through the years 1943 i’m a future u.s. president!

Through the Years 1943 I’m a future U.S. President!

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Post on 18-Dec-2015




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  • Through the Years 1943 Im a future U.S. President!
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  • Notebook Setup: 5E Through the Years 1943 Pacific West East On WHOM does the US get revenge? Who was commander of PT 109 What did the Casablanca conference DEMAND of Germany? Nickname for the planes who completed 25 bombing missions in Germany BIGGEST tank battle in history Why is this battle seen as a turning point?
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  • February 1 st - Japanese begin retreat from Guadalcanal, the first major land defeat. A United States Intelligence Team (codename Magic) intercept and de-code Japanese itineraries for Yamamoto (the guy that thought up Pearl Harbor.) Roosevelt gives the order to have him taken out and as Yamamoto is taking a tour of military facilities in the Solomon Islands, American pilots shoot him down. Revenge!
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  • The last picture of Yamamoto alive (April 18 th, 1943) The Death of Yamamoto was a major blow to Japanese morale. They greatly mourned his passing The had a large public funeral. The Japanese threaten that they will now KILL any captured US Pilots. They do.
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  • Pts (Patrol Torpedo) go to patrol the Pacific. A small PT- 109 goes to try and intercept the Tokyo express PTs were nicknamed the Mosquito fleet. Why do you think that was? They were unsuccessful and shot down by an enemy ship. The entire crew could have been lost at sea (and 2 were) But their young and skilled captain evacuated them to safety on a nearby island. They were rescued days later. Their captain was John F Kennedy and he would later be awarded with the Navy Marine Medal for lifesaving.
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  • At the Casablanca Conference the Allies agree that the War can ONLY end with the unconditional surrender of Germany. Also, Roosevelt is the first US President to fly while in office
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  • US begins to attack Germany. The bombers who go in are known as Memphis Belle. They need to complete 25 missions in order to go home. The journey is dangerous, and pilots are in extreme danger with each mission. Capt. Morgan
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  • May: Warsaw Ghetto Uprising In 1943 feeling that his SS Officiers couldnt control the situation Hitler gives the order to level the entire area to the ground. Here are the ruins.
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  • June 8 th- Allied Forces invade Italy- try to move up the boot Troops meet some opposition but by September 8 th Italy surrenders! Hitler moves Nazi troops to occupy Northern Italy (above Rome)
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  • November 8 th The Big 3 Meet in Terhan to discuss what will happen to Germany at the end of the war. November 8 th The Big 3 Meet in Terhan to discuss what will happen to Germany at the end of the war.
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  • Soviets encircle the Germans at Stalingrad; the Germans are cut off and slowly destroyed. Germans lose 700,000 and the Russians lose 1.2 million in this battle. Soviet Soldier marches a German P.O.W. to captivity A Soviet Soldier waves the flag after Germany surrenders. Why does the Battle of Stalingrad represent a pivotal point in WWII?
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  • Hitler declares a day of mourning, not for the troops that are lost but for the shame that Paulus and his troops have brought to Germany.
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  • July 5 th -8 th Kursk LARGEST Tank battle in History! Germans lose and they never regain the offense against Russia. From here it is all RETREAT! The tide is changing. Hmmm what will happen in 1944????
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  • Through the Years 1945
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  • Notebook Setup: 5G Through the Years 1945 Pacific West East
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  • February 3 rd, 1945- The United States Firebombs Tokyo, Japan. In the Pacific
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  • Planes fly over Tokyo and drop the fire bombs The United States Firebombed Tokyo on February 3 rd, 1945. At the same time scientists were working hard back on U.S. soil to finalize the development of the Atomic Bomb, and start testing.
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  • expl August 6 th, 1945 the Worlds First Atomic Bomb Little Boy is dropped on Hiroshima August 8 th, 1945 Soviet Union Declares war on Japan August 9 th, 1945 The worlds second (and LAST) Atomic Bomb Fat Man is dropped on Nagasaki.
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  • In the West Feb 4 - 11: The 'Big Three' (Stalin, Roosevelt, Churchill) meet in Yalta, USSR to decide who would get what when WWII is over.
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  • Feb 13/14: German city of Dresden destroyed by Allied firebombs; city was packed with refugees from the east.
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  • April 12: US troops liberate Buchenwald concentration camp. April 12, 1945 is also the day that President Roosevelt dies. Truman is sworn into office to take over the role of the presidency.
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  • April 28 th Benito Mussolini along with his mistress, and other members of the Fascist Party are brutally beaten and hung by their feet. They are put on display in a town square in Milan for all to see.
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  • In the East April 16 th, Battle of Berlin Begins There is utter devastation for the city as Soviets gain more control
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  • Soviets Capture German death camp at Auschwitz
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  • April 21: Soviet control most of Berlin Stalin orders his army to find Hitler at all costs
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  • Hitler marries his longtime Mistress Eva Braun on April 29 th, 1945 The next day, they commit join suicide in Hitlers Bunker