traballo de inglés 3º de primaria. semana do

Traballo de Inglés 3º de Primaria. Semana do 20 ao 24 de abril. Hello guys!!! How are you going? Are you boring? This week I share a new game about clothes. I hope you like it! Unit 5. Lesson 3 1. Tell your family or draw and label in your notebook all the clothes words (prendas) you know. (Dile a tu familia o dibuja y etiqueta en tu libreta todas las prendas que conozcas en inglés) 2. Say the clothes chant. You can hear it in the CD or in this link: Open your Class Book at page 43. 3. Read and listen to the story 5 again. Class Book pages 44-45. The robber’s clothes: Who’s got the blue diamond at the end? Shane or the policeman? Find 4 sentences beginning with: He’s wearing…(+ prenda) Write in your notebook the numbers of the pictures. (Escribe los números de las viñetas en las que aparecen.) Can you find the question: Is he wearing…? Is the answer Yes or No? Write it on your notebook. (Escribe la pregunta y su respuesta.) 4. Can you answer the comprehension questions about the story? Watch the Unit 5 comprehension check video: 5. Open your Activity Book at page 42 and do exercises 1 and 2. Exercise 1. Read and complete with the correct word in the chart. In exercise 2 read the sentences and say the picture (A or B) where the boy or girl is. Then write 4 more sentences and say the picture. Pay attention if you write about a boy→ He’s wearing... or a girl→ She’s wearing... 6. Now open your Skills Book at page 17 and do exercises 1 and 2.

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Page 1: Traballo de Inglés 3º de Primaria. Semana do

Traballo de Inglés 3º de Primaria. Semana do 20 ao 24 de abril.

Hello guys!!!

How are you going? Are you boring?

This week I share a new game about clothes. I hope you like it!

Unit 5. Lesson 3 1. Tell your family or draw and label in your notebook all the clothes words (prendas) you know. (Dile a tu familia o dibuja y etiqueta en tu libreta todas las prendas que conozcas en inglés)

2. Say the clothes chant. You can hear it in the CD or in this link:

Open your Class Book at page 43.

3. Read and listen to the story 5 again. Class Book pages 44-45.

The robber’s clothes:

Who’s got the blue diamond at the end? Shane or the policeman?

Find 4 sentences beginning with: He’s wearing…(+ prenda)

Write in your notebook the numbers of the pictures.

(Escribe los números de las viñetas en las que aparecen.)

Can you find the question: Is he wearing…? Is the answer Yes or No?

Write it on your notebook. (Escribe la pregunta y su respuesta.)

4. Can you answer the comprehension questions about the story? Watch the Unit 5 comprehension check video: 5. Open your Activity Book at page 42 and do exercises 1 and 2. Exercise 1. Read and complete with the correct word in the chart. In exercise 2 read the sentences and say the picture (A or B) where the boy or girl is. Then write 4 more sentences and say the picture. Pay attention if you write about a boy→ He’s wearing... or a girl→ She’s wearing... 6. Now open your Skills Book at page 17 and do exercises 1 and 2.

Page 2: Traballo de Inglés 3º de Primaria. Semana do

Unit 5. Lesson 4

1. Practica la lectura de la historia con tu familia.

2. Make your own Fashion Book.

Watch the video: How to make a 8 page MINI BOOK

Draw clothes and write their names. Dibuja prendas y escribe su nombre o recortalas de alguna revista que encuentres por casa.

Or you can print and cut out this PDF Clothes

or make your own designs and describe them.

Tell your family what is your boy or girl wearing.

My doll is wearing blue jeans and a red jumper.

3. Open your Activity Book at page 43 and do exercises 1 and 2. Exercise 1. Listen and write the number. Why have the robbers got numbers? (Por que tienen números los ladrones?) Para identificarlos!

Escucha el listening e identifica a los ladrones. Serás capaz? Inténtalo!

Exercise 2. Write questions and answers. Fijaos en los símbolos, conforman un código. Teneis

que utilizar ese código para escribir preguntas y respuestas. Then go to Skills Book page 18.

Page 3: Traballo de Inglés 3º de Primaria. Semana do

Traballo de Inglés 3º de Primaria. Semana do 13 ao 17 de abril.

Hello guys!!!

How are you? Have you enjoyed Easter? I hope so.

I could see from the exercises you sent me that you are reviewing and improving your

learning. Well done!! Keep working hard and enjoy!!

Remember this is the email to send me your tasks or ask me questions:

[email protected]

A lo largo de esta semana vamos a empezar con la unidad 5. A ver si somos capaces de trabajar las lecciones 1 - 2 de esta Unidad.

Como veis en esta imagen, en esta unidad vamos a estudiar las prendas de vestir.

Unit 5. Lesson 1

Open your Class Book at page 42 and copy the vocabulary on your notebook. Listening 21. Listen and repeat.


1. a cardigan (chaqueta de punto) 2. jeans (vaqueros)

3. a woolly hat (gorro de lana) 4. tights (medias) 5. shoes (zapatos)

6. trousers (pantalones) 7. a jumper (jersey, sueter)

8. a skirt (falda) 9. a coat (abrigo) 10. gloves (guantes)

11. shorts (pantalones cortos) 12. a T-shirt (camiseta)

13. socks (calcetines)

-What are you wearing? (Que llevas?) -I’m wearing a T-shirt, jeans, socks and


-What is Emma wearing? She is wearing a purple cardigan and a white T-shirt.

- What is Josh wearing? He is wearing a red jumper and a blue woolly hat.

- What are you wearing? ______________________________________

Page 4: Traballo de Inglés 3º de Primaria. Semana do

Now do these exercises.

Now open your Activity Book at page 40 and do exercises 1 and 2.

Page 5: Traballo de Inglés 3º de Primaria. Semana do

Unit 5. Lesson 2 Open your Class Book at page 43. Read the Clothes chant. You can hear it in the CD or in this link:

Read or listen to the story. Class Book pages 44-45. Can you say 3 clothes in the story?

Now open your Activity Book at pages 41 and do exercises 1 and 2. Follow the link below and do the activities online about clothes.

Page 7: Traballo de Inglés 3º de Primaria. Semana do

Find the surprise words in the Easter Eggs.

Easter Egg Match Game

Page 8: Traballo de Inglés 3º de Primaria. Semana do

Traballo de Inglés 3º de Primaria. Semana do 30 de marzo ao 3 de abril.

Ola chic@s, que tal o estades levando? Aínda imos estar un tempiño mais sen vernos, así que imos comezar coa seguinte unidade. Moito ánimo e aproveitade a aprender todo o que podades. Unha aperta dende a distancia. Ao longo desta semana imos seguir cun pouco de repaso.

Open your Class Book at pages 40-41.

Lisa’s hobbies é un proxecto que fixo Lisa sobre os seus deportes e afeccións favoritos.

Listen to Lisa. Can you find the pictures in exercise 1?

Answer the questions in your notebook:

- What’s Lisa’s favourite sport? Her favourite sport is ______________.

- What’s Lisa’s favourtite hobby?________________________________

- What’s your favourite sport?___________________________________

- What’s your favourite hobby?__________________________________

Reforza a aprendizaxe realizando as actividades online nos seguintes enlaces:


My Free Time

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Traballo de Inglés 3º de Primaria. Semana do 23 ao 27 de marzo.

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Traballo de Inglés 3º e 4º niveis de Primaria. Semana do 16 ao 20 de marzo.

Estudar o vocabulario das unidades 1- 4 que aparecen no apartado Picture Dictionary do

Activity Book (páx. 62-68) e rematar as actividades das páxinas correspondentes a esas

unidades (páx. 2-38 e da 71-74) así como do Skills Book (páx. 2 – 15).

Reforzar a aprendizaxe realizando as actividades online nos seguintes enlaces, cando se

dispoña dos medios necesarios:


English for Little children

Activity Forest



Animal Pacman

Body quiz


Healthy eating


My Free Time

Can you…? Quiz

Daily Routines

The school