tom martin's women's board presentation

Copyright © 2010 Converse Digital, LLC @TomMartin QR Codes: What Are They? And How Can You Use Them? Image by: Norebbo

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Post on 01-Sep-2014




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Contact for additional information or request a downloadable file of this QR Code Marketing presentation by Tom Martin of Converse Digital. This presentation covers basic facts on QR Codes, debunks numerous myths about arguments against the use of QR codes and shares a variety of examples of good QR code usage. Tom Martin is the founder of Converse Digital and a noted social media marketing keynote speaker. To request that Tom present this or other talks to your next meeting, please contact us using the link above.


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Copyright  ©  2010  Converse  Digital,  LLC


QR Codes: What Are They? And How Can You Use Them?

Image by: Norebbo

Page 2: Tom Martin's Women's Board Presentation

Copyright  ©  2010  Converse  Digital,  LLC

Encyclopedia PhontanicaCopyright  ©  2010  Converse  Digital,  LLC

Image by: Johan Larsson

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Encyclopedia Phontanica

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QR Codes: passing fancy or game changing technology?

image by:

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image by:

passing fancy or game changing technology?

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Copyright  ©  2010  Converse  Digital,  LLCWhat can QR Codes do?

image  credit:

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QR Codes will be like the CueCat

Arguments Against QR Codes

You have to download an app to use QR codes

You have to LAUNCH an app to use QR codes

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QR Codes will be like the CueCat

• you had to be on a computer• web was in its infancy• broadband was virtually non-existent• you had to register

Arguments Against QR Codes

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You have to download an app to use QR codes

on average iPhone users have 40 apps installed & Android users have 25

Arguments Against QR Codes

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You have to LAUNCH an app to use QR codes


Arguments Against QR Codes

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You have to LAUNCH an app to use QR codes


Arguments Against QR Codes

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You have to have an internet connection

Consumers don’t know what they are

Consumers don’t know what app to download

Valid Arguments Against QR Codes

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Consumers don’t know what they are

Arguments Against QR Codes

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FREE Web based QR Code creators -

How Do You Create QR Codes

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Paid Web based QR Code creators - Capture by 44Doors

How Do You Create QR Codes

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How Can You Use QR Codes?

Auto manufacturers are training your customer for you right now.

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How Can You Use QR Codes?

Track your advertising

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How Can You Use QR Codes?

Turn print into TV

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How Can You Use QR Codes?

Turn print into TV

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How Can You Use QR Codes?

Provide Mobile Friendly Directions

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How Can You Use QR Codes?

Customer Reviews or How To’s

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How Can You Use QR Codes?

Customer Feedback

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Speed up Check-out

How Can You Use QR Codes?

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It has to work• where am I physically

• ensure connectivity

• link to mobile friendly site

• where am I in buying cycle

• be “thumb friendly”

What not to do...

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Commonly asked questions• What is the minimum size for a QR Code?• What are the different types of QR Codes?• What are the best QR Reader apps?

A Final Word....

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QR Codes Micro QR Codes Datamatrix Codes MS Tag

Jag Tags SPARQ Code

A Final Word.... What are the different types of QR Codes?

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A Final Word.... What are the best QR Reader apps?

Page 29: Tom Martin's Women's Board Presentation [email protected]

@TomMartinCopyright  ©  2010  Converse  Digital,  LLC