three strategies for_overcoming_dyslexia

Three Strategies for Overcoming Dyslexia Your Child Doesn’t Have to Live With a Learning Problem

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Post on 29-Jan-2018




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Three Strategies for Overcoming DyslexiaYour Child Doesn’t Have to Live With a Learning Problem

Around one hundred percent of parents make when trying to help their child with Dyslexia

Three strategies to overcome Dyslexia

Dyslexia can affect every aspect of a person's life. it not just problems in school

Liz Weaver and she helped hundreds or may be thousands of child to overcome Dyslexia

Here are the things you need to do to do the same

Mistake 1More tutoring and more academic help –That’s most of the people do its a recipe for disaster

Let me help you understand why?


Snakes...heights or

social fears such as

looking stupid in public,

public speaking or


You need to face that

fear each and every

single day

Who you want love


Obviously your child,

spouse and family.

They will love you only

when you overcome

these fear

Like wise, The greatest

fear for your child is to

stand stupid in front of


They think they are


Anxiety causes the

brain to shut down.

Parents has to think

that your child is


Mistake 2If mindelegat in charge and it wants out of situation. It just want to go away. Then it does by avoiding technique

Avoidance technique can be varied and it comes it all the ways

Do the common thing


For example if taking

showers gives you fear

then do it daily results

the fear would not be


They thought that they

are lazy, trouble maker,

under achiever then

they disrupt the lesson

- Actually face the

great fear


behavior problems

Mistake 3Letting the 'experts' make parental decisions

Do not make other people tell you what best for your child

There are many type of

experts, most of them

are very well meaning.

Some say self motives

or just want to make

things easy

themselves. But that's

not good for your child

Experts comes in many

forms teachers,

counselors, tutor,

family member,

learning center

director... It is easy for

them to tell what to

do? But its not always


Experts might not see

the full picture. They

are experts in their


Only you can give the

best thing than

anybody else. You are

the parent and no body

knows better than you

Do not ignore them,

ask them for a opinion,

do not make them to

take decision for your

child life

Kids who struggle are

more likely to be


Get your child on the path to getting great grades and success in


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