torah ob-servant

Zekeniam Y’ISCHRaEL Sherut haRitztzuy (the ministry of reconciliation) by whom we have now received the ( Atonement) Reconciliation of the Dvar HaRitztzuy Let this day be a day of reconciliation and regeneration [“EHYEH ASHER EHYEH”] ( HaYaH (He was), Howeh (He is), and Yihyeh (He will be). I AM My Memorial for generation after generation.” Shemot 3:13-16 This is MY NAME for ever,

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Page 1: Torah Ob-Servant

Zekeniam Y’ISCHRaEL

Sherut haRitztzuy

(the ministry of reconciliation)

by whom we have now received the

( Atonement)

Reconciliation of the Dvar HaRitztzuy

Let this day be a day of reconciliation and regeneration


( HaYaH (He was), Howeh (He is), and Yihyeh (He will be).


My Memorial for generation after generation.”

Shemot 3:13-16

This is MY NAME for ever,

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YaHuWaH, ALuaHiYM of your father’s Abraham, Yitzchak [Isaac], and

Ya’aqob [Jacob], has sent me to you. This is my name forever, and this is

my memorial for generation togeneration." and I appeared to Abraham,

to Yitzchak, andto Ya’aqob as hashadday [the almighty]. and my name,

YaHuWaH, was not well known (famous) to them.

The ministry of reconciliation

Message of Reconciliation

Torah sh’Bichtav

(Written Torah)

Who hath ears to hear, let him hear?

“Sola Scriptura”

(the Scriptures alone is authoritative for faith)

(in His Name)


[Yah -hoo-Wah]

is the Name of the Creator.


(YaHuWSCHuA) is His Son


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[Al-u-heem - ALHYM] means "Mighty Ones“ or "Power"


means Set-apart, Pure.


(Qodesh) also means "Set-apart"

Ruwach (Spirit) is the Ibry (Hebrew) name for His "Presence", pictured

as the Counselor, Helper, and Advocate, the One Who "proceeds from

the Father"

Teh 27:5

For in the day of trouble He will keep me secretly in His booth. In the

covering of His Tent He will hide me. On a Rock He raises me up.

is for you too!

Scripture speaks of a secret place where we can simply go, be alone, be

protected, pray, and hear from Yahuahshua. Knowing there is such a

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place is a matter of faith. Going back time and again, that's a matter of

building a relationship. You need not have an advanced degree in any

subject, need not have memorized Scripture from beginning to end, but

instead be aware the YaHuWaH of Y’ISCHRa’EL has a place for each

Jew and Gentile who will open their minds and hearts to Him.

Mt 6:5-8

When you pray, you shall not be as the role-fakers, for they love to

stand and pray in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets, that

they may be seen by men. Most certainly, I tell you, they have received

their reward. But you, when you pray, enter into your inner chamber,

and having shut your door, pray to your Father Who is in secret, and

your Father Who sees in secret shall reward you openly. In praying,

don’t use vain repetitions, as the Gentiles do; for they think that they

shall be heard for their much speaking. Therefore don’t be like them,

don't you see that your Father knows what things you need before you

ask Him.

The truth in reality is visited in this secret place AND must be shared by

those who will live or else ... they will perish ... in darkness.

It is written

Lu 11:33

“No one, when he has lit a Lamp, puts it in a cellar or under a basket,

but on a stand, that those who come in may see the Light.

Teh. 119:105

Your Word is a Lamp to my feet, and a Light (aur) for my path.

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The lamp of the body is the eye. Therefore when your eye is good, your

whole body is also full of Light; but when it is evil, your body also is full

of darkness. Therefore see whether the light that is in you isn’t darkness.

If therefore your whole body is full of Light, having no part dark, it shall

be wholly full of Light, as when the Lamp with its bright shining gives

you Light.”

With this in mind, heart soul and strength let us study together in the


And now brothers and sisters

Come out of the secret place bearing light!

who see it from afar. The Secret Place, here, shines a bit of light so

many can see from afar. The topics we have chosen are addressed to

Jew and Gentile together. We do this because that is what the Bible

does. This opens the window to make more sense of what Scripture tells


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In the secret place is plain language, something simple to read. This is a

mere starting place for deeper consideration.

I am a sojourner in the earth (in this world system); Do not hide

Your commands from me.

Sheva mitzvot B'nei Noach

Rejecting the Teaching

In Judaism, the Seven Laws of Noah (Hebrew: נ בני מצוות שבע Sheva

Mitzvot B’ney Noach) form the major part of the Noachide Laws, or

Noachide Code. This code is a set of moral imperatives that, according to

the Talmud, were given by YaHuWaH as a binding set of laws for the

"children of Noah" – that is, all of humankind.

According to religious Judaism, any non-Jew who adheres to these laws

is regarded as a righteous gentile, and is assured of a place in the World

to Come (Olam Haba), the final reward of the righteous. Adherents are

often called "B'nei Noach" (Children of Noah) or "Noahides" and may

often network in Jewish synagogues

Numbers 15:16

For the assembly, there shall be one statute for you, and for the

stranger who lives as a foreigner with you, a statute forever

throughout your generations: as you are, so shall the foreigner

be before YaHuWaH. One law and one ordinance shall be for

you, and for the stranger who lives as a foreigner with you.’”

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One law and one ordinance shall be for you,

Instruction: Hebrew "Torah"; there is not a different "law" for those

who "hang around the edges as spectators". If you are in the camp of

Ysra’al, you will abide by these rules, or be punished as any Y’Isra’al’ites

would be. It may not seem fair, but it actually could not be fairer. In

fact, at some point one is no longer a sojourner among Y’Isra’al, but

must decide to either be a part of Y’Isra’al or not be a part. Paul told the

Ephesians that they were no longer estranged [those among them who

were descendants of Y’Isra’al] or sojourners [those who were not of

Y’Isra’al’ites blood, but who joined the community]. Now they were part

of Y’Isra’al. Once one decides to make an offering to YaHuWaH, as

Cornelius did through his alms to the Jews, he is Y’Isra’al because he is

acting as Y’Isra’al. This equality goes the other way as well, for those

who join the community after others have done the hardest work are still

rewarded if they work. (Mat. 20)

Righteousness commands obedience

The same laws and regulations will apply both to us and to the alien

living among you

Y’Isra’al’ites are those who accept ALuaHiYM of Abraham, Yitshaq and

Ya'aqob. They must be Torah observant, just like the Houses of Y’Isra’al

and Yahuwdah were with whom YaHuWaH made His Covenant

The Old Covenant (O.T)

YirmeYahuw 31:31

Behold, the Days come, says YaHuWaH, that I shall cut a new (renewed)

covenant with the House of Ysra'al, and with the House of Yahuwdah:


All Jews are, Y’Isra’al’ites but not all Y’Isra’al’ites are Jews

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B'Rayshiyth shows the history of YaHuWaH's people, called collectively

the Hebrews. It is important to note these people were NOT " Jews,"

because there were no Jews until after our Third Patriarch, Ya’aqob, had

one of his 12 sons (who became "the 12 Tribes of Y’Isra’al") whom he

named YaHuWdaH (Jews) Although nobody was a "Jew" until Judah

became the Tribe of Judah, EVERY believer in YaHuWaH up until that

time was Torah observant: Cain and Abel knew to present animal

sacrifices; Noah knew the difference between "clean and unclean"

animals and all the Patriarchs, Abraham, Isaac and Ya’aqob obeyed

YaHuWaH's Instructions!

YirmeYahuw 31:32

not like the covenant that I cut with their fathers in the day that I took

them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Mitsrayim; which My

covenant they broke/nullified [changed], although I was a Husband to

them, says YaHuWaH.

Not like: in that “they violated it” (broke it in two, split or cracked it—as

Moshah did with the physical tablets on which YaHuWaH had written it,

in perfect symbolism of what they had done). The Aramaic interprets

“violated” as “changed”—the very thing the Northern Kingdom, after

being exiled and even after being introduced to YaHuWSHuWaH, tried to

claim YaHuWaH had done! In all other ways, a renewed covenant must

be as much like the original as possible, with only minor adjustments to

reflect a change that may have taken place in the situation of one party

or the other since the first was made. Though I fulfilled…: LXX, and I

disregarded them.

YirmeYahuw 31:33

But this is the covenant that I shall cut with the House of Y’Isra'al after

those days, says YaHuWaH: I shall put My instructions in their inward

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parts, and in their heart shall I write it; and I shall be their Aluahiym,

and they shall be My people:

Or, I will put My Torah right in their midst [where they draw near]. This

does not mean we will obey like robots; something comes to be written

on our hearts by constant meditation on it and habitual rehearsing it in

our minds until it becomes second nature.

“Write” can mean “engrave with a chisel”—a painful process!

But what is on our hearts is not easily forgotten

Tehillim 119:11

I have hidden Your Word in my heart, that I might not sin against You.

it is certainly not something we can ignore and consider dead and gone!

When YaHuWSHuWaH rules with a rod of iron

Tehillim 2:9

You shall break them with a rod of iron. You shall dash them in pieces

like a potter’s vessel.”

There will be no option but to learn His Torah.

Zech. 14:18

If the family of Mitsrayim doesn’t go up, and doesn’t come, neither will it

rain on them. This will be the plague with which YaHuWaH will strike the

nations that don’t go up to keep the Festival of Booths.

YirmeYahuw 31:34

and they shall teach no more every man his neighbor, and every man his

brother, saying, Know YaHuWaH; for they shall all know Me, from the

least of them to the greatest of them, says YaHuWaH: for I shall pardon

their crookedness, and their sins shall I remember no more.

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(I, even I AM HE Who blots out your transgression for My Own sake and

remembers your sins no more.)

Ruwach HaQodesh

His ReNewed Covenant is with those who were obedient to His divine

Instructions! Same YaHuWaH, same rules for both the "natural" and the

grafted-in" children. It could not be any clearer....

1 Yahuwchanan 2:27

As for you, if the anointing which you received from Him remains in you,

you don’t need for anyone to teach you. But as that anointing is from

Aluahiym, it teaches you all things; and is True, and no falsehood is in it.

And even as it taught you, you will remain in Him.

And is backed up with the following

When YaHuWaH speaks of a renewed covenant, it means He has made

the first one old; and that which is old and decaying, is near to


Note the following Scripture references:

Eze 36:27

“And I will put my Ruwach within you, and cause you to walk in my

statutes, and ye shall keep my judgments, and do them.”

Joe 2:28,

“And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my Ruwach

upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your

old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions:’


(That it is the sinful nature of man that breaks the Torah - not Torah!)

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The Renewed Covenant (N.T) is ruwachual

Found in the BOOK of HEBREWS is

If the first (covenant) had been faultless, there would have been no

need to look for a second to replace it. But finding fault with them

YaHuWaH Himself said: "The day will come, says YaHuWaH, when I will

make a renewed covenant with the people of Ysra'al and Yahuwdah.

This covenant will not be like the one. I made with their ancestors, when

I took them by the hand and led them out of the land of Mitsrayim. They

did not remain faithful to My covenant, so I turned My back on them,

says YaHuWaH. But this is the covenant I will make with the people of

Ysra'al on That Day, says YaHuWaH: I will put My Torah in their minds

so they will understand them, and I will write them on their hearts so

they will obey them I will be their Aluahiym, and they will be My

people. And they will not need to teach their neighbors nor will they

need to teach their family saying, `You should know YaHuWaH.' For

everyone, from the least to the greatest, will already know Me. And I

will be merciful toward their iniquities, and I will remember their sins no


The Word




"to cross over"

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And is the collective word for all from both houses of YIsra’al and

Yahuwdah, that accept Repentance, Believe and Immersion in the name


Teaching them to observe all things that I commanded you. Behold, I

am with you always, even to the end of the age.”

TO walk in the way is To walk the way of YaHuWSHuWaH

YaHuWSHuWaH said to him, “I AM the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No

one comes to the Father, except through Me.

B'Rayshiyth 14:13

One who had escaped came and told Abram, the Ibriy (Hebrew). Now he

lived by the oaks of Mamre, the Emoriy, brother of Eshkol, and brother

of Aner; and these were allies of Abram.

By tradition he (the "one") came on the eve of the day that would later

be Passover, when Abram was preparing unleavened bread. This is the

first time anyone is described as a Hebrew, which means "a descendant

of Eber", the one whose name means “the one from the other side”.

The Tanach (OT) reveals that His Chosen were called Hebrews, which

means "to cross over" - was is what Abraham did in B’Rayshiyth 12;

B'Rayshiyth 12

Now YaHuWaH said to Abram, “Proceed for yourself from your land and

your native people and your father's household, and go to the land that I

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will show you. I will make of you a great nation/goyim. I will bless you

and make your name great. You will be a blessing. I will bless those

who bless you, and I will curse him who despises you. All of the families

of the earth will be blessed in you.”[be grafted]

From your land literally means come out of her

Proceed for yourself: Literally walk (away). Abram had come the first leg

on his father's terms, but now he is called to act on his own and totally

leave familiar territory. Your land: Originally Ur, his actual place of birth.

Native people: the term actually includes everything into which he was

born—natural family, as well as the culture and circumstances into which

he was born. Yet he had already left Ur long ago. In doing so, his route

had to take him through Babel, the first ancestral home of everyone who

descended from Noah. To get where he was going he had to revisit

where he had come from, because he needed to leave Babel. Whether

or not he himself was an idolater, many of his traditions undoubtedly

stemmed from Nimrod’s religion just because of where he was born. We,

too, did not realize that many of our traditions, like crosses, steeples,

Christmas trees, and a trinity were pagan ideas that started all the way

back with Nimrod and came down to Christianity through Mithraism.

Is there anything new under the sun

Here is spoken of the time of Abraham, yet also an echo of this time in

man’s age

B'Rayshiyth 14:1

It happened in the days of Amraphel, king of Shin'ar, Aryowk, king of

Ellasar, Siddiym, king of Eylam, and Tid'al, king of Goyim [nations],

Amrafel: "sayer of the darkness“ or „falls of the sayer". Shin’ar: land of

two rivers (Mesopotamia), the kingdom started by Nimrod. Ariokh: "Lion-

like" (Sumerian, Eri-Aku). Ellasar: "Al is chastener". Kedarlaomer: Kudur-

Laghamaru, "servant of an Eylamite YaHuWaHdess". Eylam: east of

Babylonia, between Assyria and Persia. Tidal: "Great son". Tidal: or Tud-

khula. Nations: probably a particular alliance, but the word is Goyim, also

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used in particular of the sea peoples, certain of the Yafethites (10:5), or

Gentiles in general.


Revelation speaks of end time Kings

The ten horns that you saw are ten kings who have not yet received a

reign; but they will receive authority as if kings, with the Beast for one

hour (a designated period of time). They have one mind, and they give

their power and authority to the beast. (All that they represent is given

to the beast.

They do not have kingdoms, but they must have assets that the

beast can utilize for his goal.)

This is the revival of the HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE, with both its

FEET in the East and WEST ( Catholic and orthodox) church’s

WHO will make WAR upon the ISLAMIC Nations

Tehillim 83:5

For they have conspired together with one mind. They form an alliance

against you. The tents of Edom and the Yishmaelite; Moab, and the

Hagrites; Gebal, Ammon, and Amalek; Philistia with the inhabitants of

Tyre; Ashshuwr also is joined with them.

[10 sovereigns - all presently Islamic nations.)

A prophecy for our time

Dani’al 2:20-45

Dani'al spoke and said: Blessed be the Name of Aluah from everlasting

even to everlasting; for wisdom and might are His; And He changes the

times and the seasons;(years and haMoed/appointed feasts - zimnim) He

removes kings, and sets up kings; He gives wisdom/insight to the wise,

and knowledge to them that know understanding; He reveals the deep

and secret things; He knows what is in the darkness, and the Light

dwells with Him. I thank You, and praise You, O Aluah of my fathers,

Who has given me wisdom and might, and has now made known to me

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what we desired of You; for You have made known to us the king's

matter. Therefore Dani'al went in to Aryowk, whom the king had

appointed to destroy the wise men of Babel; he went and said to him:

'Destroy not the wise men of Babel; bring me in before the king, and I

will declare to the king the interpretation.' Then Aryowk brought in

Dani'al before the king in haste, and said thus to him: 'I have found a

man of the children of the captivity of YaHuWdaH that will make known

to the king the interpretation.' The king spoke and said to Dani'al, whose

name was Beltesha'tstsar: 'Are you able to make known to me the

dream which I have seen, and its interpretation?' Dani'al answered the

king, and said: 'The secret which the king has asked can neither wise

men, enchanters, magicians, nor astrologers, declare to the king; but

there is an Aluah in heaven that reveals secrets, and He has made

known to the king Nebuwkadne'tstsar what shall be in the latter days.

Your dream, and the visions of your head while upon your bed, is these:

{'achariyth yowm}

As for you, O king, on your bed thoughts came [into your mind]: What is

going to take place after this; and He that reveals secrets has made

known to you what shall come to pass. But as for me, this secret is not

revealed to me for any wisdom/insight that I have more than anyone

living, but to the intent that the interpretation may be made known to

the king, and that you may know the thoughts of your heart.

You, O king, saw, and behold a great image.

(Five Kingdoms) This image, which was mighty, and whose brightness

was surpassing, stood before you; and the appearance of it was terrible.

As for that image,

its head was of fine gold,

its breast and its arms of silver (arms point to the two parts

of Maday-Persia), . its belly and its thighs of brass,

. its legs of iron (two legs point to K's of N & S - main

divisions of Grecian empire of Chap. 11),

.its feet part of iron and part of clay.

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You were looking on until a Stone was cut out without hands, which

smote the image upon its feet that were of iron and clay (5th and

last kingdom), and broke them to pieces. Then was the iron, the

clay, the brass, the silver, and the gold (5 things), broken in pieces

together (they appear together in the last days of

Rev. 13:2

The beast which I saw was like a leopard and its feet were like those

of a bear

and its mouth like the mouth of a lion.

“speaking "great things" symbolic of Babel - the great Whore)

as parts of the Dan. 7 beasts),

and became like the chaff of the summer threshing-floors; and the

wind carried them away, so that no place was found for them; and

the Stone that smote the image became a Great Mountain, and filled

the whole earth. This is the dream; and we will tell the interpretation

of it to the king. You, O king, king of kings, to whom the Aluah of

heaven has given the reign, the power, and the strength, and the

esteem; and whosesoever the children of men, the beasts of the

field, and the fowls of the heaven dwell, He has given them into your

hand, and has made you to rule over them all; (1st reign) you are

the head of gold (the entire image is controlled by this head of gold -

Babel - Rev. 17 &18). (2nd reign) And after you shall arise another

reign inferior to you; and another third reign of brass, which shall

bear rule over all the earth. And the fourth reign shall be strong as

iron; forasmuch as iron breaks in pieces and beats down all things;

and as iron that crushes, all these shall it break in pieces and crush.

(the other kingdoms mentioned - as does the 4th beast of chap. 7 -

thus making them concurrent.) (5th reign) And whereas you saw the

feet and toes, part of potters' clay, and part of iron, it will be a

divided reign; but there shall be in it of the firmness of the iron,

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forasmuch as you sawest the iron mixed with miry clay. And as the

toes of the feet were part of iron, and part of clay, so part of the

reign shall be strong, and part of it broken. (the toes are separated

from the feet and receive special notice - and are spoken of in a

different order: feet (general ), feet and toes (specific), toes of the

feet (very specific) And as you saw the iron mixed with miry clay,

they shall mingle (It is interesting that the words MINGLE and MIXED

are translated from the same Aramaic word ARAB (Strong's 6151)

themselves by the seed of men; but they shall not cleave one to

another, even as iron does not mingle with clay. And in the days of

those kings (the ten toes), shall the King of heaven set up a reign,

which shall never be destroyed; nor shall the reign be left to another

people; it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and

it shall stand le'olam wa'eyd. Forasmuch as you saw a stone that was

cut out of the mountain without hands, and that it broke in pieces 1.

the iron, 2 the brass, 3 the clay, 4 the silver, and 5 the gold; the

great Aluah has made known to the king what shall come to pass

after this; and the dream is certain, and its interpretation sure.'

(named in a different order to emphasize that there are 5 kingdoms)

Dan. 2:44

And in the days of those kings (the ten toes) shall the King of heaven set

up a reign which shall never be destroyed; nor shall the reign be left to

another people; it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms,

and it shall stand le'olam wa'eyd.

The only elements in the dream which can be used in their natural form

are the clay and the stone; the rest must be tempered. Clay becomes

useful with merely water--a symbol of the Torah--and recall that Paul

said a potter could make some vessels for noble use from the same clay

as he could make common items.

Rom. 9:21

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Or hasn’t the Potter a right over the clay, from the same lump to make

one part a vessel for honor, and another for dishonor?

YirmeYahuw 18:1-6

The Word which came to YirmeYahuw from YaHuWaH, saying, Arise,

and go down to the potter’s house, and there I shall cause you to hear

My Words.

House: the first letter in the Torah is “beyt”, which means house; as we

see what happens in verse 4, there is a clear parallel with the judgment

of the world prior to our own and the reconstitution that took place

when the world we are familiar with was created.

Then I went down to the potter’s house according to the Word of

YaHuWaH, and behold, he was making a work on the wheels. 1When

the vessel that he made of the clay was marred in the hand of the

potter, he made it again another vessel, as seemed good to the potter to

make it.

[ “O YaHuWaH, You are our Father! We are the clay, and You are the

One Who forms us; we are all the workmanship of Your hand.” (Yash.


Was damaged: or ruined; LXX, fell. If the clay is not kneaded properly, a

small bubble, lump, or bulge can remain in the clay can make it

impossible to center the clay to form it into a particular vessel, since this

anomaly has a ripple effect while the wheel spins, and makes the whole

vessel lopsided. If it becomes ruined like this, it all collapses, and cannot

be straightened out; the only thing left to do is throw it away, or flatten

it again and start over. This is a lot more work, but the covenant

demands that He study the clay itself to see what shape would be more

appropriate according to the material he is working with. Often it is

tossed into a bucket with other bad clay and reshaped together. This is

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like the Northern Kingdom, which was tossed out among the other

nations until it was ready for YaHuWaH to rework into a people again.

Then the Word of YaHuWaH came to me, saying, O House of Ysra'al,

can’t I do with you as this potter? Says YaHuWaH. Behold, as the clay in

the potter’s hand, so are you in My hand, O House of Ysra'al.

[We are dug out of the mire (a Hebrew word that is often used to

represent the world at large), and set up on the rocks where He can

form us. (Tehillim 40:2 He brought me up also out of a horrible pit, out

of the miry clay. He set my feet on a Rock, and gave me a firm place to

stand. 40:3 He has put a new song in my mouth, even praise to our

Aluahiym. (Amein!)We cannot question His choices or why He forms us

the way He does. (YashaYahuw 29:15-16; 30:14; 41:25; 44:21ff; 45:7-

10; Romans 9:15-24) We are not our own, but He has chosen to use us

for His purposes. What He most wants to build from the clay vessels that

we are now (2 Cor. 4:6ff) is a mold for the golden vessels that will result

after He burns away our impurities—an unpleasant experience, but not

one we cannot bear, since He applies a predetermined degree of stress

to make us come out just right. (1 Kings 7:46; Ya'aqob/James 1:2; 1

Kefa/Peter 1:6; 1 Cor. 10:12ff) For this to be accomplished, we have to

remove the things that are in our vessels which stand in His way (2

Timothy 2:20ff, and trust His judgment. If we do not, He will have to

pour caustic materials in to eat away what has hardened onto the inside

of the pots, so that there is hope that they can be used after all. If we

do not submit to it, we will be put on the shelf.

Romans 9:20-23

But indeed, O man, who are you to talk back to Aluahiym? Will the thing

formed ask Him who formed it, “Why did You make me like this?” Or

hasn’t the Potter a right over the clay, from the same lump to make one

part a vessel for honor, and another for dishonor? What if YaHuWaH,

willing to show His wrath, and to make His power known, endured with

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much patience vessels of wrath made for destruction, and that He might

make known the riches of His esteem on vessels of mercy, which He

prepared beforehand for esteem, Even us, whom He also called, not

from the Yahuwdim only, but also from the Gentiles?] Ephrayim, too,

thought it was bad when He started applying the pressure.

Hoshea 7

So there may yet be some salvaging to the clay portion. A stone, like the

clay, does not mix with any of the elements from which the statue is

made. Y’Isra’al and the Torah are not compatible with the priorities,

thought processes, or religious systems of any of these kingdoms or

their present manifestation. It is clearly separate from the rest, and

therefore is considered the "virus" which, if we were to get it out of the

"body", would allow it to finally be healthy. ("We would all have peace,"

they say, "if the Jews would just vacate the Arab land they occupy!") Let

us consider this imagery of the statue as a man in more detail.

Lev. 24:10,

The son of an Ysra'alite woman, whose father was an Egyptian, went out

among the children of Ysra'al; and the son of the Ysra'alite woman and a

man of Ysra'al strove together in the camp

we have the strange account of a "son of an Y’Isra’el’ite woman, being

[also] the son of an Egyptian man" who fights against a wholly

Y’Isra’el’ite man. The Y’Isra’el’ite woman who is called the "mother" of

some of YaHuWaH's people but goes after Gentile lovers shows up again


YashaYahuw 50:1

Thus says YaHuWaH, “Where is it now - the bill of divorce belonging to

your mother [congregation], whom I have sent away? Or which of My

creditors is it to whom I have sold you? Let's be clear about this:

through your perversions you have sold yourself, and your mother has

been sent away for your rebellion [apostasies].

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Hos. 2:2.

Contend with your mother! Contend, for she is not My wife, neither am I

her Husband (Man);and let her put away her prostitution from her face,

and her adulteries from between her breasts;

Your mother: Aramaic, the congregation of Ysra'al. She symbolizes the

entirety of the people of Ysra'al. Zech. 13 says that two thirds of His

scattered sheep will be cut off, i.e., put outside the camp until they are

no longer unclean (a picture of selfishness). The other third will be

refined. He identifies that third as those who are truly His people

(corresponding to YIsra’al here) and the way one can tell who they are is

that they call on His Name, not some other name (cf. v. 16 below). Not

My wife: Ysra'al (including the Land, as per v. 3) was divorced because

of her children’s rebellion, which defiled her. Harlotries… adulteries: i.e.,

signs of them, such as a special style of cosmetics or a bag of sweet-

smelling spices to attract victims. The way to contend with her is to

inform her children that their mother really is Ysra'al, despite the make-

up with which she tries to cover that fact.

Because of her sin and her children's, they have to be "put away" from

YaHuWaH for a while. This unnamed man had left Egypt along with the

Y’Isra’al’ites, but he still carried "Egypt" within himself. He ended up

reviling YHWH's name, and was sentenced to be stoned to death.

Nevukhadnetzar's dream was another depiction of this "man" who is

"stoned to death". Babylon (the Greek name for "Bavel") is the head.

The Chaldean or "mystery Babylon" that shows up over and over in

Scripture is indeed a continuation of this theme that began with Nimrod's

Tower of Bavel, when most of the human race decided to unite against

Heaven and "make a name for themselves".

B'Rayshiyth 11:4

They said, “Come, let’s build ourselves a city, and a tower whose top

reaches to the heavens, and let’s make ourselves a name, lest we be

scattered abroad on the surface of the whole earth.

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In contrast, Abraham is called out from that Babylonian culture and

promised that YHWH would make a name for him. (B'Rayshiyth 12) He

says the same about Y’Isra’al.

2 Shmu'el 7:23

What one nation in the earth is like Your people, even like Ysra'al, whom

YaHuWaH went to redeem to Himself for a people, and to make Him a

name, and to do great things for You, and awesome things for Your

land, before Your people, whom You redeem to You out of Mitsrayim,

from the nations and their Aluahiym's?

TsephanYahuw 3:20

At That Time will I bring you in, and at That Time will I gather you; for I

will give you esteem and praise among all the peoples of the earth,

when I restore your blessings before your eyes, says YaHuWaH.

It, too, is a nation, so this stone is clearly Y’Isra’al--not "spiritual

Y’Isra’al" or the small nation in its present form, but the kingdom united

under the HaMaSHiYaCH (the stone that the builders rejected but which

became the chief cornerstone,

Tehillim 118:22

The Stone which the builders rejected has become the Head of the


and foundation,

YashaYahuw 28:16

Therefore thus says the Master YaHuWaH, “Behold, I lay in Tsiyown for

a foundation a Stone, a tried Stone, a precious Cornerstone of a sure

Foundation. He who believes shall not be ashamed. [be shaken when

distress comes].

made up of whomever will take up the Torah and walk in it. It was not

made by mankind but by YHWH--a counter-history that will ultimately

reclaim what Adam lost. Nevukhadnetzar's image continues through the

Persian, Greek, and Roman Empires. Finally Rome bleeds into the "feet

of clay"--the weakness that allows the stone to topple it. Wherever

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there's a counterfeit there must be a "real thing". Since the fall of Adam,

YaHuWaH has been in the business of restoring the true "image of

ALuaHiYM" in a "second Man"

1 Cor. 15:47

The first man is of the earth, made of dust. The second Man is Master

YaHuWaH from heaven.

the "Last Adam"

1 Cor. 15:45

So also it is written, “The first man, Adam, became a living being.” The

last Adam became a life-giving Ruwach.

YashaYahuw 66:7

“Before she travailed, she brought forth; before her pain came, she

delivered a son.

Since the fall of Adam, YaHuWaH has been in the business of restoring

the true image of ALuaHiYM. She delivered a male child: Aramaic, her

king will be revealed. So this speaks of YaHuWSHuWaH, who was born

long before the time known as “the Birth pangs of the Mashiyach”, which

usher in His physical Kingdom, which did not belong to the age in which

He was condemned to die. (Yoch. 18:36) There was a declaration by the

World Council of Rabbis that the Birth pangs had officially begun on Yom

Teruah (Rosh Hashanah) 2000, when the Intifada began. But there is

another aspect of this birth:

YashaYahuw 66:8

Who has heard such a thing? Who has seen such things? Can the Land

be made to give birth in one day? Can a nation be born in one step? For

as soon as Tsiyown travailed, she brought forth her children.

[during the tribulation?]

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We see this poetically and mysteriously prophesied in the story of a man

"child" is also a nation whose "mother" is Tzion. The YaHuWSHuWaH

HaMaSHiYaCH is born in a "daughter of Tzion"

MiykahYahuw 4:8

You, tower of the flock,( the hill of the daughter of Tsiyown, to you it will

come, Daughter: an idiom for a suburb or one of the hills that surrounds

the city). Yes, the former dominion will come, the kingdom of the

daughter of Yahrushalom.

He is the Head of that restored image. In Hebrew, "head" is related to

"first", because the head is the part of the body born first. With

YaHuWSHuWaH's resurrection on the feast of First Fruits, YaHuWaH

made a down-payment guaranteeing that the rest of the "new Adam"

would indeed be born. The "body" of this new man must "hold fast to

the head"

Col. 2:19

and not holding firmly to the Head, from Whom all the body, being

supplied and knit together through the joints and ligaments, grows with

YaHuWaH’s growth.

in order to finish rebuilding the lost image of ALuaHiYM. Paul spoke of

"labor[ing] in childbirth again until HaMaSHiYaCH is formed in

you..."Rachel's labor begins while Y’Isra’al fruitfulness is still a ways off.

B'Rayshiyth. 35:16-17

They traveled from Bayith-Al. There was still some distance to come to

Ephrathah, and Rachel travailed. She had hard labor. When she was in

hard labor, the midwife said to her, “Don’t be afraid, for now you will

have another son [a breach birth].”

The HaMaSHiYaCH was the man-child brought forth long ago. But the

birth pangs are coming only now. The apostles were already working to

reunite the northern and southern kingdoms. But Constantine seduced

the church into resuscitating the pagan empire by granting Gentile

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believers a legitimacy of their own, and the Kingdom was divided once

again. To hide its true agenda, paganism adopted a veneer of Christian

terminology, and forged an alliance that parallels the iron mixed with

clay in the statue's toes. Baal's (a.k.a. Mithras' or Saturn's) birthday was

now called "Christ's". The Babylonian Ishtar's festival was linked with

YaHuWSHuWaH' resurrection just because they sometimes coincide. The

Torah forbids such mixtures: A field is not to be sown with two kinds of


Lev. 19:19

You shall keep my statutes.

“‘You shall not crossbreed different kinds of animals.

“‘you shall not sow your field with two kinds of seed;

“‘neither shall there come upon on you a garment made of two kinds of


The Northern Kingdom is depicted as "seeds sown" by ALuaHiYM


it did mix with the nations

Hos. 8:8

Ysra'al is swallowed up. Now they are among the nations like a worthless


In YaHuWSHuWaH parable

Matt. 13:28

He said to them, ‘ A man, an enemy has done this.’

“The servants asked him, ‘Do you want us to go and gather them up?’

an enemy comes along after the field is seeded. He adds darnel, a plant

that cannot be distinguished from wheat until both come to maturity.

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This is a picture of the hybrid church--part Hebraic/Y’Isra’alite and part-

pagan. As the time draws near for the two houses of Y’Isra’al to reunite

into "one new man"

Ephesians 2:15

By His death He ended the whole system of Yahuwdite law [manmade

rules-dogma] that excluded the Gentiles. His purpose was to make

shalom between Yahuwdim and Gentiles by creating within Himself (His

core substance) one new person from the two groups.

By His death He ended the whole system of Yahuwdite law [manmade

rules-dogma] that excluded the Gentiles. His purpose was to make

shalom between Yahuwdim and Gentiles by creating within Himself (His

core substance) one new person from the two groups.

the counterfeit is keeping pace.

The Gospel has been co-opted by Babylon. Little by little the

proclamation that there is amnesty for the Northern Kingdom, and that

others may join Y’Isra’al if they so desire, has been watered down to

"God loves everyone, whether they obey Him or not." The Roman church

is one of the legacies of the fourth kingdom. Many who no longer know

Scripture well enough to see any reason for the continued rift are now

heeding Rome's invitation to take advantage of her amnesty and rejoin

the "mother church" as the calls go out throughout the general culture

for "universal brotherhood". Y’Isra’al is not to be counted among the


Num. 23:9

For from the top of the rocks I see Him. From the hills I see Him.

Behold, it is a people that dwells alone, and shall not be reckoned among

the nations.

i.e., not part of this coalition.

There is no reason to compromise with Mammon except to ensure our

security. But YaHuWaH can provide manna as easily as He did before.

"Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from

YaHuWaH's mouth." Its true colors show up when YaHuWaH starts to

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apply pressure. It turns on the part of the "church" that prostitutes itself

with it.

Rev. 17:16

The ten horns which you saw on the Beast, these shall hate the whore,

and shall lay her waste and naked, and eat her flesh, and burn her with


Then it will so hem in the true Man that it appears that it has all been in

vain: "The children have been brought to birth, but there is no strength

to bring forth."

YashaYahuw 37:3

They said to him, “Thus says ChizqiyYahuw, ‘This day is a day of trouble,

and of rebuke, and of contempt; for the children have come to the birth,

and there is no strength to bring forth.

An occasion for contempt: Aramaic, “disgrace”. If we rely on our own

strength, there is insufficient power. A baby would die quickly if stuck in

the birth canal, so this is a matter of desperate urgency. But this is a

foreshadowing of the “Birth pangs of the Mashiyach”, when many

antagonistic factors will cast doubt on the viable “birth” of the One New

Man, the reunited Ysra'al, the Kingdom of Mashiyach. YaHuWaH will

bring us to the point where only He can deliver us, but the darkest

backdrop is the place where His ability shines most brightly, just as the

new moon comes right after the darkest time. When the baby is born,

the pains are forgotten.

Yahuwchanan 16:21

A woman, when she gives birth, has sorrow, because her time has come.

But when she has delivered a son, she doesn’t remember the anguish

any more, for the joy that a man is born into the world.

This is the stage in a woman's labor where she feels like it is impossible

to go on. But YaHuWaH says, "Shall I bring to the birth and not bring


YashaYahuw. 66:9

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Shall I bring to the birth, and not cause to bring forth?” says YaHuWaH:

“shall I Who cause to bring forth shut the womb?” says your Aluahiym.

We are called to walk by faith, though everything visible seems to say

that the restoration of Y’Isra’al, the "new Adam", is just a pipe dream.

Revelation 12:1

A great sign was seen in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, and the

moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars.

depicts a woman clothed with the sun and a crown of 12 stars.

B'Rayshiyth 37:9-10

He dreamed yet another dream, and told it to his brothers, and said,

“Behold, I have dreamed yet another dream: and behold, the sun and

the moon and eleven stars bowed down to me.” He told it to his father

and to his brothers. His father rebuked him, and said to him, “What is

this dream that you have dreamed? Will I and your mother and your

brothers indeed come to bow ourselves down to you to the earth?”

identifies the 12 stars as Jacob's 12 sons. So the mother is reconstituted

Y’Isra’al--after it is reunited. After her birth pangs, the dragon tries to

destroy her child. Verse 17 says her seed are those who "keep the

commandments of ALuaHiYM and have the testimony of YaHuWSHuWaH

the HaMaSHiYaCH." So what is brought forth at the birth pangs is

HaMashiyach’s Body, though he, the first fruits, was born earlier. "A

woman in birth pangs has sorrow, because her hour is come: but as

soon as she is delivered of the child, she no longer remembers the

anguish, for joy that a man is born into the world."

Jn. 16:21

A woman, when she gives birth, has sorrow, because her time has come.

But when she has delivered a son, she doesn’t remember the anguish

any more, for the joy that a man is born into the world.

It is at this time when Y’Isra’al is back in the wilderness that the throne

will be established.

YashaYahuw 16:4-5

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Let My outcasts dwell temporarily among you, Mow'ab; become a secret

shelter for them from the face of the despoiler, because the one who is

pressing them has reached his limit; the wreaker of havoc is finished;

the trampler has already come out from the land. A throne shall be

established in loving kindness. One shall sit on it in Truth, in the tent of

Dawiyd, judging, seeking justice, and swift to do righteousness.

Both Houses of Y’Isra’al together will have one shepherd, [the son of]


Ezek. 34:23; 37:24

I will set up One Shepherd over them, and He shall feed them, even My

servant Alef wTaw Dawiyd; He shall feed them, and He shall be their

shepherd. My servant Dawiyd [through Yahushua] shall be king over

them; and they all shall have one Shepherd: they shall also walk in My

ordinances, and observe My statutes, and do them.

The new man will be complete. But the birth pangs signal a transition

for Babylon also: "They shall be afraid: pangs and sorrows shall take

hold of them; they shall be in pain as a woman who is giving birth." But

there is really no birth for Babylon.

YashaYahuw. 13:8

They shall be dismayed. Pangs and sorrows shall seize them. They shall

be in pain like a woman in labor. They shall look in amazement one at

another. Their faces shall be faces of flame.

The "image of the Beast" is no "man" after all, only a projection of

Nevukhadnetzar's, and before him, haSatan wishful thinking. One

Hebrew word for "idol" means "a mere image"--something with no

relation to reality; it only seems real, taking a grain of truth that

YaHuWaH has created, and sponging off it like a parasite. " This

"different YaHuWSHuWaH"--the hybrid version "created" by mixing

Biblical truth with pagan tradition--is also only a distortion of the true

YaHuWSHuWaH, but will apparently finally be embodied in a personality

diametrically opposed to Him. To deceive the many", Satan's counterfeit

"man" will probably even say he is "Jesus Christ". Ephraim and Menashe

were the sons of Yoseyf and an Egyptian woman. Since their father was

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an Y’Isra’el’ite, they could still inherit as Y’Isra’al’ites; the same does not

hold true if it goes the other way, as with the man in

Leviticus 24

. There are some of each in the church--some who have been exiled there, sown by

YaHuWaH, and some infiltrators, planted there by the enemy. YHWH let the wheat

and darnel grow together so the real crop was not damaged. But as we approach the

end of the Age, the time to draw lines is here. One "man" will soon be all evil, the

other all righteous.

Rev. 22:11

He who acts unjustly, let him act unjustly still. He who is filthy, let him be filthy still.

He who is righteous, let him do righteousness still. He who is Set-apart, let him be

Set-apart still.”

Anyone associated with Babylon at that point will be judged along with her. Our

motives might be impeccable, but we will be found to be building the wrong house--

the one built on sand. It's time to put away the "hybrid man", and live as the pure

Nation we were meant to be.

…. Dan. 7:27

And the Kingdom and Sovereignty, and greatness of the kingdoms under all heaven,

shall be given to the people - the set-apart ones of Alyonin. His Kingdom is an

everlasting Kingdom, and all dominions shall serve and obey Him.

B'Rayshiyth 14:2

that they made war with Bera, king of Sedom, and with Birsha, king of Amorah,

Shinab, king of Admah, and Shemeber, king of Tsebo'iym, and the king of Bela (the

same is Tso'ar).

HASATAN is the GOD (title) of this WORLD

Made war: In Hebrew, the root is related to the word for bread (or in general what is

eaten), hence they intended to completely “devour” these former vassal city-states.

Bera: "Son of evil". S’dom: "burning". Birsha: "Having wickedness". Ghamorah:

"submersion" or "a pile of ruins". (Story in chapter 19.) Shin’av: "Splendor of the

father", or "father is altered", king of "the ground" (a picture of Lucifer, who was

cursed to crawl the ground after once having been the most splendid being).

Shem’ever: "name of lofty flight", king of "gazelles"; and the king of "destruction".

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Bela: “swallower”—described in Aramaic as the city that would swallow it's

inhabitants. Burning, submersion, and destruction were indeed the very way these

cities would meet their end!

B'Rayshiyth 14:3-5

All these joined together in the valley of Siddiym (the same is the Salt Sea). Twelve

years they served Siddiym, and in the thirteenth year, they rebelled. In the

fourteenth year Siddiym came, and the kings who were with him, and struck the

Rephaim in Ashtarowth Qarnayim, and the Zuwziym in Cham, and the Eymiym in

Shaweh Qiryathayim,

Refaim means "slackers" or "lazy ones", or possibly a type of giants; targum Onqelos

calls them “mighty ones”. Ashteroth-Qarnayim: "stars of the two horns/peaks".

Zuzim: "roving creatures" or “movers”; Ham: possibly a variation on Cham, "hot" or

"sunburnt"; Eymim: "terrors" or “fearsome ones”. They occupied the area that would

later be known as Moab.

Deut. 2:10-11

The Emim lived therein before, a people great, and many, and tall, as the Anakim:

these also are accounted Rephaim, as the Anakim; but the Moabites call them Emim.

B'Rayshiyth 14:6

and the Choriy in their Mount Se'iyr, to Eyl Pa'ran, which is by the wilderness.

[Choriy: "cave dwellers"—so cavemen are a very recent phenomena, contrary to

popular belief. They were not prehistoric; they are recorded right here in history.

Pa'ran also means "caverns"]

B'Rayshiyth 14:7-9

They returned, and came to Eyn Mishpat (the same is Qadesh), and struck all the

country of the Amaleqiy, and also the Emoriy, that lived in Chatsetown Tamar. The

king of Sedom, and the king of Amorah, and the king of Admah, and the king of

Tsebo'iym, and the king of Bela (the same is Tso'ar) went out; and they set the

battle in array against them in the valley of Siddiym; against Siddiym king of Eylam,

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and Tidal king of Goiim, and Amraphel king of Shin'ar, and Aryowk king of Ellasar;

four kings against the five.

B'Rayshiyth 14:10

Now the valley of Siddiym was full of tar pits; and the kings of Sedom and Amorah

fled and they fell into them, and those who remained fled to the hills.

[The whole valley was called "Slime Pits", also translatable as "oil wells". (Oil has

been discovered deep under a salt dome here.) Later, clods of bitumin did rise to the

surface of the Dead Sea, known in Josephus' day as "Lake Asphaltitis, and the

Nabateans grew wealthy by selling it as caulk for ships. Lightning storms would set it

ablaze, earning this "Salt Sea" the nickname "the Lake of Fire". An earthquake later

sealed off the seepage, but a quake when the Mashiyach returns to Yahrushalum

may open it back again, allowing Rev. 19:20 to come true literally.]

B'Rayshiyth 14:11-12

They took all the goods of Sedom and Amorah, and all their food, and went their

way. They took Lowt, Abram’s brother’s son, who lived in Sedom, and his goods,

and departed.

B'Rayshiyth 14:13

One who had escaped came and told Abram, the Ibriy (Hebrew). Now he lived by the

oaks of Mamre, the Emoriy, brother of Eshkol, and brother of Aner; and these were

allies of Abram.

By tradition he (the "one") came on the eve of the day that would later be Passover,

when Abram was preparing unleavened bread. This is the first time anyone is

described as a Hebrew, which means "a descendant of Eber", the one whose name

means “the one from the other side”.

B'Rayshiyth 14:14-16

When Abram heard that his relative was taken captive, he led forth his trained men,

born in his house, three hundred and eighteen in number, and pursued as far as

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Dan. He divided himself against them by night, he and his servants, and struck them,

and pursued them to Chowbah, which is on the left hand of Dammeseq. He brought

back all the goods, and also brought back his relative, Lowt, and his goods, and the

women also, and the people.

B'Rayshiyth 14:17

The king of Sedom went out to meet him, after his return from the slaughter of

Siddiym and the kings who were with him, at the valley of Shaweh (that is, the

King’s Valley).

King of S'dom: again, his name meant "son of evil" and his city means "burning", so

he is a picture of the Adversary, who tries to lay claim to the hero who passes

through his area of jurisdiction. (See v. 21) He must have remained hidden in the tar

pit he fell into until the attackers were gone (v. 10), then escaped, for he has not

been carried away captive himself. Shaweh: "Equal", or by extension, "leveled".

B'Rayshiyth 14:18-20

Melekiy-Tsedeq king of Salem brought forth bread and wine: and he was priest of Al

Most High. (Pesach elements) He blessed him, and said, “Blessed be Abram of the Al

Most High, Owner of Heaven and Earth: and blessed be Al Most High, Who has

delivered your enemies into your hand.” Abram gave him a tenth of all.

Tithe: ten percent, the portion later due the Levitical priests for their livelihood (Num.

18:21) and also tribute paid to a teacher. Tradition says that Shem and his grandson

Eber set up a yeshiva (school) where knowledge of the one true Aluahiym was

passed down, and that the patriarchs studied there in Yahrushalom under them.

Shem did not die until Ya'aqob was 35 years old. "Lewi" (while within his great-

grandfather Abram) paid tithes to Melchitzedeq, thus acknowledging the precedence

taken by the latter's order of priesthood (Hebrews 7:10), to which YaHuWSHuWaH

(not a Lewite) belonged. However, Abraham represents one of the ten characteristics

that make up the "Adam Qadmon" (Ancient Adam), also called "the tree of life" and

the "Al-head" in mystical terms. Thus he is, in a sense, a tithe himself. By tradition, a

line of firstborns constituted the priesthood from Noah until the Levitical system was

set up under Moshah. Shem was apparently Noah's firstborn--and thus the one to

inherit the priesthood before it was assigned to the Levitical line. Here the tithe was

not strictly agricultural as it would always be after Moshah's time. Melkhitzedeq

(Shem) was not a Hebrew himself in the same way that Abram was not an

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Ysra'alite—they were the ancestors of the ones through whom their character was

preserved. This king took no armies to this battle, but he has come out to celebrate

a brother delivering a brother. He is thus recognizing that Abram, who now teaches

in the “tents of Shem”, is representing him well, and in supportiveness of him,

passes the priesthood of the family along to him. Some of the further covenants yet

to be conferred on Abram could not come about until the “mantle of the firstborn”

had been passed on to him. Abram in turn recognizes him as his teacher and his


B'Rayshiyth 14:21

The king of Sedom said to Abram, “Give me the people, and take the goods to


B'Rayshiyth 14:22

Abram said to the king of Sedom, “I have lifted up my hand to YaHuWaH, Al Most

High, Owner of Heaven and Earth,

Raised my hand: in oath.

He had to live by his word. YaHuWaH is named directly, so there is no doubt as to

whom the highest Aluahiym is.

B'Rayshiyth 14:23

that I will not take a thread nor a sandal strap nor anything that is yours, lest you

should say, ‘I have made Abram rich.’

He would not let a man take credit for what YaHuWaH has brought about. He would

not put himself in a position in which someone outside the camp was taking care of

him. Thread means "cord" or "string", as one would expect, but its verb form means

"to repair foundations" or "patch up". Thong is from a word for "twisted" or

"entangled". A sandal is for walking. So in relation to these pagans whom he refused

to credit for who he became, Abram refused to be "bound" to them or "entangled" in

any of the ways they "walked", nor would he even allow them to "patch up" the

pagan foundations of his life that YaHuWaH had already overthrown. He knew this

was not where true riches lay.

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B'Rayshiyth 14:24

I will accept nothing from you except that which the young men have eaten, and the

portion of the men who went with me: Aner, Eshkol, and Mamre. Let them take their


Anyone else, who measured things the way this king did, could have all they wanted.

They were not against Abram, and thus were for him (cf. Mark 9:40), so he did not

begrudge them any of this world's goods, nor did he force them to live up to his

convictions. He was grateful and they received a just reward, but his own standard

had to be higher. The only thing we, who from our fathers, like Abram's, have also

inherited lies (YirmeYahuw 16:9), should carry away from them is that which truly

fed us--for YaHuWaH has not left Himself without witness. The popular church does

have some truth mixed in with error, and He brought us step by step by a path He

chose for each of us. But once we learn enough to transfer our faith to its only real

object, we have to reject any other source of inheritance in order to choose the

"pearl of great price" (Luk. 14:26; Matt. 13:46). Though by leaving his family and

prior commitments in Ur he must have seemed a "traitor", someone had to get out of

the quicksand and onto firm footing in order that all nations could also be led into

purer truth.

see also Genesis 14:13). The Tribe of Judah was chosen to teach the world about

Torah (Genesis 49:10, Micah 4:2) and: YHWH caused Yeshua to be born into the

Tribe of Yehudah/Judah.


A primitive root; to cross over; used very widely of any transition (literally or

figuratively; transitively, intransitively, intensively or causatively); specifically to cover

(in copulation): - alienate, alter, X at all, beyond, bring (over, through), carry over,

(over-) come (on, over), conduct (over), convey over, current, deliver, do away,

enter, escape, fail, gender, get over, (make) go (away, beyond, by, forth, his way,

in, on, over, through), have away (more), lay, meddle, overrun, make partition,

(cause to, give, make to, over) pass (-age, along, away, beyond, by, -enger, on, out,

over, through), (cause to, make) + proclaim (-amation), perish, provoke to anger,

put away, rage, + raiser of taxes, remove, send over, set apart, + shave, cause to

(make) sound, X speedily, X sweet smelling, take (away), (make to) transgress (-or),

translate, turn away, [way-] faring man, be wrath.

Page 36: Torah Ob-Servant

This is the first time anyone is described as a Hebrew, which means "a descendant of

Ever", the one whose name means "the one from the other side". Had made a

treaty: literally "were masters of a covenant". He lived in what was then still their

territory, by their consent. Their names mean "fatness/vigor", "cluster", and "boy".

He had an alliance with them by mutual agreement for the benefit of both, but he

was not united with them. He had a "deal" with them as one another's "suppliers",

and treated them fairly, but he did not join himself to anyone else. Egypt had

enriched him, but he did not become part of it. He had even sent Lot away, taking

YaHuWaH's side even against his own relative--his last connection with his past--so

he has a right to call himself a Hebrew. No matter who it is, other than YaHuWaH,

Avram is on the other side. He is only on YaHuWaH's side. Our alliances may come

and go, but we must always keep ourselves in a position to remain on YaHuWaH's

side, not making commitments to any of them that would stand in His way.

Consider this if you will

YirmeYahuw 6:16

Thus says YaHuWaH, “Stand in the Ways and see, and ask for the old paths, ‘where

the good Way is; and walk in it, and you shall find rest for your beings.

My son, don’t forget my teaching; but let your heart keep my commandments:

A Hebraic definition of Torah is "a set of Instructions, from a father to his children,

violation of these instructions are disciplined in order to foster obedience and train

his children".

My son, listen to your father’s instruction ,and don’t forsake your mother’s Torah:


When YaHuWaH promised the Renewed Covenant to Y’Isra’al he said: "I will put my

Torah in their minds, and write it on their hearts". Here we see that YaHuWaH's

plans in the new Covenant included his Torah. In the Renewed Covenant, it re-

affirms the existence of the Torah.

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Blessed [level] is the man who walks not in the counsel of the lawless, nor stand in

the way of sinners, nor sit in the seat of scoffers; but his delight is in YaHuWaH’s

Torah. On His Torah he meditates day and night. He will be like a tree planted by the

streams of water, that brings forth its fruit in its season, whose leaf also does not

wither. Whatever he does shall prosper. The lawless are not so, but are like the chaff

which the wind drives away. Therefore the lawless shall not stand in the judgment,

nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous. For YaHuWaH knows the way of the

righteous, but the way of the lawless shall perish.




Page 38: Torah Ob-Servant

In His Name

Blessed be, in His name

'YaHuWaH be with you.' and they answered him, 'YaHuWaH bless you.' "

Be not blind to the truth

And, hinnei, two blind men sitting by the way side, when they heard that

YaHuWSCHuA passed by, cried out, saying, Have mercy on us, O YaHuWaH,

[thou] Ben David. An YaHuWSCHuA stood still, and called them, and said,

what will ye that I shall do unto you they say unto Him, YaHuWaH, that our

eyes may be opened. So YaHuWSCHuA had compassion [on them], and touched

their eyes: and immediately their eyes received sight, and they followed him.

His servant and yours

shalowm in Righteousness

by the GRACE of YaHuWaH



Remember me and pray for me that YaHuWaH will be gracious unto me and be

merciful unto my sins which I have sinned against him. Peace be to them that

read and that hear these things and to their servants:

Page 39: Torah Ob-Servant

Amein and Amein

Freely ye have received, freely give

A rule necessary, and of great extent. A servant in the Gospel Vineyard, though

worthy of his Comfortable support while in the work. Should never preach for

hire, or make a secular traffic of the Ruwach (spiritual work): what a scandal is

it for a man to traffic with gifts which he pretends, at least, to have received

from the Ruwach HaQodesh, of which he is not the master, but the dispenser. He

who preaches to get a living, or make a fortune, is guilty of the most infamous
