tltir.d concrixss. · 2012. 6. 3. · ebenezcr...

TlTir.D CONCriXSS. O ' i . . 1 1 llsr SESifOK, Br '. ni'l li 1 d at llie ity of Phi- - i letpii'a, ii the slats of Penn-fvlvani- a, on Mondav the ferojfcd ol' Decc. iV-- , oi thousand .x h ..I ed and ninety thice. T5 SO'.VD bv the Senate and jC. Ilojfc of Rejjrefentatives of ths Uni-e- d Sti-c- s of America, in Cong' el". a(leib!e.l, 'I Hit the St: -- rretarv for the department of War be, and lie is hereby directed Jg make out an cxaft lilt of the names of etch 'erron returned to him as invalid pcnfior.ers, by the judges of the circuit courts of tht United .S'ates (sinning sis nnder the aft of Con-rn- pf, pallel the twenty-thir- d of , on t!nnfn)i)d seven han-.l.-- rd and : intitaled, ' aft to piovide for the fettte-j!- f ni of'1.11 i'- - of widow atidvor-yhin- i, ba.ed by he limitations Jifietofoie euabli'hed, and to. the claims to invalid pcnil-oiis;- " and return to the ja'deof each dlilrift, one cop of iucli list, flatbi-- T the diftriifi whHi each perftwi was re- turned, an 1 that all are by Con-re.- "s dx ec'te 1 not to be en-ere- d on the pen'ioi-lifl- . And the f.iid tiry is further di.e5!cd to re- turn to each di'ti'L? a lilt of til.- - n lines of ill fVh pe-fo- as i we hern c;uned as invali 1 pe;;-fione- rs by the difljri't juJtre, under the aft '.f Co.:j;-cf- s palled the twe-ir- .' e: ;'.ith of Feb nary, one t!i ifand fove i hnnd cd in J nine- ty three, intLuled ' An aft to re-- n dare c' ii'ns to invali 1 peiui-rn- s ;" ii Hi gni.hinq; toofe who have been plicrd on the pe'ili o , inlthfe who ln.e not been placed on the same, by reif n o thri- - t Hnnav beina; incom- plete, 1'ca in , part:-ulirl- the le-- p il reqt.i.'t' or requifiles warC-in- j in the eiJence of cash ; and 3ivmii3,f'ch of them whose evi- dence of leaving feivioe is notlod"-ge- d in h'n ofiicc. And the judge of the fceral diftrift courts, upon receipt of the above dcfciibed lists and ftateinents fron the secretary f'ov the depart-nen- t of vVar, are hereby d:rest"d to pub-Yi- h the same in on; or more of the newfpapeis publLhrd in their ref-peen- ve diftrifts, ad ling to such publication, the time when the ai5l rr'i'atiny; the claims to invalid jteuiions evpiie. Fre&.tck J"triV'fs Mnhl'iibergy. Speakerofthe Kou so of Reprefe;ftatives. Ralph Jzaid, l'refident of the Sen1" pro tempore. Approved f nne the ninth 1794, Co W iflimpton, President: of the United Sta'es. Denofited nmo'ifr rh3 in the departxnent of 0 ire. Fd.n : Randolph. LIST of all tu: p.rfons-mr- were relirr.:d to th War Office off'; Uu:-- " S'ftes as Invalid Pfif o,iers by trj Jvrijcs of th: Circuit Courts of t'e Utxtctl States, sitting thewfilvet Co- -' inifi'iv s iti4r the aft of Con. ""ft paj. Jlarch 1702,' cntithd" An Jii to provide for the f ttlem'nt of claims' of Wi-Vo- -r and Oi phetn barred b tie li- mitations h:r:ojore cfiablifbcd, and to i ;;r"!at t'r to Iioa'id are all H Congrcfs jir'Cie'lnot to be placed upon tfPen-jio- n lifi. Ncvj-Bampjlr- ire. Naves. Pari. Jarnes Ci ombie Lieutenant Ebenezcr Copp Serjeant John Clonzh Private Thomas sill man Ho Fbenezer Fielding do Joshua Gil-na- do Thomas Kimball do Abraham KimbrU do Jeremiah Pritchaid Lieut. & Ailjut John Recti Private William Taggart Enfi-- Kaws. Rank. Edwarri Walds Lieuteiipnt A ejiiioutii V all!? 1'iivate Il ) Term 1 79:. TlicnnaT! Alexxantler Captain Whthalifel Barney Corporal Cnleb Chsdv.'ich Private Poter Charlout L.i r'amAvortli Private 'I homas Gleafou 'do Joseph Gcodridga do Jonas Gi'csnr do , John Gfacc ' Lieutenant jchn Heath - Corporal Peter Jletnmemvay Private Daniel I otlar do John Manley Captain (Mai ine) Afa Men eft1 l'rh-at- Aaron Mason do Simeon ' ijarglant Job-Prle- fr Mbgn Amos l'ierfon Ssergt-an- t Benjamin Pi eiley Private Abner Pier dq Joieph Pcabfdy do Pat- - ick Shanlcy do CT:ft.rj8pragues do illirlnvW an en. UciitguEnt OBober Term, 1792 SpaiFor I Ames Private Lcntiel Rarnes do Jofopli Bates Dragoon hbencuezer Hment Bii; fvi.ij. Saiipfon Brown Puvate ta nnbas Chapman da T liomes Cook do Joieph Cov. do James Laiton Colonel Wiiilam Kotoa Sergeant Eci'ja.nin Faritum Captain iofes r'itch Piivate Fenry Gates do Lnah Goodvin do V ardwell Greene Seigeant l'e;,ry KawLs Piidce SaiTiel Joy io Oz'as fudd SerTPnnt J' begezer K'ent in,.n Job Lane Pnaie '1 homas Lilley do Jacob Loomcs H.ev Joseph Loring I rei tf n"nt John Nison lrig-dit- r Jonah ' eovel Piivate John Taylor Scii cut iamuel V ai'iiev Piivate Robert Wyley rn'igu Lbeiiezer Learned Colonel Convtdlcv.t. P. ay Tsuu, 1792. Samuel Andrews Co-po- ial Jedediah Brown Sergeant Samuel Bennett 1 lidr Lnas Blackfley Private Silas Baldwin do Peuben Chapman do Biitr Gilbert Sergeant Thrufton Milliard Aitificcr Jfaac Kiggins t'ifer William Leeds Lieutenant Elnatbau NoitDn Private Ebenezer Patcbin do David 1 endleton do Samuel Perksr do lfaac Ilicliaxds do Thaddeus Reed dj John Stnirii do Turney do Yale Todd do Enoch Turner do Tnmp': 'n.1rid t'o Richard Watrous do Qtiober Tcrrj, 1792. William Anderson Corpoial Theodore AntTfiss Private Cleiiient Andrufs (To Afa 3unt.e" Corporal Ebenezcr Bevtns Private I'i an-M- Baxter do Salmon Burr do lfa-- c Hucll do .Elijah Boaidrran Sergeant Kai ns Private Amos Barns do Mafcs Boardman- - do 'David Blackmail do Daniel Barns Captain Job Bartram do James Beers Piivate Isaiah Bunce' do Nathaniel Beach do Jonathan Bowers C01 poral Thaddeus" Beebe Private Williom Case - Sergeant Simon Crosby Dragoon-James- - Campbell PrUate Elifha Clark Artificer Ebenezcr Curtis. Trivatc ABijah Cady do Names. Sari. Josiah (. oolvo lo Aaron Corke tio J"l;n Chandler Colonel John Chappie Private Joseph Duub?r Corporal John l)o7ns " Sergeant Eliphalet tlloii ifPivatc Samitel Eadou Sergeant Moses Lvans Piivate Jonathan Flagg Artificer jcel Fox Private Lbenezer Gilbert do Joel Giliet Ensign Amos Giay Private Davjd Hall Sergeant Abijah Hubbel Corpoial Thomas Hobby Major C01 nclius Hamlitt Ccrpo-a- l Robert Jaron . Fifer Lyman Kinne Private Aihbel Kilhour3e do WilLam Leech do Samuel Lounis Corporal Josiah Lacey x Captain Jabez Lewis Piivate ivathaniel Lewis do Joseph Loring Artificer Geoigc Lor'l Private-Joh- M'ivinfey do John M'Kiufey do David Moiehoufe do Siephv.n Miner Sold. S: qr. gunner Josiah IVler- - inian C01 poral oideou Noble Fifes-&Corpoi- Francis Nicholson Sergeant Oiborne ' do Levi Pierce Piivate David Pratt Drum major lfaac Palmer Sergeant Elijah Rice Private jolin lloberts Trumpeter David Ranny Private Jc liciiah Smith do lihu Sabiu do Zachnrialv Sanford Sergeant Hcbsr Smith do Mofcs Smith Private NailnnicrScribner Captain Jflh Watson Piivate Charles V.' ebb Colonel Joel Wilcox Piivate A i'lhm WoodruiF Corporal Phmp White Piivate Azel Wocdworth Matrofs V.'i.liam Woare Privatc Bavze Wells Lieutenant Ibami.el Glaring - Colonel Joliah. Witter Lieutenant Rhode. IJlaniL ClarkeAlbro Private James Blevin Forage inafter John daggs Sergeant RoLei t Carr Private Daniel EldiidgO" Sergeant Edward Vore do Efek Aldiiilge Drummer Button Briggs Private Na'hafi Jaquays do ill! 1111 Lulit do David Lewis do Chi iitopher Moore do Joseph Spencer i aylor Ailiftant Cominiflaryof iilaes Vermont. Bail Private Saii-.e- l Baitlett "Captain Plijah Beniiet" Private David Brydia do Ja cd Dixon do "samuel .yers do Stephen Gates Sergeant Jonathan Haynes Private Zimri Hill do v Elijah. 1'ray Sergeant Abiaham Nierrifield Piivate Richard i3iller Sergeant John Sargeant Corporal lfaac Webitcr Sergeant Ephraim W ilmarth do William Yates Private Thomas Torrence do New Jerfiy. John Obcrt Private Silvefter Tiltonp do Maryland. John Coates Captain Virginia. Jacob Valentine Captain Joshua Daiidfon Diagoon V.'illiam 'Dalby Cqsporal Christopher M'Cannon Serg. maj. John Bell Lieutenant David Welch Sergeant William M'lntofii Private John Burton Seigeant N. B. Those marked thus have renewed their applications tinder the acl: of Congr cfs of the aSth of Fehruaiy 1 793. IL KNOX, Sec j cf'JVar, 0000 wo The preceding list is pnbliflied in . pirrfuance of a Refidntion of the Congieffof tlic united Hates, of the o'h of June 1 794, which further dnei'ls me as Judge of the Kentuc- ky diftnet to give notice tha the "Aft to regulate the cl imis to in- valid pensions" will expire on the aSih day of Fernary 1795. HARRY INNES. For Gist and Nep oes, A Good bargain may Le had in O- a trail of LJfrb Iirt'r upon Simpson's creek in the county of NeHon, containing 510 acres, 70 of which, are cleai ed and under good fences .fifteen afe in wood meadow. an apple orchaid of Motiecs half grown, and 250 bearing peach tiees a g. lit mill, a dwelling ho ulc 40 feet by lo v ith a Cellrr under the vliole divided into tv. o rooms, in. one of which is a sire ii'ice all finiihed olf in a neat nanner, to- gether v, ith many other convenient and neceflary houses. "I he tern s maybe known by application to Richatd Terrell at his office in Lex- ington, or the fubfenber on the premises. JoJJxia Ferpj'fon. December 10 sv.RTtp For Sale, '"'pHE Plantation whereon I now J live, containing six hundred about fifteen or" which is cleard and under good fence, a to- lerable dwelling houl'e, kitchen, 1 he. For terms apply to John Wag- - ' goner Pairodlburgh, or the sub. scriber on the premises. Jos. Fleming Mitchell. Harrodfburgrr, Nov. 30. SCtp The Highest Fi-ic- e Given for all Lnas of F u R S. i BY the fubferiber at his in Lexington. Montgomei y Bell. " December 16. tf 1 Hereby foiewam all perL-n- s J. from taking an alignment on a bond, given by me to a ceitain Frd. Ilumc, for eighty five poundb, as it was given in confideiation of a tract of land Which laid Him.e cannot make me a title to, and he having lefc this country, therefore I (ball not pay it unlcf, compelled, by law. fatties Theobalds. Deccmbar 11- - 3av rAKEN udfpy the fubferiber, in i Fayette county near Lexin -- ton. a jellow bay Hcrfc, has a Uar and fiup, both hind feet white, is fiit in the right ear, eight j ears old, thii teen and a half hands liifh, apptaifcdto 9I. Alio a black hoi le colt, tv o years old, same height, appiaifed to 61. John Cleveland. Nov. 13. tor dau, A young, healthy, li'-ei- neco fellow. Enquire of Robert Mar- - fhal, Scott County, near Johnson' jnill. RP-- p ri AKiiN up by the liblciAtr 1 in Madsfon, a sorrel flcne Colt, one year old lafl spring. re;-tii- er docked npr branded, it has a fmpil llreik of white in his sate, ; white feet ; Appraised to 61. Owen Hen endon. Oclober 18. ' ' A KEN up by tne iiibfcuoei on t Che-ry- 's run, a dark bay filley fjppofcd to be two years old neither docked nor branded, black mane and tail; appraised to seven 7I. Moses Che? rey,. Angufb 6. f

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  • TlTir.D CONCriXSS.O ' i

    . . 1 1 llsr SESifOK,Br '. ni'l li 1 d at llie ity of Phi- -

    i letpii'a, ii the slats of Penn-fvlvani- a,on Mondav the ferojfcd

    ol' Decc. iV-- , oi thousand .xh ..I ed and ninety thice.

    T5 SO'.VD bv the Senate andjC. Ilojfc of Rejjrefentatives ofths Uni-e- d Sti-c- s of America, inCong' el". a(leib!e.l, 'I Hit the St: --rretarv for the department of Warbe, and lie is hereby directed Jgmake out an cxaft lilt of the namesof etch 'erron returned to him asinvalid pcnfior.ers, by the judgesof the circuit courts of tht United.S'ates (sinning sis

    nnder the aft of Con-rn- pf,pallel the twenty-thir- d of

    , on t!nnfn)i)d seven han-.l.-- rdand : intitaled,

    ' aft to piovide for the fettte-j!- fni of'1.11 i'- - of widow atidvor-yhin- i,

    ba.ed by he limitationsJifietofoie euabli'hed, and to.

    the claims to invalid pcnil-oiis;- "and return to the ja'deof

    each dlilrift, one cop of iucli list,flatbi-- T the diftriifi

    whHi each perftwi was re-turned, an 1 that all are by Con-re.- "s

    dx ec'te 1 not to be en-ere- d onthe pen'ioi-lifl- . And the f.iid tiry

    is further di.e5!cd to re-turn to each di'ti'L? a liltof til.-- n lines of ill fVh pe-fo- asi we hern c;uned as invali 1 pe;;-fione- rs

    by the difljri't juJtre, underthe aft '.f Co.:j;-cf- s palled thetwe-ir- .' e: ;'.ith of Feb nary, onet!i ifand fove i hnnd cd in J nine-ty three, intLuled ' An aft to re--n

    dare c' ii'ns to invali 1 peiui-rn- s;" ii Hi gni.hinq; toofe who

    have been plicrd on the pe'ilio , inlthfe who ln.e notbeen placed on the same, by reif no thri- - t Hnnav beina; incom-plete, 1'ca in , part:-ulirl- the le-- p

    il reqt.i.'t' or requifiles warC-in- jin the eiJence of cash ; and

    3ivmii3,f'ch of them whose evi-dence of leaving feivioe is notlod"-ge- d

    in h'n ofiicc. And the judgeof the fceral diftrift courts, uponreceipt of the above dcfciibed listsand ftateinents fron the secretaryf'ov the depart-nen- t of vVar, arehereby d:rest"d to pub-Yi- h

    the same in on; or more of thenewfpapeis publLhrd in their ref-peen- ve

    diftrifts, ad ling to suchpublication, the time when the ai5lrr'i'atiny; the claims to invalidjteuiions evpiie.

    Fre&.tck J"triV'fs Mnhl'iibergy.Speakerofthe Kou so

    of Reprefe;ftatives.Ralph Jzaid, l'refident

    of the Sen1" pro tempore.Approved f nne the ninth 1794,

    Co W iflimpton, President:of the United Sta'es.

    Denofited nmo'ifr rh3 in thedepartxnent of 0 ire.

    Fd.n : Randolph.

    LIST of all tu: p.rfons-mr- wererelirr.:d to th War Office off'; Uu:-- "

    S'ftes as Invalid Pfif o,iers bytrj Jvrijcs of th: Circuit Courts oft'e Utxtctl States, sitting thewfilvetCo- -' inifi'iv s iti4r the aft of Con.""ft paj. Jlarch1702,' cntithd" An Jii to providefor the f ttlem'nt of claims' of Wi-Vo- -r

    and Oi phetn barred b tie li-mitations h:r:ojore cfiablifbcd, andto i ;;r"!at t'r to Iioa'id

    are all H Congrcfsjir'Cie'lnot to be placed upon tfPen-jio- n

    lifi.Ncvj-Bampjlr- ire.

    Naves. Pari.Jarnes Ci ombie LieutenantEbenezcr Copp SerjeantJohn Clonzh PrivateThomas sill man HoFbenezer Fielding doJoshua Gil-na- doThomas Kimball doAbraham KimbrU doJeremiah Pritchaid Lieut. & AiljutJohn Recti PrivateWilliam Taggart Enfi--

    Kaws. Rank.Edwarri Walds LieuteiipntA ejiiioutii V all!? 1'iivate

    Il ) Term 1 79:.TlicnnaT! Alexxantler CaptainWhthalifel Barney CorporalCnleb Chsdv.'ich PrivatePoter CharloutL.i r'amAvortli Private'I homas Gleafou 'doJoseph Gcodridga doJonas Gi'csnr do ,John Gfacc ' Lieutenantjchn Heath - CorporalPeter Jletnmemvay PrivateDaniel I otlar doJohn Manley Captain (Mai ine)Afa Men eft1 l'rh-at-Aaron Mason doSimeon ' ijarglantJob-Prle-

    fr MbgnAmos l'ierfon Ssergt-an- tBenjamin Pi eiley PrivateAbner Pier dqJoieph Pcabfdy doPat- - ick Shanlcy doCT:ft.rj8pragues do

    illirlnvW an en. UciitguEntOBober Term, 1792

    SpaiFor I Ames PrivateLcntiel Rarnes doJofopli Bates Dragoonhbencuezer Hment Bii; fvi.ij.Saiipfon Brown Puvateta nnbas Chapman daT liomes Cook doJoieph Cov. doJames Laiton ColonelWiiilam Kotoa SergeantEci'ja.nin Faritum Captain

    iofes r'itch PiivateFenry Gates doLnah Goodvin do

    V ardwell Greene Seigeantl'e;,ry KawLs PiidceSaiTiel Joy ioOz'as fudd SerTPnntJ' begezer K'ent in,.nJob Lane Pnaie'1 homas Lilley doJacob Loomcs H.evJoseph Loring I rei tf n"ntJohn Nison lrig-dit- rJonah ' eovel PiivateJohn Taylor Scii cutiamuel V ai'iiev PiivateRobert Wyley rn'iguLbeiiezer Learned Colonel

    Convtdlcv.t.P.ay Tsuu, 1792.

    Samuel Andrews Co-po- ialJedediah Brown SergeantSamuel Bennett 1 lidrLnas Blackfley PrivateSilas Baldwin doPeuben Chapman doBiitr Gilbert SergeantThrufton Milliard AitificcrJfaac Kiggins t'iferWilliam Leeds LieutenantElnatbau NoitDn PrivateEbenezer Patcbin doDavid 1 endleton doSamuel Perksr dolfaac Ilicliaxds doThaddeus Reed djJohn Stnirii Turney doYale Todd doEnoch Turner doTnmp': 'n.1rid t'oRichard Watrous do

    Qtiober Tcrrj, 1792.William Anderson CorpoialTheodore AntTfiss PrivateCleiiient Andrufs (ToAfa 3unt.e" CorporalEbenezcr Bevtns PrivateI'i an-M- Baxter doSalmon Burr dolfa-- c Hucll do

    .Elijah Boaidrran SergeantKai ns Private

    Amos Barns doMafcs Boardman- - do'David Blackmail doDaniel Barns CaptainJob Bartram doJames Beers PiivateIsaiah Bunce' doNathaniel Beach doJonathan Bowers C01 poralThaddeus" Beebe PrivateWilliom Case - SergeantSimon Crosby Dragoon-James- -

    Campbell PrUateElifha Clark ArtificerEbenezcr Curtis. TrivatcABijah Cady do

    Names. Sari.Josiah (. oolvo loAaron Corke tioJ"l;n Chandler ColonelJohn Chappie PrivateJoseph Duub?r CorporalJohn l)o7ns


    SergeantEliphalet tlloii ifPivatcSamitel Eadou SergeantMoses Lvans PiivateJonathan Flagg Artificerjcel Fox PrivateLbenezer Gilbert doJoel Giliet EnsignAmos Giay PrivateDavjd Hall SergeantAbijah Hubbel CorpoialThomas Hobby MajorC01 nclius Hamlitt Ccrpo-a- lRobert Jaron . FiferLyman Kinne PrivateAihbel Kilhour3e doWilLam Leech doSamuel Lounis CorporalJosiah Lacey x CaptainJabez Lewis Piivateivathaniel Lewis doJoseph Loring ArtificerGeoigc Lor'l Private-Joh-

    M'ivinfey doJohn M'Kiufey doDavid Moiehoufe doSiephv.n Miner Sold. S: qr. gunnerJosiah IVler- - inian C01 poraloideou Noble Fifes-&Corpoi-Francis Nicholson Sergeant

    Oiborne ' doLevi Pierce PiivateDavid Pratt Drum majorlfaac Palmer SergeantElijah Rice Privatejolin lloberts TrumpeterDavid Ranny PrivateJc liciiah Smith do

    lihu Sabiu doZachnrialv Sanford SergeantHcbsr Smith doMofcs Smith PrivateNailnnicrScribner CaptainJflh Watson PiivateCharles V.' ebb ColonelJoel Wilcox Piivate

    A i'lhm WoodruiF CorporalPhmp White PiivateAzel Wocdworth MatrofsV.'i.liam Woare PrivatcBavze Wells LieutenantIbami.el Glaring - ColonelJoliah. Witter Lieutenant

    Rhode. IJlaniLClarkeAlbro PrivateJames Blevin Forage inafterJohn daggs SergeantRoLei t Carr PrivateDaniel EldiidgO" SergeantEdward Vore doEfek Aldiiilge DrummerButton Briggs PrivateNa'hafi Jaquays do

    ill! 1111 Lulit doDavid Lewis doChi iitopher Moore doJoseph Spencer i aylor Ailiftant

    Cominiflaryof iilaesVermont. Bail PrivateSaii-.e- l Baitlett "CaptainPlijah Beniiet" PrivateDavid Brydia doJa cd Dixon do"samuel .yers doStephen Gates SergeantJonathan Haynes PrivateZimri Hill do vElijah. 1'ray SergeantAbiaham Nierrifield PiivateRichard i3iller SergeantJohn Sargeant Corporallfaac Webitcr SergeantEphraim W ilmarth doWilliam Yates PrivateThomas Torrence do

    New Jerfiy.John Obcrt PrivateSilvefter Tiltonp do

    Maryland.John Coates Captain

    Virginia.Jacob Valentine CaptainJoshua Daiidfon DiagoonV.'illiam 'Dalby CqsporalChristopher M'Cannon Serg. maj.John Bell LieutenantDavid Welch SergeantWilliam M'lntofii PrivateJohn Burton Seigeant

    N. B. Those marked thus haverenewed their applications tinder

    the acl: of Congr cfs of the aSth ofFehruaiy 1 793.

    IL KNOX,Sec j cf'JVar,

    0000 woThe preceding list is pnbliflied in .

    pirrfuance of a Refidntion of theCongieffof tlic united Hates, ofthe o'h of June 1 794, which furtherdnei'ls me as Judge of the Kentuc-ky diftnet to give notice tha the"Aft to regulate the cl imis to in-valid pensions" will expire on theaSih day of Fernary 1795.


    For Gist and Nep oes,A Good bargain may Le had in

    O- a trail of LJfrb Iirt'r uponSimpson's creek in the county ofNeHon, containing 510 acres, 70 ofwhich, are cleai ed and under goodfences .fifteen afe in wood apple orchaid of Motiecs halfgrown, and 250 bearing peach tieesa g. lit mill, a dwelling ho ulc 40 feetby lo v ith a Cellrr under thevliole divided into tv. o rooms, of which is a sire ii'ice allfiniihed olf in a neat nanner, to-gether v, ith many other convenientand neceflary houses. "I he tern smaybe known by application toRichatd Terrell at his office in Lex-ington, or the fubfenber on thepremises.

    JoJJxia Ferpj'fon.December 10 sv.RTtp

    For Sale,'"'pHE Plantation whereon I nowJ live, containing six hundred

    about fifteen or" which iscleard and under good fence, a to-lerable dwelling houl'e, kitchen, 1he. For terms apply to John Wag- - 'goner Pairodlburgh, or the sub.scriber on the premises.

    Jos. Fleming Mitchell.Harrodfburgrr, Nov. 30. SCtp

    The Highest Fi-ic- eGiven for all Lnas of

    F u R S. iBY the fubferiber at his

    in Lexington.Montgomei y Bell.


    December 16. tf1 Hereby foiewam all perL-n- sJ. from taking an alignment on abond, given by me to a ceitainFrd. Ilumc, for eighty five poundb,as it was given in confideiation ofa tract of land Which laid Him.ecannot make me a title to, and hehaving lefc this country, thereforeI (ball not pay it unlcf, compelled,by law.

    fatties Theobalds.Deccmbar 11- - 3av

    rAKEN udfpy the fubferiber, ini Fayette county near Lexin --

    ton. a jellow bay Hcrfc, has a Uarand fiup, both hind feet white, isfiit in the right ear, eight j earsold, thii teen and a half hands liifh,apptaifcdto 9I. Alio a black hoi lecolt, tv o years old, same height,appiaifed to 61.

    John Cleveland.Nov. 13.

    tor dau,A young, healthy, li'-ei- neco

    fellow. Enquire of Robert Mar- -fhal, Scott County, near Johnson'jnill. RP-- pri AKiiN up by the liblciAtr1 in Madsfon, a sorrel flcne

    Colt, one year old lafl spring. re;-tii- erdocked npr branded, it has a

    fmpil llreik of white in his sate, ;white feet ; Appraised to 61.

    Owen Hen endon.Oclober 18. '

    ' A KEN up by tne iiibfcuoei ont Che-ry- 's run, a dark bay filley

    fjppofcd to be two years old neitherdocked nor branded, black maneand tail; appraised to seven 7I.

    Moses Che? rey,.Angufb 6. f