to install flex follow these steps

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To Install Flex Follow These Steps


  • Yarmouk Private University

    Faculty of Informatics & Communication Engineering

    Page 1

    To install flex follow these steps: 1- Run the flex setup by clicking on the executable file:

    2- The flex will be installed under a folder with a name GnuWin32 in the program files

    3- Now go to the directory of the flex, the default is: C:\Program

    Files\GnuWin32, u will find a folder named include, inside it u will find two c++ header files:

    o flexlexer.h o unistd.h

    Copy them to the Visual Studio directory: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 10\VC\include Do u remember openGL?? I do !!

    4- Open the Visual Studio 2010, I assumed that u installed it, Choose: File new project:

  • Yarmouk Private University

    Faculty of Informatics & Communication Engineering

    Page 2

    U will get a window, choose visual c++, win32 console application and dont forget to add a name to ur project. See the next figure:

  • Yarmouk Private University

    Faculty of Informatics & Communication Engineering

    Page 3

    Press ok, u will get a wizard, just click finish

    5- Now we want to add the lex to the visual studio: Choose: Tools external tools, u will get a window just like this:

  • Yarmouk Private University

    Faculty of Informatics & Communication Engineering

    Page 4

  • Yarmouk Private University

    Faculty of Informatics & Communication Engineering

    Page 5

    6- Add a new tool, our flex tool:

    tool FlexTool Fill the title field, I put it FlexTool, Fill the command field, give it the flex path: C:\Program Files\GnuWin32\bin, u will find two exe files, flex.exe flex++.exe

    Choose flex.exe, Now fill the arguments field as:

  • Yarmouk Private University

    Faculty of Informatics & Communication Engineering

    Page 6

    And finally fill the Initial directory field:

    Note: make sure do remove the check from the Close on exit Now u can click OK.

    U will find a new line in the tools menu:

  • Yarmouk Private University

    Faculty of Informatics & Communication Engineering

    Page 7

    tools .

    Now u have a new project, And u have ur lex file, just like the lex.l file, i gave it to u in the 2nd lecture, Copy ur lex file to the project directory I named my project as LexTestProject, so I should copy the lex.l to the project

    Visual Studio : : Add new Filter

  • ytisrevinU etavirP kuomraY

    & scitamrofnI fo ytlucaF gnireenignE noitacinummoC

    8 egaP

    xeL :


    : l.xel eht esoohc meti gnitsixE ddA

  • Yarmouk Private University

    Faculty of Informatics & Communication Engineering

    Page 9

    Now Dbl click on the lex.l, Then choose: Tools the new added tool, just like this pic


  • ytisrevinU etavirP kuomraY

    & scitamrofnI fo ytlucaF gnireenignE noitacinummoC

    egaP 01

    XELF . ++c

    l.xeL :

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