(tiffany & allen steam bottling womcarpet...

Offers the Largest SW ADVERTISERS I CONTAINS HOSE Than Any Other P»jr»r, VOL. XIX. DOVER, MORRIS COTJNTY, tfEfttf JERSEY, FRIDAY, MARCH 14, 1890. NO. 16. TUT ijn> fSOPBIKTOBS. Ottoe «mBUokwell 8ta»t outdoor to tht H l t t a l TTmon Bink. BUasomraoH ravutu- BLI1H tUViSVS. >»• T»u .'. *>< •it MoitM....... .,.- 100 ADVKUTlUMa BATES. lWK. SWXS.3WIS. 1 ' .761195116011 en 8 CO J8.B0M6O SO) 10 00 17 W i oo i« oo 2a no 1300 9100 «ooo a oo 87 60 eo oo (TIFFANY & ALLEN TEE IABOEST STEAM BOTTLING WOM IN THE flTATB Headquarters at Paterson. AMNBX AT DOVEB! AKNEX AX WABW1CK A QBEA* DISCOVERY! SARATOGA AT HOME! [ tcafer vntquale&fw brilliancy andpunty. The famous waters ~af Saratoga and the ApdB.iva.rris outdone/or bar, table or oarbonating purposes. Pro- nounoed byphysicians to contain great medieal properties for kidney trouble and jerora! dclilily. We sliaU add to our many brands the most odebraltd Lagers In ths -I OEH poOMHWra \ "l SUaItt BTBEBT, \B«TW«BH wjuin*! HOTIH. on ntntr.) DOTBB, N. J. nurjer. IMwSi&Mvt'l Ihh 0allhg TorarisaiH* 3fntx «ro Spaan STI.. I DQVEB, g. J. |.' D. JOIXKV. r ana Carriage, 'o'ol. JIBUIK apse. ,' ' Doiin, S. J. , I • Omlraeif UVon and m.lorlaU faralahrd. Blow MM! brie* Wfitk, pliMortun md J-JUUIOB 4 promptly attoailod lo Orion loft »t raj offlofl On KIWI St., Dear Out) Bulo, nlll roo«lfe prompt aueotlsn. , ; , JJUGENE J. OOOPEB, *• \ T I A W . i * ' OliloiliilHTo«i llolldlw;, i ' Onr.l,A'l.>on'lSU>iOi DOVKE, K. J 0. COBM1KB, II. I).. ' . POTI»,'lC. ». i I «OTHM«l«iW>,»B«i SCTATB AalST '' - ,, l ^ O-tiwit flii." A BfioiAiiir; ,nn»()lb«V»lt " * «**"*» IM**! r* 1 AUMOII 10. ! W - pots. i. WW 8 °ir> OLIOITOB AXD KiSTBB HI OBAHO»f. »IA»BOP1,H». Hfuwor Roonii wanted. ih»TlDiittoinewllb« »l)lieS»». UllWuKprj, Ij c»Uln»on ^-•' s;.t.i«JSHAiI, Burnt »<> lntalllxnt m<n lo tnnl l U l I " kr/oralMMUmluIca.' . *' B.I.OAMOS*CO..Wot»»l»»M SirSiSS •JOSEPH C. JOHNSON, $10.00 REWAlUil How advertising pays and why'it doe? not pay. Itdoesiaotpayto adyertiflS-goodpand prioea and then not have them. wnen the pur- ohaser comes into the store;., K pays to ha^ve just what you advertise and.at the fianie prioes. I will forfeit $10 to any one that oomes into my store and does not find/the goods and prices as advertised. ' • its season, a car toad being on the oad nourfor Dawr which wiU toon ready for sampling. We don't lanoe "saxHuZjEddfe" to any onet btti n bound the quality cf our-gmh kail make then take the had. LK. BENNETT. (inccuioa TO A. wiettsoji,) MfcHBFAOTOHEJ. AfiD DXAXKB I S ITOVES, RANGES, FURNACES, Tw, Oomft u s BnatT Iiojptoomo. "" e, Sheet Lead, Lead Pipe, ' Pumps, 4c. - THE GORTON " £ SPECIALTY. CARPET BUYERS I WILL MAKE, LAY AND FURNISH PAPER ALL CARPETS SOL^ UNTIL.APRIL 1st WITHOUT CHARGE. 26 Antique Oak Bedroom Suite, 8 pieces, regular price $30 ; reduced to $23.50. . 35 Antique Oak Bedroom.. Suits, 8 pieces, regular prioe $36 ; reduoedto $37.60. 26 Walnut.B«drodm Suits, MaTbld Top, reg- ular price $60 ; reduced to,$47.60.: - 25 Parlor Suits in Plush, regular prioe $60 ; - reduced to $35.- .vv-^-P;-' ••- ; ' v .}-iV•'•^•^^• v 25 Parlor Suits in Pliish, regular price $75; r e d u c e d t o $ 6 0 . > :; ' • i •:" •••••:";.^ 25 Carpet Bed Lounges, my own makei;reg- ular prioe $10 ; reduced tj&7 opp ng tluj elegant styles in all kinds of feet wear,|j|i»thi in variety of styles and display f^'|J'5y daily receiving full as sorirneiits of^^ everything novel that the ingenuity of manufacturers have made it possible for us to receive, and they will be fterettt 1 be most attractive prices. LARGBST OAKPETS! THE 8TOOK TO , ' Of NEWABK, AND LOWEST^PEIGES.'.:! GAEPEP! ,1?B()M I S ,THB OltS ELKVATOE TO EVEHY FLOOR. TEIEPHOHE 680. (CREDIT GIVEN iP:I>EsiREDi): : snvznioi msioFOJtAneii ro ASX-PAHT ptTESBTATs. AMOS H. VAN HORN, isflefl ,iate nn onl oim promptly adjusted and ' p»id IH ciih. RB1L ESTATE ITOR SALE. HOUSE con man Ihoio. bollaldf lota ana farnu on eaaj texma. »' tniMnt lot f r eal»difap at Mm Bill. flr.Klu. bntloau eland on Diekenoe UnnieonFebtt Ara .nearUorrl. Bt,for P. THE BANK, DOVER. 0. CHRISTENSEN, Itckwell St., Dover, N, J. IARPET WJBAVER, DYBKandCLBiNEK. SJrlot attention tfcren to cuitem wort. Ragaeobredfreafor eualomer*. RaxCar* prtalwaraonhandatth.loweitoaahprloM. All work done at the Morten poailblt notloe and aatlBlaetlon guaranteed. Gentltmen'l clothlnj dy.il, cleaned ami prmrf. M ladltl' drea. goodl. Acall la aollolted. R, F. JOUEY.&. Co., SHIRT MANUFACTURERS, -AMI- MEN'SFURNISHERS, 831 BROAD St. NEWARK, T$. 3. .iBOBSI MD MSI STOCK ll> Ita SUU SCHOOL BOOKS, SCHOOL SUPPLIES, iXUMXLOT Of WBITIITG TABLETS .ABeneralllaeot 1 STATIONEBY, Pictures and Picture Frame: !tk A««x» Sm Home S.irli>BM«clita«. M. M. VAN ETtEN, A. Gh BUCK, Painter, Dooorator, Qraini and Pnpor Hanger. (NEAR Cor. LARGE STOCK, THEEB BLOCKS FEOM BAHOLiT 8T. FKBEY. Blank Booki, Jas, S. Stationer*,. NeWspipert andClgart. BLUE FRONT ST<«UB£ Next to Bowaea's Meat WE havefi?pl«ced with the leading manufac- the country a larger order for all kirids of Fine SHOES, TIES and SLIJBBERS, adapted to Spring and 8um- IJBB mer , lban ever. Never in the his- the trade have dealers had the nity this senson offers for display- Just look at )ke raulU there: In Lbe course of a harried recount more than cue thousand seven hundred fraudulent lickola were found wtioh had beeu stuffed In tbe ballot boxea aud could not uaio boeu rotcd iuBlagftlway. Btaoa tben they fcava turned thefr attention to llo poll and regiutu tooka, aad uote flud things e n n worst) tbun Ilie crocked ballots. 1'ho boolm are In a lerrible condition, ahowlua that luo clerks were either unable to rcud and write cor- redly, or that they h««e kept Urn books, lu tills manner for ttio purpogu of covering op the irauds wbloh the; committed. Ma iy of tbe names Lave uo uddrema opposite to iheni, and oftlmes no icltfolB. Groat num ben of people who do not rcaido In the dis- trict where they are credited with voting P«opl« wbo are put "down aa resid' lots where there (re no bouBss. tie New York Woild, good Douiocttvtio am. bority, estimates ot lie time of this writing it there will be {timid ia the first of tut. Forty election districts to be examined at irlot where (ley are credited liMft been f Dund, iuclading oameB of WHO hwo mowed aunty, aad tome n dud, Uorae we put •down as resli t I U l h b orty eleotlou diatriaU to be exam least £00 crocked tuid Illegal votes I Isn't it fcorjlog BbameT Isn't U enough ak every boncat loraejtatat lung bis bead? Mota tbjxa all. Un't it euuutjb to make every houcet man, no matter vliat fall arty aflUlatian, firmly waoiYo that tbo v> le of tblfl State uliall haro tbo eafwt avst ' voting that hoi evor bwn davided? I tbo Bcont, ballot of tie Australian Senator Worts, of tbfa oountr, hw <1ofNod buh la mll6>] a boliot tsiotia lav, wWrU i aJniinjbJy and oorreou eCloiontlT may ot ttie ovlla 4D3 looBft mellioda now Itendlng our TOling eystenj. But it ltokl is one vilal Xeatuto that makes nil efTeotlvj -the soaiet, official ballot, pi;o?ided only to B loler BV tlie polta VIIBQ he has piwsod Bcrowd of political heelers and Is ready Tots. Without tbla, aioBt ol the other ise proiblons in tho bill of Senntoi Werta amatut to nothing moia Uian fcipenaivo machinery to aooomplfali nothing lor the twjueflty of tie ballot. USSEX STREET, Opp. Cenfral Railroad Depot, DOVER, N. i. m;iia" history of p p Y E S or vicinity liae a newfi^mmet with 'gteatjSnticese at tbeir opening oa IVOhave, which shows snd eat- a us that the oitizors of Dover and Ticiuitj know liow'to a^pre- ^g^ at wholeBalo prices only first; B widfsellJwriwy. artiole as advertisoa, Tho qaos- ^Hb^Hi'ttMiy^sell so oh^ap?' r v^o save ypu one Hera Is the cUriug defect ot lbs Werla Hi It nrpvidos that any citizen may ob ilesathau fifty ballots ten dajB btfon, . election, and that these ballou may bo roted. ' Tola provision will enable the pollt- oal heelora to gat oil tbe ballots thoy want aadvanoe. Tha means of filing up crooked iokelfl tor the deception of lllitente voters i Urns put in their bands. Worse than all, way is prOTlded by which lbe con-opt ays- im of bribing rotera can bo perpetuated. hepoMioMheeloroan put seorat marks on eltckels thns obtained—marks that will jowaily recognlMd by tho one or more •epresentativoa of hla party on the eleotlorj loard. The. political Ue&Ler goes lo the oor- upt voter, bonds him one of the orooked ioketif procured betorahand andu this BIO-' riaion and says i " licre la a ticket which jears a Eootot mark knawii to Bmith, who tipreMUto our party ou tbe election board. Smith certifies to us that yon Tote thin Dket yon will get yom my,!' nunlng tbe rloe thatmoy be ogreed'npon.- How wonld matopbribery in that way p • ;.. •- " '• . ' '• "• * * . ' : . > - ' "• ' TJnder Ike HOrgt offlolal ballttt'of tl "shBysteiaUilsh offloenare glit ^^t^protlta''are saved, which CS otUer> retailers ft?e obliged lUa BOSS ic 1 all: our stores and ^ ^Ttlie ^ COBHtnyw^oei not pay fOT>;the iosa^'^ not pay About the xoltement 9 J lbsi StanJanl Graiiulalotl Sugar (jonvinoed loyers.oi is good; cap p! teatlmt our ton••i«i.;6daiS«siperior in qtlility to any soltl at tlie B»mo ri ki tli Oi l b " t price, nwkig tlio Oi lbs.":ot sugar Goocl JDMry Butter; 22o.jfe a las *1 Start? Catty Btt^asiEj' U'Xojfc' Ct^O B*»t Sharp Htandord ToiaatoeB 80. a cau. Ballinioio Oorn 7o.; 8 for 20a String Beans 8fl. a oan, . . 4 renoIiosS lb. can I60. : - Salmon (new paoldiig) I60, a con. Condensed MUk Oc. a can. SPECIAL BAItGAIiVS. Tiuliflh Prunoa 4 lbs. for 22c' A31b. Box of Starch 'Uo.: A 6 lb: "Bor of Hominy 10o; ;A;filb: PailMJoJIy:3Bo. ' JS- [' Alarge bar ptjwSpap.ic. a cafe B.T.Ba'bbitVsVbBBtBoap' > io; ; ". Best Sugar Ouroil Hams lOo. lb. Bologna lob. lb. When visiting oar store ask for 'onr -.; celebrated: VOlariijing Jan OofTee'! it is delicious. Hease com- pare the above pnooB^ith* those yon pay 'elsewhere,and it,-mm convince ovorybody that many dol lars irfll be saved by patronizing arehouie 401 Broad St., and S3 Orante SI., Nei>aru for Infants and Children. ndJIMaopntartoaarpmcrlplJoa illtoOlWBl^itail'i.T. Toltoa Btne\ K.T. J. WELLINGTON BRIAHT, OLIVER S c FREEMAN Carpenter and Buiidor, Sh«poppoilt«tbePoT»rLmiberTinI. Ham -'~M)U»tfODa madefied oOtnet l k COHB STONE T4LK- TQR rorto ot aatvt- all tli< eobjeot onc t I pro p I have t oomtaaud to the one eobjeot wbloh la of (hit greatest Ituporlonce to American InitHutloiu, and nooboro laoro poriaat IbaniDtbo8!at« or New J«nwy. mean tbo question of en houoi! ballot. Tbo very uimo of election k a Eloooh lu lhi> noitfUn ot honest people since tb a Uftde ot Lhe 1 Udovoo In Uudiwii oounlf. ot too political COHUOH COBRC1I. PBO0BEMSOS. Tuo Uarob meetlug of the Oommoo Oooa- Monday ing, Pretest —Beoordor Herriri, Aldermon Vreeland and and Conudlmen Eokliart, Gibson, u aad Setring. The mlnates of two wcetlngtt were lead snd approTta. ial Kelifj jireaeDted . bis report, •bowing no arregu (or February wai 84 wale tramps awioaiiuodftted with lodgiDgs lo "m biaUon iioose. liewired and ordered \tiofdou flle. I'ulioe Jiutfce tiage reported a fins of «8 iposod, aoaauiptuiled by tbe oaah. lUport oeifed and oiuuey ordered oOTered Into tbe Treasury. Uhlef JEogiueor Lsmbatt reported that la Mroidiuioo willl lib inabuollons, ha liiul uo. tilled Uetturo. h. X>, Bcliwar* aud George rieiaw), on Uio i'Jlb. of Oolober last, to place fire eccapos ou their buildings. Thej tmd promised to ooiup>y, l>ub thus far lutd [oiled to do no. Uepcrt received and onlered plaoeri ou tile, bnt notion dsttined till Oauu- Bel coald be consulted. The folJowing bills were reoelveil, reported 'lib Uio ajipromJ of Uio i'iijujoe Cc tec, anil ord^reil palJ i "Xha Qoo. lili Hill, *10-OU( Corporation pay roll for j?eb- ranrjr, »121.76[ Woi. King, $10; John C. oioo, t|4 j JameB P. Kelloj, $60. A blU of 1. ii. QiiRe, lor *&,25, lor gouts la Mite ol a irboocr -/liu tuui uavupul fioia the county all, waa laid wn for lulme '" ' >«w lawt. Th» followfog are the pronalooj of auma of the now l»«a *<enod by the Qoiornor t Prcridea that all notoa, bills, boodi nod otter writhijCB, aball bo tudgaabls mai tie -—» may we therefor in alaownnMOB, itunh.irfi..lOBxpo«! the bod r ot il epoa whom the death penalty: JueulaBlutkl. House Kg. a*. In criminal «MI allowa' de/tuulaau' caanaol to Ufce a gooenL uoep'. Uoo to tbe charge of U»sdoartrilht fying any pwtJotiUr portion. IIOBM S o , US. GIring (owmhfp oommlt* toraTlM, alter, ndjnrf aod iwttlo too power poatdneh Frorldos that autborltieaj In vjUsgM sba/ onloroo ardluuioes reepwting tbe laying or, -ipairlngof sldewallu, eto. a OiveB M*yor *nd Oounoll of Wrougb«;i powei topurobam aud erect phmtM tofunualia ught for Buob boiougba. ' . Provides thai huband'a real esUto sold uudet Jfldgtaent ttmll be tote*«d from WUC/B ttnd inquiry as to iosponnlbility, itdourder Harris vbooght uiat Ia futuie epplfoallous for lioeaeo from Rlraugeis boaid be laid over for a moalh. Uc. foe- \o tbouflbt It would be time lo ootujder when toey caaio up. Tue Viuaooo Oomiuittoe reputed progress in the matter of pioooriug a tsule, aud ii was discussed wtiother % aafe or TBOIC wonld ba bent lor tbo oara of tho town'u paper*. Tbo Uueel Commit too reported they had it been ablo to ntd the map ot Moirw tit., id tone woik had bocu Doiameaoed loot 11 that OxaalA be completed this Spring, TO reaolted tbat tbe Oily Sortejor pro' iftjo a uiap of Uords street under tho dimr ion at tin Blte^t QoiuuiiUfie. 'ihd (jatBtioa as to tha right of oonTOsl' dent pedUra aslilug moat iu iba (o«b Umlta without lioeuM was dAoiused, but uuiar Uia ''- Htbo tioumuJ fot.udit difllouJt to oaalblj some ot lbs midenta of it!a o!ty ioiofty nny be interested to know that be truBtcaa of tho New York Cottage for the .Valuing of Teaohen have eatablhilied six roe soholnralifps In the College for tha bon- t of gradantes tif blgh sohools anil aood- ien, publio or frlvato, In the States of w York, New Joraey and Oonneotlcut. reeBOholarahipaaro to be awarded eub rear upon tho results of a oompstitlve ex. imlaaUon to be held In the month ol Juno, d each aoholanliip la walld, unlow for- ted (or oause, for tho full college oourao [ Uo yuan. Poll information as to the igulatfoni of tbla auminatlon and detail* iKitcUog the times at vhloh it wiU be held, ooursfi of study at the College, the meth- in. of inalruotloti, ato,, may be ottalnod by ddresiiing tha Dean of the Now York Ooi- sga for UJQI'mlnlnn of ToftohoM, 0 TJl S*motrat* Agaiutth* Bterat BaU«t. The Lcfiialatlre Oommlltae on Dallot Be- irmh»d»nolhor meotlugooMonday. That art of the Werta bill rslatlug to the distriba- loa of the oflloial balluta botore ths eleotlon TM taken up. Here the oTldenpn of tha loadiook broke out aud tie flgbt Was waged fUb force and Tlgor. The Uepublioaa m«m< atood solid for the exclusively. bffloiaJ ot in the poUiog plooa ca eleollon oar. nator W*rU wnnt«d the clause to romaln hft had wrilton it, and Betting that Uiere ;aa no hopo of an agreement ha proposed a a ocmptomiM that the ballot i a^aU b e iren out boforo eieotion day, but only ooe a time to tboae who apply foe taent. No igreement was reached. •,• ..:.• - , WroaaiiotmtOiKj of thue baUoto: until he hai paued the political heelenand has •nWed at tha poUt. Thea'ha la gltenoiie t the«e Uoketa, SOMinto a prlnte alall and la traactred to mark bit <nndidnUfl, fold the ballot and ptetent It olmedto tho eleotlos officers. AM all'theH ballots are suutljr lk» cot even the election, offloen can tell 0* the wan voles." He oonld take the oonoy of tha bribe-giTer if It was offered ,im, and fool tho bribe Klver If br, wanted by ToUng. as be pleased afteriranL In iot, co beelar would offer moitey for a rote lalen ho oovM fix the ticket himself and see bB voter-pot i| In tbo box. Under such a ,w ths oceap&lion ol tbo briber would be on*, as wellu that ot .the political heeler h drags drunken aodlgnorant moa up to polla, Kelther'could tho employer er- as a tapeitbUu over the wles ot tho shbwsfleai ' •• ' Now let oa sea what are the reaions urged diitrlbatlnn ballots amoog.foten before y oomo to,the polls. TuV first la that jsnte TOtera may Have aaopportanlty to iaie their tloketa arraogod by thvir frlepdu. is a tttlc tbe friend of the tiuterate voter Is usually the politioal heeler, who flzas such Joketa to suit himself wlihont regard to tbe ffiahei of tbe nanvbo esnnotresd, Under tba Aofitnllan system two iDBpeotors, of dllferti.* uariiet, read ws Uoket to himaa& mark tbo candidates j u i as he wishes to T0.o..Thue .nspeoton are also svom.to seoreoy. The iUitemU voter cannot be cheated iq Ibis way. wyJ Ja mooh better off thtnhewoald.'Minlbe bands ot the polit- ical hetler.-."; "..;,;;.' ,..•:=-'.- • . ••' •.-• •' ' " ' . > ' ' . ' ' * " ; " ',. - •' ' '• . Bniihe principal reaton urged for olrou- latlnetha ballots in advuos of theolectlon that the wtte may Uke themfaome and LtnlliurlBb thflutvelfSB with. 1 team: before .wj go to (he paUs. Thai thia- Is only* slliy/preUJt emi be olBarly prflTen. The Shtta oan liana be'fora tha alectloti a porfflot f^.filrolle or tha offlojal ballot, tie only dif. ferenoe being that it shall bs printed on ft tinted paper different frcm the ofBotal btvl* lola furnished at the polls, hot which can. not be voted. The voter can tike this fnV slmlla home with him. study it, and eTen murk on it the isaadldataB.lor whom,ho, wishes to rate.,, Then ha eanUk'e thefao- similB to the pitUs with him; And copy its mn-kloga on the cffioiallr ntflnped baliol whloahelbueiefitdtMl - Bnthe cannot vote tbo fkb^lmUa. He Is thns afforded every opportunity to vote Intelligently, bat there Is no chanoe left for him to Tote a tlekot marked or mada. np' fay a political heelee ootsiae of the polls.. ; , . . " * Ilhorefcre ask iny Intelligent (JUeen If the excuses offered, against too secret ofBala Jlot of the Australian system are jen? Doea It set appear rathei there Is slmpl? en atteu.pt on the part of the Democrats uf lha Leglalatnro to pass a law which,-vfaBe.lt pretends to be a ballot re- form measure, leaves out tbo very life prin- oipal of .true ballot refora 1 Does it so! look more-like an effort to make posubli the continuance or fmnds In Hudson ooonty tobolliry tbe will of 800,000 Totors of the fliaUofHewJemiy?.',.-, Bat It la coming. The' thinking, intelll' cant, honest voters of all parties demand the aecnt, official,ballot, and * t * to tbe part; or the polltfolanflwho stanl In the way of Ir I h » e heard Mienl well' Intormed Dear crata express the. belief that If the Semo- cratiQ party preienta Uu etuotlcm ot .tuts feature they will loss tbe next Legislature of tbo State.- Tbe people ore determined to make sn II'SUB of ft and will abide no subter- fuges to evade. The Kepnblloan party, I am glad lo «sy. ire a onlt for it, and any of Its reprteentatlires who dare go contrary to their wishes will be buried BOdeeply that be will uavor haia a politioal retnrreoUan. There never was a better opportunity t* bring about this reform without politic* olsp-trap la connection with it. Tbe Senat Is llepabliwn and tha Aamnlly Is Demo orttfo. Let them psw the meainrsand boll partias will have eqoal credit before th people. Bnt let tbe people on their par resolve that any party that stands In the wa; of it snail be wined out of existence at " firs, election that happens thereatter.. ;'.-;• A CttsB STotnc O s a n r z a . .: . •'• •,lt's;Badaiotigh to fool away one's preolou time Ia expert ting with imeerUip taedtolnaa, voen o&< IssJQIctsd. without bilnj out (ifTOeket wall. ThaoDtj nedlelneoriU alasn/uld K g . p r properties M to warrant its ntaanfaoturarj guiruteelni U to cure, or momyjalili ratimed, Is Or. Plaree'a Goldoo atXUesl eovery. For all liver, blnod and Innc ttUIfl ' ' / : ' 1 tua Oiartof 0(ivweiy» upoa peUUon o/ tie husband of a woman owning-: i6*tIt)oUto, maj grant her permiasion U> OOQ« voy perfect UUa withoui sooh huband join- ing in the oouvano voy ing the oouvayanoe k s it kwf ul for any obarlteblo tottUw d l tion to have and poaaoea personal propory uoi oiowrdirg in Talus 473,01)0, ami snail UaTO poK^r to ohaniia its prinoii^al place cf bwslttee*, bni shall mil be oxempl from taxa- >Ues of Uu sasw o butu, JamMisancOd man on the Laokawnona, and %good «a dneor in ail that word Implies. Eglii " arga-slsad nun sAdwoan a dark nuuUAfa*. , From the Taot that he Is never found la tb# *• T • oastomnry overall garb of the engine**. It I* U evident that he think* there Is a chance of coming out of the oab Just u olean aa he- went In, if the onb Ukept u It oogbt to U . ~ , World. - ; • "• i iy I'laoa, Ne* Yorl [olioka Murray Butler, *, or itfl] r, Fh. D., of President, Patenon, A BUI BsUUnf to Pi esbrtsriu Ckmr&m. A bill ol maofe intenat to roombers of the: FroribylerliUi Ohurob haa paated the BeuOt ot this State, and Is now below the Assem- bly. As «rigtnsh> Introdnoad it provU»d that Troste«a elected must 1Msubjoot to the approval of the Sessions, bnt this feature was BOob JtaUottbk that It ma ti&kvu mi. It now provides that the trustees of toy ohuroh iUll nuJu eornoal fail report, to U» sesslonaof their societies of tholr ezpeadl* tares u d reoelpta, anJ of their msnageimnt" of the lands, property and funds of Ute'said o l t - J i n th et " * Boeomodatibn t»1n near Cuathain' oa Wedqea> ay night of liv-t w«efc, ahowa that a gang of 'onus rougus, known as the "BonueUloirn ;asz, have been in tbo habit of annojiog .a old mantra loss time, aadbftengot m eUrtea home early by telling.fata tbe £6tnJabadB«no< » U known Ue g u g ra at his place Wednesday nlgbt, and t , inumotod oE bolng the oauu ot hU dMth rgetlinfiblm lo lnava bis post, wbloh be id five miDuUs before. train tlmo. Tbo ame gang have asaaullod women and mule bemaelvea gcneraUy dreaded, and ahooldbe le examples of, - ; • . Orvills Oardan Talks tn Tbe Becond M. £. Obnrah vas filled vith sople at the Gospel Temperance meeting >n Banday arteroooD, it having been .nnounood that Ocvllle Qftrdner would speak hera. Be mada a brief, but earnaat talk In mat of temperance, u d stated that be had Ben saved from drink, able to overcome his ipellte far U ycarf, tuioutch lhe power ot Dbilflt He miidebut brief allueion to his p u t life, but it was announced that he wonld elltheBtory of his wonderful lift, bolore long In one ot tbo D&v&t o&oroneB, wh«& « small fee voald be oharged-for bis sapport A. CQUMUOQ tor his benelit v u taken attbjs leeUng. ' • . ' ^ ' •' " • .,, ".. .Ibir All Fuh In Jerssy,. In tbe matter of Oah propngfttlon awl p toctlon Hew Jersey ia far behind ol States, and yet the draught tt; alvt» religion. acol donominaUou powar to ooneolidata. Tbo touowlBg wen filed wilhuot atprovalt Provides Hint aimades shall be scooted- only in cities having two oompanle* ot In* tiuiucy. mandf an not anthorlditg aad prorlding for tbe iDOOiporittiDa of mompt flraoiBo and' for Urn (VTOMUOU of a But AlU t iixcoipt fuemen. BngiiiNr Bcnptsrs. JameB Borlpture Is a wortiy kolght ot tint iron horse on the Delaware, Le^winnt>aV Western's Morrig ud £nex Division, Bs rana oca of the fast Morristotm express trains lor Conductor Abe Gordinler, who, by the way, has a longing desire to haw ths * World'* watch reporting ID his M &fc J or " ilw' 1 u tl h * watc p g h p JamoB, or " ilw,' 1 u tlia hotu OA}] him, i« ft ,actlfDSt rice t«0ow, and v u ihooght veil oug&of aotioogiga lo h»?e been ohoaen member of uorristown's iauio than his engine it {• g0I»K a long w«y, '°f the u OhaTtoa£, c«rrye. n uahelio*uad. It oo slouch at the head of a long train offine*> green ears, and so it Is KM U.& iclds; ds her down to bualtusa, h Lk i who jrJariDgthe year next . mating or tha uJJ report, and afaalf«3 tfar tlmeofmafcingtheaald leport ab» dellTC' therewith to the seedoa. for Inspeotion, th* a_—-.l_ i x _ j _* . . . _ . _ . ai— i therewith to the aasdon. for laspeotiob: thi bookof minuted of tiie proceedings at i t U trualeta lho treaurer of ay sub htih _ .Tho Vraasurer ol any anofa <ditirah ahall ahu repart to tbe Madona annually. It < p(oblblUti» trut«es bom pctnttfeut th» obnrobto be wed tor any "-*• and his work wu to UliutnUtita - others. Whan be found that bis ----••• look with tie publo be dl*oonUnn»d h l s ' V >. work of engnviog u s menu cf liffallfaoodV p * \ feat continued to keep in w*sttef«bS» own Vli On IOB DBDIUH Ul JUUIMI. AaW MMIR > {• small, lla dimension* twtngabwl three by fivaInches, hut the Ikes are due u d tnw, ^ andltlsoomldflndBUtUenin. Tfathm* , is ft bis fmma attootnre, with a tall, aqure towar. As is indloatM by U» oiae,UM htnue isloosiad on a wooded knol), bsloff mrronnded by tall eedar tr**s. ;'»ratmtp«|IuArrs«tei . , > ' ."Blampy" Farrud. fcUrtin Ooenev, Edward Uarlatt, alias " Datohej t M Bast- Hopkins, alias " Happy { " Oeorge Jobnson, alias "Boater," ana Anson Fsmna. siias "Toojar'! went to tbe Boonkm nUlag aallt Tbundaytilgbt of l«t week and atts^ed - some of the woiluneo, bat got) the worst of lb Next morning they wencsptnrod sbglr tsd by twos aad all bat cm were pal ttk Jatt. WMIB Marihal OUoiartlo and Ooortftble Uailin HOer anett&d two ot tl» gaaf ft* (be Atton Anson FamjaiS made hbeeotM «p _i6rallroa4 timck. . » Is Ukety he will not make his appearanoe here for some tisae. Edward UartaU was wrested some time ago Edward U a a U s wr charged with laneny. broke Jail. ^ sted som In tha States, and yet tho drau waters by anglers Is fat rest _... it (Uiy ollef locality Si tb» Uuiou. - Now ./ken' and Pennujlraniina flan. In this Jtats almost.aa much as natives to, ami reiooymen are Iha most entbuiluUo u d soratetont anglers lo tho whole oounlry. It BteftHya wonder thtt ttio TODS* poptinr lakes keep up their trapply of fish from yetr year.—Call. . . Tlie OnaonU Ol.tb at Madiwn has elected ,ht> foUowion oEaosra for tha ensalng s e n i reatdont, It. 0. Albright { Vioe Pnnldent, 'd B Batdoni Trewmwt, Edwttd Van. Dlrsctonr, W. U. Lftn-isan, Engeno tWWbb E V O k d P tbe Vuat It. ratneVs Dsy ia Ibiria, Next Honda* Is 8L Fktriok's Dftjr, an anniversary which every Irishman bM good reMon to honor. : Ddrlng oae or tbe winter* thAtWftsbingtonwisinoftmpftt Moniatowa ha lanea a general ordor for tie otuwrvauoe of the day, asarwogollion off » 5 wrrtMi vblob. the sons ot Krtn mre rtoaeUng Uw new Bepobllo in IU ragged army, iod mnU tosftUtntDb taliftnatiot* o! tplrlMoStbik occasion. Thie « u donbtietj Uwfintotr. Kinnoe of Bt. Patriots Day I a Monti rovcU,lt.W..Webb, E. V- Oaok*odP. W, Moll«r |' Auditors, 0. M. Vesman and H. L. Brown t oomtnlttee on membership, J. P. Albright, E, P. Fwns and Q. M. X«unlng. Thoolab Is a new social organization and •\ To Isv* Shtsp rrom psgt. AwrlUrlatao Farm Journal a w t *<1 hate kept R flock of from twenty to thirty aheep for fourteen yean without having them attacked by.dogi even iaa fitted up the esoond floor of , Dunning'* inildlng in tho most approved club fashion. A Ksmorlal to a Qallaat BeglnuBt.. Ohkplaln Ollao of the old Hth New •Terscy Begiment propoaes to plww la the new oburoh that fala charge Is oreoUng at Phil- lipsbnrg a " memorial window " to tha desa comndei of tbe Keglment, for which ne BOlIoIts oottributlonfl., A number of the i f th Utb ddi W t BOlIoIts oottributlonfl., A number o mmivon of the Utb rtdde. ia W» county, and Bheriff Cory, who larred aa Osptalii In it, haa consented to receive and forward any mounts thoy may feel disposed to i»ntrl> bate to tho object' while,. Steettss tha Vaua^o w t t l a*rmaa Treat. ,- George Bbepard Fane, President of' the Piaband Oamo froteetive Assooahtioa ot Ohatbam and Passaio townihlpe, and who baa been very prominent In BtoeUng-ths Pasa&lo Btver with guaa lab, h*s reoelvad a larsa uumbet ot OaUtornla sad Qermut trout from tbe United States Fish Oommli- alon, which ware plaoed hi tha rivet* near Mr. Pago's nsidence a few dsya ago. Bhi Broka the En§agtmint . tbe taw tbat ha bad, ceu*4 to loia ier. Her beatitr bad faded, her former nlfih piriU had given phoa to » doll latritnAa. Vbatbkd canted tbU chinfst Fanottansl lenrtKesent | »ho waa sniveling I n n tfaoia Jlmeute peculiar to her MX. AodaOtbeir two young Jives drifted apart. Bow need* leas, how cruel 1 Btd site taken Or. Plena's FavoriU Presaription ibe rolsht nave been restored to health and happiness. UuuUtj nadarofthesallneals similarly tfflloted.let issaiiDUniala procuring; tha ' IVoacriptloa," It will tfrt> bar a of life. Sold by dragghU, under a poalUva SBarsntee from the manuraotorars, of perfeot taUiUcUQa In every ease, or money Bee sasractee on bottle wrapper. Holfl It ta tha light Tbo man who belta yon e*naflotiU»lly ]i ba. will care joai oold Is pwuJrlbiog Komp's Baliun this year. In tiie jirapan-tionortliis nmirkabla mcdiainB Tor ooughs and coldi no expenioissparoatocomblnoontythebutand purest inffredienie. Hold a bottle of Kemp'e flocks on adjoining fsrmi lav* been ndMi, Theyftlwijs weu from Are to eight belli of different Uses t&dtonot, I do not believe there Is a dog ia tha world wllh oosrag* enough to aUack i flock of sheep mil inp. plied with bme." The Kaw 1 ahare beard jour friends and neighbors ]£ about It. Too msy yourselfbecneof. the tuiny who know from personal esperimiae Joit how good s thing it is. Ii yon bave ant triod it. yon aro one ol its staunch ttianit^ iio thowonderfnt thing about It la, tha^ *b<raona« glvan. * trial, P r . Hing'a New Dls* eofery ever after holds a plftee In thebonea. It 301 biTO never n»e»d it vati, *boOl<J M *f» fllotod with a oanKfa. pold or anr Threat, [maf oiOhail troabie, v»zn *> bo,Ua at oimana HlToitahlrtriil. ItlsguftrastoedeverjUm* or money rsfnotted. Trial boWoi free tt B. KlUgore'i Drug Blow Borer, snd F. N. Jen* kins 1 Drag fltoro, Ohwtcr A Baonaiatil Opinion. E. Dalnbrldge Munday, fitq.t ConntT AUy., OlftjUo.,Taxas,Baj*f " Have used Eleottla BltUri wltii mwt hsppyreiults. Mr brother alia was very low with Ualarial Pevor and bat was oared by timely tue of tbts A U f l d S l t l B l d hUllfa," , Wr, D. i. Wllooxsoa, of Horse Cave, Ky^ adds s. like teitlmany, atjlug t UeyeaUlveJj belleTeshewontdhare died, bad It not been f« Electric Bitter* This great remedy wQl ward off; M wall as l p U d f U K I d Liror and Stotnaoh DtordflK stands wu- equaled. Price SDo, and K at B. Klrt|tore*f, Dover, and IT. N. Jenkln'a, Cheater. «fcmBabj was slofc, wa .i-t*~»4 )QM, aba VoeUn'i Anlea Bain. ) ••, The bait salve In ths world for Out*, Sores, Baliamtothe light and look tbronghIt; no. Braises, Ulosrs, Btll Btooo, Perw Banw, tlco tbe bright, «loMlookjtbBnootnp»ra with I lattar, Ohaoped Hands, QbUbUi&s, Ooraa, other remedlea. largo botUasst til draggisU Iw d ill BUA SropUom, and - pomtUwij i.aml*l. SaraplsbottUirea. E ^ l d ^ X t t a t d p ^U« QOnsyrefi»dtd, h Sualh OTfiai u l RIMI. Ipri»«t4n.ip*tboi. Tw uU tar Itotrt i k H J ' ~

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Post on 09-Apr-2018




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Page 1: (TIFFANY & ALLEN STEAM BOTTLING WOMCARPET …test.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/1890/1890-03-14.pdf · Itendlng our TOling eystenj. But it ltokl is one vilal Xeatuto

Offers the Largest



Than Any Other P»jr»r,




Ottoe «m BUokwell 8ta»t outdoor to thtH l t t a l TTmon Bink.

u» BUasomraoH ravutu-BLI1H tUViSVS. •

>»• T»u .'. *><• i t MoitM....... . , . - 100



1 '

• .761195116011

en8 CO

J 8 . B 0 M 6 OSO) 10 00 17 Wi oo i« oo 2a no

1300 9100 «ooo

a oo 87 60 eo oo



Headquarters at Paterson.





[ tcafer vntquale&fw brilliancyandpunty.

The famous waters ~af Saratoga

and the ApdB.iva.rris outdone/or bar,

table or oarbonating purposes. Pro-nounoed by physicians to contain great

medieal properties for kidney troubleand jerora! dclilily.

We sliaU add to our many brandsthe most odebraltd Lagers In ths


\ "l SUaItt BTBEBT,\B«TW«BH wjuin*! HOTIH. o n ntntr.)


nurjer. IMwSi&Mvt'l Ihh 0allhg

TorarisaiH*3fntx «ro Spaan STI.. IDQVEB, g. J.

|.' D. JOIXKV.

r ana Carriage, 'o'ol.

JIBUIK apse.

, ' ' Doiin, S. J. ,

I • Omlraeif UVon and m.lorlaU faralahrd.Blow MM! brie* Wfitk, pliMortun md J-JUUIOB

4 promptly attoailod lo Orion loft »t raj offloflOn KIWI St., Dear Out) Bulo, nlll roo«lfeprompt aueotlsn. , ; ,


. i * ' OliloiliilHTo«i llolldlw;, i

' Onr.l,A'l.>on'lSU>iOi DOVKE, K. J

0 . COBM1KB, II . I)..

' . POTI»,'lC. ». i

I «OTHM«l«iW>,»B«i SCTATB AalST' ' - , , l ^ O-tiwit flii." A BfioiAiiir;

,nn»()lb«V»lt " * «**"*» I M * * !r * 1 AUMOII 10.

! W

- p o t s . i. WW8°ir>



Hfuwor Roonii wanted.ih»TlDiittoinewllb«

»l)lieS»». UllWuKprj, Ij c»Uln»on^ - • ' s;.t.i«JSHAiI,

Burnt »<> lntalllxnt m<n lo t n n l

l U l I "kr/oralMMUmluIca.' .* ' B.I.OAMOS*CO..Wot»»l»»M



$10.00 REWAlUilHow advertising pays and why'it doe? not

pay. Itdoesiaotpayto adyertiflS-goodpandprioea and then not have them. wnen the pur-ohaser comes into the store;., K pays to ha vejust what you advertise and.at the fianieprioes. I will forfeit $10 to any one thatoomes into my store and does not find/thegoods and prices as advertised. ' •

its season, a car toad being on theoad nourfor Dawr which wiU toon

ready for sampling. We don'tlanoe "saxHuZjEddfe" to any onet btti

n bound the quality cf our-gmhkail make then take the had.

LK. BENNETT.(inccuioa TO A. wiettsoji,)



FURNACES,Tw, Oomft u s BnatT Iiojptoomo. ""

e,Sheet Lead,

Lead Pipe, 'Pumps, 4c.





26 Antique Oak Bedroom Suite, 8 pieces,regular price $30 ; reduced to $23.50. .

35 Antique Oak Bedroom.. Suits, 8 pieces,regular prioe $36 ; reduoedto $37.60.

26 Walnut.B«drodm Suits, MaTbld Top, reg-ular price $60 ; reduced to,$47.60.: -

25 Parlor Suits in Plush, regular prioe $60 ;- r e d u c e d t o $ 3 5 . - . vv -^-P; - ' • • - ; ' v . } - i V • ' • ^ • ^ ^ • v

25 Parlor Suits in Pliish, regular price $75;r e d u c e d t o $ 6 0 . > :; ' • i • : " •••••:";.^

25 Carpet Bed Lounges, my own makei;reg-ular prioe $10 ; reduced tj&7

oppng tluj elegant styles in all kinds of feet

wear,|j|i»thi in variety of styles and displayf^'|J'5y daily receiving full as

sorirneiits of everything novel that theingenuity of manufacturers have made itpossible for us to receive, and they will befterettt 1 be most attractive prices.







snvznioi msioFOJtAneii ro ASX-PAHT ptTESBTATs.



,iate nn onl

o i m promptly adjusted and' p»id IH ciih.


HOUSE con m a n

Ihoio. bollaldf lota ana farnu on eaaj texma.

» ' tniMnt lot f r eal»difap at M m Bill.f lr .Klu. bntloau eland on Diekenoe

UnnieonFebtt Ara .nearUorrl. Bt,for



Itckwell St., Dover, N, J.



SJrlot attention tfcren to cuitem wort.Ragaeobredfreafor eualomer*. Rax Car*prtalwaraonhandatth.loweitoaahprloM.All work done at the Morten poailblt notloeand aatlBlaetlon guaranteed. Gentltmen'lclothlnj dy.il, cleaned ami prmrf. Mladltl' drea. goodl. A call la aollolted.


- A M I -


831 BROAD St.





1 STATIONEBY,Pictures and Picture Frame:

! t kA««x»Sm Home S.irli>BM«clita«.



Painter, Dooorator, Qrainiand Pnpor Hanger.





Booki,Jas, S.



Next to Bowaea's Meat

WEhavefi?pl«ced with the leading manufac-

the country a larger order forall kirids of Fine SHOES, TIES andSLIJBBERS, adapted to Spring and 8um-IJBBmer ^« , lban ever. Never in the his-

the trade have dealers had thenity this senson offers for display-

Just look at )ke raulU there: In Lbecourse of a harried recount more than cuethousand seven hundred fraudulent lickolawere found wtioh had beeu stuffed In tbeballot boxea aud could not uaio boeu rotcdiuBlagftlway. Btaoa tben they fcava turnedthefr attention to llo poll and regiututooka, aad uote flud things e n n worst) tbunIlie crocked ballots. 1'ho boolm are In alerrible condition, ahowlua that luo clerkswere either unable to rcud and write cor-redly, or that they h««e kept Urn books, lutills manner for ttio purpogu of covering opthe irauds wbloh the; committed. Ma iy oftbe names Lave uo uddrema opposite toiheni, and oftlmes no icltfolB. Groat numben of people who do not rcaido In the dis-trict where they are credited with voting

P«opl«wbo are

put "down aa resid'lots where there (re no bouBss.

tie New York Woild, good Douiocttvtio am.bority, estimates ot l ie time of this writing

it there will be {timid ia the first of tut.Forty election districts to be examined at

irlot where (ley are creditedliMft been f Dund, iuclading oameB ofWHO hwo mowed aunty, aad tome ndud , Uorae we put •down as resli

t I U l h b

orty eleotlou diatriaU to be examleast £00 crocked tuid Illegal votes I

Isn't it fcorjlog BbameT Isn't U enoughak every boncat loraejtatat lung bis

bead? Mota tbjxa all. Un't it euuutjb tomake every houcet man, no matter vliat fall

arty aflUlatian, firmly waoiYo that tbo v>le of tblfl State uliall haro tbo eafwt avst' voting that hoi evor bwn davided? I

tbo Bcont, ballot of tie Australian

Senator Worts, of tbfa oountr, hw <1ofNodbuh la mll6>] a boliot tsiotia lav, wWrUi aJniinjbJy and oorreou eCloiontlT

may ot ttie ovlla 4D3 looBft mellioda nowItendlng our TOling eystenj. But it ltoklis one vilal Xeatuto that makes nil efTeotlvj-the soaiet, official ballot, pi;o?ided only toB loler BV tlie polta VIIBQ he has piwsodB crowd of political heelers and Is readyTots. Without tbla, aioBt ol the other

ise proiblons in tho bill of Senntoi Wertaamatut to nothing moia Uian fcipenaivomachinery to aooomplfali nothing lor thetwjueflty of tie ballot.

USSEX STREET, Opp. Cenfral Railroad Depot, DOVER, N. i.

m;iia" history of ppYES or vicinity liae a new fi^m met with'gteatjSnticese at tbeir opening oa IVO have, which shows snd eat-

a us that the oitizors of Dover and Ticiuitj know liow'to a^pre-^ g ^ at wholeBalo prices only first;

B widfsellJwriwy. artiole as advertisoa, Tho qaos-^Hb^Hi'ttMiy^sell so oh^ap?'rv^o save ypu one

Hera Is the cUriug defect ot lbs WerlaHi It nrpvidos that any citizen may ob

ilesathau fifty ballots ten dajB btfon,. election, and that these ballou may bo

roted. ' Tola provision will enable the pollt-oal heelora to gat oil tbe ballots thoy wantaadvanoe. Tha means of filing up crookediokelfl tor the deception of lllitente votersi Urns put in their bands. Worse than all,way is prOTlded by which lbe con-opt ays-im of bribing rotera can bo perpetuated.hepoMioMheeloroan put seorat marks oneltckels thns obtained—marks that will

jowaily recognlMd by tho one or more•epresentativoa of hla party on the eleotlorjloard. The. political Ue&Ler goes lo the oor-upt voter, bonds him one of the orookedioketif procured betorahand andu this BIO-'riaion and says i " licre la a ticket whichjears a Eootot mark knawii to Bmith, whotipreMUto our party ou tbe election board.

Smith certifies to us that yon Tote thinDket yon will get yom my,!' nunlng tberloe thatmoy be ogreed'npon.- How wonldmatopbribery in that way p • ; . .

• • - " ' • . ' ' • " • * • * . ' : . > - ' • " • '

TJnder Ike HOrgt offlolal ballttt'of tl"shBysteiaUilsh

offloenare glit

^^t^protlta''are saved, whichCS otUer> retailers ft?e obliged

lUa BOSS ic1 all: our stores and

^ ^Ttlie COBH tnyw^oei not payfOT>;the iosa^'^

not pay

About the xoltement

9J lbsi StanJanl Graiiulalotl Sugar

(jonvinoed loyers.oi is good; cap p!teatlmt our ton••i«i.;6daiS«siperiorin qtlility to any soltl at tlie B»mori k i tli Oi l b " tprice, nwkig tlio Oi lbs.":ot sugar

Goocl JDMry Butter; 22o.jfe a las *1Start? Catty Btt^asiEj' U'Xojfc'Ct^OB*»t Sharp

Htandord ToiaatoeB 80. a cau.

Ballinioio Oorn 7o.; 8 for 20a

String Beans 8fl. a oan, . . 4renoIiosS lb. can I60. : -Salmon (new paoldiig) I60, a con.Condensed MUk Oc. a can.


Tiuliflh Prunoa 4 lbs. for 22c'A31b. Box of Starch 'Uo.:A 6 lb: "Bor of Hominy 10o;;A;filb: PailMJoJIy:3Bo. ' JS- ['Alarge bar ptjwSpap.ic. a cafeB.T.Ba'bbitVsVbBBtBoap'>io;;".Best Sugar Ouroil Hams lOo. lb.

Bologna lob. lb.

When visiting oar store ask for'onr -.; celebrated: V Olariijing JanOofTee'! it is delicious. Hease com-pare the above pnooB^ith* thoseyon pay 'elsewhere,and it,-mmconvince ovorybody that many dollars irfll be saved by patronizing

arehouie 401 Broad St., and S3 Orante SI., Nei>aru

for Infants and Children.


illtoOlWBl^itail'i.T.Toltoa Btne\ K.T.


Carpenter and Buiidor,

Sh«poppoilt«tbePoT»rLmiberTinI. Ham-'~M)U»tfODa madefied oOtnet l k


TQR rorto ot aatvt-

all tli<eobjeot

onc t

I prop I have t oomtaaud to the one eobjeot

wbloh la of (hit greatest Ituporlonce toAmerican InitHutloiu, and nooboro laoro

poriaat IbaniDtbo8!at« or New J«nwy.mean tbo question of en houoi! ballot.

Tbo very uimo of election k a Eloooh lulhi> noitfUn ot honest people since tb

a Uftde ot Lhe 1Udovoo In Uudiwii oounlf.

ot too political

COHUOH COBRC1I. PBO0BEMSOS.Tuo Uarob meetlug of the Oommoo Oooa-

Monday ing, Pretest—Beoordor Herriri, Aldermon Vreeland and

and Conudlmen Eokliart, Gibson,u aad Setring. The mlnates of twowcetlngtt were lead snd approTta.

ial Kelifj jireaeDted . bis report,•bowing no arregu (or February wai 84wale tramps awioaiiuodftted with lodgiDgs lo"m biaUon iioose. liewired and ordered

\tiofd ou flle.I'ulioe Jiutfce tiage reported a fins of «8iposod, aoaauiptuiled by tbe oaah. lUportoeifed and oiuuey ordered oOTered Into

tbe Treasury.Uhlef JEogiueor Lsmbatt reported that la

Mroidiuioo willl lib inabuollons, ha liiul uo.tilled Uetturo. h. X>, Bcliwar* aud Georgerieiaw), on Uio i'Jlb. of Oolober last, toplace fire eccapos ou their buildings. Thejtmd promised to ooiup>y, l>ub thus far lutd[oiled to do no. Uepcrt received and onleredplaoeri ou tile, bnt notion dsttined till Oauu-Bel coald be consulted.

The folJowing bills were reoelveil, reported'lib Uio ajipromJ of Uio i'iijujoe Cc

tec, anil ord^reil palJ i "Xha Qoo. lili

Hill, *10-OU( Corporation pay roll for j?eb-ranrjr, »121.76[ Woi. King, $10; John C.

oioo, t|4 j JameB P. Kelloj, $60. A blU of1. ii. QiiRe, lor *&,25, lor gouts la Mite ol airboocr -/liu tuui uavupul fioia the countyall, waa laid wn for lulme '" '

>«w lawt .Th» followfog are the pronalooj of auma

of the now l»«a *<enod by the Qoiornor tPrcridea that all notoa, bills, boodi nod

ot ter writhijCB, aball bo tudgaabls mai t i e-—» may we therefor in alaownnMOB,

itunh.irfi..lOBxpo«! the bod r oti l epoa whom the death penalty:

JueulaBlutkl.House Kg. a*. In criminal « M I allowa'

de/tuulaau' caanaol to Ufce a gooenL uoep'.Uoo to tbe charge of U » s d o a r t r i l h tfying any pwtJotiUr portion.

IIOBM So, US. GIring (owmhfp oommlt*toraTlM, alter, ndjnrf aod iwttlotoo power

poatdnehFrorldos that autborltieaj In vjUsgM sba/

onloroo ardluuioes reepwting tbe laying or,-ipairlngof sldewallu, eto. a

OiveB M*yor *nd Oounoll of Wrougb«;ipowei topurobam aud erect phmtM tofunualiaught for Buob boiougba. ' .

Provides thai huband'a real esUto solduudet Jfldgtaent ttmll be tote*«d from WUC/B

ttnd inquiry as to iosponnlbility,itdourder Harris vbooght uiat Ia futuie

epplfoallous for lioeaeo from Rlraugeisboaid be laid over for a moalh. Uc. foe-

\o tbouflbt It would be time lo ootujderwhen toey caaio up.

Tue Viuaooo Oomiuittoe reputed progressin the matter of pioooriug a tsule, aud ii wasdiscussed wtiother % aafe or TBOIC wonld babent lor tbo oara of tho town'u paper*.

Tbo Uueel Commit too reported they hadit been ablo to ntd the map ot Moirw tit.,id tone woik had bocu Doiameaoed loot11 that OxaalA be completed this Spring,TO reaolted tbat tbe Oily Sortejor pro'

iftjo a uiap of Uords street under tho dimrion at tin Blte^t QoiuuiiUfie.'ihd (jatBtioa as to tha right of oonTOsl'

dent pedUra aslilug moat iu iba (o«b Umltawithout lioeuM was dAoiused, but uuiar Uia

' ' - H tbo tioumuJ fot.udit difllouJt to

oaalblj some ot lbs midenta of it!a o!tyioiofty nny be interested to know that

be truBtcaa of tho New York Cottage for the.Valuing of Teaohen have eatablhilied sixroe soholnralifps In the College for tha bon-

t of gradantes tif blgh sohools anil aood-ien, publio or frlvato, In the States ofw York, New Joraey and Oonneotlcut.reeBOholarahipaaro to be awarded e u b

rear upon tho results of a oompstitlve ex.imlaaUon to be held In the month ol Juno,

d each aoholanliip la walld, unlow for-ted (or oause, for tho full college oourao

[ U o yuan. Poll information as to theigulatfoni of tbla auminatlon and detail*iKitcUog the times at vhloh i t wiU be held,

ooursfi of study at the College, the meth-in. of inalruotloti, ato,, may be ottalnod byddresiiing tha Dean of the Now York Ooi-sga for UJQ I'mlnlnn of ToftohoM, 0 TJ l

S*motrat* Agaiutth* Bterat BaU«t.The Lcfiialatlre Oommlltae on Dallot Be-

irmh»d»nolhor meotlugooMonday. Thatart of the Werta bill rslatlug to the distriba-loa of the oflloial balluta botore ths eleotlonTM taken up. Here the oTldenpn of thaloadiook broke out aud t i e flgbt Was wagedfUb force and Tlgor. The Uepublioaa m«m<

atood solid for the exclusively. bffloiaJot in the poUiog plooa ca eleollon oar.

nator W*rU wnnt«d the clause to romalnhft had wrilton it, and Betting that Uiere

;aa no hopo of an agreement ha proposeda a ocmptomiM that the ballot i a^aU beiren out boforo eieotion day, but only ooe

a time to tboae who apply foe taent. Noigreement was reached. •,• ..:.• - ,

WroaaiiotmtOiKj of thue baUoto: untilhe hai paued the political heelenand has•nWed at tha poUt. Thea'ha la gltenoiie

t the«e Uoketa, SOM into a pr lnte alall andla traactred to mark bit <nndidnUfl, fold theballot and ptetent It olmedto tho eleotlosofficers. AM all ' theH ballots are suutljr

lk» cot even the election, offloen can tell0 * the wan voles." He oonld take theoonoy of tha bribe-giTer if It was offered,im, and fool tho bribe Klver If br, wanted

by ToUng. as be pleased afteriranL Iniot, co beelar would offer moitey for a rotelalen ho oovM fix the ticket himself and seebB voter-pot i | In tbo box. Under such a,w ths oceap&lion ol tbo briber would beon*, as we l lu that ot .the political heelerh drags drunken aodlgnorant moa up to

polla, Kelther'could tho employer er-as a tapeitbUu over the wles ot tho

shbwsfleai ' •• '

Now let oa sea what are the reaions urgeddiitrlbatlnn ballots amoog.foten beforey oomo to,the polls. TuV first la thatjsnte TOtera may Have aaopportanlty to

iaie their tloketa arraogod by thvir frlepdu.is a tttlc tbe friend of the tiuterate voter Isusually the politioal heeler, who flzas suchJoketa to suit himself wlihont regard to tbeffiahei of tbe nanvbo esnnotresd, Undertba Aofitnllan system two iDBpeotors, • ofdllferti.* uariiet, read ws Uoket to him aa&mark tbo candidates j u i as he wishes toT0.o..Thue .nspeoton are also svom.toseoreoy. The iUitemU voter cannot becheated iq Ibis way. wyJ Ja mooh better offthtnhewoald. 'Minlbe bands ot the polit-ical hetler.-."; "..;,;;.' ,..•:=-'.- • . ••' •.-•

• ' ' " ' • • . > ' ' . ' • ' * • " ; " ; ' , . - • ' • • ' ' • .

Bniihe principal reaton urged for olrou-latlnetha ballots in advuos of theolectlon

that the wt te may Uke themfaome andLtnlliurlBb thflutvelfSB with.1 team: before

.wj go to (he paUs. Thai thia- Is o n l y *slliy/preUJt emi be olBarly prflTen. TheShtta oan liana be'fora tha alectloti a porfflotf^.filrolle or tha offlojal ballot, t ie only dif.ferenoe being that it shall bs printed on fttinted paper different frcm the ofBotal btvl*lola furnished at the polls, hot which can.not be voted. The voter can tike this fnVslmlla home with him. study it, and eTenmurk on it the isaadldataB.lor whom,ho,wishes to rate.,, Then ha eanUk'e thefao-similB to the pitUs with him; And copy itsmn-kloga on the cffioiallr ntflnped baliolwhloahelbueiefitdtMl - Bnthe cannot votetbo fkb^lmUa. He Is thns afforded everyopportunity to vote Intelligently, bat thereIs no chanoe left for him to Tote a tlekotmarked or mada. np' fay a political heeleeootsiae of the polls.. ; , . . " *

Ilhorefcre ask iny Intelligent (JUeen Ifthe excuses offered, against too secret ofBala

Jlot of the Australian system are —jen? Doea It set appear rathei

there Is slmpl? en atteu.pt on the part of theDemocrats uf lha Leglalatnro to pass a lawwhich,-vfaBe.lt pretends to be a ballot re-form measure, leaves out tbo very life prin-oipal of .true ballot refora 1 Does it so!look more-like an effort to make posublithe continuance or fmnds In Hudson ooontytobolliry tbe will of 800,000 Totors of thefliaUofHewJemiy?.',.-,

Bat It la coming. The' thinking, intelll'cant, honest voters of all parties demand theaecnt, official,ballot, and * t * to tbe part;or the polltfolanflwho stanl In the way of IrI h » e heard Mienl well' Intormed Dearcrata express the. belief that If the Semo-cratiQ party preienta Uu etuotlcm ot .tutsfeature they will loss tbe next Legislature oftbo State.- Tbe people ore determined tomake sn II'SUB of ft and will abide no subter-fuges to evade. The Kepnblloan party, Iam glad lo «sy. ire a onlt for it, and any ofIts reprteentatlires who dare go contrary totheir wishes will be buried BO deeply that bewill uavor haia a politioal retnrreoUan.

There never was a better opportunity t*bring about this reform without politic*olsp-trap la connection with it. Tbe SenatIs llepabliwn and tha Aamnlly Is Demoorttfo. Let them psw the meainrsand bollpartias will have eqoal credit before thpeople. Bnt let tbe people on their parresolve that any party that stands In the wa;of it snail be wined out of existence at "firs, election that happens thereatter..

; ' . - ;• A CttsB STotnc Osanrza.

.: . •'• •,lt's;Badaiotighto fool away one's preolou time Ia expert

ting with imeerUip taedtolnaa, voen o&<IssJQIctsd. without bilnj out (ifTOeketwall. ThaoDtj nedlelneoriU alasn/uld

K g . p rproperties M to warrant its ntaanfaoturarjguiruteelni U to cure, or momyjaliliratimed, Is Or. Plaree'a Goldoo atXUesleovery. For all liver, blnod and Innc

ttUIfl ' ' / : ' 1

tua Oiartof 0(ivweiy» upoapeUUon o/ t ie husband of a woman owning-:i6*tIt)oUto, maj grant her permiasion U> OOQ«voy perfect UUa withoui sooh huband join-ing in the oouvanovoying the oouvayanoe

k s it kwf ul for any obarlteblo tottUwd ltion to have and poaaoea personal propory

uoi oiowrdirg in Talus 473,01)0, ami snailUaTO poK^r to ohaniia its prinoii^al place cfbwslttee*, bni shall mil be oxempl from taxa-

>Ues of Uu sasw

o b u t u , JamMisancOdman on the Laokawnona, and % good «adneor in ail that word Implies. E g l i i "arga-slsad nun sAdwoan a dark nuuUAfa*. ,

From the Taot that he Is never found la tb# *• T •oastomnry overall garb of the engine**. It I* Uevident that he think* there Is a chance ofcoming out of the oab Just u olean aa he-went In, if the onb Ukept u It oogbt to U . ~ ,World. - ; • • "• i

iy I'laoa, Ne* Yorl[olioka Murray Butler,

* , or itfl]r, Fh. D., of


A BUI BsUUnf to Pi esbrtsriu Ckmr&m.A bill ol maofe intenat to roombers of the:

FroribylerliUi Ohurob haa paated the BeuOtot this State, and Is now below the Assem-bly. As «rigtnsh> Introdnoad it provU»dthat Troste«a elected must 1M subjoot to theapproval of the Sessions, bnt this featurewas BO ob JtaUottbk that It ma ti&kvu mi.It now provides that the trustees of toyohuroh iUll nuJu eornoal fail report, to U»sesslonaof their societies of tholr ezpeadl*tares u d reoelpta, anJ of their msnageimnt"of the lands, property and funds of Ute'saido l t - J i n th et " *

Boeomodatibn t»1n near Cuathain' oa Wedqea>ay night of liv-t w«efc, ahowa that a gang of'onus rougus, known as the "BonueUloirn;asz, have been in tbo habit of annojiog.a old m a n t r a loss time, aadbftengotm eUrtea home early by telling.fata tbe

£6tnJabadB«no< » U known Ue g u gra at his place Wednesday nlgbt, and t, inumotod oE bolng the oauu ot hU dMth

rgetlinfiblm lo lnava bis post, wbloh beid five miDuUs before. train tlmo. Tboame gang have asaaullod women and mulebemaelvea gcneraUy dreaded, and ahooldbe

le examples of, - ; • .

Orvills Oardan Talks tnTbe Becond M. £. Obnrah vas filled vithsople at the Gospel Temperance meeting

>n Banday arteroooD, it having been.nnounood that Ocvllle Qftrdner would speakhera. Be mada a brief, but earnaat talk Inmat of temperance, u d stated that be hadBen saved from drink, able to overcome hisipellte far U ycarf, tuioutch lhe power ot

Dbilflt He miidebut brief allueion to hispu t life, but it was announced that he wonldelltheBtory of his wonderful lift, bolore

long In one ot tbo D&v&t o&oroneB, wh«& «small fee voald be oharged-for bis sapportA. CQUMUOQ tor his benelit v u taken attbjs

leeUng. ' • . ' ^ ' •' " • .,, "..

. Ib i r All Fuh In Jerssy,.In tbe matter of Oah propngfttlon awl p

toctlon Hew Jersey ia far behind olStates, and yet the draught tt;

alvt» religion. acoldonominaUou powar to ooneolidata.

Tbo touowlBg wen filed wilhuot atprovaltProvides Hint aimades shall be scooted-

only in cities having two oompanle* ot In*tiuiucy.

mandf an not anthorlditg aad prorldingfor tbe iDOOiporittiDa of mompt flraoiBo and'for Urn (VTOMUOU of a But A l U tiixcoipt fuemen.

BngiiiNr Bcnptsrs.JameB Borlpture Is a wortiy kolght ot tint

iron horse on the Delaware, Le^winnt>aVWestern's Morrig u d £nex Division, Bsrana oca of the fast Morristotm expresstrains lor Conductor Abe Gordinler, who, bythe way, has a longing desire to haw ths *World'* watch reporting ID his M &fcJ or " ilw'1 u tl h

* watc p g h pJamoB, or " ilw,'1 u tlia hotu OA}] him, i« ft,actlfDSt rice t«0ow, and v u ihooght veil

oug&of aotioogiga lo h»?e been ohoaenmember of uorristown's i a u i o

than his engine it {• g0I»K a long w«y, '°ftheuOhaTtoa£, c«rrye.nuahelio*uad. Itoo slouch at the head of a long train of fine *>green ears, and so it Is KM U.&iclds;ds her down to bualtusa,

h L k

i who

jrJariDgthe year next . „mating or tha uJJ report, and afaalf«3 tfartlmeofmafcingtheaald leport ab» dellTC'therewith to the seedoa. for Inspeotion, th*a_—-.l_ • i x _ j _ * . . . _ . _ . ai— _» i •therewith to the aasdon. for laspeotiob: th ibookof minuted of tiie proceedings at i t Utrualeta l h o t r eaure r of a y s u b h t i h_ .Tho Vraasurer ol any anofa <ditirahahall ahu repart to tbe Madona annually. I t <p(oblblUti» trut«es bom pctnttfeut th»obnrobto be wed tor any "-*•

and his work w u to UliutnUtita -others. Whan be found that bis - - - - • • •look with t i e publo be dl*oonUnn»d h l s ' V >.work of engnviog u s menu cf liffallfaoodV p * \feat continued to keep in w*sttef«bS» own V l i

On IOB DBDIUH Ul J U U I M I . AaW M M I R >{• small, lla dimension* twtngabwl three byfiva Inches, hut the Ikes are due u d tnw, ^andltlsoomldflndBUtUenin. Tfathm* ,is ft bis fmma attootnre, with a tall, aquretowar. As is indloatM by U» oiae,UMhtnue isloosiad on a wooded knol), bsloffmrronnded by tall eedar tr**s.

;'»ratmtp«|IuArrs«tei . , > '."Blampy" Farrud. fcUrtin Ooenev,

Edward Uarlatt, alias " Datohej tM Bast-Hopkins, alias " Happy { " Oeorge Jobnson,alias "Boater," ana Anson Fsmna. siias"Toojar'! went to tbe Boonkm nUlag aalltTbundaytilgbt of l« t week and atts^ed -some of the woiluneo, bat got) the worst oflb Next morning they wencsptnrod sbglrtsd by twos aad all bat cm were pal ttk Jatt.WMIB Marihal OUoiartlo and OoortftbleUailin HOer anett&d two ot tl» gaaf ft* (be

Atton Anson FamjaiS made hbeeotM «p_i6rallroa4 timck. . » Is Ukety he will notmake his appearanoe here for some tisae.Edward UartaU was wrested some time agoEdward U a a U s wrcharged with laneny.broke Jail. ^

sted somIn tha

States, and yet tho drauwaters by anglers Is fat rest _...

it (Uiy ollef locality Si tb» Uuiou. - Now. /ken ' and Pennujlraniina flan. In this

Jtats almost.aa much as natives to, amireiooymen are Iha most entbuiluUo u dsoratetont anglers lo tho whole oounlry. ItBteftHya wonder thtt ttio TODS* poptinr

lakes keep up their trapply of fish from yetryear.—Call. . .

Tlie OnaonU Ol.tb at Madiwn has elected,ht> foUowion oEaosra for tha ensalng s e n ireatdont, It. 0. Albright { Vioe Pnnldent,' d B Batdoni Trewmwt, Edwttd Van.

Dlrsctonr, W. U. Lftn-isan, Engenot W W b b E V O k d P

tbe Vuat It. ratneVs Dsy ia Ibiria,Next Honda* Is 8L Fktriok's Dftjr, an

anniversary which every Irishman bM goodreMon to honor. : Ddrlng oae or tbe winter*thAtWftsbingtonwisinoftmpftt Moniatowaha lanea a general ordor for tie otuwrvauoeof the day, asarwogollion off » 5 wrrtMivblob. the sons ot Krtn mre rtoaeUng Uwnew Bepobllo in IU ragged army, iod m n UtosftUtntDb taliftnatiot* o! tplrlMoStbikoccasion. Thie « u donbtietj Uwfintotr.Kinnoe of Bt. Patriots Day Ia Monti

rovcU,lt.W..Webb, E. V- Oaok*odP.W, Moll«r |' Auditors, 0. M. Vesman and H.L. Brown t oomtnlttee on membership, J. P.Albright, E, P. Fwns and Q. M. X«unlng.Thoolab Is a new social organization and

•\ To Isv* Shtsp rrom psgt.AwrlUrlatao Farm Journal a w t *<1

hate kept R flock of from twenty to thirtyaheep for fourteen yean without havingthem attacked by.dogi even

iaa fitted up the esoond floor of , Dunning'*inildlng in tho most approved club fashion.

A Ksmorlal to a Qallaat BeglnuBt..Ohkplaln Ollao of the old Hth New •Terscy

Begiment propoaes to plww la the newoburoh that fala charge Is oreoUng at Phil-lipsbnrg a " memorial window " to tha desacomndei of tbe Keglment, for which neBOlIoIts oottributlonfl., A number of the

i f th Utb d d i W tBOlIoIts oottributlonfl., A number ommivon of the Utb r tdde. ia W» county,and Bheriff Cory, who larred aa Osptalii Init, haa consented to receive and forward any

mounts thoy may feel disposed to i»ntrl>bate to tho object '


Steettss tha Vaua^o wttl a*rmaa Treat. ,-George Bbepard Fane, President of' the

Piaband Oamo froteetive Assooahtioa otOhatbam and Passaio townihlpe, and whobaa been very prominent In BtoeUng-thsPasa&lo Btver with guaa lab, h*s reoelvada larsa uumbet ot OaUtornla sad Qermuttrout from tbe United States Fish Oommli-alon, which ware plaoed hi tha rivet* nearMr. Pago's nsidence a few dsya ago.

Bhi Broka the En§agtmint. tbe taw tbat ha bad, ceu*4 to loia

ier. Her beatitr bad faded, her former nlfihpiriU had given phoa to » doll latritnAa.Vbatbkd canted tbU chinfst FanottansllenrtKesent | »ho waa sniveling I n n tfaoiaJlmeute peculiar to her MX. AodaOtbeirtwo young Jives drifted apart. Bow need*leas, how cruel 1 Btd site taken Or. Plena'sFavoriU Presaription ibe rolsht nave beenrestored to health and happiness. UuuUtjnadarofthesallneals similarly tfflloted.let

issaiiDUniala procuring; tha 'IVoacriptloa," It will tfrt> bar aof life. Sold by dragghU, under a poalUvaSBarsntee from the manuraotorars, of perfeottaUiUcUQa In every ease, or moneyBee sasractee on bottle wrapper.

Holfl It ta tha l igh tTbo man who belta yon e*naflotiU»lly ]iba. will care joai oold Is pwuJrlbiog Komp's

Baliun this year. In tiie jirapan-tionortliisnmirkabla mcdiainB Tor ooughs and coldi noexpenioissparoatocomblnoontythebutandpurest inffredienie. Hold a bottle of Kemp'e

flocks on adjoining fsrmi lav* been ndMi,They ftl wijs weu from Are to eight belli ofdifferent Uses t&d tonot, I do not believethere Is a dog ia tha world wllh oosrag*enough to aUack i flock of sheep m i l inp.plied with bme."

The Kaw 1a hare beard jour friends and neighbors]£ about It. Too msy yourselfbecneof.

the tuiny who know from personal esperimiaeJoit how good s thing it is. Ii yon bave anttriod it. yon aro one ol its staunch ttianit^

iio thowonderfnt thing about It la, tha^*b<raona« glvan. * trial, P r . Hing'a New Dls*eofery ever after holds a plftee In thebonea.It 301 biTO never n»e»d it vati, *boOl<J M *f»fllotod with a oanKfa. pold or anr Threat, [mafoiOhail troabie, v»zn *> bo,Ua at oimanaHlToitahlrtriil. ItlsguftrastoedeverjUm*or money rsfnotted. Trial boWoi free t t B.KlUgore'i Drug Blow Borer, snd F. N. Jen*kins1 Drag fltoro, Ohwtcr

A Baonaiatil Opinion.E. Dalnbrldge Munday, fitq.t ConntT AUy.,

OlftjUo.,Taxas,Baj*f " Have used EleottlaBltUri wltii mwt hsppyreiults. Mr brotheralia was very low with Ualarial Pevor and

bat was oared by timely tue of tbtsA U f l d S l t l B l d

hUllfa," ,Wr, D. i . Wllooxsoa, of Horse Cave, Ky^

adds s. like teitlmany, atjlug t UeyeaUlveJjbelleTeshewontdhare died, bad It not beenf« Electric Bitter*

This great remedy wQl ward off; M wall asl p U d f U K I d

Liror and Stotnaoh DtordflK stands wu-equaled. Price SDo, and K at B. Klrt|tore*f,Dover, and IT. N. Jenkln'a, Cheater.

«fcmBabj was slofc, wa

. i - t*~»4 )QM, aba

VoeUn'i Anlea Bain. ) ••,The bait salve In ths world for Out*, Sores,

Baliamtothe light and look tbronghIt; no. Braises, Ulosrs, Btll Btooo, Perw Banw,tlco tbe bright, «loMlookjtbBnootnp»ra with I lattar, Ohaoped Hands, QbUbUi&s, Ooraa,other remedlea. largo botUasst til draggisU I w d ill BUA SropUom, and - pomtUwij

i.aml*l. SaraplsbottUirea. E ^ l d ^ X t t a td p ^ U « QOnsyrefi»dtd,

h Sualh OTfiai u l RIMI . Ipri»«t4n.ip*tboi. Tw uU tar Itotrti k H J ' ~

Page 2: (TIFFANY & ALLEN STEAM BOTTLING WOMCARPET …test.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/1890/1890-03-14.pdf · Itendlng our TOling eystenj. But it ltokl is one vilal Xeatuto

THEThe Dover Printing Company


Two weekB (ram u> »uj »i *"!l 'willed af the lady ii-Woi I*ai-lHT» ol UotB

.o ld watoh t-> b* »*»rde<l b j tbe ERA to t .» » for-bain laa QMU totes rtill 1»" " 'T h e r e o f u « l w « k . -l.rob 1'lit. will ballU i t one containing bstlloU.

The TOI*« reed*. <l ap lo Tbur.dsy e*enic|March 20:b. will be counted i.nd pub bhed ctba 31.t. Wo nerel»y r».|p<*» I 1 " 1 faftll°Bent U UB alter tb* Win will be « n t 1= BUhenTelopef, marked "Watch Ualiote, BI•Without any murk on them u. d«not* 1whatiMBlirlfc^jftMinltEded. T h i i w l i «

^ ^ " t h e ' ^ . b , T t 10 oclork, i l wblcliUmawflioviUinendBUlthr. different oandid.tet to bn prcaepl » « w i t n f " tl"> Do<

count. IS* lota (hat may be Beat to na wilhonl

IIDDB tbat all will b* • m l nuder aea', SD thattb.rc.t iU c u o a t ba Ku*a»d. eveu in thi.omor, ua'il tlie float eount '• »* a *-

eiblVited ilio put ty tuuokoepsr ia Btill Jo U u t o f attraction in tbo »how windowMr. lUiibuunr, tlie j w e l e r . u d ia d«l

A great many volua u n e b e e o w c i v r d Itweek and tbe total* BIB aw*llid by nia<hundreds. The following U Mia recorddate:Ul i . EtU C. ttnrlnit, UQ"»r '••

•• Warj»otiJiln«'h»iu, Mlue IUH '•< Leila lUnce, I'ort Or«u '" ADOS M. Fcril, Hock* way

•• EtUb. Ulmu-y.frVrro Mont a ••• 'ciierrio-ll.TlioiitM.MIiHiHlfl \« i)urth» G.dajc, Lover '•' H. Mar Hcrii,luie. S«teoi»j ......—« E1U liutchler. Ucntli Ultin» I . StrublD, Usrtlej•' MarjL. fjwtcn. Morri.luvrn•• r'siinia lUlly. lUbcrola« Jenulo HU»w, Hi. l i q n11 Laura Tjack, I'ort Oraiu•• J. Berry, KCIITII •

•• AnnloD. Krllej. U « « r

•„ •• LtnRDrliut, Dovor

•• K»lc Ajira. l'.il"" H-liool

" Carrl* Alien, rover

•• Keltic M»r»li,V»uglirl«bt

" Emm* Pt-rrliw, Wclilou•• Uflii* U. Coukltu. Jlorrhtown•• A«»ti«ll«llad<1,tiaciB •••

WATCH BALLOT.To !)• OMt for BUf L I J T Seliool Tpacb

Uorria Cuuitr.

MY (*101CE IS




UAB cat tb>a ballot, Gil It up and semi it to"Tim IHOH ERA, Dover, H. i,"

^ r a . T o d . w i d o ,died on B»lurJ»j Uat and « i buried at New-Ul Wblttl BBS WBB Kmtnillargely ta tbo building nod support ot lb<Church. BbeltareBsBBcbltd, Aon Vl'xitrald.orHow.YrrkCltj.aml Matta McflljnnandTfaomaa Todil, atcp children, sorrlvingber. Snobae* Ilvtd iaKtanhope many j e a nand WM well u d favorably known among alh*r neighbor*, t* well «. In tka ebanb towhieh she, beiongtd.

Tba town Meeting la 11 j ram lownshlyat the Stanhope Hontn Hotel. w»a SDO of th*moit cioltloK CODUKB ever known here.Thera v i a K Cillien'i tloa«t aetaet op »i»lD(ttbtoantl UDIBD Ucktr, tbo tnalo object olwhkh Baened to be, to defeat I'etor 1>. timltUfor Preeliolder and HB/mour Smith BJ menbar or thn Town Commltte*. nod Joaoli MCoDDnllfotCI«ikof the towmhlp. Tlie 01poililon anceetdca in Jeff IIIUR t in Bild threerandldBtu Bed I). J. II oil ford H IonpecWiElection. IljruiD now butt Democratic VhibilionUt for Tuwn Clerk ia placa ol tbaGhkitnanof tbe 8UBI«X Conntj ItepublloaC«mmltUa, and a ItapubHoan for tha TJWCommittM in pUi» of a Demoer*!; and tb*new Fftehfild*r eisetel over Una. Voter ISmith la a Dtmoorat—I«oas L. Couraon; MSmith baVln'f run him oa tacme jeara nc° anb u herd «he ofBoe ever einoe. Tbe Ua<r. UA, TlmJiroUli thsunwly elected Cl«ik. Capt.llrCoDotl! bftTfng besa Tawo Clerk, ainos.1870, or for a period of twenty jeara. Heaerrtd In two dlfftreat reicimenta mine to aCaptaincy both tim«, The JIOD. SamQel T.Bmllb, wbo declined to rut agala tfala Spring,baa letted u UOIDUIHIMIB*II ol Bjram township for over thirty yoira paat.

There waaabomo bred riot at tbeS»nL- rBak*rr n Wedoe-day of tlila week betweentha proprietor, Joseph Ilnai, and bin wire.

ahow aaiRB, and olhtt praputy, and hadbadly laceratad banda nnd face. Sbewaa ai-ruledoDeiynplalBt of Boms parties u a dli-orderly peraoa and tattm to Newton by Coi•table Deat, Jaatlte Bluell commuting her taa aestenee of ton days.

A great deal ol lee waa barreited darintbe lata cold map In thia tlolnlty from thre<to flra iaebea thick.

ThBUaleSrirer(U.D.)baaleitwhatmtle" grip " fc» had oo Waterloo amee town meet-injt, allhODia bla IcfUrnae did not Bmonnt tnR flea bite. U« baa better loeak lo bia bolBand pnUll In the vaAal aJier him. CbeatnnUwilt do him no gofld tfala time. ENOBBP. J

FLEASAHT HILL.There Beema to bn quite Boas sloki

wnong tbe c*w» of thia nelgbborbooJ. I*ral have Imii affl-oUd wltb wbat Dr. Axfontterma para^als. Ur lUrab Uit m eow fromtbladUMBaa.

Ur. UePeak. went to hi. barn Mtmu-.maratns- and loand t h u on" «f hta'ewei badliTBB blttb to three food alisd lamb*, whle!•re doing nicely.

Hew little we koow wbat It soiog onaranod na whtle we are in "the arne o[mornheoi." At leaat wa feaod It ao the etherDomloi when we aroie and fonod asm* el•uratreela (I) turned aod aarabsred,

BarpriBB partita aeen to be all tho rag« nowwith tbs jonng people ol Clutter u d theUlll,MtlietBwaaoDeat.Condaotor Sajra'iwetk before laat, ODO 1Mt wack at Ura Lari-aoB'a, and oae at Chuter tbia week- Oo1 IIwhlia jeu'ra young-

Wall, I anppoaa wa will hire our roadBeetlDEato-raBrnw (Thnr.aa.f),t»etwtroadavertaara, who will aes thtt wa throw la.tyear1! mad back Into tha roads neil aamm«i•when It U Uw wet k> plow eom. What mudtartlea * e ara,

Beireand, votere, u x t Toe«daTevenlnK,• attheaehoolboDM. J

We udentand then 1. to h* a public aalc«a the BUI u e x week.

J wonder why It ia tbat aome folkt . .makB aaoh wild lalool. of themiilrca at twomen did Tuesday uornlng, about two o'otock,paaalac orer th« HI I, yelling aod poaadlngit petfple'B doora, a>nd sroaalag them from• t peopes doors, and aretuIoK th

atamber to Inqalre tbe disUnoe to ^fliu.B«.

: HZBBBHU.Hn.C*tbmn«Cobey.tbe mether of Mn

. Owen Dasaht *, diod at tb* xesidenee of h,tdught«i dorii | the evenlaf of Tufiday lait,•Her an UlfMt at but a few ijys. Tbedeceased wai a nttlro or Tollemoor, OonntyCaflOjlralanil where she i n born It* the yearor 1751. She emigrated U> tbls Mantry In

. tbaysu IStt, and bai alone 11 red |,i X. y; ettyuUlRlewmoDUia of. ber death which

ahatapent with her daughter at tbla place.She eajoyed aieelleat to»!Ui nnUl Septemberof last ysiur wbtn. abe waa smllten with aatroke of paralysU fram wbleh abe neverfolly reearend. In the present, few live tireaoh tbn adranead age, W, at the deoeaasdSbeleavu three, MDI, aUl ol whom |M» i

• NlvTvrk and OBS dai»ebUr to niDDrn h«iIota. Tbe iiotral obaeqaiu will be held on

' P . *»y rairntog at tbe BU Fatriek'e B, aChurch.

• Hr. Anthoay S « k li Terj i l l . 'pnenrnDnla: at ttUwrtUng.

O u pftbUfl Hhooli • » aoett ta hare

Hasaa ft Kullm Oigsu aaA. f. • . JamklBa, Afnt, Uiastar, V J

fOBT H0I1HU.IiUli potuwa w e not I ' . b

Wi'.t* cultivalf-rf in Ame i d andlutd lor lood lonu Mow the dlieoreryol

urira b.V Kuroiiraoo. They wrr- « «iUEht 10 Kitrore by tbe PpatitardB from l UIr.llVDf ()a\U\ (iio capiial pf Ki-iifcior, In

1 l|rtN||<l llUHl Vin!«i) H»"kitm IPD Ki.filuud hj Sir

! ilia"

ch f.ir c-ifnt

Tho V.MIU* I'n'pifl'ii Kncli-iy ol ('tiriind^Hror ol the KUhbop-i Pretbjleriaomrcli will bold their u*u»l mont l l j aacialilitbehomeof Mis- Kellie Knluht UboStun

jpe l loint) , on Weilnexta^ ereaiofi, tUiiL Intl., at 8 o'ulock.UfB-Toild, widow or the lato Uapt. Tudd'8tanbPpe,(tied ht bar lome at that P'»CI "atatuay or U»t week. aR't IK) y e a n BbBI buried «t Newtoo on Tow day.Urjderifcker Alrour wfnt HUIT ibe body olitsuel Wnoilrod', forgierly of Ujram »

V*\an «

"i s-

, lo a njCbt it In Klaabojifl. Ur. W

ld *ntl w n l i incd M tip art

:k my usual dally cnoalltntfiiiaofaora Urpot en ibe morning of election 1

v u JHU^C m»a with hia dtnuer pull aoJ t!r of ihon iu noe banda«d trjirg tofli tUi,t on a Irlend'a bead wllb (he other.i»rd without wtelloe Buy brmtb on thiir, but the getitlriiiiiii who eiiat brblnri mId. calDEU thojoiiiu mail by name: "Yoiit full prel f e»rly in tha morning." " I ' MWBB full all night. It iapaid for and wboiiilne» ix i l l ' fluid the JOUKR ni*n, wtorki hard all Ibo month actl ilirn Blier jm;

Ing lilt M1U ben a Bood bin dmok uu t ie biUP leak** m bunluc"B ot It. .Does•Holy, anil' .YIIIUBU bosluroi la ilBOIIRU Elaa cot a follow * right to i<

druuk on hla ono tuotiey il be wants it I (Jt>rH he RMO drunk and Ufa .

ilfwu ID tbe ROUer end wrapa Ila b1arkn«M.bowt blra noil fio*a to .Ifi'p It ta nohoiljlaitocM. UfB »tr>e country. Hut whenIturken Jcoi s'undu In tbo ii.ildle of tbilt«ciMod hroalbrs on1, bltaotiemr aod cm\\\>K. until all Ibe niinhburliood ii roiupullB0 bear him ; when mo or men »od women innnoceat oti'tlren aie comjiollpd to bear Ian'•unco aifhlnranr fara; whtti be begs BDID(

iiwty to oomo ami k ouck a cliip oil bla aboa»nd boL«ia tbat bo t» tha beat — lo thi of Htw Jenej , vbu.fl tuilnei* ig I1 Why eterybailj'i. DouH jou know

Mr. Druukattl, tu»t w» puv tuifejust for-Lblake o( belna protected from toeb cbapn eyou and the 8tal« docs nt-l do it. duly to illaw abiding citicon. while tt allows you t

a loose I Iloff uboat tbat Btaahopo lool1 How tn.oy ye»ra more m o t we wa' itt liow would tbe two fientk-aioii TTLIi,bt iu that Blaohnne store like to 111

.wit panic, published! A cheaii adtertiifr-moot. I think 1 will a We aome i f tbesft (,1-own the beni-Iitottbe clrcuiittiou ol the "~1 ifcey won't Btnp BBT olber way.K. U. VitteuMce 1* jjomg la move into hi,

IHW filore on Tiieedny of next week.Tliey ure UtiiaR up the old pntt-ollioe build

DK in a boot ami BIIOD nlorc, to be occupiedly Mieei &i Slaglit, ([ironouncfd Slack.) Tbilunhcpn I'. O.MiBnl t« a Cfeat ataver.tarird In the olulbins banlatw BE Bianereral yeara apo, and be atuld, aud h* ataJJ,

and be alald and attended to hia bniinen ai(be Sunliopo (ulka beKiu la thiuk lie U

itly Bood sort of a fellow. How he pitea lo add tbe boot and abo« limlneai

clothing and I don't seo why l>o cBn'i mat

M°r'fl. W. N. Gray, of Watorloo, paidUit on Tneadar, or rather abe spent the da;

with MM. Andrew Oruy, of thia town.[pgnlar town-meelin1 day, too. I

rained nearly sll daf, bet tUera waa a prett]fair luru out at the polla DotwithnU "I'olly TioB ia a rery riueer old lady. Bithe wlio Democrats down at Sucsaiunna amDrakesrlllB thought they would bare tbereveDfiean Preebaidar King lor allowingpalIIOK piBO* at rortUorrli, wbich niuallicaea Itepnbllcau, BBd BO they lelt Mr. Ktu|off thBir ticket and pot Mr. Duck on.. TinCillieni of tbeloWDBhip of Itoxhury madetltketandpUtMr. Kiugooand they electitilm Ritb a hurrah. In tbn Port Morriadiiirctt lr . Klnti had l i t TOUB »o<i Ur. Buibad only 13. "Why in the world did yi

ia*e KA, WOK o f f J o u r t k k n t " 1 aal.l to ou.F onr proiaiueat DsmoomU ou nleothvWhy be would not !>»»• it. lift b u „F«r to tbo llfj-ttbi loans anyhow t" All righl

K«ntUineii. If yon can aucceod ID (lriviuEA. King cut of your pirty no doubt ttin Hipublioana will gladly weluoma him to therattki; bnt Dumoorat or Republican..tbeiare few mure competent men In Knihur;township than K-l. King.

Oter in Uyram townebip the penpte loithe bit in their teclh and defeated UJO reji

ticket hone, loot and dragopm. J,

to Lh«ghoat t

AlibouEb jon all bave read the CJ*1 ac-ountof tba ojNttr tuppfcr and perhaps on-iyed it your«ekr» I would tbal-yaubfBt withae il I ucnttoo aitain one of tbe iuo»l brillant aooiat affilta of the BeoaoD. In addition

to the kindly tQMa put funk by M». Ui>welland Ura. Willut, much o edit ia doe U » .

,. Hobeit Uirtley. Ura. Ulrd, Ur*.UhumbeilaiD aod Mr» t'ox, for they prrpaiodIbe oyvtere, ibu main edible What wo^ld

Ilowell'e and Ura. Willefa cffldentig bate been without

Not only thoio Indite it'rerfy montlonod, butall tboae vt ttie coBBres»tioo teat -HUUDU

«DIJ». Ur. ilofkini and bis family atemil l frlonda to visit, and proved theiroefilial Uy an iho ereoipg ol the supper.

ig nod otbar thing* did thrir work fultliilly. 1'ardonthiiloDButuouDt, dear reader,did sot Inund It to bo to looelhr, but l'l

not any another word to weary you, butlop'yadd. Ibey made $50.Mra. John Do-rine, wbo hat Uen fcrjill

s, we are zlad lo say, improTlog.Mr. Vied. BkkerBon apeniUunday with bit

parents and lister attbeirhumelu the villainMr. J. E. Howell, inrmerly of this place unt,

IOW 01 Keff^rk, N. J , w u In IDWQ fur a ahoitime on Wedueaday uf last wc«k.

Ura. Mary Hodgson, Inlands baring oa

MIM U a Uopkin* b « returned from biUasaut riaiUtion wltli hor uaol«a fanilly t

Ntwtun.ao, Mr. W. K. Millar, wLjutraljtlo stroke, ii still out.-

flned to tbe tome and Raini) but littleThe grand temuoranuo me«tloK In

E. Church was imJmtd gruid. Tlie day belmj

the aorimmaxe, aud Mr. Coltrell bad onlymi-jorltT. For tbe fl»t tine alooe 1 haiknown Byram townthip t ime li notaSmlamoDg ber offloere. 8-ijmimr and Peter D.were both running und " djrd on t i e Heldbattle."

Jatnca T. Clift whipped the rtgalarnominfor CctDtuleiioaer or Appeals, or aomethtnIn Ut. Ollie—tbat was tbe only eonteat thBre.

Jaoob UcConnelt, wbo has been Towi 'Clcik or Uyram since ba came borne froiwar. waa drfeatcd this t iae by HemsTimfarell by 10 rotes. Blob Is politic*.

1 am Klad to Bay that the atory wbloh wireu'aUtd U«t week about M M , Abrau

Clark having bad > atroka of paralysis wainot troe. Urs, Clark i . able to ba abont th,home.

Ura. JOB l l .ui waa taken to NawUn jailWednrBday afternoon by Co.* stable DanlalUeet. Mr*. IlaiB weat gunning lor Mr. Euai,it la Batd, bat, 1 am very sorry to record tnoptblajij, 1'robabW toe philosophy o( the SouthStanhope man was not far wrong, " Whibusiness ii It I" And yet tbeae things i

M inlo t ie newapspers somehow.Don't lorget school meeting, oo tbe 18!tat. Everybody lorn out and let tbeirns

tena koow that the people tiaxe some Inwreitla the aehoola and want to bear their report.In Staabbpa they elect two Wuitecs—om

loceof lleijry Ltoyd, who baa remOTMobokenf and cne la pla«e ol Squire Bli

wboas term expire*.1 lorgetto aay tbat C. A. lUker, Itepabl

can, defeated W n U. Green, Demoorat, UCollector In Ktxbnry townihip, which b uDemooratlo majority of GO or 70 uanaill i a m h far Charley.

Tbe montb'a mind eerrice of the iate HughAllen i u kaid lo lha duhal i i Chureb atSouth Bunhop* last Monday.

Mr. Allen'* venerabls mother ia reooverinifrom her long ind severe Illneas. D, J.

KT. TAB0B.mbsr ol people Jaom thlsplai )«tlem

ad the donation auppvr at the U K. pataonaie, Uenvlila,)att Tborsday eveolog. Tfailiar. Wm. Trombower baa beea a. faltbfolworker and wa hops he) wilt be teat baek by

ie i t Conference. Fifty persona broameerted under bis preach tag during this

Wirier. Barely thia was • great work.. The Tabor pnblla aohool will g i n an ea>tertavBtnett ia the tolool bonsoon t'rldaevening. Throogh the effort* of oar princpat, Ur. W. T. L»i(thtOD, »" flag b u been puobaaad and will bepreBented to tbe ashool •this entertainment. Wa fa -pa to tee an A tneloan Us* twinging over each aohool In ouicountry. Lee n* teach our children notabont oar emntrj and instill patriotiam Inl

Bebool meeting next Tne (dar ntghL Ur.Wm. Knhnilohel'B term ezplret. He bas beenan aoilve and Impartial trustee during hisibort term. Wby cot re-eltot bin 1

Toe loo gatberera have been takingadrant-tge of the short laeaeaaon, working day anlight, gathering tb« eryataillQa eakea.

The young people's prayer mnttng la tfldTlnrad.y evening of each wetk at ItlohardUldgoo4'a.

Tho Danville eorrupondeat of tbe Aeoordgot IklBKB rathar raized l u t weak. Why nooonanlt an almanae beforeElvlttKfutoredaUfor the put time and dutlarlng tututi, eventlortfaMBoftfaepaati Wakenp,brotiBr; dnot let tha bnay Bpilog l ine flndyoa sappingWaerjoyyoarartnlea. *

A few day* ago yonr correspondent hadLbB pitaBurn, or rathor dlsplaasora, or listen-ing to Hugh O. Fentepost, ofNawark, leotnraon lbs "Sina of oar Qorerntnent" His bean.tllalwlfa lurnlibed theaiiliiB, whloti was areal treat I I* daring hla leomre, aUt««

Kovervmaatofonranot worthy Bis H>™Wbat do Ue people of onraiorloua Itapithink ot anon a man 1 The day i* not fax off•hen llngh O. Pevtecoat Will w a « anarohvand neelve thajuat Heonpeosa ef the u i w .

weapon, nr feel tha tightening, of thehangman's ropt. Ibis for tha dsBpiioar oonntry. -

Unoh has been done dnrJnK the Fall andWinter In beaoUfjing Uoant Tabor, anoh aagradiag, daarlng, cutting mrplm treeB, tie.It ta rumored that ibe Aaioclatton baa secure*Lbs aarrlce* of Dr. Talmtdge, for nest season.

Robert Henderson hai aUrtrtthe fonnda-oni for a aew bam.

,D a Boll will be in bla new atom" thiamk. TnithewtlldoagoodbaaiieMTbe lee nen worked rapidly, bnt the loe did

ot last >ery long. . .' Cbaa. Lewis lias a colt wblab b U not bean

•BI Df tbe .Labi, for fifteen ft.oith7.ni Wed-nesdaj laat, when Wm. Ustbert toU It oatand rode IL Itlaafiaeeal*a]. " *

Doa't hawk, and blow, ana eplt, bat tueDr. Sage'a CaUnh H«medy. or dnutsta.riftyeenu. M

Wbat iiortby ceuUr f


o Halo re CLBBJIAiuca tbo birds were

cillrriMialreadr In bad,tbt-y wrw picking up

3 v f » J f round,iu tbe greatest of tbe

i l l dat

ue round loblm vhniiotbbut trait,o ba*e lo wait ill1 tbe triuWr b «t3|irlD);< ]>!IO(IBJH will) no enow orircb.UtieKottie Illy «t t'lanilnrs I Mjontewpotiiry •i-c«kUK of It io theocdur picjaes tb« vurio*ity ol tbnsex. wbo wonder if tf Is " A wraithi t " Cut) our .ial»t TiH»^6 hoaat »

There ws« a hors« Bale hera Wedpeadav.They wars a good looking lot of homeland• roiiRht H fair nrlca.

The U^pnblicaBB ran a Citisaca' ticket inRnsbnrr. Tbelr candidatea for Freehold ur,Wn. K. King, and for Uolhutor, Charles A.Hsltir. Wf*re eleotaU. The present Collector,Win. II <>»tn, bas lield that fllllea for mnnyjcir* aod KiTen gooH Bailnfaction.

Mr. Tiue BBBT[-, T, O Uiillock'a 'armor,hat re*Uced and will mnvo b> Dorerioo".

MlBjJobnaan. <if Uendh^m, h u booebt alot of Urs. It C. Hba«r, and baa gWon Jomea

BBIB llie contreot to baild * bouts thereoo.Ttie Uoxbury Cornet Biodbai (ally organ-

ited, aud I. doing Rood work IU lea Jar, JoeIHrrii, BATBtbf* will b» ready (or business>/ Ue«o»tlon Day.

ti* reported tbat our Bobool trustees ared of pobtio life, anil intend to send Inir res'gnatlaus Hi the eamtog eoliool ns»et-

Tbeprople of Ibis viclolty began geUinL:e last week before it would h"ld tbrm. Theynil 10 wade in tbe water and llo»titto«burcMr. MeUon Y.iunga baa beta getting tht

**i bo we bavesenn ti'» neaaooi being fron,ro to alx mcbca thick. l i e out it Irotu thi

Culvert Ltki>, nwir Rustic. Wm. Vortmateblpp-d some IDS over the Htgh Uridgi

id, wbieh bo cut irom Ibe cana'. I believithe io» hoosea are all filled la town. Tbo oddwtatLer has vanlthid. tbe buttetfliet w e n

•en iljiaiiarouail Lew, RLdthcpeepBrafatd Wednesday.Ti<e Republicans Are nji loing In Boxliury

^ver the eleotlon of a Republican Collector.Cbnrlea Bik»r, of Port ilorrii, defealod Wm

I. Gieen, who b u been Collector for IB j rWell done, Cfcarley. And we see na reaaonwby we could not Lave elected aClioieo Free-holder had tbsre bflen one tn lbt> field.Democrati ROI in a wrangle and ran an lode-prudent ticket, and put Mr. Ed. KingcltlffiQ'B ticket,

Oeo- Snulur nod Josepb liadd 10M a fitof borsra at anotioo In tbU placo Wedne

sues TboniB

gery favorable uatrly eyorj on iledbetiiBBhoa of tho ouporlunity alTurdnd toiaton oooe mote to tlte preseoutioa of thatlubject. The " 13oy 1'reuber" occupied tbajulpUal tne evening service.

A Tow neighbors and lriends spout lastSaturday even leu wltli Mr, nnO Mr*, dpangvberjb. Aui?ug ihoss picarnt worti Mr. ai

l), Mr. nud Ura J. W. L*rnon, Ua»d Mra. S. U. Dorluud, Ur. and ttrt. M.

ikernon aud Mina Dlok«r«on. A ttry»-isct ercElug paaeed >>u t-p'd w(

ftlr. a u d i l r i , SpaogtmbargU iatend tos i*« sbtrt vevlt, '.I is Daouo'i tboj will be lulss'd, loJi wilt IOUB tbo a^nUI ourdiility

rni'tiTlin tbtlr Irinnd^bljis1 ft*, tliat U to Buy I Uo not intendnilfl thiniiB Ml ibey nsi l l j

Who louid ever hiivo dreamed ol '

table to boot tho ohtitob.be Itb but eupposed of ooarse that the thingjail been. Tney Bay It will now be tbe l l t b ,nut 1 know nothing of it whatever. CEDIUO.

We were pluatod to bavo an iBiroduatioa toMr Frank Howell, the man milliner of Mew-ton. Mr Howell ruus a larcemillinery ealallUhoieot in Nawton, aud trtme nil of tbaIndies1 aoJ children's hou and bonnola that

l f i btoldby hin. fie is alz feet iiaures five feet around LIB waist,

weighs over 400 pound*, and is a very hand-Bume tuau, Rood uaturod, JOTIBI and fond ola aooinl uhnt with bia friends.

,nd Ur« F . t Plokowon, oiPortOi•pontBiindhy with bl. father, M, T. Dicker-

Ur. Goor«e Waok wm reflected roaditr, much to tha surprise of the dark horsa.air. Qua Uurllng took advantage Of tbt

I U map, and has pnt 50 tons of fplendld leiinto hi* Ice ho as u Unt, week.

ThepeoplaofliilB ulooa fail to seo bowiBnoanboofttledreepeotKbtewhonolawlDlty

sets a flih net In I be strenm sod then bat thaudacity to offer$10 reward beoanas H walawlully dlatarhed. 1 am nnthorited to saitbatagentlimanln this place will gl»a |1reward for prool tbat a, net was set in tbestream. It li too bad that Niiy oonld not findout tbo parties nnd bare their names appearIn eold type.

The cuwpntilahM utiuck this place to-day,Tflffirircv *h" 'I'll • i _gano wrong: atTJaHieyVlIIe. I BUppoiadimenovels aod oigerattei are matuly tbe cause.Tb«y left lor the wild west Thursday lash andby this time tha plaina must be atrewn witdraft Icdlons. They ran away from homiUking all of their clotblag, and a amall ani_of money. It is aald that the father of one olibeia baya will go west and btlDg tbeito IIIB bright and. cheer! ul scbool ronm agsln,

Hiai Uonover, ol Clinton, Is TlattliWilliam Birtlej'a tbla week.

Mr. John lleam, or K«nvll, was visiting litown Tnuraday last.

The lelt mill tumor haa caused men not t<apeak SB they pa*a by.

Kev. (lea. SUpbeaa preaehad In tbe biSunday morning to a large and apprsobUi'eoogregation, ltom llaggai, 1st ohBptar BIOth vene, "Consider Youc Waye." ^

Mr. William flatten, of I'ort Oram, BOBSunday wltb Mrs. KIce, at Dirtiy.

J. L Kto% operator at fioptteong JonetloD,apent finnday with Us mother at Uartlyrclle.

Mrs. A. Sllvej, of Brooklyn, K Y , liIng at the boma ol li. A. Nicholas.

Tbe U, E. Chutoh waa oomforUbly welfilled Snoday evening at tba goapel temperanoa meeting. Jtev, II llloe spoke <ioiraevera on tbe> aviU or inteuiperanaF. tbewed to tbn line with goed effect. Ho wasfollowed by HOT. GOD. Stephen I , witb te|| | |remaiki, placing bl-aself an ancompromlnlngfoe to Intemperanoe, and pioklDg np tba chip*from Ur. Bioe'e remarks, throwing them beraand there among tbe andLnoe with tolUnfafie.-t. At the oloae of Jtev Ur. Stephena'remarkB tbe eobgivgaUoa woro incited t*tlgothe pledge, and a. large nnmber N.poodedand algned It with a-wlll. The singing by th<oholr « u ciesllant. •

A . J . B M i h M l e a i e d t h a b o i M h u ^ . „ .onptaa for ana year more. Tols is not D«noBumortaJk.

Abont one handrrd people enjoyed them-Belvea to tbelr beaita content with Prof.Ford In the U. E. Ubnrob Tuesday, Uirob11th. From laaghUr to tears waa tba greateharm of bla entertainment. At tha slate'o!tbe entertalment ibe aud I ante tendered tbiVtohttor a. voU of thanka. The receipts wnifarhejondlhaexpeotaUonaoCtheoomniitW

KZXVIL.Ur. Otto Stnmpr will atari wltb Dr. J. L.

Taylor, ot Suooaiunna, April l « t Wo wbb" 1m all theaooMu possible.

Tbe fltasbopn Hand o*lled at 1bo Vortiiousa Haturday evening. All preaent

joyed the too tie very moob. Hope they willillagBio. , • •- "Wa 'were very sorry when we learned thai

Ur. McCain, paitor of the U. E. Uhnrah,SncoMnnna, was going to If are us. .

Ur. Fred Valentine, who iBnewln the em-ploj of Ur. Faneber, ia going to l e a n and goon the mad digger of tho Harris CoontjCanal, Wewlshbtm greatanceesa.

How dellgbtlnl tha weather haa been forloe, Ur. Vortman filled ata ioa house. Theimployeea worked nntlt » late honr Fridayind Satnrday alghta. Dr. Taylor and HIBD'

othen filled tbelr bouseaalBO. . . 'Uany tbank* to theoom.pon'dentatBnaUo

for tha ooBgratnlatlona to 8. S. laweek's paper. . . .' UfsaUlnnleLtwranee tofKenvil, went tovisit her friend, Kiss Slrnbte, on last Satinday and returned the following Monday.

ttisa Agnei SwIehUabers wanr to SUnhopato her sister's. It Is tba flret time alnna harsevere illnew. .. : ' ..

We are very torry to aay that Mr. E*pVababy is very HI. flopaltwlllaoonweovtr

Ur. yancner lost one of bia beat horses thlawaek.- • .. .• • - s .

Wa are eorry to note tbat Ura. Jebn" Wbtt«<bead has been 111, bnt tinderiland aba is a.little better at thla wtiting.

Wa lrlab Ur. BHu Hogg abandanoa ol BOO*«iin his new bniiness of selling milk-. .The loo galhenra harei been getting Ice from

Ive to six inches thick from the canal.

KOXRIBTDvn.Ura. Harry Miller's Bewlng Society mania

rery Taeadsy altorcoon to aiw lor St. B t r .abuUoapita l at Newark. ,-, •' ': .-•.lllaa Sheldon'a atwlng class, knows aa tbe

fnoe Dogs, became they will bold a fair Intune, meet* Wednesday-afternoons." '

The Morrlstowa Choral Club baa o s g f dtbe eTeolsg for holding tbe rehearsal fromTa»sday to Wadaeadsy.' . '...:

Ura. L*throi.'s place, Pine Trees, Islor three years. - ••. •.. .' •• . . : . .

Ura. Eiobarda wil l aoon oeenpj bar newkoDte on South atreat. . •'. . :-.. .- -•

At tha regular meeting of Xlberty ConndJ,<o. 10, Ooltfen Star Frateraliv. o n - l l o n d . ,renlog, oae candidate waa fniUa'ted and two

appiloitlona received. Harry li.' Oabblaa.Moderator, in bebair or tha Coin oil. pie-seated Ur. G. A. Decker, their medical ex-

batdaoma Malaooa aliverringing in the moat appliea-

is lor tba laat s ix montba. Dr. Becker re-

aislner, a Tirjr batdaoma • Malibeaded vane for bringing in the mit t n l tb l t i tb Dodredtha prlea wltb a abort bat good apaeahwT h i . & . B D o l l U b w m J n g M d h u o r . r fmmberi . ." .'•" •. v . .- :;• X . T ,

»ud Mr. Willia JURUra. t^uiuel V. Uaud and M»ti-r Qtoand are Tlittlug relall*" J11 HickeltatoMr. O, O. Oreea's cottape at Uopat«ong larngre«.|ng wltb great rapidity.Hr. Albert Tilt, of New York, spent laotbursday at Ilopatoong.Must of the peopln of this vicinity bave

:faeir ice houses filled witb aU inch Ice. W«thlak tLi* ia doing vtry irtU considering tbemild Winter we liave bad. ,

Ah, l'bluesi, we are glad to tee von notIgBlC. HtimCAlB


afteruiVTeain Idrcco

"jlrtvhltTookViV unable ta attend tiatiea at tbe depot the Utter jiaruil this wttk,slogupnllned to his home by siCKnesi.Ur. and Mis Wieglos are now cvj-ylo

Ibemirlres at St. Augu.tinf, Florida.Mn. Ur. J. L. Taylor isoutof towB, viUUng

tier friends.Her. A. J. Cnno preached Iu tho 1'waby-

IQTIBD pnlplt lust Sunday inornlng, Itav. Uifiled dard not being able to on account ofaovere oold.

Uoibnry Cornel Hand ie luprovioK uloelymd«r tbe leadership of Josapb Han'

BOCKAWAT.Our new axe and tool Jnotory enterprise I•iofl rapidly pushed under tbe ruiclaat dictlon ol Mr. U*am. Tha timber for the newullding srriveil this week and It is expected

that tha work on tha buildings will be donswithin a month. The machinery for tba n l

lldlnff li arriving fti^ will noon be In p)anifldddilfou i.o U>e bluett io »l<o caiuulot'Jt

f o r the prenpnttht first Ihur will he uwtl •patmrn shop aud tbn scoocd Hour for

witlng room.People hero have not j e t diioorercd meatity, and M I more aliuut 1 hear thitnmBnding at just toy remarks of IBB1. we

la reference to Koika's habit of UOBIUK [Iibaprivdie bu.iuesiall'alrnol peoulo, btoai;li-y oro not a t lu td polllloally uuto like him

t Eati:uiday night lliofiSO tralu broughtle iaa man by tha natue ot Crcuer, who gul

o n « t N e « a i k witb Mr. 8. U. Uattox. HEintended to visit bli son^n-la<v, Mr. Bei

line; but as he wa* iuaslng in InHan't boose be fell dowu wltb heart

deeeue and died iBvntal eecoeds alter. IIwas well known ID and about Chester. Hremains waalsk*n to ilr, Jones till tjundminoming, wbau llit*y were t ikes wore tbi- humol his aon-ln law Mr. li. ilerdine.

We are aorry Ui announoe the death ol UiVrank SUckboQie. Ue waa a, well esteemed

and well kaown In nnd around tberlalnltyoiUookaway. il ls funeral wok phcaiatba Ji. li. Uhtifoti on VTednesday. llurial lithe PresbyterUn Cemetery.

Mrs. W. U. UaUox la.apeoUlng ihe weekwith bor (attior, ti, It. U a t l o t .

UBT. U T. Oibba laexpcotod to preaeb nttxiunday. Tun rrcuidlBg Elu>r will preauh Ii tho'evenios.Clareooe, tbe little Bon or Wm. aloKinnoiroke tbrouglt the Ice of the mill ponU, burtnnately tbe waUr was shallow whero beat in, and lie was extricated by the meho were outline ice.Ura. Daniel Bpan gen burg, daughter o f U

Jobn Uergan, died ou Monday und wasartsdunTunrsd^y.A child of 'Ur. David Willis la BUQ•ora diphtheria.'

hiB thick. Hat Ib-ro hai been o v d t teratlon of the Kabtjsth d a j to gutbor Ice htij * t , l n r whlob 1 ant g i t l .

Our (niterpnttng carpenter, Ur. llngh 11Dougal, baa tbe oontrtct in ba ld Ur. ttuiihdock and boat hones on U >ok Kbore. Ue b utbe dock boilt al ieidy, but not tbe bohome. Mr. Smltb tine tbe 6touts hauled fithe cellar ol bla new Hammer realdenoecUockSbore. The jilane, I nadiostBnd, aaltteady. It will be forty feet wide, eUl<feet long nnd tbree atones hlgb, wbloadd greatly to the Improvement of his prop-erty, looatnl on a floe elevation overlook!)the lakn.

Ur. Lswis llataon, Jr., ba« pntcbaiedJ . Jones' bentfl and lot. near the lake, aimoved 00 It.

Patrick Uurray baa moved near HOBSVUI*,SUMBX county.

J. J . Jones mores to South fitanbope on bitproperly.

Arc having quite a little excitement ovtbe Freehoiderablp at tbe canons.

Lint Friday morning tba thermometer lie]registered four degress above t iro.

Tbe annual aobool meeting lor tbe elnoticof TrusUes is drawing near. 1 sappoas atteithat all Iblngs will move along qnmtiy. D.

V U L E T .Lut Thursday aDd F t l d s j aome of

town folks ealoyed tho sleighing. U. T,Welsh wat first eeen upon on' * tret Is wltb hladouble team.

Friday we noticed oar irlend Laura onone of oar best leHows trying tbe speed

nf a new horse.Seme of our people filled thalrloe honi

on tUtgrJ*? toil Kuudsy with icn tour bobIn thlckoeis.

U n . Oamboid, ofSomervllla, i t tpenaiogfew weeka with her pirente In tblt pUcr,

Ur. Nathan Anthony. la quite sick at Vriling. -Ur. and Ura. il. Sbepbent, of l i t . OIK

•pent Wadntaday and Thursday of thlt wee]with Ur. and Ura. F. l>. Stephana.

Wears glad to nota Hrs.-Ljmso HuonconTtlosclog aflsr a tedlona lllneaa.

A bride and groom from tbe Weat ate thi_ucata or Ur. and Urs, William &- H*aek<bamer.' . .

TkeraareTSdelioqaenttaioayen \a Wash'tngton township, Morria eoun^r.

The railroad men will now draw 10 tours« J . " ' ' • • , . • • • • • .

The new postage aUmpa look qalta odd bealdei the old green onat. *

P0BT0SAK.William Webber baa been aofferlug witb an

attsokol tho quinsy aora throat for the p u tW « k . . • • • . . • • • • ' . - ; ' ,

: Well, the cold anap of last week rotds aoT-fleleotloeforsomeof oar ooniumera'of tht tarticle to fill theli loo homes. . Ura. Waltersstalled to'oot oa Satnrdar olgbt and re-malEftd catting and carting until lata on Ba&.~ay night. Toe Ioa wat about luar or livelobes la thlcknesa.Ob, Joe, Joe, i s It true thai you bave got

tlr««l of single blretedovas, and going to eutertntonrgoilaUons wi tbaomsont ot the fairersex to BSW oa yonc battbaa and pateb yonrtrouierai If so, we wish 50a all anoeesi

B p « H y . ;*••_.'•; . . - • , • • • • . .

Ira. Ltwla, an: aged lady, and mothar clUra.George Pyle, fell from the tap of aptof su l r t to the bottom and anttalned v e w L .vere iejarlee, Bj aoms meant Mra. Lawlamade amUstsp and the lalt waa the eqnence. Her head waa leverely laoeiand the reotlvtd tome Internal injariea, Attbla writing aha la doing aa well aa ean he ex-

a o t o d . - . ' . . . - - • ; . , • , s ; • , •: •, •Well, dcotloB It over again wltb ai grand

Uepublloan vletory la tbta ulatriot.

; < LaKX H0PATC0HQ. .Mtia Era Hurt, from Newark,. Is vhltlnger friend, Uias Lne Flowers. - • •U i u Louise Johnson baa return id from Sal-

iabnry, .Connecticut •. '••; • ' '• • -Ur. Winfleld Atno laatovplog at present 11

IS eottsge at BU Helena Iilaod, LikeHopat-M 8 g > • • - . • ' • - ' " •• ". ' •

' Ur.Kobart Bogeri b u torn down part ofila house wbleh lumber he will nte InileUng bla flaating oo luge ,- Ur . Williams take* charge oi UoUl De Hot-

Ion on April l i t , bat before doing so tl willbe completely remodeled. : . \* •.-•-"_

TfaB peoplo have been gathering loe barel a U l y d a j aad night The thickness is ba<

treen'fonr and eight Inohra. ' - .'Ur. Calvia Ue Peek wilt taka shirga of the

Brooklyn Hotel April l«t. Ur. UoPaak ba*run thla hotel before and makca a very good* w r g o o

Dos Jour.

' B00STOB.Afire originated I n J . B . n a s d ' 4 Mn store

WedQBsday soon, bnt. was extinguished b*>forait gotmocb headway.- Ko damage ox-eeptbywatar. • •.•-'.••.. The KnlghtB or Ubnur gave a Uttia ente^

talnment to tne members of tho Lodga knd alaw luvitad irtsnds Toeaday avinJog.' Theprograjniaa oonatatod. DI alngtng by'ft. mala

oartette, also a few Mteetad readlsga a i d amMLhlblHonofmsooitrisiB..; --v:.- '•:.\';^^ '"

JlOiTlC.Hr. Robert Duolap and Hr. Qfoiga Itiook-»V ap«nt Iwt Hondar at Uupitooujf.Mra. William Steplieua snd Ura, Uary Tnt-

:ln spent laxt Weduwday in Dover,l lrs 8«rab Monea, we are aorry to say, iaDt very well at tbi* writing.Election day wai a very Jlwlv d»y o-roend

M r b ' B "akerW Q


A W«ath»r ForecutEev. I. L. Hlnks, oi BL Louis, famooi

Vrelern weather prophet, nude an ueci-Mdiotign ol Uareb weittbrr up lo rfatr.urihAraBj«: from t b e i i t h t o 18lb.takingIbe IStb, lOtb, 17th and IStb M d»TB of pi

t poiiibla danger, la tbe next regular atormperiod. Tbs preinnce of the new moon on tbi30th. eirtb'l tqninoi on 22d.aod the Veen

tinoi on tbe 20UJ, are almost cmtaln ti. j longtba disturbance of tbls period loli

ibe reactionary movements on tbe 31st andI. Ttie last storm period ol tbe root">m t i e 2fi:b to tha 29tb. and snow and sleet

are ponible sad probable. Lot BB BCO whatPBUUB will bf, . Tbe month ougbt to end

aa It Vegan—eool aad oold.

Vnoegaiaary Utiery.ProbkblJ •• muob misery comet from habit-

ual ooDBllpitloB at from any derapgement r 'he functions of tba body, aud II la dlfUfl

wcure , for tbe reason that no 000 likes 10lake the midlclnrantnally prescribed. Hiburg Figa were prepared lo obvitte tblt dlfflinlty, and they will bo found pltatant to the«ito of women and obitdren. U5ceot». Uoee

ooe Fig. At alt diugBi«u. - ilaolt Drug Co.,N y . For sale by Robert Kill gore.

flpuiot and CoavBltionr.Or. Pilot's Itemed j , IntpatmBand 001

SIDDS, |« a apecido wbiob acts upon the Irri-tated brain through tbe general circulation,by iU aotion upon the heart. Desonpllvitrealisa wltb etch bottle. At all druggists

address Uaok Drng Co., H. Y. For sate atItob'tKillgorc's Corner Drug Store.





D Q V E B . N . 3to Pardee t6 Clark's.)



WANTEDTo do general loose work. Apply to


Dovnr, K. j . .


WANTED.ing man to Httoad store. Uuet comsontneDded One who l i u hidexpiirelnrred. Addiesu

. • CUAH. KERBUNO,UortiatuwD, ti. 3

i iAIiIFOltNXa. ~\J bpeoiil turtlee. Somi-moniMy. Tonriataieepldg otra • Ohetprstes. BoatUern PacificOo. Audruss B. JUwi.sv, Att't Qcu'l TtaiBoM 313 Orotdway, Mew York J B. J.

lOSAlSLPlU > f

Tiio HA, 4 7 r

at 0:30 A. U., tn organize, rccolro. the oalheauu bonds or omtwn a n d t n u u e t tnah otltorbutlnciB at may como 6ofore HIBOJ,

• Wl iXIAU POLLiBD, :.. .".-.. Ot,»na; pra.tetD.

IF YOU WANT?fleeona-hana Fnrnllnre'V k l f Mod*. Btovciand ererjlbfng clu-j or if j o a w«nt a sootprioe for scrap iron of all klnds^go t>_ _ , JAH.K.TBbDGIAN,Oa E m s Rt.. near the illnfc, .. , Dover, U,

P.O.BoxlBO. , .'.; , T , : lOOiTC

BUILDING AT AUCTION.Tlie inbicribcr will ieil at pobllo. •aiii.on

Friday, March 21fct, 18»0,«t 2 o'clock P. M., tiis flrtt* of tlieBoildlngs 11wutt la known at ••Ttiompaon'* Row." on

Gold Street, Dover.Ooixinioii, mtdo known on day ot u l e by

A. JDD30SOOE, Anodoncor.


Furniture!L TliflBnbioribcr.belimibont to romoTO fromtown.wUlflolUthor reiidoooe oo UorrisBt.,Dover.on • - ~-:-;.;j> ' -. -

all ber liouaehold fprnl tn re, oom prising P A N'or and-Dining Boom Fnraltnre, Bed BoomBnitot, a Una Oibin*t Vedaltad; a Hnrh!e-topwalnut Ballet, bsndBomo Cartor Uitror, Onr.tains, Oortileei, Ljitnbnquins, lUl tr tabout 75 yards or Bnm ~Chins TeaSet .TabkB.r 1

KUnds.BookioBObairB,OrocLory In ran vartel..barnltnpleraQnti a n d * Taal amount of othfli1 Room too Brott to apscirf. '

irnneii uarpata,'a oni, Obairs, Uat ble-toppeirB,Uattlogs,OutlervandHety, Kilohen TJlensila,


E 3 1 oolofli V. W. ib i rpp 3_. JT- L , BBUUEIl .

A . JUOSON OOE, AfioUoneer: •-; ' . ; . : .

Public Sale o! Real Estate.K. S. D A Y , - - - A u c i i o n c r r .

Tno nodertigntd, Sxnatora, &o., or OrroiFrndea, deoeaied, will expoio fpr.aale at pnb-ilovoadue.on •', ..v'^\.->~,?*..•:.-;;- "•; ;,

TUESDAY, BUKC1I 18thI o'cli _

r , a put of tba real eaUte of whloleUd deeeaied died aeiiBd.iconil-Ung.ot altthat portion ot hla houasUad farm altuato•boat one mile fn>m Harristown, wbloh-lies" u t ot tho road leadiBg-rran l lorr i town to

la*klnRriils.etonrffiitnliare a hoaaa and barnlib ontbuildtofs. and two good.orchards,natalnibgahoat 10« BeroVoTland.' AlsoaboniHcte i or wwtdlindon .KembleMonnUln.wkof the- Itlo retldenco of tho dooeued.U o o acres o f -pront l i n d n u r tho brlokihoolhonio. Also SI acres of sprout lan<

nuar lUe ftrra, ot W. FreeUa' Hills, Also annadivided bait interest' Id a:lot alluate on

bla ArennalnMarristoarn.' •"• • -; '


Hamburgh EmbroideriesA N D

I* IB to certify tbat DR.i BERJAHIH V..YBB.offlseon UlaekwBll atraat. Is our

only lloeniea to maka aod to farolib fct pa-lenla iD the Oily ol Dovw,; H. J.. M Tooth

Crawti or Bridge WorkV BO oajled, munta.ured ander tbe pateobs of j' [fy:'~.--_:. ;- .••,;•T H E I N T E R n A T I O N A I . TOOTH

;. C B O W K O O H P A M Y . ,- >8>ld pttenta ami eonatrnad' to oovex all prae-tleal forms pi artlBolal djentirei vow eom-— l y known aa Crown or BrldgB Work,- All

- ,nn i ar« herahr oantloajed against obutieg any aneb aittflehil dirnnrea from any dai

tlstnat lleennd, as none are »nthnria»d *i.-^pt br tbe wrltttn lloeoaa or aald Uompinv.be fall laf«t panalry wtll ba promptly en-reed anlBat-all daatlsta-aa wall aa thi *tt)BBts miking nnanthOriKsdttMof any •»__iwnud denttna. A n w a r d wl'l bapa'dbyild company- to :perB0ta,:fnrBlsWiig It wltbly osaMof BlUga Wolk oroua,twoor more

Bftns*4by tblslJwnpsHy. .: : , .T a i itrtBRHATtoirAi. Toont OBOWW CO.

JACJUOH W.AfcWAao, Manager,Dated M*w Toik. Uarcb l l ta , 1BB0.

> B y ) > ^ a 3 a B t - Mnrwilbont plain by thlt

o eld tvau and'teetn tbat* b e j f o w d d

piooeaw Alto eld tvau andteetn tbaE ^ bold fllilo* c.n bejfowned, nod war-raatad tobaanatnnitatd tturednrablA thaaany othertoma by the tew p.-oena I bataaeverai te tb that bard been crowd bid daod thttbara beeo In tha Booth forseTer.lyear*.'Callwiseethewoik ftrjonraelL.


U N T D I A .




. x>o:as::Eie«C'xo' SOOTOH


LACE;.'ipia^B;:^f5firaTAIN MATERIALS.



DICKERSONS,'• .•••'•"•• *.; • • ' . ' ' " . . • ^ ^ ^ V r t T T T J i T J ' I f f T . • - • ' . . - ''


" ' • • • • ' • " • • " . ' ' . ' • ' • - ' ' ; ' " ' " ' . | _ p > L r V ^ ^ 1 •" A » • ' ' V i '• • • • • ' " • • " '

We hare now in stock the largest and handsomest

line of Carpets and Furniture of every kind ever ear-

i Spring ABE THE L0W-

AH, THERE WINTER!TOiere, oh where hare you been lisgoriigl "Wo.,,,*'

know jou would coma tt l u t and better late than1 y fnever. Welcome, W r o right glad to see yon. tn-"f!- >>pared for yon? Tes, indeed, we haw for' aomeu " \ f

menths past been prepared (or jnst snoh weather ' >as yon have brought. ^ ~ ^ *

Perhaps yon have waited to give the bnyera Bt <chance to gave a little. -Well, you've accomplished •?that aujway, for if there ever was an opportunity to , ' , ' "bny Olothijig ohoop, it ia now. _ t " * ^ (

But, sajs the bnyer, "we will tide over until' *' "SpriDg, now. Don't be deceived. Spring ii'a good ".» ""J«ay ahead yet, and late as it is we'll have the usual ,^Vamount of cold weather. It won't pay to mn the, < •. .risk of being improperly clad, with clothing at prMent '*prices. We oall to minij the Irishman who said he < '"would rather be a coward all his life than a oorpi 'tun minuteB." 'Would yon not rather be alive in . ^'Spring and a few dollars poorer t h u nnder tho sod *'with the boantifnl flowers above? ~ •'

When you bny, dome right to headquarters for • 'oTerjthuigBeasonoble. Ojorooats, Suits, Pants, Boyi"""and Children's Clothing, it mattors not,what yonwuit, yoa'U do a little bettor here than eliewhera. , r >

MoGREGOR & Co.All Goodi Delivered FflEE to any part of the State.

The 4-room house

now standing on the

lot adjoining David

King's Blacksmith

Shop in Dover, will

be sold on the pretn-

ses at auction to the

highest bidder on


t 2 o'clock P.M.


' Atictibneer.

;• ;. F O R : K E N T \ V ;•: •'UTH. toan ou Pn»|»ol itrtci, otoapiiia toM » . Sharer. A pleasint mldoDoe la * goodloeiuly. Pol putlcnUr. knalyto •

• . : H. L.B0KBAM,.. . :•!' :: . •• ,On>. Po.l oiBct. .

. .: Dofcr.N.J.

850 & 852 BROAD St.,;NEWARK. N. J.

v* '*r c

FRAZEE. CONNET & Co.Central Dry (foods Store,

No, 683 BROAD St.BfltweonWoit Park and Cadar SU-,

GENERAL BEVISIONf(.Notwithstanding onr prices are always fonud as low as the lowest

yet we propose to make a GraEBU, Bmiainsn in prioes-thronshoatour ontiro Btook. Many groat bargains will be ibmd, each as perhapswere nover heard of in Dover before. We give no Smuet here, but avisit lo onr store vriU convince any one the"wayonr goods are Markedttat we are Bnrpassed by none. Ite B Ot bS surprised at oar low.pnoou. Wo mean business and wo shall sell goods at remarkably low




W w h Fabrlct In S c o t c h and A n i a r l u n '

• , C ingh imt , - : . : • : -- ; . ;

. . FANCY. FLANNELS,':'-;..; • '••

• - • _ • • ' n i r u i ' i t c V - ^ - • ' . • ' . ; ' ( • . " . . " '




' »h»ll contlm



-DEALERS I * - "


, Blinds, Doors, ^;BWCKCT ANO SCROLL SAWIllc^poNE T o ORDER.-. V ^


Page 3: (TIFFANY & ALLEN STEAM BOTTLING WOMCARPET …test.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/1890/1890-03-14.pdf · Itendlng our TOling eystenj. But it ltokl is one vilal Xeatuto


Klllbiilld a • . « hpnaa at Psa-

• •*> aM .«*•> p«a •(•••«.: . :o :; i,,-),,;...; ..B(inl.Uinib>a7 » m i u «»a •oloruined

m,»to» olob bo»M el Said'. Lak. will



1 •: .Thii lt«i«oo.l.r MUlntd in .KIM. c

;•'i'^SiWwnwF«ei»iutU»njldliiita aeas hpaMg S f ' a i U W J l i l b ' i n Dtlo. litett;;

•j poground hogs* and (0,00 ioa fo>• rOov. Abliett i s s W a e a a prpetanlatlon ap

;> ^otnttOR; April l?th tor the planting of lowal

;;-;7Toeiday! ftr -ths'^fir*.* :<!»• (n over' ^wenty

i i , ' « « r e d a l«rge store of verv blew loe, four

;',''<•;"B«kBiiui Heeaingtott baa sold& la" property••.an UadlwB avenue,. Hadl>oa, to a air, Frost,; • aalj:that Ffapk: B.'. StopktOD. th .i'whior.'ol.JaiaiaM,!.' wrMp» a oma^i

• Tr .J . lNo .S , «, 7 » t d 8, or tha llronjkt ^ f t l n P r L * W r 4 t U i

W • » » r • J J . a »? j Pf a i l i l ik m tbll WtoWr. T b . mow t l the. Oik mad,

r T l i o Y . P . 8 . 0 . E . oflb«ll[Ki«Uia m'lorirolOh«tob Ml«to»U4 l u aappnd u g l r t m c r oh

ikt ib t innt & (h« BJU'for Goodaotoik oonttilwlll b .

ppTba Flnanfls u d Audit Commi t

gb»l»iioe lrop ,]Htm»n.h,1 p e m « , •78,I88,»i

[2,311.47. TbBf hid •ppnv«d bUUigtow,038 .« . . ••...:._ ."•:." / ;.. .-'/• -.XbbCoartHonie u d Jil l Oommiltia i*Drt«<l bilUupprared ts Ibt anonnt or|371,35,tamUv of prlaonw* lo j*11 *t )a*t report 37)IUM adialitoil 15; dlicbtrgcd 101 i*m»lnlug

,. Tht P « r HOOM CommUt«6 reported hllUapproved to ihn ttmonnt of «S8117and a Dredit

*8fl W. ' Humbw of Uwatei |p honaa at last»pbit; (M | aJate adialtUd 4; dlioUrged I \

c SO. Msintatr of cblldrflii In thelomeat laat report 60i alnot Miniltcd 3[i h d 2 l l G O ~

^ , of N.w.il , IJM |»T. SimUltfjXlbnirj » conplflt*

i b d i i : i &; ' ;V ' ;HY


l bt<)n packing It* naohlnsrv In Hew

K e reil>ratli pnrobk.«d.:,«illcoi

:tb«P. i . Kxprui Co. Ii in Ibo form of •

Qalj »1»|} iirere jeported as outstanding Inritlgasoconols, ."• •'• _•_.'•"•••-••',•.-'••.;...--'->.'.-•'.

;-.. VuMam Heath in a JtW':v, V •>-;.:•'John Keaney, a. r«epeoted olt'ien of Iron-

dale, died .saddenly ID ibe ilurd mn.fr onTueBday nlghfc Hs went to his work at ? V.

aa uiasi at tae Ho. 4 level, and abant 10:16

: 'Will Hi, iljilom M « r o l^dftlltstorVor »IH aomo of tfap» old promlMi

Otiel[»nb«ltep![ • * ; • ' ' ''AiyibBi'tbpMiro MOW

^•bmt W4 inilatw, n u i u i «l 60 norp lb*nII wulntudid to «eo»i»oJit«.; • ,, Fdbarom. irbo oolt.t to.'k'aow' w' tb»

,»••« wi.Ur »• bna tyi lDdluU. . lil«p«t«U:Jpf Bih dnti>< IV""1°I inmuBr ; ; V ;/'•rsri'^llpry'/pffpplila!1 poa'noV/ i p y p f p l p V• b«.b»«iipre«nt«»wUb. OB.^ 4 B p t i W t^ieisV*4nivV^ei><>M>?<n1rtp«lr»d'at; aa. U » . la « • H.cl.Uilown II. U Cbnroh

» U a r « i l t « I t a « » H J t » l h (,:;Vliilaji"iBij1aa.Uo. baa allow Wm,Br

Pollard <.r Cl«k aad Wm. tt Hpokm (orCI«irlla«ai.rortk.w.lBlEaaUBall

•^^Tiere'W:sU;irsU:U\l««-r.porl thsitb.B.

• ,Ta« Baakaltato.o Oa«.lt» »aa naolttl U^ •a«».tk« Bapklloaapartj aolu l.r tbe loai. a(U.Wari«'arallt.»awT«r«. Tbi.laaad

, -Aaloa»a.Llaa<la.i1llloo.llro.«etollOla talagvi'i*— ^p (or faaUi a». Iftera»klla:w« «» «ia>aaa« wltajatk rtaali

D.B:^aU.»a..»aHalog.itb.Pr«r ao«laatla« la «l. Oliia. W« ar.


, Uaaai>aaaatappro»»a bj tM OootaorUit^toVilwo jaaia' flaaanlon Uaofl/ltnl

i i i l M S d p p t u i o i ••lrala.d> Ula-lirj"wUlbkdjliiai.dbr K.8t^pk>aHallBo«U.

;. ,,oar« I.ol to

lI • (to', tiia«rWtak« ooaUondat

T».d»pi>aI.kVa™a«l!»iiUa.iali.war.kllia. l« la#»p« Wednaadaj. Oaa waa akrddoiPaUaiiigtoJTKuiaiidlnotber

Driee.propcrtf.tt Madison, la bDlldUjei-. tsauve imnlieises.'': Ha wlllca'.tlTste rcaVs



:::i»oaqi<apUdboii..lalaadliai.,b.l..WMriCPIHii.WMHtotflr.eVetlr.il tUb^batiia 9a>aa watadlaniend and prompUj

'J-:«ttgra^>yWlrm»»S.*'#fi.'s,Kfl^••^gBiU*;a»aVa»i;ir,.nl^.iji.'- aUotlon Ol.rk In tka Boatbero UUtiloU TbSWj^aii^ajiaai.^|»;i»afy»^

A L \ e k p > m » S £ . i C t t m : y . :.JoaiaanbaTa Wen oboa«n a. tbe Ob>lbim

1 ' T.»a.klii E.pakll«aa ComnW.e. .

'aWiHi?jtfaB»iiM''irfia^Jaaii;:*Caxllste^aareAaraadtoBlendism. UpODh'i

. arrival he waaUfemed far Ua'flrat (Jme-Dl

: •; • A'iueilsstar's'aals of tha wtaU ot aw• '"•' y M » H , atflaoMliBlown, the ffsur-

^•uprihoUVAbML , - T - , ,• Urw^fBMst/'Bad'tie•wiling millemployees

' ^ ^ • r ^ i ^ ^ ^ v l a i ' i t l B c . n ' l a ^ U ^ o i a B


• lalgarjalaai la IMa'BHte.*' Tbo laj ind l"ar»»iil«»«,aajl> m u (ar too mini lo - - '

M iiaa;y«oal»B:[,SltiaVad,laam«i.t,-: UMaolaoiPB «aloraaj In a H e . Yotk Can- tralBallroMl htrae palatp! tar.rcoiialiPPd

'.-;* flfckpiotfit Society h«4

..nadar tt* cm, ._uanerettonoaii he made by « «->«v t

ttr. Oeorite Neweombe, proprietor of•Vnatosng Honw, naar Mprrjstowa. <Tuesday evtrttoy, after a shut illness- .

Ur. llorrii Williams will remove bis famll,torn Booolon, and rumor aaya that feegoing to England to look after aome raJnaipKtertr whloh he baa lahvlted. .

Itev, a. yi; M*lns, foraer pastor at Hont-vilJe, gradnated from Drew Tfaeelag&t, g»M-Inary, and baa been »ppnlntetf" to Hepburn-**"*B«>in tfaeDea Moluea Clonferenea, *—

— the World's wateh eenlut this mi.CdBdnetor' Oordlnler has 3,73* votea aniGoadnetor H«rg*n 1,640, Coo dm lor Gallagbw, Of the I-euosjl.anU, Is lotting her gcw U h 2 , 3 7 7 . ',;,•; _.-. ; , • . ,

j . ;"' , ' . - , . :••"•• ""- - .

i t t h t clow of bmlB**B on tha SBiholt tba-odlvMnal deposits sohjeot to cheek in tbeNational Pnlao. Bank, Doror; were tS93,C0I.-67 ji ihote in tbe NaUonal iron- Back of Mor-

»nsBiOBot*4 tott>76,431,60. . . . , ' .'-';'_-

«»» Horri* Cotamoa Council oomtnlttee onibe proposed new town bill b u reported tbat$10,(100 will no t build It u d moomueodi (hatBeaator W«rta aecnre tb« p s u l g e of a lav

iw W . of aerbiK. Tailey, IJ u foarUes

fox pelti, MTeo red and uveo grey. Tbo|wlDM)f *«ra killed fin th» monftUIa .this

intar. and iho akin* are about « floe » lu c u U acec together. Hr. Wfi? bnjagreat m u i f ' r a e * e r j i t lUr ' v

Oa Babbath erenliig Bar. Mr. HallowajWll( begin • oonru'ot aeniuna aipealail; forjooBg BIBS upon the general then6 of " TheConduct ot Lt W : Too fl™|, aermon will boipou "Btrength and l(*i( Uae." Otben willollow Dpou OplntonB. Bablta, tetnpUtioqi,

T i e March neetfng.ol the Board was heldb Wednesd»j wltb all Ibe membera pnsent.Tbe tninntea of la i i meetlog w»re read and

j « d 2 } wmtlnlngGO. - • -l i n n w j " ComwIlU* tepotted ;tbi

rl j billof IhuUorrli Tiaiua Atjlnmto WWm, ,»htoh- wMvonjB:fl


torn, TlekBtV 1*7 .-<1U : Ul Ul UJJJ;•'••-..--•. ' MCOTIOK BO1BDB. '' 'N. P.—judge. Wm, B Collard, R. 241, B

A. Sampson, O. 141] Inspector, Unas. Otto,li. 317, Tboa. F. JobDBoo, 5, HU | Clerk, Tfaca

S. U - J u d f f, John U.UorJoo, 1{. 169, K O.TotUn, V, 183] Inipeotor, Jobn H. Tor, B,1U, EJ. B UQlUcrt, D. 180 ] t'lBik, Aatbanv

0 / 1 ) . - Judg»,'Wni. U.Bpa'nglBr.Jp., K. 169,Wm. f DlUid, D 1B8 J iflBpeator, 8.'A. llrosd'well, 11.176, Wu. II. iledden, D-141; Clark,^ B. llvram, H 174, fraok U.saaker, D. U7, W. D —Judge, Joan MltohelJ, B 180, i l l -

ebae) Oradj; D. 106] lospaotora, Joseph U.William*. h.HH. Uenrr C'OIHBB, It.<l.,m Wm.

FobnLanghiin;i> 11)1.' • '-..:'r • B.D. -K.D.'aD. W.D, Total.

Conrad U M B , It 159; 918 103 ISO DSLaw,aowiby,o. jiw 181. i«r s» oiaSSM Uanoe, B. H 8 .21S Hi) IG7 68*las. Cooper, £>,_ m 10J- 1Q» \'._ 08 KW

ppp to Ike nndnDt of »Hl 113.,U.iJgo bill. amguDiiog to »1,KHd i d > : ^ : ; ' " • :

/ i And tho oh»fj,Bm»a oild,ow, boji, IMMB wlthmfl lo tUs Mo 1 Urel.Ik%Tm«oiM«otVlI> thtwto da." Kent

j »ad bit pai-tnix. foliowW Ue «hir^*ni»nid vfeimibij ntaehwltba-JtrelIboy Woret d > r l p v u p » m f raiUtt^t reVnlMp p f

i the obailtmaniajiiif u tbem tt be, I willio andmt tha plot.". Bat b«.

ire he had «oio twentj fset Reninsj Mlj d i d I

oe mmmoDed and, Mtur i»tli(jln>at Wo m i « i dn#d bs ( i r i • • bli opinion

'liie mao died tbroogh heartfailon, TheDM t u DQUBiEd early tha u « t morning,

it>p to'tbUS P. U,EPthing I,M been htardAitD./ Jobp ,K«n*j ,WM a good. uao,

ipiigbt in all fall dealing!, and reapcotfid b jI l t h | l hla\ ^ r ' ; ; ' ; ; ;

The> Ice ueti oftbta loriilltx. pot thentelveatwoikT.goronilj. laitBiiardaj inpmlng toth the Jo«" that biid [bees foinoddBring

U»i*^-«>t*-d»j«-'praw"diB^-<}a.tbe pond.Mboat Dofor it bad forp:64 (o a•Ihirlofi i of

0Ofcihrwi»ohe*. ,-fl,1 P. Brl.it;1 o f Ce'ter


le, of Ue-iune plioe,'. bj- flMding hla pond' iQtEilocb»s,aQ»l thU was abqnttne

us ol the! tea' In .the w e » at -l>%k»[opalWDf ,>here the hotels pat alt the ne»bejreontdat.workaDd gotqulle • aopplj.'h> Drtslln offarea 80 oenu an bonrlor menad lbs. CentraJ-iiallrQad CoBSpaoj' pnf.aaree to work"on:Ca|lahao'a Cove.- la mioj

wa they worked all through tbenlghtuid ba SoDdaj* .'OB Uoodav the loe becameo soft that tbe gathering aboil Dover bado bo atopped. Bat tbtj *»i> •scared qnlle a

cetiatderable'imonnt, le aht In aappljing,loesl neads. Mr. I. B. Jollej and iKaaoase TUoiler "ordered aoeie very One tae'shlppc

rom Lonn; I>eDd, in the Hor.beropartef liew


Tka Lcag«r Ti h

* « I.a«ri.V

imooratlo ticket laat Tncadar arei now. foil jBTlaped df what thei Bai. .tol^'ibeni 'laiti(k—tnattbej were onljlnominaWd te beMgn'tewd (or: the, henefltof a few; pirtyiBla/jIthaa b m ao for aaverisljeara pist,

hit It'never dawoa upon their oomprthenitonBntU after thflj ere llrked. Itwsa aoonimontblnglor Eepobliomi on loesdar to heap*

rosobsd:bf tbefffloiwt HflitflaanU of Iho,«red'parties""with"iooh, a prupasltlon aa

"Oive'naa veMforrierson and Bed:

joVll give n i» vote for them wa won'* hartat of tba reai of yoor Ubk«L" Bans of• the

>BDJooraJa. have been' thinking: about thial a t l o n of sffairB mota than tbtj did before

ttertwUon; ItU'alway* BDWiylMnitoelect one or two'nun tin an j ticket bjr trading

iooUl Iveat la; ChaUr. '.

y ; ; yon pre*ent,*»nioig .Trbom^Wi aidtleed the

[ii»«Ji>l[» and H^tl* flnlth, Carrie andiarUSaaderion, FloraL.Ta>g«r.K.Bk»I•nier,U.StaaU,S«tiiBud Oeorgls Hanb,

I. U,td, M, HawcU ftt)4,Ustti>i.& EllvbJaJklD»( the'HeMM, J, H.UanBBtU.CUm.

llV. Bmlth, Qreen,Yawger, Cue. iloffrran,maadApiilrlor Obeatar., From othe*ttare were [ r.Handarwn and lady,

' i and in«nttop or 8t^r»nl,

L. Yonor, of Wathlnf ton,; Lieu.Wirner, bfHe>art' tfw. Apgat and lady, llr. Sitejano.e l s U r . M d . P . H B w j v w d wife, of Dlgh

.rtdgeJ'baoelBgwM fadiilgsdltv nntiUbe;

•j"vT V.V.A' IHrty Cnitom. -vJtjiij.,-JThera ve'reYnmbere ordrankan men abontthe pollsi\a Dflyer on Tueedaj-^i nnlsanoe w

qnlet,:orteriy oWssna whra/tbey eanJB toVote, -iin.tbe vtehltjr, of at lasat two of thep 4 T n | p M | qW H diBMnaed. and tb» >tw»m of man eon-rtantlj golbf u d OOWBR pUUlj. lndlctMtheirwhertebboU. loBookawiywearetoldl i was thi » n e way.' Wttb tneaeent ballotof thaAnitralie* ijalem'thU woold.ba Urge-lj,< ir not wholly, dooo «waj with, for thentbeocaapalloni of tbe pblltloitbwler.wbcafetti Mm dnok to atonre their votM,wAnldbaiftnfc- Tbl* aloaa t« m tuDisUat argavuitfor the MabUonoI tbla law: •;<_' j-,"'-;';-^;-:';'.''

'•^••IVpif^tttoUwbaiBi.,.. L ,.Tbe auftt lftT'1 In this town WII drawn al

: d i k t B h w e rla*tafttnri«j,»nd;i.k.yeanght, loelndln«lila'ak baM,peTcb, picker*udbatilib'.TLeboyalnpartletilarbad xraport and yonilgQeorgo lUeve hookect antVruaD wrp tbtt:w«ighed C, lb.,;; lt.w«B thrat^n ofihelklnd fltsght bereMd WM

nrirlolltr, H I P l « o ( l t aibl


-V'••;;•• ;• IUniitrittd Uotart.,B»V;Bred.BtiMln will gi»»».leotiire,mtiiirateabj' tUnopUoso TUm/lii:tbB;a»onK. E; Otarob, on Ifridny even.Dg,

The iB>Mt. wUI-'b>' VBonjfw1*PrpireiJ,»wa«ioiaea>JH leglrBn. Preeti.'fortbV lieoffli of (lie ctnn-b. Adm

^ ' l ' d 1 t d l l ) U I o r e h

> ThVmost snbstantUl and inaxpeail.ve'Ai D f lot tarasnB/JawM " d ponltrj jarda; all"-.• ...A. .•.. -••ifc-])o™-Hiidwue,-B«iee.

BPBISO ELE0TI1HH,iLXTDJixs, M O K xvsitt Tt>vm*$ae IM TOE

• • ' • • ' . . •• O O Q K T I .

1ABD0U-B. . •Tbn townahlp eleciloo in Bandolpli «n

TQBtday again demoaatrAUd t i m e tbf:that are old and jet bwrnno new every year.The fint Is that ao. eUclto* her* U aot wamoeh a metter of sa-il.iaa, or prioolplo,Isafanstleforvotea. Toe taiawhogOH siftand tattles for tbe pliant part of ant papilla-tioo. wbfdi ti w r larfle. {• ibe man -w\ia galthere. To* senond faet pm»»o is that a (a

:kl In.'the Paingonttlo sar t j willBaoflfloe tbo rest of toe If ticket to

save ibennolvM, aad t ie poor tools that arevlottinlaed fur tbi* parpose are lad ap jeerifUrTearaslanfaafor.thBalanRhter. As wapredioted last week the whole of tbe Demo-cratic ticket V a s lotblts-ly •tauRhlured to

the cbostn faw.. AU the other emdldates w e n traded t w a r witbont aerupta ljtbe im'H ftruy ol beelera who wotk*d nndeitbe per»Bn1 dlrtation tt U«ssr«. Pierson

•Itnplj a -desperate attemptto get those two m'n io, no matter wfaat bo*

inch lire long Uemoorata w Wllil.«bnpef J« t , Cooper .and o,hur#. . They gotLhere; bntal! their aaaeelatnwstit down toaaUsfy their gned . ' T h . third point demon-atraui Is that the Jte^ablloaoB are foolish toItttbemHa it, year after year, but they do.; .The gtaHfjUjt feature of the eleeiloir la theiinda&me firpablieanmajorltj o f i s i o n t h

number of Uoknts polled It ehowa tbat thesentiment of tb* townollp Is Itttgal? (Uj

and flsa'-be depended opan. Tbeaas eUot tbdr entire ticket e x « p t

Committee man and one Coosta*The following shows tbe vote oi the

,owBsl.lp'f •/ :. . .. .,-.,..•

1 L. Daet:m, J!. ai/ S?; iWJ M JMYaf. l*bupfl|P. '• m , lull ,,(W . fit 307

eo. e,ei»ja

Uill.ckicB, Ueddc5TIOI Ol1

. • « ;

i i ,


U/itlohaidf, U11. AloUfiiUi' J.

• 87287









JOK or AITKJU.1 t : . , , ,IM O'itelllei, li. r153 237 103k'ni 11 i i f i j 11 J6U 23& 1115

I XVI ill 'J4S 7 1 .i 151 193, "i mI' 118 -140•• tifl 'Hii-jm.i.-IeS:.,. en : Mi

J. Vnaland, it, IS) :aS0 170> HI 6871'. 8ri.it, B. ID » » ] Hi 7,0a. oir.il. '.• wi, IDS n o ; or t«»

• u l v a n - i n .j m > «,7B. IBS !W8 17K ,148 (707

10/ u s : tin , ii? ' i n_ u s aa 101 iw emu, io» 267: :po -iu V j;a

, Hi 181 1.7-- tin r 70" -Ml).Bafw, u. • I»J n o ; ia» ,• so. aii'J.Utan/D. • lu» 181 lur. 9L.::M0..a<:ilay,l>, MfiH le7<lG0 ; 08 . oaaKlnuidi.'. .;?W l i t .106 In, HI,K U B > I K O f F O O f t ) ' • '" - . ' - ' • ' '•'•- ' • . ' ? ' ' ' . . ' • • •

i i . 8« ton , It. - 1Q* '253 :165* 11C •?iw', B. Yooasi, 33; - 1W 1S3, lltt -V W ~ &37The ilapnblfoan. Ponnakeeper*; as lullotiB,ere elected by sboai.th j msjorlllea 6a tbelrikeil"; BaisnalJ. Saaileg. Kiahard Ibirtbey,

>hn l*«lU»,J»*. Ooald and Wm. Whltmoro.Far towniblp efpMiaee, 19,000 I lor poor,'

ffM ( ior ro»d», W,«» i" «1 W for hand and Worbandandte*ni per day on roads.' El(O-

jeafc the «»oalpl«Be.v;-,•>,;: -,s^,\..: ":;:,••.: i b e iemowaiie Uotol TTDO easi lj ID JRodc-

I vBt« polled being as follows ^ Deni-— " ' "• .-v'asij^rohlbitioii.

ot road aanney to be workad oat before dulyl i t and baianosbBforiOot. Ui\ t l M twentyo» fDipa and II oa mlik* s o d weaaela; elee-

IOOB at Tboa. arlghiVWoodport. ;

•--•• . ... '.-. ..uv wuvti.' ,;" -"'.'.'•.;The Colon Wokaf, made up ol both partiw,

WM elfottd Bj'followi, without opposition iBieetion, JaoDb W. Lsrlsont In.

__ . _. Kleotfpn, Aa«n8.HoUo, Abrahamtforee i To«fnau)p Clerk, JBUKB W, Camp-

bell; AaneuBf. Koos Q. Bndd | ColleoWiGoorge A. Drake} Free holder, John DBndd

'ownshlp Uotsmltter, Bei[«min A. Hswelloumltiloaersof Apjienl, T. J. Cllft, Stewart

UaPeak.T. lithe, k . O renter or ibe Poor.tttohetdH. Stephen*} JvuAleB of &« P»w>»,Henrj W, Miller, {1 rear;) oarTejoraof H.gb-iraji, Ktlph U. Salmon, Willlaw .Wack;3o&aUblea, MaDlon Yager, (S jnn.) Win; Akpplegate, (a jears;) Ponnd Kespera, F u n k. O'Neal. I'our omitii. Kiohard U, BiepbcntIk*d<i, ||,80O} band lfi cenU and leata ISjots per boar] poor, $100; townablp ex

leuaee, $300; bonntj on bawka a o l gronad>oga. 10 oepts eaob; eleotloa at tbe Uansloolottie, fioatb Bta&bope. . *,


.. I h e Denuwt&tadidn&t h n e tho Umerltyto tnske any nominations lt> Boon ton and Ibe

nnekottd ibe whole ol tbelr ticket,ufol lowa, withoutcj-piJalileU- :

1'owniUlp Uletki,ii|jbereu.^rat>t>i JiEisution, Willlain S. Italley | Jnapeotor ol,inlot>i. Plttiard B . . Hujhwda | AsaesBor.<wpb Stflveatoc jColleator. J. U ttsnouee f

Oboien Freeboloer, Edmund A. Uscker;Hatreyore ol lliahwar, Edward Stickle,

illlain U. Qlsdfoni Township tJomuiittae,iDU't lljaid • JnsLlccs of ihe Peua , Qeornaithony, (B jeur.,1 Wtl.(«m OtaUU, Ujent',)iiODaiuiobera ol Appeal, Abraham P. Vr«e'

•ml, Uattfalsa. Uosrj John Uott) PoundC«<<i>ers, Peter Kanoate, Tlmbltij fltlokle,o h o U . Peer, Joieph Coolt«row. David i )

I r o o k o r . ••:".' ."•' •'-• \ • . •"'• • • • . ' . ' - • '

' |3,LWi poor, nS0[ townaliip

.;-. "'/. Mmeant.e'waB.MhuiukVa olflio IlgUt In tbli

wmhip, bai tba OemooraUi «leoUd tbtlrticket by mtjaiitiu nveraglog about W,

Ja'dgeof Eftotion/TunlaB. l id 11 Impnototr Election, Jepn 11. l ia l .n { Tpwmbtp Uierk,Bmlttt Qoiilber.') Aaieiaor, J . llriunt How-

laa)'Collector, Kot)»tfU«r»br»ntt Cboaen'rtetiolder,-Wella Lawreooe j 1'ovniblp OowlitMi, (3 ieai«i) J WeBley.Bwaoibammer,5«t»,j Pttd, H.Q*wbiMH} Uon.nU*<DD«»Aupoata; J M I « U, foieyib. Joea* 0, Cutler,

oba *". JUulliartj BaneyorB-'o* lligbweje,'eUt V. a a i , Lot H. Uurnattt Oieneor ol'or, Loir is at. Loree-] Poaad Keepan, Jobo

14albnrt. Ue6. V. UoUurtry. <3«o, P. Boy,llllftm HUMC, Wnilam VtoOMTter, SIIM

Uoid tiianey, I^OWihand is .oanta u diand and team 30 centa per boor) poor, 1291ileationa at Bttuk Uorie Hotel, U e d h m

Aaron p . i iatrj for Jiutlce ana Da»U 8toae,for OTermtorihflPwr.wersurj both tlckBis.Oalaiieof'Ula tae'oaty'candidate ' " ' " '"

. , . « „ « , - PreehoUer a m was r» el«oled11!83 and Dr. Jackson was clBoted Colleotor

r ISO. /Iheae were |he>sBepUoaal' majoriEB, ihe ;othere belag abont.ieven, with .tbe

Monhern'b'iatrl0t-^-JDdg^.Voa<pn Htaek-ian | laspeotora, Biward. Q \: Muter,;•Waj

Bouilioru JJlSUlot—Judge, John Q. Uott)Inapeotora, rnw. . W. l U U o i , J tb T, Uill,

_ , . _ , _ v 0 1 o r t i J o s . B . a a r d n e r ] a j a W i ) r ;bu FioDegso, Jr.| follecior. Ur. John w*.Bkaoni Vieeholder, W n Qilli-CaimnltUe.

««ard- *••*•('' Oieraeer ; of .• Poor,- .Daviditoue i Jastioea of tha P*aee,'Aarin I). Berrf,l*j , 11. BaDdeiai Com. nf Appeal,-AdamCiitas, Wni. A Brjs,nV. Win.1 V w iJMnklfttiurviors/ John 8. Diokersoii,- Win. Ajreri;

istablfB, Jna.: Kalley,;Jas.,Mnrra*,-Jobntabaot Ponndkaepers,: John, Hanklasoo,

is,' Uesm, O.-.H-omtth,- Fred. Hutt'e -[,hnf .M.DiJton.Cbis , O.DsUart.. 'B j . d La*, *3 petJMXW t eight hours rdaj'aratkoaroVtsi (ISO per day for man/'iand.BO'for.tpatf»na team[ for poof end town-ip purposes, WOO; bqantj on fo*es »3, onDtciAoil weiMl*McenUjon. :wll(l "o»to (3.

The Deioeratieticket hadasBaJorlty ofD6m baUcta,aaa deaUd all their ticket exceptt'CirtnmlaJalaner ol 1 Appeals,.a Hitvifor 61lHghw»j»>Bd a a O r e m e r of tbe Poor.'- Mr,

.W, J. BtUtiii,Ui»nepa^UekQBon;i>nM, rnaiaa good rnn'for Froaholder, bnt was beaten by

t m'«jorUy.< 'Aalde'frora t i e o'eetlon boardsIB snooesiiBl oandldatea w e n tbofollowUij:Township ClerltyFrank E , D w rAswasor,dwwd P. Hillerf Colleetor, KJjar 0 . Hop-IDK; Treehotdcr,'•Tobn U . Tunis j : Commit-

(aa, Kugeoa O. Hopping,'; 1 jear,.Qeerge 8.HeDongali. 8 years; tlom.r of Appeait, Q«o.fc. DeOray, Ooy Hlnton)* JohirB. Goldberg jBurrfyon, B V, Drti*n, Leaader A- Brewn j

«ar of Poor, Wm. H. Sayre j .t'onat„ , Daniel SteaWe, Leamdw 1.-Lrowi .

•oandkaepen, Blmoa Miller, Jeff Ooretno*,Daytonl)itdwin,«. W.Pollard.B. Bi; Bond,aiabael Tren*; Cbae. W; Harper. ":•.,} \ •.'.: roor money, • * » f roads, «3.000., . ,1 ! - --/. •

Tlie HsdlwQ borocib' e lwtbn was alao boldthe same day, : A'onion; ticket -waa*.electedwltbont opppsitlon,' e i sept ColIeeUr, . lorwbiok Fred. B Daxdon, w h ^ r a o Infloptndent, beat Frank JJoms by 83 mtjorltj. ' ;' •

ton, ManiBB B. Crane, Kd ward Miller | Hay.or, Jas. P. Albrlabt; Cannollnieti, .JeremiibBaker, John U, Tunis; dm. of Appeila.FraiiDia Kltunn, Jaa. A. Webb, Willfam" J.DrltUn: Collator, Fred. B Bardon.

The whole Bepabllean ticket "waa >leo[edby great mej'orltlea.V'.The.aiBJorlty on, tootiokflt'waailff.and>Wmi :H. Qrlmea "beat.E.0 . Ball\fm treihbldwbyil iS .^KtboioiFreeholder (jitlnhy waa nvnaminated| for tbla•ffiee. In"order to glvo.hlm n.eb'ance fora.vlodioattoni but at thelait nloment be backedont> 'Tha townihlp ofllotre elected are as fel-

Townahip Clerk, Chirlee M.: Kitobell V Aa-Hior.Joaepb H. Butedoi C o l l w t o r S '

n l FMhldor

Ball, Geo:A.Bomaina( JnatleeaBlUisPesee,Goo, H. Lookfr, 8. B. Ultebell, Oserse P,Kltohell [ Constable, .Wnv, T. "• yVabb} Ove^sow*fPoor; GilbertL.Peer[ Poundkeepers,'Abnhan Toera, &. 0 . Yono*; W. U. Leonard.

Oae-fiftb ot one rer eenL on the taxablepropeny for road porposw; and all relit wot];a be Oone by faUet'elMtlona at tbe Honulostore, Parslppany, :and-»- '•—' - ' **---

LtJnis KnUhBrwaareeleetBd Freeholdu, boating,' Jsremlah; l layden by 131mBjoriij..:'^-^ '.••._-;vfy--.;-;_ ,;-i

i.--: .-.-';.•

'Township Oierk,:Tbeo.flmltb| Aueaior,Oaoar U n d i l e i ; Colltowr, .Wm; H. SmiibjFreehold.iv'Un'li.Httlj.berj^Coininltt

T^tefieerofthTspr.JobertiOo«V« Appiala, John P. Johuon, Sanne)Ortiaui, Euner lit boa t{ 8arT*yor«. BenjaBinnoble, BaJioel OIl.TerrOfliiUbleJ, Jamea A,H fl eatafT BIT Alien 1 y » r i Poud>


J. b Wl 1-enaok. WlUUm tc*ralar.Jf (3 QO r i

Tbe Demoorala made BO eppnltloa whever aad tbe straight Bspnblioao ticket,

twa, was e'eeted iiwnablp Cleik, Wa, V. Coorter, Jndge,

IT. T. Cortfinj loapeetor, Ssnatl Blowers tissesebr, Asa T. Cook; ColleoUr, Joba «IQlledze; CoumltUe. John Unak Uast les iOftbePe*or. John Capatlrk, Wm. N. Ooar-ter: Oiersser of Poor, Obrlitopher HlllertCoiaUbles. Olirlatopher Uiller, Frank Clau;Uom. or Appeal, H. fl. Bt.lt, P. U. Ksnouse,AuTlah Crane; Hsrvejora of Illjfaways,Daniel Peer, J. W.VwjPojne; Poandkaepers,H.E. VreeUnd. J. Vf. Vsa Poyue, CornellmVreelaod, Abr«m U«oli, John K or wood,Daniel Ptar, A. J. Whrtekead.

For towoBblp expenses, ilOOj for raadi

i a n ; tlantlODB st the hoiae of Wm. KanonnEontfllle. .- ' .

Tbe Aepoblicnn ticker, aa follows, waieleated without opposition';'

JoJgenf Kltolinn.HonoeFulls; Iaanrotorof IS'eottoo, Marshal Uasa 1 Towmhlp Glut.' pb W. Hnadlrj j Aea»aor. Alb»rt J. II

f Collector, Boraoe I i Cook [ ChosenFreeholder, Thomaa UriKfat] Jaetlee ol tbaPeso*. Albert 3. T l tnan , Townst- Ip Cvn.mlltw, Peool* )i • Dnffli, Ojrrara), Jacob Tat

John E. aBartVjoh^'Drs'iBltU, •Andrew**Oook i Sarveyors of Ulghvaj* Horaae C»ste-na»,Atanac»A.MBnlttiCoa>Uble>VVllllaa)Snltoo, (0 JC»TB); OTcraeor of Poor. CharlesAnkettoa. . . - . . .

Boail money, tl,000[ t lGOperdaj forhaod

' Thtre waa no oppoaltioa to the Democratict lcketand the following tswnshlp oUoars'wereehoaeni. . "•;;v":.v.l •;.;v'-.-'-:;.,;;'- ;-./•-•

Horthein DlsUlet—Judge, Wna.,Olrd[ In-pcqtdra/ Morria^liyier, VCbaa." b*rjeanj(

Bptuheni l>lst»i«-Jmige, ailsi^tlgbbomritors.Jtorsoo Datllea, Alfred 0 . Hanoi

"iewnshtp CJerk, Htow'srt Neighbour'i Ai-ieseor,^frank' M-'HwpbeBBi Colleotor, JBJ,

• bBnyi Freeholder, fillae W; I la iee i Com-u l « , tump botujkr-, Com, ol Appeals,

Wn^Uartley, John Hmthtti, B. W. Uance tBurvajora or Hi<hway«, John P*M, Jr., tt. 11.Bird | Overseer of 1'oor, Oeo.Si HOQ'IOBBJlon'aiab.B, Oeo- S.*:Uolfiiiaitt| Juttloe of tbe• • M I , ' I u a « P . , Horhrn. Wni. SfcLain,

line' llifff- iVoandkeepexa^ Wm, Walw,Ip'Bllker, Uiram Potty; JIB,'XbureWa. '

Koid taoney, W,80O| baatl Dn;ti>w, IL2S' " adand toeni.f&Hlpver'u'ejj'lowosu.u

iEa(a^XI; elcotioDB at tbo usual p'acef,

I D Morris towoiblptLu whole -UcmooratlIcketwaa eleeUtl by all aorU of aojutitles.jagcnaUorV,by reason ol bis a»J*jili;'tew laid 'to'be, numbered- among the fontibndredi,!:Tbs rolIowJn( are the townahip

T o , D . h i p C U i k / Clifford A. P*lrcbi)0ilor, T,' F. Clifiord (" Colleetor, Stephen);' PreeholdM, Eat*ne B. Burke; Com-

inltUe, V. F.'StnrgiBtOTereear oi 'the Poor,JobnB'fiBlI; Con* tab In, Fraqk Cole, JimcillecWort. Hiaha«l BlUwlij Com.M Appeals,S .rKasde lph , Angnatns Lonanntoln, a. P.Morion j •inrveyor*,b.F.rierat)n,GBorga Wrattle i remake*persy <J. C. Ball, Jamts D tlohiirK'nj'IIeDty Blr«r,P«triok OiiSia. Jimce

I in too, Uogb Kelle?, a J I . L-.d-.rlok. 'Forreadii.90,0001 poor,«300i townehlj

a nmeniilea mi eonriveiei Ibat nanally pre-vail among dewat people, althousb (bay maynot ooiooitle In tbelr political beliefs. BlaMtlonsipiliea.etl.Rt a political hatred la theonly roioof ooBda«t,thatbM eyer boon ableto pecetrato blBorsnlnta.b-tspsriy hepiotMte»Wbei,Dtmoout. Wet*j nnfortttnstely,', bioaaie no~ party evergained aiijht by the Sfflppoit of a nan who

ponies u oai»» Is that way. 2a Ibis »»p»othQiaphnt iapMtloularly naitj, IIu lioldait employers vrbp nay., hsppea te be Jto-

publicans aroaojoit.-tc. their irorknen andIrles to ereau dlioboteat tmoog their em.ployera. H" sues, however, no fault la em*pioyees who era Democrat*, bat wbo pay tbe

' oidppttlielrbuaiueuontbesame prlnclplea. •. Ida only ncoeiaary tbat tbeowners or uunuoriof a buslaea* corporationire Bfpablic*n* lu drav. out the vei

it wetK Jnhoiapbit ln«ert«J bla offen-ive proboiuia Into tho baa

Bui, by exhibiting bit grlei and lod,K.nsliontnat,thellat of dellcqueut tax payers

Itockaway towoihla should be publishedt h e S u . Aud'tUB gA,rciloBapedraen ofpjsniij-^a wor*o i&istlt In imiofw ooastruo.

tlon tban nny oMatrlo te aver pot upon tbe

—goes on to Initnnite that we may hare pab-ifaedthnllat ffithant suthDrlsitlon, la the

hope of obUtislDR paj from the UwnshlpIUBJB. . XhlB nbolpHliLadDuiBd brain bia

tie been liagftlDtc at tula the ftaltleitdamaging our bntlnws, and this Is a spec-

:en to abowhiB dirty rsnaor. No, yoaisplc*bleBOOondr«l,'waatcTer nay'be ourilitlos; we •• do. not do bnilnesa Ij V *

msthode ai yoo oanaalra 6f.(or do we t v to danis'gs tba hnalness Oflerpeoptt* who. are eagaged In the aameB of trade. - Johoaap>at,' far Initanoe, ob-

•au to tbe EBA tnbllibicg tlie llookawaylellnqaentabeeausBthe Itecord ppbllsfitdham. Nor tfa,laiueJJBboBipbatU,or p M .

rBiaes U> b . ,aml ly inteweUd ID the pnblloa-tlon ofthiiBceard. Vet ibe county antbor.Ulso otdorcd tbe'pbbltaation of the ooantyBUtemsot In thrt^psper, altUongh it was beingpublished. In-alx or BBven otkei- conatv

Why dldu't iebosBplikt object to It_ tho iitino gronndst'^be EHA nover bad

nuy thought of dolui s o . ' i t ia aatlattedwUbiUbueinesitiBd willing to let other peoplelire. ButUihsnetorfbaa any regard foriHBineia amflnltles, er} bnaiueaa saooeu. It

11 not ooBsezre them by having tbla aloer-id political ecab,: >ehosaphat, abamplonlngoanteattbeejpineeeriWooQtBmporaHes.

PerhBpa Jehoisphs.f«'employer oan affordhave him atart apoli(leal oroaade on bnal-


hUtoweeblp they bad a gVnoral-pactlian.fight. .At;tte DBtnooratto' oauouiPmnk H. Back beat William E. Rfngfor the?WehoIdernomInatIon by on» vote, whlobireftUd aaeh dlaaaUafactlon.that tin Indtpen-

a*nt ticket waa'pnt In the fluid; with Mr,Kingfor.Freehelder,'OhiahA,Beker. for Col-isator,and'Wn.:H.,YouDga lor Committee-« u ;Xn'lnb' eltoUou on Ta»»dayHng« u , ;Xnlnb etoUou on Ta»day.H.,nlabwad BneknBder by the trtmindoui m

UyloflOS, jindOhta.:A.B»J(8r, Bep..b*ff. Bt. qrwn. the old-'ireteraa DamoontOolUBtor, by ir mijorlty. TbetloBat'eltdtediM.follow»r->;-'-'.-:>v.--v :•<'••" ;-.--'• -""

i Port; Morris plitridtr^adgB, J« - O'ialhVan | InipeoWrt, OBO. Bunt, Aninat Aor-bHki OleikaJobnBnrin,.':, . .-, ,.. .-'.'•.Sueeaannpa PlBtrlet—JBdge, JOB. Liwnnoe

EbBpestora, Satoael B. O.Wlllett; Elite CnterOlnk.'/wT.'Otflud.,1 ' • : • , - ' • > - V ,l n k . / w T . O t f l u d . , . . : ,

Towt>Bhlp Clwk, 3M. V, Doiand j ,Tohn A. HonBill i.Golleator, Oh a*. A. H.kor;Preeholdir, Wm. K.'Klngj,Committee,'Jnd-ion Cook [ Con. of-Appealti'Oonrad Btn'mpf,Alfred E DaO«wp, Thea.K;-W«kUoB| S i vreyori * Peter.'Btnmpf, Jr., John .Bolteor,O renter of the Poor,* Wm. H, Green | Ponod-kHpers. Lewia D.,Oary, AlfndE DeOaap.

Towbip*xp»aM;taOO!po»rilOOiroii(),HvU).«1.60'p«r jlayforhandaad *3 per •* •<rteamon roadki;bonB{y OQ foxas, *" "iptlo'i«"(t tbn'na"-1 -*--—•

• 0 » l B S , i o . t b « trbobla InttaDemoaraUBciaous-aa' Icdept'ndtnt tlek'st wai atuted,"withHathaaSmbtonBfor Freabelder. la op-poeltibato JnnuFrost,' .bnt mi le work was.

one for U and it «raa sooft afeiadonBiI. - • -[-,. •Township Clerk, W, S. He vei l ; Aaaelaor,

ff. E. Young f Colleetor, OanrtfeB. SqnlerE<rMbold»r; J . i . M. Vtmt; Com. ol Appeals,T.rB, Wortmau, Stewart LuntraoB, GilbertBodlne; BorTeyOfi, Ohas. Ik Emm a as. P. BiPatryi Justloa of tha PauaVE.-fl. Pitnej:Uversoer of the Poor,. J.'.W.* VanandaleCommittee, E. M. Patroyf CpBaUblo, B. O,P a t r e y . - , - , ; / • . -.;.. , ; ' • - ; - : ' • ' " ' '•- '"'•.•:

Down la Ptqnsnnoo they had a high oldtime.- ItiaallegeU that the Bntler, orpopnlons end of the township/wiii not ia proper, rapressatatioa n n t i e Hipab]tlakeiat the oauotts of tbat party* Tbe ruallwaa,that the Bepabltoaii ticket was ;badljaataAdiheDemoorau'eleatei the Aawtaor,(Jolleotot and X iwbolder. • Ths Xoltowlngthe principal officers elected t " •"•"•:.1 -•"• •:' Tow&ahlp Ct«tk, Albert : t W V o r b e e * iOlerkot Eleetlon, Albsrt Van Vorbses i Jadgeof Klwtlon, Aostln Dortntu;.Xaspector ef- Hun, EdtTard-aioderei'ABaeisoE, John.„ !r*[ Collector, JtaaeI'Wstil I 1'reeholdor,Qeo.1 B. ObanibeM [ *" " "D<ma«ifc';/.v'-.-'."!.:'••'

A moat aingalftr phase.In;.tnaFreeloideraleetlons WSJ .that,the Mgnlkr Samoeratifl

ina nemlaee i n H o x b n r j township'deleaUd by Mr. W. 8 . King aa an Indcident DemDoraUi/A'odhlitJs.fAnoiher sot-pilae waa the loss of a JUpubilBiw Fieeboldn

betveon two **)&•*** ol UID towaablp.Tbe it&mocraUUiti* u l u «o» I'reaholderJncrrate tbelr tB»j«rity la tbs Baari . 'nfmoerf elect are a i foil J*S ; ,

Uttmtou~&. A Backer, 12.*Obatham-Jobd H Tm>U, D.Cheater—James Frost, S.

Jefferson—rtumaa Brigtt, it,Mondhaoi—Wella k»wren«e, D.*StontfUle- Thea. J. htarkey, U*»i>, OliT.-JoLnD.DBdJ. D.Uorris—Eugene «. Eorkt, J> •Paasaltv-Lotus Kauber .D *l'tqa»Bfl«»—O». U. C n i m W i , D. .Bandolnb-OeorKe PJenpn, I).*Uoekaw*y-Willlam<IIll, D •K^bnry-Wui , B . K1»K, D .*WMblngtoP-Silaa W. Bancc, D.Demoiratal l l Bepobllctna i; •tealeoted.

JIHOUFHAT ZOBEA.Jeboaaphat Koike Is aa cenr his n

we know «nd lloakaway is bis sbjd lag place.Nature appears te hare been io a fimood when hows* created, for she gave hf«

proportion), withhe mtkesbituielf wpsolallj(.STtrDaiyeby keep-Ing It conalsntly Inaerted in tbeother rejpla. Wneie be was adoeaUd w<

>t Jcao r, bnt si« operations a B K kChata«oiRtnetajUeffitwhweaiBaa'flb _

lie In U s ability to oonviuo<~ dollar ooat is wort;

Oix, and tiiat Us ba»li.*sa: liral U a thief, oi_ woioo, 'Ithas ever been noticed that

people of thi* olasa an ' ao\ alHloled wllb abrun natttr," and ttiis faot ms!

thereaemblanoe laVJebouphat Koika a

Tre paucity o i g'rswr tamtUr within tbe skullof Jehosaphathasaever led him to dli

The Baotet Offldal g a l b t Camini.Farther oonferenoea pf the LegUlatlfe Utltlteform Committee bare been &«ld tbiaeck over tbe new law praaented by BonaWrerli, \ht dftTerenoe btiag OB tbe qneaUoo

f dlitrlbntlngthe bailoU before the elsoUoiThe Htfpnblio*n membera wanted to ke«pteae ballots within the pollIng-platM anddd It would bo a lmut BMICW to pain aoy11 tbat did net provide for tbla. The Dem-

3or»tio membera took tbe vinw i t t forth byQov.AbbtU. T L y d b l tbe unfair lollUurate joUn to compel them

Acknowledge their Ignoraooe to the eleo-OD oOloerB and aak walaiattoe la auktug

tbelr ballaU, when they oouia bare thfa doieob better mi htmie by frleoda or relative!,t rathar tban bo pot in |ne poeltlajlog or imperilling the B*llet-Ilefonn

illl BettMtora W»U And HaDonald and As-)\m and Hnllaoa,


pp jdgothnt. We only, deelre to abow hew tbli

faldB-bDundpbipietanp'tVe Ktm that- thoeeof* differing politloil^altn• airauot to be toUej4(»d even la: CBilwtw.ifairt, .-W.^r, not

iiint of eT^itavlnfldone him" "an; irjurjW e tee Mtlilaotioii- of knowing tbat

'«'were nVrw^c^^PTM'w^h^liitfiiut wenow tbat IQ.till.ootmtrT.tiere »re d««ot,

wlf-reapeotlBitneii o( all p»rtl»«, who believethat baalaeia alpald nit. be'eonfined to pw-'lUini ilnoa, f«iy.w*\flri|lr^beiievevthat' Ulahoeaphat keeps' tfau ptlnejpla going to willlad it a boonjeranj tbat will ,'eone back toIID and liijare'bl'W'Woraa tban anybody elaV.in will, make •klmeelf BO affdoalve>by raanlpgmtleeia'on p*rtl»n mithode [tba't no Intelll-i«ntp«.»on ijf »»y.pMtj wlUwentMhave•ny bnilncaa relatloni with b<m,; Htep it op,Jeboi)pbataodMe»hefBTog|anJ -'j; :

Y. M. <

OU'B Christian Associations of Hew Jeney'KSD In Dover oa WedneicUj a,(t«noen. Inle ereaiog a poblio meeting w u held In tbe

Cirat i l / B . Choroh, wMoh waa largely at-tended. HtaUHeoreUryD. F. U o n praaided

idaddreisea were made by tho GeoretariuBalem, Vlnelacd, Jersw City and Trenton,

.pon tbe methods of condooting AuoflUtlonsid the auccest*! attandlog the vork, Ur.

3.J . Cluk,'tbB new GeneralSeoretary forDover, also made a very pleasant and Inter*eitiag addi-CBB. The oonferonoes related to

outlaws appertalolog to the work of tbsSeoretarlee. Abont twenty-flvs were pieaeot

sre saterlal&ed. by the people of theThB Y. M. V, A, BUte Convention

agan In Motrlttown yesteidajr and will oon*lone over Hnoday. Mr. Dwi |ht hi JBOody,

- • • • _ • • • - <lUip«ftk t»-Igbt and to-morrow mofolng. ,' .

• » >»> a» ' . . ' •

' A Case tn foint.nolling or'glrlag away of liquor on

iteoflon day la an opea violation ol law, yetHiBoarrteu on in D o « r at sleollons withbarely any preteue of aeareoy. -The atreeu

filled wltb, drunken nian, and t b e oon-Dt peioMsIon to aud frtfui ulsiwa where

lijuor Is deslt oni, in baroa u d tleewhere,all U B H a ooBaplele g i n away. The

it ia that people^-talk ttoaparaata a great

':•.[.: UooHTow,"H, J^ Mareb, nth, 1890.lo'TUB Bmros « . T n ^ I o o i r ^ * ! ..i.1-'''1 •;

D I A B Bi»?—1 wlen uTpreseht > few IteminnteteatIDrogiirdto|he family{blatory ofi. Gea. Anthonyi ODeof enr^newly eleeted

vUoH'cjrthe P«a4«,>nd who,la aha > nailmtnaf«ct»wr:'<>f,tbU ptaoo. • aCc.'Aatlionj

u Lorn lii ;¥uiaflbaaatti, of old ColonialitMk.*J QlagtaBdratl.tr, Iitael Ao.thony,w*a[«Uc4 e f . thePoa« .a .L DeigUtoni Brlitol3ountj, If MtaonBietti," for many je»r«f"aoddr. AnthoDy ttaa In. hla powBialoti tbe reoorJiif t t e trlaW, dooWoii, t\o., ol hia grand-father. HI* father waa alas a! JiiBtJoe of tbeP b f l H t t h T > f T\ > t ,

iniftte,'now a large.olty.v Jlrl An-gnyabiother/ec-llJeruaaBuijVlBtbQny,hoiaoneol Bottou'e"leadingbnelatia mm,

end oni of the moat prominent TUtuooratlopolltiolaoa, (• n o * a id baa been for aome time

Justice of ifco PeaoK Tfarea'genaraUopolding, tha aaeae offlela! pbalMonlf ln^«

k U i * % A d ! W ^ O i i b * h'glad tx>

d r t h

! , r w , ;s'good Hflpabtlca.n, Is xavn

bi^img x» ir , g flpca.n, Is xavntnndarthutiaDta tbaali^erirerii ejected

ahigbofllo*. ' , ' * -; "J;BITIBBIDB

.";ra«Be i. Lodge.)!(o.r144J T1 ' O ; > . f. .

Death, tha :great-:deetroyen baeUkflafrouiiMBiing'tt* l i t bwibw; H t n r jThoDae, e trita: haaband,'» kind father, atnapright alti»on' and a worthy member ofourorderj bolt• "'.• ";•-•'.•£•;•:,: - -.'•:;•.BOLVK Tbat Citliana Hiodge, No. 141,1.

rti N J t d tbO. O. T.i a t Rortawayi N, J., eitend to tnewidow and1 eblldren the ilaoero. sjmpstliyaid t n e klndneas tbey so sorely aeed In thisthelrgnetalHloUoB. -,"- ,..:-->: : • ; . ; • •

UuoLVBD, TnatM perpBtatte aod^honoi-tbe name of osr dear<~depBrt«d brother, ourlojgeTOona b« draped In mourning. - ;.-•>. v

BBsotvKO,'That in order-to lartber beattoibaUto the deoeasat. anfi :toikUmDUt«>llnisn to live llv«s of rittUB, aobrlf ty and ln<Ufrity, thess rtsolntloni be pnbltahed In'our

" " ' papere..-'-i'--;.'v-. ' - J . ':'•••:::•••''•'•••'•,';•'"""

SOLVID, Furthermore,,that as a token_ . . i eam^ei ipyof tbase resolutions before

warded ta tbe. bereaved family. ! ". .

: A w W B e .. Orrllle Gardner, on« one ol the neit notedpagtilsU and tbagta'ia the United. BUtee, willUll Lfaiaiory; af hla wonderlnl past life, to-g«tber wltb Ike biitorj of hla eon version anderangelletlo.-'Work, In;Bcker '.Opera Ilonae,nut -Wedneaday etenlaij.- Tt» uftttec hMbeen arranged by hU lrtenda, and the emailJadmtasjonfeeioitwcitjoenUwill b*chargedto provide for the needs o t U s e W enfeebledold man/who baa found a home -with frit odeat'bover.V The hbasB should ba; filled wltb•;miiaVhVsingandIrie&dty Uoe*.1.'-"•'•• ;

• , .-•• • ; . 'V. JhtY.V.B.O;S.y - , • . . • •

TbB aaooal meeting of the Ycapg'reoplo1

Booloty olChristUu EideaTorof tae DovePreibytBiian Charoh was held on.Honda]evening. '•. 'The report! all showed that theOutlet? IB In a floBriahlBg eendttlon, snd thatUnowbuaneBabenihlp oflSo;:: T h e u a e l

spjiolnted' for, tbB workthe ourreni'-yur and the follgwluj offloeneLeeted t i Prtafcttnt, liivrud U 1'eUy ) VioePresideoi, Fred. F. Baarlag; = BeoordlngSeuretary, Mlaa Qrau Goe't'TMsannr, Fred

HomaatAt tne tiqn.» ot undd »«le of torws In

BoBoasnnna on • Wednsaday fourteen headware disposed of. Ur.T.q.Bnlloek boughta vary HOB large brawn teira for 1100. Mifil«b*nlOt>anipIltibaBiht.U.a Doo l . j ro»4team that llr. W,•-B, Oollla afaonlil havebonghi. The pries was IMO, and they promisetolaoTosMln v*iii»lnJu>. O&aaplln'i handa.

Tboonlj"ganu^'BrewiU^i TaiJot-inadeT o a « n t » . U a t H . Hi&m'a Be*

An Imvoitant idwftl HHttog;.The anbual aeeliiig fer Dover school 4

trlor/fi called tobebeld at tbe publle sokibuildlni. on Tneadar erenlug unit , HarohISth, 1890. The meeting tbla year aaproportions of nousasliioporUaoe. Tbe peo-ple will b« eskfld to vote *3,Bt» for neeefwry

>naes, sad1 a preposition to inoreasB thiberof TmBtMA from tfarw to six wlls op. Tbe still nore important %o<ilarnlDgoarscbpcl faoilitlM willalio biIdered. This meeting should not be OBI

lor tbB satisfaction of persoml gnlt&tB,tbe sratiUeation or personal aubitiona.Sboaldiny on« go abetil ttin pluoe trj.Dg towork up bootuv for pernonal candidate* tbey•hould b» promptly diioooraged, Oor^iboolintereits are too g n a t to be made a bone olcontention for peraaial preferences. The re*apeotable, aammaa-eeu.se people o( Dai•bonld meet in an unbiased spirit, witbotrttbelr nlcda filled with Strife oicr oaudldates,•nd be ready to calmly dlsenss iba greatnMda ot tbe dlatrlot at this tlno—to selectanbatanllal oitlBnna for Truatee*. without ret-

o faeliana< and to iutellReutlyaot upon tbo apparent neoMsltyf

trd lobool fa?lll(lta. L-t DS for once g, net w engage In oontnversy oier can

didate*, bat with tho sole ussire l o oonearvotosluUrestaof the dfatriot and tfaecomfai

nd InUileiitaal IraprovemtDt of the ohil J »i o attend our publlo school. Tben ttie ba»IMI will be plesssntty tianasated, and al

will feel bettor than, if they engaged in aturbulent wriuglo over a Truatee election.

It may be well to remind th« ladiei ot the>WD tbat tbiy ate eligible to vote at tbilfaool meeting, and tbatthey*u«aUa eligible

to election M Trustees. Tbey recently tookiterest in oar sonool affalra by the pro-

lenUtlon of a flag to tbe district and we haved t h l r sohool

a r i byaohooL

t would certainly have a refiningd doubtloaa be prod active ol batter reaulla.

in doubt that their presenou at osost logs would LA lie»*lilj wuluthoab wbo hate a real Interest in thi

j3eni4Pratln m

\ H a , tfi, wlllnarw to nmend. the, a t t

alll ao thtt oQUl«l bullQU wilt not be din-

p. E. Good it b u been appointed postmastera*Hea;r-er Keck.

llr. and H r * B- H. kioUurdy, of llotrliPlstns, are In ilextoo.

Uitalle&rietUAllt, of BooQtun.ts'.•Ddslu UonueotloutDavid Leonard wat laid up a week with thi

grippe, but I i o j t again.lllaa Ida CrefRhton will leave Hoi

abortly for a trip ta EaroptvUajor Deooott his tuen ipADdlog some

d u i at his old uouio lu Swoex.Eagsne Ctrr^ll baa b«en appolaUd u Ti

ta» of Ibe aiorrtnlowD l>'(r«u*ti'a relief fund..Id friend '• Bert " 1!»!.DJ- W H aleoUd

Vill»j[* Tro.lre of South Orao(» oa Tuesday.Mr. Wm. II, Tflaklflfc. cf Pert Oiaw, Use

ecu appointed a Batarj Pultlio by Qov.bt*tLA Paul aobarff, a rnspooted reiidrnt oi

Lsdlxos, died last Friday e ran log ftliitgbfisesee.llr. Alirfd Sully liae breo elMted a nir*Pto

nf tae New to ik . Boujut.bkom et WesterniUflroad.

Col- B. M. Stitea, of UorHatawn, Is Improv-ing In health and eapoots ison to retnro to

Prinolpal C F . Meriill will ape*k at a-reusnUtlon at tbe Tabor ulstrlot iEh:olnuiBtblneveD.iii.Clarence 11, Wood, formtrl? of Marridow

haa beetieleolad HnnrttMry of tho ChamberClominaroa. Biattle, Wsafa.

Air. O. W. Lamb b u returned from Oranga> Diver, where h» will look alter I ho intereUirf tt>B lirtropoMao ini .Co.Jolio £. Taylor, of Horrlettwo, hsa beeileoled prtaldeot of tho Horrla oounty branchI the SUte ObttritiM Aid Assaolatioo.The father of BoperioUodeut It flu* out., . .

IO 11. & K. rail [Did, li upwards of GO yearsE •(« nnd atlll on Jay* uicBltent hftftUb.ElderDau.nl Uriant, of ironla, mxr in Mi

)xb year, bas been fII from tbe grippe, bae are gild to know ba ta getting bettor.Mil. Sexton, a worthy lady of Chester, died

m Tneedsy nlgbt. Funeral Batoiday aftar-loen, at one o'oloek, ia the CongregationalDhomn.

Her. C, D. Potter, of Drew Seminary; b uueen appointed paaMr ol the tfetbodlatUiiutobeaat Aabary and West Portal, Hunter-on eonnty.lira. Collea, of tforrlatown, Is g l n o g _

toaru oC leotares Hoadaj ot each week atOaatle Point. HobobeB, the mansion of th<StAvetia fsmily, . ,

The Towusblp ComtnltUs has appointedi'Ullam Pollard Cterk pro tern till tbey meettutt Tnetdtty, wfcen Oleikcleot U n a willik« tbe position.Mr, W. J. llrooe, formetly of Dover, and

late Beoretary to Ben tor (Jewell, baa been ap-pointed Gink uf tho U. 0. Donate Commitlee

Down at Tnnton tbey eometlmec addreaaBBemblyintiu Hale, of 8u*aoi, aa " jUr; I laj ,"Hi Dontot Weru gata letieta addreaudITnria, Wurli, W i n and WirU.Ker, B,. Vanliorne will retire from aotireirkin the »owack SI. K C o u f . r c w thisrlDg and vllt balid v, flno rtcldcnce at(Millie, where he will rngldtuier. Ctt B. L u i u , o l LNitt Oram, went toiw*tk on tUondsr of last weeic. While

there be w u uken aa ill that he wa* not »bl<tu reuob homo tilt Wedauduy of tbts week,

Mr. II. II. Ulmat»d a id iliie AI-U<1« O,m-itead, of Uorrlitoirrn, bare left tut •> visit to

iWeBtlodUa. Al Trinidad tbey will bea gueata ot Uovtiruor General tilr Ueury- w l o r . • • - • . • . • ' • •

Ancustos 8. Drjant, of Iroula, baa takeiellaatlon olttookludpeilutbestoreofXliL

r, ltiohsrdo Co. JJ. 11. Hummer, l»w book-per, t«kus the place vioated by JohniesB« ia t&e oBioe. of Ur. Hlobarde,

l i v e atotk in Haw Jersty.In tbe report of tbe statfitioian, Depart-ieat of Agr.oi>lti<rc>_ ai Waaljlngton, jottuaed, the'number of miloh cows In

Jersej la set down at 1S3.4B3, Hew Jareeybeing 25tt atneng' the States and Tarritorlosia the nnnbftr of flows owned.

Tbe average price of mllob OOWB IB 1)33,1*,bile the average in Mow Jeney la KH.47,tng iho nert bl*lie»t o[ anj Bute t,t Terr)-ry, Washington Territory being first wltbaverage prloe of $35.80. In the average

valne of oxen this (State sUada flrst wllh(18.93, Keir York being 'second wlW »24.Urtbs aTeraie for the oonutry being |15.31,Sow Jeraey atasda flrjl In tbe average valueif ber sheep, namely, HM, the general .rer ,

deal, hot BO no have the oourags or will tbe pains to prevent. Illegality, Pt'te Drory

d other anUwuHdi laloon ketpera^ areen'y vlolaling the lair all around u wltk'tany hlnJraaoe 'Item, t taptranu peapla,it w o n l d o * U V w a h a d n o Betnee.; The

llegal sale .wenld gVtight onj. »ad no'oneroald have , ths oonnage to atop 'it,VThe

bottble U that B»et paopls- eoiflaa a l l theirWiiperuoe efforts to talk. l a th i . oonditloaof^pbll snlimsak all' nassaana to aappreea

woald be weree than fotll*. - - -

•Uto OMTWUam ef t ie T. m . 0. A .The One Hsaipn of the Stale OoaTMtioa of

Yonag Men's CkrUtian. Aieoalatlea offew Jsney , opened is theBoolh Street; Prea-

rlanChorobof Horrlitown, 1M6 night.Henry Spelloejer. D. D . t ol Jersej City,

oaks tbe addreii. rrogramttee living the'[all deUlla el Ibe work baTe been dreolated.CU»—Friday—evening B. I i U»6uy, theivaogelltt, will.give two eddreaKB,oneinthei'lrat PreabjterUn Church »t 8 o'siook,. and

iheUetbodiatCbnrob'kt 8:13/ Admiiaioaboth ohnrcbei is by ticket only. On Bttur-

day Hr.Hoady laadatbe devotionalezeralasath*6oatb Street; P»abjlerlsn >Chnroh,; atJO A. M., and bs alao makea 'ait address atKM., In the l a n e ohuroh. TbB farewellleetinjt will alao be in tfatt clinroa: a t B. P.. .Bnndsy, .

1. '••' :•'.; .'' '::.'/'• . ".. '-.-

'- ; • icnjortbiHeteluttoB. . : .Tbe I W iorMj Society of the SiinB of tlte

low Ksvolatlon .hate deoidtd to oele-irate tb« annlveraary of the bittle of Spring'i ldonJnneaSdnext , aod have appointed

;he {oilowinx eooaulttee lor that purpose jJoha J. Habbeli, CbalrmiQ} Hon. Qoorge AHalsey. Cept, A. H, Uatthein. George St.Howe, and Ilenrr E, Batfield, Seoretary. Allpeitons'whsae aneeitors took psrt In thisneraoratle. battle, OT ID any battle of tbiRevoiatloBary War, oan become members o(his aoclety, or osd altend tfala dinner b r » P :

'jtog ts l lr . II. li . HstBeld, No. U Qllletiel s j ) o , N s w a t t . • • • . " . - • - • ' . . • - • ' • • V ' - ' j ;

1' - , - • .

' - Sale Simry tttU la Baanwa; .:.Tbe nepMtable people of.- Mine Hill aUll

oonplala to tu that Pete Drory still earriuonhlanefarioBa and Illegal ;traffla. in thatplate to thi) dbgaat and anaoyanoe of the

eeoDtdtineue' They tell ua thet ho haa anorgan, orgHetu and oonoertlna for mualo,permttsgamlnglo hii p lwo and Mile India.oHmloately to ftdalu and mlnora, I I B doas

ot area pay a (tovemment tax for the t>rtr<ligbCWp beUeve to la'andsr Indletme&t.u d l t Is ai ( h a i u to !tha eenuty aaiboritleathat h e o p e i l j and flagraitly aefle#"tbe lawin Ibe Tay he dees. - ; " Y \

•. , Hev.Tati.rCCemaor. -fie*. Mwttn,.0'Co«norr son of Ur. Martii

O'Ooncor, of Mewark, ionnerly of Boooton,baa town •ppolntsd by Bishop Bpanldlng, p wtor of tha Cathedral, at Peoria, 111, FatherO'Connor »>ent bla boyhood dayaln Boot ton•nd was cdaoatad by B«v. Father. O am hivlllo. Us baa itlleda ptuaber of Importaoipoiltions in the ahnreb, among otbara tbat oiBUbop'i SHretary.. Bo la abont 30 y e a n olage and'hls rapid advaneement la an exet]tloa,'bat dne to his excellent qualities .mind a id »«art.-Bu»etio« .: , ' •

. -Thwa'avAaMDiattmaHntarr.The Hover Y- H. C. A. baa asoured for Be*

etary the servleea of Mr. Orour J. Clark, •Clinton, K.Y., who WM formerly PhyaloiDirector In Madlioe yolverelly at Hamilton,H Y lb i id

yy ,^ gymnasium waa patronised

by 800 membera. EB waa atio ScareUry ofthoY.H. C A . i l Uatteawan lor two yean.Heia a trained, athlete u wailaa familiar wilMwolatlon work, and his coming bare Is sinpldbnaof nooeia.._ : :

; AnlfofriiidsdfimnBr.Uetbodist people >ave baen quite ezeroiw

this week over a lepcrt pnbllsted in tpapers to the effect that DlabopBowmaD,tbt Mtthodltt Episoapml Cbnrob, baa bedepoaed ffom > hla position by the oth<BIthops,for varinns offeno*s." The reportwithout tenth, snd doubtleaa ansBirom Ibi£aet':tliat.soother Bishop Bo win in, of thiEtangdloal Cbnrcb, h u b e e n depoaed for

. StovMatBednesdPrlaet.Ton can bay-a Parlor Stove, Cook, Stovi

T B A n i e a t a v e i y low price for the ndars, u I want to. mtke roooi for a y fipting•teck. AU Plomblng Work, Tin Rroollngeto.daae at the lowest priiwa. Call or addressIvy mail. D. 8 . i l lo» , Dover, H. J.

T H TkrUa I t a u i Xeatar I

fkfktu, te»> TaUv, a, J,

non* or Ton jcauaWAici.



March 15th, '90,THE FIWEST STOCK OF

SPRING CLOTHINGver seen in Northern New Jersey. It isnow being manufactured expressly

for them and will be on sale atthe above date.

PIERSON & CO.,i s t . . .la Ibe average prloe ol hoge tbe State

itaadailxtn. wiiban average or$8,18, againstbgeaeral average of «4.7a, U tutvaltve ol

bonea. New Jersey ooonpiea founh plw*,'HVaii average of I108.U, this being allgbtlyleeeaad by the aveiaie piloee in Maasaofau-tta, -Bhode latana) and Conaeotlont the

;aaafalaverage being 108.84.-;-"*, .^".V^:t t isi {p tomtug to •boow that in males New

sney aUnda away, ahead of all tho BUte*Territories, with an aferage yalna ut

ilii.85,.. The general average for theeoanUy

We wonder if the 111-wiU that baa froien outB Ice nen will really blow any good to the

[ee Buonina uumraotnrmt . That a treatmediate dBvelopmtnt of their boslaeaa willaUuoeiUlfiu But l f tUa lndaees then to

largely Ifareas* their plante they may flndthe Investment rulnoni la the end, u two or

reayears of good oro|n of natttralloe wouldnock them oat. ,Aa'd the ohapter of ohaaeea

teaohaa tbat an all winter vaostlon by JaekFrost nay not oeenr agalo, sit t a u t " all allibore/'ln hatf a oentury. TJie loe bnalniaa la

uulqiJB one," and cannot beooodnctlveioaaanqall atnte of mind wltb those. engagai

ThsIfJwsrkIL R OoafsreaM,- The tblrtftbird Bastion of tbe How*1* An-

nual Conferanoeoftne-lfetbodlBC EpfaoopalCharoh will be held io the Ceoteoary Church,Newark, beginning on Tbnraday, April 3d.JUhop>Mewn.fta, one "oi the nt»)y elected31abopa, will praelde, The eesslon will lie of

ire than ordinary interest, beoanae of thein* limit, aijd the oonieqaent unoertMntyat hiiijti over t in uptwlntnixnt*, a ii»a*i :*vital tntenat to both the ohurehes and tha

miDlatera. There are likely to be a antnbeof chenges, and in the aajutmsnt.of tbe iork,•one sot apprehended. '.-. '...; ••••. .

•; • . . . • . • S e v e r e l y B u n t e d . .-•

ObarUy Allen went ontln lroat ofthaatonof bla father onBlaokwell street on Wedne*

y morning to flllnp a hols in the Segitone«hont-a& "on, hltebfag post wlta l asolder. Bat tbsre WBB probably aome mols*tare In the hole, for tbe molten metal flew tfward and struck'bin in tbe fsoe. soldtrinina eye shut and burning him In . variona

plseea. A prompt application of propernmedlea r*1iera4 hlaa and falB faolal btaaty1B in no danger of beln g permanently d

• FasUr Tlin s Mils a KiooU. -'Another fast railroad n n waa made May. At Iltltt o'oloek a broker eailsd at th»

Beading Railroad offloe In FhlUdelphla to airang* for a speeial train to carry aaveral hmdradakareaof atoek'to Hew York. Withlfifteen mlnutea Assistant General finperintan-dent Jloniauo had everything ready for tbo•tart, sod tne ruhto Jersey City, nlnetymilei,was msde In elghty-flve minaei. Tblc li Baldto he tfc« fuUat ran w m mule between' Phiadelpbla'and Jersey City. ' , ' ' . '

• • . AlhnwdBtuk. ,EdwardThewpMu.ol I!..klngri3Be,lo.t

dnok some time laat KeTflmber. but hsd iIdea where or how it bad gont, nnUl a ftdays ago bs beard a weak quaking closetheboai", and on looking abont diaoorendthe aame duck In the olstern. It Isaappoaedthe dnek bad gone nnder the placn and find-ing a& cpeaiog la the oUtora and teeiig tbftwater went for a dive »n4 ooaldn't g«tIt waa very poor, other wsya all rl(ht.

' lawsPropOHlby Sanator Warta.Senator Weru's bill to logaliie aid valldi

oasee ol of aiaignment whareby lnidvertenfallnre has been made to comply, with tinprovIatsBS of u l Bot paaied In 1888 « uwithout objsotlona jeaterday. Another of llr,

' d l l Tp ^ p y

Btruot and operate street railways alteroeivlng pflrmlaslon from the looal sutborlti

Btwk t in BUaaau.T w « t r eaaa of- trout fry frem the Bti

fishery have Jnat been shipped to the WaUGap aatl otter potnia ntmx by. There »nM,000jonogtwnt ln the loL The workstocking wlU be flnUbed by June 1st. I tostitnatei that by that date 1,500,000 yo<trout wlU have, boea dUtribnlod imonjvarioos atreantB la Northern New Jeraey.

; .The gnialfst read uteelEttg sver wltneued

atHlbemlawasheld tbeW ;e«t«idaT aft«noon.? Tbe people tBi-ntiloutln feree andres«mbled an old fsablooed town mMUKo less tban 233 votes were palled fax thioandfdstea. Of tbVsa Harry Mntebto,eelved BI, Thoe. Ueaila, 71 and Jae. BranBla

lasaat* »HT»T»*TlsaUif Oarcs.t l t t U S f f l






XX Camphor Cream

XX Camphor Cream.

XX Camph-r Crram.



) F P . THJE BANK, Dover, N.J.



3 The Syracuse Sleol Beam Chilled Plow.

thTquLlftlcthatrlnnRnuid It to ncry ranter. To UM It l.toba -i«rf. Tlo coir nrlto, AthuMt. <MI JUM rin> maoafaa.

area. Bend for CatalcpM. - .







AT TUB 8TOBK OP ' . '..' '

WM. H. BAKER,. Cor. Blackwell and Warren Sts.,

DOVER, N . J .

-i- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:•

s i^KS^sSi iOT^^;^ ;^

Page 4: (TIFFANY & ALLEN STEAM BOTTLING WOMCARPET …test.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/1890/1890-03-14.pdf · Itendlng our TOling eystenj. But it ltokl is one vilal Xeatuto



BTtUIOLK FOB 3IIE u m W » "*' E f ' r 3

Avoiding to tbe t tu iMI" J'Jflt P ° w i t > l i c a

by the American Iran ai il SUtt Arwcclation,more puddling fnnuci.«, rollitiR mills hmiing [UIUOGQP, open bturtli Rtotl furniioe^olo ,am being built nl tbo present Ilnio ib-nii v--i

th< J l \V .

greater uted of ibiui. A fornii.l.Uoaildlin also bring niftdo lo ILe iiuaitwr of WB-1fumncos, 27 b t i ig in jirocim of cri-clion Q:compared wiUiim iu 1887.

It in lint lo l>e MiplHiKti that, whuAmcriua Ei. iu a pnsllioti to Bupplj h.tr ou tmiiiittiDeiitB ol Inth irou nud htwl, | " oduction will only bo cur i td lo ibis ICT.I.Nothing can Lo more certain than tout tAuurifiiM. lrt,t olid utecl rollers will, wbthat time comes, turtinvnr to find outlitla fIheir tuperiluous jiroductB mtbcr than rtatupdown their furnicw, nnJ it is probably ilview of thin cuutii g. ucj ihut <ff..rifiore uu\bflDR utinile in tlja ULiud ii'uie-—and oppurenUy not wiiboul Home aurnssf—to creata oonimercinl league among oil the republicsof Ibe American Continent on the basis ofreciprocity ID their dealings with one anolher. Apart, bowtver, from fcuoli coDuiderationa as Hebe, it in cotlaiu itiat America foraoaotiino p«*t linn been lukiugour fitoeldIrou iiiiiDutacluri B iu connfantly diaiiulnbiugquantities, atid that, a* far us theso commodiiics are concerned, tho Unilid State,will, in a fow n'croyciuii, ocwio lo count ftan iunortQut murkit fur ibU inirlluiiluclass of Ilrltli.li gocd-i. lo |ii« iron. booi»»bjilei plaits, /ailroad material, nawratgUlalecl, steel railo, ecrup Iron. ni.d many ibproduota our cinorla to America lmve withinthe past fow jrnro largely cUelintd, so iBO, Indeed, Hint we nro uouipo!l«l to aoknovledge that I ho import ance of the U iStales BHnnmrkit rorlhuftrtiolos r-nmiurnlidla rather cuiffKOruti-d, Ilniigli the fiction wildiubtleBHfmrvivu for n little while longerNor Is it In the leail d^gren liki-ly that Ihfuture will alter (bo elluntionia this respect,for it mubt be homo ID mind that Iho AniirioaiiBaro not only crcatly iwprovk'g bat ro-duoing tbe coat of ihi lr processes of munifaoture, and Iliat, although wagon nre millfiflnaldeinbly Inwtr litre than In tho UnitedBlulcF, tbls advantage, fur the r;aBon moiltioned, h not so great aa it may neetu.

We art), thtreforu, forced lo oouoludo thatjust as in the cuo of crude irou, Bteol, uncoortaia descripiloLU of unaufaotared Ironthe United BUtua will shortly be oompli Ul jind<>peu(let>t or w \a olbcr rr^,,uU. Tbdlmailtet—valunbla QB it uudonbtedly was tiua few years since—ia becoming of lose imporfnnoo to us day by day. Proteotiouvbloh it waa thought wouli only iupodothe progrosa of tbo American iron iodiihas proved to bn tbo very " rook of Its eaWalion," and, niuob ai wo may regret tho resultlor own lake, ibq American people, It mustbe admitted, have showu a mocb fcconer eppKoiatlon of what was csaoullal to Ibeir pi agress than our own dcotriualreB would biwilling to admit. When tbo time, howevercornea vhtm tho Auierlo^u Iron and ateemaonfaolnrers will ba forced to look fuimarkets abroad Protection will help IhetnbntlitUe. Thin Quriuiiiiy U alrtady fiodlugout to tier ooet, nud tbo Rama expertnndoDbtedly awai:n Iho United Hlntes. Bolong aa produelloii linrcly tfjimln tho hoiconsumption tbo American Iton and a ledinduitrica will oonlioue (o Oouiisb nndar Ibieilaiting regime, but no longer. Alreadyproduction promisca to txeoed oontmoiptliin B Terr Bhort time, and when that point iareached America will LSTO to alter, perhapsentirely recast, her whole fiscal system,Until then there will bo a steady growth iiAmerican iron and steel production, charac-terised by great prosperity for both mastersHad workmen. I t will be otherwise wheiforeign markets become a necessity for thoUnited Btnt<», an Ibty aro for us at thepresent moment. Meanwhile It behooves usto glrecgtuen onr position wherever wo CUD,and to loae no opportunity of opening upfresh fields for our own superabundantenergy and tnlerpriso.—From (he LondonIron and Coal Tnapa Itevlew, Jan. SI.


An Old-Time Novel with Well-Known Features,

Among t h s FlylnB Folk*—Usvlcea Vhl»llave Moon Fruely U.rd liy lVrlton

or tlio llaiiiptril Ruliool orl-lctlt.ii.

How mnny of tho novel readers otto-day know tiny thing about 'TotorWllklns?" Yet It Is In all prolmbilltya fact that ninety por cont. of thosesarao novol renders 1ms enjoyed manyof tbo vory dtrvkes of flution wblchwarn original In "Peter WllkLns,'1 andwhich linvo boon usod by Riiior ling-gord. Edgar Allon Poo, tbo anonymotiiauthors of "Under the Auroras" and"Tho Strango Wanuwript Found inCoppor Cylinder," and flomo half dozenother loan known wrltt.ru and tjooka.

"I'etor "Wllklna" was wrltlun BOino-wbcronl)outUioy«ij'-ir50, nays the ("anFrancIocoCkronlults and wan published"almost nnonymouttly, tbo only clow totho ldontity of tho writer bolng thealgnaturo "It. I1." to tbo dedicationThis dedication, by tho way, was to1

Elluilwth, Countess of Northumbor-land, that BMIIO patron to whom Percydedicated his "RciliijtinN" and Gold-smith tho-flret'prlntcdcopy offals "Ed-win and'Angelina.". - .

Tho tltlo-pago ot tho book sjat forththat It contained tho life and adventuresof I'otor Wllkitis, a CornMiman, "Bo-latino; particularly His Shluwrpnic neartbo South Palo, Ms wonderful-PauAgothro' a flubtorvnnooua Cuvem into akind of Now World; Ills thoro me<vtli „•with a Clawry or flying- woman, whosoLlfo ho preserved and afterwards mar-ried nor; hi* extraordinary conveyanceto tho country of Gluma and OawrysorMonanaWoniim that fly. LlkawiaooDescription of this atrango Country,with tho Laws, Customs and Manners ofIts Inhabitanta. and the Author's ro-markablo TransaotioiiB amonff them.1

Ibo bo?k was published, in two amallTolumOB and wait illustrated with eovomlquaint "CuU, clearly and distinctlyroproaentlngtbo structure andMeohan-lam of Ibo Wintrs of tho Glums andGawrys, and tho Manner In which thoyuso thorn, cither to nwim or fly."

It was not until 18JW tbat thonanwof tbe author was found out, and thanit w u by accident and not as tho resulthi any inquiry. In . tho year mon-itoned a London printer named NicolBO'A a number of books and manuscriptsIn his possession which had onoa'be!jlonffcd to Dodiloy, tho publisher, and•when lhi«iio waro being catalogued thu

• original ogroomont for tho Bale of tho^manuscript waa brought to light.DFrom this document It appeared that

. tho author was railed Robert Paltook,or Poltook, and that ho received for tho

. .copyright twenty pounds storiing,-twelve copies of tho book and proof im-preulonBof tho Uliuttratlons. This, tbo

. probability [from bin nanio) tbat tho• writer, llko bis hero, was of Cornish

oriffln, and tho supposition that thoBobort Paltock burled at Itymo Church.Dorsetshire, In 17(17, was tho Rants man

, Is absolutely all thut Is known of thoauthor of thin ingenious romanceWith tho literary uiun of his day hoteems to havo bad no Intercourse*, andnot a flinglo mention of him id to hofound among his contemporaries. Astbo result of a diligent inquiry, A. IL

. Ballon states that, so far as ho could-: find, the Monthly Rcriow was tnV only

. journal la which thn book was noticed,«nd in that it was dismissed as "a voryatrango porformnnco Indeed." ThatPaltock should havo chosen Clement'sInn as , a placo of residence,saya Mr. ' Bullon, Is nob sur-prising;. ' - I t / , still Iteepa some-ihiag of i t s prlatlno repose; tho sun-

: dial Is still supported lijr tho negroRpoltan of by Cbarlos Lamb; tho grass

. ' huno t los t i t s verdure, and on Augustevenings tha planu-trooa' leaves ffllnt

-golden In tho Bun as they did at tho'time of Coleridge.

• OnomayJalUlhcartliocMnieBatmia-nlgntas Falfitafl and Justico Shallowheard them of old. ITero, whore only amuffled jnunnur oomos from tlio work-a-

day world, a man in iho last century GREAT CLOSING OUT SALE 1might have dreamed awny bbj liltlonely an IVtor "Wllklns himself. "Om

t he aiulablo reelputting hla hymt ly r o m a n w amtd BII<Biirroiiridin£S. IVi-liups It was tho ol a l o r o r h i s l l / o . Hu may tiavuuumuthu inn urlglnally witli tli« aspirationtnuking faiuo and money; and then tbo

" lolst.ored calm turned hli•ulgur pa ths , nnd hiatoud c

losing- hia lino f . t l in^a and bWulUiia; tli,nks uf tlio plulourutii, lit) gavo ua.arnilntr romunco for our ilrcaido.Slighted though Hit) ln>ok was at tlioluiM.nta iiiipcamui'O i t found lover*jro UTid tlici'*.! and was not forgotten

A new edit ion upi,cured In 1783 andagain in tlie fallowing .V".r. 11 wtm In-cluded In tho edit ion ut "1'opultir Ho

ill 1612 ami published Bcpn


rntaly, with bauio cliarminjr plates byytothnrd in IBlti. In 17tW a Frpnolruntslatlon ujipuurod under tlio tltlo o'Les lluiinnva Volants, on U s Avon

turps do 1'k'rro WIlkliiB," and in 1707 iGorumn translaUun wan puhliHliiul bavin[j for tltlo "Die IUL^OIIIIL'II Mt'iisahunotler Muiidnrlinm Heguliciilnlton PeteWllklim.*' (!*>li?rldgu adiiilri'd iboboolccalling It u work ot i.iuHtiiinitm beautyBoutbcy called l'ulluck's wlugwl p«opl"thoinoHtlH-aiitlfulcrraturcH of iiniigInatlon tbat ever woro doviHoa."

Hir Walter Kcatt onterlaiiied a warnliking for tho work} tho story wasfavorite with Clmrlca Lamb; and LolglHunteouincd novor to tiro of dificouraing about its leuntloH. NotwitlistundIng all this, tho book ia almost <known in this country, and a roci"History of Fiction," piililUlioil in NowVork, dors not ovon mention i t I t inonly with In tliopasb fow woeka tbnthas appeared on tiioaholvea uf a loc^library und, as wns unid at tho cora-moncemont, our novol readers know 1'not. Hut tho hook lma lioon known t-novol writerH, us wns also just now eald,and us will bo now fthown.

After a iiiimljLT of minor nilvnnttiroFitter Wllkins, who liad been obliged tiBblp fnim England as a common sailoris K-Fcuknd upon a rock down within tinAntarctic cirolo, against which rook tinvcusol had been dri*wn by an lrrosistiblicurrent. Luuvlnjr ili'j TUBS^IIH ulioi.1hoeturta tOL-klr!, tho rock, wbon ho 1quaked undnr it, nnd down a onvorn, nnisver a waterfall, nnd through a horror3f blaoknoss, and then out inU tbo lightind a lovely lalto, bordorcd with wood"and meadow land. Hero Potcr lives isort of liobinuou CTUBOO llfo until hoi:joined by a (lying woman, who hud bookInjured in a flight over tlio placo. Sho

Is a charming companion, and they anmarried and Uvo happily together lic-uldo tbo litllo luke.

After somo yours Youwarkeo, tho wife,dooidoB to visit her father, nnd findswhen sho docs so thivt tlio appcaranoo ohor huabanft was tho subject ot an oliprophecy, Its further burden beinp thaho Bbould dolivor tbo kingdom, owhich Youwarkoo Is a uubjeut, from tboattacks of a revolting chloftaiiL Ac-cordingly Potor Wllkins is sout for aniloarrlod to tho turontunud kingdomwhich ho, of course, Bavcu, tlio obiuf en-gines at dofon8olM)lngftrcaruJ3 proourodfrom tho ship. Ho finds tho (lying poo-plapoaooful andgontlo folks, notglvoato aruol idolatrous customs, and thatthoy livo in cities hollowed out of rookiandean not bear the sunlight. Thoirrook-hown homes uro lit with glow-worms inclosed In crystal globes sot intho ceiling, while somo of tho homes,notably tho King's palncc, aro magnlfl-oont constructions of mammoth propoitlonB and carved into a bowlldorlng su<cession of chamber*, pillars, halls, al-coves, etc Among this people Wllklnslives until ho becomes an old man,teaching tbo Oluma ani Qnwrlcs hisown religion, and learning from thenmuch that is valuable and strange.

Many of thoao, tho obiof points of tbistory, havo doubtless already bcon rcc-ognlxod hy the j'oufiir ns old friends.Tho uhasm through h-» iuount&iiiu hasbooomo aoceptt'd by a dozen authors aithn reoogniced muans of coiumunlcatlon botwoon tho known and tho un-known worlds. Haggard uses It ii"Allan Qunturmaln," and so doos PooIn his "Strango Narrative of J . GordonPyra." This latter, by tho by, Is a rco-ord of what was soon and dono withintho Antartlo cirolo ,nnd so prosonta a:otlior point of rcaomblanuo. In "Undi _tho Auroras," BO id to l>o written by aaAmerican author, playwright and jour-nalist, tho Toltus livo in houses and.palaces cut out of tbo solid oliff, manyof tho halls being "grand in dimensionsanil magnificent beyond description,"and alllit by some hidden sourco of illu-

ilnatlon. Instcud of tho clastic "graun-duo" or wings of tho fljinff peoplo, thoToltus aro oorcrcd with a tbin dross ofsilken floss, nnd in "Under tho Auroras"as In "Potor Wilklns," ono of tho mostitfrrlng Incidents la tho subjugation of

a robellioua mco by tho visitor fromwithout, aided by Hi

Hut tbo most rcinarkublo claim oCsimilarities Is that which runs through"Tho Stranpo MS. Found In a Coppo:Cylinder." Tbo thwitcr of action ii

•ithin tbo regions of tho South Polo,nd access to tt is gauiod by a ci

which runs through tho rocky h&rriorlying between whut lms boon tllscovorodmd wha*. is only drcumtd of. Througli

thid cavern tbo narraUir is swopt byi torrent which runs along an "unpaF-illolod abyna" nnd is tho "very" black-

ness of blacknoag," nnd out into a nowrid with green fluids and grov«s.

Tho race thut ho ilndH liitanelf amidlives In rook-hown cities, wboroin arcsplondld far-roachlnp halls lit in soraipeculiar way fmnitlio root. - Thon, too,this raco own not bcur tho light, andwbilo it docs not 11 y It keeps trainedflying monsters a» animals ol locomo-tion.

But it Is not as tbo troosuro-houso ofIdeas which other v.riuirs havo diligent-ly nought out that "Potor Wllklns" iaalono valuable. I t Is a charming bookto read in tho coxy comfort of arm-chair,lamp, flro "and slip pom. Without anygreat Jitorary prolonston, amusingBonictlnios because of its ahsoluto sim-plicity, It is novertholoss n romanoo

hoso originality, wholesome morality•.nd tho toauty of 1(9 principal ohar-icUirs warrant It a plauu among thoitandard volumes ot our language.

It VTm.n-t II Clinnjo of Heart.Mamo— Why, only last lvook you said

that nothing yuur father and motho/oouia say would overmako you marryEobBobbott, and now you've enffogedyourself to him. Why did you do il?

Lou-I t was Bomotblnff It«b«ald hiu-solf. IIo hadn't nuked mo lastweok.—Puok. . .

nralthfal WrathUoes-Tho twM wcathor scorns to

ngroo with your relations.Oerk—Er-how is that?Boss—Tou don't havo any deaths in

your family ainca the boll season uover.—life.

-~~«* Is this dUToronco bottvnon aoookbindor and a dotcclive, one n>oorers torn books nnd tho other recoversstolen onos.

GOING OUT OF BUSINESSIwo ihoiieiiid tk'LUrn wortii of DryGoida,

Oil Clulli, fc dlnm. Mci H, (JriC* Hnti

(Jrit rue and l«<n><« ami blK'C*. HntiLcr Him-B, fft'omrckutHiiUUir U.iiis l a lu-ii &«d UMH. Ai.u HU'I'ILift'lu-rlioul*- liKntl-nmOr, nil li'»" "liiu in-t.M 1 L i i ' , Mm c«', CIIUIIIKII'II tud Il.»v»'

v tJLi..^, b<-luw con!. A lot otifit» vilui'. AIJI(!O Nu.urtmiril

,f Oil "1'iiiiiMtijj*. Criii-licry niul (ijumiirt,CuNirv 1'tiiw»rp. Wutidi-uiriri;. t-TUiVKF.Fl'-

iftu s JMO 1!*MIAI!«-DU >un ivirh tol i l l l b i l c u riulil

1 tii

l L

lot K

ytiil'ini: nnl u u : iri--t, VFBYj OSE-H LI" ITS VALl'li. Siv l lL- out auction ,al.i HiltUII 1HI.

l d f I


able.-, MJU.IIH. ).lc!nn«. luii'iihon, oi.i;r.i.-.yJtillciy, and inaiiy tilingi lu.j NUUicr;ti4 t"r.['ntu,n. Hi.l.< lo cuiini. Lrc i t 12 oViuck H,

j l t r p . Ti:nm CA-U. Thueo nwtiif mo tc-o<inuiti i ro f'[HPfteil to bttilo luu rurac I)JM rob lOili, fur a'ter tlmt ilaio thev trill beIITCU cut fur oulluuliou, ti. Fill IT"

Jlonirt Bt , Uuvcr, tA. JDDdOH COK, AimtJuiu-cr.





Material for Fancy Work!A IIAKGAIN IN







- A N D -



B elock<d with tho beak of everything In ihcic

llcei, nml t>olil nt IMtiu prices. Gall mid c u m .

luomy tlockiiud pricon. All goods delivered

any v&rt of tho tn.vn at slioit uotloc.




BTHINOS of all idnGs



WILCOX & BERRY,(inconaoBM TO U. V. B. lEiiuifa,)


IJOVKK, K. J.»ni,ipeoifl;«tioDB f(ir bui dloRB,oontmotnD and tuiteriilt) fDrolahcd.

Jolibfnp prouiiitly ntteniled to.BLATE H0OF9—ffu Inrnlsh Qrat-olits Bhte

ted put ou aUte morn by good mrohauics.~ okcis' WifftiliiHK l»pt r tittaijson hMi'd.

Qce fttid eliop Oor. or Dl»ciwcll and Bcr-

THE lGth

New Jersey Business College,7S4&73BBBOAD

ukBopi'mnl with luoteftsed no inborn, ahovingtLe popnltir rerdlot in rclurcpoo to tho charaotor of tho CCIIORO.

TOUDR P«»OUB aeekloR a 1'r»elio«l BrwlnosBilucatlou Blioald HT»U IhemieUei of tbe oppflrtuuitv presenteil. and color tho College atmco, borore oierv aviiltble seat ia oooanlod.

Ootme in Uuniucse Stndieu, KliDrthand.TjpeTriUBR, Gorman aud DrawiDR. "•

Tlio N. J . Statfl Fair Rr.ntod this Oollcga n t prMniuuH far rrofoBsloual tvnd BtuUont*.Orn»racDt»l l'enannuliip, Pen Dranlug andStndBnt'H Book-teeplng. Xho only Collegewearing prr fflitimj.

Vtite or call tar tha flnesl CIIIIOROO eonbltiibed b j tho Oollcce.

0 T, MTTiLEIl. Frlcnlrni

PRIVATE SALE.navinfr decided to boanr ilnrlnn tho Sprtiift

attl Hammer, and not liti-innr alongo lar all ofmy h no it'll old Roods. I thill offer % part ofihem \t priTHe safe for two weeit, Thoroodi to bD sold ooDBlBt ot 1 anti bedroom init,1 UIRO bnreaa, 1 bed lounge, 3rooking clinlrs,1 marule topoeotro table, stair carpet, (i-rni-*el»), bniivela oirpot, ingraia carpet, maltluR,1 l*rRo BtoTo, donl.ie hi-Her, 1 ranfte, lianftlaRlimp, window ahudoi, olmiri, extBiialoa Ublc,(19 foot), orocktry, RliBiiware, and kttobantomtls too nnmernim to mention. All t'ooilnot Bold bv tl.uol, 23il. wIII bo aoli on tbat . t irntpubllo auction, coramenelnK at SbVlockP.U. Quods may bo eccn at tny place of roil-Otnco on Morns (trout.



Dyspepsia,Sold by all Druggists,

THOS. JOHNSON,nd dealer In

.niallworklnUtblo»ml Granite.- All workif thn hsat orA«r and urloei reuonable,


HOUSE FOR RENT.A newly arnnftcil hoaso of rii ioomi OB

Park Aienne. Will ho roadj for oceapaneyb t April HI. Apply i t


HOUSE WANTED.A bomo of kix or aeron room*, la a Rood

locality and convenient!* ananged. A homowith iriDcdaot witar prefsrred. Arp'y to

H. V. TDTTLE * Co.,, Dlokorioti BU, Doitr, N. J .


Billon jtl*oJUlJlUO Wil

Onlhopremiioi, Bliokwoll Hi.,Dover, N . J .

r tny jawoiry atoro, PiatElr. Apply toLIUS HAIItnOUHB, -

A mm of morioy. The owner can have tli«naenpou proving It and paling for adrcr*icmenl, by calling on

PATRICK CBOHIK.14-Sw p Booluway, N. J .

JOHN J. EOKHART,(OiooWMrtoBmlUiAKoaJurt,) '


AtrutitaJccn u a miUrUli rnrnlthrt for0CIX.OIMGS, BRIDGES.

vhtihatof BBIOK «i 8T0HX. -










Corliscrow ami Broad wnle iu bluck and UHT;hluc, frnn. t2.!W to $!).!)6, iocludes lLo

pun* filbeve and vest effdtt. Coloredand fancy Jackets for Lulics

and Mlefiiw. T H E LATIHTEFFECT* 1 PiuuEiJtiHT


LADIES' WllWB Ljy i)fl to |l2.fJB.

Present indication? Bliow that bead wra iwill be in great demaud this saaaou fojoDcg aud middle aped JudleH. Iu point oBljle and for [lie vaviug thut oau bo uiadf,our lino has no equul.

Alhaes' and Cuildron'fl JsokctF, Ileefeie,and Oretcheori. Every fdihioDnblo style.An immense nBsorttnuot In ronga of prloo tolucot (lie noodn of overy oue.


OUR PnBVfooH ltcconn KXOELI.BI> fllioorji AnHoiiiiiENTd A»D UsTTfiB VALUES


SUIPd- At 13.18, tH.OS, f3 it tu 17.18.rAMT.-t-At I3i-., flao., 71>o. arj>1 up.JBRHEJ BU11S in l'4nts atxl Kilt Halts In


LS.PLAUT&Oo.715, 717, & 719 Broad Bt,,

N K W A K I t , N J .Obsont C P. U. (Bilordnr ciacptcd.)




- . Kniuia la OoDgna*, Hatlan U L .

$3&$2SHOESut3iBf.•1,70 HIIOEFOH XI1BSES.

HBAOAN & Co.,DOVK.lt, N. J .


DOVER, If. J . '

|Wholeaal« u d ratail dealers and botUen

Soft atjml* /or JHUhntlne * . GJ 'S Celtbrat*Ktporl and lager Star, mtpplltd In any• quanliiy jrmn a box fo s w r toad,

Jnat reoBWod m aimpin lot of DalUntloD ItEDU'I India 1'alo wnd S S X Alo, wLIoli w6 patnrt ID plat and hall pint bottlfli aped&lly•4npt«d for hotel and family oae.




DR. EDWARD'S COUGH SYRUP.j« tnott itnoemfcl medfclno la QBS foi* Ooldi.Oongln, HnnrBono'i, . Atlhnia, Inflaecw,Broncbltir', WlmopitiR Ooucti, Cronp. and alldliMics or the Tbruu and hnuR*.

^IltTlDK mod Dr. Edward'i OOIRII 8,nmy fftrotly. I Qnd It a,n eiceUont rcm

.._• tbo dlectfoi It Is riHjomrooo'loil to canV. J . F.ellnKhnyieD, Rwitio. N. J."

" I can eheotaUy undo In tenoramendincDr. Edwards' Ttr , Wild Ohorry, and Nupthi— ;h Byrup, t i an efTwl'.TO remedy for pul-

iry diicaui, liaTluir imcd it in tu; family.-B«v. J u n t a A . H . Ooracll, New Baltimore,

r The l£o. size culamcd GD par coal.

ACor. Sussex and Blackwoll Sis.


PROVISIONSPlllsbury's Best.Viola and

Most Beautiful Brands

o f F l o u r , *••• "-.-;


Dot*> a i . IH'TILM too.ll aoa



H O U S E S A N D ROOM?' T O imyiV''-', ";•' •'

D,«maBCr L. D. sonwijiz.• s SU89SXSTBSBT.-^ ' '•''. '








Heerlft ami Fertilizers,


Bioyolci, TricrcloB, Flabing TBIVI* »nBpurUm«a'i Ooodn, Hoa»«T(coping QooiU

Agbs | for Morrii tnd tlio adjoiningOanntlcsof


Acme Uurrow, WIIPPI Cultirntorm Wa!tor A. tVond .Hoflert', KKDIKTB anUlntlorsf Horse ltakpa( Amerkun IlirTtilders, Lcrcr and 'f rend lloriw Vowera.



IIOIBT1IS<J KNUIiVES, duple:unrt rercisnble.

H, staud economical.

COKNIHU PUMPS, double osingle.

and small,UOKVJT nnd Xilght OUBIJURH in Iron, I)r*Dn,

ml I*lir,i)|.h»r Bronze, VftTRivgt of cvrry do-urlptifiQ i UOlTinim. horlcontXl. tubulesipWRllt.

The Equipment of Iro:Mines a specialty,



Insurance and ReaEstate Business


Oivll and Mininc: Enginflering,

Uarvejiog and nupplog. Tbo li»ndliDgof»[btndg of p roper I v, Dcgutiktlon or loina amoollectitiofl o) rand.

OFFIOE-Nationai Union Uauk' Balldlng.R.T. S K I T S . ORO. E. JKNIIK<


bt'EB itKTO tonouueo to tliemireailtrs of tlio I" t i t h

price* tliot wllnar-' ie them. DrcknrtUtri, tJtclawajt

Btuleton toil E*loy


Kiter, Sterling »nd Olileigo Oottaao OrcinpAa thene RBWIH i re well knann all ovor tinworld tlie; need no comment • •

Feter'i lOlilon ot Cliufotl Undo, UntilBoots and Bl.oct Muaio at Ithurtl dlaconalB,

Write to mo for clrooUn and Ret a ROClinen ttpa niewnro and boanttrnl cards free.

Store nt W o . A, JaekoonV IUBHUTBIlllaokwell street, Dover, N. J,

~ ' BEN. P. CRANK,. •••••• - D o v e r , N . J .

Box 66. . . ' • Mowlon, M. J .(51-Ora)


Or*FICF*d)olniDKthtDoTOtLQmberOoia-1 nanv'atnlll. Contract! tiken^indplinj,

nUhBd for bnUdUiRp,'; Jobtinft a8LATE BOOFINQ.

the beit qaarrleib;


Open all tha ywrl N«Uoo»l pttronagtl J)o»eonraa of btulaeu tralntDKl Leut •xiMniira jJmeandmone/I FlMsaoUitIonttonI Infant

b j moiiHBdi or jradaate* ana U« iMdlng b u lDuioenof tboBUI»aud DBUOD. Writs far o»«ofln» and ba eoarlodad,- X*ncat, ebttpMt an

b u t ahorUiand utA tjii-writlnit dipaitnant 1


8I0IAN.FITS CUREDBotUs of tnedldnvfree. W# warrant onr

rsmodT to cure the worst eaiei, and tbe onltbyiiolani who do thla to prennt jnnt beitmpoied opoo. by moD, nafng film ouaea at

who are oat doctors. IIMIIIM otlien failed•oreaaonrornot.fTBinR ibli tnedictnD. Qheipren and jxul-oRloo a3droia. It cuta vonoihlnK. AddrenABaholModkalBwean.aBrotdwar,Kaw York., . , , . . B8 I j



T ; J. BACKOFF, DOVER, N. J.,1 : : - 'vholeaaTadealer Ja



ANOI-HslFXDIVI-iOS.)in New Vork, loul ol B.irihy b t .

fo-jt i-fOurittiupbcrHt.WINTEH AltllASOEMP-NTH.

unuoliiB UUKDAY, OCT. 21*1, IBS


t eu ton l i t ' 1

rAtoott. 1

DOTIT Accom. 1!

nan TkjR.ll' !

rer Aoooni. j

Mith Eiprnsi ' I

'Via. Boon Ion Branch.



12:15 P2:410:658=41!


tt. 7;al A. u .\ B:00 "1 0:13 "1 11:48 "H. 1:1b F. u .

3:15 »• 6:25 "


io -as "11:63 "

4-B7 '"0:51 "0:50 "0:10 "

Arria Ol>TQ

0 : 3 3 A0:20

11:1019:25 P



LKAYH NEW YO11K VOR DOVER.At d:20, v:iV, 1:2i), D:UU*, 0:10, 10:10, A. u

VIM n., I.LHJ', 3:S0, i:30, i:iV, MO, T.W•8:1)0, B:00 mill 9:Ct* r. w.

•YJ». BUVQIOH B ratio a.

CHESTER BRANCH.hoard, tUalion*. Buiwa

V. II. I'.M. Ji.V. P.M. P.! JlilW 1-.ITJ Chreter 7;25 12:00 4:! 2;ST ti:Ci Uoriun 7:HJ li: 4 2I Wi U:ii) Iroula 7:37 12:13 4:31I a:17 QAt Kucci.auniift 7; 12 ]2;1B 4AiI '2:13 O:1U UoCuiusvllle 1AB 12:2a 4:5I 2:35 0:!!U Port Or am 7i53 IV; B0 6;1> U;30 0:27 Dover S:DO 13:35 5:Jia Uaokutttitofcu Zijircm Bloua Atn fjuiug Baytat li'iHA.M,; guiug Wai

Central Railroad of Now Jerse.

In NKH Vont, TootLEAVE,

t iowarf t . . . , , . . .EluabutlijDuund Uroofc...

0»fifon...VVorooyMiddle Vftlloy..Uormanv-.Iloy.NhBfrbrlght....UarUey.-

of Liberty St., Worth rliIIP THAIHS.

A,If. t.K.P.M, T.U. t. . i 00 B.UI i.BO ;

, 7 80 I n n3.104.16 600

&6S4A5 0.176.20 e.43s.oa IO.SOB,1C l0.il8.26 10.60B.8S 10X78.S8 11.11fl.l* 11.058.*o ll.ca8.G8 11.118.68 11.159.0111.1RV?W.07 U.S.: 4.150.11 ll.ia IY.Wo.is n,aa i.is9.23 11.40 i.SS

7.04 t?^

A.H.A.M.A.H.F.X.r.aerman7all^- . . , . .L. 7.S0B.UQ ll.oul.EO 0.ChwiturFiHxacc..... 7.43B.47 11.104.10 0,Ohwter 7.47 6.6B 11.101.45 7.'

HmiBiTi O»Lr~ai>nii*ti Vnlloy 8:t7 p. iOhostcr PnrDBCA 6:57 V, U,l Ohcator 0;0ap.


1'ort Otim ,Hupktoong Jano,.,Konril ,Dr&kojTfUo ..,Otry'a ,

Hartley ,.*.'.'.'.'.'.*.*.'HaughrlKhtaormanVftllny...Middle V*lleyVorooy....OallfonHlffh BridneirrliBnand Brook....Bllcabetb

TrenUn '..


. 0.85 J.2Q 0.10 5.45

. G.4S 1.28 S.4G 6.118.17 1.32 S.62 B.69

1E0 003

,.. fl.Ctf. 7.04

:, ':!,",. 7.10

. . ?.ai. . 7.81. 7.SB .,. 7.89>e 7.69

a4th&0liettnntitintbiRdOroen.<•••' 0i69New York 9.80

i t .ei COO f C4.04 0.1 H 15.

il ia r>.2i'£1,16 6 »9 %*,aio.87c

6.4S8.1S16.is B.BRe.cc B,M0*,3010.116.16 8.24 0.

ObeRt«r.*...^Leave7.0S 8,18 10.88 4.10 0OheKterFornacft - 7.10 6.18 10.18 LIB 6Gorman YMIrj..Ar, 7.20 8.3B W.Bfl 4.2S 8.

BOMBATH Om.Tr—Cheater 6:16 p. w.j OheaUfcco 8:221, x.t Gorman V*lloj 8:83 r, K.

Tratm leave Dove* for Minn Link and LaiIlopateong 6.13, A. H.- 1.28, and B.B4 p. :" - a l l BUtions to DKden at 6.43 A. M.; 1.291.

-onveyanca* can be proonred at OarmiValley to and from Sohoole/e Monatalni^landers to and from Badtl^ IjoJto.'

Train leavlofr Kaakavav »t 8:40 r. si., ooiiectfl (or Ijonic llrannh, Ouwn Grove, iVo.EABTON CONNVfCTXOHr—Connectim

mmit, a t High Brid20 to aod from Vnaton.- II . P . BALDWIN,

O«D. Pua.Agi



Duplex AutomaticSteam Heaters,

Dttpto* Steam and Hot Water Hoatere. Ttiuare made of wrought holler Iron, have cop

in thr ' - s

All kind, or PlomWnjj, SOOBDK .nd ShootIronwork uli.t^lciry ciimnlri. I i ° i S IM Itaei Btotn and Hoi Air Pom .0,1 of „ „ .om .0,1

or r ,T iD..1,. iehhh'Ka fflStS

L*nip,, PtlntB, Olla. FilrOinl'. Boiler


Famtty and Medicinal Purposes.


inb»oir«rliijBje,.i,a olh,r WW.liu ftom

gin tromlO OIH.IOUKTnrioillwfnimwcu. to*3.00.

All btudU, from 11.11 lo (12 p o r B

*! will COUTIDDO jon tlfct I .'e!l ltl™ « i j irlioluilailanln a ,

gni-witood u

n tlfct Iailanln a , s S uIf S, SOBW1BZ.





teg- Bcnil tbi) following rcmnrkiibluiuk euro rrtiin nsiag Crescont Ham

It is made hy Mr. JOHN W. lionsho Lai I'CCP a member of ibe polii

Force for IUUUJ 5 ears in Newurk, anwho is DWW Doorkeeper nt Police Heal

KEWAHI, N. J. , March 10th, 1887.Oretcent Drug Company:

QENTLEMI/N ;~iui&i3 to certify tbatbuve persocally used j onr Orescent 8aieapunlla with great booeiit to inynellnml tbat my family, alter usiug botHood'aiiud kstcb' tiaradporilla wilboilobtuitiing nay buneflt from either, battaken teyeml bottlci of your OresceiSursoparillit. avU bavo heaa cured 0Blood Diaoitlera ol hag ttuuJiuK- I 001contcicutioDBlyBtatethutlcoasidtr youCrescent Snrsapurilla tuc best fumimedicine I Imvo ever aseJ or ICDOIVD t1 Eotitl 3011 this testimonial ps I tbfttho public ought lo knoft how good 30Dicdiciuc real I j is. Yiu inoy uso tlutlorcs you lliluk bcal; publish itllio uenspapersif you niau. I utu xsknown to a greet number of Neworbnnnd if noy of my ucquaiutoneoa feel ll

d of a good, nhoto ome mGdioiiiso tttein to UGO Oreteect Siireofaa

Youra rrsprolfolly,

JOHN W. WORSE,Wo. lOVJuuBt., Cil


is MutmetT of tlio W a t 1'ark StrcApurttuutit House, NOB. 17 and 10 WePiirk street, Neivaik. Kir Frillsinakithin Gtolenient vuluuturily :

Por Severn] years jnst my eialcr-ia lavMrs. Xonn Lannou, wbo lives in Antl<UT, Himtoiilnn Count;, New Jerscf, lmsuiTprcd grentlTwitl) iutljtnraatorTrbimuliBin unJ uiTVOiin ironblca, WLLiinally run intn Hi". VHna Oancp, HIwas rcguliirly atleiiilod and prtnoribfor b.v thu beat pbjbioiana who decidenfter a lonecoDrtoof trcuimcuU Unit bedweiiHu WUH incjrahle. Tbe doolors advised a clmuge of air nml residonBtatfuc that Ifiiiporary relief mightohlainpd.bf encli clitinge. but that meiioino could not do tier say good, JlrLinnoti IWt Anthony in tLooulumn}68O, nnd camoto Newark, aud tookher residence at my IIOUBC. At tbe tibcr feet uoa lirolis vero GO swollea nrbcumiliEui tbat she could tcdipo.j wallHer acrvoiiB coudillon WIB very bod, BESI. Vitas Danco cniiaod her to lwit<und ekabo uoiisldtilly. Aguu had n!dct ID, nod ODO omht foon after MiLIUCOU'B nnival elio nun Bufferingmuch tbat I deltriulnod to go to a tinstore and try ami not eoiue taedlciDO Irelievo bcr if possible. Tlie OroecoiDrug Sloro was I ha noarcnt sloro, andwont there, I lulkutl tlio patler oviwith the diugfiist, nod bo perauaduil uto buy a buttle of Crctccut gnrsapnrltlIn ordoria Bborteo lliia giulcment I wiBay tbat Mrp.'lanoou IIBCI! iourbottliof OreRoeut SirMuiinriltn. and witbitiiree ujonlbci she become a woll wotnaiSka went back to lier home, nnd she 1bud DO riilntn of her foiper dm-aso :tbo coutrnry, ebo iBin perfept bpftlth 0ecjpya life (for tbo Unit timo in meyean), witUoat imin nnd snfforing. A]ber frienila and rela'ivsa in Atilbon,were greatly surprised at ber rcooveiaoil can attest to tbo fuels in her caI consider ber euro almost a miragleFour huttlea of Ciesoetit Snrpaparillicured Mrj, LiDnon of InflamuatDt^Bbenoatimn, bt. Vitas Dance and ARDafter tier case bad been prononnothopeless nnd inoumWe by tbe best pb1

siciaosin Hanterdon county.

Mr. I . OlicnovcUi, oF tlio flrn of Obonowetb, Ward 4 Co., Nos. 371 and B7Market St., Newark, baa authorizedto make tbo fullnwing BtalomcDt for bi

Mr. Cbeuowetb bus for a uumberymis pnstevety Bprine been nffnolwith Blood Ditort'er, wbicli invnriabdeTotoped into Boils and IrritatinfEruptions of tbo Blsio. .Ho bas trieinnmerons rooaicmes and remodief, ipoluding IlouO'a SunaparKla aud AITISursnparilii!, but never rcccired any betfit or relief from tbplr qsp. sHe>beeiusiDg Orescent Bdraapnrilla earlyfthroli, 1S87, nnd at Ibo present JatApril 28tb, 1887, eajB be ie ttioronnblcored. Mr. Ohcaovetb will verily tbiata(6mcnt lo any person who win caupon binj nt bia placo of business, Ni371 nod 37S Market St., Newark, N . ;





1.1. l an iuam «lto T»u 100 doaei tm Mo,

M. UeuaMve print on the Ubol of tho bai

wen 7Bo. for other maket of Btriid uorat niuli) Patent • Modidnei ofo IDOW nothlnff when yon Sfn'pa

rcscerit Brag

'••'• HEWAKK,IT. J, ; -I' : ,

on BALE B T Dnudatara ETEmiffHEBF,

. '" Wo'rEB BOTTLE. " \--' ..-\"--.

•..; -NOW ON SALE AT •;.'vV^'" .

ob't KlllQore, Druggist, Dover.

I. R. SnyderiGrocep, Cluster.

SHERIFF'SHoiu* Ctn'oinv Ooper-OatidB

dish lAUmmtte. Pi. U. d» Jtontrint. Beiurntble to ~IB'O. . ., - J . H . I

Iit is


iLLKY, S, } . ,




Irpproved Florida Steam Heater

aoK, i t i u m * >i«m« Mpi"o «o«PA«r,


Tho beat ind molt oonplota E o n u Hettflrin Uiofforld. Many thoaatnda In aolaftl use,all Riling tbo beat Bauahollop.


H 1 U I P I » •= • ; . ' " •

Stoves, Tinware, Plumbing, 4c ,GEBMJN VALLEY, K, J .




t jibkUaontiim»,Hti«r«tofor*,•—-ntnodemeprloM. MynotMbu

Witxua B. - t u mI Tltt.e of IU. ,bc,e , u i l d w t | Jj 7f.ci.. m m; b. isa, I • bill expo,, tir

cluln and ttliy^everiTlnkiT^ tutioo ffi .iM •loog tfao wag norib efRbty-loor tndV»J1 '"Ilourtli* d*sn-et e*«t two clulni tnd eighty <

.Ini »nd fourteenllnki tohl'fl lino; Ui«noa (0j louci <>ut fifteen obaliTi Vo

o of lUd J b K KjcksWioQ I t b e o 110)lentil mt

ono-balf digrco* WMtontduuud foorto tlie edfie or the Wub BffU>D totDpllta rSdibenoo (ft) nor'ti netcntynln deoreeii • « .to tlie edfie or the Wub BffU>D tibenoo (ft) nor'ti netcnty-nlnn deronrobuni and nlntWttO-Hnki Wwn liuro»d J Ibeore (12) sUll aluns the Miao « ^t Bhlj-fl»o and one L.lf degreeB. wait ali -ebalns mud ono link i thence tlOUR tbo itm.{13) nottlj rigliB-ltiic* tefftwa WM" finSS"c"i»i»B»ndiwenly ittUnka | 0 » point In ullroad in uld HUITU'I i t d Trimmo '• Iiheaeo (W ftloig. tUi Hn6'nb,tb nmind ono-bilf (JcgrMB;«eat tweka bt

iiliDbali) hoplioe f b iobilf (JcgrMB;«eat twekaiiliDbali) hopljioe of begi

droQtbiacrejollaoamorBorltwenty — — , . v ,acrejoilaod.moreorlrHt. _ .

jidnntl piomliea oopvejed b i tObcdi*t> LktuurottB trom A. A. Bh&rp iml"itod Jnoob Bburp *nd wifo, dated DfioemberlB7B,«.ndno.v€tro«orda(l. . : . " f

Scoowo TB*OT I* boonaod and desorifwd ufollovi t Beginning t t a point in thoiautLernumu&ity lino oTllionifiuBi-ldj'Bllailrociitiia*wu liHiig ft ocruor of itaoh K.-Ndtialinabt'iand *n<l run* thioft* (1) ua th tm-nlr-iu it,treei «Bt flfttiteea obaiai tnd eighty tight.inki to & corner near tbe tarnnilio rotdillicnue (3) Buuib lorbr-nlue dfgicti wait u e Jtj-ooft ouiiQH and forty linlm to a heap ofitouoi. aotner.ta Bbarp'i and Triiumflt'i flat 1(LBUCO (8) nurlb tweuu-flKand ouelntrde.—ic» eaat tblrlr obalna anil neyeutj-flTO Uaki. . a cort.«r m iho aootlioro bounditj or iiidrailroad land | imaie (t) along Bald rallrawlline loQtu Bo-enty-Iliroe and onobalf drgiM4fait ono cUlti ana tttontj-tlirae link*; ttiean[S) -I; LK tho Hin,e loiitb filght^oteniod ccc.I151I itB'et$ tnit opeoluUn mdOfiy^ne llcli-lucnoOlOjalouR tbe itate lontU tiglily-lpoidrgrefa r u t on* chain toil fiitr-tbree Iln£>tlb(Di»(TjtloDir,tb&:ai.ma Math efglilv.dninud onu-utir dtgrcoB eaat one clialo ind'/orir* •

ml faS-ieyen Unka* tbenoo (10) Mill Z Rbo tamo Doitn elBhty-ronr and tbr e-lbnrlbaIf git o> can two t-balns and eljibtj-fonr bkiihoDCoaloup thp BIIIIB (II) nortli ololitr^nsand onchm dfgrocR-eiitelaien ctitni md,'ourttcu liakB to the pltoa of bcelnnlns, con.tainiBK forty-four ind twenty*«ii boDiltodtbi'aomoMtadYroore or. Jen,': Being Itio nm«land and-pmaton mnfejed'hy A. !.• Bbirn -noil wile and Jaoob fltiarp and IVUB to OtHdliii :Latoprette bj dtcd d*|ed'April 33], Ibid, ind.;not yet rocotdad* '• ' >-L ; 'v . ;;1 ••-••-. :•

IBIILD TBACT—Too third Iriot Ii boaniieJonall Biiloa by landiiwuloh-Uifef; bcltiustdioJacolj Welso, flece»«Ld,:and koown 11 ibeVtelae mill and Ii>t In Oennan \»llflj and eon-BlitinKof* ornl mill t n luw-n l l l , tocetherwith Uie utter rlRbtBRndmiU pondconoMtedIhotemlh *nfl eouIalDUJirabotH flttwn umof land, apart or TrJilohji'cotMt^lth^ter, -=be tsb atrae ipore or let!, V , T , ' /

TaipT foyni-Tna lonrtn iriot batbltibhBinoiDK at ailakB, pprpar (fl tbe Jondi atMorrli HangbrlKlit, and rnnnlug. tbonoo (11•oatb three and qna-btir deneer WBI| tlirr?ebal-<i apil. forty, lipki to • itiltB corner loNmobrlsbtlnlAnrenMflajiariliDtj Ibenei(2) along flaftara ti00 north •B?entj-*ii ud.--le-hilt degree! »«it three ehaln* and thirty.

Iwelra and onMiiJf;degreetlweit one ohau •.,and fourteen links to ft poit J tntoob (4) north \.vany-three tnd ooa-hilf deireei wwt IVD obilu zand Biz lintB to> lions [ Ifience 15) 001IU e.tbt 1and tnree-fonrlbi deareei weit leTfoty-fin iUnki lo •. atone 1 tbeoM (I) KJBUJ ilily-elcht ••!id one-ball damci weavflftj Unto toa •tobei',

aaod tna vaa im BBT •• they

Ter. All wotk.varrautBd aa soodBBd. A boilneii wjniienc* or nearly 90

H»wk»tUtowij wab]Dain«tor«r*r,lfBtc-to tkouand* for whota I bar* dona work,lfiitltT ta Iti nai l t . Tha nattitsl tattbyUledat pbont b.lf tha ratDB cbirsBdlDer oltieB TTMU gat for Uia paklau «

sftulyUledat pbont b.lf tha ratDB cbirsBdlDlamer oltieB. TTMU gat for Uia paklau « •

TMiioDoftbatMtii, AftwaBDM BiaftTBobBlow

Dr. Frooman hea been m j own and ft.fantlaL u iiaa ftr Oi» faculty and artoliravf tbe Inatitut* for the paat twelr* yeara. • I t• • great pleature toreoommeiid him M I

thorouBbly competent ami »liab!e tirotlat•HIT. Qao. H. Wmtgtit, D. D..

Prealdent Haokettatown ColltgiaU I H tMvacqnaioUiicewi thDrF

tnjaeU.ri- m a him.


led orer u. period of niBny yeara. ForielI,ramilyiiudpatroneIohPcrfQlIyreeom.id blm as a, esrerttl, thorough and relltbletut. „ JOHX s. COOK. M. D.,

_ _,.' BteketUtovii.Er.J.Dr. Freeman &M tbe pBtrontn of all onr

aallyofBmitba i t Wt.Wloc.abd i n irlibiln s » a t an«cen» In lili new field.


«i UiolistbtommantlaiTjon *'0 .0 sou aa Dorar. Slnoorolj* onri.

. B.W.Bo»£»ijui,D.D.»«. ?B«.iui!i-DearBlr: Ifthe nae .1ijnaw. l»oranybBnefltaaaretBrenoe,»oiir; ».'a,mo to o « It. 0. B.HlLSEir, H i).J ft » naai . f r Uoyer pegplo lor Wtom 1

SJ "" P toUI* * y

ilng, oontaiDing thriMonrtbt ofan-aowol ,ind ba tbe *tme mote or l*ii. ; The U«t In .0

deicrllied iraoU of land •era deeded hy Beatj 'Hllltrd.Caleb H.'Valenlico'and Aaron Ral»- acrtion, controlvilonento ObediabLttoantta;;.Had Henry Dorlintl. duted May S3d, 1801 *n4 ' .rcoorded iu llook £ 0, page! 196, ftd, and tba ',•wliolo premiiei are.now owned bj ob«JI»b{-jUgpretle ted Include tl|, tbo, land and pmn< )

lie* now med :and • ooocpied, br tbe iud ',Latnnrotte aa * mill ilte and mill (iwellinn. -•mueoand oatbnlldlDgi iltOatod in QartMR *Yilley,HotriBcconlj,'NpwJeilpf. '- ;- ,

** tbe Bansapropertr aa .flffpriM In* •r . n e from ,Ob(di»h jlVlonrplte and vlh "-

ID Willlim Oetliskflr, dated: Oolober 13,188JJ ".'•nd recordod In Book ¥ fl, pages 51C, Ac, of ;:

In Chancery of New Jersey.

LWeslev Sammis'MEAT


. No, 4,.Briok Blook, Dover; '•


ro Sarali' K. Bo|kclo>'; B*rftb;Ki;Ba1t,Dlrr'«.A. Stlnaltj-Plorenco•.!.-'GllderilVre, ind:(')tiflci E. ClideraleveJ Jr. v ''-''• -* ,•• * '

D Y vlitna of an order oftbe Coori 6t Chin-XS eery ol Htw Jottey, mada on (be d»j oftlto tinlo bctetii'. in *CTUFO ^Tliorcln JolmU.D. -liarnea: la 'CotoplafoiDt,,md jon indothers aro Ccfoadant*,-yoa tro rcqalred toappear tnd ploid, damur- or aniwcr lo tbaoampluDiui;'fi. bill, Q.D or beforo tho twelfthdu-of Harch noit, or'the Mld'blll will bnUken *• oonftaoed agtlnat yoo, v *

Tbi* aaid bill li-filfd for* tu« porpoas of prq.bnriDg a deoroo ot tbe>ald Com I ol ("lanwnto tho effect tbat i-cmatnsniorlni:ito'alliwdo liaro be«n-6l«n by tba laid John II. D.

Raraea io «ald Bairab M. llimea on a lot ofInd in the Towbthip of Cbetler, Morrit Cotm*tj, New Jeney.'dttod Jtnnarr 9tb, 1879, and

ffttoi,fu Book Ma, p. U36. Ac, to lecoreuoihoaaaud rtolJiri,. tojrelhtr Tltli tlo uoai -t jrioin named. luVa been. utliQed and tint ,»ld mortgage Woancalle'd anddliobtrgndof.raid rcwrd, «od to be io part ol tha tatileofaidS«rah U BBrne».:f^*^-;.' :7 ; ' : ^ ;

And you and uoh bt.yoa are QtRdo dewna*nta bccanat> it 11 allrnidin laid bil l"" ' """

.10 levrsMly-lnterf stpdjn'aald oatattoo u lu bond and motftiP">r- •'*•>:-' *•..fcilcdJ -— r '


Estate of CatharlnoEastor.


tbB lowut narket priee.ejpMlalMiantfonofth"


:h Uwmrrantftia lo>a better t o u Ba1

S 8 , ? " 1 ^ ^ " t h ^ W b T i i l who W•ait. Alwaya canbjjfoatd at BIT atow.

Estate of James H. King.; • ; : / •: dCCCOSCd.•••.•-1. ':•:•-.:

*DUBBUAHr to tbeorder of the BrrI f ot th« oonniy of.MorrH, made on itbirty-flrBC day of Deeim*ttA. D..oa» tboo-.Baud eight Lnndrad and slgatymne, notice Iihereby: tciwa? to j all- ponnlaY hiTiu? olalaiagklnBt the estate of OathariBoEttton, Itle oftGe Ooncty ot Mor^a, dooMted.to preMntthsMme ttudersath brafflrmaUon, to thu aobacrib*er.on orbofbro tfae'thlrty.firatdiayofBepteP;tor next, being nine nwn.b* from 'hedaUofaald order t and any 'creditor HBKleoUng,wbri In ana oihlblt hla: or her oUIrn, under

fflttlLh l l l l t f oany creditor HBKllblt hla: or her oUI

oathorifflrtdatton.wltLlntho tlmeullmltfiwill be forevar birrfd of hW or heraotlDitberofbr agatoii tie Admlnlitrator.

DBted tbe IDIrttflrat day of Drceipher A.

' : •;'!:•*. .;^.:'.:•'.-• >/,','^dinli.Iitrator.v ' 1 ' : ' ' " v ' i ^ ^ B o e k a w a y H

a, to preioat tb. urne, ander oathi'Hf* ' ° ! b " « * « ' » " . on or bitoroh dar of Sonnibn nV», .Mniriina I th d t f 2

fjlSSurne, ander oath nr' » " on or bit Ib

iar olalm. under oath or antnnanon withinlime BO limited, will borrowTbwSf S

aa3r"or,Tebrutry -A.5D.* one tbon-eight hnhdioa.fina-nli.Bty, notice »

herohy gi»on to" all peraoni-'banng.oww*waloit ihoeBUto or LOIDT YCDDK, '»'•o? the Odnntr or Morn., donated, to fre»£the Banie.nnder oath or*mro»Uon, to lleinb-aoriber.on or boforo tho flltb day ol Mo"™"her next, balog nine month.-|ro» ilie &tt-of Mid ordw i and any creditor neglectingto faring In and fihihit Ha or hrr.dalm. uidero*Ui or afflnnitton, within ths tlmeio lltnftfO'will b« foreTor barred of. hit or ber IOHOEberoforatialDit'tlieBxecntor.t"- ;•: ' . .Stted ths fifth HaVVof Fefarnar>J..D.lfl»* -

LSotlce It herthe tnbd(irib«it,der tbe Wlllofri O t 1

t" thVacooanl ofd T i t w « n o

of V"er tbe Wlllof OolnmhDi Beach; lale of V"r-it Oonnty, i1ee*Med;; vUL"iw dwdltad' and

Oooit, ia4 reporlidi for aottJeinf-ol on lOEB-DAY, ibetwoDlj-BiDlti dayof ADrilnezt

