top 10 geniuses of 10 fields of human activity - listverse.pdf

 NEXT PREVIOUS FLAMEHORSE MARCH 24, 201 0 [Competition:  This list contains a competition, see the first comment for details.] This is another list of human endeavors but it covers ten of the most important aspects of human life through all history – it is not specifically modern, or ancient. While most will agree with the selections, there may be some dispute – if so, be sure to tell us in the comments. I have chosen one book for each item on the list for further reading – this is also connected to the competition running on the list. 10 Politics Gaius Julius Caesar Augustus HUMANS  Top 10 Geniu ses of 10 Fields of Human Activity Check out our new companion site:

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    [Competition: This list contains a competition, see the first comment for details.] This is

    another list of human endeavors but it covers ten of the most important aspects of

    human life through all history it is not specifically modern, or ancient. While most will

    agree with the selections, there may be some dispute if so, be sure to tell us in the

    comments. I have chosen one book for each item on the list for further reading this is

    also connected to the competition running on the list.

    10PoliticsGaius Julius Caesar Augustus


    Top 10 Geniuses of 10 Fields of HumanActivity

    Check out our new companion site:

  • Runners-up: Alfred the Great, Suarez (theoretical), Benjamin Franklin, George

    Washington, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, Abraham Lincoln.

    He is, in this listers opinion, one of the very few decent leaders in history. He had his

    personal vices, among them that he was a womanizer who used his power to seduce

    any woman who took his fancy. Theres a Clinton joke in there somewhere.

    But Augustus can be forgiven that sort of thing given that he was never a tyrant, never

    let his absolute power corrupt him absolutely, and worked tirelessly for some 42 years

    to make Rome the finest city in the world.

    It may already have been the finest, but Augustus managed to make it even better.

    Consider that he seized power after Rome had been in continual war with itself for 200

    years. The city was ripping itself apart by 27 BC, had just gone through the worst of its

    civil warring: the First Triumvirate, Caesar, Pompey, and Crassus; then the Second,

    Octavian (Augustus), Marc Antony, and Lepidus, and no one knew who was in charge.

    Not even the Senate had control. When Augustus proclaimed himself Emperor, all the

    bickering stopped. He very quickly made everyone love him.

    His rule cemented the Pax Romana, a time from c. 130 BC to c. 180 AD, during which the

    Roman Republic/Empire was invincible, and no foreign power dared challenge it.

    Augustus showed up in the middle of it, when, right after that Second Triumvirate and

    civil war, the entire state was in danger of imminent collapse from within. Augustus

    pulled it all back up and held it together. He instituted Romes first official fire fighting

  • force of between 500 to 1,000 men in 14 districts throughout the city. He instituted the

    first official police force, and now, without having to fight the foreigners, he was able to

    establish a standing army for Rome, c. 170,000 well trained soldiers. He repaired, then

    greatly advanced the technology of the roads throughout Italy.

    He abolished private tax farming, and turned it into a civil service, bringing food to the

    masses more cheaply, instituted the first official census, the flat-rate tax, with each

    provinces citizens paying an established annual tax.

    None of this mentions all the magnificent buildings he had constructed.

    He brought all state finances under control, since the civil wars had caused the values of

    most things to fluctuate violently. He donated 170 million sesterces (an enormous

    amount) to establish a trust fund for the active a retired soldiers throughout the

    empire. This made the soldiers love him more than anyone, and a coup impossible. But

    then, even the citizens loved him. The senators. Almost everyone loved him. He proved

    Machiavellis maxim that the best ruler is the one who rules by love, and slightly inferior

    to him is the one who rules by fear. The worst ruler is the one whose people hate him,

    and there have been plenty of the latter two.

    He may have been the greatest benevolent dictator the world has ever seen.

    Further Reading: Augustus: The Life of Romes First Emperor

    9Applied Mechanics (Inventing)Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci

  • Runners-up: Nikola Tesla, Thomas Edison.

    No introduction is necessary. Suffice to say the man invented the precursor to the robot

    (and the actual, artificially intelligent robot hasnt been invented yet). Da Vincis idea was

    for a small cart powered by a very strong spring. The whole thing was made of wood on

    the outside, with steel framework, and he used several of these, all the same size and

    shape, to roll around the inside of his house serving drinks and food to guests. The carts

    turned at the proper doorways by means of various wood disks that da Vinci placed

    inside. Each disk had different holes that struck the teeth of different cogs and gears on

    the inside, and thus turned the cart at different times, in different directions. The drinks

    and food were placed on the flat tops. Replicas have been made based on his extremely

    detailed drawings and notes, and they really do work.

    He invented the first successful parachute, made of a balsa wood frame, and silk fabric,

    shaped like a hollow pyramid. He never had the nerve to try it out, though. No one did,

    until 2000, when a skydiver named Adrian Nicholas tested it, and it worked. Nicholas

    died 5 years later when his modern parachute didnt open.

    Da Vinci invented the sniper scope for rifle arms (muskets in his day), which was simply

    one of his smaller telescopes bolted onto the top of a musket. He invented pivoting

    scissors, all earlier designs being single flexing pieces of metal using spring action. The

    spring design had the drawback of bending out of shape if squeezed too hard, and no

    longer flexing properly. The pivoting scissors operate as two pieces of metal around a

  • bolt. Da Vincis design has changed very little. He invented the first successful hang

    glider, based on the operations of birds wings, for which Bernoulli was not alive to come

    up with a principle until 200 years later.

    He invented the tank, made of thick oak and powered by four to six men turning iron

    wheels via an iron crank shaft, while four other men inside loaded and fired cannon at

    the enemy foot soldiers. There is no record of the tank being used in battle, but had it

    been, it would have been impregnable against the arrows, axes, and swords of the day.

    It could have been set on fire, but it would have terrified anyone who saw it long before

    they worked up the nerve to approach it. It was the equivalent of the tripods in H. G.

    Wellss The War of the Worlds.

    He almost invented the helicopter. He just needed a sufficient engine to hold it in the

    air, and the combustion engine was a long time coming. He invented the steam cannon,

    which was almost as powerful, and much faster and cheaper to reload, than the

    gunpowder cannon. He modernized hydraulic pumps, and invented the stabilized

    artillery projectile. We know it as a rocket, which has stabilizing fins, as opposed to a

    cannon ball or simple conical shaped projectile. He invented thousands of other things.

    Further Reading: How to Think Like Leonardo da Vinci: Seven Steps to Genius Every Day

    8SculptingMichelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni

  • Runners-up: Bernini, Donatello.

    Da Vinci was a master of just about everything of the day, including sculpting, but when

    it came to sculpting, he deferred to the young upstart Michelangelo. The story goes that

    a 13-foot high block of marble was excised from the Carrara quarry, about 60 miles up

    into the Appennine Mountains from Florence, and transported there to be carved into

    some Old Testament figure. Agostino, the student of Donatello, was commissioned for

    the work, but after roughing out the legs, and knocking a hole between them, he gave

    up. Donatello died, and the block sat weathering away in the rain, outside a Florence

    cathedral. The Operai, who were the old men who commissioned artists to sculpt

    marble blocks into works worth posting around the city, pleaded with da Vinci to do

    something with the block, before it eroded to dust, since marble was very expensive to

    cut and move. Da Vinci refused, complaining that the stone was now full of cracks, and

    much shorter from erosion than when Agostino had intended to make it into a statue.

    Whatever figure chosen would thus be too short.

    He then suggested that they give it to the young Michelangelo, who had shown himself,

    with his Pieta, to be good at sculpting. He was 26 years old, took the much-needed

    money, and 4 years later, he had made David.

    His other most famous sculpture, the Pieta, is a depiction of the Virgin Mary holding the

    body of her dead Son, who has just been crucified. He produced many other sculptures,

    painted occasionally, and also designed the dome of St. Peters Basilica.

    Further Reading: The Agony and the Ecstasy: A Biographical Novel of Michelangelo

    7RhetoricMarcus Tullius Cicero

  • Runners-up: Quintilian, Thucydides, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, Sir Winston

    Churchill, Adolf Hitler, Martin Luther King, Jr.

    Every high school or college Latin student is familiar with the structure of a Ciceronian

    sentence. He almost always wrote in what we call a periodic sentence. The main verb is

    at or very near the end, no matter how long, and Ciceros sentences are frequently VERY

    long. The subject is at or very near the beginning. Everything in the middle is a

    dependent clause modifying the subject or the main verb, or a modifier of a modifier.

    The sentence can go on ad infinitum. When translating, especially into English, it is often

    impossible to leave the main verb at the end, because the ear demands it more and

    more, until the subject is forgotten.

    But anyone today who pursues a college degree in rhetoric, no matter his or her

    language, Ciceros sentences are sure to be required reading. Political science majors,

    and especially lawyers, are trained to compose sentences like this. Not trained well

    enough anymore, granted, since there seems to be a bit of a drop off from Abraham

    Lincolns speeches to George W. Bushs speeches. If you ever find yourself wishing the

    speaker sounded more intelligent, you should invoke the name of Cicero above all


    He mastered the techniques of his day, which were passed down from Ancient Greek,

    most notably Thucydidess Funeral Oration of Pericles. It is impossible to know whether

    Pericles himself actually composed the speech in the form in which Thucydides records

    it, or Thucydides actually composed some or most of it in his own style. It is very

    complicated Greek, but very rewarding to the rhetoric student, as Cicero showed amply

    in his famous Catilinarian Orations, a series of speeches made in the Roman Senate to

  • denounce and vilify Lucius Catilina, a corrupt senator who tried to overthrow the Roman

    Republic. Cicero actually succeeded in ousting Catilina from power, ultimately resulting

    in Catilinas death in a rebellion. Cicero did this solely by means of his prose mastery.

    Here is an excerpt, from his First Catlinarian Oration:

    Just how long, O Catiline, do you intend to abuse our patience? How long is that

    madness of yours still to mock us? When is there to be an end of this unbridled

    audacity of yours, swaggering about as it does now? Do not the night guards set on the

    Palatine Hill do not the watches posted throughout the citydoes not the alarm of

    the people, and the union of all good men does not the precaution taken of

    assembling the senate in this most defensible place do not the looks and

    countenances of this venerable body here present, have any effect on you? Do you not

    feel that your plans are detected? Do you not see that your conspiracy is already

    stopped and made powerless by the knowledge which every one here possesses of it?

    What is there that you did last night, what the night before where is it that you were

    who was there that you summoned to meet you what design was there which

    was adopted by you, with which you think that any one of us is unacquainted?

    Further Reading: Cicero: The Life and Times of Romes Greatest Politician


    Runners-up: Euclid, Rene Descartes.

  • Archimedes is typically in the top four of historys mathematicians, but it was his

    practical applications of geometry that will make his name last forever. He invented the

    Armichedes Screw, which is still an efficient means of carrying water from a low place to

    a high place quickly. Its simply an inclined plane inside a tube. One end of the tube is

    set in the water, and the tube is leaned against something. Turn the tube and the water

    rises on the inclined plane to the other end and out. He told his employer, the king of

    Syracuse, Make me a screw long enough and Ill empty the ocean.

    The king of Syracuse, which was a walled city on the shore of Sicily, employed him to

    make the city safe from siege, and he did this by drawing up plans for various machines,

    notably a huge ballista that could fire 1,000 arrows at once through small slits in the

    walls. It could devastate an entire regiment approaching the walls. He designed larger

    and larger catapults to hurl larger and larger stones farther. His most famous

    inventions, all based on geometry, are his Claw and Heat Ray. The claw was a device

    he envisioned to swing out from the top of a wall, into the side of a wooden ship

    attacking the harbor. The claw would puncture the ship, then men would hoist it up by

    means of a huge lever, and overturn the ship, or even upend it, and sink it in a matter of

    minutes. He told his king, You give me a lever long enough and Ill move the earth.

    The Heat Ray was simply a line of soldiers with highly polished shields angled to catch

    the sunlight and direct it to an enemy ship in the harbor. One shields reflection of the

    sunlight was insufficient to cause wood to burn, but 100 of them magnified the suns

    heat 100 times into a small spot, and did indeed, cause the ships to reach their

    flashpoints, bursting into flames where they floated.

    He mastered the geometric mechanics of the simple machines. He roped up a system of

    about 50 pulleys of various sizes, some as small as a hand, some as large as an SUV tire,

    then tied one end of the rope to one of the kings galleys, a huge ship, and wrapped the

    other end in his hands, and proceeded to pull the entire ship out of the harbor onto the

    ground by himself. The pulleys lessened the weight.

    He discovered hydraulics when he got into his bath one night and the water overflowed

    the tub. He saw that the amount of water displaced equaled his weight and ran

    screaming naked through the streets, Eureka! Eureka! which means, I have found it!

    I have found it! This discovery enabled him to measure the volume and density of an

    irregular object, such as the kings crown, by submerging it in water, and measuring the

    amount displaced.

    The story of his death goes that he was so engrossed in his geometrical experiments

    and drawings that while the siege of Syracuse was going on, a Roman soldier shouted to

    him to freeze in the street. He was carrying an armload of his gadgets and looked like a

    looter. He ignored the soldier, and the soldier stabbed him to death. His last words are

  • said to have been, Dont disturb my diagrams. He had been drawing them in the dirt.

    Marcellus, the Roman general, gave strict orders that he was to be spared, because he

    respected himso much. He lamented during the siege, I have 10,000 men. They have


    Further Reading: Archimedes and the Door of Science

    5Modern PhysicsAlbert Einstein

    Runners-up: Christiaan Huyghens, #2 on this list, Max Planck, Niels Bohr.

    Einstein has become a byword for genius. He, along with Archimedes, is one of the four

    greatest mathematicians of all time. He revolutionized physics in all its fields, from

    nuclear physics to quantum physics, to thermodynamics, and of course, relativity. He

    discovered that when you deal with something as gigantic as the Universe, strange

    things are going to happen with time itself. He theorized that time and space are

    themselves inseparable, and act together as a sort of fabric, that stretches and distorts

    the same way that a piece of cloth does when stretched tight and objects are placed on

    it. The heavier the object, the deeper the impression. It works the same with gravity and

    the void of space. Time itself slow down when passing through any gravitational field.

    Usually the difference is negligible, but this is a serious matter when concerning black

    holes. Time itself stops when entering a black hole.

    To his contemporaries, Einstein sounded like he was off his rocker. Not only was he

  • rewriting the established physics of the last 300 years, he was actually predicting

    specific events based solely on the equations he scribbled out on paper. His physics

    stated that light itself bends when encountering gravity, and this was something the

    scientific world could and intended to prove. An upcoming solar eclipse on November 7,

    1919, would be the perfect chance. And Einstein was right. The light from a star bent

    noticeably as it passed around the edge of the suns coronal disk during the eclipse.

    This remains one of the very rare times when physics has predicted anything specific

    and measurable, and more astoundingly, when that prediction was proven correct.

    Einstein worked on everything in the realm of physics, including a Unified Field Theory,

    which is a theory of everything. It would explain, most importantly, the interaction of the

    four forces of the Universe at the moment of the Big Bang, and even before that

    moment, thus before time itself was begun. Scientists still havent cracked the theory,

    but Einstein is the man who has gotten us closer to the solution than anyone.

    Further Reading: Einstein: His Life and Universe

    4LiteratureWilliam Shakespeare

    Runners-up: Homer, Dante Alighieri, Cervantes

    Very few people can claim universal mastery throughout the world in one discipline.

    Literature isnt even one discipline. Poetry, prose, fiction, non-fiction, literature is

    comprised of many subcategories that each have their masters, and these masteries do

    not frequently overlap. Shakespeare, however, is almost universally acknowledged as

    the absolute master of drama, dramatic poetry, sonnets, fiction, and dramatic non-

    fiction. He has been translated into more languages than any other writer of anything in

    history (unless you count God as a writer). Everyone wants to see the master at work, to

    see how he does it. What makes Shakespeare so great?

    His works have an overriding tone of cynicism. He always deals with human foibles, and

    his works give the audience the sense that humans are, beneath it all, really pathetic.

    There are no flawless heroes in his works, because there are none in life, as he saw it.

    There are plenty of villains. His tragedies always end with all or almost all of the main

    characters dead by one anothers hand. They always fall apart from within, brought

    down by human weaknesses. His comedies are actually a lot of the same, except that in

    the end, all or almost all of the main characters get married. His comedies have been

    called the first modern sitcoms, in which the characters hurl lighthearted insults at

  • each other.

    And no matter how well you frame the plot in your next short story or novel, no matter

    how bizarre, how unique, you make your characters, Shakespeare did it before you. He

    might not have been the first to do anything, but he modernized drama more than any

    other writer. And thats not to mention the philosophy inherent in his sonnets, which

    are, besides the content, the premiere closed-form poetry canon in English. His works

    are quoted, performed, and parodied more often than those of any other writer, and this

    is especially impressive given that theyre 450 years old. His two most powerful

    tragedies, Hamlet and King Lear, are more than just drama and poetry. Theyre in-depth,

    psychological analyses of the minds of those suffering mental and emotional anguish,

    and how they cope with it.

    Further Reading: Shakespeare: The Biography


    Runners-up: Socrates, Plato

    Even today, after such great minds as Immanuel Kant, Friedrich Nietzsche, Hume,

    Descartes, et al., all modern philosophy is founded on the principles and methods of

    Aristotle. He learned from Plato, who learned from Socrates, the three greats of the

    ancient world, but Aristotles legacy is that he constructed theories on everything from

    biology to ethics, logic, politics, poetry and physics. He was the first to distinguish

    aquatic mammals, such as whales and dolphins, from fish. He was the first to describe

    the hectocotyl arm of the cephalopod. There many kinds of cephalopods, namely the

    octopus and squid, but also many species that live in shells. Most of them have a

    hectocotyl arm, which is a combination tentacle and penis, housing the spermatophores,

    and inserted into the female then broken off. The male grows a new one about every

    season. It was not rediscovered until the 1800s, and it was tracked down by biologists

    reading Aristotles description of it. They couldnt believe that he was right about what

    it does.

    He practically invented the scientific method, which has hardly changed at all

    throughout the last 2,300 years.

    Aristotle was the first to systematize logic into a formal study, and Kant noted his work

    as the core of all deductive reasoning. If you have ever deduced anything, and you have,

  • you have used a method Aristotle was the first to formalize. On the subject of ethics, he

    argued quite reasonably that the human being should work to make itself happy, since

    in so doing it would fulfill natures goal in creating it. And the highest form of happiness,

    he argued, was to learn, since that is what humans do most naturally. In so learning,

    humans will inevitably become the best that nature has intended of them, wise and


    He argued that the intent of any political system should be to provide the best possible

    well-being for the public. In his opinion, there were 3 basic kinds of political systems: a

    constitutional government, an aristocracy, and a kingdom or empire. Because of the

    nature of humans to devolve in everything, these three forms would pervert into a

    democracy, an oligarchy, and a tyranny, respectively. Thus, he argued, the constitutional

    government is the best choice, and the one every political state should choose. Modern

    democracies have progressed very little beyond Aristotles vision of what one should be.

    Further Reading: Aristotle for Everybody

    2MathematicsSir Isaac Newton

    Runners-up: #6 on this list, Carl Friedrich Gauss, #5 on this list.

    If humankind ever sets foot on another planet with a species of comparable or superior

    intelligence, we will do so not in the name of God, or peace, but in the name of Isaac

    Newton. He discovered and methodized classical mechanics, with which the world

    worked on almost all scientific problems for the next 300 years, until Einstein finally

    modernized his theories and laws. He invented the reflecting telescope, which uses

    mirrors instead of lenses. He also invented the modern concept of the car, except for the

    engine. His design, which he made for fun when he was about 13, had a wood chassis,

    four wood wheels on two axles, all connected to the steering shaft. The steering wheel

    was a solid wood disk that turned all four wheels, enabling the car to travel sideways as

    well as forward and backward. The car was powered by a very strong spring that

    unwound over the course of an hour, enabling him to drive from his mothers country

    home into nearby Woolsthorpe and Colsterworth, two small villages. It traveled about 10


    His contributions to the fields of physics, mathematics, science, and even theology are

    beyond belief. Mathematicians today call him Superman. During 18 months, 1665-6,

    he asked himself the question on every scientists mind at the time, What in the world

  • is holding the moon up in the sky? Why isnt it falling to Earth right now? He used all

    the mathematics of the day to address this problem, discovering the generalized

    binomial theorem in the process. Then the mathematics no longer made any sense with

    the material he was working with. So he effectively invented differential and integral

    calculus to keep on the trail of the solution. In the end, he succeeded, and discovered

    the law of universal gravitation, and the 3 universal laws of motion, also known as

    Newtons Laws. All this at the age of 23. Modern mathematicians still regard it as


    First Law: An object in motion will stay in motion, unless an outside force acts upon it.

    Second Law: A body will accelerate with acceleration proportional to the force and

    inversely proportional to the mass.

    Third Law: Every action has a reaction equal in magnitude and opposite in direction.

    These 3 laws laid the groundwork for all physics until Einstein, whose relativity theories

    allow for more fine-tuned, microscopic examinations. Newton also postulated a theory

    of colors, stating that objects do not possess color of themselves, but are acted upon by

    the colors innate in light, which can be separated and integrated with a prism. This is

    how he came up with the idea for the reflecting telescope. Gottfried Leibniz also

    discovered the differential and integral calculus about the same time, independently,

    and gave it its name, whereas Newton called it the method of fluxions and fluents. It

    can be said that Leibiz discovered infinitesimal calculus, but just to satisfy his curiosity

    of what it could do; Newton invented it, for the express purpose of solving a problem he

    was working on.

    Newton distinctly advanced every single branch of mathematics in use today.

    Further Reading: Isaac Newton

    1MusicJohann Sebastian Bach

    Runners-up: Palestrina, Renaissance Music; Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Classical

    music; Ludwig van Beethoven, Romantic music.

    This lister wrote another list, solely of composers, which Bach crowned. He is not

    intended to crown this one. The ten field of this list are independent and unranked with

    regard to importance.

    Bach is one of only two people who managed to perfect an entire system of liberal arts.

  • His system was Baroque music, which began long before he was born. By the time he

    reached his creative pinnacle, Baroque was going out of style because most of his

    contemporaries considered it to have been exhausted.

    Bach proved them wrong, even if they did not admit it. History has borne him out as the

    perfecter of the Baroque style of music. He did not invent any new forms, whereas

    Franz Joseph Haydn virtually invented the modern symphony. But Bach wrote absolute

    masterpieces in every form of his day: fugue, sonata, cantata, concerto grosso, mass,

    sinfonia (the precursor to the symphony), etc.

    He was the first to devise a system for tuning any keyboard instrument, especially the

    harpsichord, and its variants. His Well-Tempered Clavier is two books of 24 preludes

    and fugues each, in all the major and minor scales, and he intended one of these to be

    played before a performance, in order to tune the keyboard. By using music, the ear is

    able to discern harmonics and thus a context of each tone, without which, the performer

    may tighten a string until it pops.

    No one before or since has been able to compose contrapuntal music (two or more

    melodies harmonizing with one another) so frequently, so monumentally, with such

    grandeur, complexity, richness, and technical brilliance as Bach composed. He could

    improvise fugues for 2 hours at a stretch at the organ. He would sometime write them

    down afterward from memory.

    He understood contrapuntal music as intimately, as naturally, as Newton understood

    mathematics, or Aristotle understood logic.

    Further Reading: Johann Sebastian Bach: The Learned Musician

    BonusTheologySt Thomas Aquinas

    Runners-up: St Augustine, St Albert Magnus (St Thomas teacher)

    Theology is the study of God through divine revelation (as opposed to metaphysics

    which is the study of God according to natural reason). St Thomas Aquinas was a

    Dominican priest in the 13th century who was, ironically, called The Dumb Ox. But

    during the course of his career as a teacher it became increasingly clear that he was

    anything BUT a dumb ox. St Thomas was the first man to successfully unite faith and

    reason using Aristotle as a starting point (as opposed to some like the Muslim scholar

    Averroes who failed in his attempt and came up with a theology that gave a twofold

  • truth one for matters of faith, and another for matters of philosophy; St Thomas

    combined the two completely without contradiction).

    St Thomas most famous theological work is the Summa Theologica a five volume set

    of questions and answers on all matters of faith. Based strongly on the principles of

    Aristotle and formal logic, the summa is a water-tight exposition of everything you

    could want to know about the world beyond this. Some of the subjects dealt with are

    whether animals have souls, the manner in which the bodily resurrection of the dead

    will take place, and a variety of topics relating to justice (whether lying is a sin, etc).

    The impact St Thomas had on the world was far greater than any theologian before him.

    He became known as the Angelic Doctor a far cry from the dumb ox and his

    writings were all but canonized with virtually all Popes after his time requiring that St

    Thomas writings be the foundation of seminary study for all priests this is still the

    case today in all Catholic seminaries in obedience to Rome.

    Further Reading: Saint Thomas Aquinas: The Dumb Ox




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