timeline to war. territorial expansion and delaying the inevitable 1803 louisiana purchase mexican...

Timeline Timeline to to War War

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Page 1: Timeline to War. Territorial Expansion and delaying the inevitable 1803 Louisiana Purchase Mexican Cession after Mexican War - both led to debate over

Timeline to Timeline to War War

Page 2: Timeline to War. Territorial Expansion and delaying the inevitable 1803 Louisiana Purchase Mexican Cession after Mexican War - both led to debate over

Territorial Expansion and delaying the inevitable

• 1803 Louisiana Purchase • Mexican Cession after Mexican War

- both led to debate over will the new states be “free” or “slave”

• Founding Fathers wanted a stronger Union in 1787 so they created an uneasy compromise over slavery

- it couldn’t last forever

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• Missouri reached pop. for statehood• Senate had = slave and

free states• Missouri would be slave

tipping the balance• Henry Clay compromise• Maine created from

Mass. as a free state• Missouri as a slave

state• slavery will not be

permitted north of Missouri’s southern border – 36 30

Henry Clay

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1820 Missouri Compromise

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William Lloyd Garrison

• 1831• revived the anti-

slavery movement through the Liberator

• set up the American Anti-Slavery Society

• faced much Northern opposition

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Nat Turner Rebellion

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• 1831• 60 whites killed• Virginia• revolt led by Nat Turner

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The Gag Rule

• passed by Congress in 1836• agreed not to discuss slavery

- tabled petitions sent by the public• lasted until 1844

- repealed after much campaigning by JQ Adams

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Frederick Douglass

• 1845 Autobiography published

• Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, An American Slave

• raises awareness of horrors of slavery

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Mexican WarTreaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

• 1846 War Begins• Treaty signed 1848

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Wilmot Proviso

• 1846• proposed making land acquired in

Mexican Cession closed to slavery• made it through House twice- never

made it through the Senate

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Compromise of 1850• Zachary Taylor is

Pres. • Compromise by

Henry Clay1. CA. is a free state2. abolished slave

trade in DC3. popular sovereignty

in the newly acquired territories of Mex. Cession

4. strengthened national fugitive slave law

Old and feeble, Henry Clay presents his 1850 compromise to the Senate,

Future President Millard Fillmore (presiding), John C. Calhoun (right of Fillmore), and Daniel Webster (head in hand) listen intently. Drawing by

Peter Rothermel

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In an interest of “peace, concord and harmony,” he called for an end to “passion- passion, party,

party– and intemperance.” Otherwise, continued sectional

bickering would lead to a “furious, bloody, implacable,

exterminating” civil war. Henry Clay

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“I have, Senators, believed from the first that the agitation of the subject

of slavery would, if not prevented from some untimely and effective

measure, end in disunion.”John C. Calhoun

Believes the South needs1. equality in the territories2. return of fugitive slaves3. guaranteed equilibrium between N&S

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“I wish to speak today, not as a Massachusetts man, not

as a Northern man, but as an American…I speak today for the preservation of the

Union. Hear me for my cause.”

Daniel Webster

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First proposed by Clay in January- not passed until September

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Neither side was truly happy

stage is set for a showdown between


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This diagram, explained by a note written by Henry I. Bowditch, shows the arrangement of members of the Boston Anti-Man-Hunting League as they would surround a slave or man-hunter, and concealing him until he consented to release the slave. The League was a secret society founded in Boston in 1854 to resist the Fugitive Slave Law of 1850. The diagram, in pencil and watercolor on brown paper, places the slave hunter in the center (SH), surrounded by the speaker of the committee (S), a member to take hold of the hunter's head (C), two members to take hold of the arms (A1 and A2) and two for the feet (F1 and F2), and twelve additional members to form an outer circle to ward off intruders while the committee conveyed the slave to safety. Bowditch's note continues, "One plagued in this way would not invite others to come & run the same risk of annoyance."

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Uncle Tom’s Cabin• 1851-2• Written by Harriet

Beecher Stowe• raised awareness of

horrors of slavery• “so you’re the little

woman who wrote the book that made this war” - Lincoln

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Franklin PierceDemocrat elected to President

1852• doughface- N. w/ S.

sympathies• defeats Whig

candidate Winfield Scott in a landslide

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Fugitive Slave Law• led to armed slave-catchers

on the streets in the N. • worked w/ support of federal

government• 1854 Pres. Pierce spent over

$100,000 and brought in troops to return Anthony Burns to Va.

• “We went to bed one night old fashioned, conservative, Compromise Union Whigs and waked up stark mad Abolitionists” – Amos Lawrence textile magnate

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•Boston reacts in protest to the recapture of Burns

•before Comp. of 1850 -9 states had personal liberty laws refusing to cooperate

•storm jail, a sheriff is killed

•beaten back

•Pierce send in the troops

•Burns is sent back to VA

Runaway Burns

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Gadsden Purchase• 1853• Sec. of War

Jefferson Davis instigates

• $10 million• Buy land from

Mexico• Transcontinent

al RR

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Ostend Manifesto

• 1854• strongly suggested that the United

States should take Cuba by force if Spain refused to sell

• Southerners-fear independent black Republic in Cuba – approve

• vigorously denounced by the free-soil press as a plot to extend slavery

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Kansas-Nebraska Act• 1854• proposed by Stephen

Douglas- Illinois Senator• wanted the Trans-

continental RR to go through his home stateIllinois

• wants 2 new western territories

• each territory gets to choose if they want slavery = popular sovereignty

• Anti-slavery Northerners angry believing it was a revocation of the Missouri Comp.

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Republican Party Formed

• 1854• Whig party fails• reorganize as Republicans• dedicated to preventing the spread

of slavery in the west• not powerful enough to gain

presidency in 1856• gains ground

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Bleeding KansasPottawatomie Massacre

• 1856• pro and anti

slavery factions launch guerilla warfare (mini-civil war)

• want to control the vote over slavery

• pro sacks town of Lawrence- an anti stronghold

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• anti responds with massacre of pro forces at Pottawatomie Creek

• led by John Brown• hacked the men to


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Brooks v. Sumner• May 1856• S.C. Rep. Preston Brooks attacks Mass. Senator

Charles Sumner for delivering a speech slandering Brooks’s uncle

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James BuchananDemocrat elected President

1856• defeats

republican candidate John C. Freemont

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Dred Scott Decision

• 1857• Dred Scott sues for

freedom on the basis he lived in a free territory for a time

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• chief justice Roger Taney

• ruled against Scott1. slaves are not citizens

and cannot sue2. Congress has no

authority to declare slavery illegal in the territories

3. AF. Am. have “no rights which a white man is bound to respect”

• implies individual states cannot ban slavery

• S. rejoiced believing states or Congress could not ban slavery

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Northerners fear slaveholding interests are

slowly eroding the liberties even of free

white men

Now they must accept Slavery throughout the


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Lincoln Douglas Debates

• 1858• Senate Race in

Illinois• Lincoln v. Stephen

Douglas• Lincoln wins

debate but loses Senate race

• places Lincoln in the national eye!

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Lincoln wants to stop the spread of slavery not

stop slavery

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We “cannot endure permanently half slave,

half free- (we) will become all one thing or

all the other”Abraham Lincoln

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John Brown’s Raid on Harper’s Ferry

• 1859• financed by wealthy

abolitionists• leads small band of

blacks and whites• attack federal armory• idea = seize

weapons, distribute among slaves, slave revolt will destroy slavery throughout the S.

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• no slaves come!• alerted early

militia besieges Brown and his men

• company of fed. marines under Colonel Robert E. Lee captures Brown

• quickly found guilty

• sent to gallows Dec. 2

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“ the crimes of this guilty land will never be purged away but

with blood”John Brown

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Reaction to John Brown

• anti-slavery portray Brown as a martyr to the cause of freedom

• pro-slavery upset over idea of N. helping slave revolt and N. Reaction

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Abraham LincolnRepublican elected President

• 1860• reflects unsettled state of

Union• Stephen Douglas N.

Democrat• John C. Breckinridge S. Dem• Abraham Lincoln Republican• John Bell constitutional

unionist ( remnants of S. Whigs)

• Lincoln pledges to leave slavery where it was

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•election Nov. 6, 1860

•Lincoln does not appear on the ballot in 9 states

•40% pop vote

•majority of electoral votes

•does not carry one single S. state

•travels in disguise through Maryland to avoid getting shot

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