tim russ maras individual app form

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  • 8/14/2019 Tim Russ Maras Individual App Form


    Prote. t inqyour lnterest . r ! Tim Russ&TeE 01494 641122 Company (4165)Fa* O'1494 68lJ423Prope.ty Rental Address:Total Monthly Rent: Months

    tio l! www.maras.co.ukSe ect appiicatio. racker.P o!de yourda leo f b i r lhEnlcr the acccss code oi

    Se ect your record for theprogre$ ol rheaPplicalon

    l f a joinr tenancy,please state the appl icant 's sha.: ls the indifidual a prospeciive Tenant L or Guara.tor" L-.1please tick)*l f a guarantor orfurther applicant, please provide the MARAS reterence numberMARAS reference numbe'r'l f a guarantor, please also p.ovide the applicant(s) they are acting forNames of appl icantsr

    lndividualsDetai ls I /deDate of Bitth: Marned Single Separated Divorced Witlowed

    Ta avaid unnecessarydelay.pleaseprint andcamplele in full in a darkcalaur. Enl'ailawner Cauncil enant Pnvab TenanI WithParents OtherableaseadviselReasan far depadure

    Estate/Letting A9ent,Sol ic i tor or Lardlordresardins where you

    are now l iv ing

    Haveyou any currenl,histaricarpendingadverse credit? lf yes, pleasesupply he details

    ConpaDy r Landlard ane:

    Pleasepravidepreviausaddresses rd dales ofoccupatian,aftachinga separatesheel if necessaryhere have you beenl iv ing dur ing the last

    th.ee years?

    Current Income Detai ls Emplayed SeffEnployed ir On Contract Temporarya ReIircd Unemployed- Studenta:Company/Agency ame:

    Grass atary/pensionerannunCamnencententate: PayrcI,Setuice r Pensian umberFu tlme I Paftlime 1

    ll notpemanenl, please provide he warkend date / /ls yaurenploynent o changen thenearfuture?Yes No- lf yes, tease rovide etaits.

  • 8/14/2019 Tim Russ Maras Individual App Form


    Previous Empfoyment Where aveyaubeenworking uring he pasthrceyears?Please rovide etajls fprcvious' Detaifs employers, langwilhcanmencenent nddepanure ates, ltaching sepatale heelifnecessary


    Accountant / Auditor Praclice ane:details if self

    employed / retired lgql:Please ulhoriseouraccounlaouauditoroprovide rel

    Bank/Buif ding Society Bank/BuildingSociety Name:cunent accounlonly

    Tel:Sotl Code:

    PersonalReference Nan)e

    t{ext ot Kin excluding Name:Address:

    Addiiaonaf occupants & Pleaseisl he names f allptospeclveenants ver 18years f age o reside t theadclressgeneral information


    Decfaration t contun thal the supptEd n{omalion s lo lhe besl of my knowlt2dge ncl belief. rue, an.imay be ve(ifred,Once lhe applicalion om has undeBlandhatshoutdthenfomalionrcvi.led y neonlhislomprcw lo beuntve, tisgrcundso. eminalion fbeen tully completed.please lhe enancy s descnbedn Gaund Tollhe Housing cl1996.DATAPROTECnON CT: n{onalion rcvided ysubmi{ to vour aqenl yau on lhis lon may be vedie.l andheldby MARASn ils computer ccods. I contim lhal /hep/ogrcssof intsaPplicaliannay benade available o agenls.landlods and co-applicanls. alsoherebyaulhodsehe abovenamedBankar BuildingSaciety a respond o slslus enquidesnade in respectof lhis applicalion.MARAS ay search hetiteor a credil rcferenceagency.Any nlomalian obtai.ed ot compiledby MARASnay be passedon la AgenlsandLa.dlordsAp prca nas Gu arantors Sign ature Daae:aT 2007MARAS s a registere.lhdematu of ManagihgAgenlsPefe@ce Assislarce Ser,ces t,hiled

  • 8/14/2019 Tim Russ Maras Individual App Form


    MARAS Individuals Application HelpsheetBy ollowinqheguidance ndadvice ivenbeiow, ourapplicationil lbe processed ith heminimum ldelay.Please eep hispage or uture eference.Can I track my application on line?Yes Thiscan be doneat any ime.To do his,slmply ollow he ivestepsbelow:1 Go owww.maras.co.uk2. Cl ck on he seruicesADDIicationfacker'.3. Enter ourdateof birthwhere equesiedddhm/ylyy)4 Enlerthe asswod ode f4165.5. Select our ecord or an update nyourapplicalion.The app,ication ,omTo avoid nnecessaryelay. lease ompleteheapplicelionom in ull and n a darkcolour.Home a.tdrcs s i ntom aaiodWe requireulldelails fyour esidentialddressesor hepast hree earc, ven f addresses re. I am a home owner and my propedy is being sold.The ul laddressnd onlact et3i ls ftheestate qent rsol ic i toreal ing i th our ale hould e. I a m a a e n a n t ,Thedetaiis f he andlord,lettinggentororganisationowhom oupayyour enl should e suppliedfyouareaware our andlords ditriculto contact, leaseALSOprovide opybankslalements howinghelast hreemonlhs enlalpaymentsnd a copyofyour enancy greement-What should t do il, have currena, hisloric or pen.ting adverse credia?Youshould nsure hal as much nformalionsprovidedspossible n a separate heetandsubmithiswilhyourapplicalion.ailureo answeflhis uestion ccuralely ayjeopardiseourapplication/tnancy.Details f borrow qswhich ouare repaying ilhin redil ems do notneed o be isied.We requirehree earsncome/employmentetails. seclionor previous mploymentnfomationsprovided. owever,lease sea separate heet f necessary.. I amlwill be employed by an educaaional eslablishmena that is closed lor holidays.li theeducationalstablishmenls conlrolled ya localauthority,he uil ocalauthorily elails longwithlhe nameoi lhe school/educationalstablishmenthould e suppliedn theemploymentection rovidedon theapplicationormalongwilh yourposition,tartdate,employee umber tc .lI youremployers nola localauthority lease rovide copyworkcontract tongwithyourmosr ecent. I am selt employed and have an accounaan,lauditor.Youraccountanls/alditorsetails houldb supplied here ndicated. lease lsoensure ouhavegivenyourconsento youraccountants/auditorso provide rferenceo [,4ARAS.The ncome igure o be stated n the applicationorm n he sectionCurent IncomeDetails hould e hefigure hown s heprcfiion your ast inalised ccountsn relationoyourselfemployment.f youhaverecentlyommencedrading nd haveyet o haveyour kstsetofaccounisinalised, lease t6le notf inalsed n his ecl ion.. t am selt employed and do not use an accounlantlau.litor.A copyof your asl ax calculaiionssued y heH l\,1RevenueCustomsn relationoselfassessmentshould e submilled ilhyourapplicalion. lease otea "Stalemenl fAccounf s NOTacceptablefyousubmit ourdelails n-ljneo H [,4Revenue Customs,our axcalculallonsan be obtainedhrough ouronline acililvwith hem.The ncomeigure obe stated n he applicationorm n hesectionCurrent ncomeDetails ho!ld be heligure hown s heprofilon your asl inalised ccounlsn relationo yourselfemployhent.fyou haverecently ommncedrading ndhaveyel o haveyourJirsl etofaccountsinalised, lease late notfnal ised n his ect ion.. I am worklng on a conaracalas a te,nporary member of saartThedelails f thecompany iawhomyouhavesecured orkshould eprovided ith hecontractualnddateof yourworkplacement.fyou havebeenmadeaware ourpositionson-going, lease rovidehecontractlal osilion i.e.oneweeks noriceo erminaleheworkpositiono be provided y either a(y.. t am reaircc,and my income is derived trcm pensions-Please ubmit opypension talementshatconfirm ourpensionncomewilhyourapptication_oushoutdensurehatcontact etailsor yourpension rovidersre ncluded.. t am rcaired an.I my income is derived trom investments (and pension income),Please rovide etails fyou fina cialadvisor/accountanthocanve t you situation.fyou area so nreceipt l pensionncome, lease efer o theparaglaphbove.