totalcontrol - advanced integrated control of large-scale ... · practical wind power plant...

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Page 1: TotalControl - Advanced integrated control of large-scale ... · practical wind power plant controllers + develop guidelines and standards for the design of wind power plants with

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TotalControl - Advanced integrated control of large-scale wind power plants and windturbines

Larsen, Gunner Chr.; Giebel, Gregor; Natarajan, Anand; Meyers, J.; Bossanyi, E.; Merz, K.

Publication date:2019

Document VersionPublisher's PDF, also known as Version of record

Link back to DTU Orbit

Citation (APA):Larsen, G. C. (Author), Giebel, G. (Author), Natarajan, A. (Author), Meyers, J. (Author), Bossanyi, E. (Author), &Merz, K. (Author). (2019). TotalControl - Advanced integrated control of large-scale wind power plants and windturbines. Sound/Visual production (digital)

Page 2: TotalControl - Advanced integrated control of large-scale ... · practical wind power plant controllers + develop guidelines and standards for the design of wind power plants with

TotalControlAdvanced integrated control of large-scale

wind power plant

G.C. Larsen, G. Giebel, A. Natarajana, J. Meyers, E. Bossanyi and K. Mertz

Page 3: TotalControl - Advanced integrated control of large-scale ... · practical wind power plant controllers + develop guidelines and standards for the design of wind power plants with


• Consortium

• Overall objectives and approach

• How? – project structure

o WP1 + selected achievements (see also Session 2.5 tomorrow)

o WP2 + selected achievements

o WP3 + selected achievements

o WP4

o Wp5 + selected achievements

Page 4: TotalControl - Advanced integrated control of large-scale ... · practical wind power plant controllers + develop guidelines and standards for the design of wind power plants with


Page 5: TotalControl - Advanced integrated control of large-scale ... · practical wind power plant controllers + develop guidelines and standards for the design of wind power plants with

Overall objectives

• To develop integrated WPP/WT control strategies -conditioned on grid demands - that maximize the life-cycle profitability of a WPPoMaximizing power production balanced against turbine

loading (i.e. fatigue load degradation of WTs and O&M costs) and electricity price

oEnhancing WPP capability to provide ancillary services

• To validate derived models: All WPs include experimental validation - WP1, WP2, and WP3 include full-scaleexperiments; WP4 include lab. scale experiments

Page 6: TotalControl - Advanced integrated control of large-scale ... · practical wind power plant controllers + develop guidelines and standards for the design of wind power plants with


• The ambition of TotalControl is to move WPP controller design philosophy from greedy individual optimization of WTs operation to a collaborative optimization of the overall WPP performance

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Page 8: TotalControl - Advanced integrated control of large-scale ... · practical wind power plant controllers + develop guidelines and standards for the design of wind power plants with

WP1 - WPP simulation models (1)

• Objectives: Development and validation of WPP simulation models of various fidelity … covering the whole chain from flow model over aero-elastic model to power-grid model.

Page 9: TotalControl - Advanced integrated control of large-scale ... · practical wind power plant controllers + develop guidelines and standards for the design of wind power plants with

WP1 - WPP simulation models (2)• Selected achievements:

o Fuga update:

Steady flow solver - CFD RANS

Linearized model … formulated in a mixed spectral domain

Approximately one million times faster than conventional CFD RANS

WT formulated as actuator discs

Actuator disc formulation based on ‘full rotor aerodynamics’ … using a BEM approach

Updated with yaw-induced wake deflection

The DTU analog to ‘Floris’ … including the wake features ‘Tony’ presented yesterday

Page 10: TotalControl - Advanced integrated control of large-scale ... · practical wind power plant controllers + develop guidelines and standards for the design of wind power plants with

WP1 - WPP simulation models (3)• Selected achievements:

o Lillgrund experiment: 3 long-range lidars + existing C-8 WT meas.

Page 11: TotalControl - Advanced integrated control of large-scale ... · practical wind power plant controllers + develop guidelines and standards for the design of wind power plants with

WP2 – Open loop control schemes (1)

• Objectives: Develop and validate optimized WPP control schemes … optimal economic WPP performance (power, load and electrical aspects) is pursued over the WPP life time … on time scales of the order of 10 minutes

• Approach … wake mitigation:

Page 12: TotalControl - Advanced integrated control of large-scale ... · practical wind power plant controllers + develop guidelines and standards for the design of wind power plants with

WP2 – Open loop control schemes (2)• Selected achievements:

o Platform for WPP control optimization

Objective function: WPP power production | (U,Θ)

Using Fuga as the ‘working’ horse (WPP flow modeling)

De-rating using 2 design variables pr. WT … Ω and αp

Design space collapsed to one design variable pr. WT … minimum Ct for given Cp ; validated!

WT modeled as actuator discs

Actuator disc formulation based on ‘full rotor aerodynamics’… potentially in the (mean) deflected WT state

To be updated with yaw-induced wake deflection … increasing the design space to again 2 design variables pr. WT

Page 13: TotalControl - Advanced integrated control of large-scale ... · practical wind power plant controllers + develop guidelines and standards for the design of wind power plants with

WP2 – Open loop control schemes (3)• Show case Lillgrunden:

o 48 turbines

o Spaced as close 3.3 D … wakes have a pronounced effect

o There is a ‘empty space’ in the middle of the WPP

o Overall AEP gain of 1 %

Page 14: TotalControl - Advanced integrated control of large-scale ... · practical wind power plant controllers + develop guidelines and standards for the design of wind power plants with

WP2 – Open loop control schemes (4)

Page 15: TotalControl - Advanced integrated control of large-scale ... · practical wind power plant controllers + develop guidelines and standards for the design of wind power plants with

WP2 – Open loop control schemes (5)• Selected achievements:

o Surrogate models for open-loop control based on medium fidelity load simulations (HAWC2 with DWM)

Page 16: TotalControl - Advanced integrated control of large-scale ... · practical wind power plant controllers + develop guidelines and standards for the design of wind power plants with

WP3 - Enhanced WT control schemes (1)

• Objectives: Development of new WT controller functionalities for facilitating optimization of wind plant operation over the WPP lifetime

• Approach:

o Develop new innovative WT control features … and use numerical simulations to test and evaluate these

Samsung 7MW WT is the test case

Power set-point reduction algorithms

Active yaw control

Model predictive controller

Individual pitch control using tower-top sensors

Lidar assisted control for load reduction

Page 17: TotalControl - Advanced integrated control of large-scale ... · practical wind power plant controllers + develop guidelines and standards for the design of wind power plants with

WP3 - Enhanced WT control schemes (2)

o Full-scale validation and testing using the Samsung 7MW WT

Samsung 7MW an ideal test-bed … being a state-of-the-art large-scale commercial WT

Forward-facing scanning LiDAR on the nacelle facilitating rotor inflow characterization … and essential for the proposed tests of LiDAR-assisted control

Rear-facing LiDAR allows the turbine to be used to characterize changes in the wake caused by control actions … including active wake steering to be investigated in WP1

Page 19: TotalControl - Advanced integrated control of large-scale ... · practical wind power plant controllers + develop guidelines and standards for the design of wind power plants with

WP4 - Closed loop control schemes• Objectives: Unification of the results from other WPs into a suite of

practical wind power plant controllers + develop guidelines and standards for the design of wind power plants with advanced control functions

• Approach:

o “Closes the loop" on the open-loop wake control strategies developed in WP2, by

Accounting for model uncertainty

Accounting for stochastic (short term) variability of external conditions … based on on-line input from e.g. electrical sensors, wind speed sensors, and condition monitoring equipment

Page 20: TotalControl - Advanced integrated control of large-scale ... · practical wind power plant controllers + develop guidelines and standards for the design of wind power plants with

WP5 Dissemination (1)


• Coordination of dissemination and communication activities

• Setup and maintenance of Project website

• Annual workshops and other dissemination activities (including production of videos)

• Exploitation of project results

Page 21: TotalControl - Advanced integrated control of large-scale ... · practical wind power plant controllers + develop guidelines and standards for the design of wind power plants with

WP5 Dissemination (2)Website:

Page 22: TotalControl - Advanced integrated control of large-scale ... · practical wind power plant controllers + develop guidelines and standards for the design of wind power plants with

Thank You!


2123 August 2019

Page 23: TotalControl - Advanced integrated control of large-scale ... · practical wind power plant controllers + develop guidelines and standards for the design of wind power plants with

Offshore cost modelling Tool Components







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Wake Effects

Page 24: TotalControl - Advanced integrated control of large-scale ... · practical wind power plant controllers + develop guidelines and standards for the design of wind power plants with

Grid operator

Plant supervisory

. . .

Task 4.1.1, grid

primary frequency

and voltage support

Tasks 4.1.2, 4.1.3, 4.1.4:

• hierarchical control

• model-predictive


• surrogate models

Task 4.1.5, dynamic

induction control

Task 4.2.1, electro-mechanical-control interactions; Task 4.2.2, design guidelines and standards