travelling embers

life-promoting insights from the soul of the earth Travelling Embers T r av e l l i n g E m b e r s

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Embers of the World, a concept and toolkit, acts as a catalyst for change and facilitator of transformation. Travelling Embers is a portfolio of reflections from the author’s global journeys over many years. It is hoped that through sharing these embers, unique and personal experiences will surface in the reader, facilitating self-development, self-leadership and life-promoting insights. When the world speaks to you, what do you hear?


l i fe-promoting insights from the soul of the earth

Travelling EmbersT r a v e l l i n g E m b e r s

Travelling EmbersT r a v e l l i n g E m b e r s

ISBN 978-1-61364-051-7

First published 2009

Second edition 2011

Creative Commons 3.0 Unported

Authored and self-published by Debbie Nicol

Creator of Embers of the World

When the world speaks to you, what do you hear?

Travelling EmbersT r a v e l l i n g E m b e r s





Travelling Embers is dedicated to those around the world who wish to inspire, and become inspired,

through reflection and connection.

The Embers Concept

Stories flow naturally around campfires. Embers flick from the flames randomly and dissipate into oblivion. Or do they?

Are our interactions and connections intended to work that way? One person, one event, one message, a flick of the eye, yet mesmerisingly so, cemented in the unseen, untapped unconsciousness, remaining dormant until the learning or reflection may be needed. What a contribution these embers have made to my changing life!

Settle into your campfire scene, open a bag of marshmallows and start toasting away as you tap into the embers of your own experiences.

1Memory Around

The Campfire

The older lady always appeared detached, different and alone in her thoughts.

I however was too attached, too irritated by the one loud member of our tourist group, the one who seemed to wear the label ‘it’s all about me’. She was constantly the centre of attention, the centre I usually existed in. It was irritating that my jokes weren’t always heard. I was becoming attached to the attention the loud one was receiving and was disturbed by the static in my emotions. I was perplexed as to why my attention was constantly focussing on the loud one rather than the amazing scenery during our bus journey through the scenic countryside in Turkey. The older lady sat next to me on the bus after three days of my life following the same monotonous pattern. My holiday was wasting away in self-struggle. She must have detected my silent dilemma. Her reflection has never left me.

What annoys you in another person is simply a mirror image of yourself.

2Memory Around

The Campfire

Had the moment finally come, one I had escaped for so long? Our eyes met and quickly separated. I was swept away with the momentum of the crowd, landing at the next stall! I looked up to find he too had moved, equal distance, equal timing. I became increasingly uneasy as time ticked by. Being followed and targetted was giving me a strong feeling of asphyxiation. Would anyone notice if I was kidnapped? Would anyone care in this ever-increasing throng of a holiday crowd in the Egyptian marketplace of Khan El Khalili?

The memory of the movie flooded back when I suddenly became its heroine! One scream, one shouted accusation, one clear identification and he was gone even before my scream was finished. I was a free woman, albeit for my new-found audience on that marketplace’s stage!

Learn to feel situations in life and believe when your intuition screams at you.

Existing Titles

Travelling Embers your Personal WorldTravelling Embers Companion Workbook

Enhance Your Self-Leadership

Corporate Embers the Corporate WorldCorporate Embers Companion Workbook

Enhance Your Corporate Leadership

Titles Coming Soon

Nature’s Embers•

Domestic Embers•

Spiritual Embers

Register now into your ‘ReflectLearn’


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ISBN 978-1-61364-051-7

Embers of the World, a concept and toolkit, acts as a catalyst for change and facilitator of transformation.

Travelling Embers is a portfolio of reflections from the author’s global journeys over many years. It is hoped

that through sharing these embers, unique and personal experiences will surface in the reader, facilitating

self-development, self-leadership and life-promoting insights.

When the world speaks to you,what do you hear?