traits a ceo should possess


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Page 1: Traits a CEO should possess

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 Traits a CEO should possess

In Terms of Perception, Personality,

Motivation and Intelligence 

Submitted to 

Dr. Parveen Huque


Department of Psychology

University of Dhaka

Submitted by 

Kazi Prottoy Ahmed

ZR- 84

BBA 21 st


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Letter of Transmittal

December 24, 2014.

Dr. Parveen Haque


Department of Psychology

University of Dhaka

Subject: Letter of transmittal for Psychology course assignment

Dear Madam,

This is the assignment prepared for the course Psychology (Z101). The traits of a CEO of

a company as in MNC have been described as per your instruction.

I sincerely hope that I am able to fulfill the course requirements effectively through the

submission of this assignment. I have put in my best efforts to contribute towards the

successful completion of this report. I hope that you will accept my assignment and that

it will reach your level of expectations. I have tried to make the report as comprehensive

as I possibly could.


Kazi Prottoy

ZR – 84

BBA 21st Batch, Section B

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Character Traits:

Character traits are all the aspects of a person’s behavior and attitudes that make up that person’s

 personality. Everyone has character traits, both good and bad. Even characters in books have character

traits. Character traits are often shown with descriptive adjectives, like patient, unfaithful, or jealous.

The old expression that actions speak louder than words is very true when it comes to character traits. We

can learn about who people are and what their character traits are by watching how they interact with the

world and paying attention to how they treat you and interact with us. There are literally countless

character traits that we can identify in others, and that you can identify in yourself.

Typical Roles and Responsibilities of a CEO:

The responsibilities of an organization's CEO are set by the organization's board of directors or other

authority, depending on the organization's legal structure. They can be far-reaching or quite limited and

are typically enshrined in a formal delegation of authority.

Typically, the CEO/MD has responsibilities as a director, decision maker, leader, manager and executor.

The communicator role can involve the press and the rest of the outside world, as well as the

organization's management and employees; the decision-making role involves high-level decisions about

 policy and strategy. As a leader of the company, the CEO/MD advises the board of directors, motivates

employees, and drives change within the organization. As a manager, the CEO/MD presides over the

organization's day-to-day operations.

Traits that should be possessed by a CEO 

In this assignment, the traits that should be possessed by a CEO of a Multi National Company will be

discussed in terms of Perception, Motivation, Intelligence and Personality.

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Perception is the organization, identification, and interpretation of sensory information in order to

represent and understand the environment. All perception involves signals in the nervous system which in

turn result from physical or chemical stimulation of the sense organs. In terms of perception, there are

three attributes that best enable a leader to maximize the efforts of the 21st century workforce: realistic

optimism, subservience to purpose and finding order in chaos.

Reali stic Optimism

Realistic optimism is especially important for a workforce. CEOs should acknowledge the obstacles, but

then make it clear that the organization intends to prevail in spite of the challenges. CEOs should use the

organization’s  mission and vision to inspire people, and make them invest and support one another with a

culture of can-do and sacrifice. People will feel proud of making a sacrifice if the end gain is worth it.

When we put what you cannot control out of the picture, what we are optimistic about is human

ingenuity. Kevin Sharer, CEO of Amgen, said, “With al l the things that are going on in today’s

workplace, if you’re not a little bit self -reflective and self-aware, you’re not going to make it.” 

Subservience to Purpose

Subservience to purpose means developing affect tolerance or “the ability to channel intense reactions to

recurring setbacks in a way that not only avoids hampering you, but also constructively keeps you and

your organization moving forward toward maximum potential.”

It is vital that a CEO understand the outsized effect that their emotional behaviors have on their people.

 Not managing your emotions and reactions — especially in a stressful environment — will hinder other

 people’s progress. He must temper the intensity of his responses “with the awareness of the unequal

 power dynamics you share with your team.” This also means keeping in check of his sense of self -

importance. Fred Smith, founder, chairman, and CEO of FedEx said:

“ As a founder, you must be able to resist any temptation to let the organization become a cult of

 personality built around you. FedEx isn’t about me. When I walk out the door here, this

organization won’t miss a beat.” 

Br in ing Order to Chaos

This attribute is about maintaining clarity of thought and a drive to solve the puzzle. Maintaining clarityof thought is developed by learning how to manage your stress in such a way that it fuels your focus and

increases your clarity. To do this, one must seek out experiences that support your sense of competence

under duress —“managing adrenaline without panic and gaining confidence that the sensations that stress

induces will not lead to collapse.” 

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Motivational Leadership is an art form where a CEO implements a model and strategy for influencing

 people to follow them. They are interested in building a safe and trusting environment, as well as ensuring

the company is positioned to be successful in the marketplace. Motivational CEOs share the following


1. Pur pose

Inspiring leaders believe that success serves a higher purpose. When you ask what motivates them, they

talk about making other people successful.

2. Giving Back

Inspiring leaders feel an obligation to "give back." Their long-term plans usually include pro bono work

or even endowing a charity.

3. Grati tude

Inspiring leaders are deeply grateful. They know that their success is hugely dependent upon accidents of

 birth and circumstance.

4. Beli efs & Values

Inspiring leaders treasure their beliefs. They don't wear their values on their sleeves, but their deeply held

convictions pervade everything they say and do.

5. Empathy  

Inspiring leaders care about people. They agree with Bill Gates that the fortunate few have an obligation

to help those who are less fortunate.

6. Team Focus  

Inspiring leaders spread the credit. They never brag about themselves. Instead they redirect praise toward

everyone else on the team.


Over the last decade there has been a huge increase in evidence that emotional intelligence is an important

factor in leadership. Numerous studies have shown a positive relationship between emotionally intelligentleadership and employee satisfaction, retention, and performance.


The basis of any degree of emotional intelligence is awareness of our own emotions, what causes

them, and how we react to them. Leaders who are more aware are able to develop skills that will

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help them manage their own emotions, allowing them to respond more effectively to situations

that come up.


The more self-awareness that leaders have, the higher will be their awareness of the emotions of

others around them. Having an awareness of emotions, how they are created, and how they

influence people will allow them to not take emotions of others, such as anger, personally.


Most people fall into the habit of thinking of a response, while others are speaking instead of

actively listening. Emotionally strong leaders avoid that trap, realizing that they need to

understand not only the content of what others are saying, but also pick up the feelings behind

the words that are being spoken.


Effective leaders are not only aware of what is going on with their people in one-to-one

conversations; they are able to pick up the mood and feelings of their work environment. Tuned

in emotionally, they are aware of the many factors that can influence the feelings of their



Emotionally intelligent leaders are able to anticipate how their people are likely to react to

situations and don’t wait until after the damage is done to respond. If they are aware that bad

news is coming, such as anticipated layoffs, business closures, and other events, they do what

they can to openly to respond to them before they happen.


There are dozens of personal traits that can affect leadership. The ways leaders develop and deploy the

eight know-hows are especially influenced by a handful of them: ambition, drive and tenacity, self-

confidence, psychological openness, realism and an insatiable appetite for learning.

Ambition: A desire to achieve something visible and noteworthy propels individual leaders and their

companies to strive to reach their potential. Leaders need a healthy dose of it to push themselves and


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Drive and Tenacity: Some leaders have an inner motor  that pushes them to get to the heart of an issue

and find solutions. They drill for specific answers and don’t give up until they get them. Their  high

energy is infectious. They consistently drive their priorities through the organization.

Self-Confidence: You have to be able to listen to your own inner voice and endure the lonely momentswhen an important decision falls on your shoulders. You have to be able to speak your mind and act

decisively, knowing that you can withstand the consequences. It’s not a matter of acting tough. It’s having

a tough inner core, or what some refer to as emotional fortitude. Underlying fears and insecurities can be

 just as detrimental to your know-hows as can excessive self-confidence in the form of narcissism or


Psychological Openness: The willingness to allow yourself to be influenced by other people and to share

your ideas openly enhances the know-hows, while being psychologically closed can cause problems.

Leaders who are psychologically open seek diverse opinions, so they see and hear more and factor a

wider range of information into their decisions. Their openness permeates the social system, enhancing

candor and communication.

Realism: Realism is the mid-point between optimism and pessimism, and the degree to which you tend

toward one or the other has a particularly powerful effect on your use of the know-hows. Optimism can

lead, for example, to ambitious goals that outstrip the company’s ability to accomplish them or can

compromise your judgments of people: “I know his ego has no bounds, but I can coach him to become a

team player.” But pessimists don’t want to hear ambitious plans or bold initiatives and can find all the

flaws and risks in pursuing them when they do. They’re likely to miss opportunities. 

Appetite for Learning: Know-hows improve with exposure to diverse situations with increasing levels

of complexity, so an eagerness for new challenges is essential. Leaders who seek out new experiences andlearn from them will build their know-hows faster than those who don’t. 


A CEO of a Multi National Company holds the most important post available. So, for managing his

responsibilities he should possess the traits that will lead him towards the effective handling of the

 pressure and performing his roles accordingly. A CEO has to be intelligent enough to understand hissurrounding and implement available resources to its fullest potential. He also needs to motivate his

subordinates to have things done correctly and timely. So it is very important for a CEO to possess certain

traits and develop them in needs.

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Understanding Psychology; 10th Edition; Robert S. Feldman