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Disability Awareness Training

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Disability Awareness Training - Make your institution accessible to people with disabilities.


  • 1. Disability AwarenessTraining

2. You will be able to answer these questions:Why make your museum, institution or site accessible to peoplewith disabilities?Who are your users with disabilities?How is disability defined?What is accessibility? How to welcome different groups of patronswith disabilities?What is Universal Design? 3. WHY MAKE YOUR INSTITUTION ACCESSIBLE TOPEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES?Institutional PerspectiveEconomic PerspectiveLegal Perspective 4. Institutional Perspective: Your AccessibilityMarket Not Only Museum VisitorsAccessibility is not just for your general public ofmuseum visitors! Your museum should also beaccessible for:your employeesyour board of directorsyour fundersyour artists, scientists, historians, performersmuseum service providers and vendorsanyone who comes through the doors 5. Economic Perspective: Why CreateAccess to the Arts?Museums and other cultural institutions cannot afford to lose, or excludeby omission, this large a group from their audience, staffing or fundingbase. Almost 1-in-6 Americans, or 56 million people, age 5 and over, experience adisability (2009), about 19%. 56 million Americans with disabilities have an aggregate income of $1 trillion,with disposable income of $220 billion (larger than the highly sought-after teenmarket of $170 billion). Of them 73% are heads of households; 58% own theirown homes; 48% are principal shoppers; 46% are married. 20.3 million of Americas 69.6 million families have at least one member witha disability. The disabilities of aging mobility, vision, hearing and cognition arecategories that will grow as the baby boom generation ages. Half of the BabyBoomers" over 65 have a disability. The Administration on Aging projects thatby 2030 there will be more than 69 million people age 65 and older. It is thefastest growing segment of the population. 6. Legal Perspective: Why CreateAccess to the Arts?Creating access is a legal responsibility, mandated by federalstatutes as well as state and local laws. If your state minimums arehigher than federal, you must meet your states codes.Keep in mind that the law outlines only the minimum requirements. 7. Disability Legislation: Overview Rehabilitation Act of 1973: Defines the rights of people with disabilities.Section 504 of this act forbids federally funded public and privateorganizations from excluding or denying individuals with disabilities an equalopportunity to receive benefits/services. Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990: Sets basic requirementsfor access to all to public spaces, including museums. Covers physicalrequirements for buildings/exhibits plus the need to provide equalexperiences/learning opportunities for people with disabilities. Telecommunications Act of 1996: Enables access for all Americans to thebenefits of the information superhighway. Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) of 1994: Designed toprotect the rights of students with disabilities by ensuring free appropriatepublic education to all, regardless of ability. Also provides federal financingto state/local educational agencies to guarantee special education forqualifying students. State and Local Accessibility Laws provide minimums for publicbuildings, transportation, etc. 8. Spirit of the Law:Equal Opportunity to ParticipateThe spirit of the law is that everyone must have an equalopportunity to participate in cultural life. In the best of allpossible worlds, accessibility is transparent and integrated intothe everyday functioning of the museum or institution. It shouldnot be a special service. Participation for people withdisabilities should be:As independent and discreet as possible. Activities,exhibitions and services, as much as is practicable, should notbe segregated from other visitor's experiences.As complete as possible. The aim of accessibilityaccommodations is to provide comparable level of informationand experience as is given to visitors without disabilities. 9. ADA ResourcesFor more information contact your regional Disability andBusiness Technical Assistance Centers (DBTACs). They providepublic awareness materials, technical assistance, training, andreferrals on the ADA. For more information visit their website: reach the Center in your region, call toll-free: V/TTY:1-800-949-4232Copies of ADA publications are available at no or reasonablecost. 10. HOWIS DISABILITY DEFINED?Paradigm Shift: From Medical Disability Model to SocialModelNew Definition of Disability and Its Impact of DefiningAccessibilityInvisible Disabilities 11. Changing View of Disability Disability is a human reality that has been perceived differently bydiverse cultures and historical periods. For most of the 20th century, disability was defined according to amedical models. Disability has traditionally been assumed to be a way to characterizea particular set of largely static, functional limitations. This led to stereotyping and defining a person by condition orlimitations. 12. Disability RedefinedDisability is theworlds largestminority group and itis one that anyonecan join at any time. 13. New World Health Organization (WHO)Definition of DisabilitiesIn 2001, the WHO established a new definition ofdisability; it is based on human rights, or social models,and focuses on the interaction between a person with adisability and the environment. DISABILITY is anumbrella term, which includes several components: impairments: a problem in body function or structure activity limitations: a difficulty encountered by anindividual in executing a task or action participation restrictions: a problem experienced byan individuals involvement in life situations 14. New View: Social or Human Rights Model This places emphasis on contextual factors and the role played bysocieties and institutions (including cultural institutions) in defining,causing, or maintaining a disability, or disabling experiences. This paradigm shift allows us to focus on strategies that minimizedisabling experiences rather than correct or modify the individualwith a disability. 15. Paradigm Shift: Definition of DisabilityOLD APPROACH A diagnosis An person is limited by theimpairment or condition A medical "problem"NEW PARADIGM Individuals with temporaryor permanent impairmentsrequire accommodations tocarry out life activities A socio-environmental issueinvolving accessibility,accommodations, andequity 16. Paradigm Shift:Strategies to Address DisabilityOLD APPROACH Fix the individual Correct the deficit Provide medical, vocational,or psychologicalrehabilitation services People with disabilities areobjects of intervention,research subjects orpatientsNEW PARADIGM Remove barriers Access throughaccommodations anduniversal design Opportunities and educationfor a range of abilities Patrons with disabilities getinvolved as communitymembers, advisors, decisionmakers 17. New Definition of Disability and Its Impact onDefining AccessibilityDisability is a mainstream experience of being human, notsomething that resides in some individuals. All of usexperience some change in ability, whether permanent ortemporary.Disability as a contextual experience. Functional limitationis a fact. Disability is a phenomenon of the experience thatoccurs by the individual intersecting with the environment,including physical, information, communication, social, andpolicy environments.Valerie Fletcher, Institute for Human Centered Design 18. Invisible DisabilitiesMany people who benefit from or need accessibleaccommodations may not identify themselves as having adisability. WHY? Changes may be temporary, such as the result of an accidentor as a side effect of medication. Changes are incremental and happen slowly, so the momentwhen we identify ourselves as having a disability never arrives. Most people over 60 have or will have acquired limitations.As we age, we cant walk as far, and our eyes, ears, and handsdont work as well. The need for accessibility better lighting, larger print,magnified sound, accessible elevators and bathrooms, or moreseating will remain. 19. AccessibilityCommunication StrategiesAccessible DesignAccommodations and Enhancements: Mobility,Cognitive, and SensoryAccessible Web 20. Accessibility Skills: Communication StrategiesPeople-first LanguageCommunication Tips: BasicsWelcoming People with Physical DisabilitiesWelcoming People who are Deaf or Hard of HearingWelcoming People with Autism, Alzheimers and their FamiliesWelcoming People who are Visually ImpairedSighted Guide Technique 21. People-first LanguagePeople-first language emphasizes the person, not thedisability. Disability is not the primary, definingcharacteristic of an individual, but one of several aspectsof the whole person. Note re: Deaf Culture. Many people who are D/deafcommunicate using American Sign Language and considerthemselves to be members of a cultural and linguistic minority.Other individuals who are deaf or hard of hearingcommunicate through listening and spoken language.As always: If you dont know, ask the person what is preferred. 22. People-first LanguagePeople-first Language people with disabilities he has an intellectual disability my son has autism she has Down syndrome he has a learning disability she has a physical disability hes of short stature or hes short she has an emotional disability he uses a wheelchair typical kids or kids without disabilities she receives special educationservices/additional support services accessible parking, bathrooms, etc. she has a need forLabels Not to Use the handicapped or disabled the mentally retarded my son is autistic shes a Downs kid, amongoloid hes learning disabled shes crippled hes a dwarf (or midget) shes emotionally disturbed hes wheelchair bound orconfined to a wheelchair normal and/or healthy kid shes in special ed handicapped parking,bathrooms, etc. she has a problem withThis material is reprinted with the permission of 1999 The North Carolina Office on Disability and Health 23. Common Stereotypes to Avoid Representing or treating a person with a disabilityas dependent or as an object of pity Putting the person with a disability on a pedestal Representing the person with a disability as havingspecial gifts or abilities because of his or herdisability 24. Communication Tips: Basics Dont be afraid to make a mistake. Treat adults as adults. Dont make assumptions about what a person can orcannot do. Ask before giving assistance. If you offer help and theperson says no, dont insist. If the answer is yes, askhow you can best help and follow directions. If someone with a disability is accompanied by anotherindividual, address the person with a disability directly.Dont speak through the other person. Expect diversity of preferences and opinions. 25. WelcomingPeople with Physical Disabilities Personal space includes a persons wheelchair,crutches, cane or other mobility aid. Never move themwithout permission. Do not push a persons wheelchair or grab the arm ofsomeone walking with difficulty without first asking if youcan help. When speaking to a person using a wheelchair for morethan a few minutes, try to find a seat for yourself so thatthe two of you are at eye level. 26. WelcomingPeople who Are D/deaf or Hard of Hearing Ask the person how he or she prefers to communicate. If you are speaking through an interpreter, remember that theinterpreter may lag a few words behind. Pause occasionally. Talk directly to the person who is D/deaf or hard of hearing, not tothe interpreter. Before you speak, make sure you have the persons attentionand that he/she is looking at you. A wave, a light touch on theshoulder are appropriate ways to get attention. If an individualuses listening and spoken language, saying the individuals nameis an appropriate way to get his or her attention. Speak in a clear, expressive manner. Do not over enunciate orexaggerate words, or raise your voice. The goal is communication; dont pretend to understand if you didnot. Ask the person to repeat it or write it down. 27. Speech- or Lip-reading: Things to Remember It is important to note that not all D/deaf individuals can lip-read. At best it is about a 50% guess, with the remainderunderstood through context. Sometimes words aremissed and many words look the same on the lips, suchas when forming words containing f and v, s and z,sh and ch and b, m and p. As a result, names ofpeople, places, or things (words that cannot be figuredout) should be spelled out. Make sure there is lighting on your face, and keep yourhands and other objects away from your mouth. Face the person directly and maintain eye contact. Dontturn your back or walk around while talking. 28. WelcomingPeople who Are D/deaf or Hard of Hearing (cont.) If the person uses sign language, and you know any American SignLanguage (ASL) or fingerspelling, try it. If you offer museum programs in ASL, consider training anindividual who is fluent in ASL to facilitate your program. Have staff trained to take calls via relay from D/deaf callers. If you can provide an Email address for reservations (as opposedto a phone number), this is much easier for many D/deaf to use. People who are D/deaf or hard of hearing use assistive listeningdevices, hearing loops, captioned films, and captioned museumtours. One option is CART (Communication Access Real-time Translation,also referred to as real-time captioning; can done via theInternet). Often, your visitor can voice for herself (expressivecommunication) and uses CART to understand what others aresaying, especially in meetings, classrooms, or large events(receptive communication). 29. Welcoming People with Dementiaand their FamiliesWhen first meeting a visitor with dementia: Be open hearted. People with dementia respondwell to genuine hospitality. Speak directly to the person. Assume thathe/she is capable of responding. Wait for a response. It takes people withdementia longer to process information,especially when they are in a new environment. 30. Welcoming People with Dementiaand their Families (cont.)When greeting a visitor with dementia: Make eye contact with the person. Get to eye level.Shake hands upon greeting. Introduce yourself. Ask, And you are? Give clear directions to waiting areas, coat room,restrooms (one at a time). Use gesture to clarify directions. 31. Welcoming People with Dementiaand their Families (cont.)When giving a group tour: Provide a name tag in a large, bold font for each participant. Introduce the group leader. Use simple, bold signage to enhance orientation (example: 4thfloor go right ). These signs may be generated specifically forthe visit. When moving through the museum, be clear about where you aregoing. For instance, say, We are taking this elevator to 4. People with dementia do not want sympathy. Include them inconversation and activities. Listen. People with dementia may have surprising andremarkable insights to share. 32. Welcoming People with AutismBasics Autism is a broad spectrum disorder. Some people withautism are unable to verbalize. If a person does notrespond to a verbal question, assume they understoodyou, but may not be able to speak. If possible, offer another means of communication, suchas pen/paper, or an iPad. Many people with autism have auditory processingissues. Do not give multi-step commands or use run-onsentences. Straightforward, clear remarks are best. Some people with autism are sensitive to touch, andsome may react with intensity when touched. Museumstaff and security should be aware of this. 33. Welcoming People with Autism (cont.)Stimming Many people with autism appear disconnected, may notmake eye contact, and may have stereotypy (stims)such as handclapping or rocking (and some have verbalstims). Do not assume that they are not taking everythingin; they are. People may stim for a variety of reasons, such asbecause they are in an unfamiliar place or are excited.Stimming may be how the person with autism regulatesincoming sensory stimulation to avoid beingoverwhelmed by stimuli. Do not discourage them unless, of course, it presents a danger. 34. Welcoming People with Autism (cont.) People with autism may have visual processingdifficulties. In particular, sudden and unexpectedmovement can be disturbing to them. Security staffshould avoid rushing up to someone who, for instance, isstimming. Crowds can be challenging for people with autism.Museum personnel should know where there is a quietspace to which they can direct families, if needed. Loud noises can be disturbing and, conversely, low-levelnoises, such as buzzing from fluorescent lights (whichalso might flicker) can be bothersome. Be aware thatsomething most people might not react to could be anissue for a person with autism whose sensory system isvery sensitive. 35. Welcoming People with Autism (cont.)Social story If providing programs for groups of children oradults with autism, develop a social story about avisit to the museum that can be made available tothe group or families with members with autism priorto the visit. Previewing an experience and having a sense ofwhat to expect is important to people on the autismspectrum. See the example in the resource section. 36. Welcoming People with Autism (cont.)When giving a group tour: At the beginning of a group visit, set clearparameters and explain how long you will be doingcertain activities. Reminders are important as well. For many peoplewith autism, transitions can be difficult, so lettingthem know that a transition is coming up isimportant. Alert people in advance if you are entering a spacewith films or videos that include bright lights, loudnoises, abrupt actions. 37. Welcoming People with Autism (cont.)Preparing for eventuality Have a system in place to assist a person withautism who is lost in the museum. This isparticularly important for someone who is non-verbalor has limited verbal skills. Consider providing special name tags or badges tofamilies/groups that include a people with autism.This would help reunite someone who is lost withhis/her group. 38. Welcoming People who Are Blindor Have Low Vision Dont assume that help is needed. Always askbefore providing assistance. Never push, pull or grab a blind person. This canbe frightening and its often embarrassing. Dont shout. Most blind people have normalhearing. Speak clearly and strongly if you know thatan older visually impaired person also has a hearingproblem. Introduce yourself. Not everyone recognizesvoices or remembers them. 39. Welcoming People who Are Blindor Have Low Vision (cont.) Identify yourself when entering a room and letthe blind person know when you are leaving.Dont leave a blind person talking to an emptyroom. Dont leave a blind person standing alone in anopen space. Dont hesitate to use words like see andlook. Give explicit directions to a blind person, such ason your left, to the right of your plate, threeblocks north. Do not use hand signals. 40. Sighted Guide TechniqueBasic technique:The person who is blindor has low vision holdsthe guides arm lightlyabove the elbow andallows the guide to walkone-half step ahead. Thisallows him or her to feeland follow the guidesdirection. 41. Accommodations Used to CreateEqual Access for AllThere are three basic types of accommodations orenhancements that make an environment moreaccessible for people with disabilities: Mobility enhancements Cognitive enhancements Sensory enhancements.Some of them we have already mentioned. 42. Mobility: Not Just WheelchairsKeep in mind: Wheelchairs come in a variety of styles and sizes, withmany types of attachments available. Only some areassisted by someone who pushes the chair. Other assistive devices include Segways, service dogs,canes, walkers, and adaptive devices for grippingobjects, writing or drawing, or for activities of dailyliving, such as drinking or eating. 43. Sensory Enhancements For those who have difficulty accessingvisual information, accommodationsinclude large print and Braille, verbal andaudio description, tactile and soundexperiences, and magnifying devices andother assistive technologies. For those who have difficulty accessingaural information or sounds,accommodations include: Sign languageinterpreters, assistive listening devices,text transcripts, captioning, anddescriptive cues. 44. Cognitive or Learning EnhancementsInformation can be presented in a variety of ways.Examples of alternate representations of contentInclude: Visual: Images or diagrams, maps, charts orgraphs Tactile: Tactile diagrams, maps and graphics,Braille, other tactile experiences Auditory: Audio-guides, music, sound effects Text: Large print, digital media, captioning 45. Cognitive or Learning Enhancements (cont.)During group tours or other structured programming,cognitive accommodations might include: Adjustments in pace, content, and choice of language Allowing extra time for transitions in activity or location Keeping group size small Modifying light and sound levels Avoiding perceptual and sensory overloads 46. Creating an Accessible EnvironmentUniversal DesignUniversal Design for LearningAccessible Web 47. What is Universal Design?Universal Design is part of a spectrum ofmaking places, things, programs, policies, andinformation usable by all people, to the greatestextent possible, without the need for adaptationor specialized design. 48. Principles of Universal Design* Equitable Use: The design does not disadvantage or stigmatize any group ofusers. Flexibility in Use: The design accommodates a wide range of individualpreferences and abilities. Simple, Intuitive Use: Use of the design is easy to understand, regardless ofthe user's experience, knowledge, language skills, or current concentrationlevel. Perceptible Information: The design communicates necessary informationeffectively to the user, regardless of ambient conditions or the user's sensoryabilities. Tolerance for Error: The design minimizes hazards and the adverseconsequences of accidental or unintended actions. Low Physical Effort: The design can be used efficiently and comfortably, andwith a minimum of fatigue. Size and Space for Approach and Use: Appropriate size and space isprovided for approach, reach, manipulation, and use, regardless of the user'sbody size, posture, or mobility. 49. Accessible Exhibit Design Elements Easy to understand regardless of user experience,knowledge, language skills, or concentration levels Clear organization of important information Redundant, multimodal presentations: Pictorial,verbal, tactile, audio Inclusive, not segregated experiences Provide choice in how to use and allow user toadapt pace Minimize fatigue: physical and sensory Allow size and space for approach and use: Line ofsight and reach, whether seated or standing Adequate space for assistive device or personalassistance 50. Universal Design for Learning Principles(CAST, of a universally-designed learningenvironment: Multiple means of representation learners have a variety of ways to acquireinformation and knowledge Multiple means of expression learners have alternative means for demonstratingwhat they know Multiple means of engagement learners' interests are piqued; they are appropriatelychallenged and motivated to learn 51. Accessible Web Web accessibility means that people with disabilities canperceive, understand, navigate, and interact with awebsite, and that they can contribute to the Web. Remember that your whole site, and not only itsaccessibility section, needs to be legible and accessible. Web accessibility benefits other users as well, includingolder people with changing abilities due to aging. Webaccessibility encompasses all disabilities that affectaccess to the Web, including visual, auditory, physical,speech, cognitive, and neurological disabilities. 52. The following people/organizations contributed to this presentation: Alexander Graham Bell Association for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing David Barclay, LCSW-C, Ph.D., Gallaudet University Peggy Becker, NY Metro Chapter of the National Autism Association Valerie Fletcher, Institute for Human-Centered Design Nancy Lee Hendley, Alzheimers Association, New York City Chapter Lise Hamlin, Hearing Loss Association of America Laurie Hanin, Ph.D., Center for Hearing and Communication Kristen Johnson, Ph.D,, Ohio State University, Sabeeha Rehman. NY Metro Chapter of the National Autism Assn. Kim Mack Rosenberg, NY Metro Chapter of the National Autism Assn. Robert I. Roth, University of Washington, Seattle Lisa Rudley, NY Metro Chapter of the National Autism Assn. 2011 Art Beyond Sight/Art Education for the Blind