three in one oct 2011

‘Three in One’ The Magazine of St Peter’s, St Mark’s & St Swithun’s October 2011 40 pence

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The magazine of St Peter's, St Mark's and St Swithun's chuches Belper


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‘Three in One’

The Magazine of

St Peter’s, St Mark’s & St Swithun’s

October 2011 40 pence

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Three in One October 2011

Dear All,

As summer slips effortlessly into autumn I have been reflecting on

how this period of transition from

one season to another reflects a lot

of the changes going on around us at the moment. Many school children

are making the transition from one

school to another or even from school to University with all the

additional issues that run alongside

that change, affecting the parents as

well as the students!

On a personal level, I’m still

adjusting to the transition from

being in paid employment to being

retired (mostly all positive) and looking at how I can be more

involved in the Parish.

Change nearly always presents a challenge as we are suddenly moved

from our ‘comfort zone’ into

completely new territory. We, as a

Parish, will shortly be experiencing

change in the pattern of our Sunday services. We want to encourage

new believers by offering services

which will be accessible and

meaningful to them as well as continuing to nurture our regulars

with services which offer familiar

types of worship.

So, yes, changes are ahead, but there

is nothing to worry about! The

disciples were willing to leave their

jobs and their families in order to take up the challenge of following

Jesus – but the changes we’re facing

are of a different order. What might

we be concerned about? That we won’t meet with God in the same

way as before? We may not – but

God will still be there ready to meet with us and we will still be able to

find him and maybe even meet with

him in new and unexpected ways.


A Future with Hope

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Three in One 2 October 2011

God has called each one of us to love

him and to follow him. God’s purpose is to draw all people to

himself, and we all have a role to

play in God’s mission plan for

Belper. This may involve some level of sacrifice on our part – we may

need to put aside our own needs in

order to accommodate the needs of others, to help them take the first

steps in their journey of faith and to

walk alongside them if their steps

should falter.

If we are able to engage with God’s

purposes in this way, we may find

our own worship life surprisingly

deepened and enriched in a way we could never have imagined.

Yes, stepping outside our comfort

zone is unsettling but it may well bring its own rewards, too.

“For surely I know the plans I have

for you”, says the Lord, "plans for

your welfare and not for harm, to give you a future with hope. Then

when you call upon me and come

and pray to me, I will hear you. When you search for me, you will

find me; if you seek me with all your


Jeremiah 29:11-13

Yours in Christ,


Three in One

November Deadline The deadline for the November

2011 edition will be 5.30pm on

Monday 24 October

Fellowship News If you have any news to share

about the fellowship please let us


Anne and Andrew Hardy

St Peter’s Annual Meeting –

reconvenes Tuesday 11th October 7.15 pm

Parish Annual Meeting –

reconvenes Tuesday 11th October 7.30pm

Both meetings are to accept the respective Annual Accounts.

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Three in One 3 October 2011



October 2nd


November 13th 7pm

St Swithun’s

You are invited to come and take some time out in a gentle, quiet evening

service for the whole Parish. Give yourself some space and time with God.

Slow down for a bit and just be in the presence of God.

If your life is busy and there never really seems to be time to sit down and

listen to God, or you just want to be in his presence a little more, – then

come along. An opportunity to breathe in his presence and go out

refreshed and refilled.

We are still looking for people who would contribute either with word or

music, or to help plan.


NEW WINE WOMEN’S DAY, Harrogate, 3rd March 2012

New Wine events are always inspiring – full of energy, praise and the Holy

Spirit. The guest speaker at next year’s Women’s Day is the wife of one of

the co-pilots involved in 9/11, talking about her journey of hope and


A few of us are planning to attend this event. If you are interested, please

speak to Helen Hodgson. The cost is £18 per person if booked before 1st


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Three in One 4 October 2011

Breathing Space is the first of a new

pattern of services to meet the

changing world we live in and

encourage people to meet with


St Swithun’s have already

implemented change as they meet

in the round and have changed their

communion services – the rest of us

need to catch up!

The services will run for an

evaluation period of around 6

months to give us a chance to get

used to things and to tweak where it

is needed.

St Mark’s morning service is going

to move to its former slot of 10am.

Services will be freer flowing than

at present encouraging people to

explore the topic for the day in a

number of different ways.

On weeks 2,4 and 5 the service will

start in Church and after some

singing and an introduction there

will be coffee (Maybe a doughnut as

well!). There will then be a range of

choices – in the church a music

workshop or a DVD, in the hall

creative activities, seeing how the

topic affects the way we live using

the Sunday papers, or a Bible study,

or writing some prayers or a

discussion. People can do just one

thing or move between several.

Towards the end of our time

together we will re-gather in the

Church to share what God has said

to us and to finish our time together.

Week 1 will be a communion

service, in Church throughout and

week 3 will vary depending on

whether there is a baptism booked

or not.

Evening services will stay as they

are at present allowing people the

choice of a BCP service in the Parish.

At St Peter’s we are going to have 2

services each morning 9.00am and

11am with coffee in between. There

will be no 8.00am services.

The 9.00am service will be a formal

service with organ accompaniment,

Weeks 2 and 4 being communion

services using Common Worship

and the other weeks Morning


The 11.00am service will be freer

with times of singing and musical

New Services across the Parish from the 27th November

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Three in One 5 October 2011

items generally led by the Music

Group. There may be video clips or

testimonies, prayer in groups or in

silence, readings to music and

pictures all to the glory of God.

Week 2 will have Baptisms, Week 3

will be Communion and Week 4 All

Together Worship.

These services will be more

accessible for those less familiar

with Church and use less liturgy and

formal church words and actions

and will last less than an hour. It

will be part of the Bishops’s

encouragement of Fresh

Expressions of Church, to encourage

growth and exploration.

On special occasions the two

services will meet together and two

or three times a year we will have a

single Parish service to draw us all

together united before God.

Please pray about these changes.

There are still some issues we need

to iron out – especially getting ready

for the children’s work at St Peter’s

as there will be people having coffee

at the same time. If you can help

put things out or generally help

with children’s activities please

have a word with Helen Hodgson.

Dividing the congregation will make

the numbers seem small at first, but

people will know what they are

coming to and over time grow in

confidence in inviting their friends

or those who have dropped away to

come and join us.

To make things work well we need

more people to step forward for all

the roles that make services work –

Welcomers, sidespeople, readers,

prayers, coffee makers, musicians,

singers, communion assistants ........

Wanted - Publicity Officer

We’d like to see our churches in the

Belper News every week. We need

you to make it happen.

Can you write something to make

them sound interesting and catchy?

Can you meet a deadline?

Then this is the job for you.

Do you Welcome people?

Could you make people feel more

welcome when they come to


How do we encourage people to

come back again?

What is it that makes people want

to stay?

How do you start to belong?

To find the answer to these

questions come along at 2.30pm

Sunday 9th October at St Peter’s.

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Three in One 6 October 2011

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Three in One 7 October 2011

Creed Series

This continues through October with the topic used for the morning

service and explored in more depth in the evening, 7.15pm at St Mark’s.

What we will be looking at:

October 9th For our sake he was crucified

No evening meeting

October 16th He rose again

Did Jesus really die and rise again?

October 23rd He will come to judge the living and the dead.

What does judgement mean?

October 30th We believe in the Holy Spirit

The evening session will be at St Swithun’s

Do pick up the notes for the whole series or for a particular subject.

Take up the challenge to dig into your faith and join us on Sunday evenings

– have your say and listen to how other people understand things.

Sunday October 30th Light and Hope Service 3pm St Peter’s, 6pm St Mark’s.

A service to remember those we

love who have died.

There is a special invitation to those

families for whom we have

conducted funerals, but please feel

free to come along to remember

before God friends or family who

have been dear to you.

Days Off Anne’s personal days in October will be: 7th October 14th October 21st October 28th October

Please respect these dates and avoid making contact on any church related business on those days.

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Three in One 8 October 2011

Following a campaign to encourage

Christians to pray for Muslims

during Ramadam, their holy month

of fasting, there is a new initiative to

encourage us to pray throughout

the year. The “Radical Love

Campaign”, significantly launched

on 9/11/2011, is an effort to

challenge followers of Christ to

make sure their hearts and actions

towards Muslims reflect those of

Jesus. Relationships between

Christians and Muslims have often

been characterized by fear, anger

and hatred, in opposition to the

radical teachings of Jesus who

taught us to love our neighbours

and our enemies.

The website contains

a pledge where Christians can add

their name to indicate their

commitment to love Muslims as

Jesus does. The pledge is as

follows :

I will repent of any hateful feelings

toward Muslims and pursue love.

I will pray for Muslims that God will

bless them and that they will

experience His peace.

I will do at least one act of kindness

for a Muslim in this next year.

I will respectfully share the good

news about Christ.

I will not spread negative stereotypes

about Muslims but will season all my

words with grace.

I will champion this cause, armed

only with love, truth and good deeds.

The goal is to have 100,000

signatures by 9/11/2012. That’s it,

just a personal pledge to include

Muslims in our efforts to be like

Jesus. You can also follow the

progress of the campaign on the

Facebook page


So be radical in your love for Jesus

which gives us a love for Muslims.

Prayerfully consider whether you

can sign the pledge at:

David and Kate Gough

Pray for Muslims A campaign during Ramadam

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Three in One 9 October 2011

Small Groups and Home groups

Could you lead a small group and help people explore the Bible with you and discover more about God together?

Would you host a group in your home and support someone else to lead?

One of the desires expressed from the Away Day and a real need in our Parish is for more small groups in which to learn and support one another, especially those who are new to, or exploring faith. Our vision is for 12 groups across the Parish in two years time - we currently have 4.

You don’t have to know all the answers to lead a group. Asking God, exploring together and using books and materials to help you, and spending time in prayer is what’s important.

Group leaders will meet together regularly to help and encourage one another. Training and support is available.

Please do pray about this as those attending Alpha need groups to move on to.

Speak to Viv Blount


Churches Together in Belper

The Nailer’s Service, Sunday 9th October, 6.30pm

at ‘The Nailers’ football ground Social Centre, behind Christ


The theme this year is focussing on

the word ‘Together’. We shall

explore this through songs, prayer,

and by looking at the Bible together.

We have no guest speaker as we

want to take the opportunity to

explore under God our role as the

body of Christ in this town and area.

In a culture where community and

family life is threatened we in the

churches have a golden opportunity

and responsibility to model a better

way, following the challenge that

Jesus set before his disciples to ‘love

one another as I have loved

you’ [ John 13:34,35 ]-with all the

practical challenges that are

involved. If you have never been to

this service before, why not come

and join us. You may be pleasantly


David Gough

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Three in One 10 October 2011

Is This Yours During the Arts & Crafts held in July at St Swithun’s, someone ordered a wooden cross to be made from the wood turner's stall, it is now ready for collection, but Mr. Devenport, the wood turner, has lost the client's contact details.

Could the client please contact Mr. Devenport on 825668. Thank you.

Welcome A new face in the office – Helen Davis is working with Dawn one day a week, usually a Thursday. Please do say hello. She’s going to be administering everything to do with Weddings, a bit of book keeping and generally taking some of the load off Dawn.

We are still looking for singers for St Peter’s

We want to have a small choir to support the new 9.00am service at St Peter’s with the singing of hymns.

So if you enjoy singing and would be happy to be at the front to lead others, please drop a note into the office letter box or have a word with Rodney.

Thank You for Prayer Just a little note to say a huge Thank You for everyone's prayerful support during my Cancer diagnosis, operations and Chemotherapy. It has meant so much to me to know that people from the whole Parish have been praying for me.

It has been a challenging time but I feel that God has been very close to me during this time and He is continuing to work in and through my life.

Thank you all very much. With love and every Blessing

Tracy Drake

Banner Bun Fight Saturday 22 October 10am to 12 noon

At St Swithun's Church.

Raising funds for the Banner group to make more Banners.

Delicious Refreshments :Bring and Buy.


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Three in One 11 October 2011

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Three in One 12 October 2011

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Three in One 14 October 2011

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Three in One 15 October 2011

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Three in One 16 October 2011

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Three in One 17 October 2011

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Three in One 18 October 2011

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Three in One 19 October 2011

Dates for Your Diary

Parish Harvest Supper and Barn Dance, Saturday 1st October, Belper Community Hall, Bridge Street, 6.30 - 9.30 pm, Tickets £9

(accompanied children under 16 free), to include cold platter and dessert

and tea, coffee, squash: other drinks - bring your own. For tickets please

contact Dawn in St Peter’s Church office . 828772

Parish Prayer Morning Saturday 8th October 8am—12.30 at St

Swithun’s .Cafe style * Scripture * Prayer Stations * DVDs * Art * Candles *

You * Me * God * Silence *

Beetle Drive at 7.00 pm on Friday 14th October at St Swithun’s Price

£6 including ploughman’s supper and prizes. Tickets available from Pat

Midgley,(824696), Rhona Brailsford (822021), St Swithun’s church

wardens, and St Peter’s Church office

Further Ahead

Parish Walk The next walk is on Sunday October 2nd —Stanton Moor

starting at Winster. It is classified as easy walking at 6.5 miles with a cou-

ple of moderate climbs and is estimated at 3.5 hrs. We will be departing St

Peter's as usual at 14:00. Please contact Roy for further details (0781 600


Churches Together in Belper The Annual United Service is on Sunday 9th Oct, 6.30 pm at ‘The Nailers, Belper Town Ground. Theme:

What does it mean to be together? (See page 9)

Art Group at St Swithun’s We are re-starting on 6th October at

10am to 12 noon for a term of 6 weeks. New members very welcome,

824696 Pat Midgley

Quiz Night Saturday 26th November 7.00 pm at St Peter’s

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Three in One 20 October 2011

Solution on page 32

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Three in One 21 October 2011

Getting Your Kids Through Church

Without Them Ending Up Hating God

Earlier this year we conducted a survey with hundreds of children. We asked them two questions: “What I like about church” and “What I dislike about church”.

The responses flowed in, with the top five answers to “What I like about church” being: singing songs, being part of a church family, Sunday School, learning about God and being with friends of the same age.

And the top five answers to “What I dislike about church” were: the service is boring, the hymns, the talks are too long, the whole service is too long, and people being critical or judgemental.

The results are, perhaps, not too surprising, but they are important – every year thousands of young people leave the church and for the

majority, it is, sadly, for always.

And that’s the reason why plans are well underway at Care for the Family for one of the biggest tours we have ever organised – “Getting Your Kids through Church without Them Ending up Hating God”. It kicks off this autumn with the first dates in Gateshead, Glasgow, Belfast, Cambridge, Reading and Bristol.

Inspired by Rob Parsons’ book, this event is an opportunity for Christian parents, church leaders, and youth workers to join Rob, Saltmine Theatre Company, and Phatfish, to discover together what causes young people to leave the church and, most importantly, what we can do to stop that happening.

To find out more about “Getting Your Kids Through Church Without Them Ending Up Hating God” why not visit or follow us on Facebook or Twitter.

Our children’s survey produced a large number of comments, both heart-warming and sad. These are two that particularly stood out for us:

•I like church because I feel accepted and special. I'm loved.

•I dislike church when it all becomes hard work and LOVE leaves the building!

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Three in One 22 October 2011

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Three in One 23 October 2011

CROSSWORD Solution on page 25


1 Grandson of Mered and his Judean wife (1 Chronicles 4:18) (4) 3 He said of Jesus, ‘This man has done nothing wrong’ (Luke 23:40–41) (8) 8 Herb with pleasantly scented roots, present in the Beloved’s orchard (Song of Songs

4:13) (4) 9 What God brought Sarah with the birth of Isaac (Genesis 21:6) (8) 11 Port on the Red Sea where King Solomon built ships (1 Kings 9:26) (5,5) 14 Donald — , Archbishop of Can-

terbury 1974–80 (6) 15 Cereal (Ezekiel 4:9) (6) 17 Jesus’ description of a Pharisee

(Matthew 23:24) (5,5) 20 Not as widely used at church

services nowadays as used to be the case (8)

21 ‘ — all your anxiety on him be-cause he cares for you’ (1 Peter 5:7) (4)

22 One of the three strands of Methodism united in 1932 (8)

23 ‘They broke bread in their homes and ate together with — and sincere hearts’ (Acts 2:46) (4)


1 The rebuke of 3 Across, ‘Don’t you fear God... since you are under the same — ?’ (Luke 23:40) (8)

2 Horse-drawn vehicle used by King Solomon (Song of Songs 3:9) (8) 4 Dearer (anag.) (6) 5 One-time editor of Punch and controversial writer and broadcaster who became a

noted Christian, Malcolm — (10) 6 ‘When you sit to dine with a ruler, — well what is before you’ (Proverbs 23:1) (4) 7 ‘God has made this Jesus, whom you crucified, both — and Christ’ (Acts 2:36) (4) 10 One description of the inspired nature of scripture (10) 12 ‘The Son himself will be made subject to him who put everything under him, so that

God may be — — — ’ (1 Corinthians 15:28) (3,2,3) 13 Recognized as valid (1 Samuel 3:20) (8) 16 A long A (anag.) (6) 18 ‘For God does not — favouritism’ (Romans 2:11) (4) 19 Comes between Joel and Obadiah (4)

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Three in One 24 October 2011

St Peter’s Refurbishment As part of our vision for growth we want to have a building that is suitable

to the 21st Century yet retains the characteristics of its original purpose.

As many of you will know this takes a long time and we have been working

with the Architect and Diocese to see what we can do to make the building

more attractive and more inviting for people.

Once we get the final approval we hope to get the work done over the win-

ter and it will take several months to complete.

What we are planning to do, working from the outside in:

1. Put window lights in the outside doors so that it feels friendlier and

the porch isn’t so dark.

2. Put oak fronts in the porch to cover the boilers.

3. Replace the tatty blue doors with oak frame doors with windows in

them – to encourage people to come in.

4. General repaint and tidy up West End with notice boards all round

the walls and new carpet.

5. Improve the Church lighting with uplighters under the balcony and

new light fittings and spotlights on the dais.

6. Repaint the whole Church – end wall will be red to match the ceiling

as it was in the past.

7. Take out the raised side chapel and make a flat carpeted area which

can be used for small worship events, prayer, Little Church.

8. Re-carpet both side areas to match and continue the carpet across

the front of the church, stopping at the front line of pews.

9. Re-carpet and clear the pink carpet area, this may include taking out

the pulpit so that the whole area can be used more effectively.

10. Clean and re-plaster the two vestries and convert the doors to open

outwards with crash bars for fire exits.

11. Upstairs; recover the doors.

12. Put in a new projection system with a screen that will drop down

from behind the Chancel arch and a projector below the organ.

Through the wonders of Photoshop we have put together some photos of

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Three in One 25 October 2011

what the church might look like as the various jobs get done, which are on

display in the West End.

How will this be funded?

We have some money put aside for Church refurbishment and repairs and

we have been promised enough to cover the new lighting from a local

fund. But this won’t cover everything. We will still be asking for contribu-

tions from you to help make the Church a better place. We need help to

pay for the carpet, for the new chairs that will be needed in the side chapel

area, for the new Audio Visual equipment.

Please consider whether you could make a one off donation, a regular gift,

could raise funds or could write to possible donors. If you feel that you

could do any of these please speak to Lindsay (St Peter’s Treasurer) or An-

drew or Gill as Churchwardens.

But let’s together make our building somewhere we can be proud of and

reflect the efforts of those who have gone before us and make it a building

fit for today and the future.



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Three in One 26 October 2011

Family Occasions Weddings

St Peter’s 27th August Matthew Mee and Jessica Hingley

St Mark’s 26th August Jack Blount and Gemma Durham 27th August John Trainor and Karren Cozens


St Peter’s 31st July Kenzie Eve Hemstock-Norris and Richard Francis Norris

of Burbage Close, Andrew Paul Norris, Samantha Jayne Burke.

11th September Ava Grace Sumner of Mill Lane


Crematorium 5th September Elsie Gillson (95) of Belper Views Residential Care

Home formerly of Manor Road

16th September Peter Pym (88) of Spencer Road

Burial of Ashes at Belper Cemetery 1st September Bessie Ball

Burial of Ashes in St Peter’s Garden of Remembrance 11th September Stuart MacArthur

Visit our Website on

St Peter’s Parish weekly news sheet appears on the welcome page of the parish website.

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Three in One 27 October 2011

Hidden Glories Churches are often situated in prominent positions. In fact some of our earliest churches may well have been built on sites that were important meeting places long before Christianity reached these shores. When you are looking for a church it can be very helpful if it is in a prominent position and has a tall spire or tower. However, some churches appear to be hidden away.

One very rainy evening we arrived in St Clears in Carmarthenshire, and despite all the information we had available, we simply could not find the church. Although St Clears is not very large our search was made more difficult because the modern A40 effectively cuts the village in half. Having ended up back on the A40 heading towards Carmarthen and circling back via a ford and

some very narrow lanes we decided to give up for that evening.

The following morning having been advised by a number of people including three policemen we did find the priory church. It is situated behind the houses on the main street with just the gate visible from the road. On the door there was a notice saying where you could get the key. Unfortunately, there was a wedding that afternoon and both keys were unavailable.

The Church of St Mary Magdalene in St Clears was originally a Clunic priory. From the exterior the building is clearly in the Romanesque style but the main memory is of a peaceful location.

Later in the day we visited something much grander, and at the time of our visit, very busy. Yet, a building that seems hidden away in a valley at the bottom of the town., Eglwys Gadeiriol Tyddewi is considered to be the chief cathedral of Wales. Built originally in the 6th century on the site of a monastery traditionally founded by St David, it has been a place of Christian worship for over 1500 years. When we arrived a service to licence new clergy had just finished and the place was full of clergy with their

Norman Arches Anne Hardy 2011

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Three in One 28 October 2011

families and friends. The whole place was alive with a buzz you seem to find when a large number of God’s people gather together.

The first place we called was the Refectory. We’d been there some years earlier and the changes were remarkable. Somehow they had managed to insert a mezzanine floor without attaching it to any of the ancient walls. This combination of old stone walls and a modern steel structure work well and show what can be achieved with imaginative use of modern materials.

The cathedral itself is on several levels meaning it is not wheelchair friendly. However, whenever we came to any steps there was always someone willing to help Anne get my wheelchair to the next level while I walked up the steps. The floor of the cathedral slopes from the east down to the west and so I had to overcome the temptation to build up speed down the nave.

The Nave is the oldest part of the cathedral and dates from the 12th century. Bishop Peter de Leia and Giraldus de Barri (Giraldus Cambrensis, Gerald the Welshman). Bishop Peter and Gerald were excused from the Third Crusade in order to complete the cathedral. The nave is built in a Transitional Norman style. In common with

other cathedrals of the period it contained no seats but was used for indoor processions. As you walk along the nave you can see that, in common with other churches from this period, each of the rounded arches is carved with a different pattern. The importance of the site can be judged by the fact that in medieval time two pilgrimages here were regarded as equal to one to Rome, and three pilgrimages to one to Jerusalem!

This is one of those places you really

should visit. Not just because of cathedral but also the because this area is one of those few largely unspoilt areas of these islands.

Just in case you are still wondering Eglwys Gadeiriol Tyddewi in English is known as St David’s Cathedral.

Andrew Hardy

St David’s Cathedral Anne Hardy 2011

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Three in One 29 October 2011


Continued on page 28

1st Sat 6.30 pm Parish Harvest Supper and Barn Dance, Belper

– 9.30 pm Community Hall Bridge Street

Sunday 2nd

ST PETER’S 10.30 am All Together Worship

ST MARK’S 9.30 am All Age Worship

Auction of Harvest produce after the service.

6.00 pm Evening Prayer

ST SWITHUN’S 11.00 am Morning Worship

7.00 pm Breathing Space (see page 3)

2nd Sun 2.00 pm Parish Walk - Stanton Moor starting at Winster,

leaving St Peter’s at 2.00 pm. (See page 19)

3rd Mon 6.30 pm Craft Club in St Peter’s west end (every

– 9.00 pm Monday in October)

7.00 pm Banner Group meets at St Swithun’s

– 9.00 pm

5th Wed 1.15 pm Little Church at St Peter’s for little children

(Every Wednesday in October)

7.00 pm Alpha Course at St Peter’s

(Every Wednesday in October)

6th Thurs 10.00 am Art Group at St Swithun’s (Every Thursday in

– 12 noon October)

7th Fri 7.00 pm Young People’s Fellowship (YPF) in St Peter's west

– 9.00 pm end (every Friday in term time)

8th Sat 8.00 am Parish Prayer Morning at St Swithun ‘s

(see page 19)

1.00 pm Wedding of Thomas Reith and

Savannah Mottershead at St Peter’s

The Fifteenth Sunday after Trinity

Harvest Sunday

to 2.45 pm

– 12.30 pm

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Three in One 30 October 2011

8th Sat (cont.) 7.30 pm Dalesmen Male Voice Choir and Belper Town Wind

Band concert at St Peter’s to support the Belper

Community Minibus Appeal, for the benefit of

local people and community groups.

8.00 am BCP Holy Communion

10.30 am Morning Worship with Baptism. Sunday Club (0-14)

9.30 am Holy Communion with Sunday Club (3+)

11.00 am Morning Worship with a speaker from Leprosy

Mission –East Midlands co-ordinator, Pamela Levens

9th Sun 2.00 pm ‘How good is our Welcome?’- St Peter’s west end.

– 4.00 pm (See page 5)

6.30 pm Churches Together in Belper service at the Nailers

(See page 19)

11th Tues 7.15 pm Continuation of St Peter’s AGM - to accept accounts

- at St Peter’s

7.30 pm Continuation of Parish APCM – to accept accounts

– at St Peter’s

13th Thurs 2.00 pm St Mark’s Fellowship AGM

14th Fri 7.00 pm Beetle Drive at St Swithun’s. (See page 19)

10.30 am Holy Communion Sunday Club (0-14)

2.30 pm The ‘First Steps’ preparation at St Peter's for those

seeking Baptism or a Thanksgiving for their child.

9.30 am Morning Worship

6.00 pm Holy Communion

7.15 pm Exploration of the Creed Session 5 – ‘Did Jesus

really die and rise again’ in St Mark’s Hall

11.00 am Morning Worship

19th Wed 2.30 pm St Swithun’s Group – Speaker: Mr Philip Thomas

22nd Sat 10.00 am ‘Banner Bun Fight’ Fund raising event by the banner

– 12 noon group (See page 10)


The Sixteenth Sunday after Trinity Sunday 9th




The Seventeenth Sunday after Trinity

Theme: Understanding the Creed today – ‘Did Jesus really die and

rise again?’



Sunday 16th

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Three in One 31 October 2011

8.00 am BCP Holy Communion

10.30 am Morning Worship Children’s activities.

9.30 am Morning Worship with Baptism. Sunday Club (3+)

6.00 pm Evening Prayer

7.15 pm Exploration of the Creed Session 6 – ‘What does

judgement mean? in St Mark’s Hall

11.00 am Holy Communion

25th Tues 10.30 am Mothers’ Union meets at St Peter’s.

Speaker to be arranged

29th Sat Light Party in St Peter’s (See page 6)

10.30 am Holy Communion with Baptism. Sunday Club (0-14)

3.00 pm ‘Light and Hope’ service for the bereaved.

9.30 am Morning Worship

6.00 pm ‘Light and Hope’ service for the bereaved.

7.15 pm Exploration of the Creed Session 7 – ‘Holy Spirit’ in

St Mark’s Hall

11.00 am Morning Worship

10.30 am All Together Worship

9.30 am Holy Communion with Sunday Club (3+)

6.00 pm Evening Prayer

7.15 pm Exploration of the Creed Session 8 – ‘What is

church?’ at St Swithun’s

11.00 am Morning Worship

Sunday 23rd


The Last Sunday after Trinity

Theme: Understanding the Creed today – ‘What does judgement





3.00 – 6.00 pm for primary school children

5.30 - 8.30 pm for older children. 

Sunday 30th


The Fourth Sunday before Advent

Theme: Understanding the Creed today – ‘Holy Spirit’



Sunday 6th



The Third Sunday before Advent

Theme: Understanding the Creed today – ‘What is church’


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Three in One 32 October 2011


Page 35: Three in One Oct 2011


Holiday Cottage To Let - in the Yorkshire Dales

Stone built cottage, in Gayle.

Accommodates 5

3 Bedrooms-1 Double/1Twin/1 Single. Log Burner.

2 small enclosed gardens-dogs welcome, outside dining.

The Pennine Way runs behind the cottage.

Hawes 10 min.walk provides:

Good Pubs/ A Park Shops/Museums/Wensleydale Creamery.

Parking x2

Contact Gail on 0777 482 4161 for Brochure and

Page 36: Three in One Oct 2011


email Telephone

Vicar: Rev Anne Stratton [email protected] 839560

Curates: Rev April Tompkins [email protected] 835122

Rev Rachel Marszalek [email protected]

Administrative Assistant: Dawn Holden [email protected] Church Office 828772

Readers: John Walker [email protected] 688373

Margaret Baxter 827309

Dinah Dawson

Jonathan Tillin [email protected] 821043

Churchwardens: Andrew Race [email protected]

Gill Reade [email protected] 820564

Deputy Churchwardens:

St Peter's Roy Stratton 839560

Sue Allen [email protected]

St Mark's Yvonne Sewter 826123

St Swithun's Mavis Cresswell 823983

Fiona Fineran 823527

P.C.C. Treasurer Will Dawson [email protected]

P.C.C. Secretary Angela Thomas 824149

Editors of Three in One Andrew and Anne Hardy [email protected] 825729

07976 760358

07980 693375

07906 632972