tradational turkish table setting. not ths way we used to eat this way, not this way the table was...

Download TRADATIONAL TURKISH TABLE SETTING. NOT THS WAY We used to eat this way, NOT this way The table was round so this meant everyoneone was equal no matter

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Post on 17-Jan-2018




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We used to eat this way, NOT this way The table was round so this meant everyoneone was equal no matter what part of the table you sat. Everyone had to sit down on the floor to show the thankfullness and humbleness against the Sustainer.


TRADATIONAL TURKISH TABLE SETTING NOT THS WAY We used to eat this way, NOT this way The table was round so this meant everyoneone was equal no matter what part of the table you sat. Everyone had to sit down on the floor to show the thankfullness and humbleness against the Sustainer. We used to clean our hands.It was believed we would have more blessings if we washed our hands before the meal.It is clear where germs go if not. Vendors hand in the food in a wrapping but the hands are forgotten.Again not this way Conversation and prayer We used to start the meal with prayers. And the dinner was regarded as an informal gathering where family members chat and exchange daily matters. What are your priorities? We used to drink water to fill up one third of the stomach in order to get satiated before we have started the main dish.So obesity was not a big deal. A natural balanced diet. Not this way The fizzy drinks are taken away and mostly drunk standing up and this has proven to be very harmful for the stomach. Fruit Fruit was welcomed as a starter. Also moderate amount of sweets or desserts. Yoghurt was used as a dressing Not this way Dressing with fatty and cheesy material Fries topped with melted cheese or chopped meat or minced meat served with a spicy dressing harms health and leads obesity. Nuts Nuts were an after meal treat for most kids. Not this way These packs are common snacks for the kids and adults alike. Kitchen utensils Most utensils used to be wooden which are now considered to be more healthy. Not this way Metal kitchen tools After meal refreshments Tea and coffee were both most consumed drinks Boza, also bosa (from Turkish: boza ), is a popular fermented beverage in Turkey and Bulgaria It is a malt drink made from corn or wheat fermented. It has a thick consistency and a low alcohol content (usually around 1%), and a slightly acidic sweet flavor. Salep salep, sahlep;, salepi; Serbian,Macedonion Bulgarian, salep) is a flour made from the tubers of the orchid These tubers contain a nutritious,starchy material. Salep flour is consumed in beverages and desserts, especially in places that were formerly part of the Ottoman empire. You cant think the table without bread We used to make home made bread. The brick furnace was heated by woodfire. Bakers must take home the bread. Now we almost get the bread from the markets These breads go stale very soon while the home made ones last long. Water kept cool in an earthen ware pitcher Water was always cool and tasted better in these pitchers. Flasks look sheen and modern but the earthen pitchers feel more a part of us. Copper ware was in every form in every kitchen.the copper was coated with tin and everyyear the kitchen utensils were gilded with tin. Modern and healthy and low maintinance. Porcelen dishes are on the tables now. Embroidered hand towels were given the guests after the meal to dry their hands after washing Not the tissue papers. Thanks for listening Everyone!