timeline 1865 1895 dil patel

Ragtime: Form of music that is a blend of African Spiritual music and European musical form. 1800s Karl Marx: Wrote The Communist Manifesto, which laid the foundation of communism. 1848 Bessemer Process: Henry Bessemer and William Kelly inject air into molten iron to remove the carbon to produce the substance steel. 1850 Chief Joseph: This man became the leader of the Nez Perce tribe. (One of the largest tribes at that time) 1850 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ragtime_ (musical) https://americanstudieslaur.wikispaces. com/Inventions+(1-8)

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Page 1: Timeline 1865 1895 dil patel

Ragtime: Form of music that is a blend of African Spiritual music and European musical form.

1800sKarl Marx: Wrote The Communist Manifesto, which laid the foundation of communism.

1848Bessemer Process: Henry Bessemer and William Kelly inject air into molten iron to remove the carbon to produce the substance steel.

1850Chief Joseph: This man became the leader of the Nez Perce tribe. (One of the largest tribes at that time)




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Andrew Carnegie: Carnegie relayed a message that snarled a tangle of freight and passenger trains.

1854Greenbacks: The monetary name during the period of the Civil War.

1861Exoduster: Name for African Americans that took part in moving from post Reconstruction, South to Kansas. Nearly 600,000 families took part in this movement.

1862 1862Homestead Act: Congress passes act to give 160 acres of land to the head of every household as long as their citizens.



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1863 Transcontinental Railroad: Known as the Pacific Railroad, constructed to attach the pacific coast (san francisco bay ) with Eastern U.S Rail Network at Council Bluff, Iowa, on the Missouri River.

Sand Creek Massacre: General S.R Curtis US Army Commander sends a telegram to colonel John Chivington to make the Cheyenne on the reserve to suffer ( the militia killed 150 inhabitants).

1864Samuel Gompers: Joined the Local 15 of the United Cigar Makers.He sought to make a labor movement to increase economy.

1864George Pullman: Inventor of the Pullman Sleeper Car. Lincoln's body after death travels in one back to his home town.




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Political Machine: Offered services to voters and businesses in exchange for political or financial support.

1865Grandfather Clause: The clause states that if your father or grandfather could vote before January 1, 1867 then so can the the male offsprings.

1867Oliver Kelley: Started the Patrons of Husbandry organization for farmers that became known as the Grange

1867Mark Twain: A gifted writer in the literary arts, Mark Twain wrote a bestseller called The Innocent Abroad . He then went on to making many more successful novels.




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George Westinghouse: Founded the Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company to improve AC power generators.

1869Segregation: Started around 1870s-1880, these laws separated the whites from the blacks.

1870Polls Tax: A annual tax for mostly confederate states that would qualify men to vote.

1870Social Darwinism: Grew out of a renown English naturalist Charles Darwin’s theory of biological evolution.




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1874George A. Custer: Custer reports of gold in Black Hill in June. Custer leads attack on Sioux- though Sitting Bull out flanks Custer and kills all of the Seventh Cavalry.

Collective Bargaining: A negotiation between representatives of labor and management to reach writer agreements.

1875Battle of the Little Bighorn: Fought in Montana territory against two native american tribes.

1876Telephone: The first successful telephone revolutionized communication. (Making much more faster to send messages)




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Alexander Bell: Alexander Bell and Thomas Watson invent the first working telephone, this was one of the more dramatic inventions and it opened way for a worldwide communication network.

1876Jim Crow Laws: During the time of segregation, these laws separated the whites from the blacks.

1877Vanderbilt Family: A famous American family of railroad notability who became socially prominent.

1877National Farmer Alliance: Forms for white farmers to gain profit in growing food.




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Gilded Age: The growth of industry led to this age, the production of resources was booming at the point in history.

1878Dumbbell Tenements: A rule which stated every habitable room has to have a window opening into plain air.

1879Thomas Edison: Renown inventor Edison created the first ever working lightbulb and founded the Illuminating Company.

1879Booker T. Washington: Established the Tuskegee Institution in Alabama, he aimed to to train African Americans in skills that would help them the most.




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Joseph Pulitzer: A Hungarian Immigrant who bought New York World and started emphasizing sin, sex, and sensation.

1883Assimilation: The plan stated that Native Americans give up their beliefs and way of life and become part of the white culture.

1881Literacy Test: This test was to keep colored and sometimes poor white men from voting in elections.

1882Settlement Houses: Reformers aided immigrant new to the country in slum neighborhoods.




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Mugwumps: A group of republican activists who supported democratic candidate Grover Cleveland in the U.S.

1884HayMarket Affair: Peaceful rally that supported workers turned violent after dynamite is thrown at police.

1886Interstate Commerce Commission: Agency inspired by Interstate Commerce Act, their purpose was to regulate railroads, ensure fair rates, and many more jobs.

1887Dawes Act: Congress passes act to americanize the natives. The act broke up some of the reservation land.




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George Eastman: Inventor of the first Kodak camera, helped make photography accessible to the public.

1888Jane Adams: Co Founded Chicago Hull Houses helped many immigrants new to the U.S.

1889William Jennings Bryan: Elected into congress he was a gifted debater, in later years he ran for presidency three times, each one unsuccessful.

1890Wounded Knee: The Seventh Cavalry rounded up 350 Sioux. After demanding for the Sioux weapons a random shot was fired the Cavalry opened fired killing 300 mostly unharmed natives.




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1890Ghost Dance: Paiute Prophet told Sioux to perform this ritual to restore way of life, forty policemen go to arrest Sitting Bull, his bodyguard fires a shot and in the fire Sitting Bull gets killed.

Sherman Antitrust Act: This act made illegal to form a trust interfered with free trade between states or with other countries.

1890Ida B. Wells: She was a African-American journalist and activist who led an anti-lynching crusade in the United States.

1890Omaha Platform: A party program adopted at the formative convention of the Populist Party.




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Ellis Island: European immigrants that had to pass a test and wait to know if they got admitted to the U.S.

1892Eugene V. Debs: Unions should include skilled and unskilled laborers, Debs created such a union in 1894 and in that time the union won a strike for higher wages.

1894Pullman Strike: About 3,000 workers go on “wildcat” strike because of unfair treatment in the workplace.

1894W.E.B Du Bois: First ever African American to get doctorate from Harvard. Founder of the Niagara Movement defined itself against both racial oppression and Washingtonian conciliation,




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Cross of Gold Speech: Delivered by William Bryan for the debate on monetary standards. (Very influential)

1896Plessy v. Ferguson: Trial in the Supreme Court that argued that separation of race was legal, but had to be equal on both sides. (Separate but Equal)

1896William Mckinley: Elected into office in 1897. Led the U.S to victory in the Spanish-American War.

1897William Hearst: Told the public extraordinary stories about Mars and other tales to sell more newspapers.




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John D. Rockefeller: The establisher of the standard oil company and one of the richest men in the U.S at that time.

1937Graft: An illegal use of political influence for personal gain.

1915Orville and Wilbur Wright: Brothers that invented the first ever working flying plane that they tested in NC.(First test flight flew for 12 seconds)

1903Debt Peonage: This bound laborers to work somewhat like slaves to work off their debt.


