toward a theory of fundraising a steward's view at the process

Toward a Theology of Fundraising A Steward’s View at the Process Steve Virgadamo June 2015 The National Advancement Conference for Catholic Schools

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Toward a Theology of FundraisingA Steward’s View at the Process

Steve VirgadamoJune 2015

The National Advancement Conference for Catholic Schools

“I have been so many years collecting money for churches and institutions of all kinds that I have come to the conclusion that there is no way of getting it except by personal appeal to those who have it, and that appeal the coming from the lips of an enthusiastic speaker.”

Archbishop Patrick RiordanArchbishop Of San Francisco, 1912 From Page 127 of The Catholic Philanthropic Tradition In America By Mary J. Oates

The National Advancement Conference for Catholic Schools

What is the best way to raise money in an economic crisis?

“Focusing on faith-raising” not fundraising is the key!”

The National Advancement Conference for Catholic Schools

The day had started off as most ordinary days do. The sun rose just above the valley to the east of the small village where she had lived her entire life. She could smell the fragrance of some of the early spring blossoms as the aroma floated through the open window.

The National Advancement Conference for Catholic Schools

Although she had many things to do, she found her mind drifting away from the tasks at hand, as she wondered how her life would soon be changing.

The National Advancement Conference for Catholic Schools

After washing some clothes and doing a few other household chores, she realized that the morning had quickly passed. She planned to sew a little that afternoon. She had promised to mend some things for her husband. She smiled as she thought how lucky she was. He was such a kind and loving man.

The National Advancement Conference for Catholic Schools

Although they had not been married long, she already knew what were some of his favorite foods. And, tonight, she wanted their evening meal to be


The National Advancement Conference for Catholic Schools

The afternoon quickly faded into evening. All was ready. She began to anxiously peak outside the

doorway to see if his familiar silhouette would soon appear just over the hill.

She lit a candle that flickered and danced in the cool breeze that entered her tiny home.

The National Advancement Conference for Catholic Schools

Then she saw him appear just above the crest of the hill. He was young and strong and he walked with

confident, long strides, even after a long day’s work. She could tell he was happy to be coming home to


The National Advancement Conference for Catholic Schools

She loved him so. Suddenly she could wait no longer and she found herself beginning to scamper and run

like a child towards him.

Surprised at her exuberance, he paused and smiled and then quickened his own pace to meet


The National Advancement Conference for Catholic Schools

Wrapping her in his strong but gentle arms he laughed at her excitement but before he could say a

word, she gazed up into his face. Her eyes were glistening, Her face was radiant.

The National Advancement Conference for Catholic Schools

“Oh, Joseph,” she said, “I have something wondrous to tell you.”

The National Advancement Conference for Catholic Schools

“A theological reflection on fund raising gets to the heart of its value as a human and Christian

enterprise because theology asks if in all the efforts expended on behalf of fund raising, do we discover

the mystery of God’s presence.”

The National Advancement Conference for Catholic Schools

“When those with money and those who need money share a mission, we see a central sign of new life in the Spirit of Christ. We belong together in our work because Jesus has brought us together, and our fruitfulness depends on staying connected to Him. Therefore, those who need money and those who can give money meet on the common ground of God’s love.” Henri J.M. Nouwen

The Spirituality of Fundraising

The National Advancement Conference for Catholic Schools

“If we come back from asking someone for money and we feel exhausted and somehow tainted, there is something wrong. We must not let ourselves be tricked into thinking that fundraising is only a secular activity. As a form of ministry, fundraising is as spiritual as giving a sermon, entering a time of prayer, visiting the sick, or feeding the hungry. So fundraising has to help us with our conversion too.”

Henri J.M. NouwenThe Spirituality of Fundraising

The National Advancement Conference for Catholic Schools

Believe that people want to hear good news and to be part of something life-giving, successful and, yes, holy.

Be expansive of spirit and magnanimous of heart;

Care for the donor and take delight in the relationship.

Evince a collaborative, communal, participatory and enthusiastic disposition.

Keep the big picture in mind, for the sake of what is in the donor’s best interest and in the best interest of the church’s larger mission.”

The National Advancement Conference for Catholic Schools

If God loves a cheerful giver, so, too, God must smile delightfully upon a joyful fundraiser.

The National Advancement Conference for Catholic Schools

+ in my mind, so that in all that I do, I may sense the presence of the Mystery of God;

+ on my lips, so that I may proclaim the good news and be an instrument of God’s covenant relation with his people;

+ in my heart, so that I am open to conversion experience to which my ministry calls me;

The National Advancement Conference for Catholic Schools

And finally I pray everyday, that I may do so, like Mary of Nazareth, with courage and

conviction—with guts! AMEN.

The National Advancement Conference for Catholic Schools

When all is said and done, here’s how easy it is:

The right person asks The right prospectFor

The right amount in The right wayAt

The right time for The right causeWith

The right follow up.And You…You are the right person!

The National Advancement Conference for Catholic Schools

For more information….

Steven VirgadamoFollow Twitter @svirgadamo

The National Advancement Conference for Catholic Schools