trazer programming opportunities

TRAZER ® PROGRAMMING OPPORTUNITIES The TRAZER Simulator TRAZER has served broad populations by providing interactive, 3-Dimensional, measurement based programming for health, fitness and athlete development for children, to pros, to seniors, as well as rehabilitative services delivered by clinicians. ©TRAZER TECHNOLOGIES INC ▪ TRAQ LTD ▪ WWW.TRAZER.COM ▪ WWW.TRAQ3D.COM

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TRAZER Programming Opportunities



The TRAZER Simulator TRAZER has served broad populations by providing interactive, 3-Dimensional, measurement based programming for health, fitness and athlete development for children, to pros, to seniors, as well as rehabilitative services delivered by clinicians.



Here’s a partial list of exciting, profitable programs enabled by TRAZER

Athlete Development - Testing and Training

Sports Injury Prevention

Vision Training


Performance Fitness

Training the Tactical Athlete

Resistive Training

Core Training

High Intensity Interval Training

Senior Health, Performance, Fitness and Safety

Learning Preparation and Brain Fitness

A New Fitness Report Card


TRAZER is the product of over a decade of research and development in the use of computer simulation for the enhancement of health and physical and cognitive performance, which has resulted in eleven U.S. patents. TRAZER also serves as the core technology for our TRAQ 3D® health, fitness and performance centers.

U.S. Patents 5,524,637 | 6,073,489 | 6,098458 | 6,308565 | 6,430,997 | 6,749,432 | 6,765,726 | 6,876,496 | 7,038,855 | 7,359,121 | 7,791.808


Sports physicians, therapists, trainers and

coaches agree that it is the athlete with supe-

rior abilities to react, start, stop and cut who ex-

cels in competition and is less likely to be in-

jured. All of which depend on the quality and

consistency of the player’s stance during game


So how do you measure these core building

blocks of sports performance? You don’t if

you rely on conventional drills and a stopwatch.

Cone drills prescribe a movement path

known to the athlete in advance. While helpful

for the initial training stages, pre-planned train-

ing activities do not test or train the athlete’s

ability to sense, process, and adeptly execute

while maintaining proper body mechanics.

A stop watch measures total elapsed time; it

is incapable of measuring these core compo-

nents of performance:

Reaction Time - the athlete’s initial re-

sponse to the ball or opponent

Start – the athlete’s ability to accelerate/1st

step quickness

Stop - the athlete’s ability to brake/


Cut – the athlete’s ability to rapidly change


Stance – determine the stance that opti-

mizes the athlete’s agility, balance, stamina

and that reduces the risk of injury

“If you can’t measure it, you can’t improve

it!” If, for example, you can’t objectively deter-

mine the depth of stance that results in optimal

speed, agility and balance for your athlete, how

can you teach and refine this essential compo-

nent of performance?

It takes more than time to build the superior ath-

lete; you need immediate, hard data which only

TRAZER can supply.

For training athletes for reaction-based

sports, TRAZER’s difference can be

summarized by three words:

Movement TRAZER elicits both planned and

unplanned responses because game play

creates different neuromuscular or muscu-

loskeletal demands than pre-planned drills

do. Research has shown that ―training the

brain to respond to unexpected stimuli… is

more beneficial than performing rote training

exercises…‖ 1

Measurements TRAZER measures the previ-

ously immeasurable in up eight movement

directions. You’ll have the power to detect

movement asymmetries and weaknesses to

guide your performance enhancement and

injury prevention programs.

Motivation – TRAZER, with its interactivity

and game-type challenges, makes rigorous

training fun and competitive, driving players

to make maximum efforts.

1 Mclean et al, ―Fatigue-Induced ACL Injury Risk

Stems from a Degradation in Central Control,‖

Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 2009;

41 (8)

Athlete Development - Testing and Training


Sports Injury Prevention

TRAZER sports simulation can be the

missing link in your injury prevention pro-

grams. It challenges both mind and body by re-

creating the complex physical and mental de-

mands of competition to build a safer, more

efficient and prepared competitor.

Research from University of Michigan titled

―Knee Injuries May Start With Strain On The

Brain, Not The Muscles‖ concluded that training

the senses and brain may be key in preventing

knee injuries:

―The research suggests that training the brain to

respond to unexpected stimuli, thus sharpening

their anticipatory skills when faced with unex-

pected scenarios, may be more beneficial than

performing rote training exercises...which is

much less random than a true competitive


―...virtual reality technology can immerse ath-

letes in very complex athletic scenarios, thus

teaching rapid decision making.‖2

Yet, sports injury prevention programs rely pri-

marily on pre-planned training protocols.

The unpredictable nature of competition

exposes the athlete to sports injuries. To be

safe, the athlete must draw from a repertoire of

sensory-motor skills which includes the ability to

anticipate competitor responses, to generate

and control powerful, rapid, coordinated move-

ments, and reaction times that exceed those of

the opponent.

The penalty for a slow response or improper execution is sometimes severe and season-ending. In fact, serious, season-ending knee in-juries are epidemic in sport.

Athletes may be left vulnerable to the

intrinsic challenges of dealing with the

unpredictable nature of competition if their

training is unrealistic or devoid of the means to

measure key components of performance.

"If you expose [a person] to more scenarios, and

train the brain to respond more rapidly, you can

decrease the likelihood of a dangerous re-


TRAZER's realistic cues prompt a sport-relevant

movement response from the athlete, while high

-speed positional tracking enables real-time

measurement of reaction time, 1st quickness

(accelerations), speed (velocity), braking

(deceleration), cutting ability, dynamic posture

(stance) and the jumping/landing.

The same article reports, ―…expanding the an-

ticipated training to include shorter stimulus-

response times could improve reaction time in

random sports settings.‖4

TRAZER offers training designed to improve

attentional skills, focus, reaction time, proc-

essing and execution.

While practicing movement strategies for im-

proved reaction time and performance, athletes

can also practice safer and more effective bio-

mechanical postures and neuromuscular reactiv-

ity (firing patterns). With simulated play, athletes

learn to successfully prepare for situational un-

certainties that can predispose them to injury.

TRAZER works to “wire” the body so that the

athlete’s senses, mind and body work to-

gether at maximum efficiency and safety.

Plus, many prevention program simply are not

fun, often resulting in low rates of compliance.

TRAZER training is competitive and game-like to

ensure commitment.

2 ―Knee Injuries May Start with Strain on the Brain, Not the Muscles,‖ Science Daily, http://

3 ―Knee Injuries May Start with Strain on the Brain, Not the Muscles,‖ Science Daily, http://

4 ―Knee Injuries May Start with Strain on the Brain, Not the Muscles,‖ Science Daily, http://


3D simulations that teach and train realistic an-

gles of pursuit while measuring in real time key

performance factors such as reaction time, ac-

celeration and dynamic posture.

With its interactive stimuli that challenges the

client’s depth perception and spatial interpreta-

tion, TRAZER engages both mind and body to-

gether in active problem-solving.

TRAZER reinforces proficient mind-body inte-

gration by requiring controlled physical move-

ment to ―resolve‖ cognitively demanding chal-

lenges, and, vice versa, requiring quick

cognition to exe

cute physical



sports vision is

not tested and t

rained in isolate

ion, but rather as

the initial stage of

a continuum of

capabilities rang

ing from the ability

to recognize and

interpret sport-

relevant visual

information, to the

ability to adeptly

execute in a

correct manner.

TRAZER makes possible

vision training programs previously unimagined.

The benefits are numerous:

Superior eye-tracking due to state-of-the art

3D effects and large physical movement


Training of realistic angle of pursuit /


A ―digital‖ training experience that is

uniquely responsive to the client’s field


It is reported that eighty percent of the infor-

mation we glean from the environment is vis-

ual. Visual tracking is necessary for tasks rang-

ing from reading, to driving a car, to engaging in

a sport.

For most sports, vision is the predominate

means of acquiring meaningful information.

Though there is no scientific consensus regard-

ing the efficacy of sports vision training, there

appears to be credible research that such train-

ing can actually enhance the ability of the brain

to process visual information and subsequently

mobilize the body into action to exploit such in-


Even participants in

less dynamic sports

such as golf are pur-

ported to benefit from

improved depth per-

ception, visual memory,

color perception and

excellent eye-brain-

body coordination. The

goals for vision training

include improved:

Depth perception

Visual reaction


Eye-hand coordination

Dynamic visual acuity

Mind speed/Anticipation skills

Peripheral awareness

The weakness of vision training methods

such as light boards; where players react to

―arrows and dots flashing across the screen‖, is

the absence of a sport-specific movement re-

sponses. Accordingly, often scores of elite ath-

letes are not differentiated from non athletes.

TRAZER employs simulation to test and train

the client’s entire perceptual-cognition-

kinesthetic linkage. Your client develops im-

proved visual and decision-making skills by

Vision Training


TRAZER can enhance patient care

and expand business opportunities

for healthcare providers. Measurement and enhancement of movement

forms the core of virtually every rehabilitation or

training program. TRAZER’s measurement and control of

movement performance and physiological

response can be the foundation of

rehabilitation programs with improved patient

compliance and significantly enhanced real-time

data. Progressive movement challenges designed

to motivate and improve performance can be

as gentle as raising a hand or as demanding

as a series of reaction-timed vertical jumps. TRAZER improves safety and provides

the feedback that will enhance motivation

and compliance. Program can provide indi-

vidualized motivational targets while auto-

matically limiting the demands of each activ-

ity to match the current fitness level of

any user. Clinicians can enhance competitiveness,

expand their referral base, and increase

their profitability by adding new services

that are valuable for existing caseloads, but

that will also increase the referral base among

other medical providers. Senior health & fall prevention program

Pediatric obesity program

Cardiac rehabilitation

Stroke rehabilitation

Sports injury and orthopedic rehabilitation

Weight & chronic disease management

TRAZER provides the specialized, age

appropriate equipment and programming to truly

engage and progress the patient in the rehab

process. TRAZER can maximize the patient’s

functional recovery and return to independ-

ence with greater safety and self-confidence,

and a reduced chance of re-injury.

TRAZER enables the addition of private-pay,

cash-based programs and activities that will

actually leverage existing base of patients, their

families and friends, referring professionals and

the rest of the community network that a

clinician works so hard to build.

Kids sports fitness

Back-to-Sports for seniors

Sports performance enhancement & injury

prevention for the weekend athlete

Weight management

Extended rehab programs

TRAZER in a facility’s service area could be

a powerful marketing tool. Documentation of

improved outcomes should increase profes-

sional referrals, and exciting and engaging

treatment protocols will generate word-of-

mouth recommendations and improve




TRAZER enables a series of exciting and

effective performance training programs

precisely targeting your clients’ interests and

needs. For example:

Training the Tactical Athlete

TRAZER Resistive Training

Core Training

Senior Health and Fitness

High Intensity Interval Training

Increasing your clients’ performance

capabilities can be the most rewarding and

enjoyable way to improve their fitness, en-

hance their health and for them to achieve and

maintain optimal body weight. Improved

performance instills confidence and the

enthusiasm for your client to pursue a more

active and satisfying lifestyle. The goal is to build

a lean, agile physique and whole-body


Unlike conventional exercise machines and

programs that focus on isolated muscle

groups, TRAZER’s interactive, 3D movement

delivers a form of exercise designed to build the

agility, stamina and the physique of a

conditioned athlete. Whether your client’s goal is

to become a high-performance athlete, to move

more gracefully on the dance floor, or to improve

the competitiveness of their tennis or golf game,

interactive, multi-vector, functional, anaerobic

exercise engages mind and body as it burns

more calories without the drudgery of many

conventional programs.

Your client will immediately recognize the vast

difference between simulation from

―exergaming‖ toys like Wii Fit

that essentially offer interactive

calisthenics in a very small

movement space with

unrealistic movement patterns

and limited feedback of

performance. Rather than

simply waving hands or arms

around to control the game

action, sports simulation elicits

authentic movement patterns

and real-time measures of

actual real-world performance.

Performance Fitness Programs

often have a two-tiered


Resolve existing health risk factors by

creating an exercise experience that your

client enjoys.

Instill in your client the performance capabili-

ties for life-long enjoyable and successful leisure

activities and/or competitive sports participation.

Based on your client’s initial consultation

and on the results of a comprehensive

TRAZER assessment, you can develop a

precisely targeted personalized program.

Your client typically begins with simple, easily

performed reactive movement tasks, with

TRAZER varying the intensity and complexity of

the movement challenges over time based on

real-time performance to ensure safe and

satisfying progress.

Performance Fitness


For training military personnel, first respond-

ers (rescue/fire) and law enforcement

officers, TRAZER provides a more realistic

training experience than traditionally

employed, with the added benefit of real-time

measurement of the previously immeasurable

fundamental building blocks of physical


Performance enhancement programs based on

pre-planned training drills do not replicate the

unpredictable, highly kinetic environments that

the tactical athlete must perform within. Nor do

such drills measure and report the key

performance parameters so necessary for

motivation and optimal program management.

Tactical athletes may be left vulnerable to the

intrinsic challenges of dealing with the

unpredictable nature of their working

environment if their training is unrealistic or

devoid of the means to assess key performance

limits. TRAZER subjects the tactical athlete to

an ever-changing, interactive (virtual) training

environment that better prepares your client to

anticipate and react in real-world situations.

The reality is that rapidly changing environments

create different musculoskeletal stresses for

your clients; cone drills and similar prescribe a

movement path known to your client in advance,

and therefore does not train your client to sense

changes in the environment, for their brain the

process the available options and for their body

to work effectively in harmony.

A June 2009 article from Science Daily states,

"If you expose [a person] to more scenarios, and

train the brain to respond more rapidly, you can

decrease the likelihood of a dangerous


This same article reports, ―…expanding the an-

ticipated training to include shorter

stimulus-response times could improve reaction

time in random sports settings.‖ 5

While practicing movement strategies for im-

proved reaction time and performance, tactical

athletes can also practice safer and more ef-

fective biomechanical postures and neuromus-

cular reactivity (firing patterns).

TRAZER hones the ability to anticipate and

react to visual changes in the environment. It

improves attentional skills, focus, reaction time,

processing and execution. Simulated drills and

gaming activities challenge the tactical athlete’s

musculoskeletal, sensory and cognitive systems

for superior performance enhancement and in-

jury prevention programs. It can be a powerful

new testing and training tool for your client.

With TRAZER, tactical athletes learn to

successfully prepare for situational uncertainties

that can predispose them to injury. TRAZER

works to ―wire‖ the body so that the senses,

mind and body work together at maximum

efficiency for maximum safety.

“I highly recommend the Trazer2 to anyone who wants to simultaneously increase their strength, endurance, and mind-body connection in one simple to use, exciting workout system.”

Ryan Bodenheimer, United States Air Force Fighter Pilot

Training the Tactical Athlete

5 ―Knee Injuries May Start with Strain on the Brain, Not the Muscles,‖ Science Daily, http://


If your client’s physical activities include

starting, stopping, rotating, pushing, pulling,

running or walking; building horizontal and

rotational strength and power is essential for

their performance and safety.

Whether opening a car door, swinging a golf

club or making a tackle, the primary forces that

your client must deal with in their daily activities

are horizontal and rotational.

The obvious limitation of conventional strength

training with free weights is that it relies on

gravity for resistance in the vertical plane (up/

down direction).


strength and

power building

programs are



anaerobic, total

body and 3-



provides func-

tional variable

resistance in



ploys up to 4

special elastic cables attached to the body-worn

belt that your client wears, with the opposite

ends securely attached to the floor at the edges

of the TRAZER playing field. Two additional

cables can be hand-held by your client for total

body training.

Since cables aren’t dependent on gravity for

resistance, they enable exercise patterns in

addition to the vertical plane. This ―freedom‖

from pure vertical allows more precise training

of muscle groups and function.

As a result, TRAZER training improves muscle

strength, size and performance in the planes of

motion that traditional weight training can not

address. Functional strength and power that is

applicable to all their daily physical activities In

addition to TRAZER’s control of the client’s

movement responses, the physiological and

musculoskeletal demands placed on your client

can also be varied

Multi-directional resistance can be applied to

your client to tailor the forces your client

receives in each movement direction. Cable

placement and training objectives determine

whether forces associated with the client’s


Predicated on cable placement and resistance

level, you can provide assistance to your client’s

movement in

the prelimi-

nary phase of

a movement

leg, while


serving to


the client’s


in the second

phase of the



It acts to rein-

force proper


build strength, power and stamina, and condition

the client to deal with fatigue and the imposi-

tion of unpredictable forces. And the associated

real-time measurement and feedback regarding

the client’s response to the imposed forces

maximizes results.

Your client’s joints experience the largest

resultant forces during braking and abrupt

directional changes. PowerTRAQ builds

functional movement capability and cardiovascu-

lar conditioning while effectively reducing such

stress on the joints. Clients are able to work

harder (and therefore get better faster) with

reduced risk of injury and joint and muscle


TRAZER Resistive Training


With TRAZER, your client’s core training pro-

grams become anaerobic, multi-vector, inter-

active and measurement-based. And a real


Most exercise machines, such as treadmills

bikes and ellipticals, only exercise the muscle

groups that propel your client forward. Such sin-

gle plane training devices leave your client’s lat-

eral and rotational strength and power undevel-

oped, and their core underdeveloped as well.

TRAZER differs by exercising the muscle groups

that propel your client backward, side-to-side, up

and down, and that allow them to twist and turn

and stop and start. This delivery of lateral and

rotational movements is essential for core

strengthening and toning.

It is multi-vector training that uniquely

strengthens the core muscles - internal and

external obliques, abdominals and hip flexors

and spinal erectors, improving both your client’s

performance and appearance as a result of

stronger core muscle tone and a flatter stomach.

The interactive, game-like nature of TRAZER

keeps your clients motivated to ensure their

compliance with your exercise prescription.

Resistance is delivered by adding specially

calibrated elastic cables during TRAZER

play. Elastic cables are attached to your client’s

body worn belt, with the opposite ends attached

at the edges of TRAZER’s playing field. Plus two

additional cables can be hand-held for total body


Your client’s movement speed, power, agility,

and stamina are all improve while delivering an

incredible core workout.

In summary TRAZER-based core training offers

distinct advantages over conventional programs.

It is progressive, multi-directional, anaerobic and

interactive. It improves your client’s global

performance capabilities and cardiovascular fit-

ness while providing a fantastic core workout.


(Tabata-Style Training)

High intensity interval training is an incredi-

bly effective training routine appropriate for

most of your clients. The obvious challenge of

such a time efficient, but physical strenuous form

of training is maintaining motivation; four total

minutes of high intensity training can be the

most challenging of workouts.

Keeping your clients motivated is the key to

success, TRAZER makes interval training

interactive and game-like and therefore really

fun and competitive for your clients. Plus, unlike

1-dimensional training apparatus, your clients

receive the additional benefits of improved

functional physical performance; reaction time,

agility, balance, and coordination.

And adding resistance during TRAZER play in

the form of strategically positioned resistive

bands accelerates the building of lean muscle,

strength and power while reducing the stress on

your client’s joints...all while ramping up the


We’ve found that TRAZER HIT protocols pro-

duce results consistent with what studies have

shown:14 minutes of high intensity interval

training actually produces greater benefits than

60 minutes of steady-state running. A training

program comprised of just six 20-second bursts

(in the form of TRAZER games) of high intensity

exercise interspersed with 10-second rest

periods—just 2 minutes of total exercise time

plus warm-up and cool-down, produced superior

results to a program of running at 70% of your

client’s aerobic capacity for 60 min.

For your weight loss programs, TRAZER

offers a form of high intensity training that

keeps your clients compliant with your

exercise prescription. The results can be

amazing; research by Dr. Izumi Tabata, the

inventor of the Tabata training, has

demonstrated that this type of training is 50%

more efficient at burning fat compared to

low-intensity training.

TRAZER Core Training and High Intensity Interval Training


Most of your middle aged and older clients

train to stave off the effects of aging. Your

clients age at different rates based on their

medical history, genetics, and lifestyle. Thank-

fully, only one-third of the physical function loss

that comes with aging is attributable to heredity.

With disuse and aging, their “wiring” begins

to corrode. Cognitive and movement skills be-

gin to degrade. Fast-twitch muscle fibers, those

fibers responsible for the superior power and

strength of younger people, weaken. With dimin-

ishing reaction time, power, and balance, there

more at risk for injury.

Your client’s ability to perform adeptly and

safely is critical to their independence and

ability to maintain an active, enjoyable life-

style. Yet conventional senior fitness programs

currently rely on strength machines and ―low-

tech‖ implements such as balls and bands to

build fitness and performance levels in seniors.

Accordingly, many facilities are seeking tools to

improve their client’s compliance with their exer-

cise prescription as well as to document and im-

prove their client’s functional, reaction-based,

weight-bearing movement capabilities.

TRAZER is uniquely capable of assessing

and improving your client’s 3-dimensional

performance. Exercise that includes 3-

dimensional movement retraining, postural

control, cardiovascular and muscular

strengthening, and visual/cognitive processing

may be the best performance enhancement and

injury prevention program.

TRAZER’s mentally stimulating interactive

games and activities elicit reaction-based,

multi-vector, weight-bearing movement

responses to improve safety and self-

confidence, and thereby promoting independ-

ence and an active lifestyle. It develops effective

movement strategies while measuring and

improving balance, coordination, reflexes,

movement speed and power, and

cardiovascular fitness.

For aging clients, TRAZER can be a “time

machine” – shaving precious fractions of a

second from reaction time, honing cognitive

skills, awakening fast twitch muscle, improving

balance and restoring physical performance

capabilities to those of years, and maybe even,

decades past. It may be the best fall prevention

training. And for building confidence for the

pursuit of a healthy, active lifestyle.

With its patented measurement of reaction time,

movement speed and posture in response to

spontaneous cues, simulation provides valid

measures to assess your client’s risk of injury as

well as performance deficits that can be re-

solved with a targeted exercise program.

Clients have a blast moving linearly, laterally,

vertically and rotationally – often covering more

than the length of a football field. Clients value

such easily digestible performance stats; for

example, grandpa moved the length of 3.5 foot-

ball fields in all directions this week in training.

TRAZER 3D simulation trains strategies for

successful weight-bearing, reaction-based

movement. Forget about waving the arms about

with an exergaming toy; simulation enhances

the entire kinetic chain.

Senior Health, Performance, Fitness and Safety


TRAZER offers a promising new approach to improving student working memory, concentra-tion, focus, visual tracking and therefore academic achievement. Additional anticipated benefits include improved student health risk factors and physical perform-ance capabilities, as well as a reduction in disci-plinary incidents. Though it is anticipated that all students will benefit, it is our belief that it has particular relevance to our special education population with deficiencies in reading and attention. Exercise and Literacy Research has demonstrated that vigorous exercise prior to challenging academic classes significantly improves a student’s academic performance: In Naperville, Illinois, students participating

in a ―Learning Readiness PE‖ class that used an exercise-to-academics model

dramatically improved their reading and math scores in one semester.

Research published in Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise showed that students participating in vigorous physical activities did approximately 10% better in their core courses.

Dr. John Ratey, MD, professor of psychiatry

at Harvard Medical School and author of the book Spark—The Revolutionary New Sci-ence of Exercise and the Brain, character-ized exercise as ―Miracle-Gro for the brain‖ and stated that ―exercise influences learning directly, at the cellular level, improving the brain’s potential to log in and process new information.‖

TRAZER and Cognitive/Literacy We’ve seen that exercising vigorously prior to class bestows significant benefits in the class-room. TRAZER’s programs, however, differ markedly from activities that exercise the student’s body prior to exercising the student’s mind. With TRAZER, students exercise their bodies while exercising their minds—they solve stimulating cognitive problems while performing 3-dimensional body movement that works to effectively elevate their heart rates and burn calories. Such programs require controlled physical movement to solve cognitively demanding challenges, and simultaneously require quick responses to execute the physical movement essential for interacting with the TRAZER simulator. This mind-body integration to accomplish a common goal exploits the power of synergy: exercising your mind and body together produces greater results than exercising either separately. Benefits of Kinesthetic Learning We learn better and have more fun when we involve multiple senses—our eyesight, hearing, and sense of touch; TRAZER uniquely involves the entire body (―kinesthetic learning‖) in the brain-building process. Kids have so much fun that they’re unaware of the intellectual boost they’re getting - and as a huge bonus, they’re also improving their fitness, health, and sports performance. TRAZER Programs will be especially beneficial for those who lack concentration or focus, keep-ing them from reaching their potential in school.

Learning Preparation and Brain Fitness


TRAZER’s patented measurement technology makes Kinetic Health Assessment possible. TRAZER creates new opportunities for educa-tors to improve children’s health, safety and scholastic performance. TRAZER quantifies each student’s fitness and performance, provides customized programs, documents results, and motivates children to achieve higher activity levels. TRAZER is a powerful tool for assessing reaction time, balance, coordination and agility. As such, it is a valid biomarker of Functional Age - measuring each student’s ability to respond to dynamic, unpredictable and complex real-world challenges.

TRAZER tests provide previously unavailable data relating each student’s: Kinetic (―movement‖) Health Functional Cardiovascular Status Ability to navigate the environment safely

and adeptly Sport-Specific Performance Capabilities TRAZER training (“play”) can reap huge benefits now and for decades into the future: Aerobic exercise in childhood can resolve

risk factors that, left unattended, negatively impact health and longevity many decades into the future.

Performance enhancement increases safety, self-confidence, success in sports, and en-joyment of leisure activities – key factors for healthful and successful aging.

TRAZER in Health & Physical Education There are few if any sports-relevant, sport-

specific exercise systems in even the most modern schools.

There are no exercise systems that

objectively measure functional performance. There are no interactive systems that auto-

matically adapt to each child’s capabilities to improve movement skills, increase fitness and build confidence…

TRAZER is functional, motivational, adaptive and fun. TRAZER Goes to School… Makes PE classes fun for all while providing

health-enhancing exercise Detects movement performance deficits Allows objective design of programs to

enhance movement skills and functional endurance

Provides precisely targeted intervention for movement abnormalities and weaknesses – weight loss, too

Exciting applications for the entire academic community from sports to special education, and from research to health education

Positive PR and media exposure for school programs

Exciting new applications for learning enhancement

A New Fitness Report Card