tp server informatica important interview scenarios.xls

Folder_Name Mapping_Name wf_J_Scenario_1stSession_2ndSession_Run Team_Practice m_J_Scenario_1 Team_Practice m_J_Scenario_2 Team_Practice m_J_Scenario_3 Team_Practice m_J_Scenario_4 Team_Practice m_J_Scenario_5 Team_Practice m_J_Scenario_6 Team_Practice m_J_Scenario_7 Team_Practice m_J_Scenario_8 Team_Practice m_J_Scenario_9 Team_Practice m_J_Scenario_10 Team_Practice m_J_Scenario_111 Team_Practice m_J_Scenario_12 Team_Practice m_J_Scenario_13_FirstandSecond_Half Team_Practice m_J_Scenario_14_Even_Odd_Number_Rows Team_Practice m_J_Scenario_15_First_Second_Third_Row Team_Practice m_J_Scenario_16 Team_Practice m_J_Scenario_17 Team_Practice m_J_Scenario_18 Team_Practice m_J_Scenario_19 Team_Practice m_J_Scenario_20 Team_Practice m_J_Scenario_21 Team_Practice m_J_Scenario_22 Team_Practice m_J_Scenario_23 Team_Practice m_J_Scenario_24 Team_Practice m_J_Scenario_25 Team_Practice m_J_Scenario_26 Team_Practice m_J_Scenario_27_Scd_Ty2_Ver Team_Practice m_J_Scenario_28 Team_Practice m_J_Scenario_29 Team_Practice m_J_Scenario_30 Team_Practice m_J_Scenario_31 Team_Practice m_J_Scenario_32 Team_Practice m_J_Scenario_33 Team_Practice m_J_Scenario_34 Team_Practice m_J_Scenario_35 Team_Practice Team_Practice m_J_Scenario_38 Team_Practice m_J_Scenario_39 Team_Practice m_J_Scenario_40 Team_Practice m_J_Scenario_41 Team_Practice m_J_Scenario_43 Team_Practice m_J_Scenario_45 Team_Practice m_J_Scenario_46 Team_Practice m_J_Scenario_47 Team_Practice m_J_Scenario_48

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Folder_Name Mapping_Namewf_J_Scenario_1stSession_2ndSession_Run

Team_Practice m_J_Scenario_1

Team_Practice m_J_Scenario_2Team_Practice m_J_Scenario_3Team_Practice m_J_Scenario_4Team_Practice m_J_Scenario_5

Team_Practice m_J_Scenario_6Team_Practice m_J_Scenario_7Team_Practice m_J_Scenario_8Team_Practice m_J_Scenario_9Team_Practice m_J_Scenario_10

Team_Practice m_J_Scenario_111

Team_Practice m_J_Scenario_12Team_Practice m_J_Scenario_13_FirstandSecond_HalfTeam_Practice m_J_Scenario_14_Even_Odd_Number_Rows

Team_Practice m_J_Scenario_15_First_Second_Third_RowTeam_Practice m_J_Scenario_16Team_Practice m_J_Scenario_17Team_Practice m_J_Scenario_18Team_Practice m_J_Scenario_19

Team_Practice m_J_Scenario_20Team_Practice m_J_Scenario_21Team_Practice m_J_Scenario_22

Team_Practice m_J_Scenario_23Team_Practice m_J_Scenario_24Team_Practice m_J_Scenario_25

Team_Practice m_J_Scenario_26Team_Practice m_J_Scenario_27_Scd_Ty2_VerTeam_Practice m_J_Scenario_28

Team_Practice m_J_Scenario_29Team_Practice m_J_Scenario_30

Team_Practice m_J_Scenario_31Team_Practice m_J_Scenario_32Team_Practice m_J_Scenario_33Team_Practice m_J_Scenario_34Team_Practice m_J_Scenario_35Team_PracticeTeam_Practice m_J_Scenario_38Team_Practice m_J_Scenario_39Team_Practice m_J_Scenario_40Team_Practice m_J_Scenario_41

Team_Practice m_J_Scenario_43Team_Practice m_J_Scenario_45Team_Practice m_J_Scenario_46

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Team_Practice m_J_Scenario_55

Team_Practice m_J_Scenario_56

Team_Practice m_J_Scenario_57

Team_Practice m_J_Scenario_60

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Team_Practice m_J_Scenario_62

Team_Practice m_J_Scenario_62

Team_Practice m_J_Scenario_64

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DescriptionWorkflow to run for first time first session, second time second time and third time third session.

Mapping to Get Last 3 rows from source table to load Target.Mapping to load first 3 Records from source to Target.Mapping to find Cumulative salary for the employes.

Mapping to Load First Salary as Null for Second row Prevese Salary.(Like LAG Func in Oracle)Mapping to load sum of salary to all employees in Johnny table.Mapping to load the data based on Requirement.Mapping to genarate sequence numbers using unconnected lookup Transformation.

Mapping to Load first half records into one target and Remaining records into another table.Mapping to Load even number of records into one target and odd number of rows into another target.

Mapping to Load data to table only if the account number starts with '12'Mapping to load current salary to next employee.(Like LEAD function in Oracle)Load top 10 Salary(Ranks) with out using Rank TransformationMapping to load all records except last 5 Records.

Mapping to Load Distinct records in one target and dusplicate records in another target.Mapping to perform insert and updated data on Target table using Dynamic lookup cache.

Mapping to load data into two targets using Target Load Plan.Mapping to Load sequence numbers into tow targets using same Sequence Genarator Transformation.

Mapping to Perfor SCD Type2 using Date,Version and Flag values.Mapping to Load data based on Requirement.

Mapping to Load Distinct Records into One table and Duplicate records into another table.

Mapping to Load data from Johny,Dept table to Target using '=' operator in Joiner Transformation.Mapping to Load data using Configure Concurrent workflow concept in Informatica.Mapping to Load data using Configure Concurrent workflow concept in Informatica.Mapping to perform insert/update with out using Update Strategy

Loading Numbers into one table and Alphabets into another tableMapping to Load Data like this.Mapping to load the Last 2nd record from Source to Target(Using Rank Transformation).Mapping to Remove Sepecial Characters from Sal Column like £,$,¥,# to Target.

Mapping to Generate Sequence numbers using Dynamic Lookup cache Transformation.Mapping to generate Dynamically filenames based on Deptno in Johny table.

Mapping to Get the Total record count as Trailor count(using Shell script).

Generate Sequence Numbers without using Sequence Genarator Transformation.

Mapping to Load First record to one Target,Last Records to another Table and remaingrecords to other table.

Mapping to load PK vaalue of one table to FK to another table.(Here from another table Pk we are loading to FK in another table using unconnected Lookup).

Mapping to Replace Unwanted characters like #,*,^ on file to load into table.(using Replacechr and Replacestr Functions).

Mapping to load first record to first target,second record to second target and third record to third record and repeat it again.

Mapping to Load the file data in reverse order(First record comes to last and Last record as first record) in target.

Mapping to the data in Lookup table with Source if data is not presend in lookup table need to insert in Targe table.

Mapping to Load sequence numbers into target using Re-usable Sequence Genarator Transformation(with 1000 Difference for every load).

Mapping to load data into a target using Indirect File(also loading the file name and sysdate to target table).

Mapping to Load data using Lookup Transformation(To chech difference between '=' operator in Joiner and Lookup).

Mapping to Load the data into Target table using Key Range Partitions.(Also we can Specify Filter condition in the specified Key Range values).

Mapping to load the Source records(5) into target table 10 times.(Suppose if Source table can contain10 records it sholud load 100 records in Target).

Mapping to Load data Based in Requirement.(Whereever the same number repeated for that number first 2characters need to change as XX).

First Defined workflow variable name WfCount. In Assignment task WfCount + 1 for each session link condiiton as $$WfCount = 1 $$WfCount = 2 $$WfCount = 3
Need to Perform as below. Source Target DEPTNO EMP_NAME DEPTNO EMP_NAME 10 D 10 A,B,C,D 10 A 20 R,S,T,U,V 10 C 10 B 20 U 20 V 20 S 20 R 20 T
Source Target NUM NUM 1 1 2 4 6 3 8 10 2 4 6 3 8 10
Also used Workflow variable in workflow.
Under Session Properties: Treat Source Rows as Update Insert(Target Instance) : enable insert update else insert Update(Target Instance) : Update as Update
Source Target COL1 COL2 COL1 COL2 a x a x,z,j b y b y,x a z c z c z d s a j b x d s
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Mapping to load data into target using Stored Procedure(Connected).

Mapping to Load Middle Name from file to Table.

Maping to load data based on requirement.Mapping to Load Except First Record and Last record from Source to Target.

Mapping to Perform Incremental Load using Mapping Variable.Mapping to find the repeated values and couting the repeating time in a separate column.

Mapping to load the data based on below requirement.

Mapping to load only the records based on the day(like THURSDAY FRIDAY SUNDAY ......)Workflow to run the sessions based on day,date and Time.Mapping to perforam based on requirement.Mapping to perform the logic using Target Load OrderMapping to find exact 2nd rank sal from emp table.

Mapping to Load Header record to Header Target,Footer Record to Footer Target and Detail records to Detail Target(Source is file and Targets are tables).

Mapping to load the data into target if it is new record specify in a separare column as 'New Record' and if it is existing record(means any update) specify as 'Updated Record' in a table.

Mapping to load data from file to table,in table few columns are especially created with small letters.using target oveeride loaded data.Mapping to Separate First Name and Last Name from a File and Load it to Table.

Mapping to Perform Normal,Master,Detail and Full Outer Join using Joiner Transformation.(Master Outer Join ---->Right Outer Join in Oracle,Detail Outer Join ---->Left Outer Join in OracleFull Outer Join ----->Full Outer Join in Oracle)

Mapping to Load 3 Source table of same data base and load only distinct records from 3 sources to Target table

Mapping to load data from a table if the Source col is more than 30 chars load it to Col1 in Target and if Spaces between data need to remore and load data into Col2 of same table.

mapping to load even number in one target and odd numbers in another target with out using Seq Trans.

Mapping to Load First Record to First Target,Middle Record to another Target and Last Record to Last Target(For middle record it is possible only if the table is having Odd number ot records).

Mapping to load Special Characters for the column Deptno at the end of the data, if the Deptno is repeated.Mapping to to load data based on requirement.each line should contain only 4 records.

Mapping to Load data using MovingSum and MovingAvg functions.

MovingAvg---->The function returns the average for a set of five rows: 358 based on rows 1 through 5, 245.8 based on rows 2 through 6, and 243 based on rows 3 through 7.

MovingSum--->The function returns the sum for a set of five rows: 1790 based on rows 1 through 5, 1229 based on rows 2 through 6, and 1215 based on rows 3 through 7.

Mapping to Load Email id till @ Sumbol.(Example:[email protected] we need to load janakiram.dabbara till here).

Mapping to load the source data into target in reverse order(Means First record to Last record and last record to first including the record content).

Mapping to Remove first 3 records and last 3 records from source and then load rest of the records into target(Except first 3 and last 3 records).

Mapping to find the null values based on a column, if it is repeated we need to find the count of how many times it is repeared based on requirement.(in sorter enable Null Treated Low).

Mapping to Load Shell Variable into a table.(First Shell script will execute and store values in a parameter file,based on these values it will load data into target table).

Using variable executing the sessions.For multiple session same Parameter file used.Mapping to perform Non-Equi Join(Between operator in Oracle).LOSAL<=SAL and HISAL>=SAL

insert into J_Scenario_53("Number1","First_Name",Last_Name,Salary,DOB) values (:TU."Number1",:TU."First_Name",:TU.Last_Name,:TU.Salary,:TU.DOB)
Source Target NUM1 NUM 1 1,2,3,4 2 6,7,8,9 3 11,12,13,14 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Source Target EMAIL_ID EMAIL_ID [email protected] janakiram [email protected] janakiram.dabbara [email protected] janakiram.dabbara [email protected] djr.janakiram [email protected] janakiram [email protected] janakiram [email protected] djrjanakiram
Source Target NO NAME NO NAME 1 A 1 A+B+C+D 1 B 2 A+B 1 C 3 A+B+C 1 D 4 A 2 A 2 B 3 A 3 B 4 A 3 C
Source 7698,BLAKE,MANAGER,7839,05/01/1981 00:00:00,2850.00,,30 7654,MARTIN,SALESMAN,7698,09/28/1981 00:00:00,1250.00,1400.00,30 7499,ALLEN,SALESMAN,7698,02/20/1981 00:00:00,1600.00,300.00,30 Target 7499,ALLEN,SALESMAN,7698,02/20/1981 00:00:00,1600.00,300.00,30 7654,MARTIN,SALESMAN,7698,09/28/1981 00:00:00,1250.00,1400.00,30 7698,BLAKE,MANAGER,7839,05/01/1981 00:00:00,2850.00,,30
NUM NUM COUNT1 10 10 1 10 10 2 10 10 3 20 20 1 30 20 2 20 30 1 30 30 2 40 40 1 40 40 2 40 40 3 50 50 1 60 60 1
Source Target NO NAME NO NAME 10 A 10 A 20 P 10 A,B 20 Q 10 A,B,C 10 B 10 A,B,C,D 10 C 20 A,B,C,D,P 10 D 20 A,B,C,D,P,Q 20 R 20 A,B,C,D,P,Q,R 20 S 20 A,B,C,D,P,Q,R,S
Source Target CID SEQ_COUNT COMMENT1 CID SEQ_COUNT COMMENT1 1 1 aaa 2 2 ccc ddd 1 2 bbb 3 2 eee fff 2 1 ccc 4 1 gggg 2 3 ddd 5 1 III 3 1 eee 1 4 aaa bbb hhhh JJJ 3 3 fff 4 1 gggg 1 3 hhhh 5 1 III 1 4 JJJ
Soruce Target NAME ADDRESS C1 C2 C3 NAME ADDRESS C1 Johnny TPT 1 Johnny TPT 1 janakiram Chennai 1 1 1 Nishanth Bangalore 3 Nishanth Bangalore 1 2 3 Nishanth Bangalore 2 Ruthvika Tirupati 1 2 4 Nishanth Bangalore 1 Ruthvika Tirupati 2 Ruthvika Tirupati 4 Ruthvika Tirupati 1 janakiram Chennai 1
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Mapping to Genarate Sequence numbers using Unconnected Lookup transformation.Mapping to Genarate Sequence numbers using Stored Procedure.Performing Incremental load using mapping variable also with Control table.Mapping to load Distinct Records into one target and Duplicate records into another table.Mapping to genarate sequence numbers using Java Transformation.Mapping to load only Detail records except Header and Footer.

Mapping to load the last but one records from a file to table.Mapping to compare the filed values if already exist more than once specifing flag as Y and if it is not N.

Mapping to load first record and last record into target table.

Mapping to Load last half records into a target table.

Mapping to update values using Update Override(with out primary key at database level).Implementing Scd Type2 using Date,Version and Flag.Mapping to laod the data into Target table if the value matched int the lookup table.Mapping using Reg_Extract and Reg_Match functions

Genarating the Parameter file for each session based in Deptno.

Mapping for first time load 200 Recs,in the second run the next 100 records, in the third run, the next 100 records and so on ....!

Mapping to Find the Top Second Salary from Emp tablewith out using Rank Transformation.

compare records between a lookup table and source table and all the matching records should be populated to a flatfile which later needs to send as an attachment in a mail.

Mapping to load first 1 to 10 recs to one target,21 to 30 recs in second target,31 to 40 recs in third target and 41 to 50 on first target and so on .........

Source have 100 Recs, but seq Genarator Trans maxval is 80 once it reaches max value session will get fail with error code as TT_11009 Overflow error. The Sequence Generator transformation has reached the end of the configured end value.

performing incremental aggregation using mapping variable(set maxvariable) and updating parameter values using shell script.

Changing the Source delimeter dynamically in Runtime(Comma(,) to Pile(|) and Pipe to Comma)using Pre-Session Success command and Post-Session Successed Command.

Mapping to load the for First Record into First Target, Second Record into Second Target and Third Record into Third Record and so on....

Mapping to Load the data to Target table based on employees whose salary is greater than or equal to the average salary for their departments

mapping to load the Fixed witdth file data into staging tables.Header ---> Header staging (o)Detail ----> Detail data(1)Trailer ----> Trailer Data(9)

Mapping to perform Trailer Validation.Source as J_Scenario_106_A_Detail table using Lookup as J_Scenario_106_A_tailer table.

Here at the end of workflow creating an empty byte for for indication of the complete workflow. In next we will use this file so that it will start the executuon of the file.
Header starts with H Trailor starts with F Filter Condition : substr(Col1,1,1)!='H' and substr(Col1,1,1)!='F'
Using shell script we are checking the file size and then sending the file throught email.
decode(DEPTNO,10,'[S_Session1]'||chr(10)||'$$ETL_LOAD_DATE='||TO_CHAR(HIREDATE,'MMDDYYYY')||chr(10)||'$DBConnection_Src=Teampractice'||chr(10)||'$DBConnection_Tgt=Teampractice', 20,'[S_Session2]'||chr(10)||'$$ETL_LOAD_DATE='||TO_CHAR(HIREDATE,'MMDDYYYY')||chr(10)||'$DBConnection_Src=Teampractice'||chr(10)||'$DBConnection_Tgt=Teampractice', 30,'[S_Session3]'||chr(10)||'$$ETL_LOAD_DATE='||TO_CHAR(HIREDATE,'MMDDYYYY')||chr(10)||'$DBConnection_Src=Teampractice'||chr(10)||'$DBConnection_Tgt=Teampractice', 40,'[S_Session4]'||chr(10)||'$$ETL_LOAD_DATE='||TO_CHAR(HIREDATE,'MMDDYYYY')||chr(10)||'$DBConnection_Src=Teampractice'||chr(10)||'$DBConnection_Tgt=Teampractice', '[S_Session5]'||chr(10)||'$$ETL_LOAD_DATE='||TO_CHAR(HIREDATE,'MMDDYYYY')||chr(10)||'$DBConnection_Src=Teampractice'||chr(10)||'$DBConnection_Tgt=Teampractice')
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