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Catalog of books about religion and philosophy.


Page 1: Catalog Herder Autumn2010


Autumn 2010

Page 2: Catalog Herder Autumn2010

HERDER Rights Catalogue

Autumn 2010

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Stefan Dalmühle Rights Director

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Dear colleagues,VERLAG HERDER is delighted to present its new RIGHTS GUIDE for Autumn 2010.

In our new autumn programme you will find many interesting and excitingbooks to complement your existing stock. Leading standard works in the theo-logy section, educational books dealing with topical issues, counselling bookson a variety of subjects, as well as beautiful gift books. Please read the synopsesto find out more about this great collection. VERLAG HERDER holds fullrights to all the enclosed titles.If you are interested in any of our titles, or would like to receive more infor-mation on specific books, please contact us. We will be pleased to assist.

We would like to take this opportunity to inform you that we will be attendingFRANKFURT BOOK FAIR (06th – 10th October 2010 – Hall 3.1 E 173).We look forward to seeing you there. Please do not hesitate to contact us foran appointment.

Feel also free to visit our web site for further information on our books.You can find us at


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4 Religion / Theology

9 Non-Fiction

13 Parenting / Education


Page 4: Catalog Herder Autumn2010

Religion / Spirituality 4

Bausenhart, GuidoIntroduction to theologyEinführung in die Theologie

Guido Bausenhart explains thecharacteristics of theologicalstudies, encompassing testimoniesof faith and experiences that pertainthereto, the threefold function oftheology which is clarifying, criticaland constructive. This book conveyshow theological statements aroseand their claim to truth. A basicintroduction to theology and itsmethods. An essential book forstudents of theology and thoseinterested in theology

13,5 x 21,5 cm, 380 pagesISBN: 978-3-451-29609-3

October 2010

Frankemölle, Hubert / Wohlmuth,Josef (Editors.)The Salvation of others for Jewsand ChristiansDas Heil der Anderen bei Juden undChristen

The amendment of the Good Fridayprayer for the Jews, published5.2.2008 by Pope Benedict, provokedintens discussion. It was regarded bysome as a return to supersessionisttheology. This book examines thepros and contras of this discussion,evaluating the hermeneutic, theologicaland systematic arguments in anattempt to reach a new relationshipbetween Jews and Christians.

13,5 x 21,5 cm, 460 pagesISBN: 978-3-451-02238-8

October 2010

Kasper, WalterThe relationship between absoluteness and and historyDas Absolute in der Geschichte

In his habilitation thesis publishedin 1965 Walter Kasper pleads for arevival of dialogue betweenidealistic thought and theology,essential for an understanding oftheology in the 20th century. At theheart of his attempt to reviveidealistic thought in theology is thetheme of "Altersphilosophie" bySchelling - "the relationship ofabsoluteness and history". Kasper'sinterpretation is Christ centric.

13,9 x 21,4 cm, 496 pagesISBN: 978-3-451-30602-0

November 2010

Schmeller, Thomas / Ebner, Martin / Hoppe, Rudolf (Editors.)New Testament offices in contextNeutestamentliche Ämtermodelleim Kontext

This book examines leading rolesin the church in a wider context.The selected texts examinedifferent writings from the NewTestament, particularly regardingthe role of women. They comparethese with findings in the earlyRoman Empire, draw links tospecific situations of conflict in thechurch's history and examinesystematic, theological implications.

13,5 x 21,5 cm , 290 pagesISBN: 978-3-451-02239-5

October 2010

Fiedrowicz, MichaelHandbook of PatristicsHandbuch der Patristik

This book contains 800 excerptsfrom Greek, Latin and Syrian authors, as well as early Christiancouncils, providing a differentiatedand facetted image of religiousthought in the the Early church.Short introductions, explanatorycomments, comprehensive bibliographies, as well as an index ofnames and subjects make this a unique reference book.

15,1 x 22,7 cm, 688 pagesISBN: 978-3-451-31293-9

July 2010

Pulsfort, ErnstHerder's new atlas ofworld religions Herders neuer Atlas der Religionen

This atlas contains over 120 maps,charts and diagrams covering thewhole spectrum of world religions.Historical information andcommentaries on the differentreligions provide a detailed overview,particularly on areas of religiousconflict and areas of mixed religions.Also included is information onreligious teaching, religious history,secularisation, atheism as well as anoverview of the administrative areasof the Catholic Church.

21,0 x 28,0 cm, 160 pagesISBN: 978-3-451-32830-5

June 2010

Striet, MagnusRadical contingentRadikale Kontingenz

From a theological point of view,what is, is, because God willed it.How is this (contingent) understan-ding compatible with evolutionaryknowledge? How can the twodifferent concepts of creationco-exist? Can the concept of anAlmighty God prevail in a worldincreasingly influenced by scientificthought? What role does faith play?

13,5 x 21,5 cm, 200 pagesISBN: 978-3-451-27073-4

October 2010

Demel, SabineHandbook on Ecclesiastical LawHandbuch Kirchenrecht

Forget the cliché of a dusty old booklying in the corner. This newrevised handbook on ecclesiasticallaw deals with central themes fordaily use. Sabine Demel includestopical issues such as freedom ofopinion, the significance of celibacy,as well as providing insight intoecclesiastical law and respectiveoffices. An important andup-to-date work for students andlaity.

15,1 x 22,7 cm, 688 pagesISBN: 978-3-451-30389-0

June 2010

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Religion / Spirituality 5

Schönborn, Christoph Weber, Hubert Philipp (Editor)The joy of being a priestDie Freude, Priester zu sein

The Cardinal examines variousaspects of priestly calling withhumour, warmth and humility:mercy, prayer, the Eucharist,mission and the significance ofMary in the life of a priest. Priestscan relate to the joy and suffering,the questions and conflictsexpressed in this book. It also helpsthe reader better understand theposition of a priest within theextended family of the church.

11,9 x 19,8 cm, 120 pagesISBN: 978-3-451-30384-5

September 2010

Schweitzer, Friedrich / Simojoki,Henrik / Moschner, Sara (Editors)Religious education as a scientific subjectReligionspädagogik als Wissenschaft

This study presents the developmentof protestant and catholic religiouseducation, based on articles inspecialist magazines between 1930and 1975. During this periodreligious education underwentradical changes until it found itspresent day form.

15,1 x 22,7 cm, 400 pagesISBN: 978-3-451-34535-7

July 2010

Bründl, JürgenThe closeness of GodGottes Nähe

The critical view of modernityadopted by the present demands anew conception of the doctrine ofthe Holy Spirit. This book analysesmodernity's experience of God'sabsence from a theological andphilosophical perspective, andexamines the effect of the HolySpirit as an instrument throughwhich God moves closer to us in oursuffering.

13,5 x 21,5 cm, 550 pagesISBN: 978-3-451-32295-2

July 2010

Oster, StefanPerson and transubstantiationPerson und Transsubstantiation

Based on western thought onsubstance and modern thought onsubject, Stefan Oster develops a"person concept", relating 'self' and'relationship'. This leads to a betterunderstanding of the secret of thetransformation of the substance(transubstantiation) in the Eucharistand, similarly, a better understandingof oneself, the church and reality.

13,5 x 21,5 cm, 680 pagesISBN: 978-3-451-32292-1

September 2010

Chittilappilly, Paul-Chummar (Editor)A commemorative publicationfor Philipp SchmitzEthik der Lebensfelder

Paul Schmit, a Jesuit and Professorof Ethics at the Phil. Theol. CollegeSt. Georgen in Frankfurt. Thiscommemorative publication on theoccasion of his 75th birthday(20.11.2010) contains writings byhigh-ranking specialists (Franz-Josef Bormann, Klaus Demmer,Johannes Hoffmann, Peter Knauer,Friedo Ricken, Josef Schuster et al).

15,1 x 22,7 cm, 368 pagesISBN: 978-3-451-34019-2

November 2010

Mooney, Hilary A. / Ruhstorfer, Karlheinz / Tenge-Wolf, Viola (Editors)Theology from the spirit of humanismTheologie aus dem Geist desHumanismus

Peter Walter, Professor of Dogmaticsand Director of the Raimundus-Lullus-Institute at the University ofFreiburg celebrated his 60thbirthday, 4th April 2010. This com-memorative publications containscontributions by students andacademics alike: Karl KardinalLehmann, Walter Kardinal Kasperet al.

15,1 x 22,7 cm, 464 pagesISBN: 978-3-451-30777-5

May 2010

Philipp, ThomasFaith todayWie heute glauben?

This book provides a newapproach to Christianity,concentrating primarily on thesearch for personal identity andChristian identity. He exploresthe three-fold presence of God asan incomprehensible horizon(Father), as vitality and longing(Spirit) and as a humancounterpart and his word (Christ)without neglecting the problematicissues of Christianity and thechurch.

13,5 x 21,5 cm, 200 pagesISBN: 978-3-451-32348-5

August 2010

Unterberg, Peter (Editor)A short introduction to CatholicSocial StudiesKurze Einführung in die KatholischeSoziallehre

This book presents the basicelements of Catholic Social Studies:personality, subsidiarity, solidarityand common welfare. It also shows aconcept of man characterised bylove, freedom, justice, responsibilityand trust. The second part dealswith BKU's management competence(Bund Katholische Unternehmer)according to the principles ofCatholic Social Studies.

13,5 x 21,5 cm, 140 pagesISBN: 978-3-451-30381-4

September 2010

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Religion / Spirituality 6

Rahner, Karl Batlogg, Andreas R. / Raffelt, Albert(Editors)Why does God allow suffering?Warum lässt uns Gott leiden?

Why does God allow suffering?This is one of the most fundamentalquestions of human existence whichone no-one can escape. Rahner'sanswer is characteristically frankand honest, and as such helpful andconstructive.

12,0 x 19,0 cm, 80 pagesISBN: 978-3-451-33086-5

August 2010

Halík, TomášPatience with GodGeduld mit Gott

Amidst the current debate on faithund unbelief Tomás Halík writes onhow God wishes us to persevere, tocarry our doubts within us and allowthem to lead us to maturity. Thosewho believe need patience; patiencethat incorporates faith, hope andlove. Like Zacchaeus, we too canchange our lives around by allowingJesus' message in to our hearts.

13,5 x 21,5 cm, 220 pagesISBN: 978-3-451-30382-1

September 2010

Jung, Herbert / MordhorstUte ElisabethShort meditationsKurzmeditationen

These short meditative texts expressthe core message of the gospelreadings. Texts are available for allSundays and feast days for thelectionaries A, B and C. These textscan be used in the respective serviceor as a meditative text, in bible studygroups or other forms of communi-ty work.

13,5 x 21,5 cm, 240 pagesISBN: 978-3-451-32818-3

July 2010

Raible, WolfgangSermonsPredigten

Following the success of 100 shorttalks Wolfgang Raible presents hisfirst volume of a series on sermonsrelating to set Bible texts inlectionary A for Sundays and feastdays. The sermons are characterisedby the charm and humour familiarto us from 100 short talks. Thelength of each sermon is ideal forSunday services.

13,5 x 21,5 cm, 280 pagesISBN: 978-3-451-32817-6

September 2010

Striet, Magnus (Editor)Does prayer help?Hilft beten?

Suffering and death remain anintegral part of our lives. Despitesupplications God does not seem tointercede. What point is there inprayer? This book examines issuesrelating to prayer and looks at thesefrom different theologicalperspectives. A thought-provokingbook on the subject of prayer

12,5 x 20,5 cm, 140 pagesISBN: 978-3-451-30377-7

October 2010

Schwikart, Georg (Editor)I have summoned you by nameIch habe dich beim Namen gerufen

The texts, stories and poems byfamous authors revolve aroundthemes and symbols connected tobaptism. They enable those lessreligious members of thechristening party to participatemore fully in the service. They alsoprovide a valuable complement tothe traditional liturgical texts. Anideal book for christenings.

12,0 x 19,0 cm, 160 pagesISBN: 978-3-451-32819-0

September 2010

Kuhn, Jürgen / Kuhn, DetlefWords of hopeHoffnungsworte

77 blessings for every occasion, everycircumstance, every person. Eachblessing is designed for a certaingroup of people, situations or themesthat relate to our daily lives. Thisbook is suitable for use in servicesand many other aspects of communi-ty life. Blessings for every occasion.

12,0 x 19,0 cm, 176 pagesISBN: 978-3-451-32720-9

July 2010

Gottschalk, AndreasIntercessions for the communityFürbitten in der Gemeinde

This volume, lectionary A,concludes the series "Intercessionsfor the community". For eachSunday and feast day there is anopening song, an short introduction,kyrie and intercessions, all relatingthe appropriate Bible text. Thesetexts, tried and proven in practice,are a great enrichment to services.

17,0 x 24,0 cm , 168 pagesISBN: 978-3-451-33330-9

September 2010

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Religion / Spirituality 7

Steindl-Rast, DavidCreedCredo

The original Apostolic Creedconsists of only 77 words. It revealsa universal message of trust,compassion, peace, love andunderstanding. David Steindl-Rastdiscovers a deeper faith in the creedthat is rooted and grounded inuniversal human experience andunites all people. He appeals forrenewal and unity. A great book thatdraws us to our spiritual roots andto healing truth.

12,5 x 20,5 cm, 240 pagesISBN: 978-3-451-30356-2

September 2010

Kuhn, Detlef / Kuhn, JürgenA celebration of life – BaptismLebensfest Taufe

A guide for parents and godparentsactively participating in the planningand service of baptism for theirchild. This book providesinformation on the liturgy, songsand texts, short talks, intercessions,thoughts and prayers for acontemporary, spiritual approach tobaptism. It is also an ideal basis forpriests and spiritual carers inpreparation for their talks withparents and godparents

14,8 x 21,0 cm, 64 pagesISBN: 978-3-451-34400-8

July 2010

Brantzen, HubertusGiving love a homeDer Liebe ein Zuhause geben

A guide for couples providingthought-provoking ideas for theirwedding day and beyond.

10,6 x 19,8 cm, 48 pagesISBN: 978-3-451-33281-4

July 2010

Biesinger, AlbertRediscovering God through childrenGott mit Kindern wiederfinden

How can parents and teachers talkto children about God if they haveso many doubts themselves? AlberBiesinger provides a practical guidefor parents and teachers, helpingthem talk easily about God, despitetheir own feelings of insecurity.Events from day to day lifeinterpreted in a religious context.

10,6 x 19,8 cm, 48 pagesISBN: 978-3-451-32824-4

July 2010

Bode, Franz-Josef Schwerdtfeger, Nikolaus (Editors)That is what I believeDas glaube ich

The bishops of the YouthCommission of the GermanBishops' Conference reply in twelveshort catecheses to central questionsof faith posed by young people.Young people discussed the bishops'statements in workshops and took aleading role in the layout of thisbook. The result is an authenticbook for and by young people. Anideal gift for confirmees.

12,0 x 19,0 cm, 144 pagesISBN: 978-3-451-32888-6

August 2010

Berger, KlausThe miracle maker - the truth about JesusDer Wundertäter – Die Wahrheit überJesus

Klaus Berger, a well-known bibleexpert examines the miracles ofJesus, revealing interesting details.What significance did the miracleshave for the early Christians? CouldJesus really walk on water? Whatabout the scientific facts? Afascinating book that addresses theissue of truth and brings us closer toJesus of Nazareth.

13,5 x 21,5 cm, 260 pagesISBN: 978-3-451-33200-5

November 2010

Rauchhaupt, Ulf von Spreckelsen, TilmanSaints for those in a hurryHeilige für Eilige

Saints are more helpful that we think– and more human too. This bookhumorously presents 100 shortportraits of famous and interestingpersonalities with halos. Delightfulillustrations from A like Albert to Zlike Zosimus put saints in perspective,much to the delight of the reader.

10,3 x 15,0 cm, 208 pagesISBN: 978-3-451-06258-2

September 2010

Löffler, KatrinA hundred saintsHundert Heilige entdeckenund erkennen

Karin Löffler presents 100well-known saints commonly seenin churches and museums,paintings and works of art. Thereis a colourful full page picture aswell as information on the life andwork of the saints. Also includedis information on names days andthe calendar of saints, togetherwith information on distinctiveartistic features. A pocket sizebook to read at home or on yourtravels.

12,0 x 19,0 cm, 248 pagesISBN: 978-3-451-32503-8

October 2010

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Religion / Spirituality 8

Teresa von Avila Dobhan, Ulrich / Peeters, Elisabeth(Editors)Send me a few pigeonsSchicken Sie mir doch einpaar Täubchen

Teresa of Ávila's letters bear witnessto her untiring efforts and propheticthought. They throw light on thisamazing woman who left a lastingimpression on society. This bookcontains the first 150 of a total of480 letters. Two other volumes areplanned.

12,0 x 19,0 cm, 656 pagesISBN: 978-3-451-06223-0

June 2010

Kehl, MedardCreationSchöpfung

Christianity says: the world isneither chance nor godly matter. Itis Creation. Medard Kehl presentsthe Christian belief in Creation andanswers essential questions: Whyare we here? Is it all chance? Is ourbelief in Creation compatible withthe theory of evolution? Wheredoes evil come from? How can wepreserve Creation?

12,0 x 19,0 cm, 144 pagesISBN: 978-3-451-06166-0

September 2010

Gänswein, Georg / Lohmann, Martin(Editors)CatholicismKatholisch

A well-founded and easilyunderstandable introduction to thecatholic faith. 56 short articleswritten by priests and lay peopleprovide information on the church,the community, faith, churchservices, the ecclesiastic year, thebible and day to day life. A colourfulpicture of historical cultural interestintroduces each chapter. Alsoincluded is an overview of importantcatholic addresses and acomprehensive index.

13,8 x 20,8 cm, 288 pagesISBN: 978-3-451-33208-1

August 2010

Altmann, Petra Discovering silenceAufbruch in die Stille

The well-known journalist PetraAltmann presents simple meditativerelaxation exercises. She draws onthe rich experience of monasteriesand famous founders of orders.Petra Altmann takes a closer look atthe relevance of monastic traditionstoday.

10,3 x 15,0 cm, 160 pagesISBN: 978-3-451-06250-6

September 2010

Schridde, KatharinaThe ordinary and the specialAlltag und Fest

Why do we celebrate Christmas inDecember? Why do we associatedifferent things with the morningthan with the evening? Whatschedules and rituals help shape ourlives? Katharina Schridde, aprotestant nun, shows how theordinary and the special events inour lives, determine the rhythm oflife.

12,0 x 19,0 cm, 128 pagesISBN: 978-3-451-06096-0

September 2010

Schwarz, Andrea Sander, Ulrich (Editor)Colourful thread through lifeBunter Faden Leben

Best of Andrea Schwarz! 25 years agoshe began her career as a writer atHerder Verlag "Ich magGänseblümchen" (I like daisies) ofwhich 325.000 copies have sincebeen sold. Her style is unique:contemporary, passionate (but notsentimental), authentic, honest. Thisbook is a compilation of her besttexts, texts encouraging us tofollowing our longings and enjoy lifeto the full.

10,3 x 15,0 cm, 160 pagesISBN: 978-3-451-07110-2

September 2010

Tshikendwa, GhislainWrestling with God in times of AIDSRingen mit Gott in Zeiten von AIDS

Against the backdrop of AIDS inAfrica, the author takes a closerlook at the book of Job. A theore-tical discussion on theodicy is ina-dequate. It is important to experi-ence God's commitment to creati-on and life in a practical way.Those suffering should be able tospeak about their fears. Carersshould protect the dignity of thesufferer, understand sexuality as agift of God and in the face of deathconvey that hope prevails.

13,5 x 21,5 cm, 220 pagesISBN: 978-3-451-35002-3

October 2010

Müller, WunibaldGuilt and forgivenessSchuld und Vergebung

The Christian faith takes life in allits different facets very seriously.Guilt and failure are part and parcelof this. Wunibald Müller examinesthese fundamental humanexperiences and impressivelyconveys the liberating response ofChristianity on the basis of biblicaltestimonies. He illustrates howforgiveness can be granted amongstourselves and before God.

12,0 x 19,0 cm, 144 pagesISBN: 978-3-451-06300-8

September 2010

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Non-Fiction 9

Wolf, Notker / Mühlstedt, CorinnaGod is born among usMitten im Leben wird Gott geboren

Abbot Primate, Notker Wolfconsiders the mystery of Christmas,not in the cosy corner of the livingroom, but in the midst of life, allaround the globe. The impulses hepresents originate from what he hasseen and experienced on his travels.His core message is: God is bornamong us. Corinna Mühlstedt's putsthese thoughts into words in theform of 24 meditations.

12,0 x 19,0, 100 pagesISBN: 978-3-451-32329-4

September 2010

Schwarz, AndreaEnjoy lifeBleib dem Leben auf der Spur

At the age of 55 some people startthinking about retirement, but notAndrea Schwarz. She is embarkingon a new adventure and will bemoving to South Africa to work onprojects run by the South AfricanSisters of Mariannhill. Thisautobiographical book about herexperiences in South Africa since2009 is a revised new edition.

12,0 x 19,0 cm, 210 pagesISBN: 978-3-451-32326-3

September 2010

Dyckhoff, PeterSunsetsSonnenuntergänge

True stories about dying and death,leave taking and hope. Stories thattouch us. Based on his many years ofexperience with people dying andgrieving Peter Dyckhoff providesanswers to questions around thesubject of death.

12,5 x 20,5 cm, 280 pagesISBN: 978-3-451-33145-9

July 2010

Pfau, Ruth / Walter, Rudolf (Editor)To live means to beginLeben heißt anfangen

She has lived in one of the mostdangerous parts of the world forover 50 years - in Pakistan andAfghanistan. Ruth Pfau received theAsian Nobel Prize and wasnominated for the Nobel PeacePrize. She has fought incessantly forthe dignity of man. Ruth Pfau, anenergetic doctor and nun firmlybelieves in taking the initiative tochange things, despite allopposition.

10,3 x 15,0 cm, 160 pagesISBN: 978-3-451-07113-3

October 2010

Drechsler, Heike / Oster, Uwe A.Monasteries – our heritageDas Erbe der Klöster

This richly illustrated book takes acloser look at monasteries over thecenturies. The spirit they were builtin and the people who lived thereand still do. Monasteries are aminiature cosmos with nature,structure and order, everyday lifeand festivities, culture and education,community and leadership,knowledge of healing andhospitality, prayer and work,renewal and conservation.

24,0 x 30,0 cm, 272 pagesISBN: 978-3-451-32504-5

August 2010

Ibele, Gisela100 heavenly thoughts100 Himmlische Gedanken

Since writing her first book andappearing on Frank Elstner's TVshow Sister Gisela has written for thereaders of "Frau von heute". Thisbook is a collection of her mostpopular texts: "Why I like going tothe cinema" "Listen to the voice ofnature". Sr. Gisela's delightful wordsof wisdom provide breathing spacefor our innermost being.

12,0 x 19,0 cm, 140 pagesISBN: 978-3-451-32507-6

August 2010

Leitschuh, Marcus C. Terwitte, Bruder PaulusLife can be so simpleSo einfach kann das Leben sein

Life isn't perfect and doesn't have tobe. Happiness and fulfilment areoften closer to hand than we think.The authors rediscover oldtraditions and show how spiritualityand faith can add substance to ourlives. A creative guide for thoseseeking a simpler outlook on lifeand those wishing to add moredepth to their lives.

12,0 x 19,0 cm, 200 pagesISBN: 978-3-451-33191-6

August 2010

Riese, BertholdThe fall of the sun godsDer Untergang der Sonnengötter

This book discusses the history ofadvanced cultures in AncientAmerica beginning with the firstimmigrants and ending with ancientAmerican cultures of today.Berthold Riese provides acomprehensive overview of thehistory of the Maya , the Inca andthe Aztecs. He also examinescultural networks and the renewedinterest in Ancient America.

13,5 x 21,5 cm, 320 pagesISBN: 978-3-451-29986-5

September 2010

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Non-Fiction 10

Konnerth, Tania Sunshine all year roundSonnenschein ein ganzes Jahr

365 good thoughts by successfulauthor Tania Konnerth. Words ofwisdom, cheerful thoughts,contemplative thoughts. Sunshinethe whole year round.

10,3 x 15,0 cm, 224 pagesISBN: 978-3-451-07117-1

November 2010

Jellouschek, HansRelationships and charmsBeziehung und Bezauberung

Fairy tales and legends reflect reallife relationships. Hansel and Gretelapproach life differently to Orpheusand Eurydice, Othello andDesdemona or Merlin and Viviane.Fairy tales and legends act asmirrors, helping couples recogniseand understand opportunities andconflicts. An excellent book on pairtherapy.

12,0 x 19,0 cm, 192 pagesISBN: 978-3-451-06172-1

August 2010

Spilling-Nöker, ChristaHeavenly cuisineHimmlische Küche

Christa Spilling-Nöker introducescustoms and recipes relating toChristian festivals throughout theyear. She explains their historicalbackground and presents recipesfrom Medieval times to the presentday. Old recipes to be rediscovered,well-know recipes with a refreshingnew look. A beautifully designedbook with 12 recipes by celebritychef Lea Linster.

19,0 x 26,0 cm, 240 pagesISBN: 978-3-451-30206-0

August 2010

Bayern, Florian von Weisenborn, ChristianBecause there issomething biggerWeil es etwas Größeres gibt

An extraordinary story of a youngman who, as Prince of Bavaria,broke away from the world ofnobility and adopted the life of aBenedictine monk and foundhappiness in the plains of Africaamongst simple people. Animpressive testimony of courage –how he started afresh has discovereda deeper meaning to life.

12,5 x 20,5 cm, 176 pagesISBN: 978-3-451-33192-3

September 2010

Heisig, KirstenNo more patienceDas Ende der Geduld

Juveniles committing violent crimesare increasingly younger and moreviolent. Many of us avoid certainparts of town, particularly at night.Parents and teachers are afraid ofviolence in schools, police and socialworkers are overstretched. KirstenHeisig feels strongly that societyneeds to act firmly and quickly tofight juvenile violence. A provocativeand thought-provoking book.

12,0 x 19,0 cm, 208 pagesISBN: 978-3-451-30204-6

July 2010

Lammert, NorbertUnity. And law. And freedomEinigkeit. Und Recht. Und Freiheit.

Twenty years ago no-one tookunity and right and freedom forgranted. Following the terriblereign of National Socialism anddecades of separation by theerection of the wall, Germanyfaced a new beginning. NorbertLammert provides inspiringanalysis from various perspectivesand highlights the factors thatmake Germany a stable anddemocratic state today.

13,5 x 21,5 cm, 220 pagesISBN: 978-3-451-32509-0

August 2010

Raufeisen, ThomasThe day father told us he was anEast German spyDer Tag, an dem uns Vater erzählte,dass er ein DDR-Spion sei

This book describes the tragic fateof a German family caught betweentwo systems. A Stasi spy living in theFRG is exposed and flees overnightwith his wife and 2 sons to theGDR. His children refuse tocooperate and life becomesunbearable. Finally the fatherorganises their flight back to thefreedom of West Germany viaHungary. The nightmare, however,continues….

12,5 x 20,5 cm, 200 pagesISBN: 978-3-451-30345-6

September 2010

Maizière, Lothar deI don't want my children to haveto lie any more"Ich will, dass meine Kinder nichtmehr lügen müssen"

Lothar de Maizière writes franklyabout the months in 1990 when hehelped shape history. He reports onthe dramatic events before and afterthe fall of the wall, revealing manypreviously unknown facts, as well asclarifying many misunderstandings.This historically significant booksheds new light on post war history.A fascinating and highly interestingbook.

13,5 x 21,5 cm, 320 pagesISBN: 978-3-451-30355-5

August 2010

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Non-Fiction 11

Heuser, IsabellaAlzheimer and dementia.Knowing what is trueAlzheimer und Demenz

What is the difference betweenAlzheimer and Dementia and howdo they differ from "normal"forgetfulness? What are thesymptoms and how are they treated?Isabella Heuser provides an over-view of the different forms ofAlzheimer and dementia andinforms the reader of causes,symptoms, progression and therapy.

12,0 x 19,0 cm, 128 pagesISBN: 978-3-451-06189-9

September 2010

Hartmann, AndreasAtlantis. Knowing what is trueAtlantis

Legend or reality? Is there any truthin the stories about the island ofAtlantis? Historian AndreasHartmann follows the traces of thisstate, shrouded in tales and legends,from it first being mentioned byPlato to the present day.

12,0 x 19,0 cm, 128 pagesSBN: 978-3-451-06115-8

September 2010

Ritter-Dausend, DirkScientology.Knowing what is trueScientology

Dirk Ritter-Dausend has observedand studied the organisation ofScientology for many years. Heexplains and outlines in detail thestructure of Scientology, itsstrategies, its ideology and thecontroversy surrounding it. He alsooutlines the dangers inherent in theorganisation. The most importantfacts, well-researched and reliableinformation. Easy to read andunderstand.

12,0 x 19,0 cm, 128 pagesISBN: 978-3-451-06289-6

September 2010

Baumgarten, HelgaHamas and Fatah.Knowing what is trueHamas und Fatah

Hamas and Fatah - who is behindthese organisations? What are theiraims? Our conception of Fatah is of asecular organisation, willing tonegotiate for a peaceful settlement.Our conception of Hamas is of aradical terrorist group. Is this true?Helga Baumgarten, a recognisedexpert in this field, provides the facts.

12,0 x 19,0 cm, 128 pagesISBN: 978-3-451-06240-7

September 2010

Kroß, MatthiasWittgensteinLudwig Wittgenstein

Wittgenstein - a cold rationalist? Anentry in his diary in 1937 reads"Confession is part of new life". ForMatthias Kroß it was a purificationprocess, essential to the striving forperfectionism. Matthias Kroß' bookis an exciting perspective on the lifeof one of the world's greatestphilosophers.

12,0 x 19,0 cm, 192 pagesISBN: 978-3-451-06234-6

January 2011

Raddatz, Fritz J.TucholskyKurt Tucholsky

In November 1917 Tucholsky gotto know Mary Gerold, a younggirl just turned 19 from the Baltic,in Alt-Autz. She had been sentthere after the capture of Riga bythe German army. A "coup defoudre". Kurt Tucholsky's lifetold by a Tucholsky expert.

12,0 x 19,0 cm, 160 pagesISBN: 978-3-451-06238-4

September 2010

Krause, BarbaraCamille Claudel – a life in stoneCamille Claudel – ein Leben in Stein

She was the sister of the famouspoet Paul Claudel, and pupil andlover of Rodin. Camille Claudel wasan independent artist who gotcaught up in a drama of dependenceand family duty, jealousy and adesperate battle for independence.This book documents the life of thisunusual and passionate woman.

12,0 x 19,0 cm, 384 pagesISBN: 978-3-451-06275-9

October 2010

Irgang, Margrit Wonderful imperfectionWunderbare Unvollkommenheit

Life is not perfect - thank goodness!Imperfection is wonderful. The artof life is revealed in unspectacularaspects of daily life: in clarity, inequanimity and cheerfulness, ratherthan worrying about things and hec-tic activity. We need tools to help usachieve this. Margrit Irgang showsus how we can achieve wonderfulimperfection. An up-dated andrevised edition.

12,0 x 19,0 cm, 160 pagesISBN: 978-3-451-06281-0

November 2010

Page 12: Catalog Herder Autumn2010

Non-Fiction 12

Eller, Carmen A year in Moscow.Day to day travelEin Jahr in Moskau

Entering the world of the Moscowunderground tube station is likeentering a new world with its ownlaw - the strongest wins! During therush hour in this town of 11 millionpeople Darwin's theory is put intopractice. A man who dared enter thestation without a ticket was treatedto a screeching warning signal and aslap on the thighs by two metalbarriers

12,0 x 19,0 cm, 192 pagesISBN: 978-3-451-06135-6

October 2010

Heinrichsdorff, Amelie A year in Hollywood.Day to day travelEin Jahr in Hollywood

I've often been in Hollywood in mydreams: with George Clooney andin an open-topped car driving alongthe Sunset Boulevard, with JuliaRoberts, walking along avenueslined with palm trees, jumping intothe ocean on Malibu's beaches witha David-Hasselhoff double and ofcourse, hand in hand with Brad Pittadmiring the sunset fromMulholland Drive.

12,0 x 19,0 cm, 192 pagesISBN: 978-3-451-06193-6

September 2010

Binswanger, MathiasSenseless competitionsSinnlose Wettbewerbe

"The more competition – thebetter". Artificial competition iscultivated where there is no market,e.g. science, education, health. Thisleads to things being produced thatno-one needs. Senseless productioncreates more jobs, but has seriousconsequences on the economy andsociety. A phenomenon of marketeconomy that needs to be addressed.

12,5 x 20,5 cm, 240 pagesISBN: 978-3-451-30348-7

September 2010

Harder, BerndElvis lives!Elvis lebt!

Stories about VIPs, pop stars,free-masons, vampires, swine flu,the end of the world etc. usuallyappear in several variations all withbizarre speculations and amazingfacts, centred around a grain oftruth. This "dictionary of suppressedtruths" is a colourful collection ofconspiracy theories and myths fromday to day life. True, informativeand highly entertaining!

12,0 x 19,0 cm , 192 pagesISBN: 978-3-451-30196-4

August 2010

Page 13: Catalog Herder Autumn2010


Vom Wege, Brigitte Wessel, MechthildA compendium for startingschoolDas große IdeenbuchSchulvorbereitung

This book contains games and activity games to develop skills andcompetence of school beginners.The ideas in this book can be usedin kindergarten or at home. Anobservation chart helps assess children's readiness for school.

19,0 x 26,0 cm, 160 pagesISBN: 978-3-451-32344-7

July 2010

Erkert, AndreaGames for improving languagecompetence. In day-care centres,nurseries and schoolsSprach-Förder-Spiele für Kita, Hortund Schule

This book contains a variety ofcreative language games for childrenaged between 3 and 10 to helpimprove their speech skills. Sensorygames, activity games, finger rhymesas well as relaxation and breathingexercises.

16,8 x 23,0 cm, 96 pagesISBN: 978-3-451-32297-6

July 2010

Sommerfeld, SandraA Christmas book for kindergartenDas Kindergarten-Weihnachtsbuch

This book presents a wide selectionof ideas to celebrate advent andChristmas time in kindergarten.The author includes a great varietyof traditional and new rituals, stories and games, etc. In additionthere is also a fantastic choice ofideas for creative work, activitygames, role play, sensory games aswell as ideas for multi-cultural celebrations.

16,8 x 23,0 cm, 144 pagesISBN: 978-3-451-32337-9

July 2010

Biermann, IngridBright ideas for autumn and winter daysIdeenBlitze für Herbst- und Wintertage

Activities for kindergarten and athome from the popular series "IdeenBlitz". Ingrid Biermann hascompiled a great collection of stories, games, songs, rhymes, puzzles and creative craft ideas tomake autumn really special.

16,8 x 23,0 cm, 128 pagesISBN: 978-3-451-32195-5

June 2010

Biermann, IngridDiscover the world with Klaraand the miceMit Klara und den Mäusen die Weltentdecken

Klara, the popular mouse, has hadbabies! This practical book is idealfor children under 3. Simple fingerrhymes, songs, nursery rhymes,sensory activities and activity gamesare all embedded in the stories aboutKlara and her baby mice.

16,8 x 23,0 cm, 128 pagesISBN: 978-3-451-32342-3

August 2010

Walter, GiselaWater. The elements in kindergartenWasser

What colour is water? What do raindrops sound like? Does water reallytaste of nothing? Children get toknow more about this fascinatingliquid through play, craft work andexperiments. They learn howprecious water is on our earth andhow we all need to look after thisvaluable resource.

19,7 x 26,0 cm, 128 pagesISBN: 978-3-451-32339-3

June 2010

Walter, GiselaFire. The elements in kindergartenFeuer

The theme of fire is a hot subject tohandle in kindergarten and isparticularly challenging. This bookshows how it can be done! Childrenpractise carefully how to light amatch, they observe the smallcandle flame, build a bonfire, cookon an outdoor fire, listen to stories,sing songs and do activities relatedto fire. An exciting and instructivenatural experience.

19,7 x 26,0 cm, 128 pagesISBN: 978-3-451-32338-6

June 2010

Klein, LotharTalking to parentsMit Eltern sprechen

What characterises constructivedialogue? What skills arerequired? How do specialistsapply these in discussions? LotharKlein examines these issues usingexamples from discussions withparents in day-care centres. Thisbook provides useful backgroundinformation, warns of possibleobstacles and offers useful,practical advice.

16,8 x 23,0 cm, 96 pagesISBN: 978-3-451-32343-0

August 2010


Page 14: Catalog Herder Autumn2010

Zeitler, KatharinaWhat do you think the world looks like? Siehst Du die Welt auch so wie ich?

Children ask many questions aboutthe world and sometimes there is nosimple answer. This book showshow adults and children can look atphilosophical questions and learn agreat deal about themselves, as wellas about different perspectives andvalues. Central themes such asfriendship, time, death, happiness,courage etc. are also discussed ingreater detail.

19,7 x 26,0 cm, 112 pagesISBN: 978-3-451-32352-2

July 2010

Education 14

Breyhan, HalkaCreative ideas for improving competence skillsin schoolchildrenKreative Förderideen zur Stärkung schulischer Kompetenzen

This creative book provides artisticideas to further gross and fine motorskills as well as concentration andcognitive skills in pre-schoolchildren. Creativity and imagination- a highly successful combination.

19,7 x 26,0 cm, 96 pagesISBN: 978-3-451-32255-6

August 2010

Roth, XeniaHandbook Educational partnershipHandbuch Bildungs- und Erziehungspartnerschaft

This book illustrates various aspectsof cooperative work betweenteachers and parents. Xenia Rothplaces special emphasis on theprofessional pursuits of manyfamilies nowadays as well as on theprofessional approach of day-carecentres to child care and, in turn,claims placed on day-care centres.

14,8 x 21,0, 224 pagesISBN: 978-3-451-32336-2

September 2010

Hugoth, MatthiasHandbook of religious educationin kindergarten and day-carecentresHandbuch religiöse Bildung in Kindergarten und Kita

This book contains practicalknowledge for religious educationin day-care centres. It providesuseful, specialist advice foreducators and suggests newapproaches for religious education.

14,8 x 21,0 cm, 224 pagesISBN: 978-3-451-32296-9

September 2010

Hoffmann, Hilmar Rabe-Kleberg, Ursula Wehrmann, IlseEfficient day-care centres,strong childrenStarke Kitas – starke Kinder

This book deals with the imple-mentation of curriculum. Theauthors examine the processesinvolved and highlight the criteriafor successful implementationfrom various perspectives. Theyalso identify possible obstacles ordifficulties. Also included areexamples of best practice.

16,8 x 23,0 cm, 128 pagesISBN: 978-3-451-32355-3

September 2010

Siebner, Johannes / Mertes, Klaus School is for pupilsSchule ist für Schüler da

Can teachers compensate fordeficiencies at home? How can theybest deal with parents who seeschools merely as a stepping stoneto a future career? The authorsemphasize that a good schoolclearly separates the roles of parentsand teachers and clearly defines therelationship between teachers andpupils. Freedom and trust are theprerequisites for performance,learning and personal development.

12,5 x 20,5 cm, 160 pagesISBN: 978-3-451-30357-9

September 2010