tprs® beginning workshop 2012-los angeles

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teachforjune's Beginning TPRS® Workshop 2012. We cover an introduction to TPRS®, the 3 steps of TPRS®, how to create a TPRS® lesson plan, what a typical week in a TPRS® classroom looks like, grading & assessment, and curriculum planning.


  • 1. TPRS Story-basedA different kind of professional development.ImmersionScott Benedict2012 [email protected] 2012

2. teachforjune download presentation and additional handout 3. For great support after the workshop is done, join one (or both) of the following groups: moreTPRS Forum or email me @[email protected] For a complete list of real, classroom demos, 4. How many people have tried or are usingTPRS in their classroom? 5. How many of you haveattended a TPRS Workshop before? 6. How many of you have attended more than 1TPRS Workshop before? 7. How confident are youthat your students canspeak spontaneously for30 seconds in the target language at the end of the year? 8. Or that your students could write a 100-wordstory in 5 minutes or less? 9. 1 in 4 Americans can hold a conversation in asecond language. 10. Insanity is doing thesame thing over and over again andexpecting differentresults. Albert Einstein 11. Yet, this is exactly what 1000s ofworld-language teachers doeveryday and havedone for years. 12. If we truly want our students to be able tospeak and write at anylevel, we must change the way we teach.Period. 13. TPRS is one such changethat has given world-language teachers across the globe undeniable results:students who could speak and write the language. 14. October 1, 2001 Monday 15. Emergency Permit 16. Observe 17. October 2, 2001 Tuesday 18. No sub 19. Teach 20. What? 21. 2:45 PMWhew! 22. But wait... 23. OPEN HOUSE!!! 24. What was that? 25. OH NO! 26. Taught 27. Change 28. ImBlaine Ray! Text 29. TPRS 30. Happy 31. Write 32. Speak 33. I love TPRSbecause it works.My students are betterspeakers & writers and Im a better teacher. 34. AboutTHow to P RAssessment & S 35. AboutTHow to P RAssessment & S 36. What isTPRS? 37. TPRS stands forTeaching Proficiency throughReading and Storytelling 38. TPRS is immersionthrough stories. 39. TPRS is a method of second-language teaching that uses highly-interactive stories toprovide comprehensibleinput and create an atmosphere of immersion inthe classroom. 40. Stephen Krashens Theoryof Second-language Acquisition. 41. 5 Main Hypotheses 5 Main Hypotheses 42. Acquisition-learning Hypothesis 43. Monitor Hypothesis 44. Natural Order Hypothesis 45. Input Hypothesis 46. Affective Filter Hypothesis 47. Learning Languagevs.Acquiring Language 48. Learning Language 49. Artificial 50. Memorization 51. Grammar Rules 52. Learning about languageis learning facts. 53. Acquiring Language 54. Natural 55. Comprehensible Input 56. Intuitive 57. Learning to speak alanguage is a motor skill. 58. Real-worldacquisitionvs.Classroomacquisition 59. 14,600 hours 60. 600 hours600 hours 61. Make every minuteCOUNT!!! 62. We teach for Mastery 63. teach Mastery by... 64. Focusing on Details 65. We add as manydetails as we can. 66. Each detail increases thechance that the students will remember. 67. NOT language 68. Practicing structure is the key to mastery. 69. 3 Keys to MasteryText 70. Text Key 1:Comprehensible 71. Use words students know 72. Write unknown words on theboard 73. Speak slowly 74. TextKey 2: Repetition 75. TextWe have 30 seconds torepeat something before it is forgotten. 76. Text People usually forget 90% ofwhat they learn in a class within30 days. 77. Text One could increase the lifespan of a memory simply byrepeating the information intimed intervals. 78. TextInformation is remembered bestwhen it is elaborate,meaningful, and contextual.Medina, John. Brain Rules. Sea4le: Pear Press, 2008. p. 100. 79. TextKey 3: Interesting 80. Students must pay attention in order to learn.Text 81. We dont pay attention to boring things. Text 82. TextThe unusual, the unpredictable, or the distinctive are powerful ways to harness attention. 83. Use propsText Use props 84. Q&A 85. Demo 86. ClassProcedures 87. When I make a statement,you will respond chorallyby saying,Ohhhhh! 88. When I ask a question andyou know the answer, youwill answer chorally in thetarget language. 89. If it is a yes answerthan say,Ja! 90. If its a no answersay, Nein! 91. If I ask a question wherethe answer hasnt beenestablished, make it up!But... 92. You must guess inGerman because it isa German story. 93. You can use propernouns. 94. When you guess,surprise me.If you dont surpriseme, I will surprise you. 95. Raise your hand ifyou dont understand TextOR Im going toofast!! 96. Wortschatzvocabulary 97. es gibt eine Mausthere is a mouseTextEs gibt eine Maus in dem Haus.There is a mouse in the house. 98. die Katze luftthe cat runs Die Katze luft schnell.The cat runs fast. 99. sieht anlooks atText Das Mdchen sieht etwas an.The girl looks at something. 100. schreitscreamsTextDie Frau schreit laut. The woman screams loud. 101. where? what? who?how? why?when?German how which? much? how many? 102. es gibt/gab eine Maus = there is/was a mousedie Katze luft/lief = the cat runs/ran sieht/sah an = s/he looks/looked atschreit/schrie = s/he screams/screamedich brauche = I needein Freiwilliger = a volunteer Wie heit/hie sie/er = What is/was her/his name sie/er heit/hie = her/his name is/was Wie alt ist/war sie/er? = How old is/was s/he?sie/er ist/war ___ Jahre alt? = s/he is/was ___ years oldgro = bigein bisschen = a little bit klein = small oder = orschn = prettysie/er sagt/sagte = s/he says/saidhlich = ugly weil = becausegut = good bist du? = are you? bse = bad Mutti- = mothersehr = veryVatti- = fathersie/er wohnt/wohnte= s/he lives/livednoch = another/stillsie wohnen/wohnten = they live/lived die Muschen=the little micesie/er hat/hatte = s/he has/had wir haben/hatten = we have/hadsie/er hat/hatte Hunger = s/he has/had hunger sie/er hat/hatte Angst = s/he has/had fear 103. Es gibt zwei Muschen und eineMuttimaus. Sie wohnen in einem sehrgroen Haus. Die zwei Muschenessen Kse gern. 104. Sie wollen jetzt Kse essen. Diese zweiMuschen sehen die Muttimaus an undschreien Mutti! Wir haben Hunger!Wir wollen Kse essen. Bitte bring unsein bisschen Kse! 105. Die Muttimaus sieht die zweiMuschen an und sagt ihnen Okaymeine Kinder. Ich will in der Kchenach Kse suchen. Aber in diesemMoment sehen die zwei Muschenetwas, das ihnen Angst macht. 106. Eine Katze kommt auf sie zu! Es isteine sehr groe Katze! Sie schreienMutti! Mutti! Es gibt eine sehr groeKatze in unserem Haus! Sie kommt aufuns zu! Wir haben sehr Angst! 107. Wenn die Muttimaus das Schreienihrer Kinder hrt, luft die Muttimausauf die Katze zu und schreit WauWau! Wenn die Katze den Schrei derMuttimaus auf Hund hrt, dreht dieKatze sich um und luft sehr schnellvon dem Haus weg. 108. Wie gut, dass die Muttimauszweisprachig ist! An diesem Tag lernendie zwei Muschen, dass es sehrwichtig ist, mehr als eine Sprache zusprechen. 109. Q&A 110. AboutTHow to P RAssessment & S 111. Key Concept 112. language asossible in theGram and speak itWhile the teacheVocabularyDO NOT accurately all ofmmar whengrammatical foco students! If Certain features Shelter t hear naturalobviously essenthey are unlikely the first things th it. one, I used the f used only tocomprehensionAug - Oct 3ranslatingNov - Dec 1 Jan - Feb 2nor to clarifys quickly as Mar - Apr 1 May 2nd pe uch as in pop- At the conclusio ss story everyfrom the point o o. TeacherEach point of vistory on the adjectives; direcwhile the entire disjunctive, and 113. language asossible in theGram and speak it Dont ShelterDO NOT While the teache accurately all ofmmar whenGrammar grammatical foco students! If Certain features t hear naturalobviously essenthey are unlikely the first things th it. one, I used the f used only tocomprehensionAug - Oct 3ranslatingNov - Dec 1 Jan - Feb 2nor to clarifys quickly as Mar - Apr 1 May 2nd pe uch as in pop- At the conclusio ss story everyfrom the point o o. TeacherEach point of vistory on the adjectives; direcwhile the entire disjunctive, and 114. Q&A 115. 4 BasicTPRS Skills Text 116. brought thatthe heart of TPRS As the year meet with y already knoCircling 117. #1Key Technique 118. The art of askingrepetitive questions 119. Start with a statementStatement should include structure 120. Ask yes/no questionwhere answer is YES Repeat answer: yes, ... 121. Ask either/or questionRepeat answer: thats correct, ... 122. Ask yes/no questionwhere answer is NORepeat answer: no, ... Restate correct statement 123. Ask question-wordquestionRepeat answer: Yes, ...These are more difficulttarget superstar until class is ready 124. Get a new detailand repeatAsk 3-4 questions and then get new detail. 125. Circle the subject,object, AND verb! 126. Randomize questions! 127. Comprehension Checks 128. Check forunderstanding FREQUENTLY 129. Ask class as well asindividuals 130. Comprehension checks are in ENGLISH 131. What did I just say? 132. What did I ask? 133. What does __ mean? 134. Circling withUpper Levels 135. Only circlenew or difficultstructures 136. If you circle everything,advanced students will get bored! 137. Demo 138. Circling Demo 139. Q&A 140. Work Time 141. DirectionsUsing the Circling Template in handout1. Write simple statement in target language as follows: Lisa verb in TL brand name. Lisa isst Lucky Charms.2. Script your questions around the subject.3. Script your questions around the verb.4. Script your questions around the object/compliment.5. Script your questions around when. Lisa isst Lucky Charms am Montag.6. Script your questions around a comparison. Mark trinkt Pepsi. 142. Group PracticeIn your groups, take turns using yourtemplate to practice circling.At first, read your script in order fromtop to bottom.When youre comfortable, tryrandomizing your questions usingthe thumb technique. 143. CirclingPractice 144. PQA: PersonalizedQuestions & Answers 145. #2 Key Technique 146. Ask questions usingtarget phrases 147. Concentrate onbeing personal 148. Its like mingling at a party 149. Report to class 150. Circle info 151. Get more details 152. Report to class 153. Circle info 154. Repeat untilthere is a lull 155. Askanother student 156. Repeat process 157. Compare & contrast 158. Q&A 159. Adding details 160. #3 Key Technique 161. 3 levels ofSpecificity 162. general specic 163. Try to go at least 3 levels deepwhen adding details 164. The story gets moreinteresting withmore specifics. 165. A boy wants a cat.A boy wants a cat. 166. A boy from ChinaA boy from Chinawants a cat. wants a cat. 167. A boy from HongA boy from HongKong, China wants aKong, China wants 168. Ming Jr. from the 3rdMing Jr. from the 3rdstreet Burger King instreet Burger King in Hong Kong, China Hong Kong, Chinawants a cat.wants a cat. 169. Q&A 170. Getting DetailsPractice 171. In pairs, you will practice getting details one sentence at a time.Remember to circle between details and to repeat the answers foradditonal repetitions.We will practice with each sentence for 2 minutes. 172. Step 1 Start with a sentence Elena was a girl.Talk to the class in past tense. Ask Elena: Are you a girl?Yes, I am a girl.Yes, you are a girl. Class, was Elena a girl? 173. Step 2Add a location You now have two sentences Elena was a girl. She was in Arizona.Talk to the class in the past.Talk to your actor in the present.Verify the details and then talk to the class Elena, are you in Arizona? etcClass, was Elena in Arizona? etc 174. Step 3Add a more specific location Now you have 3 sentencesElena was a girl.She was in Arizona.She was in Happy Valley, Arizona. 175. Step 4Add an even more specific location Elena was a girl. She was in Arizona.She was in Happy Valley, AZ.She was in Panda Express. 176. Step 5 Add a parallel character Compare and contrast both charactersElena was a girl in Happy Valley, AZ atPanda Express.Susie was a girl in Blaine, MN at Starbucks. Compre and contrast the two charactersVerify the details with your student actors. 177. Teach to the Eyes! 178. #4 Key Technique 179. Teach STUDENTS notcurriculum. 180. Look in individualstudents eyes when teaching. 181. Hold studentsaccountable. 182. Always check for understanding. 183. Q&A 184. llarrybu a yoca bu.. V oca 1 V 12 S2ttorry .. S o yiingad ng Re ad3.. Re33 Steps of TPRS 185. One week.Three steps. 186. If your classes meet every day or every other day onthe block, you will complete all 3 steps in one week. 187. If your classes meet everyday on the block and you complete 1 yearof instruction in a semester, you will complete all 3steps twice, each with adifferent story and set ofstructures. 188. Step 1:Vocabulary 189. The first step of TPRSis to establish the meaningof our structures. 190. Step 2: Story 191. The second step of TPRS is to create an oral story with your students. 192. Step 3:Reading 193. The third step of TPRS is to readwith your students. 194. TPRS in a Week 195. Monday 196. MondayTPRS Step 1 Introduce vocabularyTPRS Step 2 Background info about characters 197. Work Time 198. Choose 1 structure that youll have to teach this year. It can be from anylevel. Write it down in thetarget language. 199. Step 1Introduce Vocabulary 200. 3 Structures 201. These are thestructures you want to practice 202. Basic,high-frequencywords 203. Text 204. Always translatethese structures 205. Lesson Plan 3 Structures his mom wants him to do his homeworkhis mom wanted him to do his homework while 206. Establish MeaningEstablish Meaning 207. 3 ways toestablish meaning 208. 1. 3 target phrases 209. Include structure 210. Target Language inone color 211. English in another 212. Students copy list 213. 2. TPR & Gestures 214. Model 215. Delay modeling 216. Stop modeling 217. Vary groups 218. Novel commands 219. Assess 220. 3. PQA 221. Q&A 222. Text Step 2Story: Background Info 223. Ask, dont tell a story 224. Heart of the lesson 225. Dont rush this step 226. There are 5 parts to a story 227. Introducingthe main character 228. Introducing theparallel character 229. Setting up the problem 230. Attempting to solvethe problem 231. Finally solving the problem 232. Actors dramatizethe story 233. When addingdetails... 234. AlmostTechnique 235. Its obvious!Technique 236. Its ridiculous Technique 237. Meat ofMondays lesson:at least 30 minutes 238. Class Procedures 239. Students mustrespond to eachstatement/question 240. OoohhOh, no, oh, noexpression 241. Choral Answer 242. Make it up! 243. Vary choral responses withindividual ones 244. Strong ResponseGreat! 245. Weak or NoResponse... 246. Students didntunderstand 247. Students werent engaged 248. Students werent focused onprocedure 249. Coach how toplay the game 250. Listen for cute or funny answers 251. Dont take the firstanswersolicit moreparticipation 252. How to Ask a Story: Background Info 253. Introduce main character 254. Get a student actor 255. What dont you knowabout main character? 256. Add details aboutcharacter by asking questions 257. Doesnt need to be relevant 258. Practice any word or structure 259. Verify details with actors in present tense 260. Verify details with classin past tense 261. Lesson Plan Main Character Background InfoWhat dont I know about the character? Class, there is a boy.Whats the boys name? How old is the boy? Where does he live?What does he look like?What does he do? 262. Work Time 263. You will have approximately5 minutes to plan out your main character. Youll then work inpairs introducing your maincharacters. Each person in yourgroup will teach for approximately 5 minutes. 264. Decide whether you will get your details from interviewing your actor or from theaudience. Things youll want to consider as you develop your character: name, age, description, where they live.Remember to verify details with the actor in present tense and the audience in past. 265. Background Info Practice 266. Add parallel character 267. Purpose of parallel character is tocompare & contrastwith main character 268. Get another student actor 269. What dont you knowabout parallel character? 270. Verify details with actors in present tense 271. Verify details with classin past tense 272. compare & contrast 273. Lesson PlanParallel Character Background InfoWhat dont I know about the character? Class, there is a girl. Whats the girls name? How old is the girl?Where does she live? What does she look like? What does she do?Compare & contrast with main character. 274. Q&A 275. Tuesday 276. TuesdayStep 2 (continued) Review character info Introduce problem Attempt to solve the problem Solve the problem 277. Review main characterinfo from yesterday 278. Circle it all againyou can go a little fasterits review 279. Step 2Story: 3 Acts 280. Meat of Tuesdays lesson:at least 30 minutes 281. How to Ask a Story:3 Acts 282. Read or Write Story 283. Look for variables that can be expanded andchanged 284. Script surprise details 285. Lesson Plan Storyline with VariablesThere was a boy who didnt like to do his homework. Hismom wanted him to do his homework. His mom took him to the library to do his homework.While he was in the library, it was too quiet in the libraryand the boy fell asleep.His mom sent him to a tutor. The tutor was AngelinaJolie. The boy fell in love with Angelina and did anything she said. Angelina told him to do hishomework. He did. Mom was happy. 286. Start with astatement 287. Circle statement 288. Add details:3 levels of specificity 289. Circle each new detailbefore addingnext one 290. 3 Locations 3 Acts 291. Location 1=Act 1:Introduce the problem 292. Every story has aproblem 293. Lesson Plan Problemhe doesnt do his homework 294. Oh, no! Oh, no, class!The boy had a problem. 295. Script out your questionsrelating to the introduction of the problem 296. Use dialogue 297. Tell the class whatthe characters say 298. Then have thecharacters say it 299. Remember to verify details with actor in present andclass in past tense 300. Lesson PlanPlan out Act 1 in first locationThere was a boy who didnt like to do his homework. Hismom wanted him to do his homework. 301. Work Time 302. You have 5 minutes toplan out act 1:the introduction of theproblem 303. In pairs, practice developing act 1 of yourstory. Remember to circle, verify details, and usedialogue.You will have 5 minutes toteach. 304. Act 1Practice 305. Location 2=Act 2:Unsuccessful attempt to resolve problem 306. Have main charactergo somewhere toattempt to solve problem 307. Plan out Act 2 of your story: the attempt to solve the problem 308. Use dialogue 309. Remember to verify details with actor in present andclass in past tense 310. Lesson PlanPlan out Act 2 in second locationHis mom took him to the library to do his homework. It was too quiet in the library and the boy fell asleep. 311. Work Time 312. You have 5 minutes to plan out act 2:the attempt to solve theproblem 313. In pairs, practice developing act 2 of yourstory. Remember to circle, verify details, and usedialogue.You will have 5 minutes toteach. 314. Act 2Practice 315. Location 3=Act 3:Resolve the problem 316. Have main charactergo somewhere tofinally solve problem 317. Plan out Act 3 of your story:the solution to the problem 318. Use dialogue 319. Remember to verify details with actor in present andclass in past tense 320. Lesson Plan Plan out Act 3 in third locationHis mom sent him to a tutor. The tutor was AngelinaJolie. The boy fell in love with Angelina and did anything she said. Angelina told him to do hishomework. He did. Mom was happy. 321. Work Time 322. You have 5 minutes toplan out act 3:the solution of the problem 323. In pairs, practice developing act 3 of yourstory. Remember to circle, verify details, and usedialogue.You will have 5 minutes toteach. 324. Act 3Practice 325. Recycle the Story 326. At any point, stop, goback, and review thestory. 327. Re-circle therecycled parts. 328. Continue story whenyou get back to where you left off. 329. Story Retells 330. Have studentsfrequently retell storyto their partners... 331. After a particularscene. 332. After the story ends. 333. Have superstar retell story to class. 334. Students work in pairs andtalk at the same time overeach other for 30 seconds. 335. Demo 336. Student-Retell Demo 337. Q&A 338. Wednesday 339. Wednesday Add background info to reading Add a student as a parallel character Compare & contrast character & student 340. Meat ofWednesdays lesson: at least 30 minutes 341. Develop main characterfrom extended reading 342. Using questioning, developthe main character 343. What facts are in the story? 344. What dont you know about them? 345. Circle each newdetail 346. Choose a studentto be the parallel character 347. As you add detailsto the main character, compare & contrastwith student 348. Be sure to circle as youcompare & contrast 349. Q&A 350. Thursday 351. Thursday Read extended reading Translate extended reading Discuss extended reading 352. Text3. Reading 353. TextReading is powerful. 354. 70%language ability 355. How to readthe TPRS way 356. Meat ofThursdays lesson:at least 30 minutes 357. Step 1: Teacher readsa sentence or chunk. 358. Step 2: Class chorally translatessentence or chunk. 359. Translateone paragraphat a time. 360. Step 3: Ask the facts of the translated paragraphin the target language. 361. Facts cant change. 362. Students answer chorally. 363. Pop-Up Grammar 364. Highlight in reading BEFORE class. 365. Focus on the MEANING. 366. Pop-up often and frequently. 367. Compare & contrast. 368. Scafflold yourquestions. 369. Hold your superstars accountable. 370. Goal is to acquire over time,not immediately. 371. Reading Variation 372. Read intarget language. 373. Translate onlyunknown words. 374. Ask questions inEnglish. 375. Reserve for moreadvanced levels. 376. Demo 377. Reading Demo 378. Q&A 379. Friday 380. Friday Read novel or do story strip 381. Read novel 382. Follow samereading stepsas extended reading 383. Teacher reads 384. Students translatechorally 385. Discuss reading byasking comprehensionquestions in targetlanguage 386. Add details to the readingthrough questioning. 387. Students give unusual & unexpected answers. 388. Choose best answer. 389. Add details from studentsculture. 390. Create a parallel story using a student as the main character. 391. This is a similar story but with details about the student. 392. Dramatize 1 or 2 pivotal scenes 393. Use studentactors & props. 394. Q&A 395. Story Strip 396. Use a comic stripto ask a story 397. Great review of weeks words and structures 398. Use same story techniquesas asking a story with actors 399. Demo 400. Story-Strip Demo 401. Q&A 402. Enrichment Activities 403. Talk about weekend 404. Have students write 3activities they didover the weekend inthe target language 405. Dont allow boring answers 406. Let them lie 407. Coach how toplay the game 408. Use PQA skill to getdetails 409. Kindergarten Day 410. Choose a childrensbook appropriate tostudents level 411. Set up likeelementary school 412. Read the book infant style 413. Use circle skill toincreasecomprehensible input 414. Allow students tobring in snacks or stuffed animals 415. Make it fun! 416. Demo 417. Kindergarten Day Demo 418. Songs 419. Choose a songappropriate tostudents level 420. Choosechildrens songs,popular music, or learning songs 421. Introduce song withcloze activity 422. Song Cloze Activity 423. Copy lyrics forstudents with some words missing 424. Have students tryto fill in the words as they listen tothe song 425. Sing & dance to songs daily 426. Create gestures or adance for the weeks song 427. Have students sing & gesture/dance to practice song 428. Demo 429. Song & Dance Demo 430. End the week with a song competition 431. Divide the class into two teams 432. Have them compete on who sings theloudest 433. Alternate line by lineor stanza by stanza 434. Change out songsevery 2 to 3 weeks 435. Free voluntary reading 436. Create a reading library in your classroom 437. Give students time toread any book, magazine, ornewspaper theychoose in the target language 438. Model good readinghabits 439. Hold studentsaccountable with a reading log 440. Timed-writing 441. Goal:write 100-word storyin the target language in 5 minutes 442. Start at 10 minutes 443. Decrease time when class average hits 100 words 444. Keep track of word count but not forgrade 445. Grade 2 per quarterbased on quality of writing 446. Absolutely the BESTway to assess truewriting ability! 447. Q&A 448. Starting the year 449. Power PQA 450. Have studentswrite their first name BIG on the top of the paper. 451. Level 1 Have them drawwhat they like to do. 452. Level 2Have them drawwhat they are afraid of. 453. Level 3Have them drawwhat makes them unique. 454. Level 4 Have them drawwhat would they doif they had a million dollars. 455. Ask 2-3 students perday 456. 4-6 studentsper day on block 457. Spend approximately4 weeks on this activity 458. Slowly expandvocabulary base 459. Where & with whom 460. Months, seasons,& weather 461. Days, dates& time 462. any other logicalnext step 463. Demo 464. Power PQA Demo 465. AboutTHow to P RAssessment & S 466. AssessmentsandGrading 467. Academic Grade 468. Base grades on proficiency levelsrather than numberof assignmentsturned in 469. Beginner 470. Novice 471. Intermediate 472. Proficient 473. Advanced 474. Use skills rather thanproducts to assess students 475. Grading Categories 476. Culture10% 477. ListeningComprehension15% 478. ReadingComprehension15% 479. Writing30% 480. Speaking30% 481. 50-60% of gradeshould be dedicatedto speaking and writing 482. 20-30% of gradeshould be dedicated to listening andreading 483. Only 3 assessmentsper gradingcategory per quarter 484. 2 formative assessments in the form of quizzes prior tothe quarter/semester exam 485. 1 summative assessment asa section of the quarter/semester exam 486. Each section is evaluated and recorded in grade book SEPARATELY 487. Culture Assessments10-20 multiple-choice or true/falsequestions based on culture studied 488. Culture Ideas 489. Holidays & festivals 490. Food 491. Capitals andmajor cities 492. Currency 493. Interesting facts from variousplaces(think really strange or different) 494. Try to include things from all of the countries/regions that speak your language 495. Listening & ReadingAssessments 496. Story-based 497. Listening or reading prompt is astory in the target language 498. 10-20 content-based, multiple- choice or true/false questions IN ENGLISH!!! 499. Picture-based 500. Listening or readingprompts are sentences based off of pictures 501. Students choose the picturethat best fits with the sentence 502. Drawing-based 503. Listening or reading prompts are steps to draw a picture 504. Students draw what theyread or are told 505. Writing Assessments 506. FormativeAssessments(quizzes) 507. Choose at random atleast 2 of your students weekly timed-writings 508. SummativeAssessments(quarter/semester exams) 509. Students write a minimum of a 100-words story 510. Story is based either onvocabulary (given in English),structure (implicitly stated), or pictures 511. Assessing writing 512. Assess solely oncomprehensibility andcomplexity 513. Level 1 kindergarten/1st grade = B 514. Level 2 2nd grade = B 515. Level 3 3rd grade = B 516. Level 4/AP 4th grade = B 517. Increase or decrease grade based onabove standards 518. Speaking Assessments 519. FormativeAssessments(quizzes) 520. Students form groups of 4 or 6 depending on class size 521. Students create story and draw it out in boxes (1 box per student in group) 522. LIMIT STORY CREATION/DRAWING TIME TO 7-10 MINUTES!!!! 523. Have groups tell their storyto the classeach studentis responsible for 1 box 524. SummativeAssessments(quarter/semester exams) 525. Students are given apicture story to look at 526. Students tell the story to you at your desk(level 1 = 30 sec / level 2 = 1 min / level 3 = 1.5 min / level 4 = 2 min) 527. Students get twice as much time to look at the picture to gather their thoughts 528. Assessing Speaking 529. Assess solely oncomprehensibility andcomplexity 530. Assess students individually, notbased on the group 531. Participation/effort is not a grade!Do not grade on behavior. 532. No more than1 assessment per week (sometimes 2) 533. Dont assess writing or speaking during1st quarter of level 1 534. All quizzes areUNANNOUNCED Goal is 80% of studentsearning 80% or betterifnot, reteach and reassess 535. Q&A 536. Participation 537. Students start with 70 participationpoints per quarter 538. Students earnparticipation points(1 at a time) by... 539. Speaking in target language 540. Answering questions 541. Acting in stories 542. Writing over 100 words ona timed writing orimproving their word countover the previous week 543. Anything else that leads towardslanguage acquisition 544. Students loseparticipation points(5 at a time) by... 545. Speaking in English 546. Hall/bathroom passes 547. Absences 548. Tardies 549. Behavior issues 550. Anything that detracts fromlanguage acquisition 551. Students may makeup participation points(5 at a time) by... 552. Writing a 100-word story in the target languageusing 10 currentvocabulary at least twice 553. 1st quarter only of level 1:Students can write 10 currentvocabulary 3 times eachboth in English and targetlanguage 554. Participation Grade = Citizenship Grade 555. 90-100 ptsOutstanding 556. 80-89 ptsSatisfactory 557. 60-79 ptsNeeds Improvement 558. 0-59 ptsUnsatisfactory 559. If your school doesnt have a citizenship grade, dont do participation or give as motivation awards. 560. Q&A 561. A different kind of professional development. workshops webinars webinars on demand webverstiy coaching consultingScott Benedict [email protected] 2012 562. Curriculum Mapbackwards planProficiency 563. High-frequencyvocabulary,structures, andculture 564. Divide by 4and determinewhen to teachwhat 565. Divide in half and write semester exams 566. Divide in half againand write 1st & 3rdquarter exams 567. Break your quarters into weekly lessonsteaching 3-6 phrasesper week 568. Write your quizzes for each lesson 569. Write your stories(weekly lessons) 570. Q&A 571. A different kind of professional development. workshops webinars webinars on demand webverstiy coaching consultingScott Benedict [email protected] 2012