trakcare training document bms


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Cwm Taf University Health BoardHTD17 TrakCare Training Document

Next Review 23/05/2018

TrakCare Training Document (BMS)CONTROL SHEET

 Version number 2.1 Replaces version number 2.0

Reference number HTD17Operative date of

this version 09/07/2016

Next review date 23/05/2018Compiled by Shane Allen

Authorised by David NealeLocation of

master Sharepoint



reference Details of change Date change implemented Authorised by

All Training document split into HTD17 BMS and HTD21 MLA 23/05/2016 S Allen

All ‘Able’ changed to ‘Has been shown’ 09/07/2016 S Allen

Details of modifications to this document must be authorised by a senior member of staff in Haematology

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Page 2: TrakCare Training Document BMS

Cwm Taf University Health BoardHTD21 TrakCare Training Document v1.0

Next Review Date 13/04/2016

TrakCare Training Document (BMS)

Name of Trainee:


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Area of Training Date Complete SignatureDocumentation

Log On

Patient Entry

Lab Results Inquiry

Send Tests



Reporting Module

Lab Results Entry

Lab Results Verify

Instrument Results

Page 3: TrakCare Training Document BMS

Cwm Taf University Health BoardHTD21 TrakCare Training Document v1.0

Next Review Date 13/04/2016

Documentation Signed Trainee Signed Trainer

Have read, understood and signed relevant SOP’s:

BSLIMS - 1 Logging into TrakCare ………………. ……………….

BSLIMS - 2 Request Entry ………………. ……………….

BSLIMS - 3 Patient Inquiry ………………. ……………….

BSLIMS - 4 Manual Result Entry ………………. ……………….

BSLIMS - 5 Pre Analysis Validation ………………. ……………….

BSLIMS - 6 Grid Processing ………………. ……………….

BSLIMS - 7 Processing Films ………………. ……………….

BSLIMS - 8 Managing Phone List ………………. ……………….

BSLIMS - 9 Entering Results from referred samples ………………. ……………….

BSLIMS - 10 Scanning Procedures ………………. ……………….

BSLIMS - 11 Label Printing ………………. ……………….

BSLIMS - 12 Outstanding Lists ………………. ……………….

BSLIMS - 13 Sample Storage ………………. ……………….

BSLIMS - 14 TrakCare Failure Backup Procedure ………………. ……………….

BSLIMS - 15 Specimen Referral and Receipt ………………. ……………….

BSLIMS - 16 Report Printing ………………. ……………….

BSLIMS - 17 Amending Authorised Results ………………. ……………….

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Page 4: TrakCare Training Document BMS

Cwm Taf University Health BoardHTD21 TrakCare Training Document v1.0

Next Review Date 13/04/2016

Log On Signed Trainee Signed Trainer

Has been shown how to demonstrate logging in/out of the

system ……………… ..…………….

Has been informed about the importance of using individual

passwords ……………… ..…………….

Has been informed about the importance of logging off

correctly ……………… ..…………….

Patient Entry Signed Trainee Signed Trainer

Has been shown how to access Patient Entry screen ……………… ..…………….

Has been shown how to use barcode scanner to retrieve

patient details ……………… ..…………….

Has been shown how to use EMPI search and select correct

patient ……………… ..…………….

Has been shown how to enter a new patient ……………… ..…………….

Has been shown how to use barcode scanner to enter GP and

location details ……………… ..…………….

Has been shown how to look up, search and select doctor and

location details ……………… ..…………….

Has been shown how to search/enter coded clinical details or

free text ……………… ..…………….

Has been shown how to enter collection/receipt details ……………… ..…………….

Has been shown how to add ‘copy to’ reports ……………… ..…………….

Has been shown how to add tests manually or by F4 lookup ……………… ..…………….

Has been shown how to assign a rejection reason to a test set ……………… ..…………….

Has been shown how to remove rejection reason from test set ……………… ..…………….

Has been shown how to enter appropriate specimen information

when prompted ……………… ..…………….

Has been shown how to enter an anonymous patient ……………… ..…………….

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Page 5: TrakCare Training Document BMS

Cwm Taf University Health BoardHTD21 TrakCare Training Document v1.0

Next Review Date 13/04/2016 Informed about the difference in Update, Clear, OK and Exit ……………… ..…………….

Lab Results Inquiry Signed Trainee Signed Trainer

Has been shown how to access Lab Results Inquiry screen ……………… ..…………….

Has been shown how to search by Episode number, Hospital

number ……………… ..…………….

Has been shown how to launch Patient Inquiry screen to search

by patient details ……………… ..…………….

Has been informed of the difference between authorised and

Non-authorised results ……………… ..…………….

Has been shown how to add on requests using Test set

maintenance ……………… ..…………….

Has been shown the Demographic panel, interactive buttons

and various menu options ……………… ..…………….

Has been shown how to Re-print result ……………… ..…………….

Has been shown how to add ‘Copy to’ reports ……………… ..…………….

Has been shown how to search results from another hospital ……………… ..…………….

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Page 6: TrakCare Training Document BMS

Cwm Taf University Health BoardHTD21 TrakCare Training Document v1.0

Next Review Date 13/04/2016

Lab Result Entry Signed Trainee Signed Trainer

Has been shown how to access Lab Result Entry ……………… ..…………….

Has been shown how to search for an episode/patient using the

various search functions ……………… ..…………….

Has been shown the difference between Mandatory

/Non-mandatory fields ……………… ..…………….

Has been shown the difference between Reportable and

non reportable fields ……………… ..…………….

Has been shown that result entry fields can include standard

comments, numeric, free-text. ……………… ..…………….

Has been shown the functionality behind the various

menu options, demographic panel and interactive buttons ……………… ..…………….

Has been shown how to re-print reports ……………… ..…………….

Has been shown how to Authorise/De-authorise result ……………… ..…………….

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Page 7: TrakCare Training Document BMS

Cwm Taf University Health BoardHTD21 TrakCare Training Document v1.0

Next Review Date 13/04/2016

Send Tests Signed Trainee Signed Trainer

Has been shown how to access the Send Tests module ……………… ..…………….

Has been shown how to search for samples to send and

how to filter by test sets ……………… ..…………….

Has been shown how to create a packaging slip ……………… ..…………….

Has been informed of the difference between send and

send later ……………… ..…………….

Has been shown how to receipt samples ……………… ..…………….

Has been shown how to re-print referral slips ……………… ..…………….

Storage Signed Trainee Signed Trainer

Has been shown how to access the Storage module ……………… ..…………….

Has been shown how to search for storage container and how

to search for sample ……………… ..…………….

Has been shown how to store and remove sample(s) from a rack ……………… ..…………….

Has been shown how to dispose of an entire rack of samples ……………… ..…………….

Has been shown how to restore accidentally disposed rack ……………… ..…………….

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Page 8: TrakCare Training Document BMS

Cwm Taf University Health BoardHTD21 TrakCare Training Document v1.0

Next Review Date 13/04/2016

Scanning Signed Trainee Signed Trainer

Has been shown how to access the scanning module ……………… ..…………….

Has been shown how to scan request forms/referral test reports ……………… ..…………….

Has been shown how to amend incorrect scanned barcode

numbers ……………… ..…………….

Has been shown how to view scanned images in Scanned Image

Viewer ……………… ..…………….

Has been shown how to print scanned images from Scanned

Image Viewer ……………… ..…………….

Reporting Module Signed Trainee Signed Trainer

Has been shown how to access the Reporting module ……………… ..…………….

Has been shown how to generate outstanding/results entered

unauthorised lists ……………… ..…………….

Has been shown how to view and print slide/sample labels ……………… ..…………….

Has been shown how to view and print outstanding work in

containers ……………… ..…………….

Has been shown how to view and print outstanding work

sent away ……………… ..…………….

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Page 9: TrakCare Training Document BMS

Cwm Taf University Health BoardHTD21 TrakCare Training Document v1.0

Next Review Date 13/04/2016

Lab Result Verify Signed Trainee Signed Trainer

Has been shown how to access Lab Result Verify ……………… ..…………….

Has been shown the various queues and display options ……………… ..…………….

Has been shown how to access and process episodes

on Phone Queue ……………… ..…………….

Has been shown how to access and process episodes on

various queues associated with laboratory protocol ……………… ..…………….

Has been shown the functionality behind the various menu

options, demographic panel and interactive buttons ……………… ..…………….

Has been shown how to move episodes from one VQ to another ……………… ..…………….

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Page 10: TrakCare Training Document BMS

Cwm Taf University Health BoardHTD21 TrakCare Training Document v1.0

Next Review Date 13/04/2016

Instrument Results Signed Trainee Signed Trainer

Has been shown how to access Instrument Results ……………… ..…………….

Has been shown how to select analyser and test group ……………… ..…………….

Has been shown how to select and access an episode ……………… ..…………….

Has been shown how to place a test set on hold ……………... .……………...

Has been shown that an underlined result indicates two results

and knows how to access both results ……………… ..…………….

Has been shown how to access the colours associated with results

in the grid ……………… ..…………….

Has been shown how to authorise or refer to a VQ list ……………… ..…………….

Has been shown how to access phone log ……………… ..…………….

Has been shown the difference between Reportable and

non-report fields ……………… ..…………….

Has been shown that result entry fields can include standard

comments, numeric, free-text ……………… ..…………….

Has been shown the functionality behind the various menu

options, demographic panel and interactive buttons ……………… ..…………….

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Cwm Taf University Health BoardHTD21 TrakCare Training Document v1.0

Next Review Date 13/04/2016


The member of staff has successfully achieved the level of competence on one or more occasions as required and has been observed by the trainer to work in accordance with standard operating procedures.

Trainers Name: Shane Allen

Trainers Signature:

Trainee’s Name:

Trainee’s Signature:

Date of completion:

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