title analysis zombie land

Title Analysis-Zombie Land The first picture that the audience receive when watching this is a zombie throwing a man of a ledge, this automatically grabs the audience’s attention and makes them laugh, also the use of special effects for the text which falls as the man does, this makes the disperse of the text soft on the eyes and also entertaining to watch. The text is red which makes the audience relate to blood straight away red or white is one of the conventional colour for horror film texts, however the font used in this film isn’t conventional it is enhanced with the reflection effect used on cinema 4 d the text also been wrapped in a metallic effect to make it seem like it is meant to be there and apart of the environment. In the picture on the right the text on the left is dispersing to the left and the title on the right is beginning to appear, this makes it very soft on the eyes and this effect is achieved by moving every letter individually then raising the opacity of the text on the right. There is a fire in the background which automatically appeals to the audience and especially men because they can see fire, money and zombies which adds to the audience appeal and also makes the audience want to keep watching, also because everything is in slow motion it allows the audience to see everything without it being too much on the eyes. The brightness has also been raised along with the contrast to create colours that pop, especially with the fire and the lighting on the floor, these effect are usually included to change/manipulate what time of the day it is. The least scene that appears is a man smashing into a windscreen the camera is put into point of view this is to make the audience feel like they are in the film. We can use slow motion in our film along with loads of blood, we can also use point of view because it makes the audience feel like they are a part of the film.

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Post on 12-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Title analysis zombie land

Title Analysis-Zombie Land

The first picture that the audience

receive when watching this is a

zombie throwing a man of a ledge,

this automatically grabs the

audience’s attention and makes them

laugh, also the use of special effects

for the text which falls as the man

does, this makes the disperse of the

text soft on the eyes and also

entertaining to watch.

The text is red which makes the

audience relate to blood straight away red or white is one of the conventional colour

for horror film texts, however the font used in this film isn’t conventional it is

enhanced with the reflection effect used on cinema 4 d the text also been wrapped in a

metallic effect to make it seem like it is meant to be there and apart of the


In the picture on the right the text on the left

is dispersing to the left and the title on the

right is beginning to appear, this makes it

very soft on the eyes and this effect is

achieved by moving every letter

individually then raising the opacity of the

text on the right.

There is a fire in the background which

automatically appeals to the audience and

especially men because they can see fire, money and zombies which adds to the

audience appeal and also makes the audience want to keep watching, also because

everything is in slow motion it allows the audience to see everything without it being

too much on the eyes. The brightness has also been raised along with the contrast to

create colours that pop, especially with the fire and the lighting on the floor, these

effect are usually included to change/manipulate what time of the day it is.

The least scene that appears is a man

smashing into a windscreen the camera

is put into point of view this is to make

the audience feel like they are in the


We can use slow motion in our film

along with loads of blood, we can also

use point of view because it makes the

audience feel like they are a part of the


Page 2: Title analysis zombie land

The appeal this has to the audience is very high mainly because of the explosions the

blood and the zombies, all of these features make the opening sequence for this film is

very hard to stop watching and it also has an audience appeal for most ages abut

mostly for men. This is also because of the amount of action used straight away

instead of building tension which is normally what happens stereotypically in horror
