together everybody achieves more prospective sbm team ...€¦ · safeguarding training will be...

Oaklands School Together Everybody Achieves More Prospective SBM Team Member Pack 2019-20 Our school is committed to equality and take the safeguarding our children very seriously. Therefore, all references will be rigorously taken up, no open references will be accepted and an enhanced CRB.

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Page 1: Together Everybody Achieves More Prospective SBM Team ...€¦ · Safeguarding training will be provided before or when you join the team so you are aware of the school's policies,

Oaklands School Together Everybody Achieves More

Prospective SBM Team Member Pack


Our school is committed to equality and take the

safeguarding our children very seriously. Therefore,

all references will be rigorously taken up, no open

references will be accepted and an enhanced CRB.

Page 2: Together Everybody Achieves More Prospective SBM Team ...€¦ · Safeguarding training will be provided before or when you join the team so you are aware of the school's policies,


Thank you for taking the time to visit the school and taking an interest in working at Oaklands. We are an exciting school to work with the associated challenges and rewards which come with a school working in a deprived area. Our vision is simple:

Together Everybody Achieves More

We honestly believe in working in a team and we support and encourage each other. Working here, you

will be part of many teams, year group, phase and curriculum, so you will be part of the wider school

family. Planning is taken in Teams and phases so that you are able to share ideas and suggestions.

As part of our school, you need to understand our values. At Oaklands we have the following values which

we demonstrate, model and teach to our children. As a staff member this means:


We have high expectations and set ambitious challenges for our children in a

broad & balanced curriculum.

Self confidence

We praise children’s efforts and achievements in a safe environment. We teach

children to have faith themselves as learners.


Teaching children to keep trying and not give up. We track children’s progress to

make sure they are learning to the best of their abilities.


We insist upon high standards of behaviour to maintain a safe and orderly

community. We help children to be independent in their learning.


We treat all people kindly. We look after everything and everyone.


We structure our learning around children’s interests and questions. We

constantly reflect to ensure we are giving a high standard of teaching for all


We expect all members of our community to uphold these values and to promote them whenever they

are within our local community.

Page 3: Together Everybody Achieves More Prospective SBM Team ...€¦ · Safeguarding training will be provided before or when you join the team so you are aware of the school's policies,

WELLBEING Being part of a team means we look out for each other. We firmly believe in our own and others well-being. We take time out of the term for wellbeing and extra time is set aside for certain tasks such as provision mapping and getting planned for the next term. We value time and ensure that any meetings are productive and time is given out of the school day. Professional Development Meetings and business meetings are kept to a minimum.


Our school is set in extensive grounds which incorporate woods, meadow land, an orchard and playing fields. We use these grounds whenever possible to extend and enrich the children’s learning. As well as this, we have our own swimming pool, a radio station, library, two IT suites which all allow a wide range of opportunities for our children’s learning.


We aim for our curriculum to be fun and exciting for the teachers to teach so that the children enjoy it and learn. We review the curriculum each year to ensure that it is effective and current with the children’s needs. It is based on experiential learning and follows a structure of:

Each term, the children will engage in an Engage event such as a special activity day; visit to a specific place or a guest visiting the school. All the learning builds to an Innovate challenge where the children share the outcomes of their studies with other people in an Engage event. As well as year group topics, we enjoy school whole topics based on specific areas of learning or current

events such as Arts Week, Book Week or our Healthy Living and Sports Day finale to the year.

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We are a learning school and one of our values is ambition. We are looking to support teachers in their careers. We actively help you move forward in that, whether it is to be more effective in the classroom, move into leadership roles such as SLEs or supporting others. We work with a range of partners, such as the CCCU and Schools Direct and it is a busy and thriving learning community for all.

SAFEGUARDING Our school is committed to equality and take the safeguarding our children very seriously. Therefore, all references will be rigorously taken up- no open references will be accepted. After offer of employment, a range of safeguarding checks will be carried out including an enhanced DBS, disqualification by association and agreement to our code of conduct. Safeguarding training will be provided before or when you join the team so you are aware of the school's policies, procedures and practices.

INDUCTION If you are successful in joining the Oaklands team, you will have a thorough induction. Previous team members have said that they have never had such a supportive induction as we offer. After appointment, you will visit the school to complete paperwork and safeguarding requirements.

You will have a named mentor who will meet with you before you start and on the very first day. They will

keep in touch and make sure you have someone who you know to answer any questions and be someone to

help settle you in.

Page 5: Together Everybody Achieves More Prospective SBM Team ...€¦ · Safeguarding training will be provided before or when you join the team so you are aware of the school's policies,

Institute of School Business Leadership │ Professional Standards In writing this overview, we have used the Institute of School Business Leadership Professional Standards as an overview of the Values, Behaviours and Functions we expect from our School Business Manager. The role is critical for the success of the school. They will be part of the Senior Leadership Team and be working with the Governors, Headteacher and other leaders in developing the school‘s strategic direction and day to day running of the school’s business functions.

Values & Ethics

Oaklands TEAM Values Ambition Being an integral part of the Senior Leadership team driving the school to be the best

which it can be.

Self-confidence Being able to share a business perspective and an advocate for VfM aspects of thinking.

Perseverance Maintain a secure business approach so that the school continues to be effective in the long term.

Independent Able to make decisions and lead teams in line with the schools’ values and improvement plans.

Respect Work with the school community and beyond, ensuring that relationships are maintained as positive and productive.

Enquiry Be innovative in designing ways in which the school can go from strength to strength

Fundamental principles of ISBL’s ethical code Integrity This is about being truthful, straightforward and honest, dealing fairly with people and

situations; it rules out making misleading or false statements, whether by omission or inclusion of information, either knowingly or without taking care to find out.

Objectivity The avoidance of bias, whether for personal self-interest, or because of pressure from another, and closely allied to independence. This includes a responsibility to escalate concerns in the event of identifying or observing irregularities.

Professional competence This is about acquiring and maintaining appropriate technical and other relevant skills

and due care and competence to perform your work, doing it thoroughly and correctly, on a timely basis, and ensuring that users of our output understand its context and limitations.

Confidentiality Information about organisations and people encountered in the course of your work should not be disclosed, inside or outside the work environment, to anyone who does not have a legal or professional right to it, and especially not to secure a personal advantage for anyone.

Page 6: Together Everybody Achieves More Prospective SBM Team ...€¦ · Safeguarding training will be provided before or when you join the team so you are aware of the school's policies,

Professional behaviour This is about complying with professional standards and statutory obligations, and avoiding actions that might bring the profession into disrepute.

Nolan Principles of public life

Selflessness The avoidance of doing things for personal gain – resonates closely with the notion of professional conduct.

Openness Openness recognises that activities undertaken with public money ought to be visible to the public, so that temptation to doubtful or corrupt activity is made harder: so, a breach of the confidentiality principle through abuse of a piece of inside information for personal gain would be easier to spot if the consequent transaction was open.

Accountability is required in the overall conduct of business. It applies to all public sector employees. It might be argued that this principle is encompassed within professional competence and due care, but it is possible to say that this is not a special requirement that marks the school business leadership community out from public service people in general.

Leadership in public life is about setting a good example, implicit for all SBLs in the fundamental principles. But the ethical code should remind us that the burdens of example-setting grow with seniority. So, while all professionals must set a good example by their conduct, there is an extra obligation on those who are finance directors, chief executives or heads of other functions. All SBLs who manage staff should ensure that they lead by example and provide proper training, including in ethics and other aspects of professional behaviour, for their teams.

Behaviours Agile Is adaptable, flexible, reflective and capable of leading and managing change.

Decisive Can identify and consider options, make recommendations and robustly defend decisions in a timely manner, using evidence to support proposals. Leads Inspires and motivates others within their team, school/trust and the wider profession.

Leads functions, people and/or projects within the remit of their autonomy and responsibility.

Collaborative Works effectively and inclusively both within and outside of the organisation so individuals, teams and the learning community can benefit from shared capacity and knowledge.

Resourceful Uses resources, information and knowledge to overcome obstacles and finds creative/ innovative solutions to develop self, team and/or organisation.

Emotionally intelligent Manages and uses emotional intelligence when problem-solving and considers new innovations and change. Demonstrates confidence and the ability to negotiate, challenge and influence alongside care for others, diplomacy, approachability and resilience. Demonstrates both contextual and professional self-awareness.

School Business Manager Functions Leading Support Services Act as a role model for the school business profession by leading, developing and coordinating support services, or your specialist function(s), to support outcomes for pupils across the school/trust by providing high-quality solutions

Strategic Direction Growth / Sustainability strategy Provide Leadership

Appropriate use of public funds Operational effectiveness/ innovation Service co-ordination

Page 7: Together Everybody Achieves More Prospective SBM Team ...€¦ · Safeguarding training will be provided before or when you join the team so you are aware of the school's policies,

Policy, Procedure and Process Legal Ethical & Social context Safeguarding

Health, Safety & risk Continued Professional Development Professional values and ethics

Finance Ensure the effective management, reporting and recording of the school’s/trust’s finances, including budget planning, monitoring, control and communication of financial information for decision-making.

Manage school finances Develop resources Influence finance decisions

Promote good financial management Lead finance functions Champion economy & resourcing

Procurement Procure goods and services on a value-for-money basis (economy, efficiency and effectiveness) to support education delivery within the context of regulatory frameworks and legislation.

Procurement Strategy Benchmarking Tender management

Joint arrangements Statutory frameworks/ legislation

Infrastructure Ensure the fundamental facilities and services necessary for the school/trust to function are maintained to drive sustainability, support teaching and learning excellence. Assist in expansion and support community engagement.

Asset Management Space planning Capital Projects

Resource/ facilities management Grounds maintenance ICT

Human Resources Human resource management ensuring regulatory and legal compliance and managing, supporting and developing staff to ensure delivery of the school’s/trust’s strategic priorities in line with the vision and School Development Plan (SDP).

School staff structure Workforce planning Performance Management

CPD Human Resources

Marketing Ensure the development of a marketing and communication strategy which promotes the school/trust and defines the brand, aims and goals. Develop pupil recruitment, stakeholder engagement via appropriate communication channels and maximise income generation.

Strategy Brand Management Communications/ Promotions

Income Generation

Page 8: Together Everybody Achieves More Prospective SBM Team ...€¦ · Safeguarding training will be provided before or when you join the team so you are aware of the school's policies,


Our children are very perceptive and they know what makes a good TEAM member. This is the kind of person the children have asked us to find:

We would like a SBM who is…

• well educated in all subjects with good grades- especially in maths and

good with money

• Someone who knows and understands children.

• Make the playground and site more fun

Who when they help us… • Be positive and kind to us, especially if we need help.

• Welcome us when we come to the office.

We want a person who everyday has… • a good attitude who is respectful

• patience and is willing to listen to us

• good listening skills and lets us know you’re there for us.

• a good sense of humour

• friendly, happy and always smiling (or pretends to be at least!)

Page 9: Together Everybody Achieves More Prospective SBM Team ...€¦ · Safeguarding training will be provided before or when you join the team so you are aware of the school's policies,

Oaklands School Together Everybody Achieves More

Person Specification



SCALE: B1 (37 hour a week, Term Time only plus two weeks)

Attributes Essential Desirable Evidence

Experience ▪ Good standard of education with previous office management skills

▪ Experience of working in an office and financial environment

▪ Previous experience of working in an educational environment

▪ Experience of managing, operation and implementing computer and manual administrative systems

✓ Application ✓ Letter ✓ Interview ✓ Reference

Qualifications ▪ National qualification linked to role e.g. CSBM, AAT Level 2/3 etc.

▪ Nationally recognised qualification (DSBM or equivalent)

▪ Familiar or working with the ISBL Professional Standards.

✓ Application ✓ Letter



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Leading Support Services

▪ Experience of developing and coordinating services and specialist functions to support pupils

▪ Able to provide and monitor resources and facilities to optimise learning outcomes across the school

▪ Have planned and led on an area of strategic improvement

▪ Experience of short term and long term business planning

✓ Letter ✓ Reference ✓ Interview ✓ Task

Finance ▪ Fully competent in school finance systems and procedures, including Budget setting, FMS etc.

▪ Experience in the presentation of finance data to satisfy the requirements of a varied audience

Procurement ▪ Experience in procuring goods and services with a focus on Value for Money.

▪ Experience in working with other schools and organisations in collaboration.

Infrastructure ▪ Understanding of the fundamental facilities and services the school require.

▪ Knowledge of SIMs.

▪ Experience in support on capital planning and projects.

▪ Knowledge of FMS ▪ Experience of Health and Safety

management Human Resources

▪ Experience in managing, developing and supporting staff to deliver schools values and aims including PM.

▪ Diplomacy and tact to be able to deal with the above when required

▪ Understanding of Human Resource policies, procedures and legislation.

Marketing ▪ Experience of maintaining high level of customer service and brand reputation.

▪ Experience in marketing and communication strategy.







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Agile ▪ Adaptable, flexible and reflective in their role.

▪ Able to lead change and support others. ✓ Letter ✓ Reference ✓ Interview ✓ Task

Decisive ▪ Able to identify and consider options and make recommendations.

▪ Able to robustly defend decisions in a timely manner, using evidence to support proposals.

Leads ▪ Ability to motivate staff, ▪ Experience of negotiating with


▪ Experience of liaising with Governing Body and external bodies; HR, Finance etc

Collaborative ▪ Ability to work on own and prioritise work and also as part of a team

▪ Works effectively and inclusively both within and outside of the organisation

Resourceful ▪ Able to use resources, information & knowledge to overcome obstacles

▪ finds creative/ innovative solutions to develop self, team and/or organisation.

Emotional Intelligent

▪ Manages and uses emotional intelligence when problem-solving and considers new innovations and change.

▪ Demonstrates confidence and the ability to negotiate, challenge and influence alongside care for others, diplomacy, approachability and resilience.

Page 10: Together Everybody Achieves More Prospective SBM Team ...€¦ · Safeguarding training will be provided before or when you join the team so you are aware of the school's policies,

Oaklands School Together Everybody Achieves More Job Description




1. Purpose 1.1. To make a significant contribution to the development of the school, 1.2. To promoting the highest standards of business ethos within the administrative function of the school and

strategically ensuring the most effective use of resources in supporting the school objectives, 1.3. To be responsible for and effectively manage the personnel management, estate management and

administration aspects of financial management of the school, 1.4. To be responsible for the Health and Safety management of the school, 1.5. To generate and co-ordinate new income streams which are supportive of the ethos of the school, 1.6. To ensure the school makes the best possible use of available resources.

2. Leading Support Services – Main responsibilities 2.1. To attend a relevant meetings with the Headteacher, other members of the Leadership Team and the

governing body, 2.2. Negotiate and influence strategic decision making within the school’s Senior Leadership Team, 2.3. In the absence of the Headteacher, take responsibility for financial and other decisions, 2.4. Plan and manage change in accordance with the School Improvement Plan, 2.5. To lead and manage all administrative and facilities staff, 2.6. To act as a role model and lead by example, embracing change and constantly pursuing the best for the

school, 2.7. To promote and develop the school and its facilities as a business.

3. Finance – Main responsibilities

3.1. To evaluate and consult with the senior team and Governors to prepare a realistic and balanced budget for

school activity, 3.2. To submit the proposed budget to the Headteacher and Governors for approval and assist the overall

financial planning process 3.3. To discuss, negotiate and agree the annual budget, 3.4. To use the agreed budget to actively monitor and control performance to achieve value for money, 3.5. To identify and inform the Headteacher and Governors of the causes of significant variance and take

prompt corrective action, 3.6. To provide ongoing budgetary information to relevant people, 3.7. To advise the Headteacher and/or Governors if fraudulent activities are suspected or uncovered, 3.8. To maintain a strategic financial plan that will indicate the trends and requirements of the School

Improvement Plan and will forecast future budgetary needs, 3.9. To identify additional finances required to fund the school’s proposed activities, 3.10. To seek and make use of specialist financial expertise, 3.11. To be responsible for the management of the school accounting function, ensuring its efficient and

accurate operation according to agreed procedures, 3.12. To act as an authorised signatory,

4. Infrastructure – Main responsibilities 4.1. To be responsible for ensuring maintenance of FMS finance system; ensuring the efficient ordering,

processing and payment of all goods and services provided to the school, 4.2. To manage the whole school administrative function, including the administrative ICT facilities, 4.3. To design and maintain administrative systems that deliver outcomes based on the school’s aims and


Page 11: Together Everybody Achieves More Prospective SBM Team ...€¦ · Safeguarding training will be provided before or when you join the team so you are aware of the school's policies,

4.4. To arrange for publications and returns for the DFE, Council and other agencies and stakeholders within statutory guidelines.

4.5. To manage the maintenance of the site, 4.6. To ensure the continuing availability of utilities, site services and equipment, 4.7. To ensure appropriate practice in estate management and ground maintenance, 4.8. To ensure a safe environment for all stakeholders, 4.9. To be responsible for overseeing the security of the site, 4.10. To act as the school’s Health and Safety Co-ordinator and Fire Officer, 4.11. To plan, instigate and maintain records of fire practices and alarm tests, 4.12. To ensure the Health and Safety policy is implemented at all times, put into practice and is subject to

review and assessment at regular intervals, 4.13. To ensure systems are in place to enable the identification of hazards and risk assessments, 4.14. To ensure that systems are in place for effective monitoring, measuring and reporting of health and safety

issues to the Leadership Team, Governors and where appropriate the Health and Safety Executive, 4.15. To line manager the facilities site team, delegating and monitoring any of the above points.

5. Procurement – Main responsibilities

5.1. To monitor, negotiate and manage contracts, tenders and agreements for the provision of support service, 5.2. To monitor, assess, and review contractual obligations for outsourced school services, 5.3. To ensure that ancillary services (catering, cleaning etc) are monitored and managed effectively,

6. Human Resources – Main responsibilities 6.1. To be responsible for general personnel matters in consultation with the Local Authority and HR services 6.2. To manage changes and relevant documentation to forward to payroll services for all staff, 6.3. To ensure all staff records are maintained confidentially and up to date, 6.4. To ensure all recruitment, appraisal, grievance, disciplinary and redundancy policies and procedures

comply with legal and regulatory requirements, 6.5. To manage recruitment of all staff, 6.6. To manage the appraisal and development of all non-class based support staff, 6.7. To ensure that all staff and regular visitors have a clear understanding of the policies and procedures and

the importance of putting them into practice, 6.8. To seek and make use of specialist expertise in relation to HR issues, 6.9. To ensure all safeguarding procedures are in place and adhered to, particularly in relation to the Single

Central Record and recruitment, 6.10. To provide return to work discussions with staff after periods of sickness absence, maintaining accurate

records and attempting to improve staff attendance 6.11. To ensure the workforce census is completed.

7. Marketing – Main responsibilities 7.1. To oversee the provision of an effective, efficient, helpful and approachable front line service for pupils,

staff, parents and other visitors to the school. 7.2. To promote and manage the letting of the school premises to maximise income generation, and in

particular the use of the swimming pool by other schools and external organisations, 7.3. To maximise income through lettings and other activities, seeking grants and funding where necessary

8. Working Environment 8.1. The post is based within the school buildings.

Appointment to this post is subject to the following; Satisfactory medical fitness. Receipt of references acceptable to the Head Teacher. Receipt of satisfactory clearance from the Disclosure and Barring Service.

Page 12: Together Everybody Achieves More Prospective SBM Team ...€¦ · Safeguarding training will be provided before or when you join the team so you are aware of the school's policies,

The particular duties may be reviewed at the end of each academic year, or earlier if necessary, to meet the changing demands of the school at the reasonable discretion of the Head Teacher and in consultation with you. This job description does not form part of the contract of employment. It describes the way the postholder is expected and required to perform and complete the particular duties of the post. These duties and responsibilities should not be regarded as neither exclusive nor exhaustive as the postholder may be required to undertake other reasonably determined duties and responsibilities, commensurate with the grading of the post, without changing the general character of the post. This school is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment.


Firstly, please only apply is you really want to take up the role of School Business Manager at Oaklands. We would not want to waste time or miss out on another candidate by shortlisting someone who would not accept the role. To find the right person, we will use the information you give us in your application to choose a short list of the people we think most meet our criteria. These people will be invited to a selection day or in the current COVID-19 situation be operated via Zoom and references will be requested, including one from your present headteacher if applicable. The day is not a test and we know that they are very nerve-wracking days. We have a range of activities so that we can see all the different sides of you. The process will usually consist of:

▪ A couple of short activity so we can get an idea of your skills and experience in a range of functions which are crucial to the SBM role.

▪ An interview with the panel who will ask you some questions to find out more about your experience and skills.

All these activities will be explained to you in advance or on the day and you are always given time to prepare.

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The whole process is scored by the panel and the person with the highest score on the day will be offered the role. Any offer will be conditional upon all safeguarding checks being successful. We know that it is hard in any process if you have not been successful. We always phone every single applicant to explain the decision and share feedback on the process. We always follow our own procedure of 'three stars and a wish' when giving feedback. If you are not successful, it is not because you are not good enough, but we need to find the person who will fit our team the best.

Once again, thank you for taking the time to show an interest in joining the Oaklands team.