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EDLD 5362 Wk 5 Assignment


  • 1. Midland isd long term technology plan
    Approved by TEA 2010-2013

2. Technology Committee
Administration- Central Office
Three assistant superintendents, including the one in charge of instruction.
The executive director in charge of instructional services and federal programs.
The executive director in charge of accountability and PEIMS. The districts textbook coordinator
3. Technology Committee (2)
Technology/Facilities Staff
Executive Director of Technology
Network Administrator
Instructional Technology Supervisor
Three technology trainers
Administrative Supervisor- Facility Control and Compliance Services
4. Technology Committee (3)
Campus Staff
Two high school principals
A junior high principal
An elementary principal
A high school teacher
A junior high teacher
Three elementary technology teachers
Teacher Communications Committee Chairperson
5. Technology Committee (4)
Community Members
VP Information Technology & Facilities, Midland College
Midland College President
Education Foundation Director
Region 18 Director
Chamber of Commerce president
6. Current Technology Plan
Highlights of process
Approved for 3 years: 2010-2013
Submitted March 12, 2010
Approved by Region 18 and TEA
2010 Technology Plan Approval Certificate (PDF)
7. Certificate
8. Current Technology Plan (2)
Revisions and Input
Assembled the committee and created technology plan blog in 2009
Met face-to-face for final revisions
On-going blog topics
9. Tech Plan Requirements
TEA LRPT Objectives-Star Chart
Educator Preparation and Development
Infrastructure for Technology
Leadership, Administration and Support
Teaching and Learning
10. Tech Plan Requirements (2)
E-rate Requirements
Plan must improve education or library services in the areas of telecommunications and information technology with a clear and realistic strategy
Plan should include professional development to ensure successful implementation of new technologies
11. Tech Plan Requirements (3)
NCLB Requirements (summary)
Strategies/Goals to promote student technology literacy/ teacher capacity
Increased Access for all students and tools for teachers
Promotion of technology integration in curricula
On-going professional development
Consider the costs for required technology
12. Tech Plan Requirements (4)
NCLB Requirements (continued)
Coordination of local resources with state/federal
Develop curriculum integration timelines
Innovate with delivery strategies
Communicate with parents regarding technology access and curriculum
Work with adult literacy providers
Quantify integration of technology in the curriculum
Show resources to implement technology: infrastructure, network, tech support, etc.
13. Plan Outline/Structure
District Profile
Plan Introduction
Executive Summary
Needs Assessment
Goals, Objectives, and Strategies
14. Tech Plan Sample
An excerpt from the plan with an Objective and Strategy
Objective 1.1: All students will have access to and use a variety of resources to improve academic achievement and technology literacy.Budget for this objective: $651,830.95LRPT Category: Teaching and LearningE-Rate Correlates: ER01 ER02 NCLB Correlates: 01 02 03 07 08 11 12 Strategy 1.1.1: Students and teachers will use a variety of hardware and software as appropriate to align with the Texas Technology Applications TEKS and enhance learning. State: RevisedStatus: In ProgressTimeline: 7/01/2010 - 6/30/2013Person(s) Responsible: Campus administrators or designees, Curriculum area directorsEvidence: Lesson plans will reflect the use of technology by students as outlined in the TA TEKS. STaR Chart results from Area TL1, Patterns of Classroom Use
15. Technology Plan Updates
Full 2010-2013 plan available at
Recent Updates (December 2010)
New committee members
New district enrollment statistics
E-rate yr. 14 updates
Planned Network overhauls at some schools
Planned increased Wi-Fi access points
Planned increased districts internet bandwidth
16. Conclusion
Tech Plan Revisions are continuous
Deadlines are every year before E-rate 470 forms are filed to include new changes
Planning committee never disbanded, only updating of member list.
Every 3 years, must re-write the tech plan.Existing one a starting point.