D. 1600.

2 . Epitaphs on the Lacis.3. Gen tlem en of Chesh ire kn igh ted by the Earl of

Hertford at Le ith in Scotland, 1544.

4 . Mon umen tal in script ion s in various churches,

ch iefly in the coun ties of Warwick, Leicester,and No ttingham .

4 . No tes from the collect ions of Robert Curwen of

Cartmel, Gen t ; 23—28.

5 . No tes relating to Barton of Friton , from a man u

script ih the custody ofThomas Hyrst, Gen t. 29 .

Page 193: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

( 170 )

6. Gen ealogical no tes ofWaterton , Lisle, and Chaworth29 b .

—3 1.

7. Church n o tes by Dodsworth at Bracewell, KirkbyStephen , Appleby, Winderm ere, and Hawksh ead ; 31

—48. With these are m any n otes from records and

fragm en ts ofgen ealogy, for the m ost part relating to the

person s n amed in th e in scrip tion s.8. Abstrac ts and copie s of charters in the custody of

Christoph er Ph ilipson ofCalgarth in We stmoreland, Esq. ;

49—5 1 .

9 . Gen ealogies of Cumberland fam ilies from Archer ;'

viz . Salkeld, Dykes, Leyburn , Tun stall, Thornborough ,a nd Lamplugh ; 52 and 53.

10. Collection s for a list ofsh eriffs ofLin coln sh ire 54.

1 1 . No tes from th e eviden ces of Thomas Jopson of

Heath , n ear Wakefield, Esq. ; 5 5 and 56.

12 . No tes from th e eviden ces OfWill. Cooke OfAskern ,Gen t . ; 57.

13. A valuable collection Of early charters tran scribedat large, apparen tly from originals ; 60—76.

14. Sligh t n otes from th e Great Wh ite Register Of

St . Mary’s ofYork ; 83—88.

15 . Gen ealogical n otices ofDeyvile, Heron , Fe therstonhaugh , and Threlkeld 89—9 2.

16. Various docum en ts, ch iefly Ofth e Cliffords ; 9 3

105 . Am ong th em are,

1 . Article s Ofagreem en t for the marriage ofRichardTempest, son and h eir apparen t Of Nicholas

Tempest ofBracewell, Esq., and Ellin or Scrope,daugh ter of th e Lord Scrope, deceased, 7 Sep.

2 . Requests and demaunds maide in th e b ehalffof

the Duke ofNorthumberland to th e Righ t Ho

n ourable the Erle of, Cumberland for and con

cern ing a marriage to b e had be tween the LordGilford Dudley, on e Of th e sonn es of the said

duke, and th e Ladie Margare t, daugh ter to the

said earl ; f. 103.

Page 195: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

t 179

XC .

MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS . The leaves ofthis volume before 25 are lost.

1 .Extracts from th e great roll ofthe Pipe, 30Hen . 111

f. 25—28 : 29 Hen . II. ; 33—38.

2 .Extracts from th e Red Book of th e Exchequer ;

f. 29—32 f. 178 and 174.

3 . Sligh t n otes from various of the pipe rolls, and

from records at the Tower ; 4 1—49 .

4. Extracts from th e chartulary OfNewstead, respectingEgmon ton ; £ 50—54.

5 . Nom ina e t com itum e t baronum qui rogati fuerun t

per regem ad guerram Scotia ,

”from the Close Roll,

24 Edw. I. ; f. 5 5 b .

6. Notes from th e evidences Of Sir Henry Willoughbyof Risley, Bart. ; 58—6 1.

7. Extracts from Mr. Leve t’

s book Of Castle Bythamevidences ; £ 66.

8. Collection s ou t of th e pipe rolls for a catalogue of

the sh eriffs ; £ 68—104 .

9 . Charters tran scribed from Sir Christoph er Hat ton ’


book of seals ; 107—126 ; 143—15 9 .

10. Sligh t n otes ou t ofHenry ofHun t ingdon , and fromdivers records and charters ; 130—139 .

11 . Descen t Of Moun ten ey and Tilli according to

Mr. Richard Gascoign ; 140.

12 . Kn igh ts of th e garter made by the several kings ;f. 140.

13. Note Of the foundation of the house of KirbyBelers ; f. 141 b .

14. Foundation of the priory Of Fynested in North

ampton sh ire ; 142.


15 . Notes of th e foundation s of several religious housesfrom th e collection s of Joh n Layre Of Shepere th , co .

Camb .,Esq. ; 158.

16. Extracts from the registers of the see ofDurham,

beginn ing with Kellaw’

s register ; f. 160—172 .

Page 196: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

( 173 )

17. Inquisition respect ing the patronage of the church

of Plessy ; 177.

18. Sligh t and hasty n otes from placita, writs, piperolls, and th e Red Book ; f. 178—19 6 .

19 . Fragmen t of an inquisition Of tenures in the coun

t ies of Norfolk, Suffolk, 19 7—200.

—XCIThis volume consists for the most part of

charters Of the two neighbouring religi ous housesofNEWBOROUGH and B ILAND in YORKSHIRE . See

vol. XC IV.

1 . Charters from th e register Of the priOIy ofNew

burgh ; f. 1—28. Other charters of th e house from ori‘

ginals in St. Mary’s tower : 29—67.

2. Charters in St . Mary s tower relating to the abbeyof Biland ; 68—152.

3. A few n otes from a chartulary of St. John of Pon te

fract ; 153.

4. Charters from a book belonging to Mr. Fairfax Of

Men ston ; £ 157, 158, and 161 .

5 . Notes from th e eviden ces of Robert Sherburn of

Little Mitton ; 15 9 and 160.

6 . Note s from the eviden ces of Sir Pe ter Middl e ton of

Stockeld 163 and 164.

7 . Notes from the eviden ces of the he irs of Fawk

ingham of Leeds ; 169 .

8. The foundation of th e abbey of Arden , from an

ancien t parchmen t ; 172 b .

—XC I IMiscellaneous collections, chiefly for the COUNTY

OF YORK , and for the most part on ECCLES IASTICAL AFFAIRS .

1 . Copies of divers charters of the house of Salley,from the originals in th e possession of Will. West of

Middle ton , near Lancaster ; 1—15 .

Page 197: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

( 174 )

2 . Copies and abstrac ts of charters belonging to HenryArth ington of Arth ington , Esq. ; 33—66 .

3 . No te s from a register of th e see of York, in titledRegistram vacat ionum arch iepiscopatfis Ebor


80 Vide etiam 88. Th ese n otes begin in 129 7 and end

in 1407.

4 . In quodam cartulario in capella San ct i Willielm isuper Pon tem Use in civitate Ebor’, cujus titulus talis

e st : Liber sive registrum m em orandorum civitati tangen t’

in hoc volum in e irrotulator’

tem pore Johan n is de Gisburn e majoris dicta civitatis in cepta e t facta an n o r. r.

Edwardi Tertii post conquestum Anglia quadragesimo

quin to : abbreviat’

per ROGERUM DODSWORTH Eboracen sem , rei an tiqua studiosum : ultimo Maii, 1647

81—87. In th is book were en tered divers deeds, in qu isition s, wills, pro testat ion s before th e mayor Of York,and oth er docum en ts throwing much ligh t upon th e state

of th e city in th e period to wh ich th e book refers, n amely,from th e re ign of Edward 111. to that OfHen ry VIII5 . A fin al con cord made per breve Regis Johann is

before th e wapen take of Stan cliffe ; 89 .

6. Extracts from an an cien t ren tal of the abbey Of

Bolton , 1340 ; 89—9 2 .

7 . A few final con cords of th e reign Of Hen ry 111f. 9 5 , 9 6 ; f. 104


8. Copies and abstracts of eviden ces of Sir EdwardPlumpton of Plumpton , Kn igh t ; 9 8— 100.

9 . Copy of a charter by wh ich Anfrica de Cunnogh t

h eres de In sula de'

Man” qu itclaim s to Sir Sim on


Mon tacu te and h is h e irs all righ t in the said island ; and

becau se h er own seal is n ot kn own to all, th ere is at tach ed

alongwith it the seal ofWalter Bishop OfBath and We lls ;

dated on th e Sunday n ext before th e feast Of St . Johnth e Baptist, 1304, 32 Edwardi ; 101. This copy wasmade from the original in th e custody ofMr. Masters,

keeper Of the records in th e Augm en tation Office .

10. Notes from th e eviden ces of Steph en Tempest ofBrough ton , Esq. ; 1 11—1 15 .

Page 199: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

( 176 )

at the t ime , and during h is residence in London , 17

Hen . VIII. ; 175—180.

19 . Rough and sligh t n otes on Yorkshire fam ilies and

affairs f. 183—19 0.

A m emorandum at the beginn ing of th is volume is toth e effect that the papers ofWeever, au thor of th e Ancient

FuneralMonuments, were in th e hands ofMr. Calthorn h is

n ephew, at h is house in Little St. Bartholom ew.

—XC I I I .A volume , chiefly ofrough and hasty notes from


1 . From the in qu isition s Of the re ign of Hen ry III. ;f. 1—15 .

2 Quidam art iculi liberat i regi per commun itatem

regn i, from th e Close Rolls 3 Edw. 11. m . 23 ; f. 18.

3 . Ordinat io recept ion is pe tition is,” Sunday after the

feast Of Sain t Matthew th e Apostle, 33 Edw . I. ; from the

Memoranda de Parliam en to ; 19 .

4. Notes from a chartulary Of Langden in Ken t ; 20

5 . Notes from th e Charter Rolls 27 Hen . VI 26

—29 .

6. A writ from th e Rotulus Scotia , 10 Edw . 111. m . 2 .

addressed to the con stable of the castle ofDover and the

keepers of th e Cin que Ports, respecting sh ips ; f. 34—39 .

O ther writs from th e sam e rolls ; 58—69 .

7 . Notes from escae ts Of the re ign s of Edward III . andHen ry VI . 4 1.

8. Notes from the Paten t Rolls ; 43—57 .

9 . Docum en ts (imperfect ) relating to a comm ission of

sewers, 8 Ric. 70—75 .

10. Notes from Tower Records ; 76—167. Th ese are

written rudely and hastily, and apparen tly by a hand‘

(Dodsworth ’s own , as it seems,) weakened and un certain byreason Ofdisease or age .

Page 200: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer


—XC IV .

Charters relating chiefly to the Houses OfNEwBOROUGH and BILAND , and other n orthern monasteries . See vol . XCI .

1. Charters relat ing to the abbey Of Biland from the

originals in St. Mary’s Tower ; 1—66.

2 . Charters tran scribed at large relat ing to variousplaces in the sou th parts ofYorkshire ; 67—73.

3 . Carta tangen tes diversas eccle sias prioratn i de

Newburgh con cessas e t confirmatas per Rogerum de Mow

bray fundatorem 75—85 .

4. Charte rs relating to various religious houses and some

private fam ilies in the East Riding of Yorksh ire and in

Lin colnsh ire ; 86—106.

5 . Charters relating to the n un s of St. Clemen t n ear

York ; 107—1 1 1 .

6 . Charters relating to the houses ofSyn ingthwaite an d

Gisburgh ; 1 14—12 1.

7 . Inden ture en tre Thomas Con te de Lan castre e t

Mon srAda m (10 Swilington pur servir le dit Con te e t avoir

gages dated at Tu tbury 2 l s t Jun e, 10Edw. II. ; 123.

8. Charters to divers re ligious houses in Yorksh ire, transcribed at large ; 125—146.

9 . Carta fundat ion is SEI Martin i de Albemarle ;

149 and 150. Th is is a charter of S tephen Earl Of

Albemarle 00pied from what appears to have been an

original in the Kirkstall chest in Sain t Mary’

s tower.

10. In quodam registro in officio decan i e t capitul i

Ebor’, apud Ebor’ ; R .D. in dorso ;”

15 1—156. Th isconsists ofcon cise abstracts Ofin strum en ts, ch iefly relat ingto lands belonging to the church Of York, of the reigns of

Hen ry III. and Edward I.11 . Charters relating to the house of Haltemprise ;

157—16 1 .

Among th e Gisburgh charters is a copy of a writ fromKing Edward 1. under the seal ofthe Exchequer, hearingdate at Wes tmin ster 9 th July, 19 th year ofh is re ign , tran s


Page 201: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

( 178 )

m it ting to the prior and con ven t copies of two charters

lying in th e Treasury, and requ iring th em to en ter th e

charters in their chron icle ad perpe tuam rei gesta m emo

riam .

” These were,—1 . A charter tested at Norham th e

Tuesday after the Ascen sion 129 1, by wh ich Floren ce EarlofHolland, Robert de Brus, John Baillol, and o ther com

pe titors recogn ize th e righ t ofKing Edward to decide thequestion of th e righ t ofinh eritan ce of th e kingdom ofScotland, as prin ted in the Foedera, n ew edit. vol. i. p. ii. 766.

The o th er,—2, dated on th e following day, by wh ich thesaid several parties gran t seisin of their castles, 810. to the

king, is n ot in th e Foedera.

Amongst th e Gisburgh charters are also th e two following1. Pe titio Dhi Roberti de Brus liberata apud Berewyke

s uper Twedam die Ven eris prox. post festum Beati Pe triad Vin cula anno Dfii M .CC. n on ogesimo prim o e t regn i


iii Edwardi illustris Regis Anglia e t superioris dom in iregn i Scocia decimo n on o .

” Th is in strum en t is in Fren ch ,and, in that language, is n ot in th e Foedera, bu t th e sub

s tan ce ofit is to be found in ano th er form at p. 776.

2. Carta Roberti de Bruis de resign ation e juris su i adregn um Scocia Roberto filio suo,

”dated at Be'

rwick on

Friday th e m orrow of St. Leonard, 129 2 . Th is is n o t in

th e Foedera. For both th ese in strum en ts see Vin cen t’sD iscovery ofErrors, p . 254 and 255 .



ex diversis au ten ticis, per ROGERUM DODSWORTH,Eboracen sem , rei antiqua studiosum ,

Th is is Dodsworth’s own title . A more particular viewOf th e con ten ts follows .

1 . Extracts from a chartulary of the priory ofthe HolyTrin ity of Kirkham , lately in the tower of St. Mary at

York ; 1—28. This chartulary is now (1835 ) in the

Bodle ian Library, (Fairfax

Page 203: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

( 180 )

1 1. Foundation charter of th e priory ofBolington inLincoln sh ire, from the chartulary in possession ofRobertMe tham ofBolington , Esq. 9 1.

12. Notes of the evidences of Robert Sandford Of th e

Close in Lincoln ; 9 1 .

13. Pedigree of Widderington of Northumberland,taken from the relation Of Sir Ephraim Widderington on

24th August 1643, h e being th en n in e ty years Ofage .

14. Sligh t n otes from variou s charters ; and a few

gen ealogical and topograph ical m em oranda, with a large

body ofextracts from the prin ted Camden ; 9 3—165 .


A volum e relating to the COUNTY OF STAFFORD .

There are a few n otes from Dom esday Book and the

Liber Rub eus ; bu t th e volum e con sists almost en tirely Ofthe pedigrees ofStaffordsh ire fam ilies, as th ey were en teredat th e visitation of 1583 .



1. A large collection of fin es and abbreviation es placi.torum ofth e reign s ofRichard I . andJohn 1—63. A t

60 it is stated that John Bradshaw (who was an Officer

ofrecords) in 15 9 1 made abridgm en ts of th e placita of

th ose re ign s, n oticing especially what belonged t o

pedigree .

2 . In quodam cron ico in principio Libri Dom esday exparte Rememoratoris R. in Scaccario 65 . and “ In fin e

libri predict i 65 .

3 . Extract from abbreviatio placitorum Hill. term .

30Edw . III. 66 b .

4 . Notes from a chartulary ofCastle Acre ; f. 67 b . and


Page 204: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

( 181 )

5 . Tran script ofKing Edgar’s charter to the monastery

OfEly from the bag ofQ uo warran to in the custody Of

the treasurer ofthe Exch equer ; 68.

6. Notes from the collec tion s of Richard Gascoign ou t

ofthe Pell records ; 73 .

7. Th e t itle of Simon Rede and Joan h is wife to the

man or ofMunden Furnyvale ; 80.

8. No tes con cern ing William Briewer, founder Of the

church ofMo tesfoun t ; 81 .

9 . Position es paroch ianorum ecclesia de Slauston

con tra abbatem e t conven tum de Oselveston super can

7 ”taria habenda in Au thorp, m ota in con sistor

’ Lin coln82 .

10. Notes from the will ofJohn Prophe t, dean ofYork,dated London , April 8, 1416 ; 83.

1 1 . A prin ted shee t showing the descen t of th e baronyofFitz Walter ; 84.

12 . Sligh t descen t ofth e Lacis 86.

13. An original charter to the house OfCastle Acre ;f. 87.

14. A few sligh t n otes out ofthe placita ; f. 88.

15 . Notes from the eviden ce s of Sir William Savile of

Thornh ill, Kn igh t and Bart ., 1641 89 .

16. Coll ection s for the descen t ofNevile ; 9 4.

17. Gen ealogical n otices of Chen ey, Marm ion , Say,

Scrope, Basse t, and som e o th er fam ilies ; 9 8—106.

18. Descen t of th e lords Berkley ; 107.

19 . A few gen ealogical n o tes from Gascoign’

s addition s

to Burton ’

s Le ice stersh ire, Lillie’

s collection s, a nd o ther

sources n ot specified ; 109—1 16.

20. Notes from the eviden ces of Edward Lindsey Of

Buck stead in Sussex, Esq. 1 16 b.

2 1. Gen ealogies, mostly of fam ilies in the south Of

England, wh ich appear to b e copied for the m os t partfrom th e collection s ofGascoign , Sir Henry Sain t George,and Sir Thomas Sh irley ; 1 17—154.

M 3

Page 205: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer


—XCVI I I . CI . CIV .

These three volumes, which are consecutive,and were so marked by Dodsworth, V iz . VO] . TTT,

VVV, andWWW, contain his abstracts Ofth e IN

QU ISITIONS POST MORTEM ofpersons who diedpossessed of lands in the county of York, from

1 Henry V II . to 3 and 4 Philip and Mary . Th e

abstracts are very full, showing the lands, the

tenures, and the h eirs .Vol. XCVIII. con tain s to th e 27 Hen ry VIII. , and at

th e end of th e volum e is an exten t of Holdern ess, of

15 Edward I.

—XC IX .

TE STAMENTA nonnulla dispersa et excerptaex diversis registris quorundam A rch iepiscoporum


, ex parte registrarii officii Con sistornibidem reservatis or, as in another t itle , also inDodsworth’s own hand, tam ex parte registrarii

Con sistorii quam ex parte registrarii R eceptoris

Scaccarii ibidem .

Th e wills are abstracted in the same man n er as th ose

in vol. XXII , ofwh ich a specim en has been given . Th e

first will is that ofNicholas son of John de Swan lound,1342, from th e register of archbish op Zouch ; th e last isofth e year 1568, in th e t im e ofarchbishop Young. Th eyare in two serieses ; on e from 1 . to 36, in which are

several n ot in Dodsworth ’s hand ; the second, and by farth e largest series, is en tirely by Dodsworth h im self, filling

from 39 to f. 310. Th is series begin s with the t im e of

archbishop Thomas Arundell, in the re ign ofRichardand extends to th e tim e Of Archbishop Young. Th e

whole number in th is series is abou t 1300.

Con cern ing two wills, viz . those of Ann e Warton ,

28 b, and Christoph er Warton , 35 b, th ere is a memo

randum to th e effect that they are not genuin e .

Page 207: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

( 1 84 )

Miscellaneous collections, chiefly from V IN


1 . From Vin cen t’s manuscript1. Extracts from th e register ofth e priory ofGrysley,

co . Notts ; f. l and 2 .

2 . Historiam onasterii de Parco Stan ley ; f. 3—15 .

3 . Cron ica de fundatoribus e t de fundation e ecclesiae

Theokusburiae , que fundata fuit primo, anno

gratiae Dccxxv per Duces Mercior’

; f. 16—27.

4 . Charters belonging to Poley, Gen t. f. 31 b .

5 . Extracts from a book ofthe m onastery ofSt. MaryOvery ; f. 32 .

6. Notes of th e eviden ces ofLordVaux ofHarwedon ;

f. 36—43.

7. Extracts from a chartulary of the abbey ofFord ;f. 44.

From the Cot ton ian Library1 . Extracts from Vitellius, F. IV., relating to The tford

and other religious foundation s ; f. 67- 72 . Th is

man uscript was greatly injured in th e fire from

wh ich th e Co t ton ian library su stain ed so much

damage .

2 . Extracts from the book ofth e house ofSt . Ben edictat Holm e ; f. 88.

3 . Extracts from Vitellius, F. V III., relating to diversmonasteries ; f. 89 and 9 0; £ 9 5 and 9 6. Th isman uscript was halfdestroyed in th e fire .

4 . Extracts from Tiberius, D. V I ., relating to the m o

mastery ofChrist Church , Twynham ; f. 9 4. Thisman uscript is n ot n ow in the library. Bu t it

may seem as if Claudius, A. VI II., is the manu

script from wh ich the extracts were made, as it

con tain s extracts from the register ofTwynham ,

and also, imm ediately following, extracts fromcharters of Sain t Saviour’s Bermondsey ; n otes

Page 208: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

( 185 )

respecting that house following those respect ingTwynham in Dodsworth ’

s volume ; f. 9 7—101 .

5 . Extracts from CleOp. C . III . ; f. 1 10 and

Be side s th e above, th ere are in th is volum e,

3 . Extracts from the le iger book of St. Giles ofBarn ewell, collected by Mr. Jam es Strangm an ; f. 9 1 .

4 . Extracts from the registry ofcharters of the prioressofHolywell, pen e s Edm . B . [21 e. Edmund Bolton . ]5 . A few n o tes from th e Red Book of the Exchequer ;

f. 103—105 .

6. Two writs from the fin e rolls of22 and 20Edw . III . ;f. 107—109 .

7 . Division of the coun ty of Lin coln , as it may be col

lected from Dom esday f. 1 15 b .

8. Abstracts of charters in possession of the Earl of

Lindsey, ofGeffery Palm er of Carlton , and at BelvoirCas tle ; f. 1 16. Som e of these were commun icated to

Dodsworth by Dr. Robert Saunderson .

9 . No tes from the collection s of Will. Vernon of

Shakerley, Esq. ; f. 123.

10. A few sligh t n o tes of Swinburn , Clifford, and other

northern fam ilies, with sligh t n o tices of eviden ces and

records. Notices also of religious houses, of wh ich the

m ost remarkable is that of th e hospital of St . John th e

Bap tist at Newport Payn el ; f. 124—141 .

—C I I I .

Collections out ofth e CLOSE ROLL S .

These are made, like Dodsworth’

s o ther collection s, ou t

Ofthe Tower records, withou t any prin ciple of selection ,

except that oftak ing what appeared to h im of importan ce .

The extracts are n ot n umerou s, and they are from abou ton e in th irty of the writs en tered on the se rolls. Th isvolume con tain s from 9 John to 26 Hen ry III . Whereth e Close Rolls do n ot n ow exist there are n o extracts inthis man uscript. Vol. CIX. is in sequence to this, and

vol. CXI. con tain s similar collec tions from the rolls of

Edward I.

Page 209: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer



INQU ISITIONES POST MORTEM of the countyYork, 1 Edw . VI . to 3 85 4 Pb . and Mary, beingsequence from vol . CI .

CV .

Miscellaneous collections, relating chiefly to

RELIGIOUS HOUSE S .1 . Ex tracts from th e chartulary ofAbingdon ; f. 1—3 .

2. Ex libro deAbendon , cujus titulus,—Historiaecclesia:Britann icee a tempore Regis Lucii ad ingressum Saxon um ,

&c. ; f. 5—14.

3. Extracts from the chartulary of Evesham in the

C otton ian library, Ve sp . f. 15— 17.

4 . Extracts from Sim eon of Durham ; f. 18 and 19 .

5 . No tes, after Dugdale, from man uscripts in the

Bodleian library ; f. 20— 22.

6 . Notes from a chartulary of the house of Kirkstead ;f. 23—28.

7. Notes, after Dugdale, from a register of charters in

possession of th e dean and chapter of Christ Church , Ox

ford, and from various of th e prin ted chron icles ; f. 30

—35 .

8. Notes from th e chartulary of Pe terborough , calledSwaffham ; f. 36 and 37.

9 . Sligh t n otes from th e escae ts, Ste . at the Tower ;f. 38, 40, and 45 .

10. Extracts from a register ofSt. Edmund’

s Bury in the

custody ofSir Robert Bacon , Bart., ofRedgrave ; f. 41—43 .

11. Notes from a chartulary of the abbey ofWh itby ;f. 46—5 1.

12. Notes from a chartulary of the abbey ofBitlesden ;f. 54—62.

13. Sligh t and hasty n otes from the paten t rolls and

o th er Tower records ; f. 65—83 .

14. No tes from a chartulary of th e abbey ofChateriz

f. 84—86.

Page 211: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

( 188 )

in vol . I . other similar abstracts for the reign of

Edward III .

—CVI I ._Collections out of the ROLL S AND REGI STERS


Th e earliest of th ese are from th e rolls Of Hugh deWells in 6 Hen ry III . , and the latest from the register

of John Dalderby in 13 Edward II. They are veryn umerous, and fill from f. 1—2 17.

CVI I I .Miscellaneous collections, chiefly relating to

RELIG IOUS HOUSE S .l . Extracts from a chartulary of Pe terborough in the

Cot ton ian library ; f. 1—1 1.

2 . Extracts from th e chartulary of Braden stoke ; f. 13-20.

3. In cistellaprioratfis S01 Jacobi Exon ’in collegio

regali Can tabrigien si f. 2 1.

4 . In cistellaprioratfis S. Egidn de Barnwell £ 22

and f. 27.

5 . Notes ofcharters belonging to the h ouse ofBriseleyf. 23.

6 . In cistellaprioratfis de Kersey ; f. 24.

7. A mass of n otes, withou t m uch order, from chartu

laries of various houses, as Keling, Foun tain s, West

m in ster, Pipewell, Blythe, Waleden , Daven try, and Scarborough ; f. 28—71. Among th ese are n otes from the

Co tton ian manuscript Otho, C. VIII ., wh ich is lost, and

from Vitellius, F. VIII . wh ich was half con sumed in the

fire ; oth ers from the eviden ces of He n ry Hildiard of R is

ton , Esq. ; f. 58 ; Brian I’

An son of Ashby Legers in

Northampton sh ire ; f. 59—64 Sir Hen ry Anderson ; f. 67 ;and Lord Newport ; f. 71.

8. No tes of charters in St. Mary’s tower ; f. 73—89 .

9 . Extracts from a chartulary ofthe Pierrepoin t family,belonging to the Marqu is ofDorchester ; f. 9 1—106 .

Page 212: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

( 189 )

10. Pedigree of Arthington ; f. 107 b, 108.

1 1 . Extracts from the eviden ces of Sir George Middleton of Le igh ton , co . Lan c. , Bar t. ; f. 1 10—1 15 .

12 . Pedigrees of Mohun, Eglesfeld, and Holcroftf. 1 17 b, &c.

13. Extracts from the chartulary ofWymundham in

Norfolk, in possession of Sir William Le Neve ; f. 126131.


Collections out of the CLOSE ROLLS .This volume follows in sequen ce on vol. CIII. , and

co n tain s 27—35 Hen . III. They are for every year ex

cept the thirty-fourth . At fol. 73 the regular series is

in terrupted by th e in troduct ion of seven leaves con tain ingcollection s ou t of these rolls of various years in th is reign .

Vol. CXI. con tain s collection s ou t of these rolls for the

reign of Edward I.


This volum e contains a large collection of

FOUNDATION CHARTERS , made in part by Sir William Dugdale . The particular houses are specified in th e form er catalogue . Besides these thereare

1 . Descen t of Frevile and Ferrars, Lords ofTamworth,deduced from the e viden ce s of Lady Ferrers, relict of SirHumph ry Ferrers of Tamworth ; f. 12 .

2 . No te s from the collection s of Sam uel Roper ofLincoln

s In n , Esq. , ch iefly respecting m onas teries ; f. 16—20.

3. Extracts from the chartulary of St. Mary of Castle

Acre , in possession of the King’

s Remembran cer of the

Exchequer ; f. 29—40.

4 . Extracts from the charters of Sir Richard Levesonof Tren tham , K.B., and from the chartularies of Lilles

hull and St . Pe te r of Shrewsbury, in h is possession ;f. 43—66.

Page 213: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

c 190

- e

Further collections out of the CLOSE ROLL S .These are made upon th e sam e prin ciple, or n o prin

ciple, with the like collection s in vol. CIII. and CIX., and

extend from 1—29 Edward I.In the sam e volum e are a body of collection s ou t of

th e close and paten t rolls in term ixed, of 1 1, 12, 18, 19 ,

and 20 Henry III., and of 3 and 19 Edward II.

—CXI I .

Copies of portions of the TE STA DE NEVIL re

lating to the counties of Northumberland, York,Lincoln, Cumberland, Lancaster, Chester, Cambridge and Huntingdon , and Berks .



H ISTORICAL MATTER, being for the most part butrough and hasty notes . The most remarkablearticles are these which follow

1 . Collection s for the fam ilies of Segrave, Legh of

Baguley, and S taple ton ; f. l .

2 . Collection s towards a catalogue of th e treasurers of

the church Of York ; f. 7.

3. Abbots of Selby successively ; f. 7 b.

4. Excerpts from th e book of Foun tain s abbey in the

library of Sir Robert Cotton ; f. 8 and f. 39 .

5 . Pedigree of Hastings of Fenwick ; f. 10.

6 . List of religiou s foundation s in Yorkshire ; f. 10b.

7. Church n o tes at Warrington , with tradition s respecting Sir John Bu tler of Bewsey ; f. 13.

8. Note s ofdescen t ofDarcy, Meyn il, Colevile, Multou,‘POle, Lyvet ; f. 18 b .

9 . Notes ou t of the register of Gisburn ; f. 21.10. Excerpts from Domesday Book ; f. 27.

Page 215: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

( 192 )

28. Epitaphs by Charles Best on Henry IV. of Fran ce,and on Queen Elizabe th ; f. 9 7 b.

29 . No tes ou t of the book of the priory of MonkBre tton ; f. 103 .

30. Mon umen tal in scription s : Hen ry Savile, in the

church of Sain t Martin n ear Charing Cross ; Thomas

Bare t, who was taken ou t of san ctuary at Sain t Pe ter’s,Westm in ster, and cruelly put to death abou t 1461 ;Margery Lady Norreys ; f. 105 b .

31. Notes respecting property belonging to the church

of Kirkby Lon sdale ; f. 1 16.

32. Rough n otes ou t of records of the Exch equer ;f. 1 17—148.

33. Rough n otes from placita and o th er records ; f. 150

- l 8l .

34. Excerpts from th e collection s of Richard Gascoignrelating to Yorksh ire ; f. 182—201.


A volume made up of OFFICE COPIE S ofRECORDS .1. Confirmatio civitat isDublin .

”Cart . 2 JO. NO. 83 ; f. l .

2 . Carta de Surrey.

” Oblata, 3 Jo. In . 1 1 ; f. 4 .

3. Carta abbatis de Fordae t monachorum .

”6 JO. Cartee

An tiquae , G. NO. f. 5 .

4. Extract from the placita Mich . term 4 8:5 Henry III .Robert de Vipon t and Idon ea h is wife pe ten ts again st AliceCoun tess ofAugi ; f. 8.

5 . Perambulation of th e forest of Windsor, Close Roll9 Hen . f. 16.

6 . Con cordia in ter abbatem Westmonasteru e t R i

cardum filium Regis e t Roesiam uxorem ejus de un o m es

suagio e t duabus carucatis terrae in Lesn es, e t pro redditu

in villade Hamm es,”26 Hen . III f. 17.

7. Gran t ofa marke t (the n am e ofthe place left out) toHen ry de Capella. Cart. 1 1 Hen . III. In . 18 f. 19 .

_8. Gran t of Connoc to Richard de Burgh . Cart .

1 1 Hen ry III f. 2 1.

Page 216: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

t 198 )

9 . Gran t ofthe manor ofHatfieldPeverel to Hubert deBurgh Earl ofKen t. Cart . 16 Hen . III. No . f. 24.

10. Charter to the burgesses of Preston in Amounder

n ess. Cart. 37 Hen . III. m . 9 f. 29 .

l l . Inqu is ition p. m . ofSir Richard Basse t as far as re

lates to We lesham in Le icestersh ire, 42 Hen . III f. 33.

12. Inqu isition p . m . of Adam de Feriton or Pierton ,

50Hen . III . ; f. 34.

13. Writ from the Close Roll 52 Hen . III., respectingthe fortifying the Tower of London ; f. 37.

14. Liberties ofthe honors ofBerkhamstedandWallingford ; f. 39 .

15 . Gran t of the honor of Leicester to Edmund the


s son . Charter Rolls 53 Hen . III. In . f. 54.

16 . Verdict before th e just ices itin eran t in the t ime of

Edward I. respecting Badburham in Cambridgeshire ;f. 56.

17. Inquisit ion respecting the lands of George de Cantilupe, l Edw . I. ; f. 66.

18. Inquisition respecting the lands of Nicholas de

Curioll, 2 Edw . I. ; f. 68.

19 . Exten t ofthe lands ofRobert deTateshale, 3Edw. I.f. 70.

20. Inquisition respecting the lands ofHenry de Audley,4 Edw. I. ; f. 76.

2 1. Gran t to Reginald de Grey of the castle ofRu thyn ,

Sic. Rot. Wall. 10Edw . I. m . f. 78.

22. Gran t to Ralph Pipard of free warren in Rother

field, co. Oxon . Charter Roll 13 Edw. I. NO. f. 82.

23. Plea ofquo warran to again s t the abbot ofLeyston ,14 Edw. I. ; f. 84 .

24. Extract from Pope Nicholas ’s taxation : the dean eryofBristol ; f. 9 0.

25 . Assize be tween the Archbishop of York and the

Prior ofBolton , 2 1 Edw. I . f. 9 4.

26. Inqu isition concern ing the lands wh ich were those of

Ph ilippa wife ofRoger de Lan caster, 22 Edw. I . f. 125.

Page 217: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

( 194 )

27. Exten t of the manor ofEwelawe, 23 Edw. I. ; f. 128.

28. Inqu isition respec ting the lands of Adam de

Cre ting, 24 Edw . I. ; f. 131 .

29 . Inquisition ofth e man or ofNedding late Sir Warin

-de Lisle ’s, 26Edw. I. ; f. 136.

30. In qu isition p . In . of Edmund Earl of Cornwall,'

28 Edw. I. ; f. 141 .

31. In qu isi ti on p. m . of Hugh Delaval, 30 Edw. I. ;5'f. 172 .

32 . In quisition s respecting th e state of the bridge at

Eton in Bucks, 31 Edw . I. ; f. 177.

33. In quisition respecting the road and bridges be tweenStratford and West Hamme, 31 Edw. I . f. 19 1 .

34. In quisit ion respect ing the lands of Robert de Sepitem Van n is, 34 Edw. I. ; f. 172 .

35 . In quisition p. m . ofRoger le Bigot Earl ofNorfolk,35 Edw. I. ; f. 174.

36. Extract from the hundred roll of Chadlington , co .

Oxon , respecting th e man or ofChesterton ; f. 177.

37. Extract from th e hundredroll ofNorman cross ; f. 185 .

38. Exten t Of th e wapen take of Ellowe in Holland, co.

Linc. ; f. 19 1 .

39 . Inquisition p. m . ofJohn de Columbers, 34 Edw. I. ;

f. 205 .

40. Ex libro parliam en ti 2 1 Edw. I., placita.

” Walter

Opwrigh t, m aster ofthe Sh ip called th e All Sain ts ofHe th ejuxta Novam Forestam , at tached to an swer, 81a ; f. 209 .

Compare th e prin ted rolls, I. 9 8.

—CXV .

A volume Similar to the last.

1 . Iuq. p . m . ofGuy de Brien , 1 Edw. II f. l .

2 . Inq. p. m . ofJohn le Strange ofKn ockin , 4 Edw. IIf. 18.

3. Writ respectingWilliam Fin ch ingfeld, from the Paten t

Roll 6 Edw . II. In . 23 d. ; f. 22.

4. Writ to Thomas Earl of Lancaster and other barons

Page 219: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

( 19 6 )

19 . Inq. p. m . ofEdward Peverel, 5 Edw. III . ; f. 103.

20. Writ respect ing perambulation s offorests in Surrey.

Close Roll, 7 Edw. III. ; f. 107 .

2 1. Claim s of liberties on the part of th e monastery ofSain t Augustin e at Can terbury, 7 Edw . III . ; f. 1 10.

22. Inq . p . m . ofEubul o le Strange, 9 Edw . III . ; f. 1 13.

23. Inq. p . m . Of John Nevile of Hornby, of lands in

Lan cash ire, 9 Edw. III f. 1 16.

24. Iuq. p. m . ofRichard de Gray, 9 Edw. III. ; f. 127.

25 . Inq. p . m . of John Nevile of Hornby, oflands in

Yorkshire, 9 Edw . III . ; f. 133.

26 . Taxatio sextae decimae, 9 Edw . III. ; f. 139 .

27. Inq. p . m . of John de Glam organ , 11 Edw. IIIf. 143.

28. Inq. respe cting th e hospital of Sain t Mary Magda

l en e at Ripon , 15 Edw . III. ; f. 146.

29 . Gran t to the prioress and n uns of Davyn ton ,

17 Edw. III . f. 158.

30. Con cern ing th e priory of Maxstoke. Close Roll,20Edw . III., p . l . m . 2 . d. ; f. 165 .

31 . Inq. p. m . ofAlice Coun tess ofLin coln , 22Edw. III . ;f. 171 .

32. Inq. quod n on est dampnum ,respecting gran t of a

h ouse in Bridgwater to th e master and bre thren of th e

house ofSain t John in that tow n, 23 Edw . III . ; f. 176.

33 . From the Parliam en t Roll, 25 Edw. III . No .

con cern ing writs ou t Of Chan cery ; f. 179 See prin tedRolls, II. 229 .

34 . Inq. con cern ing a gran t of Hugh le Despen ser to

Alian orwhowas the wife ofRobert de Kayn es, 26 Edw . III

f. 181 .

35 . Inq. ad quod damnum of the man or of Levesham,

26 Edw. III f. 185 .

36. An oth er copy, but more at large ; f. 188.

37. Writ respecting th e repair of th e road from Fin chleyto Highgate . Pat . Roll, 27 Edw. III. ; f. 19 6.

38 . Iuq. respecting m essuages belonging to the TowerofLondon , 32 Edw. III f. 201.

Page 220: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

( 197 )

39 .

“ Pro rectore de Rotherhithe.

” Pat. Roll, 33Edw.III ;

f. 209 .

40. Inq.p.m . ofJohn deVeerEarl ofOxford, 34Edw . III ;

f. 215 .

41. Iuq. p. m . of John de Carreu, Ch”, 36 Edw. IIIf. 2 17.

42 . Writ con cern ing Margare t who was the wife of

William de Roos ofHamlake . Close Roll, 37 Edw . III . ;f. 2 19 .

43 . From the Parliam en t Roll, 38Edw . III., con cern ingthe practice of the Chan cery ; f. 222 . See prin ted Rolls,11. 226.

44. Writ on th e same subject. Close Roll, 39 Edw. III . ;f. 225 .

45 . Writ respecting th e com ing of Albert Duke of

Bavaria, 40 Edw . III . ; f. 228.

46. Inq. p. m . OfElizabe th wife of Giles de Erdingto49 Edw . III . f. 234.

47 Inq. p . m . ofThomas Baynard, 49 Edw . III. ; f. 240.

48. Writ respecting the lands of John Dagenal, Ch”,

deceased, 49 Edw. III. ; f. 246.

49 . From the Parliam en t Roll, 50 Edw . III., No. 58,

Writs de Assisis ; f. 253. Compare prin ted Rolls, II . 332 .

50. From th e same, 46 Edw. III. , No . 38, practice of

Chan cery ; f. 254. Prin ted Rolls, II. 3 13.

All the preceding volumes are folios the remainder are in quarto .

—CXVI .A volume of collections chiefly relating to

R ELIGIOUS HOUSES in th e county ofYORK .

1 . Historia sive fundatio abbath iae de Kirkes tall, ac

cording to a copy wh ich I had of Mr. Cooke , vicar of

Leeds, 6 Sep. f. 1—17.

2 . Note s taken ou t ofa coucher. book of the hospitalof Sain t Nicholas in Poun tefract, in the keeping of

N 3

Page 221: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

f 198

Mr. Skipton in Pon tefract, who len t ‘

it me most friendlyand freely, 17 Aug. 1619 ; f. 19—27.

3. Charter of King Stephen confirm ing th e gran t of

King Hen ry I . to the can on s ofSt. Oswald of two fairs at

Woodk irk ; f. 28.

4. Ex quodam libro an tiquo manuscripto Chron ica

regum Mann iae con tin en te f. 28 b.

5 . Notes ou t ofa man uscript form erly belonging to the

m onks ofKirkstall, in th e custody of Thomas Fawkingham ofLeeds ; f. 28 b .

6. No tes out of the book of the monastery ofMonkBre tton, in th e custody of Sir Fran cis Wortley, Bart.f. 29—38.

7. A record in th e keeping ofJohn Arm itage OfKirkless, relating to the church ofM irfield ; f. 36 b.

8. Extracts from the n otes of Mr. Joh n Han son of

Woodhouse ; f. 37.

9 . Notes respecting th e posterity ofAdam fitz Swe in ;

f. 38 b.

10. Notes ou t ofamanuscript, formerly belonging to thecollege of th e Holy Trin ity ofPon tefract, of the founda

t ion ofSir Robert Kn ollys ; f. 39—46.

1 1 . No tes ou t ofa coucher book of th e abbey ofFountain s, in th e custody ofDame Hon or Proctor, 16 19 f. 47.

12 . Notes ou t ofan o th er coucher book ofthat abbey, inth e custody ofWill. Ingleby ; f. 49 .

13. Notes ou t of a chartulary ofSain t John ofPon te

fract ; f. 52 .

14. The n am es ofdivers stree ts, 810. in the city ofYork,9 Hen . V . ; £ 56.

15 . A collection of valuable n otices ou t of charters

respect ing religious foundation s, especially St. Mary of

York, St. Oswald of Nostel, St. Clem en t n ear York, and

Keldholm e ; f. 56 b .—63.

16. Ou t of an old chron icle in Sir George Young’


keeping, in titled the con tin uance of the chron icle of

England, begin n ing wh ere John Harding left, viz . the

beginn ing of Edward IV. £ 67. The extract relates

Page 223: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer



30.Table ofth e represen tation of the coheirs ofPe ter

de Brus ; f. 147.

31.Sligh t n otes ou t of th e book of Furn ess “ in the

duchy ofl'ice at Greys Inn ; f. 148 b.

32. Note ou t of the Kirkstall chron icle before m en

tion ed respecting the landing ofHen ry IV. at Raven spur ;

f. 148.

33. Ex h istoria Dun elm en sis ecclesiae ab ann o

Dc.xxxv regnan te apudNorthamhumbr’ Oswaldo, usque ad

ann um Dom . an n o Regis Johan n is 1° f. 149

15 1. Hiis temporibus coadunati nee in cimitem'


quidem ipsarum ecclesiarum ubi ad tempus corpus ejus re

guieverat mulieribus introire liceal. See vol. IX .

34. A m em orandum that a roll of th e parliam en t h eld

at We stmin ster in th e 6 Hen ry VIII. is n ow in the hands

ofJohn Hustler at Skipton , 1 April 1630 f. 152 .

35 . Notes re specting the battle at Stamfordbridge from

a man uscript life of Sain t Edward the King, in Dods


s own possession , cap. 36, and from the Chronicbn

B egum Mannide f. 152 b.

36. Two charters ofVavasor f. 153.

37. Deed respectingClem en t Thorpe ; f. 153 b .

-CXVI I .Notes from RECORDS and CHARTER S relating to

the county ofYORK .

1. Extracts from th e collection s of Richard Gascoignmade ou t ofrecords and charters ; viz . in ter alia, Escae tria,

the book ofDaven try in th e duchy office , a chartulary of

Scrope, th e fines, th e gascon , close, paten t, and charter

rolls, chartularies of Rievaulx, Drax, Whalley, Lewes,Kirkstall, Bromholm , m onastic Charters in St . Mary’stower York, Kirkby’s In quest in th e Exchequer, and the

charters ofprivate fam ilies, viz . Nevile, Arm itage, Burder,Barnby, and Malle t.

2 . Copie s of various charters of Fitz Hugh and Sain tQuin tin ; f. 41 -59 . Be tween f. 52 and 53 an original

Page 224: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

( an )

let ter in Fren ch is bound up, addressed by Sir Robert deWylughby Lord ofEresby to his father Hen ry fitz Hug hLord ofRaven sworth , commun icating the in ten tion of the

Duchess ofYork to marry the Lord Scrope, treasurer of

England ; writ ten at Eresby the Sunday after the feast ofthe Nat ivity ofour Lady.

3. Oth er charters relating to Tan field and the FitzHugh s and Marrn ion s ; f. 65 and 66.

4 . No tes ou t of the charters ofWilliam Oglethorpe of

Ogle thorpe ; f. 67.

5 . Notes from m iscellan eous charters ; f. 69 b—72 ;f. 9 9—104 ; f. 107 b—1 12 .

6. Abstrac t ofthe will of Robert Waterton ofMe thley,Esq., dated Jan . 10, 1424 ; f. 73. Th e leaves from folio 73

to folio 80 are wan t ing from the volum e . See what th eycon tain ed in the prin ted catalogue of 169 7.

7. Notes ou t ofthe will ofHolgate Archbishop ofYork ;f. 80.

8. Pedigrees ofBanastre and Astley ; f. 81.

9 . Notes from the charters of Brian Beston , Gen t . ;f. 82 .

10. Notes from th e charters of Nathan iel Birkhead ;f. 82 b .

1 1. Sligh t n otes from charters respecting lands in the

parish ofHalifax ; f. 83 .

12 . Notes from the charters OfFran cis Burde t ofBurthwaite ; f. 83 b .

13. Notes from a book ofMr. Rigby, the escheator of

Lan cas ter ; f. 84.

14. Pedigree of the Own ers of Londsborough to

16 Edw . II f. 84 b .

15 . Pedigre e ofOgle thorpe with n otes from charters ;

f. 86.

16. List of person s engaged to serve William LordHast ings by inden ture, 14 Edw . IV f. 89 .

17. Note s from the chartulary ofLewes respecting the

church OfSandal ; f. 9 7

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( 202 )

18. Inscription in the church ofFran cken thall to the

m em ory ofWilliam Fairfax ; f. 102 b .

19 . Extracts from a ren tal ofall the chan try and college

lands an n exed to the duchy ofLan caster in the coun ty of

York ; f. 105 .

20. Nam es ofseveral sh eriffs ofNorthumberland in the

re ign s ofEdward I . and II. f. 106.

2 1. The nam es ofsundry fryeryes, gu ilds, and chan

trys in and adjoin ing to the c ity ofYork in form er ages

f. 106 b . and 107 . See also the verso off. 19 4 .

22 . Notes ou t of th e collection s of John Han son of

Woodhouse relat ing especially to the manor ofWakefield ;fi l l 3 —157.

23 . Notes ou t of the court rolls of th e man or ofWakefield and other eviden ces relating to that man or ; f. 157

162 .

24. Notes from the eviden ces of Robert Heywood of

Heywood in Lan cash ire f. 163—166.


Further extracts from RECORDS and CHARTERS,chiefly relating to REL IGIOUS HOUSE S .

1 . Extracts from the couch er book of Selby in th e

custody ofTh o . Walm esley ; f. 1—40.

2 . Extracts from th e book ofCockersand in th e custodyofRobert Dalton ofTh om am , Esq. ; f. 41.

3 . Extracts from a book of fees of the coun ty of Lan

cas ter in th e custody ofHugh Rigby feodary ; f. 43.

4. Notes from the eviden ces of Wash ington Of

Adwick le Street ; f. 44 .

5 . Gen ealogia Laceorum Dom in orum de Pon tfract e t

Blakborn sh ire,”from the Kirkstall m an uscript before

referred to in th e custody of Fawkingham of Leeds ;f. 47. Post conquestum autem in unum omn ia sunt redacta,

Ste . The Kirkstall manuscript is now (1835 ) in the

Bodleian library.

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( 204 )

23. Notes from th e collect ions of Ralph S tarkey con

cern ing religious hou ses ; f. 87.

24. No tes ou t of rolls at the Tower relating to Yorksh ire ; f. 89—9 2.

25 . Extract from th e book offees for R ichm ondsh ire in

th e Cot ton library, with o ther matter relating to Richm ondsh ire ; f. 9 3—100.

26. A few n otes o ut of a chron icle ofDurham in the

Co tton library ; f. l 00b .—102.

27. Nam es of sundry person s summon ed to parliam en t

as baron s from 24 Edw. I . to 16 Ric. taken from the

Close Rolls ; f. 103. See also f. 105 .

28. Extract from a book of ten ures in Yorkshire relatingto Dodsworth s ; f. 104.

29 . Notes ou t ofSir Richard Sain t George’

s great blackbook relat ing to Furn ess and Vesey ; f. 104 and 1 12 .

30. Extracts from a kalendar of Gisburn priory inpossession ofSir Robert Cot ton ; f. 106.

31. A few n otes ou t of th e eviden ces of th e Earl OfHun tingdon ; f. 106 b .

32. Notes ou t of two registers of th e h ou se of Furn essin th e office of the duchy ofLan caster ; f. 107.

33. Notes ou t Of a chartulary, th e house un certain ;

f. 109 and 1 10.

34. Ex cron ico monastern de Croxsden f. 111.

35 .

“ De prima fundation e abbathiae de Kirkstede ;

f. 1 11 .

36. Notes from th e book of charters of th e house of

Sain t Th omas th e Martyr n ear Stafford ; f. 111 b.

37. The release of John Aston to the king of h is righ t

in th e coun ty ofAlbemarle ; f. 113.

38. Notes from th e eviden ces ofth e fam ily ofArgen tin e ;f. 1 13 b .

39 . Foundation charter of Horsham and narrative of

the foundation ; f. 114—1 16.

40. List of th e ch ief justices of England from the

conquest to the death of Henry III , and of the chief

Page 228: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

( 205 )

ju st ices ofthe Common Pleas from that time to th e year1588 ; f. 1 17 .

4 1 . No tes con cern ing the fam ily ofBalliol ; f. 120.

42. Notes from the placita, 4 Edw . I. , con cern ingWyveleby and the Earl ofAlbemarle f. 120b.

43. Collection s from various sources con cern ing the

foundat ion ofseveral religious h ou se s ; viz . Bredon , Der

ham , Kn are sborough , Revesby, Evesham , Wh itby, St . Leon ard of York, St . John of Pon tefract, Nun Mon ckton ,Blythe , Newstead, Welbeck, Rufford, 8tc. ; f. 120—132.

44. Notes relat ing ch iefly to the succession of the

dean s OfYork, ou t of three registers of the acts ofchapter,be tween 4 R ic. II . and 31 Hen . VIII f. 133 .

45 . A large collection ofn ote s out of charters relatingto Yorksh ire, with topograph ical m em oranda ; f. 134—145 .

46 . Copies of deeds touch ing the Lord D’

Eyvil l’

s righ t

to Barnborough in Yorksh ire ; f. 146.

47. Notes ou t of th e eviden ces of John Arm itage of

Kirklee s ; f. 147 b .

48. Notes ou t of the e viden ces of Thomas Lewis of

Marr ; f. 148 b .

49 . Notes from charters in Sain t Mary’s tower ; f. 150b .

and f. 153—156. Some in the handwriting ofGascoign .

50. Not ice of Bodlam in Rydale from a book of Sir

Henry Sain t George ; f. 152.

5 1 . Note s con cern ing th e fam ily ofMoun teny ; f. 152.

52 . Descen t ofFleming of Wath from the book of the

hospital ofSt. Nicholas ofPon tefract ; f. 152 b.

53. Extracts from the ch ron icles of Hoveden and

Newbridge ; f 156 b—160.

54. Notes respecting the Cliffords from the m outh of

Mr. Will iam Tayler ; f. 160b.

5 5 . Charters ofth e house ofBridlington ; f. 161—163.

56. Charters ofBosvile ; f. 163 b .— 166.

57 Charters relating to places in the south ofYorkshire ;f. 167.

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( 206 )

Northumberland ; f. 168 b .

5 9 . Foundat ion and o ther charters of Kirklees f. 169 .

60. Oth er charters, with ske tch of descen t of th e fam i

lies of Sain t Mary and of Mowbray ; f. 170.

61. Traditionary accoun t of th e foundation of th e

priory of Bre tton ; f. 172 .

62. Charters of Stu tevile, Roos, Lysurs, 8to. f. 172 b .


63. Extract from an act of parliam en t relating to Hol

gate Archbishop of York, 37 Hen . VIII . ; f. 176 b.

On a fly leaf at th e begin n ing are a few n otes con

cern ing th e public ben efaction s ofMr. Bellot ; also th e

following testimony to the value of th is choice volumeHos egregii viri ROGER I DODSWORTH peren n es labores

in tabulas n ostras tran scripsi, m en se Aug. 1664. N. Johnston , M.D. Pon tefractensis.

”It appears by sim ilar m emo

randa that John ston borrowed other volumes of this col

lection .


Note s, chiefly out of RECORDS , relating for themost part to th e BARONAGE .

1 . Copies of confused n otes ou t of th e public records

and private charters made by Sain t Lowe Kn ive tonf. 1 -56.

2 . Collection s respecting remarkable tenures ; f. 57


3 . Descen t ofFitz Jeffery Lord of Kirtling; f. 65 .

4 . Notes from Lillie ’s extracts from the coucher of

Worksop, and from h is book of n obility ; f. 73.

5 . In scription s at Haversham and Warton ; f. 74.

6 . De pal lio f. 75 .

7 . A prin ted pardon gran ted to William Kirkby of

Rawcliffe , co . Lanc., Esq. , by John Brayborn prior of

Langley ; f. 76.

Page 231: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer


9 . Large extracts from Selden’

s History of Tythes ;f. 121—152 .

10. A few gen erat ion s of Bolton of Bolton juxta Fangfoss ; f. 153 .

Collection s towards a catalogue of justiciars and

j ustices ; f. 155—168.

12 . Sligh t collection s for a catalogue of writers, nativesofYorksh ire ; f. 169 b .

CXX b .

Thus may b e designated a volume , which wasentirely overlooked when the catalogue of 1697

was formed. It is bound up with vol. CXX . The

mark by which it was known to Dodsworth wasC.C . The contents are correctly described by an

old hand on the first leaf This book con

tain eth the LE IGER BOOK of SAINT LEONARD of

YORK , first and second volume , fol . 1 ad 1 12 the

first LEIGER BOOK of FOUNTAINS , ad fin em .

Th e book of Foun tain s was at that time in the possession of Ingleby, Esq.

The volume con tain s also,

1. The early gen eration s ofMaleverer ; f. 156.

2 . Collection s for a list of the priors of St. Oswald of

Nostel, and a few notes out of a chartulary of that house ;

f. 160—164.

CXXI .Notes out of the CHANCERY RECORDS at the

TOWER of matters relating to the county ofYORK,but interm ixed with them are many other things,a list of which follows1 . A leafof extracts made by Gascoign out of the book

belonging to th e church of York, called the Great Wh iteRegister ; f. 47.

2 . Foundation charter of .Nun Apple ton ; f. 48.

Page 232: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

( 909 )

3. Confirmat io mon e tar’

arch iepo Can tuar , 1 Joh n,from a book of charters of the archb ishoprick ; f. 49 .

4. Notes ofeviden ces relating to Pan laith Croft withoutMonk Bar in York ; f. 62 .

5 . Copie s of a few charters in the Yeddingham ch est

in Sain t Mary’s tower ; f. 62 b .

6. A few notes from the chartulary of St. Leon ard of

York ; f. 64.

7. Perambulations of fores ts in Lan cash ire and Yorksh ire ; f. 65—72 .

8. Extracts from Lambert De priscz'

s Anglorum legibus

de mon etariis sive lusoribus f. 72 b .

9 . On the Mowbrays, from th e register of th e homages

to th e Archb ish op ofYork ; f. 85 b .

10. Charter oflands to th e prioress ofNun Apple ton ,

given that Richard Falconberg should have h is lodgingand die t in th e house for twelve years ; f. 86.

1 1 . A few n otes ou t ofHoveden ; f. 87 b .

12 . Extracts from Matth ew Paris and Stowe respectingth e bre thren of th e Sack ; f. 9 9 b .

13. Foundation charters ofWatton andMalton ; f. 100.

14. Sligh t collections for a list of th e Chan cellors of

England ; f.15 . Extracts from a chron icle ofBru te and a ch ron icle

of Kirkstall, bound toge th er, in the Co t ton libraryf. 102— 1 1 1 .

16. Extracts from a chartulary ofSt . Leonard ofYorkin th e Cot ton library ; f. 112—1 16.

17. A page ofn otes respecting Faxfle te ; f. 1 17.

18. Extracts from th e Rievaulx chartulary in th e

Cot ton library ; f. 1 18—132.

19 . No tes o ut of a manuscript of Sir Robert Co t tonrelating to the foundat ion of th e church of Winch ester ;132 b .

20. Gen ealogical h istory of th e Mowbrays, from a

fragmen t of a book ofSelby abbey, bound up with th e

h is tory ofMe rlin in the Cot ton library ; f. 133.


Page 233: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

( 2 10 )

2 1. A few no tes relating to ecclesiastical foundation s in

Yorksh ire ; f. 135 .

22. Charter relating to Penwortham in Lan cash ire ;f. 138.

23. A charter ofliberties to the church ofYork ; f. 139 .

24. Further n otes, resembling those at f. 135—137, froma register ofSt. Leonard

s at York, with o ther n otes towardsa catalogue ofmayors and bailiffs ofYork ; f. 142—160.

25 . Civitas Ebor’ de serjan tiis f. 166 b.

26 . A few n otes ou t of a survey of the lordsh ip of

Middl eham ; f. 168.

27. List of places in Yorksh ire wh ere the m onks of

Burlington had lands f. 168 b .

28. Copy ofth e fin e ofth e castle ofTickh ill, 6 Hen . III .Robert de Vipon t and Idon ea h is wife to Alice Coun tessOfEu ; f. 169 .

29 . A very few n otes ou t of a roll of chan tries in th e

dean ery ofDon caster, in th e Augm en tation Oflice ; f. 169 b .

30. Topographical n otes of places in Yorksh ire ; f. 170174 .


lected from the Chancery and Exchequer recordsand from chartularies, by Talbot, Ferrers, Gascoign, and Dodsworth .

Th e chartularie s are those Of St . Ben edict at Holm e ,

Wym undham , St. Werburgh of Chester, Gloucester,Clerkenwell, Barlings, Kirkstall. In terspersed are the

oath ofth e kn igh ts ofthe Bath , collection s for a catalogue

of the masters of th e rolls, and n otes from th e eviden cesofth e Scropes .


This volume consists for the most part of

extracts from the INQUISITIONS at the TOWER of

Page 235: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

( 9 1 9 )

much of which appears to b e copied from Gascoign . It resembles vol . CXXI I .

There are also

1 . Sligh t n o tes from placita re lat ing to the coun ty of

York ; f. 1—6.

2 . A few n otes ofscu tages from the Red Book of th e

Exch equer f. 6 b .

3 . Notes from placita, fin es, and books of kn igh tsfees ; f. 7.

4 . Notes from the eviden ces of Sir Thomas Me tham ;

f. 8 b . and f. 13.

5 . Extracts ou t ofWeever’s Fun eralMonum en ts f. 134b .


6. Th e names and places ofdwelling in Shropsh iref. 149 .


Collections relating chiefly to ECCLE SIASTICALAFFAIRS in th e diocese ofYORK .

1. No tes ou t ofth e regis ters of th e see ofYork ; viz.

The great roll ofWalter Gray ; f. 1 .

The lesser roll ofWalter Gray ; f. 9 b .

The register ofWalter Giffard ; f. 13.

Th e register of th e dean and chapter, during vacancies of th e see , at divers t im es ; f. 13.

Th e regis ter of Richard Scrope ; f. 27 bThe register of William Wickwan e f. 28 b . and 40b .

The register of Alexander Nevile ; f. 31 b.

The register of Walter Giffard ; f. 34.

Th e register of John Roman e ; f. 35 b.

Th e register of Robert Waldby ; f. 40b .

The registers of Melton , Kemp, Thoresby, and ROman e ; f. 42.

Th e Great Wh ite Register ; f. 45 .

Green field’

s register, the second part ; f. 47Thoresby

s register ; f. 48 and 73 .

Page 236: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

( 213 )


s register, th e firs t part ; f. 49 b.

Th e register ofMr. Robert de Pickering, canon of

the ch urch ofSt. Pe ter of York, and vicar gen eral of Archbishop William , 13 11 f. 53 b .

The registe r of the dean and chapter, called Domes

day ; f. 5 5—70.

The th ird and second parts of th e Wh ite Register ;f. 71.

2 . The charter of King Edgar, and of other Saxon and

Of th e early Norman kings, to th e see of York ; f. 75—88.

3 . Copies of eviden ces relating to tran saction s be tweenth e Vavasors and th e dean and chapter of York and th e

friars m in ors of York, from th e Vavasor eviden ces ; f. 89 .

4 . Collect ion s ou t of records and manuscrip ts in th e

Cot ton library, relating to th e church of York ; f. 100.

5 . Docum en ts relating to th e gu ild of St. An thony atYork, and th e ir house in Peaseholm e Green ; f. 105 .

6. A few extracts from divers prin ted books relating toecclesiastical affairs in Yorksh ire ; f. 106.

7. A few sligh t n o tes ou t of a copy of th e feodary’sbook for Yorkshire ; f. 106 b .

8. Extracts from a terrier of the lands belonging to the

m onastery ofSt. Alban ’

s relating to Norton in the Clay in

R ichmondsh ire ; f. 109 . Th e terrier was a paper bookin the Cot ton library.

9 . A few sligh t n otes from records, and topographicalm emoranda ; f. 110—1 12 .

10. Collection s towards a list oftreasurers ofth e churchof York ; f. 1 16 .

1 1 . Extracts from Harpsfield’

s history ; f. 1 17—122.

12 . Topograph ical n o tes and m emoranda ou t of variousarchbish ops registers, th e m ost remarkable of wh ich are

con stitu t ion s issued at a provin cial con vocat ion h eld at the

chapter house at York, 17th Aug. 1440 and Sundryh eresies main tain ed at Worsoppe by Giles Vanb eller,Duchman and m in ister, wh ich he do th publicly disclaimand recan t .

” There are also notices of a few wills, among

0 3

Page 237: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

9 14:

wh ich are those ofMaud, Coun tess of Cambridge, and of

Ch iefJust ice Gascoign ; f. 123—131.

13 . Out of a table in the revestry of th e cathedral

ch urch of York,” relating to m iracles at th e tomb of

Archbishop William ; f. 132—142 .

14. A report of the occasion of th e foundation of

Bol ton Abbey f. 144.

15 . An accoun t of th e foundation of the free sch ool at

O tley ; f. 145 b .

16 . Various sligh t topograph ical notes ; f. 146 .

17 . Privileges of th e abbey of Sempringham f. 147 .

18. Notes relating to free schools and h ospitals inYorksh ire ; f. 144—153.

19 . Foundation of the priory of Nun Mon ckton ;f. 15 9 b .

20. Extract from a prin ted volum e in th e Cot ton librarycon cern ing Richard de Hampole ; f. 1602 1 . Extract from Mr. Wilson ’

s book of fees of Richmondsh ire ou t ofDom esday Book and Kirkby’s Inquest ;f. 160 b.

22 . Accoun t of th e descen t of Lazingcroft in the Gas

coign s ; f. 162 .

23. Memoranda of h istorical even ts at York ; f. 163.

24. Bill inden ted of th ings given by Sir Tho . Corn

borough to h is chan try pries t in the Trin ity chapel at

Som erby Kirk n ear Gain sborough , 1440 ; f. 164 ; and

o ther deeds of th e sam e fam ily.

25 . Copies of charters relat ing to Osgodby ; f. 168.

26. No tes ou t of fifty-four pieces of old eviden ce had of

my cousin Bosvile, 1618, n ow in Sir Rob . Cot ton’

s library ;f. 171 b .

27. De reliquns reconditis in ecclesra Be’

Pe tri

in the lat ter end of Hierom’

s Evangelists, in th e

register office of the dean and chapter ; f. 172 .

28. Collection s towards a catalogue of the dean s of

York ; f. 175 .

29 . An inven tory of th e j ewels, plate, copes, ves tmen ts,

Page 239: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

9 16


Another volume like the last, chiefly consistingofnotes from the FINE S ofYorkshire lands, copiedfrom Gascoign .

T here are also n otes from th e eviden ces of privatefam ilies, especially Wen tworth , Rockley, S trickland, and

Bellingham , and also from th e book of Foun tain s ; th ebook ofMeaux ; rolls in the castle ofPon tefract ; book WWof Vin cen t’s collection s ; the Dom esday book, and o ther

registers of th e see ofYork ; th e book ofWirksop ; th ebook ofKirkstall ; charters in th e Sinn ingthwaite ch est,

in St. Mary’s tower ; th e torn couch er of St . Mary’sabbey at York ; th e great book of charters in th e DuchyofLan caster office ; th e Roch e abbey ch est, In St. Mary’stower.

At th e end of the volum e is a Ske tch of th e descen t of

Savile ofCopley.


Another sim ilar volum e of cop ie s from Gas

co ign’s collections out of FINE S and PLAC ITA ,

also from CHANCERY and EXCHEQUER RECORDS .There are also n otes ou t of the following books and

charters —The book of the abbey of Pipewell, in th e

Cotton library ; th e book of Christ Ch urch Can terbury,in th e sam e th e register ofGlastonbury, in possession of

Sir Tho . Th in n e ; th e register of Boxgrave ; the LiberR offen sis, in th e Co tton library ; the charters ofMarm a

duke Wilson OfTanfield ; th e charters ofCharles Fairfax ;Sir John Biron ’

s book ; Mr. Vavasor ofHaselwood’

s bookofrecords, dedicated to h im by Mr. Sain t Lowe Kn ive ton .



1 . Notes ou t of a life ofSt . Thomas Becke t, a manu

script in possession ofCharles Fairfax ofMen ston , Esq.,

Page 240: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

( 9 17 )

being extracted by the writer ou t of five several au thors

who had written the said life, viz . John ofSalisbury, Alanabbot of Tewkesbury, William subprior Of Can terbury,Herbe rt de Boseham , andWilliam Fitz Steph en ; f. 1—10.

2 . Extracts from the couch er book of the hospital of

St. Leonard ofYork, in th e Co t ton library ; f. 1 1.3. Gran t by Edmund, son ofKing Hen ry, to Steph en

de Langton of the marriag e ofElizabeth cousin and h e ir

ofRobert Banaster ; f. 17.

4 . Charter by wh ich Hen ry de Laci gran ted the manor

ofWalton in Lancash ire to Robe rt Banaster ; f. 17 b.

5 . Notes from placita ; f. 18—21.

6. Notes from Duch esn e’

s Norman h istorians and other

prin ted books f. 23.

7. Miscellan eous n otes ou t ofcharters f. 2 9 , 35 .

8. No tes ou t of the evidence s of Sir Henry Savile of

Me th ley, with pedigree ofSavile ; f. 3 1—35 .

9 . Verses on a brace le t of hair given by a gen tle

woman to her serv

an t ;”f. 36.

10. Extracts from a book ofFoun tain s in the custodyOfSir Hen ry Savile ; f. 37—45 .

1 1. Note s from wills proved in th e court of th e Archbishop ofYork, 139 8 to 1470 f. 5 5—9 5 .

12 . Inden ture respecting the will ofWilliam Balderston ,38 Hen . VI f. 9 6.

13. Collect ion s, ofn o great value, ofh istorical even ts atYork ; f. 101—108 .

14 . No tes from charters ofMarm ion and Fitz Hugh ;f. 109—1 16.

15 . Copy of an old docum en t relat ing to the vill of

Erdsley in Yorksh ire ; f. 1 17.

16 . A few n o tes ou t of what appears to have been a

Serm on on Numbers ii. 12 f. 1 19

17 . A tran script from Domesday Book of what relates

to York ; f. 12 1.

18. Anoth er copy ofthe discourse ofCuthbert Tunstall

Page 241: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

( 2 18 )

Bishop of Durham with King Hen ry VIII . in praise of

Yorksh ire ; f. 123. Prin ted by Hearn e .

19 . Large collection s ou t ofrecords touch ing the fam ilyofMe tham f. 125—139 .

20. The n ames ofcolleges, hospitalls, chan treys, free

chapells, stipendiaries, priests, guilds , fratern ities, and oth ersuch like perpe tu it ies in city and coun ty of th e city of

York, and th e archdeaconry, 27 Hen . VIII . , with th e nam es

ofth e in cumben ts and founders, with th e in ten tS '

of th e

foundation s, th e distan ce from th e parish church , with

th e uses and n ecessities ofth e foundation s ; f. 140—155 .

2 1. The n am es of divers chan tries with in named,

graun ted to th e Lo . Mayor ofYork, and 3 Obits, and dis

solved by act of parliamen t, and by the King’

s le tters

paten t, dated 15 April an n o regn i 27 ; f. 156 .

22 . Sim ilar n ote s of chan tries in o th er parts of the

diocese ; f. 160—169 .

23. A catalogue of religious hou ses in the n orth of

England, specifying th e nam e of th e founder, th e an nual

value of th e lands, peculiar superst it ion s in each house ;

f. 171—182. From a man uscript in th e Co tton library.

24. Out ofa n ote en titled Progressus Dom in i Suffra

gan ei, writ ten in an an tien t hand. Th is I had of RalphStarchy, a diligen t search er ofan tiqu ities, 13th Oct . 162 1.

It seem s th e part of Leland’s itin erary wh ich I have seen

in Mr . Wil. Burton ’

s hands, of Lyn ley in Leicestershire ,and by h im given to th e library at Oxford in «May 1635

f. 183—188. I do n ot perceive why it Sh ould be supposedto b e Leland’s it is on ly a very sligh t itin erary of th e

religious houses in Nottingham sh ire, Yorkshire, and Lancash ire, the information collected by report, and relatingto lit tle m ore than th e founder and th e order.

25 . Notes respecting th e n orthern m on asteries takenou t ofa visitation by Norroy in th e t im e of Hen ry VIII .,before th e dissolu tion ; f. 189—19 4.

26. A few n otes out ofGodwin de praesulibus ; f. 19 5 .

Page 243: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

( 220 )


s chron icle—th e book of th e priory ofMendham

th e book Of Foun tain s in th e custody of Will. Ingleby of

Ripley—th e book of Barden ay—th e book of fees in th e

duchy office—th e chartulary of Castle Acre in possessionof th e king

s remembrancer—the book of the priory of

Southwark .

CXXX I .Volum e relating to the DUCHY of LANCASTER,

in two parts .

1 .

‘ 5 Feodarium ducatfis Lan c’, extract’ de Rubeo Libro,libris feodarium , e t libris rat ion abilis auxilii in Scaccario

dom in i Regis existen t’

n een on de diversis inquisition ibus,

ro tulis curiae e t comptorum , ac aliis eviden tiis,”Stc. ; f. l


2 . Inqu isition es apud Lan caster de hom in ibus ten en t’

de dom in o Rege u t de ducat’

suo Lan c’ t erras e t ten e

m en ta in com’ Lan c’ in capite u t per servicium m ilitare ,

capt’ coram e scae tor’

diversorum regum in eodem com’


tam per brevia quam virtu te officiorum e t sim iliter per com

m ission es ;”f. 87—104. Th is is Copied from Bardsey


roll of tenures in Lan cash ire, then remain ing in th e Court

ofWards at Westm in ster.


Collections ofFEUDAL TENURES in the CountiesofNOTT INGHAM and DERBY . The paging of thisvolume begins with f. 33.

1 . Extracts from th e Testa de Nevill ; f. 33 —35 .

2 .

“ De serjan tiis arren tatis per Rob ertum de Passelewe

temp. Hen . fil. Regis J., No t t’

e t f. 41.

3 . Veredictum de singulis wapen tagiis de com’ No t t

e t

Derb’ de escae tis dom inab us valect is e t puellis, Szc. captain ter 1 e t 3 Ric. I. ; f. 43—46. Th is is a portion ofthe RO

tulus de Dom inabus, Stc. in th e custody ofthe king’

s rem em

b rancer, wh ich Dodsworth , Wi th o th er an tiquaries, regarded

Page 244: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

( 9 2 1 )

as belonging to the re ign ofRichard I. , and n ot to that of

Hen ry II. Late r matter occurs u nder the h eading abovegiven , for it is stated that William de Furn ell h eld the

church of th e High Peak by gift of King John .

4. Feoda m ilitum in com . Not tingham f. 46 b .—48.

5 . Copies Ofn o tes by Sain t Lowe Kn ive ton ou t offin es,

inqu isition s, and o th er records, relating ch ieflyi

to the

coun ty ofNot tingham ; f. 49—88.

6. Ex rotulo de inquisition ibus, Stc. in diversis com’


in Scaccario ex parte Agard.


Derb’ f. 89

—9 3.

7. Feoda m ilitum e t advocation es ecclesiarum quasfuerun t Edmundi fratris Regis in com . Derb’, 25 Edw . I .f. 9 7—9 9 .

8. Feoda dom in iHen rici Comitis Lan castriae , Derb’ e tNot t

, de quibus levari fecit rationab ile auxilium ad prim o

gen itum filium m ilitem faciendum , ann o 4 Edw.

f. 100.

9 .

“ Liber feodorum in Scaccario pro eviden tn s e t n on

pro recordo, sicu t testificatur per Baron es in Scaccario ininq. p. m . Johann is filii Thomae de Hun tercomb e, ann o

27 Edw. III . , Bucks ; f. 105—108.

10. Feoda m ilitum quae ten en tur in com’ No t t’ e t

Derb’ qu i hab en t brevia de habendo scu tagio, 20Hen . III.

f. 108 b .- l 14.

1 1 . Idem , qu i non hab en t ; f. 1 15—120.

12 . Nomina villarum , 9 Edw . H ., Notts e t Derbf. 12 1—127.

13 . Placita de quo warran to coram W. de Herle e t

sociis suis justiciariis dom in i Regis itin er’

apud Derb’ dieLunze prox. post festum Apostolorum Pe tri e t Pauli,4 Edw. III . ; f. 129—145 .

14. A few n otes of Not tinghamshire and Derbysh iredescen ts f. 146.

15 . A few sligh t notes ou t of Chancery and Exchequerrecords, touching th e two coun ties ; f. 149 .

Page 245: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

( see )


Notes chiefly out of the EVIDENCE S of PRIVATEFAM ILIES in the county of YORK .

1 . Charters from the chartulary of the priory of

St. John of Pon tefract ; 1—6.

2 . Notes ou t of the eviden ces of Cudworth of Eastfield, f. 7 ; Edward Arm itage of Kerresforth , f. 8 ; Sir

Gervas Cutler, f. 12 ; Robe rt Wood of Barn sley, £ 29 ;Kerresforth , f. 31 ; Arthur Longley ofDalton , 32 ; JohnRam sden ofLassel Hall, f. 39 Richard Pilkington , 68 ;

Richard Sykes, rector of He tou , 73 ; Thomas Fin ey,73 b Thomas Boswell of Newhall, f. 78 ; RichardHorsford, 79 ; George Thurgarland, 87 ; ThomasThornh ill , 9 6 ; Sir Richard Beaum on t, 100—149 .

3. A few n otes from the charter rolls, Stc. respectinggran ts of free warren and marke ts in the West Riding of

Yorksh ire ; 72 .

4 . In qu isition at Wakefield, 27th March 19 Edward IV.,

con cern ing was tes, con tem pts, and other tran sgression s in

the lordsh ip of Wakefield ; 84.

5 . A ren tal of Almonbury ; 85 b.

6. Descen t of An n esley ; 9 3 b.

7 . Descen t of Elland and Tankersley, from a Visitationbook ;8. Notes ou t of the Nom ina Villarum and Kirkby’s

inquest ; 9 4 b .

9 . Out ofMr. Edward Han son ’

s n o tes ; 9 9 b.



The se were made by Sain t Lowe Kn ive ton , from whosemanuscript Dodsworth has tran scribed th em . They are

taken from th e fin es, chartae, placita, inqu isition s, paten trolls, close rolls, and th e originalia and mem oranda Of

the Exch equer. There are a few n otes from Burton ’


Page 247: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer


16. No tes from the chartulary of St. John “ of Pon te

fract ; 9 5 and 128 b .

17. Notes from the eviden ces :of the fam ily of Con

stable ; 9 7—122 .

18. Notes from th e eviden ces of Sir Pe ter Middle ton ;f. 123 and 131.

Notes ou t of th e book of Bolton ; 130b.

20. Notes from th e eviden ces of Sir Th o. Vavasor ;f. 132 b.

2 1. Notes from th e chartulary of Orm sby, in th e pos

session Of Rokeby of Sk ires ; f. 139—16 1.

22. A few n o tes from Camden’

s and Vincen t’s prin tedworks ; 161 b.


Collections from RECORDS , CHARTERS , and

CHARTULARIES , like the preceding volum e .

1 . Notes after Kn ive ton , ch iefly from placita and Ia I

sition s 1—42 .

2 . Notes ou t of the registers of th e see of York, in terspersed am ong th e preceding.

3 . Church n o tes at Borough Green in Cambridgesh ire,Warsop and Cuckn ey in No tts .

4. No tes from eviden ces Of th e Earl of Kingston and

Newton ; f. 43 b .—48.

5 . Notes from a chartulary of Pipewell ; 49—82.

6. No tes from a chartulary of Selby in th e registry of

the chamber of the duchy of Lan caster ; f. 85 .

7. Copie s of a few n otes of Th inne out of records at

the Tower ; 89—9 3.

8. Notes from th e eviden ces of Thomas Standish of

Dukesbury ; 9 5 .

9 . Notes from two books of fines in possession of Sir

Henry Osborn e th e king’s remembran cer, be tween the

re ign s ofEdward II. and Edward IV. ,9 7.

10. Further n otes from the chartulary of St. John of

Pon tefract ; f. 145—15 1 .

Page 248: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer



A‘ large collection of ARMS found in many

churches and gentlemen’s houses, chiefly ofYorkshire .

This volume is n ot in Dodsworth ’

s own hand. Much

is from the visitation of 1585 . A few monumental inscription s are in terspersed. At 86 b . are sligh t ske tches of

the descen t of Kaye and Flower. Th e names of many of

the churches and houses may be seen in the catalogue of

169 7.

CXXXVI I I .Large extracts from a CHARTULARY of the

HOUSE of ST . O SWALD ofNOSTEL in th e possession ofCharles Fairfax ofMenston, 1632 .

A t 5 9—61 and 16 1—165 are notes ou t of the bookofSt. John ofPon tefract.


Miscellaneous collections chiefly from CHARTERSand CHARTULARIE S .1 . Notes from the evidences of Robert Rockley of

Rockley ; £ 1—31. Thomas Barnby of Barnby ; 33

-72 .

2 . Notes from a coucher of evidence belonging to

Kilnhurst ;” 73 .

3 . A few no tes respecting the fam ily ofClapham ; f. 81.

4. Notes from the evidences of John Layburn of Skelm erthorpe in Wes tmorland ; 81 b .

5 . Descen t of Flem ing, Harrison , Vavasor, Ascough ,Holt, Han sby, Sme theley, Ingleby, Bosvile . These are

for th e m os t part from the information of persons thenliving ; f. 82—85 .

6 . A few early generation s ofRidell and Basset ; 86 b.

7 . No tes from the evidences ofThomas Lord Fairfax ;f. 89—126 .

Page 249: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

( 886 )

8. Notes ofthe descen t ofBeckwith ; f. 126 b .

9 . No tes out of the book of Barlings in possession of

Sir Robert Cotton ; 129 .

10. A few sligh t n otes, chiefly ofwills, from the registers

of Booth, Thoresby, Scrope, and William , Archbishops ofYork ; 130—133.

1 1. Notes respect ingHunmanby and the parts ofYorksh ire adjacen t ; 135 b .

—141 .

12. Notes from the evidences of Robert Sherburn of

Little Mitton ; 141 b.

13. Copies of three let ters to Dodsworth ; viz . ThomasBosvile, 6th NOV. 1622, relating to th e coheirs of Sim s of

Barn sley ; Robert Mirfyn , 20th April 1634, asking forinformation respecting the descen t of on e th ird of the

man or of Rawmarsh ; and Gilbert Hogh ton , 30th March

1634, concern ing Lit tle Darwen t in Lan cash ire ; 142 .

14. Fun eral certificate ofRalph Creyke ofMarton ,Esq.,

who died 27th July 1623, and of Richard Cholmley of

Bran sby, who died 2 l st March 1622 143 b .

15 . Descen ts ofAsh ton and Normanvile ; 144 b.

16. Inden ture be tween Richard Duke of Glouces terand the dean and chaplain s of h is college of Middleham,

dated l st Oct . 20 Edw . IV. 145 b .


‘Sligh t descen t of Thurland of Gamston , co . No tts,

from Tho . Thurland, founder of th e guild of the HolyTrin ity in the church of St. Mary ofNottingham ; 147.



1 . List of monasteries in Yorksh ire, with the dates of

th e foundation of many ofthem ; 1 .


2 . List of sh eriffs of Yorksh ire from l st Henry II . tothe year 1623 ; 5—15 .

3 . Notice respecting a house of St . Helen ’

s founded

Page 251: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer


diocese with th e names of the patron s, made about thetim e of the Reformation ; 80- 9 6.

17 A chron icle upon paper, eleven leaves closelywrit ten , from 129 8 to the death ofKingRichardH., aboutwh ich t ime it was written : Anno '

gratiae 129 8jloruit SanctusLudovicus 9 8—109 .

18. Inq. p. m . of John Duke of Britain e and Earl of

Richm ond, 15 Edw. III . ; 1 10—1 15 .

19 . Inq. p. m . ofRalph Earl OfWestmorland, 4 Hen .VI.,

and of Joan Coun tess Of Westmorland, 19 Hen . VI. ;f. 1 16—148.

20. Prosopopoeia, or a conferen ce h eld at AngeloCastle be tween th e pope , the emperor, and. th e king of

Spain a prin ted poe tical tract con sisting ofthree leaves.2 1. The descript ion of Yorkshire, by Jo. Speed149 ad finem .





1 . Notes from th e Liber Rub eus of th e Exch equer, made

from a tran script in the custody ofMr. Hen ry Lilly, 16331—40.

2 . Notes out of Sir Robert Cot ton ’

s book of seals in

Mr. Lilly’s custody, 1633 ; 41—5 1 . In the preparat ion of th is book the register ofGodstow and the book of

Lilleshal were u sed, al so the baron s le tter to the pope in1300.

3. Sligh t n otes of the descen t of Con stable ; 48 b.

4. Notes out of the collection s of Glover, Somerset

5 1 b.

5 . Notes out ofcharters Ofthe abbey ofDor ; 52 b.

6 . Notes out of the ch ron icle of Llan thony in Wales ;

f. 53 b .


7 . Notes out of the h istory of the monastery del Parkde Stanley ; 54 b.

Page 252: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

( 229 )

8. Various n otes of charters and seals, which may seem

to be taken out ofSir Rob . Cotton’

s book above m en t ion ed ;

55—7 1.

9 . De serjan tn s arren tatis per Robertum de Passelewe,

t emp. Hen . III. 71 b .

10. Recepta per Robertum de Furnello, ann o

20Hen . III f. 73— 77.

1 1. Notes out ofth e charters ofSir Ch ristopher Hat ton ;

12. Extrac ts from Mr. Bradshaw’

s abstracts ofpleas inthe t ime ofKing John ; 79—109 .

13. No te of the descen t of Cauz, from th e RagmanRoll, temp. Hen . III £ 1 10.

14. No te of th e foundation of the hospital of Gaun tn ear Bristol 1 10b .

15 . A few m iscellan eous charters ; 1 11 .

16. Notes from th e eviden ces of Hen ry Caldecote of

Basingfield, co. Not ts ; 113 .

17. Descen t of Briewere, Holland, and Thweng, withillustration s from the records ; 1 16—121 .

18. Notes from the chartu lary of Ram sey in possessionOfSir Hen ry Spelman 12 1 b.

19 . On th e foundation of th e two Scottish archbishopricks 123.

20. Notes from the collection s ofSir Hen ry Spelman , in

cluding a pedigree ofLestrange of Hun stan ton ; 12 1 b.


2 1. Sligh t n otes ofdescen t ofGrey ofCodn or ; 133.



1. From the register of the priory ofBurscough in the

Office ofth e duchy 1—8.

2 . From the eviden ces of Sir Gilbert Hogh ton , Bart.f. 9—663. Miscellan eous Lancash ire charters ; 66 b .

—85 .

P 3

Page 253: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

4. Copy of receit, signed Tho . Hobby, given to Tho.

Standish, Esq.,in 22 Hen .VII., for seven pounds, a fin e for

n ot having taken the order of th e Bath at th e creation of

Prince Henry ; £ 89 .

5 . Remarkable monumen tal in scription Of Sir Th omasLangton , K. B. , Baron of Newton Mackerfeld, who died

in 1604 ; 89 .

6. Notes from the eviden ces of Tho. Hogh ton of Pen

dle ton ; 9 0—9 5 .

7. Sligh t n otes from th e court rolls of Wakefield,Dom esday, Stc. ; 9 6.

There is n o pagingfrom 9 6 to 105 .

8. Notes from the eviden ces ofRob . Heske th ofRufforth ;f. 105—112 ; EdwardCalveley, 1 13—1 17.

9 . Collection s for the de scen t of Holcroft and Gern e t ;f. 1 18—124.

10. Notes from the eviden ces ofTho . Kirkby ; 125 .

1 1 . Sligh t descen t ofth e Lan casters ; 125 b .

12 . Sligh t descen t of th e fam ily ofNorfolk ofBarn sley ;f. 126.

13. Notes from the eviden ces ofRalphAsh ton ofMiddleton , 129—149 ; Mr. Talbot of the Carr, 153—155John Holcroft of Marton , f. 161—172 ; Richard Bold of

Bold, f. 19 3—220.

14. Charters relating to North Meles and BurtonWood andWydn es ; 225—247.

15 . A memorandum that th e sou th quire of th e chapelofFarnworth was built by William Sm ith , founder ofBrazennose College, Oxford ; 224 b.

- CXLI I I .


On th e last leafare a list of town s ‘

in Stann erton parishin North umberland, and “ A particular Of my n ephewCarnaby

s e state and at 54 is a memorandum of the

Page 255: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer


10. No tes Out of Vin cen t, and Burton ’

s History of

Leice stersh ire ; f. 59 —66. See also 33 b . , 75 .

1 1 . No tes ou t of a man uscript of Hoveden’

s chron icle

in the possession ofSamuel Roper ofDerbysh ire ; 67.

12 . A pardon from Pope Bon iface , dated 7 Jun e 139 1,gran ted to Sir Gerard Braybrook, and found in h is coffin

1 Jun e 1608, wh en digging the grave for Sir RichardSwale ; f. 68.

13. Sligh t gen ealogical and other n otes ofPigot, Nevil,Gascoign , Palm er ; 69 .

14 . Notes ou t ofa book on th e stat ion s and indulgences

ofth e church ofRom e ; 70.

15 . Notes from th e eviden ces of Mr. Wash ington of

Adwick ; 71.

16 . Notes respecting Manby, Glan vile, Thweng,

St . Qu in tin , and oth er an cien t fam ilies, ou t of a book of

Jacob Chalon er ’

s, 1615 ; 72 b .

17. Arm s above th e tomb of Lord Hun sden in West

m in ster abbey 74 b .

18. Foundation charter ofAbingdon f. 75 .

19 . Gran ts by Richard I . to Alan de Valon n s, and of

John to Roger de Mon tbegon , of lands in Yorksh ire ;f. 78 b .

20. A tran sversion in a religious sen se of th e u sual

term s ofa feoffm en t deed, in verse ; 79 .

2 1 . Notices of De la Hay and Harrington from th e

church es ofAdwick and Don caster ; 80b .

22 . Descen t ofLacy and Harrington ; f. 82 .

23. Descen t ofWen tworth from Despen ser f. 82 b .

24 . Collection s towards a catalogue ofsh eriffs ; f. 83 .

25 . Extracts from a catalogue ofkn igh ts and th eir arm s,

temp . Edw . II f. 84.

26 Sligh t gen ealogical m em oranda ; f. 87.

27 . Foundat ion of the abbey of Ram say, ou t Of the

l ife ofSt . Oswald in th e Legenda Sanctorum f. 87

28. Latin lin es from th e second couch er of Furnese

abbey at th e duchy Office, relating to the composition of

the book f. 88.

Page 256: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer


29 . Descen t OfPercy from Meynel ; 88 b.

30. Baron s and th e ir arms, from an Old book ofBlazonin the office ofarm s ; 9 0.

31. A few n otes ou t of records at the Tower ; 9 1 b .,

9 7.

32 . Gran t ofWalton from H. de Laci ; 9 2 .

33. Extracts from th e book ofWh itby abbey 9 2.

34. Sligh t genealogical n otes, Latimer, Tempest, Gern e t ; f. 9 5 .

35 . Notes ou t ofth e chartulary ofCockersand 9 6.

36. Sligh t topographical and ge nealogical n otes ; 100


37. Notes ou t of the book of St. John ofJerusalem in

the Co t ton library respectingMandevile ; 105 .

38. Notes ou t ofthe register ofBarnwell, in the sam e

cus tody ; 105 b.

39 . Traditionary stories in the families of Beaumon tand Lamb ton ; 107.

40. No tice ofSir Pe ter Middle ton ; 107.

4 1. Sligh t m em oranda respecting baron s ofparliamen tin the re ign s ofEdward I., and III. ; 108.

42 . List ofKn igh ts of th e Bath m ade at th e coronation

ofKing Jam es, and ofKn igh ts ofth e Garter ; 109 .

43. No tes relat ing to Se t terington ; 1 10—1 13.

44. No tes ou t of Stowe, Speed, Godwin , and o th er

au thors ; 1 12 b .— 116.

45 . Topograph ical n o tice ofBurrowe in th e parish of

Tun stall in Lan cash ire ; 1 16. A Roman stat ion .

46. Notes ou t ofeviden ces of Bosevile, 1 17 and

Ash ton ofCroston , f. 1 17 b .

47. Descen t oflands to Elizabe th Scrope, wife of Tho.

Clarel ; 1 18 b .

48. List of gen tlemen of Cornwall and their arm s ;

f. 120.

49 . An n iversaries out of an ancien t m issal bound upwith a chron icle made by Michae l th e monk ofDurham ;


50. Sligh t notes from the book ofNun Keling ; f. 122 b.

Page 257: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

5 1. Feoda m ilitum dom in i Radulph i de Nevill de

man erio suo de Sh irefHoton 125—129 .

52 . No tes from inq. p. m . of William Lord Roos,27 Edw. 111 129 b .

53. Feoda justiciaru forestae de Galtres ; 130.

54. The station s in Rom e in th e cite and withou t ;134—137. Prin ted in black le t ter.

5 5 . Descen t of th e an cien t Earls ofEssex ; 138.

56. Topograph ical n otes respecting Kn aresborough and

th e parts adjacen t ; 139—142 .

57. Notes ofarms in som e of th e church es of York, of

th e bounds of th e parish ofSain t Maurice, Stc 143


58. Church notes at Preston and Rochdale ; 143 b .,

145 .

5 9 . Descen t ofHeske th ofLan cashire ; 144 b.

60. List of Sh eriffs of Lan cash ire, from 1 Eliz. ' to

15 James ; 145 .

61 . Note s respecting Bargh and Galberhall in Yorksh ire ; 147.

62. Remarkable tenures of Ayslaby of the abbot of

Malton , and ofDunn ington of the abbot ofSelby ; 149 .



1 . In Mr. Ch. Fairfax’s great book of law annals,Gallice scripto ;” 1—35 . These are of the reign of

Edward II.2 . Notes ou t of anoth er book of law annals in the

cu stody of Edward Gibson , Esq. ; 41, 42, 45 b .—48,

9 6 b ., 9 8. Th ese are ch iefly of th e reign of Edward 111.3. In a couch er of evidence belonging to several

h ouses of th e Saviles, in th e possession of Sir Hen rySavile 43, 44 .

4. A large collection of historical and gen ealogical

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( 236 )

5 . Descen t ofMirfield andWen tworth , Carus, Briewer,Bowe s, Pollington ; 15 b .

-22 .

6 . No tes from evidences of Alexander Rigby ; 17,

40, and 12 1 .

7 . Church n otes at Man ch ester ; f. 18.

8. Foundation of th e abbey ofFon ten el in Normandy ;£ 23—25 .

9 . Gran t ofWilliam Duke of Normandy, son of RO

bert, San ctae Abrincen si ecclesiae 26 .

10. Foundation of the church of the nun s of Sain tAmand, n ear the walls of Rouen ; 29 .

1 1 . Foundat ion of th e abbey of Caen ; 30.

12 . Foundation ofth e priory ofSt . Mary Magdalen e at

Barn staple ; 32 .

13. Gen ealogical n otices of th e founders of Barnwell,of Pigot, &c. ; 37.

14. Baron s summon ed to parliam en t, 49 Hen . III. ;37 b .

15 . Note respecting th e death of Prin ce Arthur, fromth e chron icle of Ralph Niger in th e library of Trin ityCollege, Cambridge ; 38 b.

16. Descen ts of Gern e t, Beauchamp, Peverel ; f. 41 b .

17. A leafcon tain ing several Latin epigram s ; 43.

18. A large collection of drafts of seals ; 44—75 .

19 . Extracts from th e chartulary of Monk Bre t ton,in

possession of Sir William Arm in e ; 76 —81.

20. A few topograph ical n otes in Lancash ire ; 100.

2 1. Descen t of Pagan el 103 b .

22 . Sligh t attempt at a classification of various Englishm onasteries ; 105 .

23. Topograph ical notes and sligh t church n otes at

Gain sborough , Gisburn , Mitton , Mattersey, Belton ,Nock ton , Wakefield, Don caster, Marr ; 107—119 .

24. Notes ou t of the close rolls of the re ign of

Hen ry III . ; 120—131 .

In terspersed are various extracts from Camden and

o ther au thors, whose works are prin ted.

Page 260: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

( 837 )

CXLVI I I .Transcripts from writings of the family of

PLUMPTON of PLUMPTON in Yorkshire .

Th is volum e con sists of two parts z—l . Copies of evi

den ces, many of which are very curious and importan t,being illustrative of an cien t u sages or con n ected withpublic affairs. 2 . Copies of the corresponden ce of the

fam ily from th e re ign of KingHen ry VII. Some of th ese

are on public affairs, o thers relating to the private con

cern s of th e fam ily. At 79 are in serted pedigrees of

Tempest of Brough ton and Eltofts ofFarnh ill.


Collections for the COUNTY of LANCASTER .

1. Notes from th e eviden ces of John Osbaldeston , sonOfSir Edward ; 1—62.

2 . Foundation of th e priory of St. Mary ofLancaster ;63.

3 . Inq. p . m . ofJohn Lauren s, 5 Hen . VII. ; 65 .

4. Bounds of Clifton ; 67.

5 . Monumen t ofScarisbrick at Orm skirk ; 68.

6. Notes from th e eviden ces of Richard Crich ley of

R igmaden -house, 68 b Robert Plessington ofDimp les,72 b William Travers ofNeatby, 75 .

7. Notes out of a survey of the duchy of Lan caster,20Edw . 111 79 .

8. Church n otes at Rufford, and collection s for th e

fam ily ofHeske th of that place ; 81.

9 . Sligh t collection s for descen t ofHornby ; 85 .

10. Notes from th e eviden ces of Thomas Kirkby of

Rawcliffe, 85 b . ; Thomas Kirkby of Upper An cliffe,9 1 Sir Jam es Bellingham , 103 .

1 1 . Notes from a book ofLancashire ten ures ; 105 .

12. Descen t of Tildesley, Sherburn , Hogh ton , Sk illicorn e, and Travers, 106 ; Greenacres, 1 11.

13. No tes from inquisition s and other public records

respecting Lancashire ; 108—111.

Page 261: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

( 238 )

14. Notes from the eviden ces of W ill. Bu tler of Raw

cliffe ; f. 1 14—12 1 .

15 . Extracts from the chartulary ofCockersand in possession ofTh o . Dalton ofThurnham ; 122—133.

16. Notes from th e eviden ces of Robert Strickland of

Syser and Thomas Middle ton ofLe igh ton ; 135—149 .

17. Note s ou t of a register of the m un im en ts of Johndel Both e ofBarton , written in 5 Hen ry IV. 150—165 .

18. Sligh t n otes ofdescen t ofByron ; 165 b.


TENURE S in YORKSHIRE, from a book belongingto Tho . Wood, Esq. , e scheator.

1 . Extracts from th e paten t rolls in the reign s of

Henry VIII. , Edward VI . , Mary, and Elizabe th to th e

2 1st year of her reign , ofgran ts oflands in th e coun ty of

York ; f. 1—64.

2. Furth er collection s of tenures in th e said coun ty,collected out of in quisition s and o th er records, from the

t ime ofHen ry VII. to th e 24th ofElizabe th 65—135 .

At th e end, 137— 148, are extracts from Archer’sbook ofpedigrees, agreeing in th e main with en tries made

at the h erald’

s visitation ofYorksh ire in 1585 .


This volume consists of two distinct parts1 . Copies of charters from the chartulary of

St. JOHN of PONTEFRACT . 2 . Charters relating tothe FAMILY ofDODWORTH or DODSWORTH .

The latter are tran scribed from the eviden ces of

Hawkh irst in Dodworth, Edward Arm itage ofKerresforth ,Th omas Cudworth of Eastfield, Sir Gervas Cutler, SirHen ry Savile, and a chartulary ofMonk Bretton .

Page 263: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer


18. Notes from the evidences of William Oglethorpe ;155 b .

19 . Church n o tes at Exton in Rutlandsh ire ; 159 .

20. Descen t ofBigod and o ther earls, sligh t ; 161 .

2 1. Charter relating to Kirkby Overblows ; 162 b.

22 . No tes ou t ofKirkby’s in quest ; 164 and 174.

23. Tran scripts ofm iscellan eous charters ; 166.

24. Church n o te s and o ther collection s for the parishofNorman ton ; 168—173.

25 . Notes from th e eviden ces of Robert Morton of

Morton ; 174 b .—19 1 .

26. Sligh t n otes ou t ofrecords ; 19 3 b.

27. A list ofth e Kn igh ts of the Bath made at the coro

nation ofKingCharles I. ; 19 5 .

28. Lin es over the door ofHaldenby Hall in Northampton sh ire ; f. 19 6 b.

29 . Notes out of an old roll in possession of the EarlofKingston ; 19 9 .

A few extracts from Fox, Rainer, Vincen t, and o ther

prin ted au thors in terspersed.

—CLI I I .Miscellaneous collections out of RECORDS and

CHARTERS .1 . Notes respecting Yorkshire out of an Abbreviatio

Placitorum , 1 —7 Edw. II. ; 1—34.

2 . Notes from in qu isition s 34—38.

3. Notes from a roll in th e treasury at Westm in ster con

tain ingforest charters ; 38 b .—39 .

4 . No tes from close rolls and placita ; 39 b.

5 . Notes ou t of a chartulary concern ing duchy lands ;43 b.

6 . Extracts from Mr. Henry Lillie’s transcripts ofcharters ofLlan thony abbey ; f. 45 .

7. Notes out of the register of Peterborough, in the

Cotton library ; 46.

Page 264: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

8. Church n otes at Farnworth and Newchurch in

Lan cash ire f. 46.

9 . Tran scripts ofmiscellan eousLancash ire charters, 47

10. Sligh t n otes from the Visitat ion s of Yorksh ire ;5 1, 138.

1 1 . Charters from the eviden ces ofthe abbey ofSu leby,co. Northamp., in possession of Sir Christopher Hatton ;f. 52.

12. A few gen ealogies of Lan cash ire fam ilies, Nevil,Butler, Berkley, Buckton , Scarisbrick, Stan ley, Heske th,Clayton , Pickering ; 52 b .


13. No tes concern ing the arms of Bayhous ofLincolnshire ; f. 58 b .

14. Extracts from the chartu lary of th e hospital of

St. John and St. James of Royston , in possession of JohnWildbore of Foxton ; 61—64.

15 . No tes ou t ofM. Paris ; 65—70, 142.

16. Notes out of the eviden ce s of Thomas Single ton of

Steyn ing, 73—76 ; John A therton of Ath erton , £ 81- 102 .

17. A prin ted gen ealogy of th e kings of Sweden ;f. 113—1 18.

18. Notes ou t of deeds in the chancery office, Lan

caster ; 120—136.

19 . Descen t of th e Earls ofArundel ; 143 b .

20. Vita San ctae Margare tae Regime Scotorum ;

f. 144. Morrao Edmundo R ege, Soc.

21 . No tes respect ing th e birth place of several bishopsand o th er con s ide rable person s 150—152 and 164 .

22 . No tes ou t of Bale ’s catalogue and the Legenda .

Sanctorum f. 153—161 .

23. A few in scription s from abroad f. 162 .

24. Accoun t of Th omas S ton e s of London , haberdash er, a Lan cash ire ben efactor ; 163 b.

25 . Extracts from th e book of law annals belonging to

NH. Gibson of York ; 172—174.

26. Sligh t collect ions ou t of th e placita ; 180—183.


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This volume consists for the most part of a

confused assemblage of NOTE S out of PLACITA ,INQUISITIONS , FINAL CONCORDS , the OR IGINALIA ,

Src . apparently copied from SAINT LOWE KNIVETON’S collections . They extend to 88.

After them are,

1 . A catalogue of justices ofChester, collected by JohnBoth e of Twemlow ;2. Miscellan eous n otes ou t ofDom esday Book, Ingul

phus, Stc., of no momen t ; 90—9 7.

3 . Notes ou t of the eviden ces of Sir Pe ter Freschvile

of Staveley ; 9 8—102 .

4. Miscellan eous n otes out ofrecords ; 103, 111—113.

5 . Descen t of Ashley ofDorse tshire ; 105 .

6 . Sligh t and hasty n otes from th e eviden ces of LordDunbar, Lord Falconb erg, Sir Jam es Bellingham , and

from the court rolls of Knaresborough ; 106—1 10.

7. Extracts from a book of charters belonging to Sir

John Byron ; 121—126.

8. Sligh t n otes of charters and descen t of Fitton ;f. 127—131 .

9 . Charters from the book of Pe terborough ; £ 132 b .

—CLV .

Notes chiefly from the EVIDENCE S ofGENTLEMEN of YORKSHIRE .

The person s out of whose eviden ces th ese n otes are

gath ered, are Stephen Hammerton of Hellefield Peel,

1 —8 ; Robert Hartley of Styrkhouse, £ 9 ; Drax of

Woodhall, 69—76 Sir Fran cis Wortley, f. 77—80;William Scoley of Scoley, 81 ; Bon iface Savage of

Pon tefract, £ 83 ; Fran cis Burde t of Birthwaite, 88 ;

Sir John Biron , 90; Sir John Ram sden of Longley,9 7 ; Charles Fairfax of Men ston , 104—1 13 and

Page 267: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

244 .

3. Notes from a chartulary of Foun tains, formerly inth e custody ofDam e Hon or Proctor ; n ow, 1630, in Sain tMary’s tower ; 113—132.

4 . No tes ou t ofa chartulary of Foun tain s, in possessionOf Sir Robert Co tton ; 140—143.

Th e volum e con tain s also,

5 . Notes ou t of Kirkby’s inquest ; 102 b .—112 and

f. 137—139 .

6. Furth er n otes out of th e Nom ina Villarum , 9 Edw .

f. 133—136.

7. Notes from a register of th e diocese ofYork duringvacan cies of th e see ; 145—152.

8. Collection s towards a list of abbots of Sain t Mary ;


M iscellaneous H I STORICAL COLLECTIONS .1 . Historia fundat ionum diversorum m onasteriorum e t

ecclesiarum per n ob ilissim am Lace iorum fam iliam ;”


A few quarto leaves, in an early hand, given to Dods

worth by John Stanh ope, Esq. :M emorandum quod tempore

Ethelberti de quo processit Henricus Sextus R ex

2 . Church n otes at York, rough ly and hastily made ;

f. 6—29 .

3 . Notes made in St. Mary’s tower, York ; 30 —33.

4. Notes ou t ofplacita ; 34—48, 70—74.

5 . A few sligh t m iscellan eous n otes out of records ;


6. Eviden ce ofa chan try in th e chapel ofRokeden e inth e parish ofWinwick ; 52 b . , 76.

7. No tes after Sain t Lowe Kn ive ton , Sim ilar to those in

form er volum es ; f. 56—69 .

8. Three charters re specting lands at Huddersfield75 .

9 . List ofbaron ies ; fly lea£

Page 268: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer



HOUSE S .1 . Baronum in Anglia n om ina ordin e alphab etico

disposita ; n on solum illorum qui per brevia Regis e t lit

teras ejus paten tes in signun tur, sed e t iam illorum qu i

tresdecim feoda m il itum e t tertiam partem un ius feodi

m ilitis, secundum sen ten t iam per professorem juris civilis,ten eban t, [sic] ex au th en t icis quam plurim is collectae per


” Th is catalogue isenriched by referen ces to oth er volum es in his collection s,

and to au thors.

2 . An alphabe t of all th e monasteries and religious

houses in Engla nd, according to Speed’

s collections.

3. Table of the descen t ofNevil.4. Th e priorie s alien in England, arranged in coun tie s.

5 . Sligh t n otes relating to th e foundation of variousreligious houses .


Notes out of CHARTULARIE S of RELIGIOUSHOUSE S, especially the chartulary ofWHALLEY inLancashire .

1 . From th e book ofSain t John ofPon tefract ; 7.

2 . De statu de Blakborn sh ire,”from th e charters of

Sir Ralph Ash ton ofWhal ley 9—13.

3. In a tran script of a small chron icle of th e Lacies,in th e custody ofMr. Roos, keeper of th e records at Pon

t efract cas tle ; 14 b.

4 . From an an cien t man uscript in possession ofRichardLaci, Esq. ; 15—24. This relates to tran sactions ofthe

Lacies and Warren s.

5 . Charters of the house of St. John of Pon tefract ;27—43.

6. Large and curious extracts from th e chartulary ofth e abbey ofWhalley, in custody of Sir Ralph Ash ton ;f. 44—1 13, 127 b .

- 129 .

Page 269: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

( 246 )

7. Abstrac ts of many char ters of th e abbey ofWh itby ;f. 114—127.

8. Extracts from th e chartulary ofBurlington, in possession of Sir Jame s Bellingham , 130—174 ; o th er

charters ofthat house , 174—177 ; evidences ofSir JamesBellingham , 180.

9 . Extract from a chartulary ofHepp alias Shapp in

Westmorland, in the hands of Lord Will iam Howard ;f. 181—187.

10. Notes from eviden ces relating to those parts of

Westmorland f. 188—4 9 7.

1 1 . Charters relating to Blubberh ouses ; 19 8—202.

12 . Collection s relating to Sir John Sampson ofYork ;f. 204—209 .

13. Memoranda ofthe fam ilies ofRocliffe and Sothill

f. 2 10.

14. Extract from th e chartulary ofWaltham abbey, inDodsworth ’

s own pos session 212—2 17.

15 . Furth er n otes from th e chartulary of Whalley ;f. 217 b .

—2 19 .

16. Notes from a ren tal of the cell of Sain t Martin

n ear Richm ond ; 220—227.

17. Extracts from a catalogue of sain ts, by Pe ter deNatalibus ; 227 b .

At th e beginn ing of the volum e are a few extracts fromDuchesn e 1—6 .


A large body of CHURCH NOTE S made at dif

feren t time s by Dodsworth , chiefly in the countyofYork, but a few in other counties, with manytopographical and other notes interspersed.

The church es Visited by him are specified in the cata

logue of 169 7.

Page 271: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

( 248 )

bequeath un to my said hon ourable and my good lord all

and e very my man uscrip ts, abbey couch ers, and rolls,

wh ich I have marked with several marks of distinction s,

toge ther with all my parchm en t rolls and papers wh ichI have in my study in h is lordsh ip’s h ouse , called YorkHouse, in London , and in Lan cash ire , and in RobertFitz Randolf’s house in York ; h umbly praying, that

the said books may b e dedicated to h is hon our, withan everlasting ackn owledgmen t of h is goodn e ss, favour,

and kindn ess to m e in carrying on the aforesaid work.

And also I desire and pray that my ever hon oured

friend John Rushworth , esquire, would b e pleased at

my reques t, am ong many oth er his courtesies, to see th e

sam e dedication compassed accordingly, who hath dis

tribu ted divers sum s of m on eys in way of furth eran ce of

th e work aforesaid, which is very well kn own to my'


friend Mr. William Dugdale , whose advice also I crave,

and desire that h e would b e pleased to lend h is assistan cefor th e framing th e said epistle anddedicat ion acc



I tem , I desire that my ever loving friend Mr. Rushworthwould b e pleased to see all such sum s of m on ey wh ich h e ,myself, or any o ther hath advan ced towards th e prin tingofmy said book, toge ther with what oth er sum s are or shall

b e advan ced e ith er by myselfor any o th er person or person sfor that endand purpose , may b e in a particular accomptedand se t down in writing, as also satisfied and discharged in

th e first place ; and after the same is raised upon and ou t

of the profits of th e said book, wh ich don e , then it is mywill and m ind that th e remainder and residue th ereof

shall b e paid as hereafter is expressed.

” He then makescertain distribution s of th is and o th er property among h is

ch ildren , giving to h is son Robert h is gold ring, whichwas the Sign e t of Mat th ew Dodsworth esquire, h is father.

He directs that copies of his work wh en prin ted shall b e

given to h is broth er Mr. Edward Dodsworth , and also to

Mr. Stan n ough , parson ofAugh ton in Lan cashire, Mr. Per

kin s of Bramwith n ear Don caster in Yorksh ire , JohnB ewley esqu ire, ofthe city ofYork, his grandchild Roger

Page 272: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

( 249 )

Dodsworth , h is cousin Joh n Pleasington , and h is grand

ch ild Robert Angsdell. He makes Richard Westh ead, of

the Westh ead in the coun ty OfLan caster, h is execu tor, anddesires that his son - in -law Thomas Angsdell will assist

h im . Th e execu tor declined to act, and a comm ission

issued to Robert Dodsworth , the son , for th e admin istration .

On e thing plainly appears from th is will, that Dodsworthup to the tim e of h is death con sidered th e Monasticon as

h is own work, over wh ich h e had th e sole con trol ; and it

appears to be som e injustice to h is m emory that'

posterityshould have allowed ano th er name, however respected and

em in en t, to have in terfered be tween h im and the credit

of having produced a work wh ich takes so a place inth e literature of h is coun try.

Page 273: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer
Page 275: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer
Page 276: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer








THE collection ofman uscripts in the library ofLin coln ’


In n is composed of four distin ct collection s, toge ther withm anuscripts which have been added singly or in small


The wh ole n umber is 486, n early all of which relateto record, law, or h istory.

The four distin ct collection s are those of

I . Sir MATTHEW HALE, th e learn ed Ch ief Justice of

th e King’s Ben ch , Who bequeathed th e m an u scripts to this

Socie ty by the following clause in h is will : As a tes

tim ony ofmy hon our and respect to th e Socie ty ofLincoln ’


In n , where I had the greate st part of my education , I giveand bequeath to that honourable Socie ty th e several man u

script books con tain ed in a sch edule ann exed to my will.They are a treasure worth the having and keeping, wh ichI have be en n ear fortv years in gath ering with very greatindus try and expen se . My desire is that they b e kept safeand altoge th er in rem embran ce of m e . They were fit tob e bound in leather and chain ed, and kept in arch ives. Idesire they may n o t be len t ou t or disposed of; on ly if Ihappen h ereaft er to have any of my posterity of that

Page 277: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

( 254 )

Socie ty that desires to tran scribe any book, and gives verygood security to restore it again with in a prefixed t ime ,

such as the benchers of that Socie ty in coun cil shall

approve of; then and not o th erwise shall on ly on e bookat one t ime b e len t ou t to them by th e Socie ty. Th eyare a treasure n o t fit for every man

’s View, n or is every

man capable of making use of them . On ly I would haven o th ing of these books prin ted, bu t en tirely preservedtoge ther for the use of the industrious learn ed m embersof that worthy Socie ty.

The sch edule an n exed to Sir Matth ew Hale’s will, ac

cording to a certified copy from the Prerogative Office of

the Court of Can terbury.

Placita de tempore Regis Johann is ; stitched, 1 vol .Placita coram Rege Edwardo I 2 vols.Placita coram Rege Edwardo 1 vol.

Placita coram Rege Edwardo III 3 Vols.

Placita coram Rege Ricardo 1 vol.

Placita coram Rege Hen rico IV. e t Hen rico V . ; 1 vol.

Placita de Ban co, 1 -21 Edwardi I. ; 1 vol.

Tran scripts of many pleas coram Rege and de Ban co,Edwardi I 1 vol.

The pleas in th e Exchequer styledCommun ia, 1—46 Edwardi I II . ; 5 vols .

Close Rolls ofKing John verbatim , ofthe most material

th ings ; 1 vol.

Th e prin cipal matters in th e Close and Paten t Rolls ofHen ry III

., tran scribed Verbat im from 9 Hen . III. to

56 Hen .III

.vellum , marked K . L 5 vols.

The prin cipal matters in the Close and Paten t Rolls

Edwardi I“ ,with several Copies and abstracts of records ;

1 vol. marked F.

A long book of extracts of records by m e ; Close and

Paten t Rolls from 1 to 10Edwardi III . and o ther re cords

ofth e t ime ofHen ry III. ; 1 vol. marked W.

Close Rolls of 15 and 5 1 Edw. III. , with o th er records,

marked N. ; 1 vol .

Close Rolls from 17 to 38 Edwardi III. ; 2 vols .

Page 279: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer


Titles of honour and pedigrees, especially touch ingClifford ; 1 vol.

History of the marches of Wales, collected by me ;1 vol.

Certain co llect ion s touch ing titles of honour ; 1 vol.

Copies of records touch ing premun ire ; 1 vol.

Extract of comm ission s temp. Hen . VII. and VIII . ;

and th e proceedings in th e court m ilitary be tween Reayand Ram say ; 1 vol.

Pe tition s in parliamen t temp. Edw . I., e t III., e t

Hen . IV. 3 vols.

Summon ses of parliamen t, 49 Hen . III.—22 Edw . IV3 vols.

Th e parliam en t rolls from th e beginn ing of Edward I .to th e end ofRichard III . in 19 vols. (Viz . 1 ofEdward I.,

1 of Edward with the ordination s, 2 of Edward III .,3 of Richard H. , 2 of Henry IV., 2 of Hen ry V . , 4 of

Henry VI ., 3 ofEdward IV., 1 of Richard III . ; all transcribed at large . )Mr. Elsingis book touching the proceedings in parlia

m en t ; 1 vol.

Noye’s collection touch ing th e kings supplies ; stitched,1 vol.

A book of various collection s ou t of records and th e

register of Can terbury, and claim s at th e coronat ion of

R . 1 vol.

Tran scripts ou t of Bishop Ush er’s n otes, prin cipallycon cern ing ch ron ology ; 3 large vols.A tran script ou t ofDoom sday Book, ofGloucestersh ire

and Herefordsh ire, and of some Pipe Rolls and old

accoun ts of th e custom s ; 1 vol.

Extracts and collection s ou t of records touch ing t itles

of h on our ; 1 vol.

Extracts ofpleas,Paten t and Close Rolls, temp .Hen . III.,Edw. I. , II . , and III., and som e Old an tiqu ities ofEngland ;1 vol.

Collection s and memorials ofmany records and an tiquit ies ; 1 vol . Selden i.

Page 280: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

( 257 )

Calendar ofcharters and records in the Tower touch ingGloucestershire .

Collection s of n otes and records of various natures,

marked M . ; 1 vol. Selden i .

Tran scripts Of iters of London , Ken t, and Cornwall ;1 Vol.

Extracts ou t of the leger books of Battel, En sham ,

Win ton , St e ; 1 vol. Selden i.

Copies of th e principal records in the Red Book of the

Exch equer ; 1 vol.

Extracts of records and treaties relating to sea affairs

1 vol.

Records touching customs and ports.Partit ion s of th e lands of G. de Clare , Ste“

Extract of pleas in th e time of Richard L, King John ,Edward I. ; 1 vol.

Cartee an tiquae in th e Tower ; tran scribed in 2 vols.Chronological remembran ces, extracted out of th e n otes

Of Bishop Ush er ; stitched, 1 vol.

In quisition s de legibus Wallise ; 1 vol.

Collection s of records touching kn igh thood.

Titles of honour, Selden i 1 vol.

Mathematics and fortification 1 vol.

Processus curiae m ilitaris ; 1 vol.

A book of honour ; stitch ed, 1 vol.

Extracts ou t of th e registry of Can terbury.

Copies of several records touch ing proceedings in the

m ilitary court ; 1 vol.

Abstracts of summon s and rolls of Parliam en t .

Som e records alphabe tical ly digested ; 1 vol.

Abstracts of divers records in the office of first fruits

stitched, 1 vol.

Math ematical and astrological calculation s ; 1 vol.

A book of divin ity.

Two large repertories of records, marked A and B .

All those above are in folio and in paper.

The proceedings of the forests ofWyndsor, Deane, and

Essex ; in quarto, 1 vol.

Page 281: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

( 95 8 )

Those that follow are most of them in Vellum or

parchm en t .

Two books of old statu tes, on e ending 3 Hen . VII. , th eo th er 2 Hen . V ., with th e sum s ; 2 vols.Iter Northampton , No t t . , e t Derb 1 vol.

Five last years of Edward 1 vol.

Reports, temp. Edw . 1 vol .

Th e year book of R. and som e oth er ; 1 vol.

An old chron icle from th e creat ion to Edw . III . ; 1 vol .

A mathematical book, especially optiques 1 vol.

A Dutch book of geom e try and fortificat ion .

Marci Ben even tan i geom e tria 1 vol .

Reports, temp . Edw. 1. under titles ; 1 vol.

An old register and some pleas ; '

1_vol.Bern ardi Breydenbach i peregrinétiib ; 1 vol .

Iter Kan tiae e t London ’

, and som e reports, temp Edw. I .e t 1 vol.

Legier book abbathiae de Bello.

Isidori opera.

Liber altercation is e t christianae ph ilosoph ise con tra

pagan os.

Historia Pe tri Manducatoris.

Horicii astron om ia.

Historia ecclesiae Dun elm en sis.

B olandi ch im ica.

De alch im ia scriptores.

The Black Book of the NewLaw, collected by me and

digested in to alphabe tical titles, written with my own hand,wh ich is the original copy.

II. JOHN MAYNARD Esquire , th e king’s serjean t in the

reign of Charles II. , and in the re ign of William and

Mary on e of th e comm ission ers of th e great seal . Th esemanuscripts after passing through various hands, and

remain ing for m any years in a very n eglected state, werepurchased by the socie ty in pursuan ce Of a resolution of


special council held on June 3, 1818.

Page 283: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

( 260 )

It may be proper to observe that the n umbers placedin bracke ts are those of th e catalogue of 169 7, and that

wh en documen ts lie in series, and are .said to be, for

in s tan ce, from 20 Edward I.—7 Edward it is m ean t

that both th ese years are included.


I . (L)A large folio on vellum , ofthefourteenth century,

containing a Latin version ofthe HOLY SCRIPTURE S,probably the Vulgate . In many parts the marginswere filled with annotations, which have beendeleted towards th e end several leaves have beencut out, probably for the sake of the illuminatedletters .

II .

A folio on vellum , of th e fifteenth century, containing JEROME

’S version of the SCRIPTURES, withmany beautiful and som e Singular illuminations .

III a. (XXXVI I I . ) 111 b . ( III . )

Two thick volum e s in folio, without title , tableof contents , or index, containing copies made for

Sir Matthew Hale from th e COMMUNIA of the

EXCHEQUER, beginning with Hilary term 1 Ed

ward III .

and ending with Easter term 46 Ed

ward III . The Copies in these books are , for them ost part, ofentries in th e commun ia which relateto the prerogative of the crown , or which throwligh t on the history ofthe constitution and on the

practice ofthe court ofExchequer.

Page 284: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer


IV . (IV .)Extracts, in a modern hand, from PLACITA coram

domino rege , 1—22 Edward I I . At the end is a

briefindex to points adjudicated.

v . (V . )

Modern transcripts of PETITIONES IN PARLIAMENTO for th e years following viz .

6 Edw . 2 Edw. 18 and 19 Edw. 4 Edw. III .,12Edw. III., 21 and 22 Edw . III., 2 Edw . III., 4 Edw . III.,8 Edw . III . , 2 Hen . IV., 4 Hen . IV., 9 Hen . V. At th e

end ofth e volume is a sligh t notice ofpoin ts de termin ed.

V I . (VL)

Collections out of records relating to the M ILITARY DEFENCE OF THE REALM, disposed under th efollowing headsMusters and soldiers. es.

Providingofsh ips andbarges The rate of wages by the

for th e defen ce ofth e state day.

and foreign expedition s . Service .

Imbarking ofsh ips. Officiarn belli.Defen ce, in vasion , and sea Foreign expedition s.

coasts guarding. Pro tection s.

Defen ce ofthe state . Confederation s.

Prayers. Aydeing.

Rumours. Strangers re tained.

Cas tles and forts. Safe conducts .

Attendan ce in war. Not to aid, St e.

Misdemeanors ofofficers. Not to trade , Ste .

Survey ofarm our. Repairing ofWrongs.

Arm our, Ste. for the war. Le tters ofreprisal.Victuals for war. Arresting ofgoods, Ste.

Provision ofmoney for war. Truces.

R 3

Page 285: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

( 262 )

Under each of these heads is a valuable and often large

collection ofextracts from records. Th ere are added,

Ordinan ces for war at th e treaty and coun cil ofMaunce .

Other ordinan ces made by th e Earl ofSalisbury.

VII . (V IL)Sim ilar collections relating to AFFAIRS IN THE

TIME OF PEACE . They are disposed under thefollowing headsNavigation and sea coast.

Accusation s and complain ts.The household.

Debts and loan s.Aid, subsidies, con tribu tion s .

Bound up with th ese collection s is a treatise bySir ROBERT COTTON, en titled A list of all confederates

with England from Hen ry I . to King James.

VI I I . (VI I I . )Extracts, in a modern hand, from records at the

Tower concerning TREATIE S WITH FORE IGNPOWERS . Th e rolls from which this volume con

tains extracts are ,Alemann iae : 2 1 18 Edw . 11, 12, and

14 Edw . III.Paten t : 27 St 31 Edw. I. ; 14 Edw . 11 1 St 2 Edw. III.Vaseon iae : 2, 4, 8, 12, 28, 29 , and 31 Edw. III.Sco tiae : 10, 14, 22, 28, and 29 Edw. III.Fran cise z 24, 26, 27, 28, 30, 31, and 32 Edw . III.

Ix. x. (IX. )These two volum es are what are thu s described

by Sir Matthew Hale in the schedule annexed to

h is w ill Tran scripts out ofARCHB ISHOP USHER’Sn otes, principally re lating to CHRONOLOGY ; three

Page 287: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

( 264 )

x1. (x )

A volume of collections relating to proceedingsIn COURTS MILITARY .

1 . A disqu isition on divers question s in law wh ich havearisen upon certain pe tition s oflate exh ibited in the court

ofchivalry.2 . An extract from the Gascon roll, 9 Hen . IV. NO 15,

de recomm endation e facta per Rogerum Bulm er. It

relates to proceedings before the con stable and marshall.

3 . An extract from the paten t roll, 2 Hen . IV. p. 2 . m . 7.

de con firmation e, Scrope .

4. An extract from the paten t roll of the sam e year,p . 2 . In . 31. de pardination e, Kighley.

5 . Placita coronae coram rege apudWestm’

, in parliam en to die Lun ae proximapost festum Exaltation is San ctaeCrucis, 21 Ric . 11. Les judgem en te touch

les Dukes deHeref

’e t de Norff’.

6 . The ordinan ces ofThomas Duke ofGloucester, constable ofEngland, touch ing battails arm ed with in lists,

with an h istorical and legal comm en tary.

7. Various extracts from the rolls, ofmat ter relating to

ombats before th e con stable or m arshall, or both . Th eseare from the parliam en t rolls, 8 R ic. II. N°

31, 8 Hen .VI.

N° 38, 2 Hen . VI. NO 9 ; and from th e paten t rolls of

25 Edw . 111. p . 1 . In . 16, 3 Hen . IV. p. 2 . m . 15, and

8 Ric. II. p. 2 . m . 8.

8. Extracts on the same subject from Stowe’s chron icle

and from Sir John Hayward’s life ofHen ry IV.

9 . Placita coram rege apud 22 Edw. I.Duel waged be tween William de Ve ssye and John FitzThomas .

10. Tran scriptum n egotn quod fuit in curifi m ilitari

in ter dom inum Morley appellan tem e t Joan n em comitem

Sar’ partem appellatum , 1 Hen . IV.

1 1 . Certain poin ts which are established by evidence of

the preceding records .

The above form the first half of the volume . The

Page 288: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

( 265 )

s econd half, wh ich is ofa paper ofsomewhat larger dimenfs ion s, con tain s the same matter, with the excep tion of the

first article, but more fairly tran scribed.

x11. (x1)

This volume is lettered SELDENI COLLEC

TANEA, precipue in ordine ad Titulos Honorum .

1 . Th e gran t ofthe dign ity ofa coun t of the empire byth e Emperor Rodolf to Sir Thomas Arundell.2 . Forma juramen ti procuratorum de Archubus, St e .

3. Forma juram en ti licen tiandorum in artibus

4 . That the jurisdiction exercised in th e PrerogativeCourt is the king

s, as the jurisdiction in oth er ofh is courts

ofWestm in ster.

5 . De actornat’


coram sen escal lo e t mares

callo, e t de placit is coram ipsis ten endis .

6. De coronatorib us com itatuum associand’corona

toribus hospieii dom in i Regis.”

7. Prophecim an t iquae .

8. Copies of three charters of kings ofIreland, wh ichwere comm un icated to Selden by Robert Sidn ey Earl ofLeicester. These curious in strum en ts are, a bondfrom Odo On el Rex Ken elean

to W. de Burgh EarlofUlster and Lord of Connaugh t, to render at certain

periods cows, and to deliver four hostages beforethe n ext feast ofAll Sain ts, or h im selfto re turn to prisonh e also binds h im self to treat in the man n er wh ich becom es

h er, Alienora h is wife, a kin swoman of the said earl . To

all th is h e solem n ly pledge s h im self, and in default he

adm its th e righ t of the earl m e ejicere a regalitate ;”

the date is the 2d ofOctober in the 53d of Hen ry the

king. Gran t of all th e land of Glen Ocon cahill fromDorm icius Oeaan Rex de Fern ecren e

”to Richard Earl Of

Ulster and Lord of Connaugh t.“ Datum apud Novam

Villam de Blawyco,”Dec. 1. in the 6th ofKing Edward.

Turchelagh Ocongh s Rex Con nac’

to Richard deBurgh Earl of Ulster and Lord ofConnaugh t ; an ac

Page 289: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

( 266 )

knowledgmen t that he has received h is lands in Dreffin ia,

&c . , 18th ofEdward son ofEdwardfi’

9 . Tractatus de an tiquo dom in ico coronae (ita inseribifur, Respon sum potin s dicas,) in certo au tore .

10. Brief excerpts from chron icles and o th er an cien t

writings in th e library ofTHOMASALLEN ; Viz . (l . ) Ano

nym i Vitae arch iep. Turgo tusDun elm en sis


”Chron icon monasterii Burton super Tren

tam .

” Johan n es Rossus Warwicen sis.

” W.

Malm esbur’de an tiq. Glaston ien sis Villae.

” Thomas

de Wyke can on’

de Osen ey.

1 1 . A treatise in English de duello, writ ten by JohnHill, arm ourer and serj ean t in th e Office of armourie withKing Hen ry IV. Loo my leve lords here,

”Ste .

12 . Acta con cilii. Notes from th e council books of

th e reign s ofRichard Hen ry IV., and Hen ry V. f

Only th e first of th ese thre e very remarkable docum en ts

appears to have been prin ted. See Titles of Honour, Part I.

chapter iv. The Works ofJohn Selden , III . 138.

1 Th ese are through ou t in Selden’

s own hand ; and it is to

b e regretted that th is em in en t person has not shown in whatoriginal h e perused th ese importan t but little kn own docu

men ts . Th ere is in th e main a correspondency with th e

Cott . MS. Cleopatra F. I I I ., and e specially when h e speaks of

th e writ to Robert R ikedon ; and gen erally th ere is a corre

spondeney between th ese n otes and th e publicat ion , by SirHarris Nicolas, of th e Proceedings and Ordinances ofthe Privy

Council of England. Yet Selden has som e th ings wh ich are

not in th e printed volumes ; and especially a n otice ofa coun cil

h eld at Westm inster, of Feb . 9 in th e first year of Henry Vwh en William Farrington , a messenger from the Bishop of

Durham , th e Earl ofWorcester, andLord Say, th e ambassadorsat Calais, was in troduced, who showed that for divers reasons

wars were to b e expected. It was determ in ed to call imme

diately for an aid. Th e’

n am es are given of th irteen lords

spiritual and twenty lords temporal who were presen t at the


Page 291: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

( 268 )

15 . Notes from th e pedigree of the Fortescues .

16. A few Latin verses, by Arthur Best, o n the death of

Prin ce Hen ry .

17. The titles of a few acts of the parliamen t of


18. Tran scripts or abstracts of a few charters to reli

gions houses .

19 . A le tter addressed by the un iversity of Oxford to a

con vocation ofthe clergy in 1425 .

20. A few n otes ou t of records touching ecclesiastical

affairs .

21 . Accoun t of the cen sure of Verdon , a priest inIreland, for scandalous words concern ing th e king,16 Jam es I.22. A single leaf ofvellum , part of an original book of

statu tes of th e un iversity of Oxford, con tain ing matter

wh ich relates to the governm en t of the studentes and the

scholares. It appears to have been u sed in the binding of

som e volum e .

23. Mode ofproceedingagain st n obles in crim inal cases.


“ Judicium de judice corrupto ; ex . pat. 24 Edw.

25 . Pe tition of John de Wyndsor ; from th e parliam en t

roll, 17 Ric. II. N° 10.

26. A few n ote s from pleas ofth e forest .27. No tes con cern ing officers of th e court of chancery

having th e custody ofrolls, and ofthe places in wh ich th eyare deposited.

28. Con cord be tween Sigism ond King of Poland and

th e m aster ofth e Teuton ic order ofSain t Mary, A.D. 1525 .

29 . Extract from the Gascon roll, 15 Hen . VI. m . 4.

N° 2. pro Johann e Tibe tot.30.

“ An swer to th e obj ection s again st the baronets.

31 . Creation of Prin ce Hen ry, Prince ofWales, Dukeof Cornwall and Rothsay, in full parliam en t, 4 Jun e,8 Jam es I., from th e paten t roll of that year, pars n ona ;and oth er collection s ou t of records con cern ing the h eirs

apparen t ofth e sovereign .

32. Creation of Roger Bigot Earl of Norfolk by

Page 292: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

( 269 )

Richard I., in the first of his re ign ; from the chartae

an tiquae at th e Tower, S. N°14.

33. In speximus from th e chartae, 5 Edw. 111. m . ofthe

gran t by King Hen ry of the castle ofArundel to WilliamEarl ofArundel.34. Charter of Henry by which Hugh Bigod is

made Earl ofNorfolk. Chartae an t iquae, S . N° IS.

35 . Charte r ofJoh n , in th e first of h is reign , by wh ichthe third penny of the coun ty ofDerby is gran ted to William de Ferrers Earl of Derby. Chartae an t iqum,

B . N° 24.

36. Charter ofHen ry III ., in th e first of h is re ign , to

Hen ry fitz Coun t, that h e may have the coun ty of Corn

wall as Reginald Earl of Cornwall h is father held it .

Paten t roll, 1 Hen . III . In . 13 .

37. Creat ion of Edmund ofWoodstock Earl of Ken t.Claus . 15 Edw. II. In . 23.

38. Gran t to Thomas of Brotherton of all castles, Ste .

wh ich were Roger le Bigod’s, formerly earl and marshall

ofEngland. Chartae, 6 Edw. II. N°31.

39 . Creation ofWilliam de Clin ton Earl ofHun tingdon ,Chartae, 1 1 Edw. II I. N° 42 .

40. Gran t to Thomas of Broth erton of all castles, Ste.

wh ich were Roger le Bigod’


Of th e sam e date with theabove and from the sam e bundle, N° 32, bu t con tain ings ome additional lim itations.

41 . Creation of Ingelram de Couci Earl of Bedford.

Chartae 39 and 40Edw. III.42 . Creation ofWilliam de Clin ton Earl ofHun tingdon .

Chartae , 1 1 Edw. III . N° 41 . This is dated March 16

th e on e above is dated on th e 18th .

43. Creation ofEdmund ofLangley Earl ofCambridge .

Chartae, 36 Edw . III . N°8.

44. Gran t to Reginald de Grey of the castle of Ru thyn .

and can tred ofDeffren cloyt . Chartae, 10Edw . I. N° 4.

45 . In speximus of the paten t (roll 28 Hen . VI . m . 23.

p . by which Hen ry Earl ofWarwick is created Primus

com itum vel primus comes regn iAngliae,”dated at Dover,

Page 293: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

( 970 )

April 2, in the 22 Henry VI. also of the paten t by wh ichRichard Nevil son of An n e, sister to Hen ry late Duke of

Warwick, and of Richard Earl of Salisbury, h er husband,is created Earl ofWarwick, dated July 23, 27 Hen ry VI . ;wh ich paten ts were surrendered to the in ten t that theyshould be ren ewed, Ste .

46. Creation OfMary Lady Compton , relict ofSirGeorgeVilliers and wife of Sir Thomas Compton , Coun tess of

Buckingham , July 1, 16 Jam es.

47. Copy ofth e supposititious charter ofMalcolm Kingof Scots and th e Isles, by wh ich h e ackn owledges to h old

his kingdom of Edward son ofEth elred King ofEngland.

It is h ere said to b e “ In in teriori th esauro in claustro

We stmonast’

in cistaScociae.

48. A large collection of th e styles and titles of fore ignkings and princes from in strum en ts preserved in th e paperchamber.

49 . Extract from a Portuguese writer respecting the

fam ily ofVal de Almada, som e person s of wh ich fam ilywere con cern ed in English affairs in th e re ign ofHen ry VI.,and on e ofth em admitted in to th e order of the Garter.

50. For Mr. Selden , an en t dign ities in Scotland.

5 1 . Gran t of th e state of baron , as Lord ofBeauchampand Baron ofKidderm in ster, to John Beauchamp ofHolt .Paten t roll, 1 1 Ric. II. p. 1 . m . 12 .

52. Copies of superscription s from certain in terceptedle tters.

53. Extracts from the book ofthe abbey ofSain t JamesofNorthampton .

54. Ex tractatu aureo Pe tri Calefat i de equestridign itate .

5 5 . A remarkable extract from th e book ofWinchecumbe relating to th e homage ofth e Earl ofLancaster forth e earldom s OfLin coln and Salisbury, A.D. 1310.

56. Form s of address in royal le tters to persons of

various ranks .

57. De primis regalibus ornamen tis regni Angliae ex

Page 295: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

9 72

XI I I . (x11)An other and larger volum e of COLLECTANEA


I . Extracts from th e close and paten t rolls relating to

maritime affairs.

2 . Paper of th e. fees taken by the under clerks in th e

Six Clerks Office in Chan cery.

3. A dissertation on the English peerage conn ected

with th e question of succession to the castle of Arundelbetween the h e ir gen eral and h e ir male ; the work probably of Selden h im sel£ It is in Latin , and imperfect .4 . A few n otes on the con stitution and privileges of the

house of peers.5 . A Copie of the condition s of the peace made

between th e Polands and the Mu scovian s,”1612 .

6. Preceden t against m on opolies,” from the m emo

randa of th e Exch equer, 5 Edw . III.7. List of comm ission s for purveyance, and to whom

issued ; with h eads of a Speech abou t purveyors, and a

le tter on the sam e subj ect .8. Notes respecting the presen tation and election of

bishops.9 . Exchequer fees, as en tered on record, Mich . term

26 Hen . VI., roll 56 ; bu t apparen tly copied from a bookprin ted in 1530.

10. Collection s on th e question of compulsory kn igh thood, with th e original receit, Sign ed Wen tworth , for £ 10from Christoph er Gill of Barton , in the coun ty of York,as a composition for n ot having attended to receive the

hon our ofkn igh thood, dated 2 1st Nov. 1632 .

1 1. Charters of William th e Con queror and William "

Rufus to th e abbeys of Evesham and Bath .

12 . Th e privileges or special righ ts belonging to th ebaron age of England ; in wh ich name are comprehendedall those who as prelati or magnates and proceres regni bycommon righ t are to b e summon ed to every parliam en t,

wh erein also they have place and voice as inciden t to their

Page 296: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

( 273 )

dign ity ; con cern e them e ither as they are on e estate

toge th er in the upper house , or as every of them is pri

vately a single baron .

” Then follow the t itles of twen tychapters, in wh ich the subject was dis tribu ted ; we haveh ere howeve r the first chapter on ly, the subjec t of wh ichis the peers’ proxies. This is no doubt a fragmen t of


s treat ise on the privilege s of the baronage , inserted in his Works , vol. iii. p. 1476.

13. Collection s relating to th e Han se Town s.

14. Extract from the parliam en t roll, 2 Hen . VI . , re

lating to Sir John Mort im er.

15 . Con cern ing the church ofSt. Oswald ofGloucester,from placita of 35 Edw. fil. Hen .

16. No tes from the Tower records con cern ing th e Mor


17. Office copy of a comm ission , dated 8th September18 Jam es, to Sir Robert Man se ] , Vice-adm iral of England, appoin ting h im adm iral of a fle e t fitted out for the

purpose of extirpating the pirates with wh ich the Englishseas were infested.

18. A few collect ion s from records respecting th e office

Of chambe rlain .

19 . A paper on the righ t offishing in the n orthern seas.

20. A single leaf, being a fragmen t of an enquiry in tothe genu inen ess of a certain in strum en t wh ich appears tohave been dated on the eve of the Ascen sion , when that

day fell on 22d May.

2 1. A few no tes con cern ing the creat ion of dign it ies.

22 . Office copy of the paten t by wh ich Robert Pierrepo in t, Esquire , is created Baron Pierrepoin t Of Holme

Pierrepo in t . Imperfect .23. Office Copy of the common s

’ pe tition , 3 Hen . VI .,that person s accused oftreason s, felony, or lollardy may be

speedily brough t to judgmen t.

24. A few n otes wh ich appear to have relation to am

bassadors from Holland.

25 . Sligh t reference to the paten t ,rolls respec ting ere

e tions of n obility.

Page 297: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

( 9 74 )

26. No t ices, s till more sligh t, concern ing in sign ia.

27. List of au thors quoted in Tractatus juris universi, awork prin ted at Ven ice in 1584.

28. A few n o tes of paten ts relating to m ilitary affairs.

29 . A few n otes of placita relating to naval affairs.30. A few n o tes from th e parliamen t rolls relating to


31. Fragm en t of a decree in wh ich Thomas Gon n ell

and John Hun t were parties .

32 . A treatise on oaths and protestation s upon hon ouras touch ing privileges of peers.33. A few n otes respecting th e queen con sort and her


34. Notice of the comm ission from Hen ry VII . , dated5 th April in th e eleven th year of h is reign , to John Cabo tand Lodovico Sebastian o to sail to discover n ew lands, Stc. ;

and briefer n otices of Sim ilar comm ission s to Sir Hum

phrey Gilbert, Sir Walter Raleigh, and Adrian Gilbert .35 . Names of person s in an ecclesiastical comm ission of

6 Edw. VI.36. Notes of Mr. Sain t John ’

s argumen t of shipm on ey, as it was delivered m e by Mr. Solicitor.

37. Case for an opin ion respecting an in tended moun t

for lon e of m on eys on pawn s.

38. A few further n o tes touch ing kn igh thood.

39 . A few n otes respecting Sh ips pu t in comm ission .

40. A long treatise , fairly writ ten out, endorsed, MyLord of Northampton ’

s discourse of earls and duke s .

Perfect .”

41. An original le tter, addressed to Selden , from J. H.


42 . A single page (all that was written ) of an in tended

accoun t of h is own life ; written in Latin , and In h is own

hand, with many correction s and in terlin eations.

43. A few topograph ical m em oranda respectingThorn eyand Wittlesey.

44. Extrac t from the Menologia relating to the true

t im e of our Saviour’s birth .

Page 299: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

( 276 )

among them of man uscripts in English h istory, form ingtoge ther a fasciculus Of th irty-on e leaves. In Selden

s own


57. Th e an tiquity and dign ity of parliamen t. BySir ROBERT COTTON. This is the second article in Cottoni

Posthuma, 8VO. 165 1 .

58. An office copy ofa memorial to the lord chan cellor

and th e lord treasurer from th e justices of the two courts

and th e baron s ofthe Exchequer, touch ing th e righ t of the

council to imprison and to act in Opposit ion to the e stablished practices ofth e courts ofcomm on law, 36 Eliz.5 9 . Tran slation of a le t ter from th e Sophy of Persia

to our king’

s Majesty ; November 1631 .

60. An original le tter to Selden , sign ed John Kelynge ,Inn er Temple, Jun e 7, 1629 , relating to proceedings in th ereign of Henry IV. ag ain st Thomas Merks Bishop of

Carlisle .

6 1. A catalogue oforien tal manuscripts th en lately sen t

to Paris by th e Fren ch ambassador at Con stan tin ople,wh ich catalogue was tran sm it ted to Selden by LordHerbert of Cherbury, then the English ambassador at


62. A few leaves of rough n o tes, con tain ing h in ts and

referen ces in respect of the subjects of Selden’s various

enqu iries.63. A list ofthe nam es ofsixty-four kinds ofbirds, col

lected by Selden .

64. KAaq ou I'

lrok suafou (13026 5 1; Emmot t/div alge'

n xa c


yr) ém anuamww”

65 . A few n otes from the Gascon and Fren ch rolls.

66. Office copy, from th e dorse of the paten t roll

6 Hen . VII ., ofa writ direct ingThomas Cheyn ey, Kn igh t,and o thers, to repair to the coun t ies of Cambridge and

Hun tingdon , and there to inform the people of th e


s in ten tion of making war upon Charles King of

Fran ce, and to exhort th em to give h im all possible assis

tan ce . Sim ilar writs were addressed to oth er person s inrespect ofother coun ties.

Page 300: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

( 977 )

67. Office Copy, from paten t roll 41 Edw. 111. p. 1. In . 1 1,

touch ing the m easuring of coals sen t from th e port of

Newcas tle upon Tyn e .

68. Records in the Tower touch ing h is Majesty’


prerogative in the narrow seas .

69 . A few rough n otes, be ing collection s by Se lden forhis treatise De syn edriis, &c. Ebraeorum .

70. A tran script, bu t in comple te , ofMagna Charta.

7 1 . A report, made 15 th July in 19 Edw. II. by theArchbishop of York, the Bishop of Roch e ster, Robert deWodehouse, keeper of the wardrobe, and John de Langton ,on e of the cham berlain s of the Exchequer, con cern ing the

regalia wh ich they had inspected in the chamber ben eaththe chapel ofthe Great Tower ofLondon .

72. Lis t of th e au thors whose works are in th e B ibliotheca Patrum ; Colon . Agripp. 16 18.

73. Three leaves of vellum , with an original kalendarych ron icle , A .D. 1067—A.D. 1300, a lit tle before whicht im e it was written . The original hand ceases in 1288.

I observe n othing peculiar to this chron icle, wh ich is verybrief, ye t the first en try may deserve tran scription .

M. LxvII°. Wills com es Norm ’

piignavit 93 Harald’ ap

Has ting’e t vic


ii° idus Octobr’

. Bod’


an’ Nat ’ coronat

est Harald’

u° vuln er’ e t Vix de

bello evas it.

74 . A con temporary tran script ofa writ issued by KingHen ry V . , in the third ofhis re ign , addressed to the Coun t

of Charoloys in favour of the m erchan ts of London , andof another to the coun cil of the town of Ypres, and the

depu ties from Ghen t and Bruges assembled in the said

town , touch ing affairs of commerce . Both bear date at

Porchester, July 28.

75 . An original draft in parchm en t of a writ of sum

mon s under the privy seal to b e issued to various ladiesofrank to at tend the Queen at the ceremony ofher purificat ion , wh ich was to take place at the palace at Westm in ster

on the 18th of November n ext en suing, pursuan t to an

S 3

Page 301: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

( 9 78 )

order of council of th e 30th of October in th e th irtysecond of the re ign , i .e. Hen ry VI.*

76. An origin al feofmen t deed of all lands in Ro thleyby Margare t Kn ot of Wysowe, to John Hadcock and

an other, 18 R ic. II .77. An original warran t to the treasurer and chamber

lain of th e Exchequer to pay to the Earl of Wiltsh ire,Sir John Forte scue, ch ief justice of th e King

s Ben ch ,Piers Arden , chief baron of the Exchequer, and RichardBingham , on e of th e justices, certain sum s in reward, theybeing abou t to hold a session s of oyer and term in er in

Devon sh ire ; and also to Th omas Little ton , on e of our

serj ean ts at law, John Greenfield, and Thomas Croxton ,whom we have commanded to wait upon th em . Sign edT. Can t , R. Warrewyk , R. Salisbury, Stan ley, J. Wen lock,John Grey ; all au tograph signatures. Th ere is n o date

on the in strumen t itself, bu t in a later hand is written ,ix° die Julii an ° 34 Hen . Sex ti.

78. A copy on parchm en t, made, as it seem s, early in th efourteen th cen tury, of a charter ofWilliam King of th e

Scots, being le t ters paten t to Morgundus son of Gilloch er

form erly Earl of Marr touch ing th e succession to that

dign ity. They are dated at HindhopBurnemu th in m ea

Nova Foresta,” 10 kal. Junn 1 171 .

Th e ladies to whom th ese writs of summons were to issuewere,

Ten duch esses ; viz . Bedford, York, Norfolk th e elder,

Norfolk th e younger, Buckingham , Som erset th e elder,

Som erset th e younger, Exeter the elder, Exeter theyounger, and Suffolk.

Eigh t count esses ; viz . Warwick, Arundel, Northumberland, Salisbury, Wiltsh ire, Shrewsbury th e elder,

Shrewsbury the younger, and Oxford.

Th e Viscoun tess Bourch ier.

Th e Ladies Grey R uth in , Roos, Lovel, Cromwell, Barn ess [Berners ] , Ferret


s of Groby, Hastyngs, Berga

venny, Fitz Waren ,Willoughby the younger, Latimer,

Fitz Walter, Roos the elder, Delawar, Botreaux, andSouch .

Page 303: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

( 280 )

of the ben evolen ce . The backwardn ess of the people of

Oxfordsh ire was attribu ted main ly to h im .

87. Copy of a warran t to summ on comm issioners re

specting a loan to m ee t at Hun tingdon , dated Dec. 23,

1626 .


“ Articles pour presen ter au Roy e t a m essign eur

de son con seil pour sur icelles faire le reglem en t des

armoires,”&c. , in th e tim e ofLou is XIII . ; imperfect .

89 . Extract from th e Irish paten ts 8Edw . IV. ofa gran t

to Robert Bold ofthe dign ity ofbaron and of the lands of

Rath tou th dated at Drogheda, 18 August, 8 Edw . IV.

90. Brief n o tice of an action of slander, 4 8K5 Ph .

and Man ; Sir Edward Gage ofSussex versus Hem sley.

9 1 . Notes ofa law case ofEdward Earl ofShrewsbury.

9 2 . Question s on the e igh th article of th e charta de

foresta, con cern ing the sweinmote .

9 3 . Copy ofa warran t , sign ed Tho . Coven try, addressedto the clerk ofth e crown , directing h im to leave ou t ofthe

comm ission of the peace and of oyer and term in er th en

about to b e made certain person s whose n am es are given ,or so m any ofth em as h e shall find in comm ission . Dated

Jun e 8, 1627.

9 4. A prin ted pe tition to th e House of Common s from

th e parish ion ers of Winwick in Lan cash ire , relating to a

decree in th e court of the duchv of Lan caster concern ing

that. rectory.

9 5 . Blank form of inden ture ofappren ticesh ip.

9 6. Ex libro ve tusto man uscripto eviden ciarum Pe tri

h argen s’

m onasterii .”

9 7. Bulla de la San ta Cruzada concedida

por la san t idad de Clem en te Octavo de felice recordacion

e t prorrogada y mandada publicar por n uestro muy san to

padre Paulo Qu in to,” 81C. Prin ted sh ee t .

9 8. List ofpeers of parliam en t, 18 Jam es .

9 9 . Copy of a Span ish decree con cern ing ch ildren that

are illegitimate .

100. No tes from the rolls of parliamen t concern ingIreland, and concern ing the win es ofGascony.

Page 304: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

( 9 81 )

101. Copy from th e close roll 38 Hen . III. of a writ

to the sh eriffofWilts , to summ on all person s in his bailywick n o t already kn igh t s, who have 601. land, to repairto h is e ldest son Edward at Bures in Spain , by the feastof Sain t Edward n ext e n suing, there to take upon th em

selves the hon our of kn igh thood with the said prin ce,who is then and th ere to b e kn igh ted by the King of

Spain . Dated, August 30.

102 . A tabular view ofdifferen t classes ofkn igh thood.

103. An original le t ter in Fren ch , addressed to th e

lieu tenan t, depu ty lieu tenan ts, and justices of th e peaceofth e coun ty of Bedford, and to o th er gen tlem en of that

coun ty, from an agen t of the King ofBoh em ia, con cern ingh is affairs ; dated, Londres, 13 May, 1620.

104. Copies of state papers respecting the in tended

marriage of Charles Prin ce of Wales and th e Infan taMaria ofSpain .

105 . Many extracts from a register of the abbey of

Glaston in possession of the Earl of Arundel.106. Copy of the Sco tch paten t by wh ich Sir John

Ramsey was created Viscoun t Haddington , 8 April 1606.

107. Copy ofa charter of th e Em press Maud, by wh ichshe gran ts to Earl Alb ericus all th e lands wh ich wereAlbericus de Veer’s, h is father, on th e day he died, toge th erwith the chamberlain sh ip of England, 8m, dated at

Oxford ; of a confirma tion by King Hen ry 11 and of a

gran t by Hen ry II . to Earl Albericus of the th ird pennyof the coun ty of Oxford, dated, apud Dover in tran situ

Regis .

108. Copy of an inqu isit ion taken at Abbotsbury inDorse tsh ire , 13 Oc t. 6 Hen . VI. , before the depu ty ofJohnDuke of Bedford, adm iral of England, con cern ing righ ts

offishery of the fisherm en ofLangton .

These charters were well known to Dugdale ‘ ( see Baronage.

vol. i. who had them from the same originals withSelden , viz . an ancient book in th e possession of the Earl of


Page 305: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

( 282 )

The papers wh ich form the two volum es n ow

described appear to have come in to the hands of

Sir Mat thew Hale as execu tor to Selden , and to havebeen bound up sin ce they were deposited in th is



1. Four pages of n o tes from chron icles and records re

Specting parliam en t, and especially the sitting of the lords

Spiritual.2 . Abstracts of divers fin es in the reign s of Richard I .

and John , wh ich appear to b e copied from a manuscript ofSir Robert Cot ton . Non e of these are before 7 Ric. I.3 . Succession of th e abbots of Croyland, and o ther

extracts from th e Croyland book in possession ofMr. Lam

barde .

4 . An , abbreviatio placitorum for the re ign s of Ri

chard I. and John ; the arrangem en t imperfect.5 . A collection of h istorical papers, wh ich appear to

have been part of Selden ’

s Collectan ea ; viz .

Nin n ii seu Nenn ii (u ti est verior e t ve tustior

scriptio) h istoria, sive origin es Britonum ; ad ex

emplar G . Camden v. c.

Ex Nin ii codice apud v. c. Rob . Cot ton eq.


e t baron e t tum , alia quaedam de Brit tonum

regum succession e sive posteris, 8m ; quae plerisqueexemplaribus desideran tur.

Vita san ctissim i atque doctissim i viriGildas.

Epistola Sim eon is monach i ecclesias San ctiCu thberti Dun elm i ad Hugon em decanum Eboracen sem , de arch iepiscopis Eboraci.

De oleo divin itus ad reges Anglorum nu

gendos dato .

Duo testam en ta Alfredi regis in clyti.

Alia fragmen ta de regibus Saxonum alte

rioribus, &c.

Page 307: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

( 284 )

XVI I I . (XXVI I . )

S imilar transcripts, 13—22 Hen . III.

XIX. (XXVI . )

Similar transcripts, 24—84 Hen . III .

XX . (XIX. )Sim ilar transcripts, 37—40 Hen . III .

XXI . (XXVI I I . )Similar transcripts, 38—40 Hen . III . , and 44

46 Hen . III .

This volume also con tain s tran scripts Of single en tries

from o ther rolls and o th er re ign s ; viz .

Gascon , 38 Hen . III . p. l . m . 7. and m . 8. Pro Ed

wardo filiO Regis.

the Tower. They are very num erous. and con tain much Of

that wh ich is Of the h igh er historical importan ce . From som e

Of the classes of those records th e transcripts are, h owever, veryfew ; and there are many years Of th e classes, to wh ich the

atten tion of the learn ed judge was ch iefly directed, Ofwh ich no

tran scripts remain . Considerable port ion s of th e rolls yieldednoth ing ; as for in stan ce , in th e close roll, 46 Hen . III . m . 16,

n il n ota dignum .

”The transcriber has copied the

writs at full length and has Open ed the con traction s. Th ere Is

no abstract or calendar of th e writs Of which n o tran scriptswere made .

The u se to b e made of th ese tran scripts is, that h ere is collected and put in a conven ien t form for perusal the m ore

importan t matter Ofthose records, wh ich it would b e a work of

imm en se labour and difficulty to search out in th e vast volum e

Of th e records th emselves, and to separate from the less im

portan t matter with which it is in termixed ; and there

may b e found in th ese tran scripts, occasionally, writs Of wh ichth e original record may be now In a state ofdecay or may havebeen lost altogeth er.

Page 308: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer


Close, 1 R ic. II. III . 44. and 45 III . In .

dorso ; 20 Edw. III. m . 25 . dorso .

Fin e, 19 Edw . II . In . 15 .

Charta", 29 Edw. I . N° 36 .

Paten t, 20 Edw . II. In . 4 .

XXI I . (XVI I I . )Similar transcripts, 42—54 Hen . III .

XXI I I . (XV I . )A continuation Of the preceding transcripts to

the end Of the reign Of Henry III . The binderhas placed at the beginning Of this volum e a smallportion Of the 53 Hen . III .

, which was left out Of

the preceding volum e by m istake ; the continuation begins at fol. 16. This volume conta in s alsoother collections .1. Tran scripts from o th er rolls ; viz .

Paten t, 57 Hen . III. ; 3 and 32 Edw . I6 and 10Edw . II 6, 7, 9 , 12, 13, 14 Edw. III2 and 22 R ic. II . ; 4 Hen . VI.

Fin e, 3 Edw . I . m . 24 .

Close, 13 Edw . II . ; 19 and 41 Edw . III.Gascon , 12 Edw . III. III. 1 1 .

Aleman . Six en tries in 12 Edw. III., whichrelate to th e m easures then used for the defence Of

the sea-coas ts .*

2 . Tran scripts from the close rolls, Of various dates,relating to the m in t and coin age .

One Of these, en tered on m . 10. dorso, directs that the

monks Of Lewes should b e removed to a greater distan ce from

the coast ; another, on pars 2 . m . 8. dorso, re lates to the defence

Of the isle OfPortland ; and a th ird, p. 2. m . 7. dorso, is a writdirecting that in churches near the sea on ly one bell shall berung.

Page 309: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

gas )

3 . Ex libro Nich . Upton canon ici ecclesias Sarumdedicat o Humfrido duci

4 . Proceedings in a suit about the advowson Of the

church Of Harleston .

5 . Placita coram con silio dom in i Regis, a die S . JO

han n is Bapt’

e in t res septimanas, 27 Hen . fil . Johan n is.

6. Assisae apud Northampton coram dom ino Rege incrast in o Epiphan iae Dom in i an n o 50, tempore turbation iswith placita Ofth e reign ofHen ry III. to the end Of th e

volum e .

Transcripts, similar to those above , from the

CLOSE ROLL S Of 3 Edw . L , 6—11 Edw . I .,and

13 Edw . I . ; but the selections are far less nu

m erous .

Similar tran scripts from the close rolls, 1—20Edward II .

Sim ilar tran scripts from th e patent rolls Of48 and49 Hen . III .


Transcripts from the CLOSE ROLLS , 27

38 Edw . III .

XXVI . (XXXI I . )Sim ilar transcripts, 40—50Edw . III .

In th is volum e are also tran scripts Of close rolls Of

47 and 48 Hen . III.

XXVH . (XXL)Transcripts from the PATENT and CLOSE ROLLS

interm ixed.

1 . Paten t : 9—1 1 Hen . III f. l .

2 . Close : 124

Hen . III., 17 John , 9—11 Hen . III., and1—3 Edw. III. ; f. 19 .

Page 311: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

( 288 )

2 . Th ree writs from the ro tulus viagn, temp. Hen . IV. ;f. 29 .

3. Sen tence Of degradation on Sir Giles ‘Monpesson ;

f. 30.

4. Extract from th e placita coram rege, Mich . term

8 Hen . IV. ; f. 30b .

5 . Veredictum burgen sium Magn ae Jernmue [Yar

mou th ] f. 40.

6. From the placita de ban co, Som erse t, Mich . term

6 Edw. II. rot . 135 . The master Ofth e hospital OfSt. Joh nthe Baptist OfRadclive juxta Bristol, plain tiff; f. 44.

7. Tran scripts Ofen tries in the paten t roll, 8 Edw . IV. ;‘

f. 44 b.

8. In quisition , 2 1 Hen . VI. , touch ing riots, 81C. at

Norwich ; f. 58 bxf9 . Tran scripts from the paten t roll, 12 Edw. III. ; f. 68.

10. Tran scripts from the close roll Of th e same year ;f. 9 1 b .

l 1. The like from the paten t rolls Of26 and 14 Edw. III.f. 121.

12 . From the close roll Of 26 Edw. III. m . 20. dorso.

Processus factus versus fratres ordin is Sancti Augustin iWyn ton ’

; f. 153.

13. Writ from th e paten t roll Of 13 Edw . II. III . 12 ;f. 160b.

14. Brevia regis, 6 Hen . IV. ; f. 161.

15 . List Ofports f. 166.

16. Brevia reginae , 26 Eliz f. 168.

17. Writ from the paten t roll, 6 John , m . f. 170b.

18. Writ from the close roll, 22 Edw. III. p. 1 . m . 15 .

dorso ; f. 172 .

19 . Writs from the paten t rolls, 12 Edw . I., 15 Edw. III.,and 5 R ic. f. 174 b .

20. Writs from the close roll, 13 Edw. III. f. 181 b.

2 1. Writ from paten t roll, 14 Edw . III. ; f. 185 .

Jr Th is is what is called at Norwich Gladman ’

s insurrection .

See B lomefi eld, vol. ii . p. 108.

Page 312: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

( 9289 )

22 . Writ from the close roll, 26 Edw . III. f. 185 b .

23. Writ from the paten t roll, 15 Edw . III . , de m er

candisis coke ttatis, with referen ce s to o the r records con

ta in ing matte r on the sam e subj ec t ; f. 186 b .

24. Writ from the close rOll, 13 Edw. III. In . 44. f. 188.

25 . Writs from th e paten t roll, 8 Hen . VI. p. 1 . m . 32 .

and s Edw . IV. p. 1 . m . 18 f. 188 b.

26. Extract from th e placita 33 and 34 Edw. I. ; f. 19 1 .

27. Ex tracts from the paten t rolls of 15 Edw. II . and17 Edw . IV. ; f. 19 3.

28. Extract from placita de ban co, 19 Edw . III. ; f. 19 5 b.

29 . Refe ren ces to paten t rolls, 10Edw . II. f. 19 6 b.

30. Extrac ts from the placita OfEaster term , 19 Edw . I.rot. f. 19 9 .

31. The sam e, Mich . term 5 Edw . I . ro t. 100. Lincolnin ban co, with referen ces to mat ters con tain ed in placitaor writs Of that period ; f. 19 9 b .

32 . Orders made by Th omas OfLan caster, constableOfEngland, for the placing Of th e kings Ofarm s, heraulds,

and serjean ts at arm s f. 208.

33. Writ Of the king con cern ing the exchequer Of the

coun ty OfChe ster ; f. 2 11 b .

34. Bill in parliam en t con cern ing the Duke OfSom er

se t’s Offen ces, 3 Edw . VI . f. 212 b .

35 . Le tter OfK ing Jam es I . to th e treasurer, 8zc. Ofthe

Exch equer, in the twelfth Of h is re ign , respec t ing assign

m en t Ofdebts from th e subjec t to th e king ; f. 22 1.

36. An oth er le tter from Jam e s to the sam e , respect inginformation s Ofin trusion ; f. 225 .

37. Extract from the placita of the Exchequer,28Edw . III. f. 227 b .

38. A few n o tes Of records Of various classes, Of the

re ign s OfEdward II. and III . ; f. 230.

39 . Gran t to William Earl OfNo ttingham Of the Office

ofmarshall OfEngland, 19 Feb . 1 Hen . VII. f. 235 .

40. Gran t to Ralph Earl OfWestmorland Of the same

Office , 6 Dec. 1 Hen . IV. ; f. 238.

4 1. Extract from the placita coram rege, 18 Edw . III. ,

Page 313: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

( 9 90 )

concern ing the attempt Of th e marshall to remove Walter

de Manny from h is Office Of sergean t to the m arshalsey ;

f. 239 b .

From th is page to th e end Of th e volum e are n um erous

tran scripts from records Of all the various classes, illus

trating importan t poin ts in law or h istory.

XXX I . (XXX )

A large volum e OfTRANSCRIPTS OfRECORDS .1 . From the close and other rolls Of th e re ign Of

Hen ry III. withou t any arrangem en t ; f. 1 .

2 . From the close, paten t, and fin e rolls Of the reign Of

Edward I. ; f. 49—433. Bu t th ere are in terspersed a few

t ran scripts from rolls Ofother re ign s, as at f. 89 , and from

th e rotuli Fran ciae OfEdward III. at f. 125 and f. 173 .

3. A collection of,briefn otices Ofmat ters con tain ed in

paten t and close rolls,~with tran scripts occasionally in tro

duced ; f. 535— 611 . In terspersed are ,

Diploma respect ing th e hou se OfKingswood ;f. 557.

In strum en t relating to th e presen tation to th e

church OfDonyngton in Holland ; f. 603.

In strum en ts respecting th e righ ts Of th e dean

and chapter Of Lichfield in th e church Of Stowe ;f. 607.

4. Extracts from the rolls respecting Pucklechurch inGloucestersh ire f. 649 .

5 . Extracts from th e placita Of2 and 3 Edw. III. respec ting th e church es Of Aldulvestre , Sulihall, and Louepit te ;

f. 663.

6 . Verdict in a forest in qu e st concern ing th e forest Of

Dean , 18 Hen . III . f. 685 .

7 . Visus perambulationum forestae Alti Pecci in com’

Derb’ f. 685 .

8. Peramb ulatio fore stae de Den e, 28 Edw. I f. 686.

9 . Writ from the close rOll, 2 Edw. I . m . f. 69 1.

Page 315: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

( 292 )

9 . No tes from records, and argumen ts respecting,the

power Of the church ; f. 13.

10. Title s Of Statu tes made during the re ign OfKingHen ry III., King Edward I. , and King Edwardwhereof there b e records in th e Tower.

1 1. Titles Of Statu tes reputed to be made duringth e reign s OfKingHen ry III., Edward I., and Edward II. ,whereof there be n o records to be found in the Tower or

elsewhere .

12 . Tran scripts Of som e and n otices Of many o th er

writs on the paten t and close rolls wh ich relate to affairs

Of the church , and especially to th e summ on ing of con

vocation s.

13. Extracts from ecclesiastical and m onastic regis

ters ; VIz.

Registrnm de Boxgrave, ve tustus liber, apudRob . Cotton eq. aur . e t baron e ttum ;

”n ow Cot t.

Claud. A . V I .

LiberElien sis con scriptus a Richardo Elien si,apud Rob . Cotton ,

”810. A few n o tes are added

from another book Of Ely in the possession Of S.

Stewart .Registrnm Wigorn ien se, apud v. c. Rob .

Cotton , writ ten in a Saxon hand, before the conquest ;z'

. e. Hem inge Wigorn ien sis.Registrnm abbatiae Ab endon en sis, apud v.

c. Rob . Cot ton .

Codex Landaven sis ecclesias, sed recen ter

s criptus ; in ter libros Johan n is Pon tesii.Codex Theokesburien sis, recen s scriptus

in th e sam e library.

Registram Walteri de Mon iton abbatisGlaston ’

secundum ; pen es illustr. com . Arundel.Th e extracts from th ese registers were made by Selden .

14. Paten t Of creation Of John Ram sey Of Brodbury,

Kn igh t, Viscoun t Hadington , dated 8th April 4 Jam es.

15 . Creation of the earldom of Oxford, from an old

book in possession Of th e earl.

Page 316: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer


16. Inquisition respect ing th e house ofAbbotsbury and

the fisherm en Of Langton , 6 Hen . VI.17. A few extracts from the registers Of the archbishops

of Can terbury.

18. Extracts from the rolls of parliam en t Ofaffairs con

cern ing the clergy.

19 . Abstracta registri Can tuarien sis, a Peckham usqueCranm er.

”Th is is the gen eral h eading to a series Of

extracts and abstracts from the registers of the followingarchb ishops, for there is n othing later than Chicheley :Peckham Win ch elsey, Reyn old, Islip, Langham , Wit tlesey, Sudbury, Courtnay, Arundell, Ch icheley. See m ore

ample extracts in vol. LXXIX. The abstracts Of the

con ten ts Of these registers are n o t in strict ch ronological

order, Reynold’s following Langham’

s . The series is also

in terrupted by the in troduction Of

20. Titles Of the papal bulls in Registrnm bullarum

in custodia cam erariorum in th esauro Th is isthe liber A. Of th e Office and th e Foedera : and

2 1 . Extracts from th e liber Landaven sis, len t to Seldenby Theoph ilus Field, Bishop Of Llandaff.22. An imperfect treatise on the h istory Of th e later

kings Of India, and Of Persia and Greece .

23. A few n otes ou t Of the rolls Of parliamen t .

24. Tran scripts Of a few docum en ts from the paten trolls .

25 . Ou t OfMr. Bradshaw’s book . Th is con sists Of

briefn o t ice s Of placita in the re ign Of Edward I.26 . A comm ission from Que en Elizabe th to th e Mar

Th e second Ofth e let te rs from the paten t rolls ofEdward th e Foedera , vol. I. p. 5 98, is en tered in Peckham '

s register,

and in h is copy the word statu tum precedes con ciln n ostri,”

and is wan ted to complete the sen se . . In th e register Of the

same archbishop is a le tter Of the prelates to th e king relating

to the affair Of the bishop Of Sain t Asaph , .wh ich seems to

h ave led to those peremptory mandates Of the king, and whichought to have found a place in the Foedera .

T 3

Page 317: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

( 9 94 3

qu is of Win ch es ter and o thers to visit the dioceses Of

Rochester, Can terbury, Ch iche ster, an d Winche ster.

27. A royal address to an assembly Of clergy, at wh ichit appears were pre sen t Eth e lwold Bishop OfWin chesterand Oswald Bishop of Worcester.

28. A m andate from James I . to the comm issary Of theprerogat ive court Of the Archbishop Of Can terbury, re

qu iring h im to gran t adm in istrat ion Of th e goods Of the

Earl OfBerksh ire , lately deceased (Sir Fran cis Norris), toBridge t h is widow.

29 . Extract from th e paten t roll, 41 Edw . III. p . l .

m . re specting coals at Newcastle upon Tyn e .

30. De superioritate maris Angliae, e t jure Oflicn

admirallatfis in eodem .

” Th is is n o t a treat ise on the

subj ect, but four docum en ts relating to it .

31 . Charter to th e city Of London , gran ted by KingJam es in the sixth year Of h is reign , by wh ich th e jurisdiction Ofth e city is extended over the precin cts Ofvariousdissolved religious houses ; viz .

Th e priory Of th e church of th e Holy Trin ityn ear Aldgate .

The priory Of Sain t Bartholom ew n ear Sm ithfield.

The friars predican ts n ear Ludgate, common lycalled th e black friars .

The prior Of th e bre th ren Of the order Of Sain tMary OfMoun t Carm el in Flee t Stree t, common lycalled th e wh ite friars.

The h ospital and liberty Of Cole Harbour.

32 . Copy Of th e comm ission for h earing and determ in

ing claim s at the coronation of King Charles II ., and the

proceedings Of the comm ission at large .

XXXI I I . (XXXV . )

Abstracts Of PLAC ITA in Commun i Banco, 124 Edw . I . TO this book there is an index .

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1 . Sligh t m emoranda from the STATUTES from Hen . VI .-to James I .2 .

-Notes from th e close and paten t rolls Of Edward II.con cern ing parliamen t.

3. Note s from th e rolls Of parliam en t, 1 Edw. II.31 Hen . VI. These are for the m ost part in chron ological

order, but at th e end Of th e volume there is a leaf Of th e

re ign Of Edward III .

XXXIX . (XLI I . )

This volume consists Of two parts, the subj ectsOfwhich are entirely unconn ected with each other.

1 . A collection . Of proceedings in the common law

courts re spectingECCLESIASTICAL person s and affairs, in the

re ign s OfEdward I. and Edward IL, taken from the placitaof those re ign s, th e en tries be ing copied at full length .

2 . In qu isition s Ofth e ten an ts Of the hundred ofBAMFTON in Oxfordsh ire in th e t im e OfEdward I. ; and similar

inqu isition s for o th er portion s Ofth e coun ty OfOxford.

There is also n ear th e begin n ing Of th e volum e an

accoun t Ofsome proceedings in the re ign OfEdward VI .con cern ing th e prior and conven t Of the Holy Trin ity OfDublin .

It may b e expedien t to add a list Of the extracts fromth e placita in th e first portion Ofthis volum e .

Ces te le m on stran ce le con te de Cornwaille,

6 Edw. I .Coram rege apudWestm . Hill. term , 7 Edw. I .

Staff. rot . 8.

recogn ised to b e th e righ t Of th e said Thomas, for wh ichThomas gave th e king fifty marks Of silver. The fin e was

kn own to Thoroton , wh o refers to it in the accoun ts wh ich hegives Of Bingham and Clopton , b ut there is n othing from

wh ich we can infer why such a fine was n ecessary.

Page 320: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

( 897 )

ApudNot tingham , Hill. term, 21 Edw. fil. Hen .

Ebor. ro t . 23.

Coram dom ino rege e t ejus con silio ad parliam en tum suum post festum San cti Hillarii, e t e tiam

post Pascham , 18 Edw. fil. Hen . Th is is the pe titionOfWill iam de Valen ce , which is in th e prin ted rolls .

Coram dom in o rege apud Sandwicum , Hill.term , 22 Edw . fil. Hen .

Coronas coram Johan n e de Berwicke e t sociis

suis justic’

it iner’

in com’ Kan e ’ a die S. Mich . in

xv. dies, 2 1 Edw.

Pasch . 23 Edw . fil. Hen .

Apud Ebor. 27 Edw . fil. Hen . Wigor. rot . 23.

Apud Ebor. Hill. term , 30 Edw. fil. Hen .

ro t. 31.

Apud We stm . Trin . term , 6 Edw. fil. Edw.

Apud W'

e stm . Mich . term , 9 Edw. fil. Edw.

Kan c. ro t . 26.

Apud We stm . Trin . term, 9 Edw. fil. Edw .

Sussex, rot . 109 .

Ebor. Mich . term , 12 Edw . fil. Edw . Cor

n ub’

, rot. 22 .

Ebor . Mich . term , 13 Edw . fil. Edw . Kan c.

rot . 10.

Wes tm . Trin . term , 13 Edw. fil. Edw. Hertford. ro t. 15 .

Coram rege in parliam en to suO, Pasch . term ,

8 Edw. fil. Edw . apud Wes tm.“

I do not observe th is in th e prin ted parliam en t rolls ; the

question raised was the righ t Of the ecclesiastical court s to cite

persons who were Ofth e king’

s court. An appeal in a cause of

m atrimony anddivorce was made byMaud de Neirford, daugh ter

OfWilliam de Neirford, Kn igh t, deceased, Of th e diocese Of

Norwich , against Isabel de Barr Coun tess OfWarren , the king’


n iece ; she refused to appear, as be ing “ in com itivadom inaereginae consortis domin i regis,


to the citation ofthe archdeacon

OfNorfolk .

Page 321: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

( 298 )

Westm . Trin . term, 14 Edw . fil. Edw. Oxon .

rot . 20.

Ebor. Mich . term , 16 Edw . fil. Edw. No tt.

rm . 5 .

Ebor. Mich . term,


l 7 Edw. fil. Edw. Oxon .

ro t. 7. and also ro t . 38.

Wigorn . Hill. term , 17Edw. fil. Edw . Hereford, ro t. 87.

Westm . Mich . term , 18 Edw. fil. Edw. Lon

don .

Westm . Mich . t erm , 19 Edw . fil. Edw. Lin

coln . rot. 53.

XL. (XLI I I . )A long reading in French on th e CHARTA DE

FORE STA and other forest laws .

XLI . (XLIV . )Modern tran scripts Of the ITERS following1 . Nott . coram W. de Herle e t soen s,

”3 Edw. III

2 . Bedeford coram Rob . de Ardern e e t soen s,

4 Edw . III.3 . Derb . coram Wil. de Herle e t socn s.

4 . Iter fore stae Hen rici Com it is Lan castrize in com itatu

Lan castriae, coram WiHO de Bloun t e t sociis 8 Edw . III.5 . I ter forestae Hen rici Com itis Lan castriae de Pike

ring, coram R ic . de Willoughby e t sociis,”8 Edw . III.

Th is last iter con tain s a very ample accoun t Of the

fore st OfPickering, and Of the righ ts enjoyed by th e borderers or inhabitan ts, with copies at length Ofth e charters

in wh ich m any Of those righ ts originated. Compare Mayn ard XII.

XLI I . (XLV )Another book ofITER s containing,1 . London coram Hen rico [qu . Herve io] de S ten ton

e t soen s, apud Turrim London , 14 Edw. fil. Edw.

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( 300 )

and dign ity, be de scended un to the lady by the daugh terand h e ir Of the Hon . Henry Nevill, th e late baron Of

Abergavenny, or un to the special h e ir male, un to whom the

castle OfAbergaven ny (be ing an t ien tly th e h ead Of the

barony) is descended.

” Th is is in substan ce what is

prin ted in Collin s’

Proceedings, eye. on claims, &c. concerning

baron ies by writ, 1734, p. 9 7, and there attribu ted to

Mr. Serj ean t Doddridge .

XLIV . (XLVI I . )Collections for th e history Of the COURT OF


1 . Heads Ofchapters for such a treatise .

2 . Breviat t ou t ofth e records in th e Tower con cern ingthe au thority Of th e chan cery, with direct ion s to find th e

originals f. 1 .

3. De can cellario e t can cellarié f. 12 .

4 . Recorda ex arch ivis Turris de cancellaria f. 106.

5 . A discourse Ofthe h igh courts Ofjustice in England,and especially of the chan cery court and Ofth e lord chan

cellor, written by Mr. William Lam bert, Arm iger 169 .


6. Of th e h igh courts Of justice in England, and

e specially of th e chan cery court, and Of th e lord chan

cellor that judge th th ere in f. 217.

7. Som e n otes and Observation s upon the s tatu te Of

Magna Charta, cap. 29 , and other statu tes con cern ing the

proceedings in chan cery, in courts Of equity and good.

con scien ce f. 233.

8. The Earl Of Oxford’s case in chan cery, Mich .

13 Jac. ; f. 254 b .

9 . A j udgm en t upon a statu te f. 258 b.

10. Allen ’

s case in chan cery f. 260b .

1 1 . Th e king’

s order and decree in chan cery for a

rule to b e Observed by th e lord chan cellor in that court,

exemplified and en rolled for a perpe tual record th ere,

an no 1616 ; f. 266.

12 . A le t ter written by my lord keeper Sir Nich olasBacon un to the lords Of th e councell con cern ing Fran cis

Page 324: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

( 301 )

Kemp, complainan t, concern ing the Office Of the clerksh ipOf the hamper, an n o 1564 f. 270.

13. The Opin ion OfSir Jam es Dyer, Kn igh t, lord ch iefjust ice Of the Comm on Pleas, and o ther Of the Queen ’


Maje sty’s j ust ices of the‘

courts OfWestm in ster, by virtueOf her Majesty’s le tte r Of privy seal to them directed,

con cern ing the jurisdiction s and libertie s Of the coun typalatin e Of Chester, and th e au thority of the chamberlainand h is Office there f. 272 .

14. A discourse writ ten by Mr. John She ldon , studien t[sic] in th e Middle Temple , London , and dedicated un to

Sir Fran cis Bacon , Kn igh t, lord keeper Of th e great seal OfEngland, Of th e m en tion [sic] , conjun ction , or divisionOf th e two great Offices of state, the chan cellorship and

keeper Of the great seal Of England, in an n o 1617

f. 277

15 . An act Ofcoun cell to establish order in legal pro

ceedings in the islands Of Jersey and Guern sey. At

Westm in ster, the 18th Of Jun e 1565 f. 288 b .

16. An act Of coun cell to establish an order in the

legal proceedings in th e isles of Jersey and Guern sey.

A t Westm in ster, the 13th Of May an no 1572 ; f. 289 .

17. The cases Of con scien ce gen erally prac tised inthe chan cery ;” f. 29 1 .

18. An ordinan ce publish ed by Sir Nicholas Bacon,lord keeper Of the great seal OfEngland, con cern ing com

m issions in perpe tufi re i m emoria, the 10th ofDecemberann o 3

° Eliz . f. 29 6 b .

19 . The con stitution s and orders ren ewed and e stablish ed in the prison Of the Flee t, anno Dom in i 1561 ;

£ 29 8.

20. A gran t of the chan cellorsh ip, an no 7 Hen -


rici VIII . f. 307.

21 . The an tiqu ity Of th e lord chan cellor ofEngland’


Office , collected by Mr. Tate Of the Middle Temple, London f. 309 .

22 . Ordinan ces, explain ed by Mr. Cooke, upon the

es tate Of the chancery courts in an no f. 315.

Page 325: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

( 302 )

XLV . (L. )A large volume Of transcripts from the CHARTJE

ANTIQUE at the Tower, A . to Q . , containingcopies Of charters Of our early kings from the

Conqueror to Henry III . , with a few Ofthe Saxonkings ; also Of the Que ens Consort Matilda and

Eleanora ; Of the Empress Maud ; Of EustaceEarl Of Bologne , son of King Stephen ; and Of

many other Of th e most em in ent persons Of thatearly period. Made for Sir Matthew Hale .

XLVI . (XLVI I I . )Other transcripts from the CHARTZE ANTIQUE ,

AA . to NN .

In th is volume are also tran scripts ou t Of the paten tand close rolls, 5 John—1 1 Hen . III ., and a few tran s

scripts from th e chartae, 16 Joh n , Of docum en ts wh ichrelate to the in tercourse be tween England and the se e of

Rome .

XLVI I . (XLIX . )Transcripts Of GRANTS Of ABBEY LANDS and

Of OFFI CE S by King Henry VI I I licences Of

alienation , 850. At f. 136 are a few docum ents,n ot royal grants, relating to private properties .In th is volum e is also a documen t en t itled, Articles ‘

to be en qu ired Of by the comm ission ers n am ed in the

comm ission hereun to ann exed, touch ing the value Of all

th e lands spiritual and temporal belonging to the dean

and chapter Of th e cath edral church Of Norwich .


comm ission bears date 16th July 30Hen . VIII.


These eighteen volume s contain Sir MatthewHale’s tran script Of the ROLLS OF PARLIAMENT

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( 304 )

to the third year Of King Henry V II . , aboutwhich period it was written . It is on fin e vellum ,

and has several illum inations ; in the initial letterare these arms gules, a chevron ermine betweenthree leopards’ heads argent, with a white gr eyhound COllared and chained for the cre st, whichare probably the arms Of the person for whose use

the volume was prepared. The name R iC’


Fulbroke appears in an Old hand on on e Of the



Prefixed is an alphabe tical index Of th e prin cipalmatters ; imm ediately following wh ich is a copy Of th e

statu te again st Hugh le Despen cer and h is accomplices,which appears to have been discovered by th e compile rafter the reign Of Edward III. was comple ted, and is

therefore h ere placed by itself. By an early hand, bu tperhaps n ot that Of th e scribe by whom th e volume was

prepared, this statu te is said to b e an n o Edwardi Se

cundi primo bu t this is a m istake, it is Of the first yearOfKing Edward III. Th is m istake has m isled the au th or

Of the prin ted catalogue, who describes th is volum e as

con tain ing th e statutes Of the reign of King Edward II.

LXVI I . (LXXI I . )A folio manuscript on vellum , Of the age Of

King Edward III . It contains,1 . The proceedings Of the iter apud Northampton

t en tum coram Galfrido le Scrop e t sociis su is, 3 Edw. III .”

2 . I ter apud Derb. coram Will. de B erle e t sociis

suis, 3 Edw. III.”

3. Iter apud Nottingham coram W. de Herle e t soen s

su is, 3 Edw. III .4 . Year books Of 1—4 Edw. III.

LXVI I I . (LXXI I I .)A folio manuscript on vellum Of the fourteenth

century, consisting Of178 leaves, fairly .written, in .

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( 805 )

two columns, and partially illuminated, containingin continued series various H ISTORICAL and GEO

GRAPHICAL TREATI SE S .l . A chron icle, ch iefly Of sacred history, from the foun

dation Of the world z—Testante Sacrci Scripturd D eus in

principio ccelum et torram creavit, SIC. The Jewish h istoryis accompan ied with sligh t n otices Of con temporary even tsin the h is tory Of Greece, Rom e, and Britain . The write ris very ample in h is accoun t Of the life Of o ur Saviour,and Of the labours Of th e Apostles ; afterwards the h is

tory is brief, following th e course Of the succession Of the

popes to the death Of In n ocen t VI . in 1362 . There is acon t in uation by oth er hands to th e t im e Of Pope In n ocen t VIII ., 1489 . It con sists Of fifty leaves.

2 . A briefh istory Of the an tien t world, and con tin u ed

through the course Of the succession Of th e Roman em

perors down to Frederick, successor OfOtho , in l 220z—AdD ei glorificationem omnis Sacra Scriptum , 8rc. TO th is is

added a collection Of legends Of prodigie s and m iracles .

Twen ty-four leave s.3. A geograph ical treat ise , con tain ing briefdescription s

Ofall the coun trie s th en known z—D ivinis cl kumanis rebus

Julius Ccesar singulariter instructus, 8t c . Th is is con tinuedthrough twen ty-on e leave s, wh en , without any n o tice Of a

n ew subject being commen ced, th e writer recurs again to

the Brit ish islands, wh ich are de scribed with m uch m ore

m in u teness than the o ther parts Of the world, begin n ingwith Ireland.


The accoun t given Of th e course Of the four great roads

varies so much from that generally found in the geograph icaldescript ion s Of England, in writings Of th e m iddle ages, that it

w ill probably b e acceptable to th e reader.

1 . Th e FOSS, wh ich is said to be the greatest Ofall, pro

ceeds from To tn e ss to Bath , Cirencester, Codeswold n ear

Coven try, Le icester, Lincoln , Berwick, and forward to

Caithn ess .

2. The Watling Street, from Dover to the n eighbourhood Of London, to St . Alban ’

s, Dun staple , Stratford,


Page 329: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

( 806 )

4 . Another description of the British isles, especiallyEngland, with an epitom e Of its early h istory. Elevenleaves.

5 . A treatise, en titled Vade m ecum in tribulation i

bus. Intentio prima in tribulation ibus, 8t e . Seven leaves.

6 . The h istory Of th e Norman s from Rollo —TemporeEthelredi R egis Anglia? guidam paganus, R ollo nomine, SIC,

Two leaves .

7. De Britan n ia.” Th e h istory deduced from th e

Trojan s, and through the course Of the emperors Of

Rome . D e Veteri et de Novo Testamento, 8te . Elevenleaves .

8. In cipit vita Merlin i cum proph ecn s. Out Of th is

arises th e h istory Of Arthur, wh ich is treated at great

length ; after wh ich , withou t any in timation that a n ew

subject was abou t to b e taken up, we have the h istorybriefly n arrated Of th e Saxon kings, t ill at the Conquestth e n arrative becom es more full ; and fuller s till as we

proceed, till in th e re ign Of Edward III . it has expandedin to a valuable and in teresting chron icle Of even ts. Th e

lates t en try is Of an even t wh ich belongs to th e yearThere are appended to th is ch ron icle, in th e

sam e hand, a gen ealogical table Of th e royal h ouse Of

England, begin n ing with ROllO, and ending with th e

ch ildren of King Edward III . ; and a table wh ich is intended to illustrate th e claim of Edward III. to th e crownof Fran ce .

Towcester, Moun t Gilbert n ear Shrewsbury, Stratton ,Cardigan .

3. Belin strete , from Men evia [St . David’

s ] to South

ampton .

4. Belingstrete, from Men evia by Hereford, Worcester,

Wiche , Berm ingham , Lichfield, Derby, Ch esterfield, York,to th e mouth Of th e Tyn e , where is Tyn emouth .

In fin e ejusdem ann i Willielmus de Wikham factus est

episcopus Win ton iae; quomodo con secratus in posteris plen ius

explicetur. Dictum fuit a vulgo quod episcopus Bathoniae,

Johann es Barnet, deb eret tran sferri ad episcopatum Eliensem .

Page 331: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

( 808 )

18. Utrum bulla papalis sit vera an n on .

On the two con cluding leave s are written various piecesOf Latin verse, som e Of wh ich are h istorical.

Respec ting form er po ssessors Of th is curious volum e we

have in the illum inat ion Of th e in itial le tter th e arm s

n ebuleé, argen t and sable , on .a quarter gules, a mulle t or,

wh ich are probably th ose Of th e original possessor. At

th e begin n ing Of th e fifteen th cen tury it belonged to Bar

tholom ew Brok esby, by whom , in 1427, it was given to

th e h ouse ofKirkby-Eeler. This appears by th e followingm emorandum in th e book itself

Memorandum , quodBartholom eus Brok e sby Arm igerdedit istum librum prioratn i de Kyrkeby superWre th ek , an n o Dom in i m ill


mOVI l


Qu i alienaverit, an athema sit . Am en .

The n am e ofa later own er, John Thyn n e,” also appearsin th e volum e ; bu t th ere is n oth ing to Show by whatm ean s it cam e in to th e hands Of Sir Mat thew Hale .

LXIX . (LXXIV . )A very fair manuscript in folio on vel lum , con

taining the STATUTE S from Magna Charta to the

second year Of King Henry V about whichtime it was written . Like m ost other collectionsOf th e statutes, it contains the Great and LittleHengham , and m any other writings relating to th elaws and usages Of the tim e , the whole being in226 chapters . There are prefixed a calendar,


table Of contents, and a large table Of capitula.

Th e secre t was th is : Si vis scire u trum literae dom in i

Papas sin t veraces vel non , num era pun ctos quae sun t in bulla.

Et si inven eris circulum ub i sun t capita apostolorum hab en tem

78 pun ctos, alium vero circulum 46, alium super capu t BeatiPetri hab en tem 26, alium super capu t San cti Pauli hab en tem25 pun ctos, et punctos quae sun t in barba 26, veraces sun t ;

alioqu in falsee .

Page 332: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer


LXX. (LXXV . )A folio Of the smaller size , written in two

columns on ve llum , of th e fifteenth century, containing Liber altercation um CHR ISTIANZE PH I

LOSOPHUE contra erron eas et seductiles paganorum

ph ilosophorum versucias .

”Omn isfamilia Summz

et veri D ei, &c .

Th is book form erly belonged to William Cosyn OfCam ,

th e gift Of Thomas Corn ish , chan tor Of the church Of

Sain t Andrew Of We lls .

LXXI . (LXXVI . )A folio manuscript on paper, with a few leaves

Of vellum , entitled, in a modern hand, LIBERMATHEMATICU S incerti authoris .

”It was written

in Italy, probably early in the fifteenth century.

The diagram s are drawn with singular e leganceand delicacy.

It is a treatise On Opt ics ; th e preface begin s thus

Ante physicce considerationis studia lax , 8tc. The work isdivided in to two parts, Ofwh ich the first begin s,— Charitatisamatori fratri Willielmo de M orbeclzd, and the

se cond, Promisso libro passiones speculorum sphericorum et

cavorum, 8t e .*

(LXXI I . LXXVI I . )A folio manuscript on paper, in a hand Of the

fifteenth century, containing various LAW TRACTS,bound in th e following order

1 . A registrum b revium .

2 . A treat ise on te nures —Tenar per service de Che valier

est tenur per humage, 810. The latter part Of th is treat iseis wan t ing.

On a fly leafof th is volume th e proportionality Ofthe sun’


diameter to that Ofthe earth is stated to b e as 11 to 2.

U 3

Page 333: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

( 810 )

3 . Un liver de exposicion de le z tenures fait a toy

m on fitz a pluis m e illour apprender e t in tender les .


th ree books . Th is is Little ton ’

s treatise .

4 .Reports for all th e term s Of th e 38th and 39 th Of

Edw . III .5 . Reports Of the 2, 6, 7, 8, 11, 13, also 10, 2 1, and

22 R ic. II .6 . Reports, 10 Edw . IV ., and De term ino San cti

Michaelis an no ab incohation e H . VI e t readep

t ion is regiaapotestatis suae primo .

7. Reports, 5 Hen . V.

In terspersed are

1 . An explanation Of the powers Of the Arabicn um erals in respect Of th eir place .

2 . Comm ission Of th e justices itin eran t, and Wl' l t\to the sh eriff.

3 . Of th e kn igh t’

s fee, and its subdivision s.4 . Not ice Of th e fees to b e demanded in th e various

s teps Of proceedings at law .

5 . Table Of th e kings .

In th e binding Of this volum e a prin ted paper has beenu sed wh ich is a brief gran ted by Pope Julius IL, recomm endingMichael de Paleologo, a Con stan t inOpOlitan , to

th e ben evolen ce Of th e Christ ian world.

Th is volum e was purchased for twelve sh illings by SirMatth ew Hale Of Mr. Wash ington , a dealer in an tien t >

manuscrip ts .

LXXI I I . (LXXVI I I . )A small folio , Of the tim e Of King Charles I

containing reference s to th e records at the Towerfor information respecting the COUNTY OF C LOUCESTER .

1 . TO th e paten t, close , fin e, and charter rolls, from the

reign Of John to that Of Edward IV.

2 . TO the in qu isition s post m ortem and ad quod dam

num , from 1 Edw . I. to 3 R ic . III .

It seem s to have been taken from the Office calendars .

Page 335: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

3 12“

9 . Notes Of readings on the law Of devise of ten ures

in socage .

10. Readings upon the Statut de explanation sur le

s tatut de darrein volun te, an n o 34 e t 35 Hen . VIII . 0.

TO th is and the preceding the n ame Of A . Gylbert is sub

scribed as ifh e were th e au thor, with the date 2 and 3 Pb .

and Mar.

11. Whe th er any estate Of lands or ten emen ts maypass from h is h igh n ess .

12 . A few n o tes re spec ting th e man or Of Macclesfield.

13. A n ote Of such lands as passed th e great seal Of

England in fee , and were all, or th e m ost part, Of th ean t ien t earldom Of Che ster,

”8 Edw . I.

- 1 Mariae .

14. Certain errors upon the statu te made 25 Edw . III .Of ch ildren born beyond the sea, con ce ived by Serjean tBrowne and compiled by Serjean t Fairfax, in m an n er Of

a dialogue . Th is tract is cited by Hargrave, Co. Litt.

8 a. n . 1 .

15 . Arch e ion , or the h igh courts Of justice in England, by Mr . Lambert Of Lin coln ’

s In n , an n o

Th is manuscript varies greatly from th e edition Of th is

treatise published in 1635, 12mo ., both in the arrange

m en t and the text . Its readings seem in gen eral to de

serve th e preferen ce .

16. Mr. Guyn’

s preface to h is readings .

17. Reports de la reverend e t erudite Thomas Owen ,u n des justices de Com on Banke al 28—39 Elizabe th . Tran scribed out Of h is own book , JulySom e Of th ese are n o t found in th e volum e Of Owen ’


Reports, prin ted in 1650.

18. Le case Harvye vers Facye .

19 . Nicholl’

s case .

20. The argum en t ofMr . John Walter in the case

of King Jam es h is h ospital, made for Baxter.

2 1 . Baron Altham’

s argumen t in le case de com

m endam s .

22. Touch ing the j urisdiction of the chancery.


Page 336: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

( 813 )

Opin ion given to King James, sign ed Fran . Bacon and

Hen . Yelverton .

23. Argum en t in the Abergavenny peerage case .

24. Errores in cam era Scaccarii apud Westmonas

t erium .

25 . L’

argumen t de s justices del Comon Banke , M.

37 and 38 Eliz .” Germyn and Asco t t .26. No tes concern ing aid to th e King to make Prin ceHen ry kn igh t, 8 April 1611 .

27. Ro tulus de clam iis ad coron at ion em regis irro

tulat is de an n o tercio Jacobi Regis.

28. A few brief n otes Of gran ts Of Office by KingJam es.

29 . Copies Of the paten ts of twelve peers created in

the first year Of King James, and Of the restoration Of the

Earl Of Southampton .


Various LAW PIECE S .1 . Placita de quo warran to in com . Glouc., 15 Edw. I .

Modern tran script.2 . Placita coronae in com . Glouc ., 15 Edw . 1. Modern

tran script .3 . Extract from th e plac ita forestae among th e records

in th e treasury Of th e rece it Of th e Exch equer, respect ingthe forests Of Kingswood and Filwood in com . Som . et

Glouc. , temp . Edw . IV.

4 . Extract from the placita parliam e n ti 18 Edw . Irelat ing to the burgesses of Newcastle and the prior of

Tyn em ou th .

5 . A declaration how kings Of England have fromt ime to t ime suppo rted and repaired th e ir e state s, collec ted

o ut Of the records Of the Towe r, by William Noye , Esq.

and the A ttorn ey Gen eral, an no decim o Caroli Regis .

Th is is th e treat ise wh ich is prin ted by Howell in h is

Cotton i Posthuma , 8VO., 165 1, and there attributed to Sir

Robert Co tton .

Page 337: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

( 314 )

6 . The copy Of h is Majesty’s le tters paten t gran tedto Sir Job Harby, Robert Charlton , Roger Vivian ,Thomas Benist, and William Langhorn e, touch ing th e

pre-empt ion Of tyum, with a release Of per an num

out Of that farme .

7. Report Ofproceedings in the star chamber, Attorn eyGen eral again st Richard Glover and oth ers, for con tempts,810. in respect of the gran t abou t pre- emp tion Of tin .


LANIEs, about half filled.

1 . Order in coun cil, 6th April 1638 : sen ten ce Of con

secration and o th er docum en ts relat ing to th e church th en

recen tly e rected in Coven t Garden , in th e parish Of St .


s in the Fields.2 . Casus cujusdam Fines Leonard. Th is con cern s

the righ ts Of person s Of English paren ts born abroad.

3 . Decree in th e court Of th e duchy of Lan caster,l 6th Feb . 1637, con cern ing the lead m in es in th e wapen

take Of Wirksworth ; Hen ry Earl Of Dover, Sir AbrahamDawes, Sir Robert Sharpey, Kn igh ts, Joh n Curzon , Esq.,

George Drywood, Thomas Wrigh t, Richard Carrier,

Bridge t Rogers, and Nathan iel Sayer, complain an ts,again st Sir Robert Heath , Kn igh t, Corn elius Vermuyden ,

John Molanu s, and An thony Coates, defendan ts.

4 . An in spexim us Of King Jam es L, in the second yearOf h is re ign , reciting several in term ediate in speximuses,

and ultimately a charter Of King Edward 111. gran tingcertain privileges to th e goldsm ith s Of th e city of London ,and a charter Of King Richard II . to th e same in the

third year Of h is re ign .

5 . A few brief n o tes Of proclamations in th e tim e Of

Jam es I . re spe cting th e affairs Of th e goldsmith s com


6 . Ve ra copia literarum regis super inquisition em

adm iralitatus com . 5 Edw. IV. and writ of

Page 339: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

( 316 )

19 . Charter from King Charles I . to Ph ilip Earl of.

Mon tgom ery respecting th e se t tlem en t Of th e islands Of

Trin idad, Tobago, Barbudos, and Fon seca alias Sain tBern ard. In comple te .

20. Extract from placita, 1 1 Hen . IV . rot . 27, on a

qu estion be tween John Marsh and the lord mayor andsh eriffs Of London .

2 1 . Extract from placita before the justices itin eran t at

Derby, 4 Edw . III. ro t . 17 .

22 . Order in coun cil respect ing th e commerce Of the

citizen s Of Hamburgh with England, 16th April 1630.

23. Th e king’

s le tter to the Archbishop Of Can ter

bury to summon th e clergy to a con vocation , 20th Feb .

15 Car. I .24 . Extract from the lords journals, die Sabbati 28th

Aug. 1641 .

25 . Extract from the register Of th e see Of Can terburyOf a gran t of 100,000l. by th e prelates and clergy to th eking in 1530; and n o tices of oth er subsidies gran ted inth e re ign s of Mary, Elizabe th , and Jam es . Also n otices

Of royal writs,l

ch iefly in th e re ign Of Charles L, con

cern ing th e powers and busin ess Of the con vocation .

26. Extract from th e comm on s journals, die Martis

20th April 1641, relating to the case Of Mr. Pryn n e .

27. Orders to b e taken by th e court Of Exch equerfor London . Relates to the cu stoms.

28. From the clo se roll,18 Edw . III . In . 12 : Pro

hom in ibus de Marshland.

29 . A sligh t ske tch Of the descen t Of An n e (Clifford)Coun tess Of Pembroke .

30. Gran t by King John to Robert de Ve teri Pon te Ofthe coun ty Of Westm orland.

31 . Extract from placita 4 Hen . fil JOh . Rob . de Ve teri

Pon te and Idon ea h is wife again st Alice Coun tess Of Eu,

respecting th e castle and town Of Tykenhull [Tickh ilL]32 . No tes respecting a question Of prisage be tween Sir

Gervas Elwes, lieutenan t Of th e Tower, and the city of

London .

Page 340: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

( 317 )

33. A few extracts from the close rolls Of Hen . III . andEdw . III.34. KingHen ry the First

s confirmation of gran ts to

th e church Of St. Mary de Belvero , and the church Of

St. Alban .

35 . Inqu isit ion respecting th e breaking the firgatum

Of Nicholas de S taple ton at West Hadlesey in Yorksh ire .

36. Privileges and liberties gran ted by severalcharters to th e mayor, con stables, and socie ty Ofm erchan ts

Of th e staple Of England.

37. Reason s for main tenance Of the policiou Of the

merchan ts of the staple Of England, exh ibited by them

to th e lords Of h is Maj esty’s privy council.”

38. Memoranda re lating to the quest ion Of prisage,and a few o th er n otes from th e rolls, wh ich appear to be

firs t n otes, fairly tran scribed in papers in the earlier partsOf the volume .

LXXVI I I . (LXXXI I I . )Another miscellany, like the last, OfH ISTORICAL


1 . Docum en ts respect ing the college or free chapel OfWolverhampton ; f. 1 .

2 . Num erous Copies Of writs and o the r documen ts

relating to forests ; f. 14.

3 . Bull of Pope Nicholas V. respect ing the priory Of

Daven try , 145 1 ; f. 49 .

4. Placita versus forestarios pro prosternation e domuum in He ighull in com . Sou thampton f. 5 1 .

5 . Decre e in the Exch equer again st Sir Robert Sandie,Bart., and oth ers, for m on ey due to the King from th e

late dissolved company Ofmerchan ts trading to the Levan t,Mich . term 13 Jam es ; f. 52 .

6. Charters respect ing th e adm iralty Of th e port Of

Bristol ; f. 56.

7 . Extract from placita coram rege , 5 Edw. III . , on a

question of common of pasture at Herefeld ; f. 60.

Page 341: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

( 8 18 )

8. From the chartae, 16 Edw. III . m . 4 : gran t to Ed

ward Duke Of Cornwall and Earl Of Cheste r Of certain

man ors, 8tc. ; f. 65 .

9 . Referen ces to the paten t, close, and fin e rolls for

mat ter respec t ing th e Isle Of Man , and a copy, b u t imperfect, Of the surrender Of it m ade by William Earl OfDerby ; f. 66.

10. From th e paten t roll, 1 Edw . III. p . 3 . m . 14 : Pro

priore e t conven tu de Lan ce tou f. 68.

1 1 . Placita, 2 1 Edw . I . rot. 44 . Man or Of Kynfare ;f. 71 .

12 . From th e m em oranda Ofthe Exch equer, 1 R ic. 111.

Charge again st Geffery Dormer OfTham e in Oxfordsh ire ;merchan t, that h e u ses we igh ts n ot according to th e

statute ; f. 72 .

13. An order in the court OfExchequer, 3 Ric . III., forth e be t ter rece iving th e sh eriffs accoun ts ; f. 77 b .

14. Extract from placita, con cern ing th e chace Of th e

Bishop OfWin ch ester at Crunden ; f. 80.

15 . Extract from placita before the baron s Of th e Exch equer, Hill . term 12 Edw. IV. John River, citizen and

skin n er Of London , again st Robert Cosyn , keeper Of the

great wardrobe ; f. 101.

16. Writ from Thomas Viscoun t Wen tworth depu ty OfIreland, tran sm itting in to the court Of Chan cery Of

England certain bills Ofth ings to b e proposed in the n extparliamen t in Ireland, 9 April 10 Charles L ; f. 102 b .

17 . Not ice Of th e farm s for the town OfLyme ; f. 103

18. A n ote Of several h eads Of the gre en wax ;

f. 103 b .

19 . The humble an sweare OfFrauncis Earle OfCumberland and Hen ri Lord Clifford, h is son n e and h eire

apparen t, to the pe tition and claime of An n e Coun tesseDowager Of Dorsett,

” with pedigree Of Clifford an nexed ;'

f. 104.

20. Argumen t On the Office Ofchamberlain OfEngland ;f. 107 .

2 1 . Le t ter from the king to Robert Bishop of Oxford,

Page 343: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

( 320 )


Oflicium registri literarum cambn éti

receptu s proficui

camb ii ;”f. 128.

33 . Writ under th e privy seal, 7 Hen . IV .,“ Pro ten en ti

bus man erii regis de Haveringe in villa de Rumford ;”

f. 130.

34 . In spexim us Of a charter Of Queen Elean or re

specting h er chapel at Havering, and Of other charters

respecting th e church OfHavering; f. 131.

35 . A collection Of th e subsidies, xv.een s, paid in to thereceip t in th e time Of th e late Queen Elizabe th , gran tedto h e r h ighn ess by several acts Ofparliam en t f. 132.

36. A part icular Of th e Tower subsidies and e igh t

xv . th s and x .th s Ofth e laie ty, an n o 43° Regin ae Elizab e thm,

paid in to th e rece ipt f. 132 b .

37 Several papers relating to th e court Ofadm iralty andin ternation al law ; f. 133—160.

(L ) A large treat ise , th e subject Of wh ich is se t

forth in th e first clause . Cau sa quae propon iturejusmodi e st : Gemmeuses quidem , qu i tribus n avib uspraetoriis pe r mare Mediterran eum veh eban tur, in

n avem Turcicam preciosis m ercibu s on u stam quaeCon stan tin opoli ven iebat in cederun t, eamque aggressi

pro e o jure quo in Turcas hostes suos u si semper sun t,vi expugnarun t ceperun tque : m ox deinde adversis

ven tis e t tempestatibu s diu acti, cum aliter servare se

suamque predam n on possen t, portum in sulae Cre tee ,

quas sub Ven e torum imperio est, subire coacti sun t,

u t inde m ox solvere e t predam suam preferre Gen nam

possen t . Ven e ti, quemadm odum cum Gen n en sibus

ita e t cum Turcis pacem e t am icit iam colun t ; quaesi

tum est, an Turcae apud Ven e tos praedam earn a

Gen n en sibus repe tere, e t an Turcis eam judicaredeb ean t Ven e ti qu ibuscum n eutréi gen te quidquam

host ile in tercedit ;”f. 133.

Sen ten ce of Sir Juliu s Caesar in th e court Of

adm iralty, in th e case Ofthe San to An ton io, a Span ishvessel, March 8, 1605 ; f. 148 b .

Sen ten ce in a cause be tween Hen ry de Yonge

Page 344: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

0 3931 )

appellan t and the Coun t ofVillaMediana an danother,

16 13 ; f. 150b .

Sen te n ce OfSir Hen ry Martin , . in the court of

adm iralty, re spec ting a Portuguese ship laden withivory in the port Of Ilfracombe, and o ther th ings re

spect ing it, 1624 ; f. 152 .

Sen ten ce in a qu es tion between the ambassador Of the King Of Spain andMark Dyas, Fran cisMas tion , Simon Pas, and o th ers, 1626 ; f. 156 b.

Warran t OfGeorge Duke Of Buckingham in a

case ofpiracy f. 158.

38. Presen tation Of th e charge of libel again st NicholasJeffe of the parish Of Stepn ey, Gen tleman , in the form Of

a pe t ition to the King complain ing Of Sir Edward Cokein the mat ter Of th e Magdalen e College case ; f. 161 .

39 . Extract from pleas ofassize at Launceston , 8 Jam es

Bevill and Lynam ; f. 167.

40. Extract from placita in Curié‘t Regis, 18 Edw . II .rot . 28. Bailiff and m ayor ofWin ch ester ; f. 168 b.

4 1 . Extract from placita, 3 Edw. at Geresey ;f. 169 b .

42 . Extract from placita coram rege apud Len n e EpisCopi, 6 Edw . III. rot . f. 171 b .

43 . From close roll, 21 Edw . I . m . 8. dorso Scotland ;f. 173.

44. Writ de ven tre in spiciendo in re spect Of Fran cesCoun te ss OfSussex, who alledged that sh e was pregn an t, tothe dish erison OfSir Edward Radcliffe, 23 Sep. 22 Jam es ;

f. 173.

45 . Writ relating to forests in the coun ty Of Ru tland ;f. 173 b .

46. Form Of a writ : th e King to the'

comm issary Of

th e Prerogative Court ofCan terbury ; f. 175 .

47. Docum en ts respecting the castle of Colches ter ;

f. 176—177 b.

( l . ) Gran t Ofit, in ter al ia, to Robert Earl OfOxfordfor term Oflife, 8 Ric. 11.


Page 345: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

s ee

Inspeximus and confirmat ion Ofa gran t Of‘

th e

Oflice Of con stable to Robert Teye by Richard IL ;and Of an inden ture respecting a certain m ill,

1 Hen . IV. ; f. 176 b .

Gran t to Sir John Haward Of th e custody Ofthe castle, 1 Edw . IV. f. 177 b .

48. A few n otes from the rolls respecting th e city OfLondon ; f. 178.

49 . Extract from th e accoun ts Of Thurstan Allen ,bailiffOf the High Peak , 9 Hen . VII. ; f. 179 .

50. Referen ce to the h omage OfGeorge Earl OfShrewsbury, 1 f. 180.

5 1 . Que stion ‘

on respite Of homage in respect OfMag

dalen e Coll . Cambridge ; f. 180b .

52 . Very brief referen ces to various close rolls for

matters relating to comm erce ; f.

53 . Copy Of a writ from th e paten t roll, 15 Edw. II.In . 23 . p . addressed to Hen ry de Can t that wh ereas theKing has commanded h im to collect all records relatingto th e duchy Of Aqu itain e, as well those in th e treasuryas in th e wardrobe, to make calendars to th em , to placeth em In proper repositories, and to cause som e Of them to

b e tran scribed ; h e n ow enjoin s h im to do the same in

respect Of those pertain ing to Ireland, to Wales, and to

Sco tland ; f. 181 b .

54. Referen ce to the paten t roll, 4 Edw . III . In . that

the cryer Of th e King’

s Ben ch was then removed for ex

tortion ; f. 181

5 5 . Preceden ts con cern ing the lands Of Bab ington’


h e ir ; f. 181 b .

56 . Referen ce to various close rolls for matters relatingch iefly to imprisonm en t ; f. 185 b.

57. Referen ce to th e sam e, with several documen ts

tran scribed at length , for matter relating to the m in t and'

gold and silver bullion ; f. 186 b .

58. Num erou s referen ces to th e paten t and other rolls

for m at ter relating to comm ission s of array, m ilitary and

n aval commission s, and other m ilitary affairs ; f. 19 8.

Page 347: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

( 324

ford, upon a reference to the Earl OfArundel, earl marshal

ofEngland, and o ther commission ers f. 29 5 . See XIII .48.

78. Th e case ofthe search er OfLondon f. 301 .

79 . No tice Of an informat ion de que warran to respecting th e man or Of Stokenham ; f. 302.

80. Orders for passing composit ion goods in the

custom house, 8te .,1634 ; f. 302 b .

81 . Orders to b e Observed by th e me rchan t strangers ;

f. 303.

82 . Pedigree, ext racts from the rolls, and argum en t in.

the case Of th e barony OfGrey OfRu thyn ; f. 304 b .


A volum e Of SELDEN’

S, in h is own hand, con

sisting for the m ost part Of notes from th e REGI STERS Of the ARCHBISHOPS OF CANTERBURY ; Viz .

PECKHAM , f. 5 WINCHELSEY , f. 10 ; I SL IP , f. 15LANGHAM , f. 22 ; REYNOLDS, £ 32 ; WITLESEY,

f. 56 ; SUDBURY , f. 65 ; COURTNAY, f. 70 ; ARUNDELL , f. 76 CH ICHELEY, f. 81 STAFFORD , f. 85KEMP , f. 88 b . BOURCH IER , f. 90 ; MORTON, f. 9 1CRANMER, f. 107 b . A leaf Of the n ote s fromArundell’s register is n ow f. 86 ; and at f. 1 and

f. 106 may b e found notes from all th e variousregisters . Interspersed in this vo lume are

1. Ex regis tro bullar um in cu stodié cam erariorum in

thesauro Westm onasterii f. 25 .

2 . Extracts from th e liber Landaven sis ; f. 63.

3. Ro tulus cartarum in archivis ecclesias Paulinae ;

f. 9 3.

4 . Ex registro prioratfis S. Joh . Jerusalem , pen esTho . Pen ruddock M il., fact . 1442, temp. Robert i Bo tillerprioris ;

”f. 9 5 .

5 . Nomina magistrorum quondam Templi in Angliaf. 9 9 b .

Page 348: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

( 325 )

6 . Nom ina magnorum magistrorum quondam TempliSalom on is f. 9 9 b.

7 . Nom ina magistro rum hospitalis Jerusalem f. 100.

8. Nom ina priorum hospitalis San ct i Johan n is Jerusalem in Anglifi f. 101 .

9 . Extrac t from a chron icle in the library Of the EarlOf Arundel, con cern ing the royal touch ; f. 103.

10. Ex registro Haymon is ROffen s’

ecclesiae ;”f. 104.



glos ; composed by HENRY ELSINGE, Esquire ,Clarke Of the parliament . Divided into e ightchapters .Th is fills abou t on e half the volum e ; the remain ing

con ten ts are tran scripts from the rolls Of parliam en t .


Another volume Of SELDEN’

S, and in the handwritingOf that distinguished antiquary. The bookis divided into two nearly equal portions .

In th efi rst we have a large collect ion Of n ot ices from

the placita in parliamen to and the pe t it ion es in parliam en to, begin n ing with 18 Edw . I . These are som e time s

extracts, bu t Often n o m ore than abstracts or referen ces .

He appears to have been in ten t on discovering mat ter Of

h istorical value , and e specially what was con n ected withh is own peculiar subjects Of inquiry. They extend to the27 Hen . VL


Notes such as these , like those made for SirMatthew Hale,are Of less value since the publication Of th e rolls thems e lves ;b ut these n otes Of Selden can not but b e regarded as valuablewhen it is considered that they were made more than two

cen turies ago, by SO competen t and careful a person, and fromthe rolls themselves, as may b e inferred from the habits Of so

Page 349: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer


The second portion Of th e volume is h is common-placebook Of record matter as an an tiquarian lawyer. At first

the en tries are n ot very regularly disposed under specialh eads, bu t relate to coun cils, parliamen t, France, Scotland, en tered prom iscuously.

~ It afterwards assum es a

form Of greater regularity, and much most valuable in

exact an an tiquary, and from what h e says wh en speakingOfth eparliam en t, 4 Edw .

IIL, M onday after th e feast OfSt. Catherin e ,- that the treasons and felon ies Of R oger Mortim er are par

ticularly reported ; a great part whereof cannot b e read, for

that the roll is mouldered.

In illustration of the value Of these n otes, as well as to introduce som e n ew facts respecting that very important docum en t the baron s letter to th e pope, in th e 29 th Of Edward L,

it may b e Observed that Sir Matth ew Hale’s transcripts Of th e

parliam en t roll for th e parliam ent at Lin coln in that yearcon tains on ly on e chapter, the statute de escaetoribus . Mr.

Ton son’

s copy, which was used for th e prin ted work, contains,in addition to that statute, th e proceeding relating to the death

OfAdam de Silkston ; and th ese two articles are all wh ich th eprin ted roll con tain s respecting th e proceedings Of th e Lincolnparliam ent . Now Selden n otices both th ese, and in addition to

th em th e barons letter to th e pope , dated at Lin coln on Feb

ruary 12, in the 29 th Of Edward L, so that it scarcely adm its

Of a doubt that this letter was en tered on the parliamen t roll

Of that year, and was th en to b e read wh en Selden perusedthat roll. Duplicates of th e le tter now remain in th e ChapterHouse, (for though the letters were prepared in duplicate, as

was th e usual practice, and th e seals Of th e baron s affixed to

th em , th ey seem , for some reason n ot n ow kn own , never to

have been sent,) and copies, believed to b e very accurate, Of

both of th em are printed in Appendixes to the R eports of the

Lords Committees on the Dign ity of the Peerage. Selden’

s Copyvaries in some particulars more or less importan t from boththese, a circumstance wh ich distinctly proves that h e was not

transcribing from e ither ofth em , but from som e o ther original

wh ich , appearing, as his tran script does , amidst h is oth er notes

from the rolls of parliamen t, must have been on those rolls ;

wh ere indeed such a documen t as th is it m igh t be expectedwould b e found.

Page 351: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer


ander de Hales is bound up in the m idst Of the common

place book .

LXXXI I . (LXXXVI I . )A chartulary Of the abbey OfBATTEL in Sussex,

on vellum , and in its original wood covers . It is a

small folio , consisting at present Of nin ety-eightleaves, but when paged by som e person in the

seventeenth century the number Of leaves was102 . Th e leaves now wanting are those num

bered 18, 39 , 40, and 63. A table Of the contentsis prefixed.

1 . Charters OfEnglish kings, from William , the founder,to Hen ry III.2 . Privileges gran ted by variou s popes, from Pope Alex

ander III. to Gregory IX.

3 . Charters Of archbishops.4 . Charters Of th e bishops Of Ch ichester5 . De placit is in episcopatu Cicestren si.

6 . Episcopatus Northwicen sis.”

7. Charters relating to churches belonging to the

house .

8. Charters relating to th e estates Of th e house .

This chartulary con tain s also what does n ot properlyfall under any Of the above h eads,—various mat ter from

th e quo warran to roll ; th e placita, 8rc., respecting the

righ ts of the abbey ; and a copy Of the bull Of PopeBon iface VIII. , addre ssed to King Edward L, con cern ing

the person s sen t to n egociate a peace be tween Englandand Fran ce .


Th is bull has been prin ted in the Fadera, vol. 11. p. 817.

The con temporary copy in this chartulary agrees in the main

with the printed copy ; th e m ost remarkable variations being,that in th e 8th clause for Angliae

”we have “ Francorum ,

wh ich is man ifestly th e true reading ; th e date in the copy inthe chartulary is xi. kal . Maii, not Martii.

Page 352: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

( 329 )

The greater part Of the con ten t s Of th is chartulary werewrit ten in the reign Of Hen ry III.

LXXXI I I . (LXXXVI I I . )A vellum manuscript in small folio, Of the reign

Of King Edward III ., in its original wood covers ,

containing various distinct treatises .1 . Eigh t leave s, which appear to b e portion s Of on e Of

the books u sed by the persons who in the m iddle ages

practised on th e public credulity by pre tending to pre

dict fu ture even ts . Th e question s to wh ich resolu tion s

were to b e given were such as th ese : Whe ther it wouldb e good to marry ? Whe ther a sick m an should recover ?Whe ther a capt ive should escape ? Wh e th er a lost thingmay b e foun d ? &c.


2 . A CHRONICLE OF ENGLAND, written in Fren ch , indouble colunm s, and on sixty-e igh t leaves . It is dividedin to chapters, Ofwhich the firs t IS thus en t itled . Comen t

Bru it plm es feust engend

, e t comen t il oecis t sa m ere e t

pu is son piere , e t comen t il vien t p ‘

m es en Engle’

tre e t la

con quist des geaun tz .

”En la noble cite or g

ant Troge g

ont, &C. The sam e hand con tin ues to chapter . III

Com en t Esteph '

e filz del soer le Ro i Hen ri fust fait roy

Denglefre, when five leave s in a m ore recen t hand occur,

to supply as it seem s the loss Of five leave s Of the original.

After these it proceeds in th e original hand to th e end,

which is chapter in which are related tran s

action s Of the king and th e Spen cers, with th e beh eadingof the Bishop Of Exe ter in the stree t Of Cheap in Lon

don . Th is was in 1326.

3. A treatise DE ARTE PHISONOMANDI, writ ten on

e igh t leave s in double colum n s —Natura occ ulte operatur

in h iis . Hoc verbum intitulatur ab autore sex principiorum,

Books Of this class are n ot to b e confounded with the

writings Of the astrologers, and are a rare Species of manu

scripts .

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( 880 )

&c. The concluding words,—multa promittentem et pauca

4. EPISTOLA AR ISTOTELIS Alexandro Magno de Ob

servation e human i corporis directa, quam Johann es His

pan en sis in ven tam T. Hispan en si regime tran sm isit,”On

three leaves in double column s.


On e page on ly.

6. The IMAGE DE MONDE, a long poem in French,filling seven ty- two leaves, writ ten in double column s,

withthe following rubrick :

Quatuor sunt venti, 8m.

Ci comen ce le liver qu i est appeleImage de Monde comen t il fut fait.

After several section s, the subj ects treated in wh ich are

the formation Ofth e world and th e original state Ofhuman

socie ty, occur chapters having th e following titlesCi com en ce des vii. ph ilosophes.”Ci comen ce de Platon .

Ci comen ce de Apolon ies.”

Ci com en ce de Rois Elisaundre .

Ci par ordre des choses que Virgile fist.C i parle de Se in t Poul.”

Com en t Sein t Poul t°ua le ph ilosophe .

Ci comen ce de Sein t Brandanon whom the writer is diffuse . Then follow the systemOf the un iverse according to Ptolemy, and th e geogra

phical division s Of th e earth ; after which are section s

en titled thus

De la diverse te de ewe de Ynde .

De diverse gen s qe sun t en Ynde .

De diverse bestes que sun t en Ynde .

De diverse pieres qu i sun t en Ynde .

De diverse arbre s que sun t en Ynde .

De diverse pesson s de Ynde .

De Europe e t de ses region s

De Aufrique e t de ses region s .

De diverses isle s qui sun t par le monde .

Des choses don t sen merveille .

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( 888 )

13. Ce rtain ph ilosoph ical rule s touching th e ph ilosopher’s s tone f. 1 17.

14. Collectan ea ex Johann e San in o monacho ; f. 133.

15 . The camph ire work f. 135 .

LXXXV . (XCI . )A manuscript Of the fourte enth century, beauti

fully written on vellum ,in two columns, and with

illum inated letters, be ing the history Of the Old

andNew Testam ent by PETRUS MANDUCATOR ,by

whom it is inscribed to William Archbishop Of

Sens . Th e history is continued a little beyondth e close Ofthe Acts Ofth e Apostles, to introducean account Of th e deaths OfSaint Peter and SaintPaul, and Of the places Of the interm ent Of th eapostles and Of som e other early Christians Ofn ote .

Th e book form erly belonged to the abbey OfLan thony,n ear Gloucester.


A vellum manuscript in th e half folio formimperfect, and described in the printed catalogueAn old register and common pleas .

It con sists Of two distin ct portion s .

1 . Poin ts Of law collected ou t Of th e placita or yearbooks Of th e re ign OfEdward year by year, by a hand

n early con temporary.

2 . A treat ise on variou s Operat ion s in law,—as Proces

e n plee de terre, Chaleng’ des 8tc. Ofwh ich there is

a table in th e m iddle Of th e book.

LXXXVI I . (XC I I I . )A large quarto , beautifully written on vellum ,

containing the works Of I SIDORE .

It comm ences with Epistola Ysidori ad Braulionem


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( 888 )

This book was formerly in the library Of “ JohnThyn n e .

LXXXVI I I . (XC IV. )A folio manuscript on paper, written near the

close Of the fift eenth century, with the followingtitle : Opus tran smarinaaperegrination is ad venerandum e t gloriosum sepulchrum Dom in icum in

Jerusolem , ejus tum laude s tum fructus paucis attollens .”

The journ ey was that of BERNARD DE BREYDENBACH,

wh o se t ou t from Oppenhe im in 1483 . His t rave ls wereprin ted at Men tz in 1486, and again in 1490, and a

Fren ch tran slat ion at Lyon s in 1489 .

LXXXIX . (XCV . )A ve llum manuscript, in very small folio, Of the

fourteenth century, containing a great variety of

LAW WRITINGS put together without much order,

though som e Of them appear to contain matter Of

value . Th e following are th e principal Of them .

1 . The ceremon ies at the coronation and con secration

Ofkings and queen s OfEngland. D ie guo novus rex est

consecrandus crunt prese ntes in pallatio quatuor magnates, &c .

Th is, on accoun t Of its early date and ample de tails, is a

peculiarly valuable part Of th e volum e .

2 . A Short treat ise on ten an cies in ch ief. D ominus rex

habet custodiam omn ium terrarum corum qui de ipso tene nt,

8t e . There are two copies of th is treat ise .

3. A registrum b revium .

4 . A treat ise begin n ing—Si home counte o’

s plusurs


, 8m.

5 . The treatise commonly called Fet assaver.

6. A treatise begin n ing—Notandit q’

d quingue sunt


, St e .

7. The statu tes De conjunctis feoffamen tis, de monet t‘

i ,

and de vasto.

Page 357: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer


8. The novae ordinatione s.

9 . Assisa pan is e t cervisiae .

As for the rest, th e man uscript con tain s various writsand select ion s from the placita, som e as late as the re ign

Of Richard toge th er with n otices Of tran saction s in a

parliam en t h eld at Westm in ster in the qu in zain e OfPasquein 5 Edw. III., ofwh ich there is n o n otice in th e prin tedrolls.

Two leaves Ofan early treatise on th e clerical character

and duties have been used in th e binding.

XC . (XCVI . )A small folio on paper, in a hand Ofthe reign Of

James L , containing the SUMMONSE S TO PARLIAMENT from 1 R ic . II . to 2 Edw . IV . , and also thoseOf22 Edw . IV .

Several th ings would be found in th is volum e wh ichare n ot in Dugdale

s prin ted summon ses, as writs to

sh eriffs and o th er officers, and the n am es Of the bishopsand abbots who were summ on ed. The number Of the

m embran e Of th e rOll m ay some tim es be found in th is

manuscript when wan t ing in Dugdale .

Among the blank leaves n ear the end Of the volume isa sligh t ske tch of the descendan ts Of Richard Earl Of


XCI . (XCVI I . )A thin folio containing a kind Ofabstract Ofthe

contents Ofthe RECORD rooms at the TOWER .

1. Statutes made during the reign s OfKingHenry III.,King Edward L, and King Edward IL, whereof there berecords in th e Tower.

2 . S tatu tes reported to b e made during the reign s

Of King [Hen ry] III ., King Edward L, and King Ed

ward IL, whereof th ere b e n o records to b e found in the

Tower n or elsewh ere .

3 . A n ote Ofbrevia parliamen ti preserved at the Tower,by Mosse , apparen tly a clerk, in 1628.

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( 336 )

the Earl OfSouthampton , the h igh adm iral ofEngland, and '

o ther th e j udges and Officers under h im Of the adm iralty,for the trial Of certain pirates lately appreh ended on the

coast of Norfolk, and also for th e be tter ascertain ing th e

righ ts Ofthe adm iralty jurisdiction in th e coun ties OfNor

folk and Suffolk.

XC I I I . (C )A m iscellaneous volum e of H I STORICAL and


Elizabeth, in the manner OfLeland’s Collectanea.

1 . Collection s re spec ting th e Bayn ards andEitz Walters,

own ers OfCastle Baynard in London .

2 . Pedigree Of th e Lovels, deduced from Herfastus,

broth er OfGunn ora wife ofRichard Duke Of Norm andy.

3 . Sligh t pedigree Ofo th er de scendan ts OfHerfas tus .

4 . Early gen eration s Of th e fam ily Of Bacon , from th e

collection s OfTalbot Of Salesbury.

5 . Two charters Of Isabel Cou n tess of Gloucester and

Essex, wh ich appear to have been in th e hands Of

Dr. John Dee .


6 . A charter Of Hen ry de Bohun Earl Of He reford toth e king, relin qu ish ing all claim s wh ich h e would havein righ t Of h is wife to the th ings n am ed in a charter Of

King Hen ry 11. made to Roger Earl Of Hereford.

Imperfect .7 . Six charters, ex Joan n is Fitz Rowland recuperatis

ann o Coun ty OfEssex.

On e Of th em is to Saer de Q u in cy Earl OfWinch ester,gran ting to h im Erm ingeton and Orewell, to hold as h is pre

decessors had been accustom ed to h old th em Of h er an cestors ;

th e oth er, a confirmation Of th e said gran t, dated at London ,

May 8, 1216, e t ann o primo post mortem Com itis Galfridi de

Maundevill viri m ei ;” wh ich lands had been h eld by Saer h is

grandfath er and Robert h is fath er. The witn esses are R ichardde Clare Earl Of Hertford, Will. de Mandevile Earl of Essex,R obert de Veer Earl Of Oxford, Robert Fitz Walter, and

others .

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( 337 )

8. Sligh t pedigree OfFitz Walter and the ir conn ect ion s.

9 . Pedigree Of th e Earls OfLe icester.

10. Briefn o te s Ofa few early Savile s .

Ex registro S . Martin i Magn i London .

12 . Pedigree Of the Earls OfBologn e .

13. Note s con cern ing Loking in Be rks .

14 . Notes from th e will Of Edward Duke Of Buckingham , datedMay 25 , 15 13 .

1 5 . Catalogue Of Saxon kings from Eldred to Harold,with a few h istorical n otices.

16 . Not ices Of several person s, ch iefly Of th e dioce se of

York, from a chartulary Of som e religious house wh ich isn ot n am ed.

17. A few n otes “ou t Ofthe register OfMarkyat.

18. Extrac ts from a chron icle Of the house Of Sain tTrin ity Of London , written by Thomas de Axebrigge in

1412 .

19 . Other n otes ou t Of th e register OfMarkyate Abbey.

20. No tes Ofth e Saxon kin '

gs fi om Asser.

2 1 . No tes from the chron icle OfBat tel Abbey.

22. Not ice Ofa paten t writ, of33 Edw . L, respecting themarriage Of the heir Of Richard Fitz Alan Earl Of

Arundel .23. Furth er n otices Of the Saxon kings . The n ame

Of the manuscript from wh en ce they are taken has beencu t Off in th e binding.

24. Descendan ts OfCharlesKing OfFran ce and Isabel,daugh ter OfS tephen Duke OfBaviere, h is wife .

25 . Epitaph on Thomas Kemp Bishop OfLondon .

26. Notes from Historia Dudon is decan i San ctiQuin tin i de ducibus Normann iae.

27. Nom ina episcOporum from Wilfrid to

John Christopherson . Th ere are a few n o tes also Of

ben efactors to th e church .

28 . Out Ofthe leger boke Of th e charters and gran ts

OfMalm e sbury Abbey.

29 . Many brief n otes from the chron icle Of John Of

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( 888 )

London , be tween the years 6 18 and 1189 . It is added

that the ch ron icle ends in 1322 .

30. No tes re spect ing th e death Of Queen Edith from ’

the chron icle ofMarian us .

3 1 . Extracts from th e Chron icon Neubrigien se .

32 . Very brief n otices from several chron icles ; viz .

Man ipulus chron icorum , by RalfMarham Of Cambridge ,wh ich ends in 1339 ; Curia h istoria [q. h istorica OfJohnOf York ; Walsingham

s, John Pike’s, Gul. Gem iticen sis,


s .

33. Catalogue Of th e bish ops of London , from Robertthe Norman to Edwin Sands.34. Catalogue Of the bishops Of Lichfield, from Peter,

who died in 1086, to Thomas Ben tham .

35 . Notices from som e chartulary or chron icle n ot

n amed, in cluding an accoun t Of a dispu te be tween th e

m onks and citizen s OfCan terbury in 1327.

36. Further extracts from Capgrave, a chron icle called

Liber Regius, and from William OfJum ieges.37. A few n otices Of the bishops Of Lichfield and

Coven try .

38. Sligh t pedigree Of Nevil39 . Sligh t pedigree Of som e early kings Of Fran ce,

from William Of Jumieges .

40. Sligh t pedigree Of the descendan ts Of Henry son Of

David King Of Scotland.

41 . Further n otes from a chron icle Of wh ich the author

is n ot nam ed.

42 . Sligh t pedigree Of th e earls Of Anjou .

43 . Furth er n otes from the sam e chron icle .

44. Ex registro abbath iae de Tu tbury.

” A register

Of Tu tbury, probably th e sam e as that n ow in the libraryof th e College of Arm s .

45 . Ex chartis fundation is abbath iae de Egnesham .

46. Note s from th e chron icle Of Sigeb ertus Gembla

cen sis, 1 169—1203. Th is chron icle is in prin t .47. Sligh t pedigree of the kings of Scotland, from

Robert 111. to James IV.

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( 840 )

here-recited grounds Of common and statut lawe ,discoveringe th e inestimable ben efitt which is

Ob tayn ed by the tenure Of lands in ch iefe , and byknight service and by barony, in the b ehau lfe Of

an honourable fam ilie n ow by that m eanes to bepreserved from imminent ruyu ; with the properand perfect expositions Of the several statuts Of

13 Edw. 1. cap. 1 , 27 Hen . VI I I . cap. 10,

32 Hen . VI I I . cap. 31 , 4 Hen . V II . cap. 24,

15 Edw . IL, 18 Edw . L , 34 Hen . VI I I . cap. 20,

17 Edw . II . cap. 6, 1 1 Hen . V II . cap. 18,

1 Edw . III . cap. 12, 9 Hen . III . cap. 2 , 17Edw . II .

cap. 3, 14 Edw. III . cap. 13 ; and with n inetyseverall positions Of common and statut lawe , declaringe and main etayn inge th e dign itie Of nobilitic and th e perpetuitie Of their inheritances, and

of th e entailed inheritance s Of all an cient gen trie ,against the publique opposition Ofmost scandalousand dangerous errors and pestilen t imposture withwhich the saide honourable fam ilie , and all otherinheritances wan tinge the like Shelter and pro

t ection Of lawe , may b e indangered.

The fam ily here in tended is that Of Scrope, and the

au thor Of th e tract is John Cusacke, gen tleman , who laidan informat ion In the Exch equer for h is Majesty’s demand

Of relief and prim er se isin from Katherin e Evers LadyScrope, widow, as h e ir apparen t to Eman uel Lord Scrope ,late Earl Of Sunderland and Baron Of Bolton and

Masham, deceased.

”The Earl Of Sunderland was then

lately dead withou t legitimate issue .

XCVI I . (CIV . )

A thin folio, containing The title Ofth e LADYANNE CLIFFORD , Sole daughter and heir generallof the late right h onourable GEORGE EARL OF

Page 364: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

( 84 1 )

CUMBERLAND , Lord Clifford, Westmorland, and

Vesey, to the style and title Of the said threebaronies .”

Th is differs from th e case Of th e barony Of Cliffordin serted in Collin s

Claim to Baronies, being much more

full in preceden ts and collection s Of Clifford evidences.

XCVI I I .A quarto manuscript on paper, written in Italy,


NETARUM in longitudin e, ac de PLANETARUM


XC IX . (CVI . )A small quarto, entitled TRACTATUS CHY

M ICUS .” Apparently the author’s autograph .

C . (CVI I . )A large paper manuscript in quarto, containing


scribed by their author, MARCUS BENEVENTANUS,monachus Celestinae congregation is, to an Englishdoctor in theology, Of whose name w e have no

more than Gul ielmu s, at whose suggestion theywere written . The subj ects treated Of are pro

portion and proportionality ; th e doctrine Of tri

angles ; trigonom etrical admeasurement ; the

Sphere .

It is an Italian manuscript, bu t bound in England ; andthe binding Shows what destruction Of books and manu

scripts m ust have taken place to supply th e material to

wh ich th e pasteboard Of the pre sen t day has succeeded,

Ofwh ich the backs Of books were made wh en wood ceased

to b e u sed. The lam ina have h ere been explored bybibliographical curios ity, b u t it does n ot appear that in

th is in stance there was any th ing to reward it.Y 3

Page 365: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer


CI. (CVI I I . )A thin folio , without covers, Containing short

n otes and references respecting the paym entOf FIRST FRUITS and o ther business Of the FirstFruits Office , from 1 Elizab . to 22 Car.

CII . (CIX. )A fOliO, written in the reign Of Charles L, con

taining various matters relating to WALE S .1 . Certain deposition s given by Welshmen who were

under exam ination touch ing th e an tien t laws and custom s

ofth e ir coun try. Th e earlier portion s Of this docum en t

are lost .

2 . Adhuc de aprisae t certification e captis apud Lampadern awr.

3 . Rotulus Walliae de an n o regn i Regis Edwardi filnRegis Hen rici sexto ; Wall

de an n is sexto, septim o,

oc tavo, e t n onO e t e tiam Wall’

de aprisé ; lex

4 . Hic in cipit rotulu s de placit is Wall’

tempore RegisH . Tercii extractus de placitis diversorum justiciariorum

tam de placitis dom in i regis quam aliis .

C I I I . (CX. )A folio manuscript in paper, being Praecepta

JOANNI S REGIOMONTANI , clarissimi mathematici, de

direction ibus et progression ibus, variis exemplis

illustrata, atque st; 7 978 wgéifw sive suppu tandi for

mulam reducta ; with various calculations adaptedto th e m eridian Of Oxford. A manuscript Of thel 6th century.

CIV . (CXIV . )A quarto manuscript, bound in dark coloured

leath er, with a flap, containing various piece s of

H I STORY OF THE CHURCH OF DURHAM , written inthe 15 th century. It is partly vellum and partly

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( 844 )

6. Libellus de ortu San cti Cu thberti.”

7 . Extracts rom Durham charters.

On the fly-leaves at the beginn ing are two catalogues Of

the bishops Of Lindisfarn and Durham, from Aidan to

Wolsey, with a few m emoranda con cern ing som e Of th e

early bishops, in a hand Of the re ign ofHen ry VII I.SirMat thew Hal e has shown how he becam e possessed

Of this valuable man uscript : 4 Ap. 1657, bough t Of

Mr. Wash ington for A former possessor was “ JO.


CV . (CXV . )A folio manuscript, containing,1. A tran script of DOMESDAY BOOK for GLOUCESTER


2 . A tran script Ofa kind Ofabstract OfDom esday Bookfor Glouce stersh ire .

3 . A tran script Of a sim ilar abstract or abridgmen t OfDom esday Book for Herefordsh ire .

4. Extracts from th e accoun ts Of th e custom s, in

various years Of th e reign Of Edward IV., 1 Edw. V ., and

1 Ric. III.

CVI . (CXVI . )A manuscript Of the 15 th century, containing

A SSISZE, 20—31 Edw . III . , and also on vellum Of

a smaller size , ASSISJE 1 and 2 Edw . III .

At the end are a few law collection s on paper under

the h eads,

Acceptan ce .

Agreem en t .

Apportionmen t .Arrerages.

Avowrie .


Page 368: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer


CVII. (CXVI I . )A volum e Of extracts from the rolls at the

Tower, chiefly relating to ECCLE SIASTICALAFFAIRS .1. Close, 14—17 John ; 1 1—34 Edw. I 10 and

15 R ic . II .2 . Paten t, 15 , 16, and 18 John , 1 1—35 Edw. 1 .

3. Chartae, 16 Joh ., 20 and 33Edw . I .4. Brevia Regis, 12 Edw . I.5 . Sco tim, 20, 24, 25, and 26 Edw I .6 . Aleman n iae, 22—3 1 Edw . I .7. Fin es, 30Edw . I .8. Romae, 34 Edw . I.These form more than half the volume . Afterwards

there are,

9 . Recorda e t m emoranda de hn s quae fieban t in parliamen to summon ito apudWestm . die Lunae proxim o postfestum S . Katerinae anno regn i Regis Edwardi Tertii aconquestu quarto, liberata in can cellarifi per Hen ricum de

Eden estowe, Clericum parliam en ti.”

10. Accoun t Of proceedings in the parliam en t Of5 , 6,

13, 14, and 45 Edw. III., with extracts from the close rolls

Ofth e summonses to these parliam en ts.

CVI II (CXVI I I . )Similar extracts from the rolls at the Tower

during the whole reign OfEdward I I .

CIX . (CXIX . )Similar extracts, 1—26Edw. III. , but e specially

from the ROTULI ROMJE.

In this volum e are also extracts from the rolls Ofpar

liam en t, 25 Edw . III.—18 Hen . VI ., and two writs fromthe paten t roll and two from the close roll Of2 Ric. II.

CX. (CXX. )This book con teyn eth records touching the

king’s prerogative in MYNES and EXCHANGE and

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( 346 )


Charles I .

It con sists Ofextracts from the close, paten t, fin e, and

liberate rolls, begin n ing with the reign OfHen ry III . and

ending in 1 1 Edw . IV., with two extracts from the parliam en t rolls OfLand 5 Hen . VI .A t th e end are c opies Of

1 . A gran t from the king to Henry Earl OfHolland of

the Office Of all . Our changes and exchanges, as wellwhersoever our coinage or m in ts n ow are or h ereafter

shall or may be kept or established, or elsewh ere with inour realm s Of England, Ireland, or Wales.


12 th Oct . 3 Car.

2 . An inden ture Ofth e sam e date be tween the king and

the earl relating to th e sam e Office .

CXIIL (CXXI I I . )A copy Of th e SCRIPTURE S, beautifully written

on vellum , in the fifteenth century, in the Latinversion, with a briefindex .

CXIV. (CXXIV . )A quarto, written in th e reign OfKingCharles L ,

Containing a transcript Of th e dialogue de n e

cessariis SCACCAR II Ob servan tiis,”

attributed to

GERVASE OF TILBURY . Ad amussim conven it

cum antiquo exemplari. Sic scripsit GULIELM USLAMBARDUS, from whose copy this transcriptseem s to have been made . A few notes con

cerning Gervase by Lambard are prefixed.


Another m odern transcript Of THE DIALOGUEin folio . TO this copy is annexed Articuli deScaccario th e heads Ofwhich are ,

De ingressu habendo ad averia pascenda quae imparcan tur.

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( 848 )

re ign Of Edward IL, many Of which are not t o

b e found in Mr. Serj eant Maynard’s publicationOfreports Ofthat reign .

A more particular view Of th e con ten ts may be given


1 . Seven leaves Of placita withou t date, but wh ichappear to belong to the reign OfEdward I .2 . Hic incipiun t articuli itin eris Can t


3. Explicuerun t ve teres articuli : incipiun t n ovi ar

t iculi.

4 . Reports Mich . wh ich must m ean 14Edw. IL,as Aymer de Valen ce Earl OfPembroke is in on e case the

plain tiff.After this follow num erous reports, bu t withou t dates Of

t ime or place, except that at f. 48. we have the h eadingIter till at f. 56. there b egin s a regular series,

comm en cing with Mich . term 1 Edw. II. and con tinued

to th e 6th Of that reign . Afterwards there are reports17—1 9 Edw. IL, m uch fuller than those in th e earlier partOfthe volum e, and also in many cases much fuller than

when we have the sam e report in Maynard’s publication .

CXVI I I . (CLVI I I . )A miscellaneous volume Of H ISTOR ICAL and

LAW TRACT S and COLLECTIONS .1 . Sligh t m emoranda respecting subsidies on wool, 8tc.

gran ted to the kings OfEngland.

2 . Copia causae in ter dom inam Swin erton quer. e t

Johannem Wolstenholm Mil. e t alios tangen’subsid. vino

rum , an n o quarto Regis Caroli.3. Record’ in ter regem e t Oldisworth pro in trusion e

in Sut ton Marsh .

4 . Note s, which appear to b e in Selden ’s handwriting,

on the An tiquae Deb itae and the U sitatae Con sue tudin es


5 . Decree in the exchequer, Easter term , 7 Charles,

concern ing houses built at Wapping.

Page 372: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

( 349 )

6. Decree in the exchequer, Trin . term, 1 1 Charles,

con ce rn ing houses built at Crock ern e Pill in the port Of

Bristol.7. From the paten t roll, 6 Joh . m . 11. NO. 32. Th e king

to Reginald de Cornh ill and o thers, concern ingm erchan ts

and th e ir trading.

8. From the paten t rOll, 38 Hen . III ., p . 4. m . con

cerning th e burgesses OfBourdeaux .

9 . Several o th er tran scripts from the paten t, close, and

fine rolls, from the re ign OfHen ry III . to that Of Ed

ward IIL, relating to affairs ofcomm erce .

10. Ex ro tulo partition is terrarum , 8Ic . Gilberti deClare com itis Glouc. e t Hereford in ter sorores e t heredes

ipsius comitis, 1 1 Edw. II .”

1 1 . Extract from th e close rolls Of 18 and 19 Edw . I I.relating to the partition Of th e e state OfAymer de Valen ceEarl OfPembroke .

12 . Notes from placita, 6 Ric. L—3 Hen . V ., Of matter

illustrative of th e topograph ical history Of th e coun ty Of


13. A large calendar Ofprivy seals issued by th e crownfrom th e tim e Of Henry VII. to th e 3rd year Of KingCharles 1. Th ere is ano ther copy Of this calendar amongMayn ard’s MSS. NO. LVI .14 . Proceedings in th e case OfDonald Lord Reay and

David Ram say, 1631.


Two folio volumes, con secutive , being a kindOf H ISTORICAL and LEGAL INDEX or COMMONPLACE BOOK OfRECORD MATTER, the heads beingin alphabetical order, the first volume ending withthe letter H .

Many Ofth e art icles con tain much valuable an tiquarianmat ter brough t toge ther from the paten t, close , and o ther

rolls at the Tower, the placita, the rolls Ofparliamen t, and

occasionally from other originals.

Page 373: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

( 350 )

CXXL (CXCI )This manuscript is particularly noticed by the

venerable judge in h is will : The BLACK BOOKOf the NEW LAW , collected by m e and digestedinto alphabetical titles, written with my own hand,which is the original copy.

”In th e printed cata

logue it is described as Judge -Hales’

s law com

mon -place bOOk , folio, written with h is own hand,”

and it is added, In archivis ad dextram intrascrinium Ob seratum repon itur xstmatov pretiosis

simum .

Th e manuscript is a large folio bound in parchm en t,

with a loose cover ofblack leath er. It is very fu lly written .

The several articles are in alphabe tical order, beginn ingwith “ Abut tals,” and ending with Withernam .


I .A very small quarto on vellum, Of the fifteenth

century, containing a REGISTRUM BREV IUM .

II .


7 and 8 James;


A paper manuscript in quarto, or small folio,containing various READ ING S .1 . Lecturee Fitz Herb erti super statutum de Marle

bridge , cap. ii.”

2 . On th e statu te OfWestm in ster the first, (3 Edw . I . )3. On th e statu te de mercatoribus, ( 13 Edw . I . capr 3 . )4 . On th e statu te OfGloucester, cap. 1—14. (6 Edw . I. )5 . On th e first three chapters Of the statute Of York,

(12 Edw . II . )6 . On th e statu te 1 Ric. III. cap._1.

Page 375: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

35 2


This volume consists Of two nearly equal portions .1. PLACITA FORESTJE Henrici com itis Lan castr


PIKER ING ten ta apud Pickering coram Ric . de Wylughby, Rob . de Hungerford, Johan n e de Hambury,


de itin erand’

hac vice ad placita de forestéi pre

dic té in com . Ebor. assignat’

die Lunae prox. post festumSan cti Michaelis an n o regn i Regis Edwardi Tercii ab

conquestu octavo.

” This is in substan ce th e sam e docu

men t with what is found in Hale XLI . (XLIV. )2 . Tran scripts Of more than 100 charters, wh ich are

headed thus Require CARTAS sive mun im en ta infra

scripta in ven ta in CASTRO DE PONT’ in com itatu Ebor’ inm mcofin o signato h oc signo, tan . fan.

” Many or all Of

th ese charters it is probable would b e found in th e Office

Of th e duchy Of Lan caster wh ere, according to the

Report Of 1800, are Charters and gran ts Of variouskings under the great seal, as well as Of private person s,(remain i ng In boxes) to th e king

s son s and to ecclesias

t ical person s, Of lands with in th e surveys Of the duchy,

1 King Steph en , 1135, to 10 Queen Elizabe th ,R eport, p. 79 . Bu t, as most Ofth ese charters are very importan t, and some Of th em very lit tle kn own , a con cise

calendar Of them may b e acceptable .

Rob . de Lasci to Savarin s fil. Hugonis ; abovate at Kipeis .

Adam de Ran evilla to John de Lascy con

stable Of Chester ; land at Up ton and Stre t ton .

Agreemen t be tween Steph en de Su Kirkbyand Edmund de Lasci, con cern ing lands at Secroft

and Scellebrok , 1250.

Sandford quotes on e Ofthem , NO. Genealogical H is9 ”

tory, p. 85, ex in strum . in cameré ducatfis Lancastr .

NO. is quoted by Dugdale, n ot from the charter itself, but

ex magno registro in Oific. duc. Lane.

” B aronage, vol. ii.

p. 780.

Page 376: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

( 858 )

Edmund son Of Robe rt le Bot iller and

Hen ry de Laci Earl Of Lincoln ; Skelbroke , 1304.

Savarin s de Kipe is fil. Hugon is to Rogerd e Laci cons table Of Chester ; bovate in Kipeis .

Henry de Nottingham persona de Rowell ;qu itclaim of righ ts in Ro thwell Hay .

Roger de Cestrifi to John Larch ier ; land at

Horton n ear Bradford.

Hen ry Lascy Earl Of Lin coln to Rob . de

Dyh ton ; four bovate s in Thorn euor.

Tho . de Bradhirst and John de Ousefle te to

Henry de Lasci Earl Of Lin coln ; qu itclaim Of pri

vileges, 27 Edw .

Henry de Lascy Earl Of Lin coln and con

s table Of Chester, respecting th e foundation Of the

ch ape l Of St . Mary at Saxton by Sir Roger de

Saxton , 129 2 .

Hen ry de Lascy Earl Of Lincoln to Rob .

de Veylly ; land.

Pe ter de Cestria to Hen ry de Laci Earl Of

Lincoln and con stable Of Chester ; lands in Stavely,Ne therthorpe , and Thorn oure .

John de Bulm er Of Skelton to Tho . Earl OfLan caster ; all claim in th e bailiwick Of the forest Of

Pickering, 12 Edw . II.Mary, who was th e wife OfWil. de Evering

ham , to Tho . Earl Of Lan caster ; all righ t in the

advowson Of the chapel of John the Baptis t inWarn eford.

Tho . Earl Of Lan caster to h is beloved clerkSir Wil. Davy ; land in Newbold, 14 Edw . II .

Hen ry de Lacy Earl of Lin coln to Alande Smyth e ton ; land at Hagh e , in the parish OfSouthKyrkeby, 30Edw. I .

Inden ture , 15 Edw . III ., be tween Hen ry deLan cas ter Earl ofDe rby and S tephen the prior OfPon tefract ; turbary and pas ture in the park of

Pon tefract .

Page 377: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

( 854 )

Tho . Earl of Lan caster to Ralph de Gren e,14 Edw . II .

Hen ry Duke Of Lan caster, Earl Of Derby,Lin coln , and Le icester, and sen e schal Of England, toJohn de Hawksworth ; th e moie ty Of a ferry called

Bramwith for life , 31 Edw . III.Inden ture, 21 Hen ry III ., be tween Henry

Earl Of Lan caster and William de Bracebrigge ; ex

change Of lands in Lan cash ire for the man or Of


Respects the election Ofa prior OfSt. OswaldOfNostell.

Respects dispu ted righ ts be tween th e houses

Of Pon tefract and Bre t ton .

Hen ry Lascy Earl Of Lin coln ; in spexi

mus Of a charter Of Alicia de Laci, h is m oth er,

gran ting lands to John son Of Thom as de HipperhOlm .

Hen ry de Laci Earl Of Lin coln to Williamde Hyn eham t en em en t in Bramwith and Braith

waite , 32 Edw . I.Several papal bulls and other docum en ts

respec ting th e priory Of Pon tefract.Agreem en t be tween John de Laci Earl Of

Lin coln and Sir Tho . de Pouclington ; lands at

Pippin .

Hen ry de Win chester to Lady Aleys deLacy ; m ill Of Saxton .

Hen ry de Laci Earl of Lin coln to Edm und

Talebo t ; land at Bramwi th , 27 Edw. I.Roald le Botiller to Hen ry de Laci Earl Of

Lin coln ; land at Staple ton .

Will. de Scargill to Hen ry de Laci Earl of

Lincoln ; land at Staple ton .

Hen ry de Laci Earl Of Lin coln and con

stable Of Chester to the monks Of Rufford ; land at

Elm e ton .

Page 379: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer


Edwardus Rex, &c . ; relate s to lands in ex

flchange for th e earldom OfRichmond, 33 Edw . III.Edwardus Rex, &c. to Hen ry Earl of Lan

cas ter ; gran t to h im Of the castle , &c. de Bragoriaco,

made before Calais, l st Jun e 21 Edw . III ., on reportbrough t Of h is good service in the wars Of Aqu itain e .

(47 ) Edwardus Rex, 8tc. ; gran t Ofthe same castle

t o John King OfCastile and Leon h is son , 37Edw . III .Edward aisn e fils de Roi de Fran ce e t

:Dengle terre, Prin ce de Aqu itain e e t de Gales, Duc de

Cornwaille , Coun te de Ce strie , Seign eur de Biscai e tde Castre Dordiales, to John h is broth er ; the castle

OfRoch sur Yon , 1370.

The sam e to th e sam e ; th e castle Of Bre

gerak, 1370.

Edwardus Rex, 8t e . ; confirmation to Thomas

Earl Of Lan caster and Hen ry h is broth er Of som e

thing wh ich had descended to them from their grand

m oth er Queen Eleanor, 12 Edward II.Edwardu s R ex, 8tc . an in speximus Of

the last .

Edwardus Rex, &c . ; gran t to Hen ry DukeOf Lan caster of a house and hospitium at Calais,

23 Oct . (primé m an u , xx . ) 24 Edw . I II .are gran ts to divers burgesses Of

Calais from John King OfCastile and Leon , 1373.

In strum en t OfKingHen ry IV., dated 14 Oc

t ober, l st Of h is re ign , relating to h is possession sbefore h e becam e king.

In strum en t OfKingHenry IV., dated 20NOV .

in th e second Of h is re ign , re lating to certain lands

affected by the erron eous judgmen t on Thomas EarlOfLan caster in the t im e Of Edward II.

John King Of England ; gran t to Wil. deFerrars Earl OfDerby Of certain lands, l st Of h is

reign .

In speximu s of a gran t Of King John to

Robert Earl ofLeicester, l st Ofhis reign .

Page 380: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

( 357

In spexim us Of the same gran t, with confir

mation and exten sion .

Hen ricus Rex, 8Ic. to Edmund EarlOfLe icester h is son ; gran ts and in speximuses .

Edwardus Rex, 810. to the same Edmund,

13 Edw. I .Edwardus Rex, 8cc . ; restoration Of lands

surrendered by Hen ry Earl OfLan cas ter, 23 Edw. III .Edwardus Rex, 8t c respec t lands

belonging to Hen ry Duke OfLan cas ter, late deceased,35 8c 36 Edw . III.

Edwardus R ex, &c . ; respects a gran t to

Hen ry Earl Of Lan caster in the 16th Of h is reign ,

38 Edw . III .Edwardus Rex, &c. ; gran t to John King Of

Cas tile and Leon h is son , 5 1 Edw . III .Edwardus Rex, &c. ; gran t Of Laugh ton in

Morthing, &c. to John KingOfCastile and Leon , theplaces n ot having been sufficien tly specified in the

previous gran t Of th e castle, m an ors, and h on our Of

Tickhill, 5 1 Edw . III.Hen ricus Rex, 81C. (IV. ) respects lands

wh ich Patrick de Chaworth h eld.

Henricus Rex, 8te . to Wil. de Ferrars Earl OfDerby ; fre e warren at Liverpool and o ther place s inLan cash ire , marke t at Bolton in that coun ty, and

at U ttok shath in Staffordsh ire , 36 Hen . III.Johan n e s Rex, 8tc. to Wil. Briwere ; that

Brugewalter shall be a free burgh , &c. , 2 John .

Hen ricu s Rex, 8Lc . to Hen . de Trublevillefree warren in Esegare ston , 22 Hen . III.


Hen ricus R ex, 8tc . to Patrick de Chaworth ;free warren in various places, 27 Hen . III.

Edwardus Rex, 810. to Hen ry de Laci EarlOf Lin coln and Margare t h is wife ; free warren in

ce rtain man ors in Lin coln sh ire , a marke t and fair at

Su tton in Hoyland, &c ., 10 Edw . I .O

2 0

Page 381: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

( 85 8 )

In spexim us Of a charter Of K ing Hen ry ILin the 22d Ofh is reign , Ne qu is fuge t in warennfi

Will. de Roumare de Bolingbrok vel aliquam b estiam

capiat sin e licen tiéi eju sdem Willielm i.”

Edwardus Rex, &c. to Hen ry Earl of Lin

coln ; marke t and fair at Wainfle te, 33 Edw . I .Edwardus Rex, 8te . to John Duke Of Lan

caster and Blan ch h is wife ; free warren at Chepingham Bourn , co . Berks, 4 1 Edw . III .

Edwardus Rex, &c . to Henry Duke of Lan

caster ; free chase in th e woodOfPern eholl,28Edw . III.

Edwardus Rex ; gran t Of fairs at

Pickering and Esingwold and free warren at Mel

bourn , 19 Edw . I .Edwardus Rex to Hen ry Earl ofLan caster ;

m arke t and fair at Melbourn , 2 Edw . III .Edwardus Rex to Thomas Earl OfLan caster ;

marke t and fair at Yoxhall and fair at HighamFerrers, 28 Edw . I .

R icardu s Rex ; in speximus Of gran ts to the

h ou se OfLan caster, 1 Ric . II.In speximus by th e sam e k ing of a gran t Of

King Edward to John Duke Of Aqu itaine and Lan

caster, con cern ing lands in Norfolk, 18 R ic. II .Edwar

’dus Rex to Payn e de Chaworth ; marke t

and fair at Aldrington , 6 Edw . I .Johan n es Rex to Gerard de Kanvill ; marke t

at Sut ton in Hoyland, 3 John .

Edwardu s Rex to Edmund h is brother ; fairat Pickering and Esingwold and free warren at Mel

bourn , 19 Edw . 1.

Edwardus Rex to Th omas Earl OfLan caster ;marke t and fair at Wirksworth and free warren at

Staunford, 34 Edw . I .

Hen ricus Rex to Edmund his son ; free

chase and free warren in lands pertain ing to h is

cas tle OfKen ilworth , 5 1 Hen . III .

Page 383: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

( 360 )

22d Of his re ign , respec ting the m anor Of Kyrton in

Dorse t, and Of Snayth .

In speximus by th e same king Of variouscharters Of h is grandfather King Edward to JohnKing Of Castile and Leon ; as Of th e castle, lands,

andlordsh ip OfLiddell, as well in England as in Sco tland, wh ich Blan ch who was th e wife OfTho . Wakeh eld, 3 1 Edw . III. ; _Of the castle Of Hertford,50Edw . III . Ofth e castle OfBregerak, 50Edw. III. ;Of reward for m ilitary service, 5 1 Edw . III .

In speximus by Hen ry III. Of a charter Of

King John h is fath er to Rob . Earl OfLe icester, inthe l st Ofh is reign .

R icardus Rex ; rem it ting all claim s, act ion s,

810. to h is un cle Joh n Duke Of Aqu itain e and Lan

caster and Hen ry Duke ofHereford his son , dated at

We stm in ster 20th February, in th e 2 l st year of h is

reign .

All these charters appear to b e copied with a remarkabledegree Of exactn ess, bu t there is n o description Of the

seals appended to them . The seal Of Edward the BlackPrin ce , engraved by Sandford (GenealogicalH istory, p.

is from NO.

XI I I .


King Edward I . At f. 153 begins a second series,entitled Omissa in prime abbreviation e .

” I tdiffers from th e work Ofthis kind published by theComm ission on Records in 181 1 .



the Common Pleas, Of cases heard by h im self and

copied from h is own hand. This manuscript contain s many cases which are not in the printedreports Of this judge .

Page 384: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer


XV .

A volume containing several tracts relating to


1 . A treat ise con cern ing th e n ob ilitie, according to the

laws ofEngland.

” Th is is the treat ise at tributed to JudgeDoddridge, as whose work it was prin ted in 1658. Thereare som e variation s from th e prin ted copy, and th is m anu

script wan ts all th e chapters after that en titled Ofn oblewom en .

2 . A discourse writ ten by Mr. Serjean t Doddridge on

th e que st ion “ whe ther the barony Of Bergaven ny withthe t itle and dign ity b e de scended un to the lady, beingthe daugh ter and h eir Of the Hon ourable Hen ry Nevillthe late Baron Of Abergaven ny, or un to th e special h e irm ale un to whom the castle OfAbergavenny, be ingan tien tlythe h ead of the barony, is descended.

3 . A catalogue of th e kings Of England from Egbert,with a rhym e to each .

4 . Whe th er baron ies by writ or pre scription accrewing to an earldom by the h e ir gen eral shall go ou t again e

by an h e ir gen eral during th e con tin uan ce Of th e earldom

in a collateral masculin e lin e .

”An argumen t, with pre

ceden ts in favour Of th e h e irs male , by Sir John Borough,Garter.


A bOOk ofannexation OfCROWN POSSE SS IONS,in tercio Of th e king It consists Of a transcriptOf an indenture dated 27th March, 3 Jam es L ,

between th e King on the first part, and ThomasLord Ellesmere , Lord Chancellor, and other greatOfficers Of state , Of th e other, relating to the crownlands, Of which a schedule is annexed, as they layin different counties .


A modern transcript Of La somme appelleMIRROIR DE S JUSTICES , vel Speculum Justicia

Page 385: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

( 368 )

riorum , factum per Andream There isanother modern copy among the gifts Of variousbenefactors, NO. 111.


REPORTS from M ich . term 20 James to Hi] .term 22 Jam es .


Hic con tin etur 1 . Case de future uses .2 . Wiseman’s case . 3 . Conceits Augustini Nichol ssur stat . 32 Hen . VI I I . de devise s . 4 . Lectur

Cooke sur fines . 5 . William s sur stat. de partition es .

XX .

A collection of the RULE S Of the COMMONLAWS Of ENGLAND , by FRANC I S BACON ,” with an

address to th e Queen , dated 5 th Jan . 15 9 6.

In th e sam e volum e are variou s n otes taken ou t Of th e

year books by an unkn own writer.


A thick quarto contain ing divers REPORT S .1 . In ban co regis, from Mich . term 2 Jam es to Mich .

term 4 Jam es.

2 . Cases experim en tal in th e exch equer,” Mich .

term 6 Jam es to Mich . term 10 Jam es.

The m ost extraordinary Ofour an tien t law books is TheM irror ofJustices, h itherto most inaccurately published. On lyon e an tien t manuscript Of this work is kn own to exist ( in thelibrary Of C . C . C . Cambridge , NO. An Accoun t of the

most importan t Public R ecords, &c . by C . P. Cooper, Esq. , 1832,

vol. ii. p. 402.

Page 387: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer


XXVI I .TABULA ANNORUM Edwardi Secundi Regis,

&c . secundum vetus manuscript’ inde n ec non relation de annis H . 7

‘ secund’ Keilway . Reference sto the year books arranged under heads placedalphabetically .

XXVI I I .Extracts from th e YEAR BOOKS Of King Ed

ward I .


REPORTS , in a contemporary hand, Of cases inthe King

’s Bench , Common Pleas, and Exchequer,fi'

Om the 25 th to the 33d of Elizabeth .


A tran script , in a hand Of the reign OfJam es L ,

Of the D ialogue on th e Exchequer, attributed to



REPORTS Of Sir Charle s Chibburn e , collectedby him selfin the maturity Ofh is age and intellect ;copied from his autograph .


Contemporary note s Ofa few CASES in the reignOf Elizabeth .



Page 388: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

( 365 )


Transcript, in a hand Of th e reign OfCharles IOf REPORTS in Communi Banco , from Easterterm 1 Edw . I . to Mich . term 24 Edw . I .


Select cases from the PLAC IT A coram rege from

Mich . term 1 Hen . IV. to Trin . term 10 Hen . V.

In this volume is a copy Of the remarkable fin e

before n oticed between Thomas de R empston and

Richard late King Of England, 1 Hen . IV.

XL .

Tran script, Ofthe tim e OfCharle s L , ofPLAC ITA ,from M ich . term 1 John to Hill . term 15 John ,with Fragmen ta record[or] um incerti temporisRegis JOhann is .

XLI .In this volume are the following distinct tracts1 . A relation of what hath passed in th e duch ie Of

Man toua and marqu isate OfMonferrata, from the begin n ingOf th e year 1628 un to th e end Of the year 1629 f. 1 .

2 . A discourse con cern ing the proceedings Of the

King Of Sweden f. 19 .

3 . Concern ing I taly ; f. 29 .

4 . Lawe s and orders touch inge the Isle OfJersey and

the forme Of the ir governm en t f. 36 .


Substance Of a Speech , probably by MAYNARDhimself, comm encing thus My lords, my taskis to give your lordships the reasons whereupon theHouse OfCommons have grounded their first vote ,touching the complaint made before you of the

Page 389: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

( 866 )

trespass in seizing th e Ship and goods Of Skinner,and the assault made on h is person .

XLI I I .Fair transcript Of a report made by certain

persons to King Jam e s on the state Of th e PENALLAW, with sugge stions for its improvem ent.




A valuable collect l on Of evidence s relating to

the town and man or Of CRED ITON in Devonshire ,m ade by Richard Sutton, who finished h is

labours l st Jan . 15 97.

XLVI .REPORT S in Communi Ban co , Hill . term

2 Charles to Mich . term 5 Charle s, with a tableOf the cases .


A treatise , in e igh t chapters, entitled OCEANUSBRITANNICUS , written in th e reign OfJam es L , on

the rights Offishing in the north seas, &c .


Transcript Of som e portions Of the ROLL S OF

PARLIAMENT for the reign OfEdward 111.



Page 391: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer


LV I .

A calendar Of privy seals issued by the crownfrom 1 Hen . V II . to 3 Car. I . There is anothercopy of this calendar among Hale’s MSS. ,

NO. CXVI I I . (CLVI I I . ) 13 .

LVI I .LAW READ ING S at Lincoln’s In n .

LVI I I .An epitom e , for th e m ost part in English , Of

the ROLLS OF PARLIAMENT for the reigns Of

Edward III . and Richard II .


A large folio containing numerous LEGAL and


1 . Th e Office Of th e adm iralty OfEngland, with the

article s concern ing th e sam e Office .

2 . Th e discourse Ofreason why an Office Of gen eral

exchange for m on eys shold b e erected in this kingdom e,

and Ofth e formal in st itu tion and righ t u se and ben efit Ofth e sam e, with an swers to th e Objec tion s made again st it .

Addressed to King Jam e s I .3 . Argumen ts proving the king

s maj estie ’s proprie tyin the sea lands and salt shores thereof, and that n o subjectcan lawfully h old any part thereof bu t by the king


gran t .”

4 . A n ote Of th e proceedings at the justice seat held

for the forest OfDean e at Glouce ster Castle, the l 0th Of

July 1634, before th e Righ t Hon . Earl Of Holland, lordchief justice in eyre , assisted by Mr. Justice Jon es,Mr. Baron Trevor, and Sir John Bridgeman , ch iefj usticeOfChester, as it was delivered to the king by Sir JohnFin ch .

Page 392: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

( 869 )

5 . The resolution s Of j udge s Of ass ize upon certain

ques tions touch ing parishe s, 8Lc . M ich .

6. Argum en ts in an ac t ion for trespass, Mich . term

14 Jam e s, Josiah Horn e plain tiff, and John Fortescue and

o thers defendan ts. It respects the rectory Of Winwick inLan cash ire .

7 . A rem on s tran ce de livered to h is maj esty in writing,after in h ibit ion given by h im to the lower house Of par

liam en t, as we ll by word Of m ou th as by le t ters, n o t to

proceed in th e exam in ing h is righ t to impose withou tassen t Ofparliam en t .

8. A tabular analysis Of the ecclesiastical polity Of


9 . Accoun t Ofproceedings in th e mat ter Of the divorceOf the Coun tess OfEssex.

10. Of th e late ly erected Office called The Office of

composition s for alienation s.” TO th is the n am e OfWilliamLambarde is subscribed.

1 1. The cause of the marches OfWales.

12 . Seaven argum en ts concern ing the power and

priviledge Ofparliam en t .”

13. Mr. Lit tle ton of th e Inn er Temple, h is argumen t

and oth ers in defen ce OfMr. Steph en s h is plea touch ingkn igh thood ; also the several argumen ts Of the baron s Of

th e exchequer, with their resolu tion s upon the said


14 . Extracts ou t of th e records where in may be col

lected by what m ean s the kings OfEngland have and may

raise m oneys, per Cotton M il. e t Baron e tt .

15 . The arraignmen t Of Sir Walter Rawley at

the castle Of Win chester, on Thursday the 17th Of

November 1605 , before the Righ t Hon . th e Earl Of

Suffolke , lord chamberlain e, the Earl Of De von shire,Sir Hen ry Howard, LO. Cecill, LO. Wot ton , Sir JohnStanh op, lo . ch ief justice Of England, 10. ch ief jus ticeOf the common pleas, Popham and Anderson , Jus ticeGawdy, Justice Warberton , Sir William Wade , comm is~

s ion ers.

Page 393: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer


16. The arraignmen t OfMervin LordAudley, Earl OfCastlehaven , at Westm in ster Hall, th e 25 th OfAprill 1631,for, 8zc., as it was tried before th e LO. Coven trie, lo . keepe rof the great seal OfEngland and lord h igh steward forthat day, accompan ied with the judges and twen ty-six of

the n obilitie .

17. An abstract Of all the statutes in force again st

recusan ts.

18. Of islands arising in the sea, and Of the salt

shore compared with the fresh .

19 . A short compendium or briefdeclaration Of whatevery Officer in h is majestie ’s court Ofexchequer Ough t todo by virtue Ofh is Office in England, as also the articles of

the un itingof the late courts Ofaugm en tation and reven ue sOfth e crown and th e late court Of first fru its and ten th s

to the court Ofexchequer at Westm in ster. Writ ten at the

reque st Of the Righ t Hon . th e Lord Buckh urst, lordtreasurer Of England, in the reign Of our sovereign ladyQueen Elizabe th .

20. A treatise on the king’

s jurisdiction , and especiallyin respect Ofcauses ecclesiastical.21. Con sideration s Of en tercourse , dedicated to the


s most excellen t maj esty,22. A true and perfect relation Of the proceedings in

parliam en t since the beginn ing, 20 Jan uary

LX .

1. Lectura super cartfi de foresté edita an° H. 3.

n ono.

2. De curn s vicecom’ London

3 . Notes collected ou t Ofthe readings OfMr. Ram seyOf Grey’s In ne upon th e statute Of 2 Edw. VI. chap . 8.

con cern ing COpiehOlds.

At the end Ofthe volume are a few preceden ts or form s

for inden tures.

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( 379 )

reports Ofthat judge printed under an imprimatur,dated in 1646.

LXVI .REPORTS in Banco Regis and Communi Banco ,

26 Eliz .—14 James .


A paper book, containing a port ion fairly transcribed Of a treatise which comm ence s thusHaving said thus much of th e civill judicature

in parliament, let m e in the next place considercriminall,

”&c .


A selected number of such CASE S ECCLESIASTICAL as have been argued and discussed tempore Regis Jacobi, with the judicial opinions and

authentical resolutions Of the reverend judge s andlearned coun cell Of this realm Of England con

cerning the sam e .


A treatise entitled AULICE, which appears tobe a translation from the I talian .

LXXREADING S in a hand Ofthe re ign OfHenry VI I I .

1 . Lec turm W ill’i Wadham apud Lyn coln es In netempore Quadragesimal. an no r. r. H. VIII . x i on

Westm . 2 . cap. 3, 4, 5 .

2 . Readings Of Thomas Brigge , serjean t at law, on

Westm . 2 . cap. 3, 4, 5 .

3 . Readings Of Frowyk on We stm . 2 .

4 . Lec tura de Will. Marshall de Lyn coln Inn temp .

Quadrage simae, ann o r. r. H . VIII . septim o, de quo


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( 373 )


Copy Of the ROLLS Of the PARL IAMENTS wh ichm e t 16 Oct . 7 Hen . V 2 Dec . 8 Hen . V 2 May

9 Hen . V . , and 1 Dec . 9 Hen . V .


A volume , entitled ELECT ION CASES IN PAR


1 . Th e speach OfMr. John Glanvile , pronoun ced ina full comm it tee Of both house s Of parlyam en t the 25 th

OfMaye 1628, in the pain ted chamber at t We s tm in ster.

2 . The speaker [Sir Joh n Fin ch ] ’s first speech ,19 Martil

3 . The lord ke eper’s an swer, 19 Mart i i 1627.

4 . The speaker’

s second speech , 19 Maii, with the

lord keeper’s sur- reply, 19 Maii.”

5 . A brief and faithful re lation touch ing matters Of

privilege , ordered and adj udged by the common s in par

liam en t assembled, at the parliamen t begun and holden

at Westm in ster the 19 th day Of July in the 2 l st year of

the re ign Of our sove re ign lord King Jam e s . Th enfollow twen ty-on e elect ion case s, wh ich are those wh ichwere published in an octavo volume in 1775 , from the

collat ion Of various man uscripts,” Ofwh ich this howeverdoe s n o t appear to have been on e .

6 . Le case in parlyam en t an no prim o Jac. Regis en treSir Fraun cys Goodwyn e t Sir JO. Fortescu e pour le lieude l kms del sh ire pour le coun tye de Buck .

7 Dr. Turn er’s speech in parliamen t, 1 1 Martii

8. Rem on stran ce Of the common s, 5 April 1626.

9 . The 10. keeper’s le tte r to the Earl Of Bristol,3 1 March 1626.

10. The Earl Of Bristol’s an swer.

1 1 . A few no tes 011 the k ing’

s pre rogative .


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( 374 )

LXXI I I .1 . Select REPORTS in the reigns Of Elizabeth

and Jam es .2 . Un briefcollection de touts tiels decree s faits

en le court de gards queux decident escun doubten ley,

” &c .


A collection Of the most material matterscon teyn ed in the book of ACTS OF COUNCELL,

recorded and entered by the clarck e Of the councell at the coun cell table , beginning th e xiiith daieOfAugust anno 15 53, in th e first year Of the reignOfQueen Mary, om ittinge onely such unnecessarythings as are n ot worth th e Observation .

Th is forms a large volum e, though the collection does

not go beyond the proceedings at th e coun cil h eld on

12th May 155 9 . It appears by th e return from th e privycoun cil Office to th e select comm it tee of th e House Of

Common s in 1800, that th e original books from 1557 to

1562 were th en wan ting.

In th e sam e volum e are

1 . Divers cases con cern ing proh ibition s and con

sulfation s.”

2 . A fragm en t Of the treatise on the n obility attribu tedto Judge Doddridge .

3. A few leaves of a law common -place book.


A treatise on the constitution Of the COURT OF

CHANCERY, with a catalogue Ofth e Chancellors OfEngland, and a few rough n otes at the end Of

cases in Chancery in the time Of Charles I .


Of th e precedent antiquity of EARL S and

SHERIFFS to the Conquest ; Of sheriffs courts,

Page 399: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

( 376 )

lock’s book are in commun i ban co, from Easter term

7 Jam es to Mich . term 13 Jam es . The readings Of Sir

Jam e s Whitelock are on th e statu te 2 1 H en . VIII . cap. 13.

De facultatibus b en eficiariorum . They were read in the

Middle Temple, 2 Aug. 1619 .


A paper bOOk , without covers, entitled THELORD COOKE’S TWELFTH REPORT . On comparing it with the printed vo lum e published in 1656,

many and material variations will be found to

e xist. Th e manuscript is in French , and in a

hand n ot much later than the time Of the author.


A large m iscellany Of matter collected from th e

PLAC ITA and the ROLLS, but especially the latter.

In this m iscellaneous volum e a few Single in strum ents or fasciculi may be particularly pointed out .

1 . Relating to affairs Of comm erce ; f. 1—54 .

2 . Relating to proh ibition s and con sultation s ; f. 5 5


3 . To the appropriat ion Ofch urches ; f. 75—83.

4. Proceedings in quo warran to again st Sir Joh nWarren in respect to the man or OfStockport, 15 Hen . VIIf. 84—86.

5 . Licen se to Thomas Draper to found a chan try inth e church OfNewport in Shropsh ire, from th e paten t roll20Hen . VI . p . 2 . m . 16 .

6. Relating to paten ts and m on opolie s, 19 Jam es ;

f. 89 .

7 . A large and in terest ing collection of extracts fromth e close rolls, begin n ing in the re ign Of Hen ry IV., con

cern ing state prison ers, the ir confin em en t, release , or

execu t ion ; f. 101— 1 13, f. 133—144, f. 189—200. Thereis ano th er fasciculus in a later part Of the volum e .

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( 377 )

8. Extract from the m em oranda of the exch equer, contain ing a report in English on th e state Of the harbourson the coast OfWale s ; f. 1 17.

9 . Memorandum from the close roll Of th e delivery Ofth e great seal by John [Thomas] Bishop Of Lin coln ,24th July, 3 Ric. III . f. 147 .

10. Has sub scrip. sun t ordination es can cellarim dom in i

regis fact . ann o duodecim o regn i Regis Ricardi Secundif. 2 11 .

There are also in th is volum e ,

1 1 . No tes con cern ing making Ofsope ; f. 149 .

12 . A treat ise on the court Ofchan cery ; f. 2 15 .

13 . Ordin an ces explain ed by Mr. Crooke, 1554, uponth e state Of th e chan cery court, be ing writ ten and takenou t Of a great book remain ing with Mr. Jam e s Walrond,

wh ich som e tym e was th e bOOk Of Old M r. Humfrey Wal

rOnd, late on e Of th e vi. clarkes Of the chan cery f. 2 18.

14 . No tes con cern ing the Office Offilazer f. 29 9 .

15 . Collec tion s relating to episcopal Visitation s .


REPORTS , M ich . term 42 43 Eliz . and Easterterm 1 James . There are also Slight reports Of

a few case s in other term s, and in another part Ofthe volum e a few well reported cases Of the re ignOfElizabeth .


Indorsed Touching Union . This volum e

consists Of various writings concerning the UNIONOfSCOTLAND with ENGLAND , which was m editatedsoon after th e accession Of King Jam es I . to the

throne OfEngland. The whole was written at the

period Oftime to which the contents refer, and as

there are som e papers which appear to b e autographs Ofpersons who were engaged in the design ,

it may be regarded as an Official docum ent, and

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( 378 )

even, as to the first portion Of it, the originalminute book ofthe comm issioners .A more particular description Of the contents

follows1 . A journal Of th e proceedings Of the comm ission ers,

commen cing die Saturn i, viz . 20Oct. 1604, and ending6 Dec . 1604 .

2 . Certain examples Ofun ited kingdom s.

3 . A large treatise, beginn ing thus, Un ion s Of states

be of differen t n atures ; their differen cie con siste th eith er

in matter Ofthe un ion or th e form ,


4 . An address to th e king recommending un ion , and

that h e should s tyle h im self King Of th e whole and

un ited Isle OfBritain .

5 . The statu tes wh ich th e proposed un ion would makeit n ecessary to repeal.6. Th e dangers to be con sidered in th e proposition Of

free comm erce .

7 . Rem embrances Of the conferen ces Ofboth houses,17° Decemb . an n o

8. That those born in England and Scotland since

the king’

s com ing to th is crown are by law naturalized ine ither kingdom .

9 . Minu tes m ade apparen tly at th e time Of speech es inthe Hou se OfComm on s on th is proposed m easure .

10. An an swer to a speech Of Sir Roger Owen’

s and

Mr. Crew’

s before th e Lords at a conferen ce, 25 Feb .

11. A tabular digest of What passed at the last con

feren ce with th e Lords .

12 . A tabular View Of argum en ts on the subject, dated30April 1607.


A briefand rare collection Ofthe several FEESand charge s usually defrayed or paid out into diverscourts or Offices in London andWestminster every

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Five volumes like the last , lettered by Mr. CoxePractical Law common-placed.


Adversaria. SO entitled by Mr. Coxe . A

law common-place bOOk , containing but few

entries .


A common place bOOk for general subj ects byMr. Coxe .

XXI I I .—XXVI I .Five quarto volum es, containing Copie s Of

OPINIONS given by Mr. Coxe in the course Ofh is

practice , from 14 August 1745 to 1 Dec . 1777.

An index Of the case s is in every volum e , and

occasionally m inutes Ofthe facts Of the cases themselves .


A serie s ofnote books, in Mr. Coxe ’s own hand,of CASES in the several courts Of law , from Trin .

Term 5 George II . to Trin . Term 9 George III .

They are lettered A .—L L .


A serie s like th e last, but by an e lder Coxe , whowas uncle to th e Mr. Coxe by whom these manuscripts were bequeathed. The cases here reportedare in Banco Regis, from 1 Anne to Easter term10 George I . These note bOOk s are numberedL—XL In the XIth vo lum e there are notes byth e younger Coxe , Of the year 1733 . Volume 1.

contains an index to the ten which follow .

Page 404: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer



A small fo lio containing an INDEX to th e case sin the note bOOk s Ofboth the Coxes .


Four other note bOOks , containing notes and

collections on legal points by Mr. Coxe .


A halffolio , lettered Coke On Littleton , con

taining portions Of the m atter Of that workposed under heads, the work OfMr. Coxe .


A lecture Of the Civil Law, transcribed byMr. Coxe .


COpies Of letters Ofbusm ess written by Mr. Coxebetween 1767 and 1770.


A LAW COMMON-PLACE BOOK in the form of a

note bOOk , in Mr. Coxe ’s own hand, alphabetical,from abatem ent ” to bye

-laws .”


Another note bOOk Of Mr. Coxe ’s , containingextracts from Locke and other we ll known authors .


A sim ilar note book , with arguments on pointsOflaw , by Mr. Coxe .

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( 888


volumes of INDEXE S ofNAME S OF CASES .

LXXXVI I . LXXXVI I I .TWO CATALOGUES, on e by Mr. Coxe Of his own

library, the other Of h is library as it stood whenit came by his bequest to the society OfLincoln’sInn .


A large folio, lettered CASE S IN CHANCERY .

They are for th e most part cases heard in the

former half Of the e ighteenth century. Many Of

them are in print, Ofwhich there is notice in the

margin Ofthe manuscript. A table Of th e casesis at the end Ofthe volum e .

XC .

A treatise Ofth e court OfSTAR CHAMBER, in

a hand Of the reign Of King Charles I . Thistreatise is distributed under three heads : theOfficers Ofth e court ; th e jurisdiction the courseOfproceeding.


REPORT S in Banco Regis from 12 Will . to

3 Anne . There are also a table Of fees and a few

law precedents.

XC I I .A law common-place bOOk , entitled by the

writer Some cases in law, and Observations inpractique intermixed.

Page 407: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer


Th ere are indexes Of cases and Of subj ects. It may assist

in the use Of this volum e to Observe that th e reports Of

Mich . term 8 Will. III . are at the beginn ing Of th e

volum e .

2 . Note book con tain ing cases, Mich . term 35 Charles 3 Jam e s II.3.—5 . No te books Ofcases from Mich . term 12 Will. III.

to Hill. term2 Geo . II.6. A law common -place book .

7. Trotman’

s epitom e OfCoke’s Reports, in laidwith verycopiou s n otes by Mr. Chesshyre .


Twenty volumes, called by Mr. Hill OSBORNE’SMANUSCRIPT S , having be en purchased by h im Of

Osborn e th e bookseller. They are a series Ofn otebooks Ofproceedings in court from about 1717 toabout 1740. There is som e irregularity in the

chronological arrangem ent. Th e numbering Of

this serie s is from I . to XXL , but there is n o

XX .th volum e , n or was there while in Mr. Hill’shands .


Three volumes in th e form Of note books,containing a collection Of cases relating to the



A similar volume containing collection s on theLAW OF EVIDENCE .


A folio entitled by Mr. H ill LORD CH . JUSTICEK ING ’S MS.

” It contain s reports in Commun iBan co from M ich . term , 1 Geo . to Trin . term ,

8 Geo . , with indexe s Ofcase s and subj ects .8

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( 885 )


A smal l folio , which Mr. H ill has entitledWITHER INGTON

’S REPORTS [in Communi Banco ] ,

from Mich . 2 James to Pasch . 21 Jam es . He has

added that Widdrington was ch . baron in 1657and h e further remarks that this does n ot seemto be the bOOk referred to in Salk. 137 by the

nam e Of Widdrington .

”The volume , however,

contains no reports between the 3rd and 17th OfJame s .The volum e also con tain s Ordinan ces made by the

R igh t Hon . Thomas Lord Coven try, lord keeper Of the

great seal OfEngland, with the advice and assistan ce Of

the Righ t Hon . Sir Julius Caesar, Kn igh t, master Of th e

rolls, in the term OfSain t Michael the Archangel, in th e

1 1th year Ofthe reign Ofour sovereign lord KingCharles,for the redress Of sundry errors, defaults, and abuses inthe h igh court ofchan cery.

LXXXI I .REPORTS taken in the Upper Bench by

Mr. NORTH , beginning th e 3rd OfMay 1658.


Entitled by Mr. Hill NORTHEY’S MS.,Trin .

term 13 Charles II . to Hill . term 23 and 24

Charles both inclusive .


A pocket bOOk , form erly belonging to Sir Ed

ward Northey, th e queen’s attorney general, con

taining notes Of cases in 23 and 24 Charleswith an index .


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( 886 )


Against impositions in parliam ent, 8 JacobiRegis .

” A contemporary manuscript .

LXXXVI .A book concerning th e EXCHEQUER, copied

from the manuscript thereof, form erly Lord Man

sell’s, but since in Lord On l W’

S possession ; towhich is annexed a report Of Mr. Lowndes to

th e Earl OfRochester, lord high treasurer, with hislordship’s orders thereon .



is lettered MADOX’S MANUSCRIPT, and

contains the following piece s1 . A catalogue Ofth e manuscript collection s ofThomas

Madox, Esq.

2 . An accoun t Ofseveral Of the Officers and clerks inthe exch equer.

3. S tatutes relating to the chan cellor, and courts and


4. Several ancien t charters relating to tonnage, poundage, and oth er customs and subsidies.5 . Queen Mary’s le tters paten t for the dissolution Ofthe

court Ofaugmen tation s.

6. Her le tters paten t for an n exing the same to the

court Ofexchequer.

7 . Proceedings by papal delegation s.


Ten volum es Of MR . SERJEANT LEEDS’ MSS.

Three are quartos and the rest note books, con

taining reports chiefly, if n ot entirely, in BancoRegis, from Easter term 1 Geo . I . to Mich . term18Geo . II.

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( 888 )

ofthe reign OfGeorge with a case in the Exchequer Of 2 George III .


Five volumes, formerly belonging to WILL IAMand ROBERT BUSBY Of Gray’s Inn .

1 . Reports in ban co regis, 38—43 Eliz.

2 . Reports in ban co regis, Easter term 3 Jam es to Hill .term 7 Jam es.

3 . Reports in part after Dalison , from 38Hen . VIII. to6 Eliz .

, and Others from Easter term 30 Eliz. to Easterterm 32 Eliz.4 . Reports in banco regis from Mich . term 20James to

Hill. term 22 Jam es .

5 . A few reports, 165 9 to 1667.


These may b e distributed in two classesI . Those which were in the possession Of the

Society before 1697, and are named in

the catalogue Ofthat year.

II. Those which are not in that catalogue .



I . (CXXV. )A treatise, entitled by its author, JOHN BRISCO,AXIOMATA sive regulae juris excerptae e com

m en tariis praehonorabilis viri Dom ini EdwardiCoke Equitis Aurati, unius ex honoratissimis privaticonsilii dom ini regis .

” A dedication to LordCokeis prefixed, dated from Lincoln’s Inn 1 1 October1621 . This volume is the gift Ofthe author.

Page 412: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer


II . (CXXVI . )SYNTAGMA HISTOR ICUM , con tin ens duos ulti

mos regni annos b eatissimae m emoriaaJacobi nuperMagnae Britann iae et Hibern iaaregis, et paulo am

plin s, non minus veraquam recen ti fide , con scriptumaJOANNEBRISCOLin coln ien sis hospitii,Arm igero , e t

perjuridicos Angliae conven tus sive u t vulgo dicun tterm inos digestum , juxta morem apud juris Anglicani professores an tiquitus Observatum pro annotandis inde temporibus .” A dedication is prefixedto Robert Carey Earl OfMonmouth and HenryCarey Lord Falkland. At the end are variousLatin poems by the author, whose gift this volumewas .


Le somm e appel’ LE M IRROR A JUSTICES velSpeculum Justiciariorum , fait per Andrew Hom e .

A copy written on parchm ent in a hand Of the

reign OfJam es I . This appears to have belongedto Mr. Brisco . There is another copy ofthis workamongMaynard’s manuscripts, NO. XVI I .

IV . (CXXVI I . )A folio of440pages, containing, in a contempo

rary hand, an account of th e PROCEED ING S Of theHouse OfLords in the PARLIAMENT Ofthe 18th Of

Jam es, from the 30th Of January 1620—1 to the

8th OfFebruary 1621- 2 : the gift, it is probable , OfMr. Brisco .

It appears by a pas sage in this work that the au thor was

the son Of Alexander Brisco, and descended Of an an tient

family at Crofton Hall in Cumberland.

B B 3

Page 413: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer


V . (CXXIX . )Another copy Of th e same work, which also

appears to have been the gift OfMr. Brisco .

V I . (CXXX )The MIRROR OF JUSTICE , set forth by Plato

in w er severall treatises, called Gorgias, Euthyphron , the Apology, and Orito, faithfully translated out Of th e original Greek by J . B . Thiswas the John Brisco before nam ed, by whom thisbook was presented to th e library in 1631 .

V II. (CXXXI . )REPORTS in Communi Banco, in a hand nearly

contemporary, from M ich . term 4 Car. 1 . to Easterterm 12 Car. L, with an index Ofcases .

VI I I . (CXXXI I . )BREV IA SUMMONITIONUM et rotuli parliam en

torum omnium ten torum durante regno Hea CI

A ngliae et Fran ciaa Regis illustrissim i post Con

questum Quinti.” A folio Of 65 1 pages, writtenabout 1630.


tam Angliae quam Hibern iae sub regimin e RegisHenrici Tertii, ex rotulis ejusdem regis in archivis

Turris London extractas ; continentes n egotiation escon ten tion esque precipuas inter dictum regem , pro

ceres, e t laicos, ac R omanam curiam , pon tifices ,

praelatos, clericos, circa jura coronae regim, regnipopulique lib ertates et jurisdictiones usurpation esque papales, episcopales, vel clericales eisdem derogatorias et repugnantes . Opere e t studio indefesso

Page 415: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

piece of tran sparen t horn .

Bracton faire wrytten in

parchm en t. Ex don o RANULPH I CHOLMELEY, servien t isad legem e t recordatoris civitatis London .

x11. (CLXXVI . )A copy of the STATUTES from 1 Edw. III . to

3 Hen . V . , very fairly written on vellum in the

fifteenth century . A table of contents extendingto 1 1 Hen . IV . is prefixed. Th e gift of Ranulph

Cholmeley .

xm . (CLXXIX . )

A copy of th e STATUTES from 1 Hen . IV . to

20Hen . V I . on vellum , written at th e tim e . Thisappears by the style of the binding to have b elonged to Cholm eley .

A prin ted paper, of the date 1520, has been u sed in the

binding. It is a portion ofa paper circulated by HenryOsborn e , prior ofth e con ven t offriars predican t at Oxford,offering certain privileges in th e ir hou se to those who

should con tribu te to the repair of th eir church .

either by criticism or by research . Bracton would deserveparticular atten tion . It appears that th ere are two distinct

R ecen sions ofth is work, in one of wh ich many of th e passagesborrowed from th e civil law do n ot appear.

”An Accoun t of

the most importan t Public R ecords (f Great B ritain , &c . byC . P. Cooper, Esq. , 1832. vol. 11. p. 4-01 .

Ranulph Cholm eley gave , as we shall see, other manu

scripts, and was also a benefactor to other parts of the library,having given to it the fine set of th e prin ted year books wh ichth is society possesses . He died on the 25th April 1563,according to the in scription on h is monumen t in Sain t Dun

s tan’

s church , having been a frequen t reader in th e society, as

may b e seen in Dugdale’

s Origines Juridiciales, p. 252, 253.

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( 393 )

XIV . (CLXXXI I I . )Another copy ofthe STATUTE S, from 1 Edw. III .

to 19 Hen . VI I . , in a very thick quarto vellummanuscript, the gift ofRanulph Cholmeley . Anindex is prefixed, and a table of contents, whichextends only to the 10Hen . VI . There are n o

statute s entered in this book between the 8th and

15 th Henry VI .

xv . (CLXXXVI I . )REPORTS , in a very thick folio of paper. They

are from Hill . term 38 Edw . III . to Mich . term40Edw . III . ; from Hill . term 43 Edw . III . to

M ich . term 46Edw . I II . and of8 8c 1 1 Hen . IV. ,

1 Hen . V . , and 7 and 12 R ic . II .

Th is m anuscript con tain s an early gen ealogical table of

the royal house ofEngland.

It was the gift ofRanulph Cholmeley.

xvr. (CLXXX IX . )

A volume sim ilar to the last, containingREPORT Sof 1 1 , 12 , and 13 R ic . I I . 2 and 13 Hen . IV .

2 1,38, 40— 43, 45 Edw . III. Ofthese years the

terms appear to be complete . A few placita of

other years occur, with sometimes what appear tob e remarks upon the case s by the author of the


A t f. 322 is Prima lectura Willielm i Ayloff in

Lin coln es Inn e .

The gift ofRan ulph Cholm eley.

He was Lent reader in 13 Eliz . ; Orig.Jarid. p. 253.

Page 417: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer


XVI I . (cxxxvn .

A vellum manuscript ofthe fourteenth century,in a modern binding, containingl . PLACITA from Easter term 1 Edw. III. to Mich . term

4 Edw. III . There are h ere many and importan t variation s from the prin ted year books of this reign .

2 . ITER de Norhampton , 3 E. 3.

3. ITER de Notingham de an no regn i Regis E. Tert i ia conquestu quarto.

4. PLACITA in itin ere Derb iae coram Will. de Herle e t

sociis suis ann o r. R. E. Tercii quarto .

5 . ITER Bedeford’ coram Johann e de Can tebrigg e t

sociis suis, 4 E. III .”

6. PLACITA from Easter term 7 Edw. III . to Mich . term

10Edw. III.Ex dono M ilon is Corbe t. Sir Matthew Hale speaks

in h is will of a man uscript of his con tain ing a Bedforditer.

XVI I I . (cxxxvn . a. )A vellum manuscript ofth e fourteenth century,

in its original wood binding, like the on e lastdescribed.

1. PLACITA, year by year, through the whole reign of

Edward IL, ending with Mich . term in the twen tie th yearof h is re ign ; f. xl .



Th is a differen t manuscript from that wh ich was used

by Maynard, wh en he prepared h is edition of th e yearbooks ofth is reign , 1678.

2 . De ITINER’ Norham ton anno tercio E. 3 ; f. ccvu .


Sir Matthew Hale thus speaks of reports of the reign of

Edward II. The best copy ofthese reports that I kn ow now

extan t is that in Lincoln’

s Inn library, which gives a fair spe

c im en of th e learn ing of th e pleaders and judges of that t ime .

History of the Common Law ofEngland, 6th edit. 1820. p. 198.

Page 419: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

( 39 6 )

twen ty- two leaves, with the t itle Novae Narration es,and, in a m odern hand, a catalogue of the justices wholived in the reign ofEdward II.In the followingmemorandum we have a satisfactory

accoun t how this volume cam e to th e library : Th isvolume of Edward the Second I had upon an exchangewith Serj ean t Clerke (common ly writ t in our pen tion rolls

John Clerke , th e th irteen th ) in or abou t decimo septim o

Jacobi, 1619 . I accoun ted itt more th e gift of a fre ind

than any exchange of like vallew. Now given (as mylegacy) to Lin coln es Inn library, as may appeare by a

clause ofmy will en tered in th e last folio of a large bookofiters, 433 wh ich (toge th er with th is) I also bequeath,as likewise some oth er manuscripts of law, to that noblesocie ty. C. Fairfax.

XX. (CXL )

A volum e in vellum , of th e quarto form , ofthe

fourteenth century, containing copies of the STATUTES, comm encingwithMagnaCharta. It containsalso th e Magna and Parva Hengham , R egistrum

Vetus, R egistrum de can cellaria secundum usumRic’i de Bereford, and other writings which are

u sually found in the collections made of the

statute s .

No such m emorandum is to b e found in any book now inthe library, and th e on ly m anuscript wh ich can b e regardedwithany h igh probability as having been in cluded in Fairfax’sbequest is the on e which is next named, in which is th e name

of Charles Fairfax, as ofa former possessor, that beingthe name of th is ben efactor, Charles Fairfax of Menston in

Yorksh ire, Esqu ire, a younger son of Thomas th e first Lord

Fairfax, Baron ofCameron . This Charles Fairfax was on e of

the record and charter an t iquaries of the seven teen th century,and left beh ind h im various manuscripts of his own, wh ichshow the atten tion wh ich he paid to these studies .

Page 420: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer


XXI . (CLI. )A very small quarto , of unusual thickness, con

taining, in a hand of the fifteenth century, theSTATUTE S ofthe reign of King Edward III . Inthe illum ination of the first letter is a portrait ofthe King, the head only.

Ex dono GEORGII ANTONNI arm igeri.”

XXI I . (CLXVI I I . )A YEAR BOOK ofthe first ten years of the reign

ofEdward I I I . , wanting, however, the greater partofthe eighth year. I t is in folio, and is a nearlycontemporary manuscript.

Ex don o Georgii An ton , arm .

XXI I I . (CLXXVI I I . )A small quarto manuscript, of vellum , of the

STATUTE S , from 1 Edw . III. to 3 Hen . V . , soonafter which time it was written .

The gift ofGeorge An ton , Esq.

XXIV. (CLXXXIV. )A small quarto , the gift of th e same person,

part ly on paper and partly on vellum , containingexplanations of TERMS IN LAw , forms ofWRITS,and a printed book of PRECEDENTS, “ ImpressaLondin’ per Winandum de Worde in vico th e

Flete Strete commoran tem in signo solis .”

XXV . (CXXXVHL)A contemporary manuscript, entitled A


This was probably the recorder ofLincoln of that nam e at

the beginning of the seventeen th century . His father had beenclerk in the court ofwards . See Harl. MS. 1436. f. 7.

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( 39 8 )

the lower house , anno 35 Eliz . anno Domini 15 92 ,very laboriously collected for con sultation and

preparation against th e ambitious and proud de

signs of the Spanish king ; in which also som e

unusual distaste happened b etweene h er maj e styand their house , by reason of their in term edlingwith h er maj esty

’s succe ssor to the crown e , whichshe hadforbidden . This session began on Mondaythe 19 th of February 15 92,


and ended April 9 ,15 93 .

XXVI . (CXLVI . )A large folio on paper, containing PLAC ITA

from the 20th to the 42nd ofEdward III .

Th is con tain s reports ofmany cases on the ite rs, and in

th e early part corresponds with the Liber assisarum prin tedby Tottel in 1580. In th e later years th e cases are

placed under particular heads, as advowson of church es,

pleas oftrespass, &c.

XXVI I . (CXLVI I I . )A manuscript on ve llum , of the fifteenth cen

tury , in small quarto, lettered LINDWOOI) . Ign o

ran tia sacerdotwm et, &c cen surei farecanon ice compellendos . At the beginningis a tableof contents, and between that and the work itselfare a few notes, in a somewhat later hand, respecting hunting.

XXVI I I . (CXLIX . )A thick paper manuscript in small quarto, con

tainingA collection ofcases from REPORTS, for the most part

if not en tirely of the reign ofEdward II., with a table of

the writs.

Page 423: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

2 . The second is th e roman ce ofMERLIN, beginn ingthus

He pat made wiph is h ond

Wynd and water, wode and 10nd,

Zeue h eom all e good endyngDat wolon listn e pis talkyng ;A nd y schal telle zow byfore

How M erlyn was geten and bore,And of h is wisdom s al so ,

And opre happes mony mo , &c.

Thus it run s on through abou t 1700 lin es ; at the end,Explicit Merlyn .

3 . Th e th ird and longest of the roman ces is that of

ALYSAUNDER, being 6756 lin es, and filling 125~pages of

the manuscriptDivers in pis myddel erde,To lerid m en and to lewed,

Bisyhed care and sorowe

Is wipmonyvch e a morowe, &c.

Now ze havepal y h erd,God pat made pe mydde l e rd,Zeue ows alle h is blessyng,And graunte ows alle god endyngAmen , Amen , Am en , &c.

A lisaunder m e reowippyu endyngDat pou madest dYZed in cristenjrng.

Explicit Alysaunder.*

as Th is romance was tran scribed from this manuscript byMr. Park many years ago wi th the in tention ofprin ting it ; butthat in tention he laid aside on discovering that a large portionof the poem was wan ting in th is copy, as h e found by com

paring it with another copy in the Bodleian library at Oxford,(MSS. Laud. I . The roman ce was finally prin ted in 1810,byMr.Weber, in h is collection ofthe English metrical roman ces

ofth e m iddle ages, vol. i. p . 1—327, from Mr. Park’

s tran scriptof th is man uscript, with the additional lines and a few variousreadings from the Land manuscript.

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( 401 )

4 . The n ext piece fills th irty- seven pages, and is called

at the beginningBELLUM TROJANUM, and at the end De

Batayle ofTroye .

syth en God hade pis world wrougt,Heouen e and eorpe , and al ofn ougt,

Mony auturis ban byfalle

Dat we n o knowen heom nougt alle, &c .

With the above four lin es the prologue commen ces ;

the poem itselfthu s

Listen eplordyngis er ze gange

Ofpe kyng ofTroye pt was ded w ipwrenge

He hade ason e pat Priamus hyzte,Dat was am on ofmukil myzte , St e .

5 . The last is PIERS PLOWMAN, ofwh ich there are on lyseven teen leave s remain ing

In a somer seson , wh en softe was pe sonne ,

Yschaped me in to schroudes as yash epwh ore, &c .

It is to b e regre tted that n othing is n ow known of the

man n er in wh ich th is valuable manuscript passed in to thislibrary, or of the person s to whom it had previouslybelonged ; man uscripts of this class be ing of rare occur

ren ce . The nam e An thony Foste r ”is writ ten in a

hand of th e reign of Jam e s I . as a form er possessor. The

original covers have been long rem oved, and it had lost

m any of its outer leaves before it was placed in the pre

sen t very m ean cover of ordinary leather in wh ich it hasbeen re-bound, probably early in the re ign ofElizabe th .

On exam in ing the cove rs atten tively I di scovered that

th ere had been used in th e binding a large piece of a

docum en t re lat ing to th e hospital of Sain t John ofBeve rley ; and con n ect ing th is with th e fact that at Beverle yth ere was in the t im e s when this man u script was writtena n o ted fratern ity of m in stre ls * , a probability is raised

See in the Lansdown e MSS. , vol. Dcccxcvi. art . memo

randa respec ting the Corpu s Christ i plays at Beverley ; andart . 6 1 t he orders o i


the ancien t company or fratern ity of the

m in stre ls in Beverley. The latter are very curious, and haveC C

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( 409 )

that the con ten ts of th is book were originally tran scribedfor their use, and that the manuscript may, withou t

much hazard ofm isleading, be called hereafter the BOOK


XXX. (CLI I . )A LAw COMMON-PLACE BOOK of about the time

ofKing James I .

XXXI . (CLXI . )A thin paper book in folio , n ot bound, contain

ing notes ofa few CASE S in the reigns ofElizabethand James I . , and of points urged in them fairlytran scribed.

XXXI I . (CLXVI I . )A quarto manuscript on vellum , written in the

early part ofthe fourteen th century, and re -bound,by Sir James Ley Earl of Marlborough , whosearms are impressed upon the covers . It contain scopies ofvarious CHARTERS , STATUTE S, and antientlaw pieces usually printed among the statutes of

the realm . I observe none among them which are

not in the collection of the Statutes published bythe Commission. These follow1 . Expositiones vocabulorum in cartis .

2 . In quibus casibus in an tiquo dom in ico coronse ca

pienda est assisa n ovae disse isinae .

3 . De ponderibus, m en suris, e t hujusmodi.4 . Tractatus de bastardia.

5 . De sokemann is .”

6. An imperfect registrum brevium .

not been used by the writers on th is subject . Th e memory ofth is society is preserved at Beverley by the ‘

name of one of the

pillars in the m in ster, wh ich is called the Minstrel’

s Pillar.

Page 427: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer


XXXVI . (CLXXIV . )A large quarto , written in the re ign of Ed

ward III . , containing,1 . Parva Hengham .

2 . Summa bastardise .

3 . Modus compon endi brevia.

4 . A large collection of extracts from the year booksand th e assisse, arranged under h eadings of th e t itles of

particu lar kinds ofwrits .

XXXVI I . (CLXXVI I . )A quarto of th e fifteenth century, described in

the form er catalogue as Diversa BREVIA e t pro

cessus super inde .


A paper manuscript of the fifte enth century, inlarge quarto , and in its original wood covers, containing,1 . YEAR BOOK for all the term s in 2 1 Edw . III.2 . YEAR BOOKS 46—49 Edw. III .

3 . Referen ce s to the YEAR BOOKS, under heads of

form s in law, alphabe tically arranged.

A t th e end are A m edecyn for th e m urre to makea comfortable dryn ck ;

”and the following couple t, wh ich is

often found written in law man uscripts ofthat ageRex n ovus accessit, propterea lex n ova crescit ;

Lex quae successit sim ilis ve teri fore n escit .”


A large quarto paper manuscript, containingselections from PLAC ITA , som e of which were inthe Exchequer, of 2 Hen . V I . , 12 R ic . H . ,

5 8: 9 Hen . V . , and 1 Hen . V I.

Page 428: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

( 405 )


A large folio in vellum ,very fully written and of

an early date , contain ing REPORTS from Easterterm 1 Edw . I II. to Mich . term 2 1 Edw . III .

Som e one has remarked on a fly-leaf that “ In th is

book are the term s from 10 to 17'Edw. III . , wh ich are n o t

prin ted.

“ I do n o t, however, see any in th e twelfth year.

Th is man uscript was th e gift of Sir Roger Owen ,on 14th May, in th e 14th year ofKing Jam e s, who was son

and he ir ofThomas Owen , Esq. , on e of the judges of thecommon pleas in the reign ofQueen Elizabe th .

XLI. (CLXXXVI I I . )A folio manuscript ofth e early part of the four

teen th century, containing PLAC ITA and ASS ISZE .

1 . To the first fifty-seven leaves there is n o heading.

2 . Placita de term in o San cti Mich . an no regis Ed

wardi xxxii .” Six teen leave s .

3 . De octab is San cti Hillarii xxxn ; four leaves.

4 . De term in o Pasch . ann o r. r. E. xxxn n in e teen

leaves.5 . Incipiun t placita in itin e re justic

coram Joh ’


Bewik , Laun ce tun an no r. r seven leaves. Expliciun t placita de itin ere de Cornubia de ten

m odo

iro tu lam en ta de

6 . In itin ere de Corn’

coram J. de H. et soen s suis

an no r. r. E. xxxi° two leaves.

7. De term in o Sanct iMich . an no xxx° ; on e page .

8. De term ino Sancti Mich . an no th irteen

leaves .

Th is deficien cy in th e prin ted series Of early reports isabout to b e supplied by the translation lately m ade byM r. Man n ing from a manuscript in the library of the Inner

Temple .

c c 3

Page 429: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

( 406 )

9 . Incipit terminus SanctiHillarii anno r. r. E.

five leaves .

10. In cipiun t placita de term in o Paschae an no r. r .

[E ] xxxiii° six leaves to the end of the volume.


XLII . (cxc . )6 A Copy ofFLETA in a hand of th e seventeenthcentury. An illumination at the beginning, whichappears to be intended as a fac-simile ofthe originalmanuscript, exhibits the arm s ofEdward II . whichseems to Show that the manuscript of which thisis the copy was ofthat reign .

Ex dono JOHANNIS GLOVER arm igeri.


XLI I I .A manuscript on fin e vellum , containing the

STATUTE S from 1 Edw . III. to 29 Hen .VI .

Th is manuscript was prepared for John Nevil Marqu isMon tacu te, as appears by h is arm s 1 wh ich occur in

several ofthe illum inated pages, and is accordingly veryrich ly embellished. Th e in itial le t ters are all illum inated,

and at th e begin n ing of each successive reign th e in itial

le tter is in a small m in iature, beau tifully executed, in wh ich

This appears to be the volume to wh ich Sir Matthew Halemore particularly alludes when speaking of the reports ofthereign of Edward I . he says, Some of these reports, thoughbroken , yet th e best ofth eir kind, are in Lincoln

s Inn library.

The H istory of the Common Law ofEngkmd, 6th edit . 1820.

p . 19 5 .

1 These are Montague and Mon th ermer quarterly, quartering Nevil with a black label, each drop charged with three

plates .

Page 431: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

( 408 )

the hundred ofBath , th e office having been long beforeu n served, and se ttles upon h im land at Soch erwich e and

Callicote .

3 . R. the prior and th e whole con ven t, declaring that

whatever they have paid to th e king, John , during the

whole ofh is reign to th e th en fourte en th year has been of

free gift ; and this charter is m ade that n o on e m ay h ere

after exaction es appellare valeat vel extorsion es.”

4 . Fine by wh ich lands are gran ted lying be tween the

divisas de Cors ton andWodn e sdich [Wan sdike ] , 2 Hen . III.5 . The whole corresponden ce relating to th e great

con test, in 1242, abou t the election of the bishop of th e

dioce se, be tween the prior and con ven t of Bath and th e

dean and can on s ofWells ; twen ty- three docum en ts in all,

in cluding le t ters to the king and to th e pope .

6 . In cipit processu s election is Walteri Gyfford quondam Bathon

e t Wellen’

episcopi habit’ in ter m on achos


e t can on icos Well’

in capitulo7. In cipit processus election is dom in i Will’ arch id


habit ’ in ter m onachos Bathon’

e t canon icos Well’

11 capitulo 1266.



W. Bishop of Bath and Wells, in 1260, ratifying a

gift to the Augustin ian can on s ofStodle igh , in the diocese

ofWorcester, wh ich R de Tregoz, patron u s loci religiosi

qu i dicitur Stepholm e, has made to them of th e wholeisland ; two can on s of the house at least to live con stan tlyupon the island.

9 . Eugen ius, form erly an abbot and m onk in Germany,at the in stan ce ofQueen Margare t is received in to the

house ofBath, and makes h is profession 129 9 .

10. Thomas prior ofBath being u nable on accoun t of

sickn ess to at tend h is du ty in parliam en t make s Will. deHampton , a m onk ofh is house, h is proctor ; dated on the

first Sunday in Len t, 129 9 .

1 1. Haec sun t b en eficia con cessa om n ibus qu i sun t infratern itate matricis ecclesiae Beatorum Apostolorum Pe tri

e t Pauli

12 . A legendary accoun t of th e first origin of the

Page 432: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

( 409 )

bishoprick of Som erse t, with the h istory to the t ime of

Bishop Reginald, 1 174 ; including som e accoun t, writtenby h im self, ofGyso, who was bishop at the tim e Of the

Conquest .13 . Robert the elect ofBath and Wells . Walter prior

ofBath and Edward th e dean and whole chap ter ofWe lls

surrender to the king, Edward, all righ t wh ich they havein the patronage ofthe church ofGlaston , &c . in exchangefor th e city ofBath , St e .

14. Agreem en t with a physician nam ed John de Bathto reside con stan tly in the house , 2 Edw . III .15 . Ordination s of the v icarage s ofKeyn sham , St . Mary

at S talls in Bath , Corston , Compton , Kary, Inglish comb e ,Kelveston , Hampton , and Bathen eston .

16. A broth er of the house in tending to visit the HolyLand has perm ission from the prior to assume a layhabit if h e should find it con ven ien t to do so, and has

assuran ce that he shall b e rece ived again in to the house

on h is re turn , 1324.

17. A long and particular accoun t of the ben efactorsand ben efact ion s to th e h ouse , begin ning with KingAthelstan .

Th is register is m en tion ed in the n ew edition of th e

Monasticon , and it is th ere said to have been on e of the

m an uscripts ofSir Mat thew Hale , but that does n ot appearto b e th e case . Th ere is n o n o tice of it in th e schedule

an n exed to h is will , n or is it m en t ion ed in the catalogue

of the man uscripts which was drawn up in 169 7.


A quarto, of the early part of the fourteenthcentury, containing the STATUTE S from MagnaCharta to the Statutum editum apud Ebor.

To these are added the an tient law tracts gen erallyfoun d in collections of the statutes ; viz . Breviaplacitata, Curia Baronum , Magnum Hengham , Fe t

assever, Parvum Hengham, Modus componendi

Page 433: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

( 4 10 )

brevia, Exceptione s ad cassand’

, Judicium esson io

rum ,In terpretatio sokes et aliorum verborum ,

Statutum de conjunct’ feoffam en t’

falso factis, R e

gistrnm de can cellaria.

A copy of a fin e of lands in Warwicksh ire of the re ign

ofEdward I . is in troduced at fol . 1 13.

This manuscript form erly belonged to WILLIAM FALCONER, Esq. of Chester, who has affixed a table of th e

several s tatu tes, and was the gift to th is socie ty of h is son



A manuscript, ofthe 18mo form , containing, ina hand of the fourteenth century, the STATUTE Sfrom Magna Charta to We stm . anno quinto .

” A

table of capitula to many of th e statutes is prefixed.

On th e fiy—leaves are a se t ofcau tion s in rhyme to pur

chasers of land, a few m oral sen ten ces, and a n otice ofth e

disgysyngs Of the Inner Temple in the reign ofHenry VII .

XLV ] I .

A quarto , very fairly written and illuminatedabout the close of the fourteenth century, of

GLANVILLE , with the following rubrick Incipittractatus de legibus et con suetudinibus regniAnglia" tempore Regis Henrici Secundi compositus,justiciae gubernacula tenente illustri viro Ranulfode Glanville , juris regni et an tiquarum con suetu

dinum eo tempore peritissimo .

”The gift of

WILL IAM SELWYN, Esq ., late bencher ofLincoln’s

Inn, in 1795 .

Page 435: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

( 4 152 )

being the first determ ination of the accounts afterthe demise ofh is said late Maj e sty, which happenedon the 8th of March preceding. Th e sam e

reduced to on e general account or state for th ewhole time above m entioned.

In the sam e volum e , wh ich is a quarto, are a few publicaccoun ts of a later date , and Abs tracts of th e m on eybills, begin n ing th e firs t of William and Mary and con

tin ued to 1 Georgii.”

Th is volum e was presen ted to the hon ourable socie tyof Lin coln ’

s Inn 6 th Nov. 1800, by Mrs. LEE, widow of

JOHN LEE, Esq. , late on e of the masters of th e ben ch of

th is socie ty.


STORIA DE FIRENZA di M . BENEDETTOVARCHI ,” an I talian manuscript of th e eighteenthcentury, in two volum e s folio . There is an editionofthis work printed at Cologne in 1721 .


Six volum e s ofREPORTS ofCASE S in CHANCERYby WILL IAM MELMOTH, Esq. , on e ofth e benchersOf this Socie ty, and a seventh volum e, containingtables ofmatters small folio , in parchm ent covers .

Th e earlie st of the cases here reported is Yate sv . Fe ttiplace andLacy, which , according toV ern on


Reports, ii. p . 4 16, was determ inedby LordKeepe rWrigh te in Hil. term 1700, and the latest in 1742 .


These manuscripts were presented to th e libraryat Linco ln’s Inn by John LuciusDampier, Esquire ,

Page 436: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

( 413 )

vice warden of the Stannarie s , recorder of Portsm outh , and a barrister of this society, in Michaelmas term 7W . 4 1836.

The manuscripts consist ofninety-seven bundle sin parchm ent covers, and may be classed under fiveheads1 . Five bundles marked A . P. B. , having been

the paper books of Ashhurst , J Hil. 9 Geo . III .

to Trin . 25 Geo . III . 1 to 100.

2 . Twenty-six bundles , marked B . P . B. , havingbeen the paper books ofBuller, J East. 18G . III .

to M ich . 36Geo . III . 1 to 842 .

The four last bundles, from 700 to 842 , are

cases in term reports .3 . Fifty-three bundles , having been the paper

books of Lawrence , J Trin . 34 Geo . III. to Trin .

5 1 Geo . I I I . 1 to 897.

4 . Ten bundles, marked P . B . D ., having been

the paper books ofDampier, J Trin . 53 Geo . III .

to M ich . 56 Geo . III . 1 to 171 .

5 . Miscellan eous, consisting of thre e bundles,the two first of which contain printed cases in th eHouse of Lords, I to 15 ; and the third, briefs,with a list of nam es in special cases, and two

volum e s in parchm ent covers, which belongedform erly to Lawrence , J containing indexes to h ispaper book s, and also to manuscript cases, whichMr. Dampier retains for the present, but has prom ised that they shall eventually be presented to

the library .

Page 437: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

Prin ted by EYRE and SPOTTISWOODE,

Page 439: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

GOLDEN SENTENCESA Man ual for th e Use of all who desire to live virtuously

and religiously.

12mo. 1827. Pickering.



a large Biograph icalPreface, Notes, and o ther Illu stration s. "



DONCASTER in th e Diocese and Coun ty ofYORK.

2 volumes jb lio. 1828 and 183 1. Nichols and Son .


12mo. 1829 . Pickering.

THE DIARY AND CORRESPONDENCE OFRALPH THORESBY, Au th or of the -Topography of Leeds, (1677 - 1724 from the origin al

Au tograph s.

4 volumes octavo. 1830. Colham and Bentley .


1 . A CATALOGUE of th e LIBRARY of the PRIORY of

BRETTON in YORKSH IRE. 2 . NOTICES of th e LIBRARIESbelonging to o ther Religious Houses .

Quarto. 183 1 . Nichols and Son.

Page 440: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

THE LIFE OF THOMAS GENT, Prin ter,of York,

From h is own Au tograph .

Octavo. 1832. Thorpe .


S FOUNDATIONS,and of th e Claims upon them of th e PresbyterianMin istry ofENGLAND.

Octavo. 1834. Smallfield.


ESQ . on the EVIDENCE lately given by him before theSELECT COMMITTEE of th e HOUSE OF COMMONS on a


Octavo. 1837. Pickering.

Under the Direction of the Commiss ioners on the

Public R ecords,

MAGNUS ROTULUS PIPfE de an n o tricesimo primoregn i Hen rici Prim i (u t vide tur) quem plurim i hactenuslaudarun t pro ro tulo quin ti ann i S tephan i Regis.

Octavo. 1833.


ENGLAND and WALES, showing th e Distribu tion in


Octavo. 1834.

Page 441: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer


Ex arch ivis in Domo Capitii lari Westmofiasten en sr


Octavo. 1834.


regn i Regis Ricardi 1. ad an n um decimum sex tum

Regis Johann is, A .D. 1 19 5—A.D. 12 14 . Volum en

primum, in quo con tin en tur com itatus Bedford’, Berk’,Buck’, Can tab’, e t Cornub ’


Octavo. 1835 .


In cluding n ew Views of th e Origin of several of th e

Dramas, a Rectificat ion of th e chronological Order, a

large Body of Ann o tation supplem en tary to th e Re

m arks of preceding Comm en tators, an d m any biogra

ph ical No tices of the Poe ts and o th er Person s conn ected

with th e Literature of h is Tim e, wh ich have escapedth e Research es of form er Biographers.

Page 443: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer
Page 444: Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer




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