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1950 - 1968

On 6 Noveml)el'. 1950, r stepped, &oiwwhat bltndly, into the world of Navel l.tltelli9ence, h~ving shed a b!9h achool ~tr~ct in Oregon fore_ contr•9~ wjth tM Director of ~ava.l• . for the princel.y -&WII of SJ, li-40. 00 per a.nT1ua: ~ls contract.. ~nder whlch all ege~ta la.bored un~il ass1J!IJ.1ae1on ~nto che Civil S-ervi'ce sy,ce::;i. in 196!>, coold be -;eo.inated by either sidfe with JO day• no~ica and no res.son given.

Dfl~:nd:..n_g on one ' a poin~ of view, 1 wu either ~o ninth or <t:C.nth o~et'lt in DlOHlo-7), oo• other agent h8iviog been h,i;rod ·thn-: UJr.e da.y, :i:. should :ti. ;'>ot.r,d r us~ the tera .. Agent-" ::-.atho.r thA:. "Special A9e.ot"' tor <IC that time the only Special Al}enU in O.~l vel"e t~ose YOrk.i~ in om; Koadquat>t«rs, loaated in the hn~gon. !'<ir .a nullbet or Ag4ntc wore not all&,.,ed to use t.b•t tith1 t"Ou--:.i.oely, C1.r to re.tar 'l:O Ntwo.l. .lntelll9enee.. ln person, ,>nd an publ.i<:: docunem,.e., ""9 ~ro i:.o ident.i.fy ou.t<oelv~s as T«l&E'a.rc:h An&lyate, ~n~)oya.d ~Y t;he 13th Naval Di.5trlct-• .0\lring i n t~rvi,,,Ns ""9 verg t.O ~dantify oursclv~ a.a bAing from "f',,acvy R$f!dg\.lar-t:ors 'in se.-ttl•. 0 ;e ~as ho.rd co ~oderat&nd r.~o ~u.btloty, ••poc~clly e.inee our crodcn~ials bo:t'e ~be &ign~curo •n.<1 title of the bircceor at Intolligemre., I.ti addition, 01u; l9SJ ~i;:odont:iAlll hc.d "U.S. Novel Tnce1li9e1>ee" in l»ld \ett:t:.oi:-i;,.

The 01¢ spb.eH we~e loe-11,ted within ch.e llt-.:il C:Clll',pound in a on~seory b11.1.ldin9 acr0&$ tt.o •trec-t fr0C11 the Coi=ndo:tit • !!I o!!loe. The o!Ucia.l adCU"N!f ~u tt>ll Ken. 'l(t:.c!!:ler k.r-=ct, WMelert su-ocu .. vaa .., 0.09- bloclc. hno ·wi th '!:he 13"U!I pe.r~t:e.r ! on the eouth side • nd a c,it:y gA:'.ba9e dlJ:? {now a 90U,e) on the no&th.

Tho 010, Kovy Cbptain John E, EctwArds , was a dttetroyor $Ailor vieh no in'l:elli~cnec or iOve.stl9ative experience. Ris Execu~i va Officer. a. OCCM10ndcr 1othMe. n&l!le I c .-.nnQt re~•-11 .• had boon an attaohd, 0th.el" Navy o!ticer• Hsignc,ii inc ludod: llavy t..T 00;1 ~t"dli:l, Who ..ran c~nt11trt- intelli9enco ia:~cti,,on t.T Redlin was ~ ·e1eoonteel tonner t'!M:ine. Mving distinguished himself a~ .S!liP,o.n Ma Japane~e linguist, iT Rodlin ~0$ credited with coaxing o n~r ot .J.r..p,.ne&a out of c.:ivceG rat.her clib.n com:titt:ing suicide . t1?o noted •~thoi;-, John T"ol~nd, credits Don Rcd.lin's cxpa.rionccs a5 t;)\e b ,iu;is fo~ ono of the cha,;~t.ors in h.ui r:ovrtl., -God's 'Ke..r ...

Tho 0p:ntol, or ~yM Branch WO~ l•d by LODR Me~.-dith (Rip) Ridd.l.c, one of eho ao~t cenobl~ nAval officoro ! o-ver enco untctZ1tcd. t.CrD.I\ l\idd1o'& ""4~1. ox per.tellccs werle the bo.~i~ !or a G.Ovic .2nd TV ser~ea •rhe Wack~~at Ship in tbe Anly,~ A !o::m~ •1111,1ston9• Jtlddlo

Vf.S evant.\1-aU y procno,:.&d to c~pi:.,cr,in a.nd in h ls .h•t H&iqnment, serveel .i,.• CQ!ffll4ndin9 Off!cor of NlSO HawoU. Upon retirement t!'OIII the ll.tvy, c.iipi:.tln Riddle: wc.s employed as ,ci vic&-presidetlt or Dilli ngham Corporation, one of U'I~ five c.ajqr indus~ries io tto11waii,

• co:y.,ncnt of 010l)h"I> wao th~ Reserve lntelll99nce ?rog~ani O.ftiec loca-;ed irt an i'Jdja.ecnt building. In 19S0, tbe RI.PO w;,,sc COlfflUlndor W,J. Youn,g, who was transfer-red in early l9Sl And w•• ropJ.,,11c;:;etd by COil (late.r Cbptitin) JUJi

,.,y r•collcction of offic;•r pcn.onnel ie: •omqwhAt huy i,I\ t.hae. !M,ny wo.r-o quiet, eompc:tenl: otfic•r& Vho did eMir jobs eftlciantly ond ~hon stood out for- ono .ro.i.$OR or another. At the t..\lMt 1 we.a. h,irod 1 .a LT JDl:1n~All.a.nt A sa.t.tle resident, was t"eC:611..d tn 11c,-.1,.,,,. duty i n a n • caF4C~~y. rot: l'Oi\$01.'1.9 beao:- left uni, ha dop1u;tod through proeddu.res rot:urn&d to a poo.ition nt tho ot Wuhlngton .


On$ ot thli ••rli••~ r.x~utlv• Pffleer1 v•• CO~ ~.arvi n Van Der~, vho h•d t>t,n • p.r•-w•~ a9ent with ONf and l•ttit' ter"V91d AM• ~lPO ln th• Nln~h N6V~1 Di•trio~. CDR V60 D•r• o•n be•~ bit O.••cdb.d •• • tLu»oy•nc, ••U-ctn'-•NO p.1.«t.>1~, n•vor u • J.~• C()r word• t1.nd • n &icP,trt. 11t •eU-pt0tt0doh. Mt vu Ltt\et r.1tlhvttd by c.0A R•ymonO ~~ttls, • a.a.reu N~v•l lntelli~nco OCCieer who•• ~1'9~• 1.0U.s dut:y had been "-' N-'.Vlll Ate, .~n• 1.n Yl'11kllll l'eUIJ, c;..,1,1.,Qdio

u::~nq the early iatilge.& o( t;he \11e1;.nan. ver.

I n the ai.d-1960'fl CDR (141:.8-t' <:apt~i1l) Ahn Ba/th WU XO u> Hartin, COA Bath •nd hll vif• WJ~e oat l.9var• • nd upen r.h•tr t.t·•nlftr to R•v,dL, ~,..., rttqULrea \.O rlaco theh' •ix c:at• 11'1 qu•r•ntLnt ro1 •n •~p,i1n,Jv• pt~lod or sJx n.c,n~h• •

Ot.h•t.' 1.>&'tU••--· l &-~ .. ,' ......... CUM Opb ~o h• ed•O t.h• ~• •Et've Tel.etOINIWOii;,it.iona Proc;r._.n onCI Ybo, tot a t.llne, waa ac:Un~ 1>10; LT (late.t C•r.~in> Jeck Cl•rk , an except.!.OnAllY tint!: oftic«tJ .LT (lit-t"E!r Cll()tdn Rick C.e&u~:i , a cuHr inte1U.qenc:c' who h•ld CO b fl.1e • in otbar n.i~-:.dt:U/l'USOS, LT puny Rl,o61Js, A w•ll- to- do &aacd~ite, •nd LT Vi.neCl (LIN), who, ef-t-er t-vinf •cti Ylt du\.y, came tO t h• Att.ent'l.c>n o( ,'l Comba end !flit ln a leu­~han-c~lWnt•ry way.

T l\O apa.cre• ooi:uµJ.w lly i.r1• 1)10 wO:r!'Ct • •h•1-,u,,t1, "'"" b'~lld~ng contein~d only t.l<(I oltjo¢r , one tor the D10 •nd t ht Othe~< ooc:upitrd by tho ADIO And t.l\010 (l;ivillWI Maf•tant t.0 the OIO) , e1 poeidon occupied a1,, th!At tirle by Rober\. (i.\Ob) Xin<I , a Nov~l Re~erv6 C~ptein, The Ptllet. a~arod to ~ &ve no d&tin~ M ophuon sh6t8d by OOl:, and -:.n the i/Air-l.y 1950'.,_ t he podit1on waa aboliahid ~hroughouL O'Nl, There was e pAttJ.tion ~~ t.hllt oppotJt• end (I ( uh• buildtnr,i ¥ 6&j)41:'At.od tll• It a;nd Y bt•1u1ri.1. Ot.h•rwh"• i:.ti. c•1nr•l oor-tion of t h • building, un, •nv ~• t.J.on• , vu ocoupl•d by •v•nu and ol•rlc•l per.aonn•J. 't'Mr• ,,.c .. \;WO ..... u •, t'OOlrll wh i.Oh u.rveo •• G T&!Ctll\J..C6l equipctie.nt • i:.or•g• araa ana thr,, ct.her •n 1.nt.orroqotloo r-ooc,1, 5Dllltl ... 111'1.e i n u~:t, the officd w$r• IIIOVed itero•• the strol!!:. into t.h• aieeoM deck o! t.ll• Co::tnA.ndllnt•.s b' Sev!U'"A-1 y.-•n l♦ter tbe­~!O V4~ moved ~o a ~ote profoeaional s~etitl9 •t tb~ S..nd ~oint tuvel Air Station,

1•nroo9n,out: ~, J:J y•..,.-• wJ~t, OtUl)US, tt,• .-u. contenc.u,11.1• .cfUl.pi-tn• pto))lem WH .&ut.OO>ObilH, In HOY.-bt,r, lf')O, OH)llffll hO.d Jl IV\(l.lflObl.l••· Tht tWO M'V,,t .... u·w JU1 Ch•vtol•L• arnJ 1,.h9 ra111ail'ldvr ~i:e p~e--wat .,ty.DO.,Utb... Hy tlnt ro•d trtp \IIU uk•tt in a l9t0 P-ly,ac,uth vltb over 200 1 000 idles. That. r:tl-8.d \.r'lp wH to Oregon. My z::.-~ flil1,Qr:'9f!l~C)' aeop WH i,n TOOCIOft lo rt-phi:• a br('11\4Jn !en b9l.t . ~tia eeeond dlecgone)I a\.Dp ooeua~ in 1",.n<arla, O::eQ,;in to tiAv• ~he ~1·o•r,cy bnk, re~Lroa, l'tn'ell"l\ate-l)', in l"Al'CI'\, 11u1, w• wore ••J:;Wr'te 10 new 11\~out.h u,~n.a. MQral• illlprovMS 111.1,;htil)'l

u.v.n9 ,,rv•d u, ll.:>, 1Jtn>, IH!fttO aMI .. n 1n• Pr,H1i,pu~0


"nd hav.t,ng Ml- nl6.n)' •gent.I t1f1d lht1b tA■JH••• tn• bt>ll Qf ttu••· l>y ~ac was UNO ' 'f'WO reuori• • t.•I\O OUL • t.l·•· bH.\l\.f ot L.h• Pad £.Lo JJl).t 1;J'lw4..llt •nd t.he p..ap.Le vho IMltie 0101 l t;O euch ., gce•1. pln10e 1,,0 YO.rk. Ntao or:19: 1J1011,c wlt.h whtri l vorkod a.t. tho.I at.a.n.:

sinea ~h~r•-.,- "M fat'ltl•l otticc st.nlctu-rc ln 1950, ~M ngcnt. in c.r.~g• v•lf John T, "Pappy" n olllies, a gLC1.4d ,writer f, mon oloq-~ant pu~Jlc •09•ku, P•PPY Holm•• had lictle tonu,1 &dUQatian buL 111•d• Up tor H ln IMtlY woy■. tte wu • canadhn 4Uld can• to OIU frt.,M pr•vloul employ,nt'n~ '1111,t.h t.h• ttoya1 CaJltOlan H0\11\LGd PoUc•• ln •a~ly U~l, hppy C'•1.-h-•d a nd w,o c-,phc•(I by • H•vd Rf!'.e•t"Y• Otta,c.o.).·. LT (la.Utt captain> Dill M•ll, \ll'ldC.t' wt~ l hod •f!.!"VGd j,n tJi• tlav•l RH9t"Ve unlt i.n fto.; Mot'• llbovt Bill

Nall l&t.lU",

1hu n.,Cl uenirM agent Wde George Park, who w•• one ot my two aan~or-111 1.!.hr;oughoul •Y t.1- In Utm, Georqo w,u • China (h• ~lV•Y• r•t•tr•d to ~r1MI ~- -<;oc1·• tinot(), OMl of th& 4th K1rU•• ln sri•nqi,at. Aft•rr hi.a tnlh\;lllint.. fll'lplno, Ml 'W"H


Ullllo!dbtely hirlltd aa a detective on t.M Sh,anghal .Kun!clp&l PoUc.a­FOl:'Ce, e•otutl 'i,roup. G,ctorge ott;ended ()1'18 or the fJ.rst FBI Hatlonf,l Aee.deJrO' e1.l.Aelc&e11 in O;IJ•ntloo eni:l er.ded Up u -P-reaideot ot· his -1'0l19Wing 9rad~.riti.On, h.e returned ,;o N4b~a;k• and e.arded hi& hi9h •ch.ool- p\lN!et.he&rt, taking her ba¢k. t.9.!• Zlhoc'tJ.y t.hct.'COcCM~, •h• q,:,o:,rrA~t-~d. t,uberc-1,Jlosle. '4s he~ CO•~~lbn woree.o..:I and th& Ji,pan~e 'Mltl'e uld.hg -th• ir- mo...-e on;tli.H., .t;aorge. cut about for aoot.lw:r: j,oddori ln the u.s·. •pd in 19-4.0. l•ft Sb&n9h,a,i AS th.fl .:Japa.neee wore enr;aring, e.he c .i.ty. Mc h_ad re-coived • job o!ferc trorn ONI 1n Wh~ i;oporcfog tor duti' 1D 'i,t.!ttle, ,be l eoftl.E!d t.hl)t ~e D_IO WU .-ctually • -u Jg,Olffl priv•t• detec~iv• n~.ed. -Luk~ s. May. Sho~}y ifter G&tltggf~ a.ttl.vd in M~ diied, o.orge.'& early yetu·11 .i.D S!fbt-tl.e '119~• •~M !:'11 •hn''YAillanotu~, la.rci~Y of ~su1ar offi.ciala. and Ruui ,en No.vd ottieers fi-Hi91:1ed ~ tile roreM:11,ng Oi::, ):n a<ll::liti.on .. Ge-oc99 •~nt o1 qoioiJ abillCCI of WIUI voi.klng in ~ underCO'\•~r cepa.el cy a.t th• Naval Suppl)"' Ce.btU., 1Jl'COV01'.in9 and thV& the!t;a. S011etiae in tM· U60 1s~ G&Q:gll! suffered• pjor he♦rt e.~took duting ~ in~er1709at.ion. &t e.t:ameri.On H•V-Y Yard and owed b.b .l~fct t o . the ~~)I; th.inld."9 of Spcdi &l A9ent. Al s-e.r.toldt WbO w•• e.saUt:ng Georg• a(ld Cf-J!Qdy -recognized v haf wa• happ&, 1:>rolt& ott tM 1l'lt.err.~ation And got Gi6i'!J• to a doewLfln..oviul. ocor,•• ff;'I,; • vuJ..ety ,...,. ,.~••on•. u-ao.aterred "'to Hono).u..lu_ !.n cha e.u-ly 1960' a. H• dr:elded. t.o retir-e­on 31 M•Y l965 illld, a1ong wit:.h hie vi'(c, ~~. a.nd Bob ttill9 8nd _ bls t,i t•, we.a co on a world crui-~e., ~ve.r, 11ovcr.ll days boa!ore retiring, G6orgo scffQI~ a necr~ A~taGl, Th: COCM>& O..Cficor of a l:'-l\V)' veu.e-l on wnieh ~gc b~ work..«S ofto:-od ~o take tene, along "".ith Cclorge'& a.S~G, to"" tor: b'J.rial. A$ a reeul't, c.oorg_t!'9 rQfficu.t'l8 wei:e s-cat.,~eNG\ on· Ulo ?aoi!ie ocun near PDArl Ha.t'bc:i~-

11. -!ether t !or uny of u, w.a.11c -rranJt Shane. r;rerik. had been a P!hker1;,on Dcteetl~e for a n\llllb$~ of ye~ra an~ joined a~r •~ ~ho -~'d:ire&k o( i,r.nt , Lik• Geo:!'(;~~ ~ a,lso bad .i h fncl .in t.he oany su, undett.Ay • ~ the OIJ.·taet o~ the wa:r-. •Tho big guee~ion ct. the tilos wa.a to determi-ne Wbieb cf the -Savi~• Vil• GRlt arid £rc:a George, and l ater ~art wel.k.e.r~ t . th&<:: ic vos Pi;anit vbo walil the fl.N·t t o piok out t.hq right one. Pronk~ i9 _principal WW'I.! a.ooifl'illltillJ'I; v•• ~ il:""""' .... """ Niwy Yara. As a.&ide. !'rank., 'tor • J\Ufflbe.r of y-,ars, qpo~al:.ed a si~ bueiMa&. He r•n e. !'!.r:rn to. Cbar90 of Al:ld t icket t.akctrs 4?. Cher Onivorsit)' Of W• >.tb1eu c . Sc,i:;ehow a S•at-t).~ :i.pbrU Vl'lco.r h•ppttned to rMDcion ~rank in a colwr;o whlcb w•$ seen by th& OJO. Tbo D~O we~t b41llistie ~it~~~• result th.a.I:. Pr•nk turned~ bus.i.ncse over ~ hb s.~. )W,ny of us. OWit ·1111)1:;ft\ ~o Fru\k ..!or hh p;,itie.'"lt oouo.&&l.iflg,ao vau H tor .th~ $J)$11.'t p,aoaing, OD c.o ~~ h!-ii- -re.port- ,....r.hing s)dlli& vbich w~e t.h.e •very host. f'ra.nJc I'etJ.l'i-cl 1?91\'! VIH- in ~bi, 111.\\l•l!dCl' s.

aw, a ww:r yoomen aesiqo9d co 01013,m, was iJ11Midio1t:Oly hired al an .agem: at th• epd at cha YU-. !Ull ~'iU ~ or tbcti• quiet,. Un••s:u..l~g vbo wu cQ1T1PCtt.ent in .ao rn.U)' &rue and on 611 -a.rourtd .au-t.aund.ln9 ,a·g.ot. Tt W11.G W'J 900d fl6r:tune to ac1:~any Bill QI;) ~va underccwer Clt-tifl ot ~h.'9 ¢a~ .3 V6ri_aty, on~ in COW.JS ,;ar;d one OIJ'l'COtJIJS. W•t:.cb.fng j i).l opttt:.U .(n thocio hi-;ihly at .. .rentul o:wl.roe'lmente -vaa • gre•i.. 1, eJq>Cri.einoe tor me, 1.-Ua1 r,AM, Dill 1l,q '/fl.I • gihtd wriH~, lt ls ffi'J ~ecou.ect.100 that et t:he tiroe ot "tb& N1S/t>lS split: ·si,U bccAme tbe 5AC o1 the &c..attle blS Qf.t.loe. •

aa.rry Whita0x:•, l~lco 8ill . Y H a WW!'l ycocoan vt,o alayad ~ •• An eguo.t following t.h• wa.c:. fla.cry'a epoc-i,11.t::y w•• r•QO'.:i"d.e . lt9 knflW wher-e e.ny •ll r..oco.rd• cou1d b9 fwnd in flhe sent.le u:n. He .proved l:.o be 9enerou• with his t.imc. l.n ha lpl.rlg --hoae. ot w; vho wll!!.re neophy,;e• in the l.nvcS-hgaUve- buainH•. Ha'CU ret,ired fl'Ol'II KJS ill t.he l960'e.


Ro~'t (~c)t>) I;ve19-i,:gl"; w<11 teetvh.ed a t: .abou i:: the S&m.B H R"JJtt.i.!I Bol ~ •J\ •fld .U cOCIQ5. ijc. \llet: a ,g-r•<N11to ot the. un1.v,nhy ~~ WaShi,n9~ -J.ri a dieclpUnP .11-i.m.Uar to ch.y P.lenniog-. &ob we!! a ,,. ...... ct, yr,-,; c, a9itnt. and 1~ a.ittµ" savCJf'"ol y~en tQ t..fl:A e -pc:s!e.i(m 't(itb the Chy -or 1n s~ p1Anning h1:n«.tol) .

.j. fl:ut,u;; (RIJ!~) IIOl~n .,raduated t'tOCD -W.,ahington St,n.9 Col loge. ina.,ori09 in Police SCillnQ9 •r.d oomnen.ced $ Ln Qec~l:>9r, J.!949. on bi.a r t.u.t d•!(, tih vife., ~nny , WH afflicted w-lth o !$-oCcvci:;9 <iu~ or mu.Ltipi,. _,,_cJq,c.os-i.s, rendering her complecel;, p,:anl yied, s~e event.u-1ly n gn.ln~ tl.'le OH , o'( h~r A.r!'ll.5- a.nd l•g• -e:nd ~b• an<1 R\ICe h&'4 two lr,OJ:"e ·c:hi1<tr•n- ~ Q~Ollr.¢b Ko1.-mon and o v,o.ry tin« Snv~a~lg(\t.or, Rut·e, cv6.lit.,,lll,1-Y pa.r•uadt"d ttlG oH.i,ce -:;o ~n a ~os id«= A.gcuiciy in Pooiit.eU.o. l dMO, 111~fo9 it:. pos::ihl!! !O~ h ~ to t.raval to Sc.le 1,ake -C·Lty ,on cx:ceiu.on, Ntti.rCIIC.nt, a:u:c ,..6!! ~lO/@o a,t. the Ne.vy ic\1Cl8M F'AcilS.ty rd~ho F'~l.1s for' a t,ifle -and p ll-.sod e'<'isY a t II i.e!n..iv«l:.y e!&rl)' a;Jo.

Al COU'be, a Ce~lOW 9radua ~e o r --i.ewi~ • clark. Coilege in Portl~d, c eine to Qto;t by• r:ound-abou.~ w-oy. Al vae oo~q! £our ~C Studer.ta- who """i:o a.ntieed ittt..o i;a~kin.q c ooullia.&ioru; i .n. >:.hci ll..a.v1'1. 1re,.erve Tn1.-oll.~9~nce l>rog~m- ON1 ~u r-,ivctabl.y impr:e.ued ~ bis Bl and JJ\ ;loec:aiber, l9i19, affo.:-od Al e.Q • 9sint'."s poeltion 1n k~t~le. ~ttor two y~<U"S in B••ttle, Al w•s tappod :o open~ 1{odd9n-i:. Agoncy .in -Pc>rtl4nd 1.n oll.:-ll' l9S2. At t.ho t~ ot t.ho toa:r..o.Uon 0£ th~ btlen•e 1nvo•t.! S•rvic:• IDlS} .- hl "'~ o-ne ot tho e~~ egen~~ p<1ttson&1ly •eppt'e>a~~$d by the t~tt- tlitPY'=Y Di,~oc:tor of ~!S, J:ac)c l.,)'l';C"h; itt an qf~ort t.O ke-el) hi• in N!S. H• wA.s. :,ec.Q0ifi,ca~l}',cod A SAA.. iJ'l $01,)t.-hora (,e,:iforni.• bui:. c~eCl t.O,~e.r o:o bl!:. 1-).· beclllJle llqcr.';. i f'l cMrgo o f -the 01.S ort:1C:Et j,_n E:o c:t,g, :Kichi.g&n a nd i:ivun lat~?: J.4rvod o.&­al\~ ot t.neu e;Hc:e. Ot G, .LHi.• At .. _f,u,;" a.••· !'ton.e-, llo,o; Vc-,:-k,. !".ollowing. J\j ■ :oeir ei:.en~. -A). e.nd hie. vito, t.i.nde, elect.ed ,:o Uv~ on t;h~ &.;u;t COC"t. , Ure,:. in .R21t,9@1'\ , NY ond l~ter: ln )<;o:-t.h Ct'ee)C,

'"'. Jill Art a.nd l c:eme ~rd the a6:ne d ;:i.y . il'im w<l!S a, qe-adu~u.•

o ·t the 1/a.1.v~.::•f!:Y of Wa&~inq-:.on i.i, Acco~int;ing. He lll'ilt ncvc~ p i:irticulariY h .:ippy .u .ah Agon~ end ti}$ w!fe beeaio.e mo~t unhSpp)' ,-,,.,,..r toit-i:1 occa.:io:;al. t:Q,1.d ulps, rn ci.atly l !JSt, Ji• W.:i$ :icli9C'-$d --eo tt.cliiod one o! the t i'rn. Ba•lc i'.go;it.o ' tOl)n9 al:. 01.U , Sh6rtl.y after retcrning 1;,o Scl>tde, Jilfl t'ctS igne<I ro:r a podt.! Ofl w,lt.h a paper co;z~any 1n f:vc.rtt.t't: , W4i;bing,:.on.

Ml' progras~.fon t.o. Q»l w~ll i.demdc•'l L."'l mat))' way,; -to that- .Q( At cocnb:s, tht'oi.:gh i:.h.9 RQJorv~ t3t.ell lgancc . ?-i'~r•ia. Ai; the OQtb:::c&k oC c.hc .Koro-an War, I vae. -ln rr,y Iin&.l ftQffio.:Jt.c::: ,o( crc:~duatc a-ny part:i tiol'ls, vH aecupit¼d by eg.ent.s iU)d clerical pere,0(1.nel: Th«re w-ro two o.u ll. adj oinlt•~ .J.ociat wt), ••..,..d oo • T-H;hni ~d !lqui_pme.ot:. s ton,ge uea. a.nd tho otMr a.n i,ntQ{rogAtl9in rooitc. Scae­time in 1952

4 t:hc of.!ice:& wo :-e ~ved acrasc the e tr••t intc the

second df:,Ok of the 'Conl(lil.1'.ldM.t 'a bUJ.l.d3ng . Se.v$t'-1 yoe.:IJ t.h& 010· v,ts moved J;,,o a .aior• piofeuiOCJAl •et tin g au ,:bo .Sand J><>il) t;

N .. ava.l ~ lit.atioh.

,-hrOQghout 2:11 yen,r;s wltb <»J?,{N.! S , ebe O.Oat. 0ontentiiou, c-qul pm•n~ p.r;®l ,_ w111• a u t omobiles- In NOY~. 19 $0, DIODhttl 'had 1.2 a~tomClbilcs. m. two nel'WeSt; were 19:4.7 11nd t.M .c,emai~er· pre-vu Plym;O/t,Jc.h•• f!'.y r!.t's t r~d t r-i.p \ta& t.~Mn i~ a ) 940 ~Ly,iou tb vit:h over J00,000 inllea. That read trip w•• t.o o.:re9on, KY firs t e:@rgc.11ey • t.08 wae in T•cooi~ ~o J.,-eplaea ._ bi:-oken !.an k lt. The second emer>9e.ncy st.op occurred ,in A:ltotia, O::•gon t:o h•ve ·thf, ~fflCY brake i-c-p-l! l'Ot' t.unately~ J..n Kf;rc:h., 1:,si. we- wa:o a•• i gned 10 .n.,,, Plymouth s odo.n.s. Moraie i znp:-oved Li.ohc.U)'I

Ha\' l ng aervod iJ\ l3Nt>, l Utt>, tUSitO •.rid i n th& Pbi1ipp.ine.s, •~d ~•vin9 me~ t1111ny •~n~• and t.Mir tQtliu, the b e st of th~ee i,:y tar 'WH t 3m,. 'two t•••or.• •i:•nd QUC - r.h• b•UU\.Y ot t.h• p~ai.Uo llOrt~n and th• poopl• v)'lo ockt OJOllNO •uch a 9Nt&t. p1-o• ta work, H•r• u• t ho•• with whca 1 worked •t tMI 1t"-!t1



51.nca there va.s no ton11al office at..ruct.u,i:w ~ :950, tho ag&nl i.n eh.u-qe Wk& John 'I' . 11~aPP:)''" Holm••• ➔_d gUU<I "l'X',l.t~r and a 111os-t. •loquent- put,Hc ape.ker. Pappy, Hol.&ea ha.d liHle formal ,tt,d:Jcat.1.on bi.1t ,r1a-6o- up tor lt. ln Nn)' W'ilY• · ue. \ta& a c,ioa_dilltl and ,;4111c to ONI trca 9r.-vious Uplo)'llb.nt vit.b tbd RO_l'al... C&M4iA.r. t'.(iU.Dtced Pol.ic-e. Io early 19'l, pappy •lid vu reP.l•ced by a Nav-•1 A .. •~,.,.,• Oft I~,., t,'fl' (l,111:Mr Ceipte.lnl 8J.l1 H•U • und,er~~ t Ubbld served l.n the N•v&l RNIIJTVc unit l.n Po.rt.hiod . More a=1-1t; a Kall lat.e.r.

The r,9xt. agent wu Ge,Qrg• fl'lrk , Who vaa ono of· t;,Y t-wo mentors t;tiro,>"91'iou'- lllY ltin,e -1.n l JND. Goo.rg• wu a C;bina ~a.rine (he always ..rererr,ed t.o. Kari.nos is:i '"'God'e. tine-.()1 one of the' 'oth K.Uiti.ea in 1Jb•D-9Mi. A.ft~ hh enlinme.nt, he- """ lmi,,edla.tely •• a dctt.ocdvo 011 Sha.n9ti,1,i "'unicipal Pol lee force, • lllULt~-n•tlonal group. Owr9$ •~14ndal:td one_of ~• r,4"$t FBI Ac.adomy c l~ssc.s in Qu.ant!,i.oo o.n,4 '1nclod up u Preuttonr­o! hi& FoU awi.n9 .g"Adua.tion, be. re-turned to t:e~ska •ftd married his hlgh school , w9"Qthca.rt., tAk1n9 Mr ~k. t:o S-b11.09'bU. Shortly ther&afwr, •h• contracted tUberculo91s. A$ he~ eoru:liti.on wors.enect and the J•p&n0-w-1oe "''rua makl:ng theJ.r lOOve ~n S:h ~nghai:, G;&o.rg& east a.t>OUL lor ~no.ctJ,oc posic.ioD In th~ U.S. ~nd in 1940, l~ft Sh&ngb-.l as Ch$ J-P-r••• wace ~nt.e..r~rv; the c1~y. He had reeeJ.ved • jc,b otte.r -tram Olil .in ~at.t-le, i.'ben roponing £or d\lt)' i,n $$.a.ttlM, he loamed thls"t the DIO v.i,i. actually --e ~ll kn°"° pdvat~ ~~t:iv« IUllJ.Cd L-u_ke: $ -. , May. Shortly ~tge•s arrival i.n S•attlo h-.U w.i.f'e dlecl. Gooi-gr.'c ea.tly y'e!U'·S In S9attlo

and bad sec.1.1red a co:iuact •u.. .a high ecl:lool in SheNOo:!, oi-egon. days before graduation, -I .rec&J.ved • phone .c&ll 0Uerin9 "Ille 1l() egcun:.•s job. ! expr&u9d ay dleint.1tre•1;. buc. 11groad t.O drive w Soa~tl,e fo:r on inte.rvlev, Jn Sea.,:tht, l"f;gpy Holmci~ IT!~\1e it c1oar l c ould not be hired ot. my ro1;4rv9 ;:t-ort~. '!hat."vaa f!.ne wlth ae ao I cet:iu-ned c.o Port.l.and. Upoo retu.:-n • .! fcv.i.nd in the ma.11 ,1. a-et ◊C oxe!c11;s ta a~ivc duty, elong wi~ a phone mHS69'e fTOID I.he DlO t.,Q <;alt h:.ffl es SOCP as- 1 e.rriV'ed t<.0!1\C. Oap~~in tdWa:tc18 ude i~ clear 0y ; rasarvc ottil,.i.ation wa~ note.. h indren<:e &l)d h9 S\ I rr.turn co S~tdo, and t.a Illy active d~ty or09rc . The next moqiing & wes sittin~ in Coptain l':Ovardl'I' o!U~e . H.• wt1 lk9d .in/ u~ad for th.a o;dQ~a,- ~ I wanted th-e joP. lt too.k mq ~ll of flvo ••conds 'CO J•Y Myos, ~ ~r.•bab~y oAo o~ ~hoc••~-=, ,h~n9c ~ h•vo ovor-.- _.. c~oh cAo .... notice.

A \oVNI abolit, h.bA VM'iOUt 010'1/C(V& dUt'ln~ lhy_ ltl)' .its JJNO. A# :I ment.i.():Hld ••i:Uqr, the Dl,O {It t:he Of ffl'/ ~?\O_}'Ulen-1: ,;-u C•p~1in ~ohA t- S,ct;.,~~~• (q<>t ~o P9 conNsed wleh ca~a!n John ~-£ctva::O$-, -a highl.y C$apect:-1t:::I :o;n,or Director o! NISJ. c~~a:in tctward.5 v~G ~ d$$i::;c9ye~ ~kip?$~ wtth no pr,evioua inttll~ge"oe o~ ifi,VGes-t.i9•ativo oxpo.rioncr.. ln tac~, ol'. t:b& ltl9bt '!>16' s/CO• s, only ~vo na.d .an;· peti:vto,.ui .tnt,ellige-nce ~xparioJ')e~ .\flO ft011! {'&a a.ft~ iilV~S-d":;e:t-iVe ~.lllil,)et'l~oe • '!'wO had bad PT-9\"i0».8 d\lt)' lr.i ••. Cl.l.,e:!' DIO ah19n:nenbs.

la 195-1, t!<hr.u:d.s wa.s --.::ran:ifarn,d and ro!'!plAc.ied _py capua.i.n A®e.l't Jlahle., -w))o c4111e to tho as•tgfllll!:!nt. .cn11, a pn:.vioua a.~wene asslgM.~ot. Upon bi.a depa.rtur4 in U~l, OOR i\obQ,rt Mu:td.n, a Re~--Ne 'releconm\J.nlce:t.ions OfUQ'er, se.rvl!!d -o..s e<:ti.f'lg aio tor ae'!'ecal mo,ri_t&• until ~l,icv~ by c.iipt.atn •"'-• ~.-nni"d" , a •~bmenner;. _ T._ tbe eventual great ·jc>y of t_t\9 •9ent co~ , ,:.ha Jtavy ch.an9t<J c.he nlea, hanening Ca.p,ti!l.i.n J?lonniken's te:d . .rc:18tit. 'rhe time-..honorecl. reti.remenl> raM of "' admi.rsl , l;Ml$t.,ow'!d upon ~tix:ing ~t.&in8 '-'ht:I held warl.imca i,i&dila, 'Wis aad flP'r W<1ntin9 t.0 lose the dtle, C.11pt,i,11 ·t.oo1c e•rly ret.irement.

He ~as ~eple:~ by Capt~in Pona.ld Toda, •nothi!r dest.:uy•~ e ldp~r. Clltf!loflin ('C.lnm CDl\t T\JIJoJ h 1,14V11t1-n•n1:,1,y ffl9R'>n.O 1.n Rtoh•C'd tkt~OOmb'J bOOk, •Abandon Ship,• dot•i4i.n9 tht aLn~ing ot the USS lHDlANAPOLlS. Captain TOGa ~•• SOPA (Sanio~ P~esent A.float> during the •••rch pha•~ atter the survivor• were d:isc::over~d and h.ed to make t.t\e fatcfCJl dec:Ia-)on to tult th• 110•-rch not knov1n9 it any oth&ra 111.ight have been afloat but Un.teen ,



Cap~ain TO(:t~ was roplaeed Dy l,'DR Willia.s bl i~a , ~ho iu:d P-!"O~a..(•ly ~n ~••igned •• Rese~ve tnt•\ligopoc ProgYu Of!~cer A~ ..,..1 He•iJQua~t•ra , O\l:rin9 ht• t.enur,, eh•r• we,e tho•• whq •~ron9ly folt th•G Actual c:om,r~n~ ot th• DIO ro■ ted with ,ho

Ot•Ui<it 1,eg&.1 OH.Lotc-, C:4.pufn Uugh H1Ll•'t'•

~ho last two DJO• ■JCO•• wace uodoub~aly th~ t wo be•~ in te,rnis of cari~g tor, and ,:a • o tntctrut irt, t he • gent corpt. &in ~ K~rt. i'.n t.ra nsfornd in trom DID 8Nt> ( N8" 0£'1eanal and Y8.& -i~ Soat.tlo a c ~ha t:.imc of_ 1arar,■ ition ,:o the N;w•l Investi,qa,Uv• ••n..i.oe in Jl'cbruuy, U,6~. Capt1'.l.n ~-t.~J) , a ■c:m.e­'¢at fl&lllboyant p,-.non, hac:i 4h .1.J:11.1•,;.do1Js wwn r eco.rd and i■ Pt'0111in-nt).y .. nt,1.ori,•d !..n th• boo.IC, "A Difhr:-•nt K1nd ot' Wu" by ~ioo ~Lre1 Kllion ttil••• M.lnJ..r■l ~il•• ~~nMn • 9~oup known U IM:O, IJ,oo,,,A,ow,•1c1h CCl()PffH.iY• Ol"qtnhAtlon , opotnlnq J.n ¢hint,

'I'~ lflet co 41.u;tng .11,f llul) t9nU:t'G WH Capb,.ln tluold r:llii,.un, who t.ra,nate(:t'•O in 1i:-om ht!, pre,,J..01,u; u1d9nnum~ u CO- of NilO ~b•rle&t-Ot,. Tho~o bo'0 o!fi~e=-.. Oid ll'lOre ~or elw ~9~nL~ o~ l lml f; -all r.heir 1ttodecf!8!.01'9 cQmhincd.

lilt.hough n~\. a ca :,~ xu, on~ ()t e.he 1t.,1Je~ J.11~111c,intln9 offl~"tl'• a~• r••l ••••~ ~o ~h• ottic~ no:rJn~ th• early 1,~or ■ w•• t,<:O~ 1.Qut.• (t.O\l I L£,n0.1'\ffloyo!' who ca•• 1;0 I :nm Crom • 'fi~ 01,QW or ~l.fft. rJ.\lt..)' and Vititt1•II• 4~ty~ 11,. wat ti qu~•", low•)l"y otHoer-, v•fY •tt•ativ• J...n hlt ~ntk ~nd well ll~•d by ov•rv<.lt'le,

t h.e.d p&l'h<11'111 th• •hol't.@:J\: c:r;dning: p~:-10(! in tho history ot 01Jl. Ou 11'\y .tl..ri~ My, Pb.ppy outlined rr.y trdninQ progrAm., tt"icxe ti-e-i.l\g na !o=l p~c,gru ~ur:hout OITT. 1 1'0Uld be s_pcmiln9 b1otO WHk• in th~ orrico retidi.DQ p nuol.s-, reading CA11e, and be-;QOIJng !amlll.-r 1,d,1:h !1le-& a nd !U!.n.q •y$t4i;lf. . 1;wo

wook.s. l wculel be pa.ired wlti.h !'M",n::her •ve.nJ di,oing t>aCk~r°"'nd L.nvoaU9•t.ion11. ICowdYtt, h di.dn • t h•DPftt\ ~h•t w•'f • On ff.Y •&Clond d•y, Novtmi:.r 1, PIPPY h•d n• -~¢011'\()•nv o.dc9• PAtk to ar•ttt.On t YINY I whwre ~- Wtl WOiklnt • wton9tol do,tL"U¢tion c••· c•~n,a,on• ha<I C\U1 wJ r-.• to tbt Snt.e.dor comrwni.cation• panol on -.n UT being t~oa111iaslollfflt Cot" l'IONot . 1\. Look Geo.l'Q9 .,,bou t t.h.tH hl')\lH to 1,00.l'\'t,1.ty tln:1 1,:ulp.d~'J •• o ., .. u.,.,•

Pl'ior- .to l.!o,9,.vi ~ PS~Y, GftQrso c:e.ltf:d Re.,d.quo.rtc!.£6 .repq,rt.i_ng thf: re&~lai "and was 9iv~n -~er e9e.1gno'IQ.f)t. . ft t Bon~or. at t h ~t tiff'" • ,,~val MmurtitiQJ'I r.1epot.. The fl;,,.n or of a merphant vc!:Ssel loading 4.J!'fflUOltion tor ~or•a rcpotlild • civilian C(Own.411 wfiO­bU•9itdly ..,.,. •;,oudn9 pro•oonuwl"llin. idnt bnd wu onooutaqln9 CtMI ,,_.~•• 1,0 d9n vnioi,• PHO• po1.1tlont. A Ht1rch or ••..,.n•• lOQke.i produc.ct nuro•rou• copie, or t.M we•t-oo••t. CP newfpapor U w•ll 1H O\ll'IOl' pt0-eoa.vw,ni,a1;. h't-t!r•1:-1-11-.. . Tl)C .,, .. lllQon was Lucned over to t.h• Fat •nd ~•• ~OlllO'Vud tzo,t. tho •hip, By th• tlm$""' .re-~\lrned t-0' aea-c.tle, it. wu aftu 2 II.Ill tho following day • .Tbe µnp·rel:IJ,ctabilit.y of 1))11 ltto WM bt'OU91'1t hocnc. to Gloi:.b V.~%Y

eac-l y, Ob. The fo~ir.g KoO.¢$y. Noveeber u. ~4ppy MM•d inc l2 C:H·f-• and tl:e rtey$ co b 1940 p] )'l'l\OU't.h a;r:,d H~t ne 0(1 ~ o.~-e.ek t..ri p t-0 os:-lt(I01\. For e 11 p.nct i.c:al pitrp91oct11, formal. tr•i ning 1tndod•

vndl i.h• 11(1.vont or •utod.1n. •f'IO •\.oq,onic nr,rti-nv, "11 dl.•1frdl.i,n1t.lon or OHi rC!PQtl.•/loo<II w'I• by u.1. md • TvQ toru ptr1dHl<I throuQl'l.oU'l CN:S.. A ydl(Jll•OO!or•d ton, (t(ll."a iu, HT\'•d ,.,. a ?loUce ol Cu• Pfl!nd.lC19 and iwu •ho u11ed to dJ., .. mlnat.• loade. A blu~ tonn tf'OX'YI 1191 eerv.ct a11 • Ropo1't. of Invo•ti9&-1,,.J.on. D!O tJNO ,_.H 1&r9vly a Bl di-atrict , ln t.bU, - hondl~d lnllO'I' rt.ore er•~ c.hcn <.c.i.mi:'la.l ~ia,os. Early m;, ~gents wog]d vrit.c t.helt: report.So; tu:rn thlolO .il\ to P'illppy fl-oltw• 11nd tho':. VO'llld c.nd the.u r•oponuuJU"Y• t1. ,u,o\lld bo 'flO"t4:"11 that au CHH , evan C'lt,ot" eJ••• w•t• typtd ~y •9•nt.• J~ d•t.•il •nd •11 ...,.,.. writt~n ln tho tlr•t. pat•~· For lnJtontto , ttJohn SttJ.~h, ~I •PP.An~ rtl!•~J1Jcy ,

11u,.-t.ed 111,b11,tan1..i,ally •• follows, 'r h,we \nc,1,1n ••• ," fllf)

,-ouJ.d ~h!!r. qo to !J,e se.-noa, c:tii•t IJf'Qng t:.h4=m Joaept).rne Al.l•n 11nd -i.oube Sd&Ubh;ur.),n i 'l'b,ey would ~hen C.YJ)G t~e 11, amt


•end it to Poppy WhQ would ee& t.o~ics dlssem:ination. ~hbt all ~ded ""J:t:h t;MI- 1u:·.dva.l. of !iill tt.all, 11\'Ji<> ~k ovvr JJ 8n,.w;J1 at- t.ri. WJf!9 of ·pamr• i:•ti.!le!llen t. t n euly .u,1,... on.e ot 8:i.U •• J;_µ-s-.; &cdon~ vee; to ff}-'.~O. caeh •~nt ~pons-!tile f-or the •tt9 .ili5 .iu ffllC>Oth -fonn and requ .. i:,c,od the agent• i. ini H a i& bc;!ore r•ilc:h.iu.g tu.• Tha fi,r~t-~.rao't1 rvportlng &l<iWlY avolv&cl i.n~o tM mo(e prof'ttSdonal l:.h.1..J;"d•~Son rCJport, .1a.1:y1:1.ty Llu-ougn the. ln.d.ti•n~ <>: f'&:.n'l"lk Sl'lane.

Bill llall wa.s a.,fi-st: c a l.l~ to d\it::y, I..n c ivH.iilfl lite be vu an economi•~ -for the BurN.u o·f Publfc Road!i anrJ. hAd b<M:a th.~ <;(XClll(lndi rn1 oU1c•r of t;he Rea.efVR 1 nt&ll.J9imc:e S.n Port,,laf\d . Ii$ l).:t.d served i.n PtOH ?lD d\lring V,fH , b•v-1-ns- wo:'k'ed in bOth Br9'"~ton ond ~as i mma?~C~Y popu1•~ wlt.b the, 110.rpr; , R• i.~ll~•ly j n,t..t,1u,r1 :i traµ'li t\fi" _pr;oq.:'d oveq Tuesday •t\.Clr:nooo, eovqr~nq phot09-J:aphy , finge~prln~~ng, inter.rogadon.. i ntc-rvi!N.s, ~lyqraph Md ch• qewly enf,cn:od U~iform CQde o:: l:'\Uito.fy Jt.1Kico-. l:f.t: e.l&o 9$Ulbl..:.9.heti i;ha .!i.Cs.t. in ... hou~ei puCQnM'ne« e--.••luadc:>o form for- e.gep1;.s .

ln la.t..~ Ul!U:, Bil l Ball vat. :rcleat~C tTQffl .ecr:ive: Cl\ltY o.nd v.-s Teploeed by 1.CtlR Wi,llillm (Bill) Vog,:.. Bill vo~ h~d be,,en ._ WW!l rnt.olli9e.nee otcico.r 6nd roUowing -t.hiu:, tl-il,d- bcel'L lrt a pArr;:'le~­::ih.:ip in • hi9hh sueecl!i!UJll Or1ve-.!.n :elit.o1u11tJ.1L vefl\.ur• in Go.n oiego. ;i,.t \:.ho ouuet or \.he Kor:ca.ri war, &ill wM r•9•llmd •M as!l1.9nec1 to DlO litltl, 1t0dio1k, Ale.aka- Ho, too, was voll H,l,;e,d 11nd l!.!.gJ;fy regor-dcd by ehe ~gont.s. .md aerv~d in s~a'll.t.19 \lntil. 1a~e 195~. 1:1• t.hon -served i n om , ,:.hen u rho !O, CONNAW..An:r-.')lAS. HP­wa9 1•\:.Clr nr.aa,ignf!d oo ONT/Ni$ Head~arter5 atld W~$ the fL.-s.t Oep1.1ty Pirccto~ of NI5, Ri.s l~,t NtS tour wa.s •& XO o! Nl SO San Ohtgo.

So.~t.ime ·ir) 19$~, ONI ch<lni;;,ed l:.hci c ivll!an Cos:unAnd -s,:!rt)C,tUre w! ttµ.n eeCh ~10 by ost.c.bllihina ch.- eivilien Supe.rviGing Ag~nt positicn. Soma ot :ha lar<J~ d.i.&triets hAd eupervbing agenc~ at. t:he PG- ll lev1tl 111\d the smaller ct,fst.rieu., i ~ UNO, ~re po,.12.• s , n e tir•t supt:..t'V! sln9 A9onc. .in 1Jlf0 vaa WaJ11;or Mcl';et!., w))o '!qi$ p:'e\l'lO\l:~l y ou.igned ln SU'I :O.icig?. Walt wiJ:8 ao ex~reme.Jy • qgr•s$iva ~np:,. ~one~iltr-s iMOv•t~vo, p~t a l~n•e O! ia~ecurlty w4i; to cause bia probl e::a. wfilch led 'tO hia r-ct.Sigt'l.fl.tiOft in· 1931 1

Ki.s replae$1Mlnt., .Al She!Ull, h 4d boo~ a w.e.rtilr.e o!fice.r a91)nc in san Pranci&co and l .0.1:cr b=canie • C:,ivili-an •~ti~. >.l waa the righ t :um t-or tt<o po-si'tion, .giive.n the Uf\'C"Mt: th.ct IMXked o f hie: prod~c~:sor. He- vu ~ qOQd, c.~l.,i;i lcade,r WU well rcspe,cted by :fellow a.9eoc5 . Al in 1 9"6"6 and ::9U-ir.lW ln 5'"ct.J• i:f!til >ih in ;

~= • it~ y9;y-a .i,ft'"' r kl ~h~ars bo:oe.amP t:.M superv"iis:l,rujjl a9re t1t., 0,.1 e.st6blbh9d ~ seerooa $-u~ieory t•vel ill Jltm. t.ha.t. or Anbt&.ot S"t,)po.rv.h.in9 A9e~, 4. polid<ln tUlsd by Goorge GU.r~, ii uims!fo.!" !rom o xoltiO Cl1eN York). · Georve ee..rved in ttlat podt until t nnsfcrring '!.o HISO Pbilip,pifiu in t.b~ 1.n.e l96~•G/oa r l y .:1970 •a.

~.otlowi~ Al Sb!lla.n• n-tj.remant, t-JS eu: i.gnoc! .Uoyd Be¢k, at the ~lJ!lO en Ass-4't.aht In N9w orloao•, • • supervi aJ~g ~gon~ tloyd, a wwn, .baid &erv$d i,s an ag9n~ 1n <=h•.:de,c.on 11nd U.ttr 1 1'1 l l~ Orleans. 111 u o hw !;...t.lltu,.htu\ld t.U lU'50 PhJ.tll,J--!,!iUW ti St1l)'t.;visfo.9 li.9tmt. -

During t~c W&l t t<tc::Ke* ~iod ONI ha~ e~t.abli she:U e Code 40 blll8~ 9nC:eot?A55in-g counte~intelli9cnoe dutio~. NOne of the •~ent corpe. \o'H ,ttva:re of the opening until .it wa s l oa-;ned tl,.n t o"l,C'k Cuad [.rOfl'I lil{tl 'had bco.n given the poaii:-.j.on. Die~. ti oat.ive, •e..rv•d i nt.ha t. as~~gnma:~~ un~4l ttw mid--1J60'8 at vhich ~fm.i, h• "·r•'ctrrod to, London. .At. ~ tfnu:r, l'lf hiA .-..... ~ .. ,-,. .. , nhne m•ct. it Knovn h• h•d QXt(~Cl•d ~ Pl."Olflilt (t'Clm H••dqu•n•r• thal upon c0C1pletioo of bia l~ur 1n Europe M would bo (e~U'C'l'I•~ to Saaet.le. Hl• cepltce11@nt in Sea~tle ""11,9 Denni• tipton.


ln 11W f~s.o:. 11oocin9 ·wi,tb Denni•, l nont'.ioned tbe -pro:tlue Casad ha.d ~,tr:GC:t;lld, wtiic'p came as .Ji c0111plei:.e- ou.rp.d.,u t.a Ol!n~is., 9c:imo~hing n~vcr 4 t1elo~Cid co hµJ by Ht~dq~ceTs. I latw l ca.t'Oed t:l'\aL upon eompt~-i'Qn ot Dick eoud•e \.O\lc i.n LondQ.C, NI5 1Md.c!I •v9ry cf.fort tq hit-Vfi him tr&11Sfet' illtO ,., p.r<lfflot;ipn pod,t.ion i.;) NTS Ba•d~a:rte.r,i: h~ver, l'llil was .iruil11tAnt upon nt.u:nii.1'19 to seac:tle, ~ w,a,;,,e \IO'rked aqfda9t ttiv. nt t.M um• oJ JU.!:o ;t:1116 bl,lll t.. 'Aa Seatt!.o waa no 1oa9er a, fUSO i Diek•,e bill$t \fflS .a.boli.&t.ed And tte ~• damoted J:rom 13 to U and gh-en an 11.SAC billet ..

. r ;o~bty ehe ff>PEl!t tlgbly ~eqa.rded~ wQll•liked r~$paetod l :i,;!1viduo>l. in DIOllND/.NlSO $Got.tle was "M;'G . r ·rcdd.fe Seot.t; , She ,was undoub~y the Der.I: ~ l-0 · t.).'P.f: 1 ~vcr ~t tlU.-009~C ta~ • .NO':: -OT,ly v•g sbe- .:.:.t.t'i.O-Ctlvc, ,he was •1110 co:u>C)t.r:_nt: . ktnd, ..,i~tY •ritf tho, 'il'iolo l.ha'r. b~l4 \h• ,;,£fi_- "'"''°'""'•r '". • 1-- r1"')' elm~.

A word lit?Oll': ~e,rsm1n•l - -t'ht: fil'a .l:. por£c;r.,ne.i eha.n9e dud . .ng :o.y umur:e 00.c::1.u;red .!.ti l952 vitfh l:.ko of .,im Art w)',0 op«!,d tor pr-iv•te lnduiua:y. 'lt\8 hce.d o! D Dr.a.nch, -Bill Hall, upon l~i:UT,i,1\q of Ji:r,•s .r-e:ai.,gnM;.iQ.n, plae6d a p.~M ca1-l er.> l:',d, con1:ac1,ing Ch.~rl&& R~ (C/1\l~lt:) sc.11.aett•r:, "-'TIO had b een • ~r- o! tfl• J'(osarvc lntel llQ9!1Cf" un~o:. i .n PQn,hnd . ;:huC'k, at- ~M, t!me, waa. a salesman !or l>l.ln 4.nd sro.dauo9c. and ~00>. a 51i\ ctit: u. ,se!ary u, come \.O . wor>: ! o~ 01a. Ctl;\lck pr¢V8d t0 ~ o tho!'.OUQl'll.}' eotnpet-e/lt. ~ nves-t-i$JAt.Ol· ,:and wiss:, vithOIJt. q\.19stior,, one· Qt !!nest. t.e<:hr,ice.l expe'tt~ i.n ONt. In t:,'lo Jei;.e 1960's, Ch uc k wae t.::...r\St$r~d to a. on9,-man. of-fice in P.rCl::tlerheve:t, -G4,..--me.,y an-c. la't,e,r &1H-Ved i.n G::eece. U-pon_ retlre:c1ent., chuck <!Ind tus .f~ly r ee1.1;-nod t.p V41ncouvel° • Wfi&hil-'lqU1n_,

t.!llian Vogt, ule ..,i~ of :.e:OR Bill Vogt., ""lf!I c::;,r;r a h bpptng ~me tJaY. ln !leco etilt> .. 1uc 1.o • ~,;l'lv•t~.-~~,..,. "'''"k ~h• 1:u1t,:u:m1u'.I, le-acnod t:he.t. be h'ad onca b een J:trnpi1oy:~ br anotf\or intelli9,n0e agency end vas no't much iptoro,;tod in. ae Ung ceta. LUHt n eold hiA i.,ho~ het' hU$b4nd W8~ in :nteiJ.igoncc 4fld. 9A.VC ::.he ;,·.a.1~:11an 91.lJ. Vog-::• e. pti.onc numb!!o.r. 6'no:< t.he.coafte:r Jim sor~~~en cen,c aboa,rd and boo~~8 o v aluable iMmbe~ o! tb• oiqisni­,i, . oim 19&r'-''9'd in Sea,1-t.lo for e nu#lber of ·yearl\_ a::id l ncr­beeMle r-et.l<S4nt a9e.1c-:; 1n EpokM.1$, Wi1.$hi-:?/;11:.0ft. Aftor­.red.somcnr;., .Jl11,. wo1t a c-;m,:,roo::. et;tm;.. !'.or !'.SK Security $tet"Yf(:9,;. Sadly, ~ u.t~ iuec~I.I w \:au1.el.

On· cy !irs:t dby ln J. 19,u .e.~ked th.e , .sme q'J.E'S!t-:.on by bottl r.,-onk Sh.•no e-1\d •~it•"-{;"" P.-~~. kn0'4'irql t ..,_.,. from Or&9on. "'Do you i,.now sen welker1- l didn • \. ):now Sert bUt:. )mew f)! tu.m tb.roo.:.Qh m._y broU,e.r wt.o 11a·d 1,¼i;k~ tndk4Ctly !◊r ,&en. ,,.-ith t,h&- Oro;On Stf!U i'ollco . . e.erc h.'Jd b&en 4 W-,Ui O!fiC$J:' 4'C]t!~,t ln -sea:=tle 8,Qd ln P-c-rt:land. Att.or re-:-J.tntn-g ,:.o the OSP, he wa:a pron.o~ed to 9•yt"•i,. .,.,.,'I h"'"-dod t.1-/e -~ c::foieem,:m<t. .Srencl\. Bocaming !od up wit.r.- bureil~n:stic 1'1.CWlh'lg. ln os~ • !eci. lol'."'s · h.1.f6C. ~'/ UNJ. .a.114.1 ri.,1: e period c: oigh.t years- 8!U'.V$d in 01O11-ND, Kodiak, ~6~ka . ; n 1962, Ben wa• u1t11afe.rred to- l l titl .ond eat.i.b1 ish~ a o.-:o-.,w,n AA :.n sa.1cm, o.o-gcm. !>OOlts- ¢01.11~ bo writ.ten on ~:'t-- waJk~r. pr:QtlablY on.~ ot >:.hi- ill05~ :.:~~ct$d ond bett.- J.!.'kted aq8i:its. we 'Md and~ ~~co~ l$6D~ ~o t.h• .Portl•nd office. &o-rt ~as a!ngle­h~~dlY regpon~ible (pi: en ln~9ll9ence coup th~t 1$ s1:.iU viAblc t,Odoy. follc,.ii ng ret.1.::i::sme!::.t, ~o..-:.•s "'ito, i,o,.d .se , ii jeJ:'lOU!I, ,1.11.ue:.e o .r a ,:i,,:,,,•l'l.•:5-a-. ... ,.,. n,-,..,,... .,,,..,.,.,. ho..J'. dcr.otll, 3Prt. re:m:1.:-rled b..l'ld J.ived 1.n ~.i-ze.:-, Qrogon unt.J l his dear.b i,n H88.

ll) ~?-ii: ~ody J.9~0';'• Al Combii pet'eon-..1.y r~t:i-rtJJ.u.d 4 hi9h­s.Ob00l cl-e!ISll'lo\t!:t .mo, lik-e. Al , -proved t◊ be o lh0.8~ cq:upot~At. ,11.nd ~1.1•.li.k~ IIIJtl;K - G(Wrg\'! XOTACI . ~Ol'91l' $pent bis : i rst ~ix mo..")T-f1!1 wio:.h Al o.nd. 10.;1 in ttt9 ;>ontand ot!ic:c:: 4.l'ld w..& hte-1' tta.n.s!erred i.o 1'.~t~r o ~_i:t.e he open~Cl a o ne~mon AA .-.i:. H~.c wt.ldbov tsl.ond. 1:n l?{ie or 1969 1 G+:,orgc wa& t.Ct'.r.s!-.e.rre~ .ond be,cU~ tt\9 SAC ti':. rrtSAA. OtU.ftO(>~ tuor1ca, 6'-1.U la.Le.a. hit. bc:oa,,• the S.t.C u HISRA ,;euavi):,\4 And 1iMl1,Y i,e,l"v~d ;I~ SAC at. msio. u1and, califo:rnie. upo,..-. r11:eirinq, Geo.r9e and A..":IO_t

returnod ~o chei:r homet on "1hidbey ~sland.!C 11


'Ihe CJtpH'ie.nce hval u . 1:>l0lJ.ND t.oo.k • quantt.tlll leap witb the hll::,ing o ·f Cecil <G .• (Gu,y) Ken;icy. GUy h4.d b,;t9n a._ WWll o,f!leer ana bet~•n wu-s llOrked ee .• tEJ.der•.l. inveati9a.toc. Pil-or co b.1.s: aae.l9~at fo 1 JN!) 1n the mid l:9$0 • s • Guy h.ed uz:v:ed op a• duty in <»,"I H-dqua.rter•.

Sovezal S~at~le-area reaide~;.a were h~r.ed by t1t1r at.a lefl! to ot.hM ariui;. Th.U v•e -the= C'U& WiT,;.b .floo B,;igM, troO ...-os ,U -9-!gned in tll;Ojh".ll (Chic.ago) bUt. had th-it 909d sense to worl: h-is way baok to Dt9llW- Ron waG a ~•tUl'a1 !~f the o!!!ee •~ PSNY, ·ar~1n•'ton.. Ron and I ~o:tt of followed e.acb o~~c around, ,gocgr.!!.phio.?.l)', In t-h.• UIISO•' lll, Ro.n .... as ae.lec~•d e.111 s{c .at, n-11 ope.r,ed H'iSRA t•l.and (San Diego) , ~ere Mo :Juccess!ully h•ndled several of the ltJO~t high p~!ile. cne~ !n eh•t v•ry ~sy ~J.auJ.1,:1. . Ne Lhtm Ule\.lau,= aAC 1111. JU.lM, ,c#IQ ~re,•orni-• .net l At.cir wos p1eccd in eh~rqe ot on. of ~ho -crUll!.s A9♦inst . •• " ~•*~$ i n ~he Criain•l loveatl9Ations. Divi#ie:n o! NlSffQ. Sa later va.~ tnns.ferre.d. to Rq,o. •iong wjth :alci.r G1Ub6, ~due:te.d soveral of the be,s.t.-.:teeeived cU;,a.os in thei !.IS 8a9lc ~_gon= Ch.Hi,

The ,eecmd ar~& reaiden~ to ·bct hired ctl,~h.e~a ~-~ Al SQa.feldt.. who' foul:)d,8l:f au1·onad to ~rtoll1 Virginia. .Lile. ~. h• real.bed t.her--e ..,.,_ no p .oca like £cattle and wor.kJad fu.S-­wo:y b4Ck1 11e:-vin,g et- Bremerton .-,nd seac.tle, A-l ..,a& pi:obably ~c IIIQ~~ i:enaciotu, i.nv~a"t...igator in tho. .DI.Cl, and! nave o-t-t.Gu ~c it t had ton.ei:hi.n.g i n ff b,1ek9roand :t" did.n·t_ \;tant divulged, 1 wou.ld prty bard my sr w-ai; never e.$s1g.neit e~ ·11.1 ••. . Ahe.r SC!ifl~ 20 years !n Seattle, Al vas tre.n.9:~erred to NlSO Ha11n1,u. and ~•ter .rCt.urned to Sea.t~l•- U,.)On :-eti.reo.e.nt, Al v~si orio o! c~ better -:inves.i:.igaton wo.rlcing for .XSX. Security S•rvi<l~s .

'l' wit-re • numbur of very tlne •9ent9 in $aa-rde ,wi:~li wh.Ocn 1. ~d a pissing a;c~a.i.ntaMe. Na.ea d\a.t. <:on.e to a.ini::I arc Sten s.a9ar~ .anl his. ruAning ·mot.c, '"R.00 llaeey" (L(>Ujt.a9-..y), Wal'ly &eul•Y, ,n.o opened an office la,, · M&'" yn "'Poe" P',.i.shcu::, LT Pa\\l. &%own, 'limos-= f•t.her 'ta8 e Cot:Mr Q;S. Son.ii.c:or fr;om Mic'hig.a.n, John Hwit, (111 Ag-e~t ot the \'SM seloC'-Oet" by ~ISHO: who lnai- trar.s.fe...--:r.c!d to the FBI, Ed Pabcrup,- ~.rlyn Twit.cheU, Al. ~kst.rol!l, Lou Ll!Lllbe.rt, WhO 9t,;11rbt~ •.s ;,n attic-or agcrit, le'te.r, bec!a.ue an agent- 6.M S.HH later l !Ut: for une t'l:11, H:&rry s~v"-11 and a t..a.1.l -f4!!ll0'1'~ .Aoge:t, ~ las t ·na.M I can't. :ec-11 ·&ld ·wbo V11..G a Jep.11r1e::c 11.rtgullt. Aleo, IJU-ol<I ·ea., Bi.11 Wit-t-enbe£98-t" .i,nd­undoubtedly othE,A, bu1:. tiae hes tax&n a toll on my Nmo-.ty ban;t.

Dutl1;;9 the 15 y~ars Al COl! and I we>rk.ed tog-ether in ~ortl11nd, we weL<e ble&aed 'fith a. 9~8a t group o! •qent.s. ·1 -.., r could u this &ju,ge or lite be Oe.rt.aln H t:o nhe otd& or. ,s.r;ri'va.1., w, .. ao .,_...,,. .. ao I,..,..,. .. ..,. .. ,1 f.av-'.")' Ct,,j ,._l,, .._... •"t,lo ,,..... .fl\ graduate cf 'WHhi.ngton State Unlversh.y, Larry adapted cnUy -ta Portlf:nd aod ·we.s great to have, a.round. After =several yUr"lf, '4ny tt"•llstcirnd t.o Yoko&aka, Japet1, and 1;1pon return to- l lHD. e~ offic• ·in l'IOl'lt&tl&. in 1960·, Don l'iitcheU transt•rrod c.o :..PortliUJd 1:tQCIS Oua, having pr, aerved tn, Al.••kJ· Do.a vu tlle orov•rhial •ball of ~ire, * but vith oa.. obj-.e~J v~~ • .~r•"~f~r ~A &ea.i.tle, ln .it62 he: vais t.n.o,terred. to SeatU& -and after s,-vorel, vaa ,:;nn$f•rrcd c:o 89-nolulu, At t:.h• c.iD!it of t.h• llI5/Dts •plit , oo~va., &eheduJ.e<I tor trai't.l!u to ms~ P~ suenui•, .~l.itoi:_nia_ u . _SAC, b1.u: ·worked many BP9hP u t.M D•ilQQ'\lt.ner1 level aod eLtect.ftd • move t.o DIS, rmndni.J::1; in Honoluld We:te he atill .ttl!lidee.

ln uu., , j ua-t prior to Don Mi-tchell'a tran1tec, Be.rt w.lflr 1.4•1 .. r wuw Lu C1.1oa ftl,••>.11, upiwnlng • on••lfllll MA. 1.r, sa..1M, ureoo-n pd cQV•t:U\9 Sf;l.Clffl1 <:ocve.llb, Eugene •M mucb of th• south•cn Ore90A C:OMt.- Ko,py woi-o t:h& t.imu .Al and I turned to Bert t'or advic• •nd .e01.1n••l ,11,nd not. once \Mr• we ever lad ••tray A rNl j-1 .


A ~Gt. V9l00Clle o.ddid.cY.i. """t-Dick P•yo•• • n•, Oregonian ~ g:radu&tj9 ot 0:teg-on fta.-U 'Uf\l~r&it.y. Mt•.r <l\ley Ab;oe.rd ll'SS ASal'AD0LA, tllck was a.ss1.gnc,d to Sea.ttl• u 11,r,; otti.1:9r e.go:nt . Upon r"leti:1te f&oa. •etlwe a,n:y he w.-as. imedtn•lY . hi.rod 4J' a p,ivilian SJ)ttC.ia.1 A9e.nt. A t...l.rcles~ worU.r, .Dick. probllQLy •tiV hasa •t, to.rgi.von ae -f'~ ~ ooup)..e o! t', ooe •n 'tncl~t I foiste!d on ht~""'°- ~X'l.'.l-iD9, A ffa\-J ~•s•~l ~JUI• in p~r•l•M t ~r r~A ~~~Yte~n t.891<:m N&cion.l.l Con.vf!nt..ion , .1 H,v a bdof new11papc.r- a.rticl-. $ ~h•t.· a: .N&Vj' taa.n' llAd bactn l!lr~Hted !or bu,c9h,cy near a -dovntQt,ffl ..Pottlfind $0rtua.ey &nd, sillCe. 1- vu l~a."1:l'lg _town, I Ukod Dii;:~ t<> ehectk H oot. .,. t®r'ld h.imself .ift t:h& midst of fl, invaet1t;,ati9nJ a ~•i• th~t late~ f&Ll in R9n ~~qbt•s lap A• t:ll••tea man Wa9 •ven~ually placlki 1n ths p•ychia~rie vatd at .@nmer:t.Qn NilVU. P.o&piul. 1-n 1967, Dfok .wu t;;o.pped by ins.HQ for ~ntl8Tu t.0 1fefdq\H1 r-c.o...~ wh,u·e ~ sacV~ Ln o U .o! eh.El tr.a~6:f 1-~voi;t:i, dapo...-t:c•.nl: cad6! - n, lJ snrl l lu co,;IG 21., i:.he d-ivj..11,ipi;i. At the t!.n)e ;,>f ~• ~ta,/D16 spli_t, I>1e'II. w.-s ift\,'oJ.1.mtM'iJ'y t,ran.s!:etted co D'.3S aod <1.J\u.a.r- ~ 1:imc re.turned co Seacttlt!. o.s S11.C or che DIS SMJ:t.le otrfoo.

ht, ~be dllll! ur D.iclt •~ Oa~,artu.rc-, "'~ gained a ,;:oa,1 "j·~l" vhh t.hfi -a.rd\;a,l o.t 4,;a;d(tl9 -H~..ncoc>:.. Laddie Cf.ffi9 to us fl."= tl')& t.Oi Angeles COUnt.y 5h~i{f's .nopcrunct,t, teq1.i"U'•d. little tr.aining •""" "'~" "' ri:•·•r,111,;,o-Au;.. ""'l"'"'" f'~ ........ ,-h,., vr-~v. ti.-:-:;i:. . A mea! o~ Lodd!c•:i obil.f.ty wc.s b)' t)lEI t~ct th¢~ "fi~ onl)' 1!!_ mQ11chs expe.ri•cnc-e wi::h. 111.S, !:11delie Vaf 1~1•ctad a:i bn'= c>t $0 H1S a9enu. conducting -cl,c deb:t1e!lngt' qf. 'U',o c.raw of USS' PW..BJ.O l:lpon t'@turft ;:O SAo Di8gl), ,,'1 te.r boi:ng tw:-1d by t-be NQ:r:-di t:.ore,1.m1, Int~ettingly, in PQlnt of -se:.viC'e ~itb tlIS, La.dcUe wa.s the j uniaC' l!lge.ot, Wt M: ll!.Or$ 1;.twm hold .hh: Oloi'll. At·to: :,,evc:-tai yeu~ Lr, Portlar.d, L~ddLo!c~~ t~ Okin~wa~ at tb&t ti!M ~ n"' ~si~$'t. 1>!tlc:e lri lHS wiV'I re5ptoc-t tc> e:rimtnd .inves-t!.9atioM- Aft.or five Y9Ani ln oklnawo, t•d& ~r.~for~e,j;I ~a c~cy v1, 1a ~ea! vvn1aeuJ.a, fl~ri~ ana lotc.r l4t~ NlS r~~ e te•Pt>n•Ull• po~itiOA ~n U'8 p.t'.i."'-"~ .sector. H~ rec:-,e,r:.tly• ::otirttd •6 Chl.ef ot. ?oiie:e ir- C.•rit.ral Poirti;;, Or•goa o.nd. U .tl&.f a Spoei&.l. ...,,;ient.- i;,i{.tl'lc 0:5s ·on Nhi.db4-f Td.ei,d.

~• wfilit"O joi;n.,(t ..f~.1' a ~hie i,") .v~,:----l,and by Randy ;tC>bln'ts4 Rosrro~ta))l y, l loe,; creek ct: ltanQY aft$& hit iot-'t. Pqrtl •nd, hOW-e'Vor, z beltove th~~ ~t~a.r l&~v~ng NtS, tio retucf)fl'd to a I.Ju•l11-."'11 on mddbttt ,_.._ao4,

rec ti"-'° ·t,ir•~ iiievcio.1. ye~iio .Ln rorc.14.nd, Al + nd T tiad. no .cl.eriO::al sumr.t, 'ft'• ·would pn~• our caoe.s in rough to=, ,a.,!Jnd ~bezr. 't.O Soa.ttlo t~ ty;,in9 a,,e would ·neve.r •- ~hen: agei.ti; nv..e.n~W,l.l.Y, how!l"v•C'• V'C wer• Mi;19nod tiliuu-y pu·aoMol of va_7"in9 -.nilitie• arid qualitJ,•• · our firs,; i,·+oman-, e ..,.,,., wt1os• n4llle 1. c :mno1: r-•J..l, -wa11 a Jl'prtland n41t.i:v• w'bo h~cl bettn the 1a11.d voce.LJ..•t !or a pop1,:.lar dat1co b4nd, She e...,. w:fth ISOlflef; ~..:.• ·orf•l ...,;: ... Qe'" m,t c.,n• pr-OYcd to b,, - ;re.U.ablo -S'e<:>~TU)'- She: Wf!I .r.01lc,r....tfd by W!.1116. ,,,.u,on., & fl~J . Wl'l..J,lu -.. r ... uow•d by Le<ll'l&n:I s-;u-ey, #U~bi;\1.y a YNl ~t t>p'JrAt.L"'tg ot 1;.1\,,1 --,.cwo1.., o? "' YN$J>. sw:-cy ro=c~v«d Qfdo:~ ~go 'tCISO .Jap•n but r,OV-.r inadc !.t, bJ.'° or&ilt'• Mv.i.n.g boe.11 < e.ncl h• vu, • ••ignod 1;.o • non--ocnsi~ivp 'b:£1.le~ - 11.e v•li ropl•~td by -!!.ob t,.r:,Jl\Ahn , e. guiot, •t•ady, plod(H,n9 y-eom~~

'l't\,e !HO s)'lllR6,:hA-ti..c ;;o ,J.~• •nd my _plttt,• t.hat. h. v&• tJ.IMt tor e ll'!oro pf,~nont: cl•~aa1 •~Af-f , preterobly • , ~tv-'1tiao, To , • .1Je1,,, • nd-r ,.,. w~c-11 at-l'!' ....... i ~ ...... ....,.,_ •nd b.i~e ~ o.C t:.he be!!::. J • $-'Vo.:: •tM:bun;.•rod in r4u:. Tbo. fl,r•t-, .14.n •ftimberl.y. -was a 11r•d1,1au ,;:,f a L ocal bL.~1• ooll♦g•. .Jan -• evo.rychinQ ot1a would ·wania .J,n • •eer~i;.•r)'• ·t,lho-n t.bft Gff"icO ,utp-~~ • .a.nd 0. e~d 111Gc::-eta.d•l slot os>(IJ'!od, Jap ::eeo¢cMlend.~d. e cl-•-'•111ato, ,3CG.O V♦nna. ,Jan 3-l'ld .,0 a11 wer• a ~rlolll'landoui- pair 6oil t.b.,J.1:" 'WOrlt wlH O'~tai:.andinQ. ,.!'.(tar !.ce.v> ffl"-9, · ·- 4idl . .r-a --.r.rJ.•<1 Ct.ristian n1!;ss.ion(t..:'i11tf "1'>d • r,Mt.• on oVft"See.s 111,iss!oa.s. ;:-~ .,.._<---v---\.,.& - !$.~,...,,

"'° thof• of )'au Who .r&ad t.J:lu, X"P cxw,, thing,. ln alnd - dw,io •r~ ,:;~• lffl)..s;n9• p. "' '75 you-olc .lM!rl:Or.'Y, suutt11.1J111u p.ror,o to Lc,rg~~t~1o•••· l'• eet'~aLn ~bore ar• ehoso wnom l l\•va torwo~~~4. un~r.t.:'t!.ndon•;t..1y , l!"o.o,l. f'te• l:.o .1e,:. ~ Yho .abould: ~ ~=0ludtk1 a,nd' e rovis-ioa wiU bo fQJ'tj)Qardng, ..M l ha,.vo .reed c>v•r nam4A f,c-c:,o,. --t.hlt- pau:1 l'. h~_,,e C4l-t- .bc?~h p.r::i69 sn-d 9."raU1;.u4• - gre.ti.i­t:udft tor having boon 1><1::-t of El IJ#-$~~ DIO ,ri~h jl.O IUl.t!Y fdflf\dl.