today’s news . today budget rejects economy pleas...

LEGISLATURE TO GET BOTTOLFSEN PROPOSALS IN BILL EOESf 1 Weather Forecast: UoKtUed toplilU nvtt Fritoy. U u l . taow or nfeit ^m cwtut coUcr. ' Hl^ yMtera»y « , tow 80. Low TODAY’S NEWS . TODAY A RcBlonal Newspaper Se^vinR Six Irrigated Counties in Idaho VOL. XXI. NO. 226—5 CENTST TWp^ FALLS. IDAHO. THURSDAY, JANUARY 5. 10:’ .!) OFFICIAL COUNTY NEWSPAPER BUDGET REJECTS ECONOMY PLEAS Frankfurter is Nominated^ ^ BtiiionsAsk&L To Post in Supreme Court President Chooses Noted Harvard Law Jiead for Position WASHINGTON. Jan. 5 (U.R)— ri>si<lcnt Roo.scvcIt today nominated-Prof. Felix FMnkfurter of Huvvnrd uiiivcr.'iity to the U. S. supreme court. Nomi: ation of tlie 56-year-old Je\ .scholar of tlie Har - vard Ja.w school a ^ ________________________ 1_1 Dafoe Thioks King Should Visit Quints ^ vacancy which haa'f5^lc(i . the'^igh court sincc-'rfpath of Justice Benjamin N. Curdozo last July 9. Proposals tllat Frankrurtor bp named to succccd the brllllnnt Jew- ish Justice. Cardoro, had'bccn.volccd In many quarUirs. Pfsnlcfurtcr Is the llilrcl JiirUl to be appointed to tVie hish bcneh by Mr. Rooacvell. His other nppolnl- m enu were Jiistlces Hugo L. Black »iicUStanley P. Reed,- Announcemenl ofilhe .selection ol Prankfurtcr was made IhroURh While House Secretary Stephen T. Early, who gave a one paragrnph typewritten statement to newspaper men 8»thcred in the White Hoibc ^ press room. Old Friend of President • • Prtnkforter. an old friend of the PrMldent; has been hla ad\Tscr oft M d on Blnce the 1932 campaign. He . fremiently vtettrt tJie White Houee and for th e.l« t several years hli aame has persistently cropped up U a likely nominee for U»e bench. Today's aDnauncement neverthC' leas occasioned consld^ble surprise inasmuch u the President only last DO^deeisiohj^'.he A kMn a: lillty who sent young attorneys - toto ttfw Wbw Peal. Pr^lclurtfciL-haa been Wrm«l:*Hhe m<#t inritientlal Mingle imUvldual In' the United Slates." \ aVaIU Confirmation Prankfurter will not be able lo auume his place on the snprcmc court unlit he Is confirmed in the senate. His Rppotnlmrnt will hnvo no el- fccfon the comervatlve-llbernl,di - vision of the .court since he replHCPi Cardoza, niiotlier llbernl. Pre.simm- 'bly. he will join Jiislln.H Luulx U Brnnd.els and*Harlan F. Ktone n: the nucleus of court liberals. With the tVQ Roosevelt appolutcu—BIqcK and Reed—ithlfi group will comprlt>o a liberal majority on the coun of nt Itasl five. Chief JiuUce Chiiric.n Kvan.^ Hu||hes and Ai'Orlatc Juhllcn Owrti J. RohfrLi, have coniblhcd thrir votes with llilfi liberal bloc nn kry New Dent U.Mien before iho ranrt In the Iwi) yeavs, T hrlr Kein'ml adherrnre lo liberal prhu'lplea limliA the ron»l«tfnt roi|ncrvftilve.-i to Jim tlces Jaine.i C, Mrlleyiir>lil« nnc Plerte Rutler. nurvlvor.i of llir (inc< dnniliiunt rniiscrvatlve niitjinliy. SEVEN KILLED IN »H lORNADO MlJklPJHH. Tenii,, Jiiii, fl IUI’> -- fleven iKTdOtui were killed, nl letuit ft dcore Injured as a reaiilt of loi d(ii winds In four Aoiiilieni nln Wlllla, 40, killing Wlllbi and Injin-' Ing four oUier". Mr/i..Crptl WlUon and her flve-year-old dniitilili killed near Dargerton. 'I'niii. same storm. I'revloiuly four ]iein<iiin hi\rl Ix-pii killed In tornadneii nenr Wlnndrld and Montgomery, La. ',„X? HANK CONIIITKIN TAM. WASHlNCVfON. J bh, h mn Oomiitrollrr of the Ciineiit v I’lrAtm Delano tmtay Irniueil* a mil for rnn dltlon of nallanal t>ank/i ua nt Urc 31. 40 Chickena Sold Mri. D. recently tiold hm clili krnK Ihrmiflh a reasHnitbly pilcrtj ml pUced In the CluHHificd Scetion of tlin. TIMKS nnd NKWS H\]i> m'ulvcd 50 CALLH. Ytm l»y |ilii('lii»r all ad In tlir (!1<AH- HiniOlJ. Yt.iirad will mu-h 15,(HM> f a m l l l c n . * . Cull as or 32 A sk flit' tli« ■Ad-T/njrr’" CALLANDER, Qnt., Jan. 5 (UR) —Dr. Allan Ray Daloe believes French Canadl(»ns wlll,deeply re- seat the failure lo Includc a visit lo Ihe Dionne quintuplets here In (he lllnerary of King George and Queen EtlzabcUi for their Canad - Ian tour next summer. Tlie babies are wards of the king. • •'Personally, I don't care," Dafoe .snld. "but the dominion .govern- ment Is not showing much court- e.^y to the French In Canada.” Dr.'Dafoe said he was eure'Uielr maje8tleft.had not been consulted .about vlstUng the quintuplets. He blamed the government at Ottawa. FOm tLEOBy E iMENIBUe^ NEW YORK, Jan. 5 (U-Ri — Fire swept througl) a flve*slory "old law ' iehement todayr.kllllhg at leant-/our persons and driving 200 others Into the .slrect. Tlir lire started at about 4 a. apparently In a rc.^taiirant on Kround floor, nnd spread Ihrough the building by way of a wooden stair- wny. Tenant, mast of them clad li ilglitclothp.i, nwhed outdoors when tlu'y stood bhlverlng In the chill inortilni; air. ■IVo eiliiples were rc.sciird by flro- eu after they ikppvnrcd nl windows )ii calleri lor help. Tlic dead.were; Mr.s. acorKetf'DnUKhiiault. about OS. Mrs. Anna Lc Clare. .V^, Hnrry ArRfM, nlxiul 22, nnd his wife, IJecky, about la. M S CULL , mwDBoys DAltCtl^ONA. Jiin. 'llii Kovi'iiimciit lotlny iinmiuiu'<'cl lhi>' ihf clii.M of liu:!—m ni now ;m yeni; (lid niul the Hr/il igiuiilfi' of tin ctn-M of l0«-now Id vrnrs old- liftd been valleil to the colots 1< bolhter (lifl''Ioyall>ith'' de-iprrnle dc len^c of Ciitutoiiln. 'nir <all for morn rix-n lo nliim off tlir IhsurKont olfeii»lve cllre< t<'i l)V <lru. ^•^nllol^M■o n n t u r o Ontiw iift er tlip tebri arnilr.s had lirokcn Ihn «nitrr (kfcn«n llnm hi Catiilotilii hv ^nlll.slllllt{ both Ihr north nnd noulh (liiiikti Id renrh tlinArte;i« roiniuiinl- nilloiM fontcr and Ihn Lerlda-Tnr- i'unH‘iiiu hiKhwity. I'lfvloijsly, ilin Roverinnrnl hud nillrtl nil nlile b<MllPd men Iwlwrru llin-.ei nKeA to irf>rvr III Iho front lliirs nn (he rebels mnji^eil «onin aiXIr IMKI li()..|*n for Ihelr •'win ihn w in ' oIten.>lvi! iiKnlnJil lliut'rUnm. 'nil- niitloiinl jMjpiilnr fnm l I'oin- iniiire nl a i'|K-clul'nifi,rtlnK volrd f<) i>lil the Boveriimeul by nilllnR ii|> nr» u'< iuUs nerdvd to dtlenil \hn icjiMlillr, President’s Choice rnOF. FELIX FRANKFUBTER Idaho House, Senate Pass Expense Bills;' Auto Licenses Next NBEEJLIRUCK miMS OFF ROAD AI BLISS GRADE Crn.>.lilnc doun Uir D1U.S grade at a reported 7S-inlle.s.per-hour speed, with brakes Koiie, n 15 to IB ton re- fining truck'and tank trailer hurtled off the grade at 2 a. m. loday and phms:ed fiih,- 100 feet. Tlie driver. Walter Parker. Bill- iHRf, Mouf, esca^Kct with only minor Injune.s and wn.i brought lo Twhi FalLs by Alma Wells, locBi trucking operator. Full I-nad Tlie bti; luel vchielp, owned by (l»e Husky Refining company. Cody. Wyo., WHS cnrryhiK a full load of dlc.scl dLsllllute fuel oil. The tanks iliatterrd an<l tiic oil wax thrown over surroiindlnB land.--capc, Mr. Wells .snld ihU afternoon. Tlie truck .shol oil the grade as It roared up' to the third bend, and rolled over for 100 feet from the highway. Tlio tank Imller tumbled another -100 lect beyond, eccordlni; to Well,'!, wiio wn.s right behind the giant vehicle at the time. Parker wa.s given emergency treat- ment nt the WolLs homo by n Twin F rIUv pliysleliin s\t 3;39 a. m. todny. He sustained a severe gash on the top of the head, back and laclal bruLse.s am! nn Injured 'rtrm. -Tlie trurk nnd lank trailer were both total They are still lylti? at the bottom of the grade thU aft- ernoon. Took-Wrons Road • Parker wps en route to CaUlwcll ■la Uie norih side road. Wells said, but became confused at the Bli>.s junction tind took Ihe wrong road. When he ^ruck Uie curve.n at the sharply-declining. grade—which he had never before ncgotlale«t—he ap- plied his brakes. Tlie bcakes on the machine assertedly failed, nnd the hcnu’ load Immediately plckcd up .speed, running awny frdm the Wells truck behind It.- ••By the lime Parker h\\ the .ihird bend.” Mr. Wells said, "he svns IruVellng a t 75 nille.s a n hour. At the benfl. the truck went nght off the ejlgc." Wells Asserted he stopped and cllmbcd down Uic grade lo the <<conc of wreckage. He sold that Parker was iravellnK alone, th at'h e a.ssLsi- ed. the Injured man up to thel-oad and then brought him to ■f^^ln Fulls for medical aid. Parker wns MoppliiR at the local truckman's home to- day. aherlff Wnyne FInck. Ci-wllnK. led, .snld lhal tlie dh- i out of the shiiltered ILE FDRCBALLEN TfTjlSK. ,Ia of (Ji.v. ('. A. Hoi will bi: privsciitcd in di.scii.s.'iiiiii liy Siitiiidii ,U‘ii(l<'rs MJiitI tdihiy. Molli liinisc iukI lly Wll.f.lAM (U.D Mv null I furni lifrlit c McMKNAMI.N m nidiiiy mul icfDi'iii itroim^n IlCli ill lli.S n|H-llillj^r lilCHHaKI' to tlin lilnlni l<')..'i.s|iitiiri' for r onrty iirxt week, h'Kislitlivc IIKflLlN, Jan. 5 (UP) Na/1 i hlrh arc iiniial|y well-lnfotjii' <irii-(I lodiiy l-'iirOiri'r Arlull ilKlK per.soiinlly iin.swrr I'lr. tou-vvclt'.s ctmllrnBC to (hr ilii Wliil (he I W DDGEIS ACCORDEDiNOR MW ANllKJ.W, Jnn. n nipi nor- eiii n K. Allrii, Juilgn (jf the nixlh II. /I, firiuH ciJUil of aiipenls, hra<li'(l a Uni (if 1(1 "nulAlandlnu wiiiiien of ll).ia" iurM'Utr<| imloy by Duiwnod Mowes. of Amrilrnn Woiiirn, feiiiliiUin "Whu'a Wl|i>.’‘- MokI .if (h«i women n|i Ihe Itont.i nald, "siin'eiuirully Invnileil miiN iilliKi field* [){ endeavor." 'I1ie oilier nine were: ,lnnn linindhtvst, t)»cterliili.Kl«l; I'riiil Ihirk, novellkl: JnKiiiellii CoiJirnii, nvlalor; (Irnr* Noll Cio- wall, tMwt; Uelri) Huyes, aetre«i: Allen Marble, tcnnin olianiploni Kl- eanor M. Falterimi. woman niiblloli. •r; Kate nmllh, Vadfo anterlalner and Julia 0. tillm«in. pri‘sldent of (he Ameilran Nurses MsocUtlnn. W flll iiiid ifdjotininiiriii lllltil t(niiiirriiw m oniing afttT bl'il'f HC.-i.'ti iiii.'i I’lii'ly Idtiiiy to k'ivi- (•(inii iiitU'i'rs U fliaiH 'f to ih'Hfl IVKi."iliilioii nnd (liHuii.’-s lluiL alicjiil,v pi'Dpo.icd. ■n,! ■ miiernor's iirogiMiii In1liiiird a irililuMonof aulomobllellrr'i, M' rrr:, lo a »;> rale, leorgiiiil/nt lull <it lU'par iiiiK i>iipro|irlnlliin!i, i-nrdiili iiiiilul .rxpeiibcfi. UkIiiiH • lefiinn lind rovlaldn oi i irtinuiofl fuiid setiiiv OuUlnea Itefornu lil.'f execiilU'n^H ltir.Ma«r ii I M'fornui yicorrerl ihr !>lui uMiiiiitlnK and aiKllihiK /o uiiitin Ihn cliiln f|n(^al vrm II l.i Ihn fi'drral ll.nniL ye II iixTll tynletn for Miil'- <i anil rnylM Iho utale IhiiiiiI cm M-lui). liiiUM’ hllln and one .'cili iilMHlvInK tfdinliilKl iiM'a.’.urr;. iilremly li *i'd. T h e h(junn bills woiilil Mildihim and ii'|>nv- r. iH-rii I Ini lU- hm for roordlnnll. ii>llr n^^lnlallrn Inws v ixpiur. n ol ihi ■lih led Tin- ^nlltle inrnxiire would jirovlilr rdiiMihiliiilon of the driinrlninih( ul ])ul)lti- »ri(are and publin nsMstance. A Hi i’iiUlli'uii I'niicus was. held hi th- I.... . .•iMninllien riKiiui, |i> iiu- IU1I.K ilir tax iiiiiiatorliiiii pioiKwnl. HiMitr Iiltl iiuiiiber 'i, (<i provide for rK|i<'ii.i'< Ilf Ilin txoslou, iiiinnpit both liiMii.i-., »n«i M-nl III Iho Riivnriior for ■•'lull...... . 'Ihe co,s(n approfirlnled (in <M.,' m,(KKi lor »j.i.imi (iir o lh rr exji-'iiM-^. 'l y llduiw Friday 1hr lliii I.*) Ili:ensn fro (ur, rnin »ii,> r x|>f^ led t» MU to tiKi hiii^Mi l>y A ....... . hill piovlden f(ir (lir iriiirii ty enmities of 'JO per (Tilt lit all irveriuo ralseil by tlin /Ivn reiK riinin Ranollne tux to counler- ni'I Hir liKLTof rounly leveiniii nenes- nllnlrd bv (lie ledured llrfinn lrc», (I i.iilliiu«1 en 1**1* I, Cuiuniii I) I’KAIIDOV. M.i.'. , ,|aii. h ilii’i - Only iwii <liiv nlli'r h h ’liiaiiHiirn- (hill ii.s iiiii)i>1 .lir.i'iih Ii O Krel. (lied Ills Ianitl'iiil. WI'A i;ocrd|. iiiitor Juhii r riiilniia.',t. 'Hie iiiavi '1 '.iKI I' la U r d 111:. iM....... -I )eai. i'iliM ioii:i> luvrroN. .1.111. A IDD .IdIii l''lleiie'N (Irj iriiialn.s a norklim (III II llir llfth (liK.I of na(l<ii>ht |H-acr. i^hiiblr- l.diMir;; A|ir<:i|]a(e(l iiii . mii Ifltli'i would hlrlkit hiK'k (iniii.iiiv nt thn mri'iiiiK I undr.)nti)o<1 II. kI I ui> Jonehliii vi.ii l{llii>n;i , 11m IKKwrvell ;.|>rn ii \ iMVihii fohti ; m s Vtl-.NNA ,lnn. ft (UI'I A Nii.’l roniiiiiii>li|iKi luuierlrd IimIiu' iliii loliil loKuiies re])or(rd l)V iilxmi IKK) Ail'.liliin Jrwn iuikiiiiiK' 2.(MI It.'tl.niH) inni'kn i|ll1il.’i:<l.:'i)i Ihe -trw;. rolll'eriinl, II \\ii;. n 47.70II hail III exreM nl .l.mii) |: JAMES r. POPK ^ ¥ * * ■ Pope Named For Post on TVA Board WASHINGTON, Jan. 5 (U.P.)- Prc.sldent Roorcvclt today uoml.nnt- e<l former Sen. Janie-s P. Pope, n.y Idaho, a.s a member of thn Tennes- see vnlltv dlrrrlorate lo fijj the vaennry crent'-d by oilster of Dr. Arthur K. Morsnn. Po]>e. n .slaunrh New Dealer and eo-inithor of the New Deal larin procruni enneled bv the 75th eon- Kre:>s, was defeated In the Idaho Dcinocviitic iirlmifi-y lust yea: For Defense and Recovery Plans FDR WARNS THAT FUND IS NOT BEING WASTED By J.Y\.K C. WILSON .ASHINGTO.V, Jan. 5 (U.P)— rrc.sident Roosevelt bol- sttu'oii hi.s defijincc of diclatorrt Today with a mesaago to congre.s.s proim.sinK a $9,000,000,000 budget for 1940 to arm for dcfcn.HC and spend for rccovcry. ,...,_^A^onRrc.ssionaI economy bloc is actively hostile. But ha rejected economy -pleas of coiiHorvative New Dcalers'to cut Rovernment costs. He asked .?‘122,000,000 in new taxes. He proposed a 52,000, 000,000 military lind semi-military defense lironram, ^This annual budget me.ssage sharply reminded congress tnat Mr. Roo.sevelt had not “been throwing the taxpayers’ money out the window." He i^rojpcted for next year the 10th successive year of federal deficit— 320,000,000 this time— and the second .spending program in New Deal history. The current year is top.s at ?9,-J92,000,000. • \ The 10-year depresslon-recovery-depre-sslon cycle, beginning In tha Hoover admlnlHlratloiiyind projecled through thecnext fiscal year, makes Uiis kliid-ol a.rcQord; . . -------------- Total iccelpt.s'....... «ll,033.000.000 Total expenditures 96.312,000,000 ■nie ■nt to the t- illtiiuitlon. wn.s for (h inalnder of n nine-year tenn whieli expires May IB, 104'i. 'lliat was th. dale when Ihe-toim of Ur, Morgan whom Mr. Roonevell, deposed yenr for. '•coiUumin y," winild hiiv< explreil. 'Ilirie are two olhrr <l|. ri'f^tors lli.rc«iurL MoiHnn aiK Uiu'hl Iv Mllrnthal. M'llt I' Mr. Roo.sevctt .said "well s|)ent.’' "Let us all fix ihot fact In our minds." he said, "so that Uiere shall bt no doubt about it and so that wo may have a clear^ud tnteUlgent idea__ of what we have bcen'dolng.'.................................................... .. Money Hai fiol Been Thrown Away "We have not been'throwing the taxpayers' money out of the window ' or into Uic .sea. We have been buying real values with It. "Let me repeat: The greater part of the budgetry., deficits tliat hava been incurred have gone for pefmonent, laogible additions to our national wealth. Tlic balancc has been an Investment in the .conservation of our - human resources, and 1 do not regard a penny of it as wasted, "H wouM be unwise ehher it> expentUt'ures bIuu^ br to Impow dta.stic new taxes at this stjigo of recovery.", . Tlie budget messagft^luSr.M the natlonia debt do nio(June3M0W,( ................................................. Little' Facts oii Big Figm-es WASHINGTON, Jan. S (UR)-Llttle facts about big figures in the 1040 budget: Spending down sllghlly-»S,m,a03;2(}0 against |9,492,339,000 In the previous year. - . Ini'vme up a trlflc-$fi.G6II,330.000 compared to 530.010.000. Ill Ihe red, not<.s» deep-D eflelt. 13.430,343,200 against $4,072,359,000. rubllr debt booming—|44.458.0'w.000 against $41,132,000,000. Uetovery-rellcf spending fcla.shcd-13,266,165,000, about 11,000,000,000. lower, Nntlonal defense at new pcace-tlme altitude — *2.000.000,000. up »1.00(i,000,000. ' Taxes up another rung, maybe—President wants >422,000,000 new levies for army and farm programs. (hr •Will k . niliiiiii .-I r Mill 1 eiHj^M'ivu (he VII.I.AOI^H I'IKI.II iii'.MDAyi':, Fieiii'ii-nimiiihii noi New Beet-Digging Machine May Revolutionize Harvest Methods lliiili. It will be neccMary at this session to ask congress to increase that limit. ' Mr. llddM'vell called for enaelnienl of t t .000,000.000 in laxes of which .$422,000,000 would be new revenue to pny farm sulisldl<;n and emergency iintUiiial <lnfeii.''C eixsis. unit tM)0.00O.000 to 1000,000,000 a continuation of exiihlng niaiiiiliii'turer's tnxei, Mr. It.l(.^rve1l did not stlpiilnlr iiuw irveiuir Miiirees but Is underslobd , 1i> ftivi>r (he liiherltniire nr esla(e-lax lype of levy to a processing lax or clher iiiii)iist which would rrriiirn innninnlnK iKiwer. J Olhrr Reeommendatlnn* Ills olhr iiiiient and apiiropriate ' three rent Inter po.siaKi J. Make llir rlvllliin nin.servatlon ni ii.mKi.dOl) (<u It In Ihe iirxl li.snil .vear I'liiiinliiiKll (Mimparlnoii of Ki>vriiiinrn(. biwlnevi In Ihn qirrcnt 1030 a1 veio- with Um 1U40 (bcal yenr. whlrh will beghi neM 'July 1, Is aa lal I ud Ul ledrit l)i>ili (l(mn for tli lUmul drht both up ai irw (heal prr1o<t. Ibnil yrnr IIKlfl wlileh ■^'iil vrar IU:tII rmllliK next Jiii ;t July 1 i>rn as follow.',: IMO . |A fll!ll(IIH).(X)0 lt,IIU .^.(HHI.l>IN) :i.n'j(i,(ii) 0.iH >0 44,4SII,l>00,(H)(J d exviendttures and inio (:|IK y i’;NNM. Wyii, .|an. ft illKi . iinirhhK'. (imt reemlniHv iloes rivlhliiM (o a flUiinr bi'et liiil re- iir It mill )>iit >1 In yiiiir ('offee, i> bret h>K III! Iln hiv Wiilir-i .1. niiiltnr, n IJnlmi I (Klr inUiiiad rliKliierr, bulll 1 harvrstri 111 ii iiningn al the ri III hill .............. Iter he hnit walet lalmini. Inini his riiHlun < "tireakliiK Ihrli l)nrk^'’ Iiii;ii1i)ia Wviiiiiliiil and Nil)ii»'kii li, '• The'i tmiX («ii veni,% roiniiletr m ul If II hi m, Mir. i-m. Its Ihn liiellmlnary teit Ihlii I lndl(-ate<l, Ihe iiillrniiil iiikii ii hnvo foinid Ilin answer to tlie li growpr'n harventliig iMolilriiis II 7,0fttl other Invniitois (nlleil lo i1 rover. 'I1in fhsl le->t of Ihe . \ iilor ehliir was ifindo al i« farin nt fll ney i.iiil nnolher al Khnlialt, Ni lannrrN KnlliusUxtlr "Itilld iihUiMKl Will K as Ihr hai lalxir bring iinrd In Ihti.'.n fii-ld. I'1liit)ri (Irrlnieil. "Ihn liiiiiir ’.Instill III Ihr Ihn hlilM uil f»i lid iUI grrnl dr Tim liiHrhllln tahri Ihn herU oul of Llin iriiund, rieaiu tlirin, euls uff Ihr <ri|ii>, IiimIh lliem In a trall- «r and |iUc» (lio. luint-«U (ii «it« opeialliMi, l‘ r n * e (I I hHrvrsliiii ■nrlliiid> 1*11 fur IliU ttutk lo hn dniin liy liNiid. '/i'lin liivrnliir aald III* liartrnlrr ran li^ <ii>«ralrrt liy ana iiia\i who nsedi only l» drive Ihe Iraelor or hnran lo |i^ill II. . Uuaena Uceli I'lijw eilnlpment on Ihn nnirhlna dlKs Inlo Ihn ground and loosens Ihn lienl. mmiillaneniisly, l«v,o ro- tating li' Ks <1 lopr.s liiM'l )l and gil|i itir I I Initte, sgltd Mililirr ir.t nbove IIki. )>l<iwti - I't by Itie lop, Thry I Into llie iiniehhin '<'lli Hil|t II and puss I'lK'Ular K h l v r n ^ l II. 'Ihe iM-rl rrfiiM l ml Ihn to|).s. I Itllr. litllr loiaHe, mil fiK FlliiIJnr Mould mil fiKrraol wtial Ills MiarllhiP Hiiiilil da l<i llie brri lalMf liiAtktl wMrli rmidu;vs Uvn\i- Miids <if men In walk llie fields rarh year. Hr pnloled oiU llial n>i Miiremsrul Ihliiiiliii Miiirlilne had >M-rn devrlnprd and lh a l liand latipr lilll would b* iirrded (or llili pruffM, Itiiwavnr, /ho Inveiilor assntoil, Ihn luilfvesler would tiul only sliced Ihn work lull sava Iht beel grower inonry In InUir eosta. , 'f ^ npriidhiK jiroKrnm. th iiii«i''''^^'l"nal nitirni »((■ •iiiii-ihm.of IVmwral. idiinl messHKn oil thr : .pi-nil. He based hin >ii(-y will prime llie | POSIAL RECEIPTS SEINEWRECDIID I‘ii.s(olflra reeelpln In 'L'wln Falls If ttiu year ll»3tt were lh« highest 1 jil.Mtiiv wllh DereinlH'i i^lonn |ii hlhiK 4JU.11, It wav annoiwccd hero thli aUrmi«.n hV |»ostal iifflrli.K Itrrords nlwi slkowfthat dinlpK I)e- renibrr thrrn wan' m orn. 4in-oniliig and oiilKohiK mall of all kinds hiiiidird ihaii 111 any oilier mouth hliirn thn ottlrn wiOi first e.stabllshed. During lUlltl a t o t a l . of O.I2Q,HO:i piri rn <.f niall. IhehKlliiK parcel |HMit and letlern but not Ineludlng liM-al M liivtmiluH wwsjxkjuTs oV jwvmll. inatler. wrin hniiilled by eiiipUi here. Of tliU nmoiuil D,4iB.743 W letirrn ^llh the bnlanitp listed paieels. , .Oulgoing letton during thn year (Ihuee mailed here for dUUlbutlon •Inuwhoi'o 01' by ully or rural rout« ranlcm ) tnialnti 3,411,779, wUII* ln> coming leiiera. Ulstrlbiilfitt by looal Workera, am tvinttd to 9,0lfi,0M. 1031 16.241,000,000 Il,4u^,(100,0tf0 7,025,000.000 :i.i)7'.',(iiio,(Kj() I,:ifl4,ooo,ooo 4i,i;,ihH) :I7,105,000.000 l( and Ihe nntlonal .debt bulge will idny's ilriiionstinllon by itepubllcahs ^or of ei'oiiomy when Mr. IlooseveK, sinl.' i.f (he iiadoii, irvriiled his deUrmllia- .prndliig thenrv on roiiHilenen that gpVern- iiu|i til a hiitiialiiril li^slj^eas ici'iivcry, . Itiromn Will Inerease A.S l)usliies.s miprovea federal rev-' rniir tioin eiirrrnuiax slruRlurs will hurrnse. The iintloiial Ineomn now l.'i aiimnd »(l0,000,000,000 Ihe Piesl- ih-iita objertlvn Is 180,000.000,000 ur mom n year. KxUIIng lux schedules would raise npproxlmalnly |6.n20.000,000 1( levleil on a 160,000.000.000 naUohHl lncon\». Mr. Roosevplt rsUmaled Ihfct lax raua %otild taUe M,000.000,000 annually on a nallonni Income nt •70,000,000.000: ta,000.000,000 on imffJOfiOQl and •10,600,000,000 i{ lha nalltaial Income soonied to 190,'• 000,000,000, Uo will present detailed national defense plana to cnngreia noit w«ek ' wllh u, wnrnlnK that tlinM hav* changed with the alrplant Rnd that Ihnie wilt be no opportutilljr to lr*l|| men against Die neil atlMk. pruiKMi •1,130,000,000 to e*rry qui dntetiM commltnwbU aaH »n • addlllohnl •000M0,dM prottm whkh «aio,ooo,oooo would ftp*' pmprlated and • * 1099. a ........... niors tl 0 III,

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Post on 11-Jan-2020




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UoKtUed to p lilU nvtt F ritoy . U u l . taow or n feit ^ m c w t u t coUcr. ' H l ^ yM tera» y « , tow 80. Low


TODAYA R c B lo n a l N e w s p a p e r S e ^ v in R S ix I r r i g a t e d C o u n t ie s in I d a h o

V O L . X X I . N O . 2 2 6 — 5 C E N T S T T W p ^ F A L L S . I D A H O . T H U R S D A Y , J A N U A R Y 5 . 10 :’.!) O F F I C I A L C O U N T Y N E W S P A P E R

BUDGET REJECTS ECONOMY PLEASF ra n k fu rte r is Nom inated^ “ ^ Btiiions Ask&L

T o Post in Supreme C o u rtPresident Chooses Noted Harvard Law J ie a d for PositionW A S H I N G T O N . J a n . 5 (U.R)— r i> s i< l c n t R o o .sc v c It t o d a y

n o m i n a t e d - P r o f . F e l i x F M n k f u r t e r o f H u v v n r d u i i i v c r . 'i i ty t o t h e U . S . s u p r e m e c o u r t .

N o m i: a t i o n o f t l i e 5 6 - y e a r - o ld Je \v .s c h o la r o f t l i e H a r ­v a r d J a . w s c h o o l a ^ ________________________ 1_1

Dafoe Thioks King Should

Visit Quints

^ v a c a n c y w h ic h h a a 'f 5 ^ l c ( i . t h e '^ i g h c o u r t s in c c - 'r f p a th o f

• J u s t i c e B e n j a m i n N . C u rd o z o l a s t J u l y 9 .

Proposals t l la t F ran k ru rto r bp nam ed to succccd th e brllllnnt Jew ­ish Justice. C ardoro, had 'bccn.volccd In m any quarUirs.

P fsn lc fu rtcr Is th e llilrcl JiirU l to be appointed t o tVie h is h bcneh by M r. Rooacvell. H is o th e r nppolnl- m e n u were Jiis tlces Hugo L. Black »iicUStanley P . Reed,-

A nnouncem enl o f ilh e .selection ol P ra n k fu rtc r w as m ade IhroURh

■ W hile House Secre tary S tephen T. E arly , who gave a one paragrnph typew ritten s ta te m e n t to newspaper m en 8» thcred in th e W hite Hoibc

^ press room.Old F rien d of President

• • P r tn k fo r te r . a n old friend of th e P rM ld e n t; h a s been h la ad\Tscr oft M d on Blnce th e 1932 cam paign. He

. frem iently v te t tr t tJie W hite Houee a n d fo r t h e . l « t several years h li a am e h a s persisten tly cropped up U a likely nom inee fo r U»e bench.

T oday's aD nauncem ent neverthC' leas occasioned c o n s ld ^ b l e surprise inasm uch u th e P re s id e n t only last

D O ^deeisiohj^'.he

” A kM n a:

li l l ty w ho s e n t young attorneys- toto ttfw Wbw P eal. Pr^lclurtfciL-haa

been W rm «l:*H he m<#t inritientlal Mingle im U vldual In ' th e United S lates." \

aVa IU Confirm ationP ra n k fu r te r will n o t be able lo

a u u m e h is place on th e snprcmc c o u rt u n lit h e Is confirm ed in the senate .

H is R ppo tn lm rn t will hnvo no el- f c c fo n th e co m erv a tlv e- llb e rn l,d i­vision of th e .court since he replHCPi Cardoza, n iio tlie r llbernl. Pre.simm-

'b ly . he will jo in Jiislln.H Luulx U Brnnd.els an d * H a rlan F. Ktone n: th e nucleus o f c o u rt liberals. W ith th e tVQ R oosevelt a p p o lu tc u —BIqcK and Reed—ithlfi g roup will comprlt>o a liberal m a jo rity on th e c o u n of nt I ta s l five.

Chief Jiu U ce Chiiric.n Kvan.^ H u ||hes a n d Ai'Orlatc Juhllcn Owrti J . RohfrLi, have coniblhcd th r ir votes w ith llilfi liberal bloc nn kry New Dent U.Mien before iho r a n r t In th e Iwi) yeavs, T h r lr Kein'ml a d h e rrn re lo liberal prhu'lplea limliA th e ron» l« tfn t roi|ncrvftilve.-i to Jim tlces Jaine.i C, Mrlleyiir>lil« nnc P le r te R utler. nurvlvor.i of llir (inc< dnniliiunt rn iiscrvatlve niitjinliy.


MlJklPJHH. Tenii,, Jiiii, fl IUI’> -- fleven iKTdOtui were killed, n l letuit ft dcore In ju red as a reaiilt of loi d(ii winds In four Aoiiilieni nln

Wlllla, 40, killing Wlllbi and Injin-' Ing four oUier". M r/i..C rptl WlUon a n d h er flve-year-o ld dniitilili killed n ear D argerton . 'I 'n i i i . sam e storm .

I'revloiu ly four ]iein<iiin hi\rl Ix-pii killed In tornadneii nen r W lnndrld a n d M ontgom ery, La.


WASHlNCVfON. J bh , h m n O om iitro llrr of th e C iin eiit v I’lrAtm D elano tm tay Irniueil* a m il for rnn

■ d ltlon of n a llan a l t>ank/i ua n t Urc 31.

4 0 C h i c k e n a S o ldMri. D. recently tiold hm clili krnK Ihrmiflh a reasHnitbly pilcrtj ml pUced In the

C lu H H if ic d S c e t i o no f t l i n .

T I M K S n n d N K W S

H\]i> m 'u l v c d 5 0 C A L L H . Y tm l»y|ilii('lii»r a l l a d In t l i r (!1<AH- H in iO lJ . Y t . i i r a d w il l m u - h 15,(HM> f a m l l lc n . *

. Cull as or 32 A s k f l i t ' t l i « ■ A d -T /n jr r ’"

CALLANDER, Q nt., J a n . 5 (UR) —Dr. A llan Ray D aloe believes French Canadl(»ns w lll,deeply re ­se a t th e failu re lo Includc a visit lo Ihe Dionne qu in tup lets here In (he lllnerary of K ing G eorge a n d Queen EtlzabcUi for th e ir C anad - Ian to u r next sum m er. T lie babies are wards of the king.• •'Personally, I d o n 't care," Dafoe

.snld. "bu t th e dom inion .govern­m en t Is no t show ing m uch c o u rt- e.^y to the F rench In C anada .”

D r.'Dafoe said h e w as eure 'U ielr m aje8tleft.had n o t been consulted

.about vlstUng th e qu intuplets . H e blamed th e governm ent a t O ttaw a.


NEW YORK, Jan . 5 (U-Ri — F ire swept througl) a flve*slory "old law ' iehem ent todayr.kllllhg a t leant-/our persons and driving 200 o thers In to the .slrect.

T lir lire sta rted a t about 4 a. apparently In a rc.^taiirant on Kround floor, nnd spread Ihrough the building by way of a wooden sta ir- wny.

T e n a n t, m ast of th em clad li ilglitclothp.i, nw hed outdoors w hen

tlu'y stood bhlverlng In the chill inortilni; air.

■IVo eiliiples were rc.sciird by flro- eu a fte r they ikppvnrcd n l windows )ii calleri lo r help.Tlic dead.w ere;Mr.s. acorKetf'D nU K hiiault. about

OS. Mrs. Anna Lc Clare. .V , H nrry ArRfM, nlxiul 22, nnd h is wife, IJecky, about la.

M S CULL, mwDBoys

DAltCtl^ONA. Jiin. 'l liiKovi'iiimciit lotlny iinmiuiu'<'cl lhi>' ih f clii.M of liu:!—m n i now ;m yeni; (lid niul the Hr/il igiuiilfi' of tin ctn-M of l0 « - n o w Id v rn rs o ld - liftd been valleil to th e colots 1< bolhter (lifl''Ioyall>ith'' de-iprrnle dc len^c of Ciitutoiiln.

'n i r <all for morn rix-n lo nliim off tlir IhsurKont olfeii»lve cllre< t<'i l)V <lru. • nllol M■o n n tu ro Ontiw iift e r tlip tebri arnilr.s had lirokcn Ihn «nitrr (kfcn«n llnm hi Catiilotilii hv ^nlll.slllllt{ both Ihr no rth nnd noulh (liiiikti Id ren rh tlinArte;i« roiniuiinl- nilloiM fontcr and Ihn L erlda-T nr- i'unH‘iiiu hiKhwity.

I'lfvloijsly, ilin Roverinnrnl hud nillrtl nil nlile b<MllPd m en Iwlwrru llin-.ei nKeA to irf>rvr III Iho fro n t lliirs nn (he rebels mnji^eil «onin aiXIr IMKI li()..|*n for Ihelr •'win ihn w in ' oIten.>lvi! iiKnlnJil lliut'rUnm.

'nil- niitloiinl jMjpiilnr fn m l I'oin- iniiire nl a i'|K-clul'nifi,rtlnK volrd f<) i>lil the Boveriimeul by nilllnR ii|> n r» u'< iuUs nerdvd to d tle n il \hn icjiMlillr,

President’s Choice


Idaho House, Senate Pass Expense Bills;' Auto Licenses Next


AI BLISS GRADECrn.>.lilnc doun Uir D1U.S grade at

a reported 7S-inlle.s.per-hour speed, w ith brakes Koiie, n 15 to IB to n r e ­fin ing tru ck 'an d tank tra i le r hu rtled off the grade a t 2 a. m . loday and phms:ed fiih,- 100 feet.

T lie driver. W alter Pa rk er . B ill- iHRf, M ouf, esca^Kct w ith only m inor Injune.s and wn.i b rough t lo Twhi FalLs by Alma Wells, locBi trucking operator.

Full I-nad T lie bti; luel vchielp, owned by (l»e

Husky Refin ing com pany. Cody. Wyo., WHS cnrryhiK a fu ll load of dlc.scl dLsllllute fuel oil. T h e ta n k s

iliatterrd an<l tiic oil wax throw n over surroiindlnB land.--capc, M r. Wells .snld ihU afte rnoon .

T lie truck .shol o il th e grade as It ro ared up' to the th ird bend, a n d rolled over for 100 fee t from the highw ay. Tlio ta n k Im lle r tum bled an o th er -100 lect beyond, eccordlni; to Well,'!, wiio wn.s r ig h t b eh in d the g ian t vehicle a t th e tim e.

P ark er wa.s given em ergency tr e a t ­m ent n t the WolLs hom o by n Tw in F rIUv pliysleliin s\t 3;39 a . m . todny. He sustained a severe gash on the top of the head, back a n d lacla l bruLse.s am! nn In ju red 'rtrm.

-Tlie tru rk nnd lank tra i le r were bo th to ta l They a re s ti ll lylti? a t th e bottom of th e grade thU a f t ­ernoon.

T ook-W rons Road • P ark er wps en route to CaUlwcll

■la Uie n o rih side road. W ells said, b u t became confused a t th e Bli>.s jun c tio n tind took Ihe w rong road. W hen he ^ r u c k Uie curve.n a t the sh a rp ly -d eclin in g . g rad e—w hich h e h a d never before ncgotlale«t—h e a p ­plied his brakes. T lie bcakes on the m achine assertedly failed , nnd the h c n u ’ load Im m ediately plckcd up .speed, runn ing awny frd m th e Wells truck behind It.-

••By th e lim e P a rk e r h \ \ th e .ih ird bend.” Mr. W ells said , "he svns IruVellng a t 75 nille.s a n hour. A t the benfl. th e truck w en t n g h t off th e ejlgc."

W ells Asserted he stopped and cllmbcd dow n Uic g rade lo th e <<conc of wreckage. He sold th a t P ark er w as iravellnK alone, t h a t 'h e a.ssLsi- ed. th e In jured m a n up to th e l-o ad a n d then b rought h im to ■f^^ln Fulls for medical aid. P ark er wns MoppliiR a t the local tru ck m an 's home to ­day.

a h e rlf f Wnyne FInck. Ci-wllnK.led , .snld lh a l tlie d h - i out of th e shiiltered


T fTjlSK . ,Iao f (J i.v . ( ' . A . Hoi w il l b i: p r iv s c ii tc d in di.scii.s.'iiiiii liy S i itii id ii ,U‘ii(l< 'rs MJiitI td ih iy .

M olli li in is c iukI

lly Wll.f.lAM

(U.D Mvn u l l

I f u rn i lif r lit c


m n i d i i i y m u l ic fD i'iii itro im ^nIlCli ill lli.S n|H-llillj^r lilCHHaKI't o t l i n l i ln ln i l<')..'i.s|iitiiri' f o r

r o n r ty i i r x t w e e k , h 'K is litliv c

IIKflLlN, Ja n . 5 (UP) Na/1 i h lrh a rc iiniial|y w ell-lnfotjii' <irii-(I lodiiy l-'iirOiri'r Arlull ilKlK per.soiinlly iin.swrr I'lr. tou-vvclt'.s ctmllrnBC to (h r ilii

Wliil (he I


MW ANllKJ.W, Jnn. n nipi n o r - eiii n K. Allrii, Juilgn (jf th e n ixlh II. /I, firiuH ciJUil of aiipenls, hra<li'(l a Uni (if 1(1 "nulAlandlnu wiiiiien of ll).ia" iurM'Utr<| imloy by Duiwnod Mowes. of A m rilrnn W oiiirn, feiiiliiUin "Whu'a Wl|i>.’‘-

MokI .if (h«i women n |i Ihe Itont.i nald, "siin'eiuirully Invnileil miiN iilliKi field* [){ endeavor."

'I1ie oilier nine were:,lnnn lin indh tvst, t)»cterliili.Kl«l;

I 'riiil Ihirk, novellkl: JnKiiiellii CoiJirnii, nvlalor; (Irnr* Noll C io- wall, tMwt; Uelri) Huyes, aetre«i: Allen Marble, tcnnin olianiploni Kl- eanor M. Fa lte rim i. w oman niiblloli. • r ; Kate nm llh , Vadfo a n te r la ln er and Julia 0 . tillm « in . pri‘slden t of (he Ameilran Nurses M socUtlnn.

W flll i i i id ifd jo tin in iir i i i l ll ltilt(n iii i r r i iw m o n i i n g a f t t T b l'il 'fHC.-i.'ti iiii.'i I’lii 'ly Id tiiiy to k'ivi-(•(inii iiitU 'i'rs U f l ia iH 'f to ih 'H fl

■ IVKi."iliilio ii n n d (liHuii.’-s lluiLa l i c j iil,v p i'D po .icd .

■n,! ■ m iiernor's iirogiMiii In1 liiiirda irililuM onof aulom obllellrr'i, M' rrr:,lo a »;> rale , leorgiiiil/nt lull <it

lU'pariiiiK i>iipro|irlnlliin!i, i-nrdiili iiiiilu l .rxpeiibcfi. UkIii iH • le fiinn lind rovlaldn oi i irtinuiofl fuiid setiiiv

OuUlnea Itefornulil.'f execiilU'n^H ltir.Ma«r iiI M'fornui y ic o rre rl ih r !>lui uMiiiiitlnK a n d aiKllihiK /o uiiitin Ihn cliiln f|n(^al vrmII l.i Ihn fi'd rral ll.nniL ye II iixTll tynletn for Miil'- < i anil rnylM Iho utale IhiiiiiI cm M-lui).liiiUM’ hllln and one .'cili iilM H lv In K tfdinliilKl iiM'a.’.urr;. iilremly li

*i'd. T h e h(junn bills woiilil Mildihim and ii'|>nv-

r. iH-rii

I InilU- hm for roordlnnll. ii>llr n^^lnlallrn Inws v

ixpiur.n ol ihi ■lih led

Tin- ^nlltle inrnxiire would jirovlilr rdiiMihiliiilon of th e d riinrln in ih( ul ])ul)lti- » r i(a re and publin nsMstance.

A Hi i’iiUlli'uii I'niicus was. held hith - I.... . .•iMninllien riKiiui, |i> iiu -IU1I.K ilir tax iiiiiiatorliiiii pioiKwnl. HiMitr Iiltl iiuiiiber 'i, (<i provide for rK|i<'ii.i'< Ilf Ilin txoslou, iiiinnpit both liiMii.i-., »n«i M-nl III Iho Riivnriior for■•'lull...... . 'I h e co,s(n approfirlnled(in <M.,' m,(KKi lor »j.i.imi (iir o lh r r exji-'iiM-^.

'l y llduiw Friday1 hr lliii I.*) Ili:ensn fro (ur, rnin

»ii,> r x|>f led t» MU to tiKi hiii^Mi l>yA ....... . hill piovlden

f(ir (lir ir iii r ii ty enm ities of 'JO per (Tilt lit all irveriuo ralseil by tlin /Ivn reiK riinin Ranollne tux to counler- ni'I Hir liKLTof roun ly leveiniii nenes- n llnlrd bv (lie ledu red llrf inn lrc»,

(I i.iilliiu«1 en 1**1* I, Cuiuniii I)

I’KAIIDOV. M.i.'. , ,|aii. h ilii’i -O nly iwii <liiv n lli 'r h h ’ liiaiiHiirn-(hill ii.s iiiii)i>1 .lir.i'iih Ii O K rel.( lie d Ills Ian itl'iiil. WI'A i;ocrd |.iiiito r Ju h ii r riiilniia.',t.

'H ie iiiavi '1 '.iKI I'riulniia.slla U rd 111:. iM .......-I )ea i.

i ' i l iM io ii:i>

lu v r r o N . .1.111. A IDD .IdIii

l''lleiie'N (Irj iriiialn .s ano rk lim (III

II l lir llfth (liK.I of

na(l<ii>ht |H-acr. i^hiiblr- l.diMir;; A|ir<:i|]a(e(l iiii .mii I fltli'i would hlrlkit hiK'k (in iii .iiiv n t thn mri'iiiiK

I undr.)nti)o<1 II.kI I u i> Jonehliii vi.ii l{llii>n;i

, 11m IKKwrvell ;.|>rn ii \

iM V ih ii f o h t i ; m sVtl-.NNA ,lnn. ft (UI'I A Nii.’l

roniiiiiii>li|iKi luuierlrd IimIiu' iliii loliil loKuiies re])or(rd l)V iilxmi IKK) Ail'.liliin Jrw n iu ikiiiiiK' 2.(MI It.'tl.niH) inni'kn i|ll1il.’i:<l.:'i)i Ihe -trw;. ro lll 'e riin l, II \\ii;. n 47.70II hail III exreM nl .l.mii) |:


^ ¥ * * ■

Pope NamedFor Post onTVA Board

W ASHINGTON, Ja n . 5 (U.P.)- Prc.sldent Roorcvclt today uom l.nnt- e<l form er Sen. Janie-s P . Pope, n .y Idaho , a.s a m em ber of thn T en n e s­see vnlltv d lr r r lo ra te lo fijj the vaennry crent'-d by o ilster of Dr. A rth u r K. M orsnn.

Po]>e. n .slaunrh New D ealer and eo -in itho r of th e New Deal la rin procrun i enneled bv the 75th eon- Kre:>s, was defeated In the Idaho Dcinocviitic iirlmifi-y lust yea:

For Defense and Recovery Plans


By J.Y\.K C. W ILSON .ASHINGTO.V, Jan. 5 (U.P)— rrc.sident R oosevelt bol-

sttu'oii hi.s defijincc o f diclatorrt Today w ith a m esaago to congre.s.s proim.sinK a $9,000,000 ,000 bu d get for 1940 to arm fo r dcfcn.HC and spend for rccovcry.,...,_^A^onRrc.ssionaI econom y bloc is a c tiv e ly h ostile . B u t ha rejected econom y -pleas o f coiiHorvative N ew D ca ler s 'to cu t R overnm ent c o sts . H e asked .?‘122,000,000 in new ta x es . He proposed a 5 2 ,000,000,000 m ilitary lind sem i-m ilitary defense lironram ,^ T h is ann u a l bu d get m e.ssage sh a rp ly rem inded con gress

t n a t Mr. R oo.sevelt had not “ been th row in g th e ta x p a y ers’ m oney ou t th e window."

H e i^rojpcted for n ex t year th e 10th su ccessive y e a r o f fed era l d e fic it— 320,000,000 th is tim e— and th e second h .spending program in N ew D eal h isto ry . T he current y e a r is top.s a t ?9,-J92,000,000. • • \

T h e 10-year depresslon-recovery-depre-sslon cycle, beginning In th a Hoover adm lnlH lratloiiyind projecled th rough thecnex t fiscal year, m akesUiis k liid -o l a .rcQ ord ; . • . --------------T o ta l icce lp t.s '....... «ll,033.000.000T o ta l expend itu res 96.312,000,000

■nie ■nt to th e t-illtiiuitlon. wn.s for (h

ina lnder of n n ine -year te n n whieli expires May IB, 104'i. 'l l ia t was th . d a le w hen Ihe-to im of Ur, M organ w hom Mr. Roonevell, deposed yenr f o r . '•coiUumin y," winild hiiv< explreil. 'I l i r ie a re two o lh r r <l|. ri'f^tors lli.rc«iurL MoiHnn a iK U iu'hl Iv M llrn tha l.

M'llt I'

M r. Roo.sevctt .said "well s |)en t.’'"L et us a ll f ix ih o t fac t In ou r m inds." h e sa id , "so th a t Uiere sh a ll b t

no doub t abo u t i t and so th a t wo m ay have a c le a r^ u d tnteUlgent idea__o f w h at w e have b c en 'd o ln g .'.................................................... ..

Money H a i f io l B een T h row n Away "W e have n o t b een 'th row ing th e taxpayers ' money o u t of th e window '

o r in to Uic .sea. We have been buying rea l va lues w ith It."L et m e rep e a t: T h e g rea te r p a rt o f th e budgetry., defic its t l i a t hava

been incu rred have gone for pe fm onen t, laog ib le add itions to our n a tio n a l w ealth . T lic ba lancc h a s been an Investm en t in th e .conservation of o u r - h u m a n resources, a n d 1 do n o t rega rd a penny of i t as w asted,

" H wouM be unw ise e h h e r it> expentUt'ures bIuu^ b r to Im powdta.stic new taxes a t th is stjigo o f recovery.", .

T lie budget m essagft^ luSr.M th e n a tlo n ia d e b t d o n i o ( J u n e 3 M 0 W , ( .................................................

Little' Facts oii Big Figm-esW ASH IN G TON , J a n . S (UR )-Llttle fac ts about big figures in the

1040 budget:Spend ing down sllghlly-»S,m ,a03;2(}0 ag a in s t |9 ,492,339,000 In the

previous year. - .Ini'vm e up a trlflc-$fi.G6II,330.000 com pared to 530.010.000.Ill Ihe red, not<.s» d e ep -D e fle lt. 13.430,343,200 ag a in s t $4,072,359,000.r u b llr deb t boom ing—|44.458.0'w.000 again st $41,132,000,000.U etovery-rellcf spending fcla.shcd-13,266,165,000, abou t 11,000,000,000.

lower,N ntlonal de fense a t new pcace-tlm e a ltitude — *2.000.000,000. up

»1.00(i,000,000. 'T axes up a n o th e r rung, maybe—P residen t w ants >422,000,000 new

levies for a rm y and fa rm program s.

(hr•Will k .

niliiiiii .-Ir Mill

1 eiHj^M'ivu (he

VII.I.AOI^H I'IKI.IIiii'.MDAyi':, Fieiii'ii-nim iiihii n o i

New Beet-Digging Machine May Revolutionize Harvest Methods

lliiili. I t will be neccM ary a t this session to ask congress to increase th a t lim it. '

Mr. llddM 'vell called for enaeln ien l of t t .000,000.000 in laxes of w hich .$422,000,000 would be new revenue to pny farm sulisldl<;n and em ergency iintUiiial <lnfeii.''C eixsis. unit tM)0.00O.000 to 1000,000,000 a con tinuation of ex iih lng n ia iiii liii 'tu rer 's tnxei,

Mr. It.l(.^rve1l did no t stlp iiln lr iiuw irv e iu ir Miiirees but Is underslobd , 1i> ftivi>r (he liiherltn iire nr esla(e -lax lype of levy to a processing lax or c lh e r iiiii)iist w hich would rrriiirn innninnlnK iKiwer.

J O lh r r Reeom mendatlnn*Ills o lh r

iiiiient and ap iiropria te' th ree re n t I n te r po.siaKi

J. Make lli r rlvllliin nin.servatlon n i ii.mKi.dOl) (<u It In Ihe iirx l li.snil .vear I'liiiinliiiKll (Mimparlnoii of Ki>vriiiinrn(. biwlnevi In Ihn q ir r c n t 1030 a1 veio- w ith Um 1U40 (bca l yenr. w hlrh will beghi n e M 'Ju ly 1, Is aa

la l I u d Ulle d ri t l)i>ili (l(mn for tli

lUmul d r h t bo th up ai irw (h ea l prr1o<t.Ib n il yrnr IIKlfl wlileh

■ 'iil v rar IU:tII rmllliK nex t Jiii ;t July 1 i>rn as follow.',:

IMO. |A fll!ll(IIH).(X)0

lt,IIU. .(HHI.l>IN):i.n'j(i,(ii)0.iH>0


d exviendttures a n d


( : |IK y i’;NNM. W yii, .|an. ft illKi . iinirhhK '. (im t reemlniHv iloes

rivlhliiM (o a flUiinr bi'et liiil re- iir It mill )>iit >1 In yiiiir ('offee,

i> breth>K III! Iln hiv

Wiilir-i .1. n iii l tn r , n IJnlmi I (K lr inU iiiad rliKliierr, bulll 1 h a rv rs tr i 111 ii iiningn al the riIII hill .............. Ite r he hnit waletla lm in i. Inini his riiHlun < " tireakliiK Ihrli l)nrk^'’ Iiii;ii1i)ia Wviiiiiliiil a n d Nil)ii»'kii li, '•

T h e'i tmiX («ii veni,% ro in iile tr m u l If II hi m, Mir. i-m. Its Ihn liie llm ln a ry te it Ihlii I lndl(-ate<l, Ihe iiillrniiil iiikii ii hnvo foinid Ilin answer to tlie li growpr'n harventliig iMolilriiis II 7,0fttl o th e r Invniitois (nlleil lo i1 rover. 'I1in f h s l le->t of Ihe .



eh liir was ifindo a l i« farin nt fll ney i.iiil nno lhe r a l K hnlialt, Ni

la n n rrN K nlliusU xtlr " It illd iihUiMKl Will K as Ih r hai

lalxir bring iinrd In Ihti.'.n fii-ld. I'1 liit)ri (Irrln ie il. " I h n liiiiiir

’.Instill III Ih rIhn hlilM

uil f»ilid iUI

g rrn l drTim liiHrhllln ta h r i Ihn herU oul

o f Llin ir iiund , r ie a iu tlirin , eu ls u ff Ih r <ri|ii>, IiimIh lliem In a tra l l- « r and |iUc» (lio . lu in t-« U (ii «it« opeialliMi, l‘ r n * e (I I hH rvrsliiii ■nrlliiid> 1*11 fu r IliU ttu tk lo hn dniin liy liNiid. '/i'lin liiv rn liir aald III* l ia r trn lrr r a n li^ <ii>«ralrrt liy ana iiia\i who n se d i only l» drive Ihe Irae lo r o r h n ra n lo |i^ill II.

. U u ae n a U celi ■ I'lijw eiln lpm ent on Ihn nn irh lna dlKs Inlo Ihn g round a n d loosens Ihn lienl. m m iillaneniisly , l«v,o r o ­

ta tin g li' Ks <1 lopr.s liiM'l )la n d g il|i i tir I

I Initte, sgltd Mililirr ir.t nbove IIki. )>l<iwti - I't by Itie lop, T h ry I Into llie iiniehhin '<'lli Hil|t II and puss I'lK'Ular K h l v r n ^ l

II. 'Ih e iM-rl rrf iiM l ml Ihn to|).s.

I Itllr.lit llr loiaHe,

m il fiKFlliiIJnr Mould m il fiK rraol wtial Ills MiarllhiP Hiiiilil da l<i llie b r r i lalMf liiA tktl w M rli rmidu;vs Uvn\i- M iids <if men In walk llie fields r a r h year. H r pnloled oiU llia l n>i Miiremsrul Ih liii iliii Miiirlilne had >M-rn devrlnprd and l h a l liand latipr li l l l would b* iirrd ed (or lli l i pruffM ,

Itiiwavnr, /h o Inveiilor assn to il, Ihn luilfvesler would tiul only sliced Ihn work lull sava Ih t beel grower inonry In InUir eosta.

, 'f ^

npriidhiK jiroKrnm. th iiii«i''''^^'l"nal nitirni »((■ •iiiii-ihm .of IV m w ra l. idiinl messHKn oil th r : .pi-nil. He based hin >ii(-y will p rim e llie |


I‘ii.s(olflra reeelpln In 'L'wln Falls If ttiu year ll»3tt w ere lh« h ighest 1 jil.Mtiiv w llh DereinlH'i i^lonn |iihlhiK

4JU.11, It wav annoiw ccd hero th li aU rm i« .n hV |»ostal iif f lr li.K

Itr ro rd s nlwi slkowfthat dinlpK I)e- ren ib rr th r rn wan' m orn . 4in-oniliig a n d oiilKohiK m all of a ll kinds hiiiidird ih a ii 111 any oilier m outh hliirn thn o ttlrn wiOi f irs t e.stabllshed.

D uring lUlltl a t o t a l . of O.I2Q,HO:i piri rn <.f nia ll. IhehKlliiK parcel |HMit a n d le tlern b u t no t Ineludlng liM-al M liivtmiluH w w sjxkjuTs oV jwvmll. in a tle r. w rin hniiilled by eiiipUi here . Of tliU nm oiuil D,4iB.743 W le tirrn ^ l lh th e bnlanitp listed pa iee ls . ,

.O ulgoing le t to n du rin g thn year (Ihuee m ailed he re fo r dU U lbutlon •Inuwhoi'o 01' by ully o r ru ra l rout« ra n lc m ) tn ia ln ti 3,411,779, wUII* ln> com ing le iie ra . Ulstrlbiilfitt by looal Workera, a m tv in ttd to 9,0lfi,0M.


Il,4u ,(100,0tf0 7,025,000.000 :i.i)7'.',(iiio,(Kj() I,:ifl4,ooo,ooo

4i,i;,ihH) :I7,105,000.000 l( and Ihe nn tlonal .debt bulge will idny 's ilr iiionstin llon by itepubllcahs ^or of ei'oiiomy w hen Mr. IlooseveK,

sin l.' i.f (he iiadoii, irv riiled his deU rm llia- .prndliig thenrv on roiiHilenen th a t gpVern- iiu|i til a hiitiialiiril li^slj^eas ici'iivcry,

. Itirom n W ill Inerease A.S l)usliies.s miprovea federal rev-'

rn iir tioin e i ir r rn u ia x slruR lurs will hu rrn se . T he iintloiial Ineomn now l.'i a iim nd »(l0,000,000,000 Ihe P iesl- ih-iita objertlvn Is 180,000.000,000 ur mom n year.

KxUIIng lux schedules would raise npproxlm alnly |6.n20.000,000 1(levleil on a 160,000.000.000 naUohHl lncon\». M r. Roosevplt rsU m aled Ihfct la x r a u a % otild taU e M,000.000,000 annually on a na llonni Income n t •70,000,000.000: ta ,000.000,000 on imffJOfiOQl a n d •10,600,000,000 i{ lh a na llta ia l Income soonied to 190,'• 000,000,000,

Uo will p resen t de tailed n a tional defense plana to cnngreia n o i t w«ek ' w llh u, wnrnlnK th a t tlinM hav* changed w ith th e a lrp la n t Rnd th a t Ihn ie wilt be no opportutilljr to l r * l | | men a g a in s t Die n e i l a tlM k . p ru iK M i •1,130,000,000 to e*rry q u i

dntetiM com m ltnw bU aaH » n • add lllohn l •000M0,dM p r o t t mwhkh «aio,ooo,oooo would ftp*'p m p rla ted a n d • * —1099. a ...........n io rs tl

0 III ,

Fage Two IDAHO EV EN IN G T IM ES, TW IN FALLS, IDAHO Thursday, January-5,-1939



WASHINOTON. Ja n . 5 m P i- Prcsldenl Roosovpli Kulny o»K<-<l

' congres,s for on imiin'iliiitr' is7''.(M)0 • 000 opproiirlalloii to provide WPA JoS» for bWwppn 3,000,000- 3,- 700.0CO persons until Juno H'c end ol tlie 1939 flsrnl year.

H e.nskcrt for llu-sc funds In a s|)Mla] r.‘iW inP.uAKO. w tillr In rcBUlar tiudiict’ siib-m ltl«5 lodn.V, lie p rojfeiod a nn<i rocovfry pinRrnni of $2.2fi6,ir>fi.- 000 for tlif iipw fi«cal yp»r bcKmnlnR

- In Ju ly :--------- ' ......... ..................St.ltlllory Hpstrlrllnnn

TnklnK coiinlziuKf <>f riio«lii| con«rp«ional of adinliit.': tr^llon of t l i ^ works 'i>rnt:r<’-ss n<I mtnHlrftllon, Jip <idl(yl for M nliitory r^.iilrlctlous afiivins; im proper poll- tlcnl pMrlk'C.i In ro llrf. H\i( h"

-■ p l r td r t n fs ln s t re tu rn of n-llef *d- m ln ljtrallon lo local aiittinrltlcK and ngafnsl ImpMfKoii of rcstrii-t/on th a t

- m ight Infrmso upcjji polll>cal r ls lil of relief recipients.

"No one wishes more sincerely llinn I'<to th a t the program for sJstlnR unemployed workers shall

ccmpli'tely free from political .4, mHiUptil:i:ioii,' M)-. Ro^w yHt

•'HOATVI'V, sr.V ' ni;-’ who ’ propn,es this rPHilt l>o aciilcvrd by turn In? the (idniliii.viratlon of a worl

• program over to local boards 1 , « ither Innlnccre or U tg n o ru n i - of

the realities of local Am erican poll Ucj."

Abov# prediction*The recom m endation to r »fl75,000.-

000 for WPA lo r the. five n io ritlu • from February - to Ju n e . Inclusive. '' was m aterially obovo previous p re -

dle.HoiK of tlic cost of flnanc lnc th e relief program for th e balance of chi fUcal year.

■Die $875.0()0.000 defirlency appro - . prlatlon. Mr. nooscvelt said, will

supplem ent th e $1,425,000,000 provid­ed by the last congress to m ^et re-, lief cosU for th e f irs t e ig h t m on ths o t U)l5 fJscflJ j-ear. T lie orig inal a p ­propriation v irtually Is e x lu iu te d . he said, 'a n d Is su fficien t ho rd ly to m eet needs throuRh Ja n u a ry , scventli m on th of th b fiscal y

Jews .in B r ie fJunior W o ^m en

Junior Wowlnien of the W orld will meet Hnlurdny n ' 3 i> 'ti th r I O O F hnll.

Arotlaii Chorus Tl'e A"oHan Choral n iw in 'lo n

will iiippi for reheaisal Frldn;7 30 I' III ill (he basem ent <if the M elhodi't Epl.v<H)<il.clilUCll.. _

Woman Itrlu rn sMm. 1. E fra / 'T hft.H relucned

from O iiilfn. U tiili. wliere she went to be w iih her father. Upon her re­turn reported Ids condition Ufi- provi’d

PatlfiU -F*ir"Voim.Jm"“wlM>-U-i««lvlJiB l r o a l - l ^ U e « J j n P tO tM ............ ...........

. in riit at ihe Twin h'lxlls county se n - C larence H lne, who has been s«rl-


B£R EIN . J a n . 5 fl/.fi>-The Nazi foreign offlco m outhpiece DIplo- niatlsche PoUtlcal K orresponden r to ­day denounced P residen t Roose^-eU'' challenge to d ic ta to rsh ip b j "de strucUve,”

C lim udng a b )ast of b itte r p ress com m ent direc ted a t th e U nited S ta te s P residen t on th e g rounds he

{VOS w d e r S f iu e n c e of "w ar m o n ­gers.'^ thV D lplom ntlsche K o r r v - 'pondenz decla ra tion appea red to be tan tam oun t to an expression of of­ficial reaction to th e message to

• c o n jrr tu wJiJCh Wazla p rJvately a d ­m itted was direc ted ch lefjy a t O er- many.

•'It c an liarUly be m a in ta in ed th a t • such.alm a and m ethods <as c o n ta in ­

ed In Mr. Roosevelt’s ajw ech) corres­pond to w h at E uropeaas would call peaceful," th e s ta te m e n t said.

'T h e y also fall sh o r t o f realizing th a t In ternational good fa ith w hich M r. Roosevelt described an th e A m er­ican Ideal.

"Mr. Roosevelt would find It d if ­ficu lt to convinre n slnyle Clerm an th a t h e rea lly /e a rs a t ta r k s on hl.i country or the A m crlcnif c o n tin en t a t large."

Tlie DoerKen-Zcllung. In l u ofter'- noon edition, headlined Itb mr.ssoge Jitor)-. "Uoodevelt seta up record ns o rator of hate."

BILL FORM FORB o n r a p p s

(I'lom r> |* On«)l l in b ill does not rediicu frra fur

trucks or ronim rrcia l tru llrr« The rompanlon b ill i)rnvlrirs RprrUin.lly tha t ^<lullll^^ I||u^l unr llie re* turned Bh.mline tax money fxir pay. menl of Interest and rrilem in iou on outstnnftlng hlgliway IwniU l>efoiB the fundN ran be uxrd lo i lilK liwuy maliilenancd luid in iiM ru fllo ii

Hmaller ro iiu ilM opixjM- i i i r inn.fl- iire betausB ll i , rxpecieil to i.-ducr IheJr share nf fJn' if-tiM nIs expected to tedii.e Atate hinliHay department rwpnurs nearly » lo on - 000,

Davis lo Intnidiicc ChincHc .Scholar at. Town llnll MoctinK

Hupt. Homer M. Uavls, head o f llin Tw in l^ illfl putiili; flclimil hvsletn w ill In lr.K lurr Dr. No-YunK I ’nrk ut the Iflwn i la l l iecuire here Hntuntay

» l lb l, J«>. 7, iTM W eijl J. A, C nler- ntiim aniiounceil th is aftertux.n

Mr, DftvU w ilt t r i l tlin 'JOwii Jlullluid Itfl "BUesl .-lOW.I AlMiUlt h i background of Ur. I'.irk , d li.tln - tiulshed Chliieic hu tu rliin lu id ler- Hirer, Il io inretlng w ill be j i r l . l m

m. a t the L, I), H. (-hiin l i, which vo|uiil»«rcil faellltlen for the fla tu r- rt#y m « ll ii | t when ilu b nrilclaU lo jind «<ftal o f heating the big high •fhDol bulldhiK wiiuUI be i <hi hlu li over the wrch-n,,).

ttucli Town Jh>ll memlier may bring oho gurat lo hoar the ChJhe/.*. scholar. M r, Co.lerqulat fiald in ro n i of About OOO la «ix|>en(e>|.

I)iel>atc.Atti'acti<>nA n a tlrac llo ii nii lh « s|>ecolj and

county Bcn- liwpiLal. wa.s In a " fa ir '' condi­

tion enilv tliLs afternoon , according to ha 'iii ia l au thorities,

fiuf»tii l^aveRalph Powell will leave tomorrow

for th e U nlveM ty of C alifornia, Berkeley; a f te r a v b li here , M ilton PoK'eH, Jr., h as rc liin ied to W ash- liiRion, u , C.. following a holiday visit.

Death learnedMr. . G eorge T liom as and H,

Gle.>-p have been inform ed of the di'i'lh f)f th e ir -mother, Mrs.- Q'er- trude 03. vi-,irr(liiv a ften ioon ac Andin. II}. M r a n d Mr*. G lcjc vl.Mleif here s i'v rial weeli.^ ago.

From L 'lahCliiiitip B ro irn hn.s re tu rned from

SaJl Lake Cll3’ w here h e tn ru a c te d buflne.^s, hi com pany w ith Russell Robertson. Douglas Brow n, s tu d e n t a t t i e U tah A gricu ltu ra l collcge, Logan, accom panied them .

Ite lun ilng to School Bill B tittne r. who h a s sp e n t the

ChrL'itmas holidays w ith his m o the r. Mrs. H eleh B u ttn e r, will r e tu rn S a t­urday to Roswell. N. M .. w here h e Is a s tu d e n t a t th e New M exico M lll- u r y in stitu te , h igh school division.

RMUme* StudJes M arx Jo slyn h as resum ed

studies a t th e College of Id ah o and MIm B a rb ara Rayl h a s re ty m e d to school a t Boise. T hey m ade the tr ip w ith iMr. and M rs. V ernon P e r- aonette.

B etiim to School G ra n t H arris , son of M rs, W . M on-

too th . a n d M iss O Ulem ae K night, da u g h ter o f Mr. a n d M rs. T . M, K n igh t, have r t lu m e d to Pocatello a fte r spending th e ho lidays w ith th e ir p a ren ts . B oth a re s tu d e n ts a t Id ah o Sou thern un iversity .

VlslU H ere Jam es R u tledge 'C aldw ell. Is vis­

iting a t th e home of hLi daughter, Mrs.- Jom es Pe rsonette . H e accom- pan lcd Mr. a n d .M rs. V ernon P e r- sonette and hLs d a u g h te r on th e ir re tu rn 'f ro m th e Inaugural ball and v isiting relatives a t Caldwell and BoUe;

Aska P e rm itA pplication for a p e rm it to s ta r t

ft re-r6o(lng and rem odeling Job on a dwelling on Blue Lnkc-s boulevard n o r th was m ade today w ith th e c ity c lerk by J . E. Poh lm an , n itlm a tc d cost of th e Im provem ent was placed a t »l,SOO. T lie pel-mit w as th e f irs t to be filed Uils year.

Hedge ScorchedA weed fire got ou t o f contro l yes­

terday afien ioon in th e 100 block on B uchanan stree t, bring ing th e fire departm en t to the slta to ex tlngnlsli th e blaze, T he hedge surround ing th e a eo rg ^ —D etw eller hom e was ocorched, bu t no o the r dam age done.

At (he HotpUalM1s.i Florence P a tto n and M ilton

LundquU t. Twin F a lls ; Carol Mo* Rowland and Baby Lea G urney , Buhl; S tacy T urnur, M urtaugh , have been adm itted lo th e Tw in FalU county g^lleral hosplU l. P a tle n is dlsm lM fd Include Mr.i. Vlnla Hher- wood, I la n v n ; MIko Nrwmitii Hrfn IJlego, Calif.; Miss P earl S tokesbeiry Tn’ln Falls; Pa lrlc la I*olman, K im ­berly, and U. C, Davis, Gooding,

News of Record f. ItirthN I

— ------------1-----------------------------0

Til Mr, and Mrs. Jack Dodfton, K Im hrrly, n Ixiy, ln. 1 rvenliiK at the 'IV ln •^«llrt i-ciiinly ueiicral ho-'plta •••^t^cinliy hunie.

U K N N K V -K iineral (tervlces fur K iiw si Jlo rrlsoii D enney, iia iin rn . who died Tues<l«y, will bo held M«l- u tday a t g jo p. m. a t i h t D rak* - Id Heyiiolds funeral lnune. Hev. U.

Whl»o will o t# , Pn llb rarcrif 111 l*fl Vlct<ir H ow aiil 1(111.

Jtl<liiird Jim , Mainld WlJihiro, A i- ih iir Pi-|(»r and Kaliili llender,

o ltO W H O N -F u n e ra l liorvlcea for JCIrlianJ W rslry aiuwa<»n, 10- ni<inthn-uld aoii of Mr. and Mia, K ichard it, C iowxm . w hn died Wr<l-

'Sdiy, will be held Friday a t J ]i,. at, th e Drako and Hryniild* lu -

nei«l-1miii« - »cv I, i) H nilth, |)«a- to r Ilf the C liu u h «i( th e N aaarene, will offielnto.

I V m p e r a t i i r c H |

tim tliig next week wll] be iliq de­b it* between fathers and soiu

5*W«lll£»^ t l» dirtoUon of tier-/ w 'u t * a tU tU «U1 'b e , " R e .

■ r t w d j h i l th e M odern M ovie is MWjj (h«n fnstniu*^

l-<>« AhiiIm Mil.. Cli, Mli.ii..i‘-ll. .. N . . Vwh

.... Im iU ..........Hill Uk« r l i r ', ; ■“ f«(.fl.«. ..

FM m T rtp^M r. a n i f ^ r s . WUe E vans have re ­

tu rn e d ' fro m P o rtlan d w here they sp e n t th e ho lidays w ith tlielj- D ick Evans.

W iln es t-fiA u g u ratln n M rs. R. E. Leigh ton . MUs Hazel

L eigh ton , a n d L esA r R ou th have rr- l u m td hom e a f te r a tten d in g In-4 u g u r» ljc 5 rc in 5 n in .ji t b o Im .-------

StndlesM erle O rch ard h a s retun^ed to

B righam Y oung unlvorally , Provo, U U h .' a f te r a 'C h ris im as vacation w ith h ts p a rc n ts 'M r. and M rs. L. O rchard .

ously m wlU> pneum onia for the p a s t tw o weeks. Is slowly recovering, friends have learned.

R e tu rn ing t« Albion M iss W an d a E aton . MIsa Ja n e

W ylie a n d J im W alle, who have been spend ing th e holidays here , will re ­tu rn Sunday to A lbion S ta te N or­m al school.

B irth TcJdM r. a n d M rs. Jo h n P. Y oung. B ak ­

ersfie ld . Calif., a re th e p a re n ts of da u g h ter, born Dec, 20. according to w ord recelve<l here. M rs. Young was form erly M iss Lois Olngrej-, Tw in Palls .

T ire, W heel M «lcn •Bill Fry trfls a fte rn o o n had

p o rted to local police loos o f an au to tire a n d w heel, ‘m e w heel w as p a in t­ed yellow a n d th e tire w as a G ood­year. Pry resides a t th e C aledonia hotel.

C onclude T r ip , ,M r. and M rs ..F lo y d Jones y id

c h ild ren a n d Mr. a n d M rs.J o n u h a v e re tu rned from B each a n d o th e r c oast po in ts , . . . . a tten d e d th e Rose bowl gam e while In C aliforn ia.

«. T h«y

B ack from CoastM r. and M n . A. S . H e n u n a n d

son, P au l, a n d Jo h n flm lth have tu rn e d from Los A ngelei w here they a tte n d e d the Rose bowl gom e a itd th e T o u rn am en t o f Roses a t P a sa ­dena.

C. o t C. Often F o n im All C haniber o f Com m erM inejn-

bers a n d o th e r businessm en m ay at* tend th e C. o f C. d irec to rs ' m eeting a t th e R ogerson banQ uet room F r i ­day noon to o ffer suggestions as cham ber policies. P re s id e n t H . . , P a je n sa id today. All fu tu re Friday g athering .i of th e d irec tors w ui also he conducted as open forums,.


«• (from P*(e One) tanks as th e huge vehicle settled In w reckage dow n th e fra d e .

M r. W ells was en rou te back from Boise. He s topped for P a rk er a t th e Junction, a n d th e n followed ns , , refinery truck d river took the wrong rond on to th e steep a n d curving route.

T lie acciden t was understood to have been llui|4*cond on the BIIm grade w lth lT n w o days. An empty a u to -trn n six irt truck also w ent (iff w ith Its d river escaping, serious In- Jur>-.

‘ A notlier truck , a w m l-tra ller b e ­longing to a T w in Falls firm , w ent Ihroitgh th a guard rail a t the foot o f th e g rade yesterday. A lthough It tu rned over on th e rocks It was no t badly dam aged and the driver ra- ra |)cd Injury. T lie driver, a rro rd lng lo tnvi-stlgatlng officers, evjdrrilly failed tn m ake Ihn tu rn .. Tlie truck was no t loaded.

D e a th to n u - s lo K ld e r ly lieH iden t

Jaine.^ If, Tr«».rll, M. died this mciniin if a t the 'I'w ia Falls county general hcMpltnl.

wii.i born July 1.1, Ifllfl, n I ’ orte, Ind.

flu rvh ln g Is a' MM. Irle i^a Hte\Tlia, f l l i l i H ill, Mo.

Funeral services w ill be held unlay at 10 a.>rn alM lin 'I'w in Falls n iiiitu a iy rha]>el. In le rn ien t will be In Tw in Falls crm le iy.

MuHonic Services For !).•(’. W eaver

l iD ll l. , Jan. fi iH iie c la li- l» /*w ltt , Wraver. pioneer rancher nl Ili<

l iu li l v ic inity, w ill be given fina l ir llm tti ^■rl loy iil 2 p. ni, at tin I ’ resbytcrlan eliurcli.

Members of the ( lu h l Maaiinlo liidgn w ill be In cha iie of the aerk‘- lees, and llev. J, i:. (Iptncer, I'u sb y . le ila ii iniAlor, w ill ni^ lht. liiterm enl w ill bv hi ilu h l crm i'teiy. -

liliiliit Skiers I'V u tiim l in

M ovie Short• Iduhu skllhK aiiiateiire, who

well) l i i rn n l Into u i:t^ a by Uin ra rn m iiu n t phoiotfrai^ lkrs a tf lu n Valley la s t w inter, will cuvm l un llin M ieen uf Ihn O rpheum llie- a ie r on F riday and fiaturday , II wHs announeett he re today by Jo h n K rler, m anager.

'Jfta fll/tl, R sfKJit rtitX fcd “Oh Miy, Can Yrii iikl7" U kna lo l>«- glnners iMopla whii had never Ix-foiD been on Aklls and ahuws Ihn prcigiTsn iiiey niako ■luuiei pinfehAlniiul InAtruolliin. '•T im inovlo h ellinaaed liy a

I'olnrfiil n lgh l lu n d im ii a muiiii- lu ln sidh.

In rliided In llin «uaI uf vhni- uflUirs la n»1> K lik m sn «( 'i'whi Kails and Jack Itd ld ^ n , lorm cr loM i n u n . now uf K atclm in.

ueliadula of showing* l« as fol- lowjii 3:99. fl.SO, 7:3». tint OHO.


(Treirt P>(« Od«) *pum p'prlm lnR voted la s t sp ring will no t reach Its peak u n til April and will coyilnup well th ro u g h the- fo l­lowing VCftT.

B u t it>>oi;orks progress a d m i ts - iratlon goes ohs M r, Rooebvelt alm osi Im m fd'a tely w ^ ask som ew hat more th a n »7»0,000;000 to Contttfue~W PA through p a rt of F eb ru ary to Ju n e 30—raising recovery a tjd relief costs- for thU flacal year to »3,187,000,000.

S>es Cut In K e»ef Costa He expects to cu t recovery and re ­

lief C0.1LS to $2,386,000,000 in th e 1940 fiscal year, a reduc tion of $921,-000,000 ......................... .......... -

T lic IMO sum win be d tilrlln ited In p a rt as follows-

.1 . WPA—41500,000,000.3. N ational Y outh A d in lh ls tra -

tion—*ia& Farm Security AdmlnLsl^allon

-$80,000,000. ,I t was M ated th a t n o na tio n al de­

fense spending w as concealcd In c ith er W P ^ o r NYA spending plans.. I n add ition lo th e $^33,000,000 new revenue requested, M r, Roosevelt pointedly rem arked th a t no revenue provision ever has been m ade to cover federa l g ran ts to s la te s for various social security purposes and th a t these will coat $380,000,000 In the n e x t fiscal year^

T h is message pro jec ted a new fed­eral bookkeeping system , one which m igh t enable th e budget to be so t up In th e lo st R ooseve lt-yea r w ithout a de fic it If c o n g re ss-ap p ro v ed .. Asked io S tad y New A ccount P lan

Congress w as asked to s tudy a p lan to se t up new accoun ts fo r loans a n d o th e r 're co v e rab le federa l ells- bursem ents. F ed e ra l corporations, such as th e ;a n n c re d it adm lnLitra- tlon , would finance th e an e lv es and •the money th ey .ra lsed .w ou ld n o t be charged ag a in s t th e g overnm en t as on .xxpend ltu re . A nnually the ' PCA. o r o the r a ffec ted fed e ra l c o rpo ra ­tions. would s tr ik e a ba lance and congreM would m ake u p any defic it -r-to be listed as an e xpend itu re and charged again st revenue—o r th e corporation w ould decla re a p ro fit a n d sh u n t the . proceeds to th e gen ­e ral treasu ry fund.

8 e lf-llqu ldatln8 public p ro jec ts would be c a rried In p a r t a.s cap ita l as.sets r a th e r th a n a s o u trig h t,.................. ~and, if 6uccc.ufiil, u ltl -m a tc ly -w o u ld pay fo r them selves w ithou t ever shpw lhg e n tlre ly 'lh the g overnm en t’s expense ledger.

Dance Hall Topic Of Church Sermon

K IM B E R L Y ,-J tu :, 5 (S pecia l)- "W hy W e D on-t L ike M r, Shipley 's Dance H all” will be th e su b je c t of Rev, -Lewis H oll's serm on a t 7:30 p. m. today a t th e C hurch of th e N az- arene, K im berly.

Rev. H all, f o rm e r .d is tr ic t su p e r­in te n d en t o f th e Rocky M ounta in dL-strict, N azarene churche.-i. was opero tor of a d anec h a ll before hLs call to th e m in istry . H o Is a na tive of Idaho .

Rev. H all p reached la s t n ig h t on, "EMdencea of SalVaUon" a n d I l l s sub jec t F riday n ig h t will b j "R u n ­aw ay Jonah ." Rev. Clive W lllianw. pasto r. Invites th e public to a ttend tfiese m eetings n igh tly aC 7:30 p . j iu


FDR SPEECH(By U nited Press)

S C R lP P H -H O W n m N EW 3FA- PE R S (In d .) : We feel all th e ab- horrence Mr. Roo»eveli voiced for d le ta lonhJps. Yet » r th in k some of h is e loquent rastlfa tlo n a of the politleal beliefi and iystem a of

u U tw pM plM m lf ii t b« tU r bav* been le ft unsaid . . . We c a n 't Im­pose our ow n concepts on th e r e i t of th e w orld, a n d . . . u n d e rstan d ­ing am ong n a tio iu is p o t p^um pt- ed by nam e-ca lllng 'acro ss the seas.

NKW Y ORK DAILY NEWSf ln d .i^ Wo assume, though the Piciidcn t-C ildn ,'i..ineiU lon . any n i - tlons by nam e, t l ia t tlie dictator'^ ship's ho referred lo are G crm atty, Ua^y and Ru.^Ma . . . We feel sorry tdr Eucope. B u t . . . Europe trea.sures Its h a te s a n d loves i t i wars. T here is no more rea.%on why we should Join Europe In th a t •■.ulcidal Wlocy a t th is .tim e th a n there*tever has been . . . . . '

W A S H M C T O S PO ST: O n tfie Pro-sident's call for nlore effective m lljtnry iireiiaredness, tliere will bo l l t tk or no dom estic d isag reem en t . . . B u t tije Presldw ii s tra y s onto ground w hich Is f a r less firm w hen h e suggeita successful defense of democracy Involves an unreserved endorse inen t of h is domestic poli­cies.

W A S H U rO T O N ^IE R A L D : The P residen t V . . la pla inly aaklng congress In r repeal o^ th e neu tra l* Ity act, t h e Joh n so n a a i, a n d for a u th o rity lo go d lree ljy in to |>m councils o f fero lgn^oT ernm en ts lo a ssure one and th re a te n th e o the r. B u t h^ haa no r ig h t to c arry on a uch an adventure, w ithou t a c lear understand ing by th e n a tio p of w h at is a foot a n d w here It leads.

Rites A rranged F or Mrs. Dinsley

F uneral services for M rs. Sally M ary DliisJey, 65. wife of W illiam P . DInsIey. locsl pliarmaci h e ld F riday a t 2:30 p .-i ,W h ite m<frtuar>- chapel, Rev! . . B utler, v icar of Ascension EpUcoptfl c h u rc h officiating,

M rs. D insley died yesterday a t the T w in F a lls coun ty -genera l hospll '

["nintss;F rien d s m ay view tlie body a t

chape l fron t 10 a. m . to 2 p . m . d ay .-In te rm en t Ih Tw in c em eterj’.

M rs. DlnsJey w as bom Ju ly 1#. 1873. a t T aylorsport. Ky. She is su r- ^Ivwf by h e r /tusband; a g randson, Billy Dinsley; two sisters. M rs. M a r. g a re t Hoiick. S a n Francisco , and M rs. H . W. W elrlck. Berkeley, Calif.; a n d th ree broUiers, Je ss O . Qood- •wlR^ Cambridge. Neb.i a n d C larence and- A lfred Goodwin, bo th of U n-. co in .N eb .

M rs. Houck h a s been h l in fo r the p a s t week. • ^


Tow nsend Clob No. 1 SATURDAY, Ja n . 7

Independen t M eat M arket

AGENCiLOCftFESI>urlng th e year IBS? th e re were

3,728 persons who found Jobs of varotLs kinds tfirough th e Tw in Fall.? offlcen of th e Idaho sta te em ploy­m e n t service. I t waa annpunpc<l this a fte rn o o n by W . Clyde - Wllllam.s. office m a n ag e r, whff complied a ro-

o f office a e u v iu e s for t h / 1 2 - m o n th period. • 7

T h e num ber of positions aound. th e r e p o r t shows. Includes 1.98.S In p rivate , em ploym ent, 435 tn public. "Hie ba lanee of th e Jobs found, num - boring , 1.30C. consUted mo.>.ily o f trarLslent labor, especially In nectlon w ith ha rv e st work.

' f M any ApplyN ew ap plica tions m ade during the

year, by per.sqn.i rrgLiteriiKr a t the offlco. tota led 3.007 while rcnra-ed ap p lica tions fo r work num bered 5,-

O n Ja n . 1, 1B37. when th e of­fice served e ig h t couniles. there w ere 3,468 persona carrU d 6ti the active file-w hile a t th e end of 1938, w ith th e offfcc serving ojjIv Ihree c ounties , th e re w ere nearly th a t m a n y o r i m th u s showlnc a h u g # ga in In reg is tered pcrsonj!^ Five ^ th e e ig h t countiea.Iprm eriy h a n d le o u t of th e lo c a l ' office are 1)oi h a n d led th rough the Jerom e offlcc.

O ne of th e m ost In teresting fact.s show n by th e repo rt Is th a t during 1M8 th e re w ere a to ta l o f 64.079 persOTs w ho vlalted th e office. T liis nufftber Included employers, em ­ployes o r {wople on o the r business.

“E ac h pe rson who visited the of­fice h a d to be ta lked to personally W illiam s aald In co m m en tiu jjm th? now of traffic . " In. m any co'J'cs a v is ito r would ta lk to more than em ploym ent service worker."

D ecem ber H ighest T h e rep o r t shows th a t the g re a t­

e s t num tw r of new applications was received tv th e office during D ecem­b er, w hen a toU l of 460 were ta b u ­la ted . O th e r h igh m onths included Sep tem ber w ith 3 8 1 : ...........................3W a n d J a n u a ry w ith 348.

R tn ew a ls reachcd the high peak a t j r t n r Ju ly w hen l.W l p irsons re- jA tie j^ r^ io th e offlco to file th e ir nam eli a n d occupations, signifying thay -w ere lo o k ln g lo r work.

I n th e m a tte r of private pli m tn ta th e peak was reached in O c­to b e r w hpn 48ft Jobs were found.

Jum ped to 844 in Septem ber. 70« In O ctober antf"541 in November, d u r­in g th e h a rv c a t season w hen-farm ers dem anded im m edia te labor supplies.

local of/lee o f th e service is located a t 139 Second street east.


Cleanersyour, c leaning headquar-

^ t e r 8 . 'W e re tu rn clothing by m all (po ttage paid) to ou t-o f-tow n c i iito m e ra . P ro m p t pick-up and d e ­livery ie rv l4 o „ to . local custom ers.

C all 870— Back o r p . 0 .

Seen TodayM an fla tten in g package half-,

fu ll of c igarettes to delude pros- pccUve borrow ers Into th ink ing he

■ hna p rac tlaally . no smokes left lo • Wrtd'^tBenivV*'. • O ne pedestrian

te lling a n o th e r w here to find a -■ good b a rb e r . . . Several folks

com ing In to • assew or's office to buy licenses, under firm convic­tio n th a t th e f la t $5 fee has a l­rea d y been placed In M fect . . . Y ouna lady carry ing a g ift Ja r of lu te risk, sm elling no t qu ite as m uch a.'t m ost lute flsk bu t bad ly enough . . . C hurch bu lletin u rg in g parish ioners to ge t Into th e c u rre n t sttHigglo -of th e m er- c h an ta by tak ing a "spiritual in ­ven to ry" . . . And sm all boy rescu ing old C hrU lm as tree from alley, a n d d rf tg ln g It down Sho­shone s tre e t sidewalk.

Camera Fansw m “ Shoot”

Railway YardA m ateu r photographers will in ­

vade th e Tw in Palls ra ilroad yard.s of tlie U nion Pacific Sunday a fte r ­noon.

F ield tr ip for a ll members o f ih r Miiglc Valley Cainera club, and any o th e r d m ateu r photographers, hos been a rran g e d f o r 2 p . m . S u n ­d a y , P residen t ■V ktor-G ocrticn a n ­n o unced this- a f te rn o o n :------

T h e cam e ra devotees will ta k e p lc - ftires o f (rain.-!, cars, the r a il yards, depo t and o the r features, T lie plc ttn 'es will be th e topic fo r the c lub 's n e x t p r in t com petition, and will a lso be p lac« l on public display dow ntow n, O oertiFn said.

T h e pho tog raphers are to m eet a t th e clubroom s under the B ank and T ru s t com pany a t 2 p . m, Sunday.

Friday - Saturday SPECiAL -

B a lf - Soles f t

5 9 0Shoe R epair Dept.


S e llin g F O L K ’ S A genla'• B A L C O N Y

lASF m FORDECLO, J a n . S (Special)—F u n e ra l

services w ere held M onday for WUlls H un tam an , aged t» . form erly of Declo, w ho was kT.ed Dec. 38 w h e n , a f re ig h t tru ck , a n d tra i le r l o a d ^ w ith -18 tons o f applea, le ft th e ro ad a n d w as com pletely wrecked.

Serv ices w ere he ld a t th e B urley fu n e ra l hom e. Speakers were B ishop H urs t. Jo h n D arrlng ton ..and E lm er • Sax ton ; Declo. , -

Pa flbea rers were Paul a n d M arit Sax ton , M elvin and H arlan K idd , Jo h n a n d Roy M o rg an .'

In te rm e n t was In Declo cem etery bcsldo th e graves of h is parents.*

Momry.HAvg you ever! WRITTEN ANY FICTION?

NO FIC T IO N , theae claim s about U nion M otor Com pany’a R. A 0 . Used Cara. T hey 're ae tnally re ­conditioned , Inald^ a a d e n t , ^ give ^ m oxlm nm value fo r you r m oney. Hee ’em , . . (ben try to m a tch ( lu m auyw herel

37 P ly m o u th Deluxe Coupe,New W B . T ires .................. ,»495

37 P lym ou th Coach, Rad|o,H ea te r a n d T r u n k .............. .8495

Plym ou th F o u r DoorS e d a n .............. ..................... $J7S

37 C hevro let Sedan, H eatera n d T r u n k .................. ........... |a as

S7 v -8 D eluxe Fordor T our- - Ing Sedan, Radio and

• H ea te r .................................. tWO37 V -8 Coupe, Low Mileage ^ 938 V -8 Deluxe Tudor,

R ad io a n d H e a te r ........... i-.$695

33 V -8 Coupe _______34 V -8 T udo r *?:..........3B V*8 DeluxefCoupe.... 38 V -8 Coupe ...............


^ a n e u ^ i/e a r

s m o k ij\^ q

PLEASUHMake Chesterfield

your N ew Y e a r’s resolution ...they ’ll give you m ore plea­sure than any cigarette you ■ever sm oked.

Chesterfields lire better lie- eiuiHC of w liat thicy give y o u —refreshing mildnfcss, better tuste and arom a. '

Chesterfields are tiie right c o m b in a tio n of m ild r ip e American and arom aticTurk- isli tobaccos — cpHed in pure cigarette paper.* Whtn you try them you wtU. Horn

why Chesterfields f/t/« millions of men anti women more smokhig /)/<roJur«...wtoTHr.Y.S/ T|SPY.

h e s t e r f ie ld. . . the blend that ca n ’l be copied

. . . a HAPfY COMBINATION o f lilt,

world’s best ctgarette tobaccos

W ri> |lii Um ii i i « M io i lo M U u ^

- y -— ■

ThurBday. Jsnuary 5, 1B39 IDAHO EV EN IN G -TIM E S, TW IN FALLS, IDAHO r a g e l ^ - ; .

Battle Looms on SOLONSPffiOIC '

Pocatello School



n r W ILLIAM McMENAMlN BO ISE. J a n . 8 (U.PJ — T lic niii

bfttUe of. th e 1630 Irlnho ICKl»Inl»re drew n e a re r Uxlay w hen W illiam &. C a d ^ Pocatcllo publisher and cliMr- inan of ilie fou r-yea r un iv e rs ity com m ltlce. annouuced a bill em ­bodying Die plan, w ould be Uirown in to tlic legislative hoppers early nex t week.

L eaders o f thp lcKL<iIalurc predic t­ed th e proposal w ould bring pro­tests from noK^he rn counties, par-

. ilcularly Uitnlv'TWfRity. w here the only fou r-yea r un iversity in the • ta le now U locatcd .

P o rew em lngs o f adm lnW ratlon d isapproval o f th e proposal were reod by observers In th e tncssnge of

\ Oo». C. A. B o tto lfscn to th e IcrIs - la tu re In w hich h e w arned a g a lm t th e educa tion lobby.

n<'p. F . M. B lstllne of Bannock county «aJd th a t "w ltb th e exceii- tlon of a few d e ta ils’ tlic bill was ready for Introduction.", I t Will pro- vme A for 'a n ' add ltlonn l tw o-year course to be added to th e recen t By.s-

' te’m p revallln9‘ a t PocaCello.rund .s fo r crea tion of the add i­

tiona l tw o -j'car a t the Jun-' . lo r cbllcBc a t Pocatcllo would neces­

sa rily have to be ta k en from the e d u c a t i o n a l app rop ria tion . TliL^ would Increase th e budget and also th rea te n a c u t In m oneys allocated to j)f lm ary schoota; oppo n tn ts o f the m easure p o l n t e d ^ t .

Byery leglfilatQ/e fo r th e p a s t IS years h a s d e a lt w ith th e . proposal and tu rn ed I t down!

I n 1925, tlie p la n cam c wlUiln

IDAHONiiw show ing — "Jespbel,” B(*tte

D avb.Frl.. Sa t.—••Frc.'ihman Y ear," Dixie

D unbar-Johnny Dowrw.Sun, Mon.. Tur.i,—■ ni'ii"'.,’ In


O R P IItU MNow showlnK-- "I.lU le T oukU Ouy.

In Society." M lscha Atior; "Nurse from Brooklyn," Sially EUcrs.

Frl., S a t.—••Young Ur. K ildare." Lionel B arrym orc-L ow Ayrrs, a "Oh, Say C an You Ski? ' fUnit-d at Sun V alley w ith I V m Fniis and Idaho cast.

Sun. Ih ro iisii Woe,. •.Sw.t I- hearl.':," J ra n ia iu Mac-LV>ii;ii.l-Ncl-son Eddy.

DAUGilIEIIS[[KSmi order:

AdmlnLslratlvr luiHinritv hihI ro iirl designation of hl'lr^ mid ih r lr In- terest.i a rc rcqiio.sK'd in .i p.'tliioii llled In i»robiilf ciiiiri in Mt> Nina Ellis Sawyer In c oim<Ti|nn ,u iih ih - cstiite of her m oH iri. Mr.-. Khznlx-th EllLv

Mr-s. E111.S <llcd Juiu- 30. ID3H T h- OKtAte Inchitlps ,n'.sl<l<'iuiiil iirop.Tv In South Park.

Judge Guy L. KliiiK-y appuliitril Rex TJiomas. G len G d tt and 1. C Peterson as appral.scr.s. and .•.n hi-iu - Ing for Feb. 8. OoorKr- M Is a tto rney lo r Mr.s. Saw w c.

Car Crashes C| WeiftiellGas

Station Wall

n o wNow . s h o w i n g - N i i r . ' i e . "

Wiicoxon ntn! M arsh ; ' .Stiain;i; Case of D r. Mciidc." Jack H olt.

Frl., SalT-^*CaUfornla Froiulcri* Buck Jonr.s.

Sun., Mon.. Tuc.-!.—"•niero 's th a t W oman A gain ,! M clvyn D ouglas- Vlrglnla D rucc.'^

one vote pf favorljig e.stafilTsliinrnt of

the .w ilt'rrslty Pocftte/lo contcnd thtfl' .yjuth Idaho stu d en ts have too far to gt) Trom th e ir hom os-to u n i­versity a t Mavrow. Tliey a.<sserted Pocatello 1.S m ore cen trally locatcd and n e arer th e popula tion , cen te r of the s la te .•T liose oppo.slny th e mea.sur« po in t­

ed to th e cost, a n d sa id I t would' be Inadvisable fo r a s ta te th e .-jlze of Idaho to a tte m p t to suppo rt tw o four year ^inlversltles.

G r a v e s i d e S e r v i c e s ^ F o r C h i l d a t B u h l

BUHL. Jun . 5 (S p c e la li-G ra v r- sldc scrvlccs for Tommy G urm v. u - m onth-o ld .ion of Mr. and Mis. E dgar G un iey of fiie Meliin VjUk-y distric t, were Ijo^d n t 2 i> ni. W edhesday w ith Rev. J . I). H;uiiiii, pastor of tlie Dulil ChJ lstliiii i h iin ti, read ing th e hcrvlce.

T lie baby wa.i l)orn Dec. 4. i;i;)7. and passed aw ay a c family liuiin' Tuesday m o rn ln s Of irnc-unuiiu,i

Besides th e parenLs llirn - an- tlm following bro thcr.1 and ;.lstii.-.. Jo.srph. Pearl, F lnirncp. Kitic, George, Dick a n d L /r .

In te rm e n t was m ade under liir d irection of th e Albertson liiiirral home. , . _ ____


saw it£ reflection on the polished su rfac^ o f A ndrew A ntonlae's r mobile a n d charged . T lie car to a rep a ir shop. T h e nim m ystified b u t u nhu rt.

WENDELL. J a n . 5 i S jim-IhI ' — An nu to really " d ro v In to ' Uip I daho service .-itallnn lu-ie W fd- iief<!ay iHomnir:■ 'H ie m ach ine kep i r in h t on k" - Ing. destroying the n o r th sule wall on tlie fron t, brcaklnn mil a small window and loarliig off u leg of Uic tab le on The insklc of iho s tructure ,

H arold W, Cowels, Riii)ert, and two o th e rs whoso ham ej lii 'tr m iavallablc w ere on th e i r ,wav to ihe NYA W eher vnrallonal.s<lior-i w h tn they pulled in a t the ,'!!atl"ii U' M-rvlce th e ir car. T h e .niiicl'it’i'

■fall«l to stop in lim e, a n d >nia.'-,ti- ed in to th e building. ■♦—

T txl H ack.-mant^^ier of the st.i- tion. a n d W ialtcr Chrlswell wrro In iho plac<>.^^hen th e m achine suddenly banged tlirough the walli s u r l l e d by th e .'udden n iiparl- llon. H ack nearly swallowed a tl - Kar he was sm oking laccoctllng tf> frlend.s).-.

About 150 dam nses were esti­m ated to th e bulUllnB, and tht- c a r sustained, a ,«;pnjnB fram e and, buniiier.



Pickup a n d dellv cL tru n k s. pack ­ages any size, anyw here.

M in im um 25c ' P IIO N E 109



F rid a y and Saturday P rin ce A lb ert,One lb. t i n ...................6 5 ^(ieo . W ashington ,Jt) o z . .............................O ur A d v€rfiscr , .5c pkfj......... ;....3 for 1 0 ^B ull



. V I T A M I N S ■ ■

A .l l,n .(; and B pliLs liver ■ ex tra ct and -iron. .;

-------- — 60-capB ttfe i-------------

$1.49Y ou rs Cor H ca lth l

D urham . . . .3 bags 1 0 < SAV-MOR BY PAYING LESS

No Limits—Come and Help Yourself!. These Are» EVERYDAY in the WEEK PRICES!

V ITA A U N C O N C E N T H A T E C A P- - C « O A S U L E S co n ta in in g A ,n ,D ,(i, lO O 's......... 9

\ \n E A T A M I N TAIiLK TS, containinK ' ^ ^ aA n T) linrt V! ‘>'in r in c


N E E D SASPIRIN, Oayers,100-.S..... ....................-


COM) ft, FLU

COD L IV E R OIL CO Nt’EN T IlA T K S, m - 100 ta b lc ls for on ly ............................................... / J | C

N O R D S E N N ifttW K C IA N COI) M VIM l aO il.. F u ll p in ts ....................................................... ^ ^ 4 9 C

S d U l l l l l ’S COI) I l.V I.llllIT I.lVlTR O il... ■ M A — IIlKh vi,jflniin conlcnt, « oz..................................... /

P D N A T O L A , a - 50 c a p s u le # .......................................................... ^ J l

A B n o r r S OLADOL. A M50 c. c .......................................... ........................$ 1 « 9 7

AIlKA SELT/.KK, A A mReit. GOf..........................IRON & YKAST TAB- I.KT.S. 250 at> . ..RUSSIAN MINKRAI. A fk ts Oil., rxira lieavy. pi. . 4 9 ^ FKTRO „

^f!AR .......................ASPIRIN,12'n 4 ®MHTKK IMOltTlI C A mWASH, 32 ox.................. 3 7 ®SANACAR, A O ^1 ql. ., y C M 2SAN SYJ.LIIfM, A O « 1 ql. .. y » C i:\TRACT CA.M AIIA, a r. «r, tftijii.. lou'j.

‘CArS,ULKH ....................CIIKSTONE CHESTRt'IJ, 2-01........................ Z 3 C.SANTOX «COI.I) TAni.KTS ........rRRrisoTi; m a ^ SION. fl-«r, . /k p iir k d im : im ia i ,-ANl c o m po u n d ...... ^ 3 ^MISTOI.DROPS .........................VATRONOL,Rejr. BOc ........................VICKH VAPO RllII,Rc|. 35c , A / ®

( J U n ’T A R I) M IL K ^r i lO C O I.A T K 1 IJi. A V Cn O U D K N ’S CARAMICI.H, « ^ _a«8« n « i , 1 III,.:..................... l y C

A I .L S T A N D A I c n T.r ( A N D Y B A H S , ( ’l l i : \ V I N ( i CU.M a m i I . l l 'K S A N K l tS ........ 3c

K L ()M 1> K N C H O C O - l ,A T i :S . 1 lb . r> lli,s. irf A M Horlcd ( • M () ( '( ) [ ,A T K S ..............


xWhoBroughtLowerTobacco Prices toTwin Falls?SAV-MOR DRUG STORES

E V E R Y D A Y T O B A C C O I ’ K I C E S

OI.I)H alf and Half, Ifi oz............................ fl7cK e g , 1 4 o z . ....................................................................4 9 ,

G r a n f r e r , 1 6 o z .......................

E d g r c w o r l l i , I f i o z ................

ALL FRESH STOCK OIlKWINtt TOBACCO 10c C u ts .......................................,1 for 2.')i' 5c CiiIh .......................................... fi |'»r 2r>c


CA>fT:i,S, H A M CK JIIS. ( ’M K S T K U ril '.I .D S , (iO l.D S

2 [)kKn............2 3 < C n rlo n n $ 1. 1B I 'I i i I h ........2 9 «

A lM O f C lfcnrt'K ex . 3 fo r 2 7 « C iirlim ........8 9 f

I’.A,. V K LV K T, B IC B I:N . H A li l ’ ntiil I IA I .I ’, lU u .•••...................................................................... ... lO f !

MIXERS 'K I N G S C O U R T , q i i a r t H .............2 f o r ; i 5 e K ! N ( ; .S C O U R T , | i i n t s ........... .... ...........:i f o r 2 i ) c

BABY NEEDSi : a ( ; ljo u h a n d m i i .k ............................m u u .u n ’h p o o d s ' .................................... ■■ e s cllHby. H A T H W AUM KH ............. 9 8 <;Z IN O STK A RA TIC, NnrHf B n in d ................. ‘I li in d ’M T K K T H IN (J I.O 'i'lO N . Hcg. « (k .....V(J ly ce rin o HlIlM ’OHITOnilCS, I n f a n U ’ ....................C A ST O IU A . Flotrlii'rV, -IDi' . ' ............... 3 1 cN A K » 9 W N K C K NIIRHKKH^ (iriid iin lH l.

............................................................ a fo rH or. .

SOAPSi» rn ;iT ..............................................rH V S T A i. w i n n o ,W IIITK K IN (J .......... ..l . l ) T O l l .K T S O A l * .................KINSO. (tr......... ............( IIA N D U T ()1I . | - : t h o a i*

.19 Pt o ImrH 2 0 <

. . 5 l»irN 19 < ,4 ImrH 2 3 C

........................1 9 f2 btirH 9 ^

OM) DILTCII CI.KANHKH . . 4 O u m 2 7 C

Buy More For Less At Sav-Mor

M o nihs a^ ii 'kt* m ade ra r i 'fu l p!att'> l<> n iak t' Ihi.s Iho n i ( ; ( ;E S T W h ite Sale wc h a v e o v e r ha.i. M orch iind ise w as lM>UKht on th e lnw ost niarUolfl a n d wivod fo r th is W\k e v en t. T ho SA V TN C S <-f-

fcc tcd a re l>etog p»K.4ed on t«»^ou in th e fo rm 'o f N a tio n a lly Kni)\vn W’Uile (iniul.s a t th e IowchI ^ ^ pi».isiblc |> r ia s . S loc li up NOW tiif th e thinK.^ you a re uoin}; lo noeij. S .W K d tirin g tliis W h ite iiiile.

I ' u m o u s Uuality

^^Equity'' SheetsConipnre •'Equity" flue m us­lin flheels-_ Check lor your.''K tlielr Hue quality . FVcl- tlv k Jijiiootli flnlsl). l.on;; .stiiii'.e coiton llrm ly uovi-n kIvc.s •'K fnilty t ' h e l r K i e n t e r / 'stri'UKtli nncl loiiRor wen'r. S r 'x i 'n ” Si/.C

Irregu lars of Famous Pequots

“Gohasset'v SheetsFull bed size wltli . t h e . Txtr* IcnRth, 106 Inchea. Full s ta n d ard count 08x72 nnd wUli th e -s a in t fine fin ish . W e'doub t If you find nt\y Imperfecls.

U nbleachcd

- F o x e r o f t, S H E E U N G _ . . _ S h e e t i n g

0 4 I d . . . . . . . . . . t Z o c

9 4 Yd.;..,...^.:'25c 10'4 Yd. ........27c'

' Reduced _ln p rice . f o r I our Wiit.o Snle, Save 0 jh e c 'lliid

| « . f 8 4 Yd^..;.......... 2 3 ^ 19 /4 Y d. ........ :..'V.26^ I


I’eppcrell '.T U a iN G

N ationally •. "known Pqp-

•pcrell tfnd Pcquot quality .

. '4 2 - Y d ! ' I ~ ..... l i ^

45” y d . P « i u o t . 2 5 ^ |

B leached

B e lg cn .

glJEETINGSmootl] flni«h.'N6 ftlUng.

Long wearing.

8/4 Y d T I Z s i c

9/4 y d ; ......;.-33c


S H I R T S &

S H O R T SElastic; top short.'!. F ine soft, rlbUi'd co tton bhlrt.s. Each g v n ie i i t—


Men’s ' • » Boy’s ■-.UNlOTilS Trudale, Jr .

Medium welRht, Ix)nR sleeve SH IRTSBiid nrikle IcnRth, 'A well tailored union.

Plain, 7]ilte or fancjfpattema. 'rallorod Just like the mca'w


Men’s - > Heavy Flannel

SHIRTS VHeavy flanne l perfec tly ta il­ored. New p la id deslgna. All Mzea. •

98 c' U r a a t i c R e d u c t i o n s O n

Ladies' o a tsW r liavi' .slaHlu'ii (lu ‘ prico^l^

tllis o f la d ie s ’ CoalH,

Sniiic m e I r iiiu n c tl a iu i .scimr

iiiili'iinin«-<l. All_ iii't? lalf.Ht

a n d a lia ilrs , lli-rt! is

ym ii' flii.iu't* ti) j;<'l a la 'tli'i-

<'<>al at It 1'filiK'i‘il prit'i', \\'v

\v<iulil ailviHi* cai'ly Mlu)|i])iiiK

f(ir lirsl Hclcrtlim.

V a l u e s ( o

R e d u c e d l o


J u s t R e c e i v e d N e w S h i p m e n t o f

M eii’’s Diress ShirtsO ar rir.1t nhl])meaC d id n 't l ^ t loan. A rcauiikiililc value a l

Inw prli'c. Full c u t-a a d » r 1l tnilored. PInIn w hile o r

fiiiicy i)ftllcias . F a s t col- Ijiiiuclrlotli. fliive money by

bujlini tw

2 tor $1.251 2 O n l y M e n ’s

OVERCOATSA liaiHnln for JiihI 12 liirky mtm. O xford Rrny oil Wool ovi‘i'('0|ktH, (iiiikI aHHiirtineiil o f '

R e d u c e d f o r

Q u i c k S l i l c ................ $995O n e C r o u p I . a d i e H ’ D R I ' S S E S .

VnlilOH to ii.tiH

Wanli (Irc'HHi-n oi'iKlnnl ii|i lu Ifl.DH lirlcc'il for cl.-araiin' .......................................

O n e ( J r o i i p L n d ic f l ’ H A T SValucrt lo ‘f 1 .1 8

;i2 ladicH* liiitn rtHliici'tl for cloaranco.

i'h’i'i-y out) wiTti orlKinally f l , i )8............


K v e r y D e p t i

f o r

V A L U I i S

, P ag e F o u r

’f E L E P H O H E 38

ru ll LMi»d w in 6«rne* UDlt«<] f te u Auocliiu

Xnter«d u fl#con« d m M»U»r m the Twin F o ! i» ,P ^ Offlj Uod«r Act ol Congrm M»rrh 3. ITB.

j MyifJcn

lly ^ Wllhln (di

rompflPiit liirlvllcUon to l’«

o“ a « llo u 'J S - lu a 'l . c '‘ A V 'ls j^ /ju ^ n d ^ U 'ffC lO by Chopl«r 131. 1833


UtlU ToKtt. 220 Du«h 8ti.

B iis iiiC K s ( ^ l u 'o r f o r 1^3^)

That Roger W. Babsoii’s forecast of substantial business climb during 1939 is not-the only such oj)ti- mistic prediction is being borne out daily by statements of industrial leaders throughout the nation.

Their assertions point the Avay to a healtliy -uptrend which should cheer south central Idaho.

-Latest of the cai,-efully-thought-out statem ents of industrial leaders is tha t coming to the Evening Times

• i«ditorial desks from LArry E. Guhb, pro.sident of the ‘Philco JJafWtviind Televi.sioji em-poration a t i ’hiia* dclphia:

“I t seems strange to predict a re tu rn of pros­perity in a country which has such unbounded. , natu ral wealth and such a high, proportionate

’ - scale of living as the U nited States.. I would pot ' say tha t we face a return of prosperity fo r in -

reality i t has always boen w ith us. I would ra ther say th a t during 1939 we will, in all probability, .

. utilize the resources and riches th a t lie a t hand' to a grej»ter and happier exte^it.. “Every sign points, arid has been pointing fo r months, to a continuance of the recovery move­ment in a consistent, stable m anner—barring the

. . outbreak-of a general \var. The nationalincom e^ fo r 1938 is estim ated a t stxty-five billion dollavs,* the highest, w ith the exception of l ‘ 7 ,1930. A considerably higher , income cTli be ex-

----- pected forl989.-;----------------:— - - _ “New products, new ideas and more aggressute "effortSiborn Qf the last slump, have resulted and . w’ill continue to result in business rises th a t have been mounting contrary to all expected iifiasoiial declines. ^L "Values and volqme will play a large p a r t in achieving concrete business success during the year ju s t starting . -It is a tried and true fact tha t i f the public gets more fo m ts dollar it will spend more dollars.”

Good In len lions No JExcuseI t is a lo n g tim e since anyone has accepted "I didn’t

know it was loaded” as a satisfactory excuse for a shooting. And it may b e 'th a t one reason wliy our automobile tra ffic death toll is a t last going down is the fact th a t a sim ilar healthy skepticism is behig do- veloped'tdward the excuses offered by motorists,I A case in point occurred the other day in l''re.sno, Calif., where a yourig n]an was sent to jjiil for 30 days because he fell asleep while driving his cur.

The m an’s family wa.^ moving, and he was trails- . porting household goods back and fortii, It got to be

late a t nigbt, and he was— na-turally enough—vei-y th 'ed and drowsy, lie dozed off while driving aloni the voad. U iscur swerved and h it a truck. His nieco, riding in tlu; car \rtth him, was killed, and the young man wan held on a charge of nian<slaiighler.

Now the point i.s tha t this driver, in a .‘ ense, was aa blameles.H as a man could be. He liadn't bi-un in­toxicated, nor had he been speeding or breaking any tra ffic laws. He was a gt)od lad, and the d istriet a t ­torney asked tha t leniency be .shown. |{utA'he judKn rem arked i .

. ‘‘The fact rem ains tha t he wa.s negligent in di iving while nl(‘(‘py. It is the duly of <lrivi‘rs to stoj> theii' automobile.s before tln*y go to-.slccp. A .sli'epy or a drowsy driver i.s a nieiuiee to Hie ijuhiii'."

So the young man iia.s to spend a month in jail,, where ho can m ed ita te on tlif nee<l for eternal vigil­

ance a t the steering whe(‘l.Sim{)lo enough, all of this— and hardly wiirth com­

ment, except tha t it does high-liglit a iitile tru th lluit we can too easily overlook,

The man who i.s driving an aut(jnii)i)ile ha.s a ton and u hnlf of flteel rolling along the highway. He may have the Ifest intentions in the world, bin if for any reason a t all it gels out of hi.s control, somebody is going to gel hurt; Hi- nuy: l)e guilty of nothing n’lore

sheinouij than dozing for five Si;co]idH- lml» Vlie elTeet can be uh had>na if ho were a liomicldal mania»r pos- ticiiticd of. u moat-ax. And the only po Hnible rul((.that can 1)0 laid down Ih tha t he has.n<i business getting

, behind the wheel if anything Is going to interfere with his ability to drive his ca r Kafely.

I t has tukun ua a long Unio to learn tiiis Irsson, but itiflROftkinginfilowly. ‘ ’

Neville (Jhiunberlain Hhuii(H role as mediator in Italo-Fronch dispute. Yeah, verily, N.-villc •noo is a g re a t teaclier,

A Na?l decTM ordors the Ciunnun juitional anthem bomething Hko,^ tllrge a t tlie

P o t

S h o t s

The Gentleman intjie Th ird Row


H ark >r.^o;Spcuktni; ul p a p u a n d sho tfunn

(a* you w eren 't, bu t why no t? )— le t m e teU you about th e e e r tiin Tw in F a lls Kcnl who can chuckle now b u t d id n ’t mt the tim e In quet- tion.

T hin j e n t w m over a ( hU lady friend 's hom e du rln c th e holiday*. T lie lady frien d * papa, th ln k ln t h r 'd be rea i nice, decided he'd Khqw th e y o u n f m an one o( hi.* own m oat cherished treasures—a v e ry .( lo t »hot*vin-

Ho h e b a rfe d In to Ihp room with th e ! ih o tr in In hi* hands.

The. .y o u n g m aif looked very s ta r tled a n d ( o t VEIIV red!

—TIshy T lih


P o t ShottiiiBs;Som e b ro th e rs sisters arc cer­

ta in ly t r u s t ln j souls, rto?' O ne c* -T w ln Falla ttian. se t\t h is

ite r ft check fo r 75 c cn ts because ic’d m ollctl h im th n i m u c h 'o v e r le p rice o f .something hc 'il bought r he r In S a n Frnnclsco.And his .rclum chccic (or 73 cents ad llko ihls: -

■■Seventy.livr cent* — not on :ent m ore and NO . . . . DolUm.



P o t Sho ts:T o tlie icn io rs:Wff Jun iors d o n 't c^re to have ihi

p rom In th e gym any m ore thnn you lenlors do; - T h e 8 > in -la -o r 'w lU be iwfulJy h a rd to dccorate . • ' ^

g a m o u i L as t L ine; AND W H(5 CAN B E RO M A N TIC IN A GYM?

—J u t O ne o f th e Girt*

• F I R f f .LOtfSY VERSE O F 19S9

P o t Shots:H ow I s i t me down to be a poet

H eck, poe try 's like a b e » rd - I c a n 't fro w It.

I 'd like to break your colum n like P an l B a rn e ttr -— =•

C a n 't m ake good—fues* I 'll be ■- veLT o be a vet takes food horse-

»en*e—Maybe ly * be tter le a rn to fence.

■yTo fence/$V u ( o t ta learn to foil, o u fh ia tUl the *oii.

T o n il th e soil you {u tta iaber. H cfk. I b e tte r f ive ' up righ t

ab o u t now.J o h n L. Lewi* outw eighs me by

H glity pounds.To mix w ith h im would be about

a* bad an poetry.F irs t 1039 I-oet

(\Vho»e poetry isn't dry behind th e ean )

VANITYPol «hot.i:

So cliu (em nlc of (he Apcclcn 1: va iner lim n th e mnie, .vou ^i.y?

i h r iirKiimi-iil ilMC'.'.iri, hoM wiiter At (l)c iK'lilnnliiK <ir th(! (ntl .M'limi

cldr.Mly I c miiK 10 >JB ir HirTTOTiii ni>i>

:i lorni lat ll)iil It «'

■oi.n for hi;

■I’liry ll tliinK

TTttt 10 liave

wnn n » d 4 ChrlAtmfts

..1 the fuiii- I un out of ulfltted in

explnitiii'il. —t«nh

ItV A M , Ml lAN.S. ItlllllO N N«)N TJH : riiiovK i.N i -

l)<'i>r I'’(It Hill,IsKiiili l;i 11 >ll|>iilnK Mom ono

• >r llie. hit! inutia /.llU'«I h r MipiilliK IvlU

ahoiil 1I .Ml.I. Mil |>U'». or Itrlio , wll.>^ '"IlIK'l lii^tliK 'la’ are oIIend«-<l i,y theMKht .1)1 Wl'A will ke n , .'Xinvlailyw h.'ii I lii'V'lo Wi:ilkliiH "111 111.- iffllerH'Mclen Mill <11x1ilct,-.,' H«y» .^t.e;

lh<iii VUlll IK'Kl'novn iim cn l iiiuviite imKoiriifl like it rtiM»ii

(nr III 11 aild Iho marliin

Now Hlio (.1, iniivhn (lilfl Mi>i.Mnplr.11 MAM Stiiui'ltiing here W<’WDiKh'i ir Mie’d like Ihe slioveh siuliih lii II111 M.liied iiji p retty (<«./ •

- A , M, .l„<A Khotel l.ran rr i


I ihm iio w lm t i« iu>|>|>er l«, fttil If, now iiriii Ihn m ill or l U im m tii Miil It li>t ol Uh .can (i'll youilin>ilt lirlllH 1>X llllU. r< hlli.r

—lio n llrralilc t ‘. n . A iu ittirr Ihlim T n n tlr r iis

thn Iim'M |>n|lriN >.-M<'IiIhv wh« lh ^ : "I'Vl.iulp ll»-l|) W «n(r.| M «ii, (ill wMiil'i ]nli, HHiin nml InihuI ’

NAHIY CltAt'K IIV Ay A ('iir .ix > u i

I'iilril Kdw:/lomu men inariy lJlunil*. Auine iiini ' y hill "


(iliier in n

-H ln g le • lid Happy

l '/ \N U II f l. l .A tl 'r LINK . . ra-*(. Pranhlin-Mr. Illlirr

u'l (Ik* ut| . . . "THIS (1HNTLICMAN IN


ID A H O 'EV EN rN G TIM ES. TW IN FAL|^S. IPAH Q ' Thuriday, January 6,1939



T OB' niA RA CTER B .' U I.A in — fecrelnr. *h< rrlhlBR Ih .* MWUfHO

«AS nrYWOT.DW —k BlKht )»«* B«U7%» kiBK OB (kJl

•III hi*n. C ra fll lr . C o r/r p1«B« on (hU irip (• Ull n*B (hr trath • h«nl i>l« beB f.(aror. (■•lljr'a

CHAPTE31 X V il A S r o tc y hntl p r e tU ^ d , Vi\*y

th e re s t o f t ^ p a r t y on Ih c ir w ay b ack . T t w stopped to expln in w h a t had happened , how they h a d com e to a n occl den t. S a lly w a s ’trn n sfe rrc d to (hi

je d a n _ j» M _ C e tc y _ a n d ._ C a aw en t <:

“ D fin't w o rry If w o an? In te." C orey *aid. ‘'I f . th i« keeps nn d ripp inR th is fnst

I b it

ossist.nnce.. I t w ill lake a ViWi tlm C to s e t i t w e ld e d ‘W hen we

^ finally m a k e iT g a ra g e . Y ou folks go a head e n d en jo y you r.seafood , D an and I ’ll b e a lo n g .before the n ig h t 's o ve r."

S a lly s ti ll f e l t she w ould ra th e r hav e s ta y ed w ith th e boys, p e rh a p s th e y th o u g h t a g irt w ould on ly b e In th o w ay In ge tting C orey 's c a r ba ck in shape, Shi s ti ll f e l t ' d isa p p o in te d ih n t th e evening, h a d to tu r n o u t th is w ay. T hough sho to ld h e rse lf they w 6rc lu c k v — th a n k s to D a n —to j i a v e it tu r t r o u t a s w ell a s i t had.

. S a lly w a s n o t to rea lize un til long n f te rw n rd i b o w th e w ho]^ co u rse o f h e r life m ig h t h a v e been a lte re d by th a t n a rro w escape. H ow th e c h an g e in p lans w as lo affec t h e r. S h e w as n o t to n e c t w h a t w a s to h a p p en w ith the la c t th a t sh e w e n t o n to th e shon d in n e r a n d D an w e n t ba ck w ith C o rc x .. O f cou rse S a lly cou ld p o t en joy

h e r d in n e r n e a r ly so m uch as she w ou ld h a v e h a d D a n been th e re to e n jo y i t w ith he r;. She seem ed to h a v e lo s t th o h e a lth y ap p etite w orked u p fro m h e r sw im . M aybe because o f n il th a t h a d happened In b e tw ee n tim e .

"IT w as su c h -a b e a u tllu l n ig h t ft • seem ed trag ic to w aste a m o -

m oot o f i t . . T h e d in n e r w as served on a te r ra c e overlook ing th e

- w i th - th o - n e v e r - e n d in g -w a ih -of w aves a g a in s t th e sho re , th a t shush ing , r h y th m ic sound w ith its p la in tiv e m elody . T h e crow d of yo u n g people w as no isy a n d gay, b u t t r y ns sho w o u ld S a lly could no t jo in it. S h e could n o t p ress a fee lin g o f depression, w as it a so r t o f p rese n tim e n t th a t h u n s o v e r h e r?

".'^nap o u t o f it. Sally!" one of th e boys teased , see ing h e r sitting

silen t and apart, w hirh c fr ta in ly vas no t' like Sally . '

"O h. le t h e r nlone,” B abe F a ir - :hild said. "D on 't you know S ally 's In lo v « Don’t look so gloomy. S a l; Y our sw eothcart w ill ge l h e re eventually ."

'T<iu m ean h e r two s\v e c t le s r Pydge corrected, w ith his know ing prin . "H a v e-y o u u p yourmin^i w hich one Ifll be, Sally? W hy don ’t you toss n coin? T ails fo r D an, heads for Corry? L uckym an w ins.” W ------------

‘D on 't teas? he r." one of the o the r g irls rfibukcd. "Y ou know S ally ’s so popul,ir she a lw ays h as (0 h avo m ore th a n one boy f rien d m h e r str ing ." •’ " I 'd like toJin.ikc it th ree .” an ither boy p u t in . The b rchestri

had ta k en its place on th e ptaV_ form s l^ io n e d a t the e n d 'b f Uie

i^ te r r n e e . F loodlights tu rn ed • cen te red square , rese rved for ic ing , Into a rosy rad iance .

one. V ou c ^ t tmd a lftftt a ll evening. T h a t w on 't g e t you anything."

■JVO, i t w ouldn’t, S ally kn e w th a t.Y et she could n o t h e lp th is

strange fee lM f th a t seem ed Uki a w eich t on m r heart. She knev It w as silly to feel th a t w ay . D an and C orey w ould be along very. soon. T here w as n o th ing to w o r r y ^ b o u t n t .ill.

Y et as th e even ing w ore-on and they d id n o t com e th e w e ig h t on S ally ’s h e a r t g rew heav ie r. She tried to conceal I t w ith a smile, sh? danced, every dance a n d p r e ­tended she w as hav ing a good tim e' along w ith everyone else. She told he rse lf o v e r a n d ove r th a t she certain ly w as s il ly to care so m uch because D an w as not' here , to l«el th a t ju s t b ccaus* -o f th a t th e w hole evening w a s w a s t­ed. B ut sho could n o t h e lp i t T he fac t tha t she could n o t ' sha re i t w ith him took a ll th e beau ty ou t o f th e ni(>ht, n il tho m usic o u t o f th e .-JC.n. Ihe s ta rs no longer seem ed to shine so b righ tly .

T hen w m cone said, "T h ere they arc! T here ’s Corey. I t 's abou t tim e, old m an . . ."

A nd the w eight on S a lly ’i h e .irt W.1 S llftpd, Stjir tu rn e d fo r n R lim pst o l Corey 's b lo n d he ad th a t w ould tow er ove r m o st of th e o the rs even o n 't h e crow ded ’dance ttoor: she caught' h is look, .search ing -fbr—hart—e xchanged—a- sm ile. B u t S a lly ’s eyes s ti ll w ere search ing , h e r h e a r t-b ca t s lacken ­ing. W here w as Dan? \V hy w asn ’t he w ith Corey? O h. b u t s ttre ly h e m' bcl.. Corey w ou ld n 't h ave come back w iUiout him .

T T seem ed th a t th is d ance w ould n e v er end. A s soon as it h a d

Snlly’s foot-itcps led h e r s tra ig h t to C orey. T here w as o n ly one

question w ith w hich to g re e t h im ."W here’s D a n r D idn ’t h e come

back w ith you , C o rey?" I t seem ed as though h e r v e ry life depended u pon th e .a n sw e r . T h a t h e av y fee ling , like a sw ord a b o u t to de­scend , again v /a i h e ld ove r he r. _

■Dan?" C orey sa id , Mis blue eyes d id n o t in to S a lly ’sa n x io u s x > n » ^ In |te a d he b e n t his h fa d , cup p in g Ms hands, to ligh t a ic lg e r e t .^ 8 v « w h en h e looked u ^ once m dre . h is eyes d id ' no t i n e c t h e rs , "W hy, no ." h e said ligh tly , " D s n d id n ’t come along. Y ou s«« w e ra n o u t o f g a i, I itayed w ith th e c ar, h e hoofed It teveral mlleg. T h en w e h«d to be h a u led c lea r bpck to th e city. T h ere w asn ’t a n y placo before th a t w h e re w e could ge t th e old bus fixed u p rig h t. So. since iL h a d in t 's o la te and h e w as p re tty tire d — and you know D an he.>! to g e t to w ork e a r lie r th a n tho re»t o f u s in th tf , m orn ing— w ell, he s a ld .th e ra w a . tia in hnth of_

John T. Flynn : u Says—

u s C0!t\lt\g b a c k ! o t you , SaUy." I see," S a lly sa id , slow ly. H er

h e a r t s ti ll b e a t w ith th a t heavy d isappo in tm en t. Som ehow th a t did n o t sound l ik e D an. E ven If h e h a d been tire d a n iU t had beeo.. la te i t d id h o t sound like h im . ,

Y e t I t w as tru e th a t D an had to b« a t th e oRlce on tim e and h e w as v e ry conscien tious. I t w as not n ecessary fo r S a lly to have two young m en to see th a t she was e sco rted hom e safe ly . C orey was d r iv in g th e c ar, so h e had to be th e o n e to re tu rn .

"Y ou m u itn ’t ho ld it agninst D an,” C orey sa id , m ak ing a mag­n ificen t g estu ra o f ta k in g th e ab­se n t boy 's p a r t. “ I to ld him 1 kn e w you ’d un d e rstan d . Sally . 1 even hoped y o u w o u ld n ^ m ind— as long a s I cam e back."

•'O f cou rse 1 d o n 't m ind ," Sally ta id generously . U w as n ice c l C orey to de fend D an.

•Someone in th e crow d laughed a n d rem a rk ed , so tto voice, bu t S a lly o v e rh e a rd It, "M y bets a re • on H eads. A nyone w an t to take It?"

P u d g e b a d nam ed Corey "heads” w hen h e h a d suggested Snllv toss a coin to choose betw een Jh e m . S a lly fe lt a h o t flash ( ^ n g c r . T hey w ere a lw ays m aking dares, th e se gay young frien d s o l hers, alw ays trea tin g every th ing so l lg h t l / , as If n o th ing w as of any se rious consequences. H er friend -

wi t h - Da n — — d are . A d a re th a t had n e a rly w recked tU

S a lly w as th rough w ith such nonsense. I f she could have she w ould h av e told D'nn th e w hole u u th to tiight. She s till w ould-tell him th e ve ry first chance she got.. H ow could she know th a t th a t chance w as lo st to her, p c rh ip s fo re v e r?"

(To Be C ontinued)

(OdUI a (uccMior to th»« Rodmj Duteli«i U ouned. tbe eolumo b; Jobo “ “ • ao(M) eeoiiomUt, I* Oeln*........ .. ip ie t of •■Behind th i Bceneiro W Hblnaloa.' !

By J O I I ^ T .V l YNN (NEA S«r»lc*)

HfcW Y O RK ,' J a n , 5 < N E A )-In t l » rtinge of economies no se l .ol rlrcum stances looms larger for the New Y ear th a n e v c n ti In Europe.

W h a t l^appened in those sw ift few day* of BerchW sgaden. Qodesberg

M unich now becomes clear, though w hy I t shou ld n o t have been c lear a ll along Is w orthy of wonder, since Its m eaning was described for u* s e v m i years ago by men whoknow E urope better, th a n we ds?.____

g rea t m yst«ry of th e present< E u ropean cris is to American observ.

's IS'Uie behavior of England. E n g la n d ’s p rim ary In terest fo r a

cen tu ry h a s been her immense and wioety A c a tte r^ colonial empire.



B u t now A m ericans ask E ng land haa apparen tly .abandoned th is policy—why she pe rm its O er- m&ny to expand in m ilita ry and te rr ito r ia l resources undeterred . W liy does she p e rm it F rance to th row aw ay h e r -southw estem s tre n g th w hile S pa in is abandoned to F a sc is t forces upon F ran ce ’s o th ' <irT Joundary a n d a t Uie vary eU' tran c o to th o M edilerranean?

T h e - a n s w v ,^ >^ust be th a t E ng land h a s n o t ab,indoned h e r old p la n of p lay ing o ff th e nation: ag a in s t eac h oU w r. Tho confusion 1;In th o fa ilu re lo .re a lite .w h a t na tion E ng land Is d riv ing at.

T h e 'c A u a l observer bellovcs i t Is O erm any E ng land should be shoo t­ing a t w ith h e r diplom atic a rm a ­m e n t, b u t th is is fa r from th e fact.

T h e re Is a g rea t ferm ent going on - In -E u ro p q -n p w rl t- cros seg-n a tlw n ir -be- llnes.

W h e th e r we like It o r n o t the rea listic s tu d e n t o f E uropean affafi-s m u s t see th a t E urope’s problem will slowly d iv ide upon a g rea t econ-

H r S T O R Y Of Twin Falls; City County

1 5 Y B l A K S A G O

JA N . 5.. 1924 A htl-ftlleii Irgb liU lon iiloni? the

line of C n ilfo m la a n d Wn.shinRton lir speclnl IcKisifttivo acw iw i will be ona of th e mnttcrw consltlered a t th e m eeting o f th e T w in Falls C ham ber of C om m erre dlrce lors m cfU ng TUMdny e vn ilm ; « t which

OUi Oregon (ill niiiklng

li hiRh'

DOISS;. Jnii, 5 ( a n ) -W ith 8cn> i;, Olooii, the only womon

........... of the legU luture, a.ichairm an of 11.* furo.stry com tnittec. Uie Idftho scnnip tnrtny hnd npprov- ed Uie llct of c iiaim n 'n ;wrt m rm - h c i a o f th e 28 s lnnding conuim tcei forU ieTrw iloa.^^^^^^

Approval i;a n ie ~ ir rtT T ~ li£ m ^ o v . p<in*ki W liliohenrt compil^il th e

'I'rnil nsfloclation |>liui 111.- fiimoiw trn jl ii ix wav will be nubm ltfn qiii-.sllon of rodiK'r.iiiiii' in rn t fo r Inx rn lm tlo n n i.- .n l, l l i e . lrKi,Oallori liilil lirli hy (lie I.*wi.i(oii cBni

litlee wlili-h KH>ii

nti the II move-*

l^wlntoi tr ic t, Iinhllillrcl

4""f To?%!.....

iM irliK tihorl whii-h Bupi. (allied In K) lirll bellevrn K'liiiim whlln (nr (hln rrn* > (0 lln rv a ril

III romplPdiiK hi" Mil h r h y r t ycmntt amiMlIJ llHB rPSlRlltd (.1 i;w hrrfflifl wlil <l() lll.^l KMicliifttr ■ iinil perhnpn woilt tin iih <l(igii ilycior of ptiil<«.i|iliy,

2 7 Y K A l l S A C O

JA N . R, l!l(l C M C m JlN IJ , l»f,

I.i>l‘'i>llviU', now an iv (lill.< to r Ih r |ilr,'ii iliici <111 Uin priii.iiii.-: "|)ioKrrf>n|vi< It4>|iu1illi';i h it (Irxt (lay i>t .un I'H 'Ni.icnt •I'art'd n d r i i iW iiirr tln

,'()We(l I Ihti

lit YouiigRtcmu Wlil1<' a t both

idlnod .iniMn," rloaed iiiim ignlng 111 Willi n largelyI lie Ulev«lan<lII frw lioiirsIII ih r n fter-

im viinga con- « |in1<l (o cor-

nl i-on-l.iirt of

nn t(i'Vi?liM 11) i-xplttlnln*

WIlK'nilsltl,'t i l l ' ATiiiiIni

'l>ii>HirMiiv im t llie "pro- ill th r l r ooii*

[ o v n i^ e i i t of

You May Not Know That

lly NAOMI R, MANTIN ,'I 'l i i 'i 'n n i 'i t ) -lK h t in o u n -

litliiH I n I d i i i i u o v i t r U ,0 0 l lreel hlirli.


mm ltt' I [1stTlie sclectloiu: ,Asiitnilliirc-’i'npper m-l.incoln)

chairman; liath <R-I3nnndary); Sanborn <Ii-QooiiliiKi. Mliidowuy (F-rri'niont), WliilanTa (R-Rlng- hnm). WIsiicr (It-l’aynlte). HtfTb' (Il-'rw iii FiiUfl), n ie m i (R-t.fttnlu, Ciirrtiff (R'Clnirw.iter), Derr (D- Bonner), D«* Voo iD-Jeromt-), New­port (U-Ci.nyoii), Uaird (D-Adai.

Ilanhn nii.l IlBiiklnc Diiiikn anil l)tinkiii<{ - Wi|Miim.t

(Il-ninKfTfTrni, <liiiirmfln;’ 'nipiirr (It-I.iiifolni.lliirlow lK-Cil1^lll).I):l- vl,i tU-I'owen, Uolrtrii iR-linime- vlile), Devof ip.Jeromrt. Diiird lO- A<ln>, Kii'li (D-ltrar Lukej, Counuii (D-Einiorr),

(:or])oi»tli..i.i Hull. rhulniian; N iiy (rt-MlnldoH.o, IJnrii (R-Clarkt. It n th (R-Uomularyi. llrrim (It-l.iitnht, Kfllry (U-Ciis- trr). I.. A. I'rena iD-KiHiletmli. DuImI <P-A(1i>), Pugmlro (U-lian- imrk),

(.'ountli'.n .11

(R-^utte), Tapper (R-Uncoln) Ryan (D-Shoshone)i Fugmire 03- Bnnnock).

ln.sur,-Mite - Ham ( if f i la r k ) , (;linlrman: CRrrtlff iR-Clcarwa(er), Rohlm m-Benewah). Olsea, (H- Bobcj, Mitchell (D-LcwLs),

Irrigation, Water Irrigation and Water Resources—

Hanien (R-Dutte). AalrmSn: Tap. per (R-Llncoln», Siamway (R-Fre- mont), Neale (R-Twln Palls). May lR*_Ml(tldokai. Harris (n-Cfttlhoul, Hanson (Jt*Tptfin>. Urojvn <R*Owy- liee). Cannon (n-Flnioie'i, Rich (R- Bear I.nkH. Rlcby <n.Madl.^on), Pnird <D-Ada), Uonnrt • (D-Wuiili- InRtonJ- <

Joint Rule,n-Erker.icll (R-.IrffeK son), rhRlrnian: Unrlnw (R-C.tVsIii), ponart (D-Wafihlngton). .• ■

. lo i ir n a l -- Mav (H-Mlnldok'n), rhntrmnn; fikldowny IR-Frrmniiti, Ityan in-aiioMichri.

Jiidielary-Uoiam (R-Ronnevlllri, fhiilnnan; I7nvls iR-Power), Roh- ina (It-Benewniii, FIrid (R-A(l|m»i Neale (R-Twin I'all,>), Dnnart (D- WnMiinston).

Mve.itork - N e w e ll {|{-Oeml ehalnnan: HarrI.i iH.O a r »bo ui, Hrown <K*Owyhpe), HIddoway (Re- rmmont), Tiifijx-r (il-I.Inroln), Hiin.i (D-I.emhl). Iliiikeliniin (L)-l<li\^).

iiiK rI, Itryiiiiiai :rlm<ii> in -liitiii

l i i .in illc n I n*nii ( ll-T rl (in lU-l>lll^<'l, IIIMay

IdKby <l)-MAdUnii), I.. A]

Kiliirnt (U-A<tiiu> I 'rank lln l(n (h •It-’ilii

i1 InnlKiitliiiiA - Meld (•Hn(rman; l(ea (l\ tu -

WlliiKmn <lt-niiu(lu>iin.

, Ni-w|)iiil iD-Citnycini, ■.fwla),1K . nni Illll«'-- HpiikI n e), fhiilrrnaii; Wllilnm ihionMM. Finin iI)-Ki>i iiollo.l imi»-lliirilo <1 . rliiilriniiu; WiMier i: I, Hliikeliiinii lU-ldahiii.

KInanre iiiiiK'c Harlow ( It- i iiniiii; Main rR-rtiirki, i-'riiiikiini, lliili irt-Oii

1-0), Nei■ a

n il) and <lanie -.Kelirr i|<-i!iin- ten. rliDtrnWin; nmiAeii ilt-liiii|ci llP'igln iH-Bluiiii'i, Kliiii (Il-Ad- nniA). IlohiiiB (ii-llenewah), Wirxiei lii-i'uyr(le), Klcli il>-ltenr i.nkti Uniwii (D-Valleyi. tiinin lU-Lemhll,

Kor«,Uy-OUi.ti (lt.f»i.U«). I'liHii. man; Urenn <lt-l,atnli>, (inrdllf <lt- Olrarwateri, Italh ilt-llomidarvi Deir il)-iioniirrl. llKiwn iD-Vai- Iru. Hiiim il)-U'iiihii.

lUKliwayn. Il^ill8e^ hnd F r n le n - Hnnijoril. (R-Ooodliigl. clialiman: llailMill (|t-T<-|iiill. K ailry iR.UuK- ( i n . Hall ill-O ii# ida), Uoiialn l i t . H laiiiel, bX'lierfiell (n-JnfttrR on>; ritwell tR -a c m i , W U iitr (it'Pay.

Brown (D-Valleyi, Krh (P> N il I'eniei, lllnVi'hniui <U-ldaluu

On Voo (D-Jfmore).

Milnage-Neiile rhalrnmn; Krlicv noi<|n (»-Cainr<ni. ' Military ami

Urenn Ut-I.atah) inn Ol-neiKv iiJi IilnKhi MItchi

», Cam


( D ^ l-

liami(' I’m leli llj-I.r'


nialno), r ilaryi, <; Bmwn I

W e i . V (»-I.rmh1

I'rivll-'Ki (It-l'owei C.'BMlaPerr



1 l.irc linns - Ui«vb iliiniiiii Barlow <R- I 'li <lt-l>oiiiievlilAl D . RlRhy (D-M adl-

iM>ii (B -T aton) haJininii, liirim iK.-i,iilAh), IViiiir- rli iK-JrireiMiU), I'Irb (O-Net ■errei, Rigl.y .ij-M.idMn).

I’libllc l.niiihi HUhlDWiu (It-Fre. nonti. rtiiiiriniin: llarrla (R-Onri M'lij. Nrwril Ilt.drnii, Hansen <U' NuKri, iv v.»' lU-JcriiiiiP). Hys" ■p-Hh(»hoii..|, lirnwn (D-VBllay).

>'iibilii JliaiilwUoUin*‘•all), i''|ii«ii; Kckei'Aeir (ll-Jef-

Men«ie (K-Iilalna), Neali Davis (U-Po»i":r), (K-Owylita). rhalr-

ll-(Jooiilng), Holden iii-i><ini|rviii«i, Hall (K'Oncldal IllHi iD-llear U kei.

Hli((r Affnlin - Itnadi iit-Fraiili' itii'. <hi.lrmim: Hailow (R.qaaalB). :<k r l| iK.Jefrenioni, Hall <U-

oiMldii), iiarn ' (U-OIarki. Newell iU (lem<, Flald dt-Adiimsi. Iloldrr (H Hriimevillei, ft<inl)i)rn (R*O00d' Ini), mwiKirt ili-Cajiymi), Krb (D' Nr l'erroi...J)unatl lU-WaniiUil- luni. Reynold* (U.<J>niaal.

Il(-‘I'W|||n ii im - n K

inm u Mitnbo

U b unknow n who inv*Bt(KJ n rH 4 4 f* .m a k in « m achine , bill Ki>l|l*limaii naineil Hainmoiul and M l p a rtn e r , Oratx-, m ade th e Inl- t u i a t te m p li In 1788,

Because h e r In tere sts In the of la n d w ere everyw here bu t in rope she m ade i t p e rf« t ly cleai E u ropean governm ents th a t she had 10 om bltlon on th e c o n tin e n t

B u t w hile she h a d no territo ria l im bitlons the re , she h a d very g r « t

In tere st In R jevcntlng any contro l­ling pow er from gain ing complete d tjpilnance. T ills was essential to th e p ro tec tion of he r em pire h e r trade .

T h ere fo re shc 'sk lllfu lly played off one E u ropean n a tio n again st inoU v

id succeedcd p re tty well.

T he Family Doctor

(F ir s t o f tw o articles)B T D R. M O RR IS FI8HBF.IN

E dito r. J o u rn a l o f th e American M edical Aasoolation. and of

ny g e la , th e R^aUH M agailne W htfn '-H ^ 'iim nn being flnda'-that

In flnm m atory chnnijes have taken place in th e blood vcMcb w hich re s u it In fa ilu re of th e blood to c ircu­la te , pa rticu la rly In th e feet, h e U confron ted w ith a' Berlou.1 condition. F requen tly these columns, havo dls- lussed ThromboanglKLs objlternrw, ivhlch U th e technical nam e for tho cond ition called Buerger's disease

O ne of th e m w t sfljlous passible reMilta t.-i. «>{ covirse, th e loss ot limbs w hich have to be removed hecau.M th e tissues have died,

T l)« d isease m ostly affect.^ m«r botw een thn arc.i of 2n and nO. Al one tim e It wna found th a t It uf- fectrrl p a rticu la rly (lie Jewish peo- p lo u in d H int it was alnm-d Invar­iably ansoolnled w ith men. Morr reren lly luirneroun rase.i havn h»eti

if !lno. t lOiiO pniliell.

In om !Q per c e n t '«(

» w ere Jew s and 73 pe) r r no t Jewliih. T eh yean

iKo (he flgurefl ^llowed th a t 5fl pei

the patlei

o,f Hie pnllenla e .lewi46 p e r cen t w cic iint Jt'w bh

O no of. th e m ost Interesting as- pecta o t th is condition la the rain tionsh ip of th is (llseiiie tc. Dkwo who snlokn Txeesalvrly peitients were ela^^lfln(t i\n (o (ho num ber of

smtiked daily, th r .llr ,it a rouv Is |>er day In

varylliK fmm (o :>o ur mor (hfl roiirth’i

Korn of (Ik

fore hreak r e n t of ilir, sm okers nnrori/.icleicil

have ile d n llr .{(eri, vesiela and nl«.i on of th o hlmiil

Him I the

*'■ lirthe fourth grouii in 00 clKnietes a day,

iiiniu wsn III the hal)- : 'Jit .olKnrelfl <Ul|y be­ll Nloelv-throe pet V">'rnt ,vrra clwnret i»l l>M rent nilKhl lie

'iM'l;liiK rKc-f«eiveiv. !)>'' iiumrirKiei found iiliiiMl *nitio.MVte to

with (hl4 dia-

e,ilal>llshe<l liy mnoking dor D ll.Ilia htooi

:he circulation

I la so sei ask w liat (heir

lie fiiliire. T he II recoiitiy atud mi i-nnes Ixillnve 1 and ediinntlon •eriilng the

I'ombined w ith in d feet will «i le lives Ilf thoea )lliar. faulor

IK llllOp a tien ts fri rx iw ctancy In [nr physicians who ha' led fliniosl a iIumik th a t aarty <)hiH«on of tlin iiKlli'iit ■'(II tiirn nr hin (lisrani r a re o f (lie linnds m ore (0 ieiiKllim ( p a tien ts th a n any

f i K X I I t a r e o f

Still Coughing?»v « n If o th e r m e d lX e h a ^ l l i d ,

S S S E Swonl.M tl for I t p la ln lr .aM ^ a tth c

f« r C o u 9 h io r C h M tM 4 i

omlo Issue—th e conlro l o f th e econ- omio system .

W ill I t be contro lled by th e Com- m uD lsta-or-by-the-S ;a«eista.oc-by.tba )lghly priv ileged a ris to cra tic ruling :las»e( in th e va rious countrlee7 .

F o r E ng land tire (juestlon Is: W lil E r i ^ n d '8 life ^ s n U « t e d ' to an attsc lc t t p o n - b f f ^ l n g classea from ajyr-source?


T o those groups th e re is b u t one rea l enem y In E urope—a t l e u t sd tho Chamberl& lna th in k , ^ a t ene ­m y is R ussia,

B a d 4 s M ussolini U, v ile aa H itler seem s to them , a t le a s t they figh tMIT84IB* «neray:— :---------- 777

T h e ope g'reoj p rob lem Ih E u - \ rope today is fo r E ng land to Iso­la te R uss ia a n d If. we u n derstand th a t. I t Is qu ite sim ple to see how successful B ritish dip lom acy has been.

LltUe by litU e Uie ba ttle fled Is being; dc-U m lted. /

I t Is to be a b a ttle betw een R us­sia and C om m unism on one tid e and b e rm a n y a n d F ascism on th e o^her. U ndoubtedly I ta ly wUl be In th a t,

B u t th e a tage is being se t, an<T ^ th is 'is th e -fa c t, fo r a w ar th a t E ng­lan d c an keep v u t o f a n d in w hich G erm any will be f ig h tin g t h ^ b a t - tle o f M r. C ha m b e rla n ’s school of tho ug h t.

I t will be Ume m o u g h . tftlnJu Mr. G ham berlaln , to deal w ith G erm any a n d I ta ly w hen b o th h av e e xhaust­e d them selvea In th a t titan ic s trug- sle(Copyrigh i IMS, N EA S errlce ,' Xiic;)


B U RLEY . J a n . 5 (S p e c ia D -L a s t tr ib u te will be pa id to Miss M yrtle C ranney a l 1 p. m . Friday- a t- the O akley L, D. S . ta b ern ac le w hen funera l serv ices hiB he ld f o i^ th e a u to ic c ld e n t v ic tim o f a New Y ear s m ishap a t T h e D alles, O re.

B ishop S. B. C rone will o fflcU te a t th e fu n e ra l In OaW ey. ln te n » « .\'- - is to be In M arlon cem etery.

Received T odayT h e body of M iss C ranney was to

_■ recelY cd -ly -th e P a y n e m o rtuary h e re th is m orn ing . I t will be taken to th e fam ily residence In M arlon F rid ay m orn ing , a n d m ay be viewed by friends u n til th e tim e of seM cefl.

A lthough detaU ed fa c ts o f th e O regon a cc id en t a re n o t y e t defin­itely know n he re . M iss C ranney and f r l tn d s w ere believed ’to h a v e been on a ho lldoy tr ip a t th e tim e o,fHlie crash . K en n e th R o b e r t B trlngfleld. b ro th er o f M iss C ra h n ey ’s b ro th er- in -law . Is unde rstood to be s ti ll in serious condition fro m h e a d I n - ' Juries.

M iss C ranney , d a u g h te r of Bishop W. T . C ranney , M a rlo n , h a d been

/w orking fo r th e J . C. Penney com ­pany a t P o rtlan d o f te r being tr a n s ­ferred -there fro m th e O akley P e n ­ney sto re . '

S u rv tv o nsu rv ivo rs include th e f a th e r , s tep - •

m other, a n d these b ro tlie rs a n d sis­te rs : C lyde*and K e n n e th C ranney, O liv e r C ity, Calif.; M rs. W llda F re e ­stone a n d A riel C ranney , Burley; Mrs, F lorence M cB lm ey, Moscow; Mrs. L eah Fu ller . M u rta u g h ; D«an C ranney. O akley ; M rs. C laire S trlng - fleld of Coldwell. — -

M iss C ra n n ey ’s b ro th er, G erald, died recen tly a n d h e r m o th e r suc­cum bed a num ber of years ago.

U M TYMrs. S a ra h Bower Ig visiting a t

thu hom o of h e r sons, Noel and Jo h n SIqulst. M r. a n d M rs. Bo«'er a re leaving soon to m ake U )elrhom e 111 C nlllornia.

Mr. and M rs.,G eo r«o H uber en- (erm ined (tie Ju s t-a -M e ro club,and m em bers’ husbands a t a Y ear's eve supper.

Rex a n d Fay B ingham e n te r ta in ­ed o t a da iichig p a rty New Y ear’s

Mr. a n d Mrs. R ona ld T insley spen t the ho lidays Id Califo rn ia,

Mr. a n d Mrs, E arl H osm er and baby, AihUiii, re tu rn e d home a fU r ipe iid lng a week a t tho WUlUni ' ■nnsley home.

M r. a n d M rs. Bamuvl B a n ir tr aml dftUBhters, a n d M abel. l» v oretu rn ed from n v isit in QKrtei).

•I'heroii Doynce h a s conciiuled a holiday vlMi n t th o Elila lii im e tl home a n d r««umed h is studies a t thn UiilverAlty o f Idaho,

Mrit. Cleorge H aycock, Nyssa. O re , spen t M oiulay a t th e hom e o f h t r " son. H arry UuyciKik.

A, I., ici'e ivcil It IjadlycriislMd tli ii.l l inge r on lila le fl liuiul w hen h e go t I t c a u g h t In a p o u to so rler Friday ,

T hn (wo rh lld r« 'n o f Mr, and Mrs. ile rriiaa H loker a re cunvalesoing from pneiiiiionla.

ICritesl M nthnwa la recovering from bruises a n d a b ra s io iu received as Ills W oyrh Was Involved in a colli­sion w ith a e a r F riday ,

A t L ast ■The T ru th About


n MiuM ihi* HAUi':, Hr.NBiiii,iC vu»■ at hiimi and hari li In

ii ol all tu l!ii.r»i, («ur n>«»u t<;>i

r (un<Ulvnln« l>/ r.Amtal af irtumx-

r Mien A lf< m N iN ir-l /n » h rV u

7nnhf*"uM l;i> .rlii,lt HraMkin U NOT kiiMNl. i( I* n»l N il «nt m U

•nd nmntvTi m tan a r t ' ,

Tliuraday, January 5i 1939 ID A H O .EV EN IN G TIM ES, TW IN F A I l S. IDAHO Page FiVS



W ASJIINQTON. J hiv. 5 (U.P)-,:) f.^rvfittve EJemocmt.'; anti HcpuDll ])rfpAr«d toclny for n on a Wiat fro n t ncaln st ilic forrlKn a n d dom es­tic p rogram s' PrcsldN it RooM*relt oud ined In iLs' i>tAtc of the union address to congrcAs.

Isolntloiitt.^ chnrged ttie PrM l' (Im t dpslrfd to appo in t tHc U nltpd Stiiir.i ns "world pollcem nn," nnti

—stirH a— poitTT— rvm m im yt-T B T in pliiiiRr llic rouiU ry Into wtir. Ecoiv omv bkn; leadrn i p ro lesled con U iiuation of largc-Kcale Apendlng, and w crr ready to chaJlengc budget recom m endallons. L egtfla lors r ln m - nrlic: fo r dra-Mlc ipvlslon of New Dcnl laWR. pa rllru la rly th r n a tional labor re la tions net, deplored ab ­sence of apcclflc W hite H ouic pro poKab.

L eading ndm ln islra tlon opponents p red ic ted conBrew wguld "affcept Uiu responsibility" fo r reducing govern' m e n t actlvlllcs. T hey inK rp rc ted a; he ra ld in g ’ th e end of New D eal eX' [w rim entntlon the P residen t’s ns .sertlon ‘'(h e ptkst th ree congrewes have m e t In p a rt o r .In whole tlie prp.'slng* needs of the new order of tilings."

Broad C'liaiijccsU ntil th e ftdm lnlalrntlon prepares

hl>ecific rccommendBtloii.s on fordlgn


R E U C io U S FREEDOME dllpr. Evening Tim es:

I no tice by Uie •'T lm w " of J a n . 2 th a t ft d ancc In K im berly wa.s ha lted by officers of th e Inw cntLv Sunday mfipt^lng Thl< nctlnn wn's ri'quc-«tcd by o n t o r m ore c lcrg jiucn . a u il was ,Utken because of the existence of a S u nday law In th e s ta te of Idaho . W hile 1 do no t s tep fo rth Into Ihe a re n a of th e "Public Forum " to d e ­fend donees or dance hulls, I do -itcp fo rih 111 defense of th e principle.'} of relig ious freedom which are violated

such law;

_ ,, on th e Sitbbuih. T ill ' broiiBlil. n im ’iitlo opcn conTlirf witli tl ie .)p « - Lih leaders, who m cusfd Him of Sabbalh-lircaK lnK wln-n, iii fiict. He w as bfealclnR «ml scu in c fi'lrin onlv those al»ftckle.>; of inHn-mude in i- dltion. T lin l He did niW tireak Ihe S nbba tli H-'-plf in biciikluc mmi- m edo com m ands nboui li»w ihi- ctnv should be obsrrve<l U rvKleni fruni His sim ple sliitpmpiii, ' i htivp k<i'' My FaU ier's com m niiilm nils John 13:10.

Tliose who lotiuv Mi-'.l.tlii th r rhargc.s of cilllr.l','. riirm ir;. tliiit Ih' broke th e Sabbnlh .■•houUl hi\

(jf na tio n al de fc iuc and n riitrn lliy congrcM lonal Jeadi-rs will conren

. I ra te on propw^als for broad ehnnges In <xW htv law, .

B l-pnrtl.snn’i!iouj).s have demiindod repeal of th e reciprocal iriidc irea iy net, c u rtn llm eh i of th e powers of tltc n a tio n a l labor rclntlons board, overhaul of farm legl.slfillon.'Uberal- l7.atlon of oW-Bge iK-nslon provL'-lnns i)f th e focml ^^curlIy ncl, niul

. chani{rs in relief adm in istra tion , l^ ic Prc.-,ldcnt Intends to a.'k con-

Rress tQ a p p rop ria te betw een »700,- 000.000 and J7.'i0,000.000 to conllntie W PA u n til th e fijcnl year r n d ^

■ .hine 30. O pponents of flic p rcacnl l^llof sy.«em were w aiting the be­ginn ing of debate to o ffer varied

• p lans to " ta k e , politics ou t of re ­lic t" or abolish W PA a n d tu rn it.s fu n c lb n s over to th e states?

'"Non’PartlwnjftranJ* ‘A dm inli.tratlon leaders hoped to

repuL w 'tl»ese attack.-! by . agreeing to c e rta in Innovations. Includhis

^ r e a l l o n of non-p tirtl.'an boards In ? v a y county lo Inv rfllga te com- p la lnw of pohtlcnl a c tiv ity .’ Tl,iey nlso revealed Mr. Roaicvelt lias tx - irn d ed civil servlcc to approxim ately 35.000 W PA adm inistra tive offirlals.

Mr. Roo-sevelt m entioned llic labor problem a fte r te lling congrcfS the r o u n tiy expeclcd I t to improve New Deal m achinery. •'M ail of us nc he sa id , " th a i for t h e ‘Snkc of p ioyer and rm p lw ee ollke wc mu-it find woy.s lo end f a e t lo n y labor s tr ife a n d emijioyer-empltfvec dls- piilps.” . _

T h e ndmlnLsU'atlon Indicated tl.s wllllnRiie.vs In spon.'-or an Inrrense oM-nRc penAlon ra te s u n der th e .s elal herurlt.y act.

CioYcmnienl reo rgan lw llon . w hich th e la s t congrp.-vs ri-fii.sed to .•ianclloii,

• rem ains a vital p a rt of the P resi­den t's progriun.

T h a i th e taw Ihus Invcikrd l.s n re- llgioa*; law . and no t ou r i>riniarilj In tended to guaran lpe Uip w orklnt m siv one day of re.M in l;.shown by the circunisLanep.s a tte n d ' Ing Ihe Incident. I t Is perlin tly ilg h l a n d p roper, according to law, d ancc BL any tim e o the r lh a n S u n d a y . T lie fac l th a t an ac t w hich 1.S regarded as propCT-on iiuy o the r day Is m ade unlaw ful on 5und»y re­moves a ll g round for p retex t -ihal th e law liA’oked I s .n o t a rc-ll^lous law. T h a t d e rgym en were re.-;! slbie fo r th e action of the officers tcnd-s to stre n g th en th a t fact.

T ills Incident tu rn s our m inds back to th e day huv.s of New T es tam e n t tim es. T hese liiw.s orltf-

f f i ‘(hpVoiinrlJ.l; o f meit whc were endenvorliiR lo .'.urromid Ihc re s t day w lih inan-m aii*' bulw arks. T hey d id no t have the ir stiku i in the Scrl]>lure.s, an d Ihus were not Scrlp - tu rin , even thouKfi they nati to cio w ith Ih r observance o f n dtty th a t G od H lnueU had <oiumnndcd. co n ce rn in g thc je-m w .t, ou t Jew ish au th o ri ty .su ie s ; "Thprp "'.i.s n m om en t, from th e afternoon before th e S ab b a th , '(ill the clo.'.e o L S a b - b a th . b u t wliftt Uierc was some law w hich bound th e m an e ith er to do

no t lo do."—'‘P raeilra l Lcs.^ons," p, 31S by F. C. Gilbert.

S ln rc inan-ni'.tilfi re s t d-iy law s w ere no t.S crlp iuva l. a n d were

In ha rm ony w ith th e -o b jec t of. th e S ab b a th com m and, Jc.'ius found H im self ou t Of ha rm ony w ith iliem . He endeavored, by jirefept jin d r \ -

niplo. lo leac li w h at wa.s Uie rifihl, i.'i well ns the law ful, course lo p m -



{Student Leaders Offer Greetings SIOOENIS HONOR

jam viciiPhysica l actlvHv and hand lrra !

work, supplem ented w ith .sperliii ■ Ixjaiii evenl.s such a-s to iim am enls , parllp.' ^K*me conte.^ls a n d . ^oclnl parllej.. q ^ , will fea tlire tli r w in ter rec re a tio n . p riiu ram In Uie new Tw in Full* w re;y(ton cen lc r, I t wa.» nnnouiirerl i ,|f„. on ,,, here th is u flen ioon ;iiy Ml.^i Vrnil.s, \,<)uirl RU'lmrds, a .s.ibtanl p rojects su p e r-i '|vl.-or fo r IhLs d W rir l. | ,„„i , .....

•m e new e cn lc r Li located in Ihe ] m h .. Hnlmon th e rh ee r leader. M... liulldlnir form erly oc^l^)|^d by lh p |n a rc i lU '-.m iitrs!<ir;u of Hie Glrl- N azarenc e hn reh a t 30- T h ird a v r- |ip „ ^ „ ^ , virijinia cHa^e, a n d of tiv iHie n o r th . A t (he p resent tim e Mlv. |

lo r the N c aders 111 Twill P iilh h ic h .sc lN ] re now on th eI till- ^'lino; tho lop l.s a <ilvrr

bH.'kKroiiiul, and s Kreeii,by Boily lU liiegar.<i<'iit, e en t- rs th e ; Tm.Miny iii ui n in In f\iii W ishing y«iu g o tx l' Iit.s f„r Leiin F. A calturri, 111 ail yoiii a c l lv i - |i i ld i>;tskell)nll iibiyer wh<

■ ' Ncb’ y .-a i '

III 'R L FY , .l;in S cKii.', lal f e l l ' " i a l l ' l e t c s aii<

' f r i r n < ls p .'U l l a s t lin i:

R. K unkel conducting th e requiem

ITie Burley high .'cliool basketball cap ta in . hlghU- popular In .tchool and tow n cln'le.s, wa.s In jured Dec. 2( w hen he Jell fron) a m otor c a r while f r lc n d i wore, drlvlnn ihro«iftl) BKge- bnuili x>n « rab b it h u n t.

Fu lly 150 seniors a ttended the fii nc ra l rile s in h butly. A th lrtlc chib m em bers form ed a re.-pivlng line for th e funera l eo ilen- and weri! es­co rts a t th e r lu ireh and a t th e eem - pl<-ry. Meinlwr^ nf the club w rr t pallbearers.


to give factory workera on production lines m ldj-raom lng im d

■uXternoon snaeks, w U u u t loss of tlrne~frpin -worki htui desiKned by -K-manufacluitm i miR^tuiy.-------

■I'linRs troin the en i, CtH'll Jo iip '.

lira su re r , RHa

. irar in rfor an open house will be held In the lu r r T h e proRram w nf th e cen te r a n d 'w ill oUn penult I o ir l.s’

residen ts lo Inspert trie new | 0 0 ,,.).

been sin , for no Illhli' tends th a t the 10 rom r was .sel aside before Hip > los- tlie fou rth precept of tiuii la« demn."! S abbalh-break ln t;' a.s ,-.11 since i h a t liiw. even In Hie urn thove who would set it iislclr, \

e u n til Christ died on ih ra t would have been gullly ........ . .Me ac tually broken tlie Subb.uh, 1 ed, MLw RlcfSrd-s annouiiced U u l

Ic wa.' chaiRed w ith <loln;-. t each S a tu rd ay , s ta r tin g a t JO a. m , I t i i IntcreslhiR to note th i.i v l:ile 1 would he designated as children'.'

Je su s kep t the Sabbnlh liseU. n o -I diiy a n d will Include

<il ’ q u n riers .-D ate for tnp-nfrieUTTi]Tnr 111 1 ing h as npt.-iU! .}>«(, been «•!

; Children!* |) ,y


• r r^ le rledt nam ed by

■i'wo. o fficers welw£> new offlclal.-i ........................Mdgle Valley Cam era elub niemlM'r:! Ml ilielr n>eetlng In dubroorjis under Ihe Rank and TriiPii compiiny la^t nlulit.

Victor Cloerl/en wa.s le-rinnieil pre.slOeiU. and Howard W hem iin w»n leelecled .senetftrv-tjeRhutvr. 'l lw (rrafiiiier past was form erly j.eparale, biil-wa,-i I'omblned w ith W isem ans ^e•(-l^lnry^l^lp, Nam ed a j llrst vlce- in rsldn iii iti churiio .Mill ]ihcito- firnlihv wa,i Iltidy W lrh l; ^e<•oml vifc-pre.shtent In ehiirge of motion plc lu ies It I.poi] Hethrl.

Wli-hi took Ilm l place In the «-n- liuKement. dlvU'lon <it Uio vUili's lim iillily piliii I'iSinprMllori. Marlley MrlH.i rnpliilecl Ilf.M In the. lo iilae lpH

llt'HI. ,M-MKN WIN.IKItOMK, -dun. I, (fipt'.'liiU I,e.l

hy Wliicidir, who m’0K'<1 10 iioliits, .th i ' liiviulliiK Hull! M -M en In.-it niKhi

■ lianilfii (he ,Ii-ioiu" M -M cn 11 'J i-lll deJi'ftl II) II Tvk’lii Kails 1,. IJ, «. aiakp iianketlinll gam e hem last nitiht,

(Uityi'iiinl), .leruuie le iile i, lopjx’d

SHOSHONE. Ja n , 5 >S|)C('laU— Som e of th e active natives wlvo believe In early compliance with th in g s In general are rig h t on the Job w ith Ihe proposed $5 a u to ­m obile llcen.'o law, A.ssessor R. H. B urns rejw rts th a t he has receiv­ed sonic applications for c a r 11- ceivscs enclO 'ln^ a $5 Itccn.-'c teo. notw lth.standlnt: the m eaiuro has n o t y o i- ie cn enacted in to law.

A ’ mea.sure advocating tiic flat f ty l.s expected to be lnlradiire<l .soon 111 llie .stale legislature i in session.

IN LICENSE CASHT ran sfe r of J124.05 lo the M ur-

lauiih-’ hlKhway ■ dLslilcl fioin 'f^vlii r . ills highw ay d lstrlc l a nuto 11- fen.*** f^iid.s had 'been aullinrired today by the board of coiiniy com- ml.'.sloners.

T h e ' tran.sfrr coiriTK'd e rio in In npportlonnient of the lleeiisi' funds. O liver W, John:,on, secretary of the M urlnugli hlijhway dlstrlri, p ir,seiit- etl II list of's sold to lesUlenl.s of the M urtaiixh d l* trlri and c redi­ted If) UIp Tw in Falls d istric t by ml.-tlake,

Tlip Irapsfer leprc-'iPiiteil only nhoiil h a lf Ihe ariKUiiil liaiiiiipd hi Ih ls m a itiip r'fo r ilie N^iriniiKh dls-

Hlinliar In in sfe t. IoIjiIIIiik 07:1 11 wa.s rereiillv a iipiovrd by th a com nll.vslllnel^ In fnvor of the Filer hiKh wav d h lr le l from th e Ihilil, Twin F a lls a n d M utlnugh dl.ilrlct.'

C'hniiKPs III the license nmiiey ap- IxuH oiin ien lso iie iimi'hIIv iieceMim «‘aeli yenr bennisfi of Ihe fu rl lluii m iinv purc;liii,sein of tnolnr pliit'-s live so »'lo.-e lo d istric t boiindailH. lh a l <'<>n aiLses lii iiedllliiK o{ fimds.

Fiincrul Held for Charles A. Miller

.IKHOMK, Ja n . ,-1 (f’p e rla li . Fliiieti.l se iv ires fur (;|i«rle> A M il­ler. li-.>. ploiieiT irsldelit, who mu <-mnl'eU «ttei- H lii isn in n illn rss ni hln luiiiie l in e Moiidnv weie held at Ihe Wiley funeral hnme •niuiM hn'

IC'V. Jo h n MeCiure. pn.stnr iif (lie ................. r lliu e h , oKlclated Inli'i

w here do we find Him pel o th e rs lo ob.-.ervcJils day ol le-i, Tliosc w ho did try ui enfurix'.Jwial. rellRlon were no t foilnwers nf ChDvi, He a n d His followers eiiihodii'ii in th e ir lives the princlplp.s n; ttip G olden RnJ'*. "U’h.'il.oeier te th a t m in .should di) lo >oit. il > \e even »»rt(3 them ." M an " I'-’.

T hose Individuals who desiic :n observe Sunday , Sa tu rday , or ju v o th e r a ay or"liic~\\TeV us iriTiiv re st, c'hould be allowed to do .- o, hut they should no t In terfere wjih (niu r ■pw jple'.w lR hr io work.o;- |)];n cu t h a t d a y . Any olhur stand is inr; m ha rm ony w ith the te;ichlirt( ami p rac tice of, and lay.- ih r fiuiii- d a lio n fo r. rellKloiis, le«l'.iailon. w hich, in lu rn , le a d s ' lo n-ili;i(ius jiei-secullon.

It 1.^ 0iir prlvllepe to i i in ir - pealinB Hicse Sundnv la«s in « iii - liig to o u r repre.spiitailvps in liniv" and asking Ihclr a,vsi.suitice Ju un.- m a tte r.

Re.speelfullv vniiv.GKOHOK W, c n A M m ;u .s .

R l. 3, T w in Falls.J a n . 4.


h a n d ic ra f t fo r' from five I elaht ypiir.n o f age. Storle.s. dram all untlvltles, slng lne sam es and other form s of activ ities •'will also be held lo r th e young.itci:*. All young peoplp up to high school age will be wel- (o d ir to a tte n d Sfltitrdn.v. l>oth diir- liii: th e m orn ing and th e afternoon.

At 2 p, m . on a lte rn a te Saturday.? a tna rlonetle show a n d stories and d ram atization.s will be . pre.sentwL

"eoneiuflea w iu) commuriify slnafiig. O th e r fictlvltles will follow a fte r th a t ,h o u r u n tll .4 p . ,m . - , . . .

D iirlne Ihe week on Tuisda.v.s. W ednesday.s and T hu rsdays from 2 p. m. to 4 p.- m. special da.sses for women will be slaged . T h e ten tative pro»!ram will Include ba^ikelry,. p i te r of pa rls work, nnd pain ting well a.s spwlnp. 'rtiese rla.w .s t be fnr women of posl-.vhool age.

Sehool P un llt riflfli day du ring th e week, from

4 p. m . to 0 p. m.. tlie cen te r will be op?n to a ll school ch ild ren with a wide va rie ty of activities being pf- Irred.

rvei.lMB clasw ii. w hleh will s l t r l .Tt 7 30 p. m . a n d la s t unt^ll 10 p. m.. ivill be str ic tly for adulw 17 year.s of age or over. MLss R ichards said.

T he gam e room of th e new cenlcr will be open two )ils lits eoch tnr-irttnrTs-nnrmn-rnhn^lsn’ both ch ild ren and adults. T ills .sche­dule w llt'be KUbJecl to change in Ihe event .of specia l acllv ltles being .^hc- duled.'

•E nrollm ent da te in a ll h and icraft classe^s will t e an nounced later.

T he proKiam p lanned for the win- ■r m on tlis will be nresen ted for aii'

J A M U A R Yc l e a r a m c e


Thi.s‘1 ju s t n usual first o f th e y ea r (’Icar- ancc Snie. T h is is .som ething c x tn i. M ost o f our repularly low priced, sh o es m oved ou t th e w eek fo llow in g ,C’hri.stm as. B u t our stock m ust be reduccd still fu r th er and now w e are offcrinj? IIETTEII sh o « s a t th ese d rastica lly rcduccd p riccsr Shop ou r en tire s(och »n n 4 y o u ’ll ajfrce is^ sa le Is -som ethinK “extra ."



tR U -P O I MThifl fiimouH .hIioi! is.bcintf pricod liHpocliiWy for this cU'iiruncc lowHS —

$4.98 ’ STYLE-EZE

Aiinlijfl' fiiinmi.s Selby Hliof lliat will I'iiiil pli'iily Ilf buyers (iiiniiK lliis clciinuu'f. Siiin'c Mtylc.s—

$3.97Tliivtc (Wo lidi's I'cpnMciil vali;''.' vdii l i in r bi'i'ii waiiliiiK niiil wnit- iiiK lor, 'I'liiiy arc tiihcii fn iiii our ri‘Kiit»r liiKlicr (uli'cd liiicM w ith viiliii's lo i\ pair. Ihin't iiiIhh llil.'i niipiirtiinity In Mi\c!


Hliiip in ii ' <‘(inipIo(n nrlt'ctidii o f txiotn, liiKlti-r prit'cd I io o Ih iiro KhlliK' ill ttW« f l c a r a n n - iil a in-w low. Sliop nnd



'I'hin Ktoiip Ineludea, A fliin neleclhm III llin ni'Weht <<>|<itN Hiid Rlyln'i. All lierl lielKliln iiml iiialerlnln.

SNOW HOOTS‘hirflfl uopolnr new bopbi «ro 1 cady for your arlectloii. N et nvilviiln urn Inoliiited. W mU nnd luna, rrtcp il up Irom —

$*.97 $ 2 . 9 8

HUDSON-Twin Falls Only Shoe Store

'Page Six IDAHO EJVENfNG TIM^IS, TWIN FALLS. IDAHO. Thursday, January 5,1939

g c r c L e t y .ProcessICK of Oueens jGroup Reuijited ' Features M. I. A. Ball!“T he procoasion of Ihc (|U00nn.” one ftf th e m ost claborJil

liromonndcH over stnifcd in cotincclinn w ith tlic iimiual Oold' and firpon bnti o f ‘IVfn Knlls Btakc. .M I. A,. <>f (hn I,, n . !>.

w ill lnv’hliK li5 U\«* e v c i i ' . '•*. Kn<li'*Uk*nl.3I1K to C l i f f o r d H a#rr>w . a ti ik c d a n c i ' d i r c c lc i r n n dn ia n a ; j c r o f ttu* <iatic<,‘. _ , ------- ---------- -- -------------

K cP h r iv n t r y w il l Ix’ n u in i- f w t in I h o .s e v e r a l w a r d s o f th e s l a k e d u r i n g I h N i e x t tw o

Five Gold Starconducted to seloct tlio cjiiei-n rep resen tatives.

Mrs. S lriin Oak-i. Mr.'. Kdna ' S lokfs, Mrs. M yrtle ROKpr.s, Mr.s. M r

M cBrldc nnd Mr.s. Ruby Hpiidrrwin will outline a ll d c la lh 01 llic iiucetia’ processioH. a n d will- su\jetvlsc tlic decorating for Ihe occiLilon.

D uring the p a it several jnonllw. tlio five wavtls of th e .stnke have been conducting n com petitive plan for winning lilgli Honors a t th e ball. Tlie f irs t ward of T w in F a lls *t.ike has a tta in ed th e honor of being represented by Uie queen Rupreme tills year, l i v in g placed h ighest In the annual fund, a tlcndnncc nnd Kra subscrlptlorvs. O th e r w ards will hnvc (liierrw according to i:ip lr rank .

W l» W r/gh ra orchcKira will play for the (lanre. Mis. Jun n ltn Hull Ls d irecting publicity.

Field.'!, Twin Fails.D om rose. Hock

ild S la r .Mothers, Leah ilech t, Mr.s.

H azel IfesHor ajid Mr.®. M arv 'Vnn'R alon, Gold S la r Siflters, w ere jirc.sented With bouq'uets o f rose.s a t a m cetiiiR o f ' t h a AtnerjPAn. L egion auxiliary evenittg'. T he program , dtirinj? which th ey w erd hon­ored, w as prcaentcti a t L egion M -m onal hall.

Mr.s. O, T . K osK r, c h a lm ian of Ihp proKram.,spoke Infonnatlve ly on legl.slatlvi' m a tte rs . Mrji. c . D. Pryor,

;.<>lon.Numerous c om juH l« repo rts 'Kctc

h e a rd 'd u r ln g Uie business session.MUs M ary Hoover "presented

Chopin's etude, and "Dutiorfly." ! n celcbra tlo n of h la sIxUi b tr th - G rief , two pianri npiccUom «nd_WJi-

a ry , u to rg e Frederick” Leopol liosl a l a Jolly pa rty t h b afternoon

.a t the hom e o f hla parent*. Mr. and M rs. L . F . U o p o ld . 135 L in ­coln street.

HU young guests wer« e n te r ta in ­ed from 3 . to 5:30 o’clock, varied iiunes and co n tests being th e diver- filons. T he sing le tabic a t w hich r«- fre sh m c n tj'w e re served, had a ligh t­ed b irthday cake as a centerpiece. nn4- favors m arked w c h cover.. A,

•color schem e o f p ink a n d w hite was lefttured.

Q uests were R obert and H arry —Briaee, D ickie and - Bobby Bfllley.

Sklppy Pierce, O eorge A vant, Ron- iiy Cogswell, S an fo rd , D alnes anti Btllv O&tiander, ht& nelstibotUogd p laym ite s .


H usbands of M entor club m tm - -bers will be iiono red a t a d inne r Jn P eb n ia ry . P lan s fo r th e even t were a rran g e d w hen M rs. Arch C oiner was hostess to th e club yes­te rday a fternoon .

M rs, M. O. K uykendall, p fogram •chairm an, rea d a pa p er on "The A m erican Home."

Mrs, Q lhrlng and 13 m em bers oT • th e club were Mrv«d reJtesh tnertR

du ring th e social hour.* * ¥


M om lngsldoclub m em bers will semble fo r a d in n e r p a r ty .J a n . 18 a t th e hoDie'of M rs. A lbert Puteler,cording to p la n s m ade wh e n ___group m e t yesterday aH » n o o iv s t

^ h C 'h o m e of Miss M ary K lein,M rs. In a B urka was hostess. Roll

call responses w ere New Y ear's res­olutions. Miss F ra 'nccs HeViKheld MUg several songs du rin g th e social hour.

Mrs, Jo sephine K le in. Mr,v Lena Joh iiatcn , M rs. B rockm an a n d Mrs F red A bbott w ere giiest.i.


■ SO CIETY NAMES ST A F F.Mrs, Alfred H erron will d irec t the

RcllvW f5 oS Commvn^Hy ch \itrh ' Ladles’ Aid society du ring ih c roni' Jng year, lu th e resu lt of a n cleC' tloh m eeting yc.itcrday. held in con- necUon w ith th e im nunl nn-hm teM dinner.

Mrs, K, H, Ohiwl^-nii wsti r le r tf il vIce-prPNidrnt; MrJi. E ln irr McClln- n il, sccrplnry. nnd Mrs, t;ba Allen, treasu rer. O tlir ro ff lc rr /. Kill Ixi m ed n l (lie m eeting Jan , IH,

Mrs. Melvin Andernon was I tc«s, Mrmiwrn

Dr. and Mrs.j Roy Ilow en and daURhtor, A dele , .G la s­gow , M ont., a re th e house Ktic. l.H o f Mr. and' M rs. C. C. K in « sb iu y . Thc^ are ron lc to TITfeir hom e fl'om %'"fnp to Spokane. WasirT'ltTwT'will re ­main d ierc until Sunday^

Dr, Row?n Is th e .b ro ther o f Mr.■ riRJibtiry and M rs, C. W. Duerlg,

iU—E nlb . nilf) iln rk '^K Ingthury , Xiry. H Uie U rsl Time In a p ­

proximately <0 years th a t th e .family hn.'! lieen rrunlteil.

Mnnibcrs of (he fam ily will n.s- ,srnibli' Inr nil luformftl rpim lon S a t- urdny, r l ih f r Iti.T^vln Pall.i o r n t Ottkiey. - -

F i BOARd'pW H MEfl I E

One m em ber and th e sw re ta ry he T w in -E a lls county fa ir board,

.................... ......... ........ a t Llvlng.ston, M ont.. th is a fle r -prts lden l, contiuctetl the b u s in e s sn o o n to rep resen t th e local fa ir a t

'l l ie convention of the Rodeo Asso- clallon o{ Anicrlcft, T l\e parley opens Friday.

Dccl.slon to have th e tw o-m an ■prcsfniatloii was m ade W ednesday

nftcraoou-at.-a_m eetlug-i)I-U io.lX aic- board w ith tiio tlirce m em bers o fvoca] solo,llam R eim an sang

‘P o ^ M an's O arden , "M rs R. E, N orthn ip , H ot Springs,

8 . D., was a guest, of the Auxiliary.Hostesses of th e evening, Mrs.

K oster. M rs. H enry Crow, M rs. R. B. Joslln , M rs. T hom as Bucklln,M r.s. H elen B u ttn er a n d M rs. W arren 8, P a rker, served refreshm ents,

¥ ¥ •¥

CalendarNVedlccraft club m eeting has

been postponed u n til d a n . 13, the place to be announced la ter .

¥ ‘ ¥ , ¥P a s t M atrons' club will m eet a t

th e hom e o l M n . H . O. D icker­son. a ie W alnut s tre e t, F rid ay a t 8 p, m,

num bering a iipn ix lm atrlyp rew n t, Mr, ..... . Mr.

M r, aiKl Mfh. Jo liu l»n\u I V rrlu ll<xith werr gnr»l>i.



Velinw (lolllen and a ni.ic l»iwl (if AmerU'ttii H eauty nw rs m ade an at trac tive tnt>le settlnK fnr tlie .lu n rh ' con n l w hich Mrn. M llion l.c liina i e n trr ta in e i l ye^lcrdnv iitU 'iuoon a h e r itom r, l.ln<^ilii M ierl

Mrs. ClD.rKe W iirhrrB, Mtfl H nrr' Prleilinnii unit tnm llK -n oj Uio Noi a iestft elul) wern Kiirst.s.

Mrs, {;iirl Clllb nnd Mr. , l'‘flrdinnii wim lionnrs n l I'd tiirnt't,


Country Wnm-'n'n elul) win ta lii a t ihn anniinl d in n e r in i\ 'l i

. l-unry Ihln year, (iccordlng t(» ur r a n g rm r iiu niaiie yrAln<lny nl (lie U o»o of Mra, I., J , M lllw .

Mm. llArrlai>n ((r ltr il l i ariii Mii FiAuk W lntler wcic a u l,ii i in t Iuik tetsos.

Roll (-nil rPKponoes streAoeil holi liloi. and Ik n iiin b ir ilixplaved im fls dlsciivu><1 th e ir leUiiie-'tlinn crnri't o r rolli'cllonn, TIui ariernooii wai spent iuclally,


Mrs. Lyons U inllh was luwleM in tn e Itln it)tr ly Rond rlu li a l a i>ix;1aI n rto n in in ycAterday. M n . Dan I’OW' e ll ass|slr<l lh« ho tiew lu »o«;vlng rerrcahtnenlA riifritig llio sot-lAi hi>ur. . M rs. H uy IVrscmljis won Uio w hile e lephan t, nnd roll call rei}i<uiM-i were c u rren t ovnnts. M rs, Hnng will Im lioatess t o i l i e g roup n t (tie nex t jn««llng, ^

. . . LVNOliBON .AJton Yo(U)« hM(e«a at ’ u n w i f d i le im t luncheon

•fM moon. Three Ubira

i m t (0 lir a , Parker RIrIi- ' ,Mn< M.. !*• flliumona.

ib«ra o f Ute in ltlaj

Room M others o f th e Dlekcl P - 'T . 'A. will m eet M onday a t 1:30 p . m . a l th e hom e of Mrs, H er­b e rt H unter. 40J T lilrd avenue east.

Hi, ' ¥ ¥F . M. club will m eet F riday

afternoon a t th e hom e of Mrs. Joseph Schlffgen, .346 F ou rth avenue east, w ith M rs. M erle Mos<' e r as hostew ,

¥ ¥ ¥ ChlpKhkloongl C am p F ire O irls

will m eet T hursday a fte r school a t Uie home of Jo a n LeClalrv M em bers arc asked to bring 'Idoa^ fo r old-fashioned dances and cos- tu m « .

¥ ¥ ¥ Roy#>_Neii)ii?or8 oLAmtrlca wUL

m eet Frtflay a t B p, m . prom ptly - « th e Odd Fellows hall. All o ffi­

c ers a re requested to wear w hite Us InsU lInllon of.o fficers will take place. Members a n d visiting N eighbors arc welcome.

¥ ¥Blcitel P a ren t-T eacher a.isocla-

tloii S tudy grouii will me<a F r i­day nl. 1:30 ]), in. n t the school

'a u d ito r iu m . MIm Mnry Hoover will s|>eak on "Music In the Hom e" and offer snverni pluno aclectlons.

¥ ¥ ¥Dtin McCooK rlrc lc , Utdlivi ol

th e O rnnd Army of th e Rephblle. will m eet Friday lU 12 niw n to r n |x)l-luck lunrheiin at the Imnie of Mr.i. Mnbel JolinnDn, 312 S ix th

Ml. ln.NtAlla(ion of nl dIIow a t a |i. 111. n l the

A m erican l.eHUm M em orial iinll, InrumliiK nnd (mlgDlnK n fd rrrn arc re(iueste<l Ui weitr while,

¥ ¥ ¥R, i<M(> T, C l.lllt KI.KtTH NEW OKKICKItS

It And T, d u ll ineinlH'i,.. Ii.m nrr M m i le r t l i a Irwlii liy eleelliig III' lirvMtleiU »{ (Ue n lh in iheon mertliiK vrRl<'riliiy ntte i noon. Mrs. Olm rlei lli ir it was iinnied vlre-|)rr»lilcril, an<l Mr.' II, K. llnlley, Beeietnry-lreimuirr,-

id theMrs Ola Howell, 1ntteriiw 111, seated lirreinnll tiiblen, a ttractlMnppoindiDenis.

Mrs. lihlke irad'O ia iid i I'la Callril Itlle rtlia I‘)nmon.

I’ntiito KrHoliiticiii (ictH More S isncrs

Ji:nO M K . ,)mi. .■) (Hjm-1,,1)- ’Hi im talo re-siifiitlnii iiilupte^l In J e rn n ii, l.lnentn, ( I ikxIIiih, Oiiroilu, Mlnldokii And 'I'wlii Fulln riiiiiitli-n n l n nieet- liiK of (lie counlv t <iininlt(eineii nnd neiTelarles At .leiiune. D rr, 20, wa riiki'ii to e<iiinili’.i of Iho uihu' i Hmik tlve r VAlley liy I). It. 'I'liriii’t, n nieml>er Ilf the slAle ....... noklnu

iliir tiielr niipixiri and riinildern llo ii In tlio iiinlter.

Tim rrsiiludiin n illed for aii teimiun of time on iin< fhiiil da in foralli.tliiK Ihe IWI) .................... ((»MatvU l,-l«39.

'Hio counties (if th e u |i|ie r tinakA tlver valley weie in «yinyi.lhy with tliA m a ile r and nigned (he rennlutlmi l>«fpre l( wjui flubmltted (« the «lA(e eommlltee,

•fiVorlte.'s of 1938 w hich.w ill carry In to 1939. 'and seize wliHt nvldtty -the tidb its llic cou turiers will to.u you by way of. saying "The yenr'n a t the spring."

Expect you r sp rin g a n d sum m er w ardrobes to be gauged to a queen's tA.ste. n t least a.s to color.s, for Queen BLuvbelh's visit to th e U nited S ta te s 'w ill have B4>rofound effec t on whnt women In America V i r w ear. H er favorite colprs nr< Nil shades of blue, nnd so ft pa.stel.v

L andscape R rlg h te n tr ’PT lie cla.'slc su it , sp ring 's first h a r­

b inger, is "ft b ird of a som ew hnt d ll' fe rcn t fea th e r” th is season. Tweeds In th e px^tel perfec tion of rainbow hues toned dow n, nre but

th e Incom ing boa rd of county mLisioners, T w in F a lls Is v ita lly In­te rested In any ac tion a t th e rodeo meet, I t was stressed , because -9ae county (a ir a t F ile r a t t r a c ts tlie n a ­tion 's leading rodeo iM rform crs.

C ites Im provem ents P e rm an en t Im provem ents m ^ e a t

the fairgrounds du rin g th e ’ p ast year were ou tlined by M r. P ^ k s In Ills a nnual report. E xpendlM fe for new bulldlng.s, the r e p o r t showed, was ♦4,94«.41—w hich provided Im­provem ents th a t will be o f h igh val­ue for succeeding fa irs . R epair a n d upkeep cost w as $1,600.'

F unds now In th e fa ir , treasu ry to ta l M.141.

P a rks Inform ed th e jo in t m eeting of the two boards th a t th e 1636 fa tr

-b trporting cxccp t fo r th e new buildings and U)c Im provem ents. *

Exceeds T « V alae "Value of Uic new stru c tu ree and

the Im provem ents,” h e sa id , "ex ­ceeds considerably th e a m o u n t of th e revenue produced for th e fa ir from th e county tax."

M eeting w ith th e fa ir boa rd 4-cre C. B. Lindsey nnd Ben E . . ^ t t e r . R epublican com m issioners w lio take oftlcc J a n , 0. Mid O eorge R . H«.rt. inciunbm it D em ocratic com m issioner w h o jio ld s over.

R, O ,' WllsonT' K im berly. Ls chair m an of the -co u n ty fa ir board.

Botli groups WiSred th e fa ir grounds to show, th e commls.sloners the 1038 ite n n an e n l Im provcm en ti


SIlO SlIO t^E. Ja n . 6 ( — Ben D ariuli was reelected l)re^lllenl of the Hiiwtootti G razing »ih,ii)claUon fi.H the group m e t n t his office li Hliiiahonii M onday, O th e r offU-er Mtecti'd arp'. F.d OootUuR, vlre pri‘,sldi'ni, nnd E rnest O omes, secre liiry.

Nine (llrei'lnrs chaM'ii fri'm the viirlniM .Kecllniih nt th e d ls tilc t nre: A, » . UallJiford. '1‘. C. Bneoii and J. W. Newman of 'I'wlii Palls ; Hen UiiiTdli, 'riiiiniiix (Jooilliig. Jr., and R() OoixlliiR, Hli(uh<Mie: .liirk Lane. K; I.eon M ercler, I’aiil, and MiKii.1 McHiic. i'li'ulii)

T he uriiiip lilMiiiiinneil n (iriipnsBl lit llii- loll•.^ll,v illvl'Hm Ilf (he Hrw- looili toiiAtiv illvl.Mdii to r--|iii(|iilsli I'l'Kltlli KrilMMK IlllKli to exteilll llll

Ciinli ( ;ifl DccrOed •Kor Dr. Townsead

IIAdl.'KMAN, .Inn. IH|><-.'lilU.:p A ii'ciiliir m eeting iil the 'l'owii.\en'd rliili wnii iK'ld 111 llie Ite-Oiganl/.<>i1 1.. I) M, ehure li Moniii.y evcnIiiR wllli irt iiieiiibeis |ireneiit. T h e club viii<i| to M'liil i)v ‘|-(iwnr<eiul f«r h h lilrllKlav, Mi.v l». It. 'I'i .llioll repiiried 1^4 0* lii rn id oVer by llilMibl.' I'luli nieiiil>et.

Queen’s Taste to, Rule Spntigi Summer Colors

Jn r JKAf^-DINKRLACKER "l.ady or i lu u y ,

„ 'Klrrr. or ‘1 01. ' 'One <if ^he»e lype«You «re or you alii'l,

Sn rlini»e, ilylU Ii dame,A eontume lo suit,

___— I I I Hf brute."

. W ith spring—a n d -n ia y b e a new m a n —Ju.-.! n round the co rne r, banish reKrelA and fu tu re fenr,^ from you r wardrobe plniinlng, CInsp to


Tlie basque dre.i.^, developed from ' the very flared sk ir l III s u i t o r one- piece d r e u w ith filled JnrVel. w hich was accepted w ith such .jxipularUy an a sk a tin g costume th is w in ter, will be b leader th is spring. Because o f Its youthfu l silhouette, a n d Its ad aptab ility (o woolen.'! or crepes or sheers, buyers a n t lrlna te It.s bctllg a, best seller. '

TrendK In Coats One of the stronae.'?i Influences ’ 1039 for roa ts . wUt be th e nnrrow-

HOfl coal. S tra lK ht contji a rc slim m er; sports coats are .softer, and lhe_ liigh-ffli'iMnn f li tfit l , r m L. ti

- th e 'n a t te m a -n re -r to t-to -b e confiKtrd' w lin the b la U n t c ln tf plaids.• T h e Jackets a rc p la id , th e skirts

i M n solids, o r tu f te d or herring- tu n e , and such f ra il shades as t u r quolse. c h artrcu se . rose and pa rc h ­m e n t, a ll b lended ha rm oniously to ­ge ther; th e vlolene a n d blege color ran g e , or. th e o rch a rd - ln -M sy com­b in a tio n of p ink a n d green.

H igh crow ned ha ta in palllason o r haU lbuntt o r b aku wlU be f irs t choice In th e -m att« r of "topper" ac com panlm ent; a n d th e a ltem ativ will be f la t sa ilo rs w ith a suggestion of cron-n, a n d b rim as s tra ig h t as a board.

N o t a lt s ty les o f 1938 will be. fo r­gotten, fo r they will n o t be gone a t a ll, custom er In sistence dem anding m any encores in 1939.

Scheduled to b e a bla: num ber in day tim e w ear ag a in th is spring , willbe the m onastic silhouette , though It will be m odified w ith less fullness nnd c a u g h t 'in to pince even before th e belt is applied, " rh h was also know n as th e m onk's rl)be. th e pinch bottle and th e angel robe, and was rn rrte d on active ly In d in n e r and evening types,' n f te r Its o rieinnllty m ade merchandLslng h istory. These a re p rom inen t om ong the " firs t spring .showings" In local shop.';.

T lie flu ffy anBora d lnher-sw enters proved them selves so fashlonwise th a t they will be Included in the se lec t so rority o f ' evening w raps again t h b sp ring , though the more soph i.-itlca t^ versions will be of chenillc ag leam w ith pnllletlcs.

I H eel. Toe O utT lie "wide-opon spnees " found In sp ring 's nnd sum m er's shoes Betting m ore so; th e heels as we llie toes a re com ing ou t tliLs son. V arln tlons o f th e lilgh front lines, w ith th e s trn p bnek. fashioned of elastlen led le a th e r ,«o flexible (h a t the shoes can he folded up. have al rea<ly arrived in T w in Falls.

And th e expres«lnn " to lie well- booted," will n o t be a i>hrnse bor­rowed from n pild-V lctorlan nnvel In p a te n t le a lh e r and Slennit-ily^t, th e shnde w h lrh ' y o u will ,see niorp nnd TOOIO finrt, m 'M e.' resvU w leni w ith b illions nnd n ^<JUa^ed toe th a t li rivaled by a stiuiired h rrt , these new boots a re nmmn: llie lown' earlie s t a ir lv a h In ^llrln^; for>iweni

A loeni shoe aiitluirltv , who h'ns yet lo be w rong <ni hiiviiiIiik he',, (old U.H -remeiiibci- the plntfnrtn .‘io le ^ ? -1Ulmt•K im teiit leather a.i the leader for .sprli'R; Hteinn, Vuil, ^el■-

, iHid. and bu r«and\', blm-, mul lilond, an <ild-fav<irlle-ievlved, a.i nex t In nriler

In rom pitnv w ith (In’ lowered lil]i lliir, whleh Is exprrte il in hr a pre VullllIK Sllliotlellr ill (lip roiiiUm Ken s<ni. the tie ied dn--- ^|llpll^llllell byMalntioelier a t ............. . nlIngs. Is nialed an li'n ilr .l tor mi<III 1030.

sm oother over th e shoulders, easier in l i t th ro u g h th e, nnd su b tle r In m ark ing the w aistline, accord ing to one of th e fash ion slgnlficajices recorded by "W om en's W ear D ally.'. T he bloused coot, a n d . th e m o ­nastic coat, w llh " th a t loose look,’

second nnd th ird in fluences of .1938 th a t Wiu c arry over in th e coals of 1939.

Expectejl to be given a b ig han d this sp ring will be Ihc str iped ta f ­fetas, strli)cd sheers and linens and co ttons fo r sp ring luid sum m ex danc^ ing. T h e ch iffons w hich cam e In to the ir own du rin g th e ho lidays, will be seen In th e p lea ted v e rs lo n j th is spring. T h e hoop-.sklrt. am ong th e leaders in .the b o u ffa n t version^ of dance dre.sses (h is w in ter, is w aning. -bn t-th trT llrn tl],~o u r B r ~ th t se aw n 's h its in d inne r is due fo r more smnit w alstlined. fu ll-g a th e red sk irted popularity th is com ing sea-

T lie "lean -h lp" look b ro u g h t o u t by longer Jackets: collarlcss. anug con tra st sleeves, de libera te " ste a ls" from th e w aistcoat, ev flenced in th e th rec-p lcce suits; bolero su its going strong for the " n th " .season; c o n ­tr a s t su lU , betw een Jacket a n d a k lrt o r d ress and Jacket or topcoat, a n d tlie cYopplng up again of tl]p lum * b e rjack e t fash ion ; th e sk a tin g s u it s ilhouette nnd the; m a n n ish ta ilo red su it in fine p in -str ipes—these su m ­m arize th e su it s ilun tlon .

A nd so it goes, "som elh iilg old. som eth ing new,” as fash ion sw ings In to spring.

LIFE 13-14

B O ISE . J a n . « (Specia l) — .T li fourtli a n n u a l convention of 'Uie Id aho W ildlife 'federa tion will be held In Boise on J a n . 13-14, R . G. Cole, p residen t o f tho o rgan iza­tio n , announced today. T lie m eeting Is exp tc tw i to d raw th e la rg e s t a t ­ten dance In th o h isto ry of th e fed ­e ra tio n . a n d I t Is of .vital Im porU nce to a ll persons In terested In Idaho ' w ildlife problem s.

A m o n g . Im p o rtan t su b jec ts- listed1 th e prog ram will be a rep o r t of

th e technical com m ittee w hlcli Ims been s tudying the various aspects o f w ildlife m a nagem en t for th e past year. T h e com m ittee Includes, Dr. A. B. H atch , ch airm a n , T , B. M urray, A. W . K lolz, and Floyd O odden, T h e ir rep o r t will Include recom-

Cases of MeaslesSpread in Jerxlme

JERO M E. Jo n . 5 (S p e c ia l)-M iss ■ H arrie t Russell, Jerom e county public healUi, nurse, announced T uesday U ial there are quite a num ­ber of cases of m easles in th e com ­m unity.

S h e fu rther s ta led th a t a ll paren ts who have elllie r Infants ^ p re - school o r clilldren of school a g t 111 w llh th e disease, should e ith er re ­port such case.s to, the tencher.s of scWolila or. to th e n w .e .

Humor Event Set For Pep Assejpbly

H um orous radio program lor Twin Fa lls h igh school pet^ a jsem bly Fj^t- day before th e Blaokfoot basketball

gam e w as ten ta tiv e ly p lanned as ' mock in it la t lo n a t » QuiU a n d Scroll m eeting yesterd ay . In itia te s i r e Bettyi M cComb. H a lb e r t JU lller, P h il T h o rn b u rg a n d P ra n k Ellsworth.

S e rb u s in it ia t io n wjli be held a t ^ m eeting before a n d a f te r th e game "

U w i l l , V i • conducted by Mftcy E

■nnd VlrglJila Cli^se.In rga rc t Ellsworfli

L T s e c S T E P

T h e O r i g i n a l A u to R a r l s- • • - f f - - jVlftn— .......................

p h o n e 5 1 7 t 5 i a . i d

th e n\RnftB«mtnt o t Idftho'.-s ln\- p o r la n t gam e species, inc lud ing elk. deer, goat, sheep , fu r-b ea rin g a n i­m als. as well a s up land gam e blrds. T here will also be a sym posium on stre lim .surveys « n d re la ted subjects.

ed, will become th e objective of or­ganized sportsm en in. th e reh a b ilita ­tio n of w ildlife resou rcO in tills s ta te .

Cole will review th e federa tion 's ac tiv itie s du ring 1938. and th e plans fo r Id ah o 's p a rtlc ipa llon in N ational W ildlife R estoration - w c k , M arch 19 to 26. wUl be form ulated . .

T h e newly appoin ted five-m an fish a n d gnmb com m ission wilt be In session during convention week, Mid th e U niversity of Id ah o game m a nagem en t confercnce wlJI be held th e two days preceding th e m eeting. Cole sa id .

Mission F ra tern ity -----lakesJRejt-Tohnan

PRO VO . Ja n . S (Special! — Rex Tolm an of M urtaugh w assform ally Inducted S u n d a y in to Brigham Y oung un iversity 's "Y" c h ap te r of D elta P h i . na tio n a l m issionary f ra - (em ity , according to lis ts released today from th e office of the secre­ta ry .

D ella P h i h isto ry was m ade orl th e "Y " com pus w hen in llirec weeks of "goating a n d pledglnR" 20 cx- m lsjilonarlcs werif m ade m em bers .of th e "p reachers ' fra t."

fem in ine almost- to (he p o in t of c o rse K o v er tops, w ith bead ing a n d p ink ribbon. P lea ts in sh o rts , so fte r slacks, d ressm aker b a tlilng suits, piny dresses wlUi sho rt-s leeved bras —all in th e V ic torian th e m e-ra re th ings you 're coming to , come sum*

Lutheran Church Reelects Leaders

CLOVER, J a n . 5 (S pecia l)—O ffi­cers were reelected a l th e cong rega ­tion m eeting of Uic T rin ity L u th e r­a n cliurclw M onday a fte rnoon , T h ree new votlftg m em bers were accep ted .

O fficers a rc ; C h .iin n an . T h e ^ O lh rlng : secreiary ,- g ; C, W ester- kam p; e lder, L, A, ScUeoeder; school, eldef,. F , O ppllger; tru stee , * J . H. Relnke. M embers of th e finnnce board a rc ; .W alle r Jage)*, R udolf ■MS’r le iu . Je n s La.s.sen.

DisgracedLONDON {U.R)-Prtcr H azard, n

S co tsm an, w ho was found giving a w a y po u n d no tes In th e M reet was told b ^ a Scottish m ag istra te a t

carefu l in fu tu re aw'd uphold th e d ign ity o f th e Sco ts ,'^ the .m ag lstra te sa id . I t .should be m entioned th a t H azard w as also charged , w ith 'jK ing d runk . F in e |5 .


r W I N D I t tV

Rebekah, I.O.O.F. Groups E nte rta

RICH FIELD , J a n . 5 ( C p e ^ I l — T lie I. O. O. F . and Rrf-bok-^j tlieir fam ilies enterlA lncd n l (he n n n iu l • New Y ear d in n e r ,lii the W o m ln 's club rooms M onday,

'A bout 160 were p resen t. T he a tl- ernooii was s |ie iit p lay ing gnme.s, cards and Clilnese checkers,

Mrs. F. W, iMwell a n d M rs.Jam e.s Peler^->n hail ehnrgo of the a r- rnngcniend ,

Students Lejivcn ilH I,, .Inn. fi (.Speeint) - Mi.->

M iirjorlo Kiiller, Iliilil, lin* goii*- in Cil-irlev. Uj n tte iid {;(ili)ttirlnHlatii •rem-h.-i.V college. Him l.i |i foim er la^lru^•lo^ a t Hurley.

Ml.^s ICdiiii Nlngler, n u lil , ...............ITiie^diiy lo H<‘n ltle . w here slie Is a Hiideiil III the Unlvcrnlty of Wiinli- Ington.

rliib. The lembeij «Hm 1 t n Ih

SANTA CLAUSM iiy C o m o n n ( t (#9 , H u t—

YOlJU l»H()TO(illAI*HI f o r e v o r — A jid (h t- r ju n y y an m u o lj n p i i r r c l n t c d A t

e - n n y (le/iflon o f t l i o y « n r ,

YOUNG'S STUDIO‘Downitalri Km I Idaho Fewer - Phone aieo


O ur Chinese lle ilis nre speelally p repared foi a ll chronic nnil a ru to sirknew ftf all kinds, 'lliev inn MiHClnlly for Indlgestlun, Itlieuiiiultnni, Kld- iie.vs,' NcrvouM ie». Insoinnln, CoiikIi , Dlt/liu'.ss.H eadache, iJvcr, l.ungn, Stoninrli, Ki-r.eniu, C a­ta rrh , AslhniA, Appendicitis nnd reninie 'I'roublei,

Oqly pure herlxi «ro used, qu ick nnd perm an- cn l r rl ie f given. W hen yimr taw has been given IIP an hopelew bv o ilieis , give im ii u IiiI. WHY m -fllT A TR IXIMI-: TODAY 'I'llK HOONKH 'l ilB lll ir i 'K I t,

A TcHtinionialMay ifi. io;is

•IX) WHOM i i ’ MAY CONOKIIN: i f y.111 have ever kiifforeil hn J have, you will und o rstau d w h«t R

Joy relief wiCi w h n i th e pninn of my iillinent ilUnppearcd,For a t least four yenrn I have suffered from w liut seem ed an in ­

curable a toinuuli dliuirdtr, H undreds iif u i liave tht* trouble y t i only a few n f l i s ki)ow how wo ean rlil oiirnelves of It. L took •very lh lng I could k a rn of hiii I t dkdii't help. N either medtclnM nor ne ighbor­ly ndvlco could cum nie.

Aflvr niniont rv i ry m eal nw stoiiuieh wmild b loat an d b u m . flour- nen.1 usually necDinpanled Ihln niiidltlon nnd I wns ii|Mct a ll tha

Jftin '. N aln ra lly J wnn aiixlous to overciinie (his condlllan,i'lnally 1 lead o t ih e (lim n Ai Whig Heili Co, a n d (lie work t i i t l r

herlw were ac ro n ip llsh ln g -n n d 1 derided lo Hive (hem a ir la l. I dirt —a n d a f te r th e very first week I felt 00% be lter, 1 con tinued U k - Ing (heir lietbs lor a |>erlod of nb<i»l six w eeks--and today those old lialiis Aiut Ihe dlseoinforl linve coiiiplnlely d isappeared. .

t can im p serv ed lv reexiinmeiui th> «t..> t . m » rn. iViiif-tierlM knd th e work lliey do.

C H A N & W IN G H ER B CO.2 S 8 K O l l l l T l l A V H . K A H T T W I N P A L L 8 , I D A H O

, llo u rs i t (0 7 dally ^ • U I I Kundaya

I N S U R A N C E J o h n B . R o b e r t s o n


COATSand s u itsREDUCED TO . . .

M iii've lo tiH valuc.H f u r y o u in c o a t s a n d M iil.t! S t u n n i n g n n w lu liiiticinN II) V 'H ir \v iir(lr(,n)c n l pricPH I h a l w o u ld liuv i; In 't'ii iin |i(is.sil)Ii! «*nrlii‘i'! .So c o tn n in I rx h iy . . . m a k e y o u r r to lc c llu n c u r ly . T h e y w «in’t liisL lull}; a t IhiH p r ic e .

-Close-Outr10 SPORT COATS

$ ^ 7 5V sport m a t iiAw

M l savings. All wiuileii , ml n K‘>od Hlxn range..St nre them to n |ipre- Is reininkable


'lire^ (iroup DIMOSSHS

l<ii tiilloi ed. , dressy I 'y i'-rn lcliing styles,

fnlirlty ,.w irt UirJlr,liHlidnii

-$7.«8$ 1 2 . 8 8

.Save On HA(;S

•enI.'.Uitdr ^avlnK' on i I »AJ(S (yr mill,red 'y wear.

V iilu f .i (n J . i n s

$ 1 . 0 0

IKMI.SECOATS1IAT.S, values to ?4.9,5.

SHOES!On* firoup

V«luM (o 96.05Itrokcn alaaa. All colors. I.... BovaA« A f fon th e se , . ^ 1 * 9 5

J tf ilu c e d Vi .......... i.Ifl.OO

O iiv ( i r n u p V iiliuH to

esi.y HiKl s tr e e t atylea. I roiors • ixiw, medium il idvh hesls,

(Ine ( i f f lu p


$*.9 » V alues to I8.fi0 .



X; T h u rsd ay, Jan u ary 5 ,1 9 3 9 IDAHO EV EN IN G TIM ES, TW IN FALLS, IDAHO Page

R U PER T. J a n . 5 (Special) — Last- rItM for M rs. E lla O . G oodm an » e re held In th e local M eUiodlst Episco­p a l Church a l two o’clock Tuesday afternoon .

T he pafilor. A lbert B . P a r re lt . w a / In chors,e of th e cerem ony and gave ih e p raye r a n d rend th e Scripture, aeorgfl a. Roseberry, a foTTneV pa«- to r here , bu t now pasto r of the

_ C a ] d w e l l_ M c th i> d l s t EpLscopjl c'liurch. dellvercfl tlje fu n e ra l nd- clreM and read th e ohllunr>-

M uslf for t h f orca-slon wa-s furn*' Uhcd bj^sMrs. W. D-. D oyditon who

presided a t th e p lp e -.o rg a p a n d , nlaycc^ a p relude a n d posllude;

vocal solos by M rs. W ayne New­com b accom panied by M rs, Boyd-

Quite a Spectacle. . . Hitler in Glasses

A fter M unich, A dolf H itler p u l oi ll«t G eorce Scw bo h a sn 't lunched ctiea tert.

l la sses . He h as l e r r n l ,klitd*—d.trk, l i t h t h o m -r lm m rd . NKA Ar­a l B erch testaden . biit he h a v r his Ideas- abou t d r r fu eh rer In

A.1 a m ark d H u w ie r rcspcct and honor a ll shops, offlccs a n d business

of R u p e r t w ere closed dur- 'h o u r o f t J i e 'f u n e r a l . P a ll- w ere M. E. WlUls, B. W,

, -InB.' C, R. Iscn b u rs , A. D. Ash, :oy C unn ingham a n d L. P . Rem s- urg.Flower bearers w ere M rs. .R o a

W oolford. M rs. P rcaton O 'N eal, M rs W ilbur Bell. Mls.s M ildred WUllams, Mrs. M ildred W altan , M rs. M, E. W llhs. M iss E tU B. C lem ens, Mrs, F red L lndnuer. Mrs, L, W. Dspaln, Me?. Luke Wllllam.«:. M rs, B lanchc Sears. Mrs. Em W elch, Mrtf. Lila B. Benedict nnd iJlrs. C . H. Sm ith, m em bers of th e local c h ap te r of the O rder, of Eafitem S ta r o f w hich Mrs. G oodm an was a m em ber. She wn.s

hood a n d of th e R ebekoh lodge, and of th e B ap tis t chu rch . In pioneer Oays of R u p e rr th e local B aptist chjirch was organized in th e home of Mrs. G oodm an a n d m e t there u n til th e p rese n t bdlflce wa.i erected.

Born in K ansas Mrs. G oodm nn wa.s born M arch

11. 1865 a t Caola, K an . She received h e r'education I n B u tler academ y a t B utler. Mo. O n Sept. 12. IfiSl she bfKrame th e wife of W . A. Goodman. Tljey cam e to th e M inidoka proJei;l

. 1907 nnd In th a t y e a r e-’il.ibll.shed jlip G oodm an m o rtu a ry In Rupprt. po lh Mr. and M rs. G oodm an had an active p a rt In th e 'd e v elo p m en t of the com m unity a n d were prom- h ien t In church , club nnd civic af- fall's. ■

BUHL. J a n . 5 ( e p e c la ^ - L a s t rites fo r M ary Ellen D ldlott. wife of W il­liam N. D ld lo tt o f 't h e C lear lakes farm , were conductcd T uesday a fte r ­noon a t 2 o'clock from the Evuiis nnd Johu^on funera l home. J . E, H cer. pastor o f th e c liurch of Flier, read the service. Tl)rec duc t num bers were sun(f by Mrs. A. L. K irclicr and Miss AvLs Di'niiis, <vc-. compnnied by M arlgn K.lrrhpr,

Pallbearers' w ere.' Jack TinRcy, Jiilin n , Jones, G arth .B ni.'^h , Lee Sholt-s, M arvin Muse, Jess E tichter. Four women were honorary pall- bertters. Mrs. JK«ls Sticlile r, Mrs. Tlngey. Mrs. R iith Brusli and Mrs. GeorRln Brush. ■

— M f.r~ D lg1g tr~ t r ' p ltm cg r-n f—the- C lear lakes dl.slrlct. was born Auc. 20, 1853, a t Brazil. Ind., nnd died a t h e r hojiie on, th e ran c h Thi;r$- d.iy a t D p. m.

Besldes h e r hui-band she is-i^ur- vlved by tw o-sons by a form er m a r­riage. OtU Sy.iter. C lear lakes, nnd W. O. S.vstrr of Tw in Palls.

In term en t wa.i m ade In the Buhl ccm H ery. under th e direction E vans and Johnson,

.. Mr.'i, Gno. ta n e h t- ln - tpe#t grade schools fo r 18 ye:^rs.Is .survived by h e r tw o .■ionSV Alan and Rodney, of the . Goodm hn tu a ry : h e r daugh t» r, M rs. G eorge

'4 C urU s of BoLse, and s ix g randchil- ’dren , R uth and G oodm nn C iirtb , BoLse, Billy G oodm an. E leanor. J im ­m ie and D onald Alnn G oQ am arf b r R upert, and a sl.'^ter. Mrs, J a m ^ Pringle, of Los Angeles,

In term en t w as In th e R upert cem- etcr>- beside h e r husband , W. A.

■ Goodmafi.

I f ' I CLO VER ■ I


county record cham piou for 1938 in H-H w ork. Earl E. Stansell’ In chaiilc o f 4-H work In th ls-dU lrlct. ho.^ aii- nounccd.

M iss K ucera has been in th e 4-H w ork fo r U uee years and ,1ms r r- cclved th ree gold m edals in ranninR , food p reservation and In her rocoi;! on th e various proJccUs.

I n com piling th e ouLstandlng rec­ord i l l s s K u ce ra ciinncd 122 iniu.s^ of f ru i t and vegetables, compli'led , 550 bak ing pro jec ts of which U w ore ' public dem onstrations, and p a rti r i- pa ted In six judging conte.'.t.'s. TJis, prizes In th e JudRlng meet.s ntfUccl h e r $ie.GS. In exhlbltlon.s a t fa irs ^ho won seven blue ribbons In 19J8, T h ree tim es she h a s been co m iy


Gel Comforiing Relief from

R U N N V H E M C O L D SDO T H iti Pu t Mine Vicks VtpoRub u;i «»cii no«U-U «Wl talB »«ll bMJt.H t XT. melt a fpoooful of V»poRub in * bowl of bcniiig w»Ver: breathe in.iD# mfdlcated vapors for »ever»i mlnutt.i. This looMni DbleSQi acd furtlter clean tbo alr-pu ta«ei.*T »E D Tlhll.'fub VapoBub on throat.

twice WO.S ranked second.P ro jec ts completed by tiie ciiam -

p lon th is year Included two in hiik- Ing. one In sewing, th ree In poultry, nnd one In potatoe.s. MLs-i Kiicrrn h as been a s tu d e n t a t . Deep Creek

iwve tiio mltenr of th e cold w hile you sleep,T*y IT—th e n TOU’U know why VapoRub la m tu n d b r la 1 ou t of & home*.

■ •j II3 •"i hr

1 Ix.

Mr. a n d M rsr, H erm an E . H llliker lyut Joyce have re tu rn e d a fte r to rm g to B lack loo t T liu rsday to visit lle rn iim H llliker, Jr., a n d lam lly . •

Mr. and Mr.s. W alter a c h m id i and .sun, JJpm er, Ic tt M onday fo r the ir Home a t Sherw oud, Ove., a f te r n visit here over tlie holklayH wilii num erous relntlvci>.

■me H, E. llllflkcr.Si A .'H , Jngcls'i iiiiu a . o , oc .iu ,.,:. Du.jiii-'.ujl'Jv.i', inui Mrs, Dass U iirtlcy n t 1-iwr frld ,iy evening on th e occnslnn of tlu-ir fir wi'ilfling nniilvnr.wry.

Relatives g a th e red a t Uio John Aiiu'ii.i iiu iiu .autuaiy uuiiu itng a u . A hrens oh hU blrU tuay annivereaiy . Luiich b rought by th e lady giieaU) wii.s nerved u l live o'clock.

.'ilico. O ehla recen tly purchased th e proj)crly belonging lo th e H enry W erner cMato In Clover conslatliiif <ii a ;ieven luoin dwelhnK nnd Boverni acres o t land , Mr. a n d Mr.i. Uehlv loan 10 iiiuku Iiuin ^W.ii I’lilL'i tllUi Week.

Mr. and Mrn', Paul lineAeineyer anil 1‘aulino moved over thu w i'ok-end fnini liie llrn ry W erner pliico to a Viinint ilou.^o on Ihe I''red Liiti’, niiicli,

A num ber of Clover young iK'oplc weiu In i tu p e r l tium lay evening. Hiirnl.t o( tlio W althe r Lgaguu society AiH'iiii.giitherlnK a t H int plncr.

Mli'ji K sllirr W erner deiimleil 'I' fur Uan M nteo, Calif., a l te r Apriidlng the hulidnyn wtih lie r jiiiienls, Mr, nnd M ia. A ilh 'ir W niier.

Kluiily Young |>«o|ilr attenileO II.e 'n lthcr Irf-aguo social m eeting W rtl-

'iieiHlay evening, A conm illlefl oI lx>y« nervpil te fr f ,i l im e n u n f ir r an evening of gamen a n d coniCAti,

N orm an Jagels accom panied his f a th rr , A. 11, JageU Ui OoUa T u es­day, and from th e re trnveled on to Moacow to resiimo ntudles, l l i e la t­te r renu»lned In UtUac for tw u rtaya on biisliusu.

' *nirf bofti^l'tlo'n’ of kd'w iird Uoohlko h as n o t been so (avoritlile ilia past week. lio 'W na U ken In M aglr Hut Bpilng* flauiictay. In liiipps »f Uoi bntlis being benedolal,

MIm H en rle ltn Ih tea rh of Hall U k e C'lly wan A over llin New i e a r ho lidays a t th e 'I lieo , U lliring home.

More V arleUri of ra b b it hava been pimluoed by ddm ostlu br«<eiling than In Uie c tH pf any oU icr an inn il e s - eep l tl(B dog.

Sto rase w ater ga in s In a ll th ree m ajor reservoirs serv ing th is sec­tion of Id ah o bring ing th e 't o t a l acre .feet im pounded nbove tlic to ta l of last week and also well above the to ta l of a year ago. w ere noted here th is afternoon on receip t of a weekly Tei»Tt fron^ L ynn Crantitxll, w atcr- ma.Uer. ,

Tlie sto rage a t th e pre.'^ent tim e, because of th g advances m ade, fo re­te lls of an adequate supply of w ater for thU year's Irriga tion actlvltic.'i,

At th e p resen t tim e, th e report .shows. Jack-'ton lake h ImpaundlnR *478.430 acre l i e t of w ater agaln ft 470,640 la st week and 296,960 a year ago, A m erican fa lls te servo lr has 1,484.510 acre feet ag a in s t week's to ta l of 1,425.390 A nd la st year's to ta l of only 050,156 acre feet. Lake W alcot|, th e report shows, contains 00,080 acre feet o f w ater today n(;« 6Q.330 a week ago and 60,-110,nweckBRO, ................_

■llil.s wpck'.s report also includes a .'•erlo.s of snow de p th repnrls tit the end of D ecem ber. T lic Undhigs show lh a l a t Cam p creek (Mud lake

j drainage) the dep th Ls 11 Inrfies w ith th e w ater ro n te n t a t 3.3 Inche.i. Al .Slate I.iiic' (Trail creek and T eton

' l>ii.-iln) Miow dep th iJi 31 Inchrs with, w ater con ten t m easured a t 6.1 In­ches; Valley view ra n rh in o r ih of Ilenryjt Inkei 30 Inches w ith w nter e o iile n f 3,8 Inches; Big Bpthlg.s (U cuw 's iM k i a i hwhe.i w ith w ater eo n len t o f 7,fl Inches; Inlai.ul jitirk dam , 24 ipche.i w ith w ater con ten t of 4 0 Inches, In cjport (.iiows, the w ater ...............equal to o r more th a n th a t nj; lli> same period l i i t year.


Uyliolslcrod Scul.s



O^ds and Ends Offered Very Low In Price

FIVE RACKS OF BARGAINSAssorted Coals aiul Dresses Seeoiul Group—Assorted Cofits and Dresses



STOP Coughing and Stop It NOW. , . , - ••rlelulf melie*•hull i>c>tk u( rtlle«|ii> ihote e iu ^ im eiit|-ug ,Mu.|.. ..,,1 ,,tl.«r r"u |h. r.„.r.1lc .,l.n lo acordln, U. J r .

,«nlll ItKit'Un. e«4 MT MtMuh .

W mil'I^I.HV'H MIXTUmi m? »m

t wiTiBB en nurKI.KY’S...

Dresses ■> Rohes - Sweaters, Etc. y. . SI .98 Dresses - Uloiis(‘.s - tioiise Coals . . $1.00 One rack asHorle.d ^Ups - Aprons - CUil-

dreji’s Dn^ssiis ■ Ladies’ Dr<;ss< s . 50e

All sales I'inal.Tliroiiglioirt this Sale.

Bertha Campbel is Store131 Main Ave. Eait

+nfnnedtate Selling t>f 1500 Fall and Winter Garments



$13«Group 2


* 1 6 ”Group 3


Our Alreody Unmatchable Values Nov/ Become


January Clearance

Clearance Mens Dress ShirtsTake Your Pickijf «ny Kwlcy or CtpmmcrclHl Shlrl. V k lu M Id


Or Ttvo Shirts $2..'i0

This Groupconluinii th e hUIi quiilKy lied ford B hktn— hunrtrerin of them . Ynluea \o Sl.AS.


Or Two Shirts $1.8S

Here Is a Real Chance

lo Mvr. KHflicyfl >r- B tdford i arid olherii In odd loU nnd broken l i tc t ,


Two Shirts for $1.50


Page E ight IDAHO EV EN IN G TIM ES, T W IN FA L^S, IDAHO Thurscloy, J an u a ry 5. m i

TCU, VOLS TURN DOWN ‘DREAM’ BOWL OFFER,T-ennesacc ami Horned Won’t Battle

ATLANTA. .Tan. tUP' -Diri'ctor Pniil Stcvpti' cii <’\ Ibo Atliuila world's f;iir .'otn.ini’i.'iion (‘uiav rnrrivrriic iru iu l:. u f i'c.xiui C hri>-iiar

'nnT w i-.K y ;,n.l r n i ' - . - i t y .-I


At Long Drives inh> JirVTT^ McT.FMOnF r.n h ltt r i ': In tlio w

Now if You Have No Weaknesses Golf or Sure Bets at the Track

V ..|<irl) hc i I- 30 yurds off lii'

v«. hb Strok,mocliatilcal iKrlecUoi

All of th is souii

\h r

rumiuy T!u' Ten rocord ii ■ iil'catint: utiljoatcii Oklalnjina 'l)V a si'ori‘ of wliilciiav.'y O'llrii' tiMiiv to a in CanioKi<‘ Trcli

lI. a .j ivnriIS k c |) t l l i f i


vor tli(“ loiiffJi hill. 15-7.

luD rc.Kiliik; plays

•hoi than .'•Itil I us, ihp brnvf •bll golf for two-U

I tlu it Nii^-

I talked lo Jlm m v Tim

•• l»i. lftu^ iirh :

of nil.-;, 1

th e f iiftd brrii biotiKljl Miv of S o iiilirn i

'bow l \ic to r. lo;.f t gaincs bcforp rntrM n dljijiosc of unljcalcii, U ukr. 7-3. '

SlcveiiMHi pliiniird

Culifornin, ;{(>.-•(• .'o rcculiir .'•w' soti rinii ilip bowl to II, luiscoicd ii|X)ii

10 'liavc iwn worlcl'.s -fnlr"

troiiliy. H r Mild innnbpr.s of tlj r two oppasiiiK icnm.^ would be nivcni l i r e tr ip s to llto woild la lr lii New York hi June , and In iiddlllnn ttir liiiRr trop liy would go to tlic w liitiliis teani,

n i a Ih f Rl!ilctc.s, wliool offliiiil-s ' ntirt coaclics had tJi'clclrd Hint tlic

Krld sra.von iind in.'tcd Ion;; riioiiKli npd th e o ffer was iinaiilmousiy tu rned down.

Ilowcvpr, 11 wa.s n c aboiil Tklilch to “dream ."

Ricks 40. Collete of Idaho 37. M c n U n a S ta te 34. Idaho S outhern

B ru n ch 25. ..\labam a 41. T ujunc .12. - r rin fe lo H 33. D uke Id a n d 52. K cnlur^y 31. W e*lm in»lcr 43. C irneirte Tccli 41. P enn S ta le 36. W m ttrn Reserve

21.I 'ennsy lvanla ,36. :\Jarylan.l 21, G eo rce lonn 27, Ne\y York- U ni-

Tersity 23.L oyoU 33, S a n ta C lara 31.A rm y 50, Bron-n 21,U u h lh f la i i S ta te 38, O rt(o n S late

H IG H 8C II00 I. l iry h u m 44. K imberly 3.1.AecquU 47, ilua rlton 17.

n i r hI la ie lto n 23, Acequla 20,

■ In d rp e n tlrn t : \ |i i r U u |h Savasen 42, Jerom e 32. B uhl M -M en 22. Jerom e M-.Men


nriic- or H orton ,s • ' IIS. bu t wuiild

lai) w ith Hixriy Cou-

.siiol’ l ' th e broflrt m e al '•( our cxktciicc . W hen we tIniiK i.r one 200 ynixl'i down tho falrw av 11 Is bec.Tusc our swnik: m

W icii Kf i,tnk a !oi:i; piiH It l.s b c ra u 'e our tuck l.s liolclliig.

N ext 10 lim in g long drives, m osl

th a t '.prcnd nrou)' and ljud m e. lor Jesse Owen.s town w indow, fn lookini

I ho tip I

le h in I

->( itM.' ho t tip d -s,!!!:,! AiilU

oni-. ilu liiK .a ril ilio miituel ; 'o fe r my pro- !.■/ tinm ed Joe iicd 10 S[>enecr Uir race track

. (II. Lhe .MTOcii.k nnan a boy ih<"\ w andered.

;i:o . liiter _I got,1 ,/oe Sani and p change I hadgel All

,y |)0ckei I Iracrd

back, h e re h u 'iu ; liappcnc<}: W hen I Ipft Tracy, O liver H ardy

cam e up a n d Oikcd T racy who he


llketl In th r T lie only m ontloneci w ent to Joe K. Uiown iii hud Ju^t h a d a tip on Brow n hiirrleti over lo "Kood thluK ' will) H on Plorenco Rnve It t w ho 11 lo Gw ho «nve II lo ninic C Kavo 11 irj P iiu ik l.!oy<l. I t lo F ra n k Condon, w

thli.B I havf

lier ;

ind .s"P a l. we ll Kci a ll even Uiv. i.

T h e re 's a ihini: nnm ed Ji>- Saii w ho c a n ’t '

Joe Sum r t ld n t ini.— -Iieiiv f o i i r . i . Now I know w here oii' h o i t((i born. Xn GeorKW. flat h is nam e wo.% Joe Sam, aiul I n so rry I ever knew him.

Dempsey Extends His Hand of Help to Old Jess Willard

• NiC\V VUIIK, .Ian, 5 (U,R)—Tlu' rlglit liaiul wliich .<’<l Jc.-i.-i Wiliard to tlio canvas 20 year.- a^o ami took liis -wcji-hrs lu'avywoiKl't (■!iani])ion.'<liip. was extended across Ihu cuunlry t(i liim tiiday in a spirit of Krnlitude and helpfulness.

I t wris ihe hiind of Jaek Deii)!}^'''’.weapon' of.

killer, iiuw the. wpll innntcuH 'd a.';* .set of ft probjHTOus buslne.s.sman. I t w eni oiil lo old Je:.. , whom It le ft f!rOK«y In a Tole<ln rlnij tlin l June afiernoQii In 1513, tier.'id.',*’ ft.s o n iie r iMd heard the'^frR K.iii^nn was down on hl.i liicit and needed a " lif t back u p .'

"Devoid of Senllm ciit"111 a le tte r which D eiripvy kiowI-

liiRly .said was "devoid of sen llm cnl," w n ia rtl . the •'while itope", who w e s te d th e ehnmplon.'^hlp from Jack JoIiiisoiiT“ wfl.'v’n iU 'U ect-to -com c- to N ew 'Vork (b*l en ter one of Ihe va­rious Domp.vy enterprl.-^C!. He wn< proinlMid a profitable Job— "profU- .•\ble for botli of ii.'."

Jack's ICtlrr niis .iddn-.ved '(o G lendal'', Cnllf., where Wilhirrt le - poiKxlly' hns had hl^ recen t bu.)Jncss leveiH', I t was prom pted by a liab-fost In I)emp--ey ' rps:au-

•hlch lliD Toledo ligh \ wasdl:cut.-ed.

I si« n rle of i>lil Jc;;s?''

Acequia Quintet Drubs Hazelton

ACEXJUIA, Jiin. .■) (H|>eclasii- T h.' JilRlt-M-orht^ A r e t i u i i i basketbdll te am iiluh t compllpd a 47-17 vic­to ry over th e InvadliiK Unreltoii

, I ra n i In a Kiinie iilaxeil on tlir locn’l floor.

« in th e pie ilm liia iv ihM vbiiliiK Rlrl.s won n 2:i.:ii v lihnv 1u' .M<irln» « lnulc lailv III,.' 111.' A tc-

' (iiila-Blilk.

L elln"W lM tever be

•■.oniebody'B.^ked Donipsey didn

tim er fukl lie had heard bln Jevs w as on liLs uiiiwr.s. And’ yo today a f te r a quiet lju)uiv>'IJem p .w .s letter In th e nintl.

H e .said h^ could ii.' ' W llhird a s a d is trib u to r for a llfiuor which bear t l \a "Dem'p'.'y " label q r kivp h im n poslllrm a t tSne u rT lie o ihe r of hiN('\ YorkMi;iml hilt

an ts hl.^

Iteyhiu-n Stops KimlK'i'lv Club

HKVHUiiN, .Ian H eylnirn 's pow ntu l ed <inr of III.' Ir'M 1 .south e rn tn i l

JA C K i ) h > i r s i :v

;ul a t th .' h a lf 10-

K iiiih 'ilv frosh-Mip

Novice Must Learn to Feel At-Home on Skis—Hauser

My HA.NS IIAt n l ItHllVlllK l.'.iinrd how In put o

I' il'Hl ,Sl.'|) in S p o rt O f T ! i i ’Hl.s

llri;hin.'U ;;,r 1 III llMO.IM t.Ih rv a l l .'«ll<l Ihr ;I '

'1-hey a . . . , oi nf l l i r r i . l ' , wlheein lo i v . ' .i i iid 111v k w a ii l l o IIIA r 111 ^ w lln in liiH . 1.1 .ski m o p . '^klI-l« 11111; t i H a s T h r ,.kl.'i n;h e o iiie p m I .Il th ■ III In i l i i ' i i 1iiiln .ls, 'H ib l.s h rtl llllKl. lir. iiUMIhe skin arc r i i r r r i •tiv Illla i'h rda k ler ac lually h ii; I I I (il H u m

Heghniei;. AllOlll Il ,M i n , i l ; r s .houi.s the 11IMI ,la>' w a lk lm i .......l(> l>eruni.i u ;ir>l h. Ih.'iii T Iu r. 1will a u l . i i i i i i l InilK i . 'l a o T h .'ii 1)i.iwll)lr lor Ih i ' ii l l.> WI.IK » llliJ i jo p e r ^l)rln K III •h rir kiivv:.. Kactlu ii, iiK 1 n h a l l p i i ln t o u t 111Il Ollli (if fill . iniiir fiiipoKiinl p<i)of Akllng

Ah iiovlcvn M in t . ml liir Ih r i r 1walk, they i llUht IIu i k r i r . r ol 11^kl (iplen. .‘I'lieM- )>.< phirec 111 th e Kiiow \erllt'i>lly, lUe iioiiitr lieliig Rlioiil rveii with Ih r i.k ln toen.

As Iho oklcr Miiu sIa iiie le ii lo'ii " foi^'«i'i1,'>ib Dr Ahe >.lioiilil ']timh witli

th e I r f t ik i |>olr. Al Ihn Minie iiiik l l i e ,r ig h t Aki'tiole iihnuld lin lliiiinl i th e id lo R pM llloii twu I rr t In Inn il o f th e lo ft foo l,.

T7>n — COM MUfi Vi Oi* r r r m e •>! Dm flrjit. T lia r lg lil foot In h iin igh i U|Kevei> WlUi Um le ft And llioii tin m l n itead , lh a ^ I t r |>udilng cm th« r lillit ik l pota a t ' th e M ine (liitr n ixl

' ( lir iu tliig a h ea d th e left *kl jiole.I’ola* aiwuM be kep t cIoac ui t

' «kU.When fn il «iiow ifermlt.

~ lliD ftkirr atxnild U ka adt'antngn of lUa 6t her glide belw cen aictu. Afirr 4liniallng foiw ard Uie le ft aki and

f - ' b r in iln * jjn the right, Uia akirr rn- I P W >nTrT»rtw Iwfori ptm lilni ilirr^lit »kl forwnrd^ , Mn I i T h t

l U i u llauH rr a l r^mt Valley, •hiiHn Vvmiiie T <n nntKA V r n n t on *kU, T liru»t Uir le ft oKI ro rn a rd . a t (lie M ine limna d ra n e ln r th e r l r h t akl p.<le, I'U r* (he rlRtit |uile In Itir miini, elii«r.(a (h r ik l, MIm T lilrr lii l '. I rll txitr ........... fai ....... . her .k l, t ie |i.,lr«M veil J««a la |o u r foiVard fragraaa.

HERE■ nd

THERESl’ORTS wohi.l)

By L'nlled r r e i sI / in f Island un iversity of New

York was ranked today a t one cif th e s lro n ie s t haakrthajl team s In Ihe ro un tr)' as i t m arked up its n in th itra ltih t victory. T he Btaek- b ird ', who week had beaten Iirerluusly u n b e a t e n Southern C alifornia, n igh t added K en ­tucky. w ith a 5'l-34 tr ium ph . I t w as K en lu tky 's flr^t de fea t In n ine s la rls . . .T he New York Oiaiit.s announced

tlitit P i tch e r Carl Hubbelt, P itehe r Bill U ilim ian , and • In lic lder Lou Chloiza had .signed co iur.icts, . , Brooklyn Dodgcr.s com pleted traii.s- ac tlons In the of- O lit- Ilelder Prcd S tng ton of C hallanooga o t ' lh c S outhern nssociaUon'.

, Tennl.i officials a re In a neat e o n lro v rn y ' over efforts of Ihe U avU cup comf/ilttee o( m aitacc- m rn t Ici tran s fe r Ihe I<1.3D ,ehat- J.Ti(?e round from PhJIadelphia'f G erm a n to w n . Cricket club to M erion Cricket elub. . .

Hoth nn lversliv of Tnuic.'-.see and T r\a .s Chrl.stiaii offlclal.s rejected Ijropasais of a New York promoKrT to Magp a tnotball g.V"e between the tenm.s lo t the 'n a tio n a l cham plon- .sl'.lp.'; , .

T he Del.iwarc park tr a c t a t S tan to n , Del,, annotincr.s a 30-daV liorse rac ln s .Mnrl M em or­ial ilay. . . Col. Ma.w.'pil H ow ard, ow ner of Stngclnind, snltl his m oney- winning I'hftinplon of iftaa m lgh l pa-s up the JIOO.OOO S a n ta Anita, lian tftm p which he won IrtI year, for the S5U.OOO W ldener ch.ijlenae cup lace a t H lalpah park in MnTiitl, Ha.' .SiHBehand wa.s n.'.'tlKUPil 123 pound.s lor, the Florida race, live le.'xs tlm n Klvrn him lo r S a n ta Anita.

DIzi Dean suhm llled lil> S1K5.000 plIelihiK arm to an X -ray exam ­ina tion In Chicago Iasi n lih l , and predicted lie would win 'JO lam es ftrr th e Cubs nex t seasmi. . ,•rtiQ Californium hon e niniiK boaid

cracked down on L'l Jockey.'t by dciiy- ik 17 o f llirni

Brookfield, Dell’s Win 3 Straight Roily Jones, who h a d a 613 to ta l for th ree games, p e ll 's bowlers of th e Com m rrelnl league la s t nlfeht took th ree .'.tralRht conle.sta from Ihc N ational Laundry. Jones had gkme« of 218-160-235-G13.

Foe th e lo.'^ers. Dill Ford w(is top.i w ith 555 totni.s.

In th e C liy loop, Brookfield took th ree s tra lg h l from the Ray 's T ex - (fco club , w ith the a id of a 37 pin han d lca ji on th e tilt, F ra n tz wa.s h igh m nn for the evening fo r the ga.s .station crew w ith a 478. w hile S t ra in topped the w hiners w ith a th rc r-g am e tota l of 480.

L ln e u rs :CO ;\IM E R C U L T.KACUE


Vardou W inner

CITY l.KAaCKimtniKKit'i.

O nce again Ihe U ek nf .1 public gym naalum is brought In our a t ­te n tio n w ith the abandnnnien t of R local Independent basketball te am d u e to Inablllly of n e tlln i a place lo play.T lie iie -d of a piihhr cvni here

h a s been po ln trd ou t nv.ii\ tlme.s before. I t Ls no rpilpcllon on the hlgh '.school gymnnsluin. T lir Mhot>l f loor Ls bnsy n igh t sm l ilav ^ r nine month.s of ilie lu tndlin^.school a th le t ic and o the r ncllviile.s for th e th o u sa n d s of T w in .Falls ynunB.sler.«.

-----T h e supe rln tem ienl-B ix l m-IiooIboard have been as len ien t as U possible in le tting 6ulside bodies u»e th e ir floor. B u t unless names were rl-iyed a rnund the tnlrtnlsht h o a r, no more haskelhalt lhan Is beinc played » l Ihe n rrsen i time c an be slagcd the re th is je a r .

B ill local youth Is finding n place to p a rtic ip a te In . winter Indoor

mrt.s Iw rea.slnc ly difficult .^nd In land w hrre Ic? and snow are not

,-nllnhle a t b th a t l.s'a

Savages Defeat Jei’bme Qiiint

M URTAUGH, J a n , 5 ( S p e c la l l - 'H io s la te a m ate u r cham p ion M ur- taugh Sfli-agcs, who have been fln d -

; liiR th e going rathe ;' lough In Uic jS nako Valley O utlaw leaRue, today

had -won th e ir gam e In the loop 111 five .slart.s.

T lie victim wa.s the Je rom e Ja y - cco orKanUntloti, w hu'h suffered a 42-32 .setback.

Tlic Savai;e.s tra i a» usual, a l the h a lf tim e. 23-17. A .strong ha lf a ttack , led hy Bill PoT\'ers and C hief Dos Eagle cllnrhetl the gam.*, Powers collected lo po iiits and Dog Engle 15,

T h e M urU ugh chib will .step o u t­side th e leaKue on S a tu rd ay w hen 11 tr.t\-els to Caldwell to take on . the College of Iclaho quint.

L ineups; _____ -Jerom e—Bell. f:. B aker, f. 4;

N’orby, e. 3: WHIl'am.s. e . 6; Shaw - ver, t . t : T hom alson. g, B; L attl- m u ’, c. 4.

S a v a re s-P o w ers , f, 15: Dog Ka- file. r. m Kddlneton. c; G reen, g; S larlin , g., 8. ^

Expert Easily Leads Field

LOS A N G E lE S, Jan . 5 (U Pi-O nly th ree qu ick 'y rais-rpm oveif from ob- ic u rlty of hl.s na tive V irginia hlll.s, swinging Sam m y Snead won today th e Ifa rry V ardon meroorlnl trophv and offtelsl rerocn ltlon ns Alnprlca'^ toremoM'ift-ofe.'^slonHl golf-

Sncail, nam''^l bv e.Kpprl.f as pos- .slbly tlip c reate st m an w ith a driver and a pu tte r since the sport wa.s in ­vented. won th .' covcled tit le In ^ w alkaway wllh 520 point;!, o r 141 morn ■ th a n 'the runncr-iip , Paul Rnnynn. Adttttlenaliy he took p rlrc m oney of |19.534.49, o r more th a n tw lc? the .sum nf liLs' n earest com ­pe tito r In th a t field, John Revolta.

Tiie VaKlon Tntliig.s were released bv rtec l Corcoran, toum am qnt n ian - auer of the P. O, A., who .said Snead 's carntng.s conslltu ted an Bll-tlme rec ­ord in th is cqnn rry :»Tlie ra tings a re btused on the positions in w hich th e uniters finish In al] fix tures spon- j.orert by the P. O. A. H arry Coo|>er of Clilcopee,, won th e trophy ft year a«o when Hnead wa.s third.

O ther.s In th e 10 and the ir wlnnlug.s were: H unyan. Jlpnnv n in e s , R alph G uldahl. U«nry Pfearcl, Cooper, Revolta, Byron Nelson and H orton Sm ith .

McMahan will be Representative of Jerome Gun Club

JKROME. Ja n . 5 (Specia l)—I?an M cM ahan has been nam ed rep - re.senlatlve of th e Jerom e Rod a n d G un club to the Idaho W ildlife Federatlon'.s annual m feth ig J | i i , 13 and 14, It w,^s announced following a m eeting of the o rganiza­tion.

A lternate for the m eet Is W illiam N. Havdwlck, i>resideni of th e club. At th e sam e m eeting of th e Rod anrt G uo club, Felix . Pla.stlno,, p resen t game fa rm head a l Jerom e was e n ­dorsed for reapixjlntm ont ,by m em ­bers of the group,

'f ile nex t rep ilar_m eeU ns_of th a RCKI and G uii club will be he ld on J a n .-9 a t which tim e m em bers will m ake plan.s fo r th e ir an n u al b a n ­quet a n d will appo in t t conuniltea for niembersliln. '

A m otion pJcIflre o f fh ree r t t i i will also be .•hown a t Ihe m eeting.

Western Auto Supply Co.s

S un la A nita and w llhhnldliw ap-'l illcatlons on four > ' Thii.M- bar-r.'.l included Nnrl i.'^pt■I I Kicliiird-,‘.<in, who rldc-s Hi. l.lH.iiotl, . ,

lit: Cl .v.l>V',s hor.'.r

iirnvvH-flglit IIuM ut ( liainplcinJov l.uu li «i»nt:i I n ,1 tiliHiUed

..kl.i.'k farm . I.<>itis Ino hor>rsiiixt —Ihorouglilirrits tli nl i«on Tib*11.1111 a t shon '. In Ortr.i It niKl Chi*ti<Ci>, >and pUn> th is vrnr.

III up m.irB

C.iarh H ohalil .lon is h.i.s I.'l'om 'thu l IJ-.VJ/• N<iii • H h o ih r rn

till- pas;, lh a l na\ I t l in n Ciill-' lo in ia a vlctoiv <n r r 1)iik.< In till

ItOM- howl, hr Klvr r l i r r dff«l.ll.hir. I>ii'k III iiilnillr s pliM

(irn e Mnk.> ni 111 111>11111 ( ir a n trH»llr n n n liirlr slnsl ra m alehesIII Hdvnnrr llir .Mil .ariln lh ia h ll>Ihr DUIe trn n is laUiiirr u . . .

V Ml I'limpa.

A lllr .l VtilhlMli Ii.i|;..-,s haviwon five M ri.n ir. Iliint.i A nita

111 1.iin ilayn ii

Local Ski (I'roup liirc8 Instructor

I hil>..Ull'lll of till

will bo I

K rlitn iiii. liv

ilulny 111 t l.'lilUl1rgK' iiiKt now of

I.VI will StK'lh in r r t a t

h r MiMtrr K-i> I ..... I Ml Kotc^hlim)lilv ' Ihn-se wllh |i<ilil up dur.^ im •IUIl.1.1 fur Ih r iKi- I ln,v.

til liiiiiki'iiri i.pokr to chill m rm ir is »t icKuliir llirrtln ii la s t nigh It thp llo tir iron lii’t'-l In Tw in Fnllf t wi.>< nt tiint tim e Mint niem lter ..ill'll Id iirrc'iit lil.'i ^rl vlrc;.,. .

l.iM K of piKi'lli'i' rioiM'.l local .’hil ll. iiilirin 1.1 d rrl llir iiii Ijivltiitliin. U ciiiiii('ii. Wllh niriiiliriB of tlio Pm-a rllo I mil In a iiiret r c i for H.'nii iiiiuiiliiiri. nrni Pirifttrllo, iieM HUU'

l l i i i l o y W i n n Over O a r c y I c o ( l l u l ) ,

i ;AHI',Y. ,lnii. n i«l>cr|«K 'I 'h r h viHhiiii lln llrv luxkev leiim M .un l 11-4 Nlrloiy OM'I IliP hoiiin rh ili In Ki<in><'|ihi)r.l iin lln< I.n i.I Unk, In |i I'lilllcr Kiimn tint local rliili liml lu Ih r lliillpy oestPt liv il f|-A i iiuill.

If llin w rn llirr p ftin ll.', Ih r Cai'fV l.'iini will play riun Vulliy lai Miiil- Ua>’.


ThurBday, January 6,1989 IPA H O EV EN IN G TIM ES, TW IN FALLS, IDAHO P a g e ^ » i

Investigate the “Farmers’ Columns” Today for the Values Listed The^W A N T A D R A T E S

Pot PubH cttlon In Both T IM E S in d NEWS

RATES P E R LINE PER OAT:. S t i d « r i . /p e r lloe per ........I te

T b rc t per Uo« per d a j.._ lg c O n i 'd a y . p e r line.......— .............Me

33 1 /3 D iscount For Cash

0«Ah dl£COunt .allowed It adver- U u tn e n t t i paid for w ithin leven d a ; t o t ( Irs l InKrtlun.No claaiU led ad taken (or in s

-th& a (Oc. Including discount U n a of c Jo u m ed adverUMng com- puU d on b u i s o t tlva medium* leng tb v o rd s per line,


IN BDHL ■. Leave Ads a t V am iy 's Candy Store



DO YOU H ave a grating or slipping o t th e bones In the neck? Falnlesa a d ju s tm e n t will relieve you. Dr. A lm a H aw lln, D. 0 .. Ph. 1642.


T w in P a lls -P h o n e 252.


U A 6SA O B .114 UaUi No. Ph. ne-R.


60c. $1. W e a rrange a ll details. Sibyl F ra z ie r P a r ty House, 1926. ’


NEW day a n d n igh t school classes, J a n . 0. T . P. Bus. Unlverslly,


CAT—d a rk gray, black stripes, long h a ir . R ew ard . Phone i«J1 or 3\2»

LO ST—300 Kalsnmme bruslici. you have one o t o u n and are th rough , please return . Moon'a.

LADY’S green c loth coat, black tu r t r im . 'lo s t In Rocking Chair ba ll­room New Y ear’s eve. Eew ard.

■ Phono K im berly 7 or 106.



If yo li a r e lookintJ fo r ou t- sland in j: b u y s n l low price.';, con su lt th e followinvr n .inm ns IM M E D IA T E L Y -


•H A Y . G R A IN . F E E D . FA R M IM PL E M E N T S


FA R M A N D G A R D E N . P R O D U r ii

Sell YO U R OW N farm a creages, implcmentf<. pradui-c and liv esto ck w ith a C L A S S IF IE D A D . I t w ill reacii 15,000 fam ilie s— your f in e s t and su r e s t w ay o f reacl^iiiK p rospectivo b u y crsj

T he


w ill be liapiiv to help you w ith your a<iC all 38 o r 32

- L IV E S T O C K F O R S A L E

TEAM . wl. abo u t 28C0, well broke. M agnus L a w n , 6 *3 m l. S . H ansen, Hold Everything!

L E G A L A D V E R ’r iS E M E N T S

TEAM h o rses 'w lU i lian iw s. Also h a i 'd e rr ic k . P h jO 30 i.J4 ,

COW, Ju s t tresl)^. a iv ln tr 8 jfti. 32-J3. M urtaugh .


'p la c e Y oiir Ordor N ow !w ith discount to r o rders

p la ted In Ja n u a ry . 8 b rc« ls lo sc- Icci from . T ake del. any-Umt'.

C anada lia tc tiery Jerom e, Id aho . Plioue 128-W.

B A B Y CHICKS Vftw ar Prbdu<» Co, PUoye U W .

JOn discount on orrfers rec. In Jan . w ith cash In full. ^ «hlcks, auy breed. 9S7. 100 bcxed leghorn jiul- le i/. *18, T ake del. any tim e. We take g ra in o r used fu n iltu re lii e?(>

. change. 1st h a tc h Feb. 2 0 .H a y es H i-G radc H a tc h w y


3-LB. tryer.n, f a t hens. H ayes H tchry

RH O D E IslBPd Red cw kerc ls toi b rre d lng .-P hone 0387-R2.

FO R SALE—100 lay ing hc as . N ru H am pshire R eds. E. D .-F ro s t, i ml. No.. 2 w est of Jerom e.

F U R N IS H E D _ A P A R T M E N T S

a RM . a lr-cond . 605- 2nd N, Adulfs,

FU R N . ht-, claso In. 2 12 4 ih Ave. E.

JU S T A M tR E inJL Ph. ISB OaslS 971.

ROOM tu rn , Bungalow Apt, 2nd B.

3 Lg, tu rn . rm s.. str ic tly mod. Prlv, ba ih . prlv . en trance . 305 4ih Av, N

4-R M . apt--, mod, except ""ba tlj‘ g a r.-1161 e th-A vc7E .

$2&—3 HM S.. ba th . Comp, tu rn , Inq . S incla ir s ta tion , 402 Sho W,

1 -RM-, Jcltchcn, b a th . Call 850 before. 6 p. m . ,


R M .'& Bd, Close in 315 2nd NOir


I ’ve Movedto Ih'e P e rrln e hotel. My new beauty shop Is now open. ^ r s . Neeley.

-------- P B M i( A N E N T ^ ! lo r B ; 1 to t « ,Lola M a rt in , a ssistan t, Mrs. Beam - er. over In d . M eat M arket. ,

CR AW FO R D Beauty Salon. OH pe rm a n en ts lU O up. 112 M ain & Ph. 1874.

SP E C IA L .— M.OO and |VOO oil pe rm anen la 2 to r the price o t 1 , • 2 60 p e rm a n en u $1.50. Idaho

• Barbe> a n d Beauty Shop, Ph, 424,

Bl5Ain-V ARTS ACADEMY .011 P e rm a n e n u os ,low aa tl.OO.

Ju i lo r S tu d en t work treu. Ph. 30S. 13ft M ain West.

M A RCILLS’S, 73& Main B. The shop ot u n u su a l perm anents and, la s t­ing linger WMvea Oil sham poo and tlnger wave 60c. Evenings by a p ­po in tm ent. Phone sea.

W O R K W A N T E D BY , ■ W O M EN

tX l ' . WOMAN w anta cooking lo r slirr j) r rrw . Ph. 201-J, Jerome,

vvo’r k w a n t e d u y m e i^

W ANTED: Ou.Hom hay chopping, W, T , Hheldon, V ml. N. IJosplui,

ROOM a n d board . 301 2nd Ave, W.

.. P rlv . hom e. Phone 1712,

C H EERFUL fro n t bedrm . Excel, m eats , h o t w ater, tu m a ce h t. 212 W alnu t. P h . 1375 w ;



2 BEDROOMS. 344 3rd Ave. K.

TORVr’md.’rm'rior'’ 27~312TuiTLARGE bedroom, Baraue, 253 7 th K.

S T p K m h td , Tjn. 411 3rd Ave,

NIC E rm , ciosc In. 13 wk. 501 Mnlii E

P R O P E R T Y — S A L E O R .T R A D E


L e t U a R en t Yov\r HourcJ . E. RO B E R T S, R ealto r, 563,



FARM m ach in e ry to r .sale a l ' all tim es a t H arry Mu-igrave's.

T R A C T O R rep a irin g , valve, r^ng, sleeve, m agneto a n d bearing wnrJc, □co. W oods, 762 M ain Av«. No., Tw in Falls . P h . 1303. ‘

H A Y , G R A IN , F E E D


M oreland M illing Service P h . 218. rU e r. P . O . Box 274, PUer.

___ _ to Uie hlghCsT bidder to r cash,law ful money o t th e U nited S ta te s , sub jec t to r tdem pU on a s p rovided by law, and th a t plalntltX reserves th e r ig h t to bid a t such sale.

D ated a l Twin Falls. Idaho , on th is 2 1s t day of Decem ber, m a .

E P PR A TER .^ Sheriff o f Tu’ln Pnlls C ounty,

Jdaho.Pub, T lm e s-D e c. 2 l 20, 1038.

and Ja n . 3, i r n O J P .------


H IO K S e r prlo*e p»ld fo r you r fa t chickens a o d turkeya. lad ep en d e n t M eat C om nany.


HAY. potatoes, c a rro U . P h . 0197-J4,

APPLES—W lnesap a n d A rk. Black, by bu, o r tru ck load . A. R. Albco. Brow n O rchard , E den . P h . 15F23.

CID ER; Jo n a th a n , Rom e apples, 25c nil. C anned Jo n a th a n s . 7Sc i>or dow n cans, H . T . B lake. O2B0-R5.


L etter size. Phone . 410.

CORDW OOD saw rig , P h 0182-R2 M, Biggs, B urley, R . 3 ..

S to v es and F u rn itu re SP O T cash pa id a t M oon’s. Ph , 5.


S k a tes Shan>cnedSchade. Key Shop , 126 2 n d S t.

L E T ’S S W A P

M IS C E L L A N E O U S I F O R S A L E i

NEW baby tricycle $1.50. P h , 1113-W.

WAhfTED - Plum bing a n d 're p air w ork. Phone 485, K rengel's Hdw.

C losing Out 1938 .stock wall paper. M oon’s.

I ,0 0 0 -E 0 0 W ishbone ^ o t w ater In- cubat< ir.''« ]u l|)m cnt for elcc lric1= ty a n d kerosene. B argain , W . A. W hlt«, 6 m l. N,. 2 Eh Je rom e.

W e’ll F a y Y ou F u ll P r ic c F O R M uresco K alsom lne whl<^h you

have left. B rush loaned . M oon’s.

■‘A m erican” Oil H e a le r KUh outride u n k . $40. coal $90. Ex­

cel. cond. H ea ts 5 rnis. P h . 1<12.


rEAM 3 nnri a ^ O cn tU -an d -b ro k o . W l, 3100. p c l l ’g .Clgnr Store. _


N q C hg. for S e tt in g G lass A uto door glass, w indshields, w indow

glass. B rln^ your saish In. Moon's.

USED parlo r tu m a cc . Ph, 95.

USED b ^ ^ g T h e a p . ' i l S Plerce.

O O O D -enam el-coal ja ngc .-»3a . Cost $70. 738 2nd A r t W est,

Business and Professional



2 a-R M , huuM‘:i, 1 furn. 2 10 loiin.


KXP, lU k p r. Family of 3, lllvo Ref Mrs, II. A, syverson, Murtnugli

“ M ^ i . i r n E Y . F w 'A i ^ i ) “

K.XPKRIUNCI£1) m arried sateArniiii w llli c a r , iirn t npprnrance la iin- nlst " W e a r K v e r ” d istributor, O u arn n te e nnd commlMlon during tra in in g period. Give ret. Box 24, N ew i-T lm ea.


ISO W B IJ t. O ro tr miuhr(Ktiii». C/el-l i r , ahed. W« buy lOo lb. Freet>ook. W riM H ushrootnt, aoi« Becund. H eattle, Wn,

IH IS IN B S S O i^H tT U N n iE H■ \V BLL16o,. good“ naylng 'rivln FalTi

a p t, h o u w . Boa 23, Tliiwr..Nows,

'• , W e W fttit^ -M an h a n d le dU trlbutlng biMliiKM in

T w in P ap u n flR a n iln ia «bout 110 0 m onth to d a r t , Pnaslbla to Increaaa Incom* »evernl tim es, MM Investm ent re- (inlrrd , w hich U »«cured and m ; liirnabla. No aelUng. T lie m an ie> levied bi> r l good charac ter, iM rm aiirn t and of a v era ie ability. W rite Box 17. Newa-TUjjei, giving few dftlalls of yourself, adilreos, phone num ber.


O F P IO I (oom f. Phon* IN .

( iA R A f lB rO n RENTHALF nr doiihlA garaga a t 320 aili

Avo, No. P h . O IM 'JI « v u )ln « « ,,

NEW fi-nn, home. (;oni|ilcli'ly mod. (JnriiKr, Furniicc. EU-c. liut wiUec h rn tc r. If in lr re s lfd m il 1M3-W.

NEW. Ill] c l r c , s-rm , ino<l. hoiiAJ’, w ltli o r w ltho iil a rrfugc . Furnace. dUI, K<tr, 3311 N. Elm, P h . liJ.^J.

' f u r n i s i i k d h o u s e s ” ’

iirl E, Walfcer, A tloriiey-nl-l-nw , Suite 7, I. D. a to rc «1(1K, , ..

Itliildinff Contraeiinn

ItuUdino nialeriolT w in t ’all.% l.unxUcr Cunipauy Coin-

lilrte lini-.'> UimUrr. uuildrr'n hard* w nn , puUils. cum ent, p liu trr .

Coal and WoodMomo Luml>er Co, Phone ai.

.NKIL'S LUMI* COAL»fl7:j 1 - 1 ion, 1‘liiinr 'JOll!.

DINKS Q U A U T y 'C()A1.No liiKpt - LrsB Aflh - No ClliiKi'is

llrt liiin rtiad Ave. Phoiin .1V:>

2 KM. lioiUK-. 221 W. Addison.

2-ltM , furn . h 'o iiA c. 207 m t i Avr. r

2 -IlM . himse. Adults, i 'h , 1127-J .


Wart'liouflH Fin* Hulo240 Itallrpud Ave. ]>|,, 4 3 ;).j

'R E A irE a T A T F ^ U )A N S

PSW OIAL P A H M 't^ /rN fV -i% " tn ^ iSTfcsn lx)w eit ra le In h isu.ry UU lo S4 yr« H iu 14 Bank iu lY im uidg

IX3ANS a t low ’in te rest ra te s - .. ,FAIlMfl, MODKUN HOMKt) and in l l d . UUSINEUa PltO PK IlT lE H

'P ro m p t a ^ o n , Prad P . U atea Boa IM , Tw in fa lla . Pt^ m g .


WAVTBD lo Jeaae lerviee n a tio n , a iv o full pa rticu la rs a n d Iw a tlon W rit# I H H ailey, w , . , ,

Kiiviil iiihI S p r in g ('anyoiitlTAH M 2 l.E A D IK O COAL>

[ti'M:<i'n ('oa l &. Stirvici!11 Hl|c> l>'>ne H. PlicMK! 1117

A berdeen CoalAlwaysiK thu.Wf'Ht"

M) C iiiil-M ore l l r a t - N o l)uU liiUM'motiiitalii

,Sf.'(l aiu! FticI C(i.Phon* m o r i«a

Dreaamaker^m iniiif. (IrrannBIttnB,- nioiin isn.

lilfcM cn l C ontraclt

Floor S g n iln g 'ncHit naiiding, li. a". lio ider. OMT i

/ftniininccIViivry ralfer U o , Inc. Phone aoi

i 'l tr . Aiiiii, 1 .0 U U glier, I'h . 6OQ,

k e y ShopUUkl^vn Cyulary. P hone U l.

M onumentBje liiw ii tfro t, «fOy M 4 j | i U E ^ ^


Money to Loan. Jones for loans on hom es 123 ^aln EoaI i'liune 427,

Q U J C K ' l o T n s '*$r» titul U P on

Y O U R S IG :if\T U U K ONLYE m ployed peoplo who need c u i'

solve your pto lilrm s liorr.N(J R l'l) TAPI-:

No endorsiTA. No m ortgagrs, I trpey A .vou gel paid.

CASH I'HIODIT CO.Roonis I nnd S I'linneliu rkho ldn r llidit. 77Q

N ew P lum bing F ix tu r e s S O IL pipe, lead pipe, sew er tile , g a l­

van ised pipe, pipe fittings. K REN O EL’S HARDW ARE

N EW sh ip m en t of IwmeA* a n d col- • ' 'Ja r if^ a rr iv in g ^ lh ls week. S p R to l

p rices lo early buyers. H arry Mua- grave.

A U T O S FOR SA L EFO R SALE, or Irnde for l lv e i tb c k -

1037 Chev, D eluxe sedan , good tires. goo^>a^nd. Ph . 1676-R,

C ertified— 5 D a^s D riv in g T rial

1937 Stiidebaker. Crulslilg sedan.1936 SCudcbakcr C ruising Sedan.1937 Packar'^ sp b rt te d an , radio,

heater.M any o lheni.

Twin F a lls M otor . . . '•S tud tb ikev" . ..

T w in F a lls P h o n e . 86


NEW 14-ft. traU er house.- O 'C onner.

STREAM LINED traU er h o u se ,'c Bonlte U ncd w ith ply-board . Adams.


T IR E Sl E xceptionally good tised ones. A t prices th a t sell ihem fast.

• S tu a r t M orrison. Phone 1725;

PLEN TY ol re - trca d e n d re-bu ilt tires. All sites. As low $34)5,

0 . K. T IR E SH O P .129 Addison Ave. W. P h . 1483


CORRUGATED, galvanised sheet m elal. Also U. K, Storm.seal rh u n - ikel d ra in roolUiR. Lowest, prices.

K rengpl’fi H ardw are

R E F R IG E R A T O R S!3—6 ft. floor sam ples

PR IC E D FO R C L E A R A N C ENo rtown paym en t un til Feb ruary 10. C onvenien t le rm s to su it cu.itomer.

C. C. A N D E R S O N ’


LIVIN O room, liedrootn fiirn llu rr, Knciil couil. A. V. II 11)1, K.W iuihlngton school, '■< K<>.

U nrgalns In U»cd K uniitino HASEMENT H1X)HK

CIOLD BEAL lHIClii }l dow n, fllK- w rrk.

SW(‘cr ,i

Cliairrt fjOi’UHl'Ui dluUiK tm . taliU', $1 . l lw d

lmMrl.1 , 12.60, UftPd wm,l runs, $1 M.ioli n, S tore No, 2 . 2 lft Hhu, H,

Palntinii-Occorating1301 O e^erith Ave r.«al Ph, &7a~J.

Plum bina-H eatlng

Planing M illPlan ing ml^l und shop, Cublnot

work nf a ll kinds. Prioes right. I 'w ln P a lls Lumber Co, P i r 042,

Public Stenographerrfliw IhTrls M rlxm ald . Perrlne H otei.

K vrnlngs call 460-J.

itadio RepairingJ*..»,ell Radii) Mhop a t U etwi-ller'i,

Ituillo Itarv. U b . S&O M alivW . Ph, aiV,

P, 0 . U raves and tiu iu . I'hunc 9I&

Traiier»T railers tor rent. 2S1 PHiurth W eek

T ra llt r hu iuei, Q em 'I 'ra lle r C u

tu i le w r l ie rn

k, ta n u ia a i\d «»nlc« Ph<«« M

U p h o lB te r in glU f tn U h in i. H o n e iib u ilt.4 3 O M a ln 0

Ilci|iiilrlng. I'rflnlAhlng. (irMx At llru - • ley »>urii. Cv. 110 auid U. p h , l{io.

.(jiiulary R uk Snlr AornltuiUT ingn, UxlJ, «I9»<

•w M'linileon W lllfiu lis l'i lUKi iKiii U (h rr n ig biirKiilnft. Moon';

SiK-cial T M r W i '. ‘KNKW !> |K-, a ll hnrdw ood liiraki

spl/.. SKI UH, New foldhig Imhy car. rlRKi'A, $. .76, New Ciiiendnrs free Moon's, 301 M ain Ave. W.

‘k \ ' liirakTasi

rri'-Irivonlory Halu H a iry MuHKiavc'ri

Cattli Talkn

Si-c ThcH« T o d a y !2 P(J. m ohair su ite, good n m d . 126.

Ih ilv rrsal enam el runge, excel, r o n d . 134, M aytag rlrc . w oeher. < NBi nliiMilnum tub , A-1 rond ,, $49, (lood W ilton rug , 0x12', $26

H n yci F urnltiirn ICxchniiKO . - . . .ioa.MiUiutk)._______ »...


C utlH u lu I'llUIO L a tes t small m odel, lleauU tiil ma>

finish. Can tut h a d forKeal K ,l« te-ln .u im ,c„------------- -Tt.----------lloltpo I'luno H o u s tf .^ iU c .


'SO MOD, P o n t T udor, Bfo, a l l a roim it cond. p r tv a u ow ner.T o rced toaall^ftO l.M ajii K,

^ Plym .. iiaiaUr. i u ^ lire a [IT iaas'M P o n t. Mod, A. naw tIrM ..........«1U

J. H. W hild \tl 2ai Mo.

NOTICB T O STOCI^HOLDERS. Notice Js,«.hcreby given th a t Uie

r c tu ln r onnual m eeting -- - S iw k h o ld c rs of -the H om e Loan C on tpnny .-for tneT Jurpose o f ’ClMl- lng D irectors for th e ensu ing year, and for t h e , Iran.tactlon of such o th e r business m m ay properly conic betorc said m eeting, w ill'.b e held T uesday. Jnnunry 17, 1930, a t 4 ::i0 o'c lock P. M.. In th e B anking Room of th e ;j'wln F a lb Bank TriLst Com pany, Twin FalU , Idaho ,

HARRY EATON.^ ficcrctnry.

Pub. T im e .s -Ja n . 5 and 12, 1939,

NOTICK OK H llK ltlK F’S ^ A L E ,In th e D istric t C ou rt of ih c E lev e n lh

Jud ic ia l D b tr lc l of the S ta te of Idaho , In und for the C oiinty of Tw in Fulls.

FEDERAL F A R M M O R T aA O E CO RPO RA TIO N , a corporation, PlalntU f,

FRED IIA O O A R D T and IT R N nACIOAiiDT, husbiiiKl a n d wife, DefrndnnLs.Under and by virtue o t a n O rder

ol Sale, ls su e < ^ u l ol tlie al>ovo en lllcd Coucfrr^n the ul>ovn c n tltlrd

acllon, whernln th e pla ln tK f ob ­ta ined a Jiidginent and decree of torerlosure agaliuit tlie nbovo nam ed defendanis . on th e 2b t day of De- eep ibrr, 103U, sa id tlrrren being ic - rordnd In .Iiidgm ent Hook 10 ol siild U ls tt ld Court, on luige 4H5, and wherein iind whereby. I, th e nuclei- signed M lierllt o f Tw in l<alls C oun­ty, I^lalio, am coininiiiKlrd to sell nll th iit te rltiln lot, jilrce n r p a rre l of land nituated In th<i County o l Twin Falls, Ntale o l Idaho , mid iMiundcd a n d dfw rll>td aa lollown, to-w U ;

'i lin H oulhw est Q u arte r of ihn Houttiwe«t Q u arte r 'o l Hoi^lion : 'I’w eiily-one. 'I'ow nship T en H oulh. liiiiiKo Seventeen , Kiist nf tlm

; Boise M eridian, su b je r t lo road ■ easem en t'ove r th e W est 33 feel

U iPieol;T he W est H alt of th e N orthw est

Q m irtrr of the N ortiieast Q u arte r und tlin Nonth B fee t o t th e W est H all ol the U outhw est Q u ar te r o f (he Nortli^ant Q u arte r nf Herjlon '1‘w enty-n lne , T o w n n h l | ) 'T en Month, Range S e v tn tc e n ^ jlw l of th e llolKe M eridian, sTmleet to road easem ent over Ihe W est 26 te c t thereo l; a n d

All w ate r a n d w ater r la lila liflcd. upon or a p p u rte n a n t lo sa lil nrop* erty and linwsver evidenced, In . chiding iliu t n o t lim ited to) n w ater tig h t evhU ncad hy 60 aharrn o t stock In 'i^srln P^slls O anal Com ­pany. represen led by O ertlllra ie No. 10000-A for 20 s h a re i and O erllfk a te No, I 10<I4-A to r 40 •ha res;

' l ^ e t h e r w llh a ll a n d s ingular Ihn teneinriils, heiedltunientA and a p p u rlcnan iea Uiercm ito belong-- Ing ur In anywise a itpcrU hilng .

PUDMO NOTICK IB n B 1t)!:UV (J'V K N ; ’nuU OM the I4lh <l»>> o f Ja n u a ry . IMO. a t th e Jutur n f 10:30 d'olock A, M,, M ounta in 'l liiio . of •• Id day, a t iIm B a it t r o n t door o t tlia Court Hou»e o f tlw O ounly o( T w in ra il* , f ila to o t Ida lio , 1 will, 111 obadlanea t« aald O rder o t Itele.

“ tiie above dM w lbed p roperty (0

N 0 TI6 E-IO .C K K D IT O B 8 ,In .t l ie Probate Couri o rT W ltj-FH lls

County, S ta te of Idaho.I n th e m a tte r ol the E sU te o l WAL­

T E R E, DODGE. Deceased,Notlcc Is hereby Riven by th e u n ­

dersigned, th e a ilm ln lslra tr lx of the e sta te ot W alter E. Dodge. deceas«l, to th e 'creditors of nnd a ll (lersOns Having’ c'lnlni.s ncnln.M th e snid d e ­ceased, to exh ib it them w ith' vouchers, w i t h i n m onth* a lte r the m«.v publication h i th is ngilce, to tlic .said ndm inls- tra trlx . a t tiie offlcc of Ray D. Agco, a tto rney -a t-la« ',' In the T w in FalU Bank A: T ry s t Coippnuy Build ing , a t Tw in Falls. Tw in Falls C ounty . S ta te pf Idaho, tills being th e placc fixed for Uie traiu ffcllon of >the business of said esiale.

D ated th is 28th day of becem ber. 1038.

MARIE F. DODOE,. A dm inistra trix o t the e sta te o t

W iillcr.E. Dodjje. xleceased,.Pub. Times—Dec. 29, 1938. Ja n . 5,

12. 19 a n d 2Q. 1939.


I n th e Probate C ou rt o f T w in F a lls 'C ounty. Idaho .

I n re e state o t E lizabe th n i l s , de- , . c ea sed .- .

l{0tfce is hereby given to a ll h e irs o n d creditors o f th e a b o v e 'n o m ed .Eaizabeth Ellis, deceased.' a n d tO all o the r persons in te rested In h e r e state > U h ln th e S ta te o f Id ah o : T h a t Nm a Ellis Saw yer has filed a pe tition

.III th e above' en titled C o u rt fo r nd- m ln lstratlon a lte r lapse o year# of the e jla tc o f'E llz ab c th Ellis, d e ­ceased; tha lil E lizabeth E llis died on th e 30tli.d»y of Ju n e , 192fl. and a t th e lim e of' h e r death w as a re s i­d e n t of t > l n P a lls County, Idaho , a n d le lt rea l e sta te h i sa id county described as follows, to -w it: L o ts 10. 11 and 12 In Block 3 of S o u th Pa rk Addition’ to th e C lly of T w in Fall.'>: th a t th e Said pe titioner claim s ah In terest in sa id e state, being a daugh ­te r and h e ir a of sa id decedent;

....... t -b y - th e - p r a y e r- o t .h e r pe -tltlo n 'th e .p e U tlo n e r pra'ys fo r a flc'-, c rea o^ ih o C ourt de term in ing th e tim e o f ; th e d e a th o f th e decedent, th e nam es of tlie h e lrs of sa id dece- d c n t and th e fr re.spcctlve degrees of k la sh ip and the^r r ig h t of descen t of t h e above described r e a r e s ta t j be­longing to th e sa id deccdent. .

Notice is fu rth e r given th a t the C ou rt ha.>i fixed W ednesday', ^ c b n i-

1939. a t te n o'c lock in the fo renoon 'o f 'sa ld -day and th e c o u rt­room of sa id C o u rt in th e C ity and C ounty of T w in Falls . Idaho , 11a the tim e and place fo r h e a r in g sa id pe- Utlon, a t w hich tim e a n d place a n / pofEon In terested in sa id e s ta te m ay apptfa'r a n d ’ file exceptions to said pe tition and con test th e aom ft

D ated Ja n u ary 4.1039.(Seal) _O U Y L. K IN N EY . •

PTobrtte Judge. Pub, T lm e.s'Jan. 5 . 12, 19; 1939.


G REA T TA LLS, M ont., J a o . B AJJO - F e d e r l l bu reau o t I n v e tU g K t^ ■gents closed a n o th e r k i d n a p s case today w ith a n «nnouneem M ( S tanley Cohn, 24. h u L 'onfeiied' forcing an Idaho Palls , Ida ., U x l d river to.drlY?! hlm .jptQ ^M o'nU a*.

Agents efosed In on C onn w hen h e cam e here to visit th e hom e of * form er woman friend . T h e r e s ld e n n h a s been w atched since th e ,U<ln»l>> ing occurred Dec, 32.

Conn adm itted , au th o ritie s aftld, he had io rce d W illiam T ophain to drive him to M ontana following ttaa robbery of an Idaho P a lls loan eom - • pony In w hich he sa id h e particlpa'* ted. Although, carry ing a loaded re* > volver. Conn subm ltU d peaceably.

« » I « P ' IN W S lftU S

.SAN FRANCISCO. J a n . B (Ufl — Yenr-end figures today-revealed fa r we.iteni s ta te s alm ost doubled th e ir engineering construction w ork 'I n 1938 OS com pared w ith W37. W aah- Ington se t the pace, a lm oet trebU ng Its 1937 to ta l. -

S tatlstlca released by D ally Con­struction ‘service, show ed ta r w eatem con tracta aw arded fo r 1938 to ta lll^ $411,667,280 ag am st $228,100,477 In 1937. Every s ta te T n th e a re a except A rizona and N evada ')acrea5ed lU construction.

T ota ls included:1938 1037

U ta h ...... ........... $9^49.351 M.46«.4fl9M o n ta n a ...... .... $9,255,496 |8,4ftl4S3Id ah o .......... - .... $7^92^24 •6578 ,093 .

NSENISCUHENDAYE. F re n ch -S p a n lsh P ro n r

tie r . Ja n . 8 (U.PJ—T h e arm ies o f rebel G eh ; PranclM O P ra n co repo rted to - d a y 'th e y .h a d sm ashed bo th enda of

loy a lls t 'C a ta lan -d efe n ae lln e -a n d ^ — ♦ 'urttiandhg "on a ll * c to ra " a f te r '


otCupatlon' ol th etow n pf BfirJaSiSli------- -------. . W sp ltch ea frpm- Uie loyaU»t‘f r6n t e d m R tr t M me gains by th e I n w - gen ts afW r tie rce f igh ting . T hey u l d • tire r?bett lo s t 2,000-men on th e B or- ■ Ja.v B lanca fro n t alond b u t la te r b rought up new I ta l ia n reinforce­m ents. add itional airp lane# a n d a r ­tillery, 'BJl welL^as 60 U n k s. In -o rder to advance th e ir lines “slightly .”

L oyalist d ispa tches sa id t h e ’ In- sui'genfs h a d been repu lsed w ith . ‘heavy lo -w s in th e P obla de Q ra n - della .and Cub^lla sectors.

. GASOLINEU KIAH. Calif.. (U,R>-ProbabIy th « -

w orld 's-on ly .gaM llne well haa:l> eea— . dlscbvered he re . W orkers r a d n t a n old servlee s ta tio n cam e upon a w alled w ater w ell w hich con tained '

' about 100 gallons of gasoline. I t had pre.sumably leaked In from th e pump.i ap d -w n s preserved in th e a ir t ig h t condition o f t h e well.

snld today th a t If th e governor's biidHet d(.e,s no t provl<Ie lo r ii $10,(K)0 fniid to lie list'd only fo r tho jiiir p a ir nf ligh ting flrc.s on .ntinid iind o the r lo r r s l Innils. h e would rijwnsor n K|)rrlnl bill In thn leglslnture l< take rn rr o f tho m a ile r .

InairiUloiw wero lim t Onv. C, A H ottojlsen's liudKet wouhl m il con tiiln such 11 provision.

Frnnklin O iraril, o t UuUe. Mute tclr^^l^r, fliiKKested th e fo rrs t pro- trr tlo ii pliiii to Talboy,

I.iilldn to l)c p ro lc r trd nililiT plan wniild be those n o t p ro tr rtrd w llliln tlir regularly orgnnlmed fur ent luok 'ctlve dlnlrlct.i.

PRICKS SI.ASHKDM v c ip i l i in g d t i r in t r

(I10 111‘f t - jw o wt't'kn.



Hurry M ussravc’H Mdse. M art


J. J. i V l n ^ | B r k o l « r

U tah Chief . Coal Cp.

M l F i m i AVE. 8 O U TB .


u Will Call f o r n n t l I'ay s CiihIi f o r

Dead or W orthleaa llDTM t-Cow s-H htep>ll«|*

• —


njlONE »H — Collect

aatla ty n ia ln tlt t’a d tc ra e v lti i In ta re s t Ihereon. lAgather w llh a ll ooaU Uia( iiava accrued o r m ay *o-

Page 'Tun IDAHO e v e n in g t im e s , TWIN PALLS, IDAHO T huradft/, January 5, 19S9

MARKETS a n d FINANCEB y U iiilc d Pr<ws /

i LIVESTOCK« ---------- --------- ---------------- :----


h,'rfrri « "10 IH.Vo. '.-.'-r, I

>'< <0 tt. Slit.. I . - . .

i t;.4u «: ,

Mictl'l l.TuU I tliiM.i;, f*t,.

lE W SUES ON S m iE |D M



I Alaska J \in rn i: I Alllfxl Clwiiil<- I AlU-s C hulinrr-

-«iitvcotu!a CopixT Alrlil.siiii, T oprkn A- Haii' A ubiini M otors DnltlnioVp .V O hio . n m i l k AvlAtioiil^•Ull.•iK'm S lct‘1 ...........Hordon Co •I I C.«.^ Co

MU . S I. P au l l‘tt

S W i i S 10

AllEND MEEIINEMomlw-iR of tlir StinkP river nrun

rou tirll pxcrullvr Ixmril m id dU trlc l chiilnnnii »IH l><' liri-st-nl' n t (lie 1xj;ir<l iiifellilK Rf'In Tv.'lii Fnlis <m Wr<lnrsdny, Ja n . 11 nt 7 n, m.. It wn.*; nniioimceO lirrc

' lodnv by Oorclisaid th a l n

of vQ un«-il

cociill' iirPllng nfcw cnoimlHCP.s

I liu it h . }!null Norm al ;m rll. p rrs l ■' i l i r Mrsl.

-roiit * CouimfK 'inl t^ol

iilnc 1 Oil of U<'li>'

<Iii I>oiU tl" N.'liu)iy_-.■ , Ka-Miiian K odak , ,

,+;*(‘ctrl(: I ’lwci- .>c l-lcli: '' Cifiirriil Fl.'l-tilV . ,

V t'.c iion il FmxK ,"" O riiw ni M otors

CJMOflvrnr T ireril;ll|(in;il H .ir irv lrr

' 1 TclriJlioiiclltivlllc-

C opper

. T irrhorr rood drm.nil . t firm prir« . CnrLrishl Hcrcc huo1> Mcr« ha%)n( FaITx«nrl at .11c I0 In (he i r r t f r f lilnwl .nd . t Stic in J2r_ fnr >. I ComMns qua

Local M arkets

llliying Prices ■<aUIN5


I:H. clt.v»r 111 1

POTATOESI— -----------------------1

K L'T iiRE P o t a t o t r a d e s(Q uotations tu rn ls lird by Sudler W cse n rr & Co.l

J .iiu .rr .i.llv,r> ; 3 . i r . Jl.Co^ ,N„i>


I ■M otilenm rrv WVtr

■ Nn.sli K rlvlniH or I Niiiloiml' Dairy P

• Nrw Y..rk C‘ n iih i l I Packard Moinr.-.

.ranioiiii? P irt iir C. Pcim cv Co. .

P fiiiia . n . R- .......P u r r O ir Rncilo Cori>.RiKllo K o lth OtpV nt*ynol(i.>i T obn rro S(*(irs, nopljiirl:S h rll U nion o n ..Simmoii.s Co..............Socony Vai'iniiii So u tlicm P iu itic - . Stntidarcl D nuids S lnndard O il of Calif. Sw lfl niKl Co ,Stniulrvrd Oil «t N rw Jtr .' Tcxa.s Cor;). ■rrftnt-A iiitrlc.i . ..U nion Ciir'uiclr- Cailioi U nion Pai-lfli'U n llrtl .A lriT iitt .DlillPii C orp .........................U. S. S trc l. cum .............

-Wuriior- Brfw____________W estern U nion Wi'stlnRlioiusf Kli'ctric .! P. W. W oolw otth Co. A m erican Ito lllnc MilU . ArntnnrA tlan tic ne fm ln i; . . . BoeliiB'Brliips M aniifac turiin ; C Ciirt1.^s W riuhi E lcctrlc AiiK) l.iti' Ilo ’i.'.ton.OH N ndona! Dl.Millors NotUl A n irrl ia n Avl^tini Snfewny 8tnrl<.«Sclienlev Distiller.', .SturirbHker U nited Alilhv'.^W liltr-I


G lN fP

rk... 1 r .r ClilcaKo P n ru n u iilc Toul . . . . I Ohlii Oil- • .Pltlllilis P e tjc le iin i ,. .. •npptit)ll,’ " s t p e l - ’ - - - ■ -2 V anadiumU lah Pow er I.IkIH T (iIiL Idi.lni »>„iver fi’ : jifcl' IDJ-Iil liluho Pow er pfcl. lon-il

N. V. ( I 'l i n

\vn<. o rile frd lo d a v foi )i hean.s- (itffiTd llvl.'

reJt /r>»A> lie re J>y Die f"(i- eral .Surplus foinm e.dltles coriwri*- tlon. O perated on a weekly ba^l.s. tli*' '■iiffer and iic rcp la n rr” IraiLsarimn.'i lire i'iirrleil out eac li Tliursclay Ihroiitih FSCC ofJlres a t tlic toun - ly iiKr iir.s licadqiinriers.. T lie K ovcrnm ent Is nKnin ‘ .sup-

porllna th e m arke t" In lt-'\i)urrlv.'sc.-' th is werk. It was po in ted o«l-‘

T h e projiriim was inniiKu'rat<'d here 111 reqiicM of .south Id ah o bean urow- er.s a., one m ethod of ninvlnE. .'ur- pins beaii.s\ It l.s nlso in opi-rn tlon in Mlrhliran.



__________ tIJy I 'li itf tI PrfM j_________S e c rf ta rv .o f C om m rrcc H arry

H opkins Ucrcndctl hi.s preUcce.s.Mir, U an lrl Ilojw r. on c l ia r c n th a t he save p r l ia l r pu rlle s . a t public e xp rine abourd a K n ern m c n t viicltl. tlopk ln s said I loper had ;i rcc'cird "us clean a:, a hoU nd's tooth and above rcproaeh". . .T h o m a .s .J . Mixjiiey, labor';; m asl

l» ib llcized 'p risoner, w as beli liu e d by a ta ilo r a t S a n q u c iu in for u "Koiiig ou l" su it to rcp lacc hl.s d rab pri.son «arti. M coney will leave till.' p r iso n .a a tii rd i iy fo r, u pimloii hearln i; a t S iicram cnto , w hlrh Is ex­pe rt ■ . . .lm!> cnt .

,A r lia re e Ih u t tlir d rpai liilici- tjas i; ” »trani;e dl.iinrlln; tlcin" ti> deport rad ical aslla to rs-

JiH.i*f-niadr l» Uie m . Itev. Kdmimd U aM i, v iie -p re s ld r iit n f ' t i r . —

M arkelH

CiitotfVi:ol(ir»ti loaalria HIM*01.1 fork.


iS ir t ! .......

Ilii(l^nt>«iiihl |«>wnil<-i> '


nirrtaVllolfrt*Pal eifwa . VMl»riNiuliti UmlM YrMlflii lM<. lhai

r BUTTKIt, l'X;c;S I


...'.L”AV “A-*U H oi firala 141,« l« 9t%o

tf IN I lUnUarJa IM.k, { lU t l«Mlpta (,l«l ra i»


,.h 1,1.., i

.......... s..!Vt. r. n,.v. .i;i.-m;< iim ui .v s iu . m; • i r . l-'i>id M.^ior, l,KH , - :t ,

-(;Vr • 1 SPKCIAI. WIIM':Courlesy of

S ud ler-W rR rn rr A ('iiniiiiiii)- I.Iks IlhlK.—I'hciiie !IIO

il.,«..l .... . t>s , '; : r ' n . ' . ' r i . ' '

i .s v K s r .M r .M H U M SKiiiicl Invi''unii r iu ;.t. A. i :ni i:>ii|> ■i'‘ 'i.'t ^

a t a ( J l a n c eMiiiir. Inr.

M IM N t. M O t KSMiihk.'i Mill aii,l .'uaiHiMi Nil -„,|c- . M hi c iiv C o n " > ti; i:: > I'a il: r \ i s ColiMUi.lHtfd 17 Ut^Mlh.-I Kill-; ( ’null..... . . . id ;,11

■tney, wlmi

d iin iii; i'

ot I

isit lo

Kiwanis ( .lul) Reviews Year

Marketing Pool Clears Way for Busy ’39 Year

(ILstrlbuled free to lleced rhllrireii ol tl Ins 193B. the chii) .st thcvii.v of the Min elothlni;. .‘‘hoes. lio<il .riitliil:, to uiuleip rlnldren.

n i e club '

r .d h KIwan: ll-d .sirom wo

■:ii wB.s tn stn i iiiion o t 40,0000 h r ch ild ren of •(orillnR to th e f ’p tirt read by ■(! .‘;ccrctnr>' of

if tftl't-m llk was ht.’ u n d c r-p rlv - I' sc’iiooLi. D u r- r ied a fund for al In provldhiK . nnd o th e r os- ivilcgcd school

1VC ns In past ice of boys’ a n d ribu ted f ln an

•thcrai:lrl.s' work, and con ■ial aid to the Tw in Falls rec rea tion ■onunlttee, amouK other pro]ect.s.

One of th e m ost .succc&^ul accom> )ll;,iimenth of th e K iw anis club th e pa-st year wb.s (lie j,]K)nsor?hip of th e U tah -Id ah o d is tric t convention at. S un Valiev. In coo))orallon With th e B uhl and Flier ckib.<;.

W ilbur S. Hill, newly d ^ t o d p res­ident. Kave A p rospcrttlST ' of the club for 1930.

H. C. K£liniiu<lr., chairm an of th e fliinncp committee, subm itted a tc n - tiitlve bUdKel for 1930.

n . P . Roiilnson, new proRram chairm an , liitroducccl Ml^5 M a rg a re t Relcher.s. who played a p ian o n u m ­ber.

G len Dooiie \c,<s- Inducted Into m em bership bv Rev. J . S . B utler.

E lm er Jon.'s, iiieiuber-of th e B uh l Kiw anis club, wan a,

E T O 1 IB U -:.SW-FEEDOATACoinp-linC of tliita concerninR

ra tt le nnd iheep fecdlnB opcratlonr.In this area was being m ade he re today, by R ichard C. R c m . BoL-e, statl.stlc'ian for ih r USDA bureau of n srlcu ltu ra l economlc.s. and hi.-; n.’ .'^istant, R. F , 0 \ir fz , oonferied w lili C oanty AKeiU H a r ­vey S. H a ^ N fa te r la l as lo feodlns 0j>er.ntlftn.'?'%^e will be incorporj)- ted In Mr, Rass’ .--tininiary of such arilv iiles, .sclieclided for a fte r th e middio of J.inunrv.

S u rv ry r i.'.siieil by Mr. Ro.s.s from the .USDA offlce.s nt Boise each m onth a farmlni.'Ihroufchoiit Idaho.

S quared away lor. an onerBCtlc , ?ar o t pooled nalc.s of ho8,i and lam bs, th e T w hi Falls County Live- .stock MarlceUng n.s-soclatlon today ••liQcl rce lec tfd GeorBC C. L eth. Buhl, a s p residen t: h a d re-nam ed lour «if l u 12 direc tors; reelected li-s o ther officcrE. and named Ktandlnti m m - m ltite .s for 1933.

A pproxim ately 130 rHiifhcrs .\t- tended tho iinnun l mcctliH! Wcdnr.--

Sy a t the Pllei falrKrounds. and a rd L. M. TerUon, vice-pr<'>i'l'’i>t ''I

th e O gen union Rlock>anls. a.'.srrt t h a t th e c e n tm l. niarkettnB 'v^ trm for .sale Is llve.stock "Is tin-

TXSBiblc BystCm DffaiiM Iho't.': n ever close and because ciusli i-. ii"lr| fo r t h f stock."

T lie ceiitrul tnarkelliiK plan i.« unw widely uaed In the U. S,

Pexton. ftl.'O vlee-pre.sldfiii “ f iiip D enver stockyard.t. wn.s chief .speak- e r a t- th e co-op .‘.es.slon.

Direclors Director.'! reelected for ihire->«nr

term.n are Mr. Leth. Thoiiii..- I’mk'c. F iler; Orville Creed. F lirt and P ra n k W. Brown, Tw in Fall.' riiese, w ith th e holdover board nK-mbors, rcw R anlzcd a fte r ,lh e ele<iloii. n am ­ing M r. Letli to retiilu IH.' past a.s p r ta id en t: Parks. v1(-e-p'''.sldent. and C ounty A eent H arvey s. Hak-, hccrc ta ry -trco su ren C. c;. ■nnimn.'<. F lier, WB.S elected ns the -o ih rr m em ­ber on th e executive board.

T lic 1039 comtnillce.'! of tlieA-'-so- cln tlon ;

Hogs—L eth. Creed, Paik.- nnri C. f . McNccIey, Filer ' - s » '

Lamb.'i and w bol-F: <'-reen. B uh l: Brown, Tfiom as aiui ^lyn im P ick e tt. M urtaugh.

M r. L eth was re-naincd a.s sta le boa rd .repre.wntatlve.

Mr. Ilale'.t report of t1i p rog ram showed th a t toial ceeds to Hie county'.s .stwk uvower.s w ho pa rtlc jpa ted in pools wn.s $234,■ 560JV

O ver 5.000.tNM Pounds N o less th a n 3,138.^99 pnund.s’ of

stock constitu ted th e yei.r'.s i!«Krc- g a tc to ta l to Nov. 30. Sheep weight

1.225,564 iwund.s and hOK.'! 1.- 013,435 pound.s. T otal niimb<T of a n i­m a ls w as ' 14,337 .sheep mid 8.989 ho*.i.

T he sheen shipm ents brought S77. 740.21 n e t to growers .itul tlu- hoc »I56.BU,13 net, Mr. llalc.s report po in ted out. . .

T iie average price ji'-r hundred w eight fo r .sheep wa-s SH.lii and for hogs $8.50. Net price a fie r .shipping -an d .shrinkage averaged $7,01 for sheep pei' hundrt'dw elght a n d th e ii'og n e t wa.s J8 -15.

t Jim

Mo,she MemlH .rlllr.i K eill. tnavlr uclress,

• « n i s lio w ittj '‘liiplil lin iiroveniriil frcini nil uppi nillcllls iipcralloii , , . Col. II, ( ip ra rd has liern ns-.lKnrd

‘bv I 'raiice tti pome to llollywood a^ experl advlvrr In lllm liie <if lliehilklilE \p| toneii.'h l-oreU n

‘Suiula.v Daiu-r' Trial May lie Moved Ahead

( ;o rs i ';rlimiM. j:n 'Uiii

Burglars. Smash Depot Interior—

But Get No Loot

The reporf covcred the period from Dee. 1, 10^7, to Nov. 30, IB38.

Poin ting to 1039 prospecUi, Hale -said th a t Increased num bers of hogs probably will lower th e pricc som e­w hat b u t t iia t wool, lam b-and caUlc

larkcts .should be better.Cites C ash Oirferenee

Pexton. in pralsinB the American lethod of cen tra l m arke t .shipping,

po in ted ou t th a t .Aniprlcnu grow- rs got 59.50 per 100 iw unds ■hlle th e ArKPiUUic cred it sy.strm

brlng."i abguL $3.75 per hundred best steers.

_ p l a ln e d th a t concen tra ting Uic livestock u t c en lia l m arkcU lurM th e buyers d lre c tly fo the livestock, A.H exam ple, he said D enver has be­come th e iia tion ’K larijcsi Iamb sale m arke t. O pen bidding . b r i n g "h ea lth y com petition." he ?ald, and m e an s re su l tan t - b e tter re tu ra s to growers. ,

Fu lly 600.000 pounds of Idaho wool w ere hand led h i 1038 by M errlon a n d W ilkins, the rnncherA were toll by Ru.s.sell W ilkins of O gden. Wllk ins pred ic ted Improved* future for th e she^p basine.s,s.

O th e rs who .spoke on the coopera­tive meeting'.s p ropram ineJiftrd R, D. F lah e rty . N ational Form bureau field m an;- C. F. Peacock. Ogden: G e i» P rey, OK’dcn : J . E, D cughprty. jiresTdcnt of th e O gden stockyards: R as^W ood, field m an for th a t o r ­gan iza tion , and Dudley Euste.s. secre­ta ry of th e O gden stockyard.'s.

Car Damaged in-' Crash w ith T ra in

a n O a H O N E , J a n . 6 (Specia l)— W hile endeavoring to m ake a cross* Ing on th e m ain ilpc of th e ra ilroad in Shoshone th is week, T ed M ulllca had h is c a r badly dam aged and n a r ­rowly escaped serious In jury him seU w hen th e m achine w a i h i t by an In­com ing train .

H e h a d pa.s.sctl a tra in and could3t .see th e cqmliu( ^ a ln , on tiie

nex t track , .so he sta ted , and w hile d riv ing slowly, tb c crasji happened . ■ Tlip tra in wa-s i r t ' / n t m odcrato ,pee<I.

Investigation rqvealed th a t no p a rtic u la r fau lt was chargeable.

Cbnventlon Honors D ram atic Tcachcr

M ii« Florence M. f^eos, riram atlc in stru c to r a t Tw in Palls high school, w as. accorded s iw ln l honor last week at..U ie national convention of .speech a n d dram atics'ructors In C leveland, O, .

S he w as rt^cognizod for he r work in d irec ting th e high school p rese n ta tio n of the Sincla ir Lewis d ram a . " I t C an’t H appen H ere.

P ic tu res I/om the play , wliicii pr<‘scnte<l under the aiisplce.s of the .senior class, Dc^, 8 and 9, were also on di.splny a t the cdnvcntion.

In fan t SuccumbsBURLEV, Ja n , 5 i.SpcciaD—L arry

D, R ichards, In fan t .son of Mr. and Mr.s, Alviit' R ichards, died Tuesday a t a Burlev hasplta l. He wa.s born DCE. 19. 1B3H, a t Burley, and Is vU'c'd by Ills iiaiciU.s. T u o oihcr c iiild ren al-so .survive. T he body wn ta k en to the Burley funeral home,


I h ave on h and 100 pound-s of Speclnf Sw eet S panish O nion Seed. T ills onion, a fte r four years of breeding for large size and good keeping, is today th e ou t­s tand ing onion in th e Caldwell and W ilder dlsurict. I t has yielded, du ring the la s t season. 000 a n d 1.000 sacks per acre and is consldoied tho tw st .sto rinn

,onion of nil S v e e l SpaiiJsli. I f you are In terested, le t m e bock your order for Spring delivery ns th is Is all the seed a vailab le -a t th is Umc. (W c do custom p la n t­ing du ring season).

. John L. Peters1^; tnilea east of W M hlngton


has_ f re e d m b fro m ' b a c k - b r e a k i n g d ru d Q e ry a n d s a v e s m e h o u rs o f tim e . T a k e m y a d v ic e a n d . . .



SIIOHHONE, Ja n , 5 ntriider.s en tered the

1 Pacific heduring itiirdi >y niKht, aiml 1litligpnmally' .siiuisliliif< tIilnK.’> drill ,1),wilhiait a ■IV l0(>t Mate.s Fri ink K'-lev. l,Kii| statio:11 a itent, allr

1 cilflcers.•r at ' "

Till- nil di„i-i.vreil

■ni|iif1 Ullt

li ljurglarv w,i.s II ri a iitN.:-:',! i " '

A lt- r Malliilni: 1i-ntralice Ihir |>al i i i i k r the l io lw il l i .s li

.oiUlji t id l i i t

iliiatlDn off

ilo iji Ih a l It u a « unlocki'il 1i n dl a l i i r d n o b u t re.-orii.i1. illtiiK of th e K iiiibinatlnn ea ll-sed I)i .~ k lo ;.'-t ailitom allcallv AlllllWCl V..1-. «1;.<1 broken Inti > witI'-.lUll. oil-il >< d IH)I wns MIUi.-.lir d

HliPjIII 1 leiiri I' III.IWI. w-y III,and an i'\ 'iinli\i tion lallef! f<

" } r-•lo.'

th a t iiiniIhliiK of Iniiiorta » 1i n l ' i l n n llKly the 1a id WllieriH'Inilr■d by nm nteiirs. ( 111li.r (Urn labll.sli.'.l

iden llty lia;. not 1’" 'l

SUPERa g i t a t o r


In Initnnn n n lu ir d e h r ln g ’ told i

irjm ltU m h i'

l)m i »t<'len 'n io ratllo, lie .said, wft.s for

C hev ro lfl cfti.

i.AHUK i i t c i c i ; i i i :a <'IU ,i>l-<Hl A NdKM -ii, .liui, .1 lUI*'

In irn WB,s r e a rh rd lodnv in n li< illnimtP w iilrh hull<-<l <HiKi> mil m en i iind tied up l^ nlilp> In AiiKPlen hiirlHir nini'n TueHdi.y. Undei

I tl)Ih r <-lie

ink lo r :iO iia\inhl

le.sent I'lindlllo itlPiii]>t lo KPttle lh'-1r MiievaiK'i iia t— wtuk— vijUlUililv <1U‘ illiiltPd ninonK th e ir nn 'in b en .

<;oNriNiii;H inni'Kction fir-AJC, 'n tn iM a, ,itin. n mP) pre

n ler l->loiiiiiil Dalndlei idarlei iiMlhWXHl KkIiiv I il tr r InnprdlliK iJli lefeii.sen iil 'I'liiilAln. and pliinneil It

nbaik In th e e iiils ri Kih- |i th isifte ii rrl« .

SI KKl’OttTK U n ilH rllN d ’I’a U ltlK iA . Jap iiii, .Inn, ft lUC)!-

n ily -o iiB peraimn ^ r io nilMliiK iniii be llrv rd liin t- ( imIbv After n«|)^l/lnK of two fU iilng IkmiIa, n inlnliiliiK flO iwraoiM, In 'ft f lo rin in ihn Ja p an neii,

AecordiiiK In a re<i'nl Miivey, UMr« a re now Bppuixlnm luly ow i i i IIm or brlllU iiU y ) l |h l r d lilghwRy h i IJia U nltw l U ta lm . O f th h , IuIkI, Hut i^latn of New Y oik ha,s im ua ih n n IW m iles -

( ;i r l C o n v a lesc i's'IIIIIIK Mhl|i- ; He Itv I-'ii./p r, l2 -yea i.o ;,ipsccutui l-:il- , IrillOiill. 11 ! - ' f "

1 Mlllll-.C'l.

luid Ml^. 1. I'! 1' UK a t iier hiniir i

iidli'iited the .Mil)-,-ilatliii,1 Noin a biokeiiIV or Hatiii • Th - Kill tiioke her Iri; M>IV L. K liinrv .--lie 1Ipll ( her blcyele »

10, IliK tU lh II1 HU)ll|l ul,

(iran K o r.s Si-hechilo S u p p e r lo r W in iie rK

llllliilll l(v<K ( liaiiK r will bela lneil li\ an u \.-.lrr MipiM-r hileiir liU illr. iM, o id in ii til pinii.’i

nt a inertliiii ol gnm ii tnnln« T he loMiiH M de,-..l w h ith 'M fle H aiin i.m<1 <) () I'alllnoii■,.jn.un-, will 1"■ ...... . lo Ilia

Ml, iilKl Ml.n I. llllllnk loh , M -lvliI AiiiTiV.-ioh mill n.kvid niiii lA'eiA n|i-

W ife AsliH D ivoi'cc

Hl 'P-Kcn A«t'» PiirU (’». I 'M ' »er H IM *

r a r l i for Ail l>titkr» of Cam and ,1 Tfui'ka.

rAone on-iiun

P R K ■ D to SELL

\ + .IICKI t ' l i n t f i i r (I ( 'o i i p v . D r- 1.11X4' iMu(lc) In. very fine CM ixlU loif. S |iv i 'l i i l / o r q u ic kwill' ;,.,$-Nn.«i»

B R O W N I N G 'S

M you ore looking for real dollar value — .ind investment in T.-iving-;— you'll Iind it in Ihc new TH O R . 'New fe.itures, new beauty, ness' pcrfofm anco— aiicl bnckod . by 32 ye.u'. of expcfiencc in bu ild ing Iho . Iiigbcsl ciualiiy home laundering equip­ment,

sure to see —

• The f.imous, THOR fipTr \ Moiling S.ifety W rin g er, tho firsi towiti the .ipproviil o f the U n d e rw ritr f .'

■L.ibof.itnries.• Ih f p .ilen lcd TM O R 5uper-A g

llia l pfoduccs the famouu fn it , g en llr, iluHougli w.ishlng ncllon,

• M if D irlus lvc Long I.H e Mecboni-.oi Hint is bu ilt for years o f trou lile Iree


We Do CuHtom KiLLIN(}, ClIltINC;

and ClITTlNO •


IMIINd V d llU IIOCK A N II C A r n .U T (l 'I'lIK

J d a h o ' P aipk ing C o.

AcroHn'^front Hugur Kiictury

P l lo n c 1 9 6 0 ,

■ M.ikn T H O R

I p o in t b y p o in t com p.>riri e v e ry d o lf lll . in d y o u 'l l ; e n c lio o so T h lO R .

A m nilo l fo r e v e ry re < |i i l r c m r n t

A p r i ic (o r c v o ry p u f i c .Priced As Low A s .

D o Y o u r I r o n i n g E a s i e r ,

NEW THOR IRONERW liv n o t c o f iip lo lo y o u r h o m o

In iin d p r in n |o b ' w ith n T H O R liD iie r ’ M w ill e n d n il l io n in niln id i je ry , lo r If d o e s n il Ih o w o rk __ _- y o u m o ro ly a lt d o w n nnri Q uldo

- I h r p lo cc, llu ou o h.

69”Thor K i^trlc W cih ari and Ironari art Obtalnabla at All



i H f l

* m m mKEYSURN. J a n . 6 <Bpeclal)—

Plan* are be ln s m ade for tlic a n ­nua l H «ybum a r t e xh ib it. P rpm all Indica tions th e re will be b e tte r pic­tu res th is year th a n ever before.

Leo R S ^ o lp h o l th e C alU ornla school o f Ane a rts is again acndlns

. ' a collection of p a in tin g s by vurlQus C alifo rn ia a rtis ts . I n add itio n lo 'th ls collection. Roger M. R lttaco . Woiih- Ington, D . O.; R obert Clunle, Los

__Ang«>lM..«nd H. P.’ Jn ra t-n o n fla nFrancisco , have a rran g e d to ' send. shlpm entK to tlio exiilblt.

As usual there will be plcturc* by various w estern a r t l s u Including

- O laf M oller, who Is fum ous for h is pa in tings of m ounta ins.

Thursday, January B, 1989 ' ^ A H O EV EN IN G TIM ES„T W IN FALLS, IDXHO Page ElW ehf ;

I H A G E R M -A N

Mr. a n d Mr*. H. Q reen . Spokane. W ash., a n d Mr. a n d M rs. C. G reen of M eridian. Ida., w ere v isitors W ed­nesday a t th e Bob Q reen hom e. H. G reen a n d C, G reen a re b ro th ers of Bob G reen . • .

■ “ M rrw m M rs; R . S c h w art re tu rn e dS u nday from a ho liday vIj H w iili rela ttves In A m erican Falls . ■' 'V e m P a llln le ft T liu rsday for a visit In S a l t Laiie C ity a t th e hom e of

' h is a u n t, M rs. R ona ld Peacock.M rs.'V elm a H oplilns le ft Saturtlny

i fo r Lee. Nev., a f te r a w eek 's visit.■ a t th e hom e of h e r m o the r. M rs. M.' G. parkfl.

H arry 1/* M oyne. Jr.. lo Jt Tiiosdny . fo r Mo.->cow where he t? a sUident.‘ Mr. a n d Mrs. J . W. Jones. daiiRli- ' ter. F lorence M ary, a n d son , Diily,! nnd M rs. W llln Ju s tice re tu rn e d t)ic

f irs t of th e week from a holiday visit ' w ith rela tives in O ak land nncl Al- I bany, Calif.

Mr. a n d M rs. A rlen A llen were ' bvislnes-s v isitors in Boise,' M ist M abel U lactOinrt le ft Sunday i fo r Y akim a. W ash., a f te r siipiiding ' th e hohday.s vW tlng w llh h e r Ja lhcr.

I ' Riley B lackhnrt, a n d broU icrC lm rles . B la'ckhart.• MUa Clare M ariner, a fte r spenying ’ th e ho lidays vlsiUng h e r paren ts,

Mr. a n d M rs. P j C . M ariner, le ft I M onday for M ount P lea& an t/U lah ,

■ w here alie Is em ployed a s a teacher I In th e P resby te rian school.

A c lrl - ' K aren M ary, w as born

S I D E 'C L A N C E S B y G e o r g e C l a r k

C hristm as to Mr. a n d M rs. J. ~ _•Bunjer at Willow S p rings. MlMOiirl. H R IC H F IE L D■Mm •ftimJor ni»l >«• T#vm*>mbi>r»>rt VlPMi. M rs. B u n je r w in be rem em bered here

< a s Ml£S M ary D ickenson.M arian P rew e tt took over Uic

C harles S k inner d a iry he rd and milk rou te l a « week.

Mr. a n d M r».-H allie ConW ln en rtc rta ln e d m em bers of tl>« Home M aker^ c lub a t a pinochle pa rty< a t

, Uielr Jiofne F riday evening . Prizes were won by M rs. W . T uppcr, Clex M organro th , Mrs. J . G reen and C. G reen.

H om er'G reen , W lnnem ucca, Nev., a rrived M onday fo r a visit w ith his b ro ther. Bob G reen.

M rs. H elen B ruce ond daughte'r. M abel M offe tt, fim oot, Wyo.’, who were ho liday bucsLs a t th e hom e of M rs. B rucc’s sU ter. M rs. W . F . Dlck-

» « m on, le ft th e ptw t week for San Diego, Calif., w here they will spend Uie w in ter.

Miss A vonne M pReynolds en ter- - - ta tn c d — m em bers of— the— OcUve

))rldge club 'W ednesday. Honors, w ere w on i f / M lu D o n ette BarlogI, and M iss J e a n P arsons.

----------- S lx tM n— (rU ndu—< urprlaed—Mrs,W alter O rlbble S a tu rd ay afternoon

they a rrived to h e lp J ie r celc- b ra t« t o blrtliaiiy.

MlM Je iin A lirn cn teriiilncd 20 young people a t h e r hom e Moiicliiy evening a t a vacation p a rty . G am es w ere played nnd refre .shm ents «ervcd by th e hOstcsaess’ m ollicr. M rs. Enrl

/ Allen.C ash G rocery s to re opened for

business T uesdny m on iln ir In the building w het« W . F . Dickcnoon form erly l iv l hLi d iy goods store. ■Mr. M nriln moved h is groceries d u r- ItiK Ihe New Y ear liollday*.

C larence W loklund sold hla iTitere^it In the H agcrm an pool ha ll recently lo O scar T nte . M r. a n d M rs, W tck- Iimd sta led they would leave In the n rn r fiilurcy for W elser w here Mr. W lrklwnil wllj go In to garage toiul- iip.u w ith hlA flon-ln-law , Ammond I*ottir.

tOMiwttoN e* ftveaiCSN ^ A O tN ^ y O F 0 (V O K > WACTefJS 09 yJOCLtyS GMffTSST FEA^MKE

TAP CANC€B.». . -

[KIas u jon &»;tMMiNO A 'e o j l s . .CWESTMUT HftiO, e t.U £ e 't '6 5 . . . . SFCCjSi^rALl,,


Eleanor Pow ell w as once tu n ie d dojvn for a dancing Job In a B road- whV chorus . . . born in S p r in g ­field, M ass. . , . s tu d ied dancing from the tlino she w«n 5 year.s old . . . mBtJe profc.s.sional d e b u t a t th e age of U in A tla n tic C ity . . I t was a n ig h t club revue staged by G us Edw ards . • . m a d e firs t Broadway appea rance In "Follow TlirouBh" . . . m ost rc c e n t p ic tu re Is "Honolulu" . . . believes In good luck pieces . . . c arries a solid gold clcphun t . . . follows a horoscope . . . orig inates m ost o f h e r ow n dancK Kteps a t home.

Miss Ava Lou O arlock , w ho h as te e n a tten d in g th e U n ive rsity of fSaho, Moscow, U spending th e ho li­day vacation w ith h e r ,p a re n U , M r.

'a n d M rs. L. W . G arlock. •A son was born to M r. a n d Mrs.

J im K odesh ..Jan , 2.Mr. and Mre. T . B- B rush w en t to

Bulil Tuesdoy to 'a t te n d th e funera l of M rs. Blblock.

T lie Bill K ra h n fam ily . G ooding; Ben K ra h n a n d M rs. M inn ie K ra h n , n ilr f ie ld , were N e w 'Y e a r ’s guestj of the F . T . Pope’s Sunday .

M r. and M rs. V em C arg ill and daugh ter. G ooding, w ere d in n e r guests of Mr. a n d M rs. C. W . A c tio s M onday. -

T he L. D . 8 . M. I. A. h a d a New Y ear’s dance M onday, w ith a la rge crowd p rw e n t. T tli^Q ca l tirrliM t.m consisting of M rs. H . H u b b ard . M ack Crow ther, F ra n k flonford , Jr.'. a n d C larence Lem m on fu rn ish ed music." Mr.- and Mrs'. Joe B re n n a n • a n d dftughler. Pocatello, re tu rn e d M on­day nCter spend ing , th e week here,

MI.S.S Alld CrU t, Oolso, sp e n t th e holU(iiy« v isiting frlenrt.s iind h e r paren ts. Mr. and M rs. C. D. Crist.

T lie substitu tion of th e n a m e H tt- w ollan to tt\o S andw ich lal».nds tooH place gradually-. H aw aii la th e nam e o f-th e rg re a te it Island o f th e group, and gives its nam e to th e whole.

ROll ANNOUiEDHEYBO RN , Ja n , 5 tS peclal)—

H eyburn schools rco p cn rj Jan . 3. All teachers were back and tlie lo l­lo p in g student-s w ere aim ouncrd on th e h o no r roll for ihc six

F i rs t grade, W arren LaRup. M ar­lon 6 u n : seconil . gmcle. . Barbara B row n, Glady.i ClirLsii'usoii; tlilrd g rade . K eith Wariw’r. Yvoun.- Hom­e r: • fou rth gratic. VlrKUiu Cole. K eith Holm et: JU lh g rade . E L aR ue, M axine Brow n, .si\Ui i D orolliy H olstein, Raymoiui U m i. seven th grade. Pau l Lnllue. Esilipr B choen; e igh th a ta tl f , Oenp Hainvl- ton , N ile Sorenson.

F re ih m e n ; LaRee Bailey. Bob L ark ins, Nell Borup. L ctia S |w r . D oris ' D oggett: sophomores. Ueri B erlin , W Ubur K lnx, Earleen I>oop. R a lp h Holm es; Junicfrs, E ihlyu M> - In tlr c . G eorge W arr. Lor-'ita tv ifp seniors. B arbara W hiling, M <rx ’- v M oncur, Amos Jo rdan

E M E R ^ N

M r. a n d Mrs. R. K. Corle.-.s rr tu rn ed F riday from a visit In Siiim.v

's ide, W »ih„ w ith th e ir son, Robei' a n d fam ily . They were accompanlpri hom e by th e ir sons, Seth and How­ard , w ho a rc a ttend ing the Uulvt r- slty o f Moscow.

M r. and Mrs. J . M. da u g h ter, R am ona, w eni i<> Uiiiii S a tu rd ay to a tten d Jim eral s fi' fo r M r. Toonc'J broUier. Tljrv j r - tu rn ed liom e Sunday night,

M r. a n d Mrs. W, j . McCord l.'fi th e p a s t week for A ltam ont, Kan to sec h e r m other, who Ls -vciy ill, a n d to v is it o th e r re la tlv tj, ,

A nnouncem ent h as boon jiiaile ol th e com ing m arriage of MIm N ornn L arsen , o ldest daugh ter of Mr, luid M rs. R ay Larsen, and Burton son of Pocatello, which Will t.iKr place th is w rek a t the L. D, B. trm - plo in S a lt Lake City.

Spencer Toone was haH Tlmr.stlay n ig h t to a group of high icliocl frlend.s a t a show er pu ily lielil in hono r of Max W arr who left Monday fo r S a l t Lake C ity where lie will h a v e soon for a th ree year mission

I n France .F rid ay afternoon . Mrs. Rnv Darrv.

M rs. Joe Schodde. Mrs. W. LV Nel­son. M rs: Fred Schodde. Mrs. Cnris H ansen , Mrs. E . B. Schrock, Mr.v R . D . LaiRue and M rs. j , E. CloiiglUcy w ere hostesses a t a shower for Mrs. C arl Schrock, a recen t bride. The a f fa i r w as he ld a t th e Emerson school 'aud lto rlim i -and Uie a fte r­noon was spen t by th e 3k guests, p la y in f C hinese checkers,

A group of G range mcinbei a su rp rise pa rty Saturday r . on M r, a n d Mrs. R, D. LaRue. it be­in g th e eve of th e ir '2 0 th wedding an n lv er« arj\ T he evening was spent play ing plriochle a n d Chinese check­ers, A w affle Iron was presented th e L sR ue 's as an anniversary p resen t.

Iryiiig lo a c t like *

Uncle Si Says—

I’ll liet thcre'w a lo t o f you fqlkH — e v e n th ose w ho’vc used cliissificd — th a ld o n ’l know how easy, it ih to pul your ad in the paper. If you live n e a r

Twin Falls ju s l phone or 32 and sa y you

h a v e—a cla.w ificd ad. l l ' l i nil be fixed up over th e phone. In Buhl stop a t V arney's candy store . In Jerom e th e K and W root beer w ill tal^e your ad and see that it to the o f f i c e im ntediatcly.

T ry (hejie nervkes for yourself,.


Of=< 3 L O ^ - l \ O R j V >

l « O N t_ V

W A S H T U 3 B 8


BUAZ&& ARC WE /L IK S VQUWW6 m PWSpM? /U 6W t o w !^ • ^wauTQC uwii f

BUS.V.PMJLT. H6 Pin- t f t



t S OO X N D L E - P O W E R .

^ P E K A MI S A t s I

□ A J s l l A A A L□ V E i S E T A B L E 'Q N U T

A N8\VER: A n anim al . . . know n m ore commonly as the fisher. I t Is one of th e largest and handsom est of th e «-easel family.

B y C r a n #

oP R o u T o p i


?k-end wKh h : r pa ren ts , M r. aud .M rs. W, Slokes- berry. She hiis retu rned to.M c.«ow w here nhe is tlie secretary to the ' i de an of men. Miss W alllta Stol(e.%- berry retu rned to Challls Saturday .w here she Is teftchlng ant! MIm Isa ­bel atoke.'J>?rry retu rned Sntu iday to K ing Hill w liere ahr tearlic.s.

M r. and Mrs, L ester Saimder.s imd fam ily and Mr, and Mrs. Victor Ke’lley a n d fam ily .spent liu-it worlt In E ugene, O te,, .vet(irnli^« flatiirday . They accoinimtiled M A. K elley, who has been III hi (lie Vet- ernn 'a hosp ital In BoLie.

C Q I^C E A L E D PROVERBS ix -w o rd .p ro v e rb l l )u il ra t« d by (h i t ih e ie h l i e en c ta le d In.U ili p u is lc .

B y H am lin

IM C rs/l CAN'T w^rrALLtiiw ,owvou.'

A n sw er lo P r e v le u i P u s ile

• L,v KDEN

Mr, niul Mr;>. W iilt B ean, OnKlutul. CttlK., aiiil M ia, O m a TAle n iul MIm ’liiiiliatik .Jciin Pollurd, Klml)erly, » n e jIUinPi Burnt* T liu tsdny of Mr, anil Min, (Irnu EUoii. A d t'i d ln n rr, Cliliiesr rh c rK ru were played.

'H ie 1‘ len C o n tra c t brldgo club iiii'i n id iiy w ith M i.r P liilii Cotmnt, Mil-. Dciiinid W illie, Mina Helen JciiJieA.^cii iiiul Mi.h, j . U, lilKemoie

K redH m illi wiw » Kucat ol Mr,Mifl. liv iit Wcbl) iMul fniiilly (lufing lh(i foro p u r l tlm week, lln Inin le tu rn ed (o llio homo of tiln pnrrn la, Mr. and Mtn, 0 . 1*. B in lth . Jc io iiir where lie, will ^ p n u l tlio iciiiiiinili'i of h is vacation. Ho i i u ttendh ig liiinl- ness lOlKKil ill Houttlo, Wiiah,

C. M. PaU ersdii liiui gone to Aiigelen, Cnilf., w here h e U h iK'iuI- lug n fam ily roimlfli} anil vinltiiiK w ith relutlvrn.' (iuslAii IV tn M ii ir tu n ii 'i l /fl>U day. Ikttflr speiullnK tJliili.lniiin M litvale, U tah w ith lil.i aIM.'i , M Mlllerbnrg, u n d 'o th e r le lu m r.v

Owrar W a l^ n , WuU W nlten., a iul Mr. U ouiuly iiiototiul 'nic/nliiy t<i lin a m ine, w lilrh In loco ln l iMaukfiy.-wliub Uicy u u i attijiu u^t, atoekholdera’ m eellnit lo iIIikuim . . tiiro plaiM for Ilia w ork a t th e mine.

The Kden Iteliekah loitge nnd llm 1 (>. O , r . lodge held Die im ulin ' inrfltliig* III the I, o . O, r , hull M .m- Oiiy, Mis, Lucy W rlg lit miiinIaciI tiirm all by serving refien lnnrn tfl In hnni'i' (i[ the birtlidity nf her hii'tUi l^ml W iU ht.

( ; i a n « : c S c H H i o i iItAdKltM AN, J a n . a (H |)e ii|« l)-

,n m iliiK rrm iiii'V alley CJrangn in r t MoiuUy, Jan . a. a t Ihe M elhm llst fh iir rh with 3J m em bers prevent, 'I ’hn iiiiiul l'» t hiok d in n e r wan Dcrved a l »ooii. D uring Uie b u ll ' lie u oeulon several le tle rn were remit and eon»ld«niblo b u sin o u traiiiaoied.

Headings and lalka by tlie m ciii- b(M onmpiwied th e pro#r»m . l lm m a t iiwotUig will, be Iwid j m , i f .

IIO A IZO N TA U1 Spike.4 A lso ( fi rs t

w ord of p ic tu red p ro v erb ).

7Sun<lry (p rove rh w ord),

10 G reek le tte r.11 D ravery .M C onoe poddle .10 Mnke.i 'n Cock's com li. SO neg lon neniin W itli rre d . th e e q u a to r , Ti

'H w i ln / ^ l ' - k i l l , « M ‘" H n .o n U l,2,1 lMrnl,r l-'’er,2<M c'M tnn l>erl(ilnlni{

■.hiiwl, (o ii gonl.S T l 'o n iiik r ' SO S t r ip e d fabr’ie

l‘" ^ ' M G ra lln g no lie2 H I'h e fs ( |)ir.v - W n n d e n ,

f ill w oicl). T h ree ,;il (iojclcn i.pp lr , nS T o do .iiy3 'iA ifd w (N>ihr)n. {p ro v e rb.r il . lk e , w o rd ) ,

Mini.'.', nn O efln lle.■in Kiki. Ii . n r tlc loO n ilr re li, (p ro v e r l .

9 3fl Inrhes, lO S c a ttn ^ IIS

hay, l in e d Tnnj.13 Right IflT hln it, 1 7 G n lln .lOTheiefrMe.21 Spain, a s flm a ii .sUieW 2QTo employ.20 M elallii 30 IxinK -liiiIrd

npr. ■’’ I J In i lir iir s . .■12I,nuKi„,i.|.-,M Ti> n.^h. •t(l)luniiiii i iu n k ■17 niernlfili. •■'n.Skllli'tt..■''V'Tn h n rv r 41 •Stiiln,

niirroon.4.1 lMii»ii'nl no ie . 44 Hoolsloil;.4 ' 'To (onii'iit,411 W hip siioke. 4I> Ih tn iih !

.1.l4lfl.84 T ransposed .


FR K C K I.K H A N D H IS F H IK N D S B y n io s s « r

t ^ o a i stTAYCO AfTlft SCHOOL o r HM


I P *100 LMKN WKAT MAKM •m s WOWC8 O f D«OU»»y. LISIT,

sCMu6»nr CLicx.'rtxAu UAs/w AN l^JDeMSTANOtM*

Ol* •OHO m u«k: /

W I TWINKttoU CAM ^ TAK« WAT OltCHIITTIAOP 'l o o w AND T i* N o u reoM« KIAUYHIM Mk>*C —■ PROVIDRO'it>u A u m aA»our tmm cuamics

B U T • tb u 'u MAV« 1b KNOW M u««i / > W L L MAVB 1 b U t« NOTM AS AN A m ? » r P » -



SHrt , »» s, eoMious/


FINE P*CTUM—BUT X"M . WiRte eoU M D T bo/ ,


PR/1.T i t T A U o n it iR BUIZZAK D iKj~n-ie. oppiNcj / BOAD, II- 1 CCXILD O ur WOKK OUT tiOML

■ tiCM6/V l• TCI K jD T H t WM.1-;OP TWU


' Tho CWOW by u k at - t s -crm eR w isB — - y ■


iM aJor H m tple ()IJ;a‘ O u U ^>AV

DA.T'3 A tS R liA T \ O l i \ , WiOTAM M A D A H ^W H /i.r VMyULD “O u -A L L r>0, PIP B D tt M B « T BACK AW' PD'TH l.lKP ^ Q K IL L O VAtl DB


VACUUM CL.CTAkJUR.O^^l.’V 'OTBADO P 6U CW IN ' (W o e tf w o w , \ o u BUOWG IT A W A Y H U H ^'



9H 0V B L

TH B R G Y O U' S O A f t lN - - >ausr>iciOLia-'NA’TURtf> PfcOl’UE PON’T THiNKf ' MAS bEdN SMAKIM' KlY ARM f AN’ LOOKilT THl'st-U i;LL;6VCS/ HAC.


TUPI tiTK tltM lll.I ROM (31TTIM 'IN A^

iPage Twelve ■ IDAHO EV EN IN G 'J’lM ES. TW IN-FA LLS, IDAHO T h u rsija y . JTanuary 5, 1989


STARTS FRIDAY JANUARY 6th ^ L e < 3 Jcc lio ^ l^ e p a r tm e n t to re 6

SE M I - A N N U A L C L E A B A N C E

$ ^ 9 8

PLEASE NOTE -N(il lyi m erelinndise has hccn n ’lluccd. IWiI mer('hiiiirli''e

o f a KcitHonal n iiliir e ,,sh o r t )<>{'<. discontiniird lini'H. t-U'.,

J ia s boon lu l dra«(i«-a1ly 1o assure (juick rl<‘!iran<M'l T h is

pace will ki'** an '***’ 'a ll ie s 'I'licreare lots moro hiil ll..(inir '-H -»


C h ild re n ’s

SNOW SUITSAll woul. itcKular S I.98 ami One <ir hvo jiiocc. only 16 suits. Sizes Clearance Sale .....................................

Taffeta and Satin

BED SPREADSOnly 15 o f th esc -fiiio <]urtnty sp m id s . ^ ,

Kmbroidprccl—quillpd or plain tiiil- l A PRICEored. (!Icarniicc Sale ......................../...m i--


UNION SUITSTwo s ty le s , low ncck, no sleeve , k n ee;D utch ncck, elbow s leev e , ankle.

, Sizes 2 to 12. Regular 79c values.•'Cicarancc I’rice ...................................... 39cJNpveH>^-





I’riiits and plains in th is group w lth ’ sizea ranp ing from 10

to 10. RcKuiar \akn-s from $:?,90 lO ^ - 9 0 now being cleared

at ib is one rock-boUom price ol' oiily ........... ............. .................$ 1 0 0

-■ c i


$ 1 2 8'sl "fiAeen oo:i4.s jij .this^Jut to. g o . in th is 'b ig sem i- aiinnul clearanco. Nca'rly,-«11 fu r trim.s in blnck.s, iirownsi.'j'rcH'ns and ru>;l.''5.‘t'li75 to. $39 .75 values. S izes 12 to 4G ..................................................................................

HATSIn assovtfiil s ty le s o f v e lv e ts a n d f e lls , U cg. S I .93 to ? S .9 0 ................... 88c

JACKETSW om en's Sucdc and L eather

Colors o f black and brow n. S izes 12-1-1- 1 G-‘10. Jl c u I « r $11.75 viilues *78 8

T8 Esmond Robes nScns oniR eg. $1.98 va lu es ............ zz<


288 P airCHILDREN’S SHOEST hree sole 100% Icntiicr construc­tion. O xfords, s t r a p s a n d few’ hlgli shoes, B lack calf, b lack p a te n t and Drown. 81ica 8 S to 2Vi.Rcr. J 1 .« a n d I1J)8 values


Sale o f"




i ^ r e d c h

O T H E R R 1N (;S at

99c K„ch, and

. $ 1 * 4 9 Each

r O R M E N . W O M EN AN D-C m tD R E N -



N .To rccognlze th e vnlucs offered In Ihls g ro u p ln s, you m ust see thcmV a n d be here early . H igh sty le,'b enu tU u l shoes th a t have been o rphaned In our slocl^ M any new colors a n d .styles to

'choose from . Your ilzc m ay be hcrc. No exchanBcs o r approvals,


One I-ot W om en's l,,onu Sleeve

HOUSE DRESSESPcrcftlcs, p rin ts . A -good value a t

H educed to ................27cECONOMY BASEM ENT“ Min’s AinVooi

PLAID JACKETSPull z ipper f ro n t . ^ f Reg. »2.63, Now ...

ECONOM Y BASEM ENT M en's !*art W ool, H a lf

Z ipper Front


ECONOM Y BASEMENT*—Mcn’s-(jotton“l)ohict-and—


Colored heel or om bre s ilk hoso. R eg­

ular va lu es to $1.-19. G learance Sale....

All Wool

BLANKETS25%Pendleton and Portland Wb(jltfn'Mills

blankets. A ll s in g le fan cy . R eversib le

or solid colors. C learance S ale

Down Filled

COMFORTERSOnly 10 o f tluM(‘. S ize 7 2 x 8 i, Solid

colons ta ffc tu covcrrd. t!lciirancc Kale..,. $ 7 ’ oReady Made

CURTAINSAll ruffii'd rurlain,-^ in I'risi-illa, batli

roiim and I'liltiiKf s r ls . All color.i ahil

Htylcs ........................... ........... ........25%

I t Only, Misse,V

GOWNSNuii-rim rayuii lac<- ti liii nr lailori'd, Si/.i’M ID (<t hi. l{('i;ulur iMc vulur:',

ClearaiUe Sale


Wiiinen'n 'i'lii'KsiiUh

UNIONSand ravon

l.H, U.-KUl

li'iiranre Sal


Coltnii and r a v d n i i i I m ' i I . KurnK'nl.H, U<-k u la r r,K:|VUlUi'',

Cli'iiranre Sale

LACE PANELS25%Si'niii|iiti find CJualx-r lacr panrl.M. All

nfylcM and nizi'.s, ( ‘learaiire I’rii'c

r>5 I'Hlr Sm illl IIomh'

WOOL I'AN’i'Sliuyn’ wulAl .Iouk lriiun<<ri, p lrn lrd [lo iit, /irlf hell, frw w lU u .e li> M lo Im c k , K iiyiirr, a i u i n i t r a p u M n n r AK<-n IW O , H-fl, a i-7 , U-H, a id A rrn l

(hii- Men'K AII-Wcmj!

' J A r “K K T SXllKi l i i . h r l . r f u l l M |l-| i n ii.M ii A ll \viHil, A i i i r i lc 'u i i W i>i>lrn M l l b f i i l it lu . A ll M iu iv . i i i r t u p n l . ' I w i . i n u ( ( iH x 'k r i ', I ' l i t l i i I j ix 'k . I ' l i l l

IlK lu 'n liiUK, U'l 40.1, 411 4:in, ID 44n. i n llln .I t r H l l l n r *'JIIH $1.98

Don’t miss these Semi- Ami%aL Clearance



REDUCED*6.85 »4.95


Ciind nr\v,s for men. For n lim ili-d tim r iin ly- li.|i.M(ili'li, (|iia lily hIkh's K‘' "I' '’''Ii', N iilli-

iliK' rhaiiK<'d bill llic piU'c and lhal will

$785Rome Styles iPH.H,')

O N K S I ’ U C IA l , I .O T

Men's Dress OxfordsI ' h b liithiili'n iJ k h I l<a» m i d biokt-n nlfrn, Vnlui ^ In Llici lul | | | | III irilK I M n i l l l n r ' n v u l u r - l i u | l l r U ' n i l l y l







»/j off*/2

» /4 p f £Garni.'ills lailm-i'd liy II. Ku|)- p i ' l i l l i ' in u ' i ' & C h ., ( in r iD i i ,

Se i II n li (' inicr's 1 'nili-r-(iiml and Varsity Town. An.lover und i''abric (liiihl ('l<>lln'S Iniliiri'd for u;<.


IUtc'm What Off WIN M ean 111 Viiii On


Herc'M,W hal 1, .1 O ff Will

Mean lo Von On


Mean lo Y on:


•? 9,91) ValiM's . l'1,7r> ValiK'M . I(t,9() ViiUirn . lrt.75 Valiii-.s .

Valu.' 22,r.() Values .

2'l,7r. .Values , 29.r.ll Valni'sv ■UMH) ValiH-s ,

. $ 4 . 4 5

, 7 i 3 8

. 8 . 4 S

. . . 9 . 3 8

. 9 . 9 8

X 1 .2 5

. 1 2 . 3 8

.. 1 -^ 7 5

. 1 7 . 5 0

11,'HI ValiH'H....I r’vr. Valiii's .....IH.Tf) Values.....Ill.'ir) Values

Valnes , .■j I yr> Viihit's....L’H.fiO ViiluoH ......;Ui,()(l Values ......'10,00 Values ....

$ 6.60 9 .86

12.50 13 .fo is.olb16.50

19.672 3 . 3 4

2 6 . 6 6

S 9.90 ViihieH1 l,7r. Values.....lH,7r» Vahien....I!l.9r) Values . ..22.50 \’alueH . ... 2-1,75 Vahii'H....29.50 Values ....:!r»,00 Values ....40.00 Values ....

% 7.43 .. 11.06 ... 14.07 ... 14.98 . 16.88

18.^7 22.13

.. 26.28

. 30.00