traducion minera

Actors that take part in the sustentabilidad of the small minería Chile requires of a vision on the minería, that was shared by all thes actors interested, to promote in form more effective the sustainable development of the country. Regarding what respecta to the small minería, the actors that influence in the development and sustentabilidad are the following: ENAMI MINISTRY OF MINERIA NATIONAL COUNCIL OF PRODUCCION CLEAN (CPL) SONAMI SERNAGEOMIN MINISTRY OF HEALTH CORESEMIN Thanks to all these actors can analyse the weaknesses of the sustentabilidad of the small minería in chile and how can solve it in short, average and long term. ENAMI: National company of minería: ENAMI Is a company of the State of Chile, created from the fusion of the box of mining credit and of the national company of foundries, whose mission is fomentar the development of the Small and Average Minería, offering the services of recognition of mining resources, technical assistance and crediticia, purchase, processing and commercialisation required by thousands of mining producers along the national territory. Of this form, an important productive sector, as it is the minería of lower scale, attains to access to the market of metals refinados in excellent conditions of competitiveness.

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Page 1: Traducion minera

Actors that take part in the sustentabilidad of the small minería

Chile requires of a vision on the minería, that was shared by all thes actors interested, to promote in form more effective the sustainable development of the country. Regarding what respecta to the small minería, the actors that influence in the development and sustentabilidad are the following:


Thanks to all these actors can analyse the weaknesses of the sustentabilidad of the small minería in chile and how can solve it in short, average and long term.

ENAMI: National company of minería:

ENAMI Is a company of the State of Chile, created from the fusion of the box of mining credit and of the national company of foundries, whose mission is fomentar the development of the Small and Average Minería, offering the services of recognition of mining resources, technical assistance and crediticia, purchase, processing and commercialisation required by thousands of mining producers along the national territory. Of this form, an important productive sector, as it is the minería of lower scale, attains to access to the market of metals refinados in excellent conditions of competitiveness.

In his more than 54 years of history, ENAMI has worked permanently in the fulfillment of his mission. Today, they are cientos the producing that thanks to the permanent support of this company can develop his activity, generating more than 20.000 direct employments and contributing to the development of economies of scale to local and national level.

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Mission and strategy

Mission: ENAMI has by object fomentar the development of the minería of small and average scale, offering the services required to access to the market of metals refinados, in conditions of competitiveness.

Strategy: To fulfil with his object, ENAMI masses his accionar in the management prioritaria of three areas insustituibles, because of which spoke of a “table of three legs”:

1. The Fomento of the minería small and average.2. Processing of the minerals in Plants of Profit and Foundry.3. The Commercial activity that allows to place the products in the markets

globalizados in conditions very favourable for the small and average providers of the company.

Program of fomentoThe programs realised by ENAMI  have by aim” fomentar the mining  activity so much small and average scale, improving his competitiveness through the provision of services in all the stages of the chain of value of the value of the mining business, focalizando the efforts mainly in the segment of mining employers that have an objective probability of feasibility, with such to create the structural conditions for his development sustentable”.

For these effects, will understand by small minería that sector of producers that sell or benefit until 10.000 TMS monthly of mineral.

The program has five main components:

Ministry of minería

Recognition of Resources and/or Reservations and Mining Planning.

Technical assistance.

Development of Competitive Capacities

Studies Distritales. Support to the Constitution of Mining Property

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The Ministry of Minería has like institutional mission “Design, difundir and fomentar political miners of our country, that incorporate the sustentabilidad and the technological innovation, to end of maximizar the contribute sectorial to the economic development, environmental and social of the country”.

With what respecta to the small minería the ministry focus in the following points

1. Recognition of resources and/or reservations2. Budgetary investment development distrital3. Technical assistance4. Support of safe production5. PAMMA

1. Recognition of resources and/or reservations: it is an instrument of fomento mining that allows to diminish the risk of the mining business and has like objective award financiamiento to support the development of a project or mining business , which has to be viable from the technical and economic point of view.

Field of action: the program is oriented to determine resources and/or mining reservations through the execution of mining works and/or sondajes and to formulate the design and the planning of the project of exploitation, that conform the base for the development of a mining business sustentable in the time.

2. Budgetary investment development distrital: Lto entity generates investments with the mission to expand, develop and support to the small minería. (See investments in annex….)

3. Technical assistance: it has by objective support the development of projects of the small miners through consultings and/or asesoría skilled linked to the project, with the purpose to facilitate the execution of the projects and/or improve his productivity.

Field of action: Lace asesorías or skilled consultings that atañen to the instrument contemplate the following activities:

Asesoría In matter of mining property Asesoría geológica And/or topographical

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Samplings and chemical analyses Studies of method of exploitation Study of unitary operations(fortificación ,perforación and

tronadura ,carguío, transport and extraction, ventilation, drain ,design of ways and accesses, etc.).

Prevention of risks (labour and environmental Study of unitary operations of processing and profits of mineral (includes

chancado, molienda ,flotation, lixiviación, precipitation, amalgamation, disposal ofre wash ,others)

Commercialisation Business management of mining business Increase of the value added of the product Other activities related with the chain the value of the mining business.

4. PAMMA: It is a Program of the Ministry of Minería whose objective is to work directly with the Mining/ace Artesanales of our country after consolidating the emprendimiento mining like approach of development in the activity for a better quality of life.

The PAMMA supports to the miner artesanal with three instruments: 

1.  Financiamiento Of projects. It supports individual initiatives and asociativas oriented to the fomento of the Subsector mining artesanal characterised by the high vulnerability of the familiar entry of the distinct sectors. The actions of this component execute in direct coordination with the National Company of Minería-ENAMI. In the individual plane, the program focaliza his work in miners artesanales that possess productive and economic conditions to develop a job with a level semi-mechanised of exploitation, but that require of the technical support-economic to undertake in the mining business.

In the plane asociativo, this focaliza his effort in  those miners artesanales agrupados gremial or commercially. His aim is to generate economies of scale through the use of common equipments and like this improve his conditions of security, competitiveness and stability inside the mining business.

2. Qualification. By means of courses of qualification  designed and implemented along the country according to the needs detected with the miners artesanales. Specifically these last 2 years the program has established the challenge to strengthen the area of the security in the subsector, posing the aim to install the concept of security and car taken

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care through the training monitors in mining security in all the places where develops this activity to low scale. This line develop in group with the centre of qualification of the National Service of Geology and Minería SERNAGEOMIN.This line of work finds directed indistinctly to individual miners like asociativos.

3. Regularisation of Mining Jobs This line has the direct  collaboration  of diverse Regional Governments of our country through the designated Regional Bottoms of Regional Development (F.N.D.R.) And whose objective basic is to support technical and financially the regularisation of the basic requirements of the DS Nº 132 Regulation of Mining Security, regarding the obligation of the mining producers to present a project of exploitation and plan of closing for the approval of the service (Sernageomin).

The previous is a Ministerial commitment for increasing the standards of security in the exploitation of the mining activity and is gestionado by the diverse Regional Secretaries Ministerial of Minería along the country.

(CPL): The National Council of Clean Production

The National Council of Clean Production (CPL) define like an instance of dialogue and conjoint action between the public sector, the company and his workers, with the end of difundir and establish an approach of the environmental management that places the accent in the prevention of the pollution, more than in his final control.

For the previous, has to know and evaluate the initiatives that promote the clean production and the prevention of the pollution in the productive sector, and velar by that they adopt the necessary actions in diverse public institutions for such end.

Created by agreement N° 2091/2000 of the Council of the Corporación of Fomento of the Production (CORFO) in December of 2000; his origins trace back to 1998 with the creation by the Ministry of Economy of the Public Committee-Private of Clean Production.

His mission express in impulsar the clean production to attain main sustentabilidad, productive modernisation and competitiveness of the companies, with emphasis in the small and average, through the public cooperation-private and the articulation of the politics and decisions of the diverse actors.

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Instrument developed by the state to support to the small minería:

The companies and gremial associations that wish to enter to the plans of clean production will have a group of instruments of support developed by the government.

A. Bottom PL: The Bottom of Promotion of Clean Production (Bottom PL), is an initiative of the National Council of Clean Production (CPL), that has by purpose support to the companies, through his organisations, in the implementation of Clean Production.






B. Instruments of technical assistance for the modernisation: they describe distinct instruments of fomento of CORFO that support the implementation of measures of clean production in productive companies and of services..  

The instrument required already was to execute specific actions of an APL or in independent form of this, the companies can access other instruments developed by CORFO:

Bottom of Technical Assistance in Clean Production (FAT): technical Assistance that consists in integrating and enter practices of clean production of low investment (designated "soft technologies"), optimising the management of the company so much in productive terms and environmental.

Projects Asociativos of Fomento (PROFO): it Is a contribute no refundable of CORFO that covers part of the cost of the preparation and execution of a project of business asociativo, developed by groups of at least 5 companies, destined to attain put common of increase of competitiveness, so much for the group and for each integral company of this Project Asociativo of Fomento.

Program of Development of Providers (PDP): Oriented to increase the competitiveness of the productive chains and strengthen relations

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mutuamente profitable between a big company demandante and his providers of lower size, which, apropiándose of the profits of the program of development, attain a stable market and transfer of knowledges, in so much the company demandante ensures an abastecimiento permanent and of quality.

C. Instruments of support to the innovation: it Details a group of instruments developed by InnovaChile of CORFO to support actions of innovation in clean production.

The companies that wish or require to implement actions for innovar in clean production have of a group of instruments of support developed by CORFO, through Innova:

Skilled consulting Individual business innovation Program of Technological Diffusion(PDT) Innovation Pre competitive

D. Instruments of financiamiento: it Describes the group of instruments of support developed by CORFO to fund actions of clean production.

The companies that wish or require to fund actions of clean production have of a group of instruments of support developed by CORFO:

Guarantee Corfo Investment and Capital of Work: it Is a guarantee that avala financiamientos of long term, oriented to the segment of companies Mipyme. The guarantee can be used for operations of credit, leasing and leasback; designated in weights, UF, dollars and euros.

Credit Corfo Micro and Small Company: Credit that funds investments and capital of work of micro and small employers. Award through financial institutions no banking with resources of Corfo.

E. Frequent questions: it Presents frequent questions and his answers referents to the public instruments of support for the implementation of measures of clean production.

They divide in two lines: Support to gremial associations or groups of companies in PL or APL Support to companies in PL or APL

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SONAMI: The National Society of Minería

The National Society of Minería (SONAMI) is the gremial institution that agrupa and represent in Chile to the mining activity of big, average and small scale, metallic and no metallic.

It was founded the 26 of September of 1883. From his creation, has contributed to the development of the minería private and to the perfeccionamiento of the institucionalidad and mining legislation, as well as to the profesionalización of the workers of the sector. At present it gathers to 70 companies of the average and big minería and companies providers, as well as to 38 mining associations regional, that represent to more than three thousand small mining employers.

Aims of sonami focused to the small minería

1. Fomentar The development of the small minería

2. Be the referent of the small minería and represent to all his associated in front of authorities and national and international organisms.

3. Loan services of information and support to his associated in technical matters, legal, labour, environmental, tributarias and economic.

In the actuality, SONAMI has two foundations without ends of lucre, for the development of his strategic aims: the Foundation National Society of Minería and the Technological Foundation for the Minería, focused in the labour qualification and preparation of people, in the investigation, development and diffusion of the culture and the art; and in the diffusion and technological transfer.

Sernageomin: National service of Geology and Minería

The National Service of Geology and Minería (Sernageomin) is an organism descentralizado with juridical personality and own heritage, that has like aim asesorar to the Ministry of Minería and contribute with the programs of government in the development of mining and geological politics.

Aims of sernageomin focused to the small minería

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1. Incrementar The quantity, quality and coverage of the fiscalizaciones in Mining Security in the installations/fish, by means of the increase of fiscalizadores, with the object to give fulfillment to the valid rule, improve the conditions of security of the sector and diminish the accidentalidad.

2. Impulsar, regularizar and do follow-up to the projects of exploitation and closing of installations/fish mining in the small minería, ensuring the fulfillment of the rule and coordinating with the ministerial authorities.

3. Assist technically to the Courts of Justice in the process of constitution of concesiones mining, ensuring a timely answer to the files of exploration and exploitation, with the object to support the growth of the activity and mining investment.

Ministry of Health

The ministry of minería looks for to contribute to elevate the level of health of the population, develop armónicamente the systems of health, centred in the people, strengthen the control of the factors that can affect the health and reinforce the management of the national network of attention. All this to receive oportunamente the needs of the people, families and communities, with the obligation to surrender accounts to the citizenship and promote the participation of the same in the exercise of his rights and his duties.

Inside to what respecta to the small minería fits to highlight that the main aims of of the ministry is the promotion of healthy lifestyles and of works with decrease of the factors of risk for the health of all the inhabitants 

Coresemin: Regional committee of mining security

DGo in of the committees that can highlight by his importance in the minería national are the committee of the region of Antofagasta and Tarapacá.

The Regional Committee of Mining Security CORESEMIN Region of Antofagasta: it is a private Organism, without ends of lucres, called to develop a specific operative action, oriented in accordance with the characteristics and problems of the Region, in each sectorial activity. The aim of this Committee with what respecta to the small minería is to Promote and Develop the Prevention of Risks of Accidents and Professional Illnesses.

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The Regional Committee of Mining Security CORESEMIN Region of Tarapacá: The aims of

this entity focused in the small minería, is to promote and develop the prevention of risks of

accidents and professional illnesses, in the environments and activities in that desenvuelve

the mining community. Capacita And applies the principles and technical related with the

security and integral welfare of the worker and his family; the preservación of the goods in

general and the protection and conservation of the medioambiente