top criteria to check when choosing pu-erh tea

13 Top Criteria to Check when Choosing Pu-erh Tea

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Post on 21-Mar-2016




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DESCRIPTION The quality of tea is affected by a lot of factors & it is best that you know them to get quality tea. Four main regions producing high quality Pu-erh tea in Yunnan: Simao, Xishuangbanna, Boshan, and Lincang


Page 1: Top Criteria to Check when Choosing Pu-erh Tea

Top Criteria to Check when Choosing Pu-erh Tea

Page 2: Top Criteria to Check when Choosing Pu-erh Tea

The quality of tea is affected by a lot of factors & it is best that you know them to

get quality tea.

Page 3: Top Criteria to Check when Choosing Pu-erh Tea

A. Area of Production Four main regions producing high quality Pu-erh tea in Yunnan: Simao, Xishuangbanna, Boshan, and Lincang

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B. Leaf Source Pu-erh teas are obtained from harvested leaves of arbor tea trees or qiao mu, bushes of tea or guan mu and wild trees.

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Pu-erh tea derived from arbor trees are richer in flavor and has stronger energy or qi.

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Wild tea trees are usually

found in dense forests near bordering

regions and their produce

possess a unique taste.

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Plantation Style (taidi cha): Consists of tea bushes planted neatly but densely in plains or hillside terraces. The yield is large & is the most common type.

C. Farming Methods

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Ancient Tea Gardens (gushu cha): Consist of arbor trees planted from seeds carefully chosen and cultivated in high altitudes. They produce less per year.

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Sustainable Gardens (shengtai cha): Organic method where tea trees are cultivated from seeds without being pruned and spaced alternately with fruit trees.

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Done in spring, summer & fall. “First Spring Tea”, new buds near the end of March are the best. While leaves from fall and summer season are lower in quality.

D. Harvest Seasons

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Pu-erh has 10 categories. The grade is ascertained by the time of harvest, the amount of buds and the leaves’ freshness.

E. Grades

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Lower number means young leaves closer to the buds while higher means mature leaves that are farther in the branch.

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