trazer 2 testimonials

OWNER COMMENTS “As a spa and fitness professional, I strive always to know about the newest and most effective equipment available in the market place. TRAZER 2 certainly fits those criteria. TRAZER 2 delivers an energetic and interactive work- out which challenges the client mentally and physically as it burns fat, builds muscle and increases cardio vascular capacity and endurance. The addition of TRAZER 2 to our Gym has added a dimension of excitement for our guests and significantly increased the sales of personal training sessions at our facility. TRAZER 2 has revolutionized how we train at our Gym.... An interactive, fast paced and motivating fitness tool, TRAZER 2 successfully engages the client mentally and physically as it accelerates the achievement of quantifiable fitness results. TRAZER 2 clients burn more fat, more quickly as they increase endurance and build muscle. Our staff is totally committed to promoting TRAZER 2 to guests due to its uniqueness of programming and high success in engendering results for the consumer.” Michele Petermann, Assistant Director of Spa Operations The Fontainebleau Resort, South Beach, Miami, FL PERSONAL TRAINING AND FITNESS PHYSICAL THERAPY REHABILITATON SPORTS PERFORMANCE ENHANCEMENT “From a rehabilitative point of view, the TRAZER has allowed me to be able to progress patients from a beginning stage of move- ment, concentrating on weight transfer with proprioceptive develop- ment in the involved extremity, into advanced stages of movement development concentrating on balance and control of the trunk and lower extremities, locking into a good athletic posture for optimal control with movement skills in a virtual setting. I have been able to work specifics with the female athlete on developing good jump control with landing to decrease their incidence of injury during competition. We have worked on one-on-one skill development with the New Orleans Storm soccer goalie to help enhance his focus and reaction skills for optimal performance. The TRAZER has been a superb addition to our rehabilitation programs and its virtual capabilities are endless.” “We rehabilitated tennis player Lynne St. Amant post knee surgery with TRAZER. While she played Jump Explosion, which demands lateral shuttles and plyometric jumping movements, we were free to watch and evaluate what she was doing with her ankles, knees and legs. TRAZER gives users a good workout. In addition, the equipment provides injured people with a faster transition back to pre-injury routine, whether that routine involves tennis, basketball, foot- ball or simply walking around.” Craig Goodwin, Owner, Operator Orthopedic and Sports Therapy of Kenner ▪ The Duke Academy, Kenner, LA

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Trazer 2 Testimonials


Page 1: Trazer 2 Testimonials


“As a spa and fitness professional, I strive always to know about the newest and most effective equipment available in the market place. TRAZER 2 certainly fits those criteria. TRAZER 2 delivers an energetic and interactive work­out which challenges the client mentally and physically as it burns fat, builds muscle and increases cardio vascular capacity and endurance. The addition of TRAZER 2 to our Gym has added a dimension of excitement for our guests and significantly increased the sales of personal training sessions at our facility. TRAZER 2 has revolutionized how we train at our Gym.... An interactive, fast paced and motivating fitness tool, TRAZER 2 successfully engages the client mentally and physically as it accelerates the achievement of quantifiable fitness results. TRAZER 2 clients burn more fat, more quickly as they increase endurance and build muscle. Our staff is totally committed to promoting TRAZER 2 to guests due to its uniqueness of programming and high success in engendering results for the consumer.”

Michele Petermann, Assistant Director of Spa Operations The Fontainebleau Resort, South Beach, Miami, FL



“From a rehabilitative point of view, the TRAZER has allowed me to be able to progress patients from a beginning stage of move­ment, concentrating on weight transfer with proprioceptive develop­ment in the involved extremity, into advanced stages of movement development concentrating on balance and control of the trunk and lower extremities, locking into a good athletic posture for optimal control with movement skills in a virtual setting. I have been able to work specifics with the female athlete on developing good jump control with landing to decrease their incidence of injury during competition. We have worked on one­on­one skill development with the New Orleans Storm soccer goalie to help enhance his focus and reaction skills for optimal performance. The TRAZER has been a superb addition to our rehabilitation programs and its virtual capabilities are endless.” “We rehabilitated tennis player Lynne St. Amant post knee surgery with TRAZER. While she played Jump Explosion, which demands lateral shuttles and plyometric jumping movements, we were free to watch and evaluate what she was doing with her ankles, knees and legs. TRAZER gives users a good workout. In addition, the equipment provides injured people with a faster transition back to pre­injury routine, whether that routine involves tennis, basketball, foot­ball or simply walking around.”

Craig Goodwin, Owner, Operator Orthopedic and Sports Therapy of Kenner The Duke Academy, Kenner, LA

Page 2: Trazer 2 Testimonials

“The TRAZER2 has been a hugely effective training tool for both athletes and non­athletes in our facility.

The non­athletic population members routinely declare, “I

would never work out this hard doing anything else!”

For the athletes, the measurement feedback is immediate proof that the trainer’s instruction is right on target. I like the way it reinforces the depth of stance by its center of gravity

measurement, and also the way we teach first step quickness. I can show an athlete by the speed measurement, as well as acceleration and deceleration, what works and what doesn’t


TRAZER 2 sees what the naked eye can’t.”

William E. White, Principal TRAQ 3D, Powell, OH

11 year NFL Football Veteran 4 year starter and team captain, Ohio State University Football

“If you really want to impress a high level athlete with a training session, put him through a workout on the TRAZER. There is nothing that can match the intensity and sports specific relevance of a TRAZER workout. Having owned both a smaller studio, and now a large athletic training center, I can personally vouch for the versatility of the TRAZER 2. It

doesn't matter what demographic you’re selling to: kids, adults, seniors, pro­athletes ­ the TRAZER 2 makes a difference in all of their performances. It has been the centerpiece, and main source of revenue for us at both facilities.”

Neall French, Former Player, New York Yankees Organization TRAQ 3D Fitness and Performance, Avon, OH

“The TRAZER 2 has been the difference between us and our competition. There are certain things that draw new members and revenue, and the TRAZER 2 has been the most productive piece at doing just that. We have very high retention rates with our current clients, and the reason for this is the TRAZER2. There have been several clubs that have offered cheaper membership rates than we...but ...thankfully, TRAZER 2 has allowed us to continue to keep our retention rates abnormally high.”

Mike D’Andrea, Former Linebacker, The Ohio State University Football Team TRAQ 3D Fitness and Performance, Avon, OH


“TRAZER creates a dynamic and entertaining software environment that acts as a bridge between the physical and virtual…TRAZER has the potential to re­define the sport fitness exercise equipment category, and take “interactive sports training” to a much larger base by providing a new engaging and motivating form of exercise.”


“I have seen the future of athlete development, and it is called the TRAZER sport simulator.”

Barry Sanders, NFL Football Great

Page 3: Trazer 2 Testimonials

PHYSICAL THERAPY “While I initially thought TRAZER would work best (or only) with a younger patient, this does not appear to be the case. It works equally well across the lifespan. I have not found an age population that TRAZER does not work with. ...the TRAZER system has brought a lot of excitement to the clinic. Most importantly, it makes the rehabilitative process fun – ultimately increasing compliance which is critical for success. We’ve used TRAZER for all lower quarter pathologies regardless of severity, type or age of patient. We’ve also used TRAZER for shoulder and lumbar spine patients with success. In a clinical study of ACL patients, we found that those who rehabbed on TRAZER came back faster and more completely than those who did not.”

Mike Voight, DPT, OCS, SCS, ATC Professor, Department of Physical Therapy, Belmont University

Nashville, TN

“Our clients range from athletes seeking performance enhancement to the de­conditioned to Physical Therapy patients. Typically, our athletes are high school soccer, basketball or volleyball players. They find that TRAZER has helped their on court focus, their quickness and their defensive play. We style each individual’s program to suit our client’s needs. Where young athletes might be geared for explosive training and do quick, intense activities with breaks, adult clients will work a 5 minute game, going for the focus and coordination rather than the explosiveness.”

Cara Bonney, current director of the Miami Valley Hospital Sports Advantage Program Dayton, OH

Pediatric Therapeutic Exercise “At Fitness for Health, we provide fitness, therapeutic programs, weight management services for children including those with sensory, attention and or developmental delays. Therefore we are challenged to find creative and innovative techniques to improve visual/spatial awareness, recogni­tion/cognition, motor skills, cardiac endurance and to build self esteem –the TRAZERs in our gym accomplish all this and more. TRAZER is used to design exercise programs for our clients and customize goals. It is a key compo­nent in our assessments. We also incorporate TRAZER to measure increases in visual and spatial awareness, coordination and enhanced reaction times. TRAZER has been instrumental in our ability to measure progress of our programming since it has measurable outcomes, memory and report capabilities. Exciting activities that have benefited many are Trap Attack, which helps visual/spatial development. Goalie Wars is one of the kids’ favorites although it may be the most challenging to learn. Once a child has mastered the tracking and mental processing required by this activity, we can teach how to catch and throw through transference to a “real life scenario” of playing catch. The impact for a child to engage in “catch” as a family can be powerful and rewarding and is unique to the technology of TRAZER. Jump Explosion, Mini­T Drill and other engaging activities help to promote motor development with plan­ning, sequencing and other multiple steps. TRAZER helps to keep our program exciting; it motivates continued participation. The TRAZER system is beneficial for all types of populations, but we have found it to be particularly motivating for children with special needs, who can increase strength and cardiovascular endurance, improve coordination, and develop sports skills. With TRAZER’s adjustable parameters, these children can achieve their goals and simultaneously build self­confidence..”

Mark Sickel, Principal Fitness for Health, Rockville, MD

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“TRAZER has tremendous latitude with regard to its wide ranging functional capabilities. It can push high­level athletes to their limit or it can help a stroke patient regain standing balance and coordination. In our clinic, we have applied TRAZER at its lowest and highest levels of functional performance. It has helped us rehabilitate patients at all levels because of its user friendly versatility, measurable feedback statistics, and built in functional programs.” “A local high school football team known regionally for their prowess on the field came to our clinic for pre­season evaluation. These young men thought only a hard­core performance enhancement center would be up to their fitness level – until they met TRAZER. Several wished they’d not eaten lunch – and all came back for regular training sessions and TRAZER competitions to help prepare for the season.” John Farahmand

Principal, Balance Physical Therapy Salinas, CA


“Our TRAZER clients range from post fractures and sprains to total joint replacements, to patients de­conditioned from cancer treatment or general lack of exercise, to balance disorders stemming from Parkinson’s Disease and strokes, to children with attention problems. We can’t afford to be without TRAZER! … patients become comfortable with the TRAZER and the therapists have more time to do manual therapy or paperwork which increases clinic productivity.” Janet Drake, PT, ACCE

Doylestown Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine

“TRAZER’S virtual­reality environment appears to tap into important psychological factors that Increase a client’s motivation by providing a sense of challenge while performing realistic, fundamental, and appropriate activities. The competitive atmosphere provided by the TRAZER experience has enhanced the rehabilitation/ reconditioning process of all our clients. The TRAZER is not just for traditional athletes, but also for everybody whose goal is to be better than they currently are. Everyone is an athlete in his or her own life.” Karyn Gallivan

Former Director of Miami Valley Hospital’s Sports Advantage Program Dayton, OH

“As soon as I got my shot at one of TRAZER’s hundreds of training drills, it was then that my imagination was captured. My mind reeled with possibilities and applications to benefit the athletes I coach.”

Chris Gizzi, All­American, Former NFL Linebacker


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CLIENT COMMENTS “I spent my off­seasons training at

TRAQ 3D. It’s the facility that offered me the best tools to pre­

pare for the rigors of a professional baseball season.”

Neall French, NY Yankees

“As a fighter pilot, I am always looking for ways to increase my flexibility and hand­eye coordination while I'm working out….As the (TRAZER2) workout began in the "mind and body program" I felt engaged and could feel that it was testing my reaction time, hand­eye coordination and mind­body connect ion. After half an hour on the TRAZER2 I felt like I had been on a treadmill for more than an hour. Also, I did n't have to add on separate balance and hand­eye coordination exercises since they had already been done during my Trazer2 workout. I was ecstatic to complete a solid workout in half the normal time. An other huge benefit...was being able to get instant feedback on my reaction time and build a set of goals

to work towards. I was also able to analyze my heart rate throughout the workout and keep it at an ideal state for increasing my endurance...I have realized how (TRAZER2) will benefit me in the air as a fighter pilot and in everyday life...I highly recommend the Trazer2 to anyone who wants to simultaneously increase their strength, endurance, and mind­body connection in one simple to use, exciting workout system.

Ryan Bodenheimer, United States Air Force Fighter Pilot


For athletes, the measurement feedback is immediate proof that the trainer’s instruction is right on target. I like the way TRAZER reinforces the depth of stance by its center of gravity measure‐ment, and also the way we teach first step quickness. I can show an athlete by the feet per second measurement, as well as acceleration and deceleration, what works and what doesn’t work! Thanks to TRAQ workouts, I am in better shape than when I played professional football. I wish TRAQ 3D had been around when I played.

William E. White 11 Year NFL Veteran and TRAQ 3D Owner

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“Agreeing to a demo on the TRAZER2 was one of the best decisions I've ever made. As an athlete recovering from numerous knee surgeries, I'm constantly trying to find fresh and entertaining ways to stay in shape ­ you can only log so many hours on the elliptical without driving yourself crazy with the monotony of it all. Working out with the TRAZER2 not only alleviated my boredom with prior repetitive and underwhelming routines, it exposed my strengths and weaknesses while challenging me both mentally and physically. With such a wide variety of exercises, TRAZER2 offers more than just strenu­ous workouts for serious athletes. The games are entertaining for kids and adults alike, while the reha­bilitation programs can aid those coming back from an injury. For me, working out on the TRAZER2 was like having a personal trainer and a physical therapist right at my fingertips. I've never

experienced a more thorough workout, nor seen more rapid results. After just one week working out on the TRAZER2 I noticed significant improvement both in my over all physique as well as the healing of a knee that had recently been operated on. My experience with the TRAZER 2 was one of the most rewarding and enjoyable experiences I have had since first injuring my knee. It has enabled me to keep a positive attitude about my injury and has rejuvenated my love for a workout so challenging I nearly fall over afterwards. I'm incredibly grateful that I was given the chance to experience TRAZER2 and am extremely proud to support the TRAZER2 team.”

My name is Saylor Gibbs and I am built by TRAZER2! San Francisco, CA

“I am 58 years old and was quite athletic in earlier years. Unfortunately I had a torn meniscus a few years ago, which hampered my workout regimen. It wasn’t until I started using the TRAZER 2 that I realized I could get a great physical workout and work around the challenges of my knee. After using the TRAZER2, my knee has become stronger, and I am able to burn fat and build muscle…all while having a fun workout. I now look forward to getting up early and challenging myself physically. Thank you for introducing TRAZER 2 to me.”

John Rolfs, President and General Manager, The Fontainebleau Resort, South Beach, Miami, Fl

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“I use TRAZER with my athletes to determine their optimal stance for explosiveness, agility and stamina. I can actually track their progress with computer­based assessments to eliminate any form flaws in jumping and running. The possibilities are endless. Instead of jumping and running on a treadmill for 30 to 60 minutes, which is tedious and boring for most, they can now use TRAZER for 8 – 10 minutes, and actually burn more calories while having fun doing it. I would have loved to use TRAZER while training in high school and college. TRAZER would have allowed me to accurately detect my strengths and weaknesses instead of guessing. I use TRAZER with my athletes to determine their optimal stance for improved explosiveness, agility and stamina. I can actually track their progress with computer based assessments to eliminate any form flaws in jumping and running. This allows me to put the athlete on the field or court with confidence that they are at their full poten­ tial. The numerous sport simulations on the system also creates a competitive environment, which is crucial for any athlete, especially in the off­ season when they are not competing.”

Mike D’Andrea High School All­American

Ohio State Linebacker and TRAQ 3D Owner

"After three knee surgeries and seven years of rehabilitation, I started to think I would have to ac­cept chronic pain and physical limitations. Since working out on TRAZER at TRAQ 3D and training with the staff there, I have eliminated my knee pain, significantly increased my overall strength, and actually look forward to working out."

Elizabeth, Former Division I athlete, NCAA full tennis scholarship

Cleveland, OH

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For Families….

WEIGHT LOSS “At nearly 50 years of age, TRAQ 3D programs have helped me reach my goals. I wanted to get stronger, Improve my balance, work to lose weight, and be generally healthier going into my next half century! I’ve lost 16 pounds over the 4 months I’ve been playing at TRAQ 3D, and I’m definitely stronger and more balanced. Surprisingly, the chronic knee pain that had held me back before has disappeared! I love TRAQ 3D because it’s FUN. I’m never bored. I enjoy competing against myself and watching my scores im prove—this keeps me going and trying harder...I can feel my body getting younger even as I age!” Noel, Homemaker, Bay Village, OH

“I was introduced to TRAQ 3D and TRAZER by my physical therapist, as part of my therapy after a knee surgery. This workout was an integral part of my recovery, helping to strengthen and get flexibility back in my knee. I have used TRAZER for the last year and a half. I have had a 30—35# weight loss and have been able to maintain it without any significant change in my diet. I have done a lot of different exercise routines over the last 20 years; the use of TRAZER has been the most efficient and effective workout I have ever had, usually taking 25—35 minutes. I turn 50 this year and feel like I am in the best shape of my adult life.” Tony, Technician, Cleveland, OH

“We ran a 5K race this morning in Lakewood as a family and it is the first 5K our twelve year old has done where she was able to run the whole race without stopping. She did it in 25 something and beat me! She really hasn’t been running at all (except for soccer) and attributes it to her training on

TRAZER! Our ten year old was able to run 2 miles before having to walk a little, and finished in 28 something. “ The B’s, Bay Village, OH

“Awesome! Fun! Better than T.V.!”

Georgie, 8 year old baseball player, Rocky River, OH

“TRAZER2 is so much fun I didn’t realize I was getting great workout as well as improving my strength and agility.”

Hallie, 14 year old track star, Bay Village, OH

“Results were quite interesting...The student athletes were intrigued by the competitive nature of the TRAZER games; the gifted and talented students seemed to strategize to get a good score (many are high Math students). The overweight or shy students seemed to thrive in TRAZER competition since there is no intimidation factor. The interest in the games has not waned...every student seems

to find his niche with the games.” Program Coordinator, Open Door Christian School, Elyria, OH

“After my TRAZER experience, I can make all my sports moves quicker, faster and harder!”

Olivia, 11 year old soccer player, Bay Village, OH

Page 9: Trazer 2 Testimonials

THE CORPORATE ATHLETE “The TRAZER at TRAQ 3D is a revolutionary workout experience tailor­made for people on the go. As a small business owner and father of three active boys, I value the opportunity to get a full aerobic workout in half an hour. Combined with the band equipment and other “tools”, you can work every muscle group! My best testimonial to the success of the TRAQ program would be to describe a recent ski trip to Colorado. Having worked out weekly for the past six months, I was ready to test my aerobic capacity vs the 11,000 foot peaks of Snowmass. I am pleased to report I have never skied better in my life. The TRAZER workouts definitely made the difference. If you are looking for a unique workout to test you both mentally and physically, I urge you to try the TRAZER at TRAQ 3D experience!”

Jeff, Small Business Owner, Rocky River, OH

“The sports simulators at TRAQ 3D have improved my agility, quickness and stamina. The interactive, game­like challenges make training really competitive.“

Mike, Attorney, Rocky River OH

“I love TRAZER because it has given me back my girlish figure…, I look better now in jeans than I ever did! It’s fun, there are lots of choices and you can work at your own pace. I never feel bored with the same old routine!“

Susan, Small Business Owner, Lakewood, OH

" TRAZER at TRAQ 3D is an innovative exercise experience that I use to target and improve all the components of fitness. I believe it effectively and efficiently satisfies exercise recommendations for senior wellness, including chronic disease management and fall prevention."

Don, Retired Physician, Sandusky, OH


“Blending hi­tech entertainment with exercise science and sports simulation creates a compelling resource for the athlete who demands the best for his mind and body.”

Dr. Alan Davis, Cleveland Clinic Orthopedist And Lifelong Athlete