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- THE NEW YORK HERALD Vol. UIh Ho. *1.W1mI« Ho. *SS*. NEW YORK, WEDNESDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 11, 1846. THE'NEW YORK HERALD. JAXB8 GORDON BENNETT, Proprietor. Circulation...Forty Thousand. DAILY HERALD.Mirny day. fries 1 *%SS Every Saturday.Price IK cent bis is advance. prises.always cash adrase PRINT* NO of all kinds exseated with beauty sad dea¬ ls be * All leasts or communications, by mail, addressed ts swill the eiubhilunsat, most b. post paid, or the postage Proprieter of the New Yobs Hbeald EsTaaiusHMSirr Netthwaet eoraer of Eel toe and Nassau > treats MAIL LINE FOR BOSTON. ROAD, VIA NEW LONDON, NORWICH + WORCESTER. At 7 o'clock in the Morning, from the Foot of Whitehall strost. South Kerry.Sundays excepted. Way Crates are in readiness to receive banana for New London, Norwich and Worcester. Baggage lor Bostonjtoee throash under lock. jult tire LUWU ISLAND RAILROAD UOMRANY. TRAINS RUN AS FOLLOWS, Commeocinf on Monday, September 13th, IMS. Leave New Yorii.At 7 o'clock, A M., Boston Train for Oreenpert, daily, Sundays excepted, stopping at Farmingdale and St. George's Manor. Leave Brooklyn.At MA.M .for farmingdale and intermedi¬ ate places, daily Snndaya excepted, and on Tuesdays, Thursdays sad Saturday., through to Greenportand intermediate placet. ~ id intermediate " " at I P. M., for Kermingdole an places, daily, Sundays excepted. Leave Greenport.Boston Train, at 4 o'clock, r. Mj or oa the arrival of the steamer from Norwich, daily. 8nndays excepted, stopping at St. George's Manor and Karmingdale. H " at9o'clock, A.M.; Accommodation Train, en Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Lesva Farmingdxle.For Brooklyn, at 6JK o'clock, A. M., and 1IfcM., daily, Sundays excepted. Leave Jamaica.For .Irooklyu, at 8 o'clock, A. M. aud IK f. M.,naily. Sundays excepted. Fere to Bedlord 8 esnti-'fcast Now York 18K; Race Coyne 18JK; ngCoarse 18V;,famaica 85; Brushvtlle JlK; Hyde Park Tract It m ,«s S7K; niowsville, (during session Con*.) J7K; Hempstead J7W: Branch VXiCvle Place 44; Weatbury 44; Hicksvilla 44; Karmingdnle.lfcK; Deer Park 88; Thompson 88; Suffolk Station 1 80; Lake Road Station 1 18JK; Medford Station IliKi Millville 1 50! St. Georgia's hfiior 1 UK; fitverhead 1 62k; Jamesport 1 62K; Mattetnck 1 68K; Cub ehogne 168K; southold 1 UK; Greenport, Acc a. train, 1 75; Greenport by Bostca Train 8 68. . , Stages are in readinem on the arrival of Trains at the several Stations, to take passengers at very lew Fares, to all para of the Baggage Crates will be in readiness at the foot ofWhitehall street, to reoeive Baggage for the several Trains, 18 minutes be¬ fore the hour ofstarting from the Brooklyn side. The Stmmc Statesman leavea Oreenpert for 8ag Harbor twine each day on the arrival of the Trains from Brooklyn, ofirn KOR ALBANY. VIA. NEW HAVEN. HARTFOED AND< LsnUNGFlKLD-Daily. (Bun-* ,i , excepted, at 6K A .... Paaiienger. take the fast and commodious .termers NEW YuR.t or CHAMPION, and arrive at Albany the a una even- isifr Arangements heve been mode to make the lie sure, and pamtiugerr i.su depend on arriving as advertised jsl lmrc BOS'iON STEAMERS. FOR HALIFAX AND LIVERPOOL. The British and North American Royal , Mail Steam Packet Ship CAMBRIA, C. H. £. Jndkini, Commander, will leave Boa- . ton for the above ports as follows, vix : CAMBRIA, C. H. K. Jndkini, Commander, oa Sunday, lit day of March,.1646. Passage to Liverpool $186 Pasvageto Halifax 86 For freight or passage, apply to D. BKIGHAM, Jr.. Agent, 6 Wall at. No Berth seenred until paid for. fl rre DRAFTS ON OREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND..Persons wishing to re¬ mit money to onjr part of Great Britain or Ireland, can obtain drafts of the subscribers for any amount, large or imall, payable on .II the principal town* and cities. W.kJ.t TAPSCOTT, dT me II Soetb dt cor. Maiden Lena. NOTICE.STATKN ISLAND FERRY f.On Wedeeeday, Jan. (th, the trips on this -r*"T will be at follow*.. Leave atateo Maud ¦ llif, li A- M , 2, tX F. M. -Leave New Yatk.9, II A. M iSK.i P.M. J. S..Ou Sendays the boot will usre at 11 o'clock, instead ef 12A M.jT REGULAR LINE OF LIVERPOOL PACKET *8H1PS..Packet of the 11th of February .The first ¦class fast sailing Packet 8hin VIRGINIAN, Cap¬ tain Heirs, bnrthen 10(0 tons, will sail as abore, her regular .lay Having very superior accommodations for cabin, second cabin and steerage passengers, persons intending to embark, should make immediate application on board, foot of Maiden Sane, or to JOSEPH McVURRAV, Corner of Pine and Sooth streets. The Packet Ship INDEPENDENCE. Capt. Allen, bnrthen ISO torn, will ancceed the Virginian, and ami on lbs 6th of March. I' Parsons intending to send for their friends, can have them brought oat by either of the above named vessels, on rensona- ble terms, by applying as above. Ibrc. PASSAGE FROM OREAT BRITAIN AND hgjRTE. IRELAND, (via Liverpool.).The subscriber* arr JBBP^prepared to make engagements to bring passengers from Liverpool by any of the icgnlar packet ships,sailing ovary five days ; and also by first class transient ships, to sa l Positively on their appointed days, at their lowest ratss From their new arrangrments for this year, having established . Branch of the concern In Liverpool, no detention whatever, xan take place. For farther pertiralars, apply to JOHN HERDMAN It t<V/«l South street. HERD MAN. KEENAN k <!<)., Liverpool. N. Drafts can aa usaal be famished for any amonnt. payable throughout Great Britain and Ireland, on application ¦a above. fl rc gpg. REGULAR PACKET FOR GLASGOW.- hWKWTlie splendid and fast tailing packet ahip 8ARA- aHBfaCKN, Captain Hawkins, will sail on Tneaday, 10th February, ber regular day. The aecommodatons for cabin. Second cabin, and ataenge passengers, are vrry superior. To tecare pasaage, early application w^d M made to , W.kJ. T. TAPSCOTT. i 75 Sooth it'eef.cor. Maiden lane. ' Persons wishing to send for their friends in any part of Scot . >ad,ctu make the necessary arrangement*, and have them I -*u*hioat in the above splendid ships, or any of the regular line * oni, will ma on application aa above. 17 rrc FOR LIVERPOOL.New Line.Regular Packet the 26th Feb..The elegant fast aaJing Packet kp GARBICK.B. J H. Traak, Matter, of 11(0 4 as above, her regnlar day. For freight or paa- fart, apply oe boa, V cou,1N8 fc co % M Moth street. Ts. nneket ah>o I w**1?*' Eldridge, master, will succeed .J?!.J5£iTLK?ii v/wri» 26th, her regnlar day. jMr nevfhv, Ireland.the Jfe r,.AfT.!j|jUt ship BROTHERS. Capt lE^bVil'nrv 700 tons bin e* * Wifi sail from the above J^fThe lOthlviareh neit, «®V,rd'"« °pkportaBity fu' passengers who with to come dire «J® £*w » For terms ol st. . jaI7 rh corner Maiden Isne. WANTED.A »hiPtoloedroVaSouUiemDort.- A^TW 1 K CULL^8ofcn,h^eet FOR LIVERPOOL.The New Line-Regular .faeket k'f tlct Febnu^-Th* «np«nOr fwt Mtlinc ¦packet giip ROCHFaJflrERv WO ton* bnrthm, Cipt. i ' 17 South street. . The pacKt^aJiip Houingucfe 105* tons. Captain Irs Barclay, W"l succeed the Rochester, and sail on the 21st of March. JMr . ss»- WOK SALE. TO CLOSE A CONCERN..The lIlfELur of Liverpool Packets, consisting of the ehipe JBBKaRoeciiu, SidJons, Sheridan and Oerriek. Ther were Milt in tins city by Brown It Bell, with nnasntl care; for mo- dels,materials (a vary large proportion of their fjauea being live oak) and workmanship, they are nnsarpassed, if not an*- Sited. Belted on the stocks and re-sal«rd every year since, iir accommodations for passengers tie very eatensivv and dioiaely fnmished. Amy to . _ ¦ ell E K. COLLINS It CO., 3d Booth at UNITED STATES, AND GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND OLD r.fn.HBLlSJlEl) EMQH*1NT OFFICE. 'lllE Subscribers are prepared to engage passen¬ gers to come out by the early spring ships, at a very low rife. Drafts cau aa usual, be furnished, pay- « throughout >he United Kingdom. j'or farther particnlsrs, apply to J. HERD5, AN It CO., liWIr >1 Bonth atrrrt. |*2- FOR H ILE.To close a concern.The well '¦MeVlicwr, f-vt sailing sloop KINDERHOOK, of New JHNIfeYork, b"' then per aurolment f tons, «ill carry IM; 1,1 ,ood ord,rc aMn**v<m^,^x: fo-,l lm*v Comer |m,.i ».id Weetvts pAi KiT SHIP OSWEGO. I-KO.V1 NeW ORLEANS MT is 4i*ctt*rgiog *t Orletu* * Karl, foot of Wall street Col ni|neM will plea** attend to the receipt of their goods imn»r dmely. I VALENTINE HEAD QUARTERS. fURNEH li FISHER. 74 Ch thsm street, have this da. A opened their unequalled sasortment ol Valentines and Valeotins is riters. For splendor, variety sad cheapness, wr challenge the city. Low prices to the trade, is our motto, null and see Valentine* made to order, otigiusl verse* fur niched. Orders from the Country attended to promptly. J 77 lm're ^.^^^^VALENTINES! f±OLV AND BILVER FLUIDS..These metallic flnids, BJ> Which were formerly much used by the ancients lor their Illuminated Manuscript*, are beautiful articles for all purrx.a ol Ornamental Penmanship, each as Valentines. Visiting Csrr Billet deal, Ac. Writing etreutrd with these fin ids has tl ¦npBMi Visiting Can**, Aaids use th* beanufnl appearance sudlustie of fine gold and silver. Eor sal* bjr the principal C.-mkaellera and Stationers, and by lb* mannficurem. KENT It dLACK. 2w*rc m John street. YTON'8t8U(iAR COATED BLENNORRHfEA DAYTO! MTDOZE for all disc rttrirvrj?. es- .«.> street; and 77 Nmth Avenns, end by . Pahnsataah'a k Co., it John LOEENOES-A pleasant, safe, and eAhctaal rcmetly ^ s^y Si* gmiul orgaut, *onorrh«<< ted to ct "nenm m m C/A.. 49 . *7 Dnitlgti iMinlly. JtH m9z F ^ N^e51 .^.pc-t d^i PASSAGE FROM GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND Bsf^^fLine oi Picki^^^ from Liverpool on the lac and 16th of every month. Th» YORKSHIRE wil> from Liverpool, lit ofMirch. OXFORD " " 16th of Much. CAMBRIDGE " " lit ef April. .' MONTEZUMA " 16th of Am#. Personi sending lor their friends, and forwarding the pSege certificate by the iteamihip Hibernia, sailing from Boston on the lit ... of February, will h«ve plenty of time to co.ce in the Yorkshire. or in any one of the euht packets of the Black Ball Line. sailing from Lirerpool ou the lit cod 16th of every month. Apply to. or address, if by Irtter post paid, ROCHE, BROTHERS It CO..M Fulton it., Next door to the Fnlton Bank. Notice..Tho Public are respectfully notified by desire of the owners of the Black Ball or Old Line of Liverpool Packets, that no Passenger Agents but Roche. Brothers It Co., have permission from them to advertise to bring out Passengers by that Line, and that they are the only regular authorised Passen¬ ger Agents ol said Line m this city. jMr M Ms. LOUISIANA AND NEW YORK LINE OF PACKETS It is intended to dispatch a ship Irom this port on the 1st, 6th, It is intended to dispatch a ship Irom this port on the 1st, 6th, 11th, 16th, list and 16th of eechBnouth, commencing 1st Octo¬ ber and continuing until May, when regular days will be ap¬ pointed for the remainder of the year, whereby great delays and and disappointments will be prevented during tlie summer months. The following ships will commence this arrange meut:. Ship Cliltou Captain Ingersoll. Ship Teauesse,... Captain Pray. Ship Shakspeare. .Captain Cornall. Ship Louisville. .CaptaiaHnnt. Ship Genesee ... Captain Minot. Ship Oswego ,.. Captain Wood, Ship Damascus.. Captain Bliss. Ship Sartelle .,. Captain Taylor, These ships were all built express I y for packets, are ot light draft ofwater, have raceutly been newly coppered and put in forpai splendid order, with accommodations for passengers unequalled for comfort; they are commanded by experienced masters, who will make every exertion to give general satisfaction. They will at alt timet be towed np and down the Mississippi by steam boats. Neither ths captains or owners of these snips will be responsible for jewelry, bullion, precious stores,silver or plated ware, or for any letters, parcels or package* sent by or put on board of them, unless regular bills of lading are taken for the tame, at the value thereon expressed. E. K. COLLINS It CO., 36 South at. or JA8. E. WOODRUFF, Agent in New Orleans, .who will promptly forward all goods to his address. The ships of this |ine are warranted to sail punctually as ad¬ vertised, and great care will be taken to have the goods cor¬ rectly measured. sMre PACKETS FOR HAVRE.SECOND LINE. & m, m The ships of this line will fail during the year in the follow- ing order: _ 1st Jan. 16th Feb'ry. Ship UTIC A, K Hewitt, master, 1st May. 16th June, From N. York. From Havre Feb 1st Sept. 16th Oct. Sept. , 1st Feby 16th March. Ship 8T. NICOLAS, J Brail," «. 1st June 16th July. IstOct. 16th Nov. 1st March 16th April. Ship ONEIDA, J Funek, master, 1st J_uly. 16th Aug 1st Nor. 16th Dec. 1st April. 16th May. 8hip BALTIMORE, J Johnson,jr. ¦' 1st Aug. 16th Sept. ( 1st Deer. 16th Jany. They are all of the first class, ably commanded, and with ac- omiuodstious for passengers ample and commodious. The rice of passage in the cabin is #100. exclusive ofwtnes and iquon. Apply to BOYD It HINCKEN, Agents, 9 Toutiue Building, No. 88 Wall street. Goods sent to the agents for forwarding will be subject to none other than the expenses actnally paid. nitre TAFSCOTT'S GENERAL EMIGRATION OFFICES 76 South street, corner of Maiden Lane. ew York, and 96 Warterlf>o Road, ^Liverpool ^ j2L Persoas wishing to secu f.-usAgeTortheir friends riom Liv- .rpool daring the coming -nsou, in the New Line of Liver¬ pool Packet., are respectfully iuformedby the suiacnbers.lhst the undermentiotivd magnificent and favorite packet sliipa will tail from Liverpool positively advertiaed.-111 any cf which pastate can be encaged on the moit reasonable terms, and every necessary means will be n»ed to have those whose pis .age may be engaged on this side ofthe Atlantic despatched in as comfortable manner as possible. The ship Liverpool, on 6th Feb mary.the Siddont on the llth February.the Queen of the West, 6th March.the Skeri dan on llth March. The well known sailing qualities of these favorite packets render any remarks unnecessary, and their acrommodati ins for cabin, aeeond cabin and steerage passengers, turpast those of any other line. To seenre passage, and tor furthsr particulars, apply to W. It J. T. TAPSCOTT, 75 Somh street, coroer Maiden Lane. P. 8..W. It J. T T. supply Drafts as nana!, for any amount, payable throughout Great Britain nnd Ireland d31 MARSEILLES LINE JO F PACKETS. Mk Tb^naermeatione^hius will be regularly deepatcheotrom hence on the lit, and from Marseilles thr lOtn of each mouth during the year, as follows:. From ShipsCaptains. From N.Y. Marseil' CORIOLANUS. Jas Haile. Dec 1 Feb 10 ARCOLA (new) N W Evcleigh, Jan 1 Mar 10 GASTON, Sj-rhen Coulter, Feb 1 Apr 10 NEBRASKA (new), J K Brown, Mar 1 May 10 PR'CE de JOINVILLE, W W Lawrence, Arrl 1 Jnne 10 MISSOURI, J Silvester, May 1 July 10 These are all fast sailing, coppered and copper fastened vee- .els, and commanded by men of experience. Their accommo- .lations for passengers are all that need be desired in point ol comfort ana convenience, having eicellent ste'e room aceem- modatious. Punctuality in the days of sailing from both ports may be relied on Goods addressed to the agents will be forwarded free of eth¬ er charges than those actually paid. For freight or passage apply to CHAMBERLAIN It PHELPS, Proprietor*, No. 103 Froutstreet, or te BOYD It H1NCKEN. Agents, nllrc 9 Tontine Buildings 08 Wall cor. Water »t. JOHN HERDMAN k CO.. United States and Great Britain and Ireland Emigrant Offce, II South street, New York. llERDMAN, KEENAN fc Co., LiTerpooL Passage to and from Great Bream and Ireland (via Liverpool) by the regular Packet Shins sail iugevent five days. The subscriber* in calling the attention of old countrymen and the public generally to uieir unequalled arrangements for bringing out passengers from the old country, beg to state that afYerthis year the business of the Honse at Liverpool will be conducted by its Branch. Those sending for their Irieuds will tt once see the great importance of this arrangement, as it will preclude an nummary delay of the emigrant. Tha ships em¬ ployed in this Line are well known to be the first and largest class,commanded by men ofexperisnce; and as they sail every five days, anu offer every facility that can be famished. With .hone superior arrangements, the subscribers look forward for a continuation of that patrouage which has been to libeially ei ¦ended to them for to many years past. In ease any of those engagrd do not embark, the passage money will be rtiuaded at customary. For farther particuUrs, ayip^h^ Dtter, pintpaid. 61 Booth street,New York. HERDMAN, KEENAN It CO, Liverpool. N. B..Drafts for any amount can as niual be famished, payable at all the principal Banking Institutions throughout the United Kingdom, on application ss above. n31rc . NEW ESTABLISHMENT, For the Exclusive Salt of Choict PERFUMERY' FANCY SOAPS, AND TOILET ARTICLES, Wholcsslk sat Retail. HE subscriber, who exhibited at the late Fair of the Ame¬ rican Institute, the much admired display of choice Per¬ fumery and Toilet Soaps, and who was there awarded, by ths honorable podges, a Golden Medal, has opened an establish¬ ment in this city st No. 15* Broadwny, where he offers a spsci- llityol Perfumery not to be surpassed either in Knropeor America. He would remark that his Parfnmery has the great advantage over the foreign of being freshly prepared, and that the unequalled opportunities he eajored of learning his art m the Laboratory ofLangier Pare et Fila, of which 1m was for mauv years the director, guarantees hit possession of a skill eqnai to that of any European Perfumer. A complete assortment of choice articles of the most cele¬ brated foreign I.notes, will at all times be kept on hand, that enabling his easterners to compare and to choose, and hs has also imported from Paris a beantifuI assortment of FANCY ARTICLES, suitable for the app-oaelflng holidays. Thetnbscriber does not advertise Soap which will change deformity into beanty, and old age Into youth, or Pomatums which will |losses* ths transcendent virtue of creating new or¬ gans for the growth of lha hair These miracles heTesveslor others; but lie does pretend to offer TOILET 3G^.P8, so sci¬ entifically compounded that no nnoeutr lixed alkali remains to fret the most delicate skin, and he offers a most elegant prepa¬ ration, to highly recommended by an accomplished authoress of America, his AMANDINE, which will present or enre the most inveterate chapping i f the skin. He offers his unrivalled SHAVING CREAM, an art if It wbieh, if ones tried, will always be present in every gentle¬ man s dressing case He offers his COSMETIC CREAM, so invaluable an appli cation to delicate races after shaving, a much mora elagaat pra paration than tha Cold Cream Heofferafor tha head, OILS, ESSENCES, POMATUMS and WASHES, possessed of various properties, some design¬ ed to beautify and cleause the healthy hair^ome to tnre disor¬ dered action of the Scalp; some of soothing emoluient pro pertiee for the irritable head; others stimulating and tome to the debilitated Scalp, impaired in it* functions by sickness and other causes. These rrmedies, compounded with well-known Physiological principles, frequently restore the hair, stop its falling when its lot* does not arise from a dettrnr ion Ol the or¬ ient of the hair, and are not to be eonloii' 'ed with the thon- .aud nostrums so shami-li-ssly warranted l. euct all casra . iiiaBEAR,S OIL, he .»».ur*s ths inolie. is pen- etlr tiu aw when rnp.rsented as su.. ted is prepared, by lication ol lost, so cvelal as not b eaJ ler the psonlisi gn ralioi in 7irtne ol which it dlffv > fiom other snbswiu lOf s similar character. ... « For the quality of hit goods, ho can refer to Meotra- Atpin wall, Milhiu. Chilton, aad many others of the most respect-.- tble chemitu of thia city, who for the last tororal yean have vended articles of his maqplacinre. Finally, everything at his store will be as represented, and il toy article doss not give lull satisfaction, it will not only wil¬ lingly, bat also thankfully be taken back. The snbscriber is unions to acquire for hit establishment a character for veraci¬ ty and good faith, when, from ths nature of the articles, theie is so mneh room for misrepresentation, and he enjoins it npon all in hi* employ to maintain the same adherence to truth and good faith. A call ia moat respeeilolly solicited. EUGENE ROUSSKL, Manufacturer aad Importer of Perfumery, No. 156 Broadway.hvtween Liberty and Crnirtluidt, dil lm'rc and IN Choanal street, r iilndalphia. THE CHOICEST PREMIUM TOILET SOAPS, HIGHLY PERFUMED with Patehouly, Verbena. Rot* Bouquet, lu ke. are »be foundat tha at re of the su a scriber, E. ROUS8EL, 156 Broadway, Wholesale and retail. jtl )m»i ORATUk ROUSSEL'8 UNRIVALLED PREMIUM SHAVING CREAM, THij«is?s2LrM t&ss isa who apply a. the ^ BrM4wtr Wholesale and retail. J*1 VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE. <M) A FIRST RATE FARM-Bdongiug la the Estate KR of C. Harriett, deceased, formerly known u the Jere- miiti Campbell Farm. Itfine on the Turnpike Road lead¬ ing from New Brunswick to Rahway, 7 mile* from the for. mer and 4 mile* from the latter place. The New Jersey Rail¬ road also, which passes near by, has a regular a topping place at Uaiontown, within a mile of the house. The Farm,which is in a high state of cultivation, contains near W acres. M of which is woodland, with an abundant growth of the best kind of wood; the rest of ths Farm is admirable divided by nature into Pasture. Meadow, and Orain growing Land The Buildings, which are pleasantly situated, are large and good, consisting of a Dwelling House with t rooms betides a milk room and cellar; a large Barn, with Stable; Cow House, Wagon House, Stable separate from ths Barn, Cribs, Graaery, fcc. There is a never failing well of excellent water near the kitchen door. Toe re are also 1 excellent Apple Orchards of grafted trees in full bearing. The above property is now offered far sale in order that the estate may be settled. If not sold on or before 13th February next, it will be offered at public auction on that day at the Merchants' Exchange, New York, at 11 o'clock M. One half of the purchase mouey may remain on bond and mortgage at 6 percent. For further particulars apply to Oeorge Clinch. Kaq. Upper Bull's Head. New York; James Wright, on the Farm, or Litis B. Freeman, Woodbridge ELIZA HARRIOTT, Executrix. GEORGE CLINCH, { L' , LLL18 B. FKLLMAN, S lLlecnt0". The subscriber will offer at Public Sale at the same time, his Property in the village of Woodbridge, Middlesex Coun¬ ty. New Jersey.as described below No. 1. The principal Hotel in ths village, known as the Pike House, the lot is 197 feet front on the main street, with an average depth of 2J5 feet, the house is 40 by 30 feet, with kitchen adjoining; bam 90 by 10 feet, with caniage house, fcc. Harden well stocked with fruit, strawb . _ strawberries, taapber- ries. fee; the rear of the house surrounded with b.-autiful shade trees; a well near the kitchen door, furnishing an inex¬ haustible supply of water* It ia a first-rats stand.and has done a nourishing business. . No. 1. Fourteen Building Lots.earh 6# feet front by 1M feet in depth, sdjoining the above, and fronting on the street lead- log to Uaion Town, a level and handsome building location, and in the centre of the village. No.S. Ajdot ofJK ofau acre lying in the rear of the above ng the lota, and adjoininiI the Pi*e House lot, suitable for tillage or pasturage, or could be used for the erection of a Factory, where a small water-power is required. Head's Brook, a con¬ siderable stream of water, forming its southern boundary. No. 4. A large and substantial Dwelling Houae 41 by 30 feet, with tea room adjoining, and kitchen in the rear, large airv cellar dirided into several apaitmrata; large garden, weli stocked with all kinds of shrubbery, frail trees, dowers, fee-; a welt of excellent water iu the cellar, (never fails). The lot is 163 feet front on the main street and 104 feet in the rear, and about 20* yards in depth, aud is dirided into three compart¬ ment!.the Isont one having on it a large barn, sublet, car¬ riage houae, ice houae. crib, fowl houae, tool houae and work¬ shop, and other outbuildings for the convenience of the place; the House contains 16 rooms, and the whole establishment is replete with every convenience for the residence of a gentle¬ man, or could be easily arranged for au extensive Boarding School.the location ia fine. No. 5. Two vary eligiole building lota, fronting on the main street, and adjoining lite above, 30 tree each in front by 140 feet in depth. No. 6. Three Dwelling Homes and Lota, adjoining each other, 3 stories high, besides basement, fronting on the main street, each lot 140 feet in depth, by about It feet in width. No. 7. A very convenient Dwelling Home, containing C rooms, besides xitchen, pantries and milk room ; a good gar- dan, well ot water near tke door. The lot ia SO feet front by 13S in depth. The above property comprise! one of the moat beautiful see tioua ol the Village, and ia in the immediate vicinity of stores churches, schools, host office, fee. No. II. A small Farm of excelleut land, with house, garden, well of water, aud suitable onl buildings, containing about 30 acres, pleasantly situated on the road leading lrom Wood- ' '1 to upper Ik' bridge to upper llahway, and about 30 minutes walk from the rillage. No 13. A lot of about It acres lying one mile east of the above, and adjoiuiug lands of Corn's Baker and others, 4 of which are meadow, the residue first quality oak aud hickory soil, and now covered with a splendid growth of timber, with the exception ol 3 acres, which have lately been cut oil ~ black No. 13. A first rate lot of upland aud bUck grass meadow, about 6j£ acres of each, hall smile from this village, with a never tailing brook running through it; 'his plot ia r, vain a ble for either cu'liny r pasturage, and will pay alarge intern* on the inveetmeu'. The terma will be liberal. For further iuiormatiou as to the locality, fee., ref. nay be had to a map of the estate, made by F. W. Bi!u! ¦Surveyor General ot Last New Jersey, at the office of A. J. Blebckik, Auctioneer. No. 7 Broad at., or application ma; lie made to Lewis Leslie, it Woodbridge, who will show any portion ol the premises ; or to GEORGE CLINCH, Upper Bull's Head, 3d aveuue, Nsw Vork. N. B..The title is bey ond dispute, and one hall ol the pur¬ chase money can remain on mortgage at 6 per cent. 10 per cent to be paid on the day ol sale, and 40 per ceut ou the deli¬ very of the deeds. Possession to be given on the 1st of April next. Ja32tfebl3*mc M STORE AND DWELLING TO LET AT HAR¬ LEM .One of those three story brick front houses, with atorea attached, situated in the central and buai- a-as part of Harlem, on the east aide of the 3d avenae, be¬ tween 133d aud I24.h streets. Slid houae is fiuiahed complete with ev-ry convenience for a respectable family. Stage* pass ihe door every half hour. Rent moderate to a good tenant. Ay'>-t0 JACOBS, 134th street, near 3d aveune. B..For tale cheap, 1.000 yard* of hralthy Uardeu Box for sdgingi, to be removad to make alteration iu the grounds Apply as shove. j2t lm*re carpetfactory f«irbale or to let. jj-^^Situated in Ponghkecpsie, Dutchess County, State of JmULNvw York, half a mile lrom the landing..The proper¬ ty consist! of a large three story basement ana attic BRICK BUII.DING, 66 feet by 36 feet.with a Steam Engine, Dyr ¦old Wash House, all covered with alate.with the ntherneees- ¦ary out buildings The Machiuery consists of M cirpet looms, andall necessary spinning machinery*, dye kettles, fee to keep the same in fnll operation. The communication with this city is daily.expense of transportation moderate. The premises <nd machinery are in excellent coudition, and ready lor imme¬ diate operation. ttr For terms and other particulars .apply to wrwiir JOHN W. WHINFIELD. ja!6 lm'rc Poughkeepaie. FINK FRENCH BOOTS FOR »3 50-City made, 'and are equal to those sold in other stores for ti; fine Freurh ( alf Boots for $4 JO, rqual to the best made in this city for S6 or $7-at YOUNG k JONES' French Boat Shoe Manufactory; one of the most fashionable in this city; our Boots having been judged in tlie late Fair at Nibio's, are said to be the best Boots ever told ia this city. All Boots warranted to give satisfaction. YOUNG It JONES, 4 Ann atreet. ja37 lm*rh sear Broadway, New York. 159 BROADWAY. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL PERFUMERY ESTABLISHMENT. THE Subscriber return* hi* thank* to hi* friends and the A public for the eery liberal patronage extended to him since the opening of hi* Stoie iu New York. Premising that in Perfumery the maxim should prevail, "either the best or none," he earnestlr solicits one moment's attention to 'lie fol¬ lowing very intelligible proofs that he is capable of offering the very best, whether the competition be foreign or Ameri¬ can. 1st. He possesses nneqnalled advantages in Paris, in hav¬ ing been for mauy rears Director of the Laboratory of Lan gier Pete et Kils, for hall' a century the first house in this line in Europe. 2nd Since the first exhibition, some years past, of his Perfumery, it has, without a single exception, obtained in New York, Boston and Philadelphia, the first Premium over *11 competitors, and at the last exhibition in New York, he was honored with the llo'd Medal never before awarded to Perfumery. 3rd. His Perfumery has banished the imported whenever it has come fairly into competition. This is em¬ phatically the case with his Shaving Cream Why should it not be so I His Perfumery is, in fact, the foreign, both in its quality and mode of fabrication, with the addition of an exoellenee which the foreign never can possess. namely, freshness and advantage in many of these articles oi the greatest imimrtance, owing to their prrishable nature. 4th. His prices are from 30 to M per cent lower. In fine, the sub¬ scriber, educated in the best foreign schools, imported with him the science and sk II of his native city, offers the products of hi* laboratory, equal to the best imported, and superior to ;hem from the advautage of recent preparation, at much lower prices. He, therefore, flatters himself that his preparations must of necessity supercede the imported, except with those who are so unreasonable as to prefer articles merely because they are foreign, and hsve been subjected to the influence ofa sea voyage. To conclude, tlie subscriber always keeps on haud a perfect assortment of the best foreign perfumery, and offers at i.is store bii opportunity of comparing the two, and ol purchasing according to the judgment or preference of :he in¬ dividual. T he subscriber most respectfully solicit* a rail from those who wish to purchase that which is genuine, as he assures die Cblic that uething shall ever quit his establ shmeat without iug as represented to the purchaser. He particularly invites the attention of wholesale and retail dealers to his very com- Sete assortment, which he offers to them st prices from M to per cent cheaper than they bay elsewhere. £. HOU8SEL, Manufacturer and Importer of Toilet Boaps, jUlm'r Perfumery, fcc. NEW INVENTED WIGS AND TOUPEES. BATCH DLOR'a new i»Yentr<l Wigs and Scalps no perfect¬ ly re»embU the n.tnral h»ir as to defy detection, his nnw scarcely a matter of regret losing an indifferent head of hair, when a new one, perfectly adapted to the countenance and style of every wearer, and without any of the rotations JifficaUiea solone experienced bywia wearers, can be procured »l WM. BAThHKLOH^, S Wall street, near Bro dway. Removed from 165 Broadway. ft im+r ALEXANDER'S TRICOBAPHE. Anew and invaluable discovery, b«iug « Liquid Dye, which instantaneously cnaugn the color of the hair to a beautiful brown or black, without injury to the hair or skin. The greet superiority of this Dye, consists in its easy mode of application, and instantaneous effect.ell other dyes requiring from ten to twelve hours to produce any change. Its superior excellence will beappereut to every one npon t siugle application. Extract from the Philadelphia Daily Ban:.At.r.xai*psx'i TaiconarHX .The effect of the above on tho hair is truly as¬ tonishing. |t was tried yesterday in oasr office,and the change from gray to black was instantaneous. Extract from the Philadelphia Duly Forum:.Several of our acquaintances have recently applied to their huir tho valuable Liquid Dyekaowu as Alexander's Tricobsphe.a new *.id sal¬ eable discovery; sad it has in no ease failed to prorfnr « the di sired effect. Immediately after tppl> ing it to grip , Whiskers, it impulse beautiful browu 01 blaek color. For talr by Hn«' >a k Co druggists, lln Broadway, 10 \r,;or H< use, end f adway, comer 14ih streets Aspine William st: Johnson, Moore It Taylor. *1 Mudeu lane. W Wright It Co. I Cedar street; and ol the principal druggist* throughout tho United Suites, or of sole agents, ft. It G. A. WRIGHT, OSauth4thstreet, JJ4 lm*r Philadelphia. TRUFFLES. POR SALE.A supply of Truffle* jau received, sad for sale by J. B 8TOUVEN EL, 39 John street. Also, Bordeaux Wines iu cuk* aud cases, Kieisrh, Absinth and Champagne of the h>st brand*. j2i tm*r LAURENT & BROTHER, IMPORTERS OF FRENCH GOODS, 'T'AKE great pleasure ia informing their customers that tlwy A have just rsceived by the packet* Burgundy and 8t. Nicholas, their new fancy spring goods, consisting of the richest style Lyons Silk, rich Paris printed Maslin-de-lsines, Barege, Uaixoriue, Tailetsu Jaeoueca, Ite..Also, tiir largest assortment ol Broche and urn ted long and square Bhawls, Scatfs, Ac. In style and richness, wa believe our goods eae- aot bo surpassed by any importation this Bpnug. Your kind attention to, and inspection of the sameis resprrtfoHy solicited. LAURENT A BHOTHER. iaIT lui'r No. 4 WUliam street. CHAPPED HANDS. OUuSEL'S AMANDINE.A vsry celsbisied srtiel# for the certain euro and preventioa of Chapped Hands, kor at the principal druggists and dealers in petfumery ughout the United Stales. mid at the man elect overt. , E. ROUMEL, Ne. lMBmudway, Whelemle Md rguIL jll lm'r DOCTOR ARNT'd RELIEF SALVE. I^OH WuUNUtj. Hiuuea, Burnt, ( hrouie Sum < r Swel- linga, PilflJ. Ulcer* and lutliinnl Br«isu, It i* alio a sovereign remedy for Blotches on the Kac-, and Chapped or Rough akin. It will *000 render it transparent, clear and soft as velvet. (Extract of a letter from Doctor Wood.) I am highly gratified to hear that the " Relief Salve," pre¬ pared by Dr Charles Arnr, is being introdured to the pahlic. It iHMsesses menu which will speedily give it a high rault in the confidence of your customers. It is decidedly superior to any other preparation with which I hay* say acquaintance. " I have made frequent use of it with the greatest possible success, and freely and cheerfully commended it to others. I cannot withhold an expression of surprise at the htppv effects 1 hare known it to prodnca in aereral caaea of inflamed breaiu and nerves.'' (Extract from a letter written by a female to her relative.) '.Monday morning called at Mra. Hnlbert's. She had suffer¬ ed so long and ao much wilh her breasu. that 1 expected from what we had heard, to find her dead. They had, however, appli- ed ' Arnt'a Relief Salve'that night and the next day. aud to my great satisfaction, 1 fonnd her entirely relieved. After apply- ing it twice at I had directed, the milk started a stream ; lli-y pnt the child to her breacta, and they are now both doing very well indeed They call me the Good Samaritan for mentioning the aulve to iliem. 1 am Tery glad of being the means ofdoing some good io the world." Doctor Hallock.Sir: That the great virtue of " Anit's Re¬ lief Salve" may be known to the afflicted, 1 deem it my duty to state a few facu connected with my own case. About twenty years ago 1 received an injury from the Iragmeut of a bursting cannon striking me in my groio; from that up to the present time 1 hare suffered much distress and (win, and finally it re¬ sulted in a diffused aneurism, peirading my leg and foot Deriug this protracted season of .off-ring, I hare had recourse to all the" sore cures," and highly recommended " Paiu Ex- tructors," lie., Itc., with uo be eGt. Having recently taken a severe cold, my leg was again the seat of moat excruciating paiu, end had all the appearance ol immediate mortification. 1 was advised that, in order to tare my life, my leg must be amputated. Again 1 retorted to the various highly rccommeud. d remedies, hut found no relief, until I was peisuaded to try the " Relief Salve " After the first application 1 felt a great benefit; and on the second, the dark mahogany color of my leg snd foot chauged to a uatural and healthy appearance. By nsiug two boxes the swelling aud inflvmmatio disappeared, and my leg became entirely free from pain. It is now in a better coudition than it has been for ten yea'i. I do therefore recommeud it strongly to others suf¬ fering from similar afflictions, and have no doubt it will prove a highly valuable appl cation for all the purposes for which it ia recommended. Respectfully yours, Ac., 8. PARSONS. French's Hotel, No 13J Kultou street, New York. This may certify, that hnviug been afflicted furs long while with carbuncle*. I applied Dr. Charles Arnt's Relief Salve with most beneficial effects, and recommend it to anv persons suffering under like affliction. LEWIS S. CORYELL. National Hotel, No. 5 Conrtlandt street. New York. Sold wholesale and retail by the principal agent, Cll 4K.LF.S H. RING, 193 Broadway, coiuer of Joliu street, and by most of the respectable druggists. flO lm*rc CHRISTIE'S GALVANIC RINGS MAGNETIC FLUID. rpHJ8 remarkable discovery comprise* an entirely safe and A novel application of the mysterious power of Galvanism, as a remedial agent. The Oalvauic Rises in connection with the MaescTic Fluid, have been used with eotirc suc¬ cess m all case* ot RHEUMATISM, acnte or chronic, apply¬ ing te the head, face or limbs ; Gout, Tic Dolorrux, Tootn- a< lie, Bronchitis, Vertigo, nervous or sick Headache, Indiges tiou, Paralysis, Palsy, Epilepsy. Fits. Cramp, palpitation of the Heart, Apoplexy, stiffness of Joints. Spinal complaints, Lumbago, Neuralgia, nervous Tremors, dlzzinrss of the Head, pain' in the Chest aud Side, general Debility, deficiency of nervous and physical energy, and all nerrons disorders. In cases of Dyspepsia, which ia simply a nervous derangement ol >rie digestive o.gaus. they have been louud equally success¬ ful. The Rings are of different prices, being made of all sixes, aud of various ornamental pattern*, and <au be woru by the most delicate female without the slight*st inconvenience. THE G \LV AN1C BELTS, BANDS, BRACELETS, Sic Are modifications of the inveutiou, and are recommended in v re rhiouic cases of disease, wuere the lliugs do not pos- s If sUflwMM intensity 01 power. They are adapted IO the ¦' i«t "DJ, wrists, aucles, cheat, or *uy part of the body with . ft-' .ate. Auv OUvanic power that is required may thus '..«. i stained, and no complaint whicn the m sterinut-.gent of ialviiit- m can affect, will fail to be permanently relieved. CHRISTIE'S MAGNETIC FLUID is used in couuectiou with the Rings aud their modifications. Thia composition has been prououueed by the French Che¬ mists, to be one of the most valuable di*cove>ies ol modern tcieuce. It ia brlinved to postas* the remarkable power of rendering the nerves senaitire to Galvanic action, by ilus meina caustug a coocrmraliou of the influence at the seat of disease, and thus giving rapid and permauent rebel. CHRISTIE'S GALVANIC STRENGTHENING PLASTERS These articles form an important addition to the Galvauic Rings, actiugupon the tame principle, but having the advan¬ tage of mo-e local application At an effectual means lor trenglh-niug the system when debilitated by disease or other causes ; as a certain ant m constitutional weakness ; as a pre¬ ventive for colds, aud in all affections of the chest generally, the Oai.TA.Ntc Strxmuthvsv wo Plaitlrs will be fouud of gee*' and pel mauent idvuitl.c We refer our readers to the "Umevons tEy-HO.HE CER1 FICATE8, Published by the Doctor, in the Sun, Times,Mirror,Tribune, and other papers. These testimonials, all of which are from the moat respect able sources, h ive been aelectrd from several hundred of a aimilar character, which have been procured during the short time the discovery hat been beforr tne American public D. C. MOOKHr.AU. General Agent for the United States, and only Agent for the City of New York, 134 Fnllou street. Sun Buildings. Bt-w-re of Counterfeits. ja31 M WfcSat Im't LEECHES '."LEECHES ! )US| Rt.Cr.IVhl) a treat, supply ol nweedish and Smyrna Lreches For sale by J. FERDINAND CLRU, Importer of Leeches, No. 1*9 Naaaau street. vy J- F'. G '* doing business alone, and has uo conuectiou at preterit with his former pinner. 19 lm*rr THE GENUINE GALVANIC RINGS BA a OS AND MAGNETIC FLUID. RECENTLY imported, celebrated both in Europe and America, fur the cure of rheumatism, and all chronic or uetvoui disease*. For sale by the grace, doxen or single one, at rrdi'i.kd rnicr.s. A.B. it D SANDS, 79 Fulton street, fj Irn'r corner of Gold. AN EXTRAORDINARY WORK, And One which thmUd be in the llande qf every Murried Perton. MORAL PHYSIOLOGY, a plaiuly wjri.ten ^Treatise on the Popul ition Question. by (he Hon. R. 1). Oxen, with Addition* and Alteration*, by K. Glover. M. D. To every parson of snood con,mou ¦ rune, thii work ii one whtch.will command the highest praise. It true a few ignorant people may condemn it, bat the editor ii fully persuaded that the high importance of the mhiect of which it treat! will preieut iuelf io forcibly to reflecting moidi, that it renit command respect. Were tliia book care¬ fully read by every married person, and ita advice itrictly fol¬ lowed, we are persuaded that a different state ol society from the present wou Id exist. Price of the Book M cents. For sale by Burgess, Stringer It Co., 223 Broadway, corner of Ann street, by whom the trade vw-| ¦«* i*i uau "si) . cwiucs vi nun tlircii Vy n IIUIII uir ii will be supplied. Persons in the country, by enclosing $1 poet '* . ... paid, will he supplied witli two copies in mad binding. Post age on the book, to any pert of the United States, is Ave cents II Im're FOR THE FACE AND SKIN. CHURCH'S VKUfiTABIiB LOTION. A HIGHLY valoable Cosmetic for eradicating Kruptious on the Face and Skin, particularly Pimp'es, Blotches, Tstrer, Sunburn, Ringworms, Freckles and Cutaneous Ki- cresences. The use of the Lotion for a short' time will clear the akia and establish a brilliant complexion. Sold in bottles at 7i ce its each, at No. IIS Bowery, corner Spring street; also, by Mrs. Hayes, i30 Fulton street, Brooklyn. f8 lo.'m BIRD CAGE MANUFACTORY, So. 1 St John'e Lane corner Peach itreet, New York. 1'IIE SLB8CRIBER would inform his Customers and the * Public, that he keeps constantly on hand a large supply of fincy and common Bird Cages of every description, which he offers frr sale at a lower rate then they can be bought else¬ where. Merchants would And It to their advantage to call and ex.mine liisstock. J. KKLLY. P. 8. Country orders attended to with promptness and dis¬ patch^ f8 Im'm ATLANTIC WHITE LEAD. THK ATLANTIC WHITE LEAD COMPANY having completed their Works, are now ready to execute orders for pore White Lead, both Dry and Grouod in Oil, to almost any extent that may be wanted. The Company hare spared no expense in the erectiou of the Works which would lend, in the least degree, to the improvement ol the Lead, having availed themselves of every modern improvement for that purpoee. Being well awase, from onr long familiarity with the differ eat leads sold in onr market, that by lar the greater proportion sold as such has been, and still it greatly adulterated with Barytfi, an article of mineral production mneh heavier than White Lead, and in itself possessing no virtee of any pig ment whatever, if being, when mixed with oil. almost trans¬ parent, and in fact having nothing but its specific weight to recommend it, the Trnsrees of the Atlantic White Lead Com¬ pany have passed, unanimously, the I'ollowiog resolution, vix: "Resolved, Tnat in v«ew of manufacturing only a prime article, the Atlantic White Lead Company will make but one quality of White Lead, both Dty and Ground ta Gil; that to 6e a strictly pure, genuine article, end perfectly free from any adulteration whaterer, which the Company will warrant as aach to all who m-y purchase their Lead." Purchase ! therefore, may be well assured that every de- Erodence may be placed in the purity ol every pound of While eid manufactured and sold by the Conmauy. which pureuess will uot only teud to the greater durability of the Paint, bin will ue found muib more economical in its use, er.a in the mos'common description of raintiag, owing (o the body or covering quality it possesses, thereby giviag a far better huish wifl two otts, thin the adulter.til White Paint Would with th" of which every paiate- will hear wit., ess The Comp uy also mai ulecture Red Lead and Litharge, aul n 'ir sale a r rivfy of Paint. Ground in Oil, vit: Ve digits, Li. k Taint Yellow Ochre, Bpani h Brown, Paris Grtcn, Brunswick Orsen, kc kc. Having beee appointed general Agent* for the Company, all orders should be directs* to ua. POLLEN kCOLGATE, fT le'r N7 Pearl street, corner ol Beak-nan street. THE PARISIAN SECRET. JU8T PUBLISHED, a New Traualstiou from the French. entitled "The Parisim Secret, or Hell Prearivi ti >n:''a per- feet security against Sexual Diseases, under all circumstances, without tile asa of Medicine or any disagreeable necessity. universally understood and employed by men oi fashion la Pant, Louden, and other large cities. BY ALEXANDER LEDAUM, M. D , Member of the Faculty of Mediciau of Paris.Physician to the Venereal Hospital.Knight of the Leg»n of Honor, kc., kc . But ue St Honors I*. Parte Published by Robert H. umont. Legal Deputy for Dr. Le- I beam, IN Washington st, Boelun. Puce CSJe uuU per copy. I two copies for $1. All orders should be addressed, poet paid, to Robert H.Dumoat as above. Pot sale m New Y. rk, only byWYATT k KETCH UM, Ul Fulton at.) Philadelphia, Colon k Adnaace, la the Area4e, C.hesnut at d|i Im'r GENTLEMEN VISITING BOSTON. HENRY GOSLING has the pleasure to announce to hie friends, and thepuhhein general, that he has rrreted a Kesteaenmt in Boston, No. I* Devonshire vtreet, in th# <uie style at the American aad Preach Dining Haloon, No. M end « Nassau street, kept by hie father, Napoleoe the let, of the eating houses. He has spired no psias or enpease, to make hie eetabliahmeat the ne pine ultra of Meeteunnte in Boeton. fi lw'ro H. GOSLING, Napoleon the Second. Fort Wayne, (Ini>.,) Jan. 29, IStti. Excitement m Indiana.A Grtat Luiui Riot. 'Tia not ofi«-n that we Imve occurrences', in this remote section of our country, worthy of a para¬ graph in your excellent and ably conducted paper. But event* have and are now trampiring, that may inter- eat some of your readere. A few day* since Mr. M. wtnt to the Land Office in Peru, and found that theie were'a large quantity of valuable canal lands, which had been sold to honest and industrious settlers, but who, from inability, or tome other cause, had failed to pay the interest on the balance due the State for the last two years; and he, under some law that was pasted just at the close of the last session of our Legislature, made application to purchase these lands ; the homes of worthy and deserving farmers. He thus obtained certificates of purchase of some 100 tracts, mostly fine farms on the Wabash.whilst all who were concerned thought |that their lands could not' be sold ogain, but they had another year to meet the intereat.by paying a penalty of 25 per cent. Ho soon as the citizens of Peru were informed of thia piece of land opeiation, thev rose en mane, and took for¬ cible possession of said ollice, and drove the operator who had made the purchases, out of town. The citizens continue to hold possession of the office, and meetings have been held all along the line of the eanal. The rumor here to-day is, that the Governor has call¬ ed out the militia, from the centre of the State, to rescue the land office. If this is true there is fun ahead, as the Wabash boys may lose their land, but they cannot be whipped. Last evening, one hundred men, headed by an old and patriotic soldier, marched from Huntington to the theatre of war, and in tia hours, if needed, eight hundred men, good and true, would go from this coun¬ ty. There is great excitement throughout the whole country. The Governor has been plied with petitions praying that the office may be closed, or the Legislatufb conven¬ ed, to ward off the impending ruin. The settlers had been tola, time and again, that their lands were safe that if they paid the penaly, they could at any time redeem thoir land; and that if any new laws were passed in this regard, that they should have ample notice given them. If this sale is held valid by our courts, many worthy citizens will be turned out to the cold charity of the world. But ere this is done, there will be such cistur- bances, in comparison with which your celebrated anti- rent war would appear a mere skunk fight. Macao, August 20, 18-15. Affairs in the Celestial Empire.The Tea Trade. Opium.An English City.French Diplomacy. Frigate Constitution. In these Celestial regions we are favored with seasons of rest and labor alternately, and I improve the time aflorded by this.the period ot quietude. to send you a line, to give you and " the wise men of Gotham" an inkling of '.ha passing avents among y our antipodes. It is now our season of rest, as you perhaps know, bacause the annatos or first crop of tea, suits not tbs taste oftour bibbers;'so that we wait until our friend John Bull has got his 40,000,000 pounds, and John China¬ man has bad time to mix his second crop with indigo, Prussian blue, and turmeric, and baka them to suit Brother Jonathan, when 10,000,000 pounds are sent to Ameiica. It is doubtleis known to you, or if not, to tiiose living near you in Wall street, that tea has ceased to be the talisman by which American Fauquery procure their " glittering heaps." By persevering three or lour lustra, a man may make a few thousands, it he have capital, and be not washed away by the current of time, (which runa like a mill-tail here) even now, in tho tea trade. But there is a pigeon that wings its way to us from the consecrated banks of the Sabred Ganges.from Malva.from Patna.from Benares.in a word, from the garden spot of India, that brings us, sometimes, the clue to purer ore than that sent forth by your mint. Let not our good friends frown on us, for we are only following in the footsteps of our venerable forefather, audhe surely would do no wrong. 8ome of your ultra abolitionary friends might question the philanthropy of our princi¬ ples for engaging in a contraband traffic in "nature's sweet restorer but they have not seen the world, and do not know how heavenly it is to sink to sleep over a Chinese pipe. 1 will not, however, vindicate the traffic or the custom ; but how easy it would be to point out the motes in our own eyee, were we disposed, with out seeking the obliquity in those of the Chinese for our censure Your late numbers (the last dates by overland mail being up to June 1st) contain no particular notice of the condition of the last European city which has bean plauted in the East. Hongkong has grown with a speed only known in America and the Arabian Nights' Enter- tainments ; but, unfortunataly, Governor Davis has nei¬ ther Wall street brokers nor an Aladdin's lamp to raise his houses and pave his streets ; hence, poor fellow, he has been compelled to pursue a custom, wall known in good Old England, of taxing " cradles, lood and rai¬ ment, lands and tenements, and the coffins" (the last af¬ ford a good revenue), by which he has made himself vastly unpopular, lie is an estimable and clever man, well known to fame as the author of tho very best work on China. Efforts are being made to have bim su¬ perseded. This place has sunk, T fear, to rise no more Houses are renting for $300 this year that were rented for $1,200 three years ago. If, peradvanture, Brother Jonathan had any use for a possession out here, a douceur of a million to Donna Ma¬ ria de Gloria would procure Macao ; but we do not want it. All the advantages it can afferd we now enjoy.a place of resort during summer for amusement or health. Wa ; here admirably wall, without other protection get elong than our own good muskets, of which, et Canton, we all keep an abundant supply. Could our government be let I, It f into the secret of this, it might save some of its money keeping the American ships of war either laid tip, or elsewhere than in the China sea. It is notorious that pi- rates are innumerable from Anja Point to 8hang-hai; but all tha bobbery ships afloat cannot suppress them. A fish¬ ing smack becomes a pirate whenever opportunity pre¬ sents: a China junk turns pirate whenever occasion offers; in a word, all are pirates, and their optics are too good to let any man of war be near them when they practice tbeir predatory vocation. One of our old favorite ships, the Constitution, has been for three months at Whampoa.. Her veteran Commander has taken a iancy lor Canton, which is better taste than living on board in the river.. I understand she has tieen stirring tha bottom up where- ver she has been, and that a complaint is to be inade, by the king of Cochin China, through the government of China, tor the seizure of eome vessels, and killiug of some men on the coast of Cochin China, a few months ago, by the American bobbery ehip. You may know that the French government hae an ambaasador here at thia time. He ha* negotiated a treaty with China, including all the advantagea gained by the Engliah and by otireelvee, and ae many more, perhapa, as he wiehed. L'ulike our couutryman, Koo ching, M. Lagrenni', the French minister, has negotiated a treaty, remained here while tho treaty went to and returned from France, and finally exchanged ratiflcatione with the i hinese. Lagrenni ia a clever man, and doee hie work well. His residence is the same that was occupied by Mr. Cushing. The trade of France here ia very smell, and a treaty is rather an evidence of diplomatic pride, than an ad¬ vantage to the nation. Having nearly filled my sheet, f will, hereafter, send you some items from Chine, which you may deem suita¬ ble for the coiumne of the Herald. FAUQCEI. Varieties. A man by the name ot Robert Haworth, an Englishman about twenty-eight years of age, married Elizabeth Ward, in East Greenwich in Rhode Island, in 1843; the year after, he left her and an infant child to take carenf themselves. She now understands he is about to be married again to a person in New Jersey, and she wishes this oaution may be noticed in papers published in New York, for the protection of other females against the imposition of Robert Haworth. It is said that there are no less than 1500 applicants for the offices in the two mounted regiments Congress has decided to raise. Who's afraid of England, now 1 Messrs. Karnes and Denny's woollen mill, in Clapville. Leicester, Mass., was destroyed on Sunday by fire. Loss $13,000. Inseurd in Boston and Hartford Particulars not reported. One of the overseers on the railroad in Troy, N. Y., an American, named Mellon, was killed last week by the unexpected explosion of a dirt blast. He was thrown ten feet into too air,feu in the pit upon hia head, and died in a few minutes. We learn from a person who was on the ground, that the Irishmen employed on the railroed tt Fitch- bnrg, Mess., got into s row on the evening of the 3d inat which resulted in the death of one of the number. It appears that thero were two or three among them who weie Protestants, and these, the Cstholio portion under¬ took to convert to the true faith, by arguments in the shape of brickbats and cudgels. In their earnest en¬ deavors one of the three wae killed, and the other two bauly beaten and driven from the road. The Uloucentei Telegraph mys that upwards of one hundred tons of fre.h n»h have been landed and sold on tue Ct|>e, during this winter. Large quantities have been carried to Canada. A comparison of the receipts for letters at ihe Rochester Post Office, for the quarter ending Dec. 31st, 1*4.V with tbe corresponding quarter of tiie previous year, shows a failing of of $1.U44,20. The following ere the receipts ol the two quitters : . Quarter ending Dec. 31st, 1*44,. $413 )73 "" " 1944 3 3*1 34 $1,064 JO The Legislature of Indiana have passed an act authorizing the purchase ot ssite tor a deet end dumb Asylum, and another for the erection of a hospital lor the insane. The town of Weston, Mo., is going ahead rapid¬ ly. In the lest Dtmotrut, we notics among the articles lor shipment on the opening of navigation, the following articles are eeumerated :- 34,000 bales of hemp s 300 hhds of tobacco ; 800 barrels of pork , 300 bbls. ol lsrd, and 400 bbis of beef. The Legislature of Iowa, haa determined to make another effort to form that Territery Into . Mate Delegates to a Convention ere to be choeen next April, tad the Conventios to meet in May following Court or General Mi.low. Before Recorder Tallaaedga and Alderman Meaeeroie and Divver. John MeKeou, E*q., District Attorney Kim 10.. TYi'uf ftr Qro*d I.an eng..A colored man, named Henry Moore, alias .Mode, wai flrat put on hi* trial for a grand larceny, In having, on the afternoon of the 4th of December lait, itolen from the ofloe of Dr. Underbill, No. 400 Broadway, an overcoat, of tho value ot $26, and a copy of Downing'* work* on Rural Archi tectare, Horticulture, Itc., 3 vol*., worth $7. Dr. D*buhill, de|K>*ed a* follow*.While at tea, on the evening of the 4th of December last, the priaoner called at my ofllco and requested me to go to No. 16 Whitehall street, to aee a lady, (mentioning her name.) who, he aaid, was very lick indeed. As it rained very fait at the time, and the prisoner being an entire stranger, I expressed a reluctance to accompany him ; he then en¬ treated me to go, as the lady was highly respectable, and required immediate attention ; that Dr. Rogers was her family physician, but having removed so far up the city, he was requested to come for rae ; under these cir¬ cumstances I was induced to proceed to tho houee desig¬ nated by the prisoner, who atatod ihat he had soma othar place to go to before he returned homo ; on going to the house I was informed that I had not boon sant for, nor was there any person sick in the house { on returning to my office I discovered that my overcoat, which I had worn but a few times, and Downing'* works on Archi¬ tecture, Horticulture, Ac had been atoleo, and on ma¬ king enquiry, I ascertained that a colored man had been admitted by the servant girl, and that after being left alone in the office, he bad gone off with the property. Bbiduet Lact, deposed as follows 1 am employed as a servant in the family of Dr. Vuderhtll; during the ab¬ sence of the doctor on the evening of the 4th of Decem¬ ber last, the priaoner ealied at the office, and stated that he wished to see Dr. Underhill; 1 told him that he waa not at home; he replied that ha would then wait until the doctor returned ; I admitted him into the office and lelt him, and I was not aware that he had gone until Dr. Underbill returned. The jury, without leaving their seats, rendered a ver¬ dict ot guilty, and the Court sentenced him to be im¬ prisoned in the State prison tor tho term of 4 years and S months. Trial for Petit Larceny .Peter Connelly waa neat put on his trial for a petit lurceny, in stealing from the store of Krancis P. Rhodes Ic Co., a dozen brushes, of tho value of $3, on the morning of the 8tn of November last, in this case, the jury, after a brief consultation, rendered a verdict of not guilty. The accused was, however, re¬ manded to prison, for trial on another indictment Cate of George Potter, the Pardoned Convict.. George Potter waa then brought into court, and arraigned on a former conviction in this court, at the August term, 1044, for a grand larceny, and for which he was sentenced to be imprisoned in the State prison, and bo kept at hard labor, for the term uf Gve years. Whereupon, the Dis¬ trict Attorney moved that he be arraigned on aaid con¬ viction, and that ho be required to show cause why he should not be remanded to, and be ian prisoned in, the the State prison for tho residue of the said term.to which the said prisoner objected, first, becauee this court has no jurisdiction; secondly, because a Wu, corpus it now pending before his Honor, tho Circuit Jndge of this Circuit, in tho same matter. Wbertupon, it waa ordered by this court, that the said priaoner be remauded to the custody of the keeper of the City pri- aon of the city of New York, upon tho said conviction, until he be thence delivered by due courae of law. Trial* Postponed.- The trials of Michael Walsh and Yankee Sullivan, alias James Sullivan, were then put down for Friday neat. Trialfor an .dstault and Battery.Henry Feorella, an Italian. was then tried for having, on Sunday evening, Doc. 2dth, 1643, committed a violent assault and battery on (Jasper Ottaiiana. in the bar-room of Mr. Palmo, in Chambers street. Mr. Ottarianu testified as follows: I was at Palmo's on Sunday evening. Dac. 38th, 1846, en¬ gaged in conveisation with Mr. Paimo, when Feorella entered with some of hia Iriends. On perceiving ma ha accosted me with the word*, "bow do you do, misera¬ ble?'' 1 told bim that I wished to have nothing to amy to him; Feorella then called me a hog; and I, in reply, call- him a blackguard. Feorella then sprang forward and struck me a violent blow on my head with a thick walk¬ ing stick, having at tha top a heavy brass or gold head, ai-d knocked my hat ofl' I than turned round to Mr. Pal- mo and said, you tee that Feorella has assaulted me. Fa- orello then struck me again, in the presence of Mr. Dal. mo, who ordered Feoreilo to leave the room; he, howe¬ ver, said that he would net go out. I defended myself with a stick 1 held in my hand, and with which I struck Feorella a blow. Feorella then took a kniia out ol hia pocket, and attempted to (tab me; the kniie was opan; .he blade was about four inches long. Feorella was then pushed aside by some one, which "pre vented bim from affecting hia purpose. Several other witnesses corrobo¬ rated tho testimony of Mr. Ottariana. Fur the defeuoe several witnesses testified, thnt the affray was com¬ menced by the complainant. The case was submitted to the jury, uuder a brief charge by the Court, and a verdict of not guilty was rendered, after a short cosuRa- tion. Trial for Burglary.Henry Rose waa nszt placed an trial for burglary in the third degree, in having, on the night of the 28th of January, 1846, feloniously enteral the store of Mr. Baiber, No.382, Pearl straet, andktolsn a quantity of mutton and some cloth, the value of which was about $5. The accused was ably dafended by The* Warner, Esq., and the jury, without leaving their seats, found the accused guilty of a petit larceny only. Sen tence deferred till Friday next. Marine Court. Before Judge Waterbury. Feb 10.. Gaopard Ottariana vs. Joteph B. Burke . Tha plaintiff, an Italian artist, brings action against the pastor of the new Catholic Church of 8t Colombo, situated in 33th street, between the 8th and 9th avenue*, to recover a not# of $06, being the balance due tor exe¬ cuting large paintings of the Saviour oti the Crocs, the Sermon on the Mount, and other 8criptural pieces,on the inner walls of tho church. The defence is tnat the werk was not properly executed, which is denied. The jury give a verdict of $96, the full amount claimed, in taror of the plaintiff. For plaintiff, Messrs. Banner and Ugan. Fei defend¬ ant, Mr. White. Court Calendar.OTUa Gay. Si pkrios Cot'it .Nos. 90, 96, 98, 99, 101, 103, 107, 33, 77, 9, 23, 106,4, 7, 11,14, 19, 6S, 37 86, 103. Fufrrme Court.Spsciai. Term .Mr. Chief J uafice Bronson, presiding.February 7..Odell ads. Martin ; motion taken by default, opened, and motion for judgment as in case of nonsuit, denied with costs, without prejudice. Kingtley ads. Cady ; motion to atay proceedings until security tor costs are filed ; granted, on stipulation Comstock et al. ads. Whipple at al. and twa other causes : motion for retaxation of cost*, $33 76 deducted from bills a* taxed. Borden vs. Kelly et al ; motion to refer : granted, by content. Cleaveland ads. ( amp ; motion for commission ; granted, without stay. Weed, imp'd, lie. ads. The Hudson River Bank ; motion to sot aside default, lie ; granted, with costa, by default. Bremen ada. Jacobs ; motion for judgment aa in caaa of nonsuit ; granted with cost, by default. Bremen ada. Pike, do. Berdelland wife vs. Higbie ; motion to snb stituto attorneys ; granted, by default. Mucker ad*. Wheeler ; motion for judgment of non. pros.; granted, with costs, by default. De Mott vs. Kelly ; motion for retaxation of costs ; granted, by default, la the matter of the Mayor, lie New York, relative to opening a new street, to., petition for payment of money oat or court, referred to clerk at New York. Aldrich ad*. Jonas motion that plaintiff file aecurity for costs ; granted ab¬ solute. Finney et al. ads. Teal et al.; motion toaet aside default, lie.; granted, with cost* ; plaintifft have leave to amend narr.; Ac. Dodge, ads. Tue Bank of Chiilico the ; motion to strike out five counts from amended declaration ; denied, and counts allowed to stand, on payment of $10 cost* of motion..Albany Argue. THOMAS B ATE, nrtmii partner of the firm of Thomaa k Jamra Bate, Ne-dle, Fish Hook and Fishing Tackle Manufacturers. Rrdditrh, England, and INMaidraTanr, New Fork, hai this day associated with him aa co-partner, THOU. HENRY BATE, and in future the badness will be conducted under the firm of THOMAS It THOMAS H. BATK. THOMAS BATE, THOMAS HENRV BATE, IIS Maiden lane, near Fu-rl street, ap stairs. ew York. Jan 5. IMS VARIOUS sites and colors, constantly on hand andlor sale by HOOSE It VIETOR, aSS Im'nwM Pearl wreet. ap staira. LEFT OFF WARDROBE AND FURNITURE WANTED. fl ENTLEMEN and Families haying superfluous WEAR- Uf lffU APPAREL, (either Lady's or Oeutlemen'S) Jewel¬ ry, Fire Arms, Ac. lie., they would dispose of to advantage, may do so by sending for the snbscriber, who will attend them at their residences by appointment. H LEVETT, No I Wall (treat, N. Y. All orders through the Post Office, or otherwise, punctually attended to jaMlw*r DAGUERREOTYPE. KNEItAL Famishing EsublRhmgnts end Bole Agency for the sale of VOIQTUtENDEWS JtPPJIRjITUS, dressing G The genuine Voi/rtlaender Apparatus, also the best Plates Chemicals, Polishing Materials and Morocco Cam, Ac. Ac may he procured at the subscribers', wholesale sud retail, by iing (post paid) to &£pe&siiag&atssssy^. OL7" The lollowiag gentlemen here esrreed to act as Agents for the sal of th» gauuioe Voigtlsender Apparatus. Messrs Litch A Whipple, Bostoa. Mass. Mr. J sac a L Lion, Richmond, Va. Mr. 8 Broadbent, Colnmbis, 8 C. Mr. Jamea P Perry, Charleston, 8. C. Mr. 8 Nonsael, New Orleans. Messrs. Johnson A Jacobs, New Orleans. W. A F. LANUENHEIM, . )ll lm're Esehanee. PhilajwrMn. tJOAPB, ESSENCES AND FEMFUMEHY or all binds. O ep-.t, No. I Counlaiidt street The Snhieribor original msec uirs and mm nfacturtis of the genuine Waiiinl Oil Mi i- tsry Staying 8osp which we warrant h l»h> »s 11 < ther pre- parati > .a, haring greatly enlarged onr facilities rre p roared to esec <te any rdefi iu onr line We hare tossieutly en lian i hi hly »eent<d almond. K se, .Mn«b. Wmd.or Palm, and Ton t eoaya; utra Pale Family and No 1 Soap The Cro'nn p oeting Soap, a new and >plendid article, wed suited for Usihs and prirate family warranted noi to sink and to prodnce a nch ai d pleasant la'her. Together With a lame and geneial aaei tineni of Perfume y, Essences. Ac , both Foreign an 1 Dumrei c, selected ami put un with the great at care; also onr celebrat d Crystalline < andlra.for the Weat India and South Ainai ran mukrli. wniraated to ataud any climate Or Ctrl, Dra gut*, and dealers in geutrsl, ars r, queued to rail and »sam ue for tl>enri<elvee jis Im*< I' lHNSON VROQM A FOWLEB. illMMM, |a,UUU, A>,UUU|dlWWl «4,AOO,$4,O00, $1,100, $1,000, TO LEND ON BOND AND MORTAOE.The aboee 1 in m* of money on good prod tinier real aataie in thu city or Brooalvn. Apply to 8 8 BROAD, No. II Wall at. in the office of Peeree A Co. basement N. B..Call between the hours of I end It o elorb, orb ween t and 4 o'eloeb P. M .W Im'fr r.oy-«'l~YV..MBtfrigrsea£

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Page 1: tile.loc.gov · THE NEWYORK HERALD-Vol.UIhHo.*1.W1mI«Ho.*SS*. NEWYORK, WEDNESDAYMORNING,FEBRUARY11, 1846. THE'NEW YORK HERALD. JAXB8 GORDON BENNETT, Proprietor. Circulation...Forty




Circulation...Forty Thousand.DAILY HERALD.Mirny day. fries 1

*%SS Every Saturday.Price IK centbis is advance.prises.always cash

adrasePRINT*NO of all kinds exseated with beauty sad dea¬

lsbe* All leasts or communications, by mail, addressed ts

swillthe eiubhilunsat, most b. post paid, or the postage

Proprieter of theNew Yobs Hbeald EsTaaiusHMSirr

Netthwaet eoraer of Eeltoe and Nassau > treats


ROAD, VIANEW LONDON, NORWICH + WORCESTER.At 7 o'clock in the Morning, from the Foot of Whitehall

strost. South Kerry.Sundays excepted.Way Crates are in readiness to receive banana for New

London, Norwich and Worcester. Baggage lor Bostonjtoeethroash under lock. jult tireLUWU ISLAND RAILROAD UOMRANY.

TRAINS RUN AS FOLLOWS,Commeocinf on Monday, September 13th, IMS.

Leave New Yorii.At 7 o'clock, A M., Boston Train forOreenpert, daily, Sundays excepted, stoppingat Farmingdale and St. George's Manor.

Leave Brooklyn.At MA.M .for farmingdale and intermedi¬ate places, daily Snndaya excepted, and onTuesdays, Thursdays sad Saturday., throughto Greenportand intermediate placet.

~ id intermediate" " at I P. M., for Kermingdole an

places, daily, Sundays excepted.Leave Greenport.Boston Train, at 4 o'clock, r. Mj or oa

the arrival of the steamer from Norwich,daily. 8nndays excepted, stopping at St.George's Manor and Karmingdale.

H " at9o'clock, A.M.; Accommodation Train,en Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.

Lesva Farmingdxle.For Brooklyn, at 6JK o'clock, A. M., and1IfcM., daily, Sundays excepted.

Leave Jamaica.For .Irooklyu, at 8 o'clock, A. M. aud IK f.M.,naily. Sundays excepted. Fere to

Bedlord 8 esnti-'fcast Now York 18K; Race Coyne 18JK;ngCoarse 18V;,famaica 85; Brushvtlle JlK; Hyde ParkTract

It m ,«s S7K; niowsville, (during session Con*.) J7K;Hempstead J7W: Branch VXiCvle Place 44; Weatbury 44;Hicksvilla 44; Karmingdnle.lfcK; Deer Park 88; Thompson88; Suffolk Station 1 80; Lake Road Station 1 18JK; MedfordStation IliKi Millville 1 50! St. Georgia's hfiior 1 UK;fitverhead 1 62k; Jamesport 1 62K; Mattetnck 1 68K; Cubehogne 168K; southold 1 UK; Greenport, Acc a. train, 1 75;Greenport by Bostca Train 8 68.

. ,

Stages are in readinem on the arrival of Trains at the severalStations, to take passengers at very lew Fares, to all para of the

Baggage Crates will be in readiness at the foot ofWhitehallstreet, to reoeive Baggage for the several Trains, 18 minutes be¬fore the hour ofstarting from the Brooklyn side.The Stmmc Statesman leavea Oreenpert for 8ag Harbor

twine each day on the arrival of the Trains from Brooklyn,ofirn


,i , excepted, at 6K A ....

Paaiienger. take the fast and commodious .termers NEWYuR.t or CHAMPION, and arrive at Albany the a una even-isifrArangements heve been mode to make the lie sure, and

pamtiugerr i.su depend on arriving as advertised jsl lmrc


The British and North American Royal, Mail Steam Packet Ship CAMBRIA, C.H. £. Jndkini, Commander, will leave Boa-

. ton for the above ports as follows, vix :CAMBRIA, C. H. K. Jndkini, Commander, oa Sunday, lit

day of March,.1646.Passage to Liverpool $186Pasvageto Halifax 86

For freight or passage, apply toD. BKIGHAM, Jr.. Agent, 6 Wall at.

No Berth seenred until paid for. fl rre

DRAFTS ON OREAT BRITAINAND IRELAND..Persons wishing to re¬mit money to onjr part of Great Britain orIreland, can obtain drafts of the subscribersfor any amount, large or imall, payable on

.II the principal town* and cities.W.kJ.t TAPSCOTT,

dT me II Soetb dt cor. Maiden Lena.NOTICE.STATKN ISLAND FERRY

f.On Wedeeeday, Jan. (th, the trips on this-r*"T will be at follow*..

Leave atateo Maud ¦ llif, li A- M , 2, tX F. M.-Leave New Yatk.9, II A. M iSK.i P.M.J. S..Ou Sendays the boot will usre at 11 o'clock, instead


*8H1PS..Packet of the 11th of February .The first¦class fast sailing Packet 8hin VIRGINIAN, Cap¬

tain Heirs, bnrthen 10(0 tons, will sail as abore, her regular.lay Having very superior accommodations for cabin, secondcabin and steerage passengers, persons intending to embark,should make immediate application on board, foot of MaidenSane, orto JOSEPH McVURRAV,

Corner of Pine and Sooth streets.The Packet Ship INDEPENDENCE. Capt. Allen, bnrthen

ISO torn, will ancceed the Virginian, and ami on lbs 6th ofMarch.I' Parsons intending to send for their friends, can have thembrought oat by either of the above named vessels, on rensona-ble terms, by applying as above. Ibrc.

PASSAGE FROM OREAT BRITAIN ANDhgjRTE. IRELAND, (via Liverpool.).The subscriber* arr

JBBP^prepared to make engagements to bring passengersfrom Liverpool by any of the icgnlar packet ships,sailingovary five days ; and also by first class transient ships, to sa lPositively on their appointed days, at their lowest ratssFrom their new arrangrments for this year, having established. Branch of the concern In Liverpool, no detention whatever,xan take place. For farther pertiralars, apply to

JOHN HERDMAN It t<V/«l South street.HERDMAN. KEENAN k <!<)., Liverpool.

N. Drafts can aa usaal be famished for any amonnt.payable throughout Great Britain and Ireland, on application¦a above. fl rc

gpg. REGULAR PACKET FOR GLASGOW.-hWKWTlie splendid and fast tailing packet ahip 8ARA-aHBfaCKN, Captain Hawkins, will sail on Tneaday, 10thFebruary, ber regular day. The aecommodatons for cabin.Second cabin, and ataenge passengers, are vrry superior.To tecare pasaage, early application w^d M made to

, W.kJ. T. TAPSCOTT.i 75 Sooth it'eef.cor. Maiden lane.

' Persons wishing to send for their friends in any part of Scot. >ad,ctu make the necessary arrangement*, and have themI -*u*hioat in the above splendid ships, or any of the regularline

*oni, will ma

on application aa above. 17 rrc

FOR LIVERPOOL.New Line.Regular Packetthe 26th Feb..The elegant fast aaJing Packetkp GARBICK.B. J H. Traak, Matter, of 11(0

4 as above, her regnlar day. For freight or paa-

fart, apply oe boa, V cou,1N8 fc co % M Moth street.Ts. nneket ah>o I w**1?*' Eldridge, master, will succeed.J?!.J5£iTLK?ii v/wri» 26th, her regnlar day. jMr

nevfhv, Ireland.theJfe r,.AfT.!j|jUt ship BROTHERS. CaptlE^bVil'nrv 700 tons bin e* * Wifi sail from the aboveJ^fThe lOthlviareh neit, «®V,rd'"« °pkportaBity fu'passengers who with to come dire «J® £*w »

For terms ol st.. jaI7 rh corner Maiden Isne.

WANTED.A »hiPtoloedroVaSouUiemDort.-A^TW 1 K CULL^8ofcn,h^eetFOR LIVERPOOL.The New Line-Regular

.faeket k'f tlct Febnu^-Th* «np«nOr fwt Mtlinc¦packet giip ROCHFaJflrERv WO ton* bnrthm, Cipt.

i' 17 South street.

. The pacKt^aJiip Houingucfe 105* tons. Captain Irs Barclay,W"l succeed the Rochester, and sail on the 21st of March.JMr .ss»- WOK SALE. TO CLOSE A CONCERN..ThelIlfELur of Liverpool Packets, consisting of the ehipeJBBKaRoeciiu, SidJons, Sheridan and Oerriek. Ther were

Milt in tins city by Brown It Bell, with nnasntl care; for mo-dels,materials (a vary large proportion of their fjauea beinglive oak) and workmanship, they are nnsarpassed, if not an*-

Sited. Belted on the stocks and re-sal«rd every year since,

iir accommodations for passengers tie very eatensivv anddioiaely fnmished. Amy to

. _¦ ell E K. COLLINS It CO., 3d Booth at


OLD r.fn.HBLlSJlEl) EMQH*1NT OFFICE.'lllE Subscribers are prepared to engage passen¬

gers to come out by the early spring ships, at a verylow rife. Drafts cau aa usual, be furnished, pay-

« throughout >he United Kingdom.j'or farther particnlsrs, apply to J. HERD5, AN It CO.,

liWIr >1 Bonth atrrrt.

|*2- FOR H ILE.To close a concern.The well'¦MeVlicwr, f-vt sailing sloop KINDERHOOK, of NewJHNIfeYork, b"' then per aurolment f tons, «ill carry IM;

1,1 ,ood ord,rcaMn**v<m^,^x:fo-,l lm*v Comer |m,.i ».id Weetvts

pAi KiT SHIP OSWEGO. I-KO.V1 NeW ORLEANSMT is 4i*ctt*rgiog *t Orletu* * Karl, foot of Wall street Colni|neM will plea** attend to the receipt of their goods imn»rdmely. I

VALENTINE HEAD QUARTERS.fURNEH li FISHER. 74 Ch thsm street, have this da.A opened their unequalled sasortment ol Valentines andValeotins is riters. For splendor, variety sad cheapness, wrchallenge the city. Low prices to the trade, is our motto,null and see Valentine* made to order, otigiusl verse* furniched. Orders from the Country attended to promptly.

J 77 lm're

^.^^^^VALENTINES!f±OLV AND BILVER FLUIDS..These metallic flnids,BJ> Which were formerly much used by the ancients lor theirIlluminated Manuscript*, are beautiful articles for all purrx.aol Ornamental Penmanship, each as Valentines. Visiting CsrrBillet deal, Ac. Writing etreutrd with these fin ids has tl

¦npBMiVisiting Can**,Aaids use th*

beanufnl appearance sudlustie of fine gold and silver. Eorsal* bjr the principal C.-mkaellera and Stationers, and by lb*mannficurem. KENT It dLACK.

2w*rc m John street.


rttrirvrj?.es-.«.>street; and 77 Nmth Avenns, end by. Pahnsataah'a k Co., it John

LOEENOES-A pleasant, safe, and eAhctaal rcmetly^s^ySi* gmiul orgaut, *onorrh«<<

ted to ct"nenm m m C/A.. 49

. *7 Dnitlgti iMinlly.JtH m9zF ^ N^e51 .^.pc-t d^i


Bsf^^fLine oi Picki^^^from Liverpool on the lac and 16th of every month.Th» YORKSHIRE wil> from Liverpool, lit ofMirch.

OXFORD " " 16th ofMuch.CAMBRIDGE " " lit ef April..' MONTEZUMA " 16th of Am#.Personi sending lor their friends, and forwarding the pSegecertificate by the iteamihip Hibernia, sailing from Boston on

the lit ...of February, will h«ve plenty of time to co.ce in theYorkshire. or in any one of the euht packets ofthe Black BallLine. sailing from Lirerpool ou the lit cod 16th of everymonth. Apply to. or address, if by Irtter post paid,ROCHE, BROTHERS It CO..M Fulton it.,

Next door to the Fnlton Bank.Notice..Tho Public are respectfully notified by desire of

the owners of the Black Ball or Old Line of Liverpool Packets,that no Passenger Agents but Roche. Brothers It Co., havepermission from them to advertise to bring out Passengers bythat Line, and that they are the only regular authorised Passen¬ger Agents ol said Line m this city. jMr


It is intended to dispatch a ship Irom this port on the 1st, 6th,It is intended to dispatch a ship Irom this port on the 1st, 6th,11th, 16th, list and 16th of eechBnouth, commencing 1st Octo¬ber and continuing until May, when regular days will be ap¬pointed for the remainder of the year, whereby great delaysand and disappointments will be prevented during tlie summermonths. The following ships will commence this arrangemeut:.

Ship Cliltou Captain Ingersoll.Ship Teauesse,... Captain Pray.Ship Shakspeare. .Captain Cornall.Ship Louisville. .CaptaiaHnnt.Ship Genesee ... Captain Minot.Ship Oswego ,.. Captain Wood,Ship Damascus.. Captain Bliss.Ship Sartelle .,. Captain Taylor,

These ships were all built express Iy for packets, are ot lightdraft ofwater, have raceutly been newly coppered and put in

forpaisplendid order, with accommodations for passengers unequalledfor comfort; they are commanded by experienced masters, whowill make every exertion to give general satisfaction. Theywill at alt timet be towed np and down the Mississippi by steamboats. Neither ths captains or owners of these snips will beresponsible for jewelry, bullion, precious stores,silver or platedware, or for any letters, parcels or package* sent by or put onboard ofthem, unless regular bills of lading are taken for thetame, at the value thereon expressed.

E. K. COLLINS It CO., 36 South at. orJA8. E. WOODRUFF, Agent in New Orleans,

.who will promptly forward all goods to his address.The ships of this |ine are warranted to sail punctually as ad¬

vertised, and great care will be taken to have the goods cor¬rectly measured. sMrePACKETS FOR HAVRE.SECOND LINE.

& m, mThe ships of this line will fail during the year in the follow-ing order:

_ 1st Jan. 16th Feb'ry.Ship UTICA, K Hewitt, master, 1st May. 16th June,From N. York. From Havre

Feb1st Sept. 16th Oct.Sept. ,

1st Feby 16th March.Ship 8T. NICOLAS, J Brail," «. 1st June 16th July.

IstOct. 16th Nov.1st March 16th April.

Ship ONEIDA, J Funek, master, 1st J_uly. 16th Aug1st Nor. 16th Dec.1st April. 16th May.

8hip BALTIMORE, J Johnson,jr. ¦' 1st Aug. 16th Sept.( 1st Deer. 16th Jany.

They are all ofthe first class, ably commanded, and with ac-omiuodstious for passengers ample and commodious. Therice of passage in the cabin is #100. exclusive ofwtnes andiquon. Apply to BOYD It HINCKEN, Agents,

9 Toutiue Building, No. 88 Wall street.Goods sent to the agents for forwarding will be subject to

none other than the expenses actnally paid. nitreTAFSCOTT'S GENERAL EMIGRATION OFFICES76 South street, corner of Maiden Lane. ew York, and

96 Warterlf>o Road, ^Liverpool

^ j2LPersoas wishing to secu f.-usAgeTortheir friends riom Liv-.rpool daring the coming -nsou, in the New Line of Liver¬pool Packet., are respectfully iuformedby the suiacnbers.lhstthe undermentiotivd magnificent and favorite packet sliipa willtail from Liverpool positively a» advertiaed.-111 any cf whichpastate can be encaged on the moit reasonable terms, andevery necessary means will be n»ed to have those whose pis.age may be engaged on this side ofthe Atlantic despatched inas comfortable manner as possible.The ship Liverpool, on 6th Febmary.the Siddont on the

llth February.the Queen of the West, 6th March.the Skeridan on llth March.The well known sailing qualities of these favorite packetsrender any remarks unnecessary, and their acrommodati ins for

cabin, aeeond cabin and steerage passengers, turpast those ofany other line. To seenre passage, and tor furthsr particulars,apply to W. It J. T. TAPSCOTT,

75 Somh street, coroer Maiden Lane.P. 8..W. It J. T T. supply Drafts as nana!, for any amount,

payable throughout Great Britain nnd Ireland d31

MARSEILLES LINEJOF PACKETS.MkTb^naermeatione^hius will be regularly deepatcheotromhence on the lit, and from Marseilles thr lOtn of each mouth

during the year, as follows:.From

ShipsCaptains. From N.Y. Marseil'CORIOLANUS. Jas Haile. Dec 1 Feb 10ARCOLA (new) N W Evcleigh, Jan 1 Mar 10GASTON, Sj-rhen Coulter, Feb 1 Apr 10NEBRASKA (new), J K Brown, Mar 1 May 10PR'CE de JOINVILLE,W W Lawrence, Arrl 1 Jnne 10MISSOURI, J Silvester, May 1 July 10These are all fast sailing, coppered and copper fastened vee-

.els, and commanded by men of experience. Their accommo-

.lations for passengers are all that need be desired in point olcomfort ana convenience, having eicellent ste'e room aceem-modatious. Punctuality in the days of sailing from both portsmay be relied onGoods addressed to the agents will be forwarded free of eth¬

er charges than those actually paid.For freight or passage apply to

CHAMBERLAIN It PHELPS, Proprietor*,No. 103 Froutstreet, or te

BOYD It H1NCKEN. Agents,nllrc 9 Tontine Buildings 08 Wall cor. Water »t.

JOHN HERDMAN k CO..United States and Great Britain and Ireland Emigrant Offce,

II South street, New York.

llERDMAN, KEENAN fc Co., LiTerpooLPassage to and from Great Bream and Ireland (via Liverpool)by the regular Packet Shins sail iugevent five days.

The subscriber* in calling the attention of old countrymenand the public generally to uieir unequalled arrangements forbringing out passengers from the old country, beg to state thatafYerthis year the business ofthe Honse at Liverpool will beconducted by its Branch. Those sending for their Irieuds willtt once see the great importance of this arrangement, as it willpreclude an nummary delay of the emigrant. Tha ships em¬ployed in this Line are well known to be the first and largestclass,commanded by men ofexperisnce; and as they sail everyfive days, anu offer every facility that can be famished. With.hone superior arrangements, the subscribers look forward for acontinuation of that patrouage which has been to libeially ei¦ended to them for to many years past. In ease any of thoseengagrd do not embark, the passage money will be rtiuaded atcustomary. For farther particuUrs, ayip^h^ Dtter, pintpaid.

61 Booth street,New York.HERDMAN, KEENAN It CO,

Liverpool.N. B..Drafts for any amount can as niual be famished,payable at all the principal Banking Institutions throughout theUnited Kingdom, on application ss above. n31rc

.NEW ESTABLISHMENT,For the Exclusive Salt of Choict


HE subscriber, who exhibited at the late Fair of the Ame¬rican Institute, the much admired display of choice Per¬

fumery and Toilet Soaps, and who was there awarded, by thshonorable podges, a Golden Medal, has opened an establish¬ment in this city st No. 15* Broadwny, where he offers a spsci-llityol Perfumery not to be surpassed either in KnropeorAmerica. He would remark that his Parfnmery has the greatadvantage over the foreign of being freshly prepared, and thatthe unequalled opportunities he eajored of learning his art mthe Laboratory ofLangier Pare et Fila, of which 1m was formauv years the director, guarantees hit possession of a skilleqnai to that of any European Perfumer.A complete assortment of choice articles of the most cele¬

brated foreign I.notes, will at all times be kept on hand, thatenabling his easterners to compare and to choose, and hs hasalso imported from Paris a beantifuI assortment of FANCYARTICLES, suitable for the app-oaelflng holidays.Thetnbscriber does not advertise Soap which will change

deformity into beanty, and old age Into youth, or Pomatumswhich will |losses* ths transcendent virtue of creating new or¬gans for the growth of lha hair These miracles heTesveslorothers; but lie does pretend to offer TOILET 3G^.P8, so sci¬entifically compounded that no nnoeutr lixed alkali remains tofret the most delicate skin, and he offers a most elegant prepa¬ration, to highly recommended by an accomplished authoressof America, his AMANDINE, which will present or enre themost inveterate chapping i f the skin.He offers his unrivalled SHAVING CREAM, an artifIt

wbieh, if ones tried, will always be present in every gentle¬man s dressing caseHe offers his COSMETIC CREAM, so invaluable an appli

cation to delicate races after shaving, a much mora elagaat praparation than tha Cold CreamHeofferafor tha head, OILS, ESSENCES, POMATUMS

and WASHES, possessed of various properties, some design¬ed to beautify and cleause the healthy hair^ome to tnre disor¬dered action of the Scalp; some of soothing emoluient propertiee for the irritable head; others stimulating and tome tothe debilitated Scalp, impaired in it* functions by sickness andother causes. These rrmedies, compounded with well-knownPhysiological principles, frequently restore the hair, stop itsfalling when its lot* does not arise from a dettrnr ion Ol the or¬ient of the hair, and are not to be eonloii' 'ed with the thon-.aud nostrums so shami-li-ssly warranted l. euct all casra .

iiiaBEAR,S OIL, he .»».ur*s ths inolie. is pen- etlr tiu awwhen rnp.rsented as su.. ted is prepared, by lication ollost, so cvelal as not b eaJ ler the psonlisi gn ralioi in7irtne ol which it dlffv > fiom other snbswiu lOf s similarcharacter.

... «For the quality of hit goods, ho can refer to Meotra- Atpinwall, Milhiu. Chilton, aad many others of the most respect-.-tble chemitu of thia city, who for the last tororal yean havevended articles of his maqplacinre.Finally, everything at his store will be as represented, and iltoy article doss not give lull satisfaction, it will not only wil¬lingly, bat also thankfully be taken back. The snbscriber isunions to acquire for hit establishment a character for veraci¬ty and good faith, when, from ths nature of the articles, theieis so mneh room for misrepresentation, and he enjoins it nponall in hi* employ to maintain the same adherence to truth andgood faith. A call ia moat respeeilolly solicited.

EUGENE ROUSSKL,Manufacturer aad Importer of Perfumery,No. 156 Broadway.hvtween Liberty and Crnirtluidt,dil lm'rc and IN Choanal street, r iilndalphia.


HIGHLY PERFUMED with Patehouly, Verbena. Rot*Bouquet, lu ke. are »be foundat tha at re of the su a

scriber, E. ROUS8EL, 156 Broadway,Wholesale and retail. jtl )m»i


THij«is?s2LrMt&ssisawho apply a. the ^ BrM4wtr

Wholesale and retail. J*1

VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE.<M) A FIRST RATE FARM-Bdongiug la the EstateKR of C. Harriett, deceased, formerly known u the Jere-

miiti Campbell Farm. Itfine on the Turnpike Road lead¬ing from New Brunswick to Rahway, 7 mile* from the for.mer and 4 mile* from the latter place. The New Jersey Rail¬road also, which passes near by, has a regular atopping placeat Uaiontown, within a mile of the house. The Farm,whichis in a high state of cultivation, contains near W acres. M ofwhich is woodland, with an abundant growth of the best kindof wood; the rest of ths Farm is admirable divided by natureinto Pasture. Meadow, and Orain growing LandThe Buildings, which are pleasantly situated, are large andgood, consisting of a Dwelling House with t rooms betides amilk room and cellar; a large Barn, with Stable; Cow House,Wagon House, Stable separate from ths Barn, Cribs, Graaery,fcc. There is a never failing well of excellent water near thekitchen door. Toere are also 1 excellent Apple Orchards ofgrafted trees in full bearing.The above property is now offered far sale in order that the

estate may be settled. If not sold on or before 13th Februarynext, it will be offered at public auction on that day at theMerchants' Exchange, New York, at 11 o'clock M. One halfof the purchase mouey may remain on bond and mortgage at 6percent.For further particulars apply to Oeorge Clinch. Kaq. UpperBull's Head. New York; James Wright, on the Farm, or Litis

B. Freeman, WoodbridgeELIZA HARRIOTT, Executrix.GEORGE CLINCH, { L' ,LLL18 B. FKLLMAN, S lLlecnt0".

The subscriber will offer at Public Sale at the same time,his Property in the village of Woodbridge, Middlesex Coun¬ty. New Jersey.as described belowNo. 1. The principal Hotel in ths village, known as the

Pike House, the lot is 197 feet front on the main street, withan average depth of 2J5 feet, the house is 40 by 30 feet, withkitchen adjoining; bam 90 by 10 feet, with caniage house,fcc. Harden well stocked with fruit, strawb

. _ strawberries, taapber-ries. fee; the rear of the house surrounded with b.-autifulshade trees; a well near the kitchen door, furnishing an inex¬haustible supply of water* It ia a first-rats stand.and has donea nourishing business..No. 1. Fourteen Building Lots.earh 6# feet front by 1M feet

in depth, sdjoining the above, and fronting on the street lead-log to Uaion Town, a level and handsome building location,and in the centre ofthe village.No.S. Ajdot ofJK ofau acre lying in the rear of the above

ng thelota, and adjoininiI the Pi*e House lot, suitable for tillage orpasturage, or could be used for the erection of a Factory,where a small water-power is required. Head's Brook, a con¬siderable stream of water, forming its southern boundary.No. 4. A large and substantial Dwelling Houae 41 by 30 feet,with tea room adjoining, and kitchen in the rear, large airv

cellar dirided into several apaitmrata; large garden, welistocked with all kinds of shrubbery, frail trees, dowers, fee-;a welt of excellent water iu the cellar, (never fails). The lotis 163 feet front on the main street and 104 feet in the rear, andabout 20* yards in depth, aud is dirided into three compart¬ment!.the Isont one having on it a large barn, sublet, car¬riage houae, ice houae. crib, fowl houae, tool houae and work¬shop, and other outbuildings for the convenience of the place;the House contains 16 rooms, and the whole establishment isreplete with every convenience for the residence of a gentle¬man, or could be easily arranged for au extensive BoardingSchool.the location ia fine.No. 5. Two vary eligiole building lota, fronting on the main

street, and adjoining lite above, 30 tree each in front by 140 feetin depth.No. 6. Three Dwelling Homes and Lota, adjoining each

other, 3 stories high, besides basement, fronting on the mainstreet, each lot 140 feet in depth, by about It feet in width.No. 7. A very convenient Dwelling Home, containing C

rooms, besides xitchen, pantries and milk room ; a good gar-dan, well ot water near tke door. The lot ia SO feet front by13S in depth.The above property comprise! one of the moat beautiful see

tioua ol the Village, and ia in the immediate vicinity of storeschurches, schools, host office, fee.No. II. A small Farm of excelleut land, with house, garden,well of water, aud suitable onl buildings, containing about 30

acres, pleasantly situated on the road leading lrom Wood-' '1 to upper Ik'bridge to upper llahway, and about 30 minutes walk from therillage.No 13. A lot of about It acres lying one mile east of the

above, and adjoiuiug lands of Corn's Baker and others, 4 ofwhich are meadow, the residue first quality oak aud hickorysoil, and now covered with a splendid growth of timber, withthe exception ol 3 acres, which have lately been cut oil~ blackNo. 13. A first rate lot of upland aud bUck grass meadow,

about 6j£ acres of each, hall smile from this village, with anever tailing brook running through it; 'his plot ia r, vain able for either cu'liny r pasturage, and will pay alarge intern*on the inveetmeu'. The terma will be liberal.For further iuiormatiou as to the locality, fee., ref.

nay be had to a map of the estate, made by F. W. Bi!u!¦Surveyor General ot Last New Jersey, at the office of A. J.Blebckik, Auctioneer. No. 7 Broad at., or application ma;lie made to Lewis Leslie, it Woodbridge, who will showany portion ol the premises ; or to

GEORGE CLINCH,Upper Bull's Head, 3d aveuue, Nsw Vork.

N. B..The title is bey ond dispute, and one hall ol the pur¬chase money can remain on mortgage at 6 per cent. 10 percent to be paid on the day ol sale, and 40 per ceut ou the deli¬very of the deeds. Possession to be given on the 1st of April

next. Ja32tfebl3*mc

M STORE AND DWELLING TO LET AT HAR¬LEM .One of those three story brick front houses,with atorea attached, situated in the central and buai-

a-as part of Harlem, on the east aide of the 3d avenae, be¬tween 133d aud I24.h streets. Slid houae is fiuiahed completewith ev-ry convenience for a respectable family. Stage* passihe door every half hour. Rent moderate to a good tenant.

Ay'>-t0 JACOBS, 134th street, near 3d aveune.B..For tale cheap, 1.000 yard* of hralthy Uardeu Box

for sdgingi, to be removad to make alteration iu the groundsApply as shove. j2t lm*re

carpetfactory f«irbale or to let.jj-^^Situated in Ponghkecpsie, Dutchess County, State ofJmULNvw York, half a mile lrom the landing..The proper¬ty consist! of a large three story basement ana attic BRICKBUII.DING, 66 feet by 36 feet.with a Steam Engine, Dyr¦old Wash House, all covered with alate.with the ntherneees-¦ary out buildings The Machiuery consists ofM cirpet looms,andall necessary spinning machinery*, dye kettles, fee to keepthe same in fnll operation. The communication with this cityis daily.expense of transportation moderate. The premises<nd machinery are in excellent coudition, and ready lor imme¬diate operation.ttr For terms and other particulars.apply to

wrwiirJOHN W. WHINFIELD.ja!6 lm'rc Poughkeepaie.

FINK FRENCH BOOTS FOR »3 50-City made,'and are equal to those sold in other stores for ti; fineFreurh ( alf Boots for $4 JO, rqual to the best made in thiscity for S6 or $7-at YOUNG k JONES' French BoatShoe Manufactory; one of the most fashionable in this

city; our Boots having been judged in tlie late Fair at Nibio's,are said to be the best Boots ever told ia this city. All Bootswarranted to give satisfaction.

YOUNG It JONES, 4 Ann atreet.ja37lm*rh sear Broadway, New York.


PERFUMERY ESTABLISHMENT.THE Subscriber return* hi* thank* to hi* friends and theA public for the eery liberal patronage extended to himsince the opening of hi* Stoie iu New York. Premising thatin Perfumery the maxim should prevail, "either the best ornone," he earnestlr solicits one moment's attention to 'lie fol¬lowing very intelligible proofs that he is capable of offeringthe very best, whether the competition be foreign or Ameri¬can. 1st. He possesses nneqnalled advantages in Paris, in hav¬ing been for mauy rears Director of the Laboratory of Langier Pete et Kils, for hall' a century the first house in this linein Europe. 2nd Since the first exhibition, some years past, ofhis Perfumery, it has, without a single exception, obtained inNew York, Boston and Philadelphia, the first Premium over*11 competitors, and at the last exhibition in New York, hewas honored with the llo'd Medal never before awarded toPerfumery. 3rd. His Perfumery has banished the importedwhenever it has come fairly into competition. This is em¬phatically the case with his Shaving Cream Why should itnot be so I His Perfumery is, in fact, the foreign,both in its quality and mode of fabrication, with theaddition of an exoellenee which the foreign never can possess.namely, freshness and advantage in many of these articles oithe greatest imimrtance, owing to their prrishable nature. 4th.His prices are from 30 to M per cent lower. In fine, the sub¬scriber, educated in the best foreign schools, imported withhim the science and sk II of his native city, offers the productsof hi* laboratory, equal to the best imported, and superior to;hem from the advautage of recent preparation, at much lowerprices. He, therefore, flatters himself that his preparationsmust of necessity supercede the imported, except with thosewho are so unreasonable as to prefer articles merely becausethey are foreign, and hsve been subjected to the influence ofasea voyage. To conclude, tlie subscriber always keeps onhaud a perfect assortment of the best foreign perfumery, andoffers at i.is store bii opportunity of comparing the two, and olpurchasing according to the judgment or preference of :he in¬dividual.T he subscriber most respectfully solicit* a rail from those

who wish to purchase that which is genuine, as he assures dieCblic that uething shall ever quit his establ shmeat without

iug as represented to the purchaser. He particularly invitesthe attention of wholesale and retail dealers to his very com-

Sete assortment, which he offers to them st prices from M toper cent cheaper than they bay elsewhere.

£. HOU8SEL,Manufacturer and Importer of Toilet Boaps,

jUlm'r Perfumery, fcc.NEW INVENTED

WIGS AND TOUPEES.BATCH DLOR'a new i»Yentr<l Wigs and Scalps no perfect¬ly re»embU the n.tnral h»ir as to defy detection, hisnnw scarcely a matter of regret losing an indifferent head ofhair, when a new one, perfectly adapted to the countenanceand style of every wearer, and without any of the rotationsJifficaUiea solone experienced bywia wearers, can be procured»l WM. BAThHKLOH^, S Wall street, near Bro dway.Removed from 165 Broadway. ft im+r

ALEXANDER'S TRICOBAPHE.Anew and invaluable discovery, b«iug «

Liquid Dye, which instantaneously cnaugn the color ofthe hair to a beautiful brown or black, without injury to thehair or skin. The greet superiority of this Dye, consists in itseasy mode of application, and instantaneous effect.ell otherdyes requiring from ten to twelve hours to produce any change.Its superior excellence will beappereut to every one npon tsiugle application.Extract from the Philadelphia Daily Ban:.At.r.xai*psx'iTaiconarHX .The effect of the above on tho hair is truly as¬

tonishing. |t was tried yesterday in oasr office,and the changefrom gray to black was instantaneous.Extract from the Philadelphia Duly Forum:.Several of our

acquaintances have recently applied to their huir tho valuableLiquid Dyekaowu as Alexander's Tricobsphe.a new *.id sal¬eable discovery; sad it has in no ease failed to prorfnr « the disired effect. Immediately after tppl> ing it to grip ,

Whiskers, it impulse beautiful browu 01 blaek color.For talr by Hn«' >a k Co druggists, lln Broadway, 10 \r,;or

H< use, end f adway, comer 14ih streets Aspine .»

William st: Johnson, Moore It Taylor. *1 Mudeu lane. WWright It Co. I Cedar street; and ol the principal druggist*throughout tho United Suites, or of sole agents,

ft. It G. A. WRIGHT, OSauth4thstreet,JJ4 lm*r Philadelphia.

TRUFFLES.POR SALE.A supply of Truffle* jau received, sad for

sale by J. B 8TOUVEN EL, 39 John street.Also, Bordeaux Wines iu cuk* aud cases, Kieisrh, Absinth

and Champagne of the h>st brand*. j2i tm*r

LAURENT & BROTHER,IMPORTERS OF FRENCH GOODS,'T'AKE great pleasure ia informing their customers that tlwyA have just rsceived by the packet* Burgundy and 8t.Nicholas, their new fancy spring goods, consisting of therichest style Lyons Silk, rich Paris printed Maslin-de-lsines,Barege, Uaixoriue, Tailetsu Jaeoueca, Ite..Also, tiir largestassortment ol Broche and urn ted long and square Bhawls,Scatfs, Ac. In style and richness, wa believe our goods eae-aot bo surpassed by any importation this Bpnug. Your kindattention to, and inspection ofthe sameis resprrtfoHy solicited.

LAURENT A BHOTHER.iaIT lui'rNo. 4 WUliam street.

CHAPPED HANDS.OUuSEL'S AMANDINE.A vsry celsbisied srtiel# forthe certain euro and preventioa of Chapped Hands, korat the principal druggists and dealers in petfumeryughout the United Stales. mid at the manelectovert.

,E. ROUMEL, Ne. lMBmudway,

Whelemle Md rguIL jll lm'r


I^OH WuUNUtj. Hiuuea, Burnt, ( hrouie Sum < r Swel-linga, PilflJ. Ulcer* and lutliinnl Br«isu, It i* alio a

sovereign remedy for Blotches on the Kac-, and Chapped orRough akin. It will *000 render it transparent, clear and softas velvet.

(Extract of a letter from Doctor Wood.)I am highly gratified to hear that the " Relief Salve," pre¬pared by Dr Charles Arnr, is being introdured to the pahlic.It iHMsesses menu which will speedily give it a high rault inthe confidence of your customers. It is decidedly superior toany other preparation with which I hay* say acquaintance." I have made frequent use of it with the greatest possiblesuccess, and freely and cheerfully commended it to others. Icannot withhold an expression of surprise at the htppv effects1 hare known it to prodnca in aereral caaea of inflamed breaiuand nerves.''

(Extract from a letter written by a female to her relative.)'.Monday morning called at Mra. Hnlbert's. She had suffer¬ed so long and ao much wilh her breasu. that 1 expected fromwhat we had heard, to find her dead. They had, however, appli-ed ' Arnt'a Relief Salve'that night and the next day. aud to mygreat satisfaction, 1 fonnd her entirely relieved. After apply-ing it twice at I had directed, the milk started a stream ; lli-ypnt the child to her breacta, and they are now both doing verywell indeed They call me the Good Samaritan for mentioningthe aulve to iliem. 1 am Tery glad of being the means ofdoingsome good io the world."Doctor Hallock.Sir: That the great virtue of " Anit's Re¬

lief Salve" may be known to the afflicted, 1 deem it my duty tostate a few facu connected with my own case. About twentyyears ago 1 received an injury from the Iragmeut of a burstingcannon striking me in my groio; from that up to the presenttime 1 hare suffered much distress and (win, and finally it re¬sulted in a diffused aneurism, peirading my leg and footDeriug this protracted season of .off-ring, I hare had recourseto all the" sore cures," and highly recommended " Paiu Ex-tructors," lie., Itc., with uo be eGt.Having recently taken a severe cold, my leg was again the

seat of moat excruciating paiu, end had all the appearance olimmediate mortification. 1 was advised that, in order to taremy life, my leg must be amputated. Again 1 retorted to thevarious highly rccommeud. d remedies, hut found no relief,until I was peisuaded to try the " Relief Salve " After thefirst application 1 felt a great benefit; and on the second, thedark mahogany color of my leg snd foot chauged to a uaturaland healthy appearance. By nsiug two boxes the swelling audinflvmmatio disappeared, and my leg became entirely freefrom pain. It is now in a better coudition than it has been forten yea'i. I do therefore recommeud it strongly to others suf¬fering from similar afflictions, and have no doubt it will provea highly valuable appl cation for all the purposes for which it iarecommended. Respectfully yours, Ac.,

8. PARSONS.French's Hotel, No 13J Kultou street, New York.This may certify, that hnviug been afflicted furs long while

with carbuncle*. I applied Dr. Charles Arnt's Relief Salvewith most beneficial effects, and recommend it to anv personssuffering under like affliction.

LEWIS S. CORYELL.National Hotel, No. 5 Conrtlandt street. New York.Sold wholesale and retail by the principal agent, Cll 4K.LF.S

H. RING, 193 Broadway, coiuer of Joliu street, and by mostof the respectable druggists. flO lm*rc


MAGNETIC FLUID.rpHJ8 remarkable discovery comprise* an entirely safe andA novel application of the mysterious power of Galvanism,

as a remedial agent. The Oalvauic Rises in connectionwith the MaescTic Fluid, have been used with eotirc suc¬cess m all case* ot RHEUMATISM, acnte or chronic, apply¬ing te the head, face or limbs ; Gout, Tic Dolorrux, Tootn-a< lie, Bronchitis, Vertigo, nervous or sick Headache, Indigestiou, Paralysis, Palsy, Epilepsy. Fits. Cramp, palpitation ofthe Heart, Apoplexy, stiffness of Joints. Spinal complaints,Lumbago, Neuralgia, nervous Tremors, dlzzinrss of the Head,pain' in the Chest aud Side, general Debility, deficiency ofnervous and physical energy, and all nerrons disorders. Incases of Dyspepsia, which ia simply a nervous derangementol >rie digestive o.gaus. they have been louud equally success¬ful. The Rings are ofdifferent prices, being made of all sixes,aud of various ornamental pattern*, and <au be woru by themost delicate female without the slight*st inconvenience.THE G \LV AN1C BELTS, BANDS, BRACELETS, SicAre modifications of the inveutiou, and are recommended inv re rhiouic cases of disease, wuere the lliugs do not pos-s If sUflwMM intensity 01 power. They are adapted IO the¦' i«t "DJ, wrists, aucles, cheat, or *uy part of the body with

. ft-' .ate. Auv OUvanic power that is required may thus'..«. i stained, and no complaint whicn the m sterinut-.gent ofialviiit- m can affect, will fail to be permanently relieved.

CHRISTIE'S MAGNETIC FLUIDis used in couuectiou with the Rings aud their modifications.Thia composition has been prououueed by the French Che¬mists, to be one of the most valuable di*cove>ies ol moderntcieuce. It ia brlinved to postas* the remarkable power ofrendering the nerves senaitire to Galvanic action, by ilusmeina caustug a coocrmraliou of the influence at the seat ofdisease, and thus giving rapid and permauent rebel.


These articles form an important addition to the GalvauicRings, actiugupon the tame principle, but having the advan¬tage of mo-e local application At an effectual means lortrenglh-niug the system when debilitated by disease or other

causes ; as a certain ant m constitutional weakness ; as a pre¬ventive for colds, aud in all affections of the chest generally,the Oai.TA.Ntc Strxmuthvsv wo Plaitlrs will be fouud ofgee*' and pel mauent idvuitl.cWe refer our readers to the "Umevons

tEy-HO.HE CER1 FICATE8,Published by the Doctor, in the Sun, Times,Mirror,Tribune,and other papers.These testimonials, all of which are from the moat respectable sources, h ive been aelectrd from several hundred of a

aimilar character, which have been procured during the shorttime the discovery hat been beforr tne American public

D. C. MOOKHr.AU.General Agent for the United States, and only Agent for the

City of New York,134 Fnllou street. Sun Buildings.

Bt-w-re of Counterfeits. ja31 M WfcSat Im't

LEECHES '."LEECHES !)US| Rt.Cr.IVhl) a treat, supply ol nweedish and Smyrna

Lreches For sale byJ. FERDINAND CLRU,

Importer of Leeches, No. 1*9 Naaaau street.vy J- F'. G '* doing business alone, and has uo conuectiou

at preterit with his former pinner. 19 lm*rr



MAGNETIC FLUID.RECENTLY imported, celebrated both in Europe and

America, fur the cure of rheumatism, and all chronic oruetvoui disease*. For sale by the grace, doxen or single one,at rrdi'i.kd rnicr.s.

A.B. it D SANDS, 79 Fulton street,fj Irn'r corner of Gold.

AN EXTRAORDINARY WORK,And One which thmUd be in the llande qf every


a plaiuly wjri.ten ^Treatise on the Popul ition Question.by (he Hon. R. 1). Oxen, with Addition* and Alteration*,

by K. Glover. M. D. To every parson of snood con,mou¦ rune, thii work ii one whtch.will command the highest praise.It true a few ignorant people may condemn it, bat the editorii fully persuaded that the high importance of the mhiect ofwhich it treat! will preieut iuelf io forcibly to reflectingmoidi, that it renit command respect. Were tliia book care¬fully read by every married person, and ita advice itrictly fol¬lowed, we are persuaded that a different state ol society fromthe present wou Id exist.

Price of the Book M cents. For sale by Burgess, Stringer ItCo., 223 Broadway, corner of Ann street, by whom the tradevw-| ¦«* i*i uau "si) . cwiucs vi nun tlircii Vy n IIUIII uir ii

will be supplied. Persons in the country, by enclosing $1 poet'* . ...paid, will he supplied witli two copies in mad binding. Postage on the book, to any pert of the United States, is Ave cents

II Im're


A HIGHLY valoable Cosmetic for eradicating Kruptiouson the Face and Skin, particularly Pimp'es, Blotches,

Tstrer, Sunburn, Ringworms, Freckles and Cutaneous Ki-cresences. The use of the Lotion for a short' time will clearthe akia and establish a brilliant complexion. Sold in bottlesat 7i ce its each, at No. IIS Bowery, corner Spring street; also,by Mrs. Hayes, i30 Fulton street, Brooklyn. f8 lo.'m

BIRD CAGE MANUFACTORY,So. 1 St John'e Lane corner Peach itreet, New York.1'IIE SLB8CRIBER would inform his Customers and the* Public, that he keeps constantly on hand a large supply of

fincy and common Bird Cages of every description, which heoffers frr sale at a lower rate then they can be bought else¬where. Merchants would And It to their advantage to call andex.mine liisstock. J. KKLLY.

P. 8. Country orders attended to with promptness and dis¬patch^ f8 Im'm


completed their Works, are now ready to execute ordersfor pore White Lead, both Dry and Grouod in Oil, to almostany extent that may be wanted. The Company hare spared noexpense in the erectiou of the Works which would lend, inthe least degree, to the improvement ol the Lead, havingavailed themselves of every modern improvement for thatpurpoee.Being well awase, from onr long familiarity with the differ

eat leads sold in onr market, that by lar the greater proportionsold as such has been, and still it greatly adulterated withBarytfi, an article of mineral production mneh heavier thanWhite Lead, and in itself possessing no virtee of any pigment whatever, if being, when mixed with oil. almost trans¬parent, and in fact having nothing but its specific weight torecommend it, the Trnsrees of the Atlantic White Lead Com¬pany have passed, unanimously, the I'ollowiog resolution, vix:"Resolved, Tnat in v«ew of manufacturing only a prime

article, the Atlantic White Lead Company will make but onequality of White Lead, both Dty and Ground ta Gil; that to6e a strictly pure, genuine article, end perfectly free from anyadulteration whaterer, which the Company will warrant asaach to all who m-y purchase their Lead."Purchase ! therefore, may be well assured that every de-

Erodence may be placed in the purity ol every pound of Whileeid manufactured and sold by the Conmauy. which pureuess

will uot only teud to the greater durability of the Paint, binwill ue found muib more economical in its use, er.a in themos'common description of raintiag, owing (o the body orcovering quality it possesses, thereby giviag a far better huishwifl two otts, thin the adulter.til White Paint Would withth" of which every paiate- will hear wit., essThe Comp uy also mai ulecture Red Lead and Litharge, auln 'ir sale a r rivfy of Paint. Ground in Oil, vit: Ve digits,Li. k Taint Yellow Ochre, Bpani h Brown, Paris Grtcn,Brunswick Orsen, kc kc.Having beee appointed general Agent* for the Company, all

orders should be directs* to ua.POLLEN kCOLGATE,fTle'r N7 Pearl street, corner ol Beak-nan street.

THE PARISIAN SECRET.JU8T PUBLISHED, a New Traualstiou from the French.

entitled "The Parisim Secret, or Hell Prearivi ti >n:''a per-feet security against Sexual Diseases, under all circumstances,without tile asa of Medicine or any disagreeable necessity.universally understood and employed by men oi fashion laPant, Louden, and other large cities.BY ALEXANDER LEDAUM, M. D ,Member of the Faculty of Mediciau of Paris.Physician to the

Venereal Hospital.Knight of the Leg»n of Honor, kc., kc .But ue St Honors I*. PartePublished by Robert H. umont. Legal Deputy for Dr. Le- I

beam, IN Washington st, Boelun. Puce CSJe uuU per copy. Itwo copies for $1. All orders should be addressed, poet paid,to Robert H.Dumoat as above.Pot sale m New Y. rk, only byWYATT k KETCH

UM, Ul Fulton at.) Philadelphia, Colon k Adnaace, la theArea4e, C.hesnut at d|i Im'r

GENTLEMEN VISITING BOSTON.HENRY GOSLING has the pleasure to announce to hie

friends, and thepuhhein general, that he has rrreted aKesteaenmt in Boston, No. I* Devonshire vtreet, in th# <uiestyle at the American aad Preach Dining Haloon, No. M end« Nassau street, kept by hie father, Napoleoe the let, of theeating houses. He has spired no psias or enpease, to makehie eetabliahmeat the ne pine ultra of Meeteunnte in Boeton.fi lw'ro H. GOSLING, Napoleon the Second.

Fort Wayne, (Ini>.,) Jan. 29, IStti.Excitement m Indiana.A Grtat Luiui Riot.

'Tia not ofi«-n that we Imve occurrences', in thisremote section of our country, worthy of a para¬graph in your excellent and ably conducted paper.But event* have and are now trampiring, that may inter-eat some of your readere.A few day* since Mr. M. wtnt to the Land Office

in Peru, and found that theie were'a large quantity ofvaluable canal lands, which had been sold to honest andindustrious settlers, but who, from inability, or tomeother cause, had failed to pay the interest on the balancedue the State for the last two years; and he, under some

law that was pasted just at the close of the last sessionof our Legislature, made application to purchase theselands ; the homes of worthy and deserving farmers. Hethus obtained certificates of purchase of some 100 tracts,mostly fine farms on the Wabash.whilst all who wereconcerned thought |that their lands could not' be soldogain, but they had another year to meet the intereat.bypaying a penalty of 25 per cent.Ho soon as the citizens of Peru were informed of thia

piece of land opeiation, thev rose en mane, and took for¬cible possession of said ollice, and drove the operatorwho had made the purchases, out of town. The citizenscontinue to hold possession of the office, and meetingshave been held all along the line of the eanal.The rumor here to-day is, that the Governor has call¬

ed out the militia, from the centre of the State, to rescuethe land office. If this is true there is fun ahead, as theWabash boys may lose their land, but they cannot bewhipped. Last evening, one hundred men, headed byan old and patriotic soldier, marched from Huntingtonto the theatre of war, and in tia hours, if needed, eighthundred men, good and true, would go from this coun¬ty. There is great excitement throughout the wholecountry.The Governor has been plied with petitions praying

that the office may be closed, or the Legislatufb conven¬ed, to ward off the impending ruin.The settlers had been tola, time and again, that their

lands were safe that if they paid the penaly, they couldat any time redeem thoir land; and that if any new lawswere passed in this regard, that they should have amplenotice given them.

If this sale is held valid by our courts, many worthycitizens will be turned out to the cold charity of theworld. But ere this is done, there will be such cistur-bances, in comparison with which your celebrated anti-rent war would appear a mere skunk fight.

Macao, August 20, 18-15.Affairs in the Celestial Empire.The Tea Trade.Opium.An English City.French Diplomacy.Frigate Constitution.In these Celestial regions we are favored with

seasons of rest and labor alternately, and I improvethe time aflorded by this.the period ot quietude.to send you a line, to give you and " the wise menof Gotham" an inkling of '.ha passing avents among yourantipodes.

It is now our season of rest, as you perhaps know,bacause the annatos or first crop of tea, suits not tbstaste oftour bibbers;'so that we wait until our friendJohn Bull has got his 40,000,000 pounds, and John China¬man has bad time to mix his second crop with indigo,Prussian blue, and turmeric, and baka them to suitBrother Jonathan, when 10,000,000 pounds are sent toAmeiica. It is doubtleis known to you, or if not, totiiose living near you in Wall street, that tea has ceasedto be the talisman by which American Fauquery procuretheir " glittering heaps." By persevering three or lourlustra, a man may make a few thousands, it he havecapital, and be not washed away by the current of time,(which runa like a mill-tail here) even now, in tho teatrade. But there is a pigeon that wings its way to usfrom the consecrated banks of the Sabred Ganges.fromMalva.from Patna.from Benares.in a word, from thegarden spot of India, that brings us, sometimes, the clueto purer ore than that sent forth by your mint. Let notour good friends frown on us, for we are only followingin the footsteps of our venerable forefather, audhe surelywould do no wrong. 8ome of your ultra abolitionaryfriends might question the philanthropy of our princi¬ples for engaging in a contraband traffic in "nature'ssweet restorer but they have not seen the world, anddo not know how heavenly it is to sink to sleep over aChinese pipe. 1 will not, however, vindicate thetraffic or the custom ; but how easy it would be to pointout the motes in our own eyee, were we disposed, without seeking the obliquity in those of the Chinese for ourcensureYour late numbers (the last dates by overland mail

being up to June 1st) contain no particular notice of thecondition of the last European city which has beanplauted in the East. Hongkong has grown with a speedonly known in America and the Arabian Nights' Enter-tainments ; but, unfortunataly, Governor Davis has nei¬ther Wall street brokers nor an Aladdin's lamp to raisehis houses and pave his streets ; hence, poor fellow, hehas been compelled to pursue a custom, wall known ingood Old England, of taxing " cradles, lood and rai¬ment, lands and tenements, and the coffins" (the last af¬ford a good revenue), by which he has made himselfvastly unpopular, lie is an estimable and clever man,well known to fame as the author of tho very bestwork on China. Efforts are being made to have bim su¬

perseded. This place has sunk, T fear, to rise no moreHouses are renting for $300 this year that were rentedfor $1,200 three years ago.

If, peradvanture, Brother Jonathan had any use for apossession out here, a douceur of a million to Donna Ma¬ria de Gloria would procure Macao ; but we do not wantit. All the advantages it can afferd we now enjoy.a placeof resort during summer for amusement or health. Wa

; here admirably wall, without other protectionget elongthan our own good muskets, of which, et Canton, we allkeep an abundant supply. Could our government be let

I, It finto the secret of this, it might save some of its moneykeeping the American ships of war either laid tip, or

elsewhere than in the China sea. It is notorious that pi-rates are innumerable from Anja Point to 8hang-hai; butall tha bobbery ships afloat cannot suppress them. A fish¬ing smack becomes a pirate whenever opportunity pre¬sents: a China junk turns pirate whenever occasion offers;in a word, all are pirates, and their optics are too good tolet any man of war be near them when they practice tbeirpredatory vocation. One of our old favorite ships, theConstitution, has been for three months at Whampoa..Her veteran Commander has taken a iancy lor Canton,which is better taste than living on board in the river..I understand she has tieen stirring tha bottom up where-ver she has been, and that a complaint is to be inade, bythe king of Cochin China, through the government ofChina, tor the seizure of eome vessels, and killiug ofsome men on the coast of Cochin China, a few monthsago, by the American bobbery ehip.You may know that the French government hae an

ambaasador here at thia time. He ha* negotiated a treatywith China, including all the advantagea gained by theEngliah and by otireelvee, and ae many more, perhapa,as he wiehed. L'ulike our couutryman, Koo ching, M.Lagrenni', the French minister, has negotiated a treaty,remained here while tho treaty went to and returnedfrom France, and finally exchanged ratiflcatione withthe i hinese. Lagrenni ia a clever man, and doee hiework well. His residence is the same that was occupiedby Mr. Cushing.The trade of France here ia very smell, and a treaty

is rather an evidence of diplomatic pride, than an ad¬vantage to the nation.Having nearly filled my sheet, f will, hereafter, send

you some items from Chine, which you may deem suita¬ble for the coiumne of the Herald. FAUQCEI.

Varieties.A man by the name ot Robert Haworth, an

Englishman about twenty-eight years of age, marriedElizabeth Ward, in East Greenwich in Rhode Island, in1843; the year after, he left her and an infant child totake carenf themselves. She now understands he is aboutto be married again to a person in New Jersey, and shewishes this oaution may be noticed in papers publishedin New York, for the protection of other females againstthe imposition of Robert Haworth.It is said that there are no less than 1500 applicantsfor the offices in the two mounted regiments Congress

has decided to raise. Who's afraid of England, now 1Messrs. Karnes and Denny's woollen mill, in

Clapville. Leicester, Mass., was destroyed on Sundayby fire. Loss $13,000. Inseurd in Boston and HartfordParticulars not reported.One of the overseers on the railroad in Troy, N.

Y., an American, named Mellon, was killed last weekby the unexpected explosion of a dirt blast. He wasthrown ten feet into too air,feu in the pit upon hia head,and died in a few minutes.

We learn from a person who was on the ground,that the Irishmen employed on the railroed tt Fitch-bnrg, Mess., got into s row on the evening of the 3d inatwhich resulted in the death of one of the number. Itappears that thero were two or three among them whoweie Protestants, and these, the Cstholio portion under¬took to convert to the true faith, by arguments in theshape of brickbats and cudgels. In their earnest en¬deavors one of the three wae killed, and the other twobauly beaten and driven from the road.The Uloucentei Telegraph mys that upwards of

one hundred tons of fre.h n»h have been landed andsold on tue Ct|>e, during this winter. Large quantitieshave been carried to Canada.A comparison of the receipts for letters at ihe

Rochester Post Office, for the quarter ending Dec. 31st,1*4.V with tbe corresponding quarter of tiie previousyear, shows a failing of of $1.U44,20. The followingere the receipts ol the two quitters :.

Quarter ending Dec. 31st, 1*44,. $413 )73""" 1944 3 3*1 34

$1,064 JOThe Legislature of Indiana have passed an act

authorizing the purchase ot ssite tor a deet end dumbAsylum, and another for the erection of a hospital lorthe insane.The town of Weston, Mo., is going ahead rapid¬

ly. In the lest Dtmotrut, we notics among the articleslor shipment on the opening of navigation, the followingarticles are eeumerated :- 34,000 bales of hemp s 300hhds of tobacco ; 800 barrels of pork , 300 bbls. ol lsrd,and 400 bbis of beef.The Legislature of Iowa, haa determined to

make another effort to form that Territery Into . MateDelegates to a Convention ere to be choeen next April,tad the Conventios to meet in May following

Court or General Mi.low.Before Recorder Tallaaedga and Alderman Meaeeroieand Divver. John MeKeou, E*q., District AttorneyKim 10.. TYi'uf ftr Qro*d I.an eng..A colored man,

named Henry Moore, alias .Mode, wai flrat put on hi*trial for a grand larceny, In having, on the afternoon ofthe 4th of December lait, itolen from the ofloe of Dr.Underbill, No. 400 Broadway, an overcoat, of tho valueot $26, and a copy of Downing'* work* on Rural Architectare, Horticulture, Itc., 3 vol*., worth $7.

Dr. D*buhill, de|K>*ed a* follow*.While at tea, onthe evening of the 4th of December last, the priaonercalled at my ofllco and requested me to go to No. 16Whitehall street, to aee a lady, (mentioning her name.)who, he aaid, was very lick indeed. As it rained veryfait at the time, and the prisoner being an entire stranger,I expressed a reluctance to accompany him ; he then en¬treated me to go, as the lady was highly respectable,and required immediate attention ; that Dr. Rogers washer family physician, but having removed so far up thecity, he was requested to come for rae ; under these cir¬cumstances I was induced to proceed to tho houee desig¬nated by the prisoner, who atatod ihat he had soma otharplace to go to before he returned homo ; on going to thehouse I was informed that I had not boon sant for, norwas there any person sick in the house { on returning tomy office I discovered that my overcoat, which I hadworn but a few times, and Downing'* works on Archi¬tecture, Horticulture, Ac had been atoleo, and on ma¬king enquiry, I ascertained that a colored man had beenadmitted by the servant girl, and that after being leftalone in the office, he bad gone off with the property.Bbiduet Lact, deposed as follows 1 am employed as

a servant in the family of Dr. Vuderhtll; during the ab¬sence of the doctor on the evening of the 4th of Decem¬ber last, the priaoner ealied at the office, and stated thathe wished to see Dr. Underhill; 1 told him that he waanot at home; he replied that ha would then wait untilthe doctor returned ; I admitted him into the office andlelt him, and I was not aware that he had gone until Dr.Underbill returned.The jury, without leaving their seats, rendered a ver¬

dict ot guilty, and the Court sentenced him to be im¬prisoned in the State prison tor tho term of 4 years andS months.

Trial for Petit Larceny .Peter Connelly waa neat puton his trial for a petit lurceny, in stealing from the storeof Krancis P. Rhodes Ic Co., a dozen brushes, of tho valueof $3, on the morning of the 8tn of November last, inthis case, the jury, after a brief consultation, rendereda verdict of not guilty. The accused was, however, re¬manded to prison, for trial on another indictment

Cate of George Potter, the Pardoned Convict.. GeorgePotter waa then brought into court, and arraigned on aformer conviction in this court, at the August term, 1044,for a grand larceny, and for which he was sentenced tobe imprisoned in the State prison, and bo kept at hardlabor, for the term uf Gve years. Whereupon, the Dis¬trict Attorney moved that he be arraigned on aaid con¬viction, and that ho be required to show cause why heshould not be remanded to, and be ian prisoned in, thethe State prison for tho residue of the said term.towhich the said prisoner objected, first, becauee thiscourt has no jurisdiction; secondly, because a Wu,corpus it now pending before his Honor, tho CircuitJndge of this Circuit, in tho same matter. Wbertupon,it waa ordered by this court, that the said priaoner beremauded to the custody of the keeper of the City pri-aon of the city of New York, upon tho said conviction,until he be thence delivered by due courae of law.

Trial* Postponed.- The trials of Michael Walsh andYankee Sullivan, alias James Sullivan, were then putdown for Friday neat.

Trialfor an .dstault and Battery.Henry Feorella, anItalian. was then tried for having, on Sunday evening,Doc. 2dth, 1643, committed a violent assault and batteryon (Jasper Ottaiiana. in the bar-room of Mr. Palmo, inChambers street. Mr. Ottarianu testified as follows: Iwas at Palmo's on Sunday evening. Dac. 38th, 1846, en¬

gaged in conveisation with Mr. Paimo, when Feorellaentered with some of hia Iriends. On perceiving ma haaccosted me with the word*, "bow do you do, misera¬ble?'' 1 told bim that I wished to have nothing to amy tohim; Feorella then called me a hog; and I, in reply, call-him a blackguard. Feorella then sprang forward andstruck me a violent blow on my head with a thick walk¬ing stick, having at tha top a heavy brass or gold head,ai-d knocked my hat ofl' I than turned round to Mr. Pal-mo and said, you tee that Feorella has assaulted me. Fa-orello then struck me again, in the presence of Mr. Dal.mo, who ordered Feoreilo to leave the room; he, howe¬ver, said that he would net go out. I defended myselfwith a stick 1 held in my hand, and with which I struckFeorella a blow. Feorella then took a kniia out ol hiapocket, and attempted to (tab me; the kniie was opan;.he blade was about four inches long. Feorella was thenpushed aside by some one, which "pre vented bim fromaffecting hia purpose. Several other witnesses corrobo¬rated tho testimony of Mr. Ottariana. Fur the defeuoeseveral witnesses testified, thnt the affray was com¬menced by the complainant. The case was submittedto the jury, uuder a brief charge by the Court, and averdict of not guilty was rendered, after a short cosuRa-tion.

Trial for Burglary.Henry Rose waa nszt placed antrial for burglary in the third degree, in having, on thenight of the 28th of January, 1846, feloniously enteralthe store of Mr. Baiber, No.382, Pearl straet, andktolsna quantity of mutton and some cloth, the value of whichwas about $5. The accused was ably dafended by The*Warner, Esq., and the jury, without leaving their seats,found the accused guilty of a petit larceny only. Sentence deferred till Friday next.

Marine Court.Before Judge Waterbury.

Feb 10.. Gaopard Ottariana vs. Joteph B. Burke .Tha plaintiff, an Italian artist, brings action against thepastor of the new Catholic Church of 8t Colombo,situated in 33th street, between the 8th and 9th avenue*,to recover a not# of $06, being the balance due tor exe¬cuting large paintings of the Saviour oti the Crocs, theSermon on the Mount, and other 8criptural pieces,on theinner walls of tho church. The defence is tnat the werkwas not properly executed, which is denied. The jurygive a verdict of $96, the full amount claimed, in tarorof the plaintiff.For plaintiff, Messrs. Banner and Ugan. Fei defend¬

ant, Mr. White.

Court Calendar.OTUa Gay.Si pkrios Cot'it .Nos. 90, 96, 98, 99, 101, 103, 107, 33,

77, 9, 23, 106,4, 7, 11,14, 19, 6S, 37 86, 103.

Fufrrme Court.Spsciai. Term .Mr. ChiefJuafice Bronson, presiding.February 7..Odell ads.Martin ; motion taken by default, opened, and motionfor judgment as in case of nonsuit, denied with costs,without prejudice. Kingtley ads. Cady ; motion to atayproceedings until security tor costs are filed ; granted,on stipulation Comstock et al. ads. Whipple at al. andtwa other causes : motion for retaxation of cost*, $33 76deducted from bills a* taxed. Borden vs. Kelly et al ;motion to refer : granted, by content. Cleaveland ads.( amp ; motion for commission ; granted, without stay.Weed, imp'd, lie. ads. The Hudson River Bank ; motionto sot aside default, lie ; granted, with costa, by default.Bremen ada. Jacobs ; motion for judgment aa in caaa ofnonsuit ; granted with cost, by default. Bremen ada.Pike, do. Berdelland wife vs. Higbie ; motion to snbstituto attorneys ; granted, by default. Mucker ad*.Wheeler ; motion for judgment of non. pros.; granted,with costs, by default. De Mott vs. Kelly ; motion forretaxation of costs ; granted, by default, la the matterof the Mayor, lie New York, relative to opening a newstreet, to., petition for payment of money oat or court,referred to clerk at New York. Aldrich ad*. Jonasmotion that plaintiff file aecurity for costs ; granted ab¬solute. Finney et al. ads. Teal et al.; motion toaet asidedefault, lie.; granted, with cost* ; plaintifft have leaveto amend narr.; Ac. Dodge, ads. Tue Bank of Chiilicothe ; motion to strike out five counts from amendeddeclaration ; denied, and counts allowed to stand, onpayment of $10 cost* of motion..Albany Argue.

THOMAS BATE, nrtmii partner of the firm of Thomaak Jamra Bate, Ne-dle, Fish Hook and Fishing Tackle

Manufacturers. Rrdditrh, England, and INMaidraTanr, NewFork, hai this day associated with him aa co-partner, THOU.HENRY BATE, and in future the badness will be conductedunder the firm ofTHOMAS It THOMAS H. BATK.


IIS Maiden lane, near Fu-rl street, ap stairs.ew York. Jan 5. IMS

VARIOUS sites and colors, constantly on hand andlor saleby HOOSE It VIETOR,aSS Im'nwM Pearl wreet. ap staira.


fl ENTLEMEN and Families haying superfluous WEAR-Uf lffU APPAREL, (either Lady's or Oeutlemen'S) Jewel¬ry, Fire Arms, Ac. lie., they would dispose of to advantage,may do so by sending for the snbscriber, who will attend themat their residences by appointment. H LEVETT,No I Wall (treat, N. Y.All orders through the Post Office, or otherwise, punctually

attended to jaMlw*rDAGUERREOTYPE.

KNEItAL Famishing EsublRhmgnts end Bole Agencyfor the sale ofVOIQTUtENDEWS JtPPJIRjITUS,


GThe genuine Voi/rtlaender Apparatus, also the best PlatesChemicals, Polishing Materials and Morocco Cam, Ac. Ac

may he procured at the subscribers', wholesale sud retail, byiing (post paid) to&£pe&siiag&atssssy^.OL7" The lollowiag gentlemen here esrreed to act as Agentsfor the sal of th» gauuioe Voigtlsender Apparatus.Messrs Litch A Whipple, Bostoa. Mass.

Mr. Jsac a L Lion, Richmond, Va.Mr. 8 Broadbent, Colnmbis, 8 C.Mr. Jamea P Perry, Charleston, 8. C.Mr. 8 Nonsael, New Orleans.Messrs. Johnson A Jacobs, New Orleans.

W. A F. LANUENHEIM, .)ll lm're Esehanee. PhilajwrMn.tJOAPB, ESSENCES AND FEMFUMEHY or all binds.O ep-.t, No. I Counlaiidt street The Snhieribor originalmsec uirs and mm nfacturtis of the genuine Waiiinl Oil Mi i-tsry Staying 8osp which we warrant h l»h> »s >¦ 11 < ther pre-parati > .a, haring greatly enlarged onr facilities rre p roaredto esec <te any rdefi iu onr line We hare tossieutly enlian i hi hly »eent<d almond. K se, .Mn«b. Wmd.or Palm,and Ton t eoaya; utra Pale Family and No 1 Soap TheCro'nn p oeting Soap, a new and >plendid article, wed suitedfor Usihs and prirate family warranted noi to sink and toprodnce a nch ai d pleasant la'her. Together With a lame andgeneial aaei tineni of Perfume y, Essences. Ac , both Foreignan 1 Dumrei c, selected ami put un with the great at care; alsoonr celebrat d Crystalline < andlra.for the Weat India andSouth Ainai ran mukrli. wniraated to ataud any climateOr Ctrl, Dra gut*, and dealers in geutrsl, ars r, queued torail and »sam ue for tl>enri<elveejis Im*< I' lHNSON VROQM A FOWLEB.illMMM, |a,UUU, A>,UUU|dlWWl

«4,AOO,$4,O00, $1,100, $1,000,TO LEND ON BOND AND MORTAOE.The aboee1 in m* of money on good prod tinier real aataie in thu city

or Brooalvn. Apply to 8 8 BROAD, No. II Wall at. in theoffice of Peeree A Co. basementN. B..Call between the hours of I end It o elorb, orb

ween t and 4 o'eloeb P. M .W Im'fr
