
I love to watch movies. I honestly love any kind like comedy, horror, adventure, action and etc.. The movie recently saw was The Hobbit. It was good but I didn’t like the ending so much. The reason I didn’t like the ending is because once they finale got to where they were going and didn’t do anything more. Movies are entertaining to watch when you nothing left to do. Some movies aren’t as good as other but I still like them. Movies

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Post on 21-Jan-2015




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I love to watch movies. I honestly love any kind like comedy, horror, adventure, action and etc.. The movie recently saw was The Hobbit. It was good but I didn’t like the ending so much. The reason I didn’t like the ending is because once they finale got to where they were going and didn’t do anything more. Movies are entertaining to watch when you nothing left to do. Some movies aren’t as good as other but I still like them.


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I go to Lady Lake, Florida to go see my grandparents. I go there in the summer. Every time I go to Florida we have to drive and it’s really boring sitting in a car for like 12 hours. It’s nice to see my grandparents because I don’t see them a lot since I live far away. We went to zoos, beaches, Universal Studio, and just go drive around Florida seeing new thing. My grandfather drives and it kinds of scary because he drives really fast. That what we mostly do when were visiting my grandparents. I might go back to Lady Lake this summer.


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VIETNAM I first went to Vietnam when I

was a baby so I didn’t remember much from that trip. I most recently went was when I was in 6th grade. My grandparent from my mom’s side and my uncle also my aunt came with me. We had to drive all the way to New York. When we got there our flight got cancelled . My Dad and uncle spent most of that trying to get our flight changed. We had to sleep in the airport because my other uncles are already on their way home. After spending the night at the airport we finally got on the flight and was on our way to Vietnam. I spent the whole month in Vietnam. It was fun but really hot.

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Washington D.C I went to Washington D.C . this summer. We spent four day there. We drove left around 5 am got to there by 3 pm. My Dad didn’t know were the hotel was so he kept driving up and down the street and looking at the window to see if we can find the hotel. We found it and got settled into the hotel room. My cousin Gina came with me. We saw the White House , Air and Space museum , Lincoln Memorial , and a lot of other memorial s. The trip was fun but my feet ached afterward . On the way home we stopped in New York. I don’t think I'm going on the 8th grade field trip to Washington D.C but it’s alright.

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BooksI like to read books.

Some of my favorite books are The Hunger Games, Delirium, To Kill The Mockingbird, The Outsiders. I started to read more was in 7th grade. I like science future type of books. I’m beginning to like reading a lot more than I used to. I am in the book club. I was forced into it by Gina. We haven’t even finish one book yet. In a matter of time I think we will.

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Six Flags I go to Six Flag every summer

with my whole family. We spend the whole day there. It’s really fun. We go on a ton of rides. I don’t go on many roller-coaster because I don’t like height and I'm kind of scared of them. We walk around to buy souvenir in the shop s. It gets kind of tiring after walking for a while. I go with my uncle and some of my cousins. My parent barely go on any of the rides. That how I spend my day at Six Flags.

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Timothy is my brother but I call him Tim. He is 14 year old. His a freshman in high school. Tim goes to Monty Tech. When I come home my brother always complain about how much homework he has to do. Sometimes we don’t get along but don’t all brother and sisters. He does good in school as far as I know. He in the ROTC program.

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Leominster High School Next year I’m going to be a freshman in high school. I think I'm going Leominster High School but my parents want me to go to Monty Tech. I would want to go to Leominster High because I know more people there than in Monty Tech. I would like to do the CTE program. I think it’s a would be a good experience and to try the trades. I would be very nervous on the first day. It’s a different school but I’m looking forward to high school.

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DadMy Dad’s first name is Steve.

My Dad’s works in Worcester at a place called Micro Arc. He’s 42 years old I think he wouldn’t want me to be telling people his age. My Dad is the cook not my mom. He likes to try new recipes.. His birthday is December 7. My Dad is originally from Florida but moved to Massachusetts when he was around 9 years old. Has one brother and one sister. They live in Gardener. I love my dad.

My Dad is the guy in the orange shirt.

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ChristmasChristmas was alright this

year. I mostly just got clothes also iTunes gift cards. I spent Christmas at my cousin’s house. My mom wasn’t there for Christmas because She was helping her Grandfather in Vietnam where he lives. My mom just got home a couple weeks ago. I just met my new cousin Ally. My bought me IPhone I will consider that a Christmas present from her. I can’t wait for next Christmas.

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Yearbook ClubI was on the Yearbook club in 7th

grade. There was a lot of people at first then Mrs. Winter narrowed it down to around 20 people. It was based if you went to most of the meetings. We met once a month for the meeting. I did one page. Took me two days to finish my page. Last year’s yearbook turned out well. After I finished my one page I mostly played games on the computer. I going to get this year’s yearbook since this is my last year at Sky View. I’m excited to go high school next year.

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New York CityI went to New York City on

my way home from Washington D.C. We spent only a couple hours there. There was a lot of traffic. My parents where driving around for a place to park. My Mom wanted to go to China Town so we did. We ate lunch then shopped around. My Mom bought food for people for when we get home. The food managed to stay good. New York isn’t the cleanest city out there. I also went to New York when I was around 4 year old to go see the Statue of Liberty . New York was a good experience. I would like to go back and spend more then a couple hour there.

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GrandparentsI love my Grandparents. I get to see my grandparents

on my mom side more because the live close by. My dad’s parents live in Lady Lake, Florida. My grandparents in Florida are very outgoing they get out. I call them Meme and Pepe I don’t know why I just do. For spring break I might go visit them. My mom’s parent are more reserved than my dad’s. My mom parent were born in Vietnam. My grandfather was in the Vietnam war he fought with the Americans. My Grandfather met my grandmother while he was patrolling. They stay in more. My grandmother babysits my cousins. Which must be tiring for her. I’m going to spend as much time with them as I can because I know they won’t be alive forever.

My Dad’s parents Mom’s parents

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Plymouth When my grandparent visited me we went to Plymouth. I already

went to Plymouth for a field trip in 3rd grade. After we went to Plymouth rock we headed towards Plymouth Plantation. The trip was interesting since I have not been to Plymouth in a couple years. My Grandparents wanted to go. My family went in the summer. Outside was I think around 90 degrees. That day was really hot. I spent the whole day with them. I was staying at my cousin Gina’s house . So they picked me and my brother up. I didn’t even know that we were going to do anything that day. So that was a little shock to me. I had a fun time that day. My grandparent were staying with some people they know. I think they had a fun day since my grandparent doesn’t get to spend a lot of quality time with my family.

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HalloweenI used to go trick or

treating but now I don’t because I’m getting to old. Now I usually pass out candy or walk around with my cousins while they get candy. These Halloweens are bad since all the snow and changing the date for trick or treating. This Halloween I stayed home. Everybody went to my house afterwards. I had an easy night. When I do go trick or treating I get lots of candy. The next day I probably ate most of the bag. I will always love Halloween no matter how old I get.

My cousin, Angel in her Halloween costume

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I went to several zoos. In 4th grade we went on a field trip to Southwick Zoo. I got tired after a while. I we on a train ride that took us around the zoo. That was pretty interesting seeing animals that I never saw before. I talk more when we are on field trip than school. Saw birds , tigers, giraffes, and many more animals . I remember when I was around 5 year old , my family including aunts, uncles , and cousins went to this zoo in Maine. We split up and went our own way. I went with my brother and my Dad. I was walking then my sandal fell off my then a duck took my sandal . My dad had to go get it. I think that ducks don’t like me that much. Those were my experiences when I went to the zoo.


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I was born on August 17,1999. My mom was born on the 18 of August. I think that it was a coincidence that I was born a day before her birthday. I was born in Leominster Hospital.. We usually go on vacation in August rather than July. At the end of summer I have to go back to school. My mom wants to go to Vietnam in the summer.


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I have 7 uncles . Some of them are stricter than others. My favorite uncle is my Uncle Thien. He is more relaxed than the others. He takes us to go see movies. In the summer he takes me and my cousin blueberry picking. Also my Uncle Nguyen takes to the movie with Gina but then leaves afterward or sleeps during the movie. My mom has 4 bother then one sister that got married. I have 5 uncles. Then my dad has one brother and one sister. So in total I have 7 uncles.


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I love ice cream. My favorite flavor is cookie dough. My family usually go to Kimball. If I had to choose between chocolate or vanilla ,I would choose vanilla. I would eat ice cream in any type of weather. I like frozen yogurt but ice cream would win any day.

Ice Cream

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I only went a couple time before. The ice cream is really good. Every time I go there its always crowed. My favorite ice cream is the moose munch. I always get it when I go there. I didn’t there to be a lot of people there. My family are probably going a lot more in the summer.


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OceanI love the ocean. It’s refreshing to just relax. My whole

family takes a day from working to go to the beach. My Dad always wants to go to somewhere new but we always do what my mom wants. I have to wake up sometimes 6am . The drive is sometimes around 1 to 2 hours. Those days are always fun.

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Johnny Appleseed SchoolI went to Johnny Appleseed for my 5th grade year. Before I

went to Leominster I went to Reingold School in Fitchburg. I was nervous at first because I didn’t know anybody. My teacher was Mr. Powers . Out of all my teacher he was my favorite. I got used to everything after awhile. I met all different kinds of people. I had a fun to on all the field trips. Johnny Appleseed was great for only being there a year.

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QuotesMy favorite quotes is “Be who you are and say what you

feel, because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind.’’ By Dr.Seuss. It’s a philosophy that you use in life. Another is “Stand up for what is right . Even if you’re standing alone.” Those are a couple of my favorite quotes. I try to live by them as much as I can.

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ReadingI like to read. I always ask my dad to take me to the bookstore but

he always says no. I have not read a lot until 7th grade. I read just to past time or when I am bored. My brother reads books with about 1000 pages . I only read books with around 500 pages. Takes me around 4 days to read about 300 pages.

My Favorite books

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EasterEaster is just a regular day to me. All my aunts , uncle , and

cousin come to my house. We eat the food my grandmother makes like springrolls or pho a type of Vietnamese soup. Nothing really special we do for Easter. Most of my family watch football while the kids go off and do something else like watch TV or play video games. Easter’s a normal day.

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Xtra SpecialI have many things that are special to me. The most important thing to me

is my family. My dad told me once that if you don’t have family you have nothing. Our family vacation that we take every summer. Sometimes we have to drive on our family vacation. I hope my mom gets a new car because I’m getting sick of that car.