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Volume 71, Issue 7 Trinity Lutheran Church Newsletter VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL Kindergarten through 5th Grade July 17-20 Outlaws for GodTues-Thursday 5:30 PM-7:30PM Friday 5:30 PM-8:30 PM Bison burgers! Root beer floats! Games! Crafts! Food! Lessons! BBQ! Mission of the Month July Dallas Food Bank How you can help - It’s SIMPLE Ask 5 neighbors for canned or boxed Food Bring food donations to church or call for pick-up Financial Donations Make checks to: Dallas Food Bank Fundraiser For more information contact: Eddie Nelson (503) 857-5042 or Mona Ordonez (503) 559-0456

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Volume 71, Issue 7

Trinity Lutheran Church Newsletter

VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL Kindergarten through 5th Grade

July 17-20

“ Outlaws for God” Tues-Thursday 5:30 PM-7:30PM

Friday 5:30 PM-8:30 PM

Bison burgers! Root beer floats!

Games! Crafts! Food! Lessons! BBQ!

Mission of the Month July Dallas Food Bank

How you can help - It’s SIMPLE

Ask 5 neighbors for canned or boxed Food

Bring food donations to church or call for pick-up

Financial Donations Make checks to: Dallas Food Bank Fundraiser

For more information contact:

Eddie Nelson (503) 857-5042 or Mona Ordonez (503) 559-0456

This spring and now summer I have fallen in love with bird watching! A finch feeder

hung outside my window has turned my study space into a bird sanctuary with up to a doz-

en of those feathered rays of sunshine vying for a perch only a few feet from my nose! I’m

not really sure what is in the special gold finch mix I bought at Birds Unlimited but every

finch in town seems to know about it! Recently my husband Jim was observing me gaze at

my little flock and commented, “Now that is really setting your mind on things above!”

Jim might have been intending that double entendre but he got me thinking about the

Apostle Paul’s advice to the Colossians, “Set your minds on things above and not on earthly

things.” Col. 3:2 The “things above” which Paul had been writing about in his letter fo-

cused on Jesus and the wonder of who he is and what he has done for us through the sacri-

fice of his own body on the cross. In gratitude for being rescued from the darkness of guilt

through His forgiveness we have a special calling to live in the light of obedience to God’s


Paul’s phrase, “Set your minds”, is an invitation to be renewed and strengthened by

keeping before our minds the promises of Christ found in scripture. It is the Gospel of God’s

great love for sinners that empowers us to obey the will of Christ Jesus with joy. How often

do we need to hear that Gospel? Everyday! Because everyday we forget it with the noise

of the unbelieving world and our own doubts and selfishness drowning out the voice of God.

One of my hopes for this congregation is that we would find new ways to bring more

people together around the study of the Bible for personal application and life transfor-

mation. Small groups, men’s studies, women’s studies, Bible memorization games for kids

and youth, family devotions, cross generational learning and worship, are only a few of the

means to help everyone set our minds on things from above.

It was very exciting to review feedback from the 53 women who attended the Sheila

Walsh Conference in June and find nearly every single card expressed the desire for more

Bible Study and prayer opportunities. The council has begun the visioning process of set-

ting priorities for ministry in the coming years and the phrase “discipleship for all ages” has

been discussed as a common goal. You are a people with a love for God’s word and a de-

sire to know Christ Jesus better by meditating on His Word. That is something that makes

my heart sing!

Pastor Kristi

page 3

June 19, 2018 Council Meeting HIGHLIGHTS

Church Finances: Treasurer Janet Brunner indicated May, 2018 Financial Reports are in process and will be completed shortly. They will be emailed to Council members for review in advance of the July Council meeting. Financials for May and June will be approved at the July meeting.

Miscellaneous Financial Notes:

* There is approximately a $6,500 profit for the month of May, however, YTD through May reflects a loss of approximately $9,100

*In reviewing January - May, 2017 versus January – May, 2018, income is up by $4,300.

*A thank you note from Bambinos was shared for recent TLC donation ($250 distribution from Local Only monies).

*Adjustments for Phone/Internet and Pastor’s Salary line items are in process.

*Via article in The Visitor and Sunday announcements, the Treasurer will be highlighting possible resources that could be accessed to increase giving by congregation.

Pastor’s Report:

Safe Church for Kids- Guidelines for background checks for those working with youth are being reviewed and up-dated. Anna Hammond volunteered to assist in review process. Necessary background checks should be com-pleted in time for Fall Sunday School.

Church Directory- The current TLC Directory will be updated to reflect recent new members. Thought is being given to moving to a digital directory.

Adult Education- Pastor Kristi is talking with Janet Beck about how we can change our worship time to enhance “learning time”. We need to identify what we “need to learn” as a congregation and make better use of our ed-ucation time (e.g. Bible studies) The Worship Team is exploring options for change to make our worship more vibrant.

Committee Reports:

Projector and Screen- A screen and projector were ordered as previously authorized and have been received. The projector will not work in the current media cubicle. Consideration is being given to placing the projector on the shelf on the northeast wall of the sanctuary requiring a long projection lens at an additional cost. The pro-ject is currently under amount available in funds in the Media benevolence account; a $100 gift certificate was also received from purchase of the projector and screen. After discussion, a motion was made by Jonathan Thompson to approve up to an additional $2,000 for purchase of the needed lens. Motion was passed. Cliff Barnhart will follow-up on purchase and installation of all equipment.

Vision and Mission Statement- Cliff Barnhart, Jerry Boudreaux, and Pastor Kristi have begun discussing and re-searching ministry strategic planning in preparation for developing a Vision & Mission Statement for Trinity Lutheran Church. Cliff presented some of his research findings which included an outline of Documentation, Evaluation, and Implementation. First, we need to gather data, identifying TLC’s core values and bedrock be-liefs (our ministry DNA) to develop a foundation. This is needed prior to developing a Vision & Mission State-ment and establishing strategies to succeed in meeting the mission. Throughout the process it is critical to check for understanding. As it is a dynamic process, review should be ongoing. (Note: Core values equate to prefer-ence or choice members can be expected to make; Bedrock beliefs are seen in the principal symbols or articles of faith.)


page 4

President’s Report / TLC Team Meetings- *TLC Van Use Policy is being established. Policy discussion tabled until July Council meeting.

*New wireless mics - As witnessed during recent services, old microphones are in need of replacement. After discussion, Cliff Barnhart made a motion to purchase two new wireless mics, not to exceed $500 each. Janet Brunner seconded the motion, and motion was passed.

*Paving Stones- Unused paving stones in the playground area will need to be moved prior to the parking lot resurfacing and lighting project. Thought is being given to putting the pavers in the Youth Garage Sale. Cliff will consult with Playground Project leader (Sally Davies) and report back to Council via email. (This issue points to the need for a Grounds Committee to coordinate such activities.)

Education Committee- Committee is focusing on Vacation Bible School (Outlaws for God) scheduled for July 17, 18, 19, 20th (Tuesday-Friday) 5:30 P.M. – 7:30 P.M. Kindergarten through 5th Grade. A BBQ/Vacation Bible School for all ages is scheduled for the final evening, 5:30-8:30 P.M.

Parking Lot Lights –Per Jerry Boudreaux, an invoice for 50% of project cost has been received and is in process for payment. Component materials will be received in time to complete the project this summer.

Annual TLC Food Bank Fundraiser- Fill the Pantry – Pay the Rent is scheduled for July and August, with kick off on July 1st. It is TLC’s Mission of the Month for July. It will include both cash/check and food donations from church members and the community for our local Food Bank.

Thank you to Grethe Koenig for the beautiful hardanger communion cloth! It is stunning! This piece took Grethe 2 years to complete. It is a very meticulous and time intensive process. Each square is stitched counting each of the threads of the cloth and then the remaining threads still connected are very carefully clipped to make the open weave you see on the finished piece.

Thank you Greta! What a blessing!

June 19, 2018 Council Meeting HIGHLIGHTS, cont.

Please hold these people in your prayers:

Illness: Beth, Mary

Grieving: The Seibert Family

If you would like to add a name to the prayer request please call the office

at 503-623-2233 or email to [email protected].

page 5

Woohoo!! It is not too late to sign up! 12th Annual Summer Reading Program This years theme: Get Hooked on a Book This program is for adults and kids alike. You can read on your own or to someone or just sit

and listen to a story being read.

Keep track of your time, you will need to turn that in. You will receive tickets for a chance to win a basket of goodies.

You can also get a prize for just turning in your time sheet! Cool!

The program will end on September 2nd, so you still have plenty of time.

Watch the get “Hooked on a Book” mural come to life as time sheets are turned in.

Any questions, talk to or call Jamie Anderson at 503-910-5492.

Faith & Grace Book Club

Everyone is Invited Our book club has some exciting news about the 10 July 2018 book club discussion. Jim Nestingen has agreed to discuss his book Martin Luther: A Life. We are so fortunate to have Jim lead this discussion. Our library has only 1 copy of this book but there is time to order a copy. It is available at Augsburg Fortress and on Amazon in paper as well as in Kindle format and on Thrift Books. The ISBN number is: 0-8066-4573-3.

Our meeting starts at 2:30 PM.

We hope you join us!

American Red Cross Blood Drive July 20th

Where does my blood go? Blood goes to patients that have suffered a serious injury, surgery, child birth, anemia, blood disorders, cancer, liver failure, severe infection, severe burns and the list goes on. Most of us know someone that has had a blood transfusion sometime in their life, family, friends, people in the communities that you live in. Please consider donating blood at the next blood drive on July 20th. Signing up is easy. Go on their website; using sponsor code “trinitydallas”. Or call 1-800-733-27667.

Page 6

A time of relaxation and vacation time.

Missions and ministries continue, so please prayerfully give of your tithes and offerings.

Traveling and attend another church? Please consider taking pictures or bringing back bulle-tins, brochures, church publications, ideas, etc., to share. The Worship & Music Ministry & Chil-dren’s Ministry would love to see or hear about any ideas you might find along the way!

Staying home? Sunday worship - 10:00 a.m. each week. Invite a friend or neighbor!

See you at worship!


Where did the year go? It seems as though we start and finish in one big blur. The weekly meetings filled with food supplied by generous donors, provided nourishment for our physical bodies while we focused on our spiritual bodies through scripture. Our end of year party came so quickly that we were still talking about the Easter Bake, Mother's Day corsage sales, and the willingness of mem-bers to step in and help at service - not the end of year party planning we had intended. The last Youth Group school year was filled with many activities, yet we are not done!

Soon, at the start of July, the Youth Group Mission Team will be headed out to Idaho. We will be working at Idaho Servant: Shoshone. Each one of us may be working with others from throughout the country on projects based on our skills. This will be followed up each day with The second weekend in July, the following week, is the Youth Group garage sale. Bring your gently used items ahead of time to help support next years mission trip which is currently under discussion. Your support, specifically words of kindness and support to our youth, have a lasting impact on them

Until September 9th, official Youth Group meetings will be on hold, but August plans for a small get together are also underway. Look for information in the August edition!

Beautiful Pentecost Banners Thank you Roxy Garrison!

Page 7

Financial Update Janet Brunner, Treasurer

Account Jan - Mar April May YTD Previous $ Change

2018 2018 2018 2018 YR Comp

General Fund $72,496 $29,252 $38,713 $140,461 $121,517 $18,944

Building Use $307 $50 $51 $408 $420 $12

Misc. Income $0 $0 $0 $0 $2,631 $2,631

Special Gifts $0 $400 $0 $400 $14,500 $14,100

In Kind Donations $275 $265 $1,306 $1,846 $0 $1,846

BF used to pay GF $0 $0 $0 $0 $1,968 $1,968

Total Income $73,078 $29,967 $40,070 $143,115 $141,036 $2,079

General Expenses $2,720 $960 $2,113 $5,793 $5,939 $146

Faith Foundation Mortgage $25,500 $8,500 $8,500 $42,500 $42,500 $0

Staff Compensation $50,543 $16,647 $16,413 $83,603 $63,183 $20,420

Payroll Related Expenses $1,672 $560 $648 $2,880 $3,401 $521

Educational Expenses $305 $686 $502 $489 $1,099 $610

Music & Worship Expenses $1,284 $69 $189 $1,542 $1,517 $25

Evangelism Expenses $410 $299 $919 $1,628 $1,352 $276

Operating Expenses $8,200 $2,567 $3,884 $14,651 $16,847 $2,196

High School- Middle School $0 $0 $0 $0 $130 $130

Office Expenses $3,352 $407 $809 $4,568 $2,340 $2,228

Total Expenses $93,986 $30,695 $32,973 $157,654 $138,308 $19,346

Profit/Loss $20,908 $728 $7,097 $14,539 $2,728 $17,267

Add'l "My Stake" Income $4,390 $1,215 $4,149 $9,754 $20,406 $10,652

Add'l "My Stake" Payment $0 $5,605 $5,605

Whew! Where did the month of June go? I am so excited about the financial statements for May! We are in the black (that's a good thing) for the month due to the very generous hearts of our congregation. THANK YOU! We still have some ground to make up from the first four months of the year, but we are on our way. As you head out on your summer vacations please remember to continue giving to our wonderful church. Your gifts allow us to continue to grow the ministries here at TLC.

Have a safe 4th of July!

Janet Brunner

Council Treasurer

page 8

July Sunday Helpers - 2018

7/1 Pastor’s Jim & Lori Carol Christ John Grewe, Greg Hatten

Sharlene Hattan, Eddie Nelson

7/8 Kate Richardson Leanne Sleeper Sleeper family & Garrison family

7/15 Jonathan Thompson Diane Klipfel John & Lydia Shodin

7/22 Steve Utter Calista Utter John Engelien, Stephanie Barth,

Sue Schallberger

7/29 Bob Davies Janet Wheeler John Beck, Barb Lerwick, Moy Midkiff, Bev Linn

July Ushers

August 5 Alan & Jan Treutle, Ken & Julie Oke

12 Tod & Kathie Brostrom, Don & Fran Brostrom, Susan Middleton & Janet Wheeler

19 TBA

26 Clayton & Linda VanRiper, Lori VanRiper and Logan

Date Lay Assistants Lectors Greeters/Ushers


July 1 Julie Oke

July 8 Bev Linn

July 15 Alvera Blanchard

July 22 Carol Christ

July 29 Donelle Flammang

Aug 5 Dot Lee

Aug 12 Julie Oke

Aug 19 Bev Linn

Aug 26 Alvera Blanchard

Sept. 2 Carol Christ

Sept. 9 Donelle Flammang

Sept. 16 Dot Lee

Sept. 23 Julie Oke

Sept. 30 Bev Linn

Nursery care Attendant July 1 Michelle Sekafetz

July 8 Anna Hammond

July 15 Michelle Sekafetz

July 22 Anna Hammond

July 29 Michelle Sekafetz

Sunday Morning Coffee Makers

1st Sunday - Janet Wheeler

2nd Sunday - Dorothy Colombe

3rd Sunday - Dorothy Colombe

4th Sunday - open

If you can help make coffee Sunday morning, we have the 4th Sunday of the month open. Substitutes are also welcome.

Please contact Janet Beck: 503-623-2233

Sunday Worship Sound System Helpers

July 1 - John Shodin

July 8– Michael Anderson

July 15– John Shodin

July 22-Michael Anderson

July 29-John Shodin

Communion Ministry Jan Treutle Julie Oke

Joanne Balcom Janet Beck

page 9


9:00 Adult Bible study 10:00 Worship

11:30 Youth Meeting


Church office


9:30 Quilters

3:30 Bell Choir


9:30 Library team

6:30 Boy Scouts




6:30 Al-Anon

7:00 AA


9:00 Community


9:30 Staff

1:00 Piano lessons

5:30 Worship plan


9:00 Bible Study


7:00 Free Clinic


9:00 Adult Bible study 10:00 Worship


Church office


9:30 Quilters

3:30 Bell Choir


9:30 Library team

2:30 Faith & Grace

Book Club

6:30 Boy Scouts


6:30 Al-Anon

7:00 AA

7:00 Ensemble

Music Practice


8:00 Polk Co

9:00 Community


9:30 Staff

1:00 Piano lessons

5:30 Worship plan

6:00 Master Garden

Chapter Meeting

7:00 Bible Study


9:00 Bible Study



9:00 Bible study

10:00 Worship

11:30 Youth Meeting

3:00 Taiko Drums


Church office


3:30 Bell Choir


9:30 Library team

10:00 Alzheimer's

Support Group

6:30 Boy Scouts


10:00 WELCA

6:30 Al-Anon

7:00 AA


9:00 Community Partners 9:30 Staff 1:00 Piano lessons 5:30 Worship plan

7:00 Bible Study


9:00 Bible Study



9:00 Bible study 10:00 Worship

11:30 Youth Meeting


Church office


3:30 Bell Choir


9:30 Library team

10:00 Alzheimer's


6:30 Boy Scouts

7:00 Council


6:30 Al-Anon

7:00 AA

7:00 Ensemble

Music Practice


8:00 Polk Co

9:00 Community


9:30 Staff

1:00 Piano lessons

5:30 Worship plan


7:00 Bible Study


9:00 Bible Study


7:00 Free Clinic

29 9:00 Bible Study 10:00 Worship

11:30 Youth Meeting


Church office


3:30 Bell Choir


9:30 Library team

6:30 Boy Scouts

August 1

6:30 Al-Anon

7:00 AA

7:00 Scout Lead-

ers Rm 4

August 2

9:00 Community Partners 9:30 Staff 1:00 Piano lessons 5:30 Worship plan 7:00 Bible Study

August 3

9:00 Bible Study

August 4 7:00 Free Clinic

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday


Youth Mission Trip

Youth Garage Sale


VBS—- Outlaws for God

Tod Brostrom, Chief Crummy at Large

Tod is, and will be, one busy guy this summer. He will catch us up with Crummy activities when he has a chance to catch his breath in the fall.

Not she with traitorous kiss her Master stung,

Not she denied Him with unfaithful tongue;

She, when Apostles fled, could dangers brave,

Last at the Cross, and earliest at the grave.

Eaton S. Barrett, 1786-1820

Feast Day of Mary Magdalene

July 23

“the apostle to the apostles”

Bible Study News A four Week Class on How to Study the Bible through the Inductive Method with Pastor Kristi on the Book of Philemon - Thursdays at 7 p.m. and Fridays at 9 a.m. July 12th - August 3 There are simple but profoundly helpful principles for studying the Bible that every Christian can learn and apply. I was introduced to these methods in Bible School before I had a bachelor’s degree or had gone to seminary. And guess what? After I completed my class at the seminary in Scripture and Interpretation I concluded that the simple class at Bible School contained all the principles I had learned in my seminary class but without the Greek interpretation. However, I also had learned at Bible School how to utilize a Greek/English Lexicon that anyone can use to gain deeper understanding on words and phrases from an ancient world. Join us on Thursday nights at 7 p.m. or Friday mornings at 9 a.m. as we learn and immediately apply these fun principles to the book of Philemon, one of the Apostle Paul’s prison letters. Philemon is only 25 verses long so we can easily cover it well and probe it for its meaning and what it has to teach us today even as we develop a skill we can use on every text! If you have a study Bible with cross references, and a dictionary please bring that to class. If you do not have a study Bible we will discuss the different Bibles available and where to get them at the first class.

page 10

Thank you Trinity,

The Barth Family would like to thank all of the members of Trinity who prayed for Stephen. He is steadily improving. We would also love to send a special thanks to those Trinity mem-bers who provided food to our family. We have great cooks in our congrega-tion, perhaps we should make a cook book!


The Barth’s

Library News July 2018

Bibles: The library has been gifted with several well-loved Bibles that need a new home. If you know of someone yearning for the Word of God, please stop by the kiosk and ask to see what is available.

New Good Reads:

The Jerusalem Scrolls by Bodie and Brock Thoene. The novel begins with the 1948 battle for Jerusalem and combines wonderful storytelling with a captivating historical setting. “After days of brutal fighting against Arab forces, Moshe, the leader of the Israelis, escapes to a tunnel and discovers sacred scrolls that tell the history of his faith and people. He be-comes immersed in the ancient tale of love, faith, and redemption of Miryam, a beautiful yet troubled young widow, and Marcus, her Roman suitor.”

If I Live by Terri Blackstock. This is the third and last book in the series. The heroine is struggling to stay alive and prove her innocence while the real killer is racing to capture and silence her. The author knows how to keep it clean and suspenseful while glorifying God.

The Road Less Traveled and Beyond by Scott Peck, M.D. One reader said this book helped her to understand others better, but the real value came when she read it for the second time. She began to examine herself and that lead to self-discovery and exploring her authentic truth.

Until next time . . . .

Susan Middleton, Church Librarian

Scripture readings for July

July 1 Lamentations 3:22-33

2 Corinthians 8:7-15

Mark 5:21-43 July 8 Ezekiel 1:1-5

2 Corinthians 12:2-10

Mark 6:1-13 July 15 Amos 7:7-15

Ephesians 1:3-14

Mark 6:14-29 July 22 Jeremiah 23:1-6

Ephesians 2:11-22

Mark 6:30-34, 53-56

July 29 2 Kings 4:42-44

Ephesians 3:14-21

John 6:1-21

page 11

Welcome to the NEWEST

MEMBERS of Trinity Lutheran

Bill Decker

Janet Decker

Nicole Wright along with newly baptized:

Tristen Nathen

Savannah Damian

If you have quality, clean clothes you would like to

donate they can be dropped

operational hours or call and they can be

picked up.

Address Service Requested

Trinity Lutheran Church 320 SE Fir Villa Rd Dallas, Or 97338 Contact us— Office Hours Tues-Friday 9 am-4 pm Phone 503 623-2233 Pastor Kristi cell 253-221-1517


Trinity Lutheran Church 320 Fir Villa Rd

Worship; Sunday 10:00 A.M.