trigger strategies human edge the hiring process - a unique approach

8 Human Edge - The 8 Step Hiring Process Finding and Keeping the Best Talent by Design As prepared by Larry Anderson (905) 321- 2663 Neil Thornton (905) 401- 1434 Note : All ideas, concepts and creative samples contained in this proposal are the property of Trigger Strategies and may not be used, reproduced or copies without the express written consent of Trigger Strategies.

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Post on 21-May-2015




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For our clients who are interested in our unique screening, hiring and strategic planning process.


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Human Edge - The 8 Step Hiring Process

Finding and Keeping the

Best Talent by Design

As prepared by

Larry Anderson (905) 321-2663Neil Thornton (905) 401-1434

Note: All ideas, concepts and creative samples contained in this proposal are the property of Trigger Strategies and may not be used, reproduced or copies without the express written consent of Trigger Strategies.

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Why a report on hiring great people ?

Here is what we have heard….

The recent recession, although difficult to weather, was a way for companies to re-group and look at where their best returns on investment could be found. This involved people as well. Over the past couple of years companies have been able to downsize, re-group and re-build a stronger more flexible team of true business contributors. They have become more lean and effective in their operations.

Einstein was quoted as saying, “You can not solve a problem with the same mind that created it.” The same is true for your business. You can not hit stretch goals with the same thinking (and sometimes people) that got you to this point producing the same old results.

Companies are now in the position to bring in new people who will raise the bar on performance and business development.

Our clients have asked us to develop a system that will ensure they have the Right People, in the Right Seats working on the Right Strategies with the Right Accountability Structure.

Part of our ongoing commitment to our clients and market, is to share with you what is working and provide tools and resources that will help you with your team.

We are here to help you in any way we can.

Larry and Neil

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The 8 Step Hiring Process

Supportive Coaching

Throughout Entire



3. A’s, B’s and C’s







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A different view of hiring?

We conduct a multi-step hiring process because we believe that it’s more important to hire the right person than to hire the right skill set.

Step 1 – We meet with you and your key stakeholders. We truly listen to what you are looking for, how your culture works and what type of fit will be the best. We do not source in your image, but for business impact and who will challenge the status quo. We spend time with you and your team. Everyone is involved.

Step 2 – We post the position on free services like social media, the Canadian job bank and other online sources. If after two weeks we have not generated enough qualified candidates, we will look at paid sources.

Step 3 – Once the resumes have been collected, we sit down with your team and review them based on the criteria you have set (job description). We separate the candidates into “A”, “B” and “C” piles. (‘C’ stands for crap.)

Step 4 – The “A” pile is then called and given a phone interview by our team. This interview is designed to find out about them as a person. To learn about their thoughts and feelings toward self development and what kind of success they’ve had in their lives. Detailed notes from each interview are provided.

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A different view of hiring?

Step 5 – Depending on the number of qualified candidates a full day of face-to-face interviews are conducted with you and one of our team members at your location. We facilitate the interviews and look for the traits and behaviours you are not trained to identify. We study verbal communications, body language and patterns in responses. We coach you for what to observe and look for.

Step 6 – After the two sets of interviews are conducted, 2-3 final candidates are chosen. At this point we have them come into the office for a couple of hours each and have them interact with the people they will be working with. This allows the team to have some input and to see the person in a real work environment.

Step 7 – We have each of the final candidates take an online profile. This allows us to observe their thinking styles, behavioral traits and top interests. They are ‘job matched’ for what you are looking for. This process is measured.

Step 8 – The final candidate is chosen and offered the position. We then work with you and the new candidate to implement a 90-day Success Plan. This plan ensures the new hire is getting the coaching they need and that expectations are clear and measurable. We stay involved over the 90-days to provide coaching as needed.

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What makes our team unique?

We are also business people – We know what it takes to grow a business from sales to service, from finance to operations. We have led our perspective markets for over a decade. We too have struggles through the recession.

We have experience – We have coached hundreds of organizations and thousands of individuals. We have been specialists in behavioural psychology for over a decade. We know what makes teams work and what makes them fail. We have worked in the trenches, not a fancy office.

We challenge your status quo – We speak the truth. That’s it. We represent your business and what is required to grow it. We will challenge you, your ego and help you get the crap out of the way. (All our clients tell us this is what they like most about working with us!)

We produce results – Our system has been proven to be over 90% accurate in finding the right people for your company.

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What they’re saying about us

“In hiring a sales professional, I wanted to use someone I could trust to support us and help me in the process.  I also wanted to work with someone who knew my organizational culture and had an extensive business background.  Working with Trigger Strategies ensured I was able to hire the best person to fit my growing team. Neil used his extensive screening and hiring experience to not only hire the best person, but to develop a plan to ensure their success. All of my team was involved in the screening and selection process.” Arie Barendregt, General Manager, FormFlex

“We recently required a new Plant Manager.  I contacted Neil to help me out.  He took care of everything for me, the job posting, telephone interviews, etc.  He narrowed the numerous applicants down to five people.  All five of the people that Neil chose were excellent.  I had the difficult job of choosing only one!  Neil did an excellent job helping recruit our new plant manager.  He knew what I wanted and he delivered.”Mario Forlenza, P. EngVice President, Modern Mosaic Ltd.

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Who we are…

We’ve worked with over 500 companies in Ontario, and we keep getting invited back to help them achieve even more. We have coached thousands of individuals to improve performance and results.

We’ve helped them: 1. Develop a clear and executable vision and strategy2. Find and keep great sales reps and managers3. Better understand their customers buying process4. Make their communications with customers clear and impactful

But most importantly we’ve helped them grow.

We’re about action and producing results, not theories and seminars. If you’re ready for new conversations, new ideas, new tools and better results than you’re getting today, let’s talk.

Larry Anderson

Neil Thornton

How to reach us:

Larry 905.321.2663

Neil 905.401.1434