towards an integrated learning design environment

EIGHTH EUROPEAN CONFERENCE ON TECHNOLOGY ENHANCED LEARNING 17-21 September, Paphos, Cyprus Towards an Integrated Learning Design Environment Davinia Hernndez-Leo, Jonathan Chacn , Luis P. Prieto, Juan I. Asensio-Prez and Michael Derntl (Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona) (University of Valladolid) (RWTH Aachen University) 31262-LLP-2012-ES-KA3-KA3MP

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Hernández-Leo, D.; Chacón, J., Prieto, J.P., Asensio-Pérez, J.I., Derntl, M..; Towards an Integrated Learning Design Environment. In: Proceedings of 8th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning, EC-TEL 2013, Paphos, Cyprus, September 2013, LNCS 8095, pp. 448–453. Learning design research focuses on how educators can act as designers of technology-supported learning activities according to their specific educational needs and objectives. To foster and sustain the adoption of Learning design, the METIS project is working towards the implementation of an Integrated Learning Design Environment (ILDE). This paper presents the vision for the ILDE and how user requirements from three educational institutions in vocational training, higher and adult education justify the need for this vision. The paper discusses the data collected in questionnaires, on-line interviews and face-to-face group work with the end-users, as a first phase in the design-based research methodology applied in the project. The results support a vision towards an ILDE that enables teachers to choose among multiple learning design authoring tools, (co-)produce, explore, share, evaluate and implement learning designs in Virtual Learning Environments. The paper also outlines a roadmap to achieve this vision.


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17-21 September, Paphos, Cyprus

Towards an Integrated Learning Design Environment

Davinia Hernandez-Leo, Jonathan Chacon , Luis P. Prieto, Juan I. Asensio-Perez and Michael Derntl (Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona) (University of Valladolid) (RWTH Aachen University)


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Learning design

• Supporting teachers and course designers in analyzing, conceptualizing, and sharing the design of learning situations– Set of methodologies, languages, tools… – But transfer into practice lagging behind expectations

• No integrated solution to support the full lifecycle of designing and deploying ICT-based learning activities

• Need of adequate professional development

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Metis Project

• Mesh available learning design authoring tools, and to enable the sharing and enactment of learning designs (Ld), within an Integrated Learning Design Environment (ILDE)

• Design professional development actions (workshop packages) to promote learning design practice, to be used in conjunction with the ILDE

Strong involvement of end-user testbeds from different kinds of educational contexts (3 user groups: vocational training, adult

education, higher education)

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Vision for the ILDE, use cases• (1) Choose a learning design tool• (2) Produce or

(3) co-produce a learning design• (4) Share a learning design• (5) Instantiate and

(6) deploy a learning design into VLEs• (7) Provide feedback and reflections • (8) Explore designs, instantiations and feedback

Whole learning design lifecycle, in the context of teacher communities

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Collection of early feedback• Generic scenario + set of use cases• 3 user groups• Data gathering:

– Questionnaire 1 (user groups’ context)

– Questionnaire 2 (Likert scales to rate the relevance of the use cases to their institution and open comments to explain the rationale behind the ratings)

– Interviews, via videoconference (clarifications regarding use cases, qualitative data collected as comments associated to the ratings)

– Face-to-face group work (narratives with specific scenarios significant to the institutions of the user groups)

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First feedback from user groupsDifferences in the user groups’ relevance ratings to the use cases

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First feedback from user groups

• (3) interested in using a variety of Ld tools supporting different granularities (from modules/courses to activities) and design phases

• (3) highly interested in being able to (co-)create designs by reusing existing ones

• (3) recognized as an essential feature allowing diverse actors to annotate the designs

• (3) support for the whole lifecycle will simplify processes in the institution

• Relevance of co-production depends on the teacher collaboration culture of the institution/sector (collaboration, sharing and reuse critical for AE and HE, applicability in VT very limited)

• Exploration of design and comments, especially valuable in AE and HE

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• First studies support the vision for the ILDE• Covering the whole learning design lifecycle in

the context of institutional teacher communities:– From exploring designs, choosing an authoring tool,

co-producing a design, sharing it, to implementing it into a VLE, and providing feedback and reflection

– User groups require support for different granularity levels and phases of the design process

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Current / Future work

• Iterative cycles– Now first prototype available! (see Demo)


– Workshops with teachers October/November

– Second prototype + Workshops 2n round (2014)• Fed with results from workshops and extended analysis of

use cases’ relevant to the project associate partner

– Final version of the ILDE (2015)

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